Air Caster

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MANTHAN-15 ISSN: 2321-8134




Aayush Vaibhav1,Vaibhav Mestry2,Narendra Yadav3,Amrit Yadav4,Kapil Pakhare5
Shri ShankarPrasad Agnihotri College of Engineering,Wardha
Department of Mechanical Engineering
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

Abstract: There was a problem statement about the transfer of material handling in industries using
pneumatics. It was decided to use air caster so as to transfer industrial goods from one place to
The design details related to construct and working and other related things are discussed in
forthcoming chapter .Air casters are systems which use air pressure to facilitate the movement
materials in the industry. It uses continuous air pressure to create a cushion of air upon which the load
platform floats. An air caster is a pneumatic lifting device used to move heavy loads on flat, non-
porous surfaces. Its operation is similar to a hovercraft, as it uses a thin layer of air as a way to float a
very small distance off the ground. Compressed air enters an airbag shaped like a torus, and when the
bag is filled it creates an airtight seal with the ground, and forces more air into the centre of torus,
eventually causing the air to flow over the bag and to raise the load above the ground.
to float a very small distance off the ground.
Compressed air enters an airbag
There was a problem statement about shaped like a torus, and when the bag is filled it
the transfer of material handling in industries creates an airtight seal with the ground, and
using pneumatics. It was decided to use air forces more air into the centre of torus,
caster so as to transfer industrial goods from eventually causing the air to flow over the bag
one place to another. The design details related
to construct and working and other related
things are discussed in forthcoming chapter Air
casters are systems which use air pressure to and to raise the load above the ground. The
facilitate the movement materials in the compressed air is forced under the airbag,
industry. It uses continuous air pressure to pushing it and the load less than a millimeter
create a cushion of air upon which the load off the ground.
platform floats.
An air caster is a pneumatic lifting device used 2. Literature Review
to move heavy loads on flat, non-
porous surfaces. Its operation is similar to a 1)The air caster was invented in the late 1950's
hovercraft, as it uses a thin layer of air as a way by British Hovercraft Corporation who after
inventing the hovercraft went on to produce the

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MANTHAN-15 ISSN: 2321-8134

BHC Hoverpad.Air Casters and the related friction. The fluid film of the bearing is
engineering in fluid film technology are achieved by supplying a flow of air through the
manufactured by many different companies bearing face and into the bearing gap. This is
world wide such as Air Caster Corp, Aero Go, typically accomplished through an orifice or a
Aeris and Hovair. Globally there is Solving in porous media that restricts or meters the flow of
Sweden, Vertex and Airofilm Systems in the air into the gap. The restriction is designed such
Netherlands. that, although the air is constantly escaping
from the bearing gap, the flow of pressurized
2) R.C.Wolf worked on air caster mechanism at air through the restriction is sufficient to match
first they designed the air caster and attached to the flow through the gap. It is the restriction
the rectangular platform with the help of high through the gap,that maintains the pressure
pressure pipe with the help of nozzle then under the bearing and supports the working
filling compress air filled into the caster that's load.
why the name is air caster. This air caster used Air Caster's air bearings-powered movers are
for material handling purpose the purpose available in both aluminum and steel. The
design concept allowed the development of lighter weight aluminum structures are more
device for solving the problem such as material portable, while the steel units are normally
handling. bolted or attached to the machine or fixture to
be moved.
3) W.O.Parker work on improving air caster
design and related mechanics a structure
approach towards stress analysis the linkage
and design of air caster totally base on stress
and strain analysis. This paper provides
machine designer and researcher with structure
design approach towards material handling 3.2 Air Caster
equipment. Air casters are a means of making scenery
move by floating it on a thin cushion of air. The
3. Methodology operating principle is similar to that of a
hovercraft: a plenum of air under the load is
Air Caster maintained at a higher pressure than the
Air casters are systems which use air pressure external air. Air continuously escapes from the
to facilitate the movement of scenery. plenum, lifting the load ever-so-slightly off the
Confusingly, there is commonly referred to as ground. A typical air caster design uses an air
“air casters” which we will refer to as “air bladder, frequently shaped like a torus (a
casters”, use continuous air pressure to create a donut).When air is not being supplied to the air
cushion of air upon which the load platform caster, the bladder is empty, and the load rests
floats, allowing it to be moved with nearly zero on some other support.
friction. When air is applied, the bladder inflates and
3.1 What is an air bearing? presses against the ground, as in Figure 3.2
Air casters are systems which use air pressure This seals off the area inside the torus. The air
to facilitate the movement of scenery. pressure is then applied to the plenum inside
Confusingly, there is commonly referred to as the torus. Once the plenum reaches a
“air casters” which we will refer to as “air sufficiently high pressure, it can lift the load off
casters”, use continuous air pressure to create a the ground, as in Figure 3.3. A thin layer of air
cushion of air upon which the load platform constantly escapes from under the bladder on
floats, allowing it to be moved with nearly zero all edges. The load can be easily moved on this
layer of air.

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MANTHAN-15 ISSN: 2321-8134

casters. It is important to keep the hoses close

to the same length, since radically different
lengths may cause a pressure differential that
can cause one side of the unit to float higher
than the other, limiting efficiency.
Alternatively, a pressurized air tank could be
Fig: Air Bearing bag
used to supply the air rather than a
compressor.Another concern with air casters is
their need for a smooth, non-porous floor
surface. This can be a problem in the theater
since the average stage may not be suitably
smooth, may very well be out of level, and
Fig. 3.1 Air caster, section view, air off
likely has some sort of traps or pockets through
which air can flow.The floor can be prepared to
make it smooth and tolerable for air casters.
This is typically done by applying a surface of
vinyl or some other plastic sheeting, or smooth-
Fig.3.2 Air caster, section view, air on sided Masonite, with the joints carefully sealed.

Fig. 3.3 Air caster, section view, floating

Once the air casters have lifted a load, it can be

moved around with surprisingly little force
Air Caster
required. Thousands of pounds of load may be
moved with only a few pounds of force. The air
casters also have the convenient “zero-throw”
1. 1" × 1" square Aluminum pipe.
property: changing direction of movement is
2. 2mm Aluminum sheet.
not difficult. As is blindingly obvious from the
3. 3mm MDF sheet.
name, air casters operate on air. They require a
4. 4mm thick acrylic sheet.
continuous flow of air while being operated,
5. 3/16 nut and bolt.
though usually not at an especially high
6. Screws.
pressure. A 10,000 pound-capacity caster may
7. Pipe Fittings.
consume around 75 CFM of air, supplied at an
8. Pneumatic pipes.
operating pressure of only 25 psi or so — it is a
9. Rexine material.
high-volume but low-pressure device. Larger
10. Nozzles.
air casters, of course, will require
11. Control valve.
proportionately larger volumes, and sometimes
slightly higher pressures as well.
Noise is always a concern with an air caster
system. Compressors and blowers are
inherently noisy devices, and hearing one of
them operating generally doesn’t fit too well
into a show. Fortunately, they can often be
placed offstage, with hoses run to the air

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MANTHAN-15 ISSN: 2321-8134

Operation of Air Bearings / Casters

when energized with a compressed air supply,
the following sequence of events takes place
1.) The circular reinforced rubber bellows
inflates and fills the gap between the mounting
plate and the floor.
2.) As the pressure increases, the mounting
plate and its landing pads, lifts off the floor.

4. Fabrication of Model 3.) When the pressure in the bellows is higher

than the counter pressure of the load, the air
The project named “Air Caster ” is flows out from the bellows forming a thin air
constructed with various materials like film on which the load floats practically
 1" × 2" square Aluminum pipe. friction-free.
 2mm Aluminum sheet.
 4mm acrylic sheet. 5.Advantages, disadvantages and
 3/16 mm bolts. limitations
 Tubes. 1. Advantages:-
1. Can be worked for very high loading.
First of all a base frame of square aluminum 2. Virtually works on even surfaces.
pipe is constructed having dimensions 25" × 3. High in construction.
25" at the inner edge with aluminum support 4. Maintenance free work.
and are fixed whichsupports air caster. Air 5. Instead of the wheels air bags are used
caster have a nozzle from air intake which for the movement of the lift.
spreads air through vents horizontally at the 6. Because air casters are virtually
angle of 120˚ as there are 3 vents friction-free, the force required to move
them is very low
7. Air casters are also omni-directional,
meaning they move with equal ease in
any direction.
8. Air casters are lightweight and easily
positioned under a load.
9. Big components of large weight can be
moved just a little force.
2. Disadvantages:-
1. No self propulsion.
. 2. Requires larger pressure for wide area.
3. No self compressor.
Clean & Plane surface area required
3. Limitations:-
1. Air casters require a smooth, non-
porous surface in order to maintain lift
and operate properly.
2. Cracks and other surface defects can
interrupt the proper flow of air, causing
the air cushion to dissipate and thus
Air casters or air bags.

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MANTHAN-15 ISSN: 2321-8134

lose its ability to lift. This limits their 1. Capacity of this project can be
application to fields like increased by increasing the supply of
manufacturing, where such surfaces are the air from the compressor.
abundant. 2. Air caster casters can be enlarged for
3. Also necessary is connection to a accumulating the large amount of air.
system which provides compressed air, 3. Instead of rexine, rubber can be
as well as a power supply. implemented.
4. Scissor lift mechanism can be
6. Applications implemented by which load can be
 It can be used in the industry for lifted at certain height.
material handling where heavy load This project can be successively used
materials are to be moved. in the industries like air craft industries, ship
 It can use to be found in the workshop building for lifting of the heavy materials, their
too for carrying the materials from one loading and unloading. Since this scissor lift is
place to other. having air casters instead of wheels for their
 It can be stopped at any instant, so it movement this has no limitation over its
can also use in multistoried building. movement as it can be moved in any direction.
 Automobile industry.
 Various industries. REFERENCES:-
 Air craft industries and in ship 1)‎
building. 2)
Air Caster used in automobile 3)
industries, so to find out proper application of 4)
mechanism we can use this model. 5)
7. Conclusion pdf
This developed model of “Air Caster” 7)
has set standards in the field of lifting devices levitation-using-air-caster
for loading and unloading of the industrial
goods and materials.
In concluding statements it can be
claimed that this project “Air Caster” is
successful and exhibits expected result this
model which also results in saving time. We
have compared the analyzed result obtained
from experimental considering variations
further modification suggested is true and
considering the probable implementation plays
the project could do wonders in industries and
industrial market.The problem statement thus
put forward was solved and work successful
convenient out.

7.Future Scope

This project can be modified in

following points

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