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‫أهـــم المواضيـــع في‬

‫طــــــب االطفــــال‬
‫(مــع التحديــــث)‬

‫الطبعـة الرابعـــة ‪1026 -‬‬

‫محمـــد حــامد محمـــد الســـبعاوي‬
‫اختصاصي طــــب االطفـــــال‬
‫زميـل المجلس العربي لالختصاصات الطبية‬
‫‪M. B. Ch. B. - C. A. B. Ped.‬‬
‫رقم االيداع في المكتبة الوطنية ببغداد ‪ 724‬لسنة ‪2102‬‬
‫(جميـع حـقـوق النشــرغيـر محفوظـة)‬
‫‪All rights are not preserved‬‬

‫للحصول على نسخة ألكترونية من الكتاب يمكنكم التواصل عبر البريد األلكتروني ‪:‬‬
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‫أو عبر حساب الفيس بوك‪:‬‬

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To all people who I love, especially to the spirit of
my father, my lovely mother, brothers, sisters, my
wife, and my sons (Abdul Rahman & Muslim). Finally
special thanks to my nephew (Mohammed Talal) for
his technical support in this book.

M. H. Al-Sab'awi
1st of July-2016

Hot Topics of Pediatrics contains more than 150 of major
topics that discuss the most important and most common topics
in neonatology and pediatrics which are frequently encountered
in hospitals and clinics. This book can benefit undergraduate
and postgraduate students as well as specialists in the field of
It is derived from the famous book "Nelson Textbook of
Pediatrics" and the fourth edition is updated according to the
last edition of the textbook (20th edition / 2016). It also
contains new topics including common pediatric infections. The
section of Genetic syndromes is derived from "5-minute
Pediatric Consult" (4th edition). The Clinical section is mainly
derived from "Clinical Pediatrics for Postgraduate
Examinations" (3rd edition).

Disclaimer: Although there was an enormous effort to make

this book informative through citing all important aspects of each
topic, however, it is recommended for everyone who wants to
expand in a specific topic is to refer to the textbook for more
detailed information; as well as thepractical section contains
guide-lines that are only valuable when associated with true
practice on patients withthe learning of examination maneuvers.

M. H. Al-Sab'awi
C. A. B. P.


AD autosomal dominant GUE general urine examination

AR autosomal recessive HF heart failure

BGA blood gas analysis HR heart rate

BM bone marrow HSM hepatosplenomegaly

BP blood pressure Hx History

C.M Clinical Manifestations I.P incubation period

CBP complete blood picture Inv Investigations

CF cystic fibrosis LAP lymphadenopathy

CHD congenital heart diseases Path Pathogenesis

C/S cesarean section Pg Prognosis

Cx Complications Pv Prevention

CXR chest X-ray Px Prophylaxis

D.Dx Differential Diagnoses RES reticuloendothelial system

DM diabetes mellitus Rx Treatment

Epid Epidemiology SE side effects

Et Etiology US ultrasound

Ex Examination XL X-linked

FB foreign body +/_ with or without

GSE general stool examination → leads to

1. Common Disorders of Newborn....................9
2. Common Nutritional Disorders....................73
3. Common Gastrointestinal Disorders…......96
4. Common Respiratory Disorders.................149
5. Common Cardiovascular Disorders...........194
6. Common Hematologic Disorders................234
7. Common Malignancies…………………….…...277
8. Common Renal Disorders...............................286
9. Common EndocrineDisorders......................315
10. Common Neurologic Disorders................347
11. Common Rheumatic Disorders.................391
12. Common Viral Infections……......................408
13. Common BacterialInfections………..........430
14. Common Parasitic Infestations………..….475
15. Miscellaneous Conditions............................489
GENETIC SYNDROMES……………………………..524
CLINICAL PEDIATRICS..........................................538
CHARTS & TABLES…………………………………..552

1. Common Disorders of Newborn

 Resuscitation of Newborn
 Birth Asphyxia
 Cyanosis of Newborn
 Seizures of Newborn
 Apnea of Newborn
 Respiratory Distress Syndrome
 Transient Tachypnea of Newborn
 Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
 Hypoglycemia of Newborn
 Newborn of Diabetic Mother
 Jaundice of Newborn
 Hemolytic Diseases of Newborn
 Kernicterus
 Treatment of Neonatal Jaundice
 Cholestasis of Newborn
 Polycythemia of Newborn
 Anemia of Newborn
 Hemorrhagic Disease of Newborn
 Infection of Newborn
 Rickets of Prematurity

Approximately 5-10% of newborns require active resuscitation to
prevent birth asphyxia. High-risk situations should be anticipated by
the hx of pregnancy, labor, and delivery as well as identification of signs
of fetal distress, although these may be normal & hence birth asphyxia
may be unpredictable!.

Neonatal resuscitation is generally follows the basic rule (ABC):-

A; anticipate and establish patent airway by suctioning and, if necessary,

by performing endotracheal intubation.
B; initiate breathing by using tactile stimulation or positive-pressure
ventilation with bag and mask.
C; maintain the circulation by chest compression and medications.

Apgar score is a practical method of systematically assessing the

newborn infants immediately after birth to help identifying those who
require resuscitation. 1-min Apgar score may signal the need for
immediate resuscitation, whereas 5-, 10-, 15-, and 20-min scores may
indicate the probability of successfully resuscitating an infant or not. It is
calculated as follows:-

Sign 0 1 2

Appearance (color) Blue, pale Body pink, Completely

extremities pink
Pulse (heart rate) Absent < 100 beat/min > 100 beat/min

Grimace (response to No Grimace Cough or

catheter in nostril) response sneeze
Activity (muscle tone) Limp Some flexion of Active motion
Respiratory effort Absent Slow, irregular Good, crying

A newborn with high apgar scores (>7) may need only the routine
care, e.g. worm, dry the infant & clear his airway (if needed) by either
placing head downward (to allow gravity clear the secretions) or by

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suction through the NG tube with a depth not >4-5 cm from mouth or
If the newborn has lowapgar scores (≤ 7), start active resuscitation
according to the following steps:-

 Step 1:-
Place the newborn under radiant heater (to prevent hypothermia), give
supplemental oxygen, put the head down with slight extension, clear
the airway by suctioning and provide gentle tactile stimulation (e.g.
slapping the feet, rubbing the back). These measures should take only 30
sec, then reassess, if apgar scores become higher, stop resuscitation,
whereas if still low, shift to step 2.

 Step 2:-
Provide positive pressure ventilation through a tightly fitted face mask
and bag (ambu bag) with continuous sPO2 monitoring. These
measures should also take 30 sec, then reassess, if apgar scores become
higher, consider CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) & continue
sPO2 monitoring till complete recovery, whereas if apgar scores are still
low, shift to step 3.

 Step 3:-
Provide positive pressure ventilation through endotracheal tube. The
ET tube size & depth of insertion (from upper lip) should be according to
the birth weight as follows:-
BW (kg) Size (mm) Depth(cm)
<1 2.5 6.5-7
1-2 3 7-8
2-3 3-3.5 8-9
>3 3.5-4 ≥9
After insertion of the ETT, ensure equal air entry in both lungs by
auscultation in the lateral or posterior aspect of chest (not anteriorly due
to presence of the heart). If air entry is more in the right, it may indicate
passage of ETT into the right main bronchus (because it is in continuity
with trachea more than the left), so try to slightly withdraw the ETT &
Note: Poor response to ventilation may result from loosely fitted mask, poor
positioning of the ET tube, intraesophageal intubation, airway obstruction,
insufficient pressure, pleural effusions, pneumothorax, excessive air in stomach,

- 00 -
asystole, hypovolemia, diaphragmatic hernia, or prolonged intrauterine

If HR <60 beat/min initiate chest compression over the lower third of

the sternum at a rate of 90/min & the ventilation by 100%O2 is 30/min
(i.e ratio of compressions to ventilation 3:1); then reassess, if apgar
scores become higher, consider CPAP with continuous sPO2 monitoring
till complete recovery, whereas if still low, shift to step 4.

 Step 4:-
Give Adrenaline either through the umbilical vein or via the ETT in a
dose 0.1-0.3 ml/kg of 1:10,000 solution. If the newborn is unresponsive,
it can be repeated every 3-5 min by the same or higher doses of

Other drugs may be given in special circumstances (via catheterization of

umbilical vein) include IV fluids or blood for acute hemorrhage,
dopamine or dobutamine for severe asphyxia with cardiogenic shock,
sodium bicarbonate for metabolic acidosis after prolonged
resuscitation (but ensure adequate ventilation before given), and
naloxone if the mother had received analgesic narcotic drug within 4 hr
prior to delivery.

Finally, if newborn is survived after these measures, search for all

manifestations of multiorgan hypoxic-ischemic injury (especially the
brain) & manage them accordingly (see below).

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(Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy)
It is an insult occur in fetus or newborn that result in anoxia, hypoxia or
ischemia which may injure any organ of the body especially the brain
(which is more susceptible to irreversible damage).

 Prenatal events are those which cause fetal hypoxia/ischemia e.g.
maternal hypoxia/hypotension, uterine tetany, premature separation of
placenta, impedance of blood through umbilical cord, or placental
insufficiency due to toxemia or postmaturity.

 Perinatal events of newborn are the most common (80%), it include:-

 Hypoxiae.g. severe cardiac or pulmonary disease.
 Anemia e.g. severe hemorrhage or hemolytic disease.
 Shock e.g. overwhelming sepsis, massive blood loss, and intracranial
or adrenal hemorrhages.

Path. The initial response of hypoxic-ischemic insult is ↑ pulmonary

vascular resistance & preferential perfusion of circulation to the brain,
heart & adrenals. The response to HIE is different between full-term
versus premature infant in that: in term infant it usually → focal or
multifocal cortical infarcts & necrosis, whereas in premature infant →
PVL (periventriculer leucomalasia), intraventriculer hemorrhage, or
status marmoratus of basal ganglia.

 Multiorgan systemic effects of asphyxia:-

 CNS; hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, infarction, intracranial
hemorrhage, seizures, cerebral edema, hypotonia, hypertonia.
 CVS; myocardial ischemia, poor contractility, cardiac stun, tricuspid
insufficiency, hypotension.
 Pulmonary; pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary hemorrhage, RDS.
 Renal; acute tubular or cortical necrosis, myoglobinuria.
 Adrenal; adrenal hemorrhage.
 GIT; stress ulcer, necrosis, perforation.
 Metabolic; hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia, SIADH.
 Hematology; DIC.
 Integument; subcutaneous fat necrosis.
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C.M. Stages of HIE in term infant include:-

Signs Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Level of Hyperalert Lethargic Stuporous, coma
Posture Normal Flexion Decerebration
Seizures None Common Decerebration
Muscle tone Normal Hypotonia Flaccid
Tendon reflexes Hyperactive Hyperactive Absent
Myoclonus Present Present Absent
Moro reflex Strong Weak Absent
Pupils Mydriasis Miosis Unequal, poor light
EEG Normal Low voltage Burst suppression
changing to to isoelectric
seizure activity
Duration <24 hr 1-14 days Days - weeks

Prognosis Good Variable Death, severe


 US of brain is of limited value except in premature infant.
 CT scan has limited ability to identify cortical injury in the 1st few days
of life.
 MRI (diffusion-weighed) is the preferred imaging because it has
increased sensitivity and specificity to brain injury.
 Amplitude integrated EEG (aEEG) can detect seizure activity & also
can determine which infants are at highest risk for significant brain
injury (in order to plan early intervention).

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Rx. It should be started before, during, & immediately after delivery.

 Before delivery; Fetal hypoxia can be detected by IUGR & ↑ vascular

resistance which should alert the obstetrician about the treatable
causes of fetal distress.

 During delivery; Fetal distress is indicated by: bradycardia, ↓ beat-to-

beat variability, late (type II) deceleration & acidosis (pH <7.20)
detected by fetal scalp blood analysis. These signs necessitate
administration of high concentrations of oxygen to the mother and
immediate delivery (probably by C/S).

 After delivery; Asphyxiated infant is indicated by ↓ Apgar scores e.g.

pallor, cyanosis, apnea, bradycardia, unresponsive to stimuli and may
has meconium-stained amniotic fluid. Thus he need vigorous
resuscitation (see above) along with the following measures:-

 Seizures due to HIE are usually severe & refractory to the usual doses
of anticonvulsants, thus Phenobarbital loading dose may be given
initially as 20 mg/kg, but can be given up to 40-50 mg/kg to control the
seizure. Phenytoin 20 mg/kg or Lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg may also be
Note: Remember & treat other causes of convulsion in asphyxiated infant e.g.
hypoglycemia, metabolic disturbances, infection...etc.

 Systemic (or selective) cerebral hypothermia should be done

withinthe 1st 6 hr after birth to core temp of 33.50C. Itcans ↓ mortality
& neurodevelopmental impairment in term or near-term infants with
HIE because it may ↓ the rate of apoptosis and suppresses production of
neurotoxic mediators.
SE of cerebral hypothermia are thrombocytopenia (usually without
bleeding), bradycardia, subcutaneous fat necrosis, and the potential for
overcooling → cold injury syndrome.
 Supportive Care directed at management of other organ system
dysfunction. Hyperthermia has been found to be associated with
impaired neurodevelopment, so it is important to prevent hyperthermia
before initiation of hypothermia. Careful attention to ventilatory status,
adequate oxygenation, BP, hemodynamic status, acid–base balance, and
possible infection is important.

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 All survivors of moderate to severe encephalopathy require
comprehensive medical and developmental follow-up.

Pg. It ranges from complete recovery to death depending on the timing

and severity of insult. Thearea of injury can also determine short &
long term sequelae as follows:-

 Cortical necrosis→stupor, coma, seizures, or hypotonia; later on → CP,

cognitive delay, epilepsy, &ataxia.
 Periventricular injury (injury to motor tracts, especially of lower
limbs) e.g. PVL→bilateral and symmetric weakness in lower limbs; later
on→spastic diplegia.
 Parasagittal injury (cortex and subcortical white matter) →proximal
limb weakness (especially upper); later on →spastic quadriparesis.
 Basal ganglia & white matter injury→microcephalyand poor head
growth during the 1st year of life.

Factors associated withpoor prognosis include:-

Apgar score 0–3 at 5-min, fetal acidosis (pH <6.7), flaccid coma, apnea,
absent oculocephalic reflexes, & refractory seizures.

Factors predict death or severe cognitive & motor deficits include:-

Low apgar score or absence of spontaneous respiration at 20 min, signs
of other organs or systems involvement, and persistence of abnormal
neurologic signs at 2 wk of age. aEEG can also identify those infants at
highest risk for significant brain injury.

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 Respiratory Diseases:-
 Upper airway obstruction e.g. Choanal atresia, Pierre-Robin synd,
laryngeal/bronchial/tracheal stenosis, bronchogenic cyst, duplication
cyst, vascular compression.
 Lower airway obstruction e.g. RDS, TTN, Meconium aspiration,
Pneumonia (sepsis), Pneumothorax, Cong diaphragmatic hernia,
Pulmonary hypoplasia.

 Congenital Heart Diseases:-

 Right-to-left shunt (pulmonary blood flow N or ↑) e.g. TGA, TAPVR,
Truncus arteriosus, Hypoplastic left heart, Single ventricle.
 Obstructed pulmonary blood flow (pulmonary blood flow ↓) e.g.
TOF, Pulmonic atresia, Tricuspid atresia, Ebstein anormaly, PPHN.

 CNS Diseases: Birth asphyxia, Intracranial hemorrhage, Seizures,

Oversedation, Hypoventilation, Neuromuscular diseases.

 Hematological: Methemoglobinemia, Polycythemia, Blood loss.

 Metabolic: Hypoglycemia, Adrenogenital syndrome.

 Others: InadequateO2 supply, Oximeter or Arterial blood gas error/


 Approach to neonate with cyanosis:-

Severely ill neonate with cardiorespiratory distress and cyanosis is a
diagnostic challenge. However there are some clues about the cause of
cyanosis e.g. the differentiation between Respiratory & Cardiac causes
of cyanosis include:-

1. Clinically; Respiratory causes usually cause vigorous respiration with

tachypnea & often associated with retractions, whereas Cardiac
causes also may cause vigorous respiration with tachypnea but
without retractions; cardiac murmursmay be present.
2. Hyperoxia test; it is a simple bedside test by giving 100% O2 &
measuring arterial PaO2, if it rises > 150 mm Hg, it is mainly due to

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respiratory diseases, whereas if it not rise (or transiently↑), it may be
due to cardiac causes.
3. CXR; may identify respiratory diseases.
4. Echo; may identify cardiac diseases.
5. Cardiac catheterization is a definitive test if the Echo is still in doubt.

Note: Pediatrician caring for a newborn with possible cyanotic CHD

should not hesitate to start prostaglandin (PGE1) infusion for possible
ductal-dependent lesion, even before Echo or catheterization.
SE of PGE1is mainly due to apnea which may require emergency intubation.

CNS causes of cyanosis usually cause respiratory depression with weak

& irregular respiration &PaO2 is completely normalized on artificial

- 08 -
Neonatal Seizures (NS) are the most important and common indicator of
significant neurologic dysfunction in the neonatal period. Its incidence is
higher during this period than in any other period of life.

Path. Although the immature brain has many differences from mature
brain which render it more excitable and more likely to develop
seizures, it appears to be more resistant to the deleterious effects of
seizures than mature brain possibly because of its ability to tolerate
hypoxic injury by resorting the anaerobic metabolism for energy.

 Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; it is the most common cause of
NS accounting > half of cases; it usually occur within 12 hr after birth.
 Intracranial hemorrhage e.g. subdural, subarachnoid, IVH.
 Congenital malformations of brain e.g. Dandy-Walker, Arnold-Chiari,
Aicardi syndrome, lissencephaly…etc.
 Metabolic disorders are very common include:-
 Hypoglycemia is the most common metabolic cause of NS, especially
in small neonates and neonates of diabetic mother (see later).
 Hypocalcemia usually due to birth asphyxia, maternal diabetes,
prematurity, DiGeorge syndrome; in later neonatal period may occur
due to consumption of milk with high-phosphate content.
 Hypomagnesemia is often associated with hypocalcemia and occurs
especially in infants of malnourished mothers.
 Hyponatremia usually due to SIADH or infusion of excessive
hypotonic fluids to the mother before delivery.
 Inborn errors of metabolism are rare; seizures are due to acidosis
+/_ hyperammonemia; usually there is +ve family hx of seizures or
early neonatal death.
 CNS infections e.g. meningitis, congenital infections e.g. TORCH.
 Drug withdrawal seizures; if the mother was take CNS drug (e.g.
narcotics), it can cause passive addictionin neonate; seizure usually
occur within 3 days of life.
 Unintentional injection of local anesthetic into fetal scalp during
 Pyridoxine dependency is rare AR disorder that must be considered
when there are signs of fetal distress in utero & generalized clonic
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seizures begin shortly after birth that resistant to conventional
anticonvulsants. Large dose of pyridoxine or pyridoxal phosphate
(100–200 mg IV) should result in a dramatic response. These children
usually require life-long supplementation with oral pyridoxine (10
mg/day) because if untreated it may result in MR.
 Epileptic syndromes of neonates include:-
 Benign Idiopathic NS (Fifth-day fits); occur on 5th day of life in
normal-appearing neonates; seizures are usually apneic and focal
motor. It is a diagnosis of exclusion & the prognosis is good.
 Benign Familial NS; it inherited as AD & begins on 2nd–4th day of life,
infant is normal between seizures; it usually stop within 1–6 mo.
 Early Myoclonic Encephalopathy.
 Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy (Ohtahara syndrome).

C.M. & Types of NS:-

1. Subtle; It is more common in premature infant and include: transient
eye deviations, nystagmus, blinking, mouthing, abnormal extremity
movements (rowing, swimming, bicycling, pedaling, and stepping),
fluctuations in HR, hypertension episodes, and apnea.
2. Clonic; It consist of jerky movement of extremities. It can be focal or
multifocal which is migratory in nature & incorporate several body
Note: Generalized clonic seizures are uncommon in the neonatal period due to ↓
connectivity of neurons due to incomplete myelination of brain at this age.
3. Tonic; It is either focal as persistent posturing of limb, trunk or neck in
an asymmetric way & often assosiated with persistent horizontal eye
deviation; or generalized which is more common & associated with
bilateral tonic limb extension or tonic flexion of upper extremities.
4. Spasms; are sudden generalized jerks lasting 1-2 sec that are
distinguished from generalized tonic spells by their shorter duration
and usually associated with a single, very brief, generalized discharge on
5. Myoclonic; It can be distinguished from clonic seizures by the rapidity
of the jerks and by their lack of rhythmicity, it can be divided into focal,
multifocal, and generalized.

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D.Dx. Most commonly include: Jitteriness (tremor), Apnea, Paroxysmal
extreme pain disorder, Paroxysmal tonic up-gaze of eyes & Benign
neonatal sleep myoclonus.
Note: Jitteriness can be distinguished from epileptic seizures by the
following: they can be enhanced by sensory stimuli & suppressed by gentle
restraint, absence of eye deviation, autonomic changes (tachycardia,
salivation), & EEG changes.

 Blood tests for glucose & serum electrolytes (especially Ca, Na, Mg) as
well as metabolic screen if inborn errors of metabolism are suspected.
 Brain US, CT or MRI for intracranial hemorrhages or brain
 CSF exam & culture for CNS infection or hemorrhage.
Note: Bloody CSF may indicate either intracranial hemorrhage or traumatic tap
which can be distinguished easily by that the blood in traumatic tap is
decreased gradually till it stops, whereas in intracranial hemorrhage it
continues; also immediate centrifugation of CSF will help because clear
supernatant suggests traumatic tap, whereas xanthochromic (homogenous)
color suggests subarachnoid bleeding.
 EEG changes are usually associated with epileptic seizures e.g. spasms,
focal clonic or tonic, and generalized myoclonic seizures, whereas the
subtle, generalized tonic and other myoclonic seizures are usually not
associated with EEG changes because they usually represent a "release
phenomena" with abnormal movements secondary to brain injury
rather than true epileptic seizures. In contrast, EEG changes can occur
without observed clinical seizures (electro-clinical dissociation).

Rx. The mainstay of therapy of NS is the correction of treatable causes

e.g. hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, meningitis…etc, as well as control of
seizure by anticonvulsants. The most commonly used anticonvulsant
drugs for NS include:-
 Phenobarbital is considered the first drug of choice for NS. The usual
loading dose is 20 mg/kg. If this dosage is not effective, additional doses
of 5-10 mg/kg can be given until a dose of 40 mg/kg is reached.
Maintenance dose usually started after 24 hr of the loading dose as 3-6
mg/kg/day ÷ 2.
 Phenytoin can only be started when the total loading dose of
phenobarbital that reached 40 mg/kg was not effective. The loading
- 20 -
dose is 15-20 mg/kg, usually given by infusion (not in dextrose
solutions) in rate not exceed 0.5-1 mg/kg/min with monitoring of HR to
prevent cardiac dysrhythmia. Maintenance dose 4-8 mg/kg/day.
Fosphenytoin has less SE than phenytoin and can be given in the same
 Lorazepam can be used as the initial drug or as second-line (after the
above drugs). Its dose 0.05 mg/kg every 4-8 hr. It distributed to the
brain quickly and does not clear out from brain rapidly.
 Diazepam is more lipophilic than lorazepam, i.e. distributes very
quickly into the brain but then cleared out very quickly (which carry
high risk of recurrence of seizure). The usual dose is 0.1-0.3 mg/kg IV
slowly (over 3-5 min); it can be given every 15-30 min to a maximum
total dose of 2 mg.
Note: Diazepam is currently not recommended as a first-line agent for NS
because it carries a higher risk of apnea and hypotension, especially if the
patient is also on phenobarbital, thus patients should be observed for 3-8 hr
after administration.
 Other drugs also can be used in NS e.g. Midazolam.

Duration of therapy for NS by anticonvulsants is related to the risk of

developing later epilepsy which ranges from 10-30% and depends on
the etiology of seizures, individual neurologic exam, and EEG at the
time of discharge from the hospital.
In general, if EEG at the time of discharge is not paroxysmal, then
medications can be tapered, whereas if the EEG remains paroxysmal,
then decision to stop anticonvulsants is usually delayed for several
months after discharge.

Pg. It depends on the etiology of seizures. There is a clear correlation

between EEG changes & prognosis because abnormal background,
prolonged electrographic seizures (>10 min/hour), multifocal periodic
electrographic discharges, and spread of electrographic seizures to the
contralateral hemisphere, all are correlated with poor prognosis.

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Serious apnea is defined as cessation of breathing > 20 sec, or any
duration if accompanied by cyanosis and bradycardia.It is a common
problem in preterm infants, whereas apnea in full-term infants is always
abnormal & should be taken seriously.

 Potential Causes of Neonatal Apnea:-

 CNS diseases; extreme prematurity (<1 kg), IVH, HIE, seizures,

herniation, drugs, kernicterus, hypoxia, neuromuscular disorders.
 Respiratory; obstructive airway lesions, pharyngeal collapse, neck
flexion, nasal occlusion, pneumonia, severe RDS, pneumothorax, phrenic
nerve palsy.
 Infectious; sepsis, meningitis, pertussis.
 GIT; oral feeding, bowel movement, NEC, intestinal perforation.
 CVS; hypotension, hypertension, HF, anemia, hypovolemia, vagal tone.
 Metabolic; ↓ glucose, ↓ calcium, ↓/↑ sodium, ↑ ammonia, ↑ organic acids.
 Others; hypo/ hyperthermia, active (rapid eye movement) sleep.

Idiopathic apnea of prematurity occurs in the absence of identifiable

predisposing diseases, but may be due to immaturity of the respiratory
center in brainstem that respond to hypoxia paradoxically with apnea
rather than hyperventilation as well as there is attenuated response to
hypercapnea. Its incidenceis inversely related to the gestational age. Its
onset is usually in the 1st 1-2 wk after birth, but may be delayed if there
is RDS or other causes of respiratory diseases.
Note: Idiopathic apnea of prematurity must be distinguished from the periodic
breathing in premature infant which is a benign condition.

C.M. Clinically apnea can be divided into 3 types:-

 Central apnea; due to ↓ CNS stimuli to respiratory muscles → absent of

both airflow and chest wall motion.
 Obstructive apnea; due to obstruction of the airway flow → chest wall
motion but absent airflow.
 Mixed; is the most common & has features of both conditions.

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 Infants at risk for apnea should be placed on cardiorespiratory
monitors with searching for the cause of apnea.
 Gentle tactile stimulation is often adequate therapy for mild and
intermittent episodes, whereas infants with recurrent and prolonged
apnea may require suctioning, repositioning, and bag & mask
ventilation. Oxygen should be administered judiciously for hypoxia.
Anemic infants can be given packed RBC to ↑ O2 carrying capacity.
 Obstructive apnea can be treated by nasal CPAP (continuous positive
airway pressure) 2-5 cm H2O, or by high-flow humidified nasal cannula
(1-2.5 L/min) because of their ability to splint the upper airway and
prevent obstruction.
 Recurrent apnea of prematurity can be treated by either:-
 Theophylline orally or Aminophylline IV; loading dose of both is 5–7
mg/kg followed by maintenance dose 1–2 mg/kg given every 6–12 hr.
These methylxanthines increase central respiratory drive & enhancing
contractility of the diaphragm.
 Caffeine citrate; loading dose 20 mg/kg, followed 24 hr later by
maintenance dose 5 mg/kg/day. It is more potent centrally acting
respiratory agent with fewer SE than methylxanthines.
 Doxapram; it is a potent respiratory stimulant, acts predominantly on
peripheral chemoreceptors, but it is of limited use due to its SE.

Pg. It mainly depends on the cause of apnea.

Idiopathic apnea of prematurity unless it severe, recurrent, and
refractory to therapy, it does not alter the infant's prognosis. It usually
resolves by 37 wk postconceptual age (gestational + postnatal age) and
it does not predict future episodes of sudden infant death syndrome

Some infants with persistent apnea can be discharged home as long as

cardiorespiratory monitoring performed and in the absence of significant
events; home monitoring can safely be discontinued after 44 wk post-
conceptual age.

- 24 -
(Hyaline Membrane Disease)
RDS occurs primarily in premature infants; its incidence is inversely
related to the gestational age and birth weight. It occurs in 60-80% of
infants <28 wk gestation, 15-30% in those between 32 and 36 wk, and
rarely in those >37 wk.

Risk factors associated with RDS include: maternal diabetes, multiple

births, cesarean delivery, precipitous (abrupt) delivery, birth asphyxia,
cold stress, and maternal hx of previously affected infant as well as male
& white race infants.

Risk of RDS is reduced in; pregnancies with chronic or pregnancy-

induced hypertension, prolonged rupture of membranes, antenatal
corticosteroid Px, and maternal heroin addiction!.

Et. & Path. RDS is due to surfactant deficiency which reduces the
surface tension and helps maintain alveolar stability by preventing the
collapse of small air spaces at the end of expiration. Surfactant is
synthesized and stored in type II alveolar cells at 20 wk of gestation,
appears in amniotic fluid between 28 and 32 wk and mature levels are
present usually after 35 wk.

Factors that decrease the synthesis of surfactant include: asphyxia,

hypoxemia, acidosis, and pulmonary ischemia especially if associated
with hypovolemia, hypotension, and hypothermia.

RDS result in alveolar atelectasis, hyaline membrane formation, and

interstitial edema that makes lungs less compliant, so greater pressure is
required to expand the alveoli and small airways. The epithelial lining of
lungs may also be injured by high oxygen concentrations and the effect of
respirator management due to barotrauma, both resulting in further
decrease of surfactant.

C.M. The onset of signs of RDS is proportional to the gestational age of the
premature infant, ranging from minutes to several hours after birth.

Signs of RDS include: tachypnea (>60 breaths/min), prominent grunting,

shallow breathing, intercostal and subcostal recessions, nasal flaring, and
cyanosis. Breath sounds may be normal or diminished with harsh

- 25 -
bronchial quality; on deep inspiration, fine rales may be heard. Patients
may also have edema, ileus, and oliguria.

The natural course of untreated RDS is characterized by progressive

worsening of dyspnea, hypotension, pallor and cyanosis, whereas
grunting decreases (or disappear!). Apnea and irregular respirations are
ominous signs that require immediate intervention. Respiratory failure
may occur in infants with rapid progression of disease.

In most cases, these signs reach the peak within 3 days, and then
improvement is gradual which often heralded by spontaneous diuresis
and improved blood gas values at lower inspired oxygen levels and/or
lower ventilator support.

D.Dx. Early-onset sepsis, congenital pneumonia, cyanotic CHD, TTN,

aspiration syndromes, PPHN, spontaneous pneumothorax, pleural
effusions, and congenital anomalies of lung e.g. cystic adenomatoid
malformation, pulmonary lymphangiectasia, diaphragmatic hernia, and
lobar emphysema.
Congenital alveolar proteinosis (cong surfactant protein B deficiency)
is a rare familial disease that manifests as severe and lethal RDS in
predominantly term and near-term infants.

 CXR initially may be normal, but after several hours, typical finding
develop that includes fine reticular granularity of parenchyma and air
bronchograms, more prominent in the left lower lobe (over the heart
 BGA usually show hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and metabolic acidosis.
 Lung profile (lecithin : sphingomyelin ratio and phosphatidylglycerol
determination) performed on tracheal aspirate is a definitive test of

Pv. This is mainly the job of obstetrician through avoidance of

unnecessary or poorly timed C/S, appropriate management of high-risk
pregnancy and labor, and prediction of pulmonary immaturity by
determination of the "lung profile" through amniotic fluid aspirate and
possibly in utero acceleration of maturation by antenatal administration
of corticosteroids which significantly reduces the incidence of RDS and
its mortality as well as they also can reduce the incidence of severe IVH,
- 26 -
necrotizing enterocolitis, developmental delay, and overall neonatal
Currently there is no significant difference between Betamethasone &
Dexamethasone; each should be given weekly for all women with
preterm labor (between 24 and 34 wk of gestation).

Other method to prevent RDS is the administration of "prophylactic"

dose of surfactant immediately after birth into the trachea by an
experienced pediatrician for any symptomatic premature infant. CPAP
started at birth (without surfactant) is also very effective.

Rx. Because most cases of RDS are self-limited, the goal of Rx is to

minimize abnormal physiologic variations as well as superimposed
iatrogenic problems.
A premature infant with RDS is better treated in NICU because therapy
require frequent monitoring of heart & respiratory rates, oxygen
saturation, Pao2, Paco2, pH, serum bicarbonate, electrolytes, glucose,
hematocrit, BP, and temperature. Therapy of RDS include the following:-

1. Early Supportive Care for premature infants:-

It involves prevention & Rx of factors that may ↓ surfactant synthesis e.g.
hypoxemia, hypothermia, hypovolemia, hypotension, and acidosis.

 Hypoxemia; warm humidified oxygen should be provided at a

concentration initially sufficient to keep oxygen saturation between
91% and 95% (or arterial O2 pressure between 50 and 70 mm Hg) to
maintain normal tissue oxygenation whereas minimizing the risk of
oxygen toxicity.
If oxygen saturation cannot be kept > 90% at inspired oxygen
concentrations of ≥ 40-70%, then apply CPAP at pressure of 5-10 cm
H2O via nasal cannula, which also may prevents collapse of surfactant-
deficient alveoli. The duration of CPAP required usually decreases after
about 72 hr of life, and most infants can be weaned from CPAP shortly
If the CPAP cannot keep oxygen saturation > 90% during breathing of
40-70% oxygen, assisted ventilation and surfactant therapy are

- 27 -
Another approach is to intubate the VLBW infant immediately after
birth, administer intratracheal surfactant, and then extubate the infant
and begin CPAP.
Note: Early use of CPAP for stabilization of at-risk VLBW infants beginning as
early as in the delivery room reduces the need of ventilation.

 Hypothermia; heat loss from infant occurs by 4 mechanisms:-

1-Convection of heat energy to the cooler surrounding air.
2-Conduction of heat to the cooler materials in contact with infant.
3-Radiation of heat from the infant to other nearby cooler objects.
4-Evaporation from skin and lungs.
Hypothermia should be avoided (to minimize oxygen consumption) by
placing the infant in an incubator with scheduled "touch times" and
infant core temp should be maintained between 36.5 and 37 0C.

 Hypovolemia; calories and fluids should initially be provided

intravenously. In the 1st 24 hr, 10% glucose water infused through a
peripheral vein at a rate of 65-75 ml/kg/24 hr. Electrolytes should be
added on day 2 for the most mature infants and on days 3 up to 7 for the
more immature infants. Fluid volume is increased gradually over the 1st
week, but avoid excessive fluids (>140 ml/kg/day) because it may
contribute to the development of PDA & BPD.

 Hypotension; monitoring of aortic BP through umbilical or peripheral

arterial catheter or by oscillometric technique is useful in managing the
shock-like state that may occur during the 1st hr or so in premature
infants who have been asphyxiated or have severe RDS. Hypotension
should be treated with cautious administration of crystalloid +/_
vasopressors e.g. dopamine or dobutamine. In refractory hypotension,
give corticosteroids e.g. IV Hydrocortisone, 1-2 mg/kg/dose every 6-
12 hr, especially in VLBW infants because this hypotension may be due
to transient adrenal insufficiency.

 Metabolic acidosis can be treated by sodium bicarbonate, 1-2 mEq/kg.

SE of alkali include: skin slough from infiltration, ↑ serum osmolarity,
hypernatremia, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, and liver injury when
concentrated solutions are administered rapidly through an umbilical
vein catheter wedged in the liver.

- 28 -
2. Mechanical Ventilation:-
Indications include: Respiratory failure (i.e. arterial pH <7.20, arterial
Pco2≥ 60 mmHg, and oxygen saturation <90% at optimal O2 therapy) or
infants with persistent apnea.
Goals of mechanical ventilation are to improve oxygenation and
elimination of CO2 without causing pulmonary injury or oxygen toxicity.
Thus "permissive" hypercapnia can prevent BPD & death, whereas
"permissive" hypoxemia can prevent retinopathy of prematurity &

Conventional ventilations for infants with RDS should always include

PEEP e.g. intermittent positive pressure ventilation, synchronized
intermittent mandatory ventilation & pressure support, but all carry a
risk of alveolar overdistension & air leak.
High-frequency ventilation may eliminate this risk by using smaller
tidal volumes and higher rates (300-1,200 breaths/min!). Many
ventilated neonates should receive sedation and pain relief by
benzodiazepines (except diazepam) or opiates.
Weaning of infants with RDS from ventilator may cause post-extubation
atelectasis and respiratory failure that may need re-intubation. To reduce
these consequences, once extubated, premature infant should be
transitioned to either nasal CPAP or synchronized nasal intermittent
ventilation, whereas term and near-term infants can be transitioned to
nasal cannula with warmed, humidified high-flow oxygen, which can also
be used after weaning of premature from the nasal CPAP.
Before extubation, preloading with methylxanthines (e.g.
aminophylline) and the use of systemic corticosteroids may enhance the
success of extubation.

3. Surfactant Replacement Therapy:-

It can ↓ mortality from RDS by 40% (although the incidence of BPD is
often unchanged) by improving alveolar-arterial oxygen gradients, ↑
pulmonary compliance, improve chest radiograph appearance, and
reduce ventilatory support.
Exogenous surfactant is either synthetic or natural that is derived from
animal sources (which is more superior).
Surfactant is given either immediately after birth (prophylactic) or
initiated few hours thereafter (rescue) by repeated dosing via the
endotracheal tube every 6-12 hr for total of 2 to 4 doses.
- 29 -
SE of Surfactant are transient hypoxia, hypercapnia, bradycardia, hypotension,
blockage of endotracheal tube, and pulmonary hemorrhage. Thus it should be
administered by an experienced person with the availability of appropriate
monitoring equipments e.g. radiology, blood gas analysis, pulse oximetry.

4. Inhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO):-

It can ↓ the need for ECMO in term and near-term (but less in preterm)
infants with hypoxic respiratory failure or PPHN. It may be better to be
used with HFV to allow iNO gas to reach pulmonary resistant vessels.

5. Systemic Corticosteroids:-
They can selectively used for infants with RDS who continue on
respiratory support, and to treat those in whom BPD develops. However
corticosteroids have the potential of severe adverse effects include:-
Short-term SE; hyperglycemia, hypertension, GIT bleeding, & perforation,
hypertrophic obstructive CMP, poor weight gain, poor growth of head, &
may ↑ incidence of PVL.
Long-term SE may include: neurodevelopmental delay and CP!.
Therefore, inhaled corticosteroid during ventilation in a preterm infant
during the 1st 2 wk of life is better than systemic corticosteroids.

6. Empirical Antibiotic Therapy:-

It is indicated in all infants with RDS until the results of blood cultures
are available because it is difficult to distinguish between bacterial
pneomonia or sepsis & RDS.

Pg. Death in RDS is usually due to severe impairment of gas exchange

(respiratory failure), alveolar air leaks (interstitial emphysema,
pneumothorax), pulmonary hemorrhage, or IVH. Death may be delayed
by weeks or months if BPD develops in infants with severe RDS.
Long-term prognosis for normal pulmonary function in most infants
surviving RDS is excellent, whereas survivors of severe neonatal
respiratory failure may have significant pulmonary and
neurodevelopmental impairment.
Poor prognostic signs include; prolonged ventilation, BPD, IVH,
pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, and oxygen dependence beyond
1 yr of life.

- 31 -
Cx. It can be divided into Cxs that are directly related to RDS which
include: PDA & BPD as well as Cxs that are indirectly related to RDS
which can affect any critical infant in NICU, these include: Cxs of tracheal
intubation & umbilical catheterization.

 Patent Ductus Arteriosus:-

Some neonates with RDS may have clinically significant shunting
through PDA. Risk factors for delayed closure of PDA include: hypoxia,
acidosis, ↑ pulmonary pressure (secondary to vasoconstriction), systemic
hypotension, immaturity, and local release of prostaglandins (which
dilate the ductus).
Shunting through the PDA initially may be bi-directional or right-to-left,
then as RDS resolves→↓ pulmonary vasoconstriction → left-to-right
shunt which may → left ventricular volume overload and pulmonary
edema (due to HF).
Note: PDA is one of the major causes of delay in clinical improvement or
deterioration after initial clinical improvement from RDS. (For C.M. & Inv.
of PDA see chapter 4).

Rx of PDA include: fluid restriction, use of cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors

e.g. Indomethacin IV (0.1-0.2 mg/kg/dose) is given in 3 doses every 12-
24 hr; it can be repeated if there is no improvement. Otherwise, surgical
ligation is usually the next step.
Note: Prophylactic low-dose indomethacin given soon after birth reduces
the incidence of both PDA & IVH!, even in the most immature infants.
Contraindications to indomethacin include: thrombocytopenia, bleeding
disorders, necrotizing enterocolitis, isolated intestinal perforation,
oliguria, and elevated plasma creatinine. These patients are candidate for
surgical closure.
Ibuprofen IV may be an alternative to indomethacin with lower risk of

- 30 -
 Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia:-
Et. BPD is the result of lung injury in infants requiring mechanical
ventilation and supplemental oxygen. It inversely related to gestational
age of infant.
The "new" BPD is a disease primarily of VLBW infants (<1 kg) and very
premature (<28 wk gestation) and some of whom have little or no lung
disease at birth but experience progressive respiratory failure over the
1st few weeks of life, i.e. even if they survive the RDS, they develop BPD
later on.
The histopathology of BPD indicates interference with normal lung
anatomic maturation, which may prevent subsequent lung growth and
development. Four distinct pathologic stages of classic BPD have been
identified; acute lung injury, exudative bronchiolitis, proliferative
bronchiolitis, and obliterative fibroproliferative bronchiolitis.

Path. Multifactorial, it include: Atelectotrauma, due to progressive

alveolar collapse of RDS; Volutrauma, ventilator-induced overdistention
of the lung; and Oxygen-induces injury by producing free radicals that
cannot be metabolized by the immature antioxidant systems of VLBW
Risk factorsfor BPD include: immaturity, chorioamnionitis, infection,
symptomatic PDA, and malnutrition. Other additional factors include:
presence of interstitial emphysema, male sex, low Paco2 during Rx of
RDS, PDA, high peak inspiratory pressure, ↑ airway resistance in the 1st
wk of life, ↑ pulmonary artery pressure, overhydration during the 1st
days of life, and possibly, family hx of atopy or asthma as well as genetic
Factors that associated with ↓ risk of BPD include: fluid restriction,
vitamin A supplementation, early use of nasal CPAP, or rapid extubation
with transition to nasal CPAP and possibly systemic or inhaled
Airway obstruction in BPD may be due to mucus and edema production,
bronchospasm, and airway collapse from acquired tracheo-
bronchomalacia. These events may contribute to “blue spells”, which may
be due to acute pulmonary vasospasm or right ventricular dysfunction.
C.M. Infants who develop BPD, instead of showing improvement on the
3rd or 4th day (which consistent with the natural course of RDS), they
- 32 -
demonstrate increased need for oxygen and ventilatory support to
keep oxygen saturation between 91-95%.
Respiratory distress persists or worsens and is characterized by hypoxia,
hypercapnia, oxygen dependence, and, in severe cases, development of
right-sided HF.

Inv. CXR usually reveals pulmonary interstitial emphysema, wandering

atelectasis with concomitant hyperinflation, and cyst formation. These
findings correspond to severe maldistribution of ventilation.
BPD can be classified according to the need for oxygen supplementation
as follows:-
 Severe BPD is diagnosed in neonates receiving positive pressure
support or ≥30% supplemental oxygen at 36 wk postmenstrual age
(gestational + postnatal age) or at discharge, whichever occurs 1st.
 Moderate BPD include those needing lower oxygen supplementation
(between 22-29%) at the above age.
 Mild BPD include those who need oxygen supplementation for >28 days
but are breathing room air at 36 wk or at discharge.

Those receiving <30% oxygen should undergo a stepwise (2%)

reduction in supplemental oxygen to room air whereas under continuous
observation with monitoring of oxygen saturation to determine whether
they can be weaned off oxygen or not.
Severe BPD requires prolonged mechanical ventilation; however,
gradual weaning should be attempted despite ↑ Paco2, but Pao2 should be
high (50-70 mm Hg or oxygen saturation of 91-95%) because lower
levels of Pao2 may exacerbate pulmonary hypertension which result in
Note: Lower limit of oxygenation targets in BPD are higher than that in RDS!.

Rx. It includes: nutritional support, fluid restriction, drug therapy,

maintenance of adequate oxygenation, and prompt treatment of

 Nutritional supplementation to provide added calories (24-30

calories/30 ml formula), protein (3-3.5 g/kg/24 hr), and fat
(3 g/kg/24 hr) is needed for growth. Growth must be monitored
because recovery depends on the growth of lung tissue and remodeling
of the pulmonary vascular bed.

- 33 -
 Diuretic therapy e.g. furosemide, 1 mg/kg/dose IV or 2 mg/kg/dose
orally twice daily, results in a short-term improvement in lung
mechanics and may →↓ oxygen and ventilatory requirements especially
if there is acute fluid overload.
SE of Furosemide are hyponatremia, hypokalemia, alkalosis, azotemia,
hypocalcemia, hypercalciuria, renal stones, nephrocalcinosis, cholelithiasis,
and ototoxicity. Hypokalemia can be treated by KCl supplementation,
whereas hyponatremia should be treated with fluid restriction or ↓ the dose
or frequency of furosemide.
Thiazide diuretics with inhibitors of aldosterone e.g. spironolactone
have shown increased urine output +/_ improvement in pulmonary
mechanics in infants with BPD.

 Inhaled Bronchodilators improve lung mechanics by ↓ airway

resistance. Albuterol is a specific β2-agonist used to treat bronchospasm
in infants with BPD which may last as long as 4-6 hr. Ipratropium
bromide is a muscarinic antagonist related to atropine, but with more
potent bronchodilator effects.
Combination therapy using both agents may be more effective, but
because significant smooth muscle relaxation does not appear to occur
within the 1st few weeks of life, aerosol therapy in the early stages of
BPD is not indicated.

 Methylxanthines are used to increase respiratory drive, decrease

apnea, and improve diaphragmatic contractility. Methylxanthines may
also ↓ pulmonary vascular resistance and ↑ lung compliance in infants
with BPD & they also exhibit diuretic effects. These effects may
accelerate weaning from mechanical ventilation. Synergy between
theophylline and diuretics has been demonstrated.
Theophylline has a half-life of 30-40 hr, it is metabolized primarily to
caffeine in the liver. Caffeine has a longer half-life than theophylline.
SE of Theophylline are tachycardia, GERD, agitation, and seizures.

 Low-dose iNO may improve oxygenation in some infants with severe


Pg. Mortality in infants with BPD ranges from 10-25%. Cardiorespiratory

failure associated with cor-pulmonale and acquired infections (e.g. RSV)
are common causes of death. Survivors with BPD often go home on a
regimen of oxygen, diuretics, and bronchodilator therapy.
- 34 -
Cardiovascular Cxs of BPD include: pulmonary hypertension, cor
pulmonale, systemic hypertension, LVH, and development of
aortopulmonary collateral vessels, which, if large, may cause HF.
Airway problems include: tonsillar and adenoidal hypertrophy, vocal
cord paralysis, subglottic stenosis, and tracheomalacia, all may aggravate
or cause pulmonary hypertension. Infants are at risk for severe
respiratory syncytial virus infections and must receive prophylactic Rx.
Non-cardiorespiratory Cxs of BPD include: growth failure,
psychomotor retardation, and parental stress as well as sequelae of
Re-hospitalization for impaired pulmonary function is most common
during the 1st 2 yr of life. However, there is gradual decrease in symptom
frequency as the child get older.
Airway obstruction and hyperactivity and hyperinflation are noted in
some adolescent and adult survivors of BPD.

 Cxs of Tracheal Intubation:-

The most serious Cx is the air leak (including pneumothorax), especially

in infants with RDS or MAS.
Other important Cxs may include: asphyxia from obstruction or
dislodgment of the tube, bradycardia during intubation or suctioning, and
the subsequent development of subglottic stenosis.
Less common Cxs may include: bleeding from trauma during intubation,
posterior pharyngeal pseudodiverticula, need for tracheostomy,
ulceration or permanent narrowing of the nostril as a result of tissue
damage (due to pressure of tube) and scarring from irritation or infection
around the tube, erosion of the palate, avulsion or papilloma of vocal
cord, persistent hoarseness, strider, ulcer or edema of the larynx.

Measures to reduce these Cxs include: skillful intubation, adequate

securing of the tube, use of polyvinyl endotracheal tubes, use of smallest
tube that will provide effective ventilation (to reduce local pressure
necrosis and ischemia), avoidance of frequent changes and motion of the
tube in situ, avoidance of too frequent & too vigorous suctioning, and
prevention of infection through meticulous cleanliness and frequent
sterilization of all apparatus attached to or passed through the tube.

- 35 -
 Cxs of Umbilical Artery Catheterization:-

The position of the radiopaque umbilical catheter after insertion should

be checked by X-ray. The tip of the catheter should lie just above the
bifurcation of the aorta (L3-L5) or above the celiac axis (T6-T10). The
placement and supervision should be carried out by skilled and
experienced personnel. Catheters should be removed as soon as
patients no longer have any indication for their continued use.
Cxs may include: thrombosis of the tips of catheter in ≈ 95% of cases,
vascular embolization or perforation, spasm, ischemic or chemical
necrosis of abdominal viscera, infection, hypertension, or impairment of
circulation to the leg with subsequent gangrene.
Transient blanching of the leg usually due to reflex arterial spasm, it can
be lessened by using the smallest available catheter, especially in very
small infants. Persistent spasm after removal of the catheter may be
relieved by topical nitroglycerin paste applied to the affected area or,
rarely, by warming the other leg!. Serious hemorrhage upon removal of
the catheter is rare.

Thrombi may form in the artery or in the catheter; their incidence can be
lowered by using a smooth-tipped catheter with a hole only at its end, by
rinsing the catheter with a small amount of saline solution containing
heparin, or by continuously infusing a solution containing 1-2 units/ml of
heparin. Small proportion of neonates may develop renovascular
hypertension days to weeks after umbilical arterial catheterization.

Umbilical vein catheterization is associated with many of the same risks

as umbilical artery catheterization. Additional risks include: portal
hypertension (due to portal vein thrombosis), especially in the presence
of omphalitis; and cardiac perforation and pericardial tamponade (when
the catheter is incorrectly placed in the right atrium).

- 36 -
Et. It may be due to slow absorption of fetal lung fluid →↓ pulmonary
compliance and ↑ dead space.

C.M. TTN is most common after term C/S delivery. TTN is characterized
by early onset of tachypnea, sometimes with retractions, or expiratory
grunting and, occasionally, cyanosis but chest exam is usually clear.

Inv. CXR usually shows prominent pulmonary vascular markings, fluid in

the intralobar fissures, and overaeration with flat diaphragms.

D.Dx. TTN is a Dx of exclusion, thus should be differentiated from RDS

and other respiratory disorders e.g. pneumonia.

Rx. It is supportive. TTN is usually relieved by minimal oxygen

supplementation (<40%) & most infants recover rapidly, although some
may recover up to 3 days. Inhaled salbutamol may enhance rapid
resolution of TTN.

Malignant TTN has been reported after elective C/S before full term
causing severe respiratory distress with refractory hypoxemia due to
pulmonary hypertension → high morbidity and mortality. Rx. is similar
to RDS which may require ECMO support.

- 37 -
Before or during delivery, fetus may aspirate vernix caseosa, epithelial
cells, blood or material from the birth canal (which may contain
pathogenic bacteria), but the most dangerous one is the meconium which
usually occur in ≈ 5% of term or post-term infants, of these 3-5% may
Path. Post-term infants physiologically may pass meconium before
delivery, whereas term infants usually pass meconium either before or
during delivery, especially if subjected to stressful conditions causing
fetal distress. Meconium inactivates surfactant & can cause
pulmonary hypertension, it also can cause air trapping & leak if bronchi
are partially obstructed by meconium or cause atelectasis if they are
completely obstructed.
C.M. The newborn and umbilical cord are stained with meconium
(depend on the degree of meconium liquor). Meconium aspiration into
lungs can cause respiratory distress within the 1st hours of life with
tachypnea (which may persist for many days or even several weeks),
retractions, grunting, and cyanosis observed in severely affected infants.
Less severe cases may resolve within 72 hr.
Inv. CXR typically shows patchy infiltrates, coarse streaking of both lung
fields, hyperinflated lungs and flattening of diaphragm. Air leak is
manifested as pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax.

Rx. If the newborn is vigorous (i.e. has good Apgar scores), there is no
need for intubation, whereas if he depressed in the 1st seconds of life (in
the delivery room), immediately do endotracheal intubation and
suction to remove meconium from the airway before the 1st breath.
Note: Routine intrapartum nasopharyngeal suctioning in infants with
meconium-stained amniotic fluid does not reduce the risk of MAS.
Subsequent therapy of MAS is supportive including: administration of
oxygen (but mean airway pressure must be weighed against the risk of
pneumothorax), exogenous surfactant and/or iNO; as well as
mechanical ventilation may be required in up to 30% of cases. Severely
affected patients may benefit from HFV or ECMO.

Pg. It depend on the extent of birth asphyxia (especially HIE). Residual

lung problems are rare but may include: symptomatic cough, wheezing,
and persistent hyperinflation for up to 5-10 yr of age!.

- 38 -
Definition: In neonates, there is no an obvious correlation always
between blood glucose concentration and the classic clinical
manifestations of hypoglycemia, but most authorities recommend that
any value of blood glucose <55 mg/dL in neonates should be viewed
with suspicion and vigorously treated. This is particularly applicable
after the initial 2-3 hr of life (when glucose normally has reached its
nadir), then subsequently blood glucose level begin to rise and achieve
values >50 mg/dL after 12-24 hr of life.

Et. Common causes include: IUGR, prematurity, hypoxia, hypothermia,

maternal diabetes, and maternal glucose infusion in labor (which
stimulate fetal insulin secretion but it transient). Rare causes include
several metabolic & genetic disorders.

C.M. Hypoglycemia may be asymptomatic, subtle or manifested as

following; jitteriness, apathy, episodes of cyanosis, convulsions,
intermittent apnea or tachypnea, weak or high-pitched cry,
limpness or lethargy, difficult feeding, and eye rolling. It also may
include episodes of sweating, sudden pallor, hypothermia, and cardiac
arrest and failure.
Symptomatic hypoglycemia is highest among infants with IUGR in whom
the incidence of hypoglycemia ≈ 5-15%. Generally, the onset of symptoms
varies from few hours up to week after birth.

Inv. Infants at increased risk for hypoglycemia should have their serum
glucose measured within 1 hr of birth, every 1–2 hr for the 1st 6–8 hr,
and then every 4–6 hr until 24 hr of life.
Note: Serum glucose concentration (by lab) is 10-15% higher than whole blood
glucose (by glucometer).

Rx. Normoglycemic high-risk infants should receive oral or gavage

feeding with human milk or formula started as soon as possible (at 1–3
hr of age) and continued at 2–3 hr intervals for 24–48 hr. If the infant
cannot tolerate oral feeding or if asymptomatic transient neonatal
hypoglycemia develops, give IV glucose infusion at a rate of 4-6
mg/kg/min (up to 8 for newborn of diabetic mother).

- 39 -
In symptomatic hypoglycemia (other than seizures), give IV bolus of
200 mg/kg of 10% glucose (2 ml/kg), whereas if seizures are present,
double the dose, i.e. 4 ml/kg, followed by a continuous infusion of glucose
at 6-8 mg/kg/min, adjusting the rate to maintain blood glucose levels in
the normal range.

If hypoglycemia recurs, the infusion rate and concentration should be

increased until 15–25% glucose solution is used which may require
umbilical or central venous catheter. If IV infusions of 25% glucose are
inadequate to eliminate symptoms and maintain constant normal glucose
concentrations, hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia is probably present and
diazoxide should be administered orally with IV glucose at dose 5-15
mg/kg/day ÷ 2. If the diazoxide is unsuccessful, the long-acting
somatostatin analog (octreotide) can be administered subcutaneously
every 6-12 hr in doses of 20-50 μg/kg/day +/_ Glucagon given by
continuous IV infusion at 5 μg/kg/hr. However, infants with severe
persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia may eventually need to
undergo subtotal pancreatectomy.

The glucose level should be measured every 2 hr after initiating

therapy until several determinations are > 45 mg/dL before feeds,
subsequently, levels should be measured every 4–6 hr and the treatment
gradually reduced and finally discontinued when the glucose value has
been in the normal range and the infant asymptomatic for 24–48 hr,but
remember that hypoglycemia may recurs in 10–15% of infants even
after adequate therapy especially when IV fluids are discontinued too
rapidly (or extravasated) before oral feedings are tolerated. Rx is usually
necessary for a few days to a week & rarely for several weeks.

Pg. It is good in asymptomatic patients with hypoglycemia of short

duration, whereas infants with prolonged, recurrent, and severe
symptomatic hypoglycemia (especially when hypoxia or ischemia is also
present) are associated with neurologic sequelae & subsequent
impaired intellectual development.
Children who had transient neonatal hypoglycemia have ↑ incidence of
ketotic hypoglycemia later in life.

- 41 -
Women with diabetes in pregnancy (type 1, type 2, and gestational) are
at increased risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes with higher fetal &
neonatal mortality rate at all gestational ages, especially after 32 wk.

Path. Maternal hyperglycemia → fetal hyperglycemia → hypertrophy

and hyperplasia of the pancreatic islet β-cells → fetal hyperinsulinemia
→ ↑ hepatic glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis, accelerated
lipogenesis with low free fatty acids, and augmented protein synthesis →
macrosomia & visceromegally (except brain). In contrast, if diabetes is
complicated by vascular disease, the newborn may be growth restricted,
especially those born after 37 wk of gestation.

C.M. NDM surprisingly resemble each other; they tend to be large, plump
with puffy & plethoric facies. They are usually jittery, tremulous, and
hyperexcitable during the 1st 3 days of life.

1. Hypoglycemia develops in ≈ 25-50% in infants of diabetic mothers and
≈15-25% in infants of mothers with gestational diabetes, but only a
small percentage of these infants become symptomatic whom present
with any of the diverse manifestations of hypoglycemia (see above). The
nadir in glucose level is usually reached between 1-3 hr & spontaneous
recovery may begin by 4-6 hr.
2. Other metabolic disturbances include: hypocalcemia (which usually
occur later), hypomagnesemia & hyperbilirubinemia.
3. Fetal macrosomia may cause birth trauma & asphyxia, shoulder
dystocia, bone fracture, or nerve palsy; as well as these infants may also
be predisposed to childhood obesity that may extend into adult life.
4. Polycythemia with higher incidence of renal vein thrombosis.
5. Tachypnea develops in many NDM during the 1st 2 days of life, it may
be related to hypoglycemia, hypothermia, polycythemia, HF, TTN, or
cerebral edema from birth trauma or asphyxia as well as NDM have
higher incidence of RDS.
6. Cardiac Cxs e.g. cardiomegaly (30%), HF (5-10%), asymmetric septal
hypertrophy, and various CHD e.g. VSD, ASD, TGA, truncus arteriosus,
double-outlet right ventricle, tricuspid atresia, and coarctation of aorta.
7. Other congenital malformations may include: lumbosacral agenesis,
neural tube defects, hydronephrosis, renal agenesis and dysplasia,
- 40 -
double ureter, duodenal or anorectal atresia, small left colon syndrome,
situs inversus, and holoprosencephaly.

Rx. It should begin before delivery by frequent prenatal evaluation of all

pregnant women with overt or gestational diabetes in addition to their
fetuses. Periconception glucose control reduces the risk of anomalies and
other adverse outcomes, and glucose control during labor reduces the
incidence of neonatal hypoglycemia.

After delivery, all NDM (regardless of size) should initially receive

intensive observation and care. The approach to NDM is the same as that
of hypoglycemia of newborn (see above), except that screen glucose test
should be performed within 30 min of the first feed as well as bolus
injection of hypertonic glucose should beavoided because it may cause
further hyperinsulinemia which potentially produce rebound

Other Cxs should be evaluated & treated accordingly e.g. hypocalcemia,

hypomagnesemia, hyperbilirubinemia, polycythemia...etc.

- 42 -
Jaundice usually becomes visible in a cephalocaudal progression, i.e. face
=5 mg/dL; mid-abdomen =15 mg/dL; soles =20 mg/dL (although this
is not very sensitive). Transcutaneous measurement of bilirubin (TcB) is
correlates with the true serum levels & can be used as a screening test.
Note: Unconjugated bilirubin is called indirect by the Van den Bergh reaction.

 Common Causes of Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia:-

Physiologic Jaundice, Hemolytic diseases of newborn (especially Rh &

ABO incompatibility), Prematurity, Sepsis, Asphyxia, Polycythemia,
Hypothyroidism, Down synd, Infant of diabetic mother,
Cephalohematoma, Delayed bowel movement, Family hx of physiologic
jaundice, Drugs e.g. vit K3, Oxytocin (for induction of labor),
Hypoalbuminemia, Displacement of bilirubin from its binding sites on
albumin due to acidosis or drugs e.g. Sulfizoxazol or by free fatty acids
(due to hypoglycemia or hypothermia), Breast-feeding Jaundice, Breast-
milk Jaundice, Male gender, East Asian race & High altitude.

 Common Causes of Direct Hyperbilirubinemia:-

Neonatal hepatitis, Cong bile duct disorders (atresia, paucity, Byler

disease), Cholestasis, Inborn errors of metabolism, CF, & Sepsis.

 Common Causes of Prolonged NNJ > 2wk (Direct & Indirect):-

Hemolytic diseases of newborn, Biliary atresia, Neonatal hepatitis, Cong

infections, Familial non-hemolytic hyperbilirubimemia, Hypothyroidism,
Galactosemia, Inspissated bile after severe hemolytic disease,
Hyperalimentation, Pyloric stenosis, Down syndrome, Breast-milk
jaundice, & rarely physiologic jaundice.

- 43 -
Physiologic Jaundice
(Icterus Neonatorum)

Et. ↑ indirect bilirubin production from breakdown of fetal RBC

combined with transient limitationin conjugation of bilirubin by the
immature liver. It is a diagnosis of exclusion.

 In Term infant, it usually started in the 2nd-3rd day of life, peaking in

2nd-4th day & gradually it resolve after 5th-7th day. It rarely reachs >
12 mg/dl.
 In Preterm infant, it started in the 3rd-4th day of life, peaking in 4th-
7th day & gradually it resolve after 7th-9th day. It rarely reachs > 15
mg/dl. Thus it tends to be slower & longer duration with higher level.

 Factors that suggest non-physiologic jaundice include:-

1. Jaundice appears in the 1st day of life.
2. TSB > 12 mg/dl in term or > 15 mg/dl in preterm infant.
3. TSB that rapidly increasing > 5 mg/dl/day.
4. Direct bilirubin > 2 mg/dl at any time.
5. Jaundice that persist > 10-14 days.
6. Other factors include: family hx of hemolytic disease, pallor,
hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, vomiting, lethargy, poor feeding,
excessive weight loss, abnormal vital signs, light-colored stools, dark
urine positive for bilirubin, failure of phototherapy to lower bilirubin,
and signs of kernicterus.

Rx. Physiologic jaundice is benign conditions that usually require no Rx

except if other risk factors are presented e.g. prematurity; therefore it
may need phototherapy.

- 44 -
Breast-Milk Jaundice
It is a rare condition that occurs in ≈ 2% of breast-fed term infants. It
may be due to presence of glucuronidase in some breast milk. It occurs
after the 1st wk of life, peak in the 2nd or 3rd wk& then gradually
resolve, although it may persist as long as 10th wk of life at lower level.
TSB can be as high as 10-30 mg/dl.

Rx. Temporary interruption of breast feeding for 1-2 days is both

diagnostic & therapeutic because jaundice will rapidly ↓ to the normal
level within few days & seldom return to the previous high levels even
after resumption of breast feeding. Phototherapy may be required for
extreme high level of bilirubin.

Breast-Feeding Jaundice
It is more common than above (≈ 13%). It can occur in the 1st week of
life exaggerating the physiologic jaundice. It may be due to decreased
milk intake with dehydration and/or reduced caloric intake; it also
may be aggravated by giving glucose water (because it may ↓ milk

Rx. Frequent breast-feeding including night feeding +/_

supplementation with formula feeding for 1-2 days.

- 45 -
Hemolytic Diseases of Newborn
It is a major cause of HDN (Erythroblastosis Fetalis), but less common
than ABO incompatibility. It is more common in whites!.

Et. In addition to the major blood group (ABO system), there are many
other minor blood group systems e.g. C, D, E, c, d, e, Kell, Duffy, Lewis….etc.
Each can elicit an immune response, but ≈90% is due to antibodies against
D antigen (Rh disease), whereas anti-Lewis antibodies do not cause a

Path. The immune system to be sensitized requires at least 1 ml of fetal

blood that enters maternal circulation during labor or abortion →↑ IgM
antibody initially which later replaced by IgG which is readily crosses the
placenta and causes hemolytic manifestations. Therefore, HDN is rarely
occurs in the 1st pregnancy, but it increasing with subsequent
pregnancies (although not always).
ABO incompatibility is partially protective against Rh
incompatibility due to rapid removal of Rh-positive cells from maternal
circulation before sensitization by the pre-existing anti-A or anti-B IgM
maternal antibodies.

C.M. The severity is ranged from mild hemolysis to hydrops fetalis.

Severe anemia in the fetus → compensatory hyperplasia of
erythropoietic tissue → massive enlargement of the liver and spleen.
When the compensatory capacity of the hematopoietic system is
exceeded, profound anemia occurs and results in pallor, signs of cardiac
decompensation (cardiomegaly, respiratory distress), anasarca, and
circulatory collapse. The clinical picture of excessive abnormal fluid in ≥
2 of fetal compartments (skin, pleura, pericardium, placenta,
peritoneum, amniotic fluid) is termed "Hydrops Fetalis" which
frequently results in death in utero or shortly after birth. The severity of
hydrops is related to the level of anemia and the degree of reduction in
serum albumin which is due in part to hepatic dysfunction.

Note: Hydrops Fetalis can result from other diseases (Non-immune Hydrops) e.g.
other types of non-immune hemolytic anemias, blood loss, cardiac arrhythmias,

- 46 -
structural heart/thoracic/or CNS lesions, vascular or lymphatic disorders, cong
infections, tumors, chromosomal abnormalities & others, or may be idiopathic.

After birth, there may be blue berry-muffin rash (which represent

dermal erythropoiesis). Petechiea & purpura may be due to
thrombocytopenia or DIC. Bilirubin pigment may stain the cord, vernix &
amniotic fluid. Hypoglycemia frequently occur in severe disease which
may be due to hyperinsulinemia!.

1. Serologic tests; expectant parents' blood types should be tested for
potential incompatibility. Fetal Rh status can be determined by
isolating fetal cells (or fetal DNA) from the maternal circulation. Rh –ve
woman with previous hx of transfusions, abortion, or pregnancy should
suggest the possibility of sensitization, thus measure maternal titer of
IgG antibodies to D antigen at ≈14, 30, and 36 wk of gestation. The
presence of elevated antibody titers at the beginning of pregnancy, a
rapid rise in titer, or titer ≥ 1 : 64 suggests significant hemolytic disease
(although the exact titer correlates poorly with the severity of disease).

2. Ultrasound; Real-time US can detect the progression of disease

including hydrops. Doppler US can confirm the severe disease by detect
↑ vascular resistance in the middle cerebral artery of fetus.

3. Amniocentesis was classically used to assess fetal hemolysis by

measuring bilirubin in the amniotic fluid. Percutaneous Umbilical
Blood Sampling (PUBS) is used to measure bilirubin, Hb, pcv…etc; it
also can be used to transfuse packed RBC in severely affected fetus.

1. Immediately after birth, take blood from the umbilical cord or from
infant & test for TSB, ABO, Rh, Hb, pcv as well as for the Direct
Coombs test (which usually strongly +ve and may remain so for a few
days to several months). Bilirubin (especially indirect) can rapidly rise
within 6 hr of life. Hb is usually very low, but may be normal if
compensatory hematopoiesis is adequate.
2. CBP shows polychromasia, reticulocytosis & nucleated RBC. WBC may
be ↑ & platelets usually ↑ in severe disease.

- 47 -
3. Indirect Coombs test should also be done on the maternal blood not
only to establish the diagnosis but also for selection of the most
compatible blood for exchange transfusion.

 Antenatal Rx; If the fetus is near term, deliver. If preterm, assess lung
maturity & treat with corticosteroids, then deliver. If extremely
preterm, do intravascular fetal transfusion of packed RBC through
the umbilical vein which can be repeated every month until delivery.

 PostnatalRx; If there is signs of severe disease, immediate resuscitation

with supportive measures e.g. O2 for respiratory distress, incubator
for hypothermia, sodium bicarbonate for acidosis & small
transfusion with O –ve packed RBS for severe anemia (before ET).
In Rh incompatibility, the selection of blood group for exchange
transfusion is either O–ve orothers (A or B) if both mother & infant
were of the same group, but the Rh must always be –ve.

 Untreated severe disease either → death or kernicterus.
 Late anemia; either hemolytic or hyporegenerative. Rx by iron,
erythropoietin or sometimes blood transfusion.
 Rarely, inspissated bile syndrome; the cause is unclear, it → ↑ direct
& indirect bilirubin, but jaundice usually clears spontaneously within
few weeks to months.

Pv. Anti-D globulin IM injection; 300 μg (1 ml of RhoGAM) within 72 hr

to the mother after delivery of Rh-positive infant or after any condition
that potentially causes feto-maternal transfusion.
Note: The dose 300 μg can eliminate only ≈10 ml fetal RBC from the maternal
circulation, thus for larger transfusion, higher dose is required.

- 48 -

It is the most common cause of HDN, but it less severe than Rh

incompatibility either because of low antigenicity of ABO factors or the
anti-A or anti-B antibody may bind to a non-erythrocytic cells which
contain A or B antigen.

Path. The motheris usuallytype O and the infant is type A or B.

Although antibodies against A and B factors occur without previous
sensitization, i.e. “natural” antibodies, they are usually IgM antibodies
that do not cross the placenta. However, IgG antibodies to A antigen
may also be present which can cross the placenta, so A-O isoimmune
hemolytic disease is more common than B-O disease& may be found
in first-born infants. Mothers who have become sensitized against A or B
factors from a previous incompatible pregnancy may also exhibit IgG

C.M. Most cases are mild, but jaundice may be present in the 1st day &
rise rapidly, pallor usually is not present & hydrops is extremely rare.

 Bl. gr. for the infant & mother.
 TSB (especially indirect) is elevated.
 Direct Coombs test is weakly to moderately positive.
 CBP; Hb is normal or low, Reticulocytosis, Nucleated RBCs ↑,
Polychromasia & Spherocytosis.

 ABO incompatibility usually requires only phototherapy, but some
severe cases may require exchange transfusions with type O blood &
the same Rh type of the infant.
 Some infants may exhibit slowly progressive anemia after several
weeks of age which may require transfusion of packed RBCs, thus post-
discharge monitoring of hemoglobin or Hct is essential in newborn with
ABO hemolytic disease.

- 49 -
 Other Forms of Hemolytic Diseases:-

 Other Minor blood group incompatibility are account < 5% of HDN

with positive direct Coombs test. They may be severe that need PT or
ET. Anti-Kell antibodies can cause erythroid suppression with severe
anemia which may contribute to hydrops fetalis.
 Congenital infections e.g. TORCHS may be manifested as anemia,
jaundice, HSM and thrombocytopenia.
 Homozygous α-Thalassemia may be associated with severe
hemolytic anemia and a clinical picture resembling hydrops fetalis.
 Membranopathy e.g. H. Spherocytosis & Enzymopathy e.g. G6PD can
also cause anemia & jaundice in early infancy.

Note: The later 3 causes of hemolysis can easily be distinguished from blood
group incompatibilities by negative direct Coombs test.

- 51 -
(Bilirubin Encephalopathy)
Et. Kernicterus is a neurologic syndrome resulting from the deposition of
unconjugated bilirubin in the basalganglia & brainstem nuclei which
become stained yellow then atrophy.

Risk factorsfor development of Kernicterus include any cause that

leads to disruption of the blood-brain barrier e.g. HDN, especially if
associated with prematurity, sepsis, asphyxia, IVH, drugs…etc.

Kernicterus is usually occurs in the 1st wk of life, but may be delayed

depending on; the cause of jaundice, infant's well being, level of
unconjugated bilirubin & duration of exposure. However, Kernicterus is
unusual after the 4th day in term infant & 7th day in the preterm.

C.M. It usually appear 2–5 days after birth in term infants and as late as
the 7th day in premature infants. It passes into several stages:-

1. 1st 1–2 days; features are non-specific e.g. lethargy, poor sucking, poor
reflexes, hypotonia, and seizures.

2. Following days till end of 1st wk; patient deteriorate with hypertonia
of extensor muscles only (manifested as opisthotonos, retrocollis),
twitching of the face or limbs, shrill high-pitched cry, bulging fontanel,
respiratory distress and fever.

3. After the 1st wk; patient develop hypertonia and stiffly extending their
arms in an inward rotation with the fists clenched as well as

Many infants who progress to these severe neurologic signs die (75%);
the survivors are usually seriously damaged, but may appear to recover
in the following 2–3 mo!.

4. Later in the 1st yr; hypotonia, active deep tendon reflexes, obligatory
tonic neck reflexes, opisthotonos, convulsions, & delayed motor skills.

- 50 -
5. In the 2nd yr; the opisthotonos and seizures abate, but irregular,
involuntary movements, muscle rigidity, and, in some infants, hypotonia
increase steadily.

6. At 3 yr of age; complete neurologic syndrome is often apparent which

consists of bilateral choreoathetosis with involuntary muscle spasms,
extrapyramidal signs, seizures, mental deficiency, dysarthric speech,
high frequency hearing loss, squint and defective upward eye

Pv. There is no Rx for Kernicterus, but there are some situations that
should be avoided to prevent Kernicterus e.g.:-

1. Early discharge with no early follow-up.

2. Lack of concern regarding the presence of jaundice.
3. Underestimation of the severity of jaundice by visual assessment.
4. Failure to check the TSB in infant with jaundiced in the 1st 24 hr.
5. Failure to recognize the presence of risk factors for Kernicterus.
6. Failure to respond to parental concern regarding jaundice, poor
feeding, or lethargy.
7. Delay in measuring TSB despite marked jaundice or delay in initiating
PT or ET.

- 52 -
Treatment of Neonatal Jaundice
PT is depends on high intensity of light in the visible spectrum maximally
in the blue range (420–470 nm) which also present in the sunlight. The
bilirubin in skin absorbs light energy → 2 photochemical reactions:-
1. Reversible photo-isomerization reaction converting the toxic
unconjugated bilirubin into an isomer called 4Z,15E-bilirubin which
can then be excreted in bile without conjugation.
2. Irreversible structural isomer called Lumirubin, converted from
native bilirubin and can be excreted by the kidneys in the
unconjugated state.
 Therapeutic effect of phototherapy depend on:-
1. Lightenergy emitted in the effective range of wavelengths.
2. Distance between the lights and the infant, which should be 15-20 cm.
3. Surface area of exposed skin, which can be increased by; turning the
infant frequently, lining the incubator with aluminum foil or white
material or by placing a fiberoptic phototherapy blanket under the
infant's back. Dark skin does not reduce the efficacy of phototherapy.
Cxs of PT:-
1. PT is contraindicated in the presence of Porphyria.
2. Corneal damage due to light exposure, thus shields is required to
close the eyes (but be careful not to close the nose).
3. Dehydration due to loose stools & overheating with ↑ insensible water
loss, thus patient need additional fluid, especially when TSB is near ET.
4. Skin rash e.g. erythematous macular rash, purpuric rash (due to
transient porphyrinemia). Bronze Baby syndrome is a dark, grayish-
brown discoloration due to presence of significant amount of
conjugated bilirubin, it may last for many months; however,
phototherapy can be continue if needed.
5. Anemia may develop due to continuous hemolysis which may need
blood transfusion later on.

Infants with HDN or TSB near the toxic level need to be checked every 4-
6 hr by measuring TSB, Hb, pcv & put it on the Nomogram because PT
may require 6-12 hr to have a measurable effect as well as the skin color
after PT cannot be relied on because the yellow discoloration may
- 53 -
ET is generally indicated in the following conditions:-
1. Cord blood show signs of severe hemolysis e.g. TSB ≥ 5 mg/dl, Hb ≤ 10
g/dl or Reticulocyte count ≥ 15%.
2. Term infant with TSB ≥ 10 mg/dl.
3. Infant with lower TSB level, but has risk factors of kernicterus e.g.
prematurity, sepsis…etc.
4. Infant with signs of kernicterus (regardless of TSB level).
5. Sibling with previous hx of kernicterus or hydrops.
Note: Infants who exhibit anemia only without hyperbilirubinemia (as in ABO
incompatibility) can be given blood transfusion only without ET.

 Procedure of ET:-
1. The volume of blood for ET = 2 × 85 ml/kg × body weight (kg). This
formula is for full-term newborn, whereas for preterm, use 95 ml/kg.
2. Blood used for exchange should be fresh as possible & gradually
rewarmed at or near body temp & it should be mixed throughout the
procedure by squeezing the bag to prevent sedimentation; otherwise
infant will be anemic at the end of procedure.
3. Empty infant's stomach (to prevent aspiration), maintain body temp &
monitor vital signs, especially HR; these usually done by an assistant.
4. Under aseptic technique, umbilical catheter is advanced into
umbilical vein at a distance not > 7 cm in term infant.
It also can be done through 2 peripheral lines; venous (infused in) &
arterial (drawn out).
5. Infuse or aspirate 5-20 ml each time according to the body weight &
degree of illness.
6. Always remove the catheter after ET to prevent infection &
thrombosis of umbilical vein; if the baby needs another ET, put a new
7. Duration of procedure should be between 45- 60 min.

Cxs of ET:-
1. Volume overload, cardiac arrhythmias (especially bradycardia),
apnea, cyanosis & death.
2. Metabolic disturbances e.g. acute acidosis with later alkalosis if
citrated blood is used (heparinized blood devoid this Cx).

- 54 -
Hypoglycemia may develop during up to 1-3 hr after the procedure as
well as Hyperkalemia (especially if old blood is used). Hypocalcemia
develop due to EDTA anticoagulant, thus give 1 ml calcium for each
100 ml of blood during ET.
3. Thrombocytopenia if blood bag aged >6-7 days (which is the half life
of platelets).
4. Rebound hyperbilirubinemia within hours after ET occur in 40-50%
of cases, especially those with severe HDN, thus recheck TSB every 4-8
hr after ET.
5. Blood-borne infections e.g. CMV, HIV, HBV…etc.
6. GvHD may be manifested as rash, diarrhea, hepatitis (especially if
blood is not irradiated or leukoreduced).
7. Infection of the umbilical vein when there is septic technique or
lefting the catheter for a long time.
8. Technical errors e.g. rupture of umbilical vein → hemoperitonium.
9. Necrotizing Enterocolitis is a rare Cx of ET.
10. Portal vein thrombosis & portal hypertension are remote Cxs that
may occur in children who had been subjected to ET in early life. It
may be associated with prolonged, traumatic, or septic umbilical vein

IV Immunoglobulin
It is an adjunctive therapy for NNJ due to isoimmune hemolytic disease
when bilirubin is approaching exchange levels, it may act by reducing
hemolysis. Dose is 0.5–1.0 g/kg/dose; repeated after 12 hr.

Although it being evaluated as yet, it is potentially an important
alternative therapy. It acts as a competitive enzymatic inhibitor for
heme-oxygenase which converts heme-protein to biliverdin which
consequently converted to the unconjugated bilirubin. It have been used
especially for ABO incompatibility, G6PD deficiency, or when blood
products are discouraged for ET; it given as single IM injection.
SE: transient erythema if the infant is receiving phototherapy.

- 55 -
It is defined as prolonged elevation of conjugated bilirubin level for >2
wk of life. Urine or serum bile acids measurement also can be used to
confirm cholestasis.

Et. Cholestasis is often due to hepatic or biliary diseases including

infectious, genetic, metabolic, or undefined abnormalities which →
mechanical obstruction of bile flow or to functional impairment of
hepatic excretory function and bile secretion. These causes can be
grouped into 2 major types: Neonatal hepatitis & Biliary atresia.

 Neonatal Hepatitis (NH); The biliary obstruction is intrahepatic. It

occur in either a sporadic or familial form& the cause of the disease is
mainly unknown (idiopathic), although some cases presumed to be due
to undefined metabolic diseaseor congenital viral infections, except viral
hepatitis which are rare!.
 Biliary Atresia (BA); The most common form (85%) is due to
obliteration of the entire extrahepatic biliary tree at or above the porta
hepatis. Most patients with biliary atresia (85–90%) have a postnatal
onset, whereas the embryonic fetal onset is present at birth and usually
associated with other congenital anomalies within the polysplenia
spectrum, called Biliary Atresia Splenic Malformation (BASM).

 Differentiation between Neonatal Hepatitis & Biliary Atresia :-

Although it is difficult but it is very important to differentiate between

them because in BA, surgery is critical within 8 wk of life, whereas in
NH no surgery is usually required. The following aspects can help in

1. Hx; In Idiopathic NH there is +ve family hx in ≈20% as well as hx of

prematurity or IUGR, whereas in BA, it is usually not. Persistently
acholic stools suggest BA, whereas transient impairment of bile
excretion suggests NH.
2. Ex; Palpation of the liver may reveal abnormal size or consistency in
patient with BA, which is less common in NH.
3. Abdominal US; It helpful in diagnosis of structural abnormalities of the
biliary tree. In BA, it can show the characteristic Triangular Cord sign
& the gallbladder is either not visualized or very small, it also may
- 56 -
find other anomalies associated with BA e.g. polysplenia and vascular
malformations, whereas the US findings in NH are usually not specific.
4. Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy; In BA hepatic uptake of the agent is
normal but excretion into the intestine is absent, whereas in NH
although the uptake may be impaired, excretion into the bowel will
eventually occur (which can be enhanced by administration of
phenobarbital for 5 days before the scan).
5. Liver Biopsy; In BA it shows bile ductular proliferation, the presence of
bile plugs, and portal or perilobular edema and fibrosis with the basic
hepatic lobular architecture intact. Whereas in NH it show
distortion of lobular architecture, marked infiltration with
inflammatory cells, and focal hepatocellular necrosis. Giant cell
transformation is found in both conditions.
6. Liver function tests e.g. albomine & PT are used to indicate severity of
hepatic dysfunction in both conditions.
7. Prognosis of NH is generally good, whereas in BA is usually bad
without surgery.
Note: Other causes of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia should also be excluded
by appropriate tests e.g. α1-antitrypsin deficiency, cong hypothyroidism, cystic
fibrosis, metabolic disorders….etc.

 Management of Chronic Cholestasis (at all ages):-

1. Drug toxicity; Hepatotoxic drugs should be avoided & drugs that are
mainly excreted by liver should ↓ the dose, frequency, or both.
2. Malnutrition due to malabsorption of long-chain triglycerides;
Replace with dietary formula or supplements containing medium-
chain triglycerides (which not need bile for absorption).
3. Malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, & K); Replace them in
higher doses or give the water soluble form orally (vit K) or
parenterally (vit D).
4. Deficiency of water-soluble vitamins; Supplement with twice the
uasual dose.
5. Micronutrient deficiency; Supplement with calcium, phosphate, and
6. Retention of biliary constituents e.g. cholesterol → itching or
xanthomas; If there is any degree of bile duct patency, administer
choleretic bile acids e.g. ursodeoxycholic acid.
- 57 -
7. Ascites; Restrict sodium intake (no need for fluid restriction in patient
with adequate renal output), if not effective, give spironolactone,
1mg/kg every 6 hr, if not effective, addanother diuretic e.g. thiazide
or furosemide, if not effective, do paracentesis with IV albumin
8. Variceal bleeding; Blood transfusion (but avoid overtransfusion),
then endoscopy for sclerotherapy or ligation (but not ballooning).
9. Portal hypertension; do transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic
shunt (TIPS) operation.
10. Biliary atresia; do Kasai procedure or hepatoportoenterostomy.
11. End-stage liver disease; Liver transplantation by either whole liver
or reduced-size transplants from living donor.

Note: When patient deteriorate at any stage of disease due to rapid increase in
hepatic damage with development of hepatic encephalopathy; patient should
be managed as in fulminant hepatic failure (see chapter 3).

- 58 -
It is defined as plethora, ruddy, deep red-purple color with Central
Hematocrit ≥ 65%.
Note: Peripheral (heel-stick Htc) values are higher than central values.

Et. During the 1st day of life (peak 2–3 hr after birth), after delayed
clamping of the umbilical cord, recipient infant of twin-twin transfusion,
infants with IUGR, postmaturity, infants of diabetic mothers, infants of
hypertensive mothers or those on propranolol, trisomy 13, 18, or 21,
adrenogenital syndrome, neonatal Graves disease, hypothyroidism,
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, and high altitude.

C.M. Polycythemia is either asymptomatic or associated with irritability,

lethargy, tachypnea, respiratory distress, cyanosis, feeding difficulty,
jaundice, hypoglycemia, and thrombocytopenia!.

Cx. Polycythemia usually →hyperviscosity which associated with

decreased deformability of neonatal RBCs → seizures, stroke, pulmonary
hypertension, necrotizing enterocolitis, renal vein thrombosis, and renal

Rx. Partial exchange transfusion can be done with normal saline (NS)
0.9% when the patient is symptomatic or Hct > 70-75% as follow:-
Observed − Desired Hct (50%)
Volume of exchange = Blood volume (85ml/kg) ×
Observed Hct

Pg. Most asymptomatic infants develop normally, but some symptomatic

infants may later on develop speech deficits, low IQ, school problems, and
other neurologic abnormalities.

- 59 -
It is defined as Hb level < 13 g/dL. See the normal ranges of Hb below:-

Age Hb(range)mean PCV% WBC Neutrophils% Lymphcytes%

At birth: (13-20)16 55 (9-30)18 60 30
2 weeks: (13-20)16 50 (5-21)12 40 60
3 months: (9-14)12 36 (6-18)12 30 50
6mo-6yr: (10-14)12 37 (6-15)10 45 50
7-12 yr: (11-16)13 38 (4-13)8 55 35

Reticulocyte count is normally ≈1% at all ages except at birth is 5%.

Et. Causes of anemia in the newborn can be divided according to onset:-

1. Anemia at birth: feto-maternal transfusion, tearing or early clamping of

the umbilical cord, placenta previa or abruption,internal hemorrhage, α-
thalassemia, congenital parvovirus infection or other hypoplastic
anemias, TTT syndrome, HDN.
Note: In transplacental hemorrhage, fetal RBC can be detected in the maternal
circulation by either; flow cytometry methods or Kleihauer-Betke test (acid
illusion test); by addition of acid causes hemolysis for only maternal RBC which
contain HbA but not fetal RBC which contain HbF.

2. Anemia after few days of life: HDN (e.g. Rh, ABO incompatability),
hemorrhagic disease of newborn, bleeding from an improperly clamped
umbilical cord, large cephalohematoma, intracranial or internal

3. Anemia later in the neonatal period: physiologic anemia of infant,

HDN (including cong hemolytic anemias e.g. hereditary spherocytosis &
G6PD deficiency), bleeding from hemangiomas or ulcers, excessive
withdrawal of blood for investigations.

C.M. It depends on whether the blood loss is acute or chronic.

 Acute blood loss usually results in severe distress at birth & shock with
no HSM; initially there is normal hemoglobin level.
 Chronic blood loss in utero produces marked pallor, less distress, a low
hemoglobin level with microcytic indices & HSM and, if severe, HF.

- 61 -
Physiologic Anemia of Infancy
1. Shortened RBC survival, 40-60 days versus 120 days in adults.
2. Rapid growth of infant body → rapid expansion of RBC mass.
3. Switch from high-oxygen-affinity HbF to the lower-oxygen-affinity
HbA which deliver greater oxygen to the tissues →↓ erythropoietin
Physiologic anemia is differ between term & preterm infant in the
following: In term infant, the onset usually at 8-12 wk (2-3 mo) & Hb
may be as low as 9 g/dL, whereas in preterm infant, onset as early as 6
wk (1-2 mo) & usually more severe, Hb may reach as low as 7 g/dL.

Rx. It depends on the severity of symptoms, hemoglobin level, and

presence of co-morbid diseases.

 Acute blood loss may need immediate blood transfusion (if available)
or fluid resuscitation then packed RBC.
 Chronic anemia in full-term infant may be asymptomatic & only require
 Symptomatic newborn, especially if premature with other illnesses
e.g. RDS, BPD, apnea or bradycardia may need transfusion with packed
RBC in dose 10-20 ml/kg over 2-4 hr to rise Hb up to 12-14 g/dl.
 Alternatively, some infants can be given erythropoietin & tonics
containing iron & vitamins (especially E & folate) for Pv or Rx of anemia.

Note: Blood given to premature infant should be screened for blood-borne

infections & irradiated or leukoreduced to reduce GvHD.

Pv. Delayed clamping of the umbilical cord (up to 3 min. or after

cessation of cord pulsation) can prevent anemia in newborn for several
months after birth; although there is some risk of polycythemia but it is
usually asymptomatic.

- 60 -
(Vitamin K Deficiency)
Vit K deficiency is the most common cause of hemorrhagic disease in
the newborn. It results in deficiency of the clotting factors; 2, 7, 9 & 10.
The site of bleeding can be any site in body, especially the umbilical

Et. It can be divided according to the onset of bleeding as follows:-

 Early onset; 1st 24 hr after birth. It occurs if the mother has been
treated with drugs that interfere with vit K function e.g. warfarin,
phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin, isoniazide.

 Classic disease (most common); usually manifested after the 2nd -

3rd day & gradually improve by 7-10 day of life. Causes include: lack of
free vit K from the mother during pregnancy, absence of the bacterial
intestinal flora (which normally responsible for the synthesis of vit K) &
breast feeding (because breast milk is deficient in vit K).

 Late onset; after the 2nd wk of life. It usually due to vit K

malabsorption by Cholestasis e.g. biliary atresia, neonatel hepatitis

 PT & PTT are prolonged (especially PT).
 ↓ levels of vit K–dependent factors.
 ↑ PIVKA (protein induced in vitamin K absence) is a sensitive marker
for vit K status; this protien represent the precurser of vit K–dependent

 Neonatal Thrombocytopenic Purpura.
 Hemophilia A & B.
 Von Willibrand disease.
 DIC, usually in sick preterm infant.
 Ecchymoses & bruising in the infant skin (especially preterm), or may
occur after traumatic delivery.

- 62 -
 Petechiae or bluish suffusion limited to the face (or any presenting part)
as a result of venous congestion during delivery; it usually resolve
within 2-3 wk.
 Swallowed blood syndrome → bloody stool in the 2nd or 3rd day of
life due to swallowing of maternal blood during delivery or may be due
to fissure in the maternal nipple during feeding. It can be diagnosed by
the Apt test which can differentiate fetal Hb (which is alkali-resist) from
maternal Hb that mixed with stool.

Rx. If there is clinical bleeding, give vit K 1-5 mg IV, but it require 12 hr
to start its action; thus if active bleeding occur, give fresh frozen plasma
or whole blood.
Note: Giving vit K to the mother or oral vit K to the infant is not recommended
because it has unpredictable effect.

Pv. 1 mg of vit K by IM injection at birth.

- 63 -
(Neonatal Sepsis)
Intrauterine infection (IUI) is depends on; offending organisms, maternal
immunity, and gestational age at which infection occur.

Sequelae of IUI include: abortion, preterm labor, still birth, IUGR, cong
malformations, acute or delayed disease in the neonatal period,
asymptomatic persistent infection with sequelae later in life, or no
apparent effect.

 PRENATALLY; by vertical transmission, i.e. transplacentally. It
includes (TORCHS) toxoplasmosis, rubella, CMV, HSV, syphilis, as well as
other pathogens e.g. parvovirus B19, varicella...etc.

 PERINATALLY; by transverse transmission, i.e. ascending infectios by

aerobic & anerobic bacteria through the birth canal that mainly occur
after prolong rupture of membrane > 18 hr (although it may occur in
< 18 hr or even in apparently intact membranes!).
Organisms are mainly included: HSV, HIV, HBV, HCV, and TB, although
some of these organisms can be transmitted transplacentally, whereas
TB is usually transmitted postnatally. In addition to these organisms,
other organisms that inhabit genitourinary or lower GIT also may cause
perinatal or postnatal infections e.g. GBS, enteric organisms, gonococci,
and chlamydiae.
Their manifestations include maternal fever with or without local or
systemic signs of chorioamnionitis e.g. uterine tenderness, foul
smelling vaginal discharge/amniotic fluid, maternal leukocytosis,
maternal and/or fetal tachycardia.

 POSTNATALLY; after exposure of newborn to the infectious agents in

the nursery "Nosocomial infections" or healthcare-associated
infections (HAIs). It is mostly due to hand contamination of health
care personnel or during invasive procedures. Organisms include:
coagulase-negative staphylococci, gram-negative bacilli (E. coli,
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia), enterococci, S. aureus, and Candida,
as well as some viruses e.g. respiratory viruses, enteroviruses, and CMV.

- 64 -
Community-acquired infection occur after discharging home which
mainly include: S. pneumonia& H. influenza.
Note: Rhinovirus has been reported to cause severe respiratory compromise
especially in preterm.

 Immunity of Newborn (especially premature) is relatively defective in

comparison with the adult in the following aspects:-
1. IgG is the only antibody that transmitted from mother to fetus through
placenta throughout gestation, whereas the response to G -ve bacteria is
predominantly of IgM class.
2. Complements are not transferred but synthesized by fetus with lower
level in the premature with lower response of the classic & alternative
3. Leukocyte functions are impaired in newborn unless there is adequate
opsonization. Neutrophil are increased after birth, peak at 12 hr &
return to normal after 22 hr. Band neutrophil constitute ≈ 15% & may ↑
during infection or stressful condition. Neutrophil storage pool in
newborn is only ≈ 20–30% of that in adults and is more likely to be
depleted in the face of infection. Neutropenia is common in premature,
IUGR, sepsis, and maternal preeclampsia.

 Neonatal infection by age of onset:-

1. Early-onset sepsis; usually acquired before or during delivery till the
end of the 1st wk. The source of organisms is usually of maternal
origin. The infection is usually multisystemic.
2. Late-onset sepsis; after 1st wk to 1st mo. It is usually due to either
nosocomial or community-acquired infection. It is multisystemic or
3. Very-late-onset sepsis; after 1st mo. It is usually community-acquired
and localized infection.
4. Nosocomial infection; it usually acquired in the NICU which is usually
the most difficult to treat because the organisms are usually multidrug

 C.M. of Congenital Infections:-

Each specific cong infection has its characteristic manifestations, but in
general, it include any of the following features; IUGR, microcephaly or
hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications, chorioretinitis, cataracts,
- 65 -
myocarditis, pneumonia, HSM, hepatitis with direct hyperbilirubinemia,
anemia, thrombocytopenia, hydrops fetalis, and skin manifestations e.g.
petechiae, purpura, and vesicles.

Many of these agents cause late sequelae, even if the infant is

asymptomatic at birth. These adverse outcomes include: sensorineural
hearing loss, visual disturbances (including blindness), seizures, and
neurodevelopmental abnormalities.

 C.M. of Neonatal Sepsis:-

Neonates with bacterial sepsis may have either non-specific signs and
symptoms or focal signs of infection that may initially limited to one
system then become multisystemic. These manifestations include:-

 General; “not doing well”, temperature instability (fever or

hypothermia), poor feeding, edema.
 Respiratory; apnea, dyspnea, tachypnea, retractions, flaring, grunting,
 CVS; pallor, mottling, cold & clammy skin, tachycardia, bradycardia,
 GIT; abdominal distention, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatomegaly.
 CNS; irritability, lethargy, tremors, seizures, hyporeflexia, hypotonia,
abnormal Moro reflex, bulging fontanel.
 Renal; oliguria.
 Hematologic; jaundice, splenomegaly, pallor, petechiae, purpura,

Note: Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) is used to describe

the systemic response to the process of infection; it usually manifested as temp
instability, perfusion abnormalities, respiratory & cardiac dysfunction; it also
may occur with other conditions e.g. trauma, hemorrhagic shock, ischemia, and

 Localized infection in newborn mainly includes pneumonia or

Early manifestations of pneumonia may be non-specific &
indistinguishable from those of sepsis then respiratory manifestations
will predominate; blood culture is not helpful because it is mainly –ve.
Meningitis is also the same, but blood culture is +ve in 70-85% of cases,
but, however, meningitis can occur without changes in the CSF profiles!.
- 66 -
D.Dx. of neonatal sepsis:-
 Cardiac; CHD, PPHN, Myocarditis, Shock.
 GIT; NEC, Structural abnormalities, GI perforation.
 CNS; HIE, Intracranial hemorrhage, Neonatal seizures, Infant botulism.
 Respiratory; RDS, TTN, TEF, Aspiration pneumonia.
 Metabolic; Kernicterus, Hypoglycemia, Adrenal disorders, Inborn
errors of metabolism.
 Hematologic; Neonatal purpura fulminans, Severe anemia,
Neutropenia, Thrombocytopenia, Malignancies.

 Fever of newborn:-
Fever does not always indicate infection because ≈ half of newborns
respond to infection with temp instability or hypothermia (especially
in premature infant).
Other causes of fever include: increased ambient temperature (e.g.
radiant warmer), dehydration, CNS disorders (especially of
hypothalamus), cong hyperthyroidism, familial dysautonomia, or
ectodermal dysplasia.

 Septic Screen is helpful in diagnosis of any cause of neonatal sepsis, it
1. CBP & Blood film; there may be Bandemia >20%of total neutrophils
or more commonly Neutropenia.
2. C-reanctive protien & ESR mainly ↑ in bacterial (not viral) infection.
3. Blood culture; it should done by 2 specimens in 2 different sites (to
avoid confusion with skin flora). However some patient may have –ve
blood culture, this is called "clinical sepsis".
4. CSF examination & culture is important when there is suspicion of
meningitis, especially those with +ve blood culture, "clinical sepsis", or
VLBW with signs of late-onset sepsis.
Note: Remember that changes of CSF profile does not always occur in
meningitis except for gram stain & culture.
5. GUE & culture; this can be omitted in early-onset sepsis because UTI is
rare in the newborn.
6. CXR; if pneumonia is suspected.
7. Other investigations are according to the system involved & may
include PCR or DNA testing for specific infections.

- 67 -
 Intrauterine & Congenital Infections e.g. TORCH can be diagnosed by
serologic tests (which may require fetal blood sample through
cordocentesis) for measuring specific IgM (which indicate a recent
infection) or by subsequent ↑ of IgG.

 Maternal Amnionitis (which is a risk factor of early-onset sepsis)

sometimes can be diagnosed by careful examination of placenta and
also examination of gastric aspirate (in the 1st day of life) to look for
bacteria & inflammatory cells.

Rx. It is generally involves parenteral antibiotics & supportive care:-

 ANTIBIOTICS should be given i.v. immediately after obtaining blood

 Imperical antibiotic therapy for Neonatal Sepsis include: Ampicillin
+ Aminoglycoside (or 3rd generation Cephalosporins).

The following commonly used antibiotics should be given in frequencies

appropriate with the age & birth weight of newborn as follows:-
Ampicillin (50-100 mg/kg ÷ 2-4 times daily), Gentamicin (3-7.5 mg/kg
÷ 1-3), Amikacin (15-30 mg/kg ÷ 2-3), Cefotaxime & Cefepime (100-
150 mg/kg ÷ 2-3), Ceftriaxone (50-75 mg/kg once), Chloramphenicol
(25-50 mg/kg ÷ 1-2), Meropenem (60 mg/kg ÷ 3).

 If Staphylococcal infection is suspected, give Antistaphylococcal

penicillin, Vancomycin (15-30 mg/kg ÷ 1-3), or Meropenem.
 If Pseudomonas infection is suspected, give an Anti-pseudomonal e.g.
Ceftazidime (100-150 mg/kg ÷ 2-3), Piperacillin (100-300 mg/kg ÷
2-4), Aminoglycoside, or Meropenem.
 If Anaerobic infections is suspected, give Metronidazole (loading
dose 15 mg/kg) followed 24 hours later (in term infants) and 48 hours
later (in preterm infants) by 7.5 mg/kg every 12 hr, Clindamycin (10-
20 mg/kg ÷ 2-4), or Meropenem.

Duration of antibiotic therapy is either for 7-10 daysor at least for 5-7
days after clinical response.
Blood culture should be –ve after 1-2 day of initiation of therapy, if not it
is either due to: resistant organisms, subtherapeutic antibiotic levels,
infected indwelling catheter, infected thrombus, occult abscess, or
- 68 -
Management of these conditions is either by; changing the antibiotic, ↑
its dose, longer duration of Rx, or removal of catheter if present.

 Imperical antibiotic therapy for Neonatal Meningitis include:

Ampicillin + 3rd generation cephalosporin (not Aminoglycosides
because they are not achieve adequate level in CSF).
Duration of Rx in meningitis due to GBS is 2-3 wk, whereas in Gram -ve
bacilli, it is either for 3 wk or for at least 2 wk after CSF sterilization
(which may take 2-10 days).
Note: Corticosteroids have no role in the Rx of neonatal bacterial meningitis, in
contrast to older infants & children.

 Neonatal Herpes Meningo-encephalitis may occur if there is hx of

maternal infection in the perinatal period; it should be treated with
Acyclovir. Emperical antibacterial therapy can be started concurrently
but stopped when bacterial culture becomes – ve.
Enteroviral infections require only supportive care +/_ Pleconaril.

 Fungal Infection is common in VLBW infant & those in NICU, it should

be treated by appropriate Antifungal agents.


 Fluids & electrolytes management e.g. good hydration to prevent
shock with correction of hypoglycemia & acidosis.
 Ventilatory support by O2 & humidification, especially for infants
with pneumonia.
 Appropriate management of seizure, jaundice, & DIC.
 A trial of IVIG, Granulocyte transfusion, and G-CSF, GM-CSF (to
abolish sepsis-induced neutropenia).

 Neonatal sepsis; shock, HF, respiratory failure, pulmonary
hypertension, ARF, liver dysfunction, cerebral edema & thrombosis,
adrenal hemorrhage, BM dysfunction, and DIC.
 Neonatal meningitis; ventriculitis, cerebritis, and brain abscess (these
Cxs can be diagnosed by brain US or CT scan).
 Bacteremia; endocarditis, septic emboli, abscess formation, septic
arthritis (with residual disability), and osteomyelitis.
 Candidemia; vasculitis, endocarditis, and endophthalmitis, as well as
abscesses in the kidneys, liver, lungs, or brain.
- 69 -
Pg. Factors associated with bad prognosis are; Gram-negative bacilli,
fungal infection, shock, coma, seizure (> 3 days), & leukopenia.

Long-term sequelae of meningitis occur in ≈ half of survivors, it

include: hearing loss, abnormal behavior, developmental delay, cerebral
palsy, focal motor disability, seizure disorders, or hydrocephalus.
However, some of these sequelae can occur in sepsis without meningitis
(due to septic shock or cerebritis).

 Maternal immunization against preventable intrauterine infections.
 Intrapartum Penicillin to the mother can prevent perinatal &
postnatal GBS infection.
 Aggressive Rx of chorioamnionitis by antibiotics during labor with
rapid delivery of fetus reduces the risk of early-onset neonatal sepsis.
 Prevention of Nosocomial infection can be done by hand-washing
(which is most important), wearing of gloves & gowns, care of
intravascular catheters by antiseptic technique with ↓ its duration, ↓
handling of the infant, continuous monitoring and surveillance of
nosocomial infections, as well as frequent education and feedback for
nursery personnel.
 Prophylactic administration of Fluconazole during the 1st 6 wk of
life reduces fungal colonization and invasive fungal infection in
extremely LBW infants.
 Antimicrobial Stewardship to prevent antimicrobial resistance in
healthcare settings through treating infections with an antimicrobial
with the narrowest spectrum and discontinuing therapy when adequate
therapy has been administered.
 Bovine Lactoferrin +/_ probiotic (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG) orally
to LBW infants for 1 mo may prevent late-onset bacterial & fungal

- 71 -
Rickets in VLBW infants (<1 kg) has become a significant problem, as the
survival rate for this group has increased.

Et. 80% of transfer for calcium (Ca) & phosphorus (Pi) from mother to
fetus occurs during the 3rd trimester. Thus, premature birth interrupts
this process, especially when breast milk and standard formula do not
contain enough Ca & Pi to supply the needs of the developing premature
Other risk factors include: cholestatic jaundice, complicated neonatal
course, prolonged use of parenteral nutrition, use of soy formula, and
medications (especially corticosteroids and diuretics e.g. furosemide).

C.M. Rickets of prematurity occurs as early as 1-4 mo after birth. Most

infants have no clinical manifestations, and the diagnosis is based on
radiographic & laboratory findings, although some can have non-
traumatic fractures, but most are not suspected clinically!.

Fractures and softening of the ribs → ↓ chest compliance which →

respiratory distress. This usually develops after 5 wk of birth
(distinguishing it from the early-onset respiratory diseases of premature

These infants often have poor linear growth, with negative effects on
growth persisting beyond 1 yr of age. An additional long-term effect is
enamel hypoplasia and dolichocephaly (long head). Other classic
rachitic changes may also found (see C.M. of Rickets in the next chapter).

 Usually serum Pi ↓, urine Pi ↓, whereas 25 vit D is Normal & 1,25 vit
D is high (due to stimulation of renal 1α-hydroxylase by
hypophosphatemia). This high levels of 1,25 vit D may contribute to
bone demineralization (because it stimulates bone resorption to rise
serum Ca).
Serum Ca either ↓, N, or ↑; but urine Ca often ↑ (due to ↑ intestinal
absorption by vit D with inability to deposit calcium in bone due to
inadequate phosphorus supply). Alkaline phosphatase usually ↑ (or
may be N).

- 70 -
Note: Hypercalciuria indicates that phosphorus is the limiting nutrient for bone
mineralization & hence the deficiency in Pi > Ca.

 X-ray of the wrists and ankles can confirm the Dx by showing changes
of rickets, it also may reveal fractures.

 Asymptomatic premature infants can be screened by weekly

measurements of serum Ca, Pi, & ALP, as well as periodic measurement
of serum bicarbonate (because metabolic acidosis causes dissolution of
bone). High risk infants should also take at least 1 screening X-ray for
rickets at 6-8 wk of age.

Rx. & Pv. Provision of adequate amounts of calcium & phosphorus via
standard formula fortified with Ca & Pi (or by special preterm formula)
until these preterm infants reach 3-3.5 kg of weight. These infants
should also receive 400 IU/day of vit D via formula or supplements.
Preterm infants on breast feeding can also be supplied with tonics
containing Ca, Pi, & vit D.

Current parenteral nutrition with amino acid preparations provides

higher concentrations of Ca & Pi. Early transition to enteral feedings is
also helpful.

- 72 -
2. Common Nutritional Disorders

 Failure To Thrive
 Severe Childhood Undernutrition
 Rickets (including vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorous
 Hypervitaminosis D
 Food Allergy

- 73 -
FTT is usually a diagnosis of infants & children below 3 yr of age whose
growth is less than that of their peers. Although there is no one set of
growth parameters provide a criteria for universal definition, but it
classically refers to aseither weight below 3rd or 5th percentile
orchange in weight that crossed 2 major percentiles in a short time.

Et. It is often multifactorial, but generally can be divided into organic &
non-organic causes:-
 Organic FTT usually includes any chronic severe disease that affects
any system of the body.
 Non-organic (Psychosocial) FTT include:-
 Inadequate diet because of poverty, food insufficiency, or errors in food
 Poor parenting skills (lack of knowledge of sufficient diet).
 Child-parent interaction problems (autonomy struggles, coercive
feeding, maternal depression).
 Parental cognitive or mental health problems.
 Child abuse or neglect, emotional deprivation.
 Rumination, a rare disorder associated with repeated regurgitation and
rechewing of food.

In another way, FTT can also be due to either:-

 Failure of provision of sufficient food.
 Failure to ingest and utilize sufficient food.
 Malabsorption.
 ↑ metabolic demands.

C.M. It ranges from just poor growth in comparison with their peers to
manifestations similar to those of severe malnutrition (see the next topic).

In psychosocial FTT there may be signs of neglect e.g. diaper rash,

unwashed skin, untreated impetigo, uncut and dirty fingernails, or
unwashed cloths. A flattened occiput with hair loss may indicate that the
infant has being unattended for prolonged periods. Other features may
include delays in social and speech development, avoidance of eye
contact, expressionless face, & hypotonia.

- 74 -
 Approach to infant with FTT:-
The hx in any patient with FTT must include a detailed dietary hx with
observation of maternal-child interaction. Physical examination should
include all systems of body that may affect growth.

Measure periodically all growth parameters including; weight,

length/height & (weight/height) ratio to measure the degree of FTT. In
malnutrition, weight is the 1st to be affected, followed by height,
whereas head circumference is lastly affected when malnutrition is
seriously affect brain growth.

 Classification of FTT according to severity:- Mild Moderate Severe

 Weight: < 90% < 75% < 60%
 Height: < 95% < 90% < 85%
 wt/ht ratio: < 90 < 80% < 70%

Note: This classification is depend on the percentage from the ideal body weight,
height & wt/ht that are taken from appropriate growth charts (according to
patient's age & sex) at the 50th percentile. Special growth charts are also
available for patients with genetic syndromes e.g. Down & Turner; for premature
infants, use either a special chart or the corrected age, for example; if a
premature infant is delivered at 30 wk gestational age and the current postnatal
age is 10 wk, then postconceptual age = 40 wk, this infant is cosidered in the
same age as a fullterm newborn delivered at 40 wk. However, most VLBW infants
will achieve weight catch-up with their peers during the 2nd yr and height by
2.5 yr of age.

Inv. CBP & GUE are good initial tests. Other tests should be judicious &
relevant to the findings in hx or exam.

 Indications of hospitalization for patients with FTT include:-
For further investigations, severe malnutrition, failure of home
management, & to evaluate the parent-child feeding interaction
(especially when psychosocial FTT is suspected).
 Organic causesof FTT should be treated according to the etiology of
the organic illness a long with good nutrition.

 Inorganic (Psychosocial) FTT should initially be treated at hospital

by giving age-appropriate unlimited diet. If the infant start to gain
- 75 -
weight, this is mostly due to Inorganic FTT. However, children with
severe malnutrition must be re-fed carefully to avoid re-feeding
syndrome (see later).

Goals of Rx are to obtain catch-up growth by gaining at least 30 g/day

from the 1st wk & also to educate the mother (with the help of the
nursing staff) about appropriate food & feeding style e.g. Rule of 3s (3
meals, 3 snack, and 3 choices). These children should also be given
multivitamins as they usually have deficiency of iron, zinc, & vit D.

Pg. FTT in the 1st yr of life (regardless of cause) is ominous, because

maximal postnatal brain growth occurs in the 1st 6 mo of life as well as
brain grows as much in 1st yr as in the rest of the child's life.Thus all
patient with FTT require frequent monitoring & assessment.
Prognosis of patients with organic FTT is variable, whereas ≈ 30% of
children with psychosocial FTT may develop developmental delay with
social and emotional problems.
Early FTT may be associated with ↑ risk factors for cardiovascular
disease e.g. dyslipidemia, HT, and glucose intolerance during adulthood.

- 76 -
(Protein-Energy Malnutrition)
These terms are applicable to children at all ages. Causes are usually
similarto those of FTT.

C.M. of malnutrition include:-

Site Signs

Face Moon face (kwashiorkor), simian facies (marasmus)

Dry eyes, pale conjunctiva, Bitot spots (vit A), periorbital


Angular stomatitis, cheilitis, glossitis, spongy bleeding gums

(vit C), parotid enlargement

Teeth Enamel mottling, delayed eruption

Dull, sparse, brittle hair, hypopigmentation, flag sign

(alternating bands of light and normal color), alopecia

Loose and wrinkled (marasmus), shiny and edematous

(kwashiorkor), dry, follicular hyperkeratosis, patchy hyper-
and hypopigmentation (crazy paving or flaky paint
dermatoses), erosions, poor wound healing

Nails Koilonychia, thin and soft nail plates, fissures or ridges

Muscle wasting, particularly buttocks and thighs; Chvostek or

Trousseau signs (hypocalcemia)

Deformities, usually as a result of calcium, vitD or vitC


Abdomen Distended: hepatomegaly with fatty liver; ascites

Bradycardia, hypotension, reduced cardiac output, small

vessel vasculopathy

Global developmental delay, loss of knee and ankle reflexes,

impaired memory

- 77 -
Site Signs

Hematologic Pallor, petechiae, bleeding diathesis

Behavior Lethargic, apathetic, irritable on handling

Noma is a chronic necrotizing ulceration of the gingiva and the cheek. It

is usually associated with malnutrition and often preceded by a
debilitating illness.

Classification Guidelines for Pediatric Undernutrition

Nutrition Status Weight/Age Height/Age Weight/Height % IBW

Wasting N or ↓ N <5th % <85-90%
Stunting <5th % <5th % N N
Mild malnutrition N or ↓ N <5th % 81-90%
Moderate malnutrition N or ↓ N <5th % 70-80%
Kwashiorkor N or ↓ N or ↓ N (edema) N
Marasmus ↓ N or ↓ <5th % <70%

Note: Reduced weight/height ratio is an accurate indicater of acute

malnutrition, whereas chronic malnutrition with stunting is associated
with normal wt/ht ratio.

Inv. CBP, CRP, GUE, GSE, RBS, RFT, total serum protien & serum albumin
(which is low in both marasmus & kwashiorkor).

Rx. of PEM involve 3 phases: stabilization, rehabilitation & follow-up.

1. Stabilization phase (1st wk):-

It involves Rx & Pv of infection, hypoglycemia, anemia, dehydration

& correction of electrolyte disturbances, and vitamins &
micronutrient deficiency (except iron).

Note: Dehydration is better treated with ORS rather than IV fluids due to
the difficulty in assessing the degree of dehydration; however if IVF is
needed, it should be reassessed frequently; as well as Rx of shock in these

- 78 -
children is different from that in well-nourished children in that they
require less rapid, smaller volume, & different fluid.

It also involve initial feeding with F75 formula (75 kcal/100 ml)
beginning with small frequent feeds then larger less frequent feeds
as tolerated (e.g. 12 → 8 → 6 feeds/day) in order to give 80-100

If diarrhea starts or fails to resolve and lactose intolerance is suspected,

substitute with non–lactose-containing formula. If milk protein
intolerance is suspected, substitute with soy protein hydrolysate

Iron therapy should not started in this initial phase of Rx because it

interfere with the patient's host defense mechanisms, as well as free iron
may exacerbate oxidant damage, precipitate edema, and promote
infections; thus some are recommend an antioxidant with iron therapy.

2. Rehabilitation phase (2nd wk-6th wk):-

It involves feeding with F100 formula (100 kcal/100 ml) to give 100
kcal/kg/day. If oral feeding is not tolerated, give it by NG tube.

Another approach is the use of Ready to Use Therapeutic Foods

(RUTFs); a mixture of powdered milk, peanuts, sugar, vitamins, and
minerals. It reduce mortality in a cost-effective manner because they are
oil-based paste that has little water content which make it less
susceptible to bacterial contamination than F100; it also has similar
nutrient profile with a higher calorie density and equally palatable to

3. Follow-up phase (7th wk till recovery):-

By feeding to cover catch-up growth and also the provision of

emotional stimulation with the aid of family & the community.

- 79 -
Refeeding Syndrome
It is usually complicates the acute nutritional rehabilitation after
aggressive enteral or parenteral alimentation due to the development of
severe hypophosphatemia after the cellular uptake of phosphate
during the 1st wk of starting therapy. Other features of Refeeding
syndrome include: hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, sodium
retention, hyperglycemia, & vitamins deficiency (especially

C.M. of hypophosphatemia, especially when serum Pi is ≤ 0.5 mmol/L

include: weakness, rhabdomyolysis, neutrophil dysfunction, hemolysis,
thrombocytopenia, seizures, altered consciousness, arrhythmias,
cardiorespiratory failure, & sudden death.

Inv. Monitor serum Pi, K, Mg & Ca frequently in the 1st 2 wk after Rx.

Rx. Slowly ↑ feeding with supplementation of minerals (especially

phosphate) & vitamins (especially thiamin), as well as the correction of
other electrolytes disturbances, especially hypokalemia &

- 81 -
Rickets is a disease of growing bone that is due to unmineralized
protein matrix (osteoid) at the growth plates, thus it occurs only in
children before fusion of the epiphyses, whereas osteomalacia is present
when there is inadequate mineralization of osteoid throughout the bone
and occurs in children and adults. Rickets remains a persistent problem
in the developing as well as developed countries.

 Vit D disorders: Nutritional, Congenital, Secondary, Vit D–dependent
rickets (type 1 & type 2), and Chronic RF.
 Calcium deficiency: Low intake or Malabsorption.
 Phosphorus deficiency: Inadequate intake, Disorders of Phosphatonin
e.g. XL, AD & AR hypophosphatemic rickets, Hereditary
hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria, Overproduction of
 Syndromes & diseases associated with rickets: Fanconi synd, Distal
RTA & Dent disease.

 General: FTT, listlessness, protruding abdomen, muscle weakness
(especially proximal), delayed walking, waddling gait, fractures.
 Head: craniotabes, frontal bossing, delayed fontanel closure, delayed
dentition with dental caries, craniosynostosis.
 Chest: rachitic rosary, Harrison groove, RTI and atelectasis.
 Back: scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis.
 Extremities: enlargement of wrists and ankles, valgus or varus
deformities, windswept deformity, anterior bowing of the tibia and
femur, coxa vara, leg pain.
 Hypocalcemic symptoms: tetany, seizures, strider (due to laryngeal
Note: Craniotabes may also be secondary to osteogenesis imperfecta,
hydrocephalus, and syphilis; it also a normal finding in many newborns,
especially near the suture lines which typically disappears within a few months
after birth.

- 80 -
 X-ray of the wrist in AP view shows thickening of the growth plate with
fraying & cupping of distal ends of the metaphyses. Other findings
include coarse trabeculation of the diaphysis and generalized

 Laboratory tests can be illustrated in the following table:-

Disorder PTH 25- 1,25- serum urine serum urin

(OH)D (OH)2D Ca Ca Pi Pi
Vit D ↑ ↓ ↓, N, ↑ N, ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑
VDDR, type 1 ↑ N ↓ N, ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑

VDDR, type 2 ↑ N ↑↑ N, ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑

Chronic renal ↑ N ↓ N, ↓ N, ↓ ↑ ↓
Dietary Ca ↑ N ↑ N, ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑
Dietary Pi N, ↓ N ↑ N ↑ ↓ ↓
XL, AD & ARHR N N RD N ↓ ↓ ↑
HHRH N, ↓ N ↑ N ↑ ↓ ↑
Fanconi synd N N RD or ↑ N ↓ or ↑ ↓ ↑
Tumor- N N RD N ↓ ↓ ↑
RD: Relatively Decreased.

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level is always increases in all types of

rickets; whereas Parathyroid hormone (PTH) level is always increase
in hypocalcemia, unless there is hypophosphatemia.

Rx. It usually involves (in general) one or more of the following: vit D, Ca,
Pi +/_ Rx of the underlying disorder.

- 82 -
Vitamin D Disorders
Vitamin D Physiology:-
Cutaneous synthesis is the most important source of vit D in skin
epithelial cells from the conversion of 7-dehydrochlesterol to 3-
cholecalciferol (D3) by ultraviolet B radiation from the sun, but this
depend on the amount of sun exposure because less duration, covering
the skin with clothing, skin pigmentation, and seasonality (winter sun)
are less efficient in vit D synthesis.
Natural dietary sources of vit D(D2) include: fish liver oil, egg yolk, plants
or yeast. Vit D is fat-soluble, stable to heat, acid, alkali, and oxidation. Bile
is necessary for its absorption.
Vit D is transported bound to vit D–binding protein to the liver, where
25-hydroxlase converts vit D into 25-hydroxyvit D (25-D), which is the
most abundant circulating form of vit D & it is the standard method for
determining patient's vit D status. The final step in activation occurs in
the kidney, where 1α-hydroxylase adds a second hydroxyl group,
resulting in 1,25-dihydroxyvit D (1,25-D). This enzyme is upregulated by
PTH and hypophosphatemia.
1,25-D acts in the intestine causing marked increase in calcium
absorption and to less extent phosphorus absorption. It also has direct
effects on bone by mediating resorption (i.e. demeniralization). 1,25-D
directly suppresses PTH secretion by the parathyroid gland (which also
suppressed by the increase in serum calcium) as well as 1,25-D inhibits
its own synthesis in the kidney. Types of vit D defiency include:-

 Nutritional vitamin D deficiency:-

Et. It is the most common cause of rickets globally. It most commonly

occurs in infancy due to a combination of poor intake and inadequate
cutaneous synthesis. Transplacental transport of vit D (mostly 25-D)
typically provides enough vit D for the 1st 2 mo of life, unless there is
severe maternal vit D deficiency.

Infants who receive formula receive adequate vit D, even without

cutaneous synthesis. Because of the low vit D content of breast milk
(especially if the mother was also vit D deficient), thus breast-fed infants
rely on cutaneous synthesis or vit D supplements.

C.M. & Inv. (see above).

- 83 -
Elevated PTH cause increase in serum Ca by 3 ways; (1) ↑ its
absorption from intestine, which mediated by 1,25-D, (2) enhance bone
resorption, & (3) reabsorption of Ca from renal tubules, at the same time,
it ↑ renal losses of phosphate, combined with ↓ its intestinal absorption.

The wide variation in 1,25-D levels (↓, N, ↑) is secondary to the

upregulation of renal 1α-hydroxylase by concomitant hypophosphatemia
and hyperparathyroidism.

Some patients have a metabolic acidosis (due to PTH-induced renal

bicarbonate wasting). Aminoaciduria also may occur.

Rx. Vit D can be given either as, 300,000-600,000 IU orally or IM as 2-4

doses over 1 day "stoss therapy", or as daily doses ranging from 2,000-
5,000 IU/day over 4-6 wk (≈ 1 mo). Then it should be followed by
maintainance dose of daily vit D, 400 IU/day if <1 yr, 600 IU/day if >1 yr
(typically given as multivitamin).

It is important to ensure that children should also receive adequate

dietary calcium and phosphorus by milk, formula, and other dairy
Some children with symptomatic hypocalcemia can be given either IV
calcium acutely, followed by oral calcium supplements, which can be
tapered over 2-6 wk, or may be given IV or oral 1,25-D (calcitriol).

Pg. Laboratory tests should normalize rapidly, whereas radiologic

changes may heal within few months. Many of the bone malformations
improve dramatically, but children with severe disease may have
permanent deformities (which rarely may require surgery) and short

Pv. Most cases of nutritional rickets can be prevented by universal

administration of daily multivitamin containing 400 IU of vit D to all
breast-fed infants after 2 mo of age, and 600 IU/day for older

- 84 -
 Congenital vitamin D deficiency (congenital rickets):-

Rickets manifestations at birth can occur when there is severe maternal

vit D deficiency during pregnancy. These newborns also may have
symptomatic hypocalcemia and IUGR.
Rx. Vit D supplementation and adequate intake of Ca & Pi; also the use of
prenatal vit D (to the mother) can prevents this entity.

 Secondary vitamin D deficiency:-

Along with inadequate intake, vit D deficiency can develop due to

inadequate absorption or malabsorption due to a variety of liver and
intestinal diseases. This can be treated by either high doses of vit D,
especially 25-D & 1,25-D which are better absorbed than "plain" vit D,
otherwise use parenteral vit D.
Secondary vit D deficiency also may occur by increased degradation of
vit D by cytochrome P450 (CYP) system induced by some anticonvulsant
or antituberculosis medications. It can be treated in the same way as for
nutritional deficiency (see earlier).
In both conditions, dose can be titrated according to serum level of 25-D.

 Vitamin D–Dependent Rickets, Type 1:-

It is an AR disorder due to mutations in the gene encoding renal 2α-

hydroxylase, preventing conversion of 25-D into 1,25-D. These patients
have normal level of 25-D but low level of 1,25-D (or lower limit of
normal). They usually present during the 1st 2 yr of life and can have any
of the classic features of rickets.
Rx. Long-term treatment with 1,25-D (calcitriol). Initial doses are 0.25-
2 µg/day with adequate intake of calcium, then lower doses are used
once the rickets has healed to avoid hypervitaminosis D.

 Vitamin D–Dependent Rickets, Type 2:-

It also an AR disorder due to mutations in the gene encoding vit D

receptor. These patients have extremely high level of 1,25-D and usually
present during infancy, but less severely affected patients might not be
diagnosed until adulthood. Approximately 50-70% of these children have
alopecia +/_ epidermal cysts.

- 85 -
Rx. Some patients respond to extremely high doses of vit D2, 25-D or
1,25-D, especially those without alopecia. Calcium doses also should be

 Chronic Renal Failure:-

CRF cause ↓ activity of 1α-hydroxylase in the kidney → ↓ production of

1,25-D. These patients also have hyperphosphatemia due to ↓ renal
Rx. It require use of activated form of vit D (1,25-D) which also can
suppress PTH. Because hyperphosphatemia is also a stimulus for PTH
secretion (which enhance bone resorption), serum phosphorus level also
should be normalized by dietary phosphorus restriction and oral
phosphate binders.

Calcium Deficiency
Et. This form of rickets usually develops after weaning of children from
breast milk or formula, especially if occur early & the weaning food were
deficient in dairy products (which are a good source of calcium) or
contain high level of phytate, oxalate, and phosphate, which decrease
absorption of dietary Ca. It also occur in patients with malabsorption
syndromes (here vit D also may be deficient) or in patients with
parenteral nutrition without adequate calcium.

C.M. It is usually develops later than nutritional rickets (which usually

associated with breast-feeding) with classic signs and symptoms of
rickets, especially those related to hypocalcemia.

Inv. (see the table above).

Rx. Provide adequate calcium, typically as a dietary supplement, doses

include: 700 (1-3 yr), 1,000 (4-8 yr), 1,300 (9-18 yr) mg/day of elemental
calcium. Vit D supplementation also may be necessary if there is
concurrent vit D deficiency.

- 86 -
Phosphorous Deficiency
 Inadequate Intake:-

Et. It is almost impossible to have a diet that is deficient in phosphorus,

except in starvation or severe anorexia. Malabsorption syndromes are
not only cause malabsorption of Pi, but also cause malabsorption of Ca &
vit D. Isolated malabsorption of Pi occurs mainly in patients on long-term
use of aluminum-containing antacids.

 Phosphatonin Disorders:-

Phosphatonin is a humoral mediator (e.g. Fibroblast growth factor–23)

that ↓ renal tubular reabsorption of Pi → hypophosphatemia. It also ↓
the activity of renal 1α-hydroxylase →↓ 1,25-D level. Increased levels of
phosphatonin cause many of the phosphate-wasting conditions that
result in rickets as in the following diseases:-

 X-Linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets: It is the most common cause of

hypophosphatemic rickets. It also one of few disorders which are XL
dominant, i.e. affect the female carriers, although to less extent.

Et. Mutation of the gene in this disorder cause ↑ levels of phosphatonin

which →↓ levels of Pi & 1,25-D.

C.M. Classical rickets, but abnormalities of the lower extremities and

poor growth are the dominant features. Some patients have
hypophosphatemia and short stature without clinically evident bone
Inv. (see above in table).

Rx. Patients respond well to a combination of oral Pi (1-3 g/day of

elemental phosphorus ÷ 4-5 doses) and 1,25-D (30-70 ng/kg/day ÷ 2).
However, Cxs occur when there is no adequate balance between Pi
supplementation and calcitriol because excess Pi →↓ Ca absorption from
gut → secondary hyperparathyroidism which worsen the bone lesions. In
contrast, excess calcitriol → hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis and can
even cause hypercalcemia.
Hence, monitor serum Ca, Pi, ALP, PTH, and urinary Ca, as well as
periodic renal US to evaluate nephrocalcinosis. Normalization of ALP
level is a useful method in assessing the therapeutic response.
- 87 -
For children with significant short stature, GH is an effective option,
whereas those with severe deformities may require surgery.
 AD Hypophosphatemic Rickets: It is much less common than XLH. It is
due to mutation of the genethat prevent degradation of FGF-23 by
proteases → ↑ phosphatonin. Its C.M., Inv. & Rx. are the same as those of
 AR Hypophosphatemic Rickets: It is an extremely rare disorder which
is same as above.
 Overproduction of Phosphatonin: Tumor-induced osteomalacia is
more common in adults than in children, where it can produce classic
rachitic findings. Most tumors are mesenchymal in origin and are
usually benign, small, and located in bone which secretes a number of
different putative phosphatonins. Rx by excision of the tumor, otherwise
it is same as that of XLHR.
Overproduction of phosphatonin also may be associated with Mccune-
Albright synd, Epidermal nevus synd &rarely Neurofibromatosis. Rx by
excision of these lesions (if feasible), otherwise it is same as that of
XLHR. Bisphosphonate may ↓ risk of pain and fracture associated with
bone lesions in Mccune-Albright synd.

 Hereditary Hypophosphatemic Rickets with Hypercalciuria:-

This rare AR disorder is mainly described in the Middle East. It is due to

mutations in the gene for a sodium-phosphate co-transporter in the
proximal renal tubule → phosphate leak → hypophosphatemia →↑ 1,25-
D →↑ intestinal absorption of Ca & suppression of PTH → Hypercalciuria
due to high absorption of Ca & low PTH (which normally decreases renal
excretion of Ca).

C.M. The dominant symptoms are rachitic leg abnormalities with short
stature, muscle weakness, bone pain and renal stones. However, the
severity of disease is variable in the same family.
Inv. (see above in table).

Rx. Excellent response to oral phosphate replacement, 1-2.5 g/day ÷ 5.

- 88 -
Syndromes & Diseases associated with Rickets
Fanconi syndrome: It is one of the most important causes of proximal
RTA that → renal losses of phosphate, amino acids, bicarbonate, glucose,
urate, and other molecules that are normally reabsorbed in the proximal
tubule. The most clinically relevant consequences are rickets as a result
of hypophosphatemia as well as rickets is exacerbated by chronic
metabolic acidosis which causes bone dissolution. FTT is a consequence
of both rickets and RTA.
Rx. Bicarbonate (high dose) with phosphate replacement.

Distal RTA: It is usually manifested with metabolic acidosis, FTT,

hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis and rickets, which is variable.
Rx. Bicarbonate replacement +/_ thiazide diuretic.

Dent disease: It is XL disorder caused by mutations in the gene encoding

a chloride channel which expressed in the kidney. Affected males have
variable manifestations including; hematuria, nephrolithiasis,
nephrocalcinosis, CRF and rickets which occurs in ≈ 25% of patients.
Rx. Oral phosphate +/_ 1,25-D.

- 89 -
(Vitamin D Intoxication)
Et. It is usually due to excessive intake of vit D either acutely
(accidentally) or by long-term ingestion.
Note: The recommended upper limits for long-term daily vit D intake are
1,000 IU for children <1 yr & 2,000 IU for older children & adults.

C.M. It cause hypercalcemia which is mainly due to excessive bone

resorption! & less by ↑ intestinal absorption of Ca. It is manifested as:-
 GIT; nausea, vomiting, poor feeding, constipation, abdominal pain, and
 CVS; hypertension, ↓ Q-T interval, and arrhythmias.
 CNS; lethargy, hypotonia, confusion, disorientation, depression,
psychosis, hallucinations, and coma.
 Renal; polyuria (due to nephrogenic DI), dehydration, and
hypernatremia, ARF, nephrolithiasis, and nephrocalcinosis (which may
cause CRF).
Inv. Hypercalcemia, extremely elevated levels of 25-D, but, surprisingly,
levels of 1,25-D are usually normal. Hyperphosphatemia is also common,
PTH levels are appropriately low with hypercalciuria. Renal US may show
nephrocalcinosis. Anemia is sometimes present!.

D.Dx. Hyperparathyroidism, Williams syndrome, subcutaneous fat

necrosis, benign hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, & malignancy. High intake
of Ca can cause hypercalcemia, especially in renal insufficiency.
 Rehydration by aggressive therapy with NS will lower serum Ca, often
with loop diuretic (e.g. furosemide) to further ↑ Ca excretion.
 Glucocorticoids e.g. prednisone 1-2 mg/kg/24 hr can ↓ intestinal
absorption of Ca by blocking the action of 1,25-D and also lower the
levels of 25-D and 1,25-D.
 Calcitonin or Bisphosphonates can inhibit bone resorption.
 Hemodialysis can rapidly lower serum Ca in patients with severe

Pg. Most children make full recovery, although hypervitaminosis D can

cause CRF or even death (due to arrhythmias or dehydration). Because
vit D is stored in fat, levels can remain elevated for months.

- 91 -
Food allergy or hypersensitivityis a group of disorders result from
immunologic responses to specific food antigens. It occurs in as many as
6% of children during the 1st 3 yr of life, including ≈ 2.5% due to cow's
milk, 1.5% due to egg, and 1% due to peanut.

Most common foods that can cause allergy are; milk, egg, peanuts, tree
nuts, fish, soy, & wheat. There is cross reactivity with other foods within
individual food group as well as at least 30% of infants with cow's milk
allergy may have allergy to soy protein as well. Breast fed babies can also
be affected after maternal ingestion of these foods through their
excretion in the breast-milk.

Et. The Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) is able to readily

discriminate between “harmless” foods from pathogenic organisms, thus,
ingestion of food normally leads to oral tolerance by induction of T-cell
anergy & T- regulatory cells which enable the immune system to
“ignore”about 2% of antigenic protein that normally entering the
systemic circulation at each meal.
In young infants, the functional barriers (stomach acidity, intestinal
enzymes, glycocalyx) and immunologic barriers (secretory Ig A) are
immature, allowing increased penetration of food antigens, so the GALT
appears less capable of “tolerizing” this antigenic load.

Path. Food allergy is mainly due to 3 mechanisms; IgE-mediated (which

mostly related to mast cells), cell-mediated (T-cell) or mixed (which
mainly involve eocinophils).

C.M. These patients usually have individual or family hx of atopy e.g.

allergic rhinitis, asthma, & eczema. Manifestations can be divided
according to the system involved including: GIT, skin, respiratory, &
cardiovascular systems:-

 Gastrointestinal manifestations: It can be further divided into 3

types according to the mechanism of allergy:-

1- IgE mediatedhypersensitivity usually occur in older children; it

characterized by rapid onset of symptoms after ingestion of the
incriminated food; it include:-

- 90 -
 Oral allergy syndrome (pollen-food syndrome): It usually caused by
fresh fruit and vegetable proteins that cross react with pollens which
cause allergic rhinitis or asthma in these children.
Symptoms are usually confined to the oropharynx → oral pruritus,
tingling and angioedema of the lips, tongue, palate, throat, and
occasionally a sensation of pruritus in ears and tightness in throat.
Symptoms are generally short lived.
 Acute gastrointestinal anaphylaxis can cause acute abdominal pain,
vomiting, and diarrhea.

2- Cell-mediated hypersensitivity usually occurs in infants within 1st

months of life and mainly induced by cow's milk. It can be divided into 3
food protein-induced pathologies:-
 Enterocolitis is typically manifested in the first several months of life as
irritability, intermittent vomiting, protracted diarrhea, and
dehydration. Continued exposure may result in abdominal distention,
bloody diarrhea, anemia, and FTT; it is usually resolves by age 3 yr.
 Proctocolitis is a harmless disease that also manifests in the 1st months
of life as blood-streaked stools in otherwise healthy
infants. About 60% of cases occur among breast-fed infants!.
 Enteropathy often manifests with features of malabsorption due to
villous atrophy of intestine → protracted diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal
distention, and FTT. Steatorrhea, anemia, edema, and hypoproteinemia
occasionally occur. Celiac disease is the most severe form of glutine-
induced enteropathy (see chapter 3).

3- Mixed hypersensitivity can be presented by any age. It characterized

by infiltration of the eociniphils in the affected area of GIT and can be
divided into:-
 Eosinophilic Esophagitis occur more frequently in boys. In young
infants it manifests as chronic GERD e.g. intermittent emesis, food
refusal, abdominal pain, dysphagia, irritability, sleep disturbance;
however, it usually fails to respond to the conventional antireflux
medications; thus, it should be excluded in any infant <1 yr presented
with GERD because ≈ 40% may have eosinophilic esophagitis due to
cow's milk–induced reflux.

- 92 -
 Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis causes symptoms similar to those of
esophagitis but with prominent weight loss or FTT as well as edema and
hypoalbuminemia due to protein-losing enteropathy.

Note: GIT manifestations of food allergy should be differentiated from "food

intolerance" due to other causes of gastroenteritis & malabsorption
syndromes (see chapter 3). Food phobia is a special form due to psychlogic
reaction to food. Protracted vomiting in young infant should be evaluated
for GERD, pyloric stenosis...etc.

 Skin manifestations include:-

 Acute urticaria & angioedema are the most common symptoms of
food allergic reactions. The onset of symptoms may be very rapid due to
activation of IgE-bearing mast cells by circulating food allergens
throughout the body.
 Atopic dermatitis is a form of eczema that generally begins in early
infancy which usually associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis. At
least 30% of children with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis have
food allergies. The younger the child with more severe eczema, the more
likely that food allergy plays a pathogenic role in this disorder.
 Perioral dermatitis is often a contact dermatitis caused by substances
in toothpaste, gums, lipstick, or medications.
 Respiratory manifestationsare uncommon as isolated symptoms
but usually associated with GIT & skin manifestations. It includes:-
 Rhinoconjunctivitis including; periocular pruritus and tearing, nasal
congestion and pruritus, rhinorrhea, and sneezing.
 Wheezing occurs in ≈ 25% of IgE-mediated food allergic reactions,
although only ≈ 10% of asthmatic patients have food-induced
respiratory symptoms.
 Food-induced pulmonary hemosiderosis (Heiner syndrome) is a rare
manifestation that may be associated with GIT bleeding, iron-deficiency
anemia, FTT, and peripheral eosinophilia.

 Cardiovascular manifestations include: hypotension, vascular

collapse, and cardiac dysrhythmias. It presumably caused by massive
mast cell–mediator release. Food allergic reactions are the most
common cause of anaphylaxis seen in hospital emergency

- 93 -
departments!. Food-associated exercise-induced anaphylaxis is a
special form that occurs more frequently in teenage females athletes.

Inv. Thorough medical hx is necessary to determine whether patient's

symptoms are correlated with food ingestion, which food is suspected,
interval between ingestion and symptoms, and types of symptoms; all
help in determining the type & mechanism of allergy. Definitive tests
must be performed before recommendations of restrictive diets. These

 Skin Prick Test is very useful if IgE-mediated response is suspected.

Negative skin test virtually excludes an IgE-mediated food allergy,
whereas positive skin test may be false positive.

 Radio-allergo-sorbent Test (RAST) can detect serum food-specific IgE

levels that elevated in specific food allergy above certain thresholds.

 Food Elimination & Challenges is the only way to diagnose cell-

mediated reactions. It also can be used for IgE-mediated reaction but
with extreme caution to not induce anaphylaxis.
Before food challenge, the suspected food should be eliminated from
the diet for 10-14 days in IgE-mediated response and up to 8 wk for
some cell-mediated disorders (e.g. allergic eosinophilic esophagitis).
During this period, infants can be shifted from the "whole" cow's milk
formulas to the hydrolysate formulas or, preferably, amino acid

Rx. Appropriate identification and elimination of food responsible for

allergy is the only method for treatment for food allergy. Nursing infants
may benefit from elimination of the suspected food from the mother's
Anti-IgE immunoglobulin therapy, engineered recombinant food protein
vaccines, and herbal formulations are being evaluated. In addition,
tolerance may be generated by heating/cooking the incriminated food.
Children with IgE-mediated food allergy & asthma, peanut or nut allergy,
or hx of a previous severe reaction/anaphylaxis should be given self-
injectable epinephrine in case of accidental ingestion.

- 94 -
Pg. Most children “outgrow” milk & egg allergies (≈ 50% within 3-5 yr).
In contrast, ≈ 80-90% of children with peanut, nut, or seafood allergy
retain their allergy for life. However, children should be re-evaluated
periodically by an allergist to determine whether they have lost their
clinical reactivity. When milk is reintroduced, only very small amount
should be offered initially and then increased progressively over few
days if tolerated.

Pv. There is no consensus as to whether food allergies can be prevented.

Infants at high risk for development of allergic diseases (e.g. strong
family hx of atopy), studies suggest that exclusive breast-feeding
and/or supplementation with hydrolyzed milk-based formulas for the
first 4-6 months of life may reduce allergic disorders (especially eczema)
in the first few years of life, as well as probiotic supplements may also ↓
incidence and severity of eczema.
Current recommendations are to introduce egg, peanut products, fish,
wheat, and other allergenic foods after 4-6 mo of exclusive breast feeding
(start with low-risk complementary foods separately 1 at a time); this
may also prevent allergy to these foods.

- 95 -
3. Common Gastrointestinal Disorders

 Cleft Lip & Palate

 Esophageal Atresia & TEF
 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
 Caustic Ingestions
 Foreign Bodies in the Esophagus
 Foreign Bodies in the Stomach & Intestine
 Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
 Motility Disorders of the Intestine (including chronic
intestinal pseudo-obstruction, functional constipation,
Hirschsprung disease...etc)
 Acute Gastroenteritis in Children
 Chronic Diarrhea
 Disorders of Malabsorption
 Celiac Disease
 Viral Hepatitis
 Fulminant Hepatic Failure
 Wilson Disease

- 96 -
Et. Mainly idiopathic, but some factors have been incriminated e.g.:-
 Maternal drugexposure e.g. Phenobarbital.
 Syndrome/malformation complex e.g. chromosomal aneuploidy &
 Genetic factors; because there are families in which a cleft lip or palate,
or both is inherited in a dominant fashion (van der Woude syndrome).

C.M. Male>Female. It varys in severity & may be unilateral or bilateral.

 Feeding difficulty is the immediate problem.
 Malposition of teeth→ abnormal dentition.
 Recurrent otitis media→ hearing loss.
 Speech defects due to hypernasal quality for certain sounds.
 Cosmetic effects.

 Feeding should be with special nipple contain plastic obturator.
 Surgical closure of a cleft lip is usually performed by 3 mo of age,
when the infant is medically stable.
 Surgical closure of a cleft palate is individualized, but should be done
before 1 yr (if medically stable) to enhance normal speech
development. Otherwise, if surgery is deferred beyond the 3rd yr, a
contoured speech bulb can be used for intelligible speech.

Velopharyngeal Incompetence
Et. It is mainly due to cleft palate, but may occur with osseous or
neuromuscular abnormalities e.g. velocardiofacial syndrome.
Path. It is due to inability to form an effective seal between oropharynx
(soft palate) & nasopharynx during swallowing →recurrent OM with loss
of liquid through the nose while drinking when head is down; it also
cause inability of phonation → hypernasal speech and inability to blow.
Rx. It may need surgery.
Note: Adenoid usually produces hyponasal speech but in these patients
adenoidectomy may precipitate overt hypernasal speech.

- 97 -
It is the most frequent congenital anomaly of the esophagus. Half of
patients usually have other abnormalities e.g. VATER/VACTERL
associations as well as tracheomalacia (which improve as the child grow).

Path. EA with distal TEF is the most common type (85%). Other
abnormalities are uncommon e.g. double blind (8%), H-type (4%).

C.M. Maternal polyhydramnios may suggest EA. A newborn with EA is

typically has frothing & bubbling at mouth and nose after birth as well
as episodes of coughing, cyanosis, and respiratory distress. Feeding
exacerbates these symptoms, causes regurgitation, and may precipitate
aspiration. Inability to pass a NGtube in a newborn is suggestive of EA.

H-type fistula may present later in life as chronic respiratory problems,

e.g. refractory bronchospasm and recurrent aspiration pneumonias.

 Plain X- ray: may reveal a coiled feeding tube in the esophageal pouch.
Air-distended stomach indicates the presence of coexisting TEF;
whereas airless, scaphoid abdomen may indicate EA without TEF.
 Esophagogram by using gastrographine injected under pressure can
demonstrate EA +/_ TEF.
Note: Barium should not be used because it is toxic to the lung if aspirated.
 Endoscopy can show the orifice of TEF by observing the methylene blue
dye in the esophagus during its injection into the endotracheal tube
combined with forced inspiration.
 Bronchoscopy can also show the orifice of TEF.

Rx. Whenever suspect a newborn with EA or TEF, 1st maintain patent

airway and prevent aspiration by continuous suction of secretions from
mouth & nose then put the newborn in a prone position to prevent
aspiration. Use antibiotics to prevent consequent pneumonia.

Note: Ambu bag, ETT & mechanical ventilation are better to be avoided
because it may worsen distention of abdominal viscera.

Surgical ligation of the TEF and primary end-to-end anastomosis of the

esophagus are performed when feasible.
- 98 -
Cxs of surgery include: anastomotic leak, re-fistulization, and
anastomotic stricture. GERD is a major problem resulting from intrinsic
abnormalities of esophageal function & delayed gastric emptying.

In premature or complicated infant, a primary closure may be delayed by

temporizing with fistula ligation and gastrostomy tube placement.

Laryngotracheoesophageal Clefts
Et. It is uncommon anomalies result when the septum between
esophagus and trachea fails to fully develop → common channel defect
between them.
C.M. Strider, choking, cyanosis, aspiration of feedings, and recurrent chest
Inv. Contrast radiography or direct Endoscopy.
Rx. Surgical repair.

- 99 -
GERD is the most common esophageal disorder in children of all ages.
Although it occasionally physiological, but it become pathological when
it more frequent, more prolonged, or associated with Cxs.

Natural history: Infant reflux becomes evident in the 1st few months of
life (peaks at ≈ 4 mo) and resolves in most by 1 yr and nearly all by 2 yr.
GERD in older children tend to be chronic, waxing and waning, and
usually do not completely resolve in about half of them.

Et. Transient relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is the

primary mechanism for GERD. It is aggravated by:-
 Esophagitis due to GERD itself → vicious cycle.
 Gastric distention e.g. postprandial, abnormal gastric emptying, or air
 Factors that ↑ intra-abdominal pressure e.g. increased movement,
straining, obesity, large-volume or hyperosmolar meals, and increased
respiratory effort (coughing, wheezing).
 Positions that place LES below air-fluid interface in the stomach.
 Genetic predisposition has been proposed for GERD.

 Infantile reflux manifests as postprandial regurgitation +/_ signs of
esophagitis e.g. irritability, arching, choking, gagging, & feeding
aversion. Some infants presents with Cxs e.g. FTT or respiratory
symptoms e.g. obstructive apnea, strider, or wheezing.
 Older children may have regurgitation during the preschool years
with complaints of abdominal and chest pain supervenes in later
childhood and adolescence.
 Occasional children present with neck contortions (arching, turning of
head) designated "Sandifer syndrome".

 Esophageal; include: esophagitis, stricture, and "Barrett" esophagus
which is a metaplastic transformation of the normal esophageal
squamous epithelium into intestinal columnar epithelium, it may be a
precursor for adenocarcinoma although it is rare in children.
 Extra-esophageal (respiratory) or (atypical);include: Obstructive
Apnea due to laryngospasm; Strider, if infant is anatomically
- 011 -
predisposed e.g. laryngomalacia; Reflux laryngitis due to laryngeal
edema or vocal cord nodule, both →hoarseness, voice fatigue, throat
clearing & chronic cough; other Cxs include: pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis
media, and sensation of globus.
 Nutritional; FTTwhich may need nutritional support by Enteral
(nasogastric or nasojejunal, or percutaneous gastric or jejunal) or
Parenteral feedings.
 Dental erosions; especiallyon the lingual surface of teeth; it is the most
common oral lesion of GERD.

Note: Asthma co-occurs with GERD in about half of children & factors
that suggest the presence of GERD with asthma are: symptoms of reflux
disease, refractory or steroid-dependent asthma, and those with nocturnal
worsening of asthma.

 Empirical antireflux therapy is a cost-effective strategy for
diagnosisby a trial ofhigh-dose proton pump inhibitor.
 Barium contrast study for upper GIT to exclude other anatomical
 Esophageal pH monitoring is better done by dual or 2 probes
(proximal & distal), whereas single probe is mainly used to assess the
efficacy of acid suppression during treatment & to evaluate atypical
GERD symptoms.
 Intraluminal impedance test to diagnose non-acid reflux.
 Esophageal manometry to evaluate dysmotility, especially before
 Radionucleotide scintigraphy may demonstrate delayed gastric
emptying and aspiration.
 Endoscopy is diagnostic for erosive esophagitis & Cxs e.g. strictures or
Barrett esophagus. Esophageal biopsies may diagnose histologic reflux
esophagitis in the absence of erosions; it also excludes allergic and
infectious causes as well as it can be used therapeutically to dilate
reflux-induced strictures.
 Laryngotracheobronchoscopy evaluates visible airway signs that are
associated with extraesophageal GERD. Bronchoalveolar lavage may
also permit diagnosis of silent aspiration (during swallowing or reflux)

- 010 -
with subsequent quantification of lipid-laden macrophages in the

D.Dx. Hiatus hernia, pyloric stenosis, intestinal obstruction (especially

malrotation with intermittent volvulus), milk and other food allergies,
nonesophageal inflammatory diseases, infections, inborn errors of
metabolism, hydronephrosis, increased intracranial pressure,
rumination, and bulimia.

 Dietary measures for infants include small volume & frequent
feeding. Thickening of formula with tablespoonfull of rice for each oz
of formula. Short trial of hypoallergenic diet can be used to exclude
milk or soy protein allergyat all ages.
 Positioning; proneposition (when the infant is awake and observed) or
upright carried position can be used to minimize reflux.
 Older children should avoid acidic or reflux-inducing foods and
beverages, weight reduction for obese patients and elimination of
smoke exposure. They may benefit from left side position and head
elevation during sleep.
 Pharmacotherapy include:-
 Antacids provide rapid but transient relief of symptoms.
 Antihistamine (H2) blockers e.g. cimetidine, famotidine, nizatidine,
and ranitidine are the first line of treatment for mild-to-moderate
reflux esophagitis.
 Proton pump inhibitors e.g. omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole,
rabeprazole, and esomeprazole are used forsevere and erosive
esophagitis; they are provide the most potent antireflux effect.
 Prokinetic agents e.g. metoclopramide, domperidone, bethanechol,
and erythromycin can increase LES pressure and some will improve
gastric emptying or esophageal clearance, but unfortunately none
affect the frequency of transient LES relaxation as well as chronic use
of metoclopramide (for >3 mo) has been associated with tardive
 Surgery e.g. fundoplication or pyloroplasty is effective therapy for
intractable GERD that are not responding to conservative therapy or
associated with Cxs .

- 012 -
Et. Ingestion of an Alkali agents produce severe, deep liquefactive
necrosis, and because they are tasteless, they more commonly ingested
than acids. Acidic agents are bitter, so less consumed; they produce
coagulative necrosis which somewhat protective thick eschar.Volatile
acids can result in respiratory symptoms.

C.M. Vomiting, drooling, strider, refusal to drink, oral burns, dysphagia,

and abdominal pain. Male>Female.
Note: Absence of oropharyngeal lesions does not exclude the possibility of
significant esophago-gastric injury.

Cx. Necrosis, esophagitis, perforation & stricture formation (which occur

especially when there is circumferential ulcerations), white plaques, and
sloughing of mucosa.

1- Dilution with water or milk is recommended & removal of
contaminated clothes. Neutralization, induced emesis, and gastric lavage
are contraindicated.
2- If symptoms are present, oral fluids or solids should be withheld.
3- Upper Endoscopy is recommended for rapid identification of tissue
damage and must be undertaken in all symptomatic children within
12-24 hr of ingestion.
4- Stricture formation can be treated by dilatation & stenting and in
some severe cases, surgical resection with colon or small bowel
5- Use of corticosteroids & prophylactic antibiotic are controversial.

- 013 -
It is most common between 6 mo & 3 yr of age as well as those with
mental retardation. Coins, small toy items & button batteries are most
commonly ingested. Food impactions occationally occur if there is
underlying structural anomaly or motility disorder. Lodgment of the FB
usually occur at upper or lower esophageal sphinicter or at the level of
aortic arch.
C.M. At least 30% of children with esophageal FB may be totally
asymptomatic!, but many have an initial bout of choking, gagging, and
coughing may be followed by excessive salivation, dysphagia, food
refusal, emesis, or pain in the neck, throat, or sternal notch regions.
Respiratory symptoms e.g. strider, wheezing, cyanosis, or dyspnea may
be encountered if FB impinges on the larynx or the posterior
membranous tracheal wall. Cervical swelling, erythema, or subcutaneous
crepitations suggest perforation of oropharynx or proximal esophagus.
 Plain X-ray may reveal the object if it radiopaque. It is usually lie in
coronal plain in A-P view.
 Barium contrast may be helpful in the occasional asymptomatic
patient with negative plain films.
 Endoscopy is both diagnostic & therapeutic.
 Assess risk for airway compromise and in cases of suspected airway
perforation obtain chest CT scan and surgical consultation.
 Asymptomatic blunt objects and coins can be observed for up to 24
hr in anticipation of passage into the stomach. Otherwise they should be
removed by Rigid Endoscope.
 Meat impactions can be observed for up to 12 hr. Sometimes glucagon
can facilitate passage of distal esophageal food boluses by decreasing
the LES pressure!.
 Button batteries (especially lithium batteries) are the most dangerous
one & must be expediently removed because they can cause esophageal
perforation within minutes!.
 Foley catheter sometimes can be used to remove FB by passage it
beyond the coin under fluoroscopy.
 Bougienage of esophageal coins toward the stomach may be used in
selected uncomplicated cases.
- 014 -
Once in the stomach, 95% of all ingested FBs will pass without difficulty
through the remainder of the GIT (although with delay) becausemost
objects will pass within 4-6 days, but some for up to 3-4 wk!. Batteries
beyond the duodenum pass per rectum in 85% within 72 hr. Water-
absorbing polymer balls (e.g. beads) can expand to about 400 times its
starting size!, so may → intestinal obstruction.
Perforations are rare (<1%) of all objects ingested; it tend to occur in
areas of physiologic sphincters, acute angulation, congenital gut
malformations, or areas of previous bowel surgery.
Inv. Abdominal plain X-ray or contrast study.
 Conservative Rx is indicated for most FBs. Parents should be instructed
to continue a regular diet and to observe the stools for the object;
cathartics should be avoided.
 Objects that should be removed endoscopically include: large or
lithium batteries, magnets & lead-based FB.Long or sharp objects (e.g.
safety pins) are also better to be removed, otherwise they should be
monitored radiologically & parents must be instructed to report any
sign of bleeding or perforation immediately to the physician e.g.
abdominal pain, vomiting, persistent fever, hematemesis, or melena.

- 015 -
It is an accumulation of exogenous material in the stomach or intestine.
They include:-
 Trichobezoars: composed of patient's own hair, especially found in
females with underlying personality problems.
 Phytobezoars: composed of a combination of plant and animal material.
 Lactobezoars: mainly found in premature infants & attributed to the
high casein or calcium content of some premature formulas.
Note: Swallowing of the chewing gum can occasionally form a bezoar.

C.M. Patient usually presented with symptoms of gastric outlet or partial

intestinal obstruction e.g. vomiting, anorexia, weight loss and severe
halitosis. Some have features of chronic gastritis.

Inv. Abdominal plain X-ray, contrast study, US, or CT scan.

Rx. Bezoars in the stomach usually can be removed endoscopically; if

unsuccessful, surgical intervention may be needed. Coca-Cola has been
used as a dissolution therapy for gastric phytobezoar. Lactobezoars
usually resolve when feeding is withheld for 1-2 days.

- 016 -
Epid. HPS is more common in whitesthan blacks, Male>Female, offspring
of a mother (and to a lesser extent a father) who had HPS, monozygotic
than dizygotic twins; it is rare in Asians.

HPS may be associated with other congenital defects & syndromes e.g.
TEF, hypoplasia or agenesis of the inferior labial frenulum, eosinophilic
gastroenteritis, Apert synd, Zellweger synd, Trisomy 18, Smith-Lemli-
Opitz synd, and Cornelia de Lange synd.

Et. The cause of HPS is unknown, although many factors have been
implicated e.g. use of erythromycin in neonates. HPS is usually not
present at birth, i.e. it is not a congenital disorder!.

Hx. Non-bilious vomiting is the initial symptom of HPS. It usually starts
after 3 wk of age, although it may develop as early as 1st wk of life and
as late as 5th mo.

The vomiting may be initially projectile but usually progressive,

occurring immediately after feeding causing malnutrition, the infant is
hungry and wants to feed again. There also may be hx of little stool.

As vomiting continues → progressive loss of fluid & (HCl) acid →

hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis. HPS usually causes prolonged
indirect hyperbilirubinia"Icteropyloric syndrome".

Ex.The pyloric mass is firm, movable, olive shaped, ≈ 2 cm in length; it is

best palpated from the left side, during feeding or after vomiting; it
located in the right upper quadrant of abdomen. After feeding, there may
be a visible gastric peristalsis.

 US of abdomen show ↑ pyloric thickness ≈ 4 mm or an overall pyloric
length ≈ 14 mm.
 Contrast studies (Ba meal) show huge gastric distention, elongated
pyloric channel, a bulge of the pyloric muscle into the antrum "shoulder
sign", and parallel streaks of barium seen in the narrowed channel
“double tract sign”.

- 017 -
D.Dx. Duodenal stenosis, GERD, hiatal hernia, gastroenteritis, cong
adrenal hyperplasia, inborn errors of metabolism, & feeding

 Preoperative Rehydration is essential & directed toward correcting
fluid and electrolyte losses and acid-base balance. IVF therapy is begun
with 0.45–0.9% saline, in 5–10% dextrose, with addition of KCl 30–50
mEq/L. Fluid therapy should be continued until the infant is rehydrated
and the serum bicarbonate concentration is <30 mEq/dL (which is
essential to prevent postoperative apnea); this can be accomplished
within 24 hr.
 Surgery: by pyloromyotomy (Ramstedt procedure).
Postoperative vomiting occurs in half of infants and is thought to be
secondary to edema of the pylorus at the incision site; however, in most
cases, feedings can be initiated within 12–24 hr after surgery;
otherwise, Endoscopic balloon dilation has been successful in infants
with persistent vomiting secondary to incomplete pyloromyotomy.
 Laparoscopic technique (without surgery) is equally successful.
 Conservative Rx by nasodudodenal feedings or atropine sulfate (as
pyloric muscle relaxant) before feedings is advisable in patients who are
not good surgical candidates.

- 018 -
Motility Disorders of the Intestine
Causes of non-mechanical obstruction or "pseudo-obstruction" include:
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction; Functional constipation;
Hirschsprung disease; intestinal neuronal dysplasia; hypothyroidism;
scleroderma; diabetic neuropathy; amyloidosis; porphyria; angioneurotic
edema; mitochondrial disorders; hypokalemia; opiates; lead toxicity; and
radiation. Causes of mechanical obstruction include: intussusception;
adhesions; FB ingestion...etc.


Et. It can occur as a primary disease or secondary to a large number of
conditions that can transiently or permanently alter bowel motility. The
most common primary cause is Ogilvie syndrome (acute
pseudoobstruction of the colon); whereas the most common secondary
cause is gastroenteritis.
Path. It represents a wide spectrum of pathologic disorders including
abnormalities of the nerves (intestinal neuropathy) or musculature
(intestinal myopathy) of the gut. It is either involve the entire GIT or
limited to certain region e.g. stomach or colon. Urinary tract involvement
occurs in ≈ 40% of cases with intestinal myopathy.

C.M. These are group of disorders characterized by wax and wane of signs
and symptoms of intestinal obstruction in the absence of anatomical
lesion, which include: abdominal pain & distention, vomiting, and
constipation (although some has diarrhea!) as well as growth failure.
 Plain abdominal radiographs show air-fluid levels in small intestine.
 Contrast studies show slow passage of barium.
 Motility studies are usually abnormal (except anorectal motility).
 Intestinal biopsy isusually abnormal.
 Nutritional support by oral or parenteral nutrition.
 Prokinetic agents e.g. erythromycin, metoclopramide, & domperidone
have some benefit especially for those with gastroparesis.
 Antibiotics +/_ probiotics orally & octereotide are given to treat
bacterial overgrowth.
 If these measures are failed, surgery is indicated.
- 019 -
It is defined as delay or difficulty in defecation due to intentional or
subconscious fecal withholding that has been present for ≥ 2 wk. It is
typically starts after the neonatal period (usually above 2 yr), i.e. it is an
acquired rather than congenital disorder. Dietary changes, coercive or
inappropriately early toilet training, or school entrance may play a role.

Hx. Typical behavior of withholding stool is contracting the gluteal
muscles by stiffening the legs during passage of painful bowel
movements. Therefore, child is voluntarily trys withholding feces to
avoid this painful stimulus. Parents may misinterpret these activities as
straining because it may be associated with fecal soiling & encopresis
(due to constipation with overflow incontinence). FTT, weight loss,
abdominal pain & distention, vomiting may also present.
Ex. Large volume of stool palpated in the suprapubic area; rectal exam
demonstrates normal anal tone & dilated rectal vault filled with stool.

Cx. Retentive constipation → anal irritation and often anal fissure with
bleeding; rarely toxic megacolon may occur.
Urinary tract symptoms may also occur as a sequence of constipation
e.g. urine retention, overflow incontinence, megacystis, and UTI.

 First exclude other causes of constipation e.g. spinal cord lesions (by X-
ray of spine); or hypothyroidism...etc.
 Barium enema in functional constipation may show acquired mega-
 Rectal motility studies can demonstrate a pattern of paradoxical
contraction of the external anal sphincter during defecation.

1. Patient & family education is essential about the pathophysiology of
the disease.
2. Regular bowel training program is oftenhelpful, including sitting on
the toilet for 5–10 min after meals.
3. If an impaction is present on the initial exam, enema is indicated.
4. Maintenance medications of stool softeners e.g. polyethylene glycol,
glycerin (orally or rectaly), lactulose, or mineral oil. Bowel stimulants
- 001 -
e.g. senna or bisacodyl also can be used for short-term but prolonged
use should be avoided.
Maintenance medications are generally continued until a regular bowel
pattern has been established and the associated pain during defecation
is abolished.

(Congenital Aganglionic Megacolon)
Epid. HD is the most common cause of lower intestinal obstruction in
neonates, Male>Female. It may be associated with other congenital
syndromes or defects e.g. Down, Smith-Lemli-Opitz, Waardenburg,
Cartilage-hair hypoplasia, Congenital hypoventilation syndromes, and
many other abnormalities; it is uncommon in premature infants.
Path. Absence of ganglion cells in the bowel wall; although it is mainly
limited to the rectosigmoid (75%), it may extend proximally and involve
the entire colon in 10% of cases.
Hx. It should be suspected in any full-term infant with delayed passage
of meconium >48 hr after birth (because 99% of full-term infants pass
meconium within 48 hr of birth), although some infants with HD pass
meconium normally but subsequently present with chronic
constipation. Less common presentation is FTT with hypoproteinemia
(due to protein-losing enteropathy). Breast-fed infants may not suffer
severe disease as formula-fed infants.
Ex. Abdominal exam reveal distention with large fecal mass is palpable
in the left lower abdomen; rectal examreveal normal anal tone with
empty rectum; rectal exam is usually followed by an explosive passage
of foul-smelling gases and feces.
Cx. Enterocolitis due to stasis that allows proliferation of bacteria, e.g.
Clostridium difficile, Staphylococcus aureus, anaerobes, coliforms, with
associated sepsis and signs of bowel obstruction.

D.Dx. In neonates, HD must be differentiated from meconium plug

syndrome, meconium ileus, and intestinal atresia. In older patients, it
must be differentiated from functional constipation & other causes of
non-mechanical obstruction including Currarino triad (anorectal
malformations, sacral bone anomalies, and presacral anomaly).
- 000 -
 Ba-enema should be done after the 2nd wk of life without preparation.
It may show a Transition zone between normal dilated proximal colon
and a smaller-caliber obstructed distal colon (except when the entire
colon is affected). If only the rectosigmoid is affected, picture is similar
to those with functional constipation. Ba retention also helpful in Dx.
 Rectal suction biopsies are the procedure of choice; it should be
performed no closer than 2 cm from the dentate line. It also can be done
intraoperatively. The biopsy shows absence of both Meissner &
Auerbach plexuses, hypertrophied nerve bundles, & high concentration
of acetylcholinesterase.
 Anorectal manometry measures the pressure of the internal anal
sphincter response to a balloon distended in the rectum; it shows either
failure to relax or "paradoxical" risein its pressure.

Note: In ultrashort-segment Hirschsprung disease, also called "anal

achalasia", the aganglionic segment is limited to the internal sphincter. The
clinical symptoms are similar to those of children with functional
constipation. Ganglion cells are present on rectal suction biopsy, but the
anorectal manometry is abnormal.

Rx. Surgery.


It may be associated with Hirschsprung disease or others conditions with
similar manifestations to that of Hirschsprung disease, but instead of
absence of intestinal ganglion cells, it demonstratesabsent (or hypoplasia)
of the sympathetic innervation of myenteric and submucosal plexuses
(Type A), or dysplastic submucosal plexus with giant ganglia and
thickened nerve fibers (Type B) which account for >95% of cases. It is
either segmental or involve the entire intestinal tract.
Rx. Same as that for functional constipation and, if unsuccessful,

- 002 -
It is failure of gut peristalsis without evidence of mechanical obstruction.
 Abdominal surgery; especially if followed by narcotic administration.
 Infections e.g. peritonitis, gastroenteritis, pneumonia.
 Metabolic abnormalities e.g. uremia, hypokalemia, hypercalcemia,
hypermagnesemia, or acidosis.
 Drugs e.g. antimotility agents, opiates, or vincristine.

C.M. Nausea, vomiting, feeding intolerance, abdominal distention with

associated pain, and delayed passage of stool and bowel gas. Bowel
sounds are minimal or absent.

Inv. Abdominal radiographs demonstrate multiple air–fluid levels

throughout the abdomen.

Rx. Correction of the underlying abnormality e.g. infection, electrolytes

disturbances (especially hypokalemia), or discontinuation of the drug.
Nasogastric tube decompression to reduce emesis. Th use of antiemetics
is controversial.

Pg. Ileus after abdominal surgery generally resolves within 72 hr.

These are common cause of postoperative small bowel mechanical
obstruction after abdominal surgery at any time after the 2nd
postoperative week. The majority are due to singlefibrous bands of
C.M. Features of mechanical obstruction e.g. vomiting, constipation,
abdominal pain & distention; bowel sounds are initially hyperactive but
then disappear.
Rx. Nothing by mouth, NGT decompression, IV fluids (add Potassium if
hypokalemia is present), and antibiotics; if unsuccessful, surgery.

- 003 -
It is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction between 5 mo &
6 yr of age; 60% <1 yr; it is rare in neonates; Male>Female.

Et. Most cases are idiopathic (90%). The condition may complicate otitis
media, gastroenteritis, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, Cystic fibrosis, or
URTI (especially adenovirus type C).It is postulated that gastrointestinal
infection or the introduction of new food proteins results in swelling of
Peyer's patches in the terminal ileum which may predispose to
In 5% of cases, recognizable causes for the intussusception are found,
e.g. Meckel diverticulum, intestinal polyp, neurofibroma, intestinal
duplication, hemangioma, or malignant conditions e.g. lymphoma.

Path. Intussusceptions occur when upper portion of the bowel

"intussusceptum" is invaginates into the lower portion
"intussuscipiens", pulling its mesentery along with it into the enveloping
loop. Constriction of the mesentery obstructs venous return;
engorgement of the intussusceptum follows, with edema, and bleeding
from the mucosa leads to bloody stool which sometimes contain mucus.

Intussusceptions are mostly ileo-colic, less commonly ceco-colic, and

rarely exclusively ileo-ileal. Most intussusceptions do not strangulate the
bowel within the 1st 24 hr, but eventually may result into intestinal
gangrene & shock.

Hx. In typical cases, a previously well child develop sudden onset of
severe paroxysmal colicky abdominal pain that recurs at frequent
intervals and is accompanied by loud cries and straining efforts with legs
and knees flexed. The infant may be normal between the paroxysms.

If the intussusception is not reduced, the infant becomes progressively

weaker & lethargic. Eventually, shock-like state with fever develops.

Vomiting occurs in most cases and is usually more frequent in early

phase, but later, the vomitus becomes bile stained. The stool gradually ↓
in amount & initially appear normal but in 60% of cases the stool contain
red blood and mucus called "currant jelly stool".

- 004 -
Ex. Palpation of the abdomen usually reveals a slightly tender sausage-
shaped mass in 70% of cases, sometimes ill defined which may increase
in size and firmness during the paroxysm of pain and is most often in the
right upper abdomen.

Abdominal distention and tenderness develop as intestinal obstruction

becomes more evident. On rectal exam, bloody mucus on the finger after
its withdrawal.

Cx. Intestinal infarction, perforation, peritonitis, and death.

Inv. Clinical Hx & Ex is the most valuable for diagnosis.

 Plain abdominal X-ray may show a density in the area of
 US of abdomen may show a tubular mass in longitudinal view and a
target appearance in transverse view.
 Contrast enemas demonstrate a filling defect or cupping in the head of
the contrast media, called coiled-spring sign.

D.Dx. It is may be difficult to diagnose intussusception in a child who

already has gastroenteritis; but a change in the pattern of illness,
character of pain, nature of vomiting, and the onset of rectal bleeding
should alert the physician.

Rx. Reduction of an acute intussusception is an emergency procedure

and should be performed immediately after diagnosis.

 lleo-colic & colico-colic intussusceptions can be reduced either by:

Hydrostatic reduction (by barium or saline) or Air reduction under
fluoroscopic or ultrasonic guidance.

The success rate of reduction is ≈ 80% in the 1st 48 hr of

intussusceptions, whereas it ≈ 50% if symptoms are present > 48 hr.
The risk of bowel perforationwith hydrostatic reductionis ≈ 1%,
whereas with Air reduction ≈ 0.1%.

Reduction should not be attempted but surgical reduction is indicated

in the presence of refractory shock, suspected bowel necrosis or
perforation, peritonitis, and multiple recurrences (suspected a
recognizable cause, see above).

- 005 -
 Ileo-ileal intussusceptions usually follow bowel surgery, with HSP, or
idiopathic; it usually resolves spontaneously; otherwise it cannot be
reduced by hydrostatic or air reduction but require manual operative
reduction or resection.

Pg. Although intussusceptions may be reduced spontaneously; it is

usually fatal if untreated in infants. The chances of recovery are directly
related to the duration of intussusception before reduction. The
mortality rate rapidly rises after the 2nd day of symptoms.

Most recurrences occur within 72 hr of the reduction; recurrence rate

after hydrostatic or air reduction is ≈ 20% and after surgical reduction
<5%, whereas none has recurred after surgical resection.
Corticosteroids may ↓ the frequency of recurrence of intussusceptions!.

- 006 -
The diarrhea is defined as excessive loss of fluid and electrolyte in the
stool. Acute diarrhea is defined as sudden onset of excessively loose
stools >10 mL/kg/day in infants or >200 g/24 hr in older children.

Et. There are many causes of diarrhea including bacterial, viral, &
parasitic pathogens, as well as noninfectious causes e.g. toxins &
Infectious causes are mainly acquired by feco-oral route through
ingestion of contaminated food or water.
The most common viral agent in diarrhea is rotavirus, whereas the most
common bacterial agents are Salmonella, Shigella, & E. coli.
Bacterial dysentery means diarrhea that contains blood and leukocytes
in stool and associated with abdominal cramps, tenesmus, and fever. It is
mainly caused by: Salmonella, Shigella, enteroinvasive E. coli,
Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

Risk factors for gastroenteritis include: young age, immune deficiency,

measles, malnutrition, lack of exclusive or predominant breast-feeding,
poverty, poor environmental hygiene, and development indices of the
country. In addition children with vit A or zinc deficiency have increased
risk of mortality from diarrhea.

Path. Enteropathogens elicit either:-

 Inflammatory diarrhea; produced by direct invasion of bacteria or
production of cytotoxins → effusion of fluid, protein, and cells
(erythrocytes, leukocytes) which enter the intestinal lumen.
 Non-inflammatory diarrhea; produced either by: enterotoxin
produced by some bacteria, destruction of villi (surface of cells) by
viruses, adherence of parasites, or adherence and/or translocation of
Note: Normally, the epithelial cells at the tip of villus are continually renewed
every 4–5 days.
 Death in GE is due to either severe dehydration or malnutrition which
can cause persistent diarrhea, malnutrition, or secondary infection.
 Extraintestinal Manifestations (mainly due to bacterial pathogens)
including: Systemic spread with focal infections; Reactive arthritis;

- 007 -
Guillain-Barre syndrome; Glomerulonephritis; IgA nephropathy;
HUS;Hemolytic anemia; & Erythema nodosum.

 Clinical evaluation of diarrhea:-

1. Assess the degree of dehydration by the following:-
 Mild dehydration (<5% in infant; <3% in older child):-
N or ↑ pulse; ↓ urine output; thirst; normal physical findings.
 Moderate dehydration (5-10% in infant; 3-6% in older child):-
Tachycardia; little or no urine output; irritable/lethargic; sunken eyes
and fontanel; ↓ tears; dry mucous membranes; mild delay in elasticity
(skin turgor); delayed capillary refill (>1.5 sec); cool and pale.
 Severe dehydration (>10% in infant; >6% in older child):-
Peripheral pulses either rapid and weak or absent; ↓ BP; no urine
output; very sunken eyes and fontanel; no tears; parched mucous
membranes; delayed elasticity (poor skin turgor); very delayed capillary
refill (>3 sec); cold and mottled skin; limp, depressed consciousness.
Note: Many of these signs are unreliable in patients with severe malnutrition,
especially skin fold "turger" due to loss of skin fat.
2. Obtain appropriate contact or exposure hx to patient with diarrhea.
3. Clinically determine the etiology of diarrhea for institution of prompt
antibiotic therapy, if indicated.

To determine the location of inflammation; nausea and vomiting

usually indicate infection in the stomach and upper intestine;
periumbilical pain and large watery diarrhea are indicative of
involvement of the small intestine; severe abdominal pain and tenesmus
are indicative of involvement of the large intestine and rectum.

 GSE: Look for mucus, blood, fecal leukocytes, or parasites.
 Stool cultures should be obtained early in the course of diseas.
It is usually indicated in the following 4 conditions: bloody diarrhea,
chronic diarrhea, immunosuppression, & outbreaks of HUS.
 Blood tests e.g. CBP, blood culture, serologic tests, & PCR are
sometimes used for specific pathogens.
 Recently, multiplexed nucleic acid technology can detect many of
gastrointestinal pathogens.

- 008 -
Rx. It include: initial rehydration, replacement of ongoing losses,
nutrition, & other therapies.

1. Initial Rehydration according to the degree of dehydration as

 No or Minimal dehydration; No need.
 Mild to Moderate dehydration; ORS (50 – 100) ml/kg over 3–4 hr.
 Severe dehydration; Shoot of Normal Saline (NS) or Ringer Lactate
(RL), 20 ml/kg over 20 min that can be repeated until perfusion and
mental status improve; then shift to Glucose Saline (1/2) twice
maintenance fluid rates or ORS 100 ml/kg over 4 hr.

 Important Notes on Rehydration:-

 Indications of IV fluid therapy include: severe dehydration, age <6 mo,
prematurity, chronic illness, high fever, bloody diarrhea, persistent
vomiting, poor urine output, and depressed level of consciousness.
 RL should be avoided in patient with isolated vomiting due to the
presence of lactate (which converted in liver to bicarbonate) which
worsens the alkalosis; whereas Ringer alone is not contraindicated.
 Average loss of electrolytes in isolated diarrhea (in mEq/L); Sodium:
55, Potassium: 25, Bicarbonate: 15. Thus appropriate replacement fluid
is D5% 0.2 NS + 20 mEq/L KCl + 20 mEq/L sodium bicarbonate.
 Average loss of electrolytes in isolated vomiting (in mEq/L); Sodium:
60, Potassium: 10, Chloride: 90. Thus appropriate replacement fluid is
NS + 10 mEq/L KCl.

 Calculation of 24-hr fluid need is as follows:-

Deficit + Maintainance - Initial boluses (shoots).
Deficits = percentage of dehydration × body weight.
Maintainance = 1st 10 kg of body wt (100 ml/kg), 2nd 10 kg (50
ml/kg), and 3rd 10 kg (20 ml/kg).
 Sources of water loss (in the absence of gastroenteritis): urine (60%),
insensible losses, skin and lungs (≈35%), & stool (5%).
 During rehydration, always recheck for disappearance of signs of
dehydration (see above) as well as check the signs of overhydration e.g.
edema & pulmonary congestion.
 Be careful during management of patient with hyper- or hyponatremic
dehydration (by measuring serum Na) through appropriate choice of
- 009 -
fluid type and rate of administration because these types of dehydration
are dangerous & should be corrected slowly (see later).

2. Replacement of ongoing losses:-

 No or Minimal dehydration; for patients <10 kg, give ≈10 ml/kg of ORS
for each diarrheal stool or vomiting episode; for patients >10 kg, give
≈20 ml/kg.
 Mild to Moderate dehydration; same as above.
 Severe dehydration; Same as above, but if patient is unable to drink,
administer ORS through NG tube or by IV Glucose Saline (1/4) with
addition of 20 mEq/L KCl after urination.

 Oral RehydrationTherapy:-
 ORS is generally better than IV fluid Rx, it should be given slowly if
there is vomiting, then ↑ gradually as tolerated orally or by NG tube.
 The most commonly used ORS by WHO is that which contains:-
Carbohydrate 13.5 g/L, Na 75 mmol/L, K 20 mmol/L, Cl 65 mmol/L,
Base 10 mmol/L & Osmolality 245 mosm/L.
Note: ORS with lower osmolality can be more effective in reducing stool output.
 Cereal-based oral rehydration fluids can be prepared at home which
also can be advantageous for malnourished children.
 Home remedies e.g. decarbonated soda beverages, fruit juices, and tea
are not suitable for rehydration or maintenance therapy because they
have inappropriately high osmolalities and low sodium concentrations.

3. Nutrition:-
For all degrees of dehydration, continue breast-feeding or resume age-
appropriate normal diet after initial hydration. Diet selection in acute
diarrhea include any typeof food (because coupled transport of sodium
to glucose & amino acids is largely unaffected) except fatty food as its
absorption is affected by diarrhea.
Although acute diarrheal episodes usually do not cause lactose
intolerance, it is prudent to ↓ lactose loadin the diet by addition of
cereals to milk or replacement of milk with yogurt. Rarely, patient may
develop cow's milk protein intolerance which may need replacement
with specialized formula.

- 021 -
4. Additional therapies:-
 Antibiotic Rx if timely used in select cases, it may reduce the duration
and severity of diarrhea and prevent Cxs, but it should weighted against
bacterial resistance. Nitazoxanide, an anti-infective agent, has been
effective in the treatment of wide variety of pathogens.
 Zinc supplementation can↓duration and severity of diarrhea. It is
recommended for all children with acute diarrhea in at risk areas for
10–14 days during and after diarrheaorally in dose 10 mg/day for
infants <6 mo and 20 mg/day for infants & chidren >6 mo.
 Vit A supplementation may ↓ diarrhea-specific mortality.
 Antimotility agents are contraindicated in children with dysentry
and probably have no role in Rx of acute watery diarrhea.
 Antiemetic agents are of little value and potentially associated with
serious SE. Ondansetron is effective & less toxic, it can be given as oral
or sublingual tablet.
 Probiotics (see later).

Pv. It can be accomplished by: Improving case Rx &tracing the source;

Promotion of exclusive breast-feeding in the first 4-6 mo of age;
Breastfeeding should continue for up to 2 yr; Improved complementary
feeding practices; Improved water and sanitary facilities; Promotion of
personal and domestic hygiene; Rotavirus immunization; and Vit A

- 020 -

Probiotics are livingmicroorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the

host; they include: Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria, and the yeast
Saccharomyces boulardii.
Prebiotics include materials that enhance proliferation and development
of probiotic microorganisms.
Synbiotics = Probiotics + Prebiotics.

 Probiotics must fulfill the following criteria to be beneficial:-

Of human source, nonpathogenic (safe); resist gastric, bile, & pancreatic
digestion; adhere to and colonize the enterocytes. Moreover, it should
produce antimicrobial substances, have favorable immuno-modulation
properties & have the ability to influence metabolic activities.

 Clinical uses &trials of Probiotics:-

Acute infectious diarrhea; Antibiotic-associated diarrhea; Necrotizing
enterocolitis; Lactase deficiency; Celiac disease; Food protein
hypersensitivity; Helicobacter pylori infection; as well as other

 SE &rational use of Probiotics:-

 They may cause mild gastrointestinal complaints e.g. diarrhea,
flatulence, and change of bowel habit.
 May cause bacteremia or fungemia with endocarditis, especially those
who suffer from immune deficiency or cardiac anomalies.
 Probiotics may be unsafe in immunodeficient patient or < 4 mo of age.
 Immune response may be inducedagainst probiotics by enterocytes.
 Potential transfer of virulence and/or resistance factors to antibiotics
from probiotics to the commensal gut flora.
 Lactobacilli may potentially contribute to dental caries.
 Probiotics sometimes have no effect or lose their effect when mixed
with another one.

- 022 -
Specific Types of Dehydration:-
Isotonic dehydration is the most common type of dehydration in
gastroenteritis, but occationally, hypo- or hypernatremic dehydration
may occur which require special attention during rehydration. However,
even children with mild to moderate hypo- or hypernatremic
dehydration can be managed safely with ORS.

Hyponatremic Dehydration
It occurs when serum Na <135 mEq/L.
Et. Child with diarrhea who is taking large quantities of low-salt fluid
(e.g. water, fruit juice, or diluted formula), diarrhea with high sodium
content (e.g. cholera), or in infants <6 mo of age when caregivers offer
water to their infant as a supplement or during hot weather.
Note: Infants <6 mo should not be given water to drink; infants between 6 and 12
mo should not receive more than 1-2 ounces of water. If the infant appears
thirsty, the mother should offer breastfeed or formula to the child.

Path. Hyponatremia →↓ osmolality of the extracellular space → shift of

water from the extracellular space to the intracellular space → swelling
of cells (the most dangerous are brain cells) →↑ intracranial pressure →↓
cerebral blood flow.

C.M. The degree of dehydration is usually overestimated (due to rapid

depletion of intravascular fluid). Acute, severe hyponatremia can cause
brainstem herniation and apnea. Other neurologic symptoms
include: anorexia, nausea, emesis, malaise, lethargy, confusion, agitation,
headache, reduced reflexes, seizures, and coma. Hyponatremia can also
cause muscle cramps, weakness, and rhabdomyolysis. Some patients may
develop hypothermia and Cheyne-Stokes respirations.

Rx. The initial goal in treating hyponatremia is correction of

intravascular volume depletion with isotonic fluid (NS or RL). An overly
rapid correction (>12 mEq/L over the first 24 hr) or overcorrection
(serum Na >135 mEq/L) is associated with increased risk of Central
Pontine Myelinolysis, especially if the patient has prolonged

- 023 -
However, most patients with hyponatremic dehydration do well with the
same basic strategy that is outlined in patients with isotonic
dehydration (see above).
Patients with neurologic symptoms (e.g. seizures) as a result of
hyponatremia need to receive acute infusion of hypertonic saline (3%),
4 mL/kg to raise serum Na concentration rapidly.

Hypernatremic Dehydration

It is the most dangerous form of dehydration that occur when serum Na

> 145-150 mEq/L.

Et. It is commonly occur in any patient with diarrhea (including

neonates) associated with poor oral intake due to anorexia or emesis, or
the fluid loss is replaced with a concentrated formula.

Path. Hypernatremia →↑ osmolality of the extracellular space → shift of

water from the intracellular to the extracellular space which mainly affect
the brain cells → brain shrinkage and tearing blood vessels within the
The movement of water from the intracellular to the extracellular space
during hypernatremic dehydration partially protects the intravascular
volume. Therefore, the signs of dehydration are often
underestimated, i.e. there is a delay in medical attention till more
profound dehydration occurs.

C.M. Patients with hypernatremic dehydration are often lethargic, but

restless & irritable when touched. Some infants have a high-pitched cry
and hyperpnea; alert patients are very thirsty. Hypernatremia may cause
fever and hyperreflexia. More severe neurologic symptoms may develop
if cerebral bleeding or thrombosis occurs.

Pinched abdominal skin of hypernatremic infant has a “doughy” feel,

probably due to intracellular water loss. Hypernatremia usually
associated with hyperglycemia and mild hypocalcemia; the cause is

- 024 -
 Brain hemorrhage is the most devastating consequence of
hypernatremia. It include: subarachnoid, subdural, and parenchymal
hemorrhages. CSF protein is often elevated.
 Thrombotic Cxs include: stroke, dural sinus thrombosis, peripheral
thrombosis, and renal vein thrombosis.
 Central pontine (or extrapontine) myelinolysis can also occur in
children with hypernatremic dehydration.

Rx. Idiogenic osmoles are generated within the brain during

hypernatremia to increase the osmolality within brain cells providing
protection against their shrinkage. They dissipate slowly during the
correction of hypernatremia; therefore, if rapid lowering of the
extracellular osmolality during the correction of hypernatremia, an
osmotic gradient may be created that causes water movement from the
extracellular space into the brain cells → cerebral edema with features
similar to those of hyponatremic dehydration (see above).

To minimize the risk of cerebral edema, serum Na concentration should

notdecrease >12 mEq/L every 24 hr. The deficits may need to be
corrected slowly according to the degree of hypernatremia as follows:-
145-157 mEq/L: 24 hr (1 day), 158-170 mEq/L: 48 hr (2 days), 171-
183 mEq/L: 72 hr (3 days), 184-196 mEq/L: 84 hr (3.5 days).

RL should not be used during initial resuscitation because it is more

hypotonic than NS and may cause too rapid decrease in serum Na
concentration. G.S. 1/2 is appropriate as a maintainance fluid.
During therapy, patient should be discouraged to take free water or
diluted formula but ORS may be a good choice; serum Na should be
assessed frequently.
If patient develop convulsion due to cerebral edema during therapy, use
hypertonic saline (3%) 4 mL/kg to raise serum Na concentration

- 025 -
Chronic diarrhea is defined as loose or watery stools >3 times a
dayfor >2 wk. It also called persistent or protracted diarrhea. It is a
common problem in the developing countries.
Note: Awakening at night to pass stool is often a sign of an organic cause of

Path. The mechanisms of diarrhea are generally divided into secretory

and osmotic, but often diarrhea is the result of both mechanisms.

 Osmotic Diarrhea occurs whenever digestion or absorption is impaired

as in the following:-
 Malabsorption of water-soluble nutrients (congenital or acquired) e.g.
glucose or galactose malabsorption.
 Disaccharidase deficiencies (congenital or acquired) e.g. lactase or
sucrase deficiency.
 Excessive intake of carbonated fluids or non-absorbable solutes e.g.
sorbitol, lactulose, or Mg OH.
 Intestinal damage e.g. enteric infection.
 Reduced functional absorptive surface e.g. celiac disease.

 Secretory Diarrhea is usually due to activation of the intracellular

mediators e.g. cAMP, cGMP & calcium by bacterial toxins, hormones,
neurotransmitters, & other substances that eventually stimulate active
chloride secretion from the crypt cells and inhibit the neutral coupled
sodium chloride absorption.

The Differentiation between: Osmotic & Secretory Diarrhea:-

 Volume of stool Small Large
 Response to fasting Diarrhea stops Diarrhea continues
 Reducing substances Positive Negative
 Stool pH <5 >6
 Stool Na <70 mEq/L >70 mEq/L
 2 [Na+K] of stool <stool osmolarity >stool osmolarity
 Ion gap ≥ 100 mOsm/kg < 100 mOsm/kg

Note: Sucroseis not a reducing substance unless after addition of HCl to the stool
sample before adding reducing agent.

- 026 -
 Mutational Defects of Ion Transport Proteins include:-
Congenital defects of chloride-bicarbonate exchange, sodium-hydrogen
exchange, and sodium–bile acid transport proteins; all are result in
secretory diarrhea that is evident at birth with hx of polyhydramnios
in the mother & usually presented with FTT during the neonatal period.
The defect in chloride-bicarbonate exchange is most common→
congenital chloride diarrhea & hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis.
 Alteration in Intestinal Motility; these include: malnutrition,
scleroderma, intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndromes, and diabetes
mellitus; all → hypomotility → bacterial overgrowth → deconjugation
of bile salts →↑ cAMP → secretory diarrhea.
 Reduction in Anatomic Surface Area e.g. Short bowel syndrome &
Celiac disease→ loss of fluids, electrolytes, macronutrients, and
micronutrients → osmotic diarrhea.

Et. of chronic diarrhea (in general):-


 Pancreatic disorders e.g. Cystic fibrosis, Chronic pancreatitis,
Shwachman-Diamond syndrome.
 Bile acid disorders e.g. Chronic cholestasis, Terminal ileum resection,
Bacterial overgrowth
 Intestinal disorders e.g. all causes of Osmotic Diarrhea.


 Altered mucosal integrity e.g. Infections, Infestations, Cow's milk and
soy protein intolerance.
 Altered immune function e.g. Autoimmune enteropathy, AIDS.
 Altered function e.g. Defects in Cl/HCO3, Na+/H+, bile acids,
acrodermatitis enteropathica.
 Altereddigestive function e.g. Enterokinase deficiency.
 Altered surface area e.g. Celiac disease, Postenteritis syndrome,
Microvillus inclusion disease.
 Altered secretory function e.g. Enterotoxin-producing bacteria, Tumors
secreting vasoactive peptides.
 Altered anatomic structures e.g. Hirschsprung disease, Partial small
bowel obstruction.

- 027 -
 Common causes of chronic diarrhea (according to age):-
 NEONATES: Microvillus inclusion disease, Cong short bowel synd, Cong
chloride diarrhea, & other causes of cong diarrhea syndromes.
Note: Breast fed neonate & young infant normally has numerous loose stools
per day, especially when the infant begin to fed (due to gastro-colic reflex), this
may be confused with diarrhea.
 INFANTS: Postenteritis malabsorption syndrome, Cow's milk/soy
protein intolerance, Secondary disaccharidase deficiencies, & Cystic
 CHILDREN: Chronic nonspecific diarrhea, Secondary disaccharidase
deficiencies, Giardiasis, Postenteritis malabsorption syndrome, Celiac
disease, & Cystic fibrosis.
 ADOLESCENTS: Irritable bowel syndrome, Inflammatory bowel disease,
Giardiasis, & Lactose intolerance.

 Specific Causes of Chronic Diarrhea:-

 Enteric Infections are by far the most common cause of chronic

diarrhea in developing and developed countries. The sequential
infections with the same or different pathogen may be responsible for
prolonged symptoms. Entero-adherent Escherichia coli &
Cryptosporidium parvum have been implicated in chronic diarrhea in
developing countries. In developed countries chronic infectious
diarrhea usually runs a benign course and the etiology is often viral e.g.
rotavirus or norovirus. CMV & Clostridium difficile are emerging agents
of severe diarrhea in children that may become chronic.

 Postenteritis Syndrome is a clinical-pathologic condition in which

small intestinal mucosal damage persists after acute
gastroenteritis. Sensitization to food antigens, secondary
disaccharidase deficiency, or an infection or reinfection with an enteric
pathogen is responsible for postenteritis syndrome. A change of the gut
microflora and/or antibiotic therapy may also contribute to
postenteritis diarrhea.

 Food Allergy: It is a common cause of chronic diarrhea (see chapter 2).

 Chronic Nonspecific Diarrhea (Functional diarrhea) (Toddler's

diarrhea) usually occur in children <4 yr of age; whereas Irritable
Bowel Syndrome usually occur in children ≥5 yr. Both are the most
- 028 -
benign etiology of diarrhea. Both conditions are now considered the
same with a slightly different age presentation.
Et. Ingestion of significant amounts of carbonated fluids or fruit juices.
C.M. The hallmark of chronic nonspecific diarrhea is abdominal pain &
diarrhea associated with normal weight growth in well-appearing
subjects. In younger children diarrhea is often watery, sometimes
containing undigested food particles; it usually more severe in the
Rx. Carbonated fluids or fruit juices should be reduced because they
usually contain sorbitol (nonabsorbable sugar) & fructose. If the child's
fluid intake is >150 ml/kg/day, then it should be ↓ to <90 ml/kg/day. A
diet based on the “4 F” principles (↓ fructose & fluids, ↑ fat & fiber) +/_
probiotics is beneficial.
In older children, irritable bowel syndrome is often associated with
abdominal pain which may be related to anxiety, depression, or other
psychologic disturbances.

 Intractable Diarrhea Syndrome is the most severe etiology of

diarrhea that includes a number of heterogeneous conditions →
permanent defect in the structure or function of intestine → progressive
or irreversible intestinal failure that require parenteral nutrition for
The main causes of intractable diarrhea include: structural enterocyte
defects, disorders of intestinal motility, immune-based disorders, short
gut, and multiple food intolerance.

 Phenotypic Diarrhea (Syndromic diarrhea) (tricho-hepato-enteric

syndrome) is a rare disease that may be due to AR transmission
presenting with facial dysmorphism, woolly hair, severe diarrhea, and
malabsorption; half of patients have liver disease.

 Congenital Diarrheal Diseases e.g. microvillus inclusion disease,

intestinal epithelial dysplasia & others are rare disorders (see the text
for more details).

 Evaluation of patient with chronic diarrhea:-

 Personal and family history may provide specific clues that may
suggest congenital, allergic, or inflammatory etiology. A previous
episode of acute gastroenteritis suggests postenteritis syndrome; the
- 029 -
association of diarrhea with specific food may indicate food allergy; hx
of polyhydramnios may suggest congenital diarrhea syndromes. The
presence of eczema, asthma or family hx of atopy is usually associated
with allergic disorders. Specific extraintestinal manifestations might
suggest hormone-secreting tumors or an autoimmune disease.

 Clinical examination should include general and nutritional status

evaluation. Dehydration, marasmus, or kwashiorkor requires prompt
supportive interventions to stabilize the patient. Caloric intake should
be quantitatively determined and the relationship between weight
modifications and energy intake should be carefully considered.

 Anthropometric evaluation is an essential step to evaluate “if, since

when, and how much” diarrhea has affect the body weight. It includes
evaluation of weight and height curves and of the weight for height
index to determine the impact of diarrhea on growth. Weight is
generally impaired before height, but with time, linear growth also
becomes affected, and both parameters may be equally abnormal in the
long term. Assessment of body composition may be performed by
measuring mid-arm circumference and triceps skinfold thickness.

 Biochemical markers can assist in grading malnutrition. The half -life

of serum proteins can differentiate between short-term and long-term

Inv. Stepwise diagnostic work-up for children with chronic diarrhea

Step 1:-
 Intestinal microbiology e.g. Stool cultures, Microscopy for parasites,
PCR for viruses, Stool electrolytes, H2 breath test.
 Screening test for celiac disease by Antitissue Transglutaminase Ab.
 Tests for food allergy e.g. skin prick test, food elimination & challenge.
 Abdominal US may detect liver and pancreatic abnormalities or an
increase in distal ileal wall thickness that suggests IBS.
 Non-invasive tests for intestinal function (e.g. ↑ fecal calprotectin or
lactoferrin indicate intestinal inflammation), pancreatic function, sweat
test for CF.

- 031 -
Step 2:-
 Intestinal Biopsy e.g. Standard jejunal/colonic histology,
Morphometry, Periodic Acid–Schiff (PAS) staining, Electron microscopy.

Step 3:-
 Special investigations e.g. Intestinal immunohistochemistry, Anti-
enterocyte antibodies, Serum chromogranin and catecholamines,
Autoantibodies, 75Se-homocholic acid–taurine measurement, Brush
border enzymatic activities, Motility and electrophysiological studies.

Rx. Chronic diarrhea associated with impaired nutritional status should

always be considered a serious disease, and Rx should be started
promptly including; nutritional rehabilitation, elimination diet, and
drugs. Drug Rx includes therapies for specific etiologies and
interventions aimed at counteracting fluid secretion and/or promoting
restoration of disrupted intestinal epithelium.

 General supportive measures; e.g. replacement of fluid and

electrolyte losses is the most important early intervention because
death in most instances is caused by dehydration.

 Nutritional rehabilitation is often essential and is based on clinical

and biochemical assessment. In moderate to severe malnutrition,
caloric intake may be progressively increased to ≥ 50% above the
recommended dietary allowances & the intestinal absorptive capacity
should be monitored by digestive function tests.
In children with steatorrhea, medium chain triglycerides may be the
main source of lipids.
Lactose-free diet should be started in all children with chronic
diarrhea (as recommended by WHO). Lactose is generally replaced by
maltodextrin or a combination of complex carbohydrates.
Semi-elemental or elemental diets have the double purpose of
overcoming food intolerance (which may be the primary cause of
chronic diarrhea) and facilitating nutrient absorption. The sequence of
elimination should be graded from less to more restricted diets e.g.
cow's milk protein hydrolysate to amino-acid–based formula
(depending on the child's situation). However in severely compromised
infants it may be convenient to start with amino-acid–based feeding.

- 030 -
 Micronutrient & vitamin supplementation are part of nutritional
rehabilitation and prevent further problems, especially among
malnourished children in developing countries. Zinc supplementation is
an important factor in both prevention and therapy of chronic diarrhea,
because it promotes ion absorption, restores epithelial proliferation,
and stimulates immune response. Vit A supplementation is also

 Clinical nutrition includes enteral or parenteral nutrition. Enteral

nutrition may be delivered via nasogastric or gastrostomy tube and is
indicated in a child who cannot be fed through the oral route (due to a
primary intestinal diseases or extreme weakness). In extreme wasting,
enteral nutrition might not be sufficient, and parenteral nutrition is

 Drug therapy includes anti-infectious drugs, immune suppression, and

drugs that can inhibit fluid loss and promote cell growth.
Specific antibiotics should be prescribed if a bacterial agent is
detected. Empirical antibiotic therapy may be used in children with
small bowel bacterial overgrowth or with suspected bacterial diarrhea
e.g. TMP-SMZ, metronidazole, albendazole, or nitazoxanide (which
have a broad spectrum of activity against many pathogens). In
Rotavirus-induced severe and protracted diarrhea, oral administration
of human immunoglobulins (300 mg/kg) should be considered.
In selected conditions e.g. autoimmune enteropathy, immune
suppression may be considered.
Rx may also directed at modifying specific pathophysiologic processes
e.g. severe ion secretion may be reduced by pro-absorptive agents e.g.
Racecadotril, an enkephalinase inhibitor. In diarrhea due to
neuroendocrine tumors, microvillus inclusion disease, and enterotoxin-
induced severe diarrhea, a trial with Octreotide, a somatostatin analog,
may be considered.
Zinc & Growth Hormone can promote enterocyte growth and ion
absorption and may be effective when intestinal atrophy is associated
with ion secretion.

 When the above measures are failed, the only options may be either
parenteral nutrition or intestinal transplantation.

- 032 -
Et. Causes of malabsorption are similar to those of chronic diarrhea;
however, a patient with malabsorption is not necessary has diarrhea all
the time. Malabsorption can be classified according to the following:-

 Malabsorption due to generalized mucosal defect:-

 Food-induced enteropathye.g. Celiac disease, Cow's milk and other

protein-sensitive enteropathies.
 Congenital bowel mucosal defects e.g. Microvillous inclusion disease,
Tufting enteropathy.
 Protein-losing enteropathy e.g. Lymphangiectasia, Disorders causing
bowel mucosal inflammation.
 Infection induced e.g. Parasitic infections (especially Giardiasis),
Bacterial overgrowth, Tropical sprue, Postinfectious enteropathy.
 Immunodeficiency disorders e.g. Congenital or Acquired
immunodeficiency disorders, AIDS, Immunosuppressive therapy.
 Autoimmune enteropathy.
 Miscellaneous e.g. Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease, Short
bowel syndrome, Chronic malnutrition, Radiation enteritis.

 Malabsorption due to predominant nutrient malabsorption:-

 Carbohydrate malabsorption e.g. Lactose malabsorption, Congenital

lactase deficiency, Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.
 Fat malabsorption e.g. Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, Cystic fibrosis,
Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, Chronic pancreatitis, Protein-calorie
malnutrition, Liver and biliary disorders, Bile acid synthetic defects,
 Amino acid malabsorption e.g. Lysinuric protein intolerance (defect in
dibasic amino acid transport), Hartnup disease (defect in free neutral
amino acids), Blue diaper syndrome (isolated tryptophan
 Mineral and Vitamin malabsorption e.g. Congenital chloride diarrhea,
Congenital sodium absorption defect, Acrodermatitis enteropathica
(zinc malabsorption), Menke disease (copper malabsorption), Folate
malabsorption, Vit B12 malabsorption.
 Drug-induced malabsorption e.g. Sulfasalazine : folic acid, Phenytoin :
calcium, Cholestyramine : calcium & fat.
- 033 -
 Clinical approach to child with suspected malabsorption:-

The common presenting features of malabsorption are diarrhea,

abdominal distention & FTT. Many patients have good appetite, but
others have anorexia.
There are some clues in the History may indicate the etiology of
malabsorption e.g.:-
 Oncet of diarrhea early in life → congenital defect.
 Onset of symptoms after introduction of particular food →
malabsorption of that food.
 Explosive watery diarrhea → carbohydrate malabsorption.
 Loose, bulky stools → celiac disease.
 Pasty and yellowish offensive stool → exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
 Green stool with undigested food → rapid intestinal transit.
 Clay-like (acholic) stool → obstructive jaundice.

There are some clues in the Examination may indicate the etiology of
malabsorption e.g.:-
 Generalized edema → protein-losing enteropathy.
 Clubbing → cystic fibrosis or celiac disease.
 Perianal excoriation and gaseous abdominal distention →
carbohydrate malabsorption.
 Perianal and circumoral rash → acrodermatitis enteropathica.
 Abnormal hair → Menkes syndrome.
 Typical facial features diagnostic of the Johannson-Blizzard syndrome.

 Tests for Carbohydrate malabsorption:-
1. Test for reducing substances in the stool is suggestive if > ++.
2. Breath Hydrogen Test; patient should be fast overnight & on no
antibiotics, then given the suspected sugar (lactose or sucrose) as an
oral solution; in malabsorption, the sugar is not digested or absorbed in
the small bowel, passes to the colon, and is metabolized by the normal
bacteria flora →↑ breath hydrogen > 20 ppm.
3. Small bowel mucosal biopsies; can directly measure mucosal

- 034 -
 Tests for Fat malabsorption:-
1. GSE show fat globules, but remember normally absorption of fat in the
child > full-term > premature.
2. Stool collection (for 3 days) for fecal fat estimation is definitive but
cumbersome test.
3. Acid Steatocrit test is simple, rapid &reliable test.
4. Estimation of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D & E) serum levels; vit K can
be estimated by measuring PT.
5. Duodenal fluid aspirate for evaluation of bile acid levels.

 Test for Gastrointestinal Protein Loss:-

There is no test for food protein malabsorption, but the only test for
protein loss from GIT is the estimation ofα2-antitrypsin in stool
whichis an endogenous protein present in the plasma and secreted in the
intestine during any condition associated with protein-losing
enteropathy; it resist digestion thus it considered as screening test for
these conditions.

 Tests for Pancreatic Exocrine Function:-

1. Serum Trypsinogen concentration is reduced in pancreatic
insufficiency. It is a screening test, although it may ↑ in early stages of
cystic fibrosis.
2. Fecal Elastase-1 estimation is sensitive but not specific test because it
may be false-positive in intestinal villous atrophy & diarrhea.
3. Duodenal fluid aspiratefor bicarbonate, trypsinogen, and lipase after
stimulation with secretin and cholecystokinin.
4. Urine or Breath concentration of substances that reduced in pancreatic

 Tests for Intestinal Mucosal Disorders:-

1. Small bowel mucosal biopsies; for histologic exam, measuring
mucosal disaccharidases activities, duodenal aspirates to measure
pancreatic enzyme concentration, quantitative bacterial cultures, or
other infections e.g. Giardia.
2. Imaging procedures including plain radiographs, barium contrast
studies, & US may show dilated intestinal loops, but usually not

- 035 -
(Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy)
Epid. CD is a common disease that found in at least 1% of population.
The concordance in monozygotic twins approachs 100%. HLA that
associated with CD are DQ2 & DQ8.

Path. CD is an immune-mediated enteropathy caused by permanent

sensitivity to gluten in genetically susceptible individuals, although
environmental factors also play a role. Glutenprotein is found in wheat,
rye, barley & (infrequently) oat, it reacts with transglutaminase enzyme
in the gut and it is a potent inducer of T-cell lines.

Hx. Typical presentation usually within 1st 2 yr of life after introduction
of gluten in the diet; it include one or more of the following:-
FTT, diarrhea, vomiting, irritability, anorexia (or sometimes ↑
appetite), abdominal pain & distention, loose, bulky & foul-smell
stools, and rarely rectal prolapse.
Ex. ↓ Growth parameters, muscle wasting & hypotonia, abdominal
distention, edema, & rarely finger clubbing.

Extraintestinal manifestations & associations with CD include:-

 Iron-deficiency anemia (it is the most common which not respond to
iron therapy), dental enamel hypoplasia of permanent teeth,
osteopenia/osteoporosis, short stature, delayed puberty, hepatitis,
arthritis, epilepsy, headache, depression, ataxia, & myelopathy.
 Autoimmunity e.g. DM type 1, Thyroiditis, Addison disease, Biliary
cirrhosis, Dermatitis herpetiformis, & IgA deficiency.
 Syndromes e.g. Turner, Down, & William.
 Malignancy (if untreated) e.g. Adenocarcinoma & NHL of the small

 Anti-tissue Transglutaminase2 IgA antibody & Anti-endomysium
IgA antibody are 10-fold increase compared to the general population;
they are highly sensitive & specific tests, but measurement of serum
IgA concentration is mandatory to exclude false-negative results if CD is
associated with IgA-deficiency, which if present, do Anti-tissue

- 036 -
transglutaminase IgG antibody (instead of IgA), Anti-endomysium IgG,
or Antibodies against gliadin-derived deamidated peptides (D-AGA).

 Small Intestinal Biopsy is the definitive test for CD, but since mucosal
involvement is usually patchy, so multiple biopsies must be obtained.
Histologic changes include: partial or total villous atrophy, crypt
elongation, ↑ number & mitotic index of lymphocytes.

Because there are a lot of conditions which can produce similar

histological changes, therefore 2 biopsies are required to diagnose CD:
Initial biopsy at presentation and the 2nd to document healing on
gluten withdrawal from the diet, although this may not be required
when there is a good clinical & biochemical response to the gluten-free
diet, as well as gluten challenge is currently not considered mandatory
except in situations when there is doubt about the initial diagnosis.

 Genetic Tests; the absence of HLA DQ2 and/or DQ8 have a strong
negative predictive value for diagnosis of CD, whereas their presence
have very weak positive predictive value.

Rx. The only treatment for CD is life-long gluten-free diet which

requires exclusion of wheat, barley, & rye as well as unpurified oat.
After gluten withdrawal, there should be rapid remission of symptoms
(within 1 wk). Levels of tissue transglutaminases should also ↓ after 6
mo of gluten withdrawal; it can be used to monitor compliancewith
gluten-free diet.

 Clinical Patterns of CD; It can be divided into following 4 variants:-

 Symptomatic; when the classic features are present (see above).
 Silent; when there are no apparent symptoms in spite of histologic
evidence of villous atrophy, these mostly identified during serologic
screening of high risk groups.
 Potential; denote subjects with positive CD serology but without
evidence of altered jejunal histology, although they may be
 Latent; denote subjects who have a normal histology, but at some other
time, have shown a gluten-sensitive enteropathy.

- 037 -
There are at least 5 hepatotropic viruses: HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, & HEV.
All are RNA (except HBV is DNA).
 Transmission of the viruses as follow:-
 Fecal-oral; only A & E.
 Parenteral, Sexual & Perinatal; ALL except A & E (although A can
rarely transmitted parenterally).
 Chronic infection is mainly caused by; B, C, D.
 FHF is mainly caused by; B, D, E.

 Common biochemical profiles of viral hepatitis:-

 Cytopathic injury (injury of liver cells) →↑ ALT & AST.
 Cholestasis→↑ of TSB (mainly direct), ALP, GGT (γ-glutamyl trans-
peptidase), 5′-nucleotidase, andBile acids in the serum & urine.
 Altered synthetic function (due to liver failure) →↑ PT, PTT, & INR,
hypoalbuminemia, hypoglycemia, hyperammonemia, & lactic acidosis.
Note: The above tests are considered liver function tests (LFT).

Hepatitis A
It is the most prevalent & highly contagious virus that usually causes
acute and benign hepatitis.

C.M. I.P. ≈ 3 wk. It is usually cause anicteric illness with symptoms

indistinguishable from those of viral gastroenteritis especially in young
children, whereas in older children & adolescents it can cause acute
febrile illness with abrupt onset of anorexia, nausea, vomiting, malaise
followed by jaundice. The typical duration of illness is 1-2 wk.
There is usually tender hepatomegaly +/_ regional LAP, splenomegaly
or BM hypoplasia. Other organs are rarely affected.

 Liver Function Tests (LFT).
 PCR; for viral RNA in blood.
 Serology of HAV:-
 Acute infection: Anti-HAV IgM, remain for 4-6 mo.
 Past infection (recovery) & Post-vaccination: Anti-HAV IgG, detected
within 8 wk & remain life-long.

- 038 -
Cx. There are only 2 uncommon Cxs:-
 Acute Liver Failure; it mainly occur in older adolescents & adults,
patient with underlying liver disorders, or in immunocompromised
 Prolonged Cholestatic Syndrome; which waxes and wanes over
several months. It may cause pruritus and fat malabsorption, but
eventually resolve without sequelae.

Rx. There is no specific therapy for HAV. Supportive treatment consists

of IV hydration (as needed). Prolonged cholestasic synd can be treated
with antipruritic agents and fat-soluble vitamins.

Pg. Excellent for most cases, however serial monitoring for early signs of
ALF is important. HAV usually do not cause chronic infection.

 Isolation with careful handwashing. HAV is highly contagious for 2
wk before and ≈ 1 wk after the onset of jaundice, thus patients should be
excluded from school during this period.
 Vaccination can be given to the high risk group e.g. children >1 yr
during outbreak of HAV infection, individuals at occupational risk of
exposure & patients with chronic liver disease or immune disorder.
HA vaccine is given in 2 doses, 6-12 mo apart.
 Immunoglobulin by IM injection is only used for postexposure Px.

Hepatitis B
It is common & most dangerous one because it usually associated with
Cxs. It unlike other hepatotropic viruses in that it is mainly non-
cytopathogenic virus that causes injury predominantly by immune-
mediated processes.

C.M. I.P. is between 6 wk - 6 mo (mean 4 mo). Many acute cases of HBV

infection in children are asymptomatic, whereas in others it gives
symptoms similar to that of HAV infection but may be more severe that
may cause ALF or FHF in 1-5% of cases.
In a few children, the illness may be preceded by a serum sickness–like
prodrome marked by arthralgia or skin rash.

- 039 -
 LFT.
 PCR, for viral DNA in blood.
 Serology of HBV:-
 Activeinfection (acute or chronic): HBe Ag.
 Acute infection: HBs Ag, anti-HBc IgM.
 Chronic infection: HBs Ag, anti-HBc IgG.
 Past infection (recovery): anti-HBs, anti-HBc IgG.
 Post-vaccination: anti-HBs only (because vaccine donot contain c Ag).

Note: Anti-HBc Ab is the most valuable single serologic marker for HBV
infection because it present early in the disease & continue during
the"window period" when both HBs Ag & anti-HBs Ab are absent.

 ALF or FHF; especially when there is super-infection or co-infection
with HDV.
 Extrahepatic diseases by circulating immune complexes which may
result in membranous glomerulonephritis, polymyalgia rheumatica,
vasculitis, aplastic anemia, and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
 Chronic HBV infection is defined as +ve HBs Ag for >6 mo. The
incidence is inversely correlated with the age of acquisition, i.e. infants
<1 yr≈90%, younger children between 1-5 yr≈30% & older children
>5 yr ≈5%.
Chronic HBV infection can be divided into 3 phases; immune tolerant
(chronic carrier state), immune-active (associated with serious Cxs)
Cxs of chronic infection include: Liver Cirrhosis, End-Stage Liver Disease
(ESLD), or Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC).

 Most uncomplicated acute HBV infection can be treated with
supportive measures similar HAV.
 ALF & FHF therapy will be discussed later.
Chronic HBV infection, especially the immune-active phase, can be
treated with Interferon-α-2b or Peginterferon-α2 (given once weekly)
As well as several antiviral agents e.g. Lamivudine (approved for
children >2yr), Adefovir, Tenofevir ( >12yr), & Entecavir ( >16yr).

- 041 -
SE of Interferon are anemia, neutropenia, retinal changes, influenza-like
symptoms, and autoimmune disorders.
The goal of therapy is cessation of active replication which is indicated
by seroconversion of HBe Ag → anti-HBe Ab or by undetectable viral
DNA by PCR (which is more difficult to achieve).

 Vaccination against HBV should be given to all neonates as well as to
highrisk group e.g. individuals at occupational risk of exposure, IV
acquisition of drugs or blood products, acupuncture or tattoos, sexual
contact, institutional care, and intimate contact with carriers.
There are 2 types of vaccines, both given at 0, 1-2, 6 mo apart.
 Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin (HBIG) is only used for postexposure Px
because it provides a temporary protection (3–6 mo).
Note: HBV is present in high concentrations in blood, serum, and serous
exudates, in moderate concentrations in saliva, vaginal fluid, and semen &
least amount in the breast milk. Therefore, HBV is usually not spread by
breast-feeding, kissing, hugging, or sharing water & utensils; thus neither
isolation nor exclusion from school is required.

 Schedule of immunization of newborn:-

 All newborn >2 kg (if mother is HBs Ag –ve), give vaccine at birth, 1-2
mo, & 6-18 mo apart.
 If newborn <2 kg (or medically unstable) & the mother is HBs Ag –ve,
the 1st dose of vaccine can be delayed upto 2 mo of age.
 If the pregnant mother is HBs Ag +ve, there is high probability of
perinatal transmission (especially when she also HBe Ag +ve), this
may result in high probability of chronic infection in the newborn.
Therefore, if HBV DNA viral load in the maternal blood >200,000 IU/mL,
then these mothers should receive antiviral e.g. telbivudine,
lamivudine, or tenofovir during the 3rd trimester, as well as the
newborns should be given HBIG within 12 hr after birth along with
vaccination at normal schedule; 0, 1, 6 mo. Then after 9-18 mo of life
the infant should be re-evaluated to detect HBV infection by checking
HBs Ag & anti-HBs antibodies:-
 If the result is positive for anti-HBs, it means the child is immune.

- 040 -
 If the result is positive for HBs Ag only, it means the child is infected,
thus the parent should be counseled and the child evaluated by
pediatric gastroenterologist.
 If the result is negative forboth HBs Ag & anti-HBs → 2nd complete
hepatitis B vaccine series should be administered, followed by
testing for anti-HBs to determine if subsequent doses are needed.

Hepatitis C
It has marked genetic heterogeneity that permits it to escape the host
immune system.

C.M. I.P. is ≈ 8 wk. Acute HCV infection cause an acute illness which
typically the least severe of all hepatotropic viral infections and the
onset tends to be insidious.

Cx. HCV is the most likely of all hepatotropic virus to cause chronic
infection with a sequelae similar to those of HBV, i.e. cirrhosis, ESLD or
HCC, as well as it may cause small vessel vasculitis.

 PCR for viral RNA in blood is very sensitive & specific for HCV as it can
detect the virus within days of infection; it also useful in monitoring for
the response to Rx.
 Serology; anti-HCV is neither protective nor confirmatory Ab because
it has many false +ve & -ve results.
 LFT; ALT & AST are typically fluctuating in HCV infection which does
not correlate with the degree of hepatic damage.
 Liver biopsy is the only mean to assess the degree of hepatic damage
e.g. hepatic fibrosis that may be required before Rx.

Rx. It is usually restricted to adults; however, Peg-interferon & Ribavirin

are the most effective therapy for HCV type 2 & 3 (but not type 1).
The goal of Rx is to achieve sustained viral response which defined by
the absence of viremia by PCR for 6 mo after stopping the medications.

Pv. There is neither vaccine nor Immunoglobulins specific for HCV;

however, the immunization against HAV and HBV will prevent super-
infection with this virus which ↑ risk of severe liver damage.

- 042 -
Pg. Children with HCV are generally do better than adults, but patients
should be screened annually for HCC by US & α-FP.

Hepatitis D
It is defective virus that requires HBV for infection, either asco-infection
or super-infection. It has similar manifestations to other hepatotropic
viruses but more severe that may cause ALF or chronic hepatitis.

Inv. Anti-HDV IgM for acute& Anti-HDV IgG for chronic or past infection.
Rx. Similar to that of HBV.
Pv. Immunization against HBV.

Hepatitis E
It is similar to HAV in many aspects but it is more severe & can occur as
epidemics. It is mainly affect adolescents & adults with high mortality
among pregnant women. It can cause ALF but not chronic illness. I.P. ≈ 6

Inv. Anti-HEV IgM for acute & Anti-HEV IgG for past infection. PCR for
viral RNA also can be detected in the blood or stool.
Rx. Similar to that of HAV.
Pv. Vaccination of high risk groups.

- 043 -
(Acute Liver Failure)
Et. Idiopathic form accounts for 40-50% of cases in children; otherwise,
the most common cause of FHF are Hepatitis viruses as well as other
viruses e.g. EBV, HSV, CMV. Other causes include: autoimmune hepatitis,
hepato-toxic drugs, chemicals, ischemia, hypoxia & metabolic disorders.

Path. FHF is a clinical syndrome resulting from massive necrosis of

hepatocytes or from severe functional impairment in the synthetic,
excretory, and detoxifying functions of liver.

C.M. FHF can be the presenting feature of liver disease or it can

complicate a previously known liver disease.
Hx. Progressive jaundice, fever, anorexia, fetor hepaticus, vomiting, and
abdominal pain.
Ex. Hemorrhagic diathesis, ascites, the liver may be enlarged initially, but
rapid ↓ in liver size without clinical improvement is an ominous sign.

 CNS manifestations in FHF (Hepatic Encephalopathy) usually pass

into 4 stages:-
Stage 1: Lethargy, euphoria, reversal of day-night sleeping.
Stage 2: Drowsiness, inappropriate behavior, agitation, asterixis.
Stage 3: Stupor but arousable, hyper-reflexia, Babiniski +ve, asterixis.
Stage 4: Coma, flaccidity, areflexia, no asterixis.

Note: Pathogenesis of HE is due to ↓ hepatic clearance of substances that is

normally metabolized by the liver →↑ serum ammonia (although it can occur
with normal level of ammonia), ↑ false neurotransmitters, ↑ amines, ↑ γ-
aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor activity, or ↑ circulating levels of endogenous
benzodiazepine-like compounds.

 TSB; ↑ direct & indirect bilirubin levels.
 Aminotransferase levels (ALT & AST) are initially very high, but then ↓
as the patient deteriorates.
 PT, PTT, & INR are prolonged, even after vit K administration.
 Metabolic disturbances, especially hypoglycemia & hyperammonemia,
also hypokalemia, hyponatremia, metabolic acidosis, & respiratory

- 044 -
 Definition (Criteria) of FHF involve 2 conditions:-
1. Biochemical evidence of acute liver injury (usually <8 wk duration),
i.e. no evidence of chronic liver disease.
2. Hepatic-based coagulopathy defined as either; presence of clinical
hepatic encephalopathy + PT >15 sec or INR >1.5 (not corrected by vit
K); or PT >20 sec or INR >2 regardless of presence of clinical hepatic

Rx. It includes admission to the ICU with continuous monitoring of vital

signs. Identifiable causes of FHFshould recievespecific Rx, otherwise
therapy of FHF is mainly supportive.
The following factors should be controlled because they may precipitate
or aggravate HE:-
1. Glucose & electrolytes disturbances; correct or prevent hypoglycemia
and hyponatremia. Parenteral supplementation of calcium,
magnesium and phosphorus may be required.
2. Hypovolemia should be corrected by cautious infusions of isotonic
fluids and blood products to prevent hypervolemia due to renal
dysfunction (Hepatorenal syndrome). Hemofiltration can be used to
treat fluid overload & ARF.
3. Cerebral edema can be managed by ET intubation &
hyperventilation, especially in patient with advanced coma (because
corticosteroids & mannitol are ineffective).
4. Avoided sedation, in contrast, Flumazenil (benzodiazepine antidote) &
N-Acetylcysteine (acetaminophen antidote) can be given.
5. Hyperammonemia can be treated by ↓ or eliminate protein intake
and use of purgatives e.g. Lactulose, a nonabsorbable disaccharide, is
metabolized to organic acids by colonic bacteria. It given in a dose 10-
50 ml every 2-4 hr, orally or by NG tube that is sufficient to cause
several acidic, loose bowel motions, or it can be diluted with water &
given as retention enema every 6 hr. Lactulose is probably lowers blood
ammonia levels through decreasing microbial ammonia production and
through trapping of ammonia in acidic intestinal contents.
Non-absorbable Antibiotics e.g. rifaximin or neomycin, orally or
rectally are more effective in reduction of enteric bacteria that
responsible for ammonia production.
6. Costipation should be treated by Lactulose as above.

- 045 -
7. Coagulopathy must be treated by administration of vit K, FFP,
cryoprecipitate, aF7, or platelets. Plasmapheresis may also used.
8. GIT bleeding can be prevented by prophylactic use of proton pump
9. Infection should be monitored closely anywhere in the body & treated
aggressively. The most common organisms in FHF are Staph. aureus &
Staph. epidermidis.
10. Other methods of management of FHF include:-
 Temporary liver support continues to be evaluated as a bridge for liver
transplantation or regeneration. Liver support is either by liver dialysis
with albumin-containing dialysate, or by biologic devices involve liver
cell lines or porcine hepatocytes.
 Liver transplantation can be lifesaving in advanced stages of hepatic
coma. It is done either as orthotopic or reduced-size allografts from a
living donor.

Pg. It depends on the cause of FHF & stage of HE.

It is most favorable with acetaminophen poisoning & viral hepatitis
(especially HAV), whereas it is most severe with the idiopathic form
which may be complicated with aplastic anemia (≈ 10%) which is
usually fatal.
The overall mortality with supportive care alone exceeds 60%, but
patients who recover usually do not develop cirrhosis or chronic liver

- 046 -
(Hepatolenticular Degeneration)
Et. WD is an AR disease due to genetic mutation on chromosome 13
which encodes a copper transporting protein.

Path. The copper transporting P-type ATPase (ATP7B) is mainly present

in liver, it has 2 functions; excretion of copper in the bile and
incorporation of copper into the ceruloplasmin. Therefore, absence of
this enzyme result in accumulation of cupper in the liver which when
become overloaded, it redistribute to the other organs → toxic effects.

C.M. The age of onset has very wide range according to the degree of
mutation, as early as 2–3 yr & as late as 80 yr of age!.
Forms of Wilsonian hepatic disease include: asymptomatic
hepatomegaly +/_ splenomegaly, subacute or chronic hepatitis, and
fulminant hepatic failure (which mainly affect female patients!).
Chronic liver disease may be present as; cryptogenic cirrhosis, portal
hypertension, ascites, edema, variceal bleeding, or other effects of hepatic
dysfunction e.g. delayed puberty, amenorrhea, coagulation defect…etc.

The younger the patient (especially <5 yr), the more likely hepatic
manifestations will be the predominant (as above), whereas after 20 yr,
neurologic manifestations will predominate e.g. behavioral changes,
deterioration in school performance, intention tremor, dysarthria,
dystonia, or lack of motor coordination. Kayser-Fleischer ring of iris is
always present in patients with neurologic symptoms. Psychiatric
manifestations include: depression, anxiety, or psychosis.

Coombs-negative hemolytic anemia may be the initial manifestation of

WD which usually corresponds with the release of large amounts of
copper from damaged hepatocytes. This also may cause Fanconi
syndrome +/_ progressive RF.
Unusual manifestations of WD include: arthritis, cardiomyopathy, and
endocrinopathies (especially hypoparathyroidism).

Note: WD should be considered in any child or adolescent present with:

unexplained acute or chronic liver disease, neurologic symptoms of
unknown cause, acute hemolysis, psychiatric illnesses, behavioral changes,
Fanconi syndrome, or bone disease; all with tendency to familial pattern.

- 047 -
 Serum Ceruloplasmin level ↓ (<20 mg/dL) due to its shorter half-life
because of failure of copper to incorporate into ceruloplasmin.
Note: Ceruloplasmin level may be falsely ↑ in acute inflammation and in states
of elevated estrogen level.
 Serum Copper level may be ↑ in early disease, whereas urinary copper
excretion is ↑>100 µg/day (which in equivocal cases, can be accentuated
by chelation with d-penicillamine).
 Liver biopsy is of value in determining the extent and severity of liver
disease and for measuring the hepatic copper content (>250 µg/g dry
wt) unless patient develop liver cirrhosis, because it will be unreliable.
 Kayser-Fleischer rings demonstration requires a slit-lamp
examination by an ophthalmologist.
 Family members may also require screening by all the above tests
(except liver biopsy); as well as by genetic screening e.g. linkage
analysis or direct DNA mutation analysis.

Rx. Once Dx has been made, Rx needs to be life-long by the following:-

 Restrict diet with high copper e.g. liver, shellfish, nuts, & chocolate.
 Copper-chelating agents include: D-penicillamine or Trientine
(Trien) (TETA), both orally in dose 20 mg/kg/day ÷ 2. Ammonium
tetrathio-molybdate is mainly used for those with neurologic disease.
SE of D-Penicillamine: 10-50% of patients initially treated with penicillamine
for neurologic symptoms have worsening of their condition. Others may
develop hypersensitivity reactions (Goodpasture synd, SLE, polymyositis),
aplastic anemia, nephrosis, and vitamin B6 & zinc deficiency.
 Zinc, orally 25 mg × 3 daily is able to impair gastrointestinal absorption
of copper. It can be used as adjuvant or maintenance therapy as well as
a primary therapy in presymptomatic persons.
 Antioxidants (vit E & curcumin) may also have a role as adjunctive Rx.
 Liver transplantation is curative for WD.

Pg. WD is fatal in untreated patients. The response to Rx is depends on

the time of initiation of therapy and individual response to chelation.
Early Rx can result in marked improvement of hepatic & neurologic
symptoms as well as disappearance of Kayser-Fleischer rings.

Pv. WD expression can be prevented in asymptomatic siblings by early

institution of chelation or zinc therapy.

- 048 -
4. Common Respiratory Disorders

 Choanal Atresia
 Nasal Polyps
 Epistaxis
 Foreign Body in Nose
 Common Cold
 Acute Pharyngitis
 Tonsillitis & Adenoids
 Allergic Rhinitis
 Sinusitis
 Strider (including croup, bacterial tracheitis, acute

epiglottitis, laryngomalacia...etc)
 Tracheomalacia & Bronchomalacia
 Foreign Bodies in the Airway
 Bronchiolitis
 Acute Bronchitis
 Pneumonia
 Asthma in Children

- 049 -
CA is the most common congenital anomaly of the nose. It is either
unilateral or bilateral; the septum is either bony, membranous, or mixed.
Half of cases have other congenital anomalies, especially CHARGE
syndrome (coloboma, heart disease, atresia choanae, retarded growth and
development or CNS anomalies or both, genital anomalies or hypogonadism or
both, and ear anomalies or deafness or both).

C.M. Although most newborns infants are obligate nasal breathers, some
can breathe from their mouth. Manifestations of CA is depend on whether
it is uni- or bilateral.
 Unilateral CA may be asymptomatic for a prolonged period until 1st
attack of RTI when unilateral nasal discharge or persistent nasal
obstruction may occur.
 Bilateral CA is usually symptomatic at birth. Infants who are able to
breathe through their mouths, will experience difficulty & cyanosis
during sucking or feeding; whereas those who have difficulty with
mouth breathing make vigorous attempts to inspire (often sucking their
lips) and develop cyanosis, this distressed newborn then cry (which
relieves cyanosis by openning the mouth) so become calmer, only to
repeat the cycle again after closing their mouths.

Inv. CA may be suspected by simple measures e.g. inability to pass firm

catheter through each nostril 3–4 cm into the nasopharynx, and absence
of air flow after approximation of piece of cotton near each nostril. It can
be confirmed by fiberoptic Rhinoscopy or CT scan of head.

 Unilateral obstruction can be treated by surgery several years later.

 Bilateral obstruction should be treated promptly by keeping the

mouth open through establishing an airway, which can be done by the
"feeding nipple" through making large holes at its tip; then the infant
can be fed by gavage.
Intubation or tracheostomy may be required if these measures are
failed till operative management (which should be followed by stent
insertion in the nose).

- 051 -
Et. These are benign pedunculated tumors usually formed from
edematous, chronically inflamed nasal mucosa. They are usually arise
from the ethmoidal sinus and commonly associated with cystic fibrosis,
chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, and asthma.

C.M. Nasal polyps may cause enlargement & deformity of the nose as
well as it can completely obstruct the nasal passages → hyponasal
speech and mouth breathing +/_ profuse unilateral mucoid or
mucopurulent rhinorrhea or epistaxis.

Inv. Rhinoscopy or flexible Nasopharyngoscope reveal glistening, gray,

and grapelike masses squeezed between nasal turbinates and septum in
the middle meatus. CT scan or MRI may also be required before surgery.

Rx. Intranasal steroid sprays, and sometimes systemic steroids, may

provide some shrinkage of nasal polyps with symptomatic relief, whereas
decongestants are ineffective. Doxycycline (200 mg on the 1st day
followed by 100 mg daily) is also effective. Surgery is required when
there is no response to medical Rx.

- 050 -
The most common site of bleeding is the Kiesselbach plexus, an area in
the anterior septum. The thin mucosa at this area and its anterior
location makes it prone to exposure to trauma and dry air.

Et. It commonly due to digital trauma, FB, inflammations (e.g. upper RTI,
sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, and GERD), smoke, dry air, chronic use of nasal
steroid sprays, hypertension, or family hx of childhood epistaxis.
Severe bleedingmay be associated with local lesions e.g. juvenile
nasal angiofibromas (especially in adolescent males), cong vascular
abnormalities (e.g. hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia), varicosities,
venous congestion, hemangiomas, or nasal polyps.
Bleeding disorders may be presented as epistaxis e.g.
thrombocytopenia, clotting factors deficiency, VWD, or drugs e.g. aspirin,
NSAIs, & anticoagulant agents.

C.M. Nose-bleeds usually occur without warning from one nostril or both.
The blood may be swallowed and become apparent only when the child
vomits or passes blood in the stools.

Rx. Most Epistaxis stops spontaneously within a few minutes. However,

the following steps should be followed to stop bleeding:-
1. Compress the nares; keep the child quiet in upright position with head
tilted forward.
2. Apply cold compresses on the nose.
3. Apply oxymetazoline or epinephrine locally.
4. Put anterior nasal pack, if the bleeding is posterior, put another pack
5. Severe bleeding may require admission for blood transfusion and for
otolaryngologic evaluation to exclude local lesions by nasal
endoscopy, CT or MRI with surgical intervention if needed.
Hematological evaluation may also berequired to exclude bleeding
Pv. After control of bleeding, if the bleeding site is identified, it can be
obliterated by cautery with silver nitrate followed by application of
antiseptic nasal cream (e.g., mupirocin). Other measures include:
discouragement of nose picking, stop nasal steroid sprays, attention to
nasal infections and allergies, apply saline drops or petrolatum (vaseline)
to the septum, & humidification of bedroom during dry environment.
- 052 -
It is usually occurs in toddlers & mentally retarded children.

C.M. Initial symptoms are unilateral obstruction, sneezing & relatively

mild discomfort or pain. Then the child develops unilateral
mucopurulent nasal discharge with foul smell odor, mouth breathing
and epistaxis.
Signs of local obstruction and discomfort may ↑ with time because
some FBs are hygroscopic, i.e. ↑ in size when they absorb water. Some
patients may present with generalized body odor, called Bromhidrosis!.

Cx. Posterior dislodgement, aspiration, infection (including tetanus),

& septal perforation that occur especially with disc batteries which may
occur within hours.

Inv. FB may be visualized by nasal speculum or wide otoscope placed in

the nose after removal of the purulent secretions, but long standing FB
can becomes embedded in granulation tissue or mucosa and appears as
nasal mass. Lateral skull X-ray can reveal the FB if it is radiopaque.

Rx. Unskilled attempts from the nostril may force the FB deeper with
risk of aspiration. Removal may require local (or sometimes general)
anesthesia & done by nasal forceps, Katz catheter, or suction with
antibiotic cover.

“Mother kiss” approach has been successful in acute situations through

occlusion of unaffected nostril and then blowing into the child’s mouth
(with complete seal over the mouth) to dislodge the FB from nose.

- 053 -
(Rhinitis, Rhinosinusitis)
Et. Rhinoviruses are the most common pathogens, followed by
Coronaviruses; both usually cause symptoms restricted to the upper
respiratory tract. Other respiratory viruses include RSV, Human meta-
pneumovirus, Influenza, Parainfluenza, Adenoviruses, and Enteroviruses.
With exception of influenza and adenovirus infections, all viral infection
of nasal epithelium usually does not associated with destruction of the
epithelial lining.
Note: Repeated infections with most of these pathogens occur either due to large
number of distinct serotypes of each virus (e.g. rhinoviruses have >200 types) or
may be due to absence of protective immunity to these pathogens after a previous

Epid. Colds occur year-round, but the incidence is greatest from the
early fall until the late spring. It is more common in young children, but ↓
with age. Common cold is spread by small or large particle aerosols or by
direct contact.

C.M. The onset is typically occurs after 1–3 days as sore or “scratchy”
throat, followed by nasal obstruction and rhinorrhea. In infants, fever
and nasal discharge may predominate; but fever is uncommon in older
children. Cough may be present due to irritation of the URT by postnasal
drip. Abnormal middle ear pressure is common during the course of cold.
Anterior cervical LAP or conjunctival injection may also be noted. The
usual cold persists for ≈ 1 wk, although it may extend for 2 wk.

Note: Change in the color or consistency of the secretions is common during the
course of the illness but this does not necessarly indicate sinusitis or bacterial

D.Dx. Allergic rhinitis, FB in nose, Sinusitis, Streptococcosis, Pertussis,

Cong syphilis.
Inv. Common cold is a clinical Dx & usually does not need lab tests unless
to exclude the above D.Dx.

 Otitis media is the most common Cx due to bacterial superinfection. It
usually follows the common cold by several days & heralded by new-
onset fever and earache (see chapter 12).
- 054 -
 Sinusitis usually occur in older children, it should be considered if
rhinorrhea or cough persists >10–14 days or if signs of overt sinusitis
 Exacerbation of asthma although uncommon but potentially serious; it
is due to virus-induced reactive airway disease which may be relieved
by inhaled bronchodilator or steroids.
Note: Bacterial pneumonia is an uncommon Cx of common cold.

 Antiviral Rx may be required for some respiratory viruses but should
be started as early as possible (within 48 hr) e.g. ribavirin for RSV,
oseltamivir or zanamivir for Influenza virus; whereas Rhino- &
Coronaviruses require only symptomatic therapy.
 Symptomatic Rx include:-
 Maintain adequate oral hydration, especially by warm fluids may
help to thin secretions and soothe respiratory mucosa.
 Zinc, given as oral lozenges may ↓ the duration (but not the severity) of
cold if begun within 24 hr of symptoms.
 Acetaminophen or NSAIs (except aspirin) for fever & sore throat.
 First generation antihistamines for rhinorrhea due to its
anticholinergic effects; topical Ipratropium bromide is also of benefit.
 Adrenergic agents (topical or oral) for nasal obstruction e.g.
xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, or phenylephrine, but they not
recommended in children <6 yr; also prolonged use of these drugs may
→Rhinitis Medicamentosa which is a sensation of nasal obstruction
when the drug is discontinued due to apparent rebound effect. Aromatic
vapors (e.g. menthol) & saline nasal drops can improve nasal symptoms.
 For cough give First-generation antihistamine, Honey (for children
>1 yr), or sugar-containing cough lozenges. A combination of camphor,
menthol & eucalyptus oil may relieve nocturnal cough.

Note: Agents that are useless in Rx of common cold include: Antibiotics

(because they are inappropriate, have SE, & may contribute to bacterial
resistance), Second generation antihistamines (e.g. loratadine), Vit C,
Guaifenesin (expectorant), Codeine or Dextromethorphan (antitussives),
and Inhalation of warm, humidified air.

- 055 -
Et. Viral infections are the most common cause of pharyngitis e.g.
adenoviruses, coronaviruses, enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, RSV, EBV, HSV
& metapneumovirus. Most common bacterial infection is the group A
β-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) & less commonly group C
streptococcus, Arcanobacterium haemolyticum, Francisella tularensis,
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Corynebacterium
diphtheriae. Primary infection with HIV also manifests as pharyngitis
with a mononucleosis-like syndrome.

Path. Colonization of the pharynx by GABHS can result in either acute

infection or asymptomatic carriage. M protein is the major virulence
factor of GABHS which facilitates resistance to phagocytosis.

 Streptococcal Pharyngitis is uncommon before 2–3 yr of age, peak in
the early school years. The I.P. is 2–5 days.
Hx. Onset of is often rapid with prominent sore throat & fever; also
headache, abdominal pain, & vomiting are common.
Ex. The pharynx is red, and the tonsils are enlarged and classically
covered with a yellow, blood-tinged exudate. There may be petechiae
or “doughnut” lesions on the soft palate and posterior pharynx, and the
uvula may be red, stippled, and swollen. The anterior cervical LNs are
usually enlarged and tender.
Scarlet Fever may develop in some patients and characterized by
circumoral pallor, strawberry tongue, and red, finely papular rash
that feels like sandpaper. Capillary fragility can cause petechiae distal to
a tourniquet or constriction from clothing, a positive "tourniquet test".
After a few days and when the rash resolves it typically peels like mild
sunburn or sheet-like desquamation around the free margins of the
finger nails. It is caused by 1 of 3 streptococcal erythrogenic exotoxins
(A, B, or C); there is specific immunity against only 1 toxin.

 Viral Pharyngitis; there is significant overlap with the bacterial

pharyngitis; however it has more gradual onset and manifestations
include: rhinorrhea, coryza, hoarseness, conjunctivitis, cough, and
Additional manifestations which are specific for each virus include:
Adenovirus may be associated with concurrent conjunctivitis and fever
- 056 -
(pharyngoconjunctival fever). Coxsackievirus may produce small
grayish vesicles and punched-out ulcers (herpangina), or larger
yellowish-white nodules in the posterior pharynx (acute lymphonodular
pharyngitis). EBV may cause prominent tonsillar enlargement with
exudate, cervical LAP, HSM, rash, and generalized fatigue as part of the
infectious mononucleosis syndrome. Primary HSV infections in young
children often present as high fever and gingivostomatitis, but
pharyngitis may be present.

 GABHS can be diagnosed by serology (e.g. ASO titer); Rapid Antigen-
Detection Tests (RADTs) (both are rapid & specific); or throat culture;
but has many false +ve & false -ve results.
 Viral agents can be diagnosed by serology or PCR.

 Viral URTI may predispose to bacterial acute otitis media or sinusitis.
 Streptococcal pharyngitis may cause local suppurative Cxs e.g. para-
or retro-pharyngeal abscess, or later non-suppurative illnesses e.g.
rheumatic fever or postinfectious glomerulonephritis. Possible Cxs are
PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated
with S. pyogenes) or CANS (Childhood Acute Neuropsychiatric

 Symptomatic Rx include: oral antipyretic/analgesic agent (e.g.
acetaminophen or ibuprofen) and anesthetic sprays and lozenges (often
containing benzocaine, phenol, or menthol) may provide local relief.

 Streptococcal pharyngitis mostly will resolve within few days if

untreated, but early antibiotic Rx hastens clinical recovery by 12–24 hr.
The primary benefit of treatment is to prevent acute rheumatic fever,
which is almost completely successful if antibiotic therapy is instituted
within 9 days of illness.

Antibiotic Rx should be started immediately (without culture) in the

following situations: symptomatic pharyngitis, positive rapid
streptococcal antigen test, clinical Dx of scarlet fever, household contact
with documented streptococcal pharyngitis, past hx of acute rheumatic
fever, or recent hx of acute rheumatic fever in family member.
- 057 -
All strains of GABHS are still susceptible to penicillins, so oral Rx is
either by; Penicillin V, 250 mg/dose × 2 or 3 or Amoxicillin, 750 mg once
daily. 1st generation cephalosporins are also very effective.
Patients who are allergic to β-lactam antibiotics, give either a
macrolide e.g. Erythromycin, 40 mg/kg ÷ 2 or 3 or Clindamycin,
20 mg/kg ÷ 3.
All the above antibiotics should be given for 10 days. Follow-up
cultures are unnecessary unless symptoms recur.
Azithromycin also can be given once daily for 5 days, 12 mg/kg on 1st
day, 6 mg/kg for other days; however bacterial resistance against
azithromycin is developing nowadays.

 Recurrent streptococcal pharyngitis may represent relapse with an

identical strain due to inadequate duration of therapy. To ensure
compliance give Benzathine penicillin as single IM injection, 600,000
IU (for children <27 kg) & 1.2 million IU (>27 kg) or Benzathine-
procaine penicillin G +/_ oral Rifampin for 4 days.
Recurrences also may be caused by a different strain resulting from
new exposures or may represent pharyngitis of another cause
accompanied by streptococcal carriage.
Clindamycin orally, 20 mg/kg ÷ 3 is the most effective Rx for
eradicating streptococcal carriage or Amoxicillin-clavulanate for 10
Tonsillectomy is also lowers the incidence & recurrence of pharyngitis;
although undocumented histories of recurrent pharyngitis are an
inadequate basis for recommending tonsillectomy.
Note: Prolonged pharyngitis (>1–2 wk) suggests another disorders e.g.
infectious mononucleosis, neutropenia, recurrent fever syndromes…etc.

- 058 -
Waldeyer ring consists of lymphoid tissue that surrounds the opening of
the oral and nasal cavities in the pharynx. It is immunologically active
between 4-10 yr of age (greatest between 3-6 yr), then ↓ gradually after

C.M. Tonsillitis can be acute or chronic.

Et. Most episodes of acute pharyngotonsillitis are caused by viruses.
GABHS is the most common cause of bacterial infection in the pharynx.
Hx. Symptoms of GABHS infection include: odynophagia, dysphagia,
sore throat, referred otalgia, malaise, headache, fever, chills, &
muscular aches.
Ex. Dry tongue, erythematous enlarged tonsils, tonsillar or pharyngeal
exudate, palatine petechiae, & enlarged cervical LNs.


Et. It usually caused by β-lactamase–producing organisms other than
GABHS e.g. other types of Streptococci and Haemophilus influenzae,
Peptostreptococcus, Prevotella, and Fusobacterium.
Hx. Halitosis, chronic sore throats, FB sensation, or hx of expelling a
foul- smelling cheesy lumps from the tonsils.
Ex. Tonsils almost of any size and frequently they contain copious debris
within the crypts which may calcify called Tonsilolith.
Note: Tonsillar neoplasm (e.g. lymphoma) is the most common D.Dx. of acute or
chronic tonsillitis, but usually there is rapid enlargement of one tonsil with
abnormal shape, also may be associated with systemic signs e.g. wt loss & LAP.

Cx. These are similar to those of acute pharyngitis (but the most
common suppurative Cx is the peritonsillar cellulitis/abscess). Tonsils
and adenoid are a major cause of upper airway obstruction in children.
Day-time symptoms include upper airway resistance syndrome e.g.
chronic mouth breathing, nasal obstruction, hyponasal speech, hyposmia,
decreased appetite, poor school performance, poor growth, and rarely
symptoms of right-sided HF!.
Night-time symptoms include sleep-disordered breathing e.g.
obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea, loud snoring, choking, gasping,

- 059 -
restless sleep, abnormal sleep positions, sleep talking, somnambulism
(sleep walking), night terrors, diaphoresis, and enuresis.
Other signs that can contribute to airway obstruction are the presence of
craniofacial synd or hypotonia. Chronic airway obstruction may →
Adenoid facies.
Inv. Large tonsils are typically seen on examination; whereas the size of
the adenoid can be demonstrated by lateral neck X-ray or flexible

 Tonsillolith or debris may be expressed manually, then tonsil can be
cauterized using silver nitrate.
 Rx of acute pharyngo-tonsillitis is similar to those discussed in acute
pharyngitis (see above), whereas Rx of chronic tonsillitis is mainly
done by Cephalosporins or Clindamycin.
 Tonsillectomy+/_Adenoidectomy is indicated for chronic or recurrent
pharyngotonsillitis despite adequate medical Rx. Indications for surgery
generally include: ≥ 7 documented episodes in the previous year, ≥ 5
episodes in each of the previous 2 yr, or ≥ 3 episodes in the previous 3
yr. It also indicated in cases of severe upper airway obstruction.
 Adenoidectomy alone is curative for those with upper airway
obstruction, also it may be indicated in chronic adenoiditis which
resulting in chronic nasal or sinus infection or recurrent AOM.

Peritonsillar Cellulitis/Abscess
Et. It mainly caused by GABHS & anaerobes due to bacterial invasion
through the capsule of tonsil.
C.M. It typically occurs in adolescent with recent hx of acute pharyngo-
tonsillitis that result in sore throat, fever, trismus, dysphagia and referred
otalgia. Exam show asymmetric tonsillar bulge with displacement of
the uvula; it can be confirmed by CT scan.
Rx. Antibiotics with needle aspiration, incision and drainage, or by

Retropharyngeal & Parapharyngeal (Lateral) Abscess

Et. They usually follow throat infection because both retro- &
parapharyngeal spaces contain lymph nodes that are connected together
- 061 -
& allow spread of infection & once it is infected, the nodes may progress
through three stages: cellulitis, phlegmon, and abscess. Other less
common causes may include: penetrating trauma to the oropharynx,
dental infection, and vertebral osteomyelitis.
Common organisms include: GABHS, oropharyngeal anaerobic bacteria,
Staph. aureus; other less common bacteria include: H. influenzae,
Klebsiella, and Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare.

 Retropharyngeal Abscess occurs most commonly in children <4 yr
(because retropharyngeal nodes involute after 5 yr of age). It
manifested as fever, irritability, decreased oral intake, drooling, muffled
voice, strider, and respiratory distress. There also may be neck stiffness,
torticollis, and refusal to move the neck. Examination reveals bulging of
the posterior pharyngeal wall with cervical LAP.
 Parapharyngeal Abscess is commonly presents as fever, dysphagia,
and a prominent bulge of the lateral pharyngeal wall, sometimes with
medial displacement of the tonsil.
 X-ray of extended neck during expiration may show ↑ width or air-fluid
level in the retropharyngeal space.
 CT scan with enhancement can identify both retro- or parapharyngeal
 Incisionfor drainage and culture of the abscessed node provides the
definitive Dx.

Rx. IV antibiotics e.g. 3rd-generation cephalosporins combined with

ampicillin-sulbactam or clindamycin (to provide anaerobic coverage) +/_
surgical drainage.

Cx. Upper airway obstruction, rupture leading to aspiration pneumonia,

extension to the mediastinum, thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular
vein, and erosion of the carotid artery sheath.

Lemierre disease is an uncommon but characteristic infection of the

parapharyngeal space caused by Fusobacterium necrophorum, an
anaerobic bacterial constituent of oropharyngeal flora, in which infection
of oropharynx extends to cause septic thrombophlebitis of internal
jugular vein and metastatic abscesses in lungs.

- 060 -
Epid. AR is a major chronic respiratory problem among children due
to its high prevalence, up to 20-40% in some urban societies; the
prevalence peaks in late childhood although symptoms may appear
during infancy.
Risk factors for AR include: family hx of atopy*, infants delivered by C/S,
infants whose mothers smoke heavily, heavy exposure to indoor
allergens, and serum IgE > 100 IU/mL before 6 yr.
Note: *Atopy includes one or more of the following conditions: AR, allergic
conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis, food allergy, and asthma.
Factors that protect against AR and atopy include: prolonged breast-
feeding, early introduction of foods in infancy, and exposure to dogs, cats,
and endotoxin early in childhood.

Et. Inhalant allergens are the main cause of all forms of rhinitis which
can be divided into 3 types & each of type can be mild, moderate, or
1. Seasonal (intermittent) AR (20%) follows a well-defined course of
cyclical exacerbation mostly due to outdoor allergens e.g. airborne
pollens which available from spring to late summer.
2. Perennial (persistent) AR (40%) causes year-round symptoms; it is
most often associated with the indoor allergens e.g. house dust mites,
cockroaches, and animal danders (especially cat, dog, mice).
3. Mixed, i.e. perennial with seasonal exacerbations (40%).

Path. Exposure of an atopic host to an allergen → specific IgE

production; with re-exposure to the allergen → Early-phase reaction
characterized by degranulation of mast cells and release of
inflammatory mediators e.g. histamine, PG-2, ILs. Late-phase reaction
occurs 4-8 hr after allergen exposure and characterized by cellular
infiltration, especially eosinophils & mast cells.

C.M. Typical Symptoms include: intermittent nasal congestion &

itching, sneezing, clear rhinorrhea, and conjunctival irritation. These
symptoms are commonly mistaken as common cold.
Nasal itching brings on grimacing, twitching, and picking of the nose that
may result in epistaxis; it often make children to perform the allergic
salute, which is upward rubbing of the nose with open palm which gives
rise to nasal crease, which is horizontal skin fold over the nasal bridge.
- 062 -
Patients may lose their senses of smell and taste. Some experience
headaches, wheezing, and coughing. Nasal congestion is often more
severe at night, causing mouth-breathing and snoring, interfering with
sleep, and inciting irritability.
Physical exam may reveal abnormalities of facial development, dental
malocclusion, and the “allergic gape” due to continuous open-mouth
breathing, chapped lips; “allergic shiners” is a dark circles under the
eyes. Conjunctival edema, itching, tearing, and hyperemia are frequent.
Nasal exam by speculum usually reveal edematous, boggy, and bluish
mucus membranes with little or no erythema; clear nasal secretions,
and swollen turbinates that may block the nasal airway.

D.Dx. Infections of URT (acute e.g. common cold, chronic e.g. sinusitis);
Septal deviation; Turbinates or Adenoid hypertrophy; FB in nose;
Choanal atresia (unilateral); Nasal polyposis; Nasal tumers; Ciliary
dyskinesia; Atrophic rhinitis; Rhinitis medicamentosa (due to overuse of
topical vasoconstrictors); Drug induced rhinitis (Aspirin, NSAI agents);
Hormonal rhinitis (hypothyroidism, mensis); Vasomotor rhinitis
(excessive responsiveness to physical stimuli); Reflex induced rhinitis
(gustatory rhinitis, chemical or irritant induced); Vasculitides, and
Granulomatous disorders.
Nonallergic inflammatory rhinitis with eosinophils (NARES) imitates
AR in presentation and response to treatment, but it is not associated
with elevation of IgE antibodies.
 Allergy skin test provides the best method for detection of allergen-
specific IgE. It is sensitive, inexpensive, and the risks and discomfort are
minimal. To avoid false-negative results, montelukast should be
withheld for 1 day, most sedating antihistamine preparations for 3-4
days, and non-sedating antihistamines for 5-7 days.
 Serum immunoassays of IgE to allergens provide a suitable alternative
in the following conditions: patients with dermatographism or extensive
dermatitis; patients taking medications that interfere with mast cell
degranulation; patients at high risk for anaphylaxis, and some who
cannot cooperate with the procedure of skin test.
 Nasal smear for the presence of eosinophils supports the Dx.
 Eosinophilia and measurements of total serum IgE concentrations have
relatively low sensitivity for AR.
- 063 -
Cxs & Co-morbid conditions of AR include:-
 Chronic sinusitis with or without infection.
 AR may coexist with asthma. Up to 78% of patients with asthma have
AR, and 38% of patients with AR have asthma. Aggravation of AR
coincides with exacerbation of asthma.
 Persistent or recurrent cough due to postnasal drip.
 Chronic allergic inflammation causes hypertrophy of adenoids and
tonsils that may be associated with Eustachian tube obstruction, serous
effusion, otitis media, and obstructive sleep apnea. AR is strongly
associated with snoring in children.
Note: The association between rhinitis and sleep abnormalities and subsequent
daytime fatigue is well documented but poorly understood.
 AR contributes to headaches, fatigue, and limits daily activities. There is
evidence of impaired cognitive functioning and learning which
aggravated by adverse effects of sedating medications. AR is an
important cause of school absenteeism.

Rx. Safe and effective prevention or relief of symptoms is the goal of

 Specific measures to reduce indoor allergen exposure includes:
sealing the patient's mattress, pillow, and covers in allergen-proof
encasings, washing of bed linen and blankets every week in hot water,
removal of pets from the house. Avoidance of pollen and outdoor molds
can be accomplished by staying in a controlled environment; Air
conditioning allows keeping windows and doors closed. However,
existing studies of these measures have report contradictory results!.

 Mild, intermittent symptoms of AR can be relieved by the following

 Antihistamines orally can relieve sneezing and rhinorrhea.
Fist-generation antihistamines include: Diphenhydramine,
Chlorpheniramine ...etc.
Second-generation antihistamines are preferred as they cause less
sedation include: Cetirizine & Desloratadine (approved for children >6
mo), Loratadine (>2 yr), Levocetirizine & Fexofenadine (>6 yr).
Azelastine (>5 yr) is topically active antihistamine available as nasal
 Adrenergic agonistsare decongestants for symptomatic relief of nasal
congestion; they include: Oxymetazoline or Phenylephrine as nasal
- 064 -
drops or spray; however they should not be used for > 5 days and not
repeated > once/month (due to rhinitis medicamentosa causing severe
rebound nasal congestion). Pseudoephedrine is an oral vasoconstrictor
but known to cause irritability and insomnia and may be associated
with infant mortality.
 Anticholinergics e.g. Ipratropium bromide nasal spray is effective for
treatment of serous rhinorrhea.
 Sodium cromoglycate & ketotifen inhibits mast cell degranulation but
it requires frequent administration.
 Leukotriene-modifying agents e.g. Montelukast have a modest effect
on rhinorrhea and nasal blockage.
 Nasal saline irrigation is a good adjunctive option with all other
treatment of allergic rhinitis.

 Patients with more persistent, severe symptoms require treatment

with intranasal corticosteroids which are the most effective therapy
for all symptoms of AR that associated with eosinophilic inflammation.
These include: Beclomethasone, Triamcinolone, Flunisolide,
Budesonide, Fluticasone, Mometasone, and Ciclesonide. The last 4
agents have greater topical activity with lower systemic bioavailability
so better safety profiles.

 More severely affected patients may benefit from combination of

antihistamines & intranasal corticosteroids.

Note: See the text for doses of the above medications.

 Specific allergen immunotherapy administered by subcutaneous

injection should be considered for children in whom IgE-mediated
allergic symptoms cannot be adequately controlled by avoidance and
medications, especially in the presence of co-morbid conditions.
Allergen immunotherapy interferes with IgE production and allergic
symptoms. Monoclonal recombinant humanized anti-IgE (Omalizomab)
also ↓ allergic responses in the nose.

Pg. The reported rates of remission of AR among children are between

10 - 23%. Treatment with "non-sedating "antihistamines and intranasal
corticosteroids has significantly improves health-related quality of life in
all patients with AR.

- 065 -
Sinusitis is a rare disease in neonates, infants & young children because
Ethmoidal & Maxillary sinuses are present at birth, but only the
ethmoidal sinuses are pneumatized, whereas the maxillary sinuses are
not pneumatized until 4 yr of age. Sphenoidal sinuses are present by 5 yr
& Frontal sinuses begin development at 7–8 yr of age.

Et. Mainly viral & less bacterial. Viral pathogens are the same as those of
the common cold, whereas bacterial pathogens are mainly those which
commonly cause AOM, i.e; Streptococcus pneumonia, non-typable
Haemophilus influenza & Moraxella catarrhalis. Less commonly it include:
Staphylococcus aureus, other streptococci, and anaerobes. Fungal
pathogens e.g. aspergillus or mucor can also occur in patients with

The main risk factor for acute bacterial sinusitis is a preceding viral
infection of URT, especially if associated with nose blowing (which carry
secretion from nose to the sinuses). Other risk factors include: allergic
rhinitis, cigarette smoke exposure, immune deficiencies, cystic fibrosis,
ciliary dysfunction, GERD, or anatomic defects e.g. cleft palate, nasal
polyps, FB, NG tube.

C.M. Nasal congestion, purulent nasal discharge, fever, and cough

(due to postnasal drip). Less commonly; bad breath (halitosis), decreased
sense of smell (hyposmia), periorbital edema, maxillary tooth discomfort,
and pain on pressure on sinuses exacerbated by bending forward.
Complaints of headache, facial pain and tenderness are rare in children.
Examination of the nasal mucosa may reveal erythema and swelling with
purulent discharge.
Acute bacterial sinusitis should be differentiated from common cold or
AR by the following: persistent upper RTI symptoms for ≥ 10 days,
purulent nasal discharge for ≥ 3 consecutive days, or severe symptoms
(e.g. high fever).
Sinusitis is defined by duration as follows; acute <1 mo; subacute 1-3
mo; and chronic >3 mo.
 Skull X-ray & CT scan may reveal opacification, mucosal thickening, or
presence of air-fluid level.
 Sinus aspirate for culture is diagnostic but difficult in children.
- 066 -
 Chronic sinusitis occur when symptoms persist for >3 mo.
 Ethmoidal sinusitis may → periorbital or orbital cellulitis (which is a
serious Cx of eye).
 Frontal sinusitis may → osteomyelitis of the frontal bone with edema
and swelling of forehead (Pott puffy tumor), or mucoceles.
 Intracranial Cxs include: epidural abscess, subdural empyema,
meningitis, cavernous sinus thrombosis, and brain abscess.

Rx. Although ≈ 50–60% of children with acute bacterial sinusitis recover

without antibiotic therapy, they are recommended to prevent Cxs:-
 Amoxicillin, 45 mg/kg, if fail to respond within 72 hr, give high dose
amoxicillin-clavulanate, 80–90 mg/kg. Rx should be continued for 1
wk after resolution of symptoms.
 Alternative agents include: 2nd & 3rd generation Cephalosporins
e.g. cefdinir, cefuroxime axetil, cefpodoxime, cefixime, or ceftriaxone; or
Flouroquinolones (e.g. Levofloxacin) for older children.
Note: Azithromycin and TMP-SMZ are no longer indicated because of high
prevalence of antibiotic resistance.
 Patients who do not respond to the above Rx, refer to the ENTist for
further evaluation, including sinus aspiration for culture.
 Patient with severe Cxs need admission to hospital for IV broad-
spectrum antibiotics e.g. cefotaxime or ceftriaxone + vancomycin, with
consultation to the ENT.

- 067 -
It is a harsh, high-pitched & mainly inspiratory sound that results
from obstruction of the upper airway. Generally, it can be differentiated
from obstruction of the middle airway which produce monophonic
wheeze and is inspiratory & expiratory, whereas obstruction of the
lower airway produce polyphonic wheeze which is mainly expiratory.

Et. The most common causes of strider include:-

 Infection of upper airway e.g. Croup (acute or spasmodic), Acute
epiglottitis, Bacterial tracheitis, Diphtheria.
 Congenital malformation of Larynx e.g. Laryngomalacia, Subglottic
stenosis, Vocal cord paralysis, Laryngeal web/atresia/cleft, Subglottic
hemangioma, Laryngocele or saccular cysts.
 Acquired condition of larynx e.g. Laryngeal papillomatosis & other
laryngeal tumors, Foreign bodies, GERD, Anaphylaxis, Angioedema,
Hypocalcemia, Hysterical strider.
 Congenital malformation of Trachea e.g. Tracheomalacia, Subglottic
tracheal web or stenosis, Tumors, TEF.
 Tracheal compression by external mass e.g. Vascular ring or sling,
Thyroid enlargement, Esophageal FB, Mediastinal masses.

Et. Mainly viruses e.g. parainfluenza (75%), influenza, adenovirus, RSV,
measles, and rarely Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

Path. It is mainly due to laryngotracheitis, but laryngotracheo-

bronchitis may occur in more severe cases.

Epid. Peak age 2 yr with a range from 3 mo to 5 yr. It is higher in male &
mainly occurs in winter with positive family hx of croup or URTI in
some cases.

C.M. It is usually begin as URTI e.g. rhinorrhea, pharyngitis, mild cough,

and low-grade fever for 1–3 days before croup which characterized by
barking cough, hoarseness of voice, & inspiratory strider. Agitation
and crying greatly aggravate the condition; the child may prefer to sit up
in bed; it may be worse at night.

- 068 -
Inv. Croup is mainly a clinical Dx. After stabilization of the airway, X-ray
of neck can be taken in A-P view which may show the "Steeple sign" due
to laryngeal edema, although it is not specific.

Rx. Mild croup can be managed safely at home by cold night air or cool
mist (unless patient has associated bronchospasm); whereas moderate
or severe croup should be managed at hospital, especially in the
following situations: progressive strider, severe strider at rest,
respiratory distress, hypoxia, cyanosis, depressed mental status, poor
oral intake, or the need for reliable observation.
The child should be calm as much as possible & better managed in his
parent's lap; therapy may include:-
 Nebulized racemic epinephrine (or L-epinephrine) 1/2 ml + 3 ml NS. It
can be used every 20 min, but the duration of activity is <2 hr.
Therefore, observation should continue 2-3 hr after nebulization.
 Dexamethasone orally ≤ 0.6 mg/kg as single dose is as effective as
parenteral dexamethasone or nebulized budesonide.
 Heliox (helium+oxygen) may be effective in patient with severe croup
that may need intubation or tracheostomy.

Pg. Excellent, but may recur with decreasing intensity for several days;
however, it usually resolve completely within a week.

Spasmodic Croup
It is clinically similar to the above croup, but without viral prodrome or
fever. The attacks are usually less severe & have shorter duration. It may
be due to viral, allergic or psychological causes.Rx is the same as above.

Bacterial Tracheitis
It is usually follows viral croup after few days of apparent improvement.

Et. It mainly caused by Staph. aureus & less commonly by Moraxella

catarrhalis, non-typable Haemophilus influenza, GABS, &anaerobes.

C.M. Patient usually has high fever, toxic, respiratory distress &
brassy cough, as well as purulent secretion from the airway.

- 069 -
 CXR show subglottic narrowing with patchy infiltration of lungs.
 Laryngoscope show a "pseudo-membrane" consist of copious, thick &
purulent secretion (which should be suctioned).

Cx. Toxic-shock syndrome & Cardiorespiratory arrest can occur.

Rx. Oxygen with IV antibiotics e.g. (vancomycin or clindamycin) + 3rd

generation cephalosporin. Intubation or tracheostomy may be needed in
> half of cases.

Pg. Although it is a life-threatening infection, but prognosis is excellent

with Rx.

Acute Epiglottitis (Supraglottitis)

It is adramatic, life-threatening condition.

Et. It mainly caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b& less commonly

by Strep. pyogenes, Strep. pneumoni & Staph. aureus.

C.M. Peak age ≈ 3 yr. Onset usually sudden as fever & sore throat, then
patient within hours become toxic with dyspnea, open mouth, muffled
sound, tripod sitting, dysphagia & drooling of saliva; then become
restless with increasing dyspnea, cyanosis & eventually develop coma.
Strider is a late finding and suggests near-complete airway obstruction.

Inv. Any anxiety-provoking interventions e.g. venepuncture or trying to

see the epiglottis by tongue depressor may aggravate the condition, thus
it should be avoided until airway is secured.
 X-ray of neck in lateral view with neck hyperextended may show the
"Thumb sign"of epiglottis.
 Laryngoscope should only be done in the operating room which
showsa large, “cherry red” epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds may also be
 Culture of bacteria can be obtained from epiglottic surface, blood, or
less from CSF.
Cx. Cervical LAP, otitis media, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, bacteremia,
arthritis, or meningitis.

- 071 -
Rx. Patient should be managed in the ICU with continuous oxygen, IV
fluids & frequent monitoring. ET intubation or tracheostomy should be
considered in all patients with epiglottitis for 2-3 days.
Antibiotics should be given parenterally for 10 days e.g. Ceftriaxone,
Cefotaxime, or Ampicillin - Sulbactam.

Px. Rifampin should be given to all house-hold contacts if epiglottitis is

due to H. influenzae type b (to prevent risk of meningitis).

It is the most common congenital anomaly of larynx and the most
frequent cause of strider in infants and children that account ≈ 60%.

C.M. Symptoms usually appear in the first 2 wk of life and increase in

severity for up to 6 mo, although gradual improvement can begin at
any time.
Typically, strider is inspiratory, low pitched, and exacerbated by any
exertion (e.g. crying, agitation, feeding), supine position, or viral
URTI. Some patients have dysphagia due to ↓ laryngeal sensation and
poor suck-swallow-breath coordination → laryngopharyngeal reflux.
 Flexible laryngoscope shows collapse of supraglottic structures
inward during inspiration.
 Bronchoscopy & CXR should be done if there is dyspnea or severe
airway obstruction to exclude other airway anormalies.
 Barium swallow may be needed if patient has dysphagia.
 Expectant observation is suitable for most infants because most
symptoms resolve spontaneously. Avoidance of crying, agitation &
sleeping in lateral position may be beneficial with aggressive Rx of
laryngopharyngeal reflux.
 Patients with severe obstruction, life-threatening events (e.g. URTI), or
Cxs e.g. cor-pulmonale, cyanosis, or FTT should be managed by
endoscopic supraglottoplasty or tracheotomy.

Congenital Subglottic Stenosis

It is the 2nd most common cause of cong strider (subglottis is the
narrowest part of the upper airway in children), it is either biphasic
- 070 -
(inspiratory & expiratory) or primarily inspiratory. It is more common
with Down syndrome.
C.M. Recurrent or persistent croup occurs within 6 mo of life which
exacerbated by viral URTI or GERD.
Inv. It is suggested by neck X-ray & confirmed by direct Laryngoscope.
Rx. Surgery or Tracheotomy.

Acquired Laryngotracheal Stenosis

It is mostly follows ET intubation with manifestations similar to those
of congenital stenosis or spasmodic croup. Rx by endoscopic dilatation or
surgery if severe.
It can be prevented by useing tube 0.5-1 mm smaller than estimated; as
well as racemic epinephrine and dexamethasone (0.5 mg/kg/dose 6-
12 hr prior to extubation then every 6 hr for 6 doses) may be useful in Rx
of upper airway edema seen after extubation.

Congenital Laryngeal Webs & Atresia

 Webs are usually glottic with subglottic extension and associated
subglottic stenosis. C.M., Inv. & Rx are similar to subglottic stenosis.
 Atresia is usually fatal due to complete glottic obstruction by web &
usually associated with tracheal agenesis or TEF.

Congenital Subglottic Hemangioma

Symptoms are typically occur in the 1st 2 mo of life as strider which is
either biphasic or primarily inspiratory. It may be associated with
cutaneous hemangiomas in the neck or facial beard area in ≈ half of
cases. Other C.M. & Inv. are similar to those of subglottic stenosis.
Rx. Oral high dose prednisone, intralesional corticosteroids (or
interferon-α2a), endoscopic excision by CO2 laser, or tracheotomy.

Laryngoceles & Saccular Cysts

 Laryngocele is an abnormal air-filled dilation of the laryngeal saccule
which communicates with the laryngeal lumen.

- 072 -
 Saccular cyst is an abnormal mucus-filled dilation that is not
communicates with the laryngeal lumen.
Both conditions may cause hoarseness & dyspnea. Rx by surgery.

Vocal Cord Paralysis

It is the 3rd most common congenital strider. It is either unilateral or
Et. Unilateral paralysis usually due to injury to the laryngeal nerve by
difficult labor with excessive traction on newborn's head or iatrogenic
during surgery; whereas bilateral paralysis is usually due to CNS
anomalies e.g. hydrocephalus, myelomeningocele, or Arnold-Chiari

C.M. Unilateral paralysis usually cause aspiration, choking, coughing

and weak cry; whereas bilateral paralysis is typically produces airway
obstruction associated with severe inspiratory strider.

Inv. Awake flexible Laryngoscope. In bilateral paralysis, other tests may

be needed to exclude CNS anomalies e.g. CT, MRI.

 Unilateral laryngeal nerve injury (unless it is avulsed) usually resolves
spontaneously within 6–12 mo, otherwise, the paralyzed vocal cord is
injected laterally to move medially to ↓ aspiration.
 Bilateral paralysis may require temporary tracheotomy or surgery.

Vascular and Cardiac Anomalies

 CHD with cardiomegaly may compress the left main bronchus or lower
trachea causing wheezing.
 Aberrant innominate artery is the most common cause of secondary
tracheomalacia causing expiratory wheezing, cough & rarely reflex
apnea; it is usually a self-limited condition.
 Pulmonary artery sling may cause manifestations same as above.
 Vascular ring by double aortic arch encircle both trachea and
esophagus cause respiratory symptoms & dysphagia in 1st 3 mo of life.
Inv. of later 2 conditions is by Barium swallow, CT or MRI.
Rx by Surgery.

- 073 -
Chondromalacia of the trachea or main bronchi is a common cause of
persistent wheezing in infancy which is commonly confused with
asthma, although it may be associated with asthma.

Et. It is either Primary due to congenital absence of tracheal-supporting

cartilages (which may associated with laryngomalacia) or Secondary due
to compression by mediastinal masses (e.g. vascular anomalies) or
associated with anatomical defects (e.g. TEF), or connective tissue

C.M. Tracheomalacia and Bronchomalacia may be manifested in early

infancy as low-pitched monophonic wheezing which most prominent
over the central airways, i.e. over the trachea or main bronchi.
It can be distinguished from asthma in that asthma is usually
associated with polyphonic wheeze over the peripheral airways with
hyperinflation and/or subcostal retractions.
 CXR may be difficult to diagnose, but fluoroscope may demonstrate
dynamic collapse of airway during expiration.
 Bronchoscope (flexible or rigid) can establish the definitive Dx.
 CT or MRI may be needed to exclude secondary chondromalacia.
 Postural drainage with clearance of secretions may help.
 Nebulized ipratropium bromide may be useful. β-adrenergic agents
should be avoided (unless patient has associated asthma) because they
↓ smooth muscle tone → more collapse of airways.
 Endobronchial stents, constant positive airway pressure (CPAP) via
tracheostomy or surgery may be indicated for severe disease.
 Secondary chondromalacia is treated according to the cause.

Pg. Primary chondromalacia have excellent prognosis because many

may resolve by 3 yr of age.

- 074 -
Infants and toddlers use their mouths to explore their surroundings;
therefore, they are the most common victims. FBs are mainly lodged in
the right main bronchus; peanuts are most commonly ingested.

C.M. Three stages of symptoms may result from aspiration of FB into the
1. Initial event; characterized by violent paroxysms of coughing, choking
& gagging immediately after FB aspiration accompanied by wheezing
(which is due to reflex bronchospasm); this is highly suggestive of FB in
the airway.
2. Asymptomatic interval; the FB becomes lodged; reflexes fatigue, and
immediate irritating symptoms subside, which may cause delay in Dx.
3. Complications; due to obstruction, erosion, or infection→ fever,
cough, hemoptysis, pneumonia, or atelectasis; these Cxs direct attention
again to the presence of FB.
 Positive hx must never be ignored, whereas negative hx may be
 Esophageal FB can also present with respiratory symptoms due to
compression of trachea.
 CXR may be normal if taken in inappropriate way or the FB is
radiolucent. Proper X-ray for suspected FB should be taken in both A-P
& lateral views and during deep expiration.
Obstructive emphysema (air trapping) → shifting of mediastinum to
the opposite side, in contrast to the atelectasis (which usually a late
finding). Occasionally, fragments of FB may produce bilateral
involvement or shifting infiltrates if it moves from lobe to lobe.
 Fluoroscopy, CT, & MRI are more diagnostic.
 Bronchoscopy is both diagnostic & theraputic.
 Laryngeal FB can sometimes be dislodged by upside-down the infant,
or Heimlich maneuver in children, otherwise it should be removed by
direct Laryngoscope.
 Tracheal & Bronchial FB should removed urgently by rigid

- 075 -
Path. Bronchiolitis is the most common cause of wheezing in infants
due to several mechanisms include:-
 The narrow airway caliber in infants results in ↑ resistance to airflow,
which inversely related to the radius of the caliber to the 4th power.
 Chest wall of infants is very compliant; the inward pressure produced in
expiration subjects the intrathoracic airways to collapse.
 Immunologic and molecular influences can also contribute to the
infant's propensity to wheeze.

Et. RSV (most common), Human metapneumovirus (may cause co-

infection with RSV), Parainfluenza, Adenovirus, Influenza, Rhinovirus,&
infrequently Mycoplasmapneumonia.
Note: Bacteria have no role in the etiology of bronchiolitis (although
superinfection may rarely occur).
Risk factors for bronchiolitis may include: male gender, bottle feeding,
crowding, and family hx of minor RTI.

C.M. Acute bronchiolitis is usually preceded by exposure to an adult with

minor respiratory syndrome within the previous wk. The infant 1st
develops mild URTI e.g. sneezing, rhinorrhea, low-grade fever, & poor
appetite. Gradually, respiratory distress ensues with paroxysmal
wheezy cough, dyspnea, and irritability. Apnea may be more prominent
than wheezing early in the course of disease especially in young (or
former premature) infants.
Chest examination reveals wheezing as the most prominent feature
with tachypnea, nasal flaring and retractions. Auscultation usually reveal
overt wheezes with prolongation of expiratory phase +/_ fine crackles.
Diminished breath sounds suggest very severe disease with nearly
complete bronchiolar obstruction. Hyperinflation of the lungs may
permit palpation of the liver & spleen.

Inv. Bronchiolitis is mainly a Clinical Dx, especially in previously healthy

infant presenting for the 1st time during community outbreak.
 CXR may show hyperinflation of lungs with patchy atelectasis.
 CBP is usually normal.
 Viral & other studies are used only to confirm Dx & to exclude other
- 076 -
D.Dx. of wheezing in infant:-

 RTI by etiologies other than viruses.

 Asthma may be triggered by viral infection (see later).
 Aspiration e.g. FB, GERD.
 Mucociliary Clearance disorders e.g. CF, Bronchiectasis.
 Anatomic Abnormalitiesof airway including:-
 Central e.g. Tracheomalacia or Brochomalacia.
 Extrinsic (due to compression) e.g. Vascular ring or sling.
 Intrinsic e.g. Congenital lobar emphysema, Cystic adenomatoid
malformation, Sequestration.
 Miscellaneous comditions e.g. Interstitial Lung diseases, HF,
Immunodeficiency states, Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Anaphylaxis,
Allergy, and Inhalation injury (burns).

Rx. Indications of admission to hospital include: age <6 mo, severe

respiratory distress, toxic appearance, requirement for supplemental
oxygen, vomiting & dehydration, immunodeficiency, pre-existing
pulmonary or cardiac disease, no response to home therapy, and non-
compliant parents.

 Supportive therapy include: cool humidified oxygen (preferably by

nasal cannula), good hydration (give fluids orally, or if not tolerated, by
NG tube or IV), suction of secretions, & putting the infant in a semi-
sitting position (with head & chest elevated at 300), and avoid sedation.

 Nebulization can be done with any of the following 5 agents:-

1. β-agonists e.g. salbutamol; it mainly effective when there is a
component of bronchial hyper-reactivity (asthma). Otherwise, the
response is unpredictable, therefore observe the response objectively.
2. Epinephrin may be more effective as bronchodilator than β-agonists.
3. Anticholinergics e.g. ipratropium bromide, it can be used as an adjunct
agent, but it mainly used in patient with tracheomalacia or
bronchomalacia because β-agonists may worse these conditions.
4. Steroid inhalation e.g. budesonide may be indicated in moderate to
severe wheezing, hx of atopy (food allergy, eczema), and patient who
had response to oral steroids.
5. Hypertonic Saline nebulization & Heliox inhalation have also some
benefit in bronchiolitis.
- 077 -
 Ribavirin by nebulization may be used for bronchiolitis due to RSV in
infant who had other chronic lung or heart disease; whereas other
antiviral agents (including palivizumab), as well as antibiotics have no
role in Rx of bronchiolitis.

Pg. Infants with acute bronchiolitis may deteriorate in the 1st 2-3 days
after illness & may remain so for up to 2 wk & even may die during this
critical period due to apnea, respiratory failure, or severe dehydration,
although this is rare (<1%). A few proportion (10%) of infants may
remain symptomatic for 3 wk.

Approximately 40% of infants who wheeze will wheeze again with later
viral RTI. These "Transient Wheezers" can be divided into 3 groups:-
 Early wheezer; wheezing in the 1st 3 yr of life.
 Persistent wheezer; wheezing in the 1st 6 yr of life.
 Late-onset wheezer; wheezing between 3 & 6 yr of life.

Risk factors that predict which early wheezers will go on to have

asthma in later life include: parental hx of asthma and allergies,
maternal smoking, persistent rhinitis (apart from acute URTI), allergen
sensitization, eczema at < 1 yr of age, peripheral eosinophilia (>4%), and
frequent episodes of wheezing during infancy.

 RSV-IVIG & Palivizumab may be given before and during RSV season
for infants <2 yr with hx of prematurity, chronic lung disease, or some
forms of CHD.
 Handwashing is the best measure to prevent nosocomial transmission.

- 078 -
It includes Bronchitis & Tracheobronchitis, although nasopharyngitis
may also be present.

Et. Usually viral in origin e.g. many respiratory viruses including

influenza. Bacterial causes may occasionally occur e.g. pertussis,
diphtheria, whereas isolation of Staph. aureus, and Strep. pneumoniae
from the sputum might not imply a bacterial cause of disease.

C.M. Acute bronchitis is more common in the winter because it often

follows viral URTI; therefore, the child 1st presents with nonspecific
upper respiratory infectious symptoms e.g. rhinitis, after few days, a
frequent, dry, hacking cough develops which may or may not be
productive. After several days, the sputum may become purulent,
indicating leukocyte migration (but not necessarily bacterial infection).
Many children swallow their sputum, and this can produce emesis.

Chest pain may be a prominent complaint in older children which is

exacerbated by coughing. Constitutional symptoms e.g. fever and malaise
may occur. The entire episode usually lasts ≈ 2 wk, seldom >3 wk.
Auscultation of the chest may be unremarkable in the early stage of
disease, as the syndrome progresses, breath sounds become coarse, with
crackles and wheezing.
Inv. CXR is normal or may show ↑ bronchial markings.

D.Dx. Include many congenital & acquired pulmonary diseases.

Rx. There is no specific therapy for acute bronchitis. The disease is self-
limited, and antibiotics, although often prescribed, donot hasten
improvement. Frequent shifts in position can facilitate pulmonary
drainage in infants. Older children are sometimes more comfortable with
humidity, but this does not shorten the disease course.
Cough suppressants can relieve symptoms but can also increase the risk
of suppuration and inspissated secretions and thus should be used
judiciously. Antihistamines dry secretions and are not helpful;
expectorants are likewise not indicated.

- 079 -
Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung parenchyma due to infectious
or non-infectious causes. Pneumonia & Diarrhea are the most common
cause of death in children worldwide.

Et. It can be divided according to the age of presentation as following:-

Age Group Frequent Pathogens (in order of frequency)

Neonates Group B streptococcus, E. coli, other gram-negative bacilli,
(<3 wk) Strep. pneumoniae, H. influenzae
RSV, other respiratory viruses (parainfluenza viruses,
3 wk-3 mo influenza viruses, adenovirus), S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae;
if patient is afebrile, consider Chlamydia trachomatis
RSV, other respiratory viruses (as above), S. pneumoniae, H.
4 mo-4 yr
influenzae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, group A streptococcus
M. pneumoniae, S. pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae,
≥5 yr H. influenzae, influenza viruses, adenovirus, other
respiratory viruses, Legionella pneumophila

Notes about the table above:-

 Streptococcus pneumonia & Haemophilus influenzae are a common
cause of pneumonia at all ages.
 Viral agents are important cause of pneumonia in the 1st 5 yr of age
(beyond the neonatal period), especially in winter months.

C.M. Respiratory distress manifested as dyspnea, tachypnea, grunting,

nasal flaring, retractions of the supraclavicular, intercostal, and subcostal
areas, cyanosis, and tachycardia. Fatigability, anorexia, vomiting, &
diarrhea may also occur.
Chest examination may reveal diminished breath sounds with scattered
rhonchi & crackles in early stages. In later stage, there may be
consolidation with dullness on percussion and further diminished breath
sounds. The liver may seem enlarged due to downward displacement of
the diaphragm by hyperinflated lungs or superimposed congestive HF.
Abdominal distention may be present due to paralytic ileus or air
swallowing; abdominal pain is common in lower lobe pneumonia;
whereas upper lobe pneumonia may produce nuchal rigidity.
- 081 -
 Differentiation between: Bacterial & Viral pneumonia:-
 Prodrome of URTI: Brief Several days
 Onset: Abrupt Gradual
 Fever: Higher +/_ chills usually Lower
 Prominent feature of
Resp distress: Dyspnea & dry cough Tachypnea +/_ wheezes
 Pleuritic chest pain: usually Yes usually No
 CNS features: Anxiety, delirium usually No
 CXR: usually Lober consolidation Hyperinflation with bilateral
+/_ pleural effusion interstitial infiltrates
 WBC: ↑ (mainly granulocytes) N or ↑ (mainly lymphocytes)
 Definitive Dx: Gram stain or culture Isolation of the virus from
of lung or pleural fluid respiratory secretion by PCR,
culture, or by serology

 Sputum is of little value in diagnosis of pneumonia in young children.
 Blood cultures is +ve in only 10% of pneumococcal pneumonia.
 Portable US is highly sensitive and specific in diagnosing pneumonia in
children by determining lung consolidations and air bronchograms or
 Staphylococcal pneumonia is usually severe & may be associated with
pneumatoceles, empyema +/_ bronchopulmonary fistulas, it is common
between 1-5 yr of age.
 Mycoplasma pneumonia & Chlamydophila pneumonia cause
"Atypical Pneumonia syndrome" which characterized by
extrapulmonary manifestations, low-grade fever, patchy diffuse
infiltrates on CXR, -ve Gram stain sputum, & poor response to penicillin

Cx. It results from either local or systemic spread of infection.

 Local spread of bacteria within the thoracic cavity → pleural effusion,
empyema, or pericarditis. It is mainly caused by S. aureus, S. pneumonia,
& S. pyogenes.
 Systemic spread (bacteremia) is rare & mainly caused S. pneumonia &
H. influenzae→ meningitis, suppurative arthritis, or osteomyelitis.

- 080 -
 Differentiationofpleural fluid:Transudate Exudate Empyema:-
 Appearance: Clear Cloudy Purulent
 Cell count: <1000 >1000 >5000
 Cell type: Lymphocytes PMNs PMNs
 Protein: <3 g >3g >3g
 Glucose: Normal Low Very low
 Gram stain: usually -ve usually +ve highly +ve

 Patient who is mildly ill, can be managed as outpatient with oral
antibiotics e.g. Amoxicillin, 40-50 mg/kg/day, but higher doses (80-90
mg) if penicillin-resistant pneumococci is suspected. Alternative agents
include Amoxicillin/clavulanate or Cefuroxime axetil.
If M. pneumoniae or C. pneumonia is suspected, give Azithromycin or

 Indications of hospitalization include: age <6 mo, severe respiratory

distress, toxic appearance, requirement for supplemental oxygen,
vomiting & dehydration, multiple lobe involvement on CXR, SCA with
acute chest syndrome, immunodeficiency, pre-existing pulmonary or
cardiac disease, no response to home therapy with oral antibiotics, &
noncompliant parents.
For hospitalized patient give oxygen, hydration, & parenteral
antibiotics e.g. Cefotaxime or Ceftriaxone. If staphylococcal
pneumonia is suspected, give Vancomycin or Clindamycin.
 Oral zinc, 10-20 mg/day reduces mortality among children with
clinically defined severe pneumonia.
Note: If viral pneumonia is suspected, it is reasonable to withhold
antibiotics especially if the patient is mildly ill. However, because up to
30% of patients may have coexisting bacterial pathogens, therefore if
deterioration in clinical status occurs, this should signal the possibility of
superimposed bacterial infection and antibiotic Rx should be initiated.

Pg. Patient with uncomplicated community-acquired bacterial

pneumonia usually responds to therapy with improvement in clinical
symptoms within 2-3 days after initiation of antibiotics, whereas
radiographic improvement may lag up to 1 mo.

- 082 -
 Slowly Resolving Pneumonia means persistence of symptoms or
radiographic abnormalities beyond the expected time course. Causes
1. Bacterial resistance.
2. Complications e.g. empyema.
3. Non-bacterialetiologies e.g. viruses.
4. Bronchial obstruction e.g. FB, endobronchial lesions, or mucous plug.
5. Non-infectiouscauses e.g. food aspiration, hypersensitivity
pneumonitis, bronchiolitis obliterans, or eosinophilic pneumonia.
6. Pre-existing diseases e.g. immunodeficiencies, ciliary dyskinesia, cystic
fibrosis, pulmonary sequestration, or cystic adenomatoid malformation.

In these situations, repeating CXR +/_ CT, MRI of chest or Bronchoscopy

may help in determining the reason for delay in response to Rx.
Empyema can be determined by US or CT scan of chest.

 Recurrent Pneumoniais defined as ≥ 2episodes/yr or ≥ 3episodes

ever, with radiographic clearing between them; causes include:-
1. Hereditary disorders e.g. CF, SCA.
2. Immunity disorders e.g. cellular, humoral or phagocytic disorders.
3. Ciliary disorders e.g. Kartagener syndrome.
4. Anatomical disorders e.g. GERD, FB, TEF (H type), sequestration, lobar
emphysema, bronchietasis...etc.

Pv. Vaccination against Strep. pneumoniae, H. influenza, & influenza

virusis highly recommended to ↓ the incidence of pneumonia.

- 083 -
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition of the lung airways
resulting in episodic airflow obstruction due to airways hyper-
responsiveness to provocative exosures (triggers).

It is a common chronic disease that causing considerable morbidity &

once asthma has developed; ongoing exposures appear to worsen the

Et. Unknown, but may be due to multifactorial inheritance, i.e. a

combination of environmental exposures and inherent biological and
genetic vulnerabilities.

Triggers of asthma include: Exercise; crying, laughter, hyperventilation;

Common viral infections of the respiratory tract; Aeroallergens in
sensitized asthmatics (animal dander, indoor allergens, dust mites,
cockroaches, molds); Seasonal aeroallergens e.g. Pollens (trees, grasses,
weeds); Environmental tobacco smoke, air pollutants, dust, occupational
exposures, strong or noxious odors or fumes, & cold dry air.
Note: The last two triggers usually produce bronchoconstriction only (without

Co-morbid conditions include: Rhinitis, Sinusitis, & Gastroesophageal

reflux. These are also indirect triggers of asthma (see later).

Path. Hyper-responsiveness of the airways consist of

bronchoconstriction of smooth muscles, infiltration of inflammatory cells
(especially eosinophils) with release of inflammatory mediators e.g.
cytokines that result in airway edema; there is also basement membrane
thickening, subepithelial collagen deposition, smooth muscle and mucous
gland hypertrophy, and mucus hypersecretion.
All these factors cause inflammation & airflow obstruction as well as the
aberrant repair of the injured airways tissues are contributes to the
pathogenesis of asthma.

 There are 2 types of childhood asthma:-

1. Recurrent Wheezing of early childhood that primarily triggered by

common viral RTI; it usually disappear by 6 yr of age (see Bronciolitis).

- 084 -
2. Chronic (Persistent) Asthma that persist into later childhood and
often adulthood. It usually associated with the following risk factors:-
 Parental asthma.
 Atopy e.g. atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, food allergy, or inhalant
allergen sensitization.
 Severe lower RTI e.g. Pneumonia or Bronchiolitis.
 Other factors e.g. male gender, hx of low birthweight, wheezing apart
from colds, female who develop obesity (or early onset puberty),
environmental tobacco smoke exposure, or eosinophilia ≥ 4%.

 The above risk factors can be divided into major & minor criteria that
help in the prediction of asthma:-
 Major Criteria include: Parent asthma, Atopic eczema, & Inhalant
allergen sensitization.
 Minor Criteria include: Allergic rhinitis, Wheezing apart from colds,
Food allergen sensitization, & Eosinophils ≥ 4%.

1 major or 2 minor criteria provide a high prediction for persistent

asthma into later childhood, as well as, asthma severity between 7 & 10
yr of age is also predictive of asthma persistence into adulthood;
however, milder disease is more likely to remit later on.

Hx. Intermittent dry coughing +/_ expiratory wheezing are the most
common chronic symptoms of asthma. Older children may report
associated dyspnea and chest tightness; whereas younger children are
more likely to report non-focal chest “pain”!.
Respiratory symptoms are usually worse at night, whereas daytime
symptoms are often linked with physical activities or play. It also
characterized by dramatic response to the bronchodilators &
corticosteroids therapy.

Ex. Expiratory wheezing and prolonged expiratory phase +/_

diminished breath sounds in some areas of lungs (which indicate
airway obstruction). Crackles may be due to excessive mucus production
and inflammatory exudates.
More severe airway obstruction → inspiratory and expiratory wheezing
or silent chest (see later); clubbing is very unusual in asthma.

- 085 -
D.Dx. Viral bronchiolitis; Bronchiolitis obliterans; FB aspiration; GERD;
TEF; Vocal cord dysfunction; Exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction;
Immune deficiency; Bronchopulmonary mycoses; Interstitial lung
diseases; Cystic fibrosis; Laryngotracheo-bronchomalacia; Congestive HF
with pulmonary edema…etc.

 CXR may be normal or may show hyperinflation (flattening of the
diaphragms with ↑ chest diameter in the PA & lateral view) with
peribronchial thickening.
It should be done in the 1st attack of asthma to exclude other
pathologies (asthma masqueraders) and often unnecessary thereafter,
unless there is suspicion of Cxs e.g. atelectasis, pneumothorax or

 Pulmonary Function Tests are objective methods in measuring the

degree of airflow obstruction. It shows an obstructive pattern of lung
disease (which is not specific for asthma).
 Spirometry; it can measure FEV1SEC, FVC, & FEV1/FVC compared with
the predicted norms based on gender, height, & ethnicity. It is only
suitable for children >6 yr after taking the highest reading of 3 attempts.
FEV1 60%-80% of the predicted value indicates moderate airway
obstruction, whereas <60% indicates severe obstruction.
Bronchodilator response to an inhaled β-agonist is greater in
asthmatics versus non-asthmatics with an improvement in FEV1 ≥12%.
Note: Bronchoprovocation challenge is rarely used nowadays.
Exercise challenges (e.g. running for several min) can identify children
with exercise-induced bronchospasm → worsening of FEV1>15%.
 Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF)monitoring devices provide a simple and
inexpensive home use tool to measure airflow resistence; it can
measure PEF variation during the day after comparison with the best
personal (not the predicted) value, if >20% indicate significant
obstruction. It is useful for those who are “poor perceivers” of their

 Allergy Prick Skin Test is mainly used to assess sensitization to

inhalant allergens which help in the prevention as well as prognosis of

- 086 -
 Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FENO) measurement can be used as a marker of
airway inflammation in asthma and also it help in titration of
medications according to the degree of inflammation.

Rx. The following are 4 keys for asthma management:-

1. Asthma checkups; follow-up of asthma should be every 2-4 wk until

good control is achieved, then 2-4/yr to maintain good control.
2. Control of factors contributing to asthma severity; by control of
asthma "triggers" & co-morbid conditions.
3. Asthma pharmacotherapy; it include long-term-control & quick-relief
medications with step-up & step-down approach according to asthma
4. Patient education; include a written material about daily medications
(e.g. doses, SE, how to use inhalers) & the action plan for asthma
exacerbations with teaching the patient how to use PEF device at home.

 Control of factors contributing to asthma severity:-

 Eliminate or reduce problematic environmental exposures e.g.

allergens, especially when Allergy Prick Skin Test is +ve; it also include
avoidance of other airway irritants e.g. tobacco smoke; annual
influenza vaccination is also necessary.
 Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, or aspirin-induced asthma,
is associated with chronic eosinophilic rhinitis and nasal polyposis.
Inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase by aspirin and other NSAIS may →
exacerbations of disease. Acetaminophen, a weak COX-1 inhibitor, is
safe in low doses, but may produce symptoms in high doses. The
incidence is rare in children <10 yr of age.

 Rx of co-morbid conditions e.g. sinusitis & rhinitis to ↓ exercise-

induced bronchospasm because nasal breathing humidify and warm the
inspired air with filtering out allergens and irritants.
Gastroesophageal reflux can worsen asthma by 2 mechanisms: 1st by
aspiration of refluxed gastric contents & 2nd by "vagally-mediated"
reflex bronchospasm. GERD should be suspected when asthma is
difficult to control or aggravated by eating or sleeping.

- 087 -
 Long-Term Controller Medications:-

 Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICS) e.g. Beclomethasone, Triamcinolone,

Flunisolide, Fluticasone, Mometasone, & Budesonide. The last 3 drugs
are considered “2nd-generation” due to ↑ anti-inflammatory potency
and ↓ systemic bioavailability by extensive first-pass hepatic
ICS can be delivered by 4 methods: MDI (Metered Dose Inhaler) which
suitable for older children. Spacer inhaler is suitable for younger
children because it does not need coordination. DPI (Dry Powder
Inhaler) is breath-accuated. Nebulizer needs electricity. After ICS,
mouth should be rinsed with water to ↓ SE e.g. oral thrush & dysphonia.
Note: ICS for children with persistent asthma does not alter the likelihood
of outgrowing asthma in later childhood.

 Long-acting Inhaled β-agonist (LABA) e.g. Salmeterol, it has

prolonged onset of bronchodilator action (≈1 hr), whereas Formoterol
has rapid onset (5–10 min); both have duration of action ≈12 hr, thus
they used twice daily (usually in combination with ICS).

 Theophylline e.g. Aminophylline is also a bronchodilator with anti-

inflammatory properties as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, but it is no
longer considered as first-line agent in young children because of its
narrow therapeutic window, many drug interactions, & significant
variability in the absorption and metabolism necessitating frequent
dose monitoring; thus it is better used only for children >5 yr.
SE; Headache, vomiting, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, & death!.

 NSAI agents e.g. Cromolyn and Nedocromil can inhibit exercise-induced

bronchospasm, thus can replace SABA before exercise. These drugs have
usually no SE, but should be used frequently (2-4 times/day).

 Leukotriene-modifying agents; e.g. Montelukast (approved for

children ≥1 yr), Zafirlukast (≥5 yr) & Zileuton (≥12 yr). These drugs
have broncho-dilator & targeted anti-inflammatory properties with very
few SE.

 Anti-IgE (Omalizumab); it is a monoclonal antibody that binds IgE to

prevent its binding to the high-affinity IgE receptor, thus blocking the
IgE-mediated allergic responses and inflammation. It mainly used in
patients >12 yr with moderate to severe allergic asthma as “add-on”
- 088 -
therapy because it may cause severe anaphylaxis. Anti-Interleukine-5
(Mepolizumab) is monoclonal antibody recently added for Rx of asthma.

 Quick-Reliever (Rescue) Medications:-

 Short-acting Inhaled β-agonists (SABA) e.g. Albuterol, Terbutaline,

Pirbuterol, & Levalbuterol (which causes lesstachycardia and tremor).
They have a rapid onset of action that last for 4–6 hr.

 Systemic Corticosteroids e.g. Prednisone, Prednisolone, or Methyl-

prednisolone orally as short-course "burst" that is mainly used for
severe asthma exacerbations & sometimes for severe persistent asthma
(because ICS are ineffective when there is severe airflow obstruction).
Their usual dose is 1-2 mg/kg/day (max. 60 mg/day) orally as a single
dose in the morning for 3-10 days, with tapering if administered for >7
days. They usually absorbed rapidly and completely from the gut after 1-
2 hr.

Corticosteroids have many drug interactions e.g. Anticonvulsants &

Rifampin ↓ their plasma concentration, whereas they ↑ with Macrolides &

Long-term use of systemic corticosteroids (or high-dose ICS) needs

monitoring for their SE as in the following:-
CBP (neutrophilia & lymphopenia), serum electrolytes (hypokalemia &
hypocalcemia), blood sugar (hyperglycemia), BP (hypertension), weight
(gain), height (↓ especially in the 1st years after therapy), bone age by X-
ray & DEXA (osteoporosis) & annual eye exam (cataract & glaucoma).
Corticosteroids also can ↓ immunity & ↑ susceptibility to infectious
diseases & mask the signs of inflammation.
Corticosteroids must never be stopped suddenly after long-term use
because of the risk of acute adrenal insufficiency (which can be fatal).
Double or triple the dose during physiologic stressors e.g. surgery,
accident, or significant illness.

 Inhaled Anticholinergic agents e.g. Ipratropium bromide are mainly

used in combination with SABA in acute severe asthma for children >12
yr; they have bronchodilator effect & ↓ mucus production.

- 089 -
 Stepwise Approach in Asthma Management:-

Step 1: Mild Intermittent Asthma: ≤2 day symp/wk or ≤2 night

symp/mo. Rx. Resque medications only without daily controller Rx.

Step 2: Mild Persistent Asthma: >2 day symp/wk or >2 night symp/mo.
Rx. Daily controller therapy by onlyone of following: low-dose ICS, NSAI
agents, Leukotrine modifiers, or sustain-released Theophyllin.

Step 3: Moderate Persistent Asthma: daily symp or >1 night symp/wk.

Rx. Low-dose ICS + LABA (or Leukotrine modifiers or Theophyllin), or
Medium-dose ICS +/_ the above medications.

Step 4: Severe Persistent Asthma: continuous daily symp or frequent

night symp. Rx. High-dose ICS + LABA +/_ Systemic corticosteroids.

Notes on the approach:-

 Quick-Reliever (Rescue) Medications can be used at any step when
there are severe asthma exacerbations by: SABA (by inhalation or
orally) +/_ Systemic corticosteroids (IV or orally). See also Rx of severe
asthma exacerbation.
 There is recent classification of asthma management consist of 6 steps,
but it has been disregarded because it is so complicated.
 Recently patients are classified according to their response to Rx into 3
groups: Well-controlled, Not well-controlled, & Very poorly controlled.
 The classification of asthma severity is depends on the most severe
symptoms before Rx.
 In children >5 yr, asthma severity is also depend on FEV1, PEF & PEF
 Before step-up therapy, review patient medication technique,
adherence, and environmental control.
 Step-down medications when there is a good control of asthma during
the regular visits by ↓ the dose or frequency of medications.

- 091 -
 Written action plan for home monitoring:-

It should be used in all children with asthma for early recognition of

asthma exacerbations to intensify Rx & prevent further deterioration;
thus it can ↓ risk of asthma death by 70%.

Written Action Planis divided into 3 zones according to the PEF (% of

personal best) as follows:-
 Green zone: PEF >80%, it means patient has a good control.
 Yellow zone: PEF 80-50% means patient has a fair control but should
use SABA (which can be repeated every 20 min), if no improvement,
patient can take short course of oral corticosteroids or call his doctor.
 Red zone: PEF <50% means patient has a poor control which
necessitate immediate medical attention.

Note: Patients who experience life-threatening asthma exacerbation,

should have injectable epinephrine & portable oxygen at home.

- 090 -
(Status Asthmaticus)
 Risk factors for SAEinclude:-
 Biological e.g. Previous attacks, Severe airflow obstruction, Hx of
rapidly occurring attacks, Increasing and large diurnal variation on PEF,
Poor perception of dyspnea, Poor response to systemic corticosteroids,
Male gender, & Low birthweight.
 Environmental e.g. Allergen exposure, Environmental tobacco smoke
or air pollution exposure, & Urban environment.
 Economic & Psychosocial e.g. Poverty, Crowding, Young or uneducated
mother, Inadequate or inaccessible medical care, & Family problems.
SAE can be aborted by the quick-relief medications (as mentioned in
the yellow zone of action plan), but beware of frequent use of SABA when
the airways are obstructed as this may → vicious cycle, because SABA
may →↑ pulmonary blood flow through obstructed unoxygenated areas
of lung → more hypoxia → more bronchoconstriction → ventilation-
perfusion mismatch.
Note: Some patients who rely on the frequent use of SABAs as a “quick fix”
without controller medications, i.e. consume >1 MDI/mo or >3 MDIs/yr;
this indicate poor asthma control with ↑ risk of death.

C.M. Dyspnea, tachypnea, retractions, use of accessory muscles,

cyanosis, mental status changes, tripod sitting with inablility to talk,
poor air exchange (or silent chest), tachycardia (or bradycardia due to
severe hypoxia), pulsus paradoxus (may be absent due to respiratory
muscle fatigue). Dehydration may occur due to poor oral intake &
tachypnea →↑ insensible water loss, although some patients may develop
If the onset is rapid, it may dissolve rapidly with Rx, whereas if it
progress insidiously, i.e. over days or weeks, it can cause resp muscle
fatigue with respiratory failure which need mechanical ventilation.
PEF or FEV1 in SAE usually <50% of personal best & oxymeter usually
show severe hypoxia (<90%).
 CXR may show Cxs e.g. atelectasis (especially the right lower posterior
lobe) or air leak.
 CBP & serum electrolytes may be abnormal.

- 092 -
 BGA; initially there may be resp. alkalosis (due to hyperventilation),
then followed by resp. acidosis (due to hypoventilation by airway
obstruction) +/_ metabolic acidosis (due to lactic acidosis by hypoxia).
Note: Normal PaCO2 at presentation is ominous sign of impending resp failure.

Rx. Patient is better managed in the ICU with continuous

cardiorespiratory monitoring with the following Rx:-

1. Oxygen therapy (maintain O2 saturation >92%).

2. Inhaled SABA (can be repeated every 20 min).
3. Systemic corticosteroids as short-course (orally or parentrally).
If the above Rx fails to control the attack, consider the following:-
4. Inhaled Ipratropium bromide (usually mixed with SABA).
5. Adrenalin SC or IM (0.01 mg/kg).
6. Terbutaline infusion (with cardiorespiratory monitoring).
7. Other medications e.g. Aminophylline infusion, MgSO4, or Heliox.
8. Mechanical ventilation for extreme cases with impending respiratory
failure, especially when the patient develop Hopkins syndrome, a rare
synd due to idiopathic asthma-associated flaccid paralysis.
Note: Chest physiotherapy & mucolytics are not recommended in SAE.

Patient can safely discharged from hospital when there is a sustained

improvement of symptoms, normal physical finding, PEF >70%, and O2
saturation >92% (on room air for 4 hr).
Patient can be discharged on the same rescue medications, i.e. SABA &
short-course oral corticosteroids. Review other controller medications &
optimize them as needed and also advise on good home monitoring.

Pg. Recurrent coughing and wheezing occurs in 35% ofpre-school age

children; of these, 2/3 improve on their own through the preteen years,
whereas1/3 continue to have persistent asthma into later childhood.

Pv. Several non-pharmaco-therapeutic measures are supposed to

prevent asthma e.g. avoidance of tobacco smoke (beginning prenatally!),
prolonged breastfeeding (>4 mo), healthy diet, and active lifestyle.
Children who live in rural areas have low prevalence of asthma than
those live in urban areas, this has been attributed to the “Hygiene

- 093 -
5. Common Cardiovascular Disorders

 Atrial Septal Defect (secundum, primum, & sinus

 Ventricular Septal Defect
 Patent Ductus Arteriosus
 Tetralogy of Fallot
 D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
 Supraventricular Tachycardia
 Long Q-T Syndromes
 Heart Failure
 Cardiomyopathies
 Myocarditis
 Infective Endocarditis

- 094 -
Isolated (valve-incompetent) patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a
common echocardiographic finding during infancy but usually it is of no
hemodynamic significance and not considered an ASD.
ASD can be divided into 3 types; primum, secundum, & sinus venosus.

ASD Secundum (Ostium Secundum Defect)

It is the most common form of ASD & constitutes ≈ 7% of all CHD,
Female>Male, it located in the region of fossa ovalis.
The majority of cases are sporadic; AD inheritance occurs as part of the
Holt-Oram syndrome or in families which may be associated with heart

Path. The degree of Lt to Rt shunt is depend on; size of the defect,

relative compliance of the right and left ventricles, and the relative
vascular resistance in the pulmonary and systemic circulations.

The paucity of symptoms in infants is related to the structure of the

right ventricle in early life when its muscular wall is thick and less
compliant, thus limiting the left-to-right shunt, but as the infant becomes
older and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) drops, the large blood
flow through the right side of heart results in enlargement of the right
atrium and ventricle with dilatation of the pulmonary artery.

Despite the large pulmonary blood flow, pulmonary arterial pressure is

usually normal throughout childhood because of the absence of a high-
pressure communication between the pulmonary and systemic
Hx. Most children with ASD secundum is asymptomatic & discovered
accidentally, even an extremely large defect rarely produces clinically
evident HF in childhood; however, younger children may have subtle
FTT & older children may have exercise intolerance.
Platypnea (dyspnea on standing, relieved when supine) and
orthodeoxia (desaturation on standing, relieved when supine) may
occur when right to left shunting occurs through ASD.

- 095 -
Ex. Mild left precordial bulge, loud 1st heart sound; the 2nd heart sound
is characterized by wide fixed splitting in all phases of respiration
(sometimes with pulmonic ejection click); the systolic ejection murmur
(usually without thrill) is produced by the increased flow across the
right ventricular outflow tract into the pulmonary artery (i.e. not by
the low-pressure flow across the ASD); it is best heard at the left middle
and upper sternal border.
Mid-diastolic murmur produced by the increased blood flow across the
tricuspid valve is usually indicates that pulmonary to systemic vascular
resistance (Qp : Qs ratio) is at least 2:1.
 CXR; mild cardiomegaly with ↑ pulmonary vascularity.
 ECG; right ventricle volume overload & QRS axis may be normal or
exhibit right axis deviation.
 Echo & Doppler studies are diagnostics.
 Catheterization is also diagnostic but usually not required.

Cx. Secundum ASDs are well tolerated during childhood, and symptoms
do not usually appear until the 3rd decade & later or during the
increased volume load of pregnancy; these Cxs include: pulmonary
hypertension, atrial dysrhythmias, tricuspid or mitral insufficiency, & HF.
Note: Infective endocarditis is very rare, thus antibiotic Px usually not required
in ASD secundum.
Rx. Small ASD secundum with minimal shunt usually not require Rx;
however, transcatheter or surgical device closure is advised for all
symptomatic patients or the Qp : Qs ratio at least 2:1 (even if patient is
Pg. ASD secundum in term infants may become smaller or close

ASD (Ostium) Primum

It is situated in the lower portion of the atrial septum and overlies the
mitral and tricuspid valves which are often abnormal resulting in
insufficiency (especially the mitral).
In Atrioventricular (AV) Canal (Septal, Endocardial Cushion) defect,
ASD is contiguous (continuous) with VSD & associated with markedly
abnormal AV valves.

- 096 -
In complete form of AV Canal defect, a single AV valve is common to
both ventricles. This lesion is common in patients with Down syndrome.

Path. ASD Primum is basically similar to ASD Secundum combined with

valvular insufficiency. In AV septal defects, the left-to-right shunt occurs
at both the atrial and ventricular levels as well as additional shunting
may occur directly from the left ventricle to the right atrium (due to
absence of the AV septum).
Pulmonary hypertension and the tendency to ↑ PVR may occur as early
as 6-12 mo of age which eventually → Eisenmenger physiology.

C.M. ASD Primum symptoms may be similar to those of ASD Secundum,

whereas AVCanal defect symptoms may be similar to those of VSD &
usually appear in early infancy e.g. HF, rcurrent RTI, & FTT.
ASD Primum may produce harsh apical holosystolic murmur due to
mitral insufficiency; manifestations of HF may also present.
 CXR; cardiomegaly with ↑ pulmonary vascularity.
 ECG; there are many charecteristic changes in complete AV Canal defect
(see the text).
 Echo; diagnostic & may show a “gooseneck” deformity of the left
ventricular outflow tract.
 Doppler (pulsed & color flow) study shows quantity & direction of the
 Catheterization & angiocardiography is rarely required.
Rx. Early surgery.
Pg. Most patients with ASD Primum alone (like Secundum) may not be
symptomatic until 3rd decade or later; whereas patients with complete
AV Canal defect may die in early infancy (due to HF) if they not
operated early.

Sinus Venosus ASD

It is situated in the upper part of the atrial septum close to the entry of
superior vena cava where one or more pulmonary veins (usually from
the right lung) drain anomalously into this defect, therefore it is part of
Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (PAPVR).
All other features are similar to those of ASD Secundum.

- 097 -
It is the most common cardiac anomaly & account for 25%of all CHD.
Perimembranous & membranous defects are the most common types,
whereas supracristal & muscular (if multiple called Swiss cheese) are
less common.

Path. The volume of Lt to Rt shunt is depend on size of the defect & the
degree of pulmonary & systemic vascular resistance.

 Small VSD (<0.5 cm2) is called "Restrictive" because pressure in the

R.V. is normal & higher pressure of L.V. always drives blood from Lt to
Rt side.
 Large VSD ( >1 cm2) is called "Non-restrictive" because pressure in the
R.V. & L.V. is equalized, therefore direction of shunt is depend on the
ratio between pulmonary & systemic vascular resistance (Qp:Qs).

VSD may be asymptomatic in newborn in the 1st month of life because

pulmonary vascular resistance is normally high in this period which ↓
the amount of shunt, therefore, the holosystolic murmur of VSD may be
inaudible in the newborn; then after 4-6 wk of life when PVR ↓, the
shunt will ↑→ clinical symptoms. This period is shorter in premature,
thus clinical symptoms appear earlyer.
Some patients with large VSD, the PVR never ↓ due to large pulmonary
blood flow through the shunt.

 Small VSD may be asymptomatic & found accidentally during routine
physical exam as loud, harsh (or blowing) holosystolic murmur over
the lower left sternal border +/_ thrill.

 Large VSD (with excessive pulm blood flow & pulm hypertension).
Hx. Dyspnea, profuse perspiration (sweating), feeding difficulty,
FTT, recurrent RTI, and HF in early infancy. Cyanosis usually absent,
but duskiness may be noted during infections or crying.

Ex. Prominence of the left precordium with palpable parasternal lift,

laterally displaced apical impulse and apical thrust, and a systolic thrill.
The holosystolic murmur is generally less harsh than that of a small
VSD but more blowing in nature. The pulmonic component of the 2nd
heart sound may be ↑.
- 098 -
Mid-diastolic murmur at the apex may occur due to ↑ blood flow across
the mitral valve which indicate Qp:Qs ratio of ≥1:2.
Note: This murmur is best heard with the bell of stethoscope.

Inv. CXR & ECG are normal in small VSD, whereas findings in large VSD:-
 CXR; gross cardiomegaly, ↑ pulmonary vascular markings with frank
pulmonary edema +/_ pleural effusion.
 ECG; biventricular hypertrophy, P waves may be notched or peaked!.
 Two-dimensional Echo & Color Doppler are diagnostics, it also can
calculate pressure gradient across the defect.
Note: In membranous VSD, the Echo may show a thin membrane consisting of
tricuspid valve that partially cover the defect and limit the volume of the left-to-
right shunt, this is called "ventricular septal aneurysm".
 Cardiac catheterization; not routinely indicated but can demonstrate
the hemodynamics of VSD e.g. pulmonary blood flow & (PVR).
 Left ventriculography can demonstrate the size, location, and number
of ventricular defects before surgery.

Cx. HF, FTT, recurrent RTI, infective endocarditis, pulm hypertension, &
Eisenmenger physiology (due to reversal of shunt).

 Small VSDs; only reassure the parents, the child should be encouraged
to a normal life with monitoring by clinical exam, ECG & Echo for
spontanuous closure. Prophylactic antibiotics may be indicated before
surgical procedures for protection against infective endocarditis.

 Large VSDs; in addition to the antibiotic Px, aim is to control HF by

medical therapy in the 1st yr of life; if it successful, the shunt may
diminish in size with clinical improvement including weight gain;
whereas if medical therapy was unsuccessful, refer patient to surgery
to prevent the development of pulmonary vascular disease.
Note: Oxygen administration in patients with large VSD → pulm vasodilation
→↓ pulm pressure →↑ shunting of blood through VSD →↑ dyspnea.

Pulmonary arterial palliative banding (to prevent pulmonary HT) with

repair in later childhood is reserved for complicated cases or very
premature infants.

- 099 -
Some patients with VSD may develop acquired infundibular
pulmonary stenosis, which can limit the shunt & protect the pulmonary
Indications of surgical closure in VSD include: patient at any age with
large VSD (especially if medical Rx is failed); infants between 6-12 mo of
age with large VSD & pulmonary hypertension (even if the symptoms are
controlled with medications); patients older than 2 yr with Qp : Qs ratio >
2:1 (even if VSD is small); and patients with supracristal VSD.
Cxs of surgery are rare e.g. residual ventricular shunts requiring
reoperation or heart block requiring pacemaker.
Note: Transcatheter occlusion is most successful in treating muscular
VSDs, which may be difficult to access by surgery; whereas perimembra-
nous VSD catheter closure has a high risk of postprocedure heart block and
is not recommended.
Severe pulmonary vascular disease is contraindication to closure of
VSD; but it can be prevented by early surgery (within 1st yr of life).

Pg. 30–50% of small VSDs close spontaneously, mainly in the 1st 2 yr;
whereas others may be delayed till 4 yr of life, although some are
reported to close till adulthood. Small muscular VSDs aremore likely
to close (up to 80%) than membranous VSDs (up to 35%).

Supracristal VSD
It is common in Asian children & accounts for ≈5% of VSDs. It
commonly associated with aortic insufficiency in 50-90% of cases due
to prolapses of the aortic cusp into the defect which may partially or
completely occlude it (although the defect is anatomically located directly
below the pulmonary valve!).

C.M. It varys widely from asymptomatic children to florid aortic

incompetence & massive cardiomegaly in symptomatic adolescents.

The physical signs of aortic insufficiency (diastolic murmur and wide

pulse pressure) when present, are added to those of VSD, although its
murmur is bestheard at the middle to upper left sternal border.

Rx. Surgery is recommended to all patients with supracristal VSD (even

in asymptomatic child) to prevent development of aortic regurgitation &
irreversible left ventricular dysfunction.
- 211 -
PDA is the 3rd most common CHD, Female>Male, it more common in
premature infants & those with congenital Rubella syndrome.
Note: See also PDA in the premature infant with RDS (chapter 1).

Path. PDA lie between the bifurcation of pulmonary artery & the aortic
arch, just distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery. Functional
closure of the ductus normally occurs soon after birth, but if the ductus
remains patent when pulmonary vascular resistance falls, aortic blood is
shunted into the pulmonary artery.
PDA in premature infant has a normal structure, whereas in term infant it
deficient in endothelial and muscular layer, thus it rarely closes
spontaneously if persist beyond the 1st few weeks of life.

C.M. It is usually similar to those of VSD. The shunt is also depends on

the size of the ductus and on ratio of pulmonary to systemic vascular

Small PDA is usually asymptomatic, whereas large PDA results in HF

similar to that of VSD; additional manifestations include: wide pulse
pressure & bounding peripheral arterial pulses due to run-off
(escape) of blood from aorta into the pulmonary artery during diastole.

The murmur is either systolic or continuous (systolic & diastolic)

which described as being "machinery" or "rolling thunder", although
the diastolic component of the murmur may be less prominent or absent
when PVR is increased. It may be localized to the 2nd left intercostal
space & radiated down the left sternal border or to the left clavicle. It is
often associated with thrill. Increased blood flow across the mitral valve
→ mid-diastolic murmur.

Inv. CXR & ECG are normal in small PDA, whereas in large PDA include:-
 CXR; cardiomegaly, prominent pulm artery & pulm vascular markings.
 ECG; L.V. or biventricular hypertrophy.
 Echo & Doppler are diagnostics (PDA can be visualized through
thesuprasternal notch).
 Catheterization is indicated in patient with atypical finding & also for
contrast injection to show the ductus.

- 210 -
 Small PDA has no early sequelae (except infective endarteritis) but may
cause late sequelae (see below).

 Large PDA if untraeted → HF, infective endarteritis, & pulmonary

hypertension which eventually → Eisenmenger syndrome.

Other rare Cxs include: aneurysmal dilatation of the pulmonary artery

or the ductus; calcification or noninfective thrombosis of the ductus with

Rx. Irrespective of age & size (whether it is small or large), PDA require
catheter or surgical closure, except when Eisenmenger syndrome has
After closure, the symptoms will disappear rapidly, whereas
radiographic findings disappear over several months.

Aortico-pulmonary Window Defect is similar to large PDA except that

it is due to a defect (opening) instead of a ductus which usually large &
best visualized by color flow Doppler or MRA. It requires surgical closure
at early infancy.

- 212 -
TOF is the most common cyanotic CHD, representing ≈10% of all CHD.
It consists from:-
1. Obstruction to right ventricular outflow (pulmonary stenosis at both
right ventricular infundibulum & pulmonary valve).
2. Ventricular septal defect which usually large and nonrestrictive.
3. Dextroposition of the aorta which override of the ventricular septum.
4. Right ventricular hypertrophydue to ↑ R.V. pressure.

Note: When aorta overrides >50% of the VSD & associated with subaortic
conus, this is called "double-outlet right ventricle".

C.M. The degree of right ventricular outflow obstruction determines;

the onset of symptoms, severity of cyanosis, & the degree of R.V.
 Mild to moderate obstruction→ balanced shunt or even Lt to Rt
shunt across the VSD, thus patient may present initially with
symptoms of HF "without cyanosis", thus called "Acyanotic" or "Pink"
TOF. However, as the infant grow, there is increasing hypertrophy of
the right ventricular infundibulum with increasing obstruction which
eventually → Rt to Lt shunt with cyanosis later in the 1st yr of life.
 Severe obstruction→ early Rt to Lt shuntwith cyanosis at birth
which worsen when the ductus arteriosus begins to close.

Older children with long-standing cyanosis may have dusky blue skin,
gray sclerae and marked clubbing of the fingers and toes. Extracardiac
manifestations may also occur (see later).
Dyspnea occurs on exertion. Patient usually play actively for a short
time, then sit or lie down or assume a "squatting position", then resume
playing again within few minutes.

The pulse, venous and arterial pressure are usually normal!. The left
anterior hemithorax may bulge with impulse & thrill due to R.V.
hypertrophy. The 2nd heart sound is either single or the pulmonic
component is soft.

The ejection systolic murmur is caused by turbulence through the right

ventricular outflow tract, it usually loud and harsh & may be transmitted
widely, especially to the lungs, but is most intense at the left sternal
- 213 -
border. It tends to become louder, longer, and harsher as the severity of
pulmonary stenosis increases.

Infrequently, a continuous murmur may be audible due to multiple

Major Aorto-Pulmonary Collateral Arteries (MAPCAs) arising from the
ascending and descending aorta to the pulm artery.

 CXR; the heart is generally normal in size but hypertrophied right
ventricle causes the rounded apical shadow to be uptilted make the
cardiac silhouette similar to a boot or wooden shoe“coeur en sabot”.
The lungs fields are oligemic & the aortic arch is right sided in 20% of
 ECG; right axis deviation & evidence of right ventricular hypertrophy. A
dominant R wave appears in the right precordial chest leads.
 2D Echo is diagnostic.
 Catheterization demonstrates a systolic pressure in the right ventricle
equal to systemic pressure, whereas the pressure is markedly decreased
in the pulmonary artery.
 Selective right ventriculography can demonstrates the anatomy of
 Aortography or Coronary arteriography is important before surgery
because 5–10% may have aberrant major coronary artery crosses
over the right ventricular outflow tract (which must not be cut during
surgical repair). 2D Echo can also delineate the coronary artery
anatomy (although less sensitive).

 Paroxysmal Hypercyanotic, Hypoxic, Blue, or "Tet" Spells:-
It is usually occurs in the 1st 2 yr of life in a patient who has mild
cyanosis at rest because they have not yet acquired the homeostatic
mechanisms to tolerate rapid lowering of arterial oxygen saturation e.g.

It is manifested as dyspnea (or gasping respirations), restlessness,

increased cyanosis and may be followed by syncope, convulsions or
hemiparesis, but rarely fatal.
The onset is usually spontaneous & unpredictable which last few min to
few hrs then usually end by generalized weakness and sleep.
- 214 -
Chest exam during the attack reveal ↓ intensity of the systolic murmur
(or may disappear) due to ↓ blood flow through the right ventricular
outflow by severe infundibular spasm.

Rx of these spells depends on their severity; early spells can be aborted

by calming the infant & holding him in knee-chest position on the
mother's shoulder & avoiding of early blood sampling as it may
aggravate the spell.

The following steps should be instituted in following sequence:-

1. Placement of the infant on the abdomen in the knee-chest position &
make certain that infant's cloths are not constrictive.
2. Oxygen administration, although it will not reverse the spell.
3. Morphine injection, 0.1-0.2 mg/kg subcutaneously.
4. Sodium bicarbonate to correct acidosis if spell is unusually severe.
5. Phenylephrine IV, to ↑ systemic vascular resistance.
6. Propranolol, 0.1 mg/kg slowly IV to ↓ infundibular spasm.
7. For spells that are resistant to this therapy, intubation and sedation
are often sufficient to break the spell.

Other Cxs of TOF include:-

 Bacterial Endocarditis; which need antibiotic Px.
 Cerebral Thrombosis; it common in patient <2 yr of age, especially
when there is severe dehydration & polycythemia, although it may
occur in patients with iron deficiency anemia with Hb levels in the
normal range but too low for cyanotic heart disease.
Rx is supportive e.g. adequate hydration and phlebotomy for
symptomatic polycythemia with volume replacement by albumin or NS.
 Cerebral Abscess; it less common & mainly occur in patient >2 yr; the
onset is usually insidious as low-grade fever or gradual change in
behavior, or both; some have acute symptoms e.g. headache, nausea,
vomiting, seizures, or localized neurologic signs with ↑ ICP.
Inv. CT or MRI of head.
Rx. Antibiotics & surgery.
 Delayed growth & development may occur in severe untreated TOF
with chronic hypoxia, especially when O2 saturation is chronically

- 215 -
 Anomalies that may associated with TOF:-

 Right sided aortic arch (20%), PDA, multiple VSDs, AV canal defect
(especially in patient with Down synd) & aberrant major coronary
artery crosses over the right ventricular outflow tract (5–10%).
 Congenital absence of the pulmonary valve → cardiomegaly with loud
to-and-fro murmur, whereas cyanosis may be absent. It also may cause
marked aneurysmal dilatation of the main and branch pulmonary
arteries results in compression of the bronchi and produces secondary
tracheomalacia or bronchomalacia → strider or wheezing respirations
with recurrent pneumonia.
 Absence of a branch pulmonary artery (mainly the left) whichoften
associated with hypoplasia of the affected lung.
 TOF is one of the conotruncal family of heart lesions that may be
associated with CATCH 22 (cardiac defects, abnormal facies, thymic
hypoplasia, cleft palate, hypocalcemia) or DiGeorge syndrome.

Rx of TOF. It depends on the severity of right ventricular outflow

obstruction; however, all patients with TOF require surgical correction
(sooner or later).
 Severe obstruction with neonatal cyanosis requires urgent infusion of
PGE1, 0.01–0.20 μg/kg/min to keep PDA open; then plan for surgery.
 Less severe obstruction in an infants who are stable and awaiting
surgical intervention require careful observation with the following:-
1. Pv & Rx of dehydration & polycythemia.
2. Antibiotic Px for bacterial endocarditis.
3. Iron Rx for IDA (which also may ↓ the frequency of Tet spells).
4. Propranolol, 0.5–1 mg/kg every 6 hr orally may also ↓ the frequency &
severity of Tet spells.
5. Surgery (palliative or corrective) is required once Tet spells begin.
 Palliative surgery involve modified Blalock-Taussig shunt by either
Gore-Tex conduit that anastomose subclavian artery to the homolateral
branch of the pulmonary artery, or by a Central shunt that directly
anastomose ascending aorta to the main pulmonary artery.
Note: Development of a continuous murmur over the lung fields indicates a
functioning anastomosis. However, Blalock-Taussig shunts are currently reserved
for patients with comorbidities e.g. other major congenital anomalies or

- 216 -
Postoperative Cxs include: chylothorax, diaphragmatic paralysis,
Horner synd, HF (if the shunt is large) & long-term arm length
discrepancy with ↓ radial pulse. Rapidly progressive cyanosis may
indicate thrombosis of the shunt which requires emergency surgery. As
the child grows, the palliative shunt become inadequate, so patient may
need corrective surgery.
 Corrective surgery; here the surgeon should make a full repair (with
removal of all artificial shunts).
Postoperative Cxs include: R.V. failure, transient right heart block,
residual VSD with Lt to Rt shunting, myocardial infarction (due to
interruption of the aberrant coronary artery) & long-term pulmonary
valvular insufficiency.

TOF with Pulmonary Atresia

It is the most extreme form of the TOF in which the pulmonary trunk is
atretic or hypoplastic, so the entire right ventricular output is ejected
into the aorta; thus the pulmonary blood flow is dependent on the PDA
or the collateral vessels (MAPCAs).

C.M. It similar to those of severe TOF e.g. early cyanosis after birth, the
systolic murmur which associated with TOF is usually absent; 1st heart
sound is frequently followed by ejection click due to enlarged aortic root,
the 2nd sound is loud and single, and continuous murmurs of PDA or
MAPCAs may be heard over the entire chest (anteriorly & posteriorly).
Note: Patient with large MAPCAs may be less cyanotic or even may have HF.
 CXR may show small or enlarged heart (depending on the degree of
pulmonary blood flow), & reticular pattern of MAPCAs. CT angiography
also assists in mapping the extent of MAPCA arborization.
 Other tests (e.g. Echo, Catheterization) can demonstrate the absence of
forward flow through the pulmonary valve.
Rx. Early infusion of PGE1 to keep the PDA open.
The surgical procedure is depend on the sizeof pulmonary arteries
which if present, one-stage surgical repair is required, whereas if
hypoplastic, it require either multiple-stage surgical repair or, if
severely hypoplastic (especially if associated with tracheomalacia or
bronchomalacia), the best Rx is Heart-Lung Transplantation.

- 217 -
Note:"D" denotes dextroposition of aorta, i.e. it is anterior and to the right in
relation to the pulmonary artery.
TGA accounts ≈5% of all CHD, Male>Female; it also more common in
patients with CATCH 22 (or DiGeorge synd) & infants of diabetic mothers.
The survival in these newborns is depends on the foramen ovale and
the ductus arteriosus.

D-TGA with Intact Ventricular Septum

(Simple or Isolated TGA)

Before birth, oxygenation of the fetus is near normal, but after birth,
once the ductus begins to close, the minimal mixing of systemic and
pulmonary blood via the patent foramen ovale become insufficient
and severe hypoxemia ensues, generally within 1st few days of life.

C.M. Cyanosis and tachypnea usually become evident within the 1st
hours or days of life. It is a medical emergency because if untreated, the
vast majority would not survive beyond the neonatal period due to
severe hypoxemia & acidosis, but HF is less common.
Other clinical findings may be subtle & nonspecific, even the murmur
may be absent or there is soft ejection systolic murmur.

 CXR; may be normal or show mild cardiomegaly & narrow mediastinum
"Egg-shaped heart" with normal or ↑ pulmonary blood flow.
 ECG; shows the normal neonatal right axis deviation.
 Echo, Doppler & Ventriculography studies are diagnostics.
 Catheterization may be done in inconclusive cases or when the patient
requires emergency balloon atrial septostomy.
Note: Anomalous coronary arteries are noted in 10–15% of patients.

Rx. When TGA is suspected, an infusion of PGE1 should be initiated

immediately. Patient should also kept warm with correction of acidosis
& hypoglycemia.
Rashkind balloon atrial septostomy can be done if there is severe
hypoxia or acidosis despite prostaglandin infusion, or there is any
significant delay in corrective surgery. Rashkind septostomy may be done
even if VSD is present (especially if there is poor mixing of blood).
- 218 -
Corrective procedure of choice is the Arterial Switch (Jantene
procedure) performed within the 1st 2 wk of life because pulmonary
vascular resistance declines after birth resulting in ↓ of the left
ventricular mass, therefore, if this operation is delayed, the L.V. cannot
pump blood to the systemic circulation.
Atrial Switch procedure (Mustard or Senning operation) by intra-atrial
baffle; however it has many Cxs, thus it is only reserved in cases with
complex anatomy.

D-TGA with VSD

If the VSD is small, the manifestation are similar to those of intact
ventricular septum (even no need to be closed during surgery), whereas
large VSD which is non-restrictive, i.e. causing a significant mixing of
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, may result in features of HF & the
cyanosis will be subtle ordelayed for several months.
 CXR; cardiomegaly, narrow mediastinum, and ↑ pulmonary vascularity.
 ECG; R.V. or biventricular hypertrophy.
 Echo & Ventriculography are diagnostics.
 Catheterization; peak systolic pressure is equal in the 2 ventricles &
the 2 major arteries (aorta & pulmonary).

Rx. Surgery is consist of arterial switch procedure with VSD closure (if
large) within the 1st months of life, before the development of HF,
pulmonary hypertension, & FTT.

- 219 -
It is a common arrhythmia at all ages. It involves components of the
conduction system of heart within or above "bundle of His".

Path. SVT can be divided into 3 major groups:-

1. Re-entrant tachycardias using an accessory pathway; it is the most
common mechanism of SVT in infants. It usually associated with WPW
syndrome & it is common in patients with Ebstein anormaly & other
CHD; it has 2 mechanisms: orthodromic & antidromic conductions. The
antidromic conduction is more dangerous & carrys risk of AF & VF.
2. Re-entrant tachycardias without an accessory pathway; SVT may be
precipitate in children with normal heart after an acute infection or
exposure to sympathomimetic agent e.g. over-the-counter
3. Ectopic (or automatic) tachycardias; It is common in patient with
cardiomyopathy or postoperative CHD.

C.M. It depends on age of patient:-

 Fetus; SVT can cause severe HF → hydrops fetalis.

 Neonates & young infants; symptoms are obscure as restless &

irritability only, thus may be confused with infantile colic (because HR
is normally rapid at this age & greatly ↑ with crying) so SVT may not be
recognized for a long time. Therefore, HF may be the initial
presentation which is manifested as tachycardia (HR usually between
200-300 beat/min), tachypnea & hepatomegaly +/_ cardiomegaly.
Fever & leukocytosis may also present.

 Children; most can tolerate SVT well unless it is very rapid or

prolonged, hence they may complain of palpitation, precordial
discomfort +/_ HF. SVT is tend to be recurrent in older infants &

 Adolescents; in addition to the symptoms in children above, they may

present with syncopal attack.

- 201 -
 ECG; SVT is characterized by abnormal P wave (which is not always
present), narrow QRS complex & HR usually between 180-300
ECG changes in WPW syndrome are usually seen when the patient has
no tachycardia (or SVT) as short P-R interval and a slow upstroke of
the QRS complex (delta wave).
 Echo; to exclude CHD e.g. Ebstein anormaly.

 Differentiation between: SVT & Sinus tachycardia

 HR: Higher Less
 Onset: Abrupt Gradual
 Situation: usually at Rest usually during Fever or Exercise
 Duration: few sec to several hrs Variable
 Variation of HR: usually Unvaried Varies with changes in vagal &
sympathetic tone
 ECG: Characteristic abnormalities Normal

Note: The differentiation between SVT & Ventricular Tachycardia (which

characterized by wide & bizzar QRS complexes) may be difficult in cases of
Atypical SVT. However, if in doubt, consider it as VT & treat it accordingly
(including avoidance of digoxin as it may convert VT to VF).

Rx. SVT can be managed by the following steps:-

1. Vagal Stimulation; SVT can be aborted in infants by placing ice bag
over the face & in older children by submersion of the face in iced
water. If SVT is recurrent, older children can be taught vagotonic
maneuvers e.g. Valsalva maneuver, straining, breath holding, drinking
ice water, or by drugs that ↑ vagal tone e.g. phenylephrine &

2. Adenosine is the drug of choice in SVT when the above measures are
failed. It given in dose 0.05 mg/kg by rapid IV push& can be repeated
every 2 min until clinical response.
SE; heart block, bradycardia, palpitations, hypotension, atrial fibrillation,

3. Other Antiarrhythmics also can be used e.g. Propranolol,

Procainamide, Propafenone, Quinidine, Sotalol, or Amiodarone; whereas
- 200 -
calcium channel blockers e.g. Verapamil is contraindicated in infants
< 1 yr because it may cause hypotension and cardiac arrest; however it
can be used in children older than this age group.

4. Synchronized DC Cardioversion (0.5–2 J/kg) is recommended as an

initial Rx in urgent situations when symptoms of severe HF have
already occurred.

5. Maintenance Rx; Digoxin or Propranolol are the mainstay of

maintenance Rx (only after patient converted to sinus rhythm); but in
patient with evidence of WPW syndrome, digoxin & verapamil are
contraindicated; in this situation, Propranolol is the only drug that
can be used as maintenance Rx in dose 0.5-1 mg/kg orally divided every
6-8 hr, or 0.01-0.1 mg/kg/dose by infusion over 10-15 min.

6. Trans-esophageal Pacing can control recurrent SVT at bedside; these

patients may require 24 hr ECG monitor (Holter) todetect brief
asymptomatic SVT & to monitor the course of Rx.

7. Radiofrequency, Cryoablation, or Surgical ablation of ectopic focus

or bypass tract detected byelectrophysiologic study (through electrode
catheters) is the definitive Rx of recurrent SVT.

Note: AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT) involve 2 pathways

within the AV node (slow & fast); it common in adolescents & usually
occur with exercise; it responds to β-blockers or ablation.

- 202 -
LQTS are genetic abnormalities of ventricular repolarization that are
associated with malignant ventricular arrhythmias e.g. torsades de
pointes & ventricular fibrillation.

Et. About 80% of cases are familial with variable penetrance. The old
distinction between dominant and recessive forms of the disease, i.e.
Romano-Ward syndrome (RWS) vs Jervell and Lange-Nielsen
syndrome (JLNS) is no longer commonly used, as the JLNS “recessive”
condition is known to be due to homozygous state, whereas RWS due to
heterozygous state. JLNS is associated with congenital sensorineural
Note: At least 10 genetic mutations have identified till now (coded as LQT1-
LQT10); all are concerned with cardiac potassium and sodium channels.

 Acquired causes of Q-T prolongationinclude:-

 Drugs, including: Antibiotics (Macrolides, TMP-SMZ); Antifungals

(fluconazole, ketoconazole); Antiprotozoal (pentamidine);
Antihistamines (terfenadine); Antiemetics (cisapride); TCA
(imipramine); Antipsychotics (haloperidol, phenothiazines); some
Antiarrhythmics; Diuretics (furosemide); Oral hypoglycemic agents
(glibenclamide); Organophosphate insecticides; and others.
Note: Terfenadine & Cisapride have been removed from the market for this
 Electrolyte disturbances including: Hypokalemia, Hypocalcemia,
 Underlying Medical Conditionsincluding: Bradycardia (complete AV
block, severe bradycardia, sick sinus syndrome); Myocardial
dysfunction (anthracycline cardiotoxicity, congestive HF, myocarditis,
cardiac tumors); Endocrinopathy (hyperparathyroidism,
hypothyroidism, pheochromocytoma); Neurologic (encephalitis, head
trauma, stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage); Nutritional (anorexia
nervosa, starvation).

C.M. LQTS are a cause of syncope and sudden death and may be
associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) or drowning
during swimming.

- 203 -
They are mainly triggered by exercise, fright, sudden startle, emotion,
or after catecholamine infusion; but some events can occur during sleep
(e.g. LQT3 which carrys the highest probability of sudden death).
Patients can initially be seen with seizures, presyncope, palpitations, or
cardiac arrest (≈ 10%).

 ECG: HR–corrected Q-T interval of >0.44 sec is suggestive; whereas Q-
T interval >0.47 sec is highly indicative.
Other features include: notched T waves, T wave alternans, a low HR
for age, hx of syncope (especially with stress), or family hx of either
LQTS or unexplained sudden death.
Note: Not all patients with long Q-T intervals have LQTS; conversly;
patients with LQTS may have normal Q-T intervals on resting ECG;
therefore, 24 hr Holter monitoring and exercise testing are adjuncts to
 Genotyping is available and can identify the mutation is ≈ 75% of
patients known to have LQTS by clinical criteria. It is very useful in
identifying asymptomatic affected relatives of the index case.

 LQTS can be treated with β-blocking agents (e.g. propranolol or
nadolol) in doses that blunt HR response to exercise, but some patients
require a pacemaker because of drug-induced profound bradycardia.

 In patients with continued syncope despite treatment, an Implantable

Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) is indicated for those who do not respond
to β-blocking drugs (e.g. patients with LQT3) and those who have
experienced cardiac arrest. Parents should be taught cardiopulmonary

Note: Short Q-T syndromes manifest with atrial or ventricular fibrillation

and they are also associated with syncope and sudden death. Rx is similar
to that of LQTS (see above).

- 204 -
HF occurs when the heart cannot deliver adequate cardiac output to
meet the metabolic needs of the body. In the early stages of HF,
various compensatory mechanisms are evoked to maintain normal
metabolic function e.g. sympatho-adrenal axis, renin-angiotensin system
& adaptation at the molecular/cellular level. Later on however, these
mechanisms will become ineffective or even may harm the heart & body.

Note: Chronic exposure of heart to catecholamines →↓ number of cardiac β-

adrenergic receptors and direct myocardial cell damage. There are also
polymorphisms in the genes encoding proteins involved in sympathetic signaling
which can alter the patient response to medical Rx, thus can predict the risk of HF

Path. The following are some hemodynamics:-

 Frank-Starling Relationship: cardiac output is proportional to the left
ventricular end-diastolic pressure (to certain limits) & inversely
proportional to the systemic or pulmonary vascular resistance.
 Cardiac Output (CO) = HR × stroke volume.
 Stroke volume is depend on the afterload (pressure work), preload
(volume work), and contractility (intrinsic myocardial function).
 Systemic oxygen transport = CO × systemic oxygen content.

Et. Causes of HF depend on age:-

 Fetal; Severe anemia (e.g. HDN), Arrythmia (e.g. SVT, VT, Complete
heart block), CHD, Myocarditis.
 Premature newborn; Fluid overload, PDA, VSD, Cor-pulmonale,
Hypertension, Myocarditis, Genetic cardiomyopathy.
 Full-Term newborn; Asphyxial cardiomyopathy, A-V malformations,
Left-sided obstructive CHD, Large mixing CHD, Myocarditis, Genetic
 Infant-Toddler; Left-to-right cardiac shunts (e.g. VSD), A-V
malformations, ALCAPA, Genetic or metabolic cardiomyopathy, Acute
hypertension, SVT, Myocarditis, Kawasaki disease.
 Child-Adolescent; Rheumatic fever, Acute hypertension, Myocarditis,
Thyrotoxicosis, Hemochromatosis-hemosiderosis, Cancer therapy, SCA,
Endocarditis, Cor-pulmonale, Genetic or metabolic cardiomyopathy.

- 205 -
HF can be divided into low or high output failure.
 Low output failure usually due to causesintrinsic to the heart e.g.
CHD, myocarditis, arrhythmias …etc.
 High output failure usually due to causes outside the heart e.g.
anemia, hypoxia, A-V fistula, hyperthyroidism….etc.

C.M. The 4 major features of HF are: Tachycardia, Tachypnea,

Cardiomegaly, & Hepatomegaly.

However, the manifestations are vary according to the severity of HF;

In mild degree, patient may have subtle symptoms that may not be
recognized by the parents. In moderate degree, patient may have
symptoms only after exertion, whereas in severe degree, patient has
symptoms during rest.

Manifestations of HF are also vary according to the age:-

 INFANTS; manifestations may be difficult to recognized, but generally it

Hx. Tachypnea, irritability, weak cry, dyspnea, profuse perspiration, poor
sucking, poor feeding, & poor weight gain.
Ex. Flaring of alae nasi, dyspnea, intercostal and subcostal retractions,
wheezing or crepitations in lungs, tachycardia, gallop rhythm,
cardiomegaly, & hepatomegaly; edema may be 1st noticed on the eyelids
or sacrum (the dependant part) then may become generalized.
Note: Rised JVP is difficult to rcognised in infants.

 CHILDREN; manifestations include:-

Hx. Fatigue, effort intolerance, anorexia, abdominal pain, dyspnea, and
cough. Many children (as well as adolescents) may have primarily
abdominal symptoms with (surprisingly) lack of respiratory complaints!.
Ex.↑ JVP, tachycardia, gallop rhythm, basal crepitations, cardiomegaly,
hepatomegaly, edema of the feet (the dependant part) or may be
generalized. There may be holosystolic murmur due to mitral or tricuspid
insufficiency after severe cardiac dilatation.

 CXR; Cardiomegaly is invariably present. Pneumonitis +/_ atelectasis
is common (especially of right middle and lower lobes) due to
bronchial compression by the enlarged heart. Large left-to-right
- 206 -
shunts have exaggeration of the pulmonary arterial vessels to the
periphery of the lung fields. Fluffy perihilar pulmonary markings
suggestive of venous congestion; acute pulmonary edema are seen
only with more severe degrees of HF.
 ECG; show chamber hypertrophy & may detect rhythm disorder.
 Echo; in children, Fractional Shortening may be better than Ejection
Fraction in evaluating L.V. function. N.R. of FS is 28-40%, whereas EF is
55-65%. Doppler studies can be used to estimate C.O.
 MRA; useful in quantifying left and right ventricular function and
mass and also the regurgitant fraction.
 BGA; O2 saturation may ↓→ respiratory or metabolic acidosis or both.
 BNP (serum B-type Natriuretic Peptide), cardiac neurohormone may ↑.

Rx. The underlying cause of HF must be removed or alleviated if possible,

otherwise consider heart transplantation. Generally however, therapy of
HF include:-

1. General measures include: Strict bed rest is rarely necessary except

in extreme cases. Sleeping in semi-upright position is comfortable for
patient with orthopnea. Pulmonary edema may require positive
pressure ventilation.

2. Diet; Most infants with HF have FTT due to ↓ caloric intake & ↑
metabolic demand, thus need to increase number of calories per
ounce of infant formula or supplementing breast-feeding & if not
tolerated, NGT feeding (even at night by pump). GERD should be
treated if present.
Use "No added salt" in diet, the use of low salt diet or low sodium
formulas is not recommended because these preparations are usually
not palatable and may exacerbate diuretic-induced hyponatremia.

3. Diuretics; include:-
 Furosemide; 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose IV or 1-4 mg/kg/day orally ÷ 1-4 times.
It is the most commonly used diuretic; it inhibits the reabsorption of Na
& Cl in the distal tubules and loop of Henle. SE; hypokalemia,
hypocalcemia, & contraction alkalosis of extracellular fluid.
 Spironolactone; 2 mg/kg/day ÷ 2. It is an inhibitor of aldosterone and
thus it enhances potassium retention.

- 207 -
 Thiazide; 10-40 mg/kg/day ÷ 2. It is less potent than lasix but also
cause hypokalemia.

4. ACE Inhibitors; These drugs reduce ventricular afterload by ↓

peripheral vascular resistance and some are also reduce the preload by
↓ systemic venous tone; they include:-
 Captopril; 1.5-6 mg/kg/day ÷ 2-4. SE; 1st dose hypotension, chronic
cough, pruritic rash, neutropenia, and renal toxicity.
 Enalapril; has a longer duration of action, thus can be taken once or
twice daily.
 Angiotensin II receptor blockingdrugs e.g. losartan & valsartan have
also recently introduced in Rx of HF.

5. Digoxin; It is the mainstay of Rx of HF although currently is less used

due to its SE. Its half life ≈ 36 hr (1.5 day) & 60% is excreted unchanged
in urine (hence it may accumulate in renal diseases). It can cross the
placenta. The dose of digoxin is as follows:-
 Oral digitalization dose is age-dependant :-
 Premature: 20 μg/kg.
 Full-term newborn (up to 1 mo):20–30 μg/kg.
 Infant or child: 30–40 μg/kg.
After calculation of total digitalization dose, give ½ dose initially, then
after 12 hr, give ¼ dose & repeat the ¼ dose in the next 12 hr; then
after that give the maintenance dose after 12 hr of the 3rd dose.
 Oral maintenance dose is 5–10 μg/kg/day, divided every 12 hr.

Notes on digoxin:-
 If digoxin given IV, you must give only 75% of digitalization or
maintenance oral dose.
 The initial effect of IV digoxin ≈ 15-30 min & the peak after 1-4 hr,
whereas after oral dose 30 min & 2-6 hr respectively.
 After oral route, digitalization is completed within 24 hr, but when
slow digitalization is desirable, initiation of maintenance digoxin
schedule (without digitalization) achieves full digitalization after 7–10
 Heart rhythm must be closely monitored after each of the 3
digitalization doses & discontinue digoxin if any new rhythm develop
except with prolongation of P-R interval, just delay in administering (or

- 208 -
reduce) the next dose. ST segment or T-wave changes are common & of
no significance.
 Serum electrolytes also should be measured before & after digitalization
because hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, and hypomagnisemia may
enhance digoxin toxicity.
 Other factors that enhance digoxin toxicity are myocarditis &
 Serum digoxin levels are measured in following circumstances;
toxicity, impaired renal function, druginteraction, non-compliance,
or when unknown amount of digoxin has been administered
Blood level should not exceed 2–4 ng/ml in infants and 1–2 ng/ml in
older children; however, toxicity should be interpreted with clinical &
ECG changes.
 SE of digoxin are anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, blurred
vision, photophobia, xanthopsia, bradycardia, or various arrhythmias.

6. β-Blockers; These agents can be used only in chronic (not acute) HF

because they have many beneficial effects on heart:-
 Metoprolol; β1-adrenergic receptor selective antagonist.
 Carvedilol; α- and β-adrenergic receptor blocking; it also has free
radical scavenging effects.

7. The following drugs are only given in the ICU & used by IV or
infusion route with continuous monitoring of BP (better by Swan-Ganz
catheter) to avoid hypotension; these include:-
 Vasodilaters; They cause arteriodilation (↓ afterload) & sometimes
venodilation (↓ preload). Nitroprusside has short half-life but
contraindicated in patient with pre-existing hypotension. SE; cyanide
 α- and β-Adrenergic Agonists; include:-
 Dopamine; 2–10 μg/kg/min, it predominantly β-adrenergic receptor
agonist, but it has α-adrenergic effects at higher doses, it also selective
renal vasodilator. Fenoldopam is more than dopamine in increasing
the renal blood flow and urine output.
 Dobutamine; 2–20 μg/kg/min, it has direct inotropic effects with
moderate reduction in peripheral vascular resistance.

- 209 -
 Isoproterenol; it is a pure β-adrenergic agonist that has marked
chronotropic effect; it is most effective in patients with slow HRs.
 Adrenaline & Nor-adrenaline; 0.1-1 μg/kg/min & 0.1-2 μg/kg/min,
respectively. They mainly used in cardiogenic shock. They have mixed
α- and β-adrenergic receptor agonist with +ve inotropic &
chronotropic effects on the heart as well as ↑ systemic vascular
 Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors e.g. Milrinone, they prevents the
degradation of intracellular cAMP, they have +ve inotropic with
significant peripheral vasodilator effects. They mainly used in refractory
HF & after open heart surgery.

8. Other methods:-
 Antiarrhythmic drugs for arrhythmias or for patient who experienced
“missed sudden death” episode.
 Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) may be lifesaving in
patient with severe or recurrent arrhythmias.
 Biventricular Resynchronization Pacing (BiVP) can be used as a
bridge before cardiac transplantation. It has been used in dilated
cardiomyopathy & complex CHD.

Cardiogenic Shock
Et. It may arise as a consequence of cardiac diseases including: Severe
cardiac dysfunction, Cardiomyopathy, Myocarditis, Myocardial infarction
or stunning. Non-cardiac causes include: Septicemia, Severe burns,
Anaphylaxis, and Acute CNS disorders.

Rx. It involves continuous monitoring in the CCU with correction of the

cause along with Rx of cardiogenic shock simultaneously by ↑ the stroke
volume through the following:-
 ↑ Myocardium contractility by positive inotropic +/_ chronotropic
agents (except digoxine).
 ↑ Preload by fluid administration to expand intravascular volume.
 ↓ Afterload by vasodilators & ACE Inhibitors.

In cases of refractory or deteriorating cardiogenic shock, other methods

e.g. left ventricular (LVAD) or biventricular assist device (BiAD), or ECMO
can be used as a bridge before heart transplantation.

- 221 -
Generally, these diseases are more common in males& in infants <1 yr.
At least 3 main types are identified:-
1. Dilated; most common, with primarily systolic dysfunction.
2. Hypertrophic; primarily diastolic dysfunction.
3. Restrictive; rare, also primarily diastolic or may be combined.
Note: Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia & Left Ventricular Non-
Compaction are also included as cardiomyopathies.

 Familial.
 Muscular dystrophies e.g. Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
 Infections e.g. Viral myocarditis.
 Metabolic disorders e.g. Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation disorders,
Pompe disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis.
 Nutritional e.g. Beriberi, Kwashiorkor, Keshan disease.
 Endocrine e.g. Hyperthyroidism, Carcinoid.
 Connective tissue disease e.g. SLE, JRA, Dermatomyositis, Amyloidosis.
 Vascular disease e.g. Kawasaki disease, ALCAPA.
 Drugs e.g. Doxorubicin, Cyclophosphamide, Chloroquine, Sulfonamides,
 Others e.g. Anemia, Ischemia-hypoxia, Endomyocardial fibrosis, Chronic
tachyarrhythmias, Irradiation, Envenomations.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy
DCM is characterized by dilatation of ventricles (especially the left); it
can affect all ages. It is familial in 20-50% of cases with AD & other
types of inheritance have been recognized. Muscle dystrophies & prior
viral myocarditis are also common causes of DCM.

C.M. The onset is usually insidious as symptoms of congestive HF but

may present suddenly or even as sudden death.
Hx. Irritability, palpitation, syncope, anorexia, abdominal pain, cough
(due to pulmonary congestion), and exertional dyspnea.
Infants and younger children tend to have respiratory symptoms and
FTT, whereas older children and adolescents have initially primarily
abdominal complaints e.g. nausea and anorexia.
- 220 -
In neonates, systemic involvement (e.g. hypoglycemia, acidosis, liver
failure) suggests the presence of inborn error of metabolism, whereas in
older children, peripheral muscle involvement suggests either muscular
dystrophies or mitochondrial disorder.

Ex. Skin is cool and pale, with tachycardia, ↓ arterial pulse & narrow
pulse pressure, ↑JVP with hepatomegaly and edema. The heart is
enlarged with holosystolic murmurs due to mitral and tricuspid
insufficiency with gallop rhythm.
Pulmonary edema is mainly present as rales, but younger infants can
exhibit wheezing.

 CXR show cardiomegaly with pulmonary congestion +/_ pleural
 ECG, Echo, & Doppler to confirm & assess the degree of HF.
 Cardiac enzymes (including L-troponin) identify cardiac inflammation.
 Other tests e.g. CBP, RFT, LFT, metabolic profile, & myocardial biopsy
may identify the etiology.

Rx. Similar to that of HF including:-

1. ACE inhibitors (or Angiotensin II receptor blockers), Diuretics
(especially furosemide & spironolactone), Digoxin, and β-blockers
(metoprolol & carvedilol).
2. Warfarin may be used to prevent intracardiac thrombi.
3. Carnitine, 100–200 mg/kg/day orally may be tried.
4. Antiarrhythmics, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) or
Biventricular resynchronization pacing (BiVP) for arrhythmias.
5. Cardiac transplantation is the only effective therapy after failure of
medical Rx.

Pg. The course of the disease is usually progressively downhill, although

some patients may remain stable for years after Rx, but if patient become
resistant to Rx, the chance of survival beyond 1 yr is poor.
In patient with familial type dilated cardiomyopathy, screen all family
members by Echo study.

- 222 -
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Familial HCM with AD inheritance (but variable penetrance) is the most
common genetic cardiovascular disorder.
Secondary type is mainly occurs as a sequelae of obstructive CHD
(critical aortic stenosis, coarctation of aorta) or Inborn error of
metabolism (glycogen storage disease, mucopolysaccharidosis). It also
may occur in infant of diabetic mother or premature infant on
corticosteroids Rx!.

Path. HCM cause reduced compliance of the ventricles → diastolic

dysfunction. Asymmetric septal hypertrophy may cause left ventricular
outflow obstruction in 25% of patients, thus it is called hypertrophic
obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM). Mitral valve insufficiency may
also occur.

C.M. Many children are asymptomatic, but others may present with
sudden death due to arrhythmia.
Hx. Symptoms may occur at any age as weakness, fatigue, dyspnea on
exertion, palpitations, angina pectoris, dizziness, and syncope.
Ex. Pulse is brisk with prominent left ventricular lift, double apical
impulse, & ejection systolic murmur.
 CXR; mild cardiomegaly.
 ECG; left ventricular hypertrophy with ST segment and T-wave
abnormalitis. WPW syndrome & other intraventricular conduction
defects may be present.
 Echo & Doppler study are diagnostics.
 Cardiac catheterization & Left ventriculography may be considered
before surgery.
 Family screening by Echo, Doppler, or genetic testing.

1. β-blockers e.g. propranolol and calcium channel blockers e.g.
nifedipin (for children >1 yr) can be used in HCM, especially those with
2. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) if there is any hx of
documented arrhythmias or unexplained syncope.

- 223 -
3. Ventricular septal myotomy should be considered for patient with
disabling angina or syncope associated with left ventricular outflow
4. Cardiac transplantation.

Note: Drugs that are contraindicated in HOCM (because they may ↑ left
ventricular outflow obstruction) are Digoxin & other inotropic or
chronotropic agents (e.g. isoproterenol); excessive diuresis is better
avoided; and strenuous exercise should also prohibited.

Pg. It is unpredictable; asymptomatic patient may remain stable for

years, but some progress to chronic HF. Unfortunately, there is no
standarized therapy that can prevent sudden death in HCM.

Note: Restrictive & other forms of CMP are rare in children (see text for
more details).

- 224 -
Et. Infectious (especially viral e.g. adenovirus, EBV, coxsackievirus B, &
other enteroviruses), connective tissue, granulomatous, toxic, or
idiopathic processes.

Epid. Viral infections are the most common cause of myocarditis, but its
true incidence in children is unknown because many mild cases go
undetected. Myocarditis is typically sporadic, but occasionally may cause
epidemic illness!.

Path. Acute viral myocarditis may cause fulminant inflammatory process,

or may become a chronic process with persistence of viral RNA or DNA
in the myocardium (but not infectious virus particles). Chronic
inflammation is then perpetuated by the host immune response.
All these processes can also affect endocardium or pericardium (except
the coronary arteries) +/_ systemic manifestations.

C.M. It is age dependant:-

 Neonates & infants may have acute fulminant disease manifested as
fever, severe HF, respiratory distress, cyanosis, distant heart sounds,
weak pulses, tachycardia (out of proportion to fever), mitral
insufficiency, gallop rhythm, acidosis, and cardiogenic shock.
Death may occur suddenly or within 1 wk of the onset of illness. There
also may be evidence of viral hepatitis, aseptic meningitis, and rash.

 Toddlers may also have acute but less fulminant myopericaditis.

 Older children & adolescents may have a gradual onset of congestive

HF, sudden onset of ventricular arrhythmias, or may be asymptomatic
to be presented later on with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.

D.Dx. Carnitine deficiency, hereditary mitochondrial defects, idiopathic

dilated cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, fibroelastosis of the endocardium,
and anomalous origin of the left coronary artery.
 CXR; huge cardiomegaly +/_ pulmonary edema.
 ECG; sinus tachycardia, reduced QRS complex voltage, ST segment and
T-wave abnormalities, or any type of arrhythmia.
 Echo; poor ventricular function and often pericardial effusion & mitral
valve regurgitation.
- 225 -
 Cardiac MRI is now the standard method in Dx of myocarditis.
 Cardiac enzymes are elevated e.g. L-troponin, CPK, LD, & BNP; as well
as ESR also ↑.
 Biopsy of the endomyocardium during catheterization can be used to
detect viral RNA or DNA by PCR & to exclude other causes of

Rx. It is mainly supportive including:-

 Milrinone, dopamine, or epinephrine for poor cardiac output and

cardiogenic shock but all inotropic agents (including digoxin) should be
used cautiously in patients with myocarditis because they may
predispose to arrhythmias; however, digoxin can be used with half of
the normal doses for severe congestive HF.
 Diuretics & ACE Inhibitors can also be used.
 Amiodarone IV should be used for arrhythmias.
 IVIG, Corticosteroids, & Antivirals are controversial in the Rx of
 Pericardiocentesis for pericardial effusion causing cardiac tamponade
(also for Dx).
 ECMO, LVAD, & Heart transplantation may be indicated for
cardiogenic shock or refractory HF.

Pg. Symptomatic neonates have poor prognosis, but lesser symptoms

have better prognosis with complete resolution has been described.

Older patients who have progressed to chronic dilated cardiomyopathy

have poor prognosis without therapy because ≈50% die within 2 yr &
80% die within 8 yr.

- 226 -

IE is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in children and

adolescents, although it is rare in infancy. It is often a complication of
congenital or rheumatic heart disease but can also occur in children
without any abnormal valves or cardiac malformations.

Et. IE includes acute and subacute bacterial endocarditis, as well as

nonbacterial endocarditis caused by viruses, fungi, and other
microbiologic agents.
The most common cause of IE in pediatric patients include: viridans-
type (or α-hemolytic) streptococci e.g. Streptococcus mutans,
Streptococcus sanguinis, Streptococcus mitis; Staphylococcus aureus, and
Group D streptococcus (or enterococcus) e.g. Streptococcus bovis,
Streptococcus faecalis.
Other less common organisms include: Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Haemophilus influenzae, Coagulase-negative staphylococci, Neisseria
gonorrhoeae, Coxiella burnetii, Brucella, Chlamydia (psittaci, trachomatis,
pneumoniae), Legionella, Bartonella, and other organisms including
HACEK group of bacteria and fungi.
Note: About 6% of cases, blood cultures are negative for any organisms.

Staphylococcal endocarditis is more common in patients with

nounderlying heart disease; viridans group streptococcal infection is
more common after dental procedures; group D enterococci are seen
more often after lower bowel or genitourinary manipulation; Coagulase-
negative staphylococci are common in the presence of an indwelling
central venous catheter; Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Serratia marcescens
is seen more frequently in IV drug users; and fungal organisms are
encountered after open heart surgery, severely debilitated or
immunosuppressed patients, and in those on prolonged courses of

Path. In patients with CHD, there is turbulent blood flow through ahole
or stenotic orifice traumatizes the vascular endothelium, creating a
substrate for deposition of fibrin and platelets, leading to the formation
of a nonbacterial thrombotic embolus (NBTE) that is thought to be the
initiating lesion for IE. Biofilms form on the surface of implanted
mechanical devices e.g. valves, catheters, or pacemaker wires also serve
- 227 -
as adhesive substrate for infection. The development of transient
bacteremia can colonize this NBTE or biofilm leading to proliferation of
bacteria within the lesion. The disease represents a complex interplay
between pathogen and host factors.

Predisposing factors for IE: Children at highest risk include most

structural CHD (especially those associated with high velocity blood
flow e.g. VSD & aortic stenosis), unrepaired cyanotic CHD, any
prosthetic material used in cardiac surgery (especially prosthetic
valves), rheumatic heart disease, and previous hx of IE.
Note: Surgical correction of CHD may reduce but not eliminate the risk of IE.
Additional predisposing factors include: preceding dental, urinary
tract, or intestinal procedure, IV drug use, central venous catheter, and
primary bacteremia with Staphylococcus aureus (which can cause IE even
without recognizable heart lesion).
The predisposing factors are not include those with completely repaired
CHD by a prosthetic material or device after 6 mo of the procedure (if the
operation is successful & the prosthetic material do not inhibit
endothelization) and those with repair of simple ASD or PDA without
prosthetic material.

C.M. Dx of IE is most often depend on high index of suspicion during

evaluation of an infection in a child with underlying risk factor because
early manifestations are usually mild & nonspecific (especially with
viridans group streptococci).
Low-grade fever with afternoon elevations without other
manifestations (FUO) that persists for as long as several months may be
the only symptom. Alternatively, the onset may be acute and severe,
with high, intermittent fever and prostration. However, the onset and
course vary between these two extremes. Other manifestations include:-

Hx. Fatigue, malaise, weight loss, night sweats, myalgia, arthralgia,

headache, dyspnea, chest & abdominal pain, and occasionally chills,
nausea, and vomiting.
Ex. Pyrexia, tachycardia, new or changing murmur, splenomegaly,
embolic phenomena (Roth spots, petechiae, splinter hemorrhages, Osler
nodes, CNS or ocular lesions), Janeway lesions, and clubbing.

- 228 -
Note: Many of the classic skin findings represent vasculitis produced by
circulating antigen-antibody complexes; they develop late in the course of
disease; thus, they are seldom seen in appropriately treated patients.

Cx. Untreated IE has many Cxs especially if associated with

staphylococcal disease, these include:-
 Cardiac Cxs; heart failure is the most common; it usually caused by
vegetations involving the aortic or mitral valve; less commonly HF is
due to myocardial abscesses, toxic myocarditis, or life-threatening
Other cardiac Cxs include: mycotic aneurysms, rupture of sinus of
Valsalva, obstruction of valve secondary to large vegetations, acquired
VSD, and heart block as a result of involvement of the conduction
system by abscess which may rupture into the pericardium and produce
purulent pericarditis.
 CNS Cxs are usually late manifestations due to systemic emboli, these
include: embolic strokes, cerebral abscesses, meningitis, mycotic
arterial aneurysms, and hemorrhage. These Cxs usually manifested as
meningismus, ↑ ICP, altered sensorium, seizures, and focal neurologic
 Pulmonary and other systemic emboli are less frequent, except with
fungal disease. However, pulmonary emboli may occur in children with
 Additional Cxs include: arthritis, osteomyelitis, renal abscess, and
immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis.

 Blood culture is the most important test for IE, whereas all other
laboratory data are secondary in importance. Blood specimens for
culture should be obtained as promptly as possible by 3-5 separate
blood collections after careful preparation of the phlebotomy site
(because contamination presents a special problem).
In 90% of cases, the causative agent is recovered from the 1st 2 blood
cultures; whereas antimicrobial pretreatment ↓ the rate to 50-60%.
Note: Laboratory staff should be notified that endocarditis is suspected so that,
if necessary, the blood can be cultured on enriched media for longer period
(>1wk) to detect fastidious bacteria or fungi.

- 229 -
Other specimens that can be cultured (other than blood) include:
scrapings from cutaneous lesions, urine, synovial fluid, abscesses, or CSF
(in the presence of manifestations of meningitis).
Some microorganisms may produce culture-negative endocarditis
e.g. Coxiella, Brucella, Chlamydia, Legionella, Bartonella, Mycoplasma,
and fungi. These unusual or fastidious organisms are usually require
specific tests for Dx including: special culture media, serology,
immunohistology, or PCR of surgical material (e.g. resected valve

 Hematological evidence of inflammation include: elevated ESR & CRP

(although ESR may be low with heart or renal failure), Immune
complexes, Hypergammaglobulinemia, Hypocomplementemia,
Cryoglobulinemia, Rheumatoid factor, as well as Anemia &
 Renal involvement is manifested as hematuria, azotemia, or renal
failure (due to glomerulonephritis).
 CXR finding include: bilateral infiltrates, nodules, or pleural effusions.
 2D Echo +/_ Doppler study can identify the size, shape, location, and
mobility of the lesion, especially if combined with transesophageal
Echocardiographic evidence of IE include: intracardiac mass on a
valve or other site, regurgitant flow near a prosthesis, abscess, partial
dehiscence of prosthetic valves, or new valve regurgitant flow. However,
the absence of vegetations does not exclude IE. Echo may also be helpful
in predicting the embolic Cxs e.g. lesions >1 cm or fungating masses.

 Duke Criteria: 2major, 1 major + 3 minor, or 5 minor criteria suggest

definite IE.
 Major criteria include: Positive blood cultures (2 separate cultures
for a usual pathogen, or ≥2 for less typical pathogens), and
Echocardiographic evidence of IE (see above).

 Minor criteria include: single positive blood culture or serologic

evidence of infection, echocardiographic signs not meeting the major
criteria, predisposing conditions, fever, presence of newly diagnosed
clubbing, splenomegaly, splinter hemorrhages, petechiae, embolic-
vascular signs, immune complex phenomena (glomerulonephritis,
- 231 -
arthritis, RF, Osler nodes, Roth spots), microscopic hematuria, high ESR,
high CRP, peripheral lines, and presence of central non-feeding lines.
 Antibiotic therapy should be instituted immediately once a
definitive diagnosis of IE is made as the delay in Rx will predispose the
patient to severe Cxs. High serum bactericidal levels must be
maintained long enough to eradicate organisms that are growing in
relatively inaccessible avascular vegetations.

Empirical therapy before the identifiable agent is recovered may be

initiated with Vancomycin + Gentamicin when there is a high risk of S.
aureus, viridans, or enterococcus streptococci (the 3 most common
organisms) in patients without a prosthetic valve.
A total of 4-6 wk of IV treatment is usually recommended. However,
with highly sensitive viridans group streptococcal infections, shortened
regimens that include oral penicillin for some period have been

Other treatment options include:-

 Rx for patients with native valve endocarditis caused by highly
penicillin-susceptible viridans group streptococci & streptococcus
bovis include:-
Crystalline Penicillin G, Ceftriaxone, or Vancomycin for 4 wk; or by
Crystalline Penicillin G (or Ceftriaxone) + Gentamicin for 2 wk.

 Rx for patients with endocarditis caused by staphylococci in the

absence of prosthetic materials include:-
 Oxacillin-susceptible strains: Nafcillin, Oxacillin, or Cefazolin (if
penicilline allergic) for 6 wk +/_ Gentamicin for 3-5 days (optional).
 Oxacillin-resistant strains: Vancomycin for 6 wk.

 Fungal endocarditis is usually treated with Amphotericin B + 5-


Note: See the text for doses of the above antibiotics.

 If there is manifestations of HF, appropriate Rx should be instituted

including: diuretics, afterload reducing agents, and in some cases,

- 230 -
 Surgical intervention for IE may be life saving; it is indicated in:
severe aortic or mitral valve involvement with intractable HF,
myocardial abscess, recurrent emboli, failure to sterilize the blood
despite adequate antibiotic levels, increasing size of vegetations while
receiving therapy, and fungal endocarditis.
Rarely, an emergency operation may be required in the presence of
mycotic aneurysm, rupture of an aortic sinus, intraseptal abscess
causing complete heart block, or dehiscence of an intracardiac patch.
Note: Active infection is not a contraindication for surgery even if the patient is
critically ill.
 Recombinant tissue plasminogen activation may help in lysing
intracardiac vegetations to avoid surgery in some high-risk patients.

Pg. Despite the use of antibiotics, the mortality rate in IE is still high
(20-25%). In nonstaphylococcal disease, bacteremia usually resolves in
24-48 hr, whereas fever resolves in 5-6 days after appropriate antibiotic
therapy. Resolution with staphylococcal disease takes longer. Fungal
endocarditis is difficult to manage and it has a poorer prognosis.

Pv. All patients with predisposing factors for IE (see above) need
antibiotic Px. However, the current recommendations limit the use of Px
in these patients before dental procedures for only those which involve
manipulation of gingival tissue or the periapical region of teeth or
perforation of the oral mucosa; whereas “placement of removable
prosthodontic or endodontic appliances, adjustment of orthodontic
appliances, placement of orthodontic brackets, shedding of deciduous
teeth and bleeding from trauma to the lips or oral mucosa” are not
indications for Px.
In contrast to prior recommendations, prophylaxis for gastrointestinal
or genitourinary procedures is no longer recommended in the majority
of cases; whereas many respiratory tract procedures can cause
bacteremia, thus prophylaxis for of these procedures in considered
Antibiotic Pxfor most patients is by oral Amoxicillin; for patients
allergic to penicillins, give Cephalexin, Clindamycin, or Azithromycin /
Clarithromycin; for patients unable to take oral medication, give
parenteral Ampicillin or Cephalosporin; for patients allergic to penicillins

- 232 -
& unable to take oral medication, give parenteral Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone,
or Clindamycin.
All the above drugs are given in a dose 50 mg/kg, except clindamycin, 20
mg/kg and macrolides, 15 mg/kg. These antibiotics should be taken 1
hour before the procedure. Prolonged or continuous antibiotic Px are
not recommended.

Continuing education for patients with predisposing factors regarding

the need for Px is also important.

Improving oral hygiene, vigorous treatment of sepsis and local

infections, and careful asepsis during any procedure are very important
in reducing the risk of bacteremia & subsequent IE.

- 233 -
6. Common Hematologic Disorders
 Types of Anemia
 Iron-Deficiency Anemia
 G6PD Deficiency
 Thalassemia syndromes
 Sickle Cell Disease
 Hereditary Spherocytosis
 Methemoglobinemia
 Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemias

 Hemostasis
 Hemophilia A & B
 Other Clotting FactorsDeficiency
 Von Willebrand Disease
 Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

- 234 -
Reticulocyte Production Index (RPI) is used to correct the reticulocyte
count for the degree of anemia; it indicates whether BM is responding
appropriately to anemia or not. RPI can be calculated as follow:-
RPI = Reticulocyte count (%) × Hbobserved/Hbnormal × 0.5
Note: Normal Hb in equation is according to the age of patient (see chapter 1).

 If RPI >3, it means BM is active and anemia is due to hemolysis,

sequestration, or blood loss.
 If RPI<2, means anemia is due toeither BM failure, ineffective
erythropoiesis, or recent blood loss.

 D.Dx. of Hemolytic Anemias:-

 Hemoglobinopathy e.g. Thalassemia, Sickle cell anemia.

 Enzymopathy e.g. G6PD deficiency, Pyrpvate kinase deficiency.
 Membranopathy e.g. Hereditary spherocytosis, elliptocytosis.
 Immune factors e.g. Autoimmune, Isoimmune, Drug-induced.
 Extrinsic factors e.g. DIC, HUS, Wilson disease, Burns.

 D.Dx. of anemia when RPI<2 (according to RBC morphology):-

 Hypochromic Microcytic anemias:-

 Common: Iron deficiency anemia, Thalassemia trait, Anemia of chronic
 Less common: Sidroblastic anemia, Cupper deficiency, Aluminum or
Lead intoxication, Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis, Hb CC or EE.

 Normochromic Normocytic anemias:-

 Common: Anemia of chronic disease (including CRF), BM infiltration,
Transient erythroblstopenia of childhood.
 Less common: Hemophagocytic syndrome, HIV infection.

 Macrocytic anemias:-
 Common: Folic acid deficiency, Vit B12 deficiency.
 Less common: BM failure (congenital aplastic or dysplastic anemias),
Down syndrome, Hypothyroidism, Chronic liver disease.

- 235 -
IDA is the most common hematologic disease in infancy and childhood
that affect ≈ 30% of global population, especially in developing countries.
It has been associated with deleterious health conditions e.g. ↓ child
development & work productivity as well as severe IDA is associated
with ↑ child & maternal mortality; however, IDA has not been associated
with LBW or ↑ susceptibility to infectious diseases.

The body requirement of iron is 0.8-1 mg/day; since absorption of

dietary iron is ≈ 10%, thus diet should contain 8-10 mg of iron daily. Iron
store are sufficient for infant in the 1st 6-9 mo of age. However iron
supplementation should be started in the 4th mo for infant who are
exclusively breast-fed; otherwise, their diet should include cereals or
formulas that have been fortified (supplimented) with iron. Iron is
absorbed in the proximal bowel & its absorbtion is 2-3 times more
efficiently from human milk than cow's milk. Advanced IDA itself may
cause blunting of GITvilli & leakage of blood → ↓ iron absorption.

Et. IDA can be divided according to the age:-

 Infancy; LBW, unusual perinatal hemorrhage, early clamping of
umbilical cord.
 Childhood; mainly due to undernutrition or occult bleeding from GIT
e.g. milk protein–induced inflammatory colitis, peptic ulcer, Meckel
diverticulum, polyp, IBD, hemangioma, hookworm infestation, chronic
diarrhea, and rarely pulmonary hemosiderosis.
 Adolescence; menstruation (in females), growth spur, strenuous

C.M. Although child with IDA is usually thin with evidence of poor
nutrition, however IDA can occur in obese child.
 Iron deficiency states (pre-IDA) as well as IDA are 1st affect the
neurologic & intellectual function of CNS →↓ alertness, learning, and
attention span.
 Pallor is the most consistent sign of IDA that is appear in the
conjunctiva, palm, & nail-bed.
 Pica is the desire to ingest non-nutritive substances e.g. pagophagia
(eating ice), geophagia (eating earth which may → plumbism).

- 236 -
 Mild to moderate IDA (Hb 6–10 g/dL) may induce a compensatory
mechanisms e.g. ↑ 2,3-DPG and shift of oxygen dissociation curve, these
can ameliorate symptoms of anemia.
 Severe IDA (Hb <5 g/dL) → irritability, anorexia, tachycardia, &
cardiac dilation (which cause systolic murmur).

Inv. IDA pass in the following steps:-

1. Disappearance of BM hemosiderin (tissue iron store).
2. ↓ serum Ferritin (iron-storage protein).
3. ↓ serum Iron.
4. ↑ serum Transferrin ( iron-binding capacity) & ↓ Transferrin saturation.
5. ↑ Free Erythrocyte Protoporphyrins (FEP).
6. Normocytic Hypochromic anemia (↓ MCH).
7. Microcytic Hypochromic anemia (↓ MCH & MCV).
8. Poikilocytosis &↑ RBC Distribution Width (RDW).

Other findings on CBP include:-

 Reticulocyte % may be normal (or mildly ↑) but absolute reticulocyte
count (or RPI) is insufficient for the degree of anemia.
 Nucleated RBC may be seen in severe anemia.
 WBC count is normal.
 Platelets may be ↑ (due to ↑ erythropoietin which structurally similar
to thrombopoietin); but very severe IDA usually → thrombocytopenia.
 Bone marrow is hypercellular with erythroid hyperplasia, whereas
other cell lines are normal.
 GSE may reveal occult blood in stool.
 Erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) is a useful screening test for
uncomplicated IDA.

D.Dx. α- and β-thalassemia "trait" and other hemoglobinopathies (e.g.

HbE & HbC), anemia of chronic disease, sideroblastic anemias, hereditary
pyropoikilocytosis, cupper deficiency, aluminum & lead toxicity.

 Lead toxicity result in ↑ blood lead, FEP and urinary coproporphyrin

levels with coarse basophilic stippling of RBCs.

 Differentiation between: IDA & Thalassemia Trait

 RDW: ↑ Normal
 RBC count: ↓ ↑

- 237 -
 Differentiation between: IDA & Anemia of Chronic Disease
 serum Ferritin: ↓ N or↑ (acute phase reactant)
 serum Transferrin: ↑ ↓
 serum Transferrin receptor ↑ N
 CBP: Microcytic hypochromic Usually normocytic normochromic

Rx. Iron therapy can be diagnostic and therapeutic. Oral iron

preparation include: ferrous sulfate, fumarate, & gluconate (each
contain different concentration of elemental iron) are given in dose 3-6
mg/kg/day of elemental iron in 3 divided doses.
SE; Unpleasant taste, GIT upset, constipation.SE can be resolved by
mixing iron with flavored syrup or food with ↑ water and fiber intake.
Iron therapy may ↑ virulence of malaria and certain Gram-negative
bacteria; iron overdose is associated with Yersinia infection. Parenteral
iron (ferric gluconate & iron dextran) carry a high risk of anaphylaxis.
The response to iron Rx occurs in several steps as follows:-
Time Response
12–24 hr ↓ irritability, ↑ appetite (due to repleation of CNS iron).
36–48 hr Initial BM response; erythroid hyperplasia.
48–72 hr Reticulocytosis, peaking at 5–7 days.
4–30 days ↑ Hb level up to 0.5 g/dl/day.
1–3 mo Repletion of iron stores.
Note: 1st day (CNS), 2nd day (BM), 3rd day (Retic.), 4th day (Hb).

Failure to response to iron Rx may be due to; wrong Dx, low dose of
iron, non-compliance, concurrent folate or vit B12 deficiency,
unrecognized continuous blood loss, malabsorption, or infection (which
interferes with the response to iron).
Severe anemia +/_ infection may require blood transfusion. Packed
RBCs should be administered slowly in an amount sufficient to raise Hb
to a safe level at which the response to iron Rx can be awaited. In very
severe anemia (Hb <4 g/dL), packed RBC should be given in small dose
2–3 ml/kg followed by lasix and if there is evidence of frank HF, do
modified exchange transfusion using fresh-packed RBCs.

Pv. Give supplemental iron at 4 mo of age.Children who consume a large

amounts of cow's milk should ↓ it to <500 ml/day in order to ↑ amount of
iron-rich foods & ↓ blood loss due to cow's milk protein enteropathy.
Note: Cow's milk protein enteropathymay be prevented by heating the milk.

- 238 -
G6PD deficiency is the most important disease of the hexose mono-
phosphate pathway. It is inherited as X-linked recessive; but females
can also be affected in 2 ways; if they are homozygous or have
heterozygous alleles with random inactivation of the normal X
chromosome "Lyon hypothesis".
Note: Heterozygous females with G6PD deficiency have the advantage of
resistance to Falciparum malaria.

Path. G6PD enzyme converts glucose-6-phosphate to 6-phosphogluconic

acid to produce NADPH that maintains glutathione in the reduced state
which protect RBCs against oxidant materials.

There are >100 G6PD enzymevariants have been identified, but the most
important are 5 variants:-
A+ : normal variant in the African-Americans.
A- : present in ≈ 13% of African-American males and the mutant enzyme
has only ≈ 10% of normal activity.
B+ : normal variant in most other populations (especially in
Mediterranean area).
B- : present in between 5–40% of these populations "G6PD
Mediterranean" and the mutant enzyme has <5% of normal activity in
hemizygous males or homozygous females.
Canton: present in ≈5% of the Chinese population and the mutant
enzyme has markedly reduced activity.

C.M. Generally, G6PD causes intravascular hemolysis → pallor,

jaundice, & hemoglobinuria (deep color urine). Clinical hemolysis can
be devided into acute & severe hemolysis, or chronic less severe
hemolysis (according to type of mutation on the gene).

 Acute "Episodic" hemolytic anemia:-

It is the common type; the degree of hemolysis depends on the inciting
oxidant agent, amount ingested, and severity of enzyme deficiency. It is
usually occurs 1-2 days after ingestion of the following:-

1. Antibiotics e.g. Sulfonamides, TMP-SMZ, Nalidixic acid, Nitrofurantoin,

Chloramphenicol, and Antimalarials.
2. Other drugs e.g. Aspirin, Vit K analogs, Methylene blue, & Phenacetin.
- 239 -
3. Chemicals e.g. Phenylhydrazine, Benzene, & Naphthalene.
4. Foods, especially fava beans "Favism".
Acute hymolysis also can occur after some illnesses, especially DKA,
Hepatitis, & Sepsis.

This type of hemolytic anemia can occur in both A- & B- variants; even
the fetus who had this mutation may be affected by oxidant materials
ingested by his mother!.

 Chronic "Spontaneous" hemolytic anemia:-

It is due to profound deficiency of G6PD caused by other enzyme
variants (i.e. other than A- & B- variants), especially those defective in
quantity, activity, or stability.

Note: Some patients with B-variety "G6PD Mediterranean" may also have
chronichemolysis that worsens after ingestion of an oxidant.

Other related enzyme defects (other than G6PD) may also cause chronic,
mild & non-spherocytic anemia, especially those which impair the
regeneration of GSH as an oxidant “sump”.

 G6PD in newborn:-
B- & Canton variants can cause hyperbilirubinemia and potential
kernicterus in the newborn, whereas A-variant cause jaundice only in
premature (not in full-term infant). Other related enzyme deficiency has
also been associated with NNJ e.g. glutathione peroxidase deficiency.

 Anemia (↓ Hb), ↑ free Hb in plasma & urine, ↓ Haptoglobin (Hb-binding
 CBP show fragmented RBCs; some have "bites" (cookie cells).
Reticulocytes are high (5–15%) which appear as large, blue cells
Unstained blood film also reveal Heinz bodies (which represent
precipitated Hb in the RBC); it only seen in the 1st 3-4 days after
hemolysis then rapidly removed from circulation.
 Direct measurement of enzyme G6PD activity should deferred for few
weeks after the episode because it may be initially normal owing to
the destruction of most of the G6PD deficient RBCs.
 G6PD variants also can be detected by electrophoretic analysis.

- 241 -
 Screening tests for G6PD deficiency include: decoloration of methylene
blue, reduction of methemoglobin, and fluorescence of NADPH.

Rx. It is mainly supportive by blood transfusions along with removal of

the oxidant agent (if possible). Patient also may be given mannitol after
severe hemolysis to prevent ARF due to hemoglobinuria.

Patient should be monitored for cessation of hemolysis by observing

his urine periodically to insure fading of its deep color which indicates
clearance of hemoglobinuria.

Pv. It is very important in G6PD deficiency, especially the episodic type,

by avoiding all oxidant agents & conditions mentioned above.

When possible, males belong to ethnic groups with high incidence of

G6PD deficiency should be tested for G6PD deficiency by the screening
tests before giving an oxidant drug; however, patients with A- variant
may not be affected by the usual doses of Aspirin or TMP-SMZ.

- 240 -
These are genetic disorders most prevalent in Asia & Mediterranean
region. These disorders cause a reduction in globin chain production
of Hb. The most common types are β- and α-Thalassemias, whereas
others are rare include: δ-Thalassemia, γ-Thalassemia, δβ-Thalassemia,
γδβ- Thalassemia, Thalassemias Lepore, & HPFH syndrome.

It can be classified according to degree of genetic mutation as follows:-

Genetic abnormality HbA% HbA2% HbF% Clinical syndrome

 Normal (α2 β2) 90-98 ≤ 3.5 < 2.5 ---
 β-thalass minor 90-95 5-7 2-10 mild or no anemia
(β β+) or (ββ°)
 β-thalassintermedia 20-40 5 60-80 moderate anemia
(β+ β+)
 β-thalassmajor 0-2 2-5 20-95 severe anemia
(β° β°) or (β°β+)
Note: (β) mean normal gen, (β+) mean partial mutation, (β°) mean complete
mutation (i.e. no production of globin chain); as a result, the proportion of other
Hb variants that contain different globin chain will be elevated.

 β-Thalassemia Major (Homozygous), (Cooley Anemia):-

C.M. The onset is usually within 1st 6 mo of life as progressive hemolytic
anemia (pallor & jaundice) followed by anorexia, profound weakness, &
symptoms of HF when Hb fall < 4 g/dl.
Ineffective erythropoiesis produce expantion of BM with typical facies
(maxillary hyperplasia, flat nasal bridge, frontal bossing), pathological
fractures, marked HSM (due to extramedullary hematopoiesis), cachexia
& poor growth.
 Indirect hyperbilirubinemia.
 CBP; severe microcytic hypochromic anemia (Hb usually <5 g/dl)
with numerous nucleated RBC & abnormal (target) RBC .

- 242 -
Reticulocytes usually <8% (which are inappropriately low compared
with the degree of anemia).
 Hb variants (by Hb electrophoresis or better by high-performance
liquid chromatography) reveal very low HbA & elevated HbF & HbA2.
 BM exam show erythroid hyperplasia.
 Iron overload is manifested (even before blood transfusion) as
elevated serum iron, ferritin, and transferrin saturation.
 DNA diagnosis of the β-thalassemia mutation is recommended in
newborn screening for early definitive Dx.

Cx. It is mainly arise from the frequent blood transfusion needed for
these patients; it include: transfusion reactions, GvHD, blood-borne
infections…etc, but the most important Cx is the iron overload which
arises due to 2 reasons:-
1. ↑ Erythropoietin →↑ iron absorption from the gut.
2. Frequent blood transfusion → transfusional hemosiderosis.
Note: 1 unit of blood contains ≈ 200 mg of iron.
This results in iron deposition in many organs & tissues causing
congestive HF & endocrinopathies e.g. DM, hypothyroidism, hypopara-
thyroidism, & gonadal failure. These patients have also psychosocial

Rx. Before chronic transfusions are initiated, Dx of β-thalassemia major

should be confirmed and the parents counseled about its lifelong therapy.
 Blood transfusion is usually initiated between 2nd mo & 2nd yr of life;
then it required monthly to maintain Hb in a range between 9.5 - 10.5
g/dl, but more frequent transfusions may be required when there is
cardiac disease.
The blood should be leuko-reduced and matched for Rh & Kell
antigens!. If there is possibility of BM transplant, the blood should also
be irradiated & negative for CMV.
 Folic acid supplementation (1 mg/day) should be administered
indefinitely (as in any chronic hemolytic disease).
 Evidence of iron overload should be confirmed before therapy is
initiated (due to its SE) by measuring serum ferritin, ferritometer, and
may include specialized MRI for liver (which can be alternative to liver
biopsy) & T2 weighted MRI imaging for cardiac iron overload.
Rx of hemosiderosis is by iron-chelating agents e.g.:-
- 243 -
 Deferoxamine (Desferal); it chelates iron allowing its excretion in urine
and stool; it is given by SC infusion over 10 hr (or longer in severe
cardiac hemosiderosis) daily for 5–6 days/week, but the number of
hours deferoxamine used daily is more important than the daily dose.
SE; ototoxicity (with high-frequency hearing loss), retinal changes, and
bone dysplasia (with truncal shortening).
 Deferasirox (Exjade) is an oral agent given as initial dose 20 mg/kg
with gradual escalation to 30 mg/kg. SE; GI symptoms, renal disorders.
 Deferiprone (Ferriprox) is another oral agent given in dose 25 mg/kg 3
times a day. It can reduce cardiac hemosiderosis.
 Splenectomy is indicated to ↓ rate of transfusions when there is
evidence of hypersplenism.
 Hematopoietic Stem cells transplantation is curative. It mostly
success when the patient age is < 15 yr, have no excessive iron stores,
have no hepatomegaly, & have HLA-matched sibling.

 β-Thalassemia Intermedia:-
Here the patient has had all the above manifestations & Cxs of β-
thalassemia major but yet to a lesser extent (including less severe
anemia) & therefore require less frequent transfusions.
Splenectomy may be indicated if hypersplenism is developed.
Hydroxyurea, DNA antimetabolite, ↑ stress erythropoiesis →↑ HbF
production; they has been used successfully in some patients with β-
thalassemia intermedia.

 β-Thalassemia Minor & Minima (Thalassemia trait):-

These patients have only mild or no anemia, but should be monitored
for iron accumulation. They often not require transfusion, although it
may be necessary later in adolescence or adulthood. Some patients may
benefit from hydroxyurea.

 Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin (HPFH):-

This syndrome is due to failure of production of either β- or δ-globins or
both resulting in ↓ HbA & HbA2 but ↑ HbF (because it contains α and γ
chains). In homozygous form, there is no manifestations of thalassemia
other than very mild anemia and slight microcytosis; when it is inherited
with other variants e.g. HbS, there is amelioration of sickling Cxs.

- 244 -
The type of mutation in α-Thalassemia is deletional, i.e. absent gene,
rather than existing but abnormal gene as in β-Thalassemia; whereas
non-deletional mutation of α-globin gene e.g. Constant Spring Hb is
also associated with severe anemia. α-Thalassemias can also be classified
according to the degree of genetic mutation as follows:-

Genetic abnormality HbA% HbA2% HbF% Clinical syndrome

 Silent carrier (-,α/α,α) 90-98 2-3 2-3 Normal

 α-Thalassemia trait 90-98 2-3 2-3 Normal or very mild
Trans(-,α/-,α)or Cis(-,-/α,α) anemia
 Hemoglobin H disease 60-70 2-5 2-5 Mild anemia
 Major (Homozygous) - - - Hydrops fetalis or stillbirth

 Major (Homozygous) α-Thalassemia; Fetuses with this severe

disease have Hb Bart (γ4) as well as other variants of Hb which
contain ζ-globin chain e.g. Gower-1, Gower-2, & Portland. These variant
are gradually replaced by HbH (β4) near term. If these fetuses are
survived, they need immediate exchange transfusion.

 Hemoglobin H disease; HbH (β4) accounts 30-40% of total Hb and

characterized by anemia, mild splenomegaly, jaundice, & cholelithiasis.
Hb usually between 7-10 g/dl. Heinz bodies may be present in the RBC.
The definitive Dx of HbH disease is by DNA analysis.

 α-Thalassemia trait, (as well as β-Thalassemia trait) are often

misdiagnosed as iron deficiency anemia due to their similarity of
blood picture with that of IDA . Thus these disorders must be
considered in every patient who do not respond to iron therapy for
this mild anemia.

Note: Cxs & Rx of α-Thalassemias are similar to those β-Thalassemias, as

well as children with α-Thalassemias should not be exposed to oxidant
medications (as in those with G6PD deficiency !).

- 245 -
SCD is the most common genetic disease in USA, particularly among
African Americans population.

Et. SCD is caused by genetic mutation causing abnormal β globin chain

due to substitution of valine instead of glutamine in the sixth position
resulting in Hb S.

Inv. Newborn screening programs for SCD is mandatory in the USA; it

includes thin layer/isoelectric focusing and High-Performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC).
A two-step system is recommended, with all patients who have initially
abnormal screens being retested during the first clinical visit and after
6 mo of age to determine the final hemoglobin phenotype.

In addition to the infant, Hb analysis & CBP (which show the

characteristic sickle forms of RBC) are recommended for both parents to
confirm the diagnosis and to provide an opportunity for genetic

Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb SS)

In SCA, both β globin genes have the sickle cell mutation, i.e.
homozygous Hb S; the percentage of Hb S is as high as 90% of the total

C.M. & Rx. of Specific SCA Complications.

 Fever and Bacteremia:-

Bacterial sepsis is one of the greatest causes for morbidity and mortality
in patient with SCA due to abnormal immune function. Functional
asplenia may begin as early as 6 mo of age & by 5 yr, most children have
established functional asplenia. They also have deficiency of serum
opsonins of the alternative complement pathway against pneumococci.

Fever in a child with SCA is a medical emergency, requiring prompt

medical evaluation. Indications for admission to hospital for empirical
IV antimicrobial therapy with appropriate blood culture include:-
High fever (temp >400C), seriously ill appearance, severe pain,
hypotension (or poor perfusion), signs of dehydration, leucocytosis,
- 246 -
thrombocytopenia, severe anemia (Hb < 5 g/dl), lung infiltration on CXR,
and Hx of pneumococcal sepsis.
Otherwise, patients without any of the above risk factors for occult
bacteremia can be given 3rd-generation cephalosporin (e.g.
ceftriaxone) in an outpatient setting with careful follow-up.
If the blood culture reveals Salmonella spp. or Staphylococcus aureus
bacteremia, strong consideration should be given to evaluation of
osteomyelitis with bone scan due to the increased risk of osteomyelitis
in children with SCA.

 Splenic Sequestration:-
Acute splenic sequestration is a life-threatening Cx occurring primarily
in infants and can occur as early as 5 wk of age. About 30% of children
with SCA have severe splenic sequestration episode, and a significant
percentage of these episodes are fatal. The etiology is unknown but it can
be accompanied by infection.
C.M. Engorgement of the spleen with subsequent increase in size,
evidence of hypovolemia, and decline in Hb ≥ 2 g/dL from the patient's
baseline hemoglobin; reticulocytosis and ↓ platelet count may be present.

Rx. Early intervention and maintenance of hemodynamic stability by

using isotonic fluid or by blood transfusions (packed RBCs) in dose
5 mL/kg but do not ↑ Hb >10 mg/dL. Repeated episodes of splenic
sequestration are common, occurring in ≈ half of patients (most within
6 mo of the previous episode). Thus, anticipatory guidance should
include teaching parents how to palpate the spleen to determine if the
spleen is enlarging.
Prophylactic splenectomy performed after the acute episode is the only
effective strategy for preventing future life-threatening episodes.

 Aplastic crisis:-
Human parvovirus B19 poses a unique threat for patients with SCA
because it causes aplastic anemia; thus, any child with reticulocytopenia
should be considered to have parvovirus B19 until proved otherwise. In
addition to red cell aplasia & fever, acute infection with parvovirus B19
can be associated with variety of SCA Cxs including: pain, splenic
sequestration, acute chest syndrome, glomerulonephritis, and strokes.
Rx. Packed RBCs can be given for hemodynamic instability.

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 Dactylitis (hand-foot syndrome):-
Dactylitis is often the first manifestation of pain in children with SCA,
occurring in 50% of children by their 2nd yr. Dactylitis often manifests
with symmetric or unilateral swelling of the hands and/or feet. Unilateral
dactylitis can be confused with osteomyelitis, and careful evaluation to
distinguish between the two is important, because treatment differs
significantly. Dactylitis requires palliation with pain medications e.g.
acetaminophen & codeine, whereas osteomyelitis requires at least 4-
6 wk of IV antibiotics.

 Pain crisis (Vaso-occlusive episodes):-

The cardinal clinical feature of SCA is pain. The pain episode occurs at
least once yearly; it usually very severe and characterized by
unremitting discomfort that can occur in any part of the body, especially
chest, abdomen, or extremities.
The exact etiology of pain is unknown, but the pathogenesis is initiated
when blood flow is disrupted in the microvasculature by sickle cells,
resulting in tissue ischemia. Precipitating causes may include: physical
stress, infection, dehydration, hypoxia, acidosis, and exposure to cold.
Rx. The majority of painful episodes in patients with SCA are managed at
home with comfort measures e.g. heating blanket, relaxation
techniques, massage, and pain medication.
Specific therapy for pain varies greatly but generally includes the use of
acetaminophen or non-steroidal agent early in the course of pain,
followed by escalation to acetaminophen with codeine or a short- or
long-acting oralopioid.
Some patients require hospitalization for administration of IV morphine
or its derivatives. The incremental increase and decrease in the use of
medication to relieve pain requires education of both the parents and
patient regarding the recognition of symptoms and a trust between the
patient and the treating physician.
Opioid dependency in children with SCA is rare and should never be
used as a reason to withhold pain medication. However, patients with
multiple painful episodes requiring hospitalization within a year or with
pain episodes that require hospital stays for > 1 wk should be evaluated
for comorbidities and psychosocial stressors that might contribute to the
frequency or duration of pain.

- 248 -
Blood transfusion should be reserved for patients with a decrease in
hemoglobin resulting in hemodynamic compromise. IV hydration does
not relieve or prevent pain but is appropriate when the patient is unable
to drink as a result of the severe pain or is dehydrated.
Hydroxyurea, a myelosuppressive agent, is the only effective drug
proved to reduce the frequency of painful episodes.

 Priapism:-
It is a common problem in SCA; it is defined as involuntary penile
erection lasting > 30 min, but patients may have persistent painful
erection for several hours. The ventral portion and the glans penis is
typically not involved, and their involvement necessitates urologic
consultation based on the poor prognosis for spontaneous resolution.
Priapism occurs in 2 patterns, stuttering and refractory, with both
types occurring in patients from early childhood to adulthood with mean
age at first episode is 15 yr.
Rx. Supportive e.g. sitz bath or pain medication; priapism lasting >4 hr
should be treated by aspiration of blood from the corpora cavernosa
followed by irrigation with dilute epinephrine.
Pv. Hydroxyurea appears to have promise, or by Etilefrine, a
sympathomimetic amine with both α1 and β1 adrenergic effects.

 Acute Chest Syndrome:-

Lung disease is the second most common reason for admission to
hospital in children with SCA and a common cause of death. ACS refers
to a constellation of findings that include: new radiodensity on CXR,
fever, respiratory distress, and pain mostly in the chest (but it can
include the back and/or abdomen only). Even in the absence of
respiratory symptoms, all patients with fever should receive CXR to
identify ACS because clinical exam alone is insufficient. The radiographic
findings in ACS are variable but can include involvement of a single or
multiple lobes, and pleural effusions.
The majority of patients with ACS do not have an identifiable cause
although infection is occasionally present. Fat emboli from infarcted BM
have also been implicated. The most common illness preceding ACS is a
painful episode requiring opioids which also can be influenced by the
type and route of administration of the opioid.

- 249 -
Rx. Given the clinical overlap between ACS and common pulmonary Cxs
e.g. bronchiolitis, asthma, and pneumonia, a wide range of therapeutic
strategies have been used including: empirical antimicrobial therapy
e.g. 3rd generation cephalosporin & macrolide to treat the most common
pathogens associated with ACS: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma
pneumoniae, and Chlamydia spp.; oxygen administration; blood
transfusion therapy, either simple or exchange (manual or automated);
and continued respiratory therapy (incentive spirometry and chest
physiotherapy); as well as bronchodilators and steroids for patients with
Pv. Incentive spirometry and periodic ambulation in patients admitted
for vaso-occlusive crises, surgery, or febrile episodes with careful
assessment for development of ACS; avoidance of overhydration; and
intense education.
In addition to ACS, the development of pulmonary hypertension has
been identified as a major risk factor for death in adults with SCA.

 Neurologic Complications:-
These are varied and complex. Evidence of stroke can be found as early
as 1 yr of age. Patients <18 yr with SCA will have ≈ 11% overt and 20%
silent strokes. An overt stroke is defined as presence of focal neurologic
deficit >24 hr and/or increased signal intensity with T2-weighted MRI
of the brain; whereas the definition of silent infarct is the focal
neurologic deficit lasting <24 hr in the presence of lesion on T2-weighted

Rx. Oxygen administration to keep oxygen saturations >96% and simple

blood transfusion within 1 hr of presentation. The goal is to increase
Hb not > 10 g/dL (because this may cause hyperviscosity of blood which
can ↓ oxygen delivery). Subsequently, exchange transfusion should be
considered, either manually or with erythrocytapheresis, to reduce the
Hb S percentage to at least <50%.

Pv. Transcranial Doppler (TCD) assessment of the blood velocity in

the terminal portion of internal carotid and the proximal portion of the
middle cerebral arteries. Children with SCA with blood-flow velocity
≥100 cm/sec are at increased risk for cerebrovascular events. This
value defines the transfusion threshold; below this value, chronic blood
transfusion therapy should be instituted to maintain Hb S levels <30%.
- 251 -
This strategy results in 85% reduction in the rate of overt strokes, but
once transfusion therapy is initiated, patients are expected to continue it
indefinitely. For patients who either will not or cannot continue blood
transfusion therapy to prevent subsequent strokes, hydroxyurea therapy
or HLA matched hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from a sibling
donor is a reasonable approach for patients with strokes.

Other Neurologic Cxs include: headaches, seizures, cerebral venous

thrombosis, and Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome
(RPLS). The last 2 Cxs may mimic stroke clinically but they can be
diagnosed by MR venography, or by diffusion-weighted MRI respectively.

 Renal disease:-
It is a major comorbid condition in patients with SCA that can lead to
premature death. Seven SCA-associated nephropathies have been
identified: gross hematuria, papillary necrosis, nephrotic syndrome,
renal infarction, hyposthenuria, pyelonephritis, and renal
medullary carcinoma. The presentations of these entities are varied but
can include hematuria, proteinuria, renal insufficiency, concentrating
defects, or hypertension. SCA is also associated with nocturnal enuresis.
Rx. It is depend on the type of nephropathy. ACE inhibitors for
asymptomatic proteinuria can decrease renal insufficiency. Suspicion of
renal medullary carcinoma is important because most patients present
with late-stage disease.

 Other Complications:-
These include cognitive Cxs (mainly due to silent cerebral infarct or an
overt stroke) with academic failure, psychological Cxs, sickle cell
retinopathy, delayed onset of puberty, avascular necrosis of the femoral
and humeral heads, and leg ulcers; as well as excessive iron stores in
children receiving regular blood transfusions.

 Surgery in patient with SCA:-

Simple blood transfusion before surgery for children with SCA is
designed to raise Hb not >10 g/dL because of the risk of hyperviscosity
syndrome. The most common postoperative Cxs are pain & ACS (which
has significant risk for postoperative death).

- 250 -
General management of SCA:-

 Hematopoietic stem cells transplantation is the only cure for SCA.

The most common indications for transplant are recurrent ACS, stroke
and abnormal TCD.

 Regardless of age, all patients with SCA are at increased risk of infection
and death from bacterial infection, particularly encapsulated organisms
e.g. Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae type b.
Therefore, all children with SCA should receive prophylactic oral
penicillin VK until at least 5 yr of age (125 mg twice a day up to age
3 yr, and then 250 mg twice a day). Continuation of penicillin Px should
be considered for children beyond 5 yr of age with previous hx of
pneumococcal infection. An alternative for children who are allergic to
penicillin is erythromycin ethyl succinate 10 mg/kg twice a day. Routine
childhood immunizations with annual influenza vaccine are highly

 Hydroxyurea is safe and well tolerated in children >5 yr of age. It has

found to decrease the rate of painful episodes by 50% and the rate of
ACS episodes and blood transfusions by ≈ 50%. The typical starting dose
is 15-20 mg/kg/ day, with an incremental dosage increase every 8 wk of
2.5-5.0 mg/kg, if no toxicities occur, up to a maximum of 35 mg/kg per
dose. Achievement of the therapeutic effect of hydroxyurea can require
several months. Monitoring children with initial visits every 2 wk to
monitor for hematologic toxicity with dose escalations and then
monthly after a therapeutic dose has been identified.

 Three methods of blood transfusion therapy are available: simple

blood transfusion, manual exchange transfusions (phlebotomy of set
amount of patient's blood followed by rapid administration of donated
packed RBCs), and erythrocytapheresis (which is a preferred method
because there is minimum net iron balance after the procedure).

 Assessment & therapy for iron overload by chelating agents are

similar to that discussed in Thalassemia syndrome (see above).

 Support groups are benefit children with SCA by improving self-esteem

and establishing peer relationships.

- 252 -
Other Sickle Cell Syndromes

SCD not only refers to patients with SCA but also to compound
heterozygotes where one β globin gene mutation includes the sickle cell
mutation and the second β globin allele includes a gene mutation other
than the sickle cell mutation. These most commonly include: Hb SC, Hb
S/β-thalassemia0, and Hb S/β-thalassemia+, whereas Hb SD, Hb SO Arab,
HPFH, and other variants are much less common. In sickle cell
syndromes, Hb S accounts >50% of the total hemoglobin.

Patients with Hb S/β-thalassemia0 have a clinical course similar to that

of patients with Hb SS. Hb SC does not polymerize like Hb SS, but crystals
of Hb C interact with membrane ion transport of the red cells causing
dehydration of RBCs inducing sickling; therefore, patients with Hb SC
disease can experience the same symptoms and complications as those
with severe Hb SS disease, but the frequency is less. Management of the
above Sickle cell syndromes is probably the same as that of SCA.

Sickle Cell Trait (Hb AS)

The prevalence of SCT in the USA is 7-10% of African-Americans. The

amount of Hb S is usually <50%. The life span of people with SCT is
normal, and serious Cxs are very rare including: splenic infarcts at high
altitude, hematuria, hyposthenuria, bacteriuria, renal papillary necrosis,
renal medullary carcinoma and susceptibility to eye injury with
formation of a hyphema. However, SCT gives protection against severe
falciparum malaria.

SCT has been associated with sudden death during rigorous exercise
due to exertional sickling or sickling collapse, which occurs when sickled
RBCs occlude vessels → ischemic rhabdomyolysis. However, children
with SCT should not have any restrictions on activities but yet should
receive maximum hydration and appropriate rest during exertion.

- 253 -
HS is the most common inherited cause of hemolysis due to RBC
membrane disorder with a wide spectrum of severity. The genetic
mutation is usually transmitted as AD & less as AR; new mutations are
common (≈ 25%).

Path. HS is due to a molecular defect in spectrin or ankyrin which are the

major components of cytoskeleton responsible for RBC shape result in
reduction of deformability of RBCs then destruction in the spleen.

 HS may be one of the causes of hemolytic diseases of newborn (due to
presence of HbF which may destabilize spectrin).
 The severity of symptoms in infants and children is variable. Some
children remain asymptomatic into adulthood, whereas others may
have severe anemia, jaundice, and fatigue.
Severe cases may be marked by expansion of medullary bones,
splenomegaly, & gallstones (although usually asymptomatic).

 Aplastic crisis is mainly due to Parvovirus-B19 infection which may
cause reticulocytopenia & profound anemia which can result in high-
output HF.
 Rare long-term Cxs may include: splenic sequestration crisis, gout,
cardiomyopathy, priapism, leg ulcers, and spinocerebellar degeneration.

 Indirect hyperbilirubinemia.
 US of abdomen may reveal the gallstones as early as 4 yr of age.
 X-ray of bones show BM expansion.
 CBP show spherocytosis of RBCs which appear smaller in diameter and
hyperchromic with polychromatophilic reticulocytes. Hb is low or
normal, MCV is normal, but MCHC is high.
 BM exam show erythroid hyperplasia.
 Osmotic Fragility Test; it can be done by incubation of RBCs in a
progressive dilutions of iso-osmotic buffered salt solution, this make
spherocytes to swell and lyse more readily in hypotonic solutions; it can
be accentuated by depriving RBCs from glucose overnight at 37°C

- 254 -
(incubated osmotic fragility test). However, this test is not sensitive or
specific for HS.
 Other tests that have high sensitivity & specificity include: DNA
analysis, cryohemolysis test, osmotic gradient ektacytometry, and eocin-
5-maleimide test.

D.Dx. Spherocytes may also be seen in blood film of other disorders,

especially isoimmune (e.g. ABO incompatibility) and autoimmune
hemolysis. Other rare causes of spherocytosis include: Wilson disease,
thermal injury, & clostridial septicemia.

 Folic acid supplementation, 1 mg/day.
 Splenectomy is indicated when there is evidence of severe hemolysis
(Hb <10 g/dl, reticulocyte count >10%), or when other Cxs are present
e.g. aplastic crises, poor growth, cardiomegaly.
Splenectomy is usually recommended after 6 yr of age to avoid the
heightened risk of postsplenectomy sepsis in younger children. Patient
should receive vaccines against pneumococcus, meningococcus & H.
influenzae type b 2 wks before splenectomy. After splenectomy, patient
should also receive prophylactic oral penicillin V indefinitely.
Concomitant cholecystectomy should be performed if there are
gallstones. Partial splenectomy may be indicated for children < 5 yr to
preserve some immune function.
Note: After splenectomy, there will be transient thrombocytosis &
improvement of osmotic fragility test.

- 255 -
Hereditary Elliptocytosis
HE is less common than HS, but also due to an abnormality in the
spectrin. It inherited as AD. The severe (homozygous) form is called
"Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis", which may provide resistance against
malarial infection.
C.M. The same as those of HS.
Inv. Also is similar to those of HS.
 CBP; in addition to the elliptocytes, RBCs may show other shapes e.g.
microcytes, spherocytes, and other poikilocytes.
 Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis show extraordinary variation in size &
shape with ↑ thermal instability, i.e. RBCs are lysed at relatively lower
temperature than usual (45°C rather than 50°C).

Rx. Same as that of HS.

 Southeast Asian Ovalocytosisis a specific type of HE that is due to

abnormal protein 3 which causeless elongation of RBC; this proteinis also
expressed in renal tubular cells and may cause distal RTA.
This disorder can cause neonatal jaundice, but causes little hemolysis

- 256 -
The iron in Hb is normally in the ferrous state (Fe2+), if it oxidized into
ferric state (Fe3+), it will lose its function as O2 transporter. Normally
only ≈ 1% of Hb is present as Methemoglobin (HbM) but it is
continuously reduced by the enzyme Cytochrome B5.
HbM can be measured in blood; it gives a brown color to blood, 15% of
HbM cause visible cyanosis & if it reach 70% it become lethal. In HbM,
oxygen saturation will be low, but if patient receiving oxygen Rx, the
arterial blood gas will show a normal or high PaO2 (but O2 bind tightly to
HbM & not released to tissues).

Et. HbM can be divided into toxic & hereditary.

 Toxic Methemoglobinemia is the most common & has many causes
 Drugs e.g. Nitrates, Nitric/Nitrous oxide, Nitroglycerin, Nitroprusside,
Silver nitrate, Sodium nitrate, Sulfonamides, Chloroquine, Lidocaine,
 Chemicals e.g. Aniline dyes, Fume inhalation, Herbicides,
 Medical Conditions e.g. Pediatric gastroenteritis & Sepsis, Sickle cell
disease-related painful episode.
Note: Infants are more susceptible to methemoglobinemia due to several
causes include: they have < 50% cytochrome B5 reductase activity, HbF is more
susceptible to oxidation than Hb A & the more alkaline infant GIT may promote
the growth of nitrite-producing gram-negative bacteria.
Rx. Methylene blue IV or orally (but avoid it in patient with G6PD
 Hereditary Methemoglobinemia is a rare AR disorder due to deficiency
of NADH cytochrome B5 reductase, it is classified into 2 types:-
Type I (the most common) NADH cytochrome B5 activity is deficient
only in RBC. In Type II the deficiency is present in all tissues and is
characterized in infancy by encephalopathy, mental retardation,
spasticity, microcephaly, and growth retardation.
Cyanosis may vary in intensity with season and diet; it also varys in
onset that manifested either at birth or as late as adolescence.
Rx. Ascorbic acid (vit C) 200–500 mg daily in divided doses. Riboflavin
(400 mg once daily) is an alternative Rx.

- 257 -
AIHA are associated with 3 types of autoantibodies: Warm, Cold &
Drug-induced. All are characterized by positive direct antiglobulin
(Coombs) test which can detects coating of RBC surface by the
immunoglobulin or complement or both.
These autoantibodies are produced either as an inappropriate immune
response to RBC antigen or to another antigenic epitope similar to it, this
is called "molecular mimicry".

 Warm Antibodies:-
Et. Either primary (idiopathic) or secondary to other diseases e.g.
Lymphoproliferative disorders, Connective tissue disorders (especially
SLE), Chronic inflammatory diseases (ulcerative colitis), & Malignancies.

Path. These antibodies are active at 35–40°C (warm antibodies) and

most often belong to IgG class (which do not require complement for
activity), although C3b may be detected on RBCs in conjunction with IgG.
These antibodies usually specific for Rh system in 70% of cases and they
usually do not produce agglutination in vitro, i.e. incomplete antibodies
but yet they can react with RBCs of many persons (nonspecific

C.M. There are 2 clinical patterns of Warm antibodies:-

Acute Transient type Chronic Prolonged type
 Rate: ≈ 75% ≈ 25%
 Duration: 3–6 mo many months to years
 Peak age: 2-10 yr <2 yr &>10 yr
 Etiology: usually idiopathic usually secondary to other diseases
 Prognosis: good bad
 C. M.: prostration, pallor, jaundice, pallor & fatigability
fever, Hburia & splenomegaly
 CBP; usually severe anemia (Hb <6 g/dl) with spherocytosis and
nucleated RBCs. Reticulocytes may be >50% (which appear as
polychromasia). Leukocytosis may also present. Platelet count usually
normal, but concomitant ITP may be present, as in Evans syndrome.
 Direct Coombs test is strongly +ve and indirect Coombs test may also
+ve. Rarely, direct Coombs test may be –ve due to limited sensitivity of
- 258 -
Coombs reaction with low titer of antibodies coating the RBCs which
require a special test for detection of these “Coombs-negative” AIHA.

 Mild disease do not require specific therapy, whereas severe one
require corticosteroids e.g. Prednisone 2 (up to 6) mg/kg, then taper.
If there is relapse, resume the full dose of prednisone.
Note: Do not rely on direct Coombs test result during Rx because it may remain
+ve after Hb return to normal level, but it is safe to discontinue prednisone once
Coombs test result becomes -ve.
 Blood transfusion may be required for severe anemia (although it is
only of transient benefit). It is usually difficult to find a compatible
blood (due to nonspecific panagglutinins in the serum of patient that
react with all donor RBCs); therefore, it is advisable to give the least
incompatible blood, i.e. blood that give the least +ve (in vitro) reaction
by Coombs technique.
 Severe hemolysis resistant to corticosteroids may need IVIG,
Rituximab, or Splenectomy.

 Cold Antibodies:-
It can be divided into 2 types; cold agglutinin disease & paroxysmal cold
 Cold Agglutinin disease is usually mediated by IgM class (which
requires complement for activity, especially C1). They have specificity
to the I/i system of RBC antigens. These antibodies are usually active
atlow body temp (<37°C), but very high titers of cold antibodies may be
active near body temperature, this is called "thermal amplitude".
Et. It is either primary (idiopathic) or secondary to other diseases e.g.
Lymphoproliferative disorders or infections (especially Mycoplasma
pneumonia & Epstein-Barr virus).
C.M. The manifestations of hemolysis usually develop after exposure to
cold; it usually acute & self-limited hemolysis which may be intravascular
or extravascular.
Rx. Patient should avoid exposure to cold with Rx of underlying
disease or infection. Corticosteroids & splenectomy are much less
effective, but immunosuppression (e.g. Rituximab) & plasmapheresis
may be effective.

- 259 -
 Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria is usually mediated by IgG class
called "Donath-Landsteiner hemolysin" which has anti-P specificity. These
antibodies fix large amounts of complement in the cold then RBCs will be
lysed as temp rise. Most cases are self-limited & usually associated with
nonspecific viral infections. Rx by avoidance of cold & blood transfusion
for severe anemia.

 Drug-Induced AIHA:-
It can be divided into 3 mechanisms:-

 Hapten; when the drug binds tightly to RBC membrane causing 1

antigen with activation of IgG → extravascular hemolysis. This
mechanism is mainly mediated by many cephalosporins & penicillines.

 Ternary Complex; it consist of drug, RBC membrane antigen (i.e. 2

antigens) & the antibody which recognizes both; it usually mediated by
C3 → intravascular hemolysis. This mechanism is mediated by many
drugs e.g. antimalarias, antituberculosis, insulin...etc.

 True Autoimmune Incitation; it mediated by IgG against RBC

membrane antigen (without interaction with drug) → extravascular
hemolysis. It usually mediated by methyldopa & some NSAIs.

- 261 -
( Coagulation Cascade )

F12 aF12

F11 aF11 in vivo F7

F9 aF9 aF7

aF8 TF


F10 aF10

aF5 F5

F2 aF2

F1 aF1


Name of Factors:-
I. F1: Fibrinogen
II. F2: Prothrombin
III. Not present
IV. Not present
V. F5: Proaccelerin
VI. Not present
VII. F7: Proconvertin
VIII. F8: Antihemophilic factor
IX. F9: Christmas factor
X. F10: Stuart-Prower factor
XI. F11: Plasma thromboplastin antecedent
XII. F12: Hageman factor
XIII. F13: Fibrin-stabilizing factor
TF: Tissue Factor
a: activated
 F8 + platelet phospholipids + Ca is called "Tenase complex".
 F5 + platelet phospholipids + Ca is called "Prothrombinase complex".

- 260 -
The main components of the hemostatic process are the vessel wall,
platelets, coagulation proteins, anticoagulant proteins, and fibrinolytic

 Tests of Platelet disorders:-

1. Platelet Count: Thrombocytopenia is the most common acquired

cause of bleeding disorder in children. N.R.: 150-450 × 103/mm3.

2. Bleeding Time: It assesses platelets and VWF disorders & their

interaction with the vascular wall (in vivo). N.R.: 4-8 min.

3. Platelet Aggregation: It assess platelets function through their

aggregation (in vitro) by; ristocetin, ADP, epinephrine, collagen, or
thrombin. Some platelet aggregometers measure specific ADP release
from platelets.

4. Platelet Function Analyzer (PFA-100): It also assess platelet

adhesion-aggregation in whole blood at high shear when exposed to
collagen-epinephrine or collagen-ADP. It also can measure some
variants of VWD.

 Tests of Coagulation factors disorders:-

1. ProthrombinTime (PT): It measures the factors of extrinsic pathway

by activation of F7 after addition of the Tissue Factor (TF). PT measures
only the following factors: 1, 2, 5, 7, & 10 (see the diagram above).
N.R.: ≈20-13 sec (to ↑ validity, it should be staderized by INR).

2. Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT or PTT): It measures

the factors of intrinsic pathway by activation of F12 with a surface e.g.
silica, glass or a contact activator e.g.kaolin, ellagic acid.
Note: In vivo, F12 is activated by kallikrein & high molecular weight kininogen.
PTT measures the following factors: 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & VWF.
N.R.: ≈ 15-40 sec (N.R. is much more variable with age than PT).

3. Thrombin Time (TT): It measures the final step in the clotting cascade,
in which fibrinogen is converted to fibrin. It is prolonged when there are
disorders of fibrinogen, but may be falsely prolonged in the presence
of heparin or FDP (fibrin degridation product).
N.R.: 11–15 sec.
- 262 -
4. Reptilase Time: It uses snake venom to clot fibrinogen & used mainly
when there is suspicion of heparin contamination (because it not
sensitive to heparin).

5. Mixing Studies: It is used when there is unexplained prolongation of

PT or PTT by mixing patient's plasma with normal plasma (1:1) &
repeats the tests. If PT & PTT are corrected, it means a clotting factor
deficiency is present because the presence of 50% level of individual
clotting proteins is sufficient to produce normal PT or PTT; whereas if
there is no or partial correction of PT & PTT, it means an inhibitor is
present (which affect the normal plasma as well). The inhibitor is
mainly either antibodies or heparin, less commonly due to phospholipid
used in the clotting tests.
Note: Bethesda assay measures the amount of inhibitor (which mainly
antibodies against F8 & F9). One Bethesda unit means the amount that
inhibits 50% of the clotting factor in normal plasma.

7. Clotting Factor Assays: Each of the clotting factors can be measured in

the laboratory using individual factor-deficient plasma. Activity of
100% is expressed as 100 IU/dL. One IU for each factor means the
amount of the factor in 1 ml of normal plasma (referenced against a
standard). For most clotting factors, N.R. is 50–150 IU/dL (i.e. 50–
150% of activity).

 General approach to patient with bleeding tendency:-

Hx. It is the most valuable, take details about the site, severity, previous
surgery, menstrual, and family hx.
Ex. Generally, mucocutaneous bleeding is caused by platelets disorders
or VWD, whereas deep bleeding into muscles and joints is caused by
clotting factors deficiency.
Inv. Do 1st Platelet count, PT, & PTT. If abnormal, do specific factor
work-up, whereas if normal, do VWF testing & Thrombin time.

- 263 -
These are the most common severe inherited bleeding disorders that
due to deficiencies of F8 (85%) & F9 (15%) respectively.
These are XL disorders, but female can also be affected if she is
homozygous or by Lyon hypothesis. Spontaneous mutation is common.

Note: Neither F8 nor F9 can cross placenta, although F8 may ↑ in newborn

during the birth process (as acute phase response), whereas F9 do not.

C.M. It depends on the degree of deficiency as follows:-

 Mild deficiency; factor level >5% of normal, it may be asymptomatic for

many years or require significant trauma to bleed.
 Moderate deficiency; 1-5%, it require a minor trauma.
 Severe deficiency; <1%, there may be spontaneous bleeding.

Bleeding, including intracranial hemorrhage, can occur before (in fetus)

or at birth, but more commonly after circumcision in ≈ 30% of affected
males; however, the most common manifestations of hemophilia is
bleeding into joints or muscles.
Hemarthrosis is mainly occur in large joints, especially ankles, knees
and elbows; when bleeding is repeated in only 1 joint, this will be the
"target joint" which eventually result in erosion of that joint.
Hematoma of muscles e.g. iliopsoas hematoma may cause hypovolemic
shock, vague area of referred pain in groin; hip is held in flexed, internally
rotated position; It can be diagnosed US or CT scan of iliopsoas muscle.
Life-threatening hemorrhage & shock may also occur in any organ or
system e.g. CNS, GIT, RT...etc.

 PTT is prolonged 2-3 times above the normal range, whereas other
screening tests are usually normal (including PT).
 Mixing study is positive.
 Specific F8 or F9 assay is used to confirm the Dx.
 Hemophilia carriers (e.g. other family members) can be screened by
Genetic studies or F8:VWF ratio.

Rx. Early appropriate therapy is the hallmark of excellent hemophilia


- 264 -
 Desmopressin Acetate (DDAVP) Nasal Spray can be used only to treat
patient with mild hemophilia A (not B) in dose, 150 μg (1 puff) for
patients <50 kg & 300 μg (2 puffs) if >50 kg.

 Specific Factor (F8 or F9) Concentrate: The dose of each as follows:-

F8 = % of activity desired × body weight × 0.5
F9 = % of activity desired × body weight × 1.4

For mild to moderate bleeding, their levels of must be raised to

hemostatic range (35–50% of activity); whereas for major or life-
threatening hemorrhages, the dose should be raised up to 100% of
However, there are specific situations that require specific doses of F8
in hemophilia A; whereasin hemophilia B, F9 dose should be ↑ upto 50-
100% of below doses:-
 Major surgery or life-threatening hemorrhage; 50–75 IU/kg, then
give continuous infusion of 2–4 IU/kg/hr in the 1st day to maintain F8 >
100 IU/dL , then progressively ↓ dose in the subsequent days.
 Iliopsoas hemorrhage; 50 IU/kg, then half the dose every 12 hr until
 Hemarthrosis; 40 IU/kg on day 1, then half the dose until resolution.
Bleeding into the hip joint may require aspiration.
 Muscle or significant SC hematoma; 20 IU/kg, may need every-other-
day Rx until resolved.
 Mouth bleeding, tooth extraction or epistaxis; 20 IU/kg,
antifibrinolytic Rx (e.g. aminocaproic acid); apply pressure.
 Hematuria; 20 IU/kg, Bed rest, Prednisone!.

 Supportive Care; include:-

 Hemophilia may require comprehensive Hemophilia Care Center
which involves a team of many specialists.
 Education of the patient & his family about the disease, its Rx & Cxs;
with psychological support.
 Avoidance of trauma (including IM injection) or any violent contact
sports with anticipatory guidance.
 Avoidance of Aspirin & other NSAI drugs.
 Vaccination againt HBV with periodic screening for blood-borne
 Gene therapy is a promising therapy (in the future) for hemophilia.
- 265 -
Px. Bleeding can be prevented by giving the specific factor every other
day (or every 3 days) to maintain a measurable clotting factor (>1%
trough level). It used in 2 conditions:-
1. Severe Hemophilia A or B to prevent spontaneous bleeding
2. Target joint development.

Cx. Chronic arthropathy, Transfusion-transmitted infectious diseases,

and ↓ response to Rx due to development of Inhibitors against F8 & F9.

 Inhibitors:-
These are antibodies against F8 or F9 after repeated infusions that
block their activities which manifested as failure of bleeding to stop
after appropriate replacement therapy.
They develop in ≈ 25–35% in patient with hemophilia A & to lesser
extent in hemophilia B, although most patients lose their inhibitors
after continued regular infusions.
Note: Hemophilia due to mutation that cause inactive dysfunctional protein
factor (which occur in minority of hemophilia A & upto half of patient with
hemophilia B) are less susceptible to the inhibitors.
Dx of inhibitors is by Mixing studies; it can be measured in Bethesda

1. Desensitization programs, in which high doses of F8 or F9 are
infused in an attempt to saturate the antibody and permit the body to
develop tolerance (although this had result in nephrotic syndrome in some
patients with hemophilia B).

2. If desensitization fails, patient can be given rituximab (to ↓ Ab

production) or factors that can bypass the inhibitor effect e.g.
recombinant aF7 (Novo7) or activated prothrombin complex
concentrates (which carry a risk of thrombosis).

- 266 -
These are rare disorders. All are inherited autosomally in AR manner &
thus only appear in homozygous person. They can be diagnosed by
specific factor assay.

 Deficiencies of the Contact Factors (Non-bleeding Disorders):-

These include: F12, Prekallikrein & HMWK; their deficiency only cause
marked prolongation of PTT, but paradoxically no clinical bleeding
even in major surgery, therefore they require no Rx.

 F11 deficiency (Hemophilia C):-

It is common in Ashkenazi Jews. The bleeding is not correlated with
the amount of F11 because some patients with severe deficiency may
have minimal or no symptoms at the time of major surgery.
Dx.PTT is usually longer than that in hemophilia A or B.
Rx. Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP). Half life > 2 day.

 F7 deficiency:-
Dx. PT markedly prolonged, but PTT is normal.
Rx. Since the half life of F7 is very short (2-4 hr), thus it is
inappropriate to give FFP as a replacement Rx because it may
complicated with fluid overload; therefore it is better replaced with
Recombinant aF7 concentrate.

Most of the following factors deficiencies produce prolongation of both

PT & PTT (because they are in the common pathway):-

 F10 deficiency:-
Rx. FFP. Half life ≈ 30 hr. In patients with Amyloidosis, FFP is
ineffective, thus give prothrombin complex concentrate.

 F5 deficiency (Parahemophilia):-
Rx. FFP at a dose 10 ml/kg every 12 hr (because F5 is lost rapidly from
stored FFP).

Note: Combined deficiency of F5 & F8 is usually due to absence of an

intracellular transport protein (not due to mutation).

- 267 -
 F2 (Prothrombin) deficiency:-
It is due to either hypoprothrombinemia or dysprothrombinemia.
Rx. FFP or Prothrombin complex concentrate. Half life ≈ 3.5 days.

 F1 (Fibrinogen)deficiency:-
It is due to afibrinogenemia, hypofibrinogenemia, or dysfibrinogenemia.
It may be manifested in the newborn as hematomas or GIT bleeding.
Dx. Prolonged PT, PTT & TT.
Rx. FFP or Cryoprecipitate. Half life ≈ 3 days.

 F13 (Transglutaminase or Fibrin-Stabilizing Factor) deficiency:-

Typically, patient has a bruise or hematoma in the next day of
trauma. Other manifestations include: delayed separation of the
umbilical stump beyond 4 wk, poor wound healing, mild bruising &
recurrent spontaneous abortions in women.
Dx. Screening tests are normal, butclot solubility↑ in the presence of 5
M urea.
Rx. FFP, Cryoprecipitate, or F13 concentrate. Half life ≈ 6 days.

 Antiplasmin & Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Deficiency:-

These are antifibrinolytic proteins & their deficiency →↑ plasmin
generation and premature lysis of the fibrin clot.
Dx. Screening tests are normal, but euglobulin clot lysis time↓.
Rx. FFP or Aminocaproic acid (for oral bleeding).

- 268 -
VWD is the most common hereditary bleeding disorder that affect ≈ 1-
2% of population. It inherited as AD (homozygous is affected >
heterozygous); its gene is located on chromosome 12. VWF is an acute-
phase reactant that may be ↑ during stressful conditions & pregnancy;
whereas certain diseases (e.g. hypothyroidism) and medications (e.g.
valproic acid) can ↓ VWF levels.Level of VWF is also vary according to
blood group, O < A < B < AB!.

Path. VWF is a large multimeric glycoprotein that is synthesized in the

endothelial cells and megakaryocytes then stored in platelets. VWF has 2
functions; 1st it adheres to subendothelial matrix after vascular damage
& then it causes platelets to adhere to it through their glycoprotein IB
(GPIb) receptor; the 2nd function it is a carrier protein for F8 in plasma.

 Types of VWD:-

 Type 1 is the most common form and accounts ≈70%. It is due to

heterozygous mutation that causes partial reduction in VWF.
Type 1C is a subtype due to rapid "Clearance" of VWF rather than
reduction its production.

 Type 3 is less common & due to homozygous (or compound

heterozygous) mutation which cause a complete reduction in VWF (but
measurable F8).

 Type 2 is due to abnormal structure which results in dysfunctional

protein. It is divided into the following subtypes:-

A. Small VWF multimers →↓ VWF antigen & activity.

B. Hyperactive VWF that binds spontaneously to platelets → rapid
clearance of both.
Platelet-type (or pseudo-) VWD is in contrast to type 2B because the
defect is in the platelets (not VWF) due to hyperactive GPIb receptor
that binds spontaneously to VWF → rapid clearance of both.
M. Hypoactive VWF with reduced binding to platelets.
N. Autosomal Hemophilia due to reduced binding of VWF to F8 → rapid
clearance of F8.

- 269 -
C.M. VWD usually cause mucocutaneous hemorrhage e.g. excessive
bruising, epistaxis, postoperative hemorrhage, and menorrhagia.
Note: Menorrhagia may not be recognized as abnormal because other
females in the family may also be affected with VWD, thus patient may
present later on with iron deficiency anemia.

 Platelet function analysis is considered as a screening test for VWD.
 PTT & Bleeding Time are usually prolonged (although it may be
normal in type 1 VWD).F8 activity measurement is also reduced in some
 VWF antigen.
 VWF structure (VWF multimers distribution).
 VWF activity (ristocetin cofactor activity). Type 2B can be diagnosed in
vitro by VWF binding to platelets and agglutinates them at low
concentrations of ristocetin.
 Platelet count; thrombocytopenia occur in both Type 2B & Pseudo-
 Genetic studies.

 Desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) nasal spray can ↑ VWF 3- to 5-folds;
however, it is mainly effective in Type 1VWD, whereas in other types of
VWD, it is less effective (or ineffective). Dose is the same as that in mild
hemophilia A.
 Cryoprecipitate or VWF concentrate are effective in Rx of all types of
VWD. Half life of both F8 & VWF is 12 hr.
 Aminocaproic acid can be used in epistaxis & dental extractions in
dose 100 mg/kg loading dose orally followed by 50 mg/kg every 6 hrs;
or by Tranexamic acid, 1300 mg orally ×3 daily for 5 days.
 In severe bleeding, patient should be given platelets (to replace the
VWF in platelets), and F8 (because endogenous correction of F8 require
12-24 hr).

- 271 -
(Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia Purpura)
ITP is the most common cause of acute thrombocytopenia in a well

Et. Approximately 2/3 of cases occur 1–4 wk after common viral

infection (e.g. EBV) → autoantibodies directed against platelet surface
which is recognized by the Fc receptor on the splenic macrophages →
platlets destruction; the reason for this response is unknown.

C.M. The classical presentation of ITP is sudden onset of generalized

petechiae & purpura in a previously healthy child, usually 1–4 yr old.

 Current classification system of ITP is according to the severity of

bleeding (rather than platelet count) as follows:-
1. No symptoms.
2. Mild: mild bruising and petechiae, occasional minor epistaxis, very little
interference with daily living.
3. Moderate: more severe skin and mucosal lesions, more troublesome
epistaxis and menorrhagia.
4. Severe: severe bleeding episodes e.g. menorrhagia, epistaxis, melena
that require transfusion or hospitalization, symptoms interfering
seriously with quality of life.

 ITP can be diagnosed clinically with the aid of blood film only that
reveal thrombocytopenia (platelet count usually <20 × 109/L),
platelet size is normal or ↑ (due to ↑ platelet turnover); whereas other
cell lines (RBC & WBC) are typically normal.
 Other tests (e.g. BM exam) are only indicated when there is abnormal
physical finding e.g. HSM or LAP (which are rarely may be associated
with ITP) or there is abnormalities of blood film e.g. anemia or
BM examin ITP show normal or ↑ numbers of megakaryocytes, whereas
other series are normal.

 Primary Platelet Destruction disorders include:-

- 270 -
 Immune-mediated e.g. other autoimmune diseases, HIV, drugs, post-
transfusion, or post-transplant.
 Non-immune mediated e.g. thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura,
infection, or platelets in contact with a foreign material.
 Platelet and Fibrinogen Consumption disorders e.g.DIC, Kasabach-
Merritt syndrome, or virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome.
 Impaired Platelet Production e.g. hereditary or acquired BM failure.
 Platelet Sequestration e.g. hypersplenism, hypothermia, or burns.

Rx. The goal is to elevate platelet count to >20 × 109/L (although there is
no correlation between platelet count & the severity of bleeding!).

 No therapy other than education and counseling can be used for

minimal, mild and even moderate symptoms.
 IVIG; 0.8–1 g/kg/day for 1–2 days induces rapid rise in platelet count
in 95% of patients within 2 days; it acts by down-regulating Fc-
mediated phagocytosis of antibody-coated platelets.
 IV Anti-D; 50–75μg/kg once (but only for Rh+ve patients) can ↑
platelet count in 80-90% of patients within 2-3 days; it acts by coating
the RBC which then bind to macrophage Fc receptors and interfere with
platelet destruction.
 Prednisone; 1-4 mg/kg/day for 2–3 wk (or until rise in platelet >20×
109/L) followed by rapid tapering.
 Platelet transfusion can only be used when there is intracranial or life-
threatening bleeding (with the above therapies).
 Splenectomy should only be reserved for intracranial or life-threatening
bleeding & for older children with chronic ITP.

 IVIG, Anti-D, prednisone, and platelets can also be used to treat
exacerbations of ITP.
 Intracranial hemorrhage occur in <1% of patient, it should be treated
by IVIG, high dose prednisone, platelet transfusion +/_ emergency

Pg. 70-80% of ITP resolves spontaneously within 6 mo of illness,

whereas only ≈20% will persist >1 yr which is called "Chronic ITP".

- 272 -
Here the patient should be re-evaluated for diseases other than ITP that
associated with thrombocytopenia (see D.Dx. above).

Rx of chronic ITPisas above, but may include Rituximab. Stimulation of

thrombopoiesis has been evaluated.
Splenectomy can induce remission in ≈ 75% of cases, but patient should
receive pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccines before & penicillin px
after splenectomy.
However, all of the above therapies neither affect short- nor long-term
prognosis of ITP.

- 273 -
(Thrombotic Microangiopathy)
Et. Any life-threatening pathologic process that associated with
hypoxia, acidosis, tissue necrosis, shock, and/or endothelial damage can
trigger DIC, these include:-

 Septic shock e.g. Meningococcemia.

 Tissue damage e.g. Crush injury.
 Malignancy e.g. Acute promyelocytic leukemia.
 Microangiopathic disorders e.g. HUS.
 Hereditary Thrombotic disorders e.g. Homozygous prot. C deficiency.
 GIT disorders e.g. Fulminant hepatitis.
 Newborn disorders e.g. NEC, Maternal toxemia.
 Miscelllaneous e.g. Acute severe graft rejection, Acute hemolytic
transfusion reaction, Snake bite or Insect stings.

Path. DIC result in consumption of clotting factors, platelets, and

anticoagulant proteins→ widespread intravascular deposition of
fibrin→ tissue ischemia and necrosis with generalized hemorrhagic state
and hemolytic anemia.

C.M. DIC usually accompanies a severe systemic disease process.

Initially it is manifested as bleeding from the site of cannula or any
surgical incision with petechiae and ecchymoses.
Thrombosis is manifested as infarction of the skin, subcutaneous
tissues or kidneys. Anemia develops rapidly due to microangiopathic

 CBP shows thrombocytopenia, RBC are fragmented, burr- & helmet-
shaped (schistocytes).
 PT, PTT, & TT are prolonged, mainly due to consumption of factors 1,
2, 5, & 8.
 FDP (Fibrin Degridation Products) & D-dimers are positive in blood
(due to fibrinolysis).

- 274 -
1st step: Treat the underlying cause that trigger DIC with correction of
shock, acidosis, and hypoxia which usually complicate DIC.

Note: Patient in these situations usually develop stress ulcers, thus they may
need prophylactic antiulcer Rx.

2nd step: Replacement therapy to restore the normal homeostasis; it

usually include one or more of the following:-

 Platelet infusions for thrombocytopenia.

 Cryoprecipitate for hypofibrinogenemia.
 FFP for other clotting factors and anticoagulant proteins deficiency.
 Heparin is given only when there is evidence of vascular thrombosis,
usually after replacement of other blood components, especially

Pg. It depends on the outcome of Rx of the primary disease and

prevention of end-organ damage.

- 275 -
Blood Component Therapy

Component Content Indication Dose Outcome

Packed RBCs 250-300 ml ↓ Oxygen-carrying 10-15 ↑ Hb 3 g/dL

RBCs/u capacity ml/kg (4 ml/kg →↑
Hb 1 g/dL)
Platelet 5-7 × 1010 Severe 1 u/10 kg ↑ Platelet
concentrate platelets/unit thrombocytopenia count by
Fresh Frozen 1 unit/ml of Multiple clotting 10-15 Improvement
Plasma each clotting factor deficiency ml/kg in PT & PTT
Cryoprecipitate Fibrinogen, Hypofibrinogenemia, 1 bag/5 kg ↑ Fibrinogen
factor VIII, factor XIII deficiency by 50-100
vWF, factor XIII & VWD mg/dL

Transfusion Reactions

Type of Clinical Signs Management of Problems

Major Hemolytic Acute shock, back pain, flushing, 1. Stop transfusion; return blood
Incompatibility early fever, intravascular to bank with fresh sample of
hemolysis, hemoglobinemia, patient's blood
hemoglobinuria; if anamnestic 2. Hydrate IV; support BP,
response is present, it may be less maintain high urine flow,
severe and delayed 5-10 days alkalinize urine
3. Check for hemoglobinemia,
hemoblobinuria, hyperkalemia
4. Jaundice, anemia if delayed
Delayed Onset 7-14 days after transfusion: Corticosteroids; erythropoietin?;
Hemolytic pain, fever, jaundice, avoid transfusion if possible
Transfusion hemoglobinuria; fall in
Reaction hemoglobin; reticulocytopenia
Febrile Reaction Fever at end of transfusion, Pretreat with hydrocortisone,
urticaria, chills; usually because of antipyretics, diphenhydramine,
sensitization to WBC HLA antigens or all three; use leukocyte-poor
RBCs, washed RBCs, filtered or
frozen RBCs
Allergic Reaction Fever, urticaria, anaphylactoid Diphenhydramine,
reaction; often due to sensitivity to hydrocortisone; use washed
donor plasma proteins RBCs or frozen RBCs

- 276 -
7. Common Malignancies
 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
 Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
 Hodgkin Lymphoma
 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

- 277 -
Epid. ALL is the most common cause of malignancy in childhood. It
mainly affects children between 2-3 yr of age with male predominance.

Et. Idiopathic, although some are associated with genetic syndromes

e.g. Down, Bloom, and Fanconi syndrome, Diamond-Blackfan
anemia…etc.; it also more common among identical twins.
Environmental factors have also been implicated e.g. ionizing radiation,
drugs (especially alkylating agents)…etc.

Hx. Initial presentation are usually nonspecific e.g. anorexia, fatigue,
malaise, irritability, and intermittent low-grade fever. Bone pain or,
less often, joint pain (especially of lower extremities) may be so severe
that awake the patient at night.

Ex.LAP, splenomegaly +/_ hepatomegaly, deep tenderness of bones,

testicular & joint swelling. In advanced cases, there is BM failure with
pallor (due to anemia), petechiae (due to thrombocytopenia) & fever
(due to infection after neutropenia).
Rarely, there may be evidence of ↑ ICP (due to CNS involvement) or
respiratory distress (due to enlargement of anterior mediastinal LNs).

D.Dx. AML, NHL, Aplastic anemia, Infectious Mononucleosis, Systemic

onset JIA, ITP…etc.

 CBP show anemia and thrombocytopenia whereas leukemic cells
might not be seen initially in the peripheral blood, however, atypical
lymphocytes will be seen later on & can be in large number.
 BM aspiration & biopsy show a homogeneous population of
lymphoblasts that represent >25% of BM cells.
 CSF exam is done for staging if there is CNS metastasis, but it should be
done carefully because if initial LP was traumatic, there will be ↑ risk of
CNS relapse.
 Flow cytometry, cytogenetics, and molecular studies may be done for
classification & prognosis of ALL.

 According to the FAB classification; phenotypically, the surface

markers show that ≈85% of ALL are derived from progenitors of B
- 278 -
cells, 15% from T cells, and 1% from mature B cells which is
called"Burkitt leukemia" (which is different from "Burkitt Lymphoma") &
it is the most aggressive type of ALL and most rapidly growing cancers in

 Remission induction for 4 wk by weekly vincristine, asparaginase &
corticosteroids (dexamethasone or prednisone) with intrathecal
cytarabine and/or methotrexate. This approach may cause remission in
≈98% of patients which is defined as <5% blasts in BM and return of
neutrophil and platelet counts to near-normal levels after ≈ 1 mo of Rx.

 CNS therapy is used to prevent later CNS relapses by repeated

intrathecal chemotherapy in conjunction with intensive systemic
chemotherapy. Those with high risk of CNS relapse may receive
irradiation of brain.

 Maintenance phase may last for 2-3 yr, it involves daily

mercaptopurine and weekly methotrexate, usually with intermittent
doses of vincristine and corticosteroids.

 Relapse should be treated with intensive chemotherapy with agents not

previously used, followed by Allogeneic Stem CellTransplantation.
Note: Pharmacogenetic testing can be used to predict patients with drug-
resistant ALL.

Supportive Care for the acute & long-term Cxs of ALL should include:-

 Rx for tumor lysis syndrome by allopurinol or urate oxidase.

 Rx of severe myelosuppression by packed RBC & platelets.
 Sepsis require high index of suspicion with aggressive empirical
antimicrobial therapyin febrile children with neutropenia. Patients must
receive Px against Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia during and for
several months after completing chemotherapy!.

Pg. Most children with ALL can now be expected to have survival rate
>90% at 5 yr. However prognosis can be divided into favorable &
unfavorable according to the following criteria:-

- 279 -
Favorable Unfavorable
 Age 1-10 yr <1 or >10 yr
 Initial leukocyte count <50,000/ml >50,000/ml
 CNS metastasis absent present
 Response to Rx rapid (<1 mo) slow
 Relapse after Rx late early
 Site of relapse BM CNS, testes
 T-cell phenotype absent present
 Chromosomal study hyperdiploidy hypodiploidy
 Translocations 12;21 9;22 (Philadelphia), 4;11
 MRD absent present

MRD (Minimal Residual Disease) can be detected by a specific

molecular probes to translocations and other DNA markers contained in
leukemic cells by specialized flow cytometry. MRD can be quantitative
and can provide an estimate of the burden of leukemic cells present in
the BM. Higher levels of MRD present at the end of induction Rx suggest a
poorer prognosis and higher risk of subsequent relapse.

The poor outcome of Philadelphia chromosome positive ALL with

t(9;22) has dramatically changed by the addition of imatinib to
chemotherapy. Imatinib is an agent specifically designed to inhibit the
BCR-ABL kinase resulting from the translocation; with this new
approach, the event-free survival has improved from 30% to 70%.

Survivors from ALL are more likely to experience significant chronic

medical conditions including musculoskeletal, cardiac, and neurologic

- 281 -
AML is much less common than ALL that usually occur in older children
& adolescents. FAB classification of AML includes 8 subtypes:-

M0 Acute myeloblastic leukemia without differentiation

M1 Acute myeloblastic leukemia without maturation
M2 Acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation
M3 Acute promyeloblastic leukemia
M4 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia
M5 Acute monocytic leukemia
M6 Erythroleukemia
M7 Acute megakaryocytic leukemia

C.M. AML can be presented with any or all manifestations of ALL. Other
features include:-
 CNS involvement is more common in AML than ALL.
 Discrete masses called "Chloromas or granulocytic sarcomas" usually
seen in orbit or epidural space, especially in M2.
 Subcutaneous nodules or “blueberry muffin” lesions (especially in
infants) or infiltration of the gingival, especially in M4 and M5.
 DIC, especially in acute promyeloblastic leukemia (M3).

Inv. It is the same as those of ALL, except that BM show infiltration of

>20% of fairly homogeneous population of blast cells.
Differentiation between ALL & AML can be done by staining the blast
cells for myeloperoxidase enzyme which only present in AML. It also
can be done by Flow cytometry that identify the subtypes of AML.
 AML requireaggressive multiagent chemotherapy to induce
remission, thus unfortunately some patients die before remission can be
achieved due to infection or bleeding after severe BM suppression.
 BM or stem cell transplantation after the 1st remission or after
relapse is more effective than continued chemotherapy.
 Acute promyelocytic leukemia (M3) is characterized by gene
rearrangement involving retinoic acid receptor which very responsive
to all-trans-retinoic acid (tretinoin) combined with anthracyclines
and cytarabine; this made BM transplantation unnecessary in these
patients. Arsenic trioxide is also an effective noncytotoxic Rx for M3.
- 280 -
HL is rare before 10 yr of age, but it is very common in adolescents &
young adults with male predominance.

Et. Idiopathic; some suggest genetic predisposition because some

cases are cluster in families & the risk in monozygotic twins is 100-folds.
Others are related to immunodeficiency & viral infection, especially EBV.

Path. HL appears to arise from the lymphoid tissue& spread to the

adjacent LN in orderly fashion, although hematological spread can occur
to many organs.
Reed-Sternberg (RS) cell is pathognomonic for HL (although similar
cells are seen in infectious mononucleosis, NHL, and other conditions). It
is a large cell with multiple or multilobulated nuclei; it is clonal in origin
and arises from the germinal center of B cells.

The recent classification of HL involve 5 subtypes; Lymphocyte Rich,

Mixed Cellularity, Nodular Sclerosis (the most common type),
Lymphocyte Depletion (rare in children), and Nodular Lymphocyte

C.M. HL can be presented with 1 or more of the following

 Commonly presented as painless, nontender, firm, rubbery, cervical (or
supraclavicular) LAP.
 Manifestations of airway obstruction (dyspnea, hypoxia, cough),
pleural or pericardial effusion due to mediastinal LAP.
 Manifestations of BM infiltration e.g. anemia, neutropenia, or
 Hepatocellular dysfunction.
 Patients also exhibit cellular immune system dysfunction (which may
persist even after recovery!).
 Systemic (B) symptoms are considered important in the staging of HL.
It include: unexplained fever >390C, drenching night sweats, and
weight loss >10% of body weight over 3 mo. Less common symptoms
include; lethargy, anorexia, & pruritus.
Note: These manifestations are similar to those of Tuberculosis.

- 282 -
Clinically, HL can be classified into A, B, & E: (A) for Asymptomatic
patient, (B) for patient who exhibit any of the B symptoms (i.e. FUO,
sweating or wt loss), & (E) for Extralymphatic manifestations of disease.

Inv. Any patient with persistent, unexplained LAP not associated with an
obvious underlying inflammatory or infectious process should undergo
CXR, if there is large mediastinal mass, then do lymph node biopsy
(needle biopsy or preferably excisional biopsy).
Other tests include: CBP, ESR, serum Ferritin (which is of some
prognostic significance), LFT, CT or MRI of chest & abdomen, BM
aspiration & biopsy. It also may include Bone scans by either Gallium
or FDG–PET imaging.

Rx. There are many chemotherapeutic regimens for HL, all are effective
in eradicating the disease with high cure rate, especially if combined
with radiotherapy. Complete response of HL to therapy is defined as
complete resolution of disease on clinical exam and imaging studies or at
least 70-80% reduction of disease (because residual fibrosis is common)
and a change from initial positivity to negativity on bone scan.

Newer agents for HL include: Rituximab (anti- CD20 antibody) and

Brentuximab (anti-CD30 agent that targets RS cells themselves) as well
as EBV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) can also be generated
from allogeneic donors for patients with advanced HL

Patients who never achieve remission and those who experience early
relapse are candidate for myeloablative chemotherapy +/_ radiation
therapy followed by allogeneic or autologous stem cell

Pg. Poor prognostic features include: big size of tumor, advanced stage
of disease at diagnosis, presence of B symptoms, & early relapse (within 1
yr of Rx).

- 283 -
NHL is the 2nd most common malignancy of childhood after ALL,
usually occurs in older children & adolescents (between 5-19 yr).

Et. Idiopathic; some are associated with genetic syndromes, immune-

deficiency, & viral infection, especially EBV & HIV.

C.M. & Classification:-

NHL can be divided into 4 subtypes, most are of high grade with
aggressive clinical behavior &>70% of cases are present with advanced
stages (3 or 4).
 Burkitt Lymphoma-BL (40%): It usually present in 2 types; abdominal
(sporadic) or head and neck (endemic) disease with involvement of the
BM or CNS.
 Lymphoblastic Lymphoma-LL (30%): It mainly due to T-cells &
commonly manifests as mediastinal mass, but can involve BM or CNS.
 Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma-DLBCL (20%): It commonly manifests
as abdominal or mediastinal mass.
 Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma-ALCL (10%): It may be presented
either as primary cutaneous manifestation or as systemic disease (fever,
weight loss) with dissemination to many organs.

 NHL is characterized by painless, rapid enlargement of lymph nodes.

Site-specific mass effect is depend on the region of body involved:-

 Thoracic involvement → cough, dyspnea, superior mediastinal synd.

 Abdominal involvement → rapidly enlarging and massive abdominal
mass, intestinal obstruction, intussusception-like symptoms, ascites.
 Waldeyer ring involvement → nasal stuffiness, earache, hearing loss,
tonsillar enlargement.
 Bone involvement → localized bone pain (primary or metastatic).

Inv. CBP, serum electrolytes, RFT, LFT, CXR, CT (or MRI), PET, CSF exam,
bilateral BM aspiration & biopsy.

The tumor should also be tested by flow cytometry for

immunophenotypic origin (T, B, or null) and cytogenetics (karyotype).

- 284 -
Genetic translocations might also be tested by fluorescent in situ
hybridization (FISH) or quantitative reverse transcription polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR).
Note: 90% of BL have translocation between 8 & 14 chromosomes [t(8;14)].

 Superior mediastinal syndrome secondary to large mediastinal mass
obstructing blood flow or respiratory airways.
 Acute paraplegia secondary to spinal cord or CNS compression from
the tumor.
 Tumor Lysis Syndrome secondary to severe metabolic abnormalities
after chemotherapy including: hyperuricemia, hyperphosphatemia,
hyperkalemia, and hypocalcemia due to massive tumor cell lysis.

Rx. It is mainly involve multiagent systemic & intrathecal

chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is used only in special circumstances;
whereas surgery is used mainly for diagnosis and staging.
There are many protocols for each subtype of NHL except for localized
ALCL which may require surgical resection alone!.
Novel (noncytotoxic) agents e.g. Rituximab (for BL) and Brentuximab
(for ALCL) have also been tried as a sole Rx of NHL.
Progressive or relapsed NHL requires re-induction chemotherapy with
allogeneic or autologous stem cell transplantation.

Supportive care include:-

 Tumor lysis syndrome is the most important Cx of therapy that require
vigorous rehydration with Allopurinol, 10 mg/kg ÷ 3 orally or
Rasburicase, 0.2 mg/kg once daily IV, both given for up to 5 days.
 Some patients require Growth-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) Px to
prevent fever and neutropenia following myelosuppressive
chemotherapy as well as antibiotics Px to prevent infections.
 Indwelling central venous catheters routinely are placed to facilitate
frequent blood draws, chemotherapy, transfusion administration, and
for parenteral nutrition to prevent weight loss and nutritional

Pg. Excellent for most cases of NHL. Patients with localized disease have
a 90-100% chance of survival, whereas those with advanced disease have
70-95% chance.
- 285 -
8. Common Renal Disorders
 Nephrotic Syndrome (including idiopathic, secondary, &
congenital NS)
 Acute Renal Failure
 Chronic Renal Failure
 Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
 Urinary Tract Infections
 Enuresis (including nocturnal & diurnal incontinence)

- 286 -
NS is characterized by heavy proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema,
and hyperlipidemia.
NS can be divided into; Idiopathic (most common), Secondary to other
diseases or syndromes, and Congenital.

IdiopathicNephrotic Syndrome
INS is divided into the following pathological types:-
1. Minimal Change NS; characterized by effacement "fusion" of the
epithelial cell foot processes.
2. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis; characterized by mesangial
proliferation and segmental scarring.
3. Membranous Nephropathy; characterized by thickening of basement
membrane with subepithelial deposites.
4. Other types include: Mesangial Proliferation & Membranoproliferative
Glomerulonephritis (type 1 & 2).

 Comparison between: MCNS FSGS MN

 Frequency: 75% 10% 5%
 Nephrotic synd: 100% 90% 80%
 Asymp proteinuria: 0% 10% 20%
 Hypertension: 10% 20% ?
 Hematuria: ≈15% ≈70% 60%
 Response to steroid: >90% 20% 50%
 Progression to ESRD: No Usually Occasionally

 Proteinuria & Hypoalbuminemia is due to ↑ permeability of the
glomerular capillary wall.
 Edema is due to hypoalbuminemia which →↓ plasma oncotic pressure
and transudation of fluid from the intravascular compartment to the
interstitial space. The reduction in intravascular volume decreases renal
perfusion pressure → activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
system & antidiuretic hormone →↑ reabsorption of sodium & water.
However, this theory does not apply to all patients with NS.

- 287 -
 Hyperlipidemia is due to hepatic lipoprotein synthesis (stimulated by
hypoalbuminemia) combined with ↓ lipid catabolism due to urinary loss
of lipoprotein lipase.

C.M. NS usually occur between 2-6 yr. MCNS tend to occur in young
children, whereas FSGS is tend to occur in older children.
The initial episode and subsequent relapses may follow minor
infections or sometimes insect bite.
Children usually present with mild periorbital & lower extremities
edema. Then edema becomes generalized with development of ascites,
pleural effusions, and genital edema. Other symptoms include:
irritability, anorexia, abdominal pain, & diarrhea.

D.Dx. Glomerulonephritidis, Protein-losing enteropathy, Protein

malnutrition (kwashiorker), Hepatic failure, and Congestive HF.

 Urine should be examinedfor Proteinuria (3+, 4+, or > 3.5 g/24 hr) and
protein/creatinine ratio (>2).
Note: Only the 1st voiding of urine at morning should be examinedto exclude
orthostatic protienuria.
 Serum Albumin <2.5 g/dL.
 Serum Cholesterol (>200 mg/dL) & Triglyceride are elevated.
 Serum Urea & Creatinine, as well as C3 & C4 are typically normal.
 Renal Biopsyis not routinely indicated unless there is suspicion of
diseases other than MCNS e.g. Age <1 yr or >12 yr, Family hx of renal
disease, Extrarenal findings (arthritis, rash, anemia), Hypertension,
Hematuria, Pulmonary edema, Renal insufficiency, Hypo-
complementemia, or Resistance to steroid Rx.

Rx. Corticosteroids are the cornerstone in Rx of NS; but rule out TB

infection before starting immunosuppressive therapy.

 Prednisone orally, 60 mg/m2/day or 2 mg/kg/day (max. 60mg) as a

single dose in morning for 4-6 wk (≈ 1 mo).
Then the dose should be tapered to 40 mg/m2 or 1.5 mg/kg every other
day for a period ranging from 8 wk to 5 mo, with tapering of the dose.
The response to steroid usually occurs within 5 wk of daily steroid Rx
which manifested as –ve (or trace) proteinuria for 3 consecutive days.

- 288 -
 Children with 1st episode with mild to moderate edema can be
managed as an outpatient by the following (in addition to prednisone):-
1. ↓ Salt intake "No added salt".
2. Oral Diuretics; but should be used with caution due to the risk of

 Children with severe edema, should be hospitalized & managed by the

following (in addition to prednisone):-
1. Fluid restriction (in addition to sodium restriction) may be necessary
if the child is hyponatremic. Swollen scrotum may be elevated.
2. Diuretics e.g. furosemide orally or IV, 1–2 mg/kg/dose.
3. If the above measures are not effective, give 25% albumin IV (0.5-
1g/kg/dose) slowly, followed by furosemide.

 Relapse in NS: Many children with NS will experience at least 1 relapse

with the same features (i.e. 3+ or 4+ proteinuria with edema), especially
when there is short initial course of steroid.
 Frequent Relapsers; relapse ≥ 4 within 1 yr.
 Steroid Dependent; relapse whereas on alternate-day or within 1 mo
of stopping steroid Rx.
 Steroid Resistant; failure to respond to daily prednisone Rx within 8
Rxof relapse is by the same doseof prednisone until remission, the
regimen is then switched to alternate-day therapy for varying periods
depending on the frequency of relapses of the individual child; whereas
patients who are frequent relapsers, steroid dependent, or resistant
are candidate for alternative agents, especially if the child suffers severe
SE of corticosteroids. These agents include:-

 Cyclophosphamide; 2 mg/kg/day as a single oral dose for a total

duration 8–12 wk. It usually given with alternate-day prednisone Rx.
SE; Neutropenia, thus it should be withheld if WBC count <5,000/mm3.

 Other immunosuppressant agents include: Cyclosporine, Tacrolimus,

Mycophenolate, Levamisole (antihelmenthic!), & Rituximab.

 ACE inhibitors & Angiotensin II blockers may be helpful as adjunct Rx

to ↓ proteinuria in steroid-resistant patients.

- 289 -
 Infection; itis the major Cx of NS, it is mainly due to immune deficiency
which caused by many factors. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is
the most frequent type of infection, although sepsis, pneumonia,
cellulitis, and UTI may also occur. S. pneumoniae is the most common
organism causing peritonitis with other Gram –ve bacteria e.g. E. coli.
Note: Corticosteroids Rx usually masks fever and other signs of inflammation,
thus it need high index of suspicion for infection combined with aggressive Rx
after Dx.
Vaccinations, especially "polyvalent" pneumococcal, varicella &
influenza vaccines can be given during remission or low dose alternate-
day steroids.
 Thromboembolism; it is uncommon Cx due to ↑ prothrombotic factors
(↑ fibrinogen level, thrombocytosis, hemoconcentration, relative
immobilization) and ↓ fibrinolytic factors (urinary losses of
antithrombin III, proteins C and S), thus overaggressive diuresis should
be avoided and the use of indwelling catheters is limited. However, anti-
coagulation Px is not recommended unless there is previous
thromboembolic event.
 Hyperlipidemia; CVS events e.g. MI is rare in children.
 Psychological effects; patient with NS should be considered as normal
rather than "ill person", especially during remission.
 SE of Corticosteroids; see under Rx of asthma.

Secondary Nephrotic Syndrome

Diseases that can be presented with NS include:-
1. Glomerular diseases may have a nephrotic component e.g.
Membranous nephropathy, Membrano-proliferative glomerulo-
nephritis, Postinfectious glomerulonephritis, Lupus nephritis, HSP
2. Infections & infestation e.g. HBV, HCV, HIV, Malaria, Schistosomiasis.
3. Drugs e.g. NSAIs, Penicillamine, Captopril, Phenytoin, Gold, Lithium.
4. Malignancy e.g. Lymphoma & Leukemia (but mainly in adults).
5. Syndromes that may associated with NS include: Alport syndrome,
Hurler syndrome, Alagille syndrome, α1 Antitrypsin deficiency, Glycogen
storage disease….etc.

- 291 -
Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome
It is NS that appears at birth or within the 1st 3 mo of life, although
some causes of idiopathic or secondary NS may also occur in the 1st yr of
life. Causes of congenital NS include:-

 Finnish-Type NS: It is the most common cause of congenital NS &

inherited as AR. It is due to mutation of gene that encodes the proteins
nephrin & podocin causing massive proteinuria. It can be confirmed by
DNA analysis.
It is manifested in utero as fetal hydrops, large placenta, & ↑ α-
fetoprotein; postnatally, it present as prematurity, respiratory distress,
hypothyroidism, and separation of cranial sutures.
The natural hx of the disease is persistent edema, recurrent infections,
and progressive renal failure with death within 5 yr of age.

Rx. Aggressive nutrition (often parenteral), ACE inhibitors,

indomethacin, IV albumin, IVIG, unilateral (or bilateral) nephrectomy,
chronic dialysis, and kidney transplantation.
Note: Corticosteroids & immunosuppressives are of no value in Finnish-type NS.

 Congenital Infections e.g. TORCHS can cause congenital NS, but it

usually less severe & may resolve with Rx of the underlying infection.

 Diffuse Mesangial Sclerosis is a rare form of cong NS that usually

result in rapid loss of renal function & ESRD; it may occur as isolated
disease or as part of Denys-Drash syndrome.

- 290 -
ARF is a clinical syndrome in which a sudden deterioration in renal
function results in the inability of kidneys to maintain fluid and
electrolyte homeostasis.

 Prerenal (or azotemia) causes are due to ↓ renal perfution e.g.
Dehydration, Hemorrhage, Sepsis, Hypoalbuminemia, HF.
 Intrinsic (Renal) causes due to damage of renal parenchyma e.g.
various types of Glomerulonephritis, HUS, Acute tubuler necrosis,
Cortical necrosis, Renal vein thrombosis, Acute interstitial nephritis,
Rhabdomyolysis, Tumor lysis syndrome, Tumor infiltration.
 Postrenal causes due to bilateral obstruction of urine outflow e.g.
Posterior urethral valves, Neurogenic bladder, Bilateral UPJ or UVJ
obstruction, Ureterocele, Urolithiasis, Tumor.

C.M. It vary according to the etiology, but many causes of ARF (especially
prerenal) are usually associated with oliguria, i.e. ↓ UOP <0.5 ml/kg/hr.
Note: Normal UOP ≈ 1 ml/kg/hr.

Inv. RFT, GUE, Renal US, Biopsy, CBP, CXR.

 Metabolic disturbances in ARF include: ↑ serum urea, creatinine, uric

acid, K, PO4; but ↓ Ca, Na, & pH.
Note: In high-risk patient, very early detection of ARF can be done by measuring
serum or urine Neutrophil gelatinase–associated lipocalin or Cystin level.

 GUE may differentiate between Prerenal & Intrinsic ARF:-

 Cells usually Non RBC, WBC, Cellular casts
 Specific gravity > 1.020 < 1.010
 Urine osmolality > 400 < 350
 Urine Na (mEq/L) < 20 > 40
 Fractional excretion of Na < 1% > 1%

Rx. According to the cause of ARF. In prerenal failure, patients should

have chart of fluid input & output with determination of volume status by
CVP, then therapyshould be done according to the following steps:-

- 292 -
1. Restoration of volium status; if there is no evidence of volume
overload or HF, give NS 20 ml/kg over 30 min & can be repeated
untill blood volume is restored; hypovolemic patients will void within 2
hr, but failure to do so points toward the presence of renal or postrenal
2. Diuretics should be used only after adequate blood volume.
Furosemide (2–4 mg/kg) or Bumetanide (0.1 mg/kg) may be initially
administered as a single IV dose. Mannitol (0.5 g/kg) is especially of
benefit in hemoglobin- or myoglobin-induced renal failure.
3. If patient still has anuia, give continuous diuretic infusion +/_
dopamine infusion (2–3 μg/kg/min)to ↑ renal cortical blood flow.
4. If still anuia, stop diuretics & restrict fluids to 400 ml/m2/24 hr
which is the insensible loss (≈ 1/3 of maintenance fluid) + UOP +
extrarenal losses (if present).
5. If still anuia with evidence of volume overload, restrict fluids further.
6. If still anuia, do renal dialysis.

 Management of other sequelae of ARF:-

 Hyperkalemia; begin Rx when serum K > 6mEq/L by the following:-

1. Eliminate exogenous sources of K.
2. Giveresin e.g. sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) 1 g/kg,
orally or by retention enema.
If serum K > 7 mEq/L, it requires emergency Rx to prevent arrhythmia
by the following:-
3. Calcium gluconate10% 1 ml/kg IV over 3–5 min.
4. Sodium bicarbonate 1–2 mEq/kg by infusion over 5–10 min.
5. Insulin (regular) 0.1 U/kg + glucose 50% solution 1 ml/kg over 1 hr.
6. β- adrenergic agonists can be used as adjunct Rx by nebulization.
7. Dialysis if there is persistenthyperkalemia.

 Metabolic acidosis; it should be treated when it severe (arterial pH

<7.15 or serum bicarbonate <8 mEq/L)or contributes to hyperkalemia.
Sodium bicarbonate initially is given IV to raise pH up to 7.20 & the
remainder is given orally because high IV dose may precipitate teteny
due to ↓ ionized Ca.

- 293 -
 Hypocalcemia; it can be treated by lowering serum phosphorus level
through low phosphorus diet & oral phosphate binders e.g. Ca
Note: Calcium should not be given IV (except in cases of tetany) to prevent
deposition of calcium phosphate salts into tissues.

 Hyponatremia; it is mainly dilutional, so must be corrected by fluid

restriction. Hypertonic saline (3%) should be limited to those with
symptomatic hyponatremia or when serum Na <120 mEq/L.

 Hypertentsion; it should initially treated by salt and water restriction,

then by diuretics or other antihypertensive drugs.

 Neurologic symptoms e.g. headache, seizures, lethargy, and confusion

should be treated symptomatically with correction of the underlying
cause which may include: hyponatremia, hypocalcemia, hypertension,
cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral vasculitis, or uremia.

 GIT bleeding; it mainly due to stress ulcer or uremic platelet

dysfunction, it can be prevented & treated by H2 blockers.

 Anemia; it usually due to hemodilution &↓ RBC survival. If Hb < 7 g/dl,

give packed RBC orbetter by fresh, washed RBC. If there is risk of
hypervolemia, give RBC in dose 10 ml/kg slowly over 4-6 hr.

 Nutrition; ↑caloric intake, but ↓ intake of sodium, potassium, and

phosphorus as well as protein (to ↓ production of urea & creatinine).
In critically ill patient, give TPN with essential amino acids.

Pg. It is entirely depend on the cause of ARF. Long term sequelae of ARF
include: chronic renal insufficiency, hypertension, renal tubular acidosis,
and urinary concentrating defect.

- 294 -
 Indicationsof Dialysis (after failure of medical Rx) include:-

1. Anuria or oliguria (after insertion of Folly's catheter).

2. Hypervolemia with evidence of HT and/or pulm edema.
3. Hyperkalemia, if persistent.
4. Metabolic acidosis, if severe.
5. Uremia if > 100-150 mg/dl (+/_ uremic symptoms).
6. Hypocalcemic tetany.
7. Neurologic symptoms e.g. seizures, coma.
8. Inability to provide adequate nutritional intake.

 Dialysis can be done by 3 methods:-

1. Peritoneal dialysis.
2. Intermittent hemodialysis.
3. Continuous renal replacement therapy.
Note: Peritoneal dialysis is done with either solution A (standard), B (for
hypervolemia), or C (for hyperkalemia), see text for more details.

- 295 -
(Chronic Kidney Disease)
Chronic Kidney Diseaseis defined by either structural or functional
abnormalities of the kidney (e.g. composition of the blood or urine,
imaging tests, or kidney biopsy) or GFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2; both are
for ≥ 3 mo.
In addition to the major role of kidney in water & electrolyte
hemostasis, it has endocrine role by secretion of Erythropoitin & vit D

Et. Chronic renal diseases are either due to congenital, acquired,

inherited, or metabolic disorders.
In Children < 5 yr, it most commonly due to congenital abnormalities
e.g. renal hypoplasia, dysplasia, and/or obstructive uropathy, cong
nephrotic syndrome, prune belly syndrome, focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis, polycystic kidney disease, renal vein thrombosis, or
In Children > 5 yris most commonly due toacquired diseases e.g.
various forms of glomerulonephritis, inherited disorders e.g. familial
juvenile nephronophthisis, Alport syndrome, or metabolic disorders e.g.
cystinosis, hyperoxaluria.

Path. Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease according to GFR (ml/min/1.73

m2): Stage 1: GFR > 90, Stage 2: GFR 90-60, Stage 3: GFR 60-30, Stage 4:
GFR 30-15, Stage 5: GFR < 15 or on dialysis.
GFR can be calculated by the following equation:-
GFR (ml/min/1.73 m2) = 𝒌 ×
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐦 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞(𝐦𝐠/𝐝𝐥)

Where k = 0.33 for LBW infants < 1 yr, 0.44 for term infants < 1 yr, 0.55
for children and adolescent females, and 0.70 for adolescent males.
Note: Inulin clearance is the gold standard for determination of GFR, but it is not
easy to perform.

C.M. It depends on the cause of CRF, but in general it includes:-

Hx. Headache, fatigue, lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, polydipsia, polyuria,
and growth failure.

- 296 -
Ex. Pallor and earthy color appearance; patients with long-standing
untreated CRF may have short stature, bony abnormalities of renal
osteodystrophy, & peripheral neuropathy.

Cx & Rx: Management of CRF requires multidisciplinary services & the

goals of Rx are to replace absent or diminished renal functions & to slow
its progression.

 Fluid & Electrolytes therapy; electrolyte disturbances are the same as

those in ARF (except Na).
 Hyperkalemia causes include: ↓ GFR, excessive dietary potassium
intake, severe acidosis, or hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism.
Rx by restriction of dietary potassium intake, administration of oral
alkalinizing agents +/_ Kayexalate.
 Hyperphosphatemia can be treated by restriction of dietary
phosphorus intake e.g. formulas contain reduced amount of phosphate
(Similac PM 60/40) for infants.
 Metabolic acidosis causes include: ↓ net acid excretion, ↓ bicarbonate
reabsorption & ↓ ammonia synthesis. Rx by oral sodium bicarbonate (or
citrate) to maintain serum bicarbonate >22 mEq/L.
 Sodium concentration is depends on the type of CRF. Some causes e.g.
glomerulonephritis are associated with sodium retention→ edema,
hypertension & HF; therefore, they need salt restriction & diuretics,
whereas fluid restriction is rarely needed until development of ESRD.
Others diseases like renal dysplasia may be associated with polyuria &
significant urinary sodium losses; therefore, they may need sodium
supplementation with high volume, low caloric density feedings.

 Nutrition; Provide the recommended dietary allowance of caloric

intake for age. Protein restriction is generally not recommended for
children (although there is some risk of progression of CRF) because of
adverse effects on growth and development; thus intake should be 2.5
g/kg/24 hr and should consist of high biologic value e.g. eggs and
milk, followed by meat, fish, and fowl that metabolized primarily to
usable amino acids rather than to nitrogenous wastes.
Water-soluble vitamins should be routinely supplied, zinc and iron are
added only if deficiencies occur, whereas fat-soluble vitamins (except
vit. D) are usually not required. If oral intake cannot be maintained,
consider NG tube feeding.
- 297 -
 Anemia causes include: ↓ Erythropoietin production, deficiency of iron,
folate & B12, ↓ RBC survival, & bleeding tendency.
Rx (only when Hb <10 g/dl) by Erythropoietin (rHuEPO) 50–150
mg/kg/dose SC 1-3 times weekly (with iron supplementation). The
aim is to ↑ Hb between 12-13 g/dl. Darbopoeitin alfa is a longer-acting
agent administered at dose 0.45 μg/kg/wk or can be given monthly.
SE of Erythropoietin areiron deficiency, hypertension, seizures,
thrombosis, & pure red cell aplasia.
Causes of failure of Rx by Erythropoietin; iron deficiency, vitamin B12 or
folate deficiency, occult blood loss, chronic infection/inflammatory
state, and BM fibrosis related to secondary hyperparathyroidism.

 Growth; causes of short stature include: inadequate caloric intake,

Renal osteodystrophy, metabolic acidosis, anemia, & GH resistance.
These patients have ↑ GH level, but ↓ ILGF-1 & ILGF-BP. However, they
usually respond to exogenous GH (rHuGH) in dose 0.05 mg/kg/day SC
for patients with height < -2 SD until: reach 50th percentile for
midparental height, achieve final adult height, or undergo renal

 Renal Osteodystrophy causes include: ↓renal production of 1, 25-vit.D,

hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, & secondary hyperparathyroidism.
C.M. are the same as those of rickets, the radiographic finding are called
Osteitis fibrosa cystica.
Rx is by restrict phosphorus intake with phosphate binders e.g. calcium
carbonate (or acetate) or by non–calcium-based binders (when there is
Vit D is the cornerstone of Rx; if serum level of 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin
D is low & PTH is high, give 1,25-vit D e.g. Calcitriol 0.01–0.05
μg/kg/day or newer agents e.g. Paricalcitol or Doxercalciferol.
Note: Maintain calcium/phosphorus product (Ca × PO4) <55 to minimize the
risk of tissue deposition of calcium phosphorus salts.

 Adynamic (low-turnover) Bone Disease can cause osteomalacia due

to oversuppression of PTH by excessive intake of Ca salt & vit D.

 Hypertension causes include: volume overload and/or excessive renin

production related to glomerular disease.
Rx by salt restriction & antihypertensives e.g. Hydrochlorothiazide 1
mg/kg/day bid (for stage 1, 2 & 3) or Furosemide 1–2 mg/kg/dose bid
- 298 -
or tid (for stage 4); other antihypertensives can be used when
hypertension is severe. ACE Inhibitors or Angiotensin II blockers can
also be used to ↓ proteinuria that associated with CRF & hypertension.

 Infection causes include: impaired cellular immune functions &

indwelling dialysis catheters. Patient should receive all standard
immunizations including live vaccines, except during Rx with

 Neurologic symptoms e.g. fatigue, poor concentration, headache,

drowsiness, memory loss, seizures, & peripheral neuropathy are mainly
due to uremia & hypertension.

 Gastrointestinal symptoms e.g. feeding intolerance & abdominal pain

are mainly due to GERD &↓ GIT motility.

 Pericarditis/CMP due to uremia, hypertension, & hypervolemia.

 Bleeding tendency due to platelets dysfunction by uremia.

 Hyperlipidemia due to ↓lipoprotein lipase activity.

 Glucose intolerance due to insulin resistance.

 Drug toxicity; Nephrotoxic drugs should be avoided & drugs that are
mainly excreted by the kidney should either ↓ dose or ↑ interval
between doses or both.

 Factors that initiate or aggravate glomerular destruction are:

Hyperfiltration Injury, Hypertension, Proteinuria, Hyperphosphatemia,
Hyperlipidemia, Infection, & Dehydration. Therefore, factors that can
slow the progression of Chronic Kidney Disease include:-

1. Optimal control of hypertension to <75th percentile.

2. Use of ACE Inhibitors or Angiotensin II blockers for proteinuria.
3. Avoid hyperphosphatemia & maintain Ca/Pi product <55.
4. Aggressive Rx of infection & dehydration.
5. Correction of anemia & hyperlipidemia.
6. Avoidance of NSAI agents, cigarette smoking, & obesity.

- 299 -
End-Stage Renal Disease
ESRD represents the state in which patient's renal dysfunction has
progressed to the point at which homeostasis and survival can no
longer be sustained with native kidney function and maximal medical
Rx unless by renal replacement therapy, i.e. dialysis or renal

 Indications for long-term dialysis in patient with CRF are similar to

those of ARF e.g. refractory fluid overload, electrolyte imbalance,
acidosis, uremic symptoms; and growth failure.

 Dialysis in CRF can be done either by:-

 Daily Peritoneal dialysis; it easy & can be done at home, it also

suitable for infants.
 Hemodialysis; it require vascular access by A-V shunt or fistula, it only
done in hospital at 3 sessions/wk.

- 311 -
HUS is a common cause of community-acquired ARF in young children.
It is characterized by the triad of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia,
thrombocytopenia, and renal insufficiency.

Et. HUS can be classified according to etiology as follows:-

 Infection-induced is the most common cause of HUS; it include:
Verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (most common, especially 057:H7
type), Shiga toxin-producing Shigella dysentereriae type 1 (common),
Neuraminidase-producing Streptococcus pneumoniae (rare), and HIV
 Genetic (Atypical) HUS include: von Willebrand factor-cleaving
protease (ADAMTS 13) deficiency, Complement factor H (or I)
deficiency/mutation, Membrane cofactor protein (MCP) mutations,
Thrombo-modulin mutations, Vitamin B12 metabolism defects, Familial
AR & AD of undefined etiology, and sporadic, recurrent, undefined
etiology without diarrhea prodrome.
 Other diseases associated with microvascular injury include: SLE,
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, Following BM transplantation,
Malignant hypertension, Primary glomerulopathy, bilateral RVT, and
HELLP syndrome.
 Medication-induced include: some immunosuppressant & cytotoxic
medications, some antiplatelet agents, and quinine.

Path. Microvascular injury with endothelial cell damage is

characteristic of all forms of HUS. In each form of HUS, capillary and
arteriolar endothelial injury in the kidney particularly in glomeruli, leads
to localized thrombosis causing a direct decrease in GFR. Progressive
platelet aggregation in the areas of microvascular injury results in
consumptive thrombocytopenia. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
results from mechanical damage to red blood cells as they pass through
the damaged and thrombotic microvasculature.

C.M. HUS is most common in preschool and school-aged children. In HUS

caused by exotoxin-producing E. coli, onset of HUS occurs a few days
(as few as 3 days) up to 3 wk after the onset of gastroenteritis with fever,

- 310 -
vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea which is often bloody, but not
necessarily, especially early in the illness.

Following the prodromal illness, a sudden onset of pallor, irritability,

weakness, and lethargy herald the onset of HUS. Oliguria can be
present in early stages but may be masked by ongoing diarrhea. Thus,
patients can present with HUS either with significant dehydration or
volume overload. Patients can develop petechiae, but significant or
severe bleeding is rare despite very low platelet counts.
Patients with pneumococcus-associated HUS usually are ill with
pneumonia and empyema when they develop HUS. In genetic forms of
HUS, onset can be insidious when triggered by a variety of illnesses e.g.
mild, nonspecific gastroenteritis or RTI.

 CBP shows microangiopathic hemolytic anemia with schistocytes,
burr cells, and helmet cells. Coombs test is negative, with the exception
of pneumococci-induced HUS, where it is usually positive.
Thrombocytopenia is an invariable finding in the acute phase, but can
return to normal in the late stage of disease. Leukocytosis is present.
PT & PTT are usually normal.
 RFT: Renal insufficiency can vary from mild elevations in serum BUN
and creatinine to ARF. GUE typically shows microscopic hematuria
and low-grade proteinuria. Renal biopsy is rarely indicated because it
carrys a significant risks during active phase of the disease & the Dx can
be made on the above criteria.
 The etiology of HUS is often clear with the presence of a diarrheal
prodrome. The presence or absence of toxigenic, enteropathic
organisms on stool culture has little role in making the Dx because only
a minority of patients infected with these organisms develops HUS, and
the organisms that cause HUS may be rapidly cleared during the illness,
therefore stool culture may be negative.
 If no hx of diarrheal prodrome or pneumococcal infection, then
evaluation for the genetic forms of HUS should be considered,
because these patients are at risk for recurrence, have a severe
prognosis, and can require different therapies.

- 312 -
D.Dx. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) also is
characterized by the same features of HUS (some investigators consider
HUS and TTP to be part of a continuum of disease); however TTP may
have a more gradual onset than HUS with more CNS involvement and
fever as well as only a few cases follow the "diarrhea prodrome".

Cx. HUS can be relatively mild or can progress to a severe, and even fatal,
multisystem disease. Leukocytosis and severe prodromal enteritis herald
a severe course, but no presenting features reliably predict the severity
of HUS in any given patient.
 The combination of rapidly developing renal failure and severe
hemolysis can result in life-threatening hyperkalemia.
 Volume overload, hypertension, and severe anemia can all develop soon
after the onset of HUS and together can precipitate heart failure.
 Direct cardiac involvement is rare, but pericarditis, myocardial
dysfunction, or arrhythmias can occur.
 The majority of patients with HUS have some but mild CNS
involvement e.g. irritability, lethargy, and nonspecific encephalopathy.
Severe CNS involvement occurs in ≤20% e.g. seizures & significant
encephalopathy due to focal ischemia secondary to microvascular CNS
 Intestinal Cxs can be protean including severe inflammatory colitis,
ischemic enteritis, bowel perforation, intussusception, and pancreatitis.

Rx. The primary approach that has substantially improved acute

outcome in HUS is the early recognition of disease, monitoring for
potential complications, and meticulous supportive care which includes:-

 Careful management of fluid and electrolytes e.g. correction of

volume deficit, control of hypertension, and early institution of dialysis
if the patient becomes anuric or significantly oliguric.
 Red cell transfusions are usually required because hemolysis can be
brisk and recurrent until the active phase of the disease has resolved. In
pneumococci-associated HUS, it is recommended that any
administered RBC should be washed before transfusion to remove
residual plasma, because endogenous IgM directed against the revealed
T antigen can play a pathogenic role.

- 313 -
 Platelets generally should not be administered, regardless of platelet
count because they are almost immediately consumed by the active
coagulation and can theoretically worsen the clinical course.
 Anticoagulants, antiplatelets, and fibrinolytic therapy are
contraindicated because they increase the risk of serious hemorrhage.
 Antibiotic therapy to clear the toxigenic organisms can result in
increased toxin release, potentially exacerbating the disease, and
therefore is not recommended, but prompt treatment of any
underlying pneumococcal infection is important.
 Plasma therapy can be of substantial benefit to patients with identified
deficits of ADAMTS 13 or factor H, it may also be considered in patients
with other genetic forms of HUS e.g. Familial undefined etiology or
sporadic but recurrent HUS.
 Eculizumab (anti-C5 antibody) that inhibits complement activation is a
novel therapy for atypical familial HUS.

Pg. The mortality rate for diarrhea-associated HUS after careful

supportive care has declined to <5%. Half of patients require dialysis
support during the acute phase of the disease. Most recover renal
function completely, but of surviving patients, 5% remain dependent on
dialysis, and up to 20-30% are left with some level of chronic renal
insufficiency, these patients require careful follow-up.

The prognosis for HUS that not associated with diarrhea is more
severe. Pneumococci-associated HUS causes increased patient morbidity,
with mortality reported ≈20%. The familial, genetic forms of HUS can be
insidiously progressive or relapsing diseases and have a poor prognosis.

- 314 -
Epid. The prevalence of UTI at all ages is 1-3% of girls and 1% of boys.
Below 1 yr, male : female ratio is ≈4:2, especially among uncircumcised
males, but after 1 yr, there is striking female preponderance with ratio

Et. UTI is mainly caused by colonic bacteria e.g. Escherichia coli,

followed by Klebsiella and Proteus. Infrequently it caused by
Staphylococcus saprophyticus and enterococcus as well as to viral
infection e.g. adenovirus.

Path. Virtually all UTIs are ascending infections. The bacteria arise
from the fecal flora, colonize the perineum, and enter the bladder via
urethra. In uncircumcised boys, it arises from the flora beneath the
prepuce. Rarely, in some neonates, renal infection may occur by
hematogenous spread.

Risk factors of UTI include: Female gender; Uncircumcised male;

Vesicoureteral reflux; Toilet training; Voiding dysfunction; Obstructive
uropathy; Urethral instrumentation; Wiping from back to front in
females; Tight clothing (underwear); Pinworm infestation; Constipation;
Bacteria with P fimbriae “mannose-resistant”; Anatomic abnormality
(labial adhesion); Infants with bottle feeding; Neuropathic bladder;
Sexual activity; & Bubble bath!.

C.M. There are 3 main types of UTI: asymptomatic bacteriuria, cystitis,

and pyelonephritis. Some suggest lower UTI for cystitis & upper UTI for
various forms of pyelonephritis.

1. Asymptomatic Bacteriuria refers to a condition that result in a

positive urine culture without any manifestations of infection. It is
most common in girls.

2. Cystitis indicates infection of bladder causing dysuria, urgency,

frequency, suprapubic pain, incontinence, and malodorous urine;
but does not cause fever or renal injury.
Other forms of cystitis include: Acute Hemorrhagic Cystitis that often
caused by E. coli & less by adenovirus; whereas Eosinophilic &
Interstitial cystitis are rare conditions.

- 315 -
3. Pyelonephritis is clinically manifested as abdominal or flank pain,
fever, malaise, nausea, vomiting, and occasionally diarrhea.
Newborns may show nonspecific symptoms e.g. poor feeding,
irritability, and weight loss; whereas infants may present with FUO
Pyelonephritis has many forms, include:-
 Acute Pyelonephritis when there is involvement of the renal
 Acute Lobar Nephritis (Nephronia) is localized renal bacterial
infection involving >1 lobe.
 Pyelitis refers to infection of renal pelvis without parenchymal
 Renal abscess may occur following pyelonephritis or may be secondary
to primary bacteremia.
 Perinephric abscesses may be secondary to contiguous infection in the
perirenal area or pyelonephritis that dissects to the renal capsule.
 Pyelonephritic scarring refers to an acute pyelonephritis that resulted
in renal injury.
 Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is a rare type of renal infection
characterized by granulomatous inflammation with giant cells and
foamy histiocytes.

Cx. Chronic recurrent UTI → renal scarring which result in chronic

hypertension & renal insufficiency.

Inv. Dx of UTI is generally depends on the symptoms, GUE, & urine


Collection of urine sample depend on age & sex of patient; in infants, it

is by application of adhesive, sealed, sterile collection bag after
disinfection of the skin of the genitals, whereas in toilet-trained children,
a midstream urine (clean-catch urine); in uncircumcised males, the
prepuce must be retracted.

 GUE; Freshly motile bacteria suggest UTI, microscopic hematuria is

common in acute cystitis. WBC casts suggest renal involvement. Pyuria
suggests infection, although it is more confirmatory rather than
diagnostic because infection can occur without pyuria & vice-versa.

- 316 -
Note: Causes of sterile pyuria include: partially treated bacterial UTI, viral
infection, renal TB, renal abscess, urinary obstruction, and inflammation near
urinary tract e.g. appendicitis.

 Urine Culture; the patient is considered to have UTI if shows >50,000

colonies of single pathogen (regardless of symptoms), or if there is
>10,000 colonies with symptoms. In borderline cases, consider
bladder catheterization which is better inserted after voiding (to
measure the residual urine).

Note: Urine sample should be analyzed & cultured promptly because if left
at room temperature for >1 hr, overgrowth of minor contaminant will
suggest UTI when the urine actually may not.Refrigeration is a reliable
method of storing the urine until it can be cultured.

 CBP; in upper UTI, there is leukocytosis (neutrophilia), ↑ ESR & CRP;

blood culture also may be +ve.

 Imaging studies are used to identify the anatomical abnormalities, it

 Ultrasound of kidney is indicated initially for all infants with UTI as
well as children with +ve urine culture, febrile UTI, recurrent UTI, & UTI
which associated with systemic disease. If there is any significant
abnormality detected by US, patient should be further evaluated using
either VCUG or DMSA.

 Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG) is in 2 types; contrast or

radionuclide (which can ↓ irradiation dose especially for girls). The
timing of VCUG is controversial; some recommend it before discharge of
patient from hospital, whereas others prefer delay for 2-6 wk (to allow
inflammation in bladder to resolve to reduce the incidence of
vesicoureteral reflux). However recent studies show that incidence of
reflux is the same whether VCUG is done early or late.

 Renal scanning using DMSA (di-mercapto-succenic acid) is used to

detect renal scars that usually develop after severe or recurrent upper
UTI. CT scan can also detect these renal scars.

Rx. Patients with severe UTI should receive emperical antibiotics before
the results of culture.

- 317 -
 Empirical Rx of cystitis include: TMP-SMZ, Nitrofurantoin (5–7 mg/kg
÷ 3 or 4), or Amoxicillin (50 mg/kg ÷ 3) for 3-5 days.

 Indications of admission to hospital include: acute febrile UTI

(pyelonephritis), age ≤1 mo, dehydration, vomiting, or unable to drink.

Rx is by IV fluids & IV broad-spectrum antibiotics for 7-14 days by

either Ceftriaxone (50–75 mg/kg), or Ampicillin (100 mg/kg) +
aminoglycoside e.g. Gentamicin (3–5 mg/kg ).

Note: Alkalinization of urine by sodium bicarbonate increases the

efficacy of aminoglycosides in the urinary tract. Nitrofurantoin should
not be used in children with febrile UTI because it does not achieve
significant renal tissue levels.

 Some patients with febrile UTI can also be treated as an outpt by a

single IM injection of Ceftriaxone followed by oral agent of 3rd-
generation cephalosporin e.g. Cefixime. Fluoroquinolones e.g.
Ciprofloxacin is an alternative agent for resistant bacteria especially

 Children with renal or perirenal abscess or with infection in

obstructed urinary tracts often require surgical or percutaneous
drainage in addition to the antibiotic therapy.

 Urine culture after 1 wk of Rx may be required to ensure that the

urine is sterile.

Px. Children with recurrent UTIs should evaluated for the risk factors of
UTI (see above) in order to correct them properly; in addition, they may
need long-term Px after Rx of UTI, especially those with neurogenic
bladder, urinary tract stasis/obstruction, reflux, calculi. This is done by
either TMP-SMZ, Trimethoprim, or Nitrofurantoin with 1/3 of normal
therapeutic dose once daily.

- 318 -
(Urinary Incontinence)
Enuresis is defined as voluntary or involuntary repeated discharge of
urine after developmental age when bladder control should be
Most children with mental age of5 yr have obtained bladder control
during the day and night. By 5 yr of age, 90-95% of children are nearly
completely continent during the day, and less (80-85%) are continent at
night only. Girls typically acquire bladder control before boys, and
bowel control typically is achieved before bladder control.

Enuresis is either; Nocturnal (only at night) and accounts for 75% of

cases, or Diurnal (at day or day & night) and accounts for 25% of cases.
Each can be either Primary (>75%) when the child never achieve
continence, or Secondary (<25%) when child was continent for at least
few months. This classification is useful because each type has different

Nocturnal Enuresis
 Primary NE is mainly caused by functional disorders e.g.:-
1. Delayed maturation of the cortical mechanisms e.g. child with mental
retardation, autism, ADHD…etc.
2. Sleep disorders e.g. deep sleeping or "difficult to arouse".
3. ↓ ADHsecreation→ ↑ urine output.
4. Genetic factors; half of cases have positive family hx of enuresis.
5. Overactive bladder; ≈ 25% of children with nocturnal enuresis have
symptoms of overactive bladder (see later).

 Secondary NE can be either caused by:-

1. Psychologic factors e.g. new sibling, home/school/family problems,
child abuse...etc.
2. Organic diseases e.g. DM, DI, UTI, obstructive uropathy, constipation,
sleep apnea/snoring secondary to URT obstruction.

Inv. After careful hx (including family hx) & physical exam, start with
simple labratory tests e.g. GUE (including urine osmolality) & urine

- 319 -
culture to exclude DM, DI, & UTI. Renal US is reasonable in older children
or those who do not respond to therapy.

Rx. Correct the underlying organic disease accordingly; whereas for

children with functional disorders, the best approach is to reassure the
child and parents that the condition is self-limited and avoid punitioment
of child. Fluid intake should be restricted at night and child should voids
at bedtime, waking children few hours after they go to sleep to void may
also beneficial. Active treatment should be deferred until the children
become > 6 yr old, these measures include:-

 Motivational therapy includes a star chart for dry nights with a

reward for each dry night. Self-hypnosis & psychologic therapy may also
help in some children.
 Conditioning therapy involves use of loud auditory or vibratory alarm
attached to a moisture sensor in the underwear (pad & bell) intended to
awaken children and alert them to void. It is considered curative
therapy, especially in older children with success rate 30-60%.
 Pharmacologic therapy is regarded as second-line Rx because it is not
curative and intended to treat the symptom of enuresis only. They
1. Desmopressin acetate, a synthetic analog of ADH is the 1st line drug. It
is available as nasal spray, 10 µg/puff, 1-4 puffs (according to response)
at bedtime can reduce urine production overnight.
The main SE is water intoxication & hyponatremia (which may cause
seizure), thus child should restrict fluid at night. Tablet formulation with
a dose 0.2-0.6 mg is better as it does not cause hyponatremia!.
Desmopressin acetate is effective in as many as 40% of children. If
effective, it should be used for 3-6 mo, and then taper the dose.
2. Anticholinergic agents are the 2nd line for resistant cases, especially
when symptoms of overactive bladder are present. Oxybutynin chloride
(5 mg) or tolterodine (2 mg) at bedtime can be used. If ineffective, the
dosage may be doubled. Constipation is the main SE of these drugs.
3. Imipramine (or other TCA group) is the 3rd line with mild
anticholinergic and α-adrenergic effects. The dose is range from 10 mg
for most young children up to 75 mg for adolescents.
SE of Imipramine are anxiety, insomnia, dry mouth, and cardiac
dysrhythmia (which is the most dangerous SE); therefore it is
contraindicated if there is any hx of palpitations, syncope, or long QT
- 301 -
syndrome in the child as well as family hx of sudden cardiac death. The
drug is also one of the most common causes of poisoning by child's
younger siblings.

Pg. Relapse rate is higher with pharmacologic therapy & less with
conditioning therapy. This require either restart the therapy or
preferably by combination of these therapies, including the use of 2
drugs e.g. Desmopressin + Oxybutynin or Imipramine.

Diurnal Enuresis
Et. It can be divided into functional or anatomical abnormalities.

 Functional abnormalities include: Overactive bladder; Infrequent

voiding; Detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia; Non-neurogenic neurogenic
bladder; Giggle incontinence; Cystitis; or Behavioral.

 Anatomical abnormalities include: Neurogenic (neuropathic) bladder;

Bladder outlet obstruction; Overflow incontinence; Vaginal voiding;
Ectopic ureter and fistula; Sphincter abnormality; Traumatic; or

C.M. In diurnal incontinence, careful general examination is required

including abdominal exam to look for bladder distention (such as in
posterior urethral valve) and also for concomitant constipation (which
may cause or aggravate incontinence). Genital exam may be required to
look for any obvious congenital anomaly e.g. urogenital sinus
It also should include exam of back to look for any lesion +/_ X-ray of
lumbar spine to exclude spina bifida occulta (which can cause
neuropathic bladder).

Inv. Initial tests may include GUE & culture. If there is significant
physical findings, UTIs, family hx of urinary tract anomalies, or no
response to appropriate therapy, do Renal US (including post-void
residual urine volume); Imaging studies (e.g. VCUG); or Urodynamic
studies, including Uroflow +/_ EMG of external sphincter.

- 300 -
Some specific causes of diurnal incontinence:-
 Overactive (Unstable) Bladder:-
It is the most common cause of daytime urge incontinence.
Et. The bladder in these children is functionally (but not anatomically)
smaller than normal and exhibits strong uninhibited contractions.
C.M. Children (often girls) are typically exhibit urinary frequency,
urgency, and urge incontinence. They usually squat down on feet trying
prevent incontinence (termed Vincent's curtsy). In girls, hx of recurrent
UTI is common, but incontinence can persist long after infections are
brought under control. Constipation is also common.
Inv. In girls, VCUG often shows a dilated urethra “spinning top deformity”
and narrowed bladder neck with bladder wall hypertrophy. The urethral
finding results from inadequate relaxation of the external urinary
sphincter. Urodynamics may also be required to be certain that pelvic
floor relaxes during voiding, and US to assess postvoid residual urine
Rx. Initial therapy is by timed voiding, every 1.5-2.0 hr. Biofeedback, in
which children are taught pelvic floor (Kegel) exercises are also
beneficial. Rx of constipation and UTIs is important.
Pharmacologic Rx include: anticholinergics e.g. oxybutynin,
hyoscyamine, or tolterodine can reduce bladder overactivity. α-
adrenergic blocker e.g. terazosin or doxazosin can aid in bladder
emptying by promoting bladder neck relaxation; if it is successful, the
dosage should be tapered periodically.
Children who do not respond to therapy should be evaluated
urodynamically to rule out other possible forms of bladder or sphincter
dysfunction. In refractory cases, sacral nerve stimulation (Interstim) is a
surgical procedure that has shown promise.
Pg. Overactive bladder nearly always resolves, but the time to resolution
is highly variable, sometimes until the teenage years.

 Non-Neurogenic Neurogenic Bladder, Detrusor-Sphincter

Dyssynergia (Hinman syndrome):-
It is a more serious but less common disorder in children involving
failure of the external sphincter to relax during voiding without
neurologic abnormalities. Children are typically exhibit a staccato
(intermittened) stream, day and night wetting, recurrent UTIs,
constipation, and encopresis.
- 302 -
The pathogenesis of this syndrome is thought to involve learning
abnormal voiding habits during toilet training. Evaluation of these
children often reveals vesicoureteral reflux, trabeculated bladder, and
decreased urinary flow rate with an intermittent pattern. Severe cases →
hydronephrosis, renal insufficiency, and even end-stage renal disease.
Urodynamic studies and MRI of the spine are indicated to rule out a
neurologic cause of bladder dysfunction.
Rx is usually is complex and may include anticholinergic and α-
adrenergic blocker therapy, timed voiding, Rx of constipation, behavioral
modification, and encouragement of relaxation during voiding.
Biofeedback has been used successfully in older children to teach
relaxation of external sphincter.
In some cases botulinum toxin (Botox) injection into the external
sphincter can provide temporary sphincteric paralysis. In severe cases,
intermittent catheterization is necessary to ensure bladder emptying. In
selected cases, external urinary diversion is necessary to protect the
upper urinary tract.

 Infrequent Voiding (Underactive Bladder):-

It is a common disorder of micturition, usually associated with UTIs.
Affected children (usually girls) void only twice a day rather than the
normal 4-7 times. Recurrent UTIs can result from bacterial growth after
bladder overdistention and prolonged retention of urine. Some of these
children are constipated. Some also have occasional episodes of
incontinence due to overflow or urgency. The disorder is behavioral.
If the child has UTIs, treatment includes antibacterial prophylaxis and
encouragement of frequent voiding with complete emptying of bladder
by double voiding until normal pattern of micturition is re-established.

 Giggle Incontinence:-
It typically affects girls 7-15 yr old. The incontinence occurs suddenly
during giggling (laughing loudly), when the entire bladder volume is lost.
The pathogenesis is thought to be sudden relaxation of the urinary
Anticholinergic medication and timed voiding occasionally are effective,
but the most effective treatment is low-dose methylphenidate!.

- 303 -
 Vaginal Voiding:-
Girls with vaginal voiding are typically experience incontinence when
the girl stands up after micturition. One of the most common causes is
labial adhesion which seen in young girls; it can be managed by either
topical application of estrogen cream or lysis in the office.
Some obese girls have vaginal voiding because they do not separate their
legs widely during urination.

 Ureteral Ectopia:-
It usually associated with duplicated collecting system, refers to a ureter
that drains outside the bladder, often into the vagina or distal urethra in
girls. It can produce urinary incontinence characterized by constant
urinary dripping all the day, even though the child voids regularly. Some
times the urine production from the ectopic ureter is small which is
confused with watery vaginal discharge. The ectopic orifice usually is
difficult to find. Examination under anesthesia for an ectopic ureteral
orifice in the vestibule or the vagina may be necessary.
Renal US or IVU may detect duplication of the collecting system, but the
upper collecting system drained by the ectopic ureter usually has poor or
delayed function. Thus, CT scanning or MR urogram should demonstrate
the subtle duplication anomalies. Rx by referral to urologist for surgery.

 Epispadias:-
It is a rare anomaly in girls that can cause total incontinence. It
characterized by separation of the pubic symphysis, separation of the
right and left sides of clitoris, and a patulous urethra. A short,
incompetent urethra may be associated with other urogenital sinus
malformations. The diagnosis of these malformations requires a high
index of suspicion with careful physical exam of all incontinent girls. Rx
of these anomalies is also by referral to urologist for surgery.

- 304 -
9. Common EndocrineDisorders

 Congenital Hypothyroidism

 Congenital Hyperthyroidism
 Diabetes Mellitus in Children (including Type 1, Type 2, &
Neonatal DM)
 Diabetes Insipidus
 Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH Secretion
 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

- 305 -
It is a common & serious disease, its prevalence is 1/4,000 infants,

Et. Cong hypothyroidism is either Primary (most common) due to

defects in the thyroid gland or thyroid hormone receptors, or Central
(Hypopituitary) due to TSH or TRH deficiency or unresponsiveness.

 Thyroid Dysgenesis; Female>Male. It is the most common cause of

cong hypothyroidism (85%), it include aplasia, hypoplasia, or ectopic
gland (most common) which may be lingual, sublingual, or subhyoid &
can cause thyroglossal duct cysts; it can be detected by thyroid scan or

 Defective Thyroxine synthesis (Dyshormonogenesis); It is AR with

Goiter is always present. When the defect is incomplete, onset of
hypothyroidism may be delayed for years.

 Defect of Iodide Transport; Rare, due to mutations in the sodium-

iodide symporter & involve both thyroid and salivary glands. Dx by ↓
uptake of radioiodine, but can be treated by large doses of potassium
iodide or better by thyroxine.

 Thyroid Peroxidase Defect; It is the most common of T4 synthetic

defects due to defects in its organification and coupling with iodine.
Dx bymarked decrease in thyroid radioactivity when perchlorate is
taken 2 hr after administration of test dose of radioiodine, perchlorate
discharges 40–90% of radioiodine compared with < 10% in normal.
Pendred syndrome; It also has positive perchlorate discharge. It is due
to a defect in sulfate transport protein common to thyroid gland and the
cochlea, thus patient has goiter and sensorineural deafness; it is the
most common cause of syndromic deafness.

 Defects of Thyroglobulin Synthesis; It causes absent or low levels of

thyroglobulin (TG) →↓ T4, ↑ TSH, & Goiter.

 Defects in Deiodination; It is due to deiodinase deficiency → severe

iodine loss due to constant urinary excretion of non-deiodinated
tyrosines → hormone deficiency and goiter.

 Defects in Thyroid Hormone Transport into cells; It is due to

mutation in transporter gene→ ↑ T3 level e.g. XL mental retardation.
- 306 -
 Thyroid Hormone Unresponsiveness; It is AD due to mutations in the
thyroid hormone receptor. Most patient have goiter & ↑ levels of T4, T3,
free T4 & free T3; however many patients are clinically euthyroid or
have subtle hypothyroid features because unresponsiveness may vary
among tissues. It can be distinguished from Graves disease by TSH
which is normal or ↑ in this condition with +ve response to TRH, in
contrast to that found in Graves disease

 Maternal TRBAb; It is due to transplacental passage of maternal

thyrotropin receptor–blocking antibody which inhibits binding of
TSH to its receptor in the neonatal thyroid. It is an unusual cause of
transitory cong hypothyroidism, but should be suspected whenever
there is hx of maternal autoimmune thyroid disease or recurrent cong
hypothyroidism of transient naturein subsequent siblings.
Dx by measuring TRBAb level in the mother & infant. Thyroid scans
may fail to detect thyroid tissue (mimicking Agenesis). The half-life of
the antibodies are 3 wk, but hypothyroidism may persist for 3-6 mo
which require Rx by thyroxine.

 Maternal administration of Radioiodine or Antithyroid drugs; e.g.

propylthiouracil, methimazole, or amiodarone (antiarrhythmic) → cong
hypothyroidism & goiter.

 Thyrotropin (TSH) Deficiency; It is due to defects of pituitary or

hypothalamus; patient may have other pituitary hormones deficiencies
+/_ TRH deficiency. It should be suspected in any newborn with
midline facial anomalies.

 TSH Unresponsiveness; It is AR due to mutation in TSH-receptor

gene→ ↑ TSH but normal T4!, thus many patients may remained

 TRH Receptor Abnormality; It results in isolated TSH deficiency with

failure of both TSH and prolactin to respond to TRH stimulation.

 Iodine Exposure; Perinatal exposure, especially premature to iodine

antiseptic may cause transient hypothyroidism.
Note: Iodine is also present in asthma preparations & amiodarone.

 Iodine-Deficiency (Endemic Goiter); It is the most common cause of

cong hypothyroidism worldwide, especially in preterm infants.
- 307 -
 Thyroid Function in Preterm Infants; It is qualitatively similar but
quantitatively reduced compared with that of term infants due to
immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis with loss of
maternal contribution of thyroid hormone. TSH & T4 surge is reduced
(although serum free T4 is normal) which may remain ↓ when there is
neonatal Cxs e.g. RDS.

C.M. Most infants with cong hypothyroidism are asymptomatic at birth

(may be due to transplacental passage of maternal T4), thus early Dx is
depend on neonatal screening tests, otherwise physician must always
have high index of suspicion about early manifestations of cong

Hx. Lethargy, sleepy, poor hoarse cry, poor appetite & feeding,
apnea, noisy respiration, constipation, & prolonged jaundice (due to
delayed maturation of glucuronide conjugation).

Ex. Dysmorphic features include: open mouth, large protruded tongue,

hypertelorism, depressed nasal bridge, short and thick neck, and
fontanels are widely opened.
Other features include: birth weight & length are normal, head size is
normal or slightly increased, hypothermia (temp <35°C), bradycardia
+/_ heart murmurs, abdominal distention, umbilical hernia, cold
mottled skin which is yellow in color (due to carotenemia in addition to
jaundice), myxedema, hypotonia, & later on, delayed dentition.
Cong hypothyroidism may be associated with other conditions e.g.
sensorineural deafness (20%) or CHD (10%).

Cx. Cong hypothyroidism if untreated in the 1st 3–6 mo of life, it will

severely affects physical and mental development → delayed
milestone, stunted growth, & delayed sexual maturation.

 Neonatal Screening is mandatory; it depends on measuring serum T4
(N.R. 6-22 µg/dl), if low, measure TSH, if high (>100 mU/L), this will
confirm primary hypothyroidism. Serum T3 may be normal; whereas
prolactine may be elevated.
Note: Be careful during screening of identical twinswho share 1 placenta
because T4 may transfer from the euthyroid infant to other hypothyroid one.

- 308 -
 CBP usually show macrocytic anemia which usually refractory to Rx
with hematinics.
 X-ray of knees show absent of distal femoral epiphysisin ≈60% of
cases, which normally should be present at birth. Epiphyseal dysgenesis
usually occurs later on.
Skull X-ray show large fontanels, wide sutures, wormian bones, and
enlargedsella turcica.
CXR may show cardiomegaly +/_ pericardial effusion.
 USof neck can detect the site & size of thyroid gland.
 Thyroid scan with radioiodine will reveal its uptake if there is any
normal thyroid tissue, whereas failure of radioiodine uptake suggest
eitherthyroid aplasia, iodide-trapping defect, or neonates with TRBAb.
 Thyroglobulin level; it ↓ in thyroid aplasia or defects in its synthesis,
but ↑ in ectopic glands and goiter.
 Serum Cholesterol level is usually elevated in children > 2 yr.
 ECG & EEG; both show low-voltage.
 MRI is normal in primary hypothyroidism, but may be abnormal in
central hypothyroidism.

Rx. Levo-thyroxine (T4) is given orally; initial dose 10–25 μg/kg/day

for neonates & infants, whereas children dose ≈ 4 μg/kg/day. A good
index of adequacy of Rx is growth rate & change in behavior and activity.
SE of Thyroxine (especially in overdose) are the same that of
hyperthyroidism including: craniosynostosis, temperament problems, &
pseudotumor cerebri (in older children).
Note: Oral thyroxine should not be mixed with iron, calcium, or soy protein

The goal of replacement Rx is to bring levels of T4 & TSH to normal

range which requires frequent monitoring at intervals; monthly in the
first 6 mo of life, then every 2–3 mo up to 2 yr.
This frequent follow-up is also useful in confirmation of persistent cong
hypothyroidism to rule out the possibility of transient hypothyroidism.

Pg. Thyroid hormones are very essential for brain development in the
early postnatal months, thus early Dx & Rx is critical to prevent
progressive neuropsychological sequelae.
Note: If the onset of hypothyroidism occurs after 2 yr of age, there may be
normal neurological development even if Dx & Rx are delayed.
- 309 -
Et. It occurs in only ≈2% of infants born to mothers with a hx of Graves
disease due to transplacental passage of thyrotropin receptor–
stimulating antibody (TRSAb), but the clinical onset, severity, and course
may be modified by the concurrent presence of thyrotropin receptor–
blocking antibody (TRBAb) which maydelay symptoms for several weeks
after birth; and also the transplacental passage of antithyroid drugs
taken by the mother will delay symptoms by 3-4 days. The disorder
usually remits spontaneously within 6-12 wk but can persist longer,
depending on the levels of TRSAb.
C.M. Prenatal Dx by fetal US can detectfetal tachycardia and goiter.
Many of the infants are premature with IUGR; most have goiters. The
infant is extremely restless, irritable, and hyperactive and appears
anxious and unusually alert. The eyes are opened widely and appear
exophthalmic. There may be extreme tachycardia and tachypnea, and
the temperature is elevated.
In severely affected infants, there is weight loss (despite ravenous
appetite), HSM, jaundice, HT, and HF. The infant may die if therapy is not
instituted promptly. Persistent hyperthyroidism → advanced bone age,
frontal bossing, cranial synostosis, microcephaly, and cognitive impair-
ment when Rx is delayed.
Inv. Serum levels of T4 (or free T4) and T3 are markedly elevated, and
TSH is suppressed.
Rx. Oral propranolol (1-2 mg/kg/day ÷ 3) and methimazole (0.25-1
mg/kg/day given every 12 hr); saturated solution of potassium iodide (1
drop per day) may be added.
If the thyrotoxic state is severe, IV fluid therapy and corticosteroids may
be indicated; if HF occurs, digitalization is indicated.
Afte euthyroid state is reached, antithyroid medications should be
gradually tapered; most cases remit by 3-4 mo of age.
Pg. Rarely, classic neonatal Graves disease does not remit but persists
for several years or longer. These children have impressive family
histories of Graves disease. Conversely, sometimes, in utero
hyperthyroidism appears to suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid
feedback mechanism →permanent central hypothyroidism, requiring
lifelong thyroid hormone treatment.

- 321 -
 Definition of DM:- Normal DM
 Fasting Blood Glucose: <100 >125
 RandomBG (or after GTT): <140 >200

GTT: Glucose Tolerance Test. Unit of blood glucose is mg/dl.

Level between Normal & DM is called "Impaired Glucose Tolerance".

 Types of DM:-

 Type 1 DM: due to immune-mediated process.

 Type 2 DM: due to insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency.
 Neonatal DM; divided into:-
 Transient without recurrence.
 Transient but may recur after 7–20 yr.
 Permanent from the onset.

 Other specific types of DM include:-

1. Genetic defects of β-cell function e.g. MODY (6 types).

2. Genetic defects in insulin action e.g. Leprechaunism…etc.
3. Abnormalities of Insulin Gene.
4. Mitochondrial DM e.g. DIDMOAD.
5. Diseases of Exocrine Pancreas e.g. Pancreatitis, Cystic fibrosis…etc.
6. Endocrinopathies e.g. Acromegaly, Cushing dis., Hyperthyroidism...etc.
7. Drugs e.g. Glucocorticoids, Thyroxin, Diazoxide, Thiazides…etc.
8. Infections e.g. Congenital Rubella, CMV.
9. Genetic syndromes that sometimes associated with DM e.g. Down,
Klinefelter, Turner…etc.

- 320 -
Epid. It accounts ≈10% of all DM. Finland is the most country in its
prevalence. Peak age ≈ 7-15 yr, with equal sex distribution.

Et. T1DM is due to chronic T cell–mediated autoimmune process & the

onset begins when ≈80-90% of pancreatic islets are destroyed.

Path. Both genetic susceptibility and environmental factors contribute

to the pathogenesis. Susceptibility to T1DM is genetically controlled
in ≈60% of cases by alleles of MHC class II genes on chromosome 6 which
express HLA; whereas other genes provide protection against DM. HLA
DR3 or DR4 ↑ risk of DM by 2-3 folds & if both present, the risk ↑ upto 7-
10 folds.
The concordance rate among identical twins is only ≈ 40%. If one
sibling shares 1 haplotype with the index case, the risk is 5%, if 2
haplotypes 15% & if no haplotype 1%. The risk of offspring of diabetic
parents is ≈ 2-5 % (with greater risk for father).
Environmental factors have a role in T1DM e.g. cong rubella syndis
sometimes associated with DM later in life (10-12%). Psychosocial
stresses may also play a role in development of DM.
There are some proposed protective factors against DM e.g. breast
feeding, herd immunity to viruses, & early childhood infections (Hygiene

C.M. Polyuria (including nocturia & nocturnal enuresis), Polydypsia,

Polyphagia (↑ appetite), & Weight loss. Vaginal candidiasis may develop
due to chronic glycosuria.
When keton bodies accumulate, they may cause nausea, vomiting, &
abdominal discomfort which may progress to DKA.

Inv. Initial tests for DM include:-

1. Random & Fasting glucose levels.

2. GUE, especially for glucose & ketone bodies.
3. Serum electrolytes.
4. Baseline HbA1c.
5. Search for other autoimmune diseases e.g. celiac disease,

- 322 -
Rx of T1DM (without DKA):-
It can be managed as an outpatient setting, but require a team of
endocrinologist, nursing staff, dietitian, and social worker; otherwise,
initial therapy should be done in the hospital.

 SC insulin is the standard therapy for T1DM. It has many types include:-
(The following data are in hours & had been approximated).

Type of Insulin Onset Peak Duration

 Very short-acting e.g. lispro, aspart 1/4 1 3
 Short-acting e.g. regular 3/4 3 8
 Intermediate-acting e.g. NPH, lente 3 8 16
 Long-acting e.g. ultralente, protamine zinc 5 12 30
 Basal e.g. Glargine, Detemir 1 No peak 30

Note: Currently, inhaled & oral insulin as well as SC Amylin have also been
evaluated for Rx of DM.

Starting Doses of SC Insulin (without DKA)

Age Total daily insulin Basal insulin of total
(U/kg/day) daily dose

Prepubertal 0.25–0.5 25–30%

Pubertal 0.5-0.75 40–50%

Postpubertal 0.25–0.5 40–50%

 Insulin Regimens:-
 For School-age children; because they depend on their relatives for
injection, therefore the most commonly used schedule is 2 daily
injections of short-acting + intermediate-acting insulin. 2/3 of total dose
given in the morning & 1/3 in the evening.

 For Adolescents; because they can depend on themselves for injection,

most commonly used schedule is long-acting insulin at bed time & very
short-acting insulin before each meal.

- 323 -
 Difference between Exogenous & Endogenous insulin:-
1. The exogenous do not has 1st pass metabolism in liver, whereas
50% of the endogenous pass to liver by portal circulation.
2. In exogenous, the absorption continue despite hypoglycemia,
whereas in endogenous it stops after hypoglycemia.
3. Absorption of exogenous insulin is varys according to site of injection
& activity of patient, whereas it is not vary in the endogenous.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Et. DKA usually occur in 3 main conditions:-

1. 20–40% of children with new-onset diabetes.

2. Children with known diabetes who omit insulin doses.
3. Children who do not successfully manage an intercurrent illness.

Path. DKA is the end result of the metabolic abnormalities resulting from
severe deficiency of insulin→ 3 physiologic processes:-

1. ↑ Glucose production coupled with ↓ glucose utilization raises serum

glucose →↑ serum osmolality → hypertonic dehydration.
2. ↑ Release of free fatty acids from peripheral fat stores supplies
substrate for hepatic ketoacid production → accumulation of large
amounts of ketoacids → ketonuria, ↑ion gap, ↓ serum bicarbonate, &
3. Metabolic acidosis → cellular losses of K, Pi, & Na.

Classification of DKA

Normal Mild Moderate Severe

pH 7.45-7.35 >7.25 >7.15 <7.15

CO2 28-20 >15 >10 <10

- 324 -
Normal Mild Moderate Severe

Clinical No change Oriented, Kussmaul Kussmaul or

alert but respirations; depressed
fatigued oriented but respirations;
sleepy; sleepy to
arousable depressed
to coma

Note: The data above are of venous sample. CO2 (mEq/L) is an indicator of
serum bicarbonate.

Rx of DKA: It is better be done according to the following 10 steps:-

1. Flow chart: Severe DKA is better treated in the ICU for frequent
monitoring of vital signs, neurologic assessments, and recording of all
fluids input & output (by insertion of Folly's catheter).
Blood tests for glucose, K, Na, CO2, & pH should be checked every 1-2 hr
in severe DKA, 2-3 hr in moderate DKA & 3-4 hr in mild DKA.

2. Fluid therapy: Initially patient should be managed by nothing by

mouth & shoots of IV fluids forsevere dehydration by NS (or RL) 10-20
ml/kg that can be repeated.

3. Insulin therapy: It should be given either in conjunction with fluid

therapy (by separate IV line) or after fluid boluses. It should be given by
infusion (not bolus) in rate 0.05-0.1 Unit/kg/hr. The total daily dose
should be as following:-

Age Total daily insulin (U/kg/day)

Prepubertal 0.75–1

Pubertal 1-1.2

Postpubertal 0.8-1

- 325 -
4. Subsequent fluid & insulin therapy: Fluid in the next hours should be
replaced with 0.45% NS in amount according to "Milwaukee protocol"
according to the following formula:
85 ml/kg + Maintenance – Boluses.
In mild DKA, rehydration usually occurs earlier& patient can be
switched to oral fluids to complete the rest of the calculated fluid;
whereas in severe DKA, rehydration must be slowly (within 30-36 hr)
to prevents cerebral edema.
When blood glucose decrease to < 250 mg/dl, add 5% glucose
solution to the fluid (or change the fluid to G.S. 1/5). If glucose further
decrease, lower the infusion rate of insulin but never stop it.

5. Potassium: K is always depleted in DKA, even if initial serum K was

normal or high. K levels must be closely followed and ECG monitoring
continued until DKA is substantially resolved.
After initiation of fluid & insulin Rx, K will decline dramatically. Thus it
should be added to the IV fluids after patient pass urine in dose 40-
80 mEq/L. Half is given as K acetate & other half should be given as K
phosphate (because Pi is also depleted in DKA). Oral K is safer & can be
given if there is no emesis.

6. Sodium: Na level may be normal or falsely low in DKA (due to

hyperglycemia), thus "true" serum Na can be calculated according to the
following: [𝐍𝐚] + [𝐠𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐠/𝐝𝐥] − 𝟏𝟎𝟎 × 𝟏. 𝟔 /100
Serum Na should be steadily ↑ with therapy by ≈ 1.6 mmol/L for each
100 mg/dl ↓ of glucose. If the corrected Na level is high (>150 mmol/L),
it means severe hypernatremic dehydration which require slower
fluid replacement (>36 hr), whereas if Na is declining rapidly, it may
indicate excessive free water accumulation with risk of cerebral

7. Osmolality: Serum osmolality should also steadily ↓ by measuring

effective serum osmolality as follows: 2 × [Na]uncorrected+[glucose] .
A rapid decline, or slow decline to subnormal range, may indicate
excess of free water with risk of cerebral edema. Therefore, patient
should not be allowed oral hypotonic fluidsuntil rehydration is well
progressed because intravascular volume is better maintained in the
hypertonic state.

8. Ketoacidosis: Production of ketone bodies ↓ after insulin therapy.

- 326 -
β-Hydroxy-butyrate (which is not detected by dipstick of urine)
isconverted to acetoacetate (which can be detected); therefore,
urinary ketone level is not a useful indicator of the adequacy of Rx.
There should also be steady ↑ in pH & serum bicarbonate; thus,
bicarbonate therapy should be avoided except in severe acidosis (pH
<7.0) that results in hemodynamic instability, or there is symptomatic
Persistent acidosis may indicate either inadequate insulin or fluid
therapy, infection, or rarely lactic acidosis.

9. Transitional phase: When DKA essentially resolved by following:-

 Clinical: Kussmaul respirations abate, abdominal pain resolve, & no
 Laboratory: pH>7.30, CO2>15 mEq/L, Na stable between 135-145
Then child can easily transitioned to oral intake and SC insulin, the 1st
dose is given with meal and insulin drip is discontinued ≈ 30 min later.

10. Follow-up: All patients with DKA should be checked for initiating
events that have triggered the metabolic decompensation.
If the patient is newly diagnosed as diabetic, start education &
monitoring (see later); whereas if he is known case of DM, recheck the
daily dose of insulin & modify it as needed.

 Honeymoon Period:-
In some patients with new onset DM (+/_ DKA), some residual β-cell
function may improve after insulin Rx when the child recovers from the
effects of hyperglycemia and elevated counter-regulatory hormones; this
may necessitate reduction in the initial total SC insulin dose used in the
1st few days of therapy.
Honeymoon period usually starts in the 1st wk of Rx & continue for few
months, but may last for up to 2 years!.

Cxs of DKA: Cerebral edema; Intracranial thrombosis or infarction; Acute

tubular necrosis +/_ ARF (due to severe dehydration); Pancreatitis (with
↑ serum Amylase); Arrhythmias (due to electrolyte abnormalities);
Pulmonary edema; and Bowel ischemia.

- 327 -
 Cerebral Edema:-
CE is the most serious Cx of DKA with a mortality rate 20-80%. Clinically
apparent CE occurs in 1-5% of DKA cases & typically occurs 6-12 hr after
initiation of DKA Rx.
Et.Unknown, but there are some risk factors of CE include: ↑ initial urea
level, ↓ initial Pco2 level, failure of serum Na to↑ as glucose ↓ during Rx,
rapid ↓ in osmolality, & bicarbonate therapy.
C.M. CE involves signs of ↑ ICP e.g., sudden severe headache, vomiting, ↓
sensorium, seizure, Cushing triad (bradycardia, hypertension, apnea),
pupillary changes, ophthalmoplegia, & papillodema.
Rx. Rapid use of Mannitol (1g/kg) +/_ET intubation & hyperventilation.

Non-Ketotic Hyperosmolar Coma

It is characterized by severe hyperglycemia (blood glucose >800
mg/dL), serum osmolarity > 350 mOsm/kg, absence or slight ketosis
(due to hyperosmolarity), lactic acidosis, severe dehydration, depressed
sensorium or frank coma. It may predispose to thrombosis, although it is
uncommon in children.

Rx. Very slow rehydration by 0.45% NS within 36 hr & low dose

insulin 0.05 U/kg/hr after the 2nd hr of fluid therapy. KCl should also be
added to fluid.

- 328 -
 Hypoglycemic Reactions in DM:-

Hypoglycemia is the major limitation against tight control of glucose

levels because it is dangerous for young children that may → permanent
decrease in cognitive function.

C.M. It can be divided into the following:-

 Catecholamine release→ pallor, sweating, tremor, tachycardia,
hunger, irritability, & fussiness.
 Cerebral glucopenia→ drowsiness, personality changes, mental
confusion, and impaired judgment. If severe, it can cause seizures or
Note: Prolonged severe hypoglycemia can result stroke-like focal motor
deficits that persist after resolution of hypoglycemia.

During hypoglycemia, counter-regulatory hormones (GH, cortisol,

epinephrine, and glucagon) will be released, but many older patients with
long-standing T1DM lose their ability to secrete glucagon in response to
hypoglycemia; whereas in young adults, epinephrine deficiency also may
develop as part of general autonomic neuropathy. However, avoidance of
hypoglycemia may allows some recovery (or delay) these events.

Rx. Oral or IV glucose, or glucagon 0.5-1 mg IM.

 Morning hyperglycemia in DM is either due to:-

 Dawn phenomenon; it is a common cause due to taking too little

insulin at bed time combined with ↑ secretion of GH overnight.

 Somogyi phenomenon; it is due to taking too much insulin at bed time

→ hypoglycemia →↑ counter-regulatory hormones → hyperglycemia.
It is uncommon cause of morning hyperglycemia as many children
remain hypoglycemic.

To differentiate between the 2 conditions above, check blood glucose

at 3:00 am & adjust the dose of insulin accordingly.

- 329 -
 Education & Monitoring in DM:-
 The physician should educate the patient & his family with a written
materials about:-
 How to measure blood glucose by the glucometer & urine ketone by
the dipstick.
 How to prepare & inject insulin subcutaneously at proper time.
 How to recognize & treat Cxs e.g. hypoglycemia.

 Blood glucose should be checked frequently in the 1st days of

therapy at least 4 times daily (before each meal & at bed time) & the
dose of insulin is adjusted accordingly. If blood glucose is high in any
given time, it usually indicates insufficient insulin dose given in the
previous period & vice-versa.
Currently, a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) records
data obtained from subcutaneous sensor every 5 min for up to 72 hr
that provides the clinician with a continuous profile of tissue glucose

Age (yr) Target premeal blood glucose (mg/dl)

<5 100–200

5-11 80–150

12-15 80–130

 Nutritional therapy: Diabetic patient should have a basic meal plan.

The composition of diet in DM should be approximately as follows:-

 Carbohydrate (55%); should be mainly of complex sugar e.g. starch.

 Fat (30%); mainly composed of unsaturated F.A. with lower
 Protein (15%); it is low because high-protein intake may contribute
to diabetic nephropathy.
 Diets with high fiber content are useful in improving control of blood

- 331 -
Total daily energy intake should be according to the age of their peers
as follows: 1st yr: 120 kcal, 2-10 yr: 100-75 kcal, then further ↓ as age ↑.
The total daily caloric intake is divided to provide 20% at breakfast,
20% at lunch, and 30% at dinner, and the rest 10% for each snacks as

 Glycosylated Hb (HbA1c): Its measurement can give the average blood

glucose in the preceding 2-3 mo as follows:-
<6%→ Normal. 6-7.5%→ 120-180 mg/dl. 7.5-9%→ 180-250 mg/dl.
>10%→>250 mg/dl.
Note: In patients with hemoglobinopathy e.g. thalassemia, measure either
glycosylated albumin or fructosamin.

 Difficulties in Management of DM:-

 Coping styles, non-adherence to Rx, anxiety, & depression; all can cause
treatment failure with recurrent DKA.

 Eating disorders mainly occur in adolescent females e.g. anorexia

nervosa or bulimia nervosa and often associated with family conflict; it
can cause unexplained wide fluctuations in blood glucose; this is called
"Brittle diabetes".

 Injection Phobia due to fear of self-injecting and self-testing. Some

children may omit insulin dosing or refuse to rotate their injection sites
to ↓ pain sensation, thus injection in the same site → scar formation due
to "lipohypertrophy" with poor insulin absorption.

 Exercise may precipitate eitherhypo- or hyperglycemia.

 Hypoglycemia may develop during or within several hours after
exercise due to; ↑ uptake of glucose by the muscles &↑ absorption of
insulin from the injection site. Rx by either ↑ intake of CHO or ↓ dose of
 Hyperglycemia may developif patient has poor metabolic control due to
↑ counter-regulatory hormones which cause hyperglycemia and blunt
insulin action.

 Infection may also precipitate either hypo- or hyperglycemia. Older

children are mainly develop hyperglycemia & DKA due to stress which
↑ counter-regulatory hormones; whereas younger children are mainly
develop hypoglycemia especially if they have anorexia.
- 330 -
Infection in patient with DM need frequent checking of blood glucose &
ketone in urine at home with adjustment of insulin dose accordingly,
but if fail, refer to hospital.
 Surgery has a similar effect to infection on DM.

 Long-Term Cxs of DM:-

 Retinopathy; it needs screening of patients with T1DM after 5 yr if pre-

pubertal or after 2 yr if pubertal, then every 1-2 yr. The earliest changes
include: non-proliferative e.g. microaneurysms, dot & blot
hemorrhages, hard & soft exudates; more severe form is the
proliferative e.g. neovascularization, fibrous proliferation, and
preretinal & vitreous hemorrhages.

 Nephropathy; it starts as microalbuminuria, then progress to frank

albuminuria, then may progress to ESRD. It needs screening as same as
retinopathy (except that frequency should be annually).
Rx. Control of DM, restriction of protein intake, control of hypertension,
& use of ACE inhibitors.

 Neuropathy; peripheral neuropathy (especially sensory loss) is

correlated with the duration of DM rather than metabolic control. Early
signs of autonomic neuropathy are ↓ HR variability then loss of sense in
reaction to hypoglycemia.
Rx. Control of DM, use of aldose reductase inhibitors of the polyol
pathway, α-lipoic acid (antioxidant); for neuropathic pain use
anticonvulsants or antidepressants.

 Other Cxs include: Macrovascular Cxs (IHD, CVA); Syndrome of limited

joint mobility associated with tight, waxy skin; Osteopenia; Growth
impairment; & Cognitive dysfunction.

Mauriac syndrome is a rare syndrome due to under-insulinization

that results indwarfism, proximal muscle wasting, moon face,
protuberant abdomen, and enlarged liver (due to fat & glycogen

- 332 -
It is considered a polygenic (multifactorial) disease, usually occur in
older children & adolescents who are obese & have +ve family hx of
T2DM. Children with hx of IUGR or LBW have ↑ incidence of T2DM later
on. The concordance rate between identical twins is upto 100%.

Path. Insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency (due to ↓

glucose-induced insulin secretion). Autoimmune markers are present in
only ≈ 1/3 of cases.
Markers of insulin resistance include; Acanthosis nigricans (dark
pigmentation of skin creases & flexural areas), hyperinsulinemia,
hirsutism, premature adrenarche, & gigantism (due to spillover effect
of insulin that mimic GH).

 ↓ Sedentary lifestyle by improving exercise & physical activity.
 Nutritional education with weight loss.
 Oral hypoglycemic agents are the standard Rx for T2DM e.g.
Metformin, Sulfonylureas, Acarbose, or Thiazolidinedione.
 Insulin Rx may be required for patients who present with DKA or
markedly ↑ HbA1c (>9.0%).

Pv. Early Rx of patient with Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) can

prevent the progression to T2DM. Therefore, it is useful to screen risk
groups which include obese children with +ve family hx of T2DM & those
with any marker of insulin resistance by using Oral Glucose Tolerance
Test (OGTT).

Procedure of OGTT:-
At least 3 days of well-balanced diet, fasting from mid-night until the
time of test in the morning, dose of glucose 1.75 g/kg (but not > 75 g) &
plasma samples are obtained before ingestion of glucose and at 1, 2, and
3 hr after ingestion.

- 333 -
 Transient DM in Newborn:-
It is started in the 1st wk of life & usually persists for only several
weeks to months before spontaneous resolution. Abnormalities of
chromosome 6 are common; occurrence of disease in subsequent
siblings has occurred; the infant usually has LBW.
Path. Severe hyperglycemia & glycosuria → hypertonic dehydration &
metabolic acidosis but little or no ketosis because basal plasma insulin
is normal but its response to glucose is low or absent.
The response to tolbutamide (oral hypoglycemic agent which
stimulates insulin secreation by β-cells) is also low or absent.
Rx. 1-2 U/kg/day of intermediate-acting insulin in 2 divided doses
with frequent checking of blood glucose after 2 mo of age for
hypoglycemia, when recovery is expected.
Pg. The disease either disappear completely or it may reappearafter 7-
20 yr of life as T1DM.

 Permanent DMin Newborn:-

It is either due to pancreatic agenesis (rare) or specific gene mutation
that cause absent response of insulin secretion to glucose but
respond to tolbutamide, which differentiate it from the transient type,
thus tolbutamide is an effective Rx of this type of neonatal DM.
Some infants are initially euglycemic but then develop disease within
1st mo of life.

 Abnormalities of Insulin Gene:-

It is AD due to faulty processing of pro-insulin to insulin → abnormal
structure of insulin with impairment of its effect despite high level.

 Abnormalities of Gene of Insulin Receptors:-

 Donohue (Leprechaunism) syndrome; the insulin is normal but there
is profound resistance to its action on the receptor → very high
concentration upto 100-fold. These newborn usually have IUGR, fasting
hypoglycemia! but postprandial hyperglycemia; most of them die in the
1st yr of life.
 Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome; they usually have insulin resistance,
acanthosis nigricans, abnormalities of teeth & nails, and pineal
hyperplasia; babies tend to live beyond the 1st yr of life.
- 334 -
 Mitochondrial Gene Defects:-
It is usually appears in the 1st yr of life; it is due to point mutations in
the mitochondrial DNA e.g. DIDMOAD association (diabetes insipidus,
diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, & deafness).

 Maturity-Onset Diabetes of Youth (MODY):-

It is a group of diseases divided into 11 types that have genetic defects
of β-cell function with various genetic and clinical entities. Their Dx
require the following criteria:-
1. Onset of DM before 25 yr.
2. Primary defect is in insulin secretion.
3. AD inheritance in at least 3 generations.

The most favorable type of MODY is type 2 which associated only with
mild chronic hyperglycemia that can be treated by small dose of insulin.

Autoimmune Diseases associated with DM

 Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis (Hashimoto thyroiditis); It is usually
associated with T1DM, but mainly present with thyroid antibodies
only, i.e. without features of hypothyroidism. Thus all patients with
T1DM should undergo periodic palpation of thyroid gland, if it is large
or firm, send for TSH & Thyroid Antibodies.
Note: When both diabetes and thyroid disease coexist, the possibility of
Autoimmune Adrenal Insufficiency should also be considered.

 Celiac disease; 7-15% of children with T1DM develop celiac disease

within 6 yr of Dx, especially if the patient was girl & below 4 yr of age,
so send them for TTAb or AEAb.

 Other Autoimmune diseases that may be associated with T1DM

include: IgA deficiency, Atrophic gastritis & circulating antibodies to
multiple endocrine organs e.g. thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, parathyroid,
and gonads.

Siblings of index case of T1DM may also have other features of

autoimmune diseases e.g. vitiligo, Graves disease, multiple sclerosis...etc.

- 335 -
Physiology of Water Balance:-
Extracellular fluid tonicity is regulated almost exclusively by water
intake & excretion mainly through ADH; whereas extracellular volume is
regulated by sodium intake & excretion through renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system & to lesser extent by vasopressin (ADH) and the
natriuretic peptide family.
ADH (Vasopressin) is synthesized in the hypothalamus & secreted
from the posterior pituitary; its half-life is only 5 min. In addition to the
antidiuresis, it has vasopressor effect. It secreted in response to:
hyperosmolality, hypotention, hypovolemia, hypoglycemia, nausea, &

C.M. DI generally → polyuria, polydipsia, & dehydration; additional

symptoms in infants include: irritability, fever, FTT, & constipation.
Note: Any patient with long standing polyuria may develop non-obstructive
hydronephrosis, hydroureter, and megabladder.

D.Dx. DM & Psychogenic (primary) polydipsia.

 Approach to patient with polyuria & polydipsia:-

Polydipsia means excessive thirstwith fluid intake > 2 L/m2/day.
Polyuriais evaluated by quantity of urine, nocturia, & enuresis.
In addition to evaluation of hydration status due to ADH deficiency,
patient should be evaluated for other pituitary hormone deficiencies, and
visual & CNS dysfunction.

1. Exclude psychogenic polydipsia by hx.
2. Exclude DM by serum & urine glucose level.
3. Do the following tests; serum osmolality, sodium, potassium, urea,
creatinine, and calcium; as well as urine osmolality & specific gravity.

 Diagnostic Criteria for DI:-

Serum osmolality > 300 mOsm/kg, Urine osmolality < 300 mOsm/kg
associated with Hypernatremia (serum Na > 155 mg/dL).

In equivocal cases, do Water Deprivation Test to establish Dx of DI and

to differentiate between central & nephrogenic causes; this also can be
done by administration of ADH.
- 336 -
DI can be devided into Central & Nephrogenic; each can be caused by
Genetic or Acquired causes.

CentralDiabetes Insipidus
 Genetic mutationse.g. AD central DI, DIDMOAD (Wolfram syndrome).
 Congenital Brain Abnormalities e.g. optic nerve hypoplasia
syndromewith agenesis of corpus callosum, Empty sella syndrome.
 Trauma (accidental or surgical) to the vasopressin neurons may →
Triphasic response (transient DI, then SIADH, then permanent DI).
 Infections e.g. meningitis, cong CMV infection.
 Tumors & Infiltrations: Tumors must be either very large or located
near the base of hypothalamus e.g. germinomas and pinealomas (both
need MRI & hCG estimation). Infiltrative disorders include: AML,
Langerhans cell histiocytosis, & Lymphocytic Hypophysitis (which
acounts ≈ 50% of “idiopathic” central DI).
 Drugs that inhibit vasopressin release are: ethanol, halothane,
phenytoin, opiate antagonists, and α-adrenergic agents.
Note: 10% of cases are idiopathic & it may be associated with other
pituitary hormone deficiencies.

 Fluid therapy; It can be the sole Rx for neonates and young infants
through free access to oral fluids due to their requirement to a large
amounts of nutritivefluid that may reach up to 3 L/m2/24 hr.
 Vasopressin Analogs e.g. long-acting vasopressin analog dDAVP
(desmopressin) as nasal spray or oral tablet; it suitable for older
SE of Vasopressin are Water intoxication (patient should have at least 1
hr of urinary breakthrough between doses each day), cutaneous
necrosis, rhabdomyolysis, and cardiac rhythm disturbances.

- 337 -
NephrogenicDiabetes Insipidus
 Genetic mutations are less common but more severe e.g. Congenital X-
linked NDI (most common) as well as AR & AD NDI.
 Hypercalcemia & Hypokalemia.
 Impaired renal concentrating ability e.g. ureteral obstruction, chronic
renal failure, polycystic kidney disease, medullary cystic disease.
 Drugs e.g. lithium, demeclocycline, foscarnet, clozapine, amphotericin,
methicillin, and rifampin.
 ↓ protein or sodium intake or excessive water intake (e.g. primary
polydipsia) can also cause NDI!.

 Acquired causes of NDI e.g. hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, offending
drugs, or ureteral obstruction should be eliminated.
 Congenital NDI is often difficult to treat; however, the main goals are
to ensure intake of adequate caloriesfor growth and to avoid severe
dehydration by free access to water & nutritivefluids. Foods with
highest ratio of caloric content to osmotic load should be ingested e.g.
Similac PM 60/40. Many infants may require NG tube or gastrostomy
to ensure adequate fluid & calories administration.
 Pharmacologic Rx for NDI include: Thiazide diuretic (2-3 mg/kg/day)
effectively inducesodium excretion at the expense of water with water
reabsorption. If there is no adequate response, add Indomethacin in
combination with Amiloride or High-dose dDAVP.

Pg. Unfortunately, many patients with congenital NDI are subjected to

Cxs even after institution of early Rx e.g. growth failure, behavioral
abnormalities, & mental retardation!.

- 338 -
Et. SIADH is an uncommon cause of hyponatremia in children,
however, it may occur in the following conditions:-

Excessive administration of vasopressin, Tumors of brain, Trauma to

head, Encephalitis, Tuberculous meningitis, AIDS, Pneumonia, Psychiatric
diseases, in the postictal period after generalized seizures, after
prolonged nausea, and Drugs e.g. oxcarbazepine, carbamazepine,
chlorpropamide, TCA, vinblastine, & vincristine.
Nephrogenic Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuresis (NSIAD) is a
very rare disease due to mutations in the V2 vasopressin receptor gene
causing SIADH-like clinical picture with undetectable vasopressin levels.

 Diagnostic Criteria for SIADH:-

1. Hyponatremia, serum Na <135 mEq/L.
2. Hypotonicity, serum osmolality < 280 mOsm/kg.
3. ↑ Urine osmolality > 100 mOsm/kg.
4. Normal or ↑ Urine Na > 25mEq/L.
5. Absence of renal, adrenal, or thyroid insufficiency, congestive HF,
nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis, diuretic ingestion, or dehydration.
Other features include: volume expansion &↓ serum urea and uric
acid levels.
Note: In SIADH, the plasma is diluted & urine is concentrated; this is in contrast
to DI when the plasma is concentrated & urine is diluted.

Rx. SIADH can simply be treated with oral or IV fluid restriction,

especially hypotonic fluids e.g. free water. If this is unsatisfactory, urea
can be used (as a drug!) which has osmotic diuretic effect, or by "create
Nephrogenic DI" with Demeclocycline. Conivaptan, a V2-receptor
antagonist also has been used in SIADH.

- 339 -
CAH is a family of AR disorders of cortisol biosynthesis. Cortisol
deficiency increases secretion of ACTH, which in turn result in
adrenocortical hyperplasia and overproduction of the intermediate
metabolites. Depending on the enzymatic step that is deficient, there may
be signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings of mineralocorticoid
deficiency or excess; incomplete virilization or premature puberty in
affected males; and virilization or sexual infantilism in affected females.

CAH due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency

Et. It accounts >90% of CAH cases. It caused by deficiency of 21-
hydroxylase which is a P450 enzyme (CYP21, P450c21) that hydroxylates
progesterone & 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) to yield 11-deoxy-
corticosterone (DOC) & 11-deoxycortisol respectively, which eventually
yield aldosterone and cortisol respectively.

Path. It can be divided into classical & non-classical.

 Classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency involve either deficiency of both
hormones (i.e. aldosterone and cortisol) in the most severe form (70%)
of disease “Salt-wasting”, or the patients are able to synthesize
adequate amounts of aldosterone in the less severe form (30%) of
disease; both have elevated levels of androgens of adrenal origin, thus
called "Simple virilizing disease".

 Non-classical disease, which is more common than classical one,

patients have only mild elevation of androgens and may have signs of
androgen excess after birth.

 Patients with Classic disease have the following manifestations:-

 Aldosterone and Cortisol deficiency: Both hormones are deficient in

“salt-wasting” disease → anorexia, vomiting, dehydration, weakness,
hypotension, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and
progressive weight loss. These problems are typically develop as early
as 10-14 days of life & if patient is untreated; shock, cardiac
arrhythmias, and death may occur within days or weeks.

- 341 -
 Prenatal Androgen Excess: The steroid precursors are accumulated up
to hundreds times of normal including 17-OHP & progesterone. 17-
OHP is shunted into the pathway of androgen biosynthesis→ high
levels of androstenedione which converted outside the adrenal gland
into testosterone.
This problem begins as early as 8-10 wk of gestation→
masculinization of the external genitalia of affected female e.g.
enlargement of clitoris with partial or complete labial fusion. The
vagina usually has a common opening with the urethra (urogenital
sinus); however, the internal genital organs are of normal female.
Note: Since urethra opens below urogenital sinus, some affected females may
mistakenly presumed to be males with hypospadias & cryptorchidism.

Male infants appear normal at birth, thus, Dx may not be made in

them until signs of adrenal insufficiency develop, whereas those with
simple virilizing form have even more delay in Dx because they appear
normal and rarely develop adrenal insufficiency. Hence, newborn
screening is essential in every infant by measuring 17-OHP at birth.

 Postnatal Androgen Excess: Prenatal exposure of the brain to high

levels of androgens may influence the subsequent behavior in affected
females who tend to be interested in the male toys.
Signs of androgen excess include: excessive muscular development,
rapid somatic growth and accelerated skeletal maturation. Thus,
affected patients are tall in childhood but premature closure of
epiphyses causes growth to stop relatively early, and adult stature will
be stunted. Pubic and axillary hair may appear; acne and deep voice may
In male, the penis, scrotum, and prostate may become enlarged, except
testes which usually remain prepubertal in size due to absence of
gonadotropine (FSH & LH) stimulation, so that they appear relatively
small in contrast to the enlarged penis, although occasionally, an ectopic
adrenocortical cells in the testes become hyperplastic in response to
excessive ACTH (similar to those of adrenal glands) resulting in
"testicular adrenal rest tumors".
In female, although the internal genital structures are normal, breast
development and menstruation may not occur unless the excessive
production of androgens is suppressed by adequate therapy.

- 340 -
 Adreno-medullary Dysfunction: Development of adrenal medulla
requires exposure to extremely high cortisol levels. Thus patients with
classic CAH may have abnormal adrenomedullary function e.g. blunted
epinephrine responses, hypoglycemia, & lower HR with exercise.

 Patients with Non-classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency show similar

but milder signs of androgen excess. In this attenuated form, cortisol
and aldosterone levels are normal and affected females have normal
genitals at birth. However later in life, females and males either remain
asymptomatic or may present with signs of precocious pubarche e.g.
early development of pubic and axillary hair, hirsutism, acne, and in
females, menstrual disorders and infertility may occur.
 Patients with salt-losing disease have typical laboratory findings
associated with cortisol & aldosterone deficiency e.g. hyponatremia,
hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, and often hypoglycemia, but
these abnormalities can take 10-14 days or longer to develop after birth.

 Blood levels of 17-OH Progesterone are markedly elevated which

may be hundreds times of normal, but levels of this hormone are
normally high during 1st 2-3 days of life (even in unaffected infants);
however, after infancy, once the circadian rhythm of cortisol is
established, 17-OHP levels will also vary with the same circadian
pattern. Measuring of 17-OHP before and after 30 or 60 min of IV bolus
of cosyntropin (ACTH) is the most reliable method for Dx.

 Androstenedione & testosterone are also elevated in affected females;

whereas in male infants, testosterone is not usually elevated because it
is already in high level normally.

 Blood levels of cortisol are usually low in patients with salt-losing type,
whereas it is often normal in patients with simple virilizing disease
(although inappropriately low in relation to ACTH and 17-OHP levels).

 Other tests include: urinary 17-ketosteroids and pregnanetriol levels

are elevated but are now rarely used clinically. ACTH levels are elevated
but have no diagnostic utility over 17-OHP levels. Plasma levels of renin
are also elevated (although it normally high in the 1st few weeks of life)
but serum aldosterone is inappropriately low for the high renin level.
 Genotyping is available but expensive and may take weeks.
- 342 -
 Approach to patient with ambiguous genitalia:-
A thorough physical exam to define the anatomy of the genitals
including palpation of scrotum (or labia) and the inguinal regions for
testes, if it present, it almost always indicate that the infant is
genetically male.
US is helpful in demonstrating the presence or absence of uterus and can
often locate the gonads (ovaries or intra-abdominal testes).
Injection of contrast medium into the urogenital sinus of female
pseudohermaphrodite can demonstrates the vagina and uterus.
Rapid karyotype e.g. FISH technique can quickly determine the genetic
sex of the infant.
Note: The results of the above tests are likely to be available before the results of
hormonal testing (which may take several days to be evident, except 17-OHP);
both results can allow the clinical team to advise parents about the genetic sex of
infant and the anatomy of internal genitalia.

 Prenatal diagnosis of 21-hydroxylase deficiency is usually done when

the parents have already an affected child. It is possible by analysis of
DNA obtained late in the 1st trimester by chorionic villous sampling or
during the 2nd trimester by amniocentesis. The CYP21 gene is analyzed
for frequently occurring mutations, whereas more rare mutations can
be detected by DNA sequencing.
In addition to the genetic counseling, mothers with pregnancies at risk
should be given dexamethasone as early as 6th wk of gestation, i.e.
before the above tests are done. Dexamethasone suppresses secretion of
steroids by fetal adrenal, including androgens, thus it ameliorates
virilization of the external genitals in affected females. Chorionic villus
biopsy is then performed to determine the sex and genotype of fetus,
then therapy is continued only if the affected fetus is female.
Note: The determination of sex and genotype of fetus can also be made in
early pregnancy by DNA analysis of fetal cells isolated from plasma of the

 Glucocorticoid Replacement Therapy:-
Cortisol deficiency can be treated with glucocorticoids which also
suppresses excessive production of androgens by the adrenal cortex
(through suppression of ACTH by the negative-feedback mechanism) and
- 343 -
thus minimizes virilization problems. This often requires larger
glucocorticoid doses than are needed in other forms of adrenal
insufficiency, typically 15-20 mg/m2/24 hr of hydrocortisone daily
administered orally in 3 divided doses. Double or triple the dose during
periods of stress (e.g. infection, accident, surgery).
Glucocorticoid Rx must be continued indefinitely in all patients with
classical disease but may not be necessary in non-classical disease
unless signs of androgen excess are present.

Therapy must be individualized. Pubertal development should be

monitored by periodic exam & skeletal maturation (which evaluated
by serial radiographs of hand and wrist for bone age). It is desirable to
maintain linear growth along percentile lines. Hormone levels,
especially 17-OHP and androstenedione should be either several times
normal or in high-normal range; whereas low-normal levels, ↓ height
percentiles, or excessive weight gain suggested overtreatment with

Children with "simple virilizing disease", especially males, are

frequently not diagnosed until 3-7 yr of age, at which time skeletal
maturation may be 5 yr or more in advance of chronological age.
Furthermore, some children, especially if the bone age is ≥ 12 yr, may
develop spontaneous gonadotropin-dependent"true" puberty when
treatment is instituted because Rx will suppress the production of
adrenal androgens which stimulate the release of pituitary
gonadotropins. This form of superimposed true precocious puberty may
be treated with gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone analog
e.g. leuprolide.

Males who had inadequate corticosteroids Rx may develop adrenal rest

testicular tumors, which usually regress with increased steroid dosage.
Testicular MRI, US, and color flow Doppler exam help define the
character and extent of this disease.

 Mineralocorticoid Replacement Therapy:-

Patients with salt-wasting disease, i.e. aldosterone deficiency, require
mineralocorticoid replacement with fludrocortisone. Infants may have
very high mineralocorticoid requirements in the 1st few mo of life,

- 344 -
usually 0.1-0.4 mg/day ÷ 2 with sodium supplementation. Older infants
and children are usually maintained with less dose, 0.05-0.1 mg.
Therapy is evaluated by monitoring of vital signs, serum electrolytes, &
plasma renin activity. Some patients with simple virilizing disease may
need only low dose of fludrocortisone in addition to hydrocortisone.

 Additional Therapies:-
The following therapies have not yet become standard, they include:
antiandrogen e.g. flutamide to block the effects of excessive androgen
levels +/_ aromatase inhibitor e.g. anastrozole, that blocks conversion
of androgens to estrogen and thus retards skeletal maturation because
skeletal maturation is sensitive to estrogens in both sexes!; but it should
not be used in pubertal girls. Growth hormone has been suggested to
improve adult height +/_ LHRH agonists to retard skeletal maturation.

 Surgical Management of Ambiguous Genitals:-

Significantly virilized females usually undergo surgery between 2-6 mo
of age. If there is severe clitoromegaly, it is reduced in size, whereas
moderate clitoromegaly may become much less noticeable as the patient
grows. Vaginoplasty and correction of the urogenital sinus can also be
done. Revision of surgery during adolescence is often necessary.

Risks & benefits ofsurgery should be fully discussed with parents of

affected females. Sex assignment of infants with disorders of sexual
differentiation (including CAH) is usually based on the expected sexual
functioning and fertility in adulthood with early surgical correction of
external genitals that conform with sex assignment.
Confused psychosexual identity is not common with CAH, although some
professionals proposed that surgery should be delayed until the patient
himself decides on what, if any, correction should be performed.

In adolescent and adult females with poorly controlled 21-hydroxylase

deficiency, bilateral laparoscopic adrenalectomy with hormone
replacement can be done.

- 345 -
CAH due to 22β-Hydroxylase Deficiency
Et. Deficiency of this enzyme which convert 11-deoxycortisol to cortisol
→ accumulation of 11-deoxycortisol and deoxycorticosterone →
shunting to the androgen biosynthesis (as above); aldosterone
biosynthesis is not affected.

Epid. It accounts ≈ 5% of CAH & mainly is presents in a classical, severe

form and very rarely in a non-classical, milder form. It is more prevalent
in Israeli Jews of North African origin.

C.M. All signs and symptoms of androgen excess that are found in 21-
hydroxylase deficiency usually also occur in 11-hydroxylase deficiency.
Although cortisol is not synthesized efficiently, aldosterone
synthetic capacity is normal; thus, it is unusual for patients to manifest
signs of adrenal insufficiency e.g. hypotension, hypoglycemia,
hyponatremia, and hyperkalemia. In contrast, ≈ 65% of patients
become hypertensive (although this can take several years to develop).
HT is probably due to elevated levels of deoxycorticosterone, which has a
mineralocorticoid activity.

Inv. Plasma levels of cortisol is low, consequently, ACTH level is high. 11-
deoxycortisol and deoxycorticosterone are elevated and plasma
renin activity is suppressed, consequently, aldosterone levels are low
(even though the ability to synthesize aldosterone is intact). Hypokalemic
alkalosis occasionally occurs.

Rx. Hydrocortisone is given in doses similar to those used for 21-

hydroxylase deficiency. Mineralocorticoid replacement is sometimes
transiently required in infancy after glucocorticoids Rx (due to sudden
suppression of deoxycorticosterone secretion); however, it is rarely
necessary otherwise.
Hypertension often resolves with glucocorticoid Rx but may require
additional therapy if it is of long standing by calcium channel blockers.

- 346 -
10. Common Neurologic Disorders

 Seizures in Childhood
 Cerebral Palsy
 CNS Infections (including acute bacterial meningitis, viral
meningoencephalitis, & tuberculous meningitis)
 Guillain-Barre Syndrome

- 347 -
Seizure is a transient occurrence of signs and/or symptoms resulting
from abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.
It is generally divided into 2 large categories; Focal & Generalized
Acute symptomatic seizures occur secondary to an acute problem
affecting brain excitability e.g. electrolyte disturbances or meningitis.
Remote symptomatic seizure is thought to be secondary to a distant
brain injury e.g. old stroke.
Unprovoked seizure is not an acute symptomatic seizure, i.e. without a
precipitating cause.
Epilepsy is a disorder of brain characterized by enduring predisposition
to generate seizures. It requires at least 1 unprovoked seizure with either
a second such seizure in >24 hr or enough EEG and clinical information to
convincingly demonstrate an enduring predisposition to develop
Epileptic syndrome is a disorder that manifests one or more specific
seizure types and has a specific age of onset and a specific prognosis.
Epileptic encephalopathy is an epilepsy syndrome in which the severe
EEG abnormality is thought to result in cognitive & other impairments.
Idiopathic epilepsy is an epilepsy syndrome that is genetic (or
presumed genetic) and in which there is no underlying disorder affecting
development or other neurologic function.
Symptomatic epilepsy is an epilepsy syndrome caused by an underlying
brain disorder.
Cryptogenic (orpresumed symptomatic) epilepsy is an epilepsy
syndrome in which there is a presumed underlying brain disorder
causing the epilepsy and affecting neurologic function, but the underlying
disorder is not known, hence also called (unknown epilepsy).
Seizure disorder is a general term that includes all the above conditions.

Epid. About 30% of patients who have a first afebrile seizure have later
epilepsy, but the risk ↓ to 20% if neurologic exam, EEG, and
neuroimaging where normal.
About 4-10% of children experience at least 1 seizure in the first 16 yr of
life. The cumulative lifetime incidence of epilepsy is 3%, and more than
half of the cases start in childhood; the annual prevalence is 0.5-1%.
- 348 -
Path. Mechanism of epilepsy often passes into 4 sequential processes:-
1. Underlying etiology; which is any process that can disrupt neuronal
function and connectivity, it includes any pathologic process or genetic
2. Epileptogenesis; during which the brain turns excitable or epileptic.
3. Epileptic state of increased excitability which present in all patients
with epilepsy.
4. Seizure-related neuronal injury after prolonged status epilepticus →
acute swelling of the hippocampus and long-term hippocampal atrophy
with sclerosis (shown by MRI).

Types of Epileptic Seizures

1. Self-Limited Seizure Types:-
 Focal (Partial)Seizures include: Focal sensory seizures (with
elementary or experiential sensory symptoms), Focal motor seizures
(with elementary clonic motor signs, asymmetrical tonic motor seizures,
typical (temporal lobe) automatisms, hyperkinetic automatisms, focal
negative myoclonus, or inhibitory motor seizures), Gelastic seizures,
Hemiclonic seizures, Secondarily generalized seizures, & Reflex seizures
in focal epilepsy syndromes.
 Generalized Seizures include: Tonic-clonic seizures, Clonic seizures
+/_ tonic features, Typical absence seizures, Atypical absence seizures,
Myoclonic absence seizures, Tonic seizures, Spasms, Myoclonic seizures,
Eyelid myoclonia +/_ absences, Myoclonic atonic seizures, Negative
myoclonus, Atonic seizures, & Reflex seizures in generalized epilepsy
2. Continuous Seizure Types:-
 Generalized Status Epilepticus include: Generalized tonic-clonic,
Clonic, Absence, Tonic, & Myoclonic status epilepticus.
 Focal Status Epilepticus include: Epilepsia partialis continua of
Kojevnikov, Aura continua, Limbic status epilepticus (psychomotor
status), & Hemiconvulsive status with hemiparesis.
3. Precipitating Stimuli for Reflex Seizures:-
Visual stimuli (e.g. flickering light, patterns & others), Thinking,
Reading, Eating, Startle, Hot water, Music, Praxis, Somatosensory, &

- 349 -
Classification of Epilepsy Syndromes
Note: Syndromes with (*) have good prognosis.
 Idiopathic Focal Epilepsies of Infancy and Childhood:-
Benign infantile seizures (nonfamilial)*, Benign childhood epilepsy with
centrotemporal spikes*, & Early and late onset idiopathic occipital
 Familial (Autosomal Dominant) Epilepsies:-
Benign familial neonatal convulsions*, Benign familial infantile
convulsions*, Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy.
Familial lateral temporal lobe epilepsy, & Generalized epilepsies with
febrile seizures plus.
 Symptomatic (or probably symptomatic) Focal Epilepsies:-
Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis, Mesial
temporal lobe epilepsy defined by specific causes, Other types defined
by location and causes, Rasmussen syndrome, Hemiconvulsion-
hemiplegia syndrome, Other types defined by location and cause, &
Migrating partial seizures of early infancy.
 Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies:-
Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy*, Epilepsy with myoclonic astatic
seizures, Childhood absence epilepsy*, Epilepsy with myoclonic
absences, Juvenile absence epilepsy*, Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy*, &
Epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures only*.
 Reflex Epilepsies:-
Idiopathic photosensitive occipital lobe epilepsy, Other visual sensitive
epilepsies, & Startle epilepsy.
 Epileptic Encephalopathies:-
Early myoclonic encephalopathy and Ohtahara syndrome, West
syndrome (infantile spasm), Dravet's syndrome (severe myoclonic
epilepsy in infancy), Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Landau-Kleffner synd, &
Epilepsy with continuous spike waves during slow-wave sleep.
 Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsies:-
Unverricht-Lundborg, Lafora, Ceroidolipofuscinoses…etc.
 Seizures not necessarily needing a diagnosis of Epilepsy:-
Benign neonatal seizures*, Febrile seizures*, Reflex seizures, Drug or
other chemically induced seizures, & Immediate and early post-
traumatic seizures.

- 351 -
 General approach to patient with any type of seizure:-
 First Aid management by A, B, C with assessment of vital signs.
 History; take a detailed hx of seizure by determining the following:-
1. Trigger factors for seizure (see above).
2. Aura & Automatisms (if present) which precede seizure (see later).
3. Onset of seizure whether focal or generalized.
4. Description of posture of generalized seizure whether it is Tonic
(sustained contraction), Clonic (rhythmic contraction), Myoclonic
(rapid shock-like contraction), Atonic or Astatic (flaccidity which may
be associated with fall), Absence (staring, unresponsiveness, and eye
flutter for few sec).
5. Duration of the seizure.
6. Postictal state (see later).
7. Family hx of epilepsy.
8. Exclude other conditions that mimic seizure.
 Examination; general exam (e.g. abnormal facies, skin rash of
neurocutaneous syndromes) including growth parameters, & careful
neurological exam including fundoscopy.
 Investigations are depending on whether the seizure is symptomatic,
febrile, or unprovoked seizure.

Febrile Seizures
FS are the most common type of seizures that occur in ≈ 2-5% of
neurologically healthy infants and children. It usually occur between 6-60
mo (0.5-5 yr) of age with temp ≥ 380C that is not due to CNS infection or
metabolic disturbance, and in the absence of hx of prior afebrile seizures.
There are several identified genetic mutations that contribute for FS &
manifested by positive family hx of FS. Although most FS are polygenic,
in many families the disorder is inherited as AD trait.

Simple FS is a generalized (usually tonic-clonic) attack associated with

fever, lasting for ≤ 15 min, and not recurrent within a 24-hour period.
When any of these features are not met, itis called Complex FS & when
the FS last >30 min, it is called Febrile status epilepticus.
Simple febrile seizure plus is used for those with recurrent febrile
seizures within 24 hr.

- 350 -
Simple FS do not carry a risk of epilepsy or mortality, but it may recur
in ≈30% of infants & children after the first episode. However, there are
several risk factors that can predict recurrence of FS including:-
 Major criteria; age <1 yr, fever 38-390C, & fever duration <24 hr (i.e. an
infant with simple & short duration of fever).
 Minor criteria; family hx of FS or epilepsy, complex FS, male, day care,
& hyponatremia!.
If patient has no risk factor, the recurrence rate is only 12%, but this
number is doubled or tripled with increasing risk factors.

There are also risk factors for subsequent epilepsy including:-

Simple FS (1%), Recurrent FS (4%), Complex FS (6%), Fever <1 hr
before FS (11%), Family hx of epilepsy (18%), Focal complex FS (29%),
Neurodevelopmental abnormalities (33%).

Almost any type of epilepsy can be preceded as FS; whereas some types
are typically started as FS which called (FS plus) & mainly include:-

 Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus (GEFS+) is an AD

syndrome with highly variable phenotype, the onset is usually in early
childhood and remit in mid-childhood. It is characterized by multiple FS
& several types of afebrile generalized seizures. A focal febrile seizures
plus epilepsy variant has also been described.
 Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy (SMEI) (Dravet syndrome) is
considered to be the most severe of phenotypic spectrum of FS plus. It
usually caused by new mutation, (although it is rarely inherited as AD).
Its onset is in the 1st yr of life & is characterized by febrile and afebrile
unilateral clonic seizures recurring every 1 or 2 mo.

Note: Many patients with Vaccine Encephalopathy, i.e. seizures and

psychomotor regression occurring after vaccination (which presumed to be
caused by it) are found to have Dravet syndrome mutations!.

 Approach to patient with febrile seizure:-

It is similar to the approach of patient with any type of seizure (see
above), but with some differences that include:-
 Assess the cause of fever by proper hx, general exam & investigations
e.g. CBP, blood glucose, serum electrolytes…etc.
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Note: CSF exam by LP should be done in any infant <6 mo with FS because
seizure may be the only manifestation of meningitis, especially if patient
had received antibiotics which mask the other features of meningitis.
 Assess the risk factors of recurrence (according to the above criteria)
with counseling of parents about taking prophylactic medications.
 Assess the risk factors for later epilepsy e.g. neurodevelopmental
abnormalities or family hx of epilepsy as well as febrile status
epilepticus. Hence EEG +/_ CT or MRI of brain should be taken.
Note: Early EEG after FS usually do not predict the future recurrence of
FS or later epilepsy even if the result is abnormal, thus it should be
deferred for at least 2 wk after FS.
 In case of febrile status epilepticus, IV benzodiazepines,
phenobarbital, phenytoin, or valproate may be needed (see later).
 In general, antiepileptic therapy, continuous or intermittent, is not
recommended for children with one or more simple FS, but if patient
has risk factors for recurrences, parents should be educated about how
to handle the seizure if it recur & last >5 min by rectal diazepam or
buccal/intranasal midazolam.
 Management of the underlying illness also an important part in the
general Rx of FS. Antipyretics can reduce discomfort of child but,
unfortunately, do not reduce the risk of having recurrent FS.
 Iron deficiency has been associated with ↑ risk of FS, and thus
screening & Rx for it appears appropriate.

Pv. If the parents are very anxious about their child's seizure,
intermittent oral diazepam 0.33 mg/kg or rectal suppository
0.5 mg/kg every 8 hr can be given during febrile illnesses to prevent
recurrence of FS. Other benzodiazepines, phenobarbital & valproate also
can be used. Chronic antiepileptic therapy may be considered for
children with high risk of later epilepsy, although the possibility of future
epilepsy does not change.

- 353 -
Partial (Focal) Seizures
Partial seizures account for ≈ 40% of seizures in children and can be
divided into simple (focal seizures without impairment of consciousness)
& complex (focal seizures with impairment of consciousness); each can
occur in isolation, or one can (temporally) lead to the other, and each can
progress into secondary generalized seizures.

 Simple Partial Seizure occur when consciousness is not impaired & can
take the form of sensory seizures (auras) or brief motor seizures, the
specific nature of it can gives clues to the location of the seizure focus.
Brief motor seizures are the most common and include focal tonic,
clonic or atonic seizures & often there is a motor (Jacksonian) march
from face to arm to leg. It is usually associated with adversive head and
eye movements to the contralateral side and also postictal (Todd's)
paralysis which may last minutes or hours.

 Complex Partial Seizure occur when consciousness is impaired &

usually last 1-2 min and often is preceded by an aura. Subsequent
manifestations consist of decreased responsiveness, staring, looking
around seemingly purposelessly, and automatisms.

Aura are sensory experiences precede the seizure that reported by the
patient and not observed externally, it can be somatosensory (e.g.
epigastric discomfort, fear, headache, tingling), visual (e.g. flashing
lights), olfactory, auditory, vestibular, or experiential sensations.
Children <7 yr old are less likely to report auras, but parents might
observe unusual pre-ictal behaviors that suggest an auras.

Automatisms are automatic semipurposeful movements of the mouth

(e.g. chewing) or extremities (e.g. manipulating the sheets, shuffling,
walking); it often accompanied by salivation, flushing and/or pallor, and
dilation of pupils.

 Secondary Generalized Seizures can start as simple or complex partial

seizures or as generalized clinical phenomena (due to rapid spread of
the discharge from the initial focus). There is often adversive eye and
head deviation to the contralateral side followed by generalized tonic,
clonic, or tonic-clonic activity.

- 354 -
EEG in patients with partial seizures usually shows focal spikes or sharp
waves in the lobe where the seizure originates. A sleep-deprived EEG
with recording during sleep increases the diagnostic yield and is
advisable in all patients whenever possible. However ≈ 15% of patients
may initially have normal EEGs because the discharges are relatively
infrequent or the focus is deep; thus, if repeating test does not detect
paroxysmal findings, then 24-hour video EEG monitoring is required.
Brain imaging is critical in patients with focal seizures. In general, MRI
is preferable to CT in showing focal pathologies e.g. previous strokes,
hypoxic injury, malformations, medial temporal sclerosis, arterio-
venous malformations, or tumors.

 Benign Epilepsy Syndromes with Partial Seizures:-

 Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes is the most

common which typically starts during childhood and is outgrown in
adolescence. The child typically wakes up at night owing to a simple
partial seizure causing buccal and throat tingling and tonic or clonic
contractions of one side of the face, with drooling and inability to speak
but with preserved consciousness and comprehension. Complex partial
and secondary generalized seizures can also occur. EEG shows typical
broad-based centrotemporal spikes that are markedly increased in
frequency during drowsiness and sleep. MRI is normal. Patients who
have only rare and mild seizures, treatment might not be needed,
otherwise it can be controlled by oxcarbazepine, valproic acid,
carbamazepine or levetiracetam.

 Benign Epilepsy with Occipital Spikes eitheroccur in early childhood

(Panayiotopoulos type) and manifests as complex partial seizures with
ictal vomiting, or they appear in later childhood (Gastaut type) with
complex partial seizures, visual auras, and migraine headaches.
Both are typically outgrown within few years.Rx is the same as above.

 Benign infantile familial convulsion syndromes (some are associated

with genetic mutations), Benign infantile non-familial syndromes &
Nocturnal AD frontal lobe epilepsy; all these syndromes are less
common disorders with usually good prognosis. Rx by phenobarbital,
carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, valproic acid, or gabapentin.

- 355 -
 Severe Epilepsy Syndromes with Partial Seizures:-

 Symptomatic Epilepsy secondary to focal brain lesions e.g. severe

metabolic problems, hypoxic-ischemic injury, or cong malformations;
they have a higher chance of being severe and refractory to Rx than
idiopathic epilepsy.

 Migrating Partial Epilepsy; it is usually due to several types of lesions

→ severe multifocal partial seizures with progressive mental regression
and cerebral atrophy with intractable epilepsy. These include: focal
cortical dysplasia, hemi-megalencephaly, Sturge-Weber hemangioma,
tuberous sclerosis, and congenital tumors such as ganglioglioma, and
dysembroyplastic neuroepithelial tumors.
Some may mimic the generalized epilepsy syndrome of Lennox-Gastaut
syndrome, thus called "Pseudo Lennox-Gastaut syndrome". Rx by
phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine, topiramate, or valproic acid.

 Temporal Lobe Epilepsy can be caused by any temporal lobe lesion. A

common cause is mesial (or medial) temporal sclerosis, a condition
often preceded by febrile seizures and, rarely, genetic in origin.
Pathologically, these patients have atrophy and gliosis of the
hippocampus and, in some, of the amygdala. It is the most common
cause of surgically remediable partial epilepsy. Rx by carbamazepine,
valproic acid, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, phenytoin, or gabapentin.

 Epileptic Encephalopathy with Focal Discharges; occasionally, in

patients with other symptomatic or cryptogenic partial or generalized
epilepsies, the focal discharges are so continuous that they cause
activation of temporal discharges in sleep which can lead to loss of
speech and verbal auditory agnosia (Landau-Kleffner epileptic
aphasia syndrome). Activation of frontal and secondary generalized
discharges in sleep leads to more global delay secondary to the
syndrome of continuous spike waves in slow-wave sleep. Rx by
valproic acid or ethosuximide; alternative are corticosteroids or IVIG.

 Rasmussen's Encephalitis is a form of chronic encephalitis

thatmanifests with unilateral intractable partial seizures, epilepsia
partialis continua, and progressive hemiparesis of the affected side, with
progressive atrophy of the contralateral hemisphere. Rx by
plasmapheresis, IVIG, or surgery (if not controlled by antiepileptics).
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Generalized Seizures
 Absence Seizures (Petit mal epilepsy) can be divided into the
 Typical Absence Seizures; it is usually start at 5-8 yr of age &
accompanied by flutter or upward rolling of the eyes. Owing to their
brevity (usually last for only few seconds) & immediate resumption of
what the patient was doing before the seizure, thus they often
overlooked by parents for many months even though they can occur up
to hundreds of times per day. Unlike complex partial seizures they
neither have an aura nor associated with automatisms (although it may
be accompanied by simple automatisms e.g. lip-smacking or picking at
clothing). They also do not have postictal period.
Hyperventilation for 3-5 min can precipitate the seizures and the
accompanying 3 Hz spike–and–slow wave discharges on EEG.
Most children outgrow seizure before adulthood, although ≈ 25% may
also develop generalized tonic-clonic seizures, half before and half after
the onset of absences.
Ethosuximide is the drug of choice. Alternatives are valproate or
 Juvenile Absence Seizures are similar to typical absences but occur at
later age and are accompanied by 4-6 Hz spike–and–slow wave &
polyspike–and–slow wave discharges. They are usually associated with
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
 Atypical Absence Seizures have associated myoclonic components and
tone changes of the head and body. They are precipitated by drowsiness
and are usually accompanied by 1-2 Hz spike–and–slow wave
discharges; they are usually more difficult to treat.

 Generalized Motor Seizure:-

It is the most common type of seizures which can be either primary or
secondarily generalized. If there is no partial component then the seizure
usually starts with loss of consciousness or sometimes with a sudden cry,
upward rolling of the eyes, and generalized tonic contraction with falling,
apnea, and cyanosis. The tonic phase is followed by clonic phase which
slows until the seizure stops; tongue biting, urinary and stool
incontinence & vomiting (with risk of aspiration) are common.

- 357 -
Most such seizures last 1-2 min and the postictal period often follows
which usually lasts for 30 min to several hours and associated with
semicoma or obtundation with postictal sleepiness, ataxia, hyper- or
hyporeflexia, and headaches.
Many patients have single idiopathic generalized tonic-clonic seizures
that may be associated with intercurrent illness or with a cause that
cannot be ascertained.

First aid measures include positioning the patient on his side, clearing
the mouth (if it is open), loosening tight clothes or jewelry, and gently
extending the head and, if possible, insertion of an airway. The mouth
should not be forcely open with a foreign object because this could
dislodge teeth causing aspiration, or with a finger as this could result in
serious injury to the examiner's finger.
Valproate is the drug of choice for most generalized as well as
unclassified epilepsies. Alternatives are lamotrigine, topiramate, or

 Benign Generalized Epilepsies:-

 Typical Absence Seizures (see above).

 Benign Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy consists of myoclonic and other

seizures during the 1st yr of life. Rx by valproic acid, topiramate, or

 Febrile Seizures Plus Syndrome manifests as febrile seizures in the

patient with multiple types of generalized seizures in multiple family
members. Rx by valproic acid, ethosuximide, topiramate, or lamotrigine.

 Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (Janz syndrome) is the most common

generalized epilepsy in young adults (5% of all epilepsies). It has been
linked to many genes mutations. Typically, it starts in early adolescence
with one or more of the following manifestations: myoclonic jerks in the
morning (often causing the patient to drop things), generalized tonic-
clonic, or clonic-tonic-clonic seizures upon awakening, or juvenile
absences. Rx by valproate, topiramate, or levetiracetam.

 Photoparoxysmal Epilepsy; in which the occipital, generalized tonic

clonic, absence, or myoclonic generalized seizures are precipitated by

- 358 -
photic stimuli e.g. flipping through TV channels or viewing video games.
Valproic acid is the drug of choice.

 Severe Generalized Epilepsies: These are generally associated with

intractable seizures and developmental delay.

 Early Myoclonic Infantile Encephalopathy; it is usually starts during

the first 2 mo of life due to inborn errors of metabolism as severe
myoclonic seizures with burst suppression pattern on EEG. Rx by
phenobarbital, phenytoin, or others.

 Early Epileptic Infantile Encephalopathy (Ohtahara Syndrome) has

similar age of onset and EEG of the above but manifests tonic seizures
and usually caused by brain malformations or syntaxin binding protein-1
mutations. Rx by corticosteroids or phenobarbital.

 Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy (Dravet syndrome) starts as

focal febrile status epilepticus and later manifests as myoclonic and
other seizure types. Rx by valproate, benzodiazepines (e.g. clonazepam),
or topiramate.

 West Syndrome (Infantile Spasm) is usually starts between 2-12 mo

of life and consists of a triad of: infantile spasms (usually occur in
clusters especially in drowsiness or upon arousal), developmental
regression, and typical EEG picture called "hypsarrhythmia" (high-
voltage, slow, chaotic background with multifocal spikes).
These spasms are often overlooked by parents and by physicians, being
mistaken for startles due to colic or for other benign paroxysmal
Patients with cryptogenic (or idiopathic) disease have normal
development before onset, whereas symptomatic patients have
preceding developmental delay owing to perinatal encephalopathies,
malformations, underlying metabolic disorders, or other etiologies e.g.
gene mutations.
Recognizing of West syndrome (especially cryptogenic), is a medical
emergency because if diagnosis delayed ≥ 3 wk, it can affect the long-
term prognosis.
Rx is usually by ACTH which is found to be better than corticosteroids
in management of West synd (although it has the same SE of
corticosteroids). The initial dose of ACTH is 150 IU/m2/day ÷ 2 IM
- 359 -
administered over 2-wk period with subsequent gradual taper over 2-
wk period. Response is usually observed within the 1st wk of Rx
(especially in cryptogenic type), but relapse can occur during the
tapering period (especially in symptomatic type) which entails
resumption the protocol again.
Another protocol involves low dose ACTH e.g. 20 IU/day with tapering
and discontinue therapy immediately once response is achieved.
Another option for Rx is by antiepileptics e.g. vigabatrin (which is the
drug of choice), ketogenic diet, or IVIG.

 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome typically starts between 2-10 yr of age and

consists of a triad of developmental delay, multiple seizure types &
typical EEG findings. Seizures of LGS include: atypical absences,
myoclonic, astatic, and tonic seizures. EEG findings are 1-2 Hz spike–
and-slow waves, polyspike bursts in sleep, and slow background in
Many patients start with Ohtahara syndrome, then develop West
syndrome, and then progress to Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Rx by
valproate, lamotrigine, or topiramate; alternative are IVIG or surgery.

 Myoclonic Astatic Epilepsy is a syndrome similar to but milder than

Lennox-Gastaut syndrome that usually does not have tonic seizures or
polyspike bursts in sleep. It has better prognosis than LGS. Rx by
valproic acid, ethosuximide or topiramate.

 Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsies are a group of epilepsies

characterized by progressive dementia and worsening of myoclonic
(and other) seizures.
Type I (Unvericht Lundborg disease) is secondary to a cystatin B
mutation & is more slowly progressive than the other types and usually
starts in adolescence.
Type II (Lafora body disease) can have an early childhood onset but
may starts in adolescence; it is more quickly progressive, and is usually
fatal within the second or third decade. It is due to gene mutations & it
manifests periodic acid-Schiff-positive Lafora inclusions on muscle or
skin biopsy; it also may be associated with photosensitivity.

Other causes of progressive myoclonic epilepsy include: myoclonic

epilepsy with ragged red fibers (MERRF), sialidosis type I, neuronal
ceroid lipofuschinosis, juvenile neuropathic Gaucher disease,
- 361 -
dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy, and juvenile neuroaxonal
dystrophy. Rx by valproic acid or topiramate.

 Myoclonic Encephalopathy in nonprogressive disorders is an

epileptic encephalopathy that occurs in some congenital disorders
affecting the brain e.g. Anglemann syndrome; it consists of almost
continuous and difficult-to-treat myoclonic or other seizures. Rx by
valproic acid.

 Landau-Kleffner syndrome is a rare condition of unknown cause. It is

characterized by loss of language skills in a previously normal child; at
least 70% have an associated seizure disorder of several types; it is
more common in boys with onset of ≈ 5.5 yr. It is often confused with
autism because both conditions are associated with loss of language
In LKS, aphasia may be primarily receptive or expressive, and auditory
agnosia may be so severe that the child is oblivious (unaware) to the
every day sounds. Hearing is normal, but behavioral problems, including
irritability and poor attention span are common.
Rx by valproic acid +/_ clobazam; alternatives are corticosteroids, IVIG,
or surgery.

 Approach to patient with unprovoked seizure:-

Hx & Ex are the same as in any type of seizure (see above).
Inv. Blood glucose, serum electrolytes, toxicology screen, metabolic
screen, LP, & genetic testing (the last 3 tests are usually done on
individual circumstances rather than on routine base). It also should
 EEG is useful in diagnosis of the event, prediction of recurrence risk,
identification of specific focal abnormalities and/or epileptic
syndromes. Unlike FS, EEG should not be deferred after 2 wk of
unprovoked seizure.
 Neuroimaging is usually indicated to exclude organic lesions of brain.
MRI is better than CT scan.

Rx. Anticonvulsants are generally not recommended after the 1st

unprovoked seizure unless the patient has abnormal EEG, MRI,
development, and/or abnormal neurologic exam and/or positive family

- 360 -
hx of epilepsy, because if the patient has normal neurodevelopmental
status, EEG, and MRI, the risk of recurrence is only ≈ 20%.
Other considerations may include: type of employment in older patients
(e.g. motor vehicle driving) and the parents’ ability to deal with
recurrences or with antiepileptic therapy.
If the unprovokedseizure recurs, here the antiepileptic drug therapy
must be instituted immediately.

- 362 -
Treatment of Seizures & Epilepsy
Counseling is an important part of management of patient with epilepsy
by educating the family and the child about the disease, its management,
and the limitations it might impose and how to deal with them; this
involve some restrictions on driving as well as some sport participation
e.g. gymnastics & swimming (unless with good supervision).

The mechanism of action of antiepileptic drugs include: reduce

excitability by interfering with sodium or calcium ion channels, by
reducing glutamate induced excitatory function, or by enhancing
GABAergic inhibition.

 Dose & SE of commonly used antiepileptic drugs:-

 Valproate, 15-40 mg/kg ÷ 2, 3 (up to 60 mg/kg with enzyme inducers).

SE; weight gain, tremor, alopecia, hyperammonemia, hepatic and
pancreatic toxicity.
 Phenobarbital, patient <5 yr, 3-5 mg/kg; patient >5 yr, 2-3 mg/kg ÷ 2,
3, or 4 (may be less dose with enzyme inhibitors).
SE; insomnia, hyperactivity, fluctuation of mood, aggressive outbursts,
liver toxicity, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
 Carbamazepine, 10-20 mg/kg ÷ 3, 4 (usually start by 1/4 of dose then
↑ by 1/4 every 2-3 days to a full dose).
SE; tics, weight gain, nausea, dizziness, transient leukopenia,
agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, liver toxicity, Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, hyponatremia.
 Oxcarbazepine, 20-40 mg/kg ÷ 2 (starting dose same as
SE; somnolence, headache, dizziness, nausea, apathy, rash,
hypertrichosis, gingival hypertrophy, hyponatremia.
 Phenytoin, <3 yr, 8-10 mg/kg; >3 yr, 4-7 mg/kg ÷ 3, 4.
SE; gingival hyperplasia, coarsening of facies, hirsutism, cerebello-
vestibular symptoms (nystagmus and ataxia), Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, liver toxicity.
 Benzodiazepines e.g.Clobazam, 10-20 mg/kg, Clonazepam, 0.01-0.02,
Nitrazepam 0.25-1 & Lorazepam 0.03 ÷ 2, 3 (Clobazam & Clonazepam
usually start by 1/4 of dose then ↑ by 1/4 every wk to a full dose).

- 363 -
SE; dose-related neurotoxicity (drowsiness, sedation, ataxia), apnea,
hyperactivity, drooling.
 Lamotrigine, 1-5 mg/kg ÷ 2 (if patient on enzyme inhibitor), 5-15
mg/kg ÷ 3 (if patient on enzyme inducer).
SE; CNS effects e.g. headache, ataxia, dizziness, tremor (but usually less
than other antiepileptics), Stevens-Johnson syndrome, rarely liver
 Topiramate, 3-9 mg/kg ÷ 2, 3 (usually start by 1/4 of dose then ↑ by
1/4 every wk to full dose).
SE; cognitive dysfunction, weight loss, renal calculi, hypohydrosis, fever,
precipitation of glaucoma.
 Ethosuximide, 20-30 mg/kg ÷ 2, 3.
SE; blood dyscrasias, GI upset, drowsiness, irritability.
 Gabapentin, 30-60 mg/kg ÷ 3 (usually start by 1/4 of dose then ↑ by
1/4 every day to full dose).
SE; few e.g. acute aggression, hyperactivity.
 Other antiepileptics (including newer agents) include: Acetazolamide,
Bromide, Diazepam, Methsuximide, Primidone, Tiagabine, Vigabatrin,
Zonisamide, Felbamate, Levetiracetam, Rufinamide, Sulthiame.
Note: See the text for dose & SE of these drugs.

 Initiation and Monitoring of Therapy:-

In non-emergency situations or when loading is not necessary, the

maintenance dose of the antiepileptic drug can be started. Some may
need to be started gradually to build tolerance to SE e.g. sedation. Levels
of many antiepileptics usually should be determined after initiation to
ensure compliance and therapeutic concentrations. A steady state is not
reached until 5 half-lives have elapsed which, for most antiepileptics, is
2-7 days, except in phenobarbital, it is 2-4 wk.

Control with 1 drug (monotherapy) should be the goal, although some

patients eventually need to take multiple drugs & hence consider drug
After initiation of antiepileptic therapy, EEG should be monitored during
the 1st few weeks of Rx, then every few months to evaluate changes of
predisposition to seizures. It is also important upon discontinuation of
therapy (see later).

- 364 -
To monitor SE of older antiepileptics, baseline laboratory studies e.g.
CBP, LFTs, & RFTs may be done before initiation & repeated periodically
after therapy, especially in the 1st few mo when SE are more likely to
occur. Some SEs are reversible e.g. dose-related leucopenia, whereas
others e.g. idiosyncratic aplastic anemia or agranulocytosis may be
irreversable but much less common.
There is increased risk of liver toxicity with valproate therapy in
children <2 yr of age, especially if they are on polytherapy, and/or with
metabolic disorders. Thus, if metabolic disorders are suspected, it should
be ruled out by checking amino acids, organic acids, acylcarnitine profile,
lactate & pyruvate in addition to LFTs.
Another SE is rickets induced by phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone,
and carbamazepine (which all are enzyme inducers) through ↓ 25-OH vit
D level, thus skeletal monitoring is warranted in chronic therapy with
these agents & vit D supplementation may be recommended.
Note: Essentially all antiepileptics can cause CNS toxicity and potentially BM
toxicity, rashes, and serious allergic reactions. There is also genetic predisposition
to develop antiepileptics-induced SE e.g. in Chinese patients, there is a strong
association between certain HLA alleles & severe cutaneous reactions induced by
some antiepileptics.

 Choice of drug & other considerations:-

Because there are several options of antiepileptics for each patient, the
choice of drug is depend on many considerations include:-
 Comparative effectiveness & potential for paradoxical seizure
aggravation e.g. carbamazepine and tiagabine may precipitate absence
and myoclonic seizures; whereas lamotrigine may exacerbate seizures
in Dravet syndrome and other myoclonic epilepsies.
 Ease of initiation & use; drugs that are started very slowly (e.g.
lamotrigine and topiramate) may not be chosen in situations when
there is need to achieve therapeutic level quickly. Drugs that are
palatable or given less frequently (e.g. once or twice daily) may ensure
 Patient's and family's preferences according to the comparative
tolerability of SE of each drug. Teratogenic effect of some antiepileptics
should also be considered when they given to a girl in a child-bearing
- 365 -
 Ability to monitor the medication and adjust the dose; older
medications (e.g. phenytoin) requiring frequent blood levels to gauge
efficacy and avoid toxicity, whereas the newer antiepileptic are
generally do not require monitoring of blood level.
 Mechanism of drug actions; it is better to avoid combining drugs with
similar mechanisms of action e.g. phenytoin and carbamazepine (both
work on sodium channels).
 Drug interactions and presence of background medications; a classical
example is when use valproate (an enzyme inhibitor) with
phenobarbital (an enzyme inducer), this entails either elevation of
valproate dose or reduction of phenobarbital dose or both.
 Cost and availability; newer drugs are costy; because antiepileptics
have narrow therapeutic range, thus be careful when switching from
one generic name to another which can result in changes of drug level
causing either breakthrough seizures or SE.
 Hx of prior response e.g. if the patient (or family member with the
same problem) had previously responded to certain antiepileptic, it
could be a desirable choice.
 Presence of coexisting seizures or comorbid conditions; if both
absence and generalized tonic-clonic seizures, a drug with broad
spectrum of antiseizure effects should be used e.g. valproate or
lamotrigine. If migraine is present, choose drug that effective against
both conditions e.g. valproate or topiramate.

 Discontinuation of Antiepileptic Therapy:-

In general, discontinuation of antiepileptics usually indicated when

children are free of seizures for at least 2 yr. However, in benign
epilepsy syndromes, this duration can be as short as 6 mo, whereas in
more-severe syndromes e.g. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, severe
myoclonic epilepsy, or remote symptomatic epilepsy, the withdrawal of
antiepileptics is usually not attempted, otherwise a prolonged period
(i.e. >2 yr) of seizure freedom is warranted before deciding withdrawal of

When deciding withdrawal of an antiepileptics, it should be

discontinued gradually, often over a period of 3-6 mo because abrupt
discontinuation can result in withdrawal seizures or status epilepticus
(which especially common with phenobarbital and benzodiazepines).
- 366 -
After successful withdrawal of antiepileptics, relapse of seizure also can
occur, especially in the 1st 6 mo of discontinuation (which should be
discussed with the patient & family). Relapse of seizure will necessate
resumption of the antiepileptic therapy.
There are certain risk factors that can predict relapse of epilepsy e.g.
abnormal EEG on withdrawal of the drug (thus EEG is mandatory before
discontinuation of antiepileptic therapy), older age of epilepsy onset,
longer duration of epilepsy, presence of multiple seizure types, and the
need to use >1 antiepileptic, i.e. difficult to control epilepsy.

 Drug Resistance Epilepsy:-

Patients with drug resistance (intractable, refractory)epilepsy should be

re-evaluated for underlying degenerative, inflammatory, or metabolic
disorders e.g. pyridoxine-dependent and pyridoxal-responsive epilepsy,
or folinic acid–responsive seizures (recently demonstrated to be the
same disorder as pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy).
The principles of monotherapy indicate that a second medication needs
to be considered after the first drug is either pushed as high as tolerated
and still does not control the seizures, or results in intolerable SE. In
these cases, a second drug is started and the first is tapered and then
discontinued. The second drug is then again pushed to the dose that
controls the seizure or that results in intolerable SE. If the second drug
fails, then either try this with a third drug or consider a dual
(combination) therapy.

Patients who do not respond to the antiepileptic drugs are candidate for
additional therapies which include:-

 Steroids; usually given as prednisone (or equivalent) for epileptic

encephalopathies e.g. Lennox-Gastaut, Landau-Kleffner, myoclonic
astatic & continuous spike-waves in slow-wave sleep. The dose is
2 mg/kg/day for 2-3 mo (or for > 1 yr in LKS) with a taper over a similar
period. The mechanism of action of steroids (as well as ACTH for West
synd) is not known but is presumed to be anti-inflammatory, also they
may stimulate brain neurosteroid receptors that enhance GABA activity
(which has antiepileptic effect), and ↓ CRH (corticotrophin-releasing
hormone) level which is known to be epileptogenic.

- 367 -
 IVIG; it has also been reported to be similarly effective in nonimmune-
deficient patients with West, Lennox Gastaut, Landau-Kleffner, and
continuous spike-waves in slow-wave sleep syndromes and possibly in
partial seizures. The usual regimen is 2 g/kg divided over 4 consecutive
days followed by 1 g/kg once a month for 6 mo. The mechanism of
action of IVIG is not known but is presumed to be anti-inflammatory.

 Ketogenic Diet that mainly consists either from animal fat, vegetable
oils, or medium chain triglycerides; it is believed to be effective in
myoclonic-astatic epilepsy, tuberous sclerosis complex, Rett syndrome,
severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (Dravet syndrome), infantile
spasms & possibly other syndromes; as well as in some metabolic
disorders e.g. glucose transporter protein 1 deficiency, pyruvate
dehydrogenase deficiency; but however it is absolutely
contraindicated in other metabolic diseases associated with carnitine
deficiency, fatty acid oxidation disorders, pyruvate carboxylase
deficiency, and porphyrias.

 Epilepsy surgery; the candidacy for epilepsy surgery requires proof of

resistance to antiepileptic therapy used at maximum, tolerably nontoxic
doses; absence of expected unacceptable adverse consequences of
surgery, and a properly defined "epileptogenic zone", i.e. area that
needs to be resected to achieve seizure freedom. This zone must be
identified precisely using various techniques e.g. EEG, MRI, PET, SPECT,

Epilepsy surgery involve several procedures include: focal resection of

the epileptogenic zone (the most common procedure);
hemispherectomy (used for diffuse hemispheric lesions); multiple
subpial transection, in which the connections of the epileptic focus are
partially cut without resecting it, is sometimes used for unresectable
foci located in the eloquent cortex (area responsible for speach); corpus
callosotomy is used for drop attacks in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome; and
vagal nerve stimulation is also used for intractable epilepsies of various

- 368 -
S.E. is defined as continuous seizure activity or recurrent seizure
activity without regaining of consciousness lasting for >5 min.
Refractory S.E. is S.E. that has failed to respond to therapy, usually with
at least 2 medications.
New-Onset Refractory S.E. (NORSE) can occur in patient without prior
epilepsy & can last several weeks or longer! & it often has poor prognosis.
About 30% of patients presenting with S.E. are having their first seizure,
and ≈ 40% of these will develop epilepsy later on.

S.E. can be divided clinically into convulsive & nonconvulsive:-

Convulsive S.E. is the most common type, it include: generalized tonic,
clonic, tonic-clonic, myoclonus, complex partial, absence, or epilepsia
partialis continua.
Nonconvulsive S.E. include: confusional state, dementia, hyperactivity
with behavioral problems, fluctuating impairment of consciousness with
at times unsteady sitting or walking (absence status), fluctuating mental
status, confusional state, hallucinations, paranoia, aggressiveness
catatonia, and psychotic symptoms.

Path. The mechanisms leading to the establishment of sustained seizure

activity appear to involve failure of desensitization of AMPA glutamate
receptors, and reduction of GABA-mediated inhibition due to
intracellular internalization of GABAA receptors.

Et. Febrile the most common type of S.E. in children. Other
causes include: new-onset epilepsy of any type, drug withdrawal in
patients on antiepileptics, drug intoxication, hypoglycemia, electrolyte
imbalance (hypocalcemia, hyponatremia, hypomagnesemia), acute head
trauma, encephalitis, meningitis, postinfectious encephalitis, acute
disseminated encephalomyelitis, ischemic stroke, intracranial
hemorrhage, inborn errors of metabolism, brain tumors, or any other
disorder that can cause ordinary epilepsy.
Hemiconvulsion Hemiplegia Epilepsy (HHE) is a rare syndrome that
presumably due to focal acute encephalitis. Fever-induced refractory
epileptic encephalopathy (FIRES) has been reported in older children.
Epilepsia partialis continua can be caused by tumor, vascular etiologies,
mitochondrial disease (e.g. MELAS), or Rasmussen encephalitis.

- 369 -
 Laboratory studies include: serum glucose, sodium, calcium, or other
electrolytes, blood and spinal fluid cultures, toxic screens, and tests for
inborn errors of metabolism. Antiepileptic drug levels need to be
determined if the patient is already on an antiepileptic.
 EEG is helpful in identifying the type of S.E., generalized versus focal,
which can guide further testing for the underlying etiology and further
therapy. It also can rule out "pseudo–S.E.", a psychological conversion
reaction mimicking S.E.
 Neuroimaging needs to be considered after the child has been

Rx. S.E. is a medical emergency that is better managed in the ICU

because it requires initial and continuous attention to securing airway,
breathing, and circulation with continuous monitoring of vital signs
(including ECG) with attention to the systemic Cxs because some
develop multiorgan failure, as well as determination and management
of the underlying etiology (e.g. hypoglycemia).

Antiepileptic drugs are usually given parenterally in following sequential


1. Benzodiazepines e.g. Lorazepam IV 0.05-0.1 mg/kg or Diazepam IV

0.2-0.5 mg/kg). If intravenous access is not available; use intranasal
lorazepam, rectal diazepam, or IM/intranasal/buccal Midazolam.
Note: In infants, a trial of pyridoxine is often warranted.

2. Phenytoin (or fosphenytoin) IV, loading dose 15-20 mg/kg (in rate not
>0.5-1 mg/kg/min). Drug level is usually taken after 2 hr to ensure
achievement of therapeutic concentration & accordingly the
maintenance dose 3-6 mg/24 hr can be started either soon or after 6 hr.

3. Phenobarbital IV loading dose in neonates is usually 20 mg/kg, but in

infants and children the dose is 5-10 mg/kg (to avoid respiratory
depression), the dose can be repeated if there is no adequate response.

Note: After the second or third medication is given, the patient may need to be

- 371 -
4. Valproate IV loading 25 mg/kg, maintenance 30-60 mg/kg/24 hr. It
also can be given as a third-line medication (instead of phenobarbital).

5. For Refractory S.E., IV bolus of midazolam, propofol, pentobarbital, or

thiopental are used with maintenance of corresponding continuous
intravenous drip. Subsequent boluses and adjustment of the rate of
infusion are usually made depending on the clinical and EEG response.

Because most of these patients need to be intubated and paralyzed, the

EEG becomes the method of choice to follow the seizure activity because
the goal of Rx is to stop electrographic seizure activity before reducing

Often, Barbiturate coma and similar therapies are maintained for 1 or

more days before it is possible to gradually taper the other drug therapy
over a few days. However, in some cases (including NORSE), such
therapies need to be maintained for several weeks or even months. Even
though the prognosis in NORSE cases is often poor and many patients do
not survive, meaningful recovery despite a prolonged course is still
possible. Occasionally, inhalational anesthetics (especially isoflorane) are

The approach to non-convulsive S.E. and epilepsia partialis continua,

therapy needs to be tailored according to the clinical manifestations and
often consists of trials of sequential oral or sometimes parenteral
antiepileptics; whereas the approach for complex partial S.E. is similar to
that of convulsive S.E. or sometimes intermediate between convulsive
and epilepsia partialis, depending on severity.

Additional therapies may be advocated for refractory S.E. in selected

cases e.g. steroids, IVIG, surgery, & ketogenic diet; as well as induction of
acidosis & hypothermia may be used.

Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) is the most common

epilepsy related mortality in patients with chronic epilepsy; the incidence is
unknown but ranges from 1-5 per 1,000 people with epilepsy. Although the
precise etiology is unknown, risk factors include polypharmacology, poorly
controlled generalized tonic–clonic seizures, male gender, age <16 yr, long
duration of epilepsy, and frequent seizures.

- 370 -
CP is a diagnostic term used to describe a group of motor syndromes
resulting from disorders of early brain development. Although it was
considered static, it is often change or progress over time.
Although CP is often associated with epilepsy and abnormalities of
speech, vision, and intellect, however, many children and adults with CP
function at high educational and vocational level.

Et. The majority of cases of CP is idiopathic & thought to be present

prenatally; other acquired causes include: developmental, genetic,
metabolic, ischemic, infectious, and others.

Associated comorbidities are common and include: pain (in 75%),

cognitive disability (50%), hip displacement (30%), seizures (25%),
behavioral disorders (25%), sleep disturbances (20%), visual impair-
ment (19%), and hearing impairment (4%).

C.M. There are 4 major groups of CP:-

 Spastic Quadriplegia (20%) is the most severe one, it affects

allextremities with signs of upper motor neurone (UMN) disease→
scissoring posture of legs & later → contracture deformities & disuse
atrophy of muscles. It is usually associated with mental retardation,
epilepsy, & pseudo-bulbar palsy which cause swallowing difficulty →
aspiration pneumonia.

 Spastic Diplegia (30%); bilateral spasticity of the lower > upper

limbs; it usually appear when the infant begin to crawl → Commando
crawl, but it usually not associated with mental retardation or

 Spastic Hemiplegia (25%); ↓ spontaneous movements on the affected

side; the infant show hand preference at very early age. It affect the
upper > lower limbs which may show growth arrest that especially
affect distal part of the limb; walking is delayed with circumductive gait.

 Athetoid (Choreoathetoid, Dyskinetic, or Extrapyramidal) CP (15%);

due to lesion in the basal ganglia causing hypotonia & head lag early
in life, then the tone will ↑ & associated with rigidity & dystonia over
several years. Signs of UMN disease are absent, seizures are uncommon
- 372 -
& intellect is preserved, but speech is typically affected & feeding is
also difficult due to tongue thrusting and drooling.

 MRI of brain (especially diffusion tensor imaging-DTI).
 Tests for hearing & vision.
 Genetic evaluation.

Rx. The best measure for CP is the prevention. CP can be prevented

antenataly by administration of magnesium to a mother with premature
delivery; as well as hypothermia also can prevent HIE & subsequent CP.

CP management requires a team of physicians from various specialties,

occupational and physical therapists, speech pathologists, social workers,
educators, and developmental psychologists.
It also involves teaching of patient & his family to optimize functional
ability in order to achieve their potential. The use of some devices e.g.
wheelchair will help in adaptation.
Some patients also may benefit from orthopedic procedures to treat
deformities of limbs or contracture of joints.

 Measures to ↓ spasticity in patient with CP include:-

 Muscle relaxantagents e.g. oral benzodiazepines, dantrolene, or
baclofen (which also can be given intrathecally).
 Botulinum toxin (Botox) injected into the affected muscles, it also can
be injected in the salivary glands to ↓ drooling.
 Selected dorsal Rhizotomy procedure on spinal nerves can be used in
selected patients with severe spasticity.

 Rigidity, dystonia, & spastic quadriparesis may respond to levodopa,

carbamazepine, or trihexyphenidyl (Artane).

 Reserpine or tetrabenazine can be useful for hyperkinetic movement

disorders including athetosis or chorea.

- 373 -
CNS infection is influenced by the age and immune status of the host
and the epidemiology of the pathogen. In general, viral infections are
the most common cause of CNS infection.

CSF findings in common CNS infections

Pressure Leukocytes Protein Glucose

CONDITION (mm H2o) (mm3) (mg/Dl) (mg/dl) Comments
Normal 50–80 <5, ≥75% 20–45 >50 (or Sterile
lymphocytes 75% serum
Acute Bacterial Usually 100-10,000 Usually Decreased, Organisms
meningitis elevated or more; 100-500 usually <40 usually seen on
(100-300) usually 300– (or <50% Gram stain and
2,000; PMNs serum recovered by
predominate glucose) culture
Partially Normal or 5-10,000; Usually Normal or Gram stain may
treated elevated PMNs usual 100-500 decreased be +ve. Antigen
Bacterial but can be detected
meningitis mononuclear by agglutination
cells may test
Viral Normal or Rarely Usually Generally Enteroviruses
meningitis or slightly >1,000 cells. 50-200 normal; and HSV
meningo- elevated PMNs early may be may be infrequently
encephalitis (80-150) but very high decreased recovered from
mononuclear if to <40 in CSF but may be
cells extensive some detected by PCR
predominate brain de- viruses of CSF
struction especially
eg HSV mumps
Tuberculous Usually 10–500; 100- <50 in most AFB organisms
meningitis elevated PMNs early, 3,000 cases; almost never
but may be decreases seen on smear,
lymphocytes higher in with time if but may be
predominate presence Rx not recovered in
of block provided culture of large
volume of CSF or
by PCR of CSF.

- 374 -
Epid. The mode of transmission is probably person-to-person contact
through respiratory tract secretions or droplets.

Risk factors for infection include: close contact with individuals having
invasive disease, crowding, poverty, anatomic defects of CNS, immune
deficiency, male gender, & occult bacteremia, especially with H. influenza
& N. meningitides.

Et. Acute bacterial meningitis beyond the neonatal period is mainly

caused by 3 organisms; Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus
influenzae type b, and Neisseria meningitides. Other organisms are less

 Streptococcus pneumonia; It peaks in the 1st 2 yr of life. Risk factors

for pneumococcal infections include; anatomic or functional asplenia,
HIV, otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea,
and the presence of cochlear implant.

 Haemophilus influenzae type b; It also peaks in the 1st 2 yr of life.

The risk of infections is usually among family or daycare center
contacts, but it markedly decreased after the vaccination programs.

 Neisseria meningitides; 5 serogroups of meningococcus, A, B, C, Y, and

W-135. Epidemic disease is usually caused by serogroup A &
commonly following influenza virus infection. Nasopharyngeal
carriage of N. meningitides in adults can spread infection to the
susceptible infants & children. Defects in the terminal complement
pathway (C5-C8) usually cause recurrent infections, whereas defects in
the Properdin pathway can cause lethal infection.

 Listeria monocytogenes; It is important in the 1st 3 mo of life,

especially in those with T-lymphocyte defects.

 Staphylococcus aureus& gram-negative enteric bacilli (E. coli,

Klebsiella) are common in patient with meningomyelocele.

 Coagulase-negative Staphylococci common with CSF shunt.

 Pseudomonas aeruginosa & Salmonella spp. also can occur.

- 375 -
Path. Bacterial meningitis most commonly results from hematogenous
dissemination of microorganisms from a distant site of infection;
bacteremia usually precedes meningitis or occurs concomitantly. They
usually get entry to the CSF through the choroid plexus of the lateral
ventricles and the meninges then multiply rapidly because the CSF
concentrations of complement and antibody are inadequate to contain
bacterial proliferation.

Brain damage in meningitis is due to several causes include: cerebral

infarction (from vascular occlusion), cerebritis, necrosis as well as due to
immunological response to bacteria & their components. Cranial
neuropathies may be due to focal inflammation.

↑ CSF protein may be due to ↑ vascular permeability of blood brain

barrier (bbb) with loss of albumin-rich fluid; whereas ↓ CSF glucose
(Hypoglycorrhachia) is due to ↓ glucose transport by the cerebral tissue.

Meningitis cause Increase Intracranial Pressure (ICP) by several

mechanisms include:-

1. Cerebral edema; it is due to cytotoxic, vasogenic or interstitial edema.

2. Hydrocephalus (HC); it is mainly communicating HC due to adhesive
thickening of the arachnoid villi around cisterns; less commonly due to
non-communicating (obstructive) HC.
3. SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion).
4. Subdural effusion.

Elevated ICP is transmitted equally to the entire subarachnoid

space, so there is little structural displacement & the tentorial, falx, or
cerebellar herniation usually does not occur.
The cerebral perfusion is always compromised especially if there is
systemic hypotension because:-
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure = Mean Arterial Pressure – ICP

C.M. The onset is either sudden or insidious.

 Sudden onset is less common manifestation & associated with
rapidlyprogressive manifestations of shock, purpura, DIC, and ↓
conciousness which often progress to coma or death within 24 hr.
 Insidious onset is more common & manifested as nonspecific findings
e.g. fever, headache, anorexia, photophobia, poor feeding,
- 376 -
myalgias, arthralgias, tachycardia, hypotension, & skin rash e.g.
petechiae, purpura & tache cérébrale (which elicited by stroking skin
with a blunt object and observing raised red streak within 1 min). Focal
neurologic signs may occur due to vascular occlusion or cerebral
 Sometimes meningitis is preceded by several days of fever associated
with URT or GIT symptoms, followed by nonspecific signs of CNS
infection e.g. increasing lethargy and irritability.

 Signs of Meningeal Irritation include: nuchal rigidity, back pain,

Kernig sign, & Brudzinski sign, although the last 2 signs are not
consistently present in infants < 1-1.5 yr.

 Signs of Increased ICP include: headache, nausea, vomiting, cranial

nerve palsy (especially the abducet & oculomotor); severe cases
causing Cushing triad which include hypertension, bradycardia, &
irregular respiration (apnea or hyperventilation). In infants, there is
bulging fontanel & diastasis (widening) of sutures.
Other signs include: papilledema, decorticate or decerebrate posturing,
stupor, coma, or signs of herniation.

Note: Papilledema is uncommon in uncomplicated meningitis and

usually suggest a more chronic process e.g. presence of intracranial
abscess, subdural empyema, or occlusion of dural venous sinus.

Inv. Lumber puncture (LP) should be performed whenever bacterial

meningitis is suspected, but there are some CONTRAINDICATIONS for
(immediate) LP include:-
1. Evidence of ↑ ICP e.g. ↓ conciousness, cranial nerve palsies, cushing
triad, papilledema; whereas bulging fontanel alone in infants is not a
2. Severe cardiopulmonary compromise e.g. shock that require
prompt resuscitation.
3. Infection of skin that overlying the site of LP.
4. Thrombocytopenia is a relative contraindication for LP.

When LP is delayed, Blood culture should be taken (which is +ve in 80-

90% of cases), then empirical antibiotic therapy can be initiated. CT scan
for evidence of brain abscess or increased ICP should not delay therapy.
LP may be performed later on after ↑ ICP has been treated.
- 377 -
CRP, ESR, and procalcitonin have been used to differentiate between
bacterial (usually elevated) & viral causes of meningitis.

CSF findings in acute bacterial meningitis or partially treated meningitis

are listed in the table above. CSF leukocyte count may be low
(<250/mm3) in 20% of cases or it may be absent in severe
overwhelming sepsis and meningitis which is a poor prognostic sign.
Lymphocyte predominance may present during the early stage of disease.

Note: In traumatic LP, leukocytes & protein are affected, whereas

glucose, Gram stain, & culture of bacteria are usually not affected.

Other investigations include: CBP, blood urea, serum electrolytes, urine

for specific gravity (for SIADH), & tests of coagulation function (if there is
evidence of DIC).

D.Dx. Other infectious agents of meningitis e.g. viral, TB, fungal, parasitic;
bacterial parameningial infection; postinfectious, systemic or
immunologically mediated process; malignancy; drugs; miscellaneous e.g.
poisoning, intracranial hemorrhage...etc.

Rx. It consists of supportive care & antibiotic therapy.

 Supportive Care include:-

1. Repeated medical and neurologic assessments especially in the 1st
72 hr e.g. chart for vital signs, fluid input & urine output, pupillary
reflexes, level of consciousness…etc.

2. Patients should initially receive nothing by mouth. Shock should be

treated with fluid resuscitation +/_ inotropic agents; whereas if there is
no hypotension, IV fluid should be restricted to half or two thirds of
maintenance fluid until it can be established that ↑ ICP or SIADH is not
present, then full maintenance can be given.

3. ↑ ICP can be treated by: head elevation, restriction of IV fluid,

furosemide (1 mg/kg) or mannitol (0.5–1.0 g/kg), and endotracheal
intubation with hyperventilation. Glycerol has also been used to ↓
cerebral edema by ↑ plasma osmolality & enhance cerebral circulation.

4. Seizures should be treated with IV diazepam (0.1–0.2 mg/kg/dose) or

lorazepam; for maintenance Rx of seizures, give phenytoin which is

- 378 -
better than phenobarbital because it produces less CNS depression that
permits assessment of patient's level of consciousness.

 Antibiotic Therapy:-

The initial (empirical) choice of antibiotic therapy for meningitis should

be given in high dose & should cover the most common pathogens until
the result of culture become available.
Note: The below drugs are for chilgren & infants >1 mo; for infants <1 mo see Rx
of neonatal sepsis, chapter 1.

S. pneumonia is sensitive to Vancomycin (60 mg/kg/day ÷ 4). H.

influenza is sensitive to 3rd generation cephalosporins e.g. Cefotaxime
(200-300 mg/kg/day ÷ 3 or 4) or Ceftriaxone (100 mg/kg/day once or
twice). N. meningitidis is sensitive to Penicillin G (300,000 U/kg/day ÷
4, 5, or 6).
Note: 3rd generation cephalosporins are also effective in N. meningitides &
β-lactam- sensitive S. pneumonia infection.

Patients allergic to β-lactam antibiotics and above 1 mo of age can be

given either Chloramphenicol (100 mg/kg/day ÷ 4), a combination of
vancomycin and rifampin, or may be desensitized to the β-lactam
antibiotic!. L. monocytogenes is only sensitive to Ampicillin (200
mg/kg/day ÷ 4) or IV TMP-SMZ.

If patient is immunocompromised or gram-negative bacterial

meningitis is suspected, initial therapy may be with Ceftazidime (150
mg/kg/day ÷ 3), an aminoglycoside e.g. Gentamicin (5-7.5 mg/kg/day ÷
3) or Amikacin (20-30 mg/kg/day ÷ 3), or Meropenem

Duration of antibiotic Rx in uncomplicated meningitis as follows:-

N. meningitidis for 5-7 days. H. influenza for 7-10 days. S. pneumonia for
10-14 days; whereas Gram-negative bacilli e.g. E. coli or P. aeruginosa
either 3 wk or at least 2 wk after CSF sterilization.
Note: LP may be repeated in some neonates or if meningitis is due to gram-
negative or β-lactam-resistant S. pneumonia to ensure CSF sterilization.

- 379 -
 Corticosteroids use in meningitis:-
After killing of bacteria, there will be release of cell wall endotoxin which
cause cytokine-mediated inflammatory cascade that may result in
worsening of CNS signs and symptoms.
Rx with IV Dexamethasone (0.6 mg/kg/day ÷ 4) for 2 days for patients
>6 wk of age with meningitis specifically due to H. influenzaetype b had
result in shorter duration of fever, lower CSF protein and lactate levels,
and reduction in sensorineural hearing loss. The maximum benefits of
corticosteroids if given 1–2 hr before antibiotics are initiated. Other
bacteria have inconclusive benefit from corticosteroids.

 Acute Cxs include: seizures, increased ICP, cranial nerve palsies, stroke,
cerebral or cerebellar herniation, thrombosis of dural venous sinuses,
 Subacute Cxs include:-
 Subdural effusions; it occur in the minority of patients but
asymptomatic in the majority; it is more common in infants resulted in
bulging fontanel, diastasis of sutures, enlarging head circumference,
emesis, seizures, & fever; it may be treated by aspiration.
 Thrombocytosis, eosinophilia, and anemia may develop during therapy
of meningitis.
 Pericarditis or arthritis may occur after Rx of meningitis, especially due
to N. meningitidis.

Fever usually resolves within 5-7 days of Rx. Prolonged fever (>10
days) may be due to; intercurrent viral infection, nosocomial or
secondary bacterial infection, thrombophlebitis, or drug reaction.
Recrudescence of fever is mainly due to nosocomial infection.

Pg. The mortality is mainly associated with pneumococcal meningitis,

but currently it is < 10% with appropriate Rx.
 Factor associated with poor prognosis include:-
1. Seizures that persist after the 4th day of illness or seizures that are
difficult to control.
2. Coma or focal neurologic signs on presentation.
3. High concentration of bacteria or low leukocyte count in the CSF.
4. Infants < 6 mo old.

- 381 -
As many as 50% have subtle neurobehavioral morbidity whereas
severe neurodevelopmental sequelae may occur in 10–20% of cases
recovering from bacterial meningitis including: sensorineural hearing
loss, mental retardation, recurrent seizures, delay language, visual
impairment, and behavioral problems.
Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common sequela of bacterial
meningitis and may be present at the time of initial presentation!. Thus,
all patients with bacterial meningitis should undergo careful audiologic
assessment before or soon after discharge from the hospital. It is due to
labyrinthitis after cochlear infection or direct inflammation of the
auditory nerve.
Rarely, Relapse of meningitis may occur 3 to 14 days after Rx, possibly
from parameningeal foci or resistant organisms; whereas Recurrence
may indicate an underlying immunologic or anatomic defect.

Pv. It is either by vaccination or antibiotic prophylaxis.

 S. pneumonia; by vaccination with 7-valent (which is now replaced

with 13-valent) conjugate pneumococcal vaccine is recommended for
children < 2 yr of age and those at high risk e.g. asplenia or
immunodeficiency. No antibiotic Px is required for pneumococcal
 H. influenza type b; Conjugated vaccines for Hib started at 2 mo of age.
Rifampin Px should be given to all house-hold contacts (except
pregnant women) in dose 20 mg/kg once for 4 days.
 N. meningitides; Quadrivalent conjugated vaccine is recommended for
high-risk children > 2 yr, asplenia, deficiencies of terminal complement
proteins, & college freshmen.
Rifampin Px in dose 20 mg/kg ÷ 2 for 2 days; ciprofloxacin or
ceftriaxone (single dose) also can be given. They should be given to all
contacts (regardless of immunization status) e.g. household, daycare
center, nursery school contacts, and health care workers who have
direct exposure to oral secretions of patients as well as the index case!.
Vaccine also may be used as an adjunct with chemoprophylaxis for
exposed contacts or during epidemics of meningococcal disease.

- 380 -
Viral meningoencephalitisisthe most common cause of CNS infection.
 Enteroviruses are the most common cause of viral meningo-
encephalitis. It spread directly from person to person; I.P. ≈ 5 days; the
disease ranges from mild, self-limited illness to severe encephalitis
resulting in death or significant sequelae. Parechoviruses may be an
important cause of aseptic meningitis or encephalitis in infants; its
manifestations are similar to that of enteroviruses with the exception of
more severe MRI lesions of cerebral cortex and at times an absence of
CSF pleocytosis.
 Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is an important cause of severe,
sporadic encephalitis. Brain involvement usually is focal with
progression to coma and death in many cases if antiviral therapy is not
 Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) may cause severe encephalitis
with diffuse brain involvement in neonates who usually contract the
virus from their mothers at delivery.
 Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) may cause CNS infection (especially
cerebellar ataxia) in associated with chickenpox.
 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection of the CNS may be part of congenital
infection or disseminated disease in immunocompromised hosts, but
infection does not occur in normal infants and children.
 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been associated with myriad (numerous)
CNS syndromes e.g. Alice in Wonderland syndrome.
 Measles virus can cause acute, subacute or subacute sclerosing
parencephalitis (SSPE).
 Mumps virus meningoencephalitis is mild, however deafness may
 Rabies virus causes the most severe encephalitis that is always fatal.
 Arboviruses are arthropod-borne agents, responsible for some cases
during summer months.
 West Nile virus is common in some areas of the world.
 Meningoencephalitis may occasionally caused by respiratory viruses or
it may follow live virus vaccins.

- 382 -
Path. Neurologic damage is caused by direct invasion and destruction of
neural tissues by actively multiplying viruses or by host reaction to viral
antigens. A marked degree of demyelination with preservation of
neurons and their axons represent “postinfectious” or “allergic”

Most viruses cause diffuse encephalitis; whereas HSV-1 causes severe

focal encephalitis in the temporal lobe. Rabies virus is mainly affects the
basal ganglia.

C.M. The clinical course resulting from infection with the same pathogen
is widely variable. Some children may appear initially mildly affected,
only to lapse into coma and die suddenly. In others, the illness may be
very severe followed by complete recovery.

The onset of illness is generally acute. The presenting manifestations in

older children are headache & hyperesthesia; whereas in infants is
irritability & lethargy.

Other manifestations include: fever, nausea, vomiting, photophobia,

pain in neck, back and legs, mental dullness progressing to stupor in
combination with bizarre movements and convulsions. There also may
be focal neurologic signs, unprovoked emotional outbursts & loss of
bowel and bladder control.

Enterovirusesmay cause anterior horn cell injury and acute flaccid

paralysis. Exanthemas (skin rash) may precede or accompany the CNS
signs, especially with echoviruses, coxsackieviruses, VZV, measles,

Cx. Guillain-Barre syndrome, Transverse myelitis, Hemiplegia, and

Cerebellar ataxia.

D.Dx. Include many infectious & non- infectious CNS diseases.

 CSF exam; see the table above.
 Serology of blood may be useful in determining the etiology of some
viral CNS infection e.g. arboviral infection, but it is of no value in
 EEG show diffuse slow wave activity.
- 383 -
 CT & MRI show diffuse swelling of brain parenchyma.

Note: HSV encephalitis is suggested by focal seizures & focal finding on

EEG, CT, or MRI especially if involve the temporal lobe.

Rx. HSV encephalitis is treated with IV Acyclovir, 10 mg/kg every 8 hr

by infusion over 1 hr for 2-3 wk. Otherwise, Rx of viral
meningoencephalitis is supportive (although some literatures suggest
Pleconril for enteroviral infection).

Mild disease may require only symptomatic relief. More severe disease
may require hospitalization and intensive care.

 Headache and hyperesthesia are treated with rest, non–aspirin-

containing analgesics & reduction in room light, noise, and visitors.
 Pain may require codeine, morphine (but better avoided).
 Fever; acetaminophen.
 Vomiting; phenothiazine.
 Poor oral intake; IV fluids same of that in bacterial meningitis. TPN may
be required in prolonged coma.
 Anticipate and be prepared to manage; convulsions, cerebral edema,
inadequate respiratory exchange, ARDS, disturbed fluid and electrolyte
balance (commonly due to SIADH), aspiration and asphyxia, cardiac or
respiratory arrest of central origin.
↑ ICP should be closely monitored (better by pressure transducer in the
epidural space) & managed accordingly.

Pg. Most children recover completely from viral infections of the CNS,
especially those due to enteroviruses, whereas others have high
mortality rate e.g. rabies & HSV, or have severe sequelae e.g.
intellectual, motor, psychiatric, epileptic, visual, or auditory. Therefore,
neurodevelopmental and audiologic evaluations should be part of the
routine follow-up.

Pv. Isolation of cases, vaccination is available for some viruses e.g.

rabies, varicella, & measles with control of vector for some viral
infections e.g. arboviruses.

- 384 -
Tuberculosis of the CNS is the most serious Cx in children and is fatal
without prompt and appropriate Rx. TB meningitis complicates ≈ 0.3% of
untreated TB infections in children and most common between 6 mo &
4 yr of age; occasionally, it occurs many years after the infection.
TB meningitis is not necessarily associated with an obvious pulmonary

Et. TB meningitis usually arises from the formation of metastatic caseous

lesion in the cerebral cortex or meninges that develops during the
lympho-hematogenous dissemination of the primary infection. This
initial lesion increases in size and discharges small numbers of tubercle
bacilli into the subarachnoid space. The resulting gelatinous exudate
infiltrates the corticomeningeal blood vessels, producing inflammation,
obstruction, and subsequent infarction of cerebral cortex.

The brain stem is often the site of greatest involvement, which usually
→ dysfunction of cranial nerves III, VI, and VII. The exudate also
interferes with the normal flow of CSF → communicating hydrocephalus.
Profound abnormalities in electrolyte metabolism due to salt wasting or
SIADH may occur.
C.M. The clinical progression of TB meningitis may be rapid or gradual.

Rapid progression tends to occur more often in infants and young

children, who can experience symptoms for only several days before the
onset of acute hydrocephalus, seizures, and cerebral edema.

More commonly, the signs and symptoms progress slowly over several
weeks which can be divided into 3 stages:-

1st stage typically lasts 1-2 wk and is characterized by nonspecific

symptoms e.g. fever, headache, irritability, drowsiness, and malaise. Focal
neurologic signs are absent, but infants can experience a stagnation or
loss of the developmental milestones.

2nd stage usually begins more abruptly. The most common features are
lethargy, nuchal rigidity, seizures, positive Kernig and Brudzinski signs,
hypertonia, vomiting, cranial nerve palsies, and other focal neurologic

- 385 -
The accelerating clinical illness usually correlates with the development
of hydrocephalus, ↑ ICP, and vasculitis. Some children have no evidence
of meningeal irritation but can have signs of encephalitis e.g.
disorientation, movement disorders, or speech impairment.

3rd stage is marked by coma, hemiplegia or paraplegia, decerebrate

posturing, hypertension, deterioration of vital signs, and eventually

Inv. The Dx of TB meningitis can be difficult early in its course, requiring

a high degree of suspicion because TST is nonreactive in up to 50% of
cases, and 20-50% of children have normal CXR.

The most important laboratory test for the diagnosis is examination

and culture of lumbar CSF. (see CSF profile of TB in the table above).
Although the lumbar CSF is grossly abnormal, ventricular CSF can have
normal chemistries and cell counts because this fluid is obtained from a
site proximal to the inflammation and obstruction. During early stage I,
the CSF can resemble that of viral aseptic meningitis but eventually
progress to the more-severe CSF profile over several weeks.

The success of the microscopic examination of acid-fast-stained CSF and

mycobacterial culture is related directly to the volume of CSF sample.
When 5-10 mL of lumbar CSF is obtained, the acid-fast stain of the CSF
sediment is positive in up to 30% of cases and the culture is positive in
50-70% of cases. Cultures of other fluids e.g. gastric aspirates or urine
can also help to confirm the Dx.

CT or MRI of brain is normal during early stages of TB menigitis, but as

the disease progress, basilar enhancement and communicating
hydrocephalus with signs of cerebral edema or early focal ischemia are
the most common findings.

Rx. Prompt Anti-TB with corticosteroid therapy (see Rx of TB, chapter

11).It is sometimes imperative that antituberculosis Rx be considered for
any child who develops basilar meningitis with hydrocephalus, cranial
nerve palsy, or stroke without apparent etiology, especially if an adult
with chronic cough is in contact with the child, even if the adult is not
diagnosed yet with TB!. Ventriculo-peritoneal shunting may be required
for hydrocephalus.
- 386 -
Pg. It correlates most closely with the clinical stage of illness at the
time Rx is initiated. The majority of patients in the 1st stage have an
excellent outcome, whereas most patients in the 3rd stage who survive
have permanent disabilities including: blindness, deafness, paraplegia,
diabetes insipidus, or mental retardation. The prognosis for young
infants is generally worse than for older children.

Tuberculoma is another manifestation of CNS tuberculosis, a tumor-like

mass resulting from aggregation of caseous tubercles that usually
manifests clinically as a brain tumor. Tuberculomas account for up to
40% of brain tumors in some areas of the world. In children they are
often infratentorial, located at the base of the brain near the cerebellum.
Lesions are most often singular but may be multiple. It can develop
before or during therapy of TB meningitis.
The most common symptoms are headache, fever, and convulsions.
The TST is usually reactive, but the CXR is usually normal. CT or MRI of
brain usually shows discrete lesions with significant amount of
surrounding edema. Contrast medium enhancement is often impressive
and can result in ring-like lesion.
Surgical excision is sometimes necessary to distinguish tuberculoma
from other brain tumors. However, surgical removal is not necessary
because most tuberculomas resolve with medical Rx by antiTB &

- 387 -
Et. GBS usually follows nonspecific gastrointestinal or respiratory
infectionby ≈ 10 days. This include nonspecific viral infections, bacterial
infection e.g. Campylobacter jejuni, H. pylori, & M. pneumonia; or vaccines
e.g. rabies, influenza, & meningococcus.

Path. GBS is an autoimmune disorder often considered as

postinfectious polyneuropathy due to demyelination & sometimes
axonal degeneration involving mainly motor nerves, but sometimes also
sensory and autonomic nerves.

C.M. GBS affects people of all ages; the classic disease pattern called
Landry ascending paralysis; initial symptoms include numbness and
paresthesia followed by symmetrical weakness in the lower limbs &
progressively involves trunk, upper limbs and finally the bulbar muscles
(which occur in ≈ half of cases). Asymmetrical weakness occurs in ≈ 9%
of cases.
Onsetusually gradual over days or weeks or may be abrupt→ pain &
tenderness of muscles initially then flaccid tetraplegia & respiratory
muscles paralysis within 24 hr.
Dysphagia and facial weakness are often impending signs of
respiratory failure and also they interfere with eating and ↑ the risk of
aspiration. Some patients may exhibit symptoms of viral meningo-
encephalitis & others may have papilledema.

Sensory nerves involvement → paresthesia; whereas autonomic

nervous system involvement → variation of BP or HR e.g. postural
hypotension, episodes of bradycardia or asystole, as well as urinary
incontinence or retention.

 Types (variants) of GBS:-

1. Classic type "Landry ascending paralysis" is the most common.

2. Miller-Fisher syndrome ischaracterized by ataxia, areflexia, &
ophthalmoplegia (mostly due to 6th cranial nerve involvement).
3. Chronic Relapsing (unremitting) Polyradiculoneuropathy is recur
intermittently or do not improve for a period of months or years.
4. Congenital GBS is rare, improve gradually & do not require Rx.

- 388 -
D.Dx. Spinal cord lesions, Peripheral Neuropathies (toxic, infections,
inborn errors of metabolism), or Neuromuscular junction disorders.

 CSF protein ↑ > twice of the upper limit of normal, other profiles are
normal except WBC are <10/mm3. This dissociation between high CSF
protein and lack of cellular response is diagnostic of GBS.
 NCV of motor nerves is greatly ↓, whereas in sensory nerves is slow.
 EMG show features of acute denervation of muscle.
 MRI (with enhancement) shows thickening of cauda equine &
intrathecal nerve roots in >90% of cases; it also may be used to exclude
other D.Dx.
 CK level is normal or mildly ↑.
 Serologic tests; Antiganglioside antibodies are mainly ↑ with axonal
 Biopsy of nerve or muscle is usually not required.

 Patients with slowly progressive disease may simply be observed in
hospital for spontaneous remission with supportive therapy e.g.
feeding, hydration, Px of bed sores & DVT, Rx of secondary infections, &
Rx of neuropathic pain by gabapentin or carbamazepine.

 Patients initially presented with rapidly progressive disease should be

admitted to the ICU for observation & stabilization; in addition to the
supportive care, patients should be given the following:-
 IVIG in dose 0.4 g/kg/day for 5 consecutive days or 1 g/kg/day for
2 consecutive days.
 Alternative is Plasmapheresis +/_ Immunosuppressives.
Note: Corticosteroids are ineffective in GBS.
 Respiratory monitoring is mandatory by PEFR or PEEP with
intervention by ETT & artificial ventilation if there is respiratory failure.
 Cardiovascular monitoring by continuous measurementof HR & BP
with insertion of temporary pacemaker if required.

 Patients with Chronic Relapsing Polyradiculoneuropathy may be

treated with IVIG (which can be given subcutaneously), plasma

- 389 -
exchange (upto 10 times daily), immunosuppressives, or high-dose
pulsed IV methylprednisolone.

Pg. GBS is usually a benign disease, and spontaneous recovery begins

within 2-3 wk. Most patients regain full muscular strength, although
some are left with residual weakness (especially with axonal
Improvement usually follows a gradient inverse to the direction of
involvement. Tendon reflexes are the 1st lost (although 10% may have
normal reflexes) & usually the last one to recover.
Long-termoutcome after complete recovery may be easy fatigability;
only ≈7% of patients will suffer from relapse.
Factors associated with poor prognosis include: maximum disability
at the time of presentation, cranial nerve involvement, & endotracheal
Death may occur in GBS due to either respiratory failure or
cardiovascular Cxs.

- 391 -
11. Common Rheumatic Disorders

 Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
 Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
 Kawasaki Disease

- 390 -
(Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis)
JIA is the most common rheumatic disease of childhood.

Et. Unknown, but may be due to immunogenetic susceptibility with an

external trigger. The concordance between dizygotic births is 4%,
whereas between monozygotic twins 44%.

Path. JIA is an autoimmune disease associated with alterations in both

humoral & cell-mediated immunity. There is infiltration of mononuclear
cells in the affected joint → villous hypertrophy & hyperplasia with
hyperemia & edema of synovial tissue. Advanced and uncontrolled
disease leads to pannus formation and progressive erosion of articular
cartilage and bone.

C.M. Arthritis must be present for Dx of JIA. Initial symptoms may be

subtle or acute e.g. morning stiffness with limp or gelling after
inactivity with easy fatigability and poor sleep quality. Involved joints
are often swollen, warm, painful on movement or palpation with reduced
range of motion but usually not erythematous!.

There are 3 classification systems for JID: American, European, &

 American classification criteria for JIA include:-
1. Arthritis in ≥2 joint e.g. swelling or effusion, or the presence of ≥ 1 of
the following: limitation of range of motion, tenderness or pain on
motion, increased heat (i.e. all signs of inflammation except reddness).
2. Age at onset <16 yr.
3. Duration of disease ≥6 wk.
4. Onset type defined by articular involvement ≥6 mo of onset:
 Oligoarthritis (40-50%): ≤4 inflamed joints.
 Polyarthritis (25-30%): ≥5 inflamed joints.
 Systemic disease (5-15%): arthritis with systemic symptoms.
5. Exclusion of other forms of juvenile arthritis.

 Oligoarthritis is usually affect the large joints of the lower

extremities e.g. knees and ankles, whereas the hip is rare. Although it
characterized by inflammation of ≤4 joints, evolution of disease in > 4

- 392 -
joints over time may occur which change the classification of disease to
Extended Oligoarticular JIA.

 Polyarthritis is characterized by inflammation of ≥5 joints in both

upper and lower extremities. Micrognathia reflects chronic temporo-
mandibular joint disease. Cervical spine involvement manifested as ↓
neck extension, with the risk of atlantoaxial subluxation and neurologic
sequelae. Severe disease may be associated with Rheumatoid nodules
on the extensor surfaces of the elbows and over the Achilles tendons.

 Systemic-onset disease is characterized by arthritis with systemic

manifestations (>70%) e.g. fever, HSM, LAP, and serositis (e.g.
pericarditis); or it may be initially present as FUO. The fever is ≥390C &
spiking, especially in evening, for at least 2 wk; it is classically
accompanied by the characterized faint, erythematous, macular rash
called "Salmon-colored lesions" which is nonpruritic, migratory, &
lasting <1 hr. Koebner phenomenon (cutaneous hypersensitivity to
superficial trauma) is often present.

D.Dx. JIA is a diagnosis of exclusion that is mimic many other causes of

arthritidies including: Rheumatic and Inflammatory diseases,
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies, Infectious illnesses, Reactive
arthritis, Immuno-deficiencies, Congenital and Metabolic disorders, Bone
and cartilage disorders, Neuropathic disorders, Neoplastic diseases,
Hematologic disorders…etc.

 X-ray of joints in early disease shows soft tissue swelling, periarticular
osteoporosis and periosteal new-bone apposition around affected joints.
Continued active disease may cause subchondral erosions & loss of
cartilage with varying degrees of bony destruction that may result in
fusion of the joint.
 MRI is more sensitive to early changes than radiography.
 CBP show anemia of chronic disease, leukocytosis, & thrombocytosis.
 Inflammatory markers are ↑ e.g. ESR, CRP, Platelets, Immunoglobulins,
and Ferritin.
 ANA is +ve in 40-85% of patients with oligo- & polyarticular arthritis; it
is associated with ↑ risk for chronic uveitis.

- 393 -
 Rheumatoid factor is +ve in only 5-10% of patients with polyarticular
arthritis which indicate a bad prognosis with a clinical course resemble
those of adult RA.
 Anti–Cyclic Citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibody is similar to RF in that
it is a marker of more aggressive disease.
Note: ESR & CRP may be -ve in some children with JIA, whereas ANA & RF may
be falsely +ve with some conditions e.g. viral infection.

 NSAI agents e.g. Naproxen, Ibuprofen, or Meloxicam for 4-6 wk.
 Intra-articular injection of Corticosteroids e.g. Triamcinolone or
 Disease-Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) e.g.
Methotrexate (which may take 6-12 wk for its effects), Sulfasalazine,
 Biologic agents include: anti-TNF-α (e.g. Etanercept, Infliximab,
Adalimumab), Anti-Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte (Abatacept), Anti-CD20
(Rituximab), IL-1 antagonist (Anakinra), IL-1β antagonist
(Canakinumab), and IL-6 receptor antagonist (Tocilizumab).
Note: See the text for doses of all above drugs.
 Systemic corticosteroids can be avoided with the advent of the above
therapies, although they may be recommended for management of
severe systemic illness, as bridge therapy during the wait for
therapeutic response of DMARD, or for control of uveitis.
 Dietary therapy include: adequate intake of calcium, vit D, protein, and
Note: Oligoarthritis is usually responding to NSAIs & IAI of corticosteroids,
whereas Polyarthritis & Systemic-onset diseases are usually respond to
DMARDs & Biologic agents.

 Anterior Uveitis:-
It requires periodic ophthalmologic slit-lamp examinations; it can
cause posterior synechiae, cataracts, and band keratopathy which can
result in blindness; it is usually develops in girls below 6 yr with
oligoarthritis especially when ANA is +ve.
Rx. Ophthalmologic consultation for mydriatics & corticosteroids; as
well as Rx of JIA itself, although there is no association between the
severity of arthritis and chronic uveitis.
- 394 -
 Macrophage Activation Syndrome(MAS):-
It is rare but potentially fatal Cx of Systemic-onset disease only; it
can occur at anytime during its course.
Et. MAS is due to secondary hemophagocytic syndrome or
hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
C.M. High spiking fever, LAP, HSM, purpura and mucosal bleeding, with
CNS manifestations e.g. irritability, disorientation, lethargy, headache,
seizures, and coma.
 CBP show pancytopenia, i.e. profound anemia, leukopenia, &
 ESR is characteristically low due to hypofibrinogenemia and hepatic
dysfunction (this is useful in distinguishing MAS from flare of the
systemic-onset disease), whereas serum ferritin is markedly ↑.
 PT & PTT are prolonged.
 BM biopsy demonstrates hemophagocytosis.
Rx. Emergency high-dose IV methylprednisolone, cyclosporine, or
 Orthopedic Cxs include: osteopenia, leg length discrepancy, flexion
contractures, and popliteal cysts.
 Psychosocial Cxs include: chronic pain syndrome and problems with
school attendance & socialization.

Pg. The course of JIA in an individual child is unpredictable.

Children with oligoarticular disease fare well, with the majority
achieving disease remission, whereas those who develop more extensive
disease have a poorer prognosis.
The child with polyarticular disease often has a more prolonged course
of active joint inflammation which requires early and aggressive therapy.
Predictors of severe and persistent disease include: young age at onset,
presence of RF or anti-CCP antibodies, rheumatoid nodules, and large
numbers of affected joints.
Systemic-onset disease is often the most difficult to control in both
articular inflammation and systemic manifestations. Poorer prognosis is
related to polyarticular distribution of arthritis, fever lasting >3 mo, and
increased inflammatory markers (e.g. platelet count and ESR) for >6 mo.

- 395 -
Et. SLE is a chronic autoimmune disease of unknown cause
characterized by multisystem inflammation; however, genetic
predisposition, certain HLA types, & cong complement deficiencies, as
well as environmental exposures may predispose to SLE.

Path. Polyclonal activation of B lymphocytes → autoantibody

production against many self antigens with complement fixation &
recruitment of inflammatory cells.

C.M. Female>Male. Disease onset before 8 yr of age is unusual, but

autoantibodies may precede the onset of SLE by several years. The most
common presenting complaints of children with SLE include: fever,
fatigue, hematologic abnormalities, arthralgia, and arthritis,
whereas renal disease in SLE is often asymptomatic.

SLE is a multisystemic disease & children with lupus present with

diverse & often severe manifestations or Cxs which may be intermittent
or persistent include:-

 Constitutional : FUO, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, LAP, & HSM.

 Cutaneous: Malar (fixed butterfly) rash, discoid lesions, livedo
reticularis, vasculitis & Raynaud phenomenon.
Note: These rashes may be photosensitive (i.e. aggravated by sun light).
Mucous membrane changes ranging from vasculitic erythema to ulcers,
especially on palatal & nasal mucosa.
 Musculoskeletal: Arthritis, tendinitis, tenosynovitis, avascular necrosis,
osteoporosis, & myositis.
 Renal: Glomerulonephritis, hypertension, nephrotic syndrome, & renal
 Cardiovascular: Pericarditis, myocarditis, conduction system
abnormalities, Libman-Sacks endocarditis, HF, coronary artery
vasculitis & thrombosis.
 Pulmonary: Pleuritis, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hemorrhage,
pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolism, & pulmonary infiltrates.
 Neurologic: Seizures, psychosis, stroke, cerebral venous thrombosis,
pseudotumor cerebri, aseptic meningitis, chorea, global cognitive
deficits, mood disorders, transverse myelitis, & peripheral neuritis.

- 396 -
 Gastrointestinal: Abdominal pain, diarrhea, melena, infarction (due to
vasculitis), protein-losing enteropathy, pancreatitis, & serositis.
 Hematologic: Coombs-positive hemolytic anemia, anemia of chronic
disease, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia, hypercoaguability, &
thrombocytopenic thrombotic microangiopathy.
 Ocular: Retinal vasculitis, scleritis, episcleritis, & papilledema.

D.Dx. Include many diseases according to the organ or system involved.

Drug-induced lupus is a lupus-like disease that is precipitated by

exposure to certain drugs e.g. anticonvulsants, sulfonamides,
antiarrhythmic agents, or hydralazine. Typical symptoms are fever, rash,
& pleuropericardial disease occur but Cxs are rare; antihistone
antibodies may be +ve; these are typically abate after discontinuation of
the drug.

Inv. It depends on the organ involved but generally include: CXR, Echo,
ECG, GUE, Renal biopsy, CT or MRI of brain, CBP, Serology, &
Complement estimation.
 Lupus Band Test is specific for SLE in which immunofluorescence exam
of both affected and unaffected skin may reveal deposition of immune
complexes within the dermal-epidermal junction.
 ESR & CRP ↑, whereas CH50, C3, C4 ↓ (these reflect disease activity) with
 Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) ↑ & can be used as screening test
because it is very sensitive but yet not specific because it can be ↑ in
many disorders e.g. drug-induced lupus, juvenile arthritis, juvenile
dermatomyositis, vasculitis syndromes, scleroderma, infectious
mononucleosis, chronic active hepatitis, & hyperextensibility.
 Anti–double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) antibodies ↑; it is more
specific for SLE & reflect the degree of serologic disease activity,
especially nephritis.
 Anti-Smith antibody is also specific for SLE.
 Antiphospholipid antibodies may ↑ the risk of arterial or venous
thrombosis (Antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome). It is usually include
Anticardiolipin antibodies &Lupus anticoagulant which may be
associated with activated protein C resistance causing DVT & neurologic
disease e.g. stroke & psychosis; it can cause false +veresult with syphilis

- 397 -
(VDRL) & also false +ve prolonged PTT that is not corrected with mixing
 Anti-ribonucleoprotein antibody may ↑ risk of Raynaud phenomenon
and pulmonary hypertension.
 Anti-Ro & anti-La antibodies may be associated with Sjögren syndrome
in patients with SLE.
 Coombs antibodies→ hemolytic anemia.
 Antithyroid antibodies→ hypothyroidism.
 Antiribosomal P antibody→ lupus cerebritis.
 Renal biopsy: It may be indicated for stagingof renal involvement
during Rx before adding an immunosuppressive agent.
It divided by WHO into 6 classes:-
I: Minimal mesangial change without proteinuria or hematuria.
II: Mesangial proliferation.
III: Focal proliferative glomerulonephritis withinvolvement of <50% of
IV: Diffuse segmental or global proliferative glomerulonephritis with
involvement of the majority of glomeruli.
V: Membranous glomerulonephritis shows thickened capillary walls. It
usually associated with proteinuria & variable chronic renal disease
that is often poorly responsive to treatment.
VI: Advanced sclerosing nephritisprogressing to renal failure.
Note: Both Class I & Class II are associated with excellent prognosis.

 Diagnosis of SLE requires (4 of 11) of the following criteria :-

1- Malar rash.
2- Discoid rash.
3- Photosensitivity.
4- Oral ulcers.
5- Arthritis (non-erosive).
6- Serositis (pleuritis or pericarditis).
7- Neurologic (seizures or psychosis).
8- Renal (persistent proteinuria, cellular casts, or consistent renal biopsy).
9- Hematologic (hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, lymphopenia, or
10- Immunologic (Anti-dsDNA, Anti-Smith, or Antiphospholipid
11- ANA positive.
- 398 -
Rx. It depends on the organ involved & disease severity but generally
 ↓ Sun exposure & use of sunscreen.
 NSAIs for arthralgia & arthritis.
 Hydroxychloroquine 5-7 mg/kg/day for skin lesions, fatigue, arthritis;
also it → ↓ risk of thromboembolic disease & ↓ lipid levels.
 Anticoagulants e.g. heparin & warfarin for patient with thrombosis &
antiphospholipid antibodies.
 Corticosteroids to control symptoms & autoantibody production e.g.
Prednisone 1–2 mg/kg/day orally till complement ↑ to within
normallevels then taper. IV methylprednisolone 30 mg/kg/day for 3
days followed by weekly pulses may be given for severely ill patient.
 Immunosuppressants e.g. methotrexate, cyclophosphamide,
leflunomide, azathioprine, & mycophenolate mofetil are used as steroid-
sparing agents. Cyclophosphamide also specifically used to treat severe,
potentially life-threatening SLE manifestations.
 Belimumab is a monoclonal antibody against B-cell activating factor;
when added to standard SLE therapy can ↓ number of SLE flares and ↓
dose of prednisone.

Pg. SLE is a life-long disease, thus patients require frequent re-

evaluation & monitoring indefinitely for Cxs as well as SE of Rx.
Infections commonly complicate SLE, so routine immunization is
recommended. Preventive measures may be given for Cxs e.g.
atherosclerosis in adulthood.
Untreated lupus may be followed by spontaneous remission, years of
smoldering disease, or rapid death. Causes of death in patients with SLE
include: infection, nephritis, or CNS disease; whereas long term causes
include: atherosclerosis and malignancy.

- 399 -
Neonatal Lupus
Et. It results from maternal transfer of IgG autoantibodies (usually anti-
Ro/SSA or anti-La/SSB) between 12-16 wk of gestation, but however
only small percentage of offspring will develop the disease.

C.M. Congenital heart block, hepatitis, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia,

pulmonary & neurologic disease. Cutaneous lesions usually occur after
ultraviolet exposure at ≈ 6 wk of life & last 3–4 mo; the rash most
frequently occurs on the face and scalp, and 25% of rash leave a scar.

Rx. It is mainly supportive because most manifestations resolve.

Fluorinated corticosteroids, IVIG, plasmapheresis, hydroxy-chloroquine,
and terbutaline (combined with steroids) have been used in pregnant
women with anti-Ro or anti-La antibodies to prevent occurrence or
progression of fetal cardiac abnormalities.
Cardiac pacing may be done when congenital heart block is detected
and found to be severe, even before delivery!.

Conduction system abnormalities after birth are treated with cardiac

pacing and occasionally IVIG and steroids; severe cardiomyopathy may
require cardiac transplantation.

- 411 -
(Anaphylactoid Purpura)
HSP is a common vasculitis of the small vessels & the most common
cause of non-thrombocytopenic purpura in children.

Et. Unknown, but may follow URTI (especially group A streptococcus) &
occasionally occurs as clusters in families.

Path. IgA-mediated vasculitis of small vessels with complement

activation → deposition of IgA and C3 in the small vessels of skin and
renal glomeruli. Active disease is characterized by ↑ TNF-α & IL-6.

C.M. Peak age is between 3-10 yr, Male>Female, it is usually occurs year-
round except in summer months. HSP may be acute or insidious with
sequential occurrence of symptoms over a period of weeks or months;
these manifestation include:-

1- Skin rash is the hallmark of HSP that occur in all cases (100%),
although it may appear after other manifestations has begun in at least
25% of cases. It begins as pinkish maculopapules that initially blanch on
pressure, then progress to petechiae or purpura, which is palpable &
not blanchable, then it evolve from red to purple to rusty brown before
they eventually fade.
The rash tends to occur in crops, last from 3–10 days, but may range
from a few days to as long as 3–4 mo. In <10% of children, recurrences
of the rash may not end until as late as a yr, and rarely for several yrs.
Local angioedema may precede the rash in the dependent areas e.g.
below the waist & buttocks or areas of greater tissue distensibility e.g.
eyelids & scrotum.

2- GIT involvement occurs in up to 80%; it is due to edema and damage

of blood vessels of the GIT → intermittent colicky abdominal pain. There
also may be peritoneal exudate, enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes, &
segmental edema of bowel. GIT bleeding may → hematemesis, malena,
or occult blood in stool.

3- Arthritis occurs in ≈ 75% & mainly affect the knees and ankles →
swelling & effusion. It is usually resolves within 2 wk without residual
deformity, but may recur during subsequent reactivation of the disease.

- 410 -
4- Renal involvement occurs in up to 50%. It can be manifested as any
type of renal disease e.g. nephritis, nephrosis, or ARF.

5- Other manifestations of HSP may include: low-grade fever &

fatigability; during active disease, HSM & LAP may occur.

Cx. GIT Cxs are considered surgical emergencies; these include:

intussusceptions (usually ileo-ileal), bowel infarction or perforation.
Other rare but potentially serious Cxs include: Neurological involvement
(seizures, paresis, or coma), mononeuropathies, rheumatoid-like
nodules, cardiac and eye involvement, pancreatitis, pulmonary or
intramuscular hemorrhage, and testicular torsion.

D.Dx. Other forms of vasculitidis or autoimmune diseases, infections (e.g.

Papular-purpuric gloves-and-socks syndrome caused by parvovirus B19),
coagulopathies, and other acute intra-abdominal processes.

Acute Hemorrhagic Edema is a benign condition seen in children ≤2 yr

& involve the skin only; it present as acute cutaneous leukocytoclastic
vasculitis. The infant usually appears well except for the rash which
presents as ecchymosis (usually larger than that of HSP) on the face and
extremities; the trunk is spared, but petechiae may be seen on mucous
membranes; it is usually associated with fever & tender edema of the
face, scrotum, hands, and feet.

Inv. HSP is mainly a clinical Dx & labratory tests are only to confirm or
to exclude other D.Dx.
 Skin biopsy is the definitive test of HSP which show leukocytoclastic
 CBP; Hb may be normal or low (due to GIT bleeding), with moderate
leukocytosis and thrombocytosis. ESR may be elevated.
 Serology; half of cases have ↑ IgA & IgM. Anticardiolipin or
antiphospholipid antibodies may be present (which contribute to the
intravascular coagulopathy); whereas ANA, RF, & ANCA (anti-
neutrophil-cytoplasmic antibodies) are typically –ve.
 GUE; may be +ve for RBC, WBC, albumin, & casts.
 Urea & creatinin are elevated with renal involvement.
 US & Barium enema may be required for Dx of intussusceptions.

- 412 -
 Supportive therapy e.g. adequate hydration, nutrition, & analgesia.
 Corticosteroids are indicated for GIT & other life-threatening
manifestations by predisone 1 mg/kg/day for 1-2 wk then taper;
however, corticosteroids neither alter the overall prognosis nor prevent
renal disease.
 IVIG & plasma exchange are sometimes useful in severe disease.
 Immunosuppressants e.g. azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, or
mycophenolate mofetil are usually used to manage chronic HSP renal

Pg. HSP is a self-limited disease lasting ≈ 4 wk with excellent overall

prognosis, although death may rarely occur due to GIT, CNS, or renal Cxs.

About 15-60% of children with HSP experience one or more

recurrences, typically within 4-6 mo. In each relapse, symptoms are
usually milder than those at presentation.

Renal involvement at presentation may result in chronic renal disease &

chronic hypertension. Therefore, even in children with normal RFT, they
should be followed-up for 6 mo by GUE & BP measurement because
persistent renal disease develop in 1-2% and ESRD develops in up to 8%
of those with HSP nephritis.

- 413 -
(Mucocutaneous LN syndrome, Infantile Polyarteritis Nodosa)

Epid. KD is an acute febrile illnessof childhood seen worldwide in all

populations, especially children of Asian background. 80% of children
are < 5 yr old & the median age is 2-3 yr; it is rare <3 mo, but can occur in

Et. Unknown, but may be due to infectious origin in a genetically

predisposed children.

Path. KD is a vasculitis that predominantly affects the medium-sized

arteries, with a striking predilection for the coronary arteries, where it
can cause aneurysmal dilatation (which may rupture or form thrombi),
then progressively cause arterial stenosis or occlusion.

 Classic Clinical Criteria of KD include:-
1. Changes in extremities. Acute: Erythema of palms & soles; edema of
hands & feet. Subacute: Periungual peeling of fingers & toes in the 2nd
or 3rd wk (>90%).
2. Polymorphous exanthem or various skin rash (90%).
3. Bilateral bulbar conjunctival injection without exudate (>90%).
4. Liperythema & cracking, strawberry tongue (>90%), & diffuse
injection of oral and pharyngeal mucosa.
5. Cervical LAP (usually unilateral).
Fever is not a criterion but must be present in all patients (100%)
which is characteristically high, unremitting, and unresponsive to
antibiotics. Its duration (without Rx) is generally last for 1-2 wk,
although may persist up to 4 wk.
The diagnosis of Classic KD require the presence of fever for at least 4
days PLUS at least 4 of 5 of the other clinical criteria of illness (after
exclusion of other diseases with similar findings).

In Atypical (Incomplete) KD, patient have persistent fever but <4 of 5

clinical criteria; in these patients, laboratory and Echo data can assist in
diagnosis (see later). Atypical KD is most frequent in infants, who
unfortunately have the highest likelihood for development of coronary
artery abnormalities.

- 414 -
 Other Clinical Findings & Complications of KD include:-
 CVS; Congestive HF, myocarditis, pericarditis, valvular regurgitation,
coronary artery abnormalities (up to 25%), aneurysms of medium-
sized non-coronary arteries, Raynaud phenomenon, peripheral
gangrene. Occasionally, patients may present in cardiogenic shock (KD
shock syndrome).
 MS; Arthritis, arthralgias.
 GIT; Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, hepatic dysfunction, hydrops
of gallbladder.
 RS; Interstitial infiltrates of lungs, effusions.
 CNS; Extreme irritability, aseptic meningitis, sensorineural hearing loss.
 GUS; Urethritis, meatitis.
 Others; Erythema, induration at BCG site, mild anterior uveitis,
desquamating rash in groin.

 Course of KD:-
In untreated patients, KD usually pass into 3 clinical phases:-
1. Acute febrile phase is characterized by fever and the other acute signs
of illness, it usually lasts ≈ 1-2 wk.
2. Subacute phase is associated with desquamation, thrombocytosis, and
development of coronary aneurysms (which carry a high risk of sudden
death), it generally lasts ≈ 3 wk.
3. Convalescent phase begins when all clinical signs of illness have
disappeared and continues until the ESR returns to normal, typically ≈
6-8 wk after the onset of illness.

D.Dx. Viral infections (especially measles, adenovirus), Bacterial

infection (especially scarlet fever, toxic shock syndrome, 4S) & others e.g.
Systemic-onset JIA, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Inv. There is no diagnostic test for KD, but patients usually have
characteristic labratory findings include:-
 CBP; WBC are N or ↑ (with predominance of neutrophils and immature
forms), normocytic normochromic anemia, ↑ ESR & CRP. Platelet count
is generally normal in the 1st wk, then rapidly ↑ by the 2nd-3dr wk of
illness & sometimes exceeding 1,000,000/mm3.

- 415 -
 Other blood tests; Hypoalbuminemia, Hyponatremia, ↑ serum hepatic
transaminases & gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, hyperbilirubinemia,
& Abnormal plasma lipids.
 Other laboratory findings; Sterile pyuria, Pleocytosis of CSF,
Leukocytosis in synovial fluid.
 Two-dimensional Echocardiography is the most useful test to
monitor the development of coronary artery abnormalities. It should be
done at diagnosis and again after 2-3 wk of illness. If normal, repeat
study should be performed 6-8 wk after onset of illness, then may be
repeated after 1 yr. However, if Echo is abnormal at any time (or the
patient has recurrent symptoms), more frequent Echo (or other studies)
are necessary.

 Acute stage: IVIG 2 g/kg over 10-12 hr with Aspirin 80-
100 mg/kg/day ÷ 4 (anti-inflammatory dose) until patient is afebrile
for at least 48 hr.

 Convalescent stage: Aspirin 3-5 mg/kg once daily (antithrombotic

dose) until 6-8 wk after onset of illness.

 Long-term therapy for coronary abnormalities require life-long

Aspirin therapy (as above) in small solitary aneurysm, whereas larger
or numerous aneurysms may require addition of another antiplatelet
agent e.g. Clopidogrel 1 mg/kg/day +/_ anticoagulant e.g. warfarin or
heparin, especially when there is high risk of thrombosis.

 Acute coronary thrombosis may require fibrinolytic therapy e.g.

Tissue Plasminogen Activator.

Note: Patients on long-term aspirin therapy should receive varicella & annual
influenza vaccinations to reduce the risk of Reye syndrome. Aspirin is
contraindicated in patients with G6PD deficiency.

IVIG can results in rapid defervescence and resolution of clinical

signs of illness in ≈ 85% of patients, as well as it also can ↓ the
prevalence of coronary disease from 20-25% to < 5% if given within the
first 10 days of illness.

IVIG-resistant KD occurs in ≈15% and is defined by persistence or

recrudescence of fever 36 hr after completion of the initial IVIG infusion.
- 416 -
These patients have increased risk for coronary artery abnormalities.
Typically, another dose of IVIG should be administered, or other
alternatives e.g. IV methylprednisolone, cyclophosphamide,
plasmapheresis, or TNF inhibitor e.g. infliximab & etanercept.

Long-term follow-upfor patients with coronary artery aneurysms

should include periodic Echo with stress testing and possibly
angiography if large aneurysms are present; for those with coronary
stenosis, catheter intervention with percutaneous transluminal coronary
rotational ablation, directional coronary atherectomy, and stent
implantation have been used; some patients may require coronary artery
bypass grafting, or rarely heart transplantation.
All children with hx of KD should be counseled regarding heart-healthy
diet, adequate amounts of exercise, tobacco avoidance, and intermittent
lipid monitoring (as in adults!).

Pg. The vast majority of patients with KD return to normal health,

especially if treated early; the mortality rate with KD is <1%; acute KD
recurs in 1-3% of cases.

Patients at high risk for development of coronary artery

abnormalities include: young age, male gender, prolonged fever, and
laboratory abnormalities e.g. neutrophilia, thrombocytopenia!, hepatic
transaminase elevation, hyponatremia, hypoalbuminemia, &↑ CRP.

Overall, 50% of coronary artery aneurysms regress to normal lumen

diameter within 1-2 yr after the illness, especially if small; in contrast to
giant aneurysms which usually result in either thrombosis or stenosis.

- 417 -
12. Common Viral Infections

 Measles
 Rubella
 Mumps
 Herpes Simplex Virus
 Roseola Infantum
 Varicella-Zoster Virus
 Influenza Viruses
 Rotavirus and other causes of viral enteritis

- 418 -
Et. It is a single-stranded, lipid-enveloped RNA virus; human is the only
host for measles.

Epid.Measles is highly contagious & serious infection; transmission of

virus is through the respiratory tract or conjunctivae following contact
with large- or small-droplet aerosols. Face-to-face contact is not
necessary for transmission because viable virus may be suspended in air
for as long as 1 hr after the patient leaves a room.

Path. Measles consists of 4 phases: incubation period, prodromal

illness, exanthematous phase, and recovery. Fusion of infected cells
results in multinucleated (up to 100 nuclei) giant cells called "Warthin-
Finkeldey giant cells" which are pathognomonic for measles, with
intracytoplasmic and intranuclear inclusions (which represent the virus).

C.M. I.P. is 8-12 days.Prodromal phase begins with a mild fever followed
by conjunctivitis, coryza, cough, and increasing fever. Koplik spots are
the pathognomonic sign of measles, it is an enanthem appearing 1-4 days
prior to the onset of rash; it first appear as discrete red lesions with
bluish white spots in the center on the inner aspects of the cheeks at the
level of the premolars. They may spread to involve the lips, hard palate,
and gingival; they also may occur in conjunctival folds and in the vaginal
Symptoms increase in intensity for 2-4 days until the 1st day of the rash.
The rash begins on the forehead (around the hairline), behind the ears,
and on the upper neck as a red maculopapular eruption. It then spreads
downward to the torso and extremities and may reach to palms and
soles. The exanthem frequently becomes confluent on the face and upper
With the onset of the rash, symptoms begin to subside. The rash fades
over ≈ 1 wk in the same progression as it evolved. Cough lasts longer,
often up to 10 days. In more-severe cases, generalized LAP may be
present. Individuals with partial active or passive immunity may develop
inapparent (subclinical) measles infection.

Inv. Dx of measles is almost always based on clinical and epidemiologic

 CBP; Leukopenia. ESR & CRP are normal.
- 419 -
 Serologic tests, viral isolation, & PCR are rarely needed to confirm

D.Dx. Rubella, Adenovirus, Enterovirus, or EBV infection, Exanthem

subitum (in infants) and Erythema infectiosum (in older children),
Mycoplasma pneumoniae or group A streptococcus infection, Kawasaki
syndrome, or Drug eruptions.

Cx. Morbidity and mortality of measles are related to several factors e.g.
age <5 yr (especially <1 yr) and >20 yr, crowding, severe malnutrition,
immunodeficiency, & low serum retinol leves (vit. A deficiency).
Cxs of Measles can be classified as follows:-
 Respiratory Cxs: Pneumonia is the most common cause of death in
measles. It may be manifested as giant cell pneumonia caused by direct
viral infection or as superimposed bacterial infection e.g. Streptococcus
pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, & Staphylococcus aureus.
Croup, tracheitis, and bronchiolitis are common in infants and
toddlers. Measles can suppress TST and reactivate pulmonary TB.
 ENT Cxs e.g. acute otitis media, mastoiditis, sinusitis, & retropharyngeal
 GIT Cxs: Diarrhea and vomiting with dehydration are common
symptoms associated with measles; appendicitis or abdominal pain may
also occur.
 Neurological Cxs: Febrile seizures occur in <3%. Encephalitis is
mainly occurring in adolescents and adults; it is due to postinfectious,
immunologically mediated process and is not the result of a direct effect
by the virus. Clinical onset begins during the exanthem and manifests as
seizures, lethargy, coma, and irritability. Death occurs in 15% of
patients with measles encephalitis.
Subacute measles encephalitis manifests 1-10 mo after measles in
immunocompromised patients; it results from direct damage to the
brain by the virus and manifested as seizures, myoclonus, stupor, and
coma; progressive disease and death almost always occur.
 Rare Cxs include: Hemorrhagic or “black” measles which is often fatal
and manifests as hemorrhagic skin eruption. Other rare Cxs are
keratitis, myocarditis, thrombocytopenia, bacteremia, cellulitis, and
toxic shock syndrome.
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a rare disease but
nearly always fatal. SSPE begins insidiously 7-13 yr after primary
- 401 -
measles infection when the virus apparently regains virulence and
attacks the CNS cells → inflammation and cell death. It manifests as
subtle changes in behavior, irritability, reduced attention span, and
temper outbursts.
 Measles during pregnancy is associated with high rates of maternal
morbidity, fetal wastage, and stillbirths; congenital malformations occur
in 3% of liveborn infants.

Rx. Management of measles is supportive e.g. maintenance of hydration,

oxygenation, and comfort. Antipyretics are useful for comfort and fever
control. Oral rehydration is effective in most cases, but severe
dehydration may require IV therapy. For patients with respiratory tract
involvement, airway humidification and supplemental oxygen may be
of benefit. Respiratory failure from croup or pneumonia may require
ventilatory support.
Vitamin A therapy is indicated for all patients with measles. Vitamin
A should be administered once daily for 2 days at doses of 200,000 IU for
children >1 yr; 100,000 IU for infants between 6 mo - 1 yr; and 50,000 IU
for infants <6 mo of age.In children with signs and symptoms of vitamin
A deficiency, a 3rd dose is recommended 2 - 4 wk after the 2nd dose.
Note: Antiviral therapy is not effective in Rx of measles in otherwise normal
patients. Likewise, prophylactic antimicrobial therapy to prevent bacterial
infection is not indicated.

Pv. Patients are infectious from 3 days before rash (≈ 1 wk after

exposure) up to 4-6 days after the onset of rash; whereas immune-
compromised patients will shed the virus throughout the illness.
Therefore these patients should be isolated during this period.

Measles vaccine is usually given at 9 mo of age, then at 15 mo & 5 yr (as

MMR). SE of MMR vaccine include fever (usually 6-12 days following
vaccination & may be associated with febrile seizures) & rash.

Post-exposure Px can be given to prevent or modify infection. It is done

by either vaccine if given within 72 hr of exposure, or Immune globulin
up to 6 days after exposure which is indicated for infants <6 mo,
pregnant women, and immunocompromised persons.

- 400 -
(German measles)
Et. It is a single-stranded RNA virus; humans are the only known host.

C.M. Postnatal infection with rubella is a mild disease especially in

children. I.P. is 2-3 wk. The prodrome consist of low-grade fever, sore
throat, red eyes, headache, malaise, anorexia, and LAP (especially
suboccipital, postauricular, and anterior cervical LNs). In children, the
first manifestation of rubella is usually the rash, although it is variable
and not distinctive but has similar manner as that of measles. The
duration of the rash is generally 3 days (thus rubella also called 3-day
measles); subclinical infections are common.

About the time of onset of the rash, an enanthem develop called

"Forchheimer spots" as tiny, rose-colored lesions onoropharynx or
petechial hemorrhages on soft palate.

Inv. As in measles, it is mainly clinical; other tests include:-

 CBP: Leukopenia and mild thrombocytopenia.
 Rubella IgM enzyme immunosorbent assay is the most common
diagnostic test.
 PCR & viral culture.

D.Dx. Same as those of Measles.

Cx. Cxs of postnatal infection with rubella are infrequent, usually self-
limited, and generally not life-threatening; they include: Postinfectious
Thrombocytopenia and Arthritis (both occur 1-2 wk after the rash).

Encephalitis is the most serious Cx; it occurs in 2 forms: postinfectious

syndrome following acute rubella and a rare progressive rubella
panencephalitis (PRP) manifesting as a neurodegenerative disorder
years following rubella (similar to SSPE of measles).

Other rare Cxs include Guillain-Barre syndrome, peripheral neuritis, &


- 402 -
Congenital Rubella Syndrome
The major clinical significance of Rubella is the transplacental infection
and fetal damage. The most important risk factor for severe congenital
defects is the stage of gestation at the time of infection. The risk for
congenital defects ↓ as the gestational age ↑. Maternal infection during
the 1st 8 wk of gestation results in the most severe and widespread
defects; whereas defects occurring after16 wk of gestation are
uncommon, even if fetal infection occurs.

CRS are often severe and may involve nearly every organ system.
 CVS: PDA (most common), Pulmonary artery stenosis, VSD, Myocarditis.
 CNS: Chronic meningitis, Parenchymal necrosis, Vasculitis with
 Eye: microphthalmia, cataract, iridocyclitis, ciliary body necrosis,
glaucoma, retinopathy.
 Ear: cochlear hemorrhage, endothelial necrosis. Nerve deafness is the
single most common finding among infants with CRS.
 Lung: chronic mononuclear interstitial pneumonitis.
 Liver: hepatic giant cell transformation, fibrosis, lobular disarray, bile
 Kidney: interstitial nephritis.
 Adrenal gland: cortical cytomegaly.
 Bone: malformed and poor mineralization of osteoid, thinning cartilage.
 Spleen, lymph nodes: extramedullary hematopoiesis.
 Thymus: histiocytic reaction, absence of germinal centers.
 Skin: erythropoiesis in dermis.
 Late-onset manifestations of CRS include: PRP, diabetes mellitus,
thyroid dysfunction.

Rx. There is no specific Rx available neither for acquired rubella nor CRS.

Postnatal rubella is generally a mild illness that requires no care beyond

antipyretics and analgesics. IVIG or corticosteroids can be considered
for severe, non-remitting thrombocytopenia.

Management of children with CRS is more complex and requires

pediatric, cardiac, audiologic, ophthalmologic, and neurologic evaluation
and follow-up because many manifestations may not be readily apparent
initially or may worsen with time. Hearing screening is of special
- 403 -
importance, because early intervention may improve outcomes in
children with hearing problems caused by CRS.

Pg. Postnatal infection with rubella has an excellent prognosis. Long-

term outcomes of CRS are less favorable and somewhat variable.
Reinfection with wild virus occurs in both individuals who were
previously infected or vaccinated.

Pv. Transmission of rubella is in same manner as that of measles.

Patients with postnatal infection should be isolated from susceptible
individuals for 1 wk after onset of rash. Children with CRS may excrete
the virus in respiratory secretions for up to 1 yr of age, so contact
precautions should be maintained for them until repeated cultures of
urine and pharyngeal secretions have negative results.
Pregnant women exposed to rubella should be thoroughly investigated
by serology to exclude infection with rubella; if the results are positive
then counseling should be provided about termination of pregnancy or
immunoglobulin administration (but does not guarantee prevention of
fetal infection).
Rubella vaccination is given as MMR or MMRV in 2 dose regimen at 12-
15 mo then at 4-6 yr of age.Post-exposure prophylaxis with vaccine
should be administered within 3 days of exposure. Vaccination of women
in the child-bearing age is highly effective in prevention of CRS.

- 404 -
Et. It is a single-stranded pleomorphic RNA virus; humans are the only
natural host.

Epid. Mumps is spread from person to person by respiratory droplets.

The period of maximum infectiousness is 1-2 days before to 5 days
after the onset of parotid swelling.

C.M. I.P. usually 16-18 days. Clinical presentation ranging from

asymptomatic or nonspecific symptoms to the typical illness associated
with parotitis +/_ Cxs involving several body systems.
The prodrome lasting 1-2 days and consisting of fever, headache,
vomiting, and achiness. Parotitis then appears and may be unilateral
initially but becomes bilateral in ≈ 70% of cases. The parotid gland is
tender, and may be accompanied by ear pain.
Note: Ingestion of sour or acidic foods or liquids may enhance pain in the
parotid area.
As swelling progresses, the angle of the jaw is obscured. The opening
of the Stensen duct in the mouth may be red and edematous. The parotid
swelling peaks in ≈3 days and then gradually subsides over 7 days. Fever
and the other systemic symptoms resolve in 3-5 days. A morbilliform
rash is rarely seen. Submandibular salivary glands may also be involved
(or may be enlarged without parotid swelling). Edema over the sternum
as a result of lymphatic obstruction may also occur.

Inv. It is mainly clinical; other tests include:-

 CBP: Leukopenia with relative lymphocytosis.
 ↑serum amylase (due to parotitis).
 Serological studies, viral isolation & culture, PCR.

D.Dx. Viral and bacterial infection of parotid gland, obstruction of

Stensen duct, tumors, and collagen vascular diseases e.g. Sjögren
syndrome, SLE.

 Meningitis and Meningoencephalitis: Symptomatic CNS involvement
occurs in 10-30% of infected individuals, but CSF pleocytosis has been
found in 40-60% of patients with mumps parotitis. The meningo-
encephalitis may occur before, along with, or following the parotitis.

- 405 -
Infants and young children have fever, malaise, and lethargy, whereas
older children, adolescents, and adults complain of headache and
demonstrate meningeal signs. Symptoms usually resolve in 7-10 days.
Less-common CNS Cxs of mumps include: transverse myelitis,
aqueductal stenosis, facial palsy and rarely sensorineural hearing loss.

 Orchitis and Oophoritis: Involvement in prepubescent boys is

extremely rare, but after puberty, orchitis occurs in 30-40% of males.
It is manifested as fever, chills, and exquisite pain and swelling of the
testes. Atrophy of the testes may occur, but sterility is rare even with
bilateral involvement. Oophoritis is uncommon in postpubertal females
but may cause severe pain and may be confused with appendicitis.

 Pancreatitis may occur with or without parotid involvement. Severe

disease is rare, but fever, epigastric pain, and vomiting are suggestive.

 Uncommon and rare Cxs of mumps include: conjunctivitis, optic

neuritis, pneumonia, nephritis, myocaditis, arthritis, thyroiditis, and

 Maternal infection with mumps during the 1st trimester of pregnancy

results in ↑ fetal wastage. No fetal malformations have been associated
with intrauterine mumps infection.

Rx. No specific antiviral therapy is available for mumps. Reducing the

pain associated with meningitis or orchitis and maintaining adequate
hydration. Antipyretics may be given for fever.

Pg. The outcome of mumps is nearly always excellent.

Pv. Isolation of patients at least 5 days after onset of parotid swelling.

Mumps vaccination is usually given as MMR or MMRV in a 2 dose
regimen at 12-15 mo then at 4-6 yr of age.

- 406 -
Et. HSV-1 and HSV-2 are double-stranded DNAviruses.

Epid. HSV infections are ubiquitous, and there are no seasonal

variations in risk for infection; human is the only natural host.

Path. Primary infection occurs in individuals who have not been

infected previously with either HSV-1 or HSV-2; it can be severe.
Non-primary 1st infection occurs in individuals previously infected with
one type of HSV then become infected for the 1st time with other type of
HSV. Because immunity to one HSV type provides some cross-protection
against disease caused by other HSV type, it tends to be less severe than
true primary infections.
Recurrent infection: during primary and nonprimary initial infections,
HSV establishes latent infection in regional sensory ganglion neurons.
Virus is maintained in this latent state for the life of the host but
periodically can reactivate and cause recurrent infection. Symptomatic
recurrent infections tend to be less severe and of shorter duration than
1st infections. Asymptomatic recurrent infections are extremely

C.M. Common infections involve the skin, eye, oral cavity, and genital
tract. Infections tend to be mild and self-limiting, except in the
immunocompromised patient and newborn infant, in whom they may be
severe and life-threatening.
The hallmarks of common HSV infections are skin vesicles and shallow
ulcers. Classic infections manifest as small, 2-4 mm vesicles that may be
surrounded by an erythematous base.

 Acute Oropharyngeal Infections (Herpes Gingivostomatitis):-

It is a very common infection that mainly affects children 6 mo to 5 yr of
age. It is an extremely painful condition with sudden onset, pain in the
mouth, drooling, refusal to eat or drink, and high fever. The gums become
markedly swollen, and vesicles may develop throughout the oral
cavity, including the gums, lips, tongue, palate, tonsils, pharynx, and
perioral skin. The breath may be foul as a result of overgrowth of
anaerobic oral bacteria. Tender submandibular, submaxillary, and
cervical LAP is common (which may persist for several weeks).
Untreated, the illness resolves in 1-2 wk. In older children and
- 407 -
adolescents, initial HSV oral infection may manifest as pharyngitis and
tonsillitis rather than gingivostomatitis.

 Herpes Labialis (Fever Blisters, Cold Sores):-

It is the most common manifestation of recurrent HSV-1 infections. The
most common site is the vermilion border of the lip, although lesions
may occur on the nose, chin, cheek, or oral mucosa. Older patients report
burning, tingling, itching, or pain several hours before the development
of herpetic lesion.

 Cutaneous Infections:-
In healthy child or adolescent, these generally result from skin trauma in
contact with infected skin e.g. wrestling → Herpes gladiatorum, or
infants and toddlers who suck their thumb or fingers with symptomatic
(or subclinical) oral HSV-1 infection → Herpes whitlow.
In patients with skin disorders e.g. eczema, pemphigus, and burns,
cutaneous HSV infections can be severe or life-threatening e.g. eczema

 Genital Herpes:-
It is common in sexually experienced adolescents and young adults and
usually caused by HSV-2.
 Ocular Infections:-
It may involve the conjunctiva, cornea, or retina and may be primary or
 CNS Infections (HSV encephalitis):-
It is the leading cause of sporadic, non-epidemic encephalitis in children
and adults. It is an acute necrotizing infection generally involving the
frontal and/or temporal cortex and the limbic system. It is almost
always caused by HSV-1 (beyond the neonatal period).

 Perinatal Infections:-
HSV infection may be acquired in utero, during the birth process, or
during the neonatal period. Most cases of neonatal herpes result from
maternal infection and transmission, usually during passage through
an infected birth canal of a mother with asymptomatic genital herpes.
Neonatal herpes tend to be severe, disseminated, and with high
mortality rate.

- 408 -
Inv. It is usually clinical, other tests are for conformation especially in
severe infections, these are include: serology, PCR, viral isolation &
culture; histologic findings or imaging studies also may be used.

Rx. For herpetic gingivostomatitis; oral acyclovir; 15 mg/kg/dose 5

times a day for 1 wk. Pain associated with swallowing may limit oral
intake → risk ofdehydration. Intake should be encouraged through the
use of cold beverages, ice cream, and yogurt.
For other cutaneous & superficial infections (including herpes labialis),
oral acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir are used.
In severe & disseminated infections (e.g. CNS & neonatal infections), IV
Acyclovir are used.

Pv. Transmission of infection occurs through exposure to virus either as

the result of skin-to-skin contact or from contact with contaminated
secretions, thus good handwashing and the use of gloves (by healthcare
workers) provide excellent protection.
For pregnant women with active genital herpes at the time of delivery,
the risk for mother-to-baby transmission can be reduced (but not
eliminated) by delivering via C/S with or without daily use of oral
acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir during the last 4 wk of gestation.

- 409 -
(Exanthema Subitum)
Et. It is mainly caused by Human Herpes Virus HHV-6A and HHV-6B, and
less by (HHV-7).

Epid. Primary infection with HHV-6B is acquired rapidly by essentially all

children following the loss of maternal antibodies in the 1st few mo of
infancy, 95% of children being infected with HHV-6 by 2 yr of age.
The majority of infants & children acquire infection from the saliva or
respiratory droplets of asymptomatic adults or older children. The peak
age of primary HHV-6B infection is 6-9 mo of life.

C.M. Roseola is an acute, self-limited disease of infancy and early

childhood. It is characterized by abrupt onset of high fever, which may
be accompanied by fussiness. The fever usually resolves coincident with
the appearance of faint pink rash on the trunk which usually lasts 1-3
days (but is often described as evanescent and may be visible only for
hours) spreading from the trunk to the face and extremities. Associated
signs are few but can include mild injection of the pharynx, eyes, or
tympanic membranes and enlarged suboccipital LNs.

Inv. A history of 3 days of high fever in an otherwise nontoxic 6-9 mo old

infant with a blanching maculopapular rash on the trunk suggests Dx of
roseola. Other tests are rarely used including: serology, PCR, and viral

D.Dx. Similar to those of Measles.

Cx. Convulsions are the most common complication of roseola and are
recognized in up to 1/3 of patients. HHV-6B reactivation has also been
reported as a cause of encephalitis in both normal and immune-
compromised hosts.

Rx. Supportive care is usually all that is needed e.g. hydration and anti-
pyretics. Immunocompromised patients with encephalitis may be treated
withganciclovir, foscarnet, or cidofovir.

Pg. Roseola is generally a self-limited illness associated with complete


- 421 -
Et.VZV is a neurotropic double-stranded DNA herpesvirus with
similarities to herpes simplex virus.

Epid. Persons with varicella are contagious 1-2 day before the rash
and until vesicles are crusted, usually 3-7 days after onset of rash. VZV
is transmitted by contact with oropharyngeal secretions and the fluid
of skin lesions of infected individuals, either by airborne spread or
through direct contact.

C.M. I.P. is 10-21 days. Prodromal symptoms begin 24-48 hr before the
rash as fever, malaise, anorexia, headache, and occasionally mild
abdominal pain; these symptoms usually resolve within 2-4 days after
the rash.

Varicella lesions often appear first on the scalp, face, or trunk. Initial
exanthem consists of intensely pruritic erythematous macules that
evolve through the papular stage to form clear, fluid-filled vesicles. While
the initial lesions are crusting, new crops form on the trunk and then the
extremities; the simultaneous presence of lesions in various stages of
evolution is characteristic of varicella. The distribution of the rash is
predominantly central or centripetal with the greatest concentration on
the trunk and proximally on the extremities.

Ulcerative lesions involving the mucosa of the oropharynx and vagina

are also common. The exanthem may be much more extensive in children
with skin disorders e.g. eczema or recent sunburn. Hypopigmentation or
hyperpigmentation of lesion sites persists for days to weeks in some

Note: Varicelliform rashes or "breakthrough varicella" is a mild disease in

vaccinated individuals.

D.Dx. Vesicular rashes caused by other infectious agents e.g. herpes

simplex virus, enterovirus, rickettsial pox, and S. aureus; drug reactions;
disseminated herpes zoster; contact dermatitis; and insect bites.

Cx. These either occur with primary varicella or with reactivation of

infection, more commonly in immunocompromised patients; they

- 420 -
 Secondary bacterial infections of the skin usually caused by group A
Streptococcus and S. aureus. These range from impetigo to cellulitis,
lymphadenitis, subcutaneous abscesses…etc. Bacterial toxin–mediated
diseases e.g. toxic shock syndrome may also occur.
 Encephalitis and Cerebellar Ataxia are well-described neurologic Cxs
that are highest among patients <5 yr and >20 yr. Clinical recovery is
typically rapid.
Note: Reye syndrome (hepatic dysfunction with hypoglycemia and
encephalopathy) associated with varicella and other viral illnesses e.g. influenza
is now rare because salicylates are no longer used as antipyretics in these
 Varicella pneumonia is a severe Cx that accounts for most of the
increased morbidity and mortality from varicella.
 Progressive varicella with visceral organ involvement, coagulopathy,
severe hemorrhage, and continued vesicular lesion development after 1
wk, is a severe Cx of primary VZV infection. Severe abdominal pain may
occur which may reflect involvement of mesenteric lymph nodes or the
liver. The appearance of hemorrhagic vesicles in otherwise healthy
adolescents and adults, immunocompromised children, pregnant
women, and newborns, may herald severe, and potentially fatal disease.
 Other less common & rare Cxs include: mild hepatitis, mild
thrombocytopenia, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, HUS, arthritis, myo-
carditis, pericarditis, pancreatitis, orchitis, and acute retinal necrosis.

 Herpes zoster: VZV is transported in a retrograde manner through

sensory axons to the dorsal root ganglia throughout the spinal cord.
Herpes zoster is caused by the reactivation of latent VZV → vesicular
rash that usually is dermatomal in distribution. HZ is very rare in
healthy children <10 yr of age, with the exception of
immunocompromised patients or those infected with VZV in utero or in
the 1st yr of life. HZ in children tends to be milder than that in adults
and postherpetic neuralgia generally does not occur in healthy children.

 Neonatal Varicella: Mortality is particularly high in neonates born

to susceptible mothers who contracted varicella around the time of
delivery. Infants whose mothers demonstrate varicella in the period
from 5 days prior to delivery to 2 days afterward are at high risk for
severe varicella. Because the mother has not yet developed a significant

- 422 -
antibody response, the infant receives a large dose of virus without the
moderating effect of maternal anti-VZV antibody.

 Congenital Varicella Syndrome: CVS occurs in ≈ 0.4% of infants

born to women who have varicella during pregnancy before 13 wk of
gestation and in ≈ 2% between 13 and 20 wk of gestation; it is rare
after 20 wk of pregnancy. CVS is characterized by cicatricial skin
scarring in a zoster-like distribution; limb hypoplasia; and
abnormalities of the neurologic system (e.g. microcephaly, cortical
atrophy, seizures, and mental retardation), eye (e.g., chorioretinitis,
microphthalmia, and cataracts), renal system (e.g., hydroureter and
hydronephrosis), and autonomic nervous system (neurogenic bladder,
swallowing dysfunction, and aspiration pneumonia).

Inv. Dx of varicella is mainly clinical; however tests are used for

confirmation in atypical cases including:-
 CBP: Leukopenia followed by relative and absolute lymphocytosis.
 Liver function tests are mildly elevated.
 CSF shows profile of viral meningoencephlitis in neurological Cx.
 Serology: 4-fold or greater rise in VZV IgG antibodies is confirmatory of
acute infection (but this requires 2-3 wk delay to collect a convalescent
 VZV can be identified quickly by direct fluorescence assay of cells
from cutaneous lesions (vesicular fluid) in 15-20 min, by PCR
amplification testing (vesicular fluid, crusts) in hours to days, and by
rapid culture with specific immunofluorescence staining in 2-3 days.
Note: Although multinucleated giant cells can be detected with
nonspecific stains (Tzanck smear), they have poor sensitivity and do not
differentiate VZV from herpes simplex virus infections.
 In congenital varicella syndrome, VZV cannot be cultured from affected
newborn!, but viral DNA may be detected in tissue samples by PCR.

Rx. To be most effective, treatment of Varicella should be initiated as

early as possible. Oral therapy with acyclovir (20 mg/kg/dose;
maximum: 800 mg/dose) given as 4 doses/day for 5 days. Famciclovir
or valacyclovir can be given to older children who can swallow tablets
because these drugs are better absorbed by the oral route than acyclover.

- 423 -
Note: Acyclovir therapy is not recommended routinely by the AAP for Rx of
uncomplicated varicella in otherwise healthy child.
IV acyclovir therapy is indicated for severe disease and for varicella in
immunocompromised patients in dose (500 mg/m2every 8 hr); Rx is
continued for 7-10 days or until no new lesions have appeared for 2 days.
Foscarnet and cidofovir may be useful in Rx of acyclovir-resistant VZV
infections. Rx of Herpes Zoster is the same as VZV infection.
Neonates who exposed to maternal varicella 5 days prior to delivery to 2
days afterward should receive varicella-zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG)
or IVIG (although less effective) with IV acyclovir (which can be delayed
until the rash develop).
To prevent congenital varicella syndrome, VZIG has often been
administered to the susceptible mother exposed to varicella to modify
maternal disease severity. Similarly, acyclovir may be given to the mother
with severe varicella.
Note: Because the damage caused by fetal VZV infection does not progress
in the postpartum period, antiviral Rx of infants with CVS is not indicated.

Pg. The lowest case fatality rates are among children 1-9 yr of age (~1
death per 100,000 cases). Infants have 4 times greater risk of death;
whereas adults have a 25 times greater risk of death.

Pv. VZV transmission is difficult to prevent because person with varicella

is contagious for 24-48 hr before the rash.
Varicella vaccine can be administered as a monovalent vaccine or as
MMRV vaccineas a 2 dose regimen at ages 12-15 mo and 4-6 yr. It is
recommended that varicella and MMR vaccines either be administered
simultaneously at different sites or be given at least 4 wk apart (because
if given in <4 wk, it may be associated with higher risk for breakthrough
Postexposure Px: Vaccine given to healthy children within 3 or 5 days
after exposureis effective in preventing or modifying varicella. Oral
acyclovir administered late in the incubation period also may be of
benefit. VZIG is recommended as postexposure Px for
immunocompromised children, pregnant women, and newborns exposed
to varicella.

- 424 -
Et. They are large, single-stranded RNA viruses. They include 3 types: A,
B, & C. Influenza A is further divided into subtypes based on 2 surface
proteins hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) proteins. Influenza
A and B viruses are the primary human pathogens, causing seasonal
epidemics, while influenza C is a sporadic cause of predominantly mild
upper RTI.

Epid. Influenza has generally been thought to be transmitted primarily

via respiratory droplets, but transmission via contact with secretions
and small-particle aerosols may also occur. I.P. is short, ranging from
12-72 hr. Seasonal influenza incidence peaks during colder months in
temperate climates and circulates throughout the year in the tropics.
Note: In the last 100 yr, 4 major global pandemics have occurred, all
arecaused by influenza A: 1918 [H1N1], 1957 [H2N2], 1968 [H3N2], and
2009 [H1N1]. The most severe pandemic is in 1918, when the virus has
killed ≈50 million people.

Antigenic Variation:-
Influenza A and B viruses contain a genome consisting of 8 single-strand
RNA segments. Minor changes within a subtype continually occur
through point mutations during viral replication, particularly in the HA
gene, and result in new influenza strains of the same HA type. This
phenomenon, termed antigenic drift, occurs in both influenza A and B
viruses. Variation in antigenic composition of influenza virus surface
proteins occurs almost yearly, which confers selective advantage to a
new strain and results in annual epidemics.
Major changes in subtype, less frequent but more dramatic, can occur
through re-assortment of viral gene segments when there is
simultaneous infection by more than 1 strainof influenza in a single
host. This process is called antigenic shift, and can occur in humans or
animal hosts, resulting in emergence of novel subtypes. This occurs in
influenza A viruses, which have multiple avian and mammalian hosts
(especially swine) acting as reservoirs for diverse strains.
Path. Influenza virus causes a lytic infection of the respiratory
epithelium with loss of ciliary function, ↓ mucus production, and
desquamation of the epithelial layer. These changes permit secondary
bacterial invasion.
- 425 -
C.M. The onset of influenza illness is often abrupt as fever, myalgias,
chills, headache, malaise, and anorexia. Coryza, pharyngitis, and dry
cough are also usually present at the onset of illness but may be less
prominent than systemic symptoms.
Unusual manifestation of influenza type B is acute myositis, marked by
muscle weakness and pain (particularly calf muscles) and myoglobinuria.
Respiratory manifestations can include isolated upper respiratory tract
illness, including croup, or progression to lower tract disease e.g.
bronchiolitis or pneumonia.
The infected young infant or child may be highly febrile and toxic in
appearance. Abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea may also occur
in children. The typical duration of the febrile illness is 2-4 days.
Note: Owing to the high transmissibility of influenza, other family members
often experience a similar illness.

Cx. Influenza is particularly severe in children with underlying cardio-

pulmonary diseases.
 Acute otitis media may be seen in up to 25% of cases of influenza.
 Pneumonia accompanying influenza may be a primary viral process or
a secondary bacterial infection (usually Staphylococcus aureus).
 Influenza can provoke airway disease in asthmatic patients;
evidence of small airway dysfunction is often found weeks later.
 CNS Cxs include: encephalitis, myelitis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome.

D.Dx. The clinical presentation of influenza is often indistinguishable

from other respiratory viruses e.g. respiratory syncytial virus,
parainfluenza virus, human metapneumovirus, adenovirus, and even

Inv. Dx of influenza is usually depends on epidemiologic and clinical

considerations. Diagnostic testsare only confirmatoryand should not
preclude the clinical decision to prescribe antiviral medications;
these tests include:-
 CBP: Leukopenia is frequently seen.
 CXR may show evidence of atelectasis or infiltrate.
 Specific tests include: Immunofluorescence, direct or indirect antibody
staining; Reverse transcription-PCR; Serologic tests (antibody
detection); and Viral culture.

- 426 -
Rx. Early initiation of antiviral therapy can reduce the severity and
duration of influenza symptoms; these include:-

 Oseltamivir (for infants & children >2 wk) given orally twice daily for 5
days in a dose 3 mg/kg for infants <1 yr; for children >1yr the dose
varies with child’s weight & range between 30-60 mg daily (see text for
more details).
 Zanamivir (for children >7 yr) given by inhalation for 5 days in a dose
10 mg inhalations twice daily.
Note: Amantadine and Rimantadine (which only effective against
influenza A viruse) are not currently recommended because of widespread

 Supportive care includes adequate fluid intake and rest. Bacterial

superinfection should be suspected by prolonged (or recrudescence)
of fever or deterioration in clinical status; it should be treated with
antibiotic therapy.

Pg. Uncomplicated influenza is generally excellent, although cough and

fatigue may persist for weeks.

Pv. There are 2 types of influenza vaccines: Inactivated (killed)

vaccine given by IM injection and Live-attenuated vaccine (for children
>2 yr) given by nasal spray. They are usually given as 2 doses 4 wk apart.
These available in the late summer and early fall of each year and contain
strains of influenza viruses that are expected to circulate in the coming
winter.A 3rd vaccine category, recombinant hemagglutinin influenza
vaccine, became available now.

Chemoprophylaxis may be considered to prevent influenza within 48 hr

after exposure to an infectious person. It is done by the same agents
above (Oseltamivir & Zanamivir) in the same doses but once daily for 1

- 427 -
Other Causes of Viral Enteritis
Et. Viral causes of diarrhea include: Rotaviruses (including serogroups A
to G), Astrovirus, Caliciviruses (e.g. Norwalk agent), enteric
Adenovirus (serotype 40 & 41 only), & Aichi virus. All these viruses are
RNA except Adenovirus.

Epid. Rotaviruses are the most common & important cause of severe
diarrhea & dehydration worldwide. It is most severe between 2 mo-2
yr of age; whereas infants below 3 mo are partially protected by
transplacental antibody and possibly breast-feeding, therefore infection
may be asymptomatic in newborn (although it may be associated with
NEC). In addition to the human, serogroup A can infect all mammals &
All viral causes of diarrhea are usually infect infants & young children
except Caliciviruses. They are mainly occur in winter months except
Adenoviruses. They are transmitted via feco-oral route with very low
inoculum is required to cause the disease. They shed in large amount
before & after the diarrheal illness.

Path. Enteroviruses are selectively infect and destroy villus tip cells of
the small intestine →↓ absorption of salt and water → isotonic
dehydration (i.e. normal serum Na) with secondary lactase deficiency.
The gastric mucosa is typically not affected, hence the term "Viral
Gastroenteritis" is inappropriate. Extraintestinal infection is rare,
although immunocompromised patients may experience hepatic and
renal involvement.

C.M. All enteroviruses cause watery diarrhea (i.e. not bloody).

The I.P. of Rotaviruses is usually <2 days; the illness started as fever &
vomiting which usually abate in the 2nd day, followed by diarrhea
which usually last for 5-7 days. Astrovirus cause similar but less severe
symptoms. Calicivirus cause symptoms similar to food poisoning, i.e.
short I.P. (12 hr) & short duration of illness (1-3 days) with nausea and
vomiting tend to predominate. Adenovirus usually causes long duration
of illness (10-14 days).

- 428 -
 GSE; typically free of pus cells & RBC.
 WBC; may be ↑ (due to stress).
 Serology on stool sample e.g. ELISA & Latex agglutination are available
for Rotavirus group A.
 PCR & viral culture are usually reserved for research purposes.

 Supportive therapy e.g. rehydration & early nutrition (especially
breast feeding); whereas antibiotics, antiemetics, & antidiarrheal agents
are usually of no benefit.
 Antiviral agents are of limited role & oral immunoglobulins are still
 Probiotics are helpful in mild cases of diarrhea e.g. Lactobacillus
rhamnosus GG which associated with reduced duration and severity of
rotavirus diarrhea.

Pg. Viral enteritis may cause death, especially in young infants due to
severe dehydration. Children may be infected with rotavirus each year
during the 1st 5 yr of life but with decreasing severity of each subsequent
infection. Immune response is serotype-specific, but however reinfection
with other serotype may → cross-reactivity.
After 4-5 yr, virtually all children have serological evidence of infection &
thus infection in adults may be asymptomatic.

Pv. Good hygiene & handwashing. Rotavirus vaccine is an oral live-

attenuated vaccine available in 2 types; pentavalent given at 2, 4, 6 mo or
monovalent given at 2, 4 mo of life.

- 429 -
13. Common Bacterial Infections

 Cholera
 Escherichia coli
 Shigellosis
 Campylobacter
 Salmonellosis (including typhoid fever & non-typhoidal
 Brucellosis
 Pertussis
 Mycoplasma pneumoniae
 Tuberculosis

- 431 -
Et.It is caused by Vibrio cholerae, a Gram-negative, comma-shaped
bacillus, subdivided into serogroups by its somatic O antigen. Of >200
serogroups, only serogroups O1 & O139 have been associated with

Epid. Cholera exists as sporadic, endemic, epidemic, or pandemic

outbreaks. Humans are the only known hosts for V. cholerae. The
organism thrives best in salty water. Consumption of contaminated
water and household contacts of cholera-infected patients are high
risks for the disease. In cholera-endemic areas, the incidence is highest
among children <2 yr of age; however, in epidemics, all age groups are
commonly affected.
Factors associated with severe disease include: ↓gastric acidity,
malnutrition, immunocompromised state, absence of local intestinal
immunity (prior exposure to infection or vaccination), andpersons with
blood group O!.
Path. Large inocula of bacteria (>108) are required for severe cholera
infection; but persons whose gastric barrier is disrupted, a much lower
dose (105) is required. In the small intestine, cholera secrets an
enterotoxin→↑ cyclic adenosine monophosphate →↑ chloride secretion
by the crypt cells → inhibition of absorption of sodium and chloride by
the microvilli → massive purging of electrolyte-rich isotonic fluid in the
small intestine → rapid dehydration and depletion of electrolytes,
including Na, Cl, bicarbonate, and K.

C.M. Most cases of cholera are mild or inapparent. Among symptomatic

cases ≈20% develop severe dehydration that may rapidly → death.

I.P. is 1-3 days (range from several hours to 5 days). The onset may be
sudden, with profuse watery diarrhea, but some patients have a
prodrome of anorexia and abdominal discomfort and the stool may be
initially brown. Vomiting with clear watery fluid is usually present
initially. Diarrhea can progress to painless purging of profuse rice-
water stools (due to suspended flecks of mucus) with fishy smell.

Cholera gravis, the most severe form results when purging rates reach
to 500-1,000 mL/hr→ rapid development of manifestations of severe
dehydration including shriveled hands and feet (washerwoman’s hands).
- 430 -
Patients with metabolic acidosis can present with typical Kussmaul
breathing. Although patients may be initially thirsty and awake, they
rapidly progress to obtundation and coma. If fluid losses are not rapidly
corrected, death can occur within hours.

D.Dx. Diarrhea caused by other etiologic causes (e.g., enterotoxigenic

Escherichia coli or rotavirus) may be difficult to distinguish from cholera

Inv. Although definitive Dx is not required for Rx to be initiated,

laboratory confirmation is necessary for epidemiologic surveillance.
 Blood chemistry: hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, and metabolic acidosis.
 GSE: few fecal leukocytes and erythrocytes (because cholera does not
cause inflammation).
 Dark-field microscopy is used for rapid identification of the bacteria
with “darting motility” in wet mounts of rice water stools, which
disappears once specific antibodies against V. cholerae O1 or O139 are
 Specimens of V. cholerae usually transported on Cary-Blair media (if
they cannot be processed immediately). Selective media e.g.
thiosulfate– citrate–bile salts sucrose agar that inhibit normal flora
should be used.

Cx. It usually results from delayed initiation of rehydration or inadequate

rehydration; these include:-
 Renal failure from prolonged hypotension.
 Hypokalemia can →nephropathy and focal myocardial necrosis.
 Hypoglycemia is common among children and can →seizures.

Rx. Rehydration is the mainstay of therapy. Children with mild or

moderate dehydration can be treated with rice-based ORS (which is
superior to standard ORS). Vomiting is not a contraindication to ORS.

Severely dehydrated patients, shock, obtundation, and intestinal ileus

require IV fluid therapy, ideally with Ringer lactate solution. Close
monitoring is necessary, especially during the 1st 24 hr of illness.
Feeding with frequent, small feedings can be given during diarrhea.

Antibiotics to which local V. cholerae strains are sensitive must be

administered. It should only be given in cases with moderate to severe

- 432 -
dehydration as soon as vomiting stops. Commonly used oral antibiotics in
children with cholera include:-

 Tetracycline 12.5 mg/kg/dose (up to 500 mg) 4 times/day for 3 days

or Doxycycline 2-4 mg/kg as a single dose.
 Erythromycin12.5 mg/kg/dose (up to 250 mg) 4 times/day for 3 days
or Azithromycin, 20 mg/kg (up to 1 g) as a single dose.
 Ciprofloxacin 20 mg/kg as a single dose.

Zinc should be given as soon as vomiting stops, especially for those <5 yr
of age. The dose is the same as that used in acute gastroenteritis (see

Pv. Improved personal hygiene, access to clean water, sanitation, and

appropriate case management are the mainstays of cholera control.

Oral cholera vaccines are safe and protective for ≈2-5 yr duration. They
must be used during cholera epidemicsand also can be used by travelers
from industrialized countries going to cholera-affected regions.

- 433 -
Et.E. coli species are gram-negative bacilli, facultatively anaerobic & they
can ferment lactose. Most are nonpathogens because they are normal
fecal flora.

They are important cause of diarrheal disease in the 1st years of life
especially during the warm months in temperate climates and rainy
months in tropical climates. They are also an important cause of other
diseases e.g. UTI, neonatal sepsis, & meningitis.

 E. coli organisms are recently divided into 6 groups:-

1. Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC): It is a major cause of watery diarrhea

in developing countries, but it usually a self-limited disease within a
few days, it mainly affect children >1 yr of age. Enterotoxigenic E. coli
secrete 2 types of enterotoxins: heat-stable (ST) & heat-labile (LT) which
is similar to that of cholera toxin.

2. Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC): It also can cause of watery diarrhea

in developing countries in children >1 yr (although it occasionally
produce bloody diarrhea). It also can secrete a toxin similar to that of
ETEC. It can cause partial villous atrophy which may result in
persistent diarrhea.

3. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC): It also can cause of watery (acute &

persistent) diarrhea in developing countries, especially in children <2
yr of age.

4. Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC): It can produce watery diarrhea, but

more often cause dysentery syndrome very similar to that of

5. Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) or Shiga Toxin (Verotoxin)–

Producing E. coli (STEC): It also can produce dysentery syndrome very
similar to that of shigellosis (except that fever is uncommon); it usually
affect children between 6 mo-10 yr of age. Shiga Toxin–Producing E. coli
produce 2 types of toxins: Stx1 (which is identical to Shiga toxin) and
Stx2 (which carry a higher risk for HUS).

- 434 -
Note: There are several hundred serotypes of STEC that can produce this toxin
causing HUS e.g. E. coli O157 : H7, E. coli 0111 : NM, E. coli 026 : H11...etc.

6. Diffusely Adherent E. coli (DAEC): It a newly identified group which

can produce watery (acute & persistent) diarrhea in children >1-2 yr of
Note: ETEC, EAEC, & DAEC are important causes of Traveler's diarrhea in adults.

 GSE; pus cells are typically +ve with EIEC.
 CBP; leukocytosis with left shift occur mainly with EIEC & STEC.
 Stool culture; STEC serotype O157 : H7 is suggested by isolation of an
E. coli that fails to ferment sorbitol on Macconkey sorbitol medium.
 Enzyme immunoassay or Latex agglutination can detect Shiga toxins.
 Tissue culture can be used for detection of other diarrheagenic E. coli.
 PCR is highly sensitive & specific for all types of E. coli.

 Supportive Rx e.g. rehydration & early feeding.
 Antibiotic Rx e.g. TMP-SMZ is indicated when E. coli strains are
susceptible, but it should not be given to STEC infection because it
may ↑ risk of HUS due to the release of endotoxins after lysis of bacteria.

Pv. Improve personal & public health hygiene as well as maintain

prolonged breast-feeding which especially effective in EPEC infection.

- 435 -
Et. There are 4 species which responsible for bacillary dysentery;
Shigella dysenteriae, S. flexneri, S. boydii, & S. sonnei. They also called
serogroup A, B, C, & D respectively; each serogroup is divided into
multiple serotypes.

Epid. They most commonly infect children <5 yr of age (especially 2-3
yr); they also mainly occur during the warm months in temperate
climates and rainy season in tropical climates. S. dysenteriae serotype 1 is
endemic in Asia and Africa & tends to occur in massive epidemics but
may cause asymptomatic infection.
Transmission of infection is mainly by feco-oral, i.e. person-to-person
through contaminated food & water. Unlike Salmonella, Shigella can
survives the acid environment of stomach; therefore very low inoculum
can cause the disease (as few as 10 micro-organisms of S. dysenteriae-1).

Path. Shigellae are mainly infect the colon → edema & ulceration.
Lipopolysaccharides are the virulence factors for all species. Some
shigellae, especially S. dysenteriae-1 secrete Shiga toxin or enterotoxins
(ShET-1 & 2) which is a potent protein synthesis–inhibiting exotoxin
(which also prodused by Shiga toxin-producing E. coli) that can cause
C.M. I.P. is between 12 hr- several days and untreated diarrhea may last
1–2 wk with manifestations of colitis predominate.
Hx. Severe abdominal pain, high fever, vomiting, anorexia, urgency,
& painful defecation. The diarrhea initially may be watery and of large
volume evolving into frequent small-volume, bloody & mucoid stools,
however > half of patients may never progress to bloody diarrhea,
whereas in others the 1st stools are bloody.
Ex. Toxicity, abdominal distention and tenderness, hyperactive bowel
sounds, and tender rectum on digital exam.

Cx. Shigellosis (especially S. dysenteriae-1) have many Cxs, especially in

neonates & young infants with malnutrition or immunedeficiency e.g.:-
 Dehydration, hyponatremia (due to SIADH), hypoglycemia, &
protein-losing enteropathy.
 GIT Cxs e.g. toxic megacolon, colonic perforation, pseudo-membranous
colitis, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, & rectal prolapse.

- 436 -
 NeurologicCxs are relatively common & may be present before
diarrhea including: convulsions, headache, lethargy, confusion, nuchal
rigidity, or hallucinations. The etiology of these Cxs are not yet
Ekiri syndrome (Lethal Toxic Encephalopathy) is rare syndrome of
severe toxicity, convulsions, extreme hyperpyrexia, and headache
associated with brain edema and rapidly fatal outcome; this is occur
without sepsis or significant dehydration!.
 Other Cxs include: HUS (most common), cholestatic hepatitis,
pneumonia, arthritis (including reactive arthritis with uveitis),
conjunctivitis, iritis, corneal ulcers, urethritis and rash, cystitis, vaginitis,
myocarditis, sepsis, DIC, & rarely meningitis.

D.Dx. Other causes of bloody diarrhea include: Campylobacter jejuni,

Salmonellae, Enteroinvasive & Shiga toxin–producing E. coli, Yersinia
enterocolitica, Clostridium difficile,Entamoeba histolytica, and CMV as well
as non infectious diseases e.g. inflammatory bowel diseases.
 GSE show features of colitis e.g. pus cells & RBC.
 CBP may show leukocytosis with left shift (bandemia), leukemoid
reaction, or leucopenia.
 Cultures of stool (or rectal swab) on selective media is diagnostic.
 Culturesof blood may be taken when there is risk for bacteremia.
 PCR.
 Supportive Rx e.g. rehydration, correction of electrolytes diturbances,
high-protein diet with supplementation of zinc & vit A. Antimotility
agents should be avoided.
 Antibiotic Rx include: Ceftriaxone 50 mg/kg or oral 3rd generation
cephalosporins (e.g. Cefixim), Nalidixic acid 55 mg/kg ÷ 4,
Azithromycin 12 mg/kg in 1st day then 6 mg/kg for the next 4 days, or
Ciprofloxacin 20-30 mg/kg (it can be given now to all age groups).
Patients who respond to any of these antibiotics, they should be
continued on that drug for a full 5 day course, even if the stool culture
were negative.

Pv. Handwashing, safe water supply, & encouragement of prolonged


- 437 -
Et. There are many species of Campylobacter; the most significant are C.
jejuni and C. coli, which cause the majority of human enteritis. They are
Gram-negative, curved, thin, non–spore-forming rods.

Epid. Campylobacterare found worldwide and are among the most

common causes of human intestinal infections.Infections can be both
foodborne and waterborne, and most commonly result from ingestion
of contaminated poultry (chicken, turkey) or raw milk. Less commonly,
they come from contaminated water, household pets (cats, dogs), and
farm animals.

Path. Most Campylobacter isolates are eradicated in the stomach because

they are acid sensitive; therefore, host conditions associated with ↓
gastric acidity (e.g.use of antacids) can ↑ susceptibility to infection.

C.M. There is variety of clinical presentations of Campylobacter infec-

tions, depending on host factors e.g. age, immunocompetence, and
underlying conditions; these include:-

 Acute Gastroenteritis; I.P. is 3 days (range: 1-7 days). Diarrhea is most

commonly caused by C. jejuni (90-95%) or C. coli, and rarely by other
Some patients may have a prodrome with fever, headache, dizziness,
and myalgias; 1-3 days later, they develop cramping abdominal pain
and loose, watery stools or, less commonly, bloody, mucus-
containing stools. However, some patients, most commonly children
between 6-15 yr old, do not develop diarrhea at all.
Fever +/_ febrile seizures may be the only manifestation initially and is
most pronounced in patients > 1 yr of age. Many older children have
abdominal pain which is commonly periumbilical and sometimes
persists after the stools return to normal.
Abdominal pain can mimic appendicitis, colitis, or intussusception.
Vomiting tends to be more common in younger children & infants.

 Bacteremia; it occurs most often in malnourished children, patients

with chronic illnesses, or immunodeficiency. It is associated with fever,
headache, malaise, and abdominal pain. Relapsing or intermittent

- 438 -
fever is associated with night sweats, chills, and weight loss when the
illness is prolonged; lethargy and confusion may occur.

 Focal extraintestinal infections are rare including meningitis,

pneumonia, thrombophlebitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, ileocecitis,
UTI, arthritis, peritonitis, myocarditis, pericarditis, and endocarditis.

 Perinatal infections are most often acquired at birth from a mother

infected with or shedding Campylobacter. It can results in abortion,
stillbirth, premature delivery, neonatal sepsis and meningitis, or bloody

Cx. The most common late-onset Cxs include reactive arthritis and
Guillain-Barré syndrome; both occur 1 to several wks after infection.
Reactive arthritis may be associated with conjunctivitis, urethritis, and
rash (including erythema nodosum).

D.Dx. Similar to those of Shigellosis (see above).

 GSE usually shows leukocytes & blood.
 Stool culture on selective media e.g. CAMPY-agar.
 For rapid Dx of Campylobacter enteritis, direct carbol fuchsin stain of
fecal smear, indirect fluorescence antibody test, dark-field microscopy,
or latex agglutination can be used.

Rx. Fluid replacement, correction of electrolyte imbalance, and

supportive care are the mainstays of Rx of children with Campylobacter
Antibiotic therapy in patients with uncomplicated gastroenteritis is
controversial. Erythromycin or azithromycin is the drug of choice if
therapy is required. Most Campylobacter isolates are susceptible to
macrolides, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, chloramphenicol,
tetracyclines, and clindamycin; but are resistant to cephalosporins,
rifampin, penicillins, trimethoprim, and vancomycin.

Sepsis is treated with parenteral antibiotics e.g. aminoglycoside,

meropenem, or imipenem.

Pg. Campylobacter gastroenteritis is usually self-limited disease. Most

diarrhea resolve spontaneously in < 1 wk; but in some patients

- 439 -
diarrhea can persist for > 2 wk. Relapse can occur in 5-10% of patients.
Persistent or recurrent Campylobacter gastroenteritis can occur in
immunocompramised patients (including those with AIDS). Septicemia in
newborns and immunocompromised hosts has a poor pg.

Pv. Most human Campylobacter infections are sporadic and are acquired
from infected animals or contaminated foods.
Interventions to minimize transmission include cooking meats
thoroughly, avoiding unpasteurized dairy products, encouragement of
breastfeeding, ensure that water sources are not contaminated, and
contact with infected animals should be avoided.

People infected with C. jejuni usually shed the organism for weeks but
some can shed for months. Therefore, hand washing is important to
prevent spread to the environment.

- 441 -
Salmonellosis is a common and widely distributed food-borne disease
that is a global major public health problem. Salmonellae are motile,
non-sporulating, non-encapsulated, gram-negative rods that are aerobic
and facultative anaerobic. They are resistant to many physical agents but
can be killed by heating. They have 2 main antigens: somatic (O) &
flageller (H) antigens.

Typhoid Fever (Enteric Fever)

Et. Typhoid fever is mainly caused by Salmonella Typhi (also called
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi). Less commonly it is caused by
Salmonella Paratyphi (A, B, & C) which cause similar but less severe

Epid. Typhoid fever is endemic in developing countries, especially

Asia. S. Typhi is highly adapted to infect human beings; transmission
occurs after (direct or indirect) contact with infected person (sick or
chronic carrier) through ingestion of contaminated foods or water.

Path. After ingestion, S. Typhi invade the gut mucosa through "M cells"
in the terminal ileum to the mesenteric lymphoid system, then to blood-
stream via the lymphatics. This primary bacteremia is usually
asymptomatic, and blood cultures are frequently negative at this stage.
Bacteria then disseminated throughout the body and colonize organs of
the reticulo-endothelial system, where they may replicate within
macrophages, then shed back to blood, causing secondary bacteremia,
which coincides with the onset of clinical symptoms.

In addition to enteritis, S. Typhi can cause inflammation, ulceration or

perforation of the Peyer patches of terminal ileum, but more commonly
they heal without scar or stricture formation.

Predisposition to infection is depend on many factors including:

surface Vi (virulence) polysaccharide capsular antigen found in S. Typhi
(which interferes with phagocytosis), dose of inoculums, state of
immunity & nutrition, HLA of the host, & infection with H. pylori.

- 440 -
C.M. I.P. is usually 1-2 wk; the manifestations are usually not specific.
Hx. High-grade fever, malaise, generalized myalgia, anorexia,
headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, and dry cough. In children,
diarrhea may be present in the earlier stages of the illness which may be
followed by constipation.
Ex. Pyrexia (rarely associated with relative bradycardia), pallor, toxicity,
HSM, coated tongue, & Rose spots (macular or maculopapular rash on the

Cx. Fortunately rarely occur with good Rx. It include:-

 GIT; intestinal hemorrhage or perforation (with features of peritonitis),
hepatitis (with jaundice), & cholecystitis.
 Neurologic; delirium, psychosis, ↑ ICP, acute cerebellar ataxia, chorea,
deafness, & Guillain-Barre syndrome.
 Others; fatal BM necrosis, DIC, HUS, nephrotic syndrome,
pyelonephritis, meningitis, endocarditis, parotitis, orchitis, &
suppurative lymphadenitis.

Inv. The Dx of typhoid fever is still clinical in the developing countries.

 CBP; usually there is leukopenia (although leucocytosis may occur in

young children); thrombocytopenia may be a marker of severe disease.
 Serology; The classic Widal test measures antibodies against O and H
antigens of S. Typhi but it lacks sensitivity and specificity in the endemic
areas. Therefore, now it has been replaced with Monoclonal Antibodies
that directly detect S. Typhi–specific antigens in serum or S. Typhi Vi
antigen in urine.
 Culture is the gold standard for Dx. Stool culture may be +ve during the
I.P., then also become +ve after the 1st wk of illness (as well as the urine
culture). Blood culture is +ve in only ≈ half of patients during early stage
of disease.
 PCR.

 Mild cases can be managed as outpatient, but severe cases or those
associated with Cxs should be admitted to hospital for adequate rest,
hydration, nutrition (with a bland diet), & antipyretics e.g.
acetaminophen every 4–6 hr.

- 442 -
 Antibiotic therapy include: high dose Amoxicillin 75-100 mg/kg/day
or Chloramphenicol 50-75 mg/kg/day, both for 2-3 wk (unless the
organisms are resistant), or fluoroquinolone e.g. Ciprofloxacin 15
mg/kg/day for only 5-7 days.
Alternative agents include: 3rd generation cephalosporins e.g.
Ceftriaxone or Cefixime for 1-2 wk; or Azithromycin for 1 wk. (see the
text for doses).
 Dexamethasone can be given for severely ill patients, but must be done
under strict supervision because it may masks the signs of abdominal
Cxs; initial dose is 3 mg/kg then 1 mg/kg every 6 hr for 2 days.
Note: This dose is higher than that used in meningitis.

Pg. Although there are many factors that affect prognosis, generally
uncomplicated disease is usually resolves within 2-4 wk. However, even
with antibiotic Rx, relapse may occur due to the emergence of multidrug-
resistant strains of S. Typhi, especially to amoxicillin, chloramphenicol,
TMP-SMZ as well as fluoroquinolones.

Individuals who excrete S. Typhi for ≥3 mo after infection are regarded

as chronic carriers, but the risk increases with age, thus it is low in
Children with Schistosomiasis can develop urinary carrier state because
S. Typhi can infect the parasite itself.

Pv. Improve sanitation by handwashing & prevention of food

contamination, chlorination of water, screening of food handlers, &
tracing of chronic carrier. There are 2 vaccines; Oral live-attenuated & IM
Vi capsular polysaccharide vaccines.

- 443 -
Non-Typhoidal Salmonellae
Et. There are 2 most important species of NTS; S. Enteritidis &S.
Typhimurium. Other species are less common e.g. S. dublin of cattle &S.
choleraesuis of pigs.

Epid. NTS have worldwide distribution& they are a major cause of

bacterial diarrhea at all ages. They are zoonotic diseases that mainly
transmitted from animals (animals are usually asymptomatic); also they
are transmitted from person-to-person by feco-oral route.

Path. Gastric acid inhibits multiplication of Salmonellae, thus risk

factors include: achlorhydria, buffering medications, rapid gastric
emptying, or large inoculums. Other risk factors include: neonates and
young infants, immune deficiencies, malnutrition, inflammatory bowel
disease, hemolytic anemia (SCA, malaria), & schistosomiasis.

In most NTS (e.g. S. Enteritidis), the infection does not extend beyond the
lamina propria and the local lymphatics, but some species have virulence
factors which can invade the gut epithelium causing bacteremia e.g. some
strains of S. Typhimurium, S. dublin, and S. choleraesuis (although the last
2 species usually cause uncomplicated diarrhea which require no Rx).

C.M. Acute enteritis is the most common clinical presentation of NTS

which simulate food poisoning. I.P. ≈ 24 hr, starts as abrupt onset of
nausea, vomiting, and crampy abdominal pain followed by mild to
severe watery diarrhea which sometimes contains blood and mucus.
Symptoms usually subside within 2–7 days.

Cx. Transient bacteremia may follow NTS enteritis (especially in

immunocompramized patients) → fever, chills, and septic shock.
Extraintestinal focal infections may follow bacteremia which can affect
many organs → meningitis & osteomyelitis (especially those with SCA).
NTS can also cause reactive arthritis.
 GSE; moderate number of pus cells.
 Stoolculture requires selective media e.g. Macconkey, XLD, BBL, or SS
 Blood culture requires no selective media e.g. blood or chocolate agar.

- 444 -
 WBC; mild leukocytosis.
 Serology e.g. latex agglutination and immunofluorescence tests.
 PCR.

Rx. Patients with acute enteritis require only supportive measures e.g.
rehydration; whereas antibiotics are generally not recommended for
NTS gastroenteritis because they may suppress normal intestinal flora
and prolong the excretion of Salmonella causing a remote risk of creating
chronic carrier state (which usually common in adults).

However, because the risk of bacteremia in infants <3 mo of age or

patients with immunedeficiency, especially when develop signs of
bacteremia or other Cxs, they should receive an appropriate antibiotic
e.g. high dose 3rd generation cephalosporins for at least 1 wk until
culture results become available.
Note: Some strains of S. Typhimurium are resistant to 5 antibiotics: ampicillin,
chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfonamides, and tetracycline as well as some
isolates have also reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones.

Pg. Most patients are fully recovered, but some develop a chronic
carrier state especially those with biliary tract disease or cholelithiasis.

Pv. Control of the infection in animals (including judicious use of

antibiotics in their food) & adequate cooking of their meat; also improve
sanitation by handwashing with prevention of food & water

- 445 -
Et. Brucella are aerobic, non-spore-forming, non-motile, gram-negative
coccobacilli that is divided into 4 types; Brucella abortus (cattle), B.
melitensis (goat/sheep), B. suis (swine), and B. canis (dog).

Epid. Brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease that result either

from direct contact with an infected animal or by consumption of
their meat or products (especiallyunpasteurized milk products), it also
may occur by inoculation through cuts or conjunctiva, or by inhalation of
infectious aerosols.

Path. The major virulence factor for Brucella appears to be the smooth
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of its cell wall which makes it more resistant
to killing by PMN & because these organisms are facultative
intracellular pathogens, they can survive and replicate within the
mononuclear phagocytic cells of the RES resulting in granuloma

C.M. The I.P. is 2-4 wk.

Hx. Symptoms are usually non-specific & vague e.g. fever, night sweats,
anorexia, headache, fatigue, arthralgia, rash, abdominal pain, diarrhea,
vomiting, cough, and pharyngitis.
Some patients may present with only FUO but the most consistent part
of hx is the direct contact with an infected animal or by consumption of
their meat or products.
Ex. Pyrexia, pallor, skin rash, arthritis (especially spine), LAP, & HSM.

 CBP; Pancytopenia, i.e. anemia, neutropenia, & thrombocytopenia.
 Culture of blood or any tissue of the RES (e.g. liver, spleen, lymph
nodes, or BM) is the gold standard in Dx, but remember that Brucellais
fastidious organisms, i.e. it require as long as 4 wk to be recovered from
the growth media.
 Serology; Serum Agglutination Test (SAT) or Brucella Agglutination
Test (BAT) can detects antibodies against B. abortus, B. melitensis, and B.
suis (but not B. canis because it lacks the smooth LPS). No single titer is
ever diagnostic, but most patients with acute infections have titers of
≥1:160; whereas low titers may require acute and convalescent sera to
confirm the Dx.
- 446 -
SAT detects both IgG and IgM (IgM can remain in the serum for weeks
to months after the infection has been treated), therefore the serum is
treated with 2-mercapto-ethanol which cancel IgM & detect IgG only.
However false-positive results of SAT may occur due to infection with
other bacteria e.g. Yersinia, Francisella, &Vibrio cholerae; whereas false-
negative results may occur due to high antibodies titers "prozone
effect"; to avoid this effect, serum should be diluted to ≥1:320.
 ELISA is more sensitive but less specific than SAT.
 PCR is very sensitive & specific.

 Children < 8 yr are usually treated with TMP (10 mg/kg)- SMZ (50
mg/kg) + Rifampin (15-20 mg/kg).
 Children > 8 yr are usually treated with Doxycycline (2-4 mg/kg) +
Rifampin [or Streptomycin (20-30 mg/kg) or Gentamicin (3-5
All drugs should be given for 6 wk except Aminoglycosides for 2 wk.

 Patients with Cxs e.g. osteomyelitis, endocarditis, or meningitis should

be treated with Doxycycline + Gentamicin +/_ Rifampin for 4-6 mo
(except gentamicin for 1-2 wk).
Note: Patients should be complaint with this prolong therapy to reduce the
relapse rate.

Pv. Eradication of infection from animals with pasteurization of milk

and dairy products.

- 447 -
Note: Pertussis name is preferable to the Whooping cough because most
infected individuals do not “whoop”.

Et. Bordetella pertussis, B. parapertussis, & B. bronchiseptica (which

is a common animal pathogen). B. pertussis is gram-negative coccobacilli
that colonize only ciliated epithelium; it does not survive for prolonged
periods in the environment. Pertussis toxin (PT) is only secreted by
B.pertussis which has numerous biologic activities.

Epid. B. pertussis is the only cause of epidemic & the usual cause of
sporadic pertussis; whereas B. parapertussis is an occasional cause of
sporadic pertussis.

Pertussis is extremely contagious with attack rates as high as 100% in

susceptible individuals exposed to aerosol droplets at close range. After
intense exposure as in households, the rate of subclinical infection is as
high as 80% in fully immunized or previously infected individuals
because neither natural disease nor vaccination are provide complete or
lifelong immunity against reinfection or disease; whereas chronic carrier
is not documented in human.

C.M. I.P. ranging from 3–12 days. Pertussis is a prolonged disease that is
usually divided into 3 stages:-

1. Catarrhal stage (1–2 wk) begins insidiously as flu-like illness e.g. low-
grade fever, rhinorrhea, sneezing, and lacrimation.
2. Paroxysmal stage (2–6 wk), the cough begins as a dry, intermittent,
irritative hack that evolves into a machine-gun burst of uninterrupted
coughs which followed by whoop, exhaustion, & vomiting (post-tussive
emesis); at the peak of the paroxysmal stage there may be >1
3. Convalescent stage (≥2 wk) begins when the number, severity, and
duration of episodes diminish.

Infants < 3 mo do not display classical stages; the catarrhal phase

lasts only a few days or is unnoticed; cough may not be prominent or
manifests as expiratory grunt; whoop infrequently occurs in infants <3
mo; whereas cyanosis can follow a coughing paroxysm.

- 448 -
Apnea may be the only symptom & can occur without cough. The
paroxysmal and convalescent stages in young infants are lengthy.
Paradoxically, in infants the cough and whooping may become louder and
more classic in the convalescent stage. Exacerbation of cough may recur
after subsequent RTI.

Findings on physical exam are generally uninformative. Signs of

lower respiratory tract disease are not expected unless complicating
secondary bacterial pneumonia is present.

Note: Pertussis should be suspected in any individual who has pure or

predominant complaint of cough for ≥2 wk duration with at least 1
associated symptoms of paroxysms, whoop, or post-tussive emesis.

D.Dx. Protracted coughing can be produced by Mycoplasma & respiratory


 CBP: Leukocytosis (15,000–100,000 cells/mm3) is due to absolute
lymphocytosis (which is the characteristic of catarrhal stage); it is due
to normal T- & B-cells. Extreme leukocytosis and thrombocytosis has
been correlated with severe course of disease and death.
 CXR only mildly abnormal e.g. perihilar infiltrate or edema &
atelectasis. Parenchymal consolidation suggests secondary bacterial
 Cultureof B. pertussis remains the gold standard for Dx, but careful
attention must be directed to specimen collection, transport, and
isolation. Specimen is obtained by deep nasopharyngeal aspiration or by
use of swab held in the posterior nasopharynx for 15–30 sec (or until
coughing). Regan-Lowe charcoal agar is the preferred media for these
fastidious organisms.
 Direct Fluorescent Antibody (DFA) & PCR of potential isolates are
rapid tests that maximize recovery.
Note: The culture, DFA & PCR are usually +ve during the catarrhal and
early paroxysmal stages.
 Serology: 2 folds ↑ of IgG to the PT indicate recent infection.
 Blood glucose may show hypoglycemia (due to mild hyperinsulinemia).

Cx. Pertussis has many Cxs which mainly affect the young infants e.g.
pneumonia (25%), seizures (4%), encephalopathy (1%), and death.
- 449 -
 Respiratory failure may occur due to apnea or secondary bacterial
pneumonia, especially if associated with pulmonary hypertension or
hemorrhage. Secondary bacterial pneumonia is mainly caused by
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumonia or "oropharyngeal
 Seizures may be due to hypoxemia, intracranial hemorrhage, or
hyponatremia (due to SIADH); whereas PT donot cause seizure.
 Sequelae of ↑ intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure during
coughing include: conjunctival, scleral, retinal, and intracranial
hemorrhages, petechiae on the upper body, epistaxis, pneumothorax,
and subcutaneous emphysema, umbilical and inguinal hernias &
laceration of lingual frenulum.
 Death has been associated with hx of prematurity & young maternal
age, as well as pertussis may cause SIDS.

 Indicatios of admission to the hospital include: infants below 3 mo
(especially when there is hx of prematurity) & infants above 3 mo
when there is underlying diseases, Cxs (as above) or severe paroxysm
that characterized by: duration >45 sec; cyanosis; bradycardia; hypoxia;
paroxysm is not end by whoop or strength for self-rescue or cannot
expectorate mucus plug; and post-tussive unresponsiveness.

 The infant should have intubation, paralysis, and ventilation if there

is hx of respiratory failure, repeated apnea, or life-threatening events.

 Antibiotics should always be given when pertussis is suspected or

confirmed primarily to limit the spread of infection and secondarily for
possible clinical benefit.
Macrolides are the preferred agents e.g. Azithromycin, 10 mg/kg once
daily for 5 days (for infants <6 mo) & 10 mg/kg in 1st day then 5 mg/kg
for subsequent 4 days (for infants >6 mo & children), Clarithromycin
15 mg/kg ÷ 2 for 1 wk; or Erythromycin 40-50 mg/kg ÷ 4 for 2 wk.

Note: Erythromycin & Clarithromycin should not be given to infant below 1 mo

of age due to the risk of pyloric stenosis. TMP-SMZ is an alternative agent to
macrolide but it also contraindicated in infants below 2 mo.

 Adjunctive therapy. Patients should be nursed in a quiet, dimly light

room with oxygen & suction (which may provoke the paroxysm);
- 451 -
mistby tent may ameliorate thick, tenacious secretions. Feeding
between paroxysms is important but avoid over feeding.
Corticosteroids & bronchodilators e.g. β-agonists are controversial in

All patients with pertussis (including suspected cases) should be placed

in a room with respiratory isolation with use of mask by all health
personnel who enter the room till 5 days of initiation of macrolide Rx.
Macrolide Px should also be given to all household or any close contacts
regardless of age, symptoms or immunization status. After discharge
from hospital, family education & support are important measures.

Close contacts should also be vaccinated according to their age as

follow: Children <7 yr who have received <4 doses of pertussis-
containing vaccines should have vaccination initiated or continued to
complete the recommended series, whereas those who receive 3rd dose
>6 mo or 4th dose ≥3 yr before exposure should receive a booster dose.
Individuals ≥9 yr should be given Tdap vaccine.

Note: Protection against typical disease begins to wane after 3–5 yr of

vaccination, and is unmeasurable after 12 yr. Mothers provide little (if any)
passive protection to young infants during pregnancy & breast feeding.

Pv. DTaP (acellular pertussis) has replaced DPT (whole-cell pertussis)

vaccine to minimize the SE e.g. high fever, persistent crying of ≥3 hr,
hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes, & seizures.

Schedule of immunization is at 2, 4 & 6 mo of life. 1st booster is at 15-18

mo & the 2nd booster at 4-6 yr of life. Adolescents >11 yr & adults can be
given Tdap.

- 450 -
Mycoplasmas are the smallest self-replicating biologic system; they
depend on attachment to the host cells for obtaining nutrition. They are
double-stranded DNA & are fastidious in growth.

Epid. M. pneumoniae infection occur worldwide and year-round. The

peak age of illness is school-aged children & adolescents. Re-infection
can occur but usually mild or subclinical. Transmission of infection
occurs through the respiratory route by large droplet spread.
M. pneumoniae may persist for years in the respiratory tract of patients
with hypogammaglobulinemia (despite Rx) & it is a common infection in
acute chest syndrome of SCA, but it not prevalent in patients with AIDS!.

Path. M. pneumonia most commonly causes lower RTI e.g.

tracheobronchitis & broncho-pneumonia, although it can cause upper
RTI e.g. pharyngitis, sinusitis, AOM, & croup.

C.M. The I.P. is 2-3 wk. The onset is gradual as headache, malaise, fever,
and sore throat; followed by hoarseness and cough, whereas coryza is
unusual & may suggest viral etiology. The cough initially is
nonproductive, but older children and adolescents may produce frothy,
white sputum. The cough may followed by dyspnea if the infection is
The severity of symptoms are usually greater than that suggested by
physical signs, which appear later e.g. fine crackles or wheezes that are
fine and resemble those of asthma and bronchiolitis.
Note: M. pneumoniae may be a common trigger of wheezing in asthmatic
children & may cause chronic colonization in them.

 CXR usually show interstitial pneumonia or bronchopneumonia, but
more commonly it show unilateral, centrally dense infiltrates in the
lower lobes +/_ hilar LAP.
 CBP; WBC count is usually normal, but ESR is usually elevated.
 Serology; indirect fluorescence or enzyme-linked immune assay (EIA)
can detect IgM which may remain +ve for 6–12 mo after infection. 4-fold
↑ in IgG titer, by complement fixation or EIA, between acute and
convalescent sera is diagnostic; whereas Cold Agglutinin is not specific
& +ve in only half of cases.
- 452 -
 Cultures of throat or sputum on specific media are also diagnostic.
 PCR of nasopharyngeal or throat swab.

Cx. Bacterial superinfection is unusual in M. pneumonia infection, but

non-respiratory Cxs may be due to direct invasion of M. pneumoniae to
other organs or due to autoimmune mechanism, including:-
 Dermatologic; maculopapular rashes, erythema multiforme, and
Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
 Hematologic; hemolysis may be associated with cold hemagglutinins
with +ve Coombs testafter 2–3 wk of the respiratory illness;
thrombocytopenia and coagulation defects are rarely occur.
Neurologic; meningoencephalitis, transverse myelitis, aseptic
meningitis, cerebellar ataxia, Bell's palsy, deafness, brainstem syndrome,
acute demyelinating encephalitis, & Guillain-Barre syndrome. They
usually occur 2–3 wk after respiratory illness (but may occur without it).
After Mycoplasma encephalitis, 20–30% of patients may have neurologic
Note: Early onset of encephalitis may be due to direct invasion, whereas delayed
onset may be due to autoimmune mechanism. Concomitant viral infection may
also occur.
 Other rare Cxs include: myocarditis, pericarditis, rheumatic fever–like
syndrome, transient monoarticular arthritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, and
protein-losing hypertrophic gastropathy.

Rx. M. pneumonia is resistant to β-lactam antibiotics which act on the cell

wall of bacteria (because these organisms have no cell wall); they
sensitive to Tetracyclines & Macrolides e.g. Azithromycin, 10 mg/kg
on day 1 then 5 mg/kg for the following 4 days once daily; or
Clarithromycin, 15 mg/kg/day ÷ 2 for 10 days orally.
These antibiotics can also given as Px during outbreak of Mycoplasma
Corticosteroids +/_ IVIG has been used for Rx of most Cxs of
Mycoplasma infection, especially with Neurologic Cxs.

- 453 -
Et. There are 5 closely related mycobacteria in the Mycobacterium
tuberculosis complex: M. tuberculosis (which is the most important
cause of TB disease in human), M. bovis, M. africanum, M. microti, and M.

Epid. WHO estimates that 30% of the world's population are infected
with M. tuberculosis, and 95% of these cases occur in developing
countries due to several reasons e.g. impact of HIV epidemics, increasing
poverty, crowded living conditions, and poor access to health services.

Transmission of M. tuberculosis is person to person, usually by airborne

mucus droplet nuclei that contain M. tuberculosis as small as 1-5 µm in
diameter. Environmental factors e.g. poor air circulation can enhance
transmission. Transmission also rarely occurs by direct contact with an
infected discharge or contaminated fomite. Airborne transmission of M.
bovis & M. africanum can also occur. M. bovis can penetrate the GIT
mucosa or invade the lymphatic tissue of the oropharynx when large
numbers of organisms are ingested, but it can be killed by pasteurization
of milk.

The most common cause of TB in children is the exposure to high-

risk adults. The chance of transmission increases when the adult patient
has a positive acid-fast smear of sputum, an extensive upper lobe
infiltrate or cavity, copious production of thin sputum, or severe and
forceful cough. Young children with TB are rarely infects other children
or adults.

Path. The lung is the portal of entry in >98% of cases. The tubercle bacilli
multiply initially within the alveoli and alveolar ducts. Most of bacilli are
killed, but some are survive within the non-activated macrophages,
which carry them through lymphatic vessels to the regional lymph nodes.

The primary complex or "Gohn complex" of TB includes local infection

at the portal of entry and the regional LNs which drain that area. When
primary infection is in the lung, the hilar LNs are usually involved,
although an upper lobe focus can drain into paratracheal LNs.

- 454 -
The tissue reaction in the lung parenchyma and LNs intensifies over the
next 2-12 wk as the organisms grow in number and tissue
hypersensitivity develops. The parenchymal portion of the primary
complex often heals completely by fibrosis or calcification after
undergoing caseous necrosis and encapsulation. Occasionally, this
portion continues to enlarge, resulting in focal pneumonitis and pleuritis.
If caseation is intense, the center of the lesion liquefies and empties into
the associated bronchus, leaving a residual cavity.
The foci of infection in the regional LNs develop some fibrosis and
encapsulation, but healing is usually less complete, thus viable M.
tuberculosis can persist within these foci for decades!.

Immunity against TB infection is initially associated with humoral

antibody response, which appears to play a little role in host defense
because the lipid-rich mycobacterial cell wall resist the bactericidal
actions of antibody and complement; in addition to that, sulfatides in the
cell wall can inhibit fusion of the macrophage phagosome and lysosomes,
allowing the organisms to escape destruction by intracellular enzymes.
Therefore, shortly after infection, tubercle bacilli replicate in free alveolar
spaces and within inactivated alveolar macrophages.

Cell-mediated immunity develops 2-12 wk after infection, along with

tissue hypersensitivity. After bacilli enter macrophages, lymphocytes that
recognize mycobacterial antigens proliferate and secrete lymphokines
and cytokines e.g. interleukin IL-12, interferon-γ & TNF which attract
other lymphocytes and macrophages to the area; also certain
lymphokines activate macrophages causing them to develop high
concentrations of lytic enzymes which enhance their mycobactericidal
The pathologic events of initial TB infection seem to depend on the
balance between mycobacterial antigen load in one hand, and cell-
mediated immunity (which enhances intracellular killing) & tissue
hypersensitivity (which promotes extracellular killing) on the other
In immunocompetent persons, the response to the initial infection with
M. tuberculosis usually provides protection against reinfection when a
new exposure occurs.

- 455 -
Tuberculin Skin Testing (TST):-
The development of delayed-type hypersensitivity in most persons
infected with the tubercle bacillus makes the TST a useful diagnostic tool.
Tuberculin sensitivity develops 3 wk - 3 mo (most often within 4-8 wk)
after inhalation of organisms.

Mantoux TST is the intradermal injection of 0.1 mL of purified protein

derivative (PPD). The amount of induration should be measured 48-72 hr
after administration, although in some patients the induration may be
delayed >72 hr.

False-Negative results are due to host-related factors that depress TST

reaction include: very young age, malnutrition, immunosuppression (by
disease or drugs), viral infections (measles, mumps, varicella, influenza),
vaccination with live-virus vaccines, overwhelming infection (up to 50%
of patients with meningitis or disseminated disease do not react initially
with PPD, but most become reactive after several months of
antituberculosis Rx), poor technique, and misreading of the results, as
well as 10% of immunocompetent children with TB disease are do not
react with PPD.

Note: Non-reactivity may be specific to tuberculin or more global to a

variety of antigens, so positive “control” skin test wit negative tuberculin
test never rule out TB.

False-Positive results may be due to cross sensitization to antigens of

non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) (although this is usually transient
over months to years), or due to previous vaccination with BCG
(although ≈ half of infants who received BCG vaccine never develop
reactive TST, and even those with positive initial reactivity usually lose it
after 2-3 yr); whereas older children and adults who receive BCG vaccine
are more likely to develop tuberculin reactivity, but most lose the
reactivity after 5-10 yr of vaccination. However, prior vaccination with
BCG is never a contraindication to tuberculin testing. Also immediate
hypersensitivity reactions to tuberculin or other constituents of the
preparation are short lived (<24 hr) and not considered a positive result.

- 456 -
The interpretation of TST is depends on reaction size and person's
risk factors for infection as follows:-
1. For children at the highest riskfor having infection progress to
disease including those with recent contact with infectious persons,
clinical illness consistent with TB (especially positive CXR), HIV or other
immunosuppression illnesses; a reactive area of ≥5 mm is classified as
positive result.
2. For other high-risk groups e.g. children age <4 yr, chronic medical
illnesses, born in or travel to regions with high-prevalence of TB; a
reactive area of ≥20 mm is considered positive.
3. For children ≥4 yr with no or low-risk factors; the cutoff point for
positive reaction is ≥25 mm.

Note: At any age, an increase of induration of ≥10 mm within 2-yr period

is considered a TST conversion, i.e. positive reaction.

 Interferon-γ Release Assays (IGRAs):-

Two blood tests: T-SPOT.TB & Quanti FERON-TB can detect IFN-γ
generated by T lymphocytes in response to specific M. tuberculosis
antigens which are not present in M. bovis–BCG or M. avium complex,
thus it is specific with less false-positive results; also these tests have
absence of boosting, i.e. increasing reaction to TST with serial testing.
However, IGRAs should be interpreted with caution in children <5 yr of
age and in immunocompromised patients.

General Indications of TST or IGRAs:-

1. Contacts of people with confirmed or suspected contagious TB disease.

2. Children with radiographic or clinical findings suggesting TB disease.
3. Children immigrating from or have travel histories to countries with
endemic TB infection.
4. Children at increased risk for progression of latent TB infection to
5. Before starting immunosuppressive therapy e.g. prolonged steroid
administration, use of TNF-alpha antagonists...etc.
6. Children infected with HIVshould have annual TST or IGRA.

- 457 -
 Isolation of TB bacilli:-

The tubercle bacilli are obligate aerobic, non–spore-forming, non-motile,

pleomorphic, weakly gram-positive curved rods. The hallmark of all
mycobacteria is acid fastness, which is the capacity to form stable
mycolate complexes with arylmethane dyes.

Mycobacteria grow slowly from clinical specimens on solid media (e.g.

Loewenstein-Jensenculture) that usually takes 3-6 wk, and drug
susceptibility testing requires an additional 4 wk; but growth can be
detected after 1-3 wk on selective liquid medium (using radiolabeled
nutrients), drug susceptibilities can be determined in additional 3-5 days.
Once mycobacterial growth is detected, the species of mycobacteria
present can be determined within hours by using high-pressure liquid
chromatography analysis which based on the fact that each species has a
unique fingerprint of mycolic acids, or by using DNA probes.

The presence of M. tuberculosis in clinical specimens sometimes also can

be detected directly within hours by using Nucleic Acid
Amplification (NAA) tests (including PCR) that employ a DNA probe
complementary to mycobacterial DNA or RNA.

C.M. Clinical Types of TB can be divided into the following:-

 Latent TB infection (LTBI):-

It occurs after the inhalation of infective droplet nuclei containing M.
tuberculosis. Positive TST with absent clinical and radiographic
manifestations are the hallmark of this stage, although occasionally,
infection is marked by low-grade fever and mild cough.
Untreated infants with LTBI, especially <2 yr of age, have up to 40%
likelihood of developing TB disease. Other factors that can cause rapid
progression of infection to disease are immunodeficiencies, especially

 Primary Pulmonary Disease:-

About 70% of lung foci are subpleural, thus localized pleurisy is common.
The initial parenchymal inflammation is usually not visible on CXR, but
localized, nonspecific infiltrate may be seen before the development of
- 458 -
tissue hypersensitivity. All lobar segments of the lung are at equal risk for
initial infection. Two or more primary foci are present in 25% of cases.
Partial obstruction of the bronchus caused by external compression of
the enlarged LNs can cause hyperinflation in the distal lung segment;
whereas complete obstruction results in atelectasis. The resulting
lesion is a combination of pneumonitis and atelectasis on CXR which is
called (Collapse-Consolidation) or (Segmental TB). Some children can
have lobar pneumonia without impressive hilar LAP. Enlargement of the
subcarinal LNs can cause compression to the esophagus.
Most cases of tuberculous bronchial obstruction in children resolve fully
with Rx. Occasionally, there is residual calcification of the primary focus
or regional LNs. The appearance of calcification implies that the lesion
has been present for at least 6-12 mo.

C.M. In children, the symptoms and signs of primary pulmonary TB are,

surprisingly, scanty comparing with the degree of radiographic findings,
whereas infants are more likely to experience manifestations.
Hx. Nonproductive cough and mild dyspnea. Systemic complaints are
less including fever, night sweats, anorexia, and decreased activity. Some
infants develop FTT.
Ex.Less common include: localized wheezing (indicating bronchial
obstruction), ↓ breath sounds, and tachypnea, or rarely, respiratory
Note: These manifestations are occasionally alleviated by antibiotics, suggesting
bacterial superinfection.

CXR findings in pulmonary TB are discussed earlier in this section.

The most specific confirmation of pulmonary TB is isolation of M.
tuberculosis. Sputum specimens should be collected from adolescents and
older children who are able to expectorate. Induced sputum with a jet
nebulizer and chest percussion followed by nasopharyngeal suctioning
is effective in children & infants as young as 1 mo.
The traditional culture specimen in young children is the early morning
gastric acid obtained before the child has arisen from bed (i.e. before
peristalsis has emptied the stomach from pooled secretions that have
been swallowed overnight). However, even under optimal conditions, 3
consecutive morning gastric aspirates yield the organisms in <50% of

- 459 -
Sputum induction provides samples for both culture and smear staining,
whereas gastric aspirates are usually cultured only. The culture yield
from bronchoscopy is even lower!, but this procedure can demonstrate
the presence of an endobronchial disease or fistula.
Negative cultures never exclude the diagnosis of TB in a child. The
presence of positive TST or IGRA, abnormal CXR consistent with TB, and
hx of exposure to an adult with infectious TB are adequate proof that the
disease is present even if the collected specimen was negative for culture.
Drug susceptibility test results of the isolate from the adult source
(contact) can be used to determine the best therapeutic regimen for the

 Progressive Primary Pulmonary Disease:-

A rare but serious Cx of TB in a child occurs when the primary focus
enlarges steadily and develops a large caseous center. If the primary
infection is progressively destructive, liquefaction of the lung
parenchyma can → formation of thin-walled primary TB cavity. The
enlarging focus can slough necrotic debris into the adjacent bronchus →
further intrapulmonary dissemination.
Hx. Severe productive cough (thus it is highly contagious), high fever,
weight loss, and night sweats.
Ex. Diminished breath sounds, rales, and dullness or egophony
(resonance) over the cavity.

 Reactivation of TB:-
Pulmonary TB that occurs >1 yr after the primary infection is usually
caused by endogenous regrowth of bacilli persisting in partially
encapsulated lesions. This reactivation TB is rare in children but is
common in adolescents and young adults. The most common pulmonary
sites are the original parenchymal focus, lymph nodes, or apical
seedings which established during the hematogenous phase of early
infection. Apical seedings (Simon foci) is the most common form of
disease which appears as extensive infiltrate or thick-wall cavity in apex
of the upper lobes on CXR.
Hx. fever, anorexia, malaise, weight loss, night sweats, productive cough
(thus it also contagious), hemoptysis, and chest pain.
Ex. usually minor or absent, even when cavities or large infiltrates are

- 461 -
 Pleural Effusion:-
Tuberculous pleural effusion is due to discharge of bacilli into the pleural
space from a subpleural pulmonary focus or caseated LN. It is
uncommon in children <6 yr of age and rare in children <2 yr of age. It
can be local or general, usually unilateral but may be bilateral on CXR.
Asymptomatic local pleural effusion is so common in primary TB. Larger
and clinically significant effusions occur months to years after the
primary infection but it is uncommon in disseminated TB.
Clinical onset of tuberculous pleurisy is often sudden, characterized by
low to high fever, shortness of breath, chest pain on deep inspiration, and
diminished breath sounds. TSTis positive in only 70-80% of cases.

Exam of pleural fluid is usually yellow and only occasionally tinged with
blood. The specific gravity is usually 1.012-1.025, the protein level is
usually 2-4 g/dL, and the glucose concentration is low or low-normal
range (20-40 mg/dL). Typically there are several hundred to several
thousand of WBC/mm3, with early predominance of PMN followed by a
high percentage of lymphocytes.
Acid-fast smears of the pleural fluid are rarely positive and cultures of
the fluid are positive in <30% of cases!. However, biopsy of pleural
membrane is more likely to yield a positive acid-fast stain or culture,
and granuloma formation can usually be demonstrated.

 Pericardial Disease:-
It is rare but is the most common form of cardiac TB. Pericarditis usually
arises from direct invasion or by lymphatic drainage.
Hx. nonspecific including low-grade fever, malaise, and weight loss;
whereas chest pain is unusual in children.
Ex. pericardial friction rub, distant heart sounds, and pulsus paradoxus
may be present.
The pericardial fluid is typically serofibrinous or hemorrhagic. Acid-fast
smear of the fluid rarely reveals the organism, but cultures are positive in
30-70% of cases. The culture yield from pericardial biopsy may be
higher, and the presence of granulomas often suggests the diagnosis.
In addition to anti-TB medications (see later), partial or complete
pericardiectomy may be required when constrictive pericarditis

- 460 -
 Disseminated (Lymphohematogenous) and Miliary Disease:-
In all patients with TB infection, during the development of the
primary complex, the tubercle bacilli are often carried to most tissues
of the body through the blood and lymphatic vessels. Although seeding
of organs of the RES is common, bacterial replication is more likely to
occur in organs which favor their growth where oxygen tension and
blood flow are great e.g. lung apices, brain, kidneys, and bones.

Disseminated TB occurs if the number of circulating bacilli is large and

the host's cellular immune response is inadequate. However, more often
the number of bacilli is small, leading to clinically inapparent
metastatic foci in many organs. These remote foci usually become
encapsulated, but they may be the origin of both extrapulmonary TB or
reactivation TB in some persons. The risk for dissemination of M.
tuberculosis is very high in HIV-infected persons.

The time between initial infection and clinically apparent disease is

variable. Extrapulmonary TB develops in 25-35% of children which is
more than that of adults (10%). Disseminated and meningeal TB are
early manifestations, often occurring within 2-6 mo after acquisition;
significant LN or endobronchial TB usually appears within 3-9 mo;
lesions of the bones and joints take several years to develop; whereas
renal lesions become evident decades after infection.

Although the clinical picture may be acute, more often it is indolent and
prolonged, with spiking fever accompanying the release of organisms
into the bloodstream. Early pulmonary involvement is surprisingly mild,
but diffuse involvement becomes apparent with prolonged infection.

Miliary Disease is the most clinically significant form of disseminated

TB; it occurs when massive numbers of tubercle bacilli are released
into the bloodstream & usually occurs within 2-6 mo of the initial
infection. It is most common in infants and malnourished or
immunosuppressed patients. The onset of miliary TB is sometimes
explosive, and the patient can become gravely ill in several days. More
often, the onset is insidious, with early systemic signs, including
anorexia, weight loss, and low-grade fever; at this time, abnormal
physical signs are usually absent.

- 462 -
Generalized LAP and HSM develops within several weeks in ≈half of
cases. The fever can then become higher and more sustained, although
the respiratory symptoms are minor or absent and CXR is usually
However, within several more weeks, the lungs can become filled with
tubercles on CXR with dyspnea, cough, rales, or wheezing occurs. The
lesions of pulmonary miliary TB are initially small nodules that evenly
distributed in both lungs; then coalesce to form larger lesions and
sometimes extensive infiltrates. As the pulmonary disease progresses, an
alveolar-air block syndrome develop → frank respiratory distress,
hypoxia, and pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum.

Signs or symptoms of meningitis or peritonitis are found in 20-40% of

patients with advanced disease. Cutaneous lesions include:
papulonecrotic tuberculids, nodules, or purpura. Choroid tubercles
(detected by ophthalmoscope) occur in ≈half of patients which are
highly specific for diagnosis of miliary TB, whereas the TST is
unfortunately nonreactive in up to 40% of patients with disseminated TB.

Diagnosis of disseminated TB can be difficult, and high index of

suspicion by clinician is required. Often the patient presents with fever
of unknown origin (FUO). Early sputum or gastric aspirate cultures
have a low sensitivity, whereas biopsy of liver or BM with appropriate
bacteriologic and histologic exam are more often yields early Dx.
However, the most important clue is the hx of recent exposure to an adult
with infectious TB.

 CNS Disease:- (see Tuberculous Meningitis in chapter 9).

 Upper Respiratory Tract Disease:-

TB of the upper respiratory tract is uncommon. Children with laryngeal
TB have a croup-like cough, sore throat, hoarseness, and dysphagia. Most
children with laryngeal TB have extensive upper lobe pulmonary disease,
but occasional patients have primary laryngeal disease with normal CXR.
TB of the middle ear results from aspiration of infected pulmonary
secretions into the middle ear or from hematogenous dissemination in
older children. The most common manifestations are painless unilateral
otorrhea, tinnitus, decreased hearing, facial paralysis, and perforated
tympanic membrane. Enlargement of LNs in the preauricular or anterior
- 463 -
cervical chains can occur. Diagnosis is difficult because stains and
cultures of ear fluid are often negative, and histology of the affected
tissue often shows nonspecific acute and chronic inflammation without
granuloma formation!.

 Lymph Node Disease (Scrofula):-

TB of the superficial LNs is the most common form of extrapulmonary
TB in children. Most cases occur within 6-9 mo of initial infection by M.
tuberculosis, although some cases appear years later. Any lymphoid tissue
can be affected especially tonsillar, anterior cervical, submandibular, and
supraclavicular LNs.
LNs are discrete, non-tender, and firm but not hard. The LNs are often
feel fixed to the underlying or overlying tissues. Disease is most often
unilateral, but may be bilateral. As infection progresses, multiple nodes
are infected, resulting in a mass of matted nodes. Systemic
manifestations are usually absent other than a low-grade fever. TST is
usually reactive, but CXR is normal in 70% of cases. The onset of illness is
occasionally more acute, with rapid enlargement, tenderness, and
fluctuance of LNs with high fever.
Tuberculous Lymphadenitis can resolve if left untreated but more often
progresses to caseation and necrosis. The capsule of the node breaks
down resulting in the spread of infection to adjacent nodes. Rupture of
the node also may results in draining sinus tract that may require
surgical removal.
A definitive Dx usually requires histologic or bacteriologic confirmation,
which is best accomplished by fine-needle aspiration for culture, stain,
and histology. If fine-needle aspiration is not successful, then excisional
biopsy of the involved node is indicated. Culture of LN tissue yields the
organism in only ≈ half of cases.

D.Dx. of TB adenitis include: infection due to non-tuberculous

mycobacteria, cat scratch disease, tularemia, brucellosis, toxoplasmosis,
tumor, branchial cleft cyst, cystic hygroma, and pyogenic infection.
The most common problem is distinguishing between infections by M.
tuberculosis from that caused by NTM in geographic areas where NTM
are common. Both conditions are usually associated with normal CXR and
reactive TST. An important clue to the Dx of tuberculous adenitis is an
epidemiologic link to an adult with infectious TB, but in areas where both

- 464 -
diseases are common, the only way to distinguish them may be culture of
the involved tissue or by IGRA.

 Cutaneous Disease:-
Cutaneous TB accounts in 1-2% of cases; it is usually associated with HIV
infection, malnutrition, and poor sanitary conditions. All forms are
caused by M. tuberculosis, & M. bovis (which usually get access to skin by
The initial lesion develops 2-4 wk after introduction of the organism into
the damaged tissue. A red-brown papule gradually enlarges to form a
shallow, firm, sharply demarcated ulcer; satellite abscesses may be
present. The primary lesion can also manifest as painless ulcer on the
conjunctiva, gingiva, or palate and occasionally as a painless acute
Painless regional LAP may appear several weeks after the development
of primary lesion and may be accompanied by lymphangitis,
lymphadenitis, or perforation of the skin surface, forming
M. tuberculosis or M. bovis can be cultured from the skin lesion and local
LNs, but acid-fast staining of histologic sections often does not reveal the
organisms, especially in well-controlled infection.
Untreated lesions usually heal with scarring within a year but may
reactivate, form lupus vulgaris, or rarely, progress to an acute miliary
form (thus antituberculous therapy is always indicated).
Tuberculids are skin reactions that exhibit tuberculoid features
histologically but do not contain detectable mycobacteria; it is usually
appears in host who has moderate to strong TST reactivity.

 Bone and Joint Disease:-

It is most likely to involve the vertebrae; the classic manifestation of
tuberculous spondylitis is progression to Pott disease, in which
destruction of the vertebral bodies result in gibbus deformity and
kyphosis. Skeletal TB is a late Cx and has become rare entity but it is
more likely to occur in children than adults. Tuberculous bone lesions
can resemble pyogenic and fungal infections or bone tumors; multifocal
bone involvement can occur. Bone biopsy is essential to confirm the Dx.
Rx. Surgical debridement may be necessary in some cases with bone and
joint disease in addition to the anti-TB therapy.

- 465 -
 Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Disease:-
TB of the oral cavity, parotid gland, pharynx and esophagus is quite
unusual. The most common lesion is painless ulcer on the mucosa, palate,
or tonsil with enlargement of the regional lymph nodes. These forms of
TB are usually associated with extensive pulmonary disease with
swallowing of infectious respiratory secretions. However, they can occur
in the absence of pulmonary disease, presumably by spread from
mediastinal or peritoneal LNs.

Tuberculous Enteritis is caused by hematogenous dissemination or by

swallowing tubercle bacilli discharged from the patient's own lungs. The
jejunum and ileum near Peyer patches and the appendix are the most
common sites of involvement. The typical findings are shallow ulcers.
C.M. are nonspecific, mimicking other infections and conditions that
cause diarrhea (or occationally constipation) that usually associated with
abdominal pain, weight loss, and low-grade fever. The disease should be
suspected in any child with chronic GI complaints & positive TST or IGRA.
Biopsy, acid-fast stain, and culture of the lesions are usually necessary to
confirm the Dx.
Mesenteric adenitis usually complicates the infection; the enlarged
nodes can cause intestinal obstruction or erode through the omentum to
cause generalized peritonitis. Peritonitis also can arise from subclinical
or miliary hematogenous dissemination of TB bacilli.
Localized peritonitis is caused by direct extension from an abdominal
LN, intestinal focus, or genitourinary TB. Abdominal pain or tenderness,
ascites, anorexia, and low-grade fever are typical manifestations.

TST is usually reactive; the Dx can be confirmed by paracentesis of the

ascitic fluid with appropriate stains and cultures, but this procedure must
be performed carefully to avoid entering the bowel which intertwined
with the matted omentum.

 Genitourinary Disease:-
Renal TB is rare in children because the incubation period is several
years or longer. Tubercle bacilli usually reach the kidney during
lymphohematogenous dissemination. The organisms often can be
recovered from the urine in cases of miliary TB and in some patients with
pulmonary TB in the absence of renal parenchymal disease.

- 466 -
Renal TB is most often unilateral and clinically silent in its early stages,
marked only by sterile pyuria and microscopic hematuria; dysuria, flank
or abdominal pain, and gross hematuria develop as the disease
progresses. Superinfection by other bacteria is common and can delay
recognition of the underlying TB.

Urine cultures for M. tuberculosis are positive in 80-90% of cases, and

acid-fast stains of large volumes of urine sediment are positive in 50-
70% of cases. The TST is nonreactive in up to 20% of patients. An IV
pyelogram or CT scan often reveals mass lesions, dilatation of the
proximal ureters, multiple small filling defects, and hydronephrosis if
ureteral stricture is present.
TB of the genital tract is uncommon before puberty in both boys & girls.

 Perinatal disease:-
Pulmonary as well as extrapulmonary TB (other than lymphadenitis) in a
pregnant woman is associated with increased risk of prematurity, IUGR,
low birthweight, and perinatal mortality.However, the most common
route of infection for the neonate is postnatal airborne transmission
from an adult with infectious pulmonary TB.

Congenital TB is rare because the most common result of female

genital tract TB is infertility. Primary infection in the mother just before
or during pregnancy is more likely to cause congenital infection than is
reactivation of a previous infection.

Congenital transmission usually occurs from a lesion in the placenta

through the umbilical vein. The tubercle bacilli first reach the fetal liver,
where a primary focus with periportal LN involvement can occur.
Organisms pass through the liver into the main fetal circulation and
infect many organs. The bacilli in the lung usually remain dormant until
after birth, when oxygenation and pulmonary circulation increase
significantly. Congenital TB can also be caused by aspiration or ingestion
of an infected amniotic fluid.

C.M. of Congenital TB may be present at birth or more commonly begin

by the 2nd or 3rd wk of life. The most common manifestations include:
respiratory distress, fever, hepatic or splenic enlargement, abdominal
distention, LAP, poor feeding, FTT, lethargy (or irritability), ear drainage,
- 467 -
and skin lesions. Manifestations also vary according to the site and size of
the caseous lesions.
The clinical presentation of TB in newborns is similar to that caused by
bacterial sepsis and other congenital infections. Thus, diagnosis
should be suspected when the response to antibiotic and supportive
therapy is poor and in whom evaluation for other infections is
The most important clue for rapid diagnosis of congenital TB is a
maternal or family hx of TB. However, often the mother's disease is
discovered only after the neonate's diagnosis is suspected!.
Many infants have an abnormal CXR, most often with miliary pattern.
Some infants with no pulmonary findings early in the course of disease
but later develop profound radiographic and clinical abnormalities. Hilar
and mediastinal LAP with lung infiltrates are common. Generalized LAP
and meningitis occur in ≈ 40% of cases.

Infant's TST is initially negative but can become positive within 1-

3 mo. A positive acid-fast stain of an early morning gastric aspirate from
newborn usually indicates TB. Direct acid-fast stains on middle-ear
discharge, bone marrow, tracheal aspirate, or biopsy tissue (especially
liver) can be useful. The CSF should be examined and cultured, although
the yield for isolating M. tuberculosis is low.
The mortality rate of congenital TB remains very high because of
delayed diagnosis, but many children have complete recovery if the
diagnosis is made promptly and adequate chemotherapy is started.

 Disease in HIV-Infected Children:-

Most cases are seen in developing countries; establishing the diagnosis
of TB in an HIV-infected child may be difficult, because TST reactivity
can be absent (with negative IGRA), culture confirmation is difficult, and
the clinical features of TB are similar to many other HIV-related
infections and conditions. TB in HIV-infected children is often more
severe, progressive, and likely to occur in extrapulmonary sites with
higher mortality rate.

- 468 -
Anti-Tuberculous Therapy

The basic principles of management of TB disease in children are the

same as those in adults; it is usually involves the following:-

 Antituberculous drugs:-
Several drugs are used to affect rapid cure and prevent the emergence of
secondary drug resistance during therapy; the most commonly used oral
anti-TB drugs include:-

 Isoniazid, 10-15 mg/kg. SE; mild hepatic enzyme elevation, hepatitis,

peripheral neuritis, hypersensitivity. Children are generally tolerate the
drug better than adults.
 Rifampin, 10-20 mg/kg. SE; orange discoloration of secretions & urine,
vomiting, hepatitis, influenza-like reaction, thrombocytopenia, pruritus.
 Ethambutol, 20 mg/kg. SE; optic neuritis (usually reversible), GIT
upset, hypersensitivity.
 Pyrazinamide, 20-40 mg/kg. SE; hepatotoxic effects, hyperuricemia,
arthralgias, GIT upset.

Standard therapy of intra-thoracic TB (pulmonary, pleural, or

pericardial) is a 6 mo regimen of isoniazid + rifampin, supplemented
in the 1st 2 mo by pyrazinamide + ethambutol. 9 month regimen of
only isoniazid and rifampin is also effective for drug-susceptible TB.

Therapy for extrapulmonary TBisvariable. Tuberculous lymphadenitis,

cutaneous, upper RT, GIT, and GUS can be treated as same as intra-
thoracic TB (as above), whereas bone & joint, CNS, disseminated
(miliary) TB, and probably HIV-infected children should be treated for
a longer period, i.e. up to 9-12 mo.

Most experts recommend that all drugs administration should be

directly observed, i.e. a health care worker is physically present when the
medications are administered to the patient, this is called "Directly
Observed Therapy" (DOT).
When "DOT" regimen is used, an initial period as short as 2 wk of daily
therapy with the usual dose of drugs, followed by intermittent (twice
weekly) administration of drugs with double the doses of the drugs
(except rifampin), i.e. 20-30 mg/kg for isoniazid, 50 mg/kg for both
- 469 -
ethambutol & pyrazinamide; this regimen is as effective in children as
daily therapy for the entire course.

Drug-Resistant TB:-
The incidence of drug-resistant TB is increasing in many areas of the
world. In some countries, drug resistance rates range from 20-50%.
There are two major types of drug resistance.
 Primary Resistance occurs when a person is infected with M.
tuberculosis that is already resistant to a particular drug.
 Secondary Resistance occurs when drug-resistant organisms emerge as
a dominant population during treatment.
The major causes of secondary resistance either due to poor adherence
to the medication by the patient or inadequate treatment regimens
prescribed by the physician (or national TB program).
Secondary resistance is rare in children because of the small size of their
mycobacterial population. Therefore, most drug resistance in children
is primary, and patterns of drug resistance among children tend to
mirror those found among adults in the same population. The main
predictors of drug-resistant TB among adults are: hx of previous
antituberculosis Rx, co-infection with HIV, and exposure to another adult
with infectious drug-resistant TB.

Rx of drug-resistant TB is successful only when at least 2 bactericidal

drugs are given to which the infecting strain of M. tuberculosis is
susceptible. When a child has possible drug-resistant TB, usually 4 or 5
drugs should be administered initially until the susceptibility
pattern is determined and a more-specific regimen can be designed. The
specific treatment plan must be individualized for each patient according
to the results of susceptibility testing on the isolates from the child (or
the adult source case).

Treatment duration of 9 mo with rifampin, pyrazinamide, and

ethambutol is usually adequate for isoniazid-resistant TB in children.
When resistance to isoniazid and rifampin is present, the total duration
of therapy should be extended up to 1-2 yr, and the twice weekly regimen
should not be used.

Less commonly used drugs for treating drug-resistant TB include:

Aminoglycosides e.g. Streptomycin, Amikacin, Capreomycin, &
- 471 -
Kanamycin, as well as Levofloxacin, Ethionamide, Cycloserine, & Para-
Aminosalicylic acid (PAS). See the text for doses & SE.
Extensively drug resistant mycobacteria to many anti-TB medications is
a growing problem, especially in developing countries & patients with

 Corticosteroids:-
Corticosteroids are useful in treating some children with TB. They are
most beneficial when the host inflammatory reaction contributes
significantly to tissue damage or impairment of organ function. The most
commonly prescribed regimen is prednisone, 1-2 mg/kg/day orally in 1-
2 divided doses for 4-6 wk followed by gradual tapering.
 In tuberculous meningitis, corticosteroids can ↓ mortality rates and
long-term neurologic sequelae in some patients by reducing vasculitis,
inflammation, and ultimately, intracranial pressure.
 Some children with severe miliary TB have dramatic improvement
with corticosteroids therapy if the inflammatory reaction is so severe
that alveolo-capillary block is present.
 Short courses may be effective for children with endobronchial TB and
pleural and pericardial effusion.

 Supportive Care:-
Children receiving treatment should be followed carefully to promote
adherence to therapy, to monitor toxic reactions to medications, and
to ensure that the TB is being adequately treated; adequate nutrition is
important. Patients should be seen at monthly intervals and should be
given just enough medication that last until the next visit.
Non-adherence to treatment is a major problem in TB therapy. The
patient and family must know what is expected of them through verbal
and written instructions (in their own language).
About 30-50% of patients taking long-term treatment are significantly
nonadherent with self-administered medications. Therefore, DOT should
be instituted with the help of local health department.

Note: The clinician must report all cases of suspected TB in a child to the
local health department to be sure that the child and family receive
appropriate care and evaluation.

- 470 -
Therapy of Special TB conditions:-

 Latent TB Infection:-
LTBI indicate those with positive TST or IGRA but have no clinical
manifestation of the disease. The following aspects must be considered
before decision of therapy; infants and children <5 yr have been
recently infected; the risk for progression to disease is high.
Untreated infants with LTBI have up to 40% chance for development of
TB disease (although the risk for progression decreases gradually
through childhood); infants and young children are more likely to have
life-threatening forms of TB; and children with LTBI have more years at
risk for development of disease than adults.
Because of these factors, and the excellent safety and efficacy profile of
Isoniazid in children, there is a tendency to give Rx in LTBI than not to
give. The recommended regimen is 9-mo course of Isoniazid as self-
administered daily therapy or by twice-weekly in DOT, especially when
adherence is a problem. 3-mo regimen of Rifampin and Isoniazid or
Rifampin alone for 4-6 mo (in rifamycin-susceptible organism)have
also been used. Rifapentine is a rifamycin with a very long half-life,
allowing for weekly administration in conjunction with isoniazid. Studies
have demonstrated that 12 doses of once weekly isoniazid and
rifapentine are as effective for treating LTBI and as safe as 9 mo of daily
Children with recent exposure to an adult with contagious TB
disease, who are not yet develop positive TST or IGRA tests can be
treated by Isonizid for 3 mo, then repeat TST or IGRA tests, if positive,
continued therapy to a full 9-mo duration, but if the result is negative, Rx
can be stopped.
Note: For healthy children taking isoniazid with no other potentially
hepatotoxic drugs, routine biochemical monitoring, and supplementation
with pyridoxine are unnecessary.

 Perinatal TB:-
The most effective way in preventing TB infection and disease in the
neonate or young infant is through appropriate testing and treatment
of the mother and other family members.
Suspected pregnant women with TB should be tested with TST or IGRA
before delivery, if positive, she should take CXR (with appropriate
- 472 -
abdominal shielding), if negative and she was clinically well, i.e. has LTBI,
no separation of the infant and mother is needed after delivery and the
infant needs no special evaluation or treatment if remains asymptomatic.

If the mother has suspected TB at the time of delivery, the newborn

should be separated from the mother until CXR is obtained, if abnormal,
separation should be maintained until the mother has been evaluated
thoroughly (including exam of sputum), whereas if there is no evidence
of active TB, i.e. mother's CXR is abnormal but the history, physical exam,
and sputum exam were negative, it is reasonable to assume that the
infant is at low risk for infection. The mother should receive appropriate
treatment, and she and her infant should receive careful follow-up as well
as all household family members.
If the mother's CXR or acid-fast sputum smearshows evidence of
activeTB disease, additional steps are necessary to protect the infant.
Isoniazid therapy for newborns has been so effective that separation of
the mother and infant is no longer considered mandatory.

Separation should occur only if the mother is ill enough to require

hospitalization, has been or is expected to become nonadherent to
treatment, or has suspected drug-resistant TB. The duration of
separation must be at least as long as is necessary to render the mother
noninfectious; therefore, Isoniazid treatment for the infant should be
continued untilthe mother has been shown to be sputum culture
negative for ≥ 3 mo. At that time, the infant should be tested by TST, if
negative, isoniazid can be discontinued, whereas if it is positive, isoniazid
should be continued for 9-12 mo.
Although isoniazid is not thought to be teratogenic, if the pregnant
woman have asymptomatic TB infection, Rx can be deferred until after
delivery, whereas if she symptomatic or with radiographic evidence
of TB disease, she should always be treated because pulmonary TB is
harmful to both the mother and the fetus and represents a great danger
to the infant after delivery.
The most common regimen for drug-susceptible TB in pregnant woman
is isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol, whereas aminoglycosides and
ethionamide should be avoided because of their teratogenic effect,
whereas the safety of pyrazinamide in pregnancy has not been

- 473 -
Pg. In most tuberculous diseases (except advanced CNS disease), the
prognosis is excellent, especially when the patient given early and
appropriate therapy, although the resolution is slow in miliary disease.

Pv. The highest priority of any TB control program should be case

finding and treatment, which interrupts transmission of infection
between close contacts because ≈ 30-50% of household contacts to
infectious cases are infected, and 1% of contacts already have overt
disease. Therefore, all children and adults with symptoms suggestive of
TB disease and those in close contact with an adult with suspected
infectious pulmonary TB, especially young infants, should be tested for
TB infection by TST or IGRA.
Most adults no longer transmit the organism within several days to2 wk
after beginning adequate chemotherapy, although some patients remain
infectious for many weeks.

 Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination:-

BCG is a life-attenuated vaccine which is derived from a strain of M.
bovis (not M. tuberculosis); the preferred route of administration is
intradermal injection.
BCG vaccines are extremely safe in immunocompetent hosts.
Vaccination with BCG characteristically produces a papule after ≈ 2 wk of
vaccination. The papule ↑ in size and typically ulcerates within 2-4 mo,
then heals slowly with scarring. Local ulceration and regional
suppurative adenitis occur in 0.1-1% of cases; whereas systemic
complaints e.g. fever, irritability, loss of appetite, and convulsions are
very rare after BCG vaccination. Most reactions are mild and usually
resolve spontaneously, but chemotherapy may be needed occasionally.
BCG vaccination is contraindicated in profoundly immune-
compromised patients (including HIV) because they can develop
disseminated BCG infection.
Unfortunately, BCG vaccine does not give complete protection from
TB disease throughout life. It has been suggested that BCG is only 50%
effective in preventing pulmonary TB and slightly higher (50-80%) in
preventing disseminated and meningeal TB. In addition, BCG vaccination
administered during infancy has little effect on the ultimate incidence of
TB when become an adult, suggesting that the effect of the vaccine is time
- 474 -
14. Common Parasitic Infestations

 Amebiasis
 Giardiasis
 Leishmaniasis
 Enterobiasis
 Scabies

- 475 -
Et. There are 3 common species of Entamoeba which are
morphologically identical but genetically distinct; E. histolytica, the
pathogenic one; E. dispar, the non-pathogenic but more prevalent one
that only associated with asymptomatic carrier state; & Entamoeba
moshkovskii, that can cause diarrhea in infants. In addition, there are 5
other non-pathogenic species of Entamoeba that are much less common.

Epid. It is the third leading parasitic cause of death worldwide. It infects

up to 10% of the world's population.

Path. Transmission occurs through feco-oral route via food & water
contamination by parasite cysts which can resist many environmental
factors except heating. After ingestion of cysts, they excysts in the small
intestine to form 8 trophozoites which then colonize & invade lumen of
the colon.
Trophozoites can cause destruction of colonic mucosal cells by 2
mechanisms; cytolysis & apoptosis → significant inflammation & flask-
shaped ulcers; as well as they can kill PMN cells.

C.M. It ranges from asymptomatic infection to amebic colitis, amebic

dysentery, ameboma, and extraintestinal disease. Severe disease is
common in malnourished infants and young children & individuals who
take corticosteroids.
 Asymptomatic infection represent ≈90% of cases which should be
treated because it may become symptomatic.
 Amebic colitis usually present as gradual colicky abdominal pain with
frequent bowel motions that frequently associated with tenesmus, the
stools contain blood & mucus. Generalized constitutional symptoms are
characteristically absent.
 Amebic dysentery is associated with sudden onset of fever, chills, and
severe bloody diarrhea which may result in dehydration.
 Amebic liver abscess is a serious extraintestinal Cx of amebiasis but
fortunately it is uncommon in children (<1%); it may appear without a
clear hx of intestinal disease. It is commonly present as fever, abdominal
pain & distention with tender hepatomegaly, there may be changes at
base of the right lung demonstrated by CXR e.g. elevation of the
diaphragm, atelectasis, or effusion.
- 476 -
 Amebic colitis may result in necrotizing colitis, toxic megacolon, extra-
intestinal extension, local perforation and peritonitis, or ameboma
which is a nodular focus of proliferative inflammation in the colonic wall
develop after chronic amebiasis.
 Amebic liver abscess may rupture into the peritoneum, pleural cavity,
or skin.
 Extraintestinal dissemination is rare other than the liver but may
include: brain, lungs, kidneys, & skin.
 Amebic colitis & Amebic dysentery may mimic other causes of
dysentery (see D.Dx. of Shigellosis).
 Amebic liver abscess may mimic bacterial abscess, hydatid cysts, or
 Tests for amebic colitis:-
 GSE may show few pus cells & RBC, but Entamoeba may not be found.
 Tests to ↑ the sensitivity of detection of Entamoeba as well as to
differentiate between E. histolytica & E. dispar include:-
 3 fresh stool samples for microscopy can reveal phagocytosed
erythrocytes in case of E. histolytica which not present with E. dispar.
 ELISA is available for detection of E. histolytica antigens in stool.
 PCR.
 Serology; Indirect Hemagglutination can detect antiamebic antibodies
in the blood.
 Endoscopy with biopsies is only indicated when there is a high
suspicion of amebiasis but negative stool sample.
 Tests for amebic liver abscess:-
 GSE may be +ve for Entamoeba in only half of patients.
 CBP; WBC ↑, ESR ↑, Hb ↓.
 LFT; ↑ liver enzymes levels.
 Imaging studies e.g. US, CT, or MRI.

 Invasive amebiasis e.g. colitis or liver abscess should be treated initially
by oral Metronidazole 35–50 mg/kg ÷ 3 for 7–10 days or preferably by
Tinidazole 50 mg/kg once daily for 3 days in colitis & up to 5 days in
liver abscess.
- 477 -
Then therapy should be followed by agents active in the gut lumen e.g.
Paromomycin (preferred) 25–35 mg/kg ÷ 3 or Diloxanide furoate
(for children >2 yr) 20 mg/kg ÷ 3 orally for 1 wk.
 Paromomycin or Diloxanide furoate can also be used for Rx of
asymptomatic infection.
 Broad-spectrum antibiotics may also be indicated in fulminant colitis.
 Image-guided aspiration may be indicated for amebic liver abscess if it
is large or there is poor response to therapy. Chloroquine can be used
as an adjunct Rx in amebic liver abscess.
 Intestinal perforation and toxic megacolon are indications for surgery.

The stool exam should be repeated every 2 wkuntil the result is

negative after completion of antiamebic therapy to confirm cure.

Pg. Death occurs in ≈ 5% of patients with extraintestinal infection,

especially in those who take corticosteroids.

Pv. Proper sanitary measures & regular exam of food handlers.

- 478 -
Epid. Giardia lamblia occurs worldwide; it is the most common
intestinal parasite. Transmission is mainly by contaminated water &
less by foods or animals.
Giardiasisis more common in persons with malnutrition, cystic fibrosis,
& certain immunodeficiencies e.g. hypogammaglobulinemia & IgA

Path. G. lamblia is a flagellated protozoan. Cysts can resist many

environmental factors except heating. After ingestion they excyst to
trophozoites which colonize the lumen of the duodenum and proximal

C.M. The I.P. is 1-2 wk or longer; manifestations are range from

asymptomatic carrier to acute or chronic diarrhea & malabsorption.

Asymptomatic carrier is the most common and highly prevalent among

young children.
Most symptomatic patients have a limited period of acute diarrhea +/_
low-grade fever, nausea, and anorexia, whereas others may have features
of malabsorption e.g. intermittent or protracted diarrhea (which may
alternate with periods of constipation), abdominal distention and
cramps, bloating, malaise, flatulence, nausea, anorexia, and weight loss or

The stools initially may be profuse and watery but later become greasy
and foul smelling; it is characteristically contains no blood or mucus
because G. lamblia is not an invasive parasite.

 GSE shows no pus cells or RBC; cysts or trophozoites of Giardia may be
 CBP is normal (including eocinophil count) because Giardia do not
invade the intestine.
 Radiographic contrast studies of the small intestine may show
nonspecific signs of malabsorption.
 Tests to ↑ the sensitivity of detection for Giardia when there is high
suspicion but negative stool sample include:-
 Microscopic exam of 3 stool samples.

- 479 -
 Endoscopy with aspiration or biopsy of duodenum or upper jejunum.
Entero-Test is an alternate method for obtaining duodenal fluid
(without endoscopy).
 Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) or direct fluorescent antibody tests for
Giardia antigens in the stool.
 PCR.

 Recommended drugs are Tinidazole (for children >3 yr) 50 mg/kg
once or Nitazoxanide 100-200 mg ÷ 2 for 3 days or Metronidazole 15
mg/kg ÷ 3 for 5–7 days.
 Alternative drugs are Albendazole (for children >6 yr) 400 mg once
for 5 days or Quinacrine 6 mg/kg ÷ 3 for 5 days.
 Refractory cases have been treated with Nitazoxanide, prolonged
courses of Tinidazole, or combination of Metronidazole and Quinacrine.

Pv. Improve sanitation including boiling or filtration of water (pore size

of <1 mm is effective in cyst removal). Breast feeding also appear
protective against Giardia lamblia.

- 481 -
Et. Leishmania is a diverse group of diseases caused by intracellular
protozoan parasites. The flagellate promastigote is present in the insect
vector (sandfly), whereas the aflagellate amastigote is resides and
replicates only within mononuclear phagocytes of the vertebrate host
(animals) and the human is considered as an incidental host for parasite.

Epid. Leishmaniases is highly endemic in tropical & subtropical


C.M. There are 4 clinical types of Leishmaniases:-

 Localized Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (Oriental sore):-

It is mainly affect children & usually caused by Leishmania major, L.
tropica, & L. Mexicana. It result in chronic granulomatous inflammation
of epidermis and dermis → papular, nodular, plaquelike, or ulcerative
lesions that are usually located on exposed skin (at site of sandfly bite).
They usually not tender & heal spontaneously within 3-6 mo leaving a
scar. L. Viannia may cause palpable subcutaneous nodules with regional
LAP +/_ lymphatic cords.

 Diffuse Cutaneous Leishmaniasis:-

It is rare but severe form of Localized Cutaneous L.; it occurs over several
years & usually occurs in those with immune defects.

 Mucosal Leishmaniasis (Espundia):-

It is uncommon but serious disease that mainly caused by L. Viannia
complex after hematogenous metastases from a cutaneous lesions to the
nasal or oropharyngeal mucosa resulting in nasal congestion, discharge,
and recurrent epistaxis. Marked destruction of the soft tissue, cartilage,
and even bone may occur with visible deformity.

 Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala-Azar):-

It is the most important & common form of L. that mainly caused by L.
donovani (Africa and Asia), L. chagasi (New World), and L. infantum
(Mediterranean region). After inoculation of these organisms into the
skin by sandfly, the child may become completely asymptomatic,
oligosymptomatic, or symptomatic.

Oligosymptomatic illness involve intermittent fever, malaise, fatigue,

intermittent diarrhea, and mild hepatomegaly.
- 480 -
Most patients will resolve spontaneously, whereas others may develop
symptomatic disease within few months.

Symptomatic (active) disease is usually manifested as high fever,

malaise, fatigability, hepatomegaly, marked splenomegaly, and severe
cachexia. Advanced disease → anemia, jaundice, edema, ascites, bleeding,
and secondary bacterial infections which eventually result in death.
Malnutrition & immunedeficiency (especially HIV) are considered risk
factors for kala-azar.

Prior disease or subclinical infection usually gives immunity against

subsequent symptomatic disease.

D.Dx. of Visceral Leishmaniasis include: malaria, typhoid fever, miliary

tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, brucellosis, amebic liver abscess, infectious
mononucleosis, lymphoma, and leukemia.

 Montenegro skin test, people in the endemic areas who have had a
subclinical infection can be identified by positive delayed-type
hypersensitivity skin response to leishmanial antigens (similar to TST);
or by antigen-induced production of interferon-γ in a whole blood assay.
 Cutaneous & Mucosal Leishmaniasis are mainly diagnosed clinically
(especially in endemic area) or by culture because direct microscopy
can identify amastigotes in only ≈ half of cases of Cutaneous L. & rarely
from lesions of Mucosal L.; whereas serologic tests often have low
sensitivity and specificity.
 Visceral Leishmaniasis tests include:-
 CBP; pancytopenia, i.e. severe anemia, leucopenia, & thrombocytopenia.
 LFT; ↑ liver enzymes.
 Serology; EIA, indirect fluorescence assay, direct agglutination, or
immunochromatographic strip test when used with recombinant
antigen (K39), result in high sensitivity and specificity due to very high
level of antileishmanial antibodies.
 Definitive Dx of Leishmaniasis is established by either demonstration
of amastigotes in tissue specimens through direct microscopy (by
Giemsa staine) or through isolation of the organism by culture using
(NNN) biphasic blood agar; the culture specimen is taken from tissues of
RES, especially spleen, BM, or LN.

- 482 -
Rx. Anti-leishmanial therapy include:-

 Pentavalent antimonies include: Sodium stibogluconate

(Pentostam) & Meglumine antimoniate, both in dose 20 mg/kg IV or
IM for 20 days in LCL & DCL or for 28 days in ML & VL. Repeated
courses may be necessary in severe or resistant cases.
Note: Some patients with Visceral L. may develop diffuse skin lesions after
therapy called "post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis".

 Amphotericin B is also very effective in Rx of VL, 0.5–1.0 mg/kg every

day or every other day for 14–20 doses. Liposomal amphotericin B is
less nephrotoxic, 3 mg/kg on days 1–5, and again on day 10.

 Other drugs which also effective in the Rx of VL include: Paromomycin,

Recombinant human interferon-γ (as an adjunctive Rx), and oral

 Uncomplicated LCL can be observed only without Rx because it may

heal spontaneously within few months. However, complicated LCL & DL
can be treated with oral antifungals e.g. Ketoconazole or Fluconazole.
Topical agents include: paromomycin plus methylbenzethonium
chloride ointment.

Pv. Avoid exposure to sandflies by the use of insect repellent and

permethrin-impregnated mosquito netting.

- 483 -
Et. Enterobius vermicularis is a small (1 cm in length), white, threadlike
pinworm, roundworm, or nematode that typically inhabits the cecum,
appendix, and adjacent areas of ileum and colon.

Epid. Enterobiasis infection occurs in individuals of all ages and

socioeconomic levels. It infects 30% of children worldwide, highest in
children between 5-14 yr of age; humans are the only known host.

Path. Gravid females migrate at night to the perianal and perineal

regions, where they deposit up to 15,000 eggs. Human infection occurs
by the fecal-oral route by ingestion of embryonated eggs that are
carried on fingernails, clothing, bedding, or house dust. Autoinoculation
can occur in individuals who habitually put their fingers in their mouth.

C.M. Pinworm infection is innocuous and rarely causes serious medical

problems. The most common complaints include itching and restless
sleep due to nocturnal perianal or perineal pruritus.

Aberrant migration to ectopic sites occasionally may lead to

appendicitis, chronic salpingitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, peritonitis,
hepatitis, and ulcerative lesions in the large or small bowel.
Inv. Microscopic examination of adhesive cellophane tape pressed
against the perianal region early in the morning frequently demonstrates
eggs; repeated exam increase the chance of detecting ova. Digital rectal
exam may also be used to obtain samples whereas routine stool samples
rarely demonstrate Enterobius ova. Worms may also be seen in the
perianal region or with the stool.
Note: Eosinophilia is usually not observed because tissue invasion does not occur.

Rx. Anthelmintic drugs should be administered to all infected

individuals & their family members (once symptoms occur). A single
oral dose of Mebendazole (100 mg for all ages) or Albendazole (400 mg
for all ages); both should be repeated after 2 wk. Alternative is single
oral dose of pyrantel pamoate (11 mg/kg, max. 1 g).
Morning bathing removes a large portion of eggs & frequent changing
of underclothes, bed clothes, and bed sheets decreases environmental
egg contamination and may decrease the risk for autoinfection.

- 484 -
Pv. Household contacts can be treated at the same time as the infected
individual. Repeated Rx every 3-4 mo may be required in circumstances
with repeated exposure e.g. with institutionalized children. Good hand
hygiene is the most effective method of prevention.

- 485 -

Et. Scabies is caused by burrowing and release of toxic or antigenic

substances by the female mite Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. The
most important factor that determines spread of scabies is the extent
and duration of physical contact with an affected individual. Scabies is
transmitted only rarely by fomites because the isolated mite dies within
2-3 days.

Path. After impregnation of the adult female mite on the skin surface, a
gravid female exudes a keratolytic substance and burrows into the
stratum corneum. She deposits 10-25 oval eggs and numerous brown
fecal pellets (scybala) daily. When eggs laying is completed, in 4-5 wk,
she dies within the burrow. The eggs hatch in 3-5 days, releasing larvae
that move to the skin surface to molt into nymphs. Maturity is achieved in
about 2-3 wk. Mating occurs, and the gravid female invades the skin to
complete the life cycle.

C.M. In an immunocompetent host, scabies is frequently heralded by

intense pruritus, particularly at night. The first sign of the infestation
often consists of 1- to 2-mm red papules, some of which are excoriated,
crusted, or scaling.
Thread like burrowsare the classic lesion of scabies in older
children and adolescents; the preferred sites are the interdigital spaces,
wrist flexors, anterior axillary folds, ankles, buttocks, umbilicus and belt
line, groin, genitals in men, and areolas in women; whereas the head,
neck, palms, and soles are generally spared.
In infants, the eruption is usually manifested as bullae and pustules
instead of the classical burrows. It may also include wheals, papules,
vesicles, or superimposed eczematous dermatitis. Palms, soles, and
scalp are often affected.

Cx. Untreated scabies may lead to eczematous dermatitis, impetigo,

ecthyma, folliculitis, furunculosis, cellulitis, lymphangitis, and id reaction.
Glomerulonephritis has developed in children from streptococcal
impetiginization of scabies lesions.

D.Dx. It depends on the types of lesions present. Papulovesicular lesions

are confused with papular urticaria, canine scabies, chickenpox, viral

- 486 -
exanthems, drug eruptions, dermatitis herpetiformis, and folliculitis.
Eczematous lesions may mimic atopic dermatitis and seborrheic
dermatitis, and the less common bullous disorders of childhood may be
suspected in infants with predominantly bullous lesions.
Note: Clues of scabies include: characteristic skin rash, affected family members,
poor response to topical antibiotics, and transient response to topical steroids.

Inv. Dx can often be made clinically because burrows are virtually

pathognomonic for human scabies. Microscopic identification of
mites, ova, and scybala in epithelial debris. Scrapings most often test
positive when obtained from burrows or fresh papules.

Rx. The drug of choice is Permethrin 5% cream (Elimite) applied to the

entire body from the neck down, with particular attention to intensely
involved areas. Scabies is frequently found above the neck in infants >2
yr, necessitating treatment of the scalp. The medication is left on the skin
for 8-12 hr. It should be reapplied after 1 wk for another 8- to 12-hr
Additional Rx may include lindane 1% lotion or cream, sulfur ointment
5-10%, and crotamiton 10% lotion or cream. For severe infestations or
immunocompromised patients, give oral ivermectin. Transmission of
mites is unlikely >24 hr after Rx.
Pruritus, which is due to hypersensitivity to mite antigens, may persist
for a number of days and may be alleviated by topical corticosteroid
preparation. If pruritus persists for >2 wk after Rx and new lesions are
occurring, the patient should be re-examined for mites.
The entire family should be treated, as should caretakers of the
infested child. Clothing, bed linens, and towels should be washed in hot
water and dried using high heat.

Other variants of Scabies:-

 Nodular scabies is less common variant manifested as red-brown
nodules, mostly located in covered areas e.g. axillae, groin, and genitals.
It is frequently misdiagnosed as urticaria pigmentosa or Langerhans cell
histiocytosis. It is extremely resistant to Rx and may take several
months to resolve.
 Norwegian scabies is highly contagious and occurs mainly in
individuals who are mentally and physically debilitated. Affected

- 487 -
individuals are infested by myriad mites that inhabit the crusts and
exfoliating scales of the skin and scalp.
 Canine scabies is caused by S. scabiei var. canis; most frequently
acquired by cuddling an infested puppy lead to tiny papules, vesicles,
wheals, and excoriated eczematous plaques but not burrows because
dog mite does not inhabits human stratum corneum.
 Avian mites may affect those who come into close contact with
chickens or pet gerbils.
 Chigger (harvest) mite prefers to live on grass and stems of grain. It is
attach to skin of the lower legs (but not burrow) to obtain a blood meal.

Note: The last 3 variant are usually self-limited because humans are not a
suitable host. Bathing and changing clothes are generally sufficient.

- 488 -
15. Miscellaneous Conditions

 Fever
 Fever Without a Focus (including fever without localizing
signs & fever of unknown origin)
 Otitis Media
 Lymphadenopathy
 Immunization (including passive & active Immunization)
 Hydrocarbons Ingestion & Aspiration
 Scorpion Stings
 Hymenoptera Stings
 Down syndrome
 Developmental Dysplasia ofthe Hip
 Napkin Rash

- 489 -
Normally, body temperature fluctuates in a defined normal range
between 36.6 0C - 37.9 0C rectally, so that the highest point is reached in
early evening and the lowest point is reached in the morning.
Fever is defined as rectal temperature ≥380C, whereas hyperpyrexia
is called when the temp >40 0C.

Path. Body temperature is regulated by thermosensitive neurons

located in the hypothalamus & also by cold and warm receptors located
in the skin and muscles which respond to changes in blood temperature.
Thermoregulatory responses include: redirecting blood to or from
cutaneous vascular beds, increased or decreased sweating, regulation of
extracellular fluid volume via ADH, and behavioral responses e.g. seeking
warmer or cooler environment.
Three different mechanisms can produce fever: pyrogens (endogeneous
or exogenous), heat production exceeding loss, and defective heat loss.

Et. The causes of fever can be organized into 4 main categories:

Infectious, Inflammatory, Neoplastic, and Miscellaneous. Self-limited
viral infections (common cold, gastroenteritis) and uncomplicated
bacterial infections (otitis media, pharyngitis, sinusitis) are the most
common causes of acute fever and hyperpyrexia.
Note: There are some drugs known to cause fever include vancomycin,
amphotericin B, allopurinol as well as atropine-induced fever.

C.M. It can range from no symptoms at all (except fever) to extreme

malaise. Children might complain of feeling hot or cold, display facial
flushing (or pallor) with shivering, fatigue, anorexia, and irritability.
The underlying etiology also produces accompanying symptoms.
Tachycardia commonly accompanies fever, although relative
bradycardia may be associated with typhoid fever, brucellosis,
leptospirosis, or drug fever.

 Patterns of Fever:-

 Single (isolated) spike fever is usually not associated with an

infectious cause.
 Intermittent fever is the exaggeration of normal circadian rhythm of
temp which includes periods of normal body temp.
- 491 -
 Remittent fever is a persistent fever which vary >0.50C/day.
 Sustained fever is a persistent fever which does not vary >0.50C/day.
 Hectic (septic) fever is characterized by a wide fluctuation of body
temp within the day e.g. sepsis.
 Biphasic fever is a single illness with 2 distinct spikes (camel-back
fever) e.g. poliomyelitis.
 Double Quotidian fever that peaks twice in a day is classically
associated with inflammatory arthritis.
 Tertian fever occurs on the first and third days of illness e.g. malaria
caused by Plasmodium vivax.
 Quartan fever occurs on the first and fourth days of illness e.g. malaria
caused by Plasmodium malariae.
 Relapsing fever is characterized by febrile episodes that separated by
intervals of normal temp over days e.g. relapsing fever, typhoid, TB.
 Periodic fever is describe fever syndrome with a regular periodicity e.g.
Familial Mediterranean fever.
 Central feverusually associated with hyperthermia (temp >410C) which
usually due to diseases of hypothalamus e.g. malignant hyperthermia.

Note: Hypothermia (temp <360C) is usually associated with cold

exposure, overwhelming infection, hypothyroidism, or overuse of

Inv. The cause of fever usually can be diagnosed by careful history &
physical exam. Tests should be used judiciously & directed toward
these findings.
Because most causes of fever are infectious in origin, thus Septic Screen
is a good initial test which may include any the following:-

Throat culture; CBP, CRP, ESR & Blood culture; GUE & urine culture;
GSE & stool culture; CSF exam & culture; as well as CXR.

Rapid antigen testing also can be used in some cases for respiratory
viruses, group A streptococcus, or rotavirus infections.
Host-based microarray gene expression profiles determined on the
patient’s leukocytes may be able to detect RNA transcriptional patterns
(Biosignatures) that distinguish viral from bacterial infection.

- 490 -
Rx. Although fear of fever is a common parental worry, fever maycause ↓
microbial replication and ↑ inflammatory response. High fever usually
does not result in brain damage or other bodily harm, except in rare
instances of febrile status epilepticus, and heat stroke.
Note: High fever during pregnancy may be teratogenic.

Mild fever (temp <390C) in healthy children generally does not require
treatment, but higherfever (>390C) is usually requireRx; as well as Rx
of the cause of fever is clearly recommended.

Rx of fever can be accomplished by good hydration & antipyretics;

whereas tepid baths and cooling blankets are not considered effective in
reducing fever.

The most commonly used antipyretics are Acetaminophen, 10-

15 mg/kg/dose every 4 hr or Ibuprofen (only for children >6 mo) 5-
10 mg/kg/dose every 8 hr .

- 492 -
It is defined as rectal temp ≥ 380C as the sole presenting feature. It
can be divided into 2 groups: “fever without localizing signs” & “fever of
unknown origin”.

Fever without Localizing Signs

It is an acute onset of fever with duration< 1 wk andwithout localizing
Note: Since the advent of universal vaccination against H. influenza type b (Hib)
& Pneumococcus in many countries, this type of fever has substantially declined.

It can be divided into the following age groups:-

 NEONATES (<1 mo):-

Fever in neonate should only be documented when excessive coverings
are removed. Neonates who experience fever without focus are a
challenge to evaluate because they display limited signs of infection,
making it difficult to clinically distinguish between serious bacterial
infection and self-limited viral illness. Immature immune responses in
the first few months of life also increase the significance of fever in these
young infant.
In general, neonates who have fever and do not appear ill have 7%
risk of serious bacterial infections e.g. occult bacteremia, meningitis,
enteritis, or UTI as well as to the late-onset neonatal infection by GBS, E.
coli & Listeria monocytogenes.
Therefore, all febrile neonates should be hospitalized with obtaining
culture of blood, urine, stool, and CSF as well as CXRbefore initiation of
antibiotics. Empirical IV antibiotics include Ampicillin & Cefotaxime.
Acyclovir may be added if there is hx of maternal HSV infection.

 YOUNG INFANTS (1-3 mo):-

Despite the majority of cases of fever in this age group is due to viral
illness (which usually follow seasonal pattern), serious bacterial
infections should be excluded e.g. pyelonephritis (especially in
uncircumcised boys), otitis media, pneumonia, omphalitis and mastitis.
Common organisms include: E. coli (most common), GBS, Staph. aureus,
L. monocytogenes, Salmonella enteritis, Neisseria meningitidis, Hib, and S.
- 493 -
If the infant <3 mo appear ill (toxic), the approach is similar to that
of febrile neonates (see above), except that Cefotaxime can be replaced
by Ceftriaxone. Vancomycin should also be considered if there is
suspicion of meningitis.
Well-appearing infants 1-3 mo can safely be treated as outpatient
by antipyretics (only) with close follow-up if the following conditions
are fulfilled: reliable parents that involved for close follow-up; blood,
urine & stool exam show no significant ↑ WBC; blood & urine culture
where negative; and CXR show no infiltrate.
Note: Urinalysis may be negative in pyelonephritis of infants <2 mo, whereas
bacteremia is present in only <30% of cases.
The decision to obtain CSF studies is depend on the decision to
administer empirical antibiotics. If close observation without antibiotics
is planned, LP can be deferred, whereas if the child deteriorates, full
septic screen including CSF studies should be performed, preferably
before administration of empirical IV antibiotics.


Viral illness is also a common cause, but bacterial infections should
also be excluded e.g. occult bacteremia, otitis media, sinusitis,
pneumonia, enteritis, UTI, osteomyelitis, and meningitis. Common
organisms causing occult bacteremia include: S. pneumoniae, Hib, N.
meningitidis, and Salmonella.
Note: Hib bacteremia is characteristically associated with higher risk of localized
serious infection than pneumococcal bacteremia; however, both are rare in
vaccinated children.
If the infant or child between 3 mo-3 yr appear ill (toxic), the approach
is similar to that of toxic infant <3 mo (see above); whereas if appear
well& the temp <390C, the patient can be observed as outpatient
without performing investigations or antibiotic Rx; if the temp rise to
≥390C but also appear well, take blood culture as well as urine culture
for all girls, circumcised boys <6 mo & uncircumcised boys <1 yr.
Empirical antibiotic Rx usually given as a single dose of Ceftriaxone,
50 mg/kg (not >1g), especially when CBP reveal WBC count >15,000/ml
(or band cells >1,500/ml), although some recommend observation as
outpatient without empirical antibiotic therapy with re-evaluation
within the next 24 hr.

- 494 -
Fever of Unknown Origin
FUO is best reserved for children with fever (documented by a health
care provider) for which no cause is identified after 3 wk of
evaluation as an outpatient, or after 1 wk in the hospital.

Et. There are many potential causes of FUO including:-

 Infectious e.g. bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, each whether

generalized or localized (e.g. abscess, infective endocarditis).
 Rheumatic e.g. JIA, SLE, Kawasaki.
 Hypersensitivity e.g. drug fever (fever of iodide containing drugs can
persist for up to 1 mo!).
 Neoplasms e.g. Hodgkin lymphoma.
 Granulomatous e.g. Inflammatory bowel diseases.
 Familial & Hereditary diseases e.g. Familial Mediterranean fever,
Familial dysautonomia, anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia.
 Miscellaneous e.g. thyrotoxicosis, cyclic neutropenia, periodic fevers,
hemophagocytic syndromes.
 Factitious fever; if suspected, the presence and pattern of fever should
be documented in the hospital.

However, most cases of FUO result from atypical presentations of

common diseases which are usually infectious or rheumatic in origin.
In some cases, the presentation as an FUO is characteristic of the disease
itself e.g. JIA or SLE.

 Approach to patient with FUO:-

Hx. Evaluation of patient with FUO requires a careful hx including hx of
contact with animals, travel hx, family hx of fever...etc.
Ex. Physical exam should include all the body (top to bottom).

Inv. Many tests may be included to reach the Dx that can be done as
outpatient or inpatient (determined on case-by-case basis); it may
include any of the following: CBP (include direct smear for parasites),
ESR (or CRP), blood & urine culture, serologic tests, TST, imaging
studies (e.g. X-ray, US, Echo, CT, MRI, & Radionuclide scans), biopsy,
& endoscopy.

- 495 -
Note: ESR >30 mm/hr indicates inflammation and need further evaluation
for infectious, autoimmune, or malignant diseases, whereas if ESR
>100 mm/hr, it suggests either TB, Kawasaki disease, malignancy, or
autoimmune disease. C-reactive protein is another acute-phase reactant
that is elevated and returns to normal more rapidly than ESR.

Rx. It depends on the underlying Dx.

Fever and infection in children are not synonymous, i.e. antimicrobial
agents should not be used as antipyretics, and empirical trials of
medication should generally be avoided with exception may be the use
of anti-TB Rx in critically ill patient with suspected disseminated
tuberculosis; otherwise, empirical trials of other antimicrobial agents
may be dangerous and obscure the Dx of many serious diseases if
partially treated with antibiotics e.g. infective endocarditis, meningitis,
parameningeal infection, or osteomyelitis.
After complete evaluation, antipyretics may be indicated to control
fever and relieve symptoms.

Pg. Children with FUO have a better prognosis than do adults. The
outcome in child depends on the primary disease process, which is
usually an atypical presentation of a common disease.
However in ≈ 25% of cases, the fever abates spontaneously and no Dx
can be established after many investigations.

- 496 -
OM is the 2nd most common cause of illness in infants after the
common cold. The peak age of incidence of OM is in the 1st 2 yr of life
(especially between 6-20 mo), then ↓ with age.
OM can be divided into acute "suppurative" (AOM) & "non-suppurative",
"secretory" or "OM with effusion" (OME).

Risk factors for OM include: age (<2 yr), male, white race, poverty, hx of
upper RTI (especially common cold) or allergy, exposure to other
children with OM or to tobacco smoke, cong malformations e.g. cleft
palate or Down synd, as well as any condition that may obstruct the
Eustachian tube which ↓ its clearance can result in OM. Pacifier use (but
not bottle-feeding) is also considered as a risk factor; on the other hand,
breast-milk (rather than breast-feeding) is considered as protective
factor against OM.

Et. The most common bacterial pathogens in AOM include: S.

pneumonia, non-typable H. influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis.
Other less common bacteria include: Staph. aureus, and gram-negative
organisms (bothare more prevalent in hospitalized neonates and very
young infants) as well as group A Streptococci & Alloiococcus otitidis.
Respiratory viruses include: Rhinoviruses & RSV (may be found alone
or more commonly with bacterial pathogens).
In OME, the micro-organisms may be found in ≈30% of cases (by culture
or PCR), thus it do not contain a sterile effusion as previously thought.

Hx. AOM can be asymptomatic or may be associated with otalgia &
In infants, AOM may be manifested just as irritability or FUO; whereas
in children it usually manifested by holding the ear with discomfort
(due to otalgia) or a sense of fullness in the ear. Occasionally, AOM may
be frankly manifested after rupture of the eardrum as purulent discharge
from the ear (otorrhea).
Some children with chronic OM may present with hearing loss +/_
speech difficulty or with balance difficulty (ataxia).

Ex. There are 2 types of otoscopes for exam of tympanic membrane

(TM); surgical (operating) & diagnostic (pneumatic). The cerumen in
- 497 -
the ear canal can be removed under direct observation through the
surgical otoscope by using a "Buck curette"; however, most children's
ears are “self-cleaning” due to squamous migration of skin of ear canal.

 Findings of TM by otoscope:-

 Normally TM is slightly concave, pearly gray, mobile, & translucent,

although it may appear opaque in the first few months of life.
 Signs of acute infection or inflammation are strictly intense erythema
or rarely by presence of surface bullae (bullous myringitis).
 Signs of middle ear effusion (MEE) include; bulging (fullness) of TM,
air-fluid level, air bubbles, whitish (opaque) or pale yellow TM.
Diagnostic otoscope may reveal a reduced mobility of the TM.
MEE may persist for few months after AOM, it may cause conductive
hearing loss usually between 20-30 dB.
Also look for scars, perforations, retraction pockets, and cholesteatoma
In OME, TM may be normal, slightly bulging, or retracted and the
erythema is usually absent & if present, it usually mild (but may ↑ with
Tympanometry (acoustic immittance testing) is a simple & rapid test
that roughly equivalent to the pneumatic otoscopy for detection of
compliance or mobility of the TM (which is indirect evidence of MEE).
Immobility of TM is manifested as shallow or no peak on Tympanogram.
It also can measure the volume of the external auditory canal; high
volume record may indicate perforation of the TM.

 Criteria for diagnosisof AOM:-

A Dx of AOM according to the 2013 guideline should be made in children
who present with either:
 moderate to severe bulging of the TM or new-onset otorrhea not caused
by otitis externa.
 mild bulging of the TM and recent (<48 hr) onset of ear pain or intense
TM erythema.
A diagnosis of AOM should not be made in children without MEE (e.g.
bulging, air-fluid level, reduced mobility of the TM, or otorrhea).

Rx. Neither antihistamines, decongestants, nor maneuvers to inflate the

Eustachian tube (e.g. valsava) are of benefit in the Rx of OM; on the other
- 498 -
hand, not all patients with AOM should be given antibiotics because it
may ↑ the bacterial resistance as ≈ half the strains of S. pneumonia & H.
influenzae and almost all strains of M. catarrhalis are currently resistant
to aminopenicillins.
Therefore, analgesics e.g. acetaminophen or ibuprofen for mild to
moderate otalgia with close observation (without antibiotics) can be
offered for infants between 6 mo and 2 yr of age when OM is uncertain &
also for older children with uncertain OM or even certain OM but without
severe symptoms (e.g. high fever, severe otalgia, otorrhea, or bilateral
AOM). Otherwise, antibiotics should be given as follows:-
 Patients with no severe AOM; Amoxicillin (alternatives are 2nd
generation cephalosporins or newer macrolides).
 Patients with severe AOM or there is no response to the above drugs;
Amoxicillin-clavulanate (alternatives are ceftriaxone or clindamycin)
+/_ Tympanocentesis. Narcotic analgesics can be given for severe
The dose of Amoxicillin & Amoxicillin-clavulanate is 90 mg/kg orally
for 10 days. Ceftriaxone 50 mg/kg IM for 3 days. However, the duration
of therapy may be extended in very young infant or if there is severe,
recurrent or complicated AOM with close follow-up within 2 wk after
Note: H. influenzae infection can cause OM & conjunctivitis simultaneously;
both should be treated with oral antibiotics as above.
 If the patient still has severe symptoms (e.g. severe otalgia,
hyperpyrexia), Cxs of AOM (see later), young infant (<1 mo) or
immunocompromised then refer to the ENTist for Tympanocentesis
or Myringotomy with culture of the middle ear aspirate.
Myringotomy with insertion of Tympanostomy tube (as drain) may also
be indicated when there is hx of recurrent AOM (despite appropriate
therapy) to ↓ the risk of serious Cxs.
 If the patient has otorrhea (discharge from ear) after rupture of the TM,
do cleansing of secretions & instillate ear drops contain antibiotic &
corticosteroids (e.g. ciprofloxacin + dexamethasone) with oral antibiotic
(preferably according to the culture of secretion). If the patient has
discharge from the tympanostomy tube "tube otorrhea", he can be
treated as above or referred to the ENTist.

- 499 -
Factors contributing to unsatisfactory response to Rx of AOM
include: Bacterial resistance, inadequate antibiotic dose or duration, poor
compliance, concurrent viral infection, Eustachian tube dysfunction with
under-aeration of the middle-ear, re-infection from other sites, or
immunocompromised patient.

Most patients with OME will resolve within 3 mo without therapy,

but if persist >3 mo, it require close observation because it may → many
pathological changes in the middle ear & Cxs e.g. predisposition to
recurring AOM, pain, tinnitus, disturbance of balance, as well as
conductive or sensorineural hearing loss.
Antibiotics may help in eradication of inapparent middle ear or
nasopharyngeal infection but it has the implication of development of
bacterial resistance. Corticosteroids for short term may be of some
benefit. Myringotomy +/_ Tympanostomy tube is an effective
management for persistent OME to prevent (or treat) the long-term
sequelae, especially hearing loss.

Cx. It is either due to chronicity of infection or due to spread of infection

to the adjacent structures, or both. It can be divided into the following:-


 Perforation of TM (which can result from either AOM or OME); it

usually heal spontaneously, but if persist, it may need surgery.
 Infectious Dermatitis of external ear canal; it usually develop after
perforation of TM with purulent discharge. Rx as in otorrhea (see
 Chronic Suppurative OM; it is mainly caused by P. aeruginosa or S.
aureus with persistent infection & discharge through TM; it always
associated with Mastoiditis. Rx by aural (ear) cleansing with parenteral
antibiotics & if unsuccessful, refer to ENTist for tympano-
 Mastoiditis; all cases of AOM are accompanied by "asymptomatic" acute
mastoiditis (because it is in continuity with middle ear cavity). Chronic
suppurative OM is always associated with symptomatic mastoiditis
which manifested as erythema & tenderness at the mastoid in the
postauricular area, often with displacement of the pinna inferiorly and
anteriorly & disappearance of the postauricular crease.
- 511 -
The most common causative organisms in acute mastoiditis are; S.
pneumoniae, nontypable H. influenzae, and P. aeruginosa. Rx by
Myringotomy with parenteral antibiotics.
The initial infection is involve just the periosteum (acute mastoiditis
with periosteitis), after progression of infection → destruction of the
bony trabeculae (acute mastoid osteitis, or coalescent mastoiditis),
infection may also progress to the petrous portion of the temporal bone
→ (acute petrositis).
Gradenigo syndrome is a triad of suppurative OM, paralysis of the
external rectus muscle, and pain in the ipsilateral orbit. Rarely, mastoid
infection spreads to the neck muscles that attach to the mastoid tip,
resulting in an abscess in the neck called Bezold abscess.
All the above Cxs can be identified by CT scan. Rx by Mastoidectomy
with parenteral antibiotics.

 Facial Paralysis; it is usually associated with chronic suppurative OM &

mastoiditis resulting in destruction of the facial nerve which may be →
permanent paralysis.

 Acquired Cholesteatoma; Cholesteatoma is a cyst-like growth within

the middle ear lined by keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium and
containing desquamated epithelium and/or keratin. It usually
associated with long-standing chronic OM or deep retraction pocket of
TM or as a consequence of epithelial implantation in the middle-ear
cavity. It tends to expand progressively causing bone resorption, and
may extend intracranially, with potentially life-threatening
It appears on otoscope as a whitish opacity, a protruding polyp or white
caseous debris persistently overlies the eardrum, or as persistent
malodorous aural discharge. Once cholesteatoma is suspected, urgent
referral to the ENTist for tympanomastoid surgery is mandatory.

 Labyrinthitis; it may occur as a consequence of cholesteatoma, chronic

suppurative OM, or mastoiditis; it may → permanent sensorineural
hearing loss.

- 510 -

It may occur also as a consequence of chronic suppurative OM,

mastoiditis, or cholesteatoma. It include: meningitis, epidural, subdural
or brain abscess, focal encephalitis, otitic hydrocephalus (benign
intracranial hypertension), or lateral (sigmoid) sinus thrombosis which
may → septic emboli with dissemination of infected thrombi to various
Intracranial Cxs should be suspected whenever there are CNS signs,
signs of meningism, or any systemic sign in extreme degree e.g. high fever
& rigor, severe headache, or lethargy. It can be confirmed by CT or MRI
(before LP for CSF exam) with culture of the discharge by
tympanocentesis along with urgent referral to the ENTist.

Pg. Long-term sequelae& Cxs of long-standing OMinclude: Chronic

perforation or Atelectasis of TM, Tympanosclerosis, Adhesive OM,
Cholesterol granuloma, as well as permanent Conductive hearing loss, &
less commonly, permanent Sensorineural hearing loss with its
implications on speech, language, cognitive, and psychosocial

Pv. Appropriate vaccination strategies against pneumococci and

influenzae; avoiding exposure to individuals with respiratory infection;
avoiding environmental tobacco smoke; and breast milk feeding.
Adenoidectomy also appear to be effective in prevention of recurrent
AOM & OME, probably due to removal of a focus of infection; however, it
is not recommended for recurrent AOM alone.

- 512 -
Some lymph nodes may be "normally" palpable during childhood e.g.
cervical, axillary, and inguinal LNs. However, they considered to be
abnormal when they enlarge to >1 cm for cervical & axillary, >1.5 cm
for inguinal; whereas all other regional LNs are considered abnormal if
they are palpable.

 Causes of LAP include:-

 Regional LAP is due to either infection or malignancy in the drainage
area of the involved LNs.
 Generalized LAP usually due to systemic disorder including:-
 Infections e.g. Viral (EBV, CMV, HIV), Bacterial (TB, brucellosis), Fungal
(histoplasmosis, blastomycosis), Parasitic (toxoplasmosis,
 Malignancies e.g. Leukemia, Lymphoma.
 Connective tissue diseases e.g. SLE, JIA.
 Immunological disorders e.g. Serum sickness, Drug reaction.

Note: Bacterial infection is the most common cause of Regional LAP;

whereas viral infections are the most common cause of Generalized
LAP.However, there are some clinical clues that aid in identifying the
etiology of LAP include: if LNs are tender with erythema & warmth of the
overlying skin, it may indicate an acute infection; if there is fluctuation,
indicate abscess; if matted together, indicate TB; if firm, not tender & fixed
to the skin or underlying structures, indicate malignancy.

 Approach to a child with cervical LAP:-

In any patient with cervical LAP, 1st differentiate between LN & non-
LN masses e.g. thyroglossal cyst, goiter, branchial cleft cyst, cystic
hygroma, sternomastoid muscle tumor…etc. Then management is usually
guided according to the probable etiology as follows:-
1. If it is due to viral infection, no intervention is needed.
2. If bacterial infection is suspected, give oral antibiotic that cover at least
streptococci and staphylococci.
3. If there isno response, give IV anti-staphylococcal antibiotics.
4. If there isno response after 1-2 days, significant toxicity, or there is signs
of airway obstruction, do US, CT scan, or MRI of neck.
- 513 -
5. If there is pus, do aspiration with Gram stain & culture.
6. If there is abscess, do incision & drainage.

The size of LN should be documented before Rx because if there is

failure to ↓ in size within 10-14 days, it need further evaluation &
investigations including:-
 CBP with blood film & ESR.
 Serology for EBV, CMV, Toxoplasmosis, Cat scratch disease, ASO titer.
 Biopsy should be considered in the following conditions: persistent or
unexplained fever, weight loss, night sweats, hard nodes, fixation of to
the surrounding tissues, ↑ in size over baseline in 2 wk, no ↓ in size in 4–
6 wk, no regression to “normal” in 8–12 wk, or if new signs and
symptoms develop.
 If these are not diagnostic, consult an infectious disease or oncology

- 514 -
Immunization is one of the most beneficial and cost-effective disease
prevention measures. It can be divided into passive immunization by
immunoglobulins& active immunization by vaccines.

Passive Immunization
Immune globulins (IG) are preformed antibodies-containing
preparations that induce transient protection against an infectious agent.

 The major indications of PI include:-

1. Immunodeficient patient with B-lymphocyte defects.
2. Postexposure Px, i.e. persons exposed to infectious agent with not
adequate time to develop active immune response to the vaccine of that
3. As part of specific therapy for some infectious diseases.

Note: PI can occur naturally through transplacental transfer of antibodies

during gestation which can provide protection during infant's first months
of life & may persist for as long as year after birth. Breast feeding also gives
protection through secretory IgA.

 Passive immunity can be divided into the following types:-

 IM & IV Immune Globulin: These are sterile antibody containing

solutions, usually derived by cold ethanol fractionation of large pools of
human plasma; these IG contain 15–18% protein, predominantly IgG.

IMIG is mainly used for post-exposure Px of measles & HAV as well as

replacement therapy for children with antibody deficiency disorders.

IVIG is used in many conditions including: Replacement therapy for

immunodeficiency disorders; Hypogammaglobulinemia; Kawasaki
disease; ITP; Guillain-Barre syndrome; HIV; Px of infection following BM
transplantation; Severe toxic shock syndrome; and Anemia caused by
Parvovirus B19….etc.

SE of IVIG are fever, headache, myalgia, chills, nausea & vomiting; these
reactions are mainly due to rapid infusion, so they can be reduced by ↓
rate of infusion. Serious reactions are fortunately rare e.g. anaphylaxis

- 515 -
(or anaphylactoid events), thromboembolic disorders, aseptic
meningitis, and renal insufficiency.
Patients with selective IgA deficiency can produce antibodies against
the trace amounts of IgA in IG preparations, and then develop reactions
after repeat doses of IG e.g. fever, chills, and shock-like syndrome, but
because these reactions are rare, testing for selective IgA deficiencies is
not recommended.

 Specific IG "Hyperimmune globulins": These are derived from donors

with a high titers of antibodies to specific agents e.g. specific IG for HBV,
rabies, tetanus, varicella, & CMV.

 Hyperimmune Animal Antisera: These are mainly derived from horses

e.g. diphtheria & botulinum (equine) antitoxin; however these IG may
cause severe allergic reactions e.g. febrile events, serum sickness, and
anaphylaxis, thus testing for sensitivity before administration (or
desensitization) may be necessary.

 Monoclonal Antibodies: These are produced against single antigen by a

process called "hybridoma" which created by fusing sensitized antibody-
producing B cell with a fast-growing immortal cell (e.g. cancer cell) to
produce large amounts of monoclonal antibodies; these include:
Palivizumab (Ab against RSV), Retuximab (Ab against B-lymphocytes),
Omalizumab (Ab used in asthma), & others used in certain types of
cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Active Immunization
Vaccines are defined as whole or parts of microorganisms administered
to prevent an infectious disease. They can induce adaptive immunity
through stimulation of antibody formation, cellular immunity or both.

 Types of vaccines:-
1. Live attenuated microorganisms (organisms are still a life but
weakened) e.g. BCG, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, rotavirus, and
live attenuated influenza vaccine.
2. Whole inactivated microorganisms (killed organisms) e.g. polio,
rabies, & HAV.
3. Parts of the organism e.g. acellular pertussis, HBV, & HPV.
- 516 -
4. Polysaccharide capsules e.g. pneumococcal & meningococcal
polysaccharide vaccines.
5. Polysaccharide capsules conjugated to protein carriers e.g.
pneumococcal, meningococcal, & Hib conjugate vaccines.
6. Toxoids (processed toxine of the organisms) e.g. tetanus & diphtheria.

Mostvaccines are given by deep IM injection (anterolateral aspect of

thigh in infants and young children & deltoid muscle of arm in
adolescents and adults); MMR & Varicella are given subcutaneously;
whereas BCG is given intradermally.

Live attenuated vaccines tend to induce long-term immune responses.

They replicate similar to the natural infections, until they eradicated by
the immune system. Thus most live vaccines are administered as single
(or twice) dose schedule.

Note: The suspending fluid of the vaccine usually contains preservatives,

stabilizers, adjuvants, and antimicrobial agents.

 Vaccines can be divided into 2 types according to their induced

T-lymphocyte–dependent vaccines contain protein moieties which
induce a good immune response even in young infants; whereas T-
lymphocyte–independent vaccines contain polysaccharide which
induce the B lymphocytes only → poor immune response in children <2
yr. Therefore these polysaccharides have been conjugated to proteins
to render them T lymphocyte–dependent vaccines.

Serum antibodies (usually IgM) may be detected after 7–10 days after
vaccine injection & then as IgM ↓, IgG ↑which usually peak ≈ 2 mo after
vaccination then slowly ↓, but loss of detectable IgG over time does not
necessarily mean susceptibility to infection.
Booster vaccines result in rapid immune response due to rapid
proliferation of memory B & T lymphocytes → rapid ↑ of IgG.

- 517 -
 Contraindications & Precautions of Vaccinations:-
1. Anaphylaxis to the vaccine (or any of its constitution) in the prior dose
is an absolute contraindication to that vaccine. However, patient with
hx of allergy to eggs can be given MMR because it contain very small
amount of egg protein.

2. Immunodeficiency; patients with Cellular immune deficiency,

whether primary "hereditary" or secondary "acquired" should not be
given Live attenuated vaccines but can receive all other types of
vaccines (although the response is suboptimal). However, Live
attenuated vaccines can only be given in the following situations:-
 Patients with HIV disease can receive MMR if he asymptomatic or
symptomatic but without evidence of severe disease. They also can
receive Varicella vaccine if CD4 lymphocytes ≥ 15%.
 Patients on Steroid therapy in dose <2 mg/kg/day (or <20 mg/day) of
predisone "or equivalents" can receive LAVduring therapy, whereas
patients on higher dose of steroid for <2 wk can receive LAV once Rx is
discontinued and patients on higher dose for >2 wk should receive
LAV only after cessation of steroid Rx for at least 1 mo.
 Patients with Phagocytic disorders can receive all vaccines except LA
bacterial vaccines (e.g. BCG); whereas patients with Complement
deficiency disorders can receive all types of vaccines (including LAV).

3. Patient with severe or moderate (but not mild) acute illness

(regardless of fever) should not be vaccinated until recovery.

4. Preterm infants can be vaccinated at the same schedule of the full-

term infants, except the birth dose of HBV can be deferred for 1 mo after
birth if his weight is <2 kg & his mother has HBs Ag –ve.

5. Immunoglobulines may interfere with some vaccines as follows; IG

should be administered at least 2 wk after measles vaccine & if given
before vaccination of measles (or MMR), they should deferred for as
long as 3–11 mo (depend on the dose of IG). Rotavirus vaccine also
should be deferred for 6 wk following IG (but not for >13 wk of age).

6. Generally, all vaccines can be given simultaneously except that

different LAV if not given simultaneously, they should be given at least
1 month apart due to a theoretical concern about viral interference!.

- 518 -
 Schedule of commonly used vaccines (although may be
different in some countries):-

 BCG: single dose at birth.

 HBV: 0, 2, 6 mo.

 OPV/IPV: 0, 2, 4, 6 mo.

 Rotavirus, Hib, &Pneumococcal: 2, 4, 6 mo.

 DTaP: 2, 4, 6 mo → 15 mo → 5 yr → ≈ 11 yr (as Tdap).

 MMR&Varicella: 15 mo → 5 yr.

 Measles: single dose at 9 mo.

 HAV: 2 doses, 6 mo apart.

 Influenza: 2 doses, 1 mo apart.

- 519 -
Et. Low viscosity hydrocarbons (HC) e.g. kerosene, gasoline,
naphtha,&mineral spirits are more likely cause aspiration pneumonitis
than high viscosity HC. Significant injurycan be caused by < 1 ml of these
substances → inactivation of type 2 pneumocytes → deficiency of the

Aspiration usually occurs by 2 ways: at the time of ingestion, when
coughing and gagging are common & after vomiting which commonly
occurs after ingestion.

Respiratory symptoms may remain mild or may progress rapidly to

respiratory failure. Pneumonitis may develop as early as 30 min but can
be delayed for several hours; it is usually manifested as cough, dyspnea,
grunting, & fever (fever may persist for as long as 10 days).

Note: Pneumonitis does not result from dermal absorption of HC or from

ingestion without aspiration. Kerosene & gasoline are poorly absorbed
from GIT, but may cause irritation & paralytic ileus.

 Other Hydrocarbons with their effects:-

 Halogenated HC can be absorbed after ingestion, inhalation, or dermal

contact; they have anesthetic properties and can cause transient CNS
 Carbon tetrachloride can produce hepatic toxicity.
 Methylene chloride (found in some paint removers) is metabolized to
carbon monoxide.
 Benzene is carcinogenic after long-term exposure (especially for ALL).
 Nitrobenzene & aniline can produce methemoglobinemia.
 Volatile (Aromatic) HC e.g. toluene, propellants, refrigerants, and
volatile nitritesare commonly abused by inhalation; they can →
dysrhythmias and sudden death; whereas chronic abuse can → cerebral
atrophy, neuropsychological changes, peripheral neuropathy, renal
disease, &defatting of skin (because they are lipid solvents).
 Baby powder is also toxic to lung after inhalation or aspiration!.

- 501 -
Inv. CXR should be deferred at least 6 hr after HC ingestion for the
radiographic changes to be seen which usually not so correlated with
the patient symptoms & may remain abnormal long period after the
patient improves. Pneumatoceles may appear on the CXR 2–3 wk after

Note: In most cases of aspiration pneumonitis, there may be fever &

leukocytosis which are misleading because they occur in the absence of
bacterial infection of the lungs.

 If patient has no symptoms & CXR is normal; discharge home.
 If there are signs of pneumonitis, give supportive Rx e.g. O2, IV fluids &
artificial ventilation if there is respiratory failure.
 Induction of emesis is contraindicated because the risk of aspiration.
 Gastric lavage (cuffed tube must be used) may be done under special
circumstances e.g. ingestion of large amount of highly toxic HC because
of the risk of vomiting and aspiration; these HCs include "CHAMP", i.e.
Camphor, Halogenated HC, Aromatic HC, and those associated with
Metals & Pesticides.
 Activated charcoal is not useful because it does not bind common HC.
 Prophylactic antibiotics should not be given because bacterial
pneumonia is very rare initially (unless there is clear evidence) but may
occur later on.
 Corticosteroids should be avoided because they are not effective and
may increase the risk of infection; however they may benefit those with
chronic lung disease due to repeated exposure to HCs.
 Patients with dysrhythmias in the setting of halogenated hydrocarbon
inhalation should be treated with β blockers.

- 500 -
There are > 1000 species of scorpions found worldwide that vary in their
venoms, but in generals all venoms are releasers of inflammatory
mediators e.g. histamine, serotonin, & hyaluronidase; some are
neurotoxins that can release acetylcholine which may stimulate both
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. In addition,
Scorpions of the Middle East can cause severe hypertension, toxic
myocarditis, and MI!.

C.M. Most stings cause an immediatelocal reaction that can vary from
mild burning to severe pain.
Severe envenomation causes autonomic dysfunction within 1 hr of
sting e.g. agitation, irritability, salivation, blurred vision, nystagmus, and
tremor; also there may be cranial nerve dysfunction, opisthotonos,
hypertension, tachycardia, tachypnea, wheezing, and hyperthermia.
Note: Small children & infants are more liable to severe envenomation →
respiratory failure, convulsions, or coma.

D.Dx. Organophosphate poisoning and Methamphetamine intoxication.

 Localized pain can be treated by application ofice with
immobilization & analgesia.
 Severe envenomation may require ABC measures with hospital
admission for observation and sedation (for agitation & muscle
spasms better use Benzodiazepins).
 Cardiopulmonary compromiserequires Antivenin administration which
may cause complete resolution of symptoms within 1 hr; whereas
symptoms without antivenin usually resolve within 24–48 hr.
 Prazocine (α-adrenoceptor blocker) may be used for cardiovascular

- 502 -
Hymenoptera includes bees, wasps & ants; most stings usually cause
only local reactions, but anaphylaxis may occur in sensitized people.

 Small localreactions can be treated by cold compresses.
 Large localreactions may require in addition to cold compresses,
antihistamines, & corticosteroids.
 Immediate hypersensitivityreaction e.g. urticaria, angioedema,
wheezing, or hypotension require urgent Rx with O2, IV fluids,
antihistamines, hydrocortisone, & adrenaline.

Indications for immunotherapy include: patients with previous hx of
anaphylaxis & patients with positive IgE testing for specific
hymenoptera antibodies; whereas immunotherapy is not necessary for
those with negative IgE testing, those with only cutaneous anaphylaxis,
or even those with systemic reactions (including wheezing) without
anaphylaxis!; however these patients should always carry emergency kit
containing injectable adrenaline.

- 503 -
Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) is the most common genetic cause of
moderate mental retardation. The incidence of Down in live births ≈ 1
in 733 but the incidence at conception is more than twice this rate (due
to loss in early pregnancy).

C.M. Down is associated with characteristic dysmorphic features and

congenital anomalies in theneonatal period including:-

 Craniofacial; brachycephaly with mild microcephaly, flat occiput & face,

upward slanted palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, speckled irises
(brushfield spots), three fontanels with delayed closure, frontal sinus
and midfacial hypoplasia, small nose, flat nasal bridge, short hard palate,
protruding tongue, open mouth, & small dysplastic ears.
 CNS; hypotonia, poor moro reflex, & developmental delay.
 Cardiovascular; CHD occur in ≈ 40-50% of patients including:
endocardial cushing defects, VSD, ASD, PDA, TOF, aberrant subclavian
artery, & pulmonary hypertension.
 Musculoskeletal; joint hyperflexibility, short neck, redundant skin,
short metacarpals and phalanges, short 5th digit with clinodactyly,
single transverse palmar crease, wide gap between 1st and 2nd toes,
pelvic dysplasia, & short sternum.
 Gastrointestinal; duodenal atresia, annular pancreas, TEF,
Hirschsprung disease, & imperforated anus.
 Cutaneous; cutis marmorta (mottled skin).

 Additional features of Down that can develop or become symptomatic

with time include:-
 Neuropsychiatric; developmental delay, seizures, autism spectrum
disorders (5-10%), depression, behavioral disorders, & Alzheimer
disease (in early adulthood).
 Sensory; congenital or acquired hearing loss, serous otitis media (60%),
refractive errors especially myopia (50%), congenital or acquired
cataracts (15%), nystagmus, strabismus, glaucoma, & blocked tear
 Cardiovascular; acquired mitral, tricuspid, or aortic valve regurgitation
with infective endocarditis.

- 504 -
 Musculoskeletal; atlantoaxial instability or subluxation (20%), hip
dysplasia, slipped capital femoral epiphyses, avascular hip necrosis, &
recurrent joint dislocations.
 Endocrine; congenital (1%) or acquired (5%) hypothyroidism,
hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, & obesity.
 Hematologic; polycythemia (18%), transient lymphoproliferative
disorders (10%), acute lymphocytic, myelogenous or megakaryoblastic
leukemias (1%), & immune dysfunction.
 Gastrointestinal; Celiac disease, delayed tooth eruption.
 Respiratory; obstructed sleep apnea, frequent infections.
 Cutaneous; hyperkeratosis, seborrhea, xerosis, & perigenital folliculitis.
 Reproductive; most males are sterile, but some females have been able
to reproduce with 50% chance for having Down pregnancies.

The developmental delay is universal but the cognitive impairment

does not uniformly affect all areas of development because social
development is relatively spared (although they have considerable
difficulty using expressive language) as well as understanding individual
developmental strengths will maximize the educational process for
children with Down because they often benefit from programs aimed at
stimulation, education, and anticipatory guidance.

Psychiatric problems usually found in 18-38% of Down (which is lower

than in children with similar levels of mental retardation due to other
etiologies). Although the majority of children with Down do not have
behavior problems, it may occur including: inattentiveness,
stubbornness, and need for routine and sameness. Aggression and self-
injurious behavior are less common. All of these behaviors can respond
to educational or pharmacologic interventions.

The life expectancy for children with Down is reduced (≈50-55 yr),
although some studies have shown unexpected negative associations
between Down and other medical comorbidities & solid tumors.

The risk of having a child with Down is highest in women > 35 yr of age,
although younger women represent half of all mothers of babies with
Down due to higher overall birth rate.

- 505 -
 Prenatal Dx:-
All women should be offered screening for Down, especially if she is >35
yr old or has a previous child with Down; it is also helpful in detection
of trisomies other than Down.
 1st trimester; screening by US using fetal nuchal translucency thickness
+/_ maternal serum β-hCG and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A.
 2nd trimester; 4 maternal serum tests (quad screen) which include: free
β-hCG, unconjugated estriol, inhibin, and α-fetoprotein.
If both 1st and 2nd trimester screens are combined (integrated screen),
the detection rate become very high (95%).
Detection of fetal DNA in maternal plasma is also diagnostic.

 Genetic patterns of Down syndrome:-

 95% are due to 3 copies of chromosome 21 (i.e. 47 chromosomes).
The origin of this supernumerary chromosome is maternal in 97% of
cases as a result of errors in meiosis (mainly due to non-disjunction).
 4% have"Robertsonian" translocation due to fusions at the centromere
between chromosome 21 & either chromosome 13, 14, 15, 21, or 22;
these translocations can be de novo (common) or inherited.
 1% are due to mosaism, i.e. some cells having 47 & other have normal
(46) chromosomes.
Note: Very rarely Down is due to part of the long arm of chromosome 21 in
triplicate (partial trisomy), other rarer causes are isochromosomes and ring
chromosomes as well as patients without visible chromosome abnormality are
the least common.

It is not possible to distinguish phenotypes of persons with full trisomy

21 and those with translocation, but patients with mosaic tend to have
milder phenotype. Genomic dosage imbalance contributes through direct
and indirect pathways to the Down phenotype variation.

Chromosome Analysis is indicated in every person suspected of having

Down. If translocation is identified, parental chromosome studies
must be performed to determine whether 1 of the parents is a
translocation carrier, which carries a high recurrence risk for having
another affected child (that parent might also have other family member
at risk). Translocation (21;21) carriers have a 100% recurrence risk for
Down, whereas other translocations e.g. 14;21 have only 5-7%
recurrence risk when transmitted by females.
- 506 -
 Health supervision for children with Down syndrome:-

Condition Time of screen Method

Constipation At birth Clinical, Barium study

At birth Echo by pediatric

Congenital heart
diseases cardiologist

Eye problems At birth or by 6 mo, Eye exam by pediatric

then annually ophthalmologist
Hearing impairment At birth or by 3 mo Auditory brainstem
then every 6 mo up to response or
3 yrs if tympanic otoacoustic emission
membrane is not testing
visualized; then
Hypothyroidism At birth, repeat at 6- Thyroid function tests
12 mo; then annually

Hematologic diseases At birth or if CBP, BM exam

symptoms develop
and in adolescence
Celiac disease At 2 years or when IgA & tissue
symptoms develop transglutaminase
Growth and At each visit Use Down synd
development growth curves

Atlantoaxial At each visit, at 3-5 Hx, Ex & Radiographs

subluxation or yr, before sports or (because many are
instability surgery or when asymptomatic)
neurologic symptoms
Obstructive sleep At 1 yr and at each Monitor for snoring,
apnea visit restless sleep

Recurrent infections When present Check IgG subclass

and IgA levels
Psychiatric & At each visit Hx & Ex
behavioral disorders

- 507 -

Definitions: DDH refers to a spectrum of pathology in the development

of the immature hip joint. Acetabular dysplasia refers to abnormal
morphology and development of the acetabulum. Hip subluxation is
defined as partial contact between the femoral head and acetabulum,
whereas dislocation refers to a hip with no contact between the
articulating surfaces of the hip.
In DDH, several secondary anatomic changes can develop that can
prevent reduction. The more time that a hip spends dislocated, the more
likely that the acetabulum will develop abnormally. Without femoral
head provide a template, acetabulum will become progressively shallow.

Classification: DDH is classified into two major groups:-

 Typical DDH occurs in otherwise normal patients or those without
defined syndromes or genetic conditions.
 Teratologic hip dislocations usually have identifiable causes e.g.
arthrogyposis or genetic syndrome and occur before birth.

Et. Although the exact etiology remains unknown, the final common
pathway in the development of DDH is increased laxity of the hip capsule,
which fails to maintain a stable femoro-acetabular articulation. This
increased laxity is probably the result of combination of hormonal,
mechanical, and genetic factors.
A positive family hx for DDH is found in 12-33% of affected patients.
DDH is more common among female (80%). This is thought to be due to
the greater susceptibility of female fetuses to maternal hormones e.g.
relaxin, which increases ligamentous laxity. Although only 2-3% of all
babies are born in breech presentation, the rate for DDH is 16-25% in
these babies.
Any condition that leads to a tighter intrauterine space and,
consequently, less room for normal fetal motion may be associated with
DDH. These conditions include oligohydramnios, large birth weight,
and first pregnancy. The high rate of association of DDH with other
intrauterine molding abnormalities e.g. torticollis and metatarsus
adductus, supports the theory that the “crowding phenomenon” has a
role in the pathogenesis. The left hip is the most commonly affected one.

- 508 -
Epid. Although most newborn screening studies suggest that some
degree of hip instability can be detected in 1/100 to 1/250 babies, actual
dislocated or dislocatable hips are much less common, being found in 1-
1.5 of 1000 live births. There is marked geographic and racial variation
in the incidence of DDH because it usually not found in Chinese and
African newborns which may be due to child-rearing practices rather
than to genetic predisposition.

C.M. It can be divided according to the age of patient:-

 NEONATE: DDH in the neonate is asymptomatic and must be

screened for by specific maneuvers which should be a gentle & non-
forced. Physical exam must be carried out with the infant unclothed and
placed supine in a warm, comfortable setting on a flat examination table.
 Barlow provocative maneuver assesses the potential for dislocation of a
non-displaced hip. The examiner adducts the flexed hip and gently
pushes the thigh posteriorly in an effort to dislocate the femoral head.
 Ortolani test is the reverse of Barlow test; The examiner attempts to
reduce a dislocated hip.
Note: A hip click is the high-pitched sensation (or sound) felt at the very end of
abduction during testing for DDH with Barlow and Ortolani maneuvers. Classically, a
hip click is differentiated from a hip clunk, which is felt as the hip goes in and out of
joint. Hip clicks usually originate in the ligamentum teres or occasionally in the fascia
lata or psoas tendon and do not indicate a significant hip abnormality.

 INFANT: As the baby enters the 2nd and 3rd months of life, the soft
tissues begin to tighten and the Ortolani and Barlow tests are no
longer reliable.
In this age group, the examiner must look for other specific physical
findings including:-
 Limited hip abduction is the most reliable sign.
 Asymmetry of the gluteal or thigh folds, (although may be present in
10% of normal infants).
 Apparent shortening of the thigh. Galeazzi sign is best appreciated
by placing both hips in 90 degrees of flexion and comparing the height
of the knees, looking for asymmetry with shortening of the affected side.
 Proximal location of the greater trochanter & pistoning of the hip.
In Klisic test, the examiner places the 3rd finger over the greater
trochanter and the index finger of the same hand on the anterior
superior iliac spine; in normal hip, an imaginary line drawn between the
- 509 -
two fingers points to the umbilicus; whereas in dislocated hip, the
trochanter is elevated, and the line projects halfway between umbilicus
and pubis.
 CHILD: The walking child often presents to the physician after the
family has noticed alimp, waddling gait, or leg-length discrepancy.
The affected side appears shorter than the normal extremity, and the
child toe-walks on the affected side.
The Trendelenburg sign is positive in these children, and an abductor
lurch is usually observed when the child walks. As in the younger child,
there is limited hip abduction on the affected side and the knees are at
different levels when the hips are flexed (Galeazzi sign). Excessive
lordosis, which develops secondary to altered hip mechanics is
common and is often the presenting complaint.

 US: It is the diagnostic modality of choice for DDH before the
appearance of the femoral head ossific nucleus in the 4-6 mo of age. It
also provides dynamic information about the stability of the hip joint
during monitoring of infants with Pavlik harness.
Note: During early newborn period (1st mo), physical exam is preferred
over US because there is a high incidence of false-positive sonograms;
therefore, screening for DDH with US remains controversial (except those
with risk factors for DDH); but however, children who have abnormal
physical findings should be followed up with US.

 X-ray: Radiographs are recommended for an infant once the proximal

femoral epiphysis ossifies, usually by 4-6 mo because they have proved
to be more effective, less costly, and less operator dependent than an US
exam. An AP view of pelvis can be interpreted through several classic
lines Hilgenreiner, Perkins, and Shenton lines drawn on it as below:-

- 521 -
Rx. The goals in the management of DDH are to obtain and maintain a
concentric reduction of the femoral head within the acetabulum to
provide the optimal environment for the normal development of both the
femoral head and acetabulum. The later the diagnosis of DDH is made,
the more difficult it is to achieve these goals. Therapy can be divided
according to age of the patient:-

 Neonates & Infants < 6 mo: Newborns should generally be treated with
Pavlik harness as soon as the diagnosis of DDH is made. However, hip
management of newborns <4 wk of age is less clear because significant
proportion of these hips normalize within 3-4 wk; therefore, many
physicians prefer to re-examine these newborns after a few weeks
before making treatment decisions.
Pavlik harness is putted on a full-time basis for 6 wk; it requires
frequent examinations (better by US) and readjustments to ensure that
it is fitting correctly because if it do not demonstrate concentric
reduction of the hip after 3-4 wk of Rx, the harness should be
abandoned as it can cause “Pavlik harness disease” or wearing away of
the posterior aspect of the acetabulum, which can make the ultimate
reduction less stable.
Note: Triple diapers or abduction diapers have no place in the Rx of DDH
in the newborn.

 Children 6 mo – 2 yr: The principal goals in the Rx of the late-diagnosed

DDH is to obtain and maintain reduction of the hip without damaging
the femoral head.
Closed reductions are performed in the operating room under general
anesthesia. An arthrogram obtained at the time of reduction is very
helpful for evaluating the depth and stability of the reduction. The
reduction is maintained in a well-molded spica cast in the “human
position” of moderate flexion and abduction within the "safe zone". After
the procedure, single-cut CT or MRI may be used to confirm the
reduction. After 12 wk of closed reduction, the plaster cast is removed;
then an abduction orthosis is used to encourage remodeling of
Failure to obtain a stable hip with closed reduction indicates the need
for an open reduction. Acetabular development after closed or open
reduction is excellent and continues for 4-8 yr after the procedure.

- 520 -
 Children > 2 yr: Children 2-6 yr with DDH usually require an open
reduction. In this age group, concomitant femoral shortening
osteotomy is often performed to reduce the pressure on the proximal
femur and minimize the risk of osteonecrosis. Because the potential for
acetabular development is markedly diminished in these older children,
pelvic osteotomy is usually also performed. Postoperatively, patients
are immobilized in a spica cast for 6-12 wk.

Cx. Avascular necrosis of the femoral epiphysis is the most important

Cx of DDH. Reduction of femoral head under pressure or in extreme
abduction can result in occlusion of the epiphyseal vessels and produce
partial or total infarction of epiphysis. Hip is most vulnerable to this Cx in
the 1st 4-6 mo of life when the ossific nucleus appears.
Other Cxs include: redislocation, residual subluxation, acetabular
dysplasia, and postoperative Cx e.g. wound infections.

- 522 -
(Diaper Dermatitis)
Et. It is a type of irritant contact dermatitis usually due to
overhydration of skin, friction, maceration, & prolonged contact with
urine, feces, & topical preparations.
Path. Skin of diaper area become erythematous and scaly, often with
papulovesicular or bullous lesions, fissures, & erosions; eruption can be
patchy or confluent but the genitocrural folds are often spared.
Secondary infection with bacteria or yeasts is common & here
genitocrural folds may become involved.
D.Dx. It should be considered when eruption is persistent including
Candidiasis; Allergic contact dermatitis; Atopic dermatitis; Seborrheic
dermatitis; Perianal streptococcal dermatitis; Psoriasis; Acrodermatitis
enteropathica; or Histiocytosis X.

Rx. It can be prevented or treated by simple measures including:-

1- Avoid prolonged contact of skin with feces and urine by frequent
changing of diapers.
2- Avoid overwashing & overhydration of skin; use disposable diapers
containing super-absorbent material.
3- Frequent topical applications of barrier agents e.g. Petrolatum or Zinc
Oxide ointments. Topical sucralfate is an effective barrier with some
antibacterial activity.
4- If the above measures are not effective, use topical Hydrocortisone
ointment (2.5%) after each diaper change for only few days because
prolonged use of steroids (especially fluorinated) is harmfull to the skin.
5- If the area is superimposed with candidal infection, which can be
identified by red-pink tender skin with numerous small satellite papules
and pustules at the periphery of dermatitis; apply topical anticandidal
agent e.g. Nystatin cream followed by a barrier agent; whereas
persistent candidal dermatitis may require addition of oral antifungal
agent especially if associated with oral thrush. Generalized fungal
hypersensitivity (Id reaction) may require addition of mild
corticosteroids preparations.
6- Superimposed bacterial infection (especially Staph. aureus) can be
identified by thin-walled pustules. Rx by topical & oral anti-
staphylococcal antibiotics.

- 523 -
Note: Syndromes that are mentioned previously in this book are not
included in this section.

- 524 -
Abetalipoproteinemia: AR; starts with malabsorption of fat and
progresses to progressive cerebellar ataxia and pigmentary degeneration
of the retina; characterized by absent or reduced lipoproteins and low
carotene, vitamin A, and cholesterol levels; and acanthocytosis (spiny
projections of RBCs).

Acrodermatitis enteropathica: AR; characterized by zinc deficiency,

vesicobullous and eczematous skin lesions in the perioral and perineal
areas, cheeks, knees, and elbows; photophobia, conjunctivitis and corneal
dystrophy; chronic diarrhea; glossitis; nail dystrophy; growth
retardation; and superinfections and Candida infections.

Agenesis of corpus callosum: cause unknown (rarely XL recessive);

absence of the major tracts connecting the right and left hemispheres is
usually associated with hydrocephalus, seizures, developmental delay,
abnormal head size, and hypertelorism.

Aicardi syndrome: occurs exclusively in infant girls and consists of

coloboma of the iris, retinal lacunae, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and
severe seizures with subsequent infantile spasms.

Alagille syndrome (arteriohepatic dysplasia): characterized by paucity

or absence of intrahepatic bile ducts with progressive destruction of bile
ducts; patients have a broad forehead, deep-set eyes that are widely
spaced and underdeveloped, a small, pointed mandible, cardiac lesions,
vertebral arch defects, and changes in the renal tubules and interstitium.

Alexander disease: AD, rare disease of unknown pathogenesis;

characterized by megaloencephaly in infants, dementia, spasticity and
ataxia; may cause seizures in younger children; patients become mute,
immobile, and dependent; hyaline eosinophilic inclusions occur in the
footplates of astrocytes in subpial and subependymal regions.

Alport syndrome: several forms are hereditary male-to-male AD, and an

XL form also exists; characterized by neurosensory deafness and
progressive renal failure.

Anderson disease (glycogen storage disease, type IV): caused by a defect

in the glycogen branching enzyme 1, 4-glucan branching enzyme;
characterized by hepatomegaly and failure to thrive in the first few
months of life, progressing to liver cirrhosis and splenomegaly.
- 525 -
Apert syndrome (acrocephalosyndactyly): AD; characterized by high
and flat frontal bones, underdevelopment of the middle third of the face,
hypertelorism and proptosis; a narrow, high, arched palate; a short,
beaked nose; and syndactyly of the toes and digits.

Arthrogryposis multiplex congenital: characterized by fixed

contractures of the middle joints; present at birth.

Asperger syndrome: a developmental disorder on the higher-

functioning end of the autism spectrum. These patients, often viewed as
brilliant, eccentric, and physically awkward, fail to develop relationships
with peers, have repetitive and stereotyped behaviors, usually with hand

Bartter syndrome: hypertrophy of the juxtaglomerular apparatus;

characterized by hypokalemic alkalosis, hypochloremia, and
hyperaldosteronism; patients have normal blood pressure but the renin
level is elevated; may lead to mental retardation and short stature.

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: characterized by hypoglycemia,

macrosomia, and visceromegaly; patients have umbilical anomalies and
renal medullary dysplasia.

Behcet syndrome: unknown cause; involves relapsing iridocyclitis and

recurrent oral and genital ulcerations; 50% of patients have arthritis.

Bloom syndrome: AR; characterized by erythema and telangiectasia in a

butterfly distribution, photosensitivity, and dwarfism.

Blount disease (tibia vara): characterized by irregularity of the medial

aspect of the tibial metaphysis adjacent to the epiphysis; bowing starts as
angulation at the metaphysis.

Blue diaper syndrome: defective tryptophan absorption; characterized

by bluish stains on the diapers, digestive disturbances, fever, and visual

Byler disease: AR; familial cholestasis; characterized by hepatomegaly,

pruritus, splenomegaly, elevated bile acids, and gallstones.

Caroli disease: AR; cystic dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ducts;

characterized by recurrent bouts of cholangitis and biliary abscesses
secondary to bile stasis and gallstones.
- 526 -
Cat's eye syndrome: AD; characterized by ocular coloboma, down-
slanting eyes, congenital heart disease, and anal atresia.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: most common cause of chronic

peripheral neuropathy; characterized by foot drop, high-arch foot;
patients may have stocking-glove sensory loss.

Chediak-Higashi syndrome: AR; involves partial oculocutaneous

albinism, increased susceptibility to infection, lack of natural killer cells,
and large, lysosome-like granules in many tissues; patients have
splenomegaly, hypersplenism, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy,
nystagmus photophobia, and peripheral neuropathy.

Cockayne syndrome: AR; characterized by dwarfism, mental

retardation, bird-like facies, premature senility, and photosensitivity.

Cornelia de Lange syndrome: prenatal growth retardation;

characterized by microcephaly, hirsutism, anteverted nares, down-
turned mouth, mental retardation, and congenital heart defects.

Cri du chat syndrome: characterized by growth retardation, mental

deficiency, hypotonia, microcephaly, round moon face, hypertelorism,
epicanthal folds, and down-slanting palpebral fissures.

Crigler-Najjar syndrome (congenital nonhemolytic unconjugated

hyperbilirubinemia): type 1 is AR; deficiency of uridine diphosphate
(UDP) glucuronyl transferase causes a rapid increase in the unconjugated
bilirubin level on the first day of life; no hemolysis occurs and patients
have no conjugation activity; type 2 is AD with variable penetrance
causing partial activity of UDP glucuronyl transferase.

Cronkhite-Canada syndrome: diffuse intestinal polyps involving large

and small intestine; characterized by alopecia, brown skin lesions, and
onychatrophia; patients have diarrhea and protein-losing enteropathy.

Crouzon syndrome (craniofacial dysostosis):AD with a range of

expressivity; characterized by exophthalmos, hypertelorism, and
hypoplasia of maxilla; patients have oral cavity anomalies and premature
closure of the external auditory meatus.

Cyclic Neutropenia: syndrome involving lack of granulocyte

macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF); characterized by fever,
- 527 -
mouth lesions, cervical adenitis, and gastroenteritis occurring every 3 to
6 weeks; neutrophil count may be zero.

Diamond-Blackfan syndrome (congenital hypoplastic anemia): failure

of erythropoiesis; characterized by macrocytic anemia; patients have
anemia, pallor, and weakness, elevated fetal hemoglobin (HbF).

DiGeorge syndrome: thymic hypoplasia with hypocalcemia; patients

have tetany, abnormal facies, congenital heart disease, and increased
incidence of infection.

Dubin-Johnson syndrome: AR; characterized by elevated conjugated

bilirubin, large amounts of coproporphyrin I in urine, and deposits of
melanin-like pigment in hepatocellular lysosomes.

Dubowitz syndrome: children with this syndrome nearly always have a

history of intrauterine growth retardation involving both low birth
weight, reduced length, and microcephaly. Facial characteristics include
triangular face; small, receding chin; and broad and sometimes flat nasal

Ectodermal dysplasia: characterized by the poor development, or

absence, of teeth, nails, hair, and sweat glands; patients have
hyperextensible skin, hypermobile joints, and easy bruisability.

Fabry disease: XL, lipid storage disease; involves a defect of the

ceramide trihexoside-galactosidase; characterized by tingling and
burning in the hands and feet; small, red maculopapular lesions on the
buttocks, inguinal area, fingernails, and lips; and an inability to perspire;
patients have proteinuria, progressing to renal failure.

Fetal alcohol syndrome: characterized by a small body, head, and

maxillary bone; abnormal palpebral fissures; epicanthal folds; cardiac
septal defect; delayed development; and mental deficiency.

Fetal hydantoin syndrome: characterized by hypoplasia of the midface,

low nasal bridge, ocular hypertelorism, cupid bow upper lip; patients
experience slow growth, may have mental retardation, cleft lip, and
cardiac malformation.

- 528 -
Friedreich ataxia: mostly AR; appears in late childhood or in
adolescence; involves progressive cerebellar and spinal cord dysfunction;
patients have high-arched foot, hammer toes, and cardiac failure.

Fructose intolerance: AR; involves deficiency of fructose-1-phosphate

aldolase or fructose 1,6-diphosphatase; characterized by vomiting,
diarrhea, hypoglycemic seizures, and jaundice.

Gardner syndrome: characterized by multiple gastrointestinal polyps

with malignant transformation, skin cysts, and multiple osteoma.

Gaucher disease: abnormal storage of glucosylceramide in the

reticuloendothelial system; three types: (a) adult, or chronic, (b) acute
neuropathic, or infantile, (c) subacute neuropathic, or juvenile;
characterized by splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, delayed development,
strabismus, swallowing difficulties, laryngeal spasm, opisthotonos, and
bone pain.

Gianotti-Crosti syndrome: papular acrodermatitis with hepatitis B virus

(HBV) infection; usually benign and self-limited.

Glanzmann disease: AR; involves defective primary platelet aggregation

(size and survival of platelets is normal).

Goldenhar syndrome: characterized by oculoauriculovertebral

dysplasia and mandibular hypoplasia; patients have a hypoplastic
zygomatic arch; malformed, displaced pinnae, and hearing loss.

Goltz syndrome: focal dermal hypoplasia; herniations of fat through

thinned dermis produce tan papillomas associated with other skin
defects and skeletal anomalies (e.g., syndactyly, polydactyly, spinal
defects); patients also have colobomas, strabismus, and nystagmus.

Gradenigo syndrome: acquired palsy of the abducens nerve and pain in

the trigeminal nerve distribution, usually occurs after otitis media;
produces diplopia, ocular and facial pain, photophobia, and lacrimation.

Hartnup disease: AR defect in transport of monoamine monocarboxylic

amino acids by intestinal mucosa and renal tubules; characterized by
photosensitivity and a pellagra-like skin rash; patients may have
cerebellar ataxia.

- 529 -
Histiocytosis X (Reticuloendotheliosis): formerly called eosinophilic
granuloma, Hand-Scoller-Christian disease, or Letterer-Siwe disease;
patients may have a few solitary bone lesions or seborrheic dermatitis of
scalp, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, tooth loss, exophthalmos,
or pulmonary infiltrates.

Hunter syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis II): XL recessive;

characterized by an accumulation of heparan sulfate and dermatan
sulfate and enzyme deficiency of l-iduronate sulfatase.

Hurler syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis I): AR; characterized by an

accumulation of heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate, and enzyme
deficiency of -l-iduronidase.

Hyper-IgE syndrome: characterized by recurrent deep tissue and skin

staphylococcal infections; patients have eosinophilia and IgE levels that
are 10 times greater than normal.

Incontinentia Pigmenti: XL dominant that is lethal in males; a rare,

heritable, multisystem ectodermal disorder features dermatologic,
dental, and ocular abnormalities.

Jeune thoracic dystrophy: characterized by respiratory distress, short

limbs, and polydactyly; may progress to renal insufficiency.

Job syndrome: characterized by severe staphylococcal infections,

chronic skin disease, and cold abscesses; patients may have elevated IgE.

Kallmann syndrome: familial; characterized by isolated gonadotropin

deficiency and anosmia.

Kartagener syndrome: characterized by immotile cilia with sinusitis

and bronchiectasis.

Kasabach-Merritt syndrome: characterized by hemangioma and

consumption coagulopathy, platelet trapping, and microangiopathic
hemolytic anemia.

Klinefelter syndrome: XXY karyotype; characterized by seminiferous

tubule dysgenesis, testicular atrophy, eunuchoid habitus, and

- 531 -
Klippel-Feil syndrome: characterized by a short neck, limited neck
motion, and low occipital hairline.

Krabbe leukodystrophy: AR; characterized by cerebroside lipidosis and

lack of myelin in white matter; usually presents by age 1 year; patients
have hyperreflexia, rigidity, swallowing difficulties, lack of development.

Larsen syndrome: usually AD; characterized multiple dislocations, and

skin hyperlaxity.

Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome: characterized by retinitis

pigmentosa, polydactyly, obesity, and hypogonadism.

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome: XL recessive disorder; characterized by a

defect in purine metabolism; patients have hyperuricemia as a result of
diminished or absent hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase
(HGPRT) activity, choreoathetosis, compulsive self-mutilation, mental
retardation, and growth failure.

Letterer-Siwe disease: component of histiocytosis X; characterized by

acute disseminated histiocytosis; patients have seborrheic-looking skin
lesions, bone lesions, gingival lesions, and liver and lung infiltrates.

Lowe syndrome (oculocerebral dystrophy): XL recessive; patients have

congenital cataracts, glaucoma, hypotonia, hyperreflexia, severe mental
retardation, rickets, osteopenia, pathologic fractures, aminoaciduria, and
organic aciduria.

Maffucci syndrome: multiple enchondromata and hemangioma of the

bone and overlying skin; patients have short stature, skeletal deformities,
scoliosis, and limb disproportion.

Marfan syndrome: AD; connective tissue disorder characterized by

ectopia lentis; dilatation of the aorta; long, thin extremities; pectus
excavatum or carinatum; scoliosis; and pneumothorax.

McCune-Albright syndrome: (polyostotic fibrous dysplasia); found

more commonly in girls; patients may have precocious puberty,
hyperthyroidism, gigantism headaches, epilepsy, and mental deficiency.

MELAS syndrome: (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and

stroke-like episodes); causes seizures, alternating hemiparesis,

- 530 -
hemianopsia, or cortical blindness; patients have lactic acidosis, spongy
degeneration of the brain, sensorineural hearing loss, and short stature.

Menkes syndrome: XL recessive; patients have short scalp hair,

hypopigmentation, hypothermia, growth failure, skeletal defects, arterial
aneurysms, seizures, and progressive central nervous system (CNS)

Moebius syndrome: characterized by cranial nerve defects and a

hypoplastic tongue or digits.

Morquio syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type 4): characterized by

severe skeletal deformities, pectus carinatum, kyphoscoliosis, short neck,
hypoplasia of the odontoid processes, C1 and C2 dislocation,
neurosensory deafness, and aortic insufficiency.

Multiple cartilaginous exostosis: characterized by bony projections

near the ends of the tubular bones and ribs, scapula, vertebral bodies,
and iliac crest; the exostoses become calcified and cause skeletal
deformities; appears after the age of 3 years.

Nail-patella syndrome: AD; characterized by dystrophic and

hypoplastic nails, hypoplastic patellae and iliac horns, and malformed
radial heads; may lead to nephrotic syndrome and renal failure.

Niemann-Pick disease: storage of sphingomyelin and cholesterol causes

hepatomegaly; patients are normal at birth but experience delayed
development; 50% have a macular cherry red spot.

Noonan syndrome: normal karyotype; characterized by cardiac lesions

(atrial septal defect or pulmonic stenosis); facial changes (palpebral
slant, broad flat nose); webbed neck; short stature; a high, arched palate;
and malformed ears.

Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome: hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia;

patients have telangiectasia in the skin, respiratory tract mucosa, lips,
nails, conjunctiva, and nasal and oral mucosae.

Parinaud syndrome: characterized by weakness of upward gaze, poor

convergence and accommodation, refractive nystagmus, and pupillary

- 532 -
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease: characterized by dancing eye
movements, delayed motor development and spasticity, small head, poor
head control, and possible optic atrophy and seizures.

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome: AD; patients have bluish-black macules

around the mouth and intestinal polyposis in the small bowel.

Pickwickian syndrome: characterized by obesity and hypoventilation

syndrome; patients may have respiratory arrest, & restless sleep.

Pierre-Robin syndrome: characterized by severe micrognathia,

glossoptosis, and cleft palate.

Poland syndrome: characterized by a unilateral hypoplastic pectoral

muscle with ipsilateral upper limb deficiency, syndactyly, and a defect of
the subclavian artery.

Prader-Willi syndrome: characterized by hypotonia, mental

retardation, hypogonadism, obesity, and narrow bifrontal diameter;
patients may have a deletion in chromosome 15.

Progeria: characterized by premature aging, severe growth failure,

atherosclerosis, alopecia, and dystrophic nails.

Prune-belly syndrome (Eagle-Barrett syndrome): characterized by

deficiency of the abdominal musculature, dilatation and dysplasia of the
urinary tract, cryptorchidism, and dilatation of the posterior urethra.

Rieger syndrome: sporadic AD; characterized by microcornea with

opacity, iris hypoplasia, anterior synechiae, hypodontia, and maxillary

Riley-Day syndrome (familial dysautonomia): affects sensory and

autonomic functions; patients have poor feeding, aspiration, no tears,
high threshold to pain, markedly decreased reflexes, smooth tongue and
impaired taste, and erratic blood pressure and temperature.

Rotor syndrome: AR; characterized by elevated conjugated bilirubin,

elevated coproporphyrin I and coproporphyrin in urine, and normal liver

- 533 -
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: characterized by broad thumbs and toes,
short stature, mental retardation, beaked nose, hypoplastic mandible,
and congenital heart defect.

Russell-Silver syndrome: characterized by intrauterine growth

retardation (IUGR), subnormal growth velocity, dwarfism, triangular
facies, clinodactyly, simian creases, and genitourinary malformations.

Sandhoff GM2-gangliosidosis: characterized by deficient

hexosaminidase activity leading to cherry red spot in macula, failure to
develop motor skills, blindness, weakness, and seizures.

Sanfilippo syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis III): AR; characterized by

accumulation of heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and (sulfatidase in
type A or N-acetylglucosaminidase in type B).

Scheie syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis IS): AR; characterized by

accumulation of heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate, and an enzyme
defect affecting -l-iduronidase.

Scimitar syndrome: characterized by hypoplasia of the right lung with

systemic arterial supply, anomalous right pulmonary vein, and
dextroposition of heart.

Seckel syndrome: characterized by intrauterine growth retardation

(IUGR), microcephaly, sharp facial features with underdeveloped chin,
and mental retardation.

Shwachman-Diamond syndrome: characterized by pancreatic

dysfunction, short stature, bone marrow dysfunction, and skeletal

Silo filler disease: acute pneumonitis caused by inhalation of nitrogen

dioxide; patients have chills, fever, cough, dyspnea, and cyanosis;
associated with a high mortality rate.

Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: characterized by short stature,

microcephaly, ptosis, anteverted nares, micrognathia, syndactyly,
cryptorchidism, and mental retardation.

Sotos syndrome: characterized by cerebral gigantism, large head and

ears, prominent mandible, mental retardation, and poor coordination.

- 534 -
Stickler syndrome: AD; characterized by prominent joints, arthritis,
hypotonia, hyperextensible joints, mitral valve prolapse, and ocular

Sturge-Weber syndrome: characterized by a port-wine stain on the face

at the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve; patients have seizures
and mental retardation.

Swyer-James syndrome: characterized by unilateral hyperlucent lung

following bronchiolitis obliterans.

Tourette syndrome: dominant trait with partial penetrance;

characterized by multiple tics (e.g., blinking, twitching, grimacing) and
usually associated with vocal tics; patients may have learning disabilities.

Treacher-Collins syndrome: AD with incomplete penetration;

characterized by mandibulofacial dysostosis; patients have hypoplastic
mandible; hypoplastic zygomatic arches; antimongoloid slant to eyes;
deformities of the pinna; and a high, arched palate with or without cleft

Trisomy 9: characterized by deep-set eyes, bulbous nasal tip, an anxious

facial expression, and cleft lip.

Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome): characterized by midline defects e.g.

cleft lip & CNS anormalies; also patients usually have microphthalmia,
postaxial polydactyly, and cardiovascular anomalies. Most patients die
within 6 months of life.

Trisomy 18 (Edward syndrome): characterized by IUGR with small

face, high nasal bridge, short palpebral fissures, micrognathia, small
mouth, overriding fingers, and hypoplastic nails. Most patients die within
1 year of life.

Tuberous sclerosis: AD; patients have seizures, mental retardation,

intracranial calcifications, hypopigmented macules, ash leaf spots,
connective tissue nevi (shagreen spots), adenoma sebaceum, and

Turcot syndrome: characterized by adenomatous colonic polyposis

associated with malignant brain tumors, especially glioblastomas.

- 535 -
Turner syndrome (XO karyotype): characterized by gonadal dysplasia
(streak gonads), short stature, sexual infantilism, low hairline, webbed
neck, congenital lymphedema of the extremities, coarctation of the aorta,
and increased carrying angle.

Usher syndrome: AR; characterized by retinitis pigmentosa, cataracts,

and sensorineural deafness.

Vanishing testes (testicular regression) syndrome: characterized by

bilateral gonadal failure with normal external male genitalia, normal 46,
XY karyotype, absent testes, and no male puberty.

Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome: characterized by uveo-otocutaneous

syndrome: poliosis, vitiligo, deafness, tinnitus, uveitis, aseptic meningitis,

Von Gierke disease (type 1 glycogenosis): glucose-6-phosphate

dehydrogenase (G6PD) is absent in the liver, kidney, and intestinal
mucosa; characterized by hypoglycemia under stress (e.g., fasting),
hepatomegaly, and seizures.

Von Hippel-Landau disease: AD (linked to chromosome 3);

characterized by hemangioblastoma of the cerebellum and retina;
patients have cystic cerebellar neoplasm with increased intracranial
pressure (ICP).

Waardenburg syndrome: AD; characterized by white forelock,

heterochromic irides, displacement of the inner canthi, broad nasal root,
and confluent eyebrows.

Wegener granulomatosis: necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis of the

arteries and veins; involves airways, lungs, and kidneys with resultant
rhinorrhea, nasal ulceration, hemoptysis, and cough; patients have
hematuria caused by necrotizing vasculitis.

Werner syndrome: AR; characterized by short stature, juvenile

cataracts, hypogonadism, gray hair in second decade.

Williams syndrome: characterized by mental retardation, hypoplastic

nails, periorbital fullness, supravalvular aortic stenosis, growth delay,
and stellate iris.

- 536 -
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: characterized by thrombocytopenia, severe
eczema, and recurrent skin infections.

Wolman disease: fatal condition characterized by primary

xanthomatosis, adrenal insufficiency and calcification, vomiting, failure to
thrive, steatorrhea, hepatomegaly.

Zellweger syndrome (cerebrohepatorenal syndrome): characterized by

hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis; patients have seizures, mental retardation,
hypotonia, glaucoma, congenital stippled epiphyses, and cysts of the
renal cortex.

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: characterized by islet cell tumors that

produce high gastrin levels and excessive acid secretion with multiple
duodenal and jejunal ulcers.

- 537 -

- 538 -
Pediatric history usually involves the following items:-

1. Introduction.
2. Present illness & its duration.
3. Hx of the present illness.
4. Review of other systems.
5. Past medical & surgical hx.
6. Drug hx & allergy.
7. Prenatal, perinatal, & postnatal hx.
8. Nutritional hx.
9. Developmental hx.
10. Vaccination hx.
11. Family hx.
12. Socio-economic hx.

The following are notes about each item:-

1. Introduction includes name, sex, age & address of patient, date of

admission, date of examination & source of hx taking (e.g. mother).

2. Present illness; first take the chief complaint (as described by the
patient or mother) &duration of the last present illness.

3. Hx of the present illness; now take a full hx about the chief complaint
including its onset & progression. Here you can recall your information
about the D.Dx. of the present illness by checking C.M. of each disease in
your mind with the present illness, but do not adhere to one diagnosis &
avoid leading questions.
If the present illness is pain, you should take the full hx about pain
including: site, radiation, nature, severity, frequency, duration of the
attack, timing in the day, aggravating & relieving factors, and associated

4. Review of other systems include symptoms of systems that related to

the suspected disease (because some disease involve more than one
system), with rapid review to other systems that are not related.

- 539 -
5. Past medical & surgical hx include any disease in addition to the
present illness as well as any surgical operation previously done.

6. Drug hx include any drug, its dose & for how long taken by patient.
Allergy to any drug must also be determined.

10. Prenatal, perinatal, & postnatal hx are very important especially

when the patient is neonate or infant. Prenatal hx include maternal
illnesses during pregnancy e.g. DM, PET, infectious disease...etc. & hx of
prior pregnancies. Perinatal hx include preterm or post-term delivery,
duration of rupture membranes & difficulty of labor. Postnatal hx include
birth asphyxia, seizure, jaundice...etc.

7. Nutritional hx is especially important when there is suspicion of

malnutrition or FTT. Take details about feeding whether it is breast or
bottle, weaning foods, the amount & frequency of feeding...etc.

8. Developmental hx is especially important when there is suspicion of

developmental delay. Take details about each aspect e.g. gross & fine
motor, language & social milestones.

9. Vaccination hx is especially important when there is suspicion of an

infectious disease. Take details about each vaccine whether it taken in its
appropriate time & if there is any omitted vaccine.

11. Family hx is especially important when there is suspicion of

hereditable or infectious disease, it include consanguinity of parents, how
much sibling & their health state, any hereditable disease in the family.

12. Socio-economic hx include the impact of disease on the patient & his
family, school performance, housing conditions, economic status &
resources of the family.

- 541 -
It includes general & specific examination e.g. cardiovascular,
respiratory, abdominal...etc. It may be better to start with general exam
before rush into any specific exam.

General Examination
It includes: level of consciousness of patient, looks ill or well, pale,
jaundice, dyspneic, cyanosed, dehydrated...etc. It also may include
Pubertal (Tanner) staging when there is concern about disorders of
puberty in the patient.

Vital signs include: temperature, pulse rate, & respiratory rate. Blood
pressure should be part of the vital signs in children above 3 years of age;
whereas children below 3 years, you can measure capillary refilling time.
Note: BP can be deferred to the end of exam. If it is high, check it in both upper
limbs & one leg to exclude coarctation of aorta.

Growth parameters include: weight, length/height & head

circumference (for infants & young children) should be measured &
putted on appropriate growth chart, but these parameters can also be
deferred to the end of examination.

Examine the body from top to bottom as follows:-

 Head exam involve its shape, hair, fontanels (in infants), eyes, nose,
mouth, ears, dysmorphic facies...etc.

 Neck is better examined while you are standing in front and behind the
patient; look for lymph nodes, thyroid gland, trachea, any mass...etc.

 Hand exam; look for peripheral cyanosis, palmer creases, clubbing,

nails...etc. Always compare between the two hands.

 Leg exam; look for edema, joint swelling, peripheral pulsations...etc.

Also compare between the two legs.

If you see a skin rash, try to describe it by its site, size, shape, color,
surface, and whether single or multiple.

- 540 -
Any mass in the body should be described according to its site, size,
shape, surface, consistency (firm or soft), tenderness, mobility on
underlying structures, & state of regional lymph nodes.

Finally, in any examination (whether general or specific), always do not

forget to examine the back (see later).

Normal Limits of Vital Signs

Heart Rate Respiratory Rate Blood Pressure
(beats/min) (breaths/min) (mm Hg)
Premature 120-170 40-70 55-75/35-45
0-3 mo 100-150 35-55 65-85/45-55
3-6 mo 90-120 30-45 70-90/50-65
6-12 mo 80-120 25-40 80-100/55-65
1-3 yr 70-110 20-30 90-105/55-70
3-6 yr 65-110 20-25 95-110/60-75
6-12 yr 60-95 14-22 100-120/60-75
>12 yr 55-85 12-18 110-135/65-85

Note: Children above 1 year, normal BP can roughly be determined by the

Systolic = 90 + Age (yr)
Diastolic = 55 + Age (yr)

- 542 -
Cardiovascular Examination
Pulse in children should be examined from the bracheal artery (rather
than radial A.). Determine the following: rate, volume (small or large),
rhythm (regular or irregular), & character (collapsing, pulsus paradoxus
...etc). Feel femoral pulses (absent in coarctation of aorta) & check radio-
femoral delay (present in coarctation of aorta).

Examination of Precordium (put the patient in 450 on bed):-

 Inspection; look for shape of chest, any deformity, scar, signs of

dyspnea, visible precordial pulsation, count the respiratory rate.

 Palpation; feel the precordium for thrill, heaving, palpable heart sound,
and determine the position of the Apex beat (normally it is in 4th
intercostal space in the midclavicular line) whether it is displaced, also
determine its quality (sustained, forceful, or thrusting).

 Percussion for the heart is not valuable in children.

 Auscultation is the most important in cardiac exam. There are 4

auscultatory areas that correspond to each valve (mitral, tricuspid,
aortic, & pulmonary areas). During auscultation, try to differentiate
between heart sounds, added sounds, & murmurs.

Listen carefully to the heart sounds (H.S.) & determine whether they are
normal, loud, or abnormally splitted.
Note: 2nd H.S. is normally splitted during expiration (aortic valve close before
pulmonary valve).

Added sounds include 3rd H.S. (due to rapid ventricular filling & it may
occur in normal children), 4th H.S. (due to failure of either ventricle, thus
it is always pathologic), opening snap, & ejection click.

If you hear a murmur, you should determine the following: site of

maximum intensity, radiation, timing (systolic or diastolic), duration
(ejection systolic or pansystolic), intensity (divided into 6 grades),
quality (blowing or harsh), & change with respiration or posture.
Note: According to the above criteria, you can differentiate between pathological
murmurs from benign (innocent) murmurs.

- 543 -
If you hear a murmur in the mitral area, look for its radiation to the left
axilla, aortic area to the neck, & pulmonary area to the back.

Now, examine the back for inspection, palpation, & auscultate for basal
crepitations; then examine the abdomen to check for hepatomegaly (in
HF); and for peripheral edema (in HF) which occur over sacrum in
infants & over legs in ambulant children; also palpate the peripheral
pulses (popliteal A. & dorsalis pedis A.).

Respiratory Examination
 Inspection of chest in respiratory exam is similar to that of
cardiovascular exam (see above) with special focusing on the signs of
dyspnea e.g. retractions & use of accessory muscles of respiration; also
look from the side of the chest to see antero-posterior diameter.

 Palpation; look for shifting of mediastinum by localizing the trachea &

apex beat; also determine chest expansion & tactile vocal fremitus.

 Percussion; there are (10) areas anteriorly & (8) posteriorly for
percussion. try to determine whether it is normal (resonant), hyper-
resonant, dull, or stony dull.

 Auscultation; auscultatory areas are the same as those of percussion.

Listen to the breath sounds & determine whether they are normal,
diminished, or absent; also determine whether vesicular or bronchial;
whether expiratory phase is prolonged (as in obstructive airway
diseases e.g. asthma).
Listen carefully to the added sounds e.g. wheezes (ronchi), crackles
(crepitations), pleural rub, as well as transmitted sounds from the upper
airway (which can be differentiated easily by putting the stethoscope on
the neck).

Finally, examine the back as in front for inspection, palpation,

percussion, & auscultation.

Note: Vocal resonance is equivalent to the tactile vocal fremitus, so if you do

one, no need to do the other.

- 544 -
Abdominal Examination
 Inspection; look for distension, shape of umbilicus, any scar, symmetry,
hernial orifices...etc.

 Palpation includes superficial palpation to detect tenderness; deep

palpation to detect masse; organ palpation for liver, spleen, & kidneys.
When you detect hepatomegaly, always do liver span by percussion.

 Percussion; to detect ascitis, do shifting dullness & fluid thrill. To

palpate abdominal organs with huge ascitis, use the dipping method.

 Auscultation; listen for bowel sound (sluggish or hyperactive), renal

bruit (in renal artery stenosis).

Finally, examine the back to look for renal angle tenderness. Also ask to
see the genitalia, perianal area, & napkin of patient (to look at the urine &
stool if available).
Note: D.Dx. of abdominal distension include (5 Fs): fat, flatus, feces, fluid, or fetus!

Musculoskeletal Examination
 Joint exam usually follow the exam rule: look, feel, & move.

 Look for signs of inflammation: pain, swelling, redness, hotness, & loss
of function. Whenever there is knee swelling, do patellar tap.

 Look for any muscle wasting, fasciculation; Look for Gower sign & Gait.
Note: Examination of the lower limbs can be started with the gait.

 Always ask the patient whether there is any pain or tenderness during
movement or palpation. Start with active before passive movement of
joints. Check each joint for its full range of movement.

 Examine the spine in standing & bending positions to look for kyphosis
or scoliosis. If the patient is limping, measure both legs to exclude leg
length discrepancy. Measure any swelling in limb & compare it with the
 It alsomay involve neurological exam & arterial pulsations of the limbs.

- 545 -
Neurological Examination
General Neurological Examination:-
1. Inspection: look for skin lesions (neuro-cutaneous syndromes), muscle
wasting, posture, spontaneous movement...etc.

2. Palpation: feel the limb for temperature, tenderness, edema, &


3. Muscle Tone: check for hypotonia (head lag, suspension test),

hypertonia (spasticity, rigidity).

4. Muscle Power: divided into 5 grades.

5. Deep Tendon Reflexes: check for hypo- or hyper-reflexia; if you do not

elicit a reflex, use re-enhancement in older children.

6. Coordination: by finger-nose & heal-shin tests

7. Sensation: there are 5 modalities of sensation include: light & deep

touch, pain, temperature, vibration, & proprioception.

Note: If the patient has signs of upper motor neuron disease, do Babiniski
reflex (although invaluable in children <18 mo unless asymmetrical) &
check Clonus in the ankle & patella.

Examination of Higher Cerebral Function:-

1. Inspection; look at the appearance, behavior, & emotional status.

2. Level of consciousness; if the patient is alert, test for orientation to

time, place, & people around; test for memory.

3. Speech; test for dysphasia & if present determine whether it is

receptive, expressive, or global.

4. Sensory perception; test for Graphesthesia, Two-point discrimination,

& Steriognosis.

5. Reading, writing, & thinking.

Note: The degrees of decreasing level of consciousness are: lethargy, confusion,
delirium, obtundation, stupor, & deep come.
- 546 -
Examination of Cerebellar Function:-
1. Eye for nystagmus.

2. Speech for dysartheria.

3. Finger-nose & heal-shin tests for intention tremor & dysmetria.

4. Rapid alternating movements for dysdiadochokinesis.

5. Gait with heal-to-toes walking in a straight line for ataxia.

6. Romberg test is positive (standing with foots together & eyes closed).

7. Other signs include: hypotonia, decreased deep tendon reflexes (which

usually pendular), and impairment in writing & drawing.

Cranial Nerves Examination:-

1st CN (Olfactory):-
 Test smell in each nostril.

2nd CN (Optic):-
 Visual acuity by Snellen chart.
 Visual field by confrontation.
 Direct & consensual pupillary reflex by torch; afferent: optic N;
efferent: oculomotor N.
 Fundoscopy may be used to examine the retina.

3rd CN (Oculomotor), 4th CN (Trochlear), & 6th CN (Abducent):-

 External ocular movements by your index finger in H direction.
 Accommodation by closing up your finger in between the eyes.
 Cover test if patient had squint.

5th CN (Trigeminal):-
 Movement of muscles of mastication.
 Jaw jerk (as in any skeletal muscle in the body, afferent & efferent
nerve is the same nerve supply of muscle, i.e., maxillary branch).
 Sensation of face in 3 areas (ophthalmic, maxillary, & mandibular).
 Corneal reflex by piece of cotton at edge of cornea; afferent:
ophthalmic branch of Trigeminal N.; efferent: facial N.
Note: this test is unpleasant to the patient so ask the examiner before you do it.

- 547 -
7th CN (Facial):-
 Movement of facial muscles.
 Sensation of anterior 2/3 of tongue.

8th CN (Vestibulocochlear):-
 Cochlear N: test hearing in older children by whispering at each ear
separately or better by Audiometry.
 Vestibular N: test for vertigo & nystagmus by Caloric test.

9th CN (Glossopharyngeal) & 10th (Vagus):-

 Movement of muscles of palate, pharynx, & larynx
 Sensation of palate & posterior 1/3 of tongue.
 Palatal & gag reflexes.

11th CN (Spinal accessory):-

 Movement of Trapezius & Sternomastoid muscles.

12th CN (Hypoglossal):-
 Movement of the tongue (deviated toward the side of lesion).

Neurological examination of newborns & young infants:-

Check level of consciousness (lethargy vs crying), posture (frog-like vs
semi-flexed), spontaneous movements, tone, power, & primitive reflexes
(see below).
Cranial nerves can be examined by the following observations:-
2nd CN by pupillary reflex.
3rd, 4th, & 6th CNs by movements of both eyes without squint.
5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, & 12thCNs by good sucking & swallowing during feeding.
8th& 11th by making sudden loud noise (e.g. clapping) when the baby is
calm, this makes the hearing neonate to do Moro reflex.

Note: 1st CN is usually not examined in neonates & young infants. Subjective
testing for vision & hearing in neonates & young infants can be done by
visual and auditory evoked responses which are computer-analyzed CNS
responses to afferent stimuli.

- 548 -
Neonatal Examination
Neonatal exam should be done as early as possible after adequate
resuscitation & stabilization of newborn. Start with growth parameters
& estimation of gestational age by the physical & neuromuscular
maturity then re-examine the whole body from top to bottom as follows:-

 Head; look at face for any skin rash or dysmorphic facies e.g. Down
synd or cong hypothyroidism; look at eyes, nose, ears, mouth (check
for cleft palate); examine scalp for cephalhematoma or caput; palpate

 Neck; look for any mass e.g. goiter, cystic hygroma…etc.

 Chest; combine cardiovascular & respiratory system exam by

inspection for visible pulsation or retractions; auscultate lungs for air
entry and the heart for HR & abnormal sounds (but remember that
innocent murmurs is common in neonatal period).

 Abdomen; look for distension, umbilical cord, hernial orifices; palpate

for organomegaly or any mass in abdomen.

 Genitalia; look at it to exclude ambiguous genitalia (as in CAH);

palpate testes in scrotum to exclude undescended testis.

 Anus; measure the rectal temp & also to exclude imperforated anus.

 Extremities; look at upper & lower limbs for any abnormalities e.g.
polydactaly; do Moro reflex, if it is unilateral it usually means either
Erb's palsy or fracture of clavicle; then check hips for DDH.

 Back; now turn the baby to see his back to exclude spinal dysraphism
e.g. meningo/myelocele; also to auscultate chest from behind.

- 549 -
CNS Reflexes in Infancy

Age of Age of
Reflex Description Appearance Disappearance
Moro Sudden head extension causes Birth 4-6 mo
extension followed by flexion of the
arms and legs
Grasp Placing a finger in palm results in Birth 4-6 mo
flexing of the infant's fingers,
accompanied by flexion at elbow and

Rooting Tactile stimulus about the mouth Birth 4-6 mo

results in the infant's mouth pursuing
the stimulus

Trunk Stroking the skin along the edge of the Birth 4-6 mo
incurvation vertebrae produces curvature of the
(Gallant) spine with the apex opposite to the
direction of the stroke

Placing Infant places foot on examining surface Birth 4-6 mo

when dorsum of foot is brought into
contact with the edge of the surface

Crossed One leg held firmly in extension and the Birth 4-6 mo
extension dorsum and sole of the foot stimulated
results in a sequence of flexion,
extension, and adduction, followed by
toe fanning of the opposite leg

Tonic neck With the infant supine, turning of the Birth 4-6 mo
head results in ipsilateral extension of
the arm and leg in a "fencing" posture

Parachute With the infant sitting, tilting to either 6-8 mo Never

side results in extension of the
ipsilateral arm in a protective fashion

Landau With the infant held about the waist 6-8 mo 15 mo-2 yr
and suspended, extension of the neck
produces extension of the arms and legs

- 551 -
‫نصائح مهمة في امتحان االوسكي )‪ (OSCE exam‬او اي امتحان عملي‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬عند دخولك غرفة االمتحان قم اوال بتحية الممتحن و االم ثم قم بالتعريف عن نفسك لالم‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬استأذن من االم قبل فحص الطفل‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬حاول ان تكسب تعاون الطفل عند فحصه عن طريق مناداته باسمه و مداعبته واخباره ماذا‬
‫ستفعل اثناء الفحص (ولكن من دون اخذ االذن منه بذلك)‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬قم بتعقيم يديك قبل الفحص و تأكد من انها دافئة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬اسأل الطفل عن موضع االلم قبل ان تلمسه وكن لطيفا اثناء الفحص‪.‬‬
‫‪ -6‬بعد االنتهاء من الفحص قم بمساعدة الطفل على ارتداء مالبسه او تغطيته بالفراش‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬قبل المغادرة قم بتوديع كل الحاضرين و تمنى للطفل الشفاء العاجل‪.‬‬

‫االبالغ عن االمراض الخطيرة (كالسرطان) و اسداء النصح و االرشاد‪-:‬‬

‫‪Telling Bad News & Genetic Counselling:-‬‬
‫عرف عن نفسك‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬قم بالتحية و ّ‬
‫‪ -2‬قل لالم‪ :‬بناءا على تاريخ المرض‪ ,‬الفحص السريري و نتائج الفحوصات المختبرية فانه من‬
‫المؤسف ان أقول لكي ان طفلك مصاب بمرض كذا‪......‬‬
‫‪ -3‬تكلم بلغة سهلة‪ ,‬مفهومة و مختصرة عن المرض‪ ,‬اعراضه و عالماته‪ ,‬مضاعفاته‪ ,‬و‬
‫مستقبل المرض على المدى البعيد‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬الطرق الممكنة للعالج و االعراض الجانبية لكل طريقة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬النصح الوراثي (خاصة اذا كان المرض وراثيا)‪ ,‬اي نسبة االصابة في االجيال القادمة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -6‬اسأل االم اذا كان لديها اي سؤال حول المرض و اعرض عليها زيارتك في المستشفى عند‬
‫حدوث اي طارئ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬كن متعاطفا معها و تمنى لطفلها الشفاء العاجل‪.‬‬

‫‪- 550 -‬‬


- 552 -
Developmental Milestones


Lies in flexed attitude; turns head from side to side; head sags on
ventral suspension
Supine: Generally flexed and a little stiff
May fixate face on light in line of vision; “doll's-eye” movement of eyes
on turning of the body
Reflex: Moro response active; stepping and placing reflexes; grasp reflex active
Social: Visual preference for human face
Legs more extended; holds chin up; turns head; head lifted
momentarily to plane of body on ventral suspension
Tonic neck posture predominates; supple and relaxed; head lags when
pulled to sitting position
Visual: Watches person; follows moving object
Body movements in cadence with voice of other in social contact;
beginning to smile
Raises head slightly farther; head sustained in plane of body on ventral
Tonic neck posture predominates; head lags when pulled to sitting
Visual: Follows moving object 180 degrees
Social: Smiles on social contact; listens to voice and coos
Lifts head and chest with arms extended; head above plane of body on
ventral suspension
Tonic neck posture predominates; reaches toward and misses objects;
waves at toy
Head lag partially compensated when pulled to sitting position; early
head control with bobbing motion; back rounded
Typical Moro response has not persisted; makes defensive movements
or selective withdrawal reactions
Social: Sustained social contact; listens to music; says “aah, ngah”
Lifts head and chest, with head in approximately vertical axis; legs
Supine: Symmetric posture predominates, hands in midline; reaches and grasps
- 553 -
objects and brings them to mouth
No head lag when pulled to sitting position; head steady, tipped
forward; enjoys sitting with full truncal support
Standing: When held erect, pushes with feet
Adaptive: Sees pellet, but makes no move to reach for it
Laughs out loud; may show displeasure if social contact is broken;
excited at sight of food
Prone: Rolls over; pivots; crawls or creep-crawls (Knobloch)
Supine: Lifts head; rolls over; squirms
Sits briefly, with support of pelvis; leans forward on hands; back
Standing: May support most of weight; bounces actively
Reaches out for and grasps large object; transfers objects from hand to
hand; grasp uses radial palm; rakes at pellet
Language: Forms polysyllabic vowel sounds
Prefers mother; babbles; enjoys mirror; responds to changes in
emotional content of social contact
AT 10 MO
Sitting: Sits up alone and indefinitely without support, with back straight
Standing: Pulls to standing position; “cruises” or walks holding on to furniture
Motor: Creeps or crawls
Grasps objects with thumb and forefinger; pokes at things with
forefinger; picks up pellet with assisted pincer movement; uncovers
hidden toy; attempts to retrieve dropped object; releases object
grasped by other person
Language: Repetitive consonant sounds (“mama,” “dada”)
Responds to sound of name; plays peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake; waves
Walks with one hand held (48 wk); rises independently, takes several
steps (Knobloch)
Picks up pellet with unassisted pincer movement of forefinger and
thumb; releases object to other person on request or gesture
Language: Says a few words besides “mama,” “dada”
Social: Plays simple ball game; makes postural adjustment to dressing
AT 15 MO
Motor: Walks alone; crawls up stairs
Makes tower of 3 cubes; makes a line with crayon; inserts raisin in

- 554 -
Jargon; follows simple commands; may name a familiar object (e.g.,
ball); responds to his/her name
Social: Indicates some desires or needs by pointing; hugs parents
AT 18 MO
Runs stiffly; sits on small chair; walks up stairs with one hand held;
explores drawers and wastebaskets
Makes tower of 4 cubes; imitates scribbling; imitates vertical stroke;
dumps raisin from bottle
10 words (average); names pictures; identifies one or more parts of
Feeds self; seeks help when in trouble; may complain when wet or
soiled; kisses parent with pucker
Runs well, walks up and down stairs, one step at a time; opens doors;
climbs on furniture; jumps
Makes tower of 7 cubes (6 at 21 mo); scribbles in circular pattern;
imitates horizontal stroke; folds paper once imitatively
Language: Puts 3 words together (subject, verb, object)
Handles spoon well; often tells about immediate experiences; helps to
undress; listens to stories when shown pictures
AT 30 MO
Motor: Goes up stairs alternating feet
Makes tower of 9 cubes; makes vertical and horizontal strokes, but
Adaptive: generally will not join them to make cross; imitates circular stroke,
forming closed figure
Language: Refers to self by pronoun “I”; knows full name
Social: Helps put things away; pretends in play
Motor: Rides tricycle; stands momentarily on one foot
Makes tower of 10 cubes; imitates construction of “bridge” of 3 cubes;
copies circle; imitates cross
Knows age and sex; counts 3 objects correctly; repeats 3 numbers or a
sentence of 6 syllables; most of speech intelligible to strangers
Plays simple games (in “parallel” with other children); helps in
dressing (unbuttons clothing and puts on shoes); washes hands
Hops on one foot; throws ball overhand; uses scissors to cut out
pictures; climbs well
Copies bridge from model; imitates construction of “gate” of 5 cubes;
Adaptive: copies cross and square; draws man with 2 to 4 parts besides head;
identifies longer of 2 lines

- 555 -
Language: Counts 4 pennies accurately; tells story
Plays with several children, with beginning of social interaction and
role-playing; goes to toilet alone
Motor: Skips
Adaptive: Draws triangle from copy; names heavier of 2 weights
Names 4 colors; repeats sentence of 10 syllables; counts 10 pennies
Dresses and undresses; asks questions about meaning of words;
engages in domestic role-playing

- 556 -
Normal measurements of full term infant at birth:-
Body weight ≈ 3.5 kg
Length ≈ 50 cm
Head circumference ≈ 35 cm

Growth and Caloric Requirements

Approximate Growth in Head Recommended
daily Weight Length Circumference Daily Allowance
Age gain (g) (cm/mo) (cm/mo) (kcal/kg/day)

0–3 mo 30 3.5 2.00 115

3–6 mo 20 2.0 1.00 110

6–9 mo 15 1.5 0.50 100

9–12 mo 12 1.2 0.50 100

1–3 yr 8 1.0 0.25 100

4–6 yr 6 3 cm/yr 1 cm/yr 90–100

- 557 -
Length-by-Age & Weight-by-Age Percentiles for BOYS

from birth to 24 months

- 558 -
Stature-for-Age & Weight-for-Age Percentiles for BOYS

from 2 to 20 years

- 559 -
Head Circumference & Weight-by-Length Percentiles for BOYS

from birth to 24 months

- 561 -
Length-by-Age & Weight-by-Age Percentiles for GIRLS

from birth to 24 months

- 560 -
Stature-for-Age & Weight-for-Age Percentiles for GIRLS

from 2 to 20 years

- 562 -
Head Circumference & Weight-By-Length Percentiles for GIRLS

from birth to 24 months

- 563 -
Guidelines for phototherapy in infants of ≥35 wk of gestation

Guidelines for exchange transfusion in infants of ≥35 wk of


- 564 -
Suggested Maximal Indirect Serum Bilirubin Concentrations
(mg/dL) in Preterm Infants

Guidelines for Pediatric RBC Transfusions

For Children and Adolescents:-
 Maintain Hb>7g/dL in symptomatic chronic anemia,marrow failure,and
perioperative period.
 Maintain Hb >12 g/dL insevere cardiopulmonary disease.

For Infants ≤4 mo old:-

 Maintain Hb >7 g/dL in symptomatic anemia and postoperatively.
 Maintain Hb >10 g/dL in moderate pulmonary
disease,preoperatively,and during major surgery.
 Maintain Hb >12 g/dL in severe cardiac and pulmonary disease.

- 565 -
Teratogens and agents that may adversely affect the fetus and
27α-Ethinyl Masculinization of female fetus
and Progesterone
6-Mercaptopurine Abortion
Accutane (isotretinoin) Facial-ear anomalies, CHD, CNS anomalies
(vitamin A analogue)
Acebutolol IUGR, hypotension, bradycardia
ACEI and angiotensin receptor Oligohydramnios, IUGR, renal failure, Potter-like
antagonists syndrome
Acetazolamide Metabolic acidosis
Adrenal corticosteroids Adrenocortical failure (rare)
Alcohol CHD, CNS & limb anomalies; IUGR; developmental
delay; attention deficits; autism
Aminopterin Abortion, malformations
Amiodarone Bradycardia, hypothyroidism
Ammonium chloride Acidosis (clinically inapparent)
Amphetamines CHD, IUGR, withdrawal
Anesthetic agents CNS depression
Aspirin Neonatal bleeding, prolonged gestation
Atenolol IUGR, hypoglycemia
Azathioprine Abortion
Baclofen Withdrawal syptoms
Bromides Rash, CNS depression, IUGR
Busulfan Stunted growth; corneal opacities; cleft palate;
hypoplasia of ovaries, thyroid, and parathyroids
Captopril, enalapril Transient anuric renal failure, oligohydramnios
Carbamazepine Spina bifida, possible neurodevelopmental delay
Carbimazole Scalp defects, choanal atresia, esophageal atresia,
developmental delay
Carbon monoxide Cerebral atrophy, microcephaly, seizures
Caudal-paracervical anesthesia Bradypnea, apnea, bradycardia, convulsions
with mepivacaine (accidental)
Cephalothin Positive direct Coombs test reaction
Chloroquine Deafness
Cholinergic agents Transient muscle weakness
Cigarette smoking LBW for gestational age
CNS depressants (narcotics, CNS depression, hypotonia
barbiturates, benzodiazepines)
during labor
Cocaine Microcephaly, LBW, IUGR, behavioral
Cyclophosphamide Multiple malformations
Danazol Virilization
Dexamethasone Periventricular leukomalacia
Fluoxetine and other SSRIs Transient neonatal withdrawal, hypertonicity,
minor anomalies, preterm birth, prolonged QT
Haloperidol Withdrawal syptoms
Hexamethonium bromide Paralytic ileus

- 566 -
Hyperthermia Spina bifida !
Ibuprofen Oligohydramnios, pulmonary hypertension
Imipramine Withdrawal
Indomethacin Oliguria, oligohydramnios, intestinal perforation,
pulmonary hypertension
Infliximab Possible increased risk of live vaccine associated
disease in infant; neutropenia
Salt-free intravenous fluids Electrolyte disturbances, hyponatremia,
during labor hypoglycemia
Iodides Goiter
Lead Reduced intellectual function
Lithium Ebstein anomaly, macrosomia
Lopinavir-ritonavir Transient adrenal dysfunction
Magnesium sulfate Respiratory depression, meconium plug,
Methimazole Goiter, hypothyroidism
Methyl mercury Minamata disease, microcephaly, deafness,
blindness, mental retardation
Misoprostol Arthrogryposis, cranial neuropathies (Möbius
syndrome), equinovarus
Morphine and its derivatives Withdrawal symptoms (poor feeding, vomiting,
(addiction) diarrhea, restlessness, yawning and stretching,
dyspnea and cyanosis, fever and sweating, pallor,
tremors, convulsions)
Mycophenolate mofetil Craniofacial, limb, CVS, and CNS anomalies
Naphthalene Hemolytic anemia (in G6PD-deficient infants)
Nitrofurantoin Hemolytic anemia (in G6PD-deficient infants)
Oxytocin Hyperbilirubinemia, hyponatremia
Penicillamine Cutis laxa syndrome
Phenobarbital Bleeding diathesis (vitamin K deficiency), possible
long-term reduction in IQ, sedation
Phenytoin Congenital anomalies, IUGR, neuroblastoma,
bleeding (vitamin K deficiency)
Prednisone Oral clefts
Primaquine Hemolytic anemia (in G6PD-deficient infants)
Propranolol Hypoglycemia, bradycardia, apnea
Propylthiouracil Goiter, hypothyroidism
Pyridoxine Seizures
Quinine Abortion, thrombocytopenia, deafness
Reserpine Drowsiness, nasal congestion, poor temperature
Statins IUGR, limb deficiencies, VACTERAL association
Stilbestrol Vaginal adenocarcinoma in adolescence
Streptomycin Deafness
Sulfonamides Interfere with protein binding of bilirubin;
kernicterus at low levels of serum bilirubin,
hemolysis with G6PD deficiency
Sulfonylurea agents Refractory hypoglycemia
Sympathomimetic (tocolytic β- Tachycardia
Tetracycline Retarded skeletal growth, pigmentation of teeth,
hypoplasia of enamel, cataract, limb
- 567 -
Thalidomide Phocomelia, deafness, other malformations
Thiazides Neonatal thrombocytopenia (rare)
Toluene (solvent abuse) Craniofacial abnormalities, prematurity,
withdrawal symptoms, hypertonia
Topiramate Cleft lip
Trimethadione Abortion, multiple malformations, mental
Tumor necrosis factor blocking Neutropenia
Valproate CNS (spina bifida), facial and cardiac anomalies,
limb defects, impaired neurologic function, autism
spectrum disorder, developmental delay
Vitamin D Supravalvular aortic stenosis, Hypercalcemia
Warfarin Fetal bleeding and death, hypoplastic nasal

Maternal conditions affecting the fetus or neonate

Autoantibody against folate Neural tube defects
Cervical neoplasia Preterm premature rupture of membranes
Cholestasis Preterm delivery, intrauterine fetal demise
Cyanotic heart disease IUGR
Diabetes mellitus:
Mild Large for gestational age, hypoglycemia,
Severe IUGR
Drug addiction IUGR, neonatal withdrawal
Endemic goiter Hypothyroidism
Graves disease Transient neonatal thyrotoxicosis
Herpes gestationis (noninfectious) Bullous rash, intrauterine fetal demise
Hyperparathyroidism Neonatal hypocalcemia
Hypertension IUGR, intrauterine fetal demise
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic Thrombocytopenia
Isoimmune neutropenia or Neutropenia or thrombocytopenia
Malignant melanoma Placental or fetal tumor
Myasthenia gravis Transient neonatal myasthenia
Myotonic dystrophy Neonatal myotonic dystrophy, congenital
contractures, respiratory insufficiency
Obesity Macrosomia, hypoglycemia
Phenylketonuria Microcephaly, retardation
Poor nutrition IUGR, adult insulin resistance!
Preeclampsia, eclampsia IUGR, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, fetal
Renal transplantation IUGR
Rhesus or other blood group Fetal anemia, hypoalbuminemia, hydrops,
sensitization neonatal jaundice
Sickle cell anemia Preterm birth, IUGR, stillbirth
SLE Congenital heart block, rash, anemia,
thrombocytopenia, neutropenia

- 568 -
Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding
1. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all
healthcare staff.
2. Train all healthcare staff in the skills necessary to implement this policy.
3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of
4. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within a half hour of birth.
5. Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation even if they
should be separated from their infants.
6. Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk unless
medically indicated.
7. Practice rooming-in, i.e., allow mothers & infants to remain together 24 hr a
8. Encourage breastfeeding on demand.
9. Give no artificial teats or pacifiers to breastfeeding infants.
10. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers
to them on discharge from the hospital or clinic.

Signs of insufficient milk intake include: lethargy, delayed stooling, ↓

urine output, weight loss >7% of birth weight, hypernatremic
dehydration, inconsolable crying, and ↑ hunger. When there is maternal
fear about insufficient breast milk production, encourage her to ↑ intake
of fluids and nutritious diet e.g. milk; small dose of chlorpromazine for
few days also can ↑ breast milk production.

Medical Contraindications to Breastfeeding

 Maternal conditions include infections with: HIV; human T-cell

lymphotropic virus; CMV (in preterm); active TB (until appropriately
treated ≥2 wk and not considered contagious); herpes virus infection of
breast (until healing); septicemia, typhoid fever, syphilis, and malaria
(until adequately treated); and HBV (unless the infant receive HBIG &
Note: Mastitis is not a contraindication for breast feeding; instead continue
feeding to ↓ breast engorgement, with antibiotics & local heat application.
Other maternal conditions include medications that are
contraindicated with breast feeding (see table below), breast cancer,
substace abuse, and severe neurosis or psychosis.

- 569 -
 Infants with galactosemia, maple syrup urine disease, and phenylke-
tonuria are contraindicated for breast feeding.

Drugs and Breastfeeding

Amphetamines Amiodarone Acetaminophen
Antineoplastic agents Anthraquinones Acyclovir
Bromocriptine Aspirin Aldomet
Chloramphenicol Atropine Anesthetics
Clozapine β-Adrenergic blocking
Antibiotics (not
agents (not propranolol)
Cocaine Benzodiazepines Antiepileptics (not
Cyclophosphamide Birth control pills Antihistamines
Diethylstilbestrol Bromides Antithyroid (not
Doxorubicin Buprenorphine/naltrexone Chlorpromazine
Ecstasy Bupropion Cyclosporine
Ergots Calciferol Depo-Provera
Gold salts Cascara Digoxin
Heroin Ciprofloxacin Diuretics
Immunosuppressants Codeine/Hydrocodone Fluoxetine
(not Cyclosporine)
Iodides Dicumarol Furosemide
Lithium Dihydrotachysterol Haloperidol
Methimazole Domperidone Hydralazine
Phencyclidine Estrogens LMW Heparins
Radioactive agents Metoclopramide
Thiouracil Metronidazole Metformin
Meperidine Methadone
Phenobarbital Morphine
Primidone Muscle relaxants
Psychotropic drugs (not Non-steroidal anti-
Haloperidol) inflammatory agents
Reserpine Paroxetine
Sulfasalazine Prednisone
- 571 -
Reference Ranges

Albumin: 18-53 g/L Creatine kinase: 70-1,200 U/L

ALP: 50-560 U/L Creatinine: 0.2-1.2 mg/dL or

18-106 µmol/ L
ALT (GPT): 5-50 U/L
Glucose: 20 (premature) - 100
Ammonia: 17-95 µmol/ L
(child) mg/dL or 1.1-5.5 mmol/L
Amylase: 30-100 U/L
Magnesium: 1.2-2.6 mg/dL or
Anion gap: [Na+]-[Cl-]-[HCO3-] 0.48-1.05 mmol/L
7-16 mEq/L
Osmolality: 275-295 mOsm/kg
ASO titer (Todd units):-
PaO2: 80-100 mmHg (lower in
2-5 yr: 120-160
6-9 yr: <240 early hours of life)
10-12 yr: <320
PCO2: 27-48 mmHg
pH: 7.35-7.45
0-5 days: 35-140 U/L
Thereafter: 5-55 U/L Phosphorus: 2.7-8.2 mg/dL or
0.9-2.65 mmol/L
Bicarbonate: 21-29 mmol/L
Potassium (mmol/L):-
Calcium, ionized: 4-6 mg/dL or
<2mo: 3-7
1-1.5 mmol/L
2mo-1yr: 3.5-6
Calcium, total: 7-12 mg/dL or >1yr: 3.5-5
1.75-3 mmol/L
Protein, total: 43-82 g/L
Chloride: 96-110 mmol/L
Sodium: 134-146 mmol/L
C-reactive protein (mg/L):-
Urea: 3-40 mg/dL or
<3mo: < 15.8
1.1-14.3 mmol/L
3mo-3yr: < 11.2
>3yr: <10 Uric acid: 1.7-7.7 mg/dL or
100-460 µmol/L

- 570 -
Abdominal Examination, 545 Cerebral palsy, 372
ABO incompatibility, 49 Choanal atresia, 150
Acquired Laryngotracheal Stenosis, 172 Cholera, 431
Active immunization, 506 Cholestasis of newborn, 56
Acute bacterial meningitis, 375 Chronic diarrhea, 126
Acute bronchitis, 179 Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction,
Acute epiglottitis, 170 109
Acute gastroenteritis in children, 117 Chronic renal failure, 296
Acute liver failure, 141 Cleft lip & palate, 97
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 278 Clinical pediatrics, 538
Acute myelogenous leukemia, 281 CNS infections, 374
Acute pharyngitis, 156 CNS reflexes in infancy, 550
Acute renal failure, 292 Common cold, 154
Adhesions, 113 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 340
Allergic rhinitis, 162 Congenital aganglionic megacolon, 109
Amebiasis, 476 Congenital hyperthyroidism, 320
Anemia of newborn, 60 Congenital hypothyroidism, 316
Apnea of newborn, 23 Congenital laryngeal webs & atresia, 172
ASD primum, 196 Congenital nephrotic syndrome, 291
ASD secundum, 195 Congenital rubella syndrome, 413
Asthma in children, 184 Congenital subglottic hemangioma, 172
Atrial septal defect, 195 Congenital subglottic stenosis, 171
Autoimmune hemolytic anemias, 258 Croup, 168
Bacterial tracheitis, 169 Cyanosis of newborn, 17
Bezoars, 106 Developmental dysplasia of the hip, 518
Birth asphyxia, 13 Diabetes insipidus, 336
Breast-feeding jaundice, 45 Diabetes mellitus in children, 321
Breast-milk jaundice, 45 Diabetic ketoacidosis, 324
Bronchiolitis, 176 Dilated cardiomyopathy, 221
Brucellosis, 446 Disorders of malabsorption, 133
CAH due to 11β-hydroxylase deficiency, Disseminated intravascular coagulation,
346 274
CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, Diurnal incontinence, 311
340 Down syndrome, 514
Calcium deficiency, 86 D-TGA with VSD, 209
Campylobacter, 438 D-transposition of the great arteries, 208
Cardiogenic shock, 220 End-stage renal disease, 300
Cardiomyopathies, 221 Enterobiasis, 484
Cardiovascular Examination, 543 Enuresis, 309
Caustic ingestions, 103 Epistaxis, 152
Celiac disease, 136 Escherichia coli, 434
Central DI, 337 Esophageal atresia & TEF, 98
- 572 -
Examination, 541 Hyaline membrane disease, 24
Exchange transfusion, 54 Hydrocarbons ingestion & aspiration,
Failure to thrive, 74 510
Febrile seizures, 351 Hymenoptera stings, 513
Fever of unknown origin, 495 Hypernatremic dehydration, 124
Fever without a focus, 493 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 223
Fever without localizing signs, 493 Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, 107
Fever, 490 Hypervitaminosis D, 90
Food allergy, 91 Hypoglycemia of newborn, 39
Foreign bodies in the airway, 175 Hyponatremic dehydration, 123
Foreign bodies in the esophagus, 104 Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, 12
Foreign bodies in the stomach & Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, 287
intestine, 105 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura,
Foreign body in nose, 153 271
Fulminant hepatic failure, 144 Ileus, 113
Functional constipation, 110 Immunization, 505
G6PD deficiency, 239 Infection of newborn, 64
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, 100 Infective endocarditis, 227
General examination, 541 Influenza viruses, 425
Generalized seizures, 357 Intestinal neuronal dysplasia, 112
Genetic syndromes, 524 Intussusception, 114
Giardiasis, 479 Iron-deficiency anemia, 236
Gluten-sensitive enteropathy, 133 Jaundice of newborn, 43
Guillain-Barre syndrome, 388 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, 392
Heart failure, 215 Kawasaki disease, 404
Hemolytic diseases of newborn, 46 Kernicterus, 51
Hemolytic-Uremic syndrome, 301 Laryngoceles & saccular cysts, 172
Hemophilia A & B, 264 Laryngomalacia, 171
Hemorrhagic disease of newborn, 62 Leishmaniasis, 481
Hemostasis, 261 Long Q-T syndromes, 213
Henoch-Schonlein purpura, 401 Lymphadenopathy, 503
Hepatitis A, 138 Measles, 409
Hepatitis B, 139 Meconium aspiration syndrome, 38
Hepatitis C, 142 Methemoglobinemia, 257
Hepatitis D, 143 Motility disorders of the intestine, 109
Hepatitis E, 143 Mumps, 415
Hepatolenticular Degeneration, 144 Musculoskeletal Examination, 545
Hereditary elliptocytosis, 256 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 452
Hereditary spherocytosis, 254 Myocarditis, 225
Herpes simplex virus, 417 Napkin rash, 523
Hirschsprung disease, 111 Nasal polyps, 151
History, 539 Neonatal diabetes mellitus, 334
Hodgkin lymphoma, 282 Neonatal examination, 549

- 573 -
Neonatal lupus, 400 Seizures of newborn, 19
Neonatal sepsis, 63 Severe asthma exacerbation, 192
Nephrogenic DI, 338 Severe childhood undernutrition, 77
Nephrotic syndrome, 287 Shigellosis, 436
Neurological Examination, 546 Sickle cell disease, 246
Newborn of diabetic mother, 41 Sinus venosus ASD, 197
Nocturnal enuresis, 309 Sinusitis, 166
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 284 Spasmodic croup, 169
Non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma, 328 Status asthmaticus, 192
Non-typhoidal salmonellosis, 444 Status epilepticus, 369
Other clotting factors deficiency, 267 Strider, 168
Otitis media, 497 Supracristal VSD, 200
Partial seizures, 354 Supraventricular tachycardia, 210
Passive immunization, 505 Syndrome of inappropriate ADH
Patent ductus arteriosus, 201 secretion, 339
Peritonsillar cellulitis/abscess, 160 Systemic lupus erythematosus, 396
Pertussis, 448 Tetralogy of Fallot, 203
Phosphorous deficiency, 87 TGA with intact ventricular septum, 204
Phototherapy, 53 Thalassemia syndromes, 242
Physiologic anemia of infancy, 61 TOF with pulmonary atresia, 207
Physiologic jaundice, 44 Tonsillitis & Adenoids, 159
Pneumonia, 180 Tracheomalacia & Bronchomalacia, 174
Polycythemia of newborn, 59 Transient tachypnea of newborn, 37
Probiotics, 122 Tuberculosis, 454
Protein-energy malnutrition, 76 Tuberculous meningitis, 385
Refeeding syndrome, 80 Type 1 diabetes mellitus, 322
Respiratory distress syndrome, 25 Type 2 diabetes mellitus, 333
Respiratory Examination, 544 Types of anemia, 235
Resuscitation of newborn, 10 Typhoid fever, 441
Retropharyngeal & Parapharyngeal Urinary incontinence, 305
abscess, 160 Urinary tract infections, 305
Rh incompatibility, 46 Varicella-zoster virus, 421
Rickets of prematurity, 71 Vascular and cardiac anomalies, 173
Rickets, 81 Velopharyngeal incompetence, 96
Roseola infantum, 420 Ventricular septal defect, 198
Rotaviruses, 428 Viral hepatitis, 138
Rubella, 412 Viral meningoencephalitis, 382
Salmonellosis, 441 Vitamin D disorders, 83
Scabies, 486 Vocal cord paralysis, 173
Scorpion stings, 512 Von Willebrand disease, 269
Secondary nephrotic syndrome, 290 Wilson disease, 147
Seizures in childhood, 348

- 574 -
‫الى االخوة و الزمالء االعزاء‪....‬‬
‫اود التنويه الى انني قد اجريت في هذه الطبعة من الكتاب بعض‬
‫االضافات في الموضوع االخير (‪ )Breast feeding‬و كذلك بعض‬
‫التعديالت في موضوع (‪ ,)Neurological examination‬باالضافة الى‬
‫تصحيح كل االخطاء المطبعية التي وردت في الكتاب و خاصة في موضوع‬
‫(‪. )Genetic syndromes‬‬

‫د‪ .‬محمد حامد السبعــــاوي‬

‫( تــــم بعـــون اللـــــــه تعالـــى )‬

‫‪- 575 -‬‬

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