Flood Sluice Gate

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Basic Concept of Sluiceway & Conduit

luiceway is a flood control structure that connects the culvert passing
through the dikes and its gate. Sluiceway is categorized into two (2)
types according to its purpose: one is to drain the inland water into river,
and the other is to draw the water (as an intake structure) from the river
for irrigation use or some other purposes.

Sluiceway for drainage

When the drainage area is so big, the drainage way might be considered as a
tributary. Generally in this case, the profile of the confluence should be an open-type
river channel. When the drainage area is small and the height of dike is high,
sluiceway (culvert) is planned. Of course, sluiceway is not planned in non-diked

The gate of sluiceway is usually opened even during rainy days to drain the
inland water. When the water level of river rises and is about to flow out through the
sluiceway, then the gate should be closed. So this facility always require a person to
operate the gate.

Sluiceway for water intake

Generally there is a dam structure (weir) at the downstream reach of the intake
sluiceway to draw water easily. During water intake, the gate is opened. On the
other hand, the gate should be closed when it is not necessary to take water.
However, when the water level of the river rises due to flood, then the gate should
be closed. Moreover, this facility also requires a person to operate the gate always.
Priodeep Chowdhury, Lecturer, Dept. of CEE, Uttara University.//
F l o o d C o n t r o l , M i t i g a t i o n & M a n a g e m e n t .
Sluiceways shall be carefully planned and so designed to conform to the river
improvement plan and other relevant plans to meet with the functional and safety
requirements for the dikes/levees.

Selection of Location
The location of a sluiceway shall be selected according to its intended
purpose. However, the sluiceway is not recommended in cases where sections of the
river which the dike is constructed has unstable river regime. Furthermore, the
number of construction places shall be limited as much as possible so as to promote
integration with the dike structure.
Sluiceways are constructed for the purposes of irrigation, drainage and
combination of both. A sluiceway structure tends to make the dike weak.
Considering the operation and maintenance cost, the number of sluiceway should be
limited as much as possible for its full integration.
Since the construction of a sluice gate poses a weak point in the dike, its
direction is specified to avoid the complication of the structure and to ensure the
intended function. However, if an oblique arrangement is inevitable due to the form
of confluence with a tributary which is distant to the other side of the main river,
sufficient measures should be taken for securing the safety of the structure and
execution of work.

The direction of a sluiceway shall be at right angles to the dike alignment in
principle. Since the construction of a sluice gate poses a weak point in the dike, its
direction is specified to avoid the complication of the structure and to ensure the
intended function. However, if an oblique arrangement is inevitable due to the
form of confluence with a tributary which is distant to the other side of the main
river, sufficient measures should be taken for securing the safety of the structure
and execution of work.
Priodeep Chowdhury, Lecturer, Dept. of CEE, Uttara University.//
F l o o d C o n t r o l , M i t i g a t i o n & M a n a g e m e n t .
Opening Level
The opening level of a sluiceway for the purpose of irrigation shall be decided
according to the purpose of its respective intake, but bed variations in the future shall
also be taken into account. For the purpose of drainage, the opening level shall be
decided, considering the height of the riverbed or the foundation height of the
channel to be connected.
There are cases where water intake for irrigation becomes difficult due to bed
drop. For the construction of a sluiceway, it is necessary to examine the trend of bed
variation in the past, and to sufficiently discuss the possibility of bed drops in the
future. However, if the opening level is too low, the volume of intake might be more
than the water demand, and therefore the volume of intake must be adjusted.
As for the drainage sluiceway, if the opening height is too low, then
sedimentation is induced, thus decreasing the effective sectional area. On the other
hand, if the foundation height is too high, the drainage capacity decreases, requiring
much cost for the maintenance of the outfall. The relationship with the bed height of
the river, or opening height (level) of the channel to be connected with a conduit
must be sufficiently studied and evaluated in order to decide the opening level of the

Priodeep Chowdhury, Lecturer, Dept. of CEE, Uttara University.//

F l o o d C o n t r o l , M i t i g a t i o n & M a n a g e m e n t .

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