Psychology of Education Ide Engineering
Psychology of Education Ide Engineering
Psychology of Education Ide Engineering
Arranged by :
Nadya Ananda Br Sembiring
February 2018
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First of all, I express my gratitude to the presence of God Almighty, for giving His
grace and gifts and health to me, so that I was able to complete this Idea Engineering task
entitled "Learning Problems and How to Overcome It". The Idea Engineering Task was made
to fulfill one of our courses namely "PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION".
This task is arranged in the hope that it can add to our knowledge and insights. I
realized that the task of Engineering Ideas was still far from perfection. If there are many
shortcomings and errors in this assignment, I apologize that the human being must have been
wrong. Only Almighty is the most perfect, because my knowledge is not much. Therefore I
am very much looking forward to suggestions and criticisms from readers who are of a
constructive nature to be able to perfect the task of this Idea Engineering.
Finally, I hope that this Idea Engineering assignment can provide insight and
knowledge for anyone who will need it in the future. Thank you for your attention.
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INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 1
CONTENTS............................................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 1
A. Background.......................................................................................................................... 1
B. Purpose of Discussion.......................................................................................................... 1
C. Scope of Discussion............................................................................................................. 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION................................................................................................. 2
A. Theory Study....................................................................................................................... 2
1. Internal Factors..................................................................................................................... 3
2. External Factors.................................................................................................................... 3
Or Learning Problems.............................................................................................................. 5
Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 7
Suggestion................................................................................................................................ 7
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A. Background
The world of education defines the diagnosis of learning difficulties as all efforts are
made to understand and determine the type and nature of learning difficulties. Also study the
factors that cause learning difficulties and how to determine and possibly overcome them,
both curative (preventive) and preventive (prevention) based on data and information as
objective as possible.
Thus, all activities carried out by the teacher to find learning difficulties include
diagnostic activities. The need to have a learning diagnosis for various things. First, each
student should get the opportunity and service to develop optimally, second; there are
differences in the abilities, intelligence, talents, interests and background of the environment
of each student. Third, the teaching system in schools should provide opportunities for
students to progress according to their abilities. And, fourth, to deal with problems faced by
students, teachers and BP should be more intensive in handling students by increasing
knowledge, open attitudes and sharpening skills in identifying student learning difficulties.
Associated with diagnostic activities, broadly speaking, there can be two types of
diagnosis classified, namely a diagnosis to understand the problem and a diagnosis that
classifies the problem. Diagnosis to understand the problem is an attempt to be able to better
understand the problem as a whole. While a diagnosis that classifies a problem is a grouping
of problems according to variety and nature. There are problems that are classified into
problems that are vocational, educational, financial, health, family and personality. Learning
difficulties are problems that are almost experienced by all students. Learning difficulties can
be interpreted as a condition in a learning process that is marked by certain obstacles to reach
learning outcomes.
B. Purpose of Discussion
D. Scope of Discussion
The scope of the discussion in this paper is focused on various problems in learning and
various ways or alternatives in overcoming them
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The problem is a situation that is not expected by us as a small aberration in the field
of life that we experience. Problems that arise due to various factors, namely internal and
external factors. The scope of the problem in the world of education is very diverse both
micro and macro, as well as in the teaching and learning process. Problems or problems in
learning are very possible, and this can be caused by several factors, either from the students
themselves or from the teacher (teacher). In the world of education, diagnosis means learning
difficulties as all efforts are made to understand and determine the type and nature of learning
difficulties. Diagnosis also studies the factors that cause learning difficulties and how to
determine and possibly overcome them, both curative (preventive) and preventive
(prevention) based on data and information as objective as possible.
Thus, all activities carried out by the teacher to find "learning difficulties" include
diagnostic activities. The need to have a learning diagnosis for various things. First, each
student should get the opportunity and service to develop optimally. Second, there are
differences in the abilities, intelligence, talents, interests and background of each student's
environment. Third, the teaching system in schools should provide opportunities for students
to progress according to their abilities. And, fourth, to deal with problems faced by students,
teachers and BP should be more intensive in handling students by increasing knowledge,
open attitudes and sharpening skills in identifying student learning difficulties.
Learning is basically an active business process for someone to get something, so that
new behaviors are formed towards a better direction. In fact, students are often unable to
achieve their learning goals or do not get behavioral changes as expected. It shows that
students experience learning difficulties which are obstacles in achieving learning outcomes.
In learning activities in schools, we are also faced with a number of diverse student
characteristics. There are students who can take their learning activities smoothly and
successfully without experiencing difficulties, but on the other hand there are not a few
students who actually experience difficulties in learning. Student learning difficulties are
indicated by the existence of certain obstacles to achieving learning outcomes, and can be
psychological, sociological, and physiological, so that in the end it can cause the achievement
of learning achieved under it.
Meanwhile, each student in achieving successful learning has different abilities. There
are students who can achieve it without difficulty, but many students also experience
difficulties, causing problems for their personal development.
Facing this problem, there is a tendency that not all students can solve it themselves.
A person may not know a good way to solve their own problems. He did not know what the
problem really was. There is also someone who seems to have no problem, even though the
problem he faces is quite heavy.
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1. Internal factors
2) Affective nature between labile emotions and attitudes. Emotional weakness, such as
feeling insecure, lack of adjustment and emotional immaturity.
4) Motivation. Lack of motivation to learn will cause children or students lazy to learn.
7) Study habits. Learning habits will affect their ability to practice and master the material
that has been delivered by the teacher.
8) Lack of attention and interest in school learning, lazy in learning, and often skipping or not
attending lessons.
2. External Factors
This factor covers all situations and conditions of the student environment that are not
conducive to the realization of learning activities. Included in this factor are:
1) Family environment, such as disharmony between father and mother, and low family
economic level.
3) The school environment, such as the condition and location of poor school buildings, such
as near the market conditions of teachers, as well as low-quality learning tools.
4) The teacher as a guide for student learning. The teacher is an educating teacher. He doesn't
just teach fields
Overcoming students' lazy learning so they are enthusiastic and not lazy to learn, is
something that must be done by parents at home and teachers at school. Sometimes students
are lazy to learn because of less interest and motivation from parents and teachers. Parents
and teachers must support and motivate students to be enthusiastic and not lazy to learn.
There are several solutions that can be done by parents and teachers to increase students'
interest in learning as follows:
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1) Embedding the right understanding of learning from an early age, fostering self-learning
initiatives in students, instilling awareness and responsibility as students in students is
another long-term useful thing.
3) Give intensive if students learn. Intensive can be given to students is not always material,
but can also be in the form of appreciation and attention.
4) Parents often ask questions about the things taught in school to children. So that parents
know the development of children in school.
5) Teach students lessons with certain methods that are in accordance with students' abilities.
6) Communication. Parents must open up, communicate with children to get information
about the child's development.
8) Choose the right study time and the child feels eager to learn so that the child is able to
understand what is being learned.
9) Creating a good and comfortable learning atmosphere, parents pay attention by directing
and accompanying children while learning.
10) Entertaining and providing a good and wise solution for children, if children are sad or
sick, while there is no motivation to learn, parents must build children's motivation to be
enthusiastic in learning.
11) Use the imagination of students. Parents help students imagine what they want for the
future, both long and short.
12) Direct students to be friends and live in a good and supportive environment.
13) Don't focus on learning only from books. But from the surrounding environment can also
be used for learning.
16) Preparing comfortable, conducive classrooms so that students can learn comfortably.
17) Teachers in teaching must involve children actively through discussion activities, group
assignments so that children are not bored in the classroom. Because the teacher's method of
teaching by lecturing alone will make students feel bored and not paying attention.
18) Teachers must have varied learning models in each meeting so as not to be monotonous,
so students are encouraged by the new learning method.
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19) Approach students.
2) The results achieved are not balanced with the efforts made.
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1) For students who experience learning difficulties or learning problems should ask friends,
teachers or consult BK.
2) If students do not understand the material taught by the teacher, students must actively ask
the teacher, do not just stay quiet. Because if students do not understand the material being
taught it will make students lazy to learn.
3) For teachers or instructors, they must better understand the characteristics of their students,
so that students are easier to understand the lesson.
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