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Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Projectt


Package-7:Rehabilitation of Road, Kandhkot–Kashmore(N-55)
Lot # 2: ROJHAN–CHAK KARYA Km 540+500-Km 547+600 (7.100Km)

Site Specific Environmental Management


Contractor: M/S Umer Jan& Co.

Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

Table of Contents

5. Reporting Structure and Outcomes

6. Annexure

Annexure – I : Layout Maps of Camp

Annexure –II: Location Maps of Borrow Pits & Management
Annexure – III: Environmental Monitoring & Protection Plan
Annexure – IV: Traffic Management & Diversion Plan
Annexure – V: Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
Annexure – VI: Construction Safety & Security Plan (CSSP)
Annexure – VII: Wastewater Management Material and Solid Waste Management
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)

Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

List of Abbreviations

EMP Environmental Management Plan

ICB International Competitive Bidding
ROW Right of Way
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
NEQS National Environmental Quality Standards
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
KM Kilometer
SWMP Solid Waste Management Plan
ADB Asian Development Bank
dB Decibel
MSDS material Safety Data Sheet
NHA National Highway Authority
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EPA Environment Protection Agency
SC Supervision Consultant
PM Project Manager
PD Project Director
ERC Emergency Response Coordinator
TBT Tool Box Talk
ERT Emergency Response Team
RTA Road Traffic Accidents
BMPs Best Management Practices
CSSP Construction Safety and Security Plan
GRC/GRM Grievance Redress Committee/ Members
PDMA Provincial Disaster Management Cell
FC Frontiers Constable
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

1. Introduction

The Site Specific Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP) for the construction of
Post Flood National Highway N-55 Rehabilitation project ADB/ICB/PNHRP-
PKG-No.7, Lot-2 the principles approach, procedures and methods that will be used
to control and minimize the environmental and social impacts of all construction and
operational activities associated with this project on campsite as well as on
construction sites.

This section explains the meaning of Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
(SSEMP) & the procedures and responsibilities associated with its implementation.
This section contains the general overview of the SSEMP & the details of measures
which would be included in the EMP. The mitigation measures of each specific
condition have also been addressed.

A Site Specific Environmental Management Plan minimizes negative impacts of

construction activities on local communities and the natural environment, to reduce
the induced impacts of construction activities; to prevent pollution and ensure that
construction activities are planned & there will be no risk to the environment.

This Site Specific Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP) has been emphasizing
the Lot-2. The proponent of this Project is National Highway Authority (NHA),
Ministry of Communication, and Government of Pakistan. NHA has awarded the
contract for the Post Flood National Highway N-55 Rehabilitation project
ADB/ICB/PNHRP-PKG-No.7, Lot-2. Hereinafter called as “The Contractor”, the
supervisory Consultant is M/s SMEC International in association with TRS (Pvt)
Ltd hereinafter called as “The Construction Supervision Consultant or Chief Resident

Aims of Site Specific Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP)

 To ensure that the impacts on the environment are kept to a minimum by ensuring
the mitigation measures described in the Environmental Management Plan are
implemented and continuously monitored.
 To plan, organize and implement all the measures required for the health and
safety of the workers.

2. Description of the Project

Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

The Site Specific Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP) relates to those

construction activities that have potential or actual effects on aspects of the local
natural and human environment.

2.1 Contract Description

Contract Description Data Remarks

- Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation
Project Name Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP-PKG-No.7, Lot-2

Employer’s Name & - National Highway Authority

Address - Head Office: 27, Mauve Area, G-9/1, Islamabad.
Contractor’s name -
- Mr. Ikram - us - Salqlain (G.M-PNHRP/FERP)
General Manager (Client)
- ( National Highway Authority)
Project Director (Client) - Mr.Irfan Memon (National Highway Authority)
Date of Award of Contract - 17 November 2016
Date of Commencement - 18 May 2018
Time for Completion - 12Month

Date of Completion - 17 May 2018

Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

t Location Map
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)

Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

3. General Requirements

Following are the general requirements for the Implementation of the Site Specific

3.1 EMP Administration

Copies of this Site Specific EMP shall be kept at the site office and will be
distributed to all senior Project officers. All senior officers shall be required to
understand and familiarize themselves with the contents of this document.

3.2 Roles and Responsibilities

The successful implementation of the Site Specific EMP requires the
involvement of all the stakeholders, each fulfilling a different but vital role to
ensure sound environmental management and compliance during the
construction phase. The specific roles and responsibilities of the Contractor are
given below;

3.2.1 The Contractor

With specific roles and responsibilities of the Contractor are:

o Designate/ appoint a focal person for managing all or parts of the Site
Specific EMP, in consensus with the Supervision Consultant.
o Develop, manage and maintain rules and policies to ensure a safe and
healthy working environment.
o Ensure that all workers appointed by the Contractor are complying with,
and implementing the EMP during entire completion of the contracts.
o Provide appropriate resources like budget, equipment, personnel and
training for the effective control and management of the environmental
and other occupational hazards associated with the construction of the
o With specific reference to this Site Specific EMP, the duties and
responsibilities of the Contractor are:

 Be familiar with the contents of the EMP and the specifications

contained herein.
 Comply with the Environmental Specifications contained in the EMP.
 Confirm legislative requirements for the construction work, and to
ensure that appropriate permissions and permits have been obtained
before commencing activities.
 Prepare Method Statements, program of activities and drawings/plans
for submission to the T.L, CRE-RE when requested.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

 Undertake daily site inspections to monitor environmental performance

and conformance with the EMP.
 Notify the Project Director, T.L, CRE-RE and Environmental
Specialist immediately in the event of any accident and ensure
appropriate remedial actions are taken.
 Notify the T.L, CRE-RE and Environmental Specialist prior to start
work in advance of any activity with the potential of have significant
adverse environmental impacts, so that mitigation measures may be
developed and implemented timely.
 Ensure environmental awareness among their employees and
workforce so that they are fully aware of, and understand the
Environmental Specifications and the need for them.
 Undertake rehabilitation of all areas affected by construction activities
to restore them to their original states, as determined by the Project
Director, Team Leader, Resident Engineer and Environmental
 Rehabilitating services, utilities, private/public property and other
areas adversely affected by construction activities outside of
demarcated areas.
 Communicate and liaise with the Project Director, Team Leader,
Resident Engineer and Environmental Specialist to ensure effective,
proactive environmental management with the overall objective of
preventing or reducing negative environmental impacts while
enhancing positive environmental impacts.
 Provide personnel protective equipment and enforce their use
according to the nature of the work, to all the workers including the
execution and supervision staff,
 Provide at all the construction sites, camps, plants, workshops offices
etc, the minimum welfare facilities i.e. drinking water, washing
facility, resting/ dining facility, first aid facility, etc.
 Implement and maintain all the plans, policies and procedures attached
in the annexure.

3.2.2 Employees/ Workers Responsibility/ Obligations

 To take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of
other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
This involves the same wide group that the employer has participated
the leading roll.
 To cooperate with employers in assisting them to fulfill their statutory
 Not to interfere with deliberately or misuse anything provided, in
accordance with health and safety legislation, to further health and
safety at work.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)

Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

3.2.3 Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety Awareness

This shall ensure that adequate environmental and Health & Safety awareness
trainings of senior site personnel take place and that all construction workers
receive an induction presentation on the importance of environmental
measures, occupational hazards and their impacts on their health & safety; and
their precautions and safety. The trainings shall cover;

 Importance and impacts of good housekeeping, and cleanliness of the

work place,
 Fire hazards, their safety and use of firefighting equipment i.e. fire
 Basic first aid in case of wounds, bones and joints injuries, burns etc.
 Safe use of hand and power tools,
 Welding and other hot works hazards and safety,
 Working at confined spaces and heights, associated hazards and safety
 Use and importance of personal protective equipment (PPEs),
 Materials handling i.e. chemicals, steel, hot asphalt, cement concrete
associated hazards and safety.

3.3 Method Statements

Method statements are written submissions from Contractor to The Engineer
and Client in response to the requirements of this EMP or to a request by The
Engineer and Client.
The approved method statement shall not free from the obligations or
responsibilities in terms of the contract. However, any damage caused to the
environment aspects through activities undertaken without an approved
method statement shall be refurnished at his own risk & cost.

4. Environmental Management & Monitoring During Construction Phase

This part of the Document provides the Mechanism for the mitigation of
environment related issues of the proposed Post Flood National Highway
(N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP-PKG-No7., Lot-2 Project.
Checklist of Environmental Impacts & Mitigation measures during entire
Construction Phase is attached as (Annexure III).

4.1 Site Camps, Asphalt Plant & Concrete Batching Plant, Rock Crusher Plat
The specific locations for construction of site camps and asphalt plant
including other facilities such as workshops, equipment washing yards, rock
crushing plant, concrete batching plant, construction material storage areas,
haul routes and disposal sites for construction waste are located and
constructed where there are the least impacts on the surrounding environment
and settlements.
The selected location of plants are in accordance with aspects, keeping in
view to comply with the SSEMP, based on recommended mitigation
measures to taken in accordance to the given guide lines.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)

Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

Wall raises their grievances and dissatisfaction about actual or perceived

impacts in order to find a satisfactory solution. Some grievances may arise
during the project design and planning stage, while others may come up during
project implementation. Not only should affected persons (AP’s) be able to
raise their grievance and be given an adequate hearing, but also satisfactory
solution should be found that mutually benefit both the AP’s and the project.
The AP’s have been fully informed of their rights and of the procedures for
addressing complaints verbally and in wiring during the meetings. The
complete mechanism to address/resolve the project related issues including the
AP’s concerns or grievances including those related to the environment has
been established. The GRC will be headed by the Project Director with NHA’s
DD/AD (Land) or DD/AD (environment).
Besides, the GRC will include the environment staff of the SC, environment
staff of the concerned contractor and representative of the local community
(preferably the relevant GFP).
The Grievance Redress Members (GRM) is established at the given below
level to address the all concerns grievances:
a) Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) is assisted by the Project
Implementation Units (PIU)
b) Village level affected people’s committee (AP’s)

The site camp location is situated at prior start of project the at Km. 539+100 the
location Map of the site camp is given in the (Annexure-1) of this report.

Following measures would be taken during construction of these facilities and

will be implemented to mitigate the temporary and moderate negative in
nature impacts of these facilities:
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)

Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

 The construction plants are not proposed in environmentally sensitive

areas or existing settlements.

 The sites for camps and associated facilities shall be reinstated by the
Contractor after decommissioning of the proposed project.

 Approved Site camps shall be properly fenced and adequately demarcated.

 No open fires are permitted in the Site Camps.

 No littering or dumping of solid waste of any description is permitted on

the site. Plastic as well as other material capable of being dispersed to the
surrounding areas and having hazard to adjacent farming activities shall be
regularly collected, at least on a daily basis, and properly stored prior to
disposal to an approved site.

 Waste will be managed at Site Camps by safe and hygienic collection,

segregation, temporary storage and disposal of all domestic waste. The
plan is attached as Annexure VI.

 The contractor is to submit the site clearance plan at the completion of the

4.2 Borrow/ Open Pits Management

Approved borrow pits permits shall be obtained by the contractor from the
Supervision Consultant.

4.3 Construction Waste Management

Construction activities would result into the generation of following types of
waste which are of temporary and moderate negative in nature:

 Oil, grease, waste lubricants from construction machinery.

 Solid waste from waste construction material and food.
 Wastewater from washing and sprinkling.
 Sanitary waste from staff toilets.

To ensure that all facilities are maintained in a neat and tidy condition and the
site shall be kept free of litter. Measures shall be taken to reduce the potential
for litter and negligent behavior with regard to the disposal of all refuse.
Details of the waste and the Material Management Plan are given in
Annexure VI.

4.4 Soil Erosion and Contamination

Construction activities (diversions, borrow pits, road cuttings, embankments,
construction camps, workshop areas, equipment washing yards, asphalt plants,
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)

Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

batching plants, fuel and chemical storage areas, etc.) may result into the soil
erosion and contamination.

The impacts of soil erosion and contamination would be temporary and

moderate negative in nature. The following mitigation measures have been
incorporated in the construction activities and will be implemented by the
Contractor to alleviate or avoid these impacts:

 Areas susceptible to erosion will be protected by installing necessary

temporary and permanent drainage works as soon as possible and by
taking any other measures necessary to prevent storm water from
concentrating in streams and scouring slopes, banks, etc.
 Any runnels or erosion channels developed during the construction or
maintenance period shall be backfilled and compacted and the areas
restored to a proper condition.
 Non-productive, barren lands in broken terrain, nullahs and publicly
recognized waste lands shall be used for borrowing materials;
 The excavation of earth fill shall be limited to an approximate depth of 50
to 100 cm.
 In case the use of agricultural land is unavoidable, the top 30 cm of the
plough layer shall be stripped off and stockpiled. Where deep ditching is to
be carried out, the top one-meter layer of the ditching area shall be stripped
and stockpiled for redressing the land after the required borrow material
has been removed.
 Drainage interception ditches shall be built around the borrow pits to
prevent surface run off causing erosion during the rainy season.
 Traffic and movement over stabilized areas shall be restricted and
controlled, and damage to stabilized areas shall be repaired and
 The road embankments and road cuttings shall be vegetated with a fast
growing crop and a native seed mix immediately after fill placement to
prevent scour and to encourage stabilization. Use of stone pitching or
riprap shall be made at appropriate places especially around overpasses,
bridges, culverts.
 Discharge zones from drainage structures shall be furnished with riprap to
reduce erosion.
 Side slopes shall be adjusted to a gradient necessary to reduce erosion
potential or, if steeper, stabilized, covered with riprap or other material to
prevent soil erosion.
 In areas where construction activities have been completed and where no
further disturbance would take place, rehabilitation and revegetation
should commence as soon as possible.
 The disposal of waste asphalt shall be made in approved locations such as
borrow pits or natural depressions and shall not be within the ROW.
Unless located in areas with impervious soils, encapsulation with pre-laid
impervious liners including walls and capping is required with the
objective to prevent water percolating through the waste materials and
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)

Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

leaching toxic chemicals into the surrounding soils. On completion of

disposal at the site, the area shall be capped with a compacted thickness of
at least 0.5 meters of impermeable soil covered with at least 200 mm of top
soil and shall be finally landscaped.

4.5 Surface and Groundwater Contamination

The construction activities may result into surface and groundwater
contamination due to the disposal of construction waste generated as a result
of project activities. Construction waste, if left unattended will result into the
generation of hasitiate that would percolate through the soil strata into the
underground water table and hence, would be resulted into the severe
contamination. The following mitigation measures have been incorporated in
the construction activities and will be implemented by the Contractor to
prevent the surface and groundwater contamination.

 Construction work close to the streams or other water bodies is prohibited

especially during monsoon period.
 Construction work is confined within the ROW.
 The solid waste will be disposed of in designated sites to sustain the water
quality for domestic requirements.
 Regular water quality monitoring will be in place according to determined
sampling schedule. Environmental Monitoring Plan is attached as

4.6 Traffic Management

A proper traffic management diversion plan will be in place during
construction activities to overcome the problem of traffic jams causing
inconvenience to the people passing through the road crossings.

The impacts are temporary and minor negative in nature and will be mitigated
by implementing proper alternative traffic management plan. The measures
include the following:

 Existing road will be constructed in a way that traffic flow is not disturbed.
 Alternative routes will be not allowed.
 Proper traffic management with marking will be done on the existing road
along with traffic signs as attached herewith (Annexure-IV)

4.7 Air Quality Monitoring

The construction machinery, hydrocarbons from asphalt plants and vehicular
traffic; dust emissions due to movement of construction machinery on earthen
service roads etc. would be resulted into the degradation of air quality causing
health and environmental impacts. The following mitigation measures have
been incorporated in the construction activities and will be implemented by the
Contractor to prevent the degradation of air quality.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)

Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

 Construction vehicles shall comply with speed limits and haul distances
shall be minimized.
 Material loads shall be suitably covered and secured during transportation.
 Haul trucks carrying aggregate fill materials will be kept covered with
canvass sheet to help contain construction material being transported
between sites.
 Surface treating or overlaying diversion tracks with shingle, and sprinkling
water across diversion tracks will be the regular practice to control dust.
 Exposed soil and material stockpiles shall be protected against wind
erosion and the location of stockpiles shall take into consideration the
prevailing wind directions and locations of sensitive receptors.
 Fabric filters or wet scrubbers will be installed at asphalt hot mix and
batching plants to control dust emissions.
 Asphalt hot mix and batching plants will be located at safe distance from
the residential areas, schools and hospitals.
 Dust mask will be provided to the workers.
 Air Quality Monitoring will be carried out to monitor the Carbon
Monoxide (CO), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and
Particulate Matter (PM10). Monitoring for the above mentioned parameters
will be 40 meters from hot mix plants. Frequency of the monitoring will be
bi-annually and will be conducted for 24 hours at advised sampling point.
Monitoring of Particulate Matter (PM10) will be on monthly basis and
samples will be collected in active construction area and asphalt and
concrete mixing stations. The environmental monitoring plan is attached as
(Annexure III).

4.8 Noise Control

Noise pollution will be due to increase in mobility and construction activities.
However, this impact will be temporary but moderate negative in nature. The
Contractor is responsible for compliance with the relevant legislation with
respect to noise.
All mitigation measures mentioned below will be taken in order to minimize
the impacts of noise in the Project Area:

 Selection of latest equipment and plant with minimum noise level will be
ensured by suitable in-built damping techniques and appropriate muffling
 Minimizing the noise produced from machines and equipment through
noise barriers i.e. wall construction around the machine.
 Providing the construction workers with suitable hearing protection like
ear cap, ear muffs etc.
 Avoiding heavy machinery like percussion hammers and pneumatic drills,
especially during night time.
 Locating the concrete and asphalt mixing stations away from residential
areas, particularly schools, hospitals.
 Noise quality monitoring will be carried out as per schedule given in
Environmental Monitoring Plan in Annexure -III.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)

Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

4.9 Emergency Response Plan

The emergency response plan for the Lot1-2 is attached herewith as
(Annexure V).

4.10 Construction Safety & Security Plan

The construction safety plan for the Post Flood National Highway (N-55)
Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP-PKG-No.7, Lot-2: Project covers the
safety and health policy, safety rules, job safety training, vehicle safety, hazard
communication programme etc. The Plan is attached as (Annexure V).

5. Reporting Structure and Outcomes

In accordance with the Particular Conditions of Contract-section-8 sub clause
4.18, contractor shall prepare the environmental report & submit to the
employer through SC by quarterly. The Environmental Specialist (Supervision
Consultant) has to review and approve the report for further submission to the

6. Annexure
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Annexure – I: Site Camp Layout Plan
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
Annexure – I.I Project Contour Plan

Annexure II: Location Maps of Borrow Pits & Risk Assessment Management
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
Borrow Areas
Borrow material will be taken from recommended and approved borrow
areas. The recommended pits for borrowing shall be rehabilitated
progressively till the end of the construction. The rehabilitation activity
and process will take into consideration the aesthetics of the area and
safety of people, animals and community. The agricultural fields which
exist near to the project area are used as borrow pits by the approval of the
Engineer & the permission of the field owner.

2. Restoration of Borrow Pits

Before extraction commences, licenses and permits shall be checked and
limits of disturbance and/or clearing will be clearly marked out on the site
before any ground disturbing activity takes place.
At the completion of extraction, the former borrow pit will be made stable
and safe. This usually requires the sides of the pit to be reshaped with
gentle safe grades. All disturbed areas associated with borrow pits part of
the restoration plan.

3. Training of workers
The working staff on the borrow sites or pits and drivers for its haulage
will be trained for proper excavation, haulage and storage of borrow
materials. The Contractor’s HSE Team will be responsible for
implementation of plan.

4. Location Map of Borrow Pits

Locations of borrow pits selection is organized. The detailed location map
is submitted to the Supervision Consultant as shown herewith in
Annexure-II locations of the borrow pits.


Risk assessment and management are used interchangeably to describe a sequence of

analysis and management activities focused on creating a project-specific response to the
inherent risks of developing a new capital facility. The objectives of Risk Assessment
for this construction phase SSEMP is described in below.

Risk Assessment Objectives and Expected Outcomes


Identify major design and  Better understanding of
construction risks environmental, engineering, and
construction issues facing each
project alternative
 Identification, quantification, and  List of major project risks
likelihood of major scope, budget,  Reasonable estimate of risk
and schedule risks for all major costs and probable total
project components project costs and duration
 Long list of risk mitigation
 Preliminary risk
management plan, focused
on design and
constructability risks
 Preliminary risk allocation
 Targeted assessment of  Analysis of specific problems
construction problems, causes,  Costs/benefits of possible
and potential cost/ schedule corrective actions
impacts Corrective action plan that
 Identification and will allow project
systematic evaluation of sponsors/owners to
possible corrective actions maintain (or recover)

5.1 Risk Identification

The risk identification process identifies and categorizes risks that could affect the
project. It documents these risks and, at a minimum, produces a list of risks that can be
assigned to a team member and tracked throughout the project development and
delivery process. Risk identification is continuous and new risks should continually be
invited into the process. The tools and techniques outlined in this chapter should
support the risk identification process, but it will be the people involved in the exercises who
are most critical to the success of the process.

5.1.1Risk Assessment Process

Risk is assessed as the likelihood that the activity will have an effect on the environment
as well as the consequence of the effect occurring, as described below:
Risk = Likelihood1 × Consequence2.

Likelihood scale 

Sr. Likelihood Definition Score

A Certain Will certainly occur during the activity at a frequency greater than every week if 5
preventative measures are not applied
B Likely Will occur more than once or twice during the activity but less than weekly if 3
preventative measures are not applied
C Unlikely May occur once or twice during the activity if preventative measures are not applied 2
D Rare Unlikely to occur during the projec1 1

Consequence Scale 
Sr. Consequence Definition Score
A Catastrophic unprecedented damage or impacts 5
B Major major adverse damage 3
C Moderate limited adverse impacts 2
D Minor No or minimal adverse environmental or social impacts 1

Environmental Management for Construction Handbook. Any Medium to Significant risk

requires an environmental management measure to manage the potential environmental
risk. Judgment will be required concerning the application of an environmental
management measure to mitigate low risk situations.

Risk Response Options

Risk identification, assessment, and analysis exercises form the basis for sound risk
response options. A series of risk response actions to avoid or mitigate the identified
risks is considered as follows:
Avoided (by taking appropriate steps).
Reduced (by an alternative approach).
Handled by a combination of the above.
All the risks assessed are handled by providing mitigation, management or both.
Road construction introduces huge quantities of foreign material to the natural environment
and disrupts the soil conditions and runoff behavior for hundreds of kilometers. Consequently,
the road construction process is paramount in reducing the environmental impact of roads. In
general, the materials used for road construction affect the chemical composition of the
surrounding environment (through the toxicity of leachate, runoff and groundwater) while the
design and construction methods cause mechanical damage (erosion, soil disruption,
watershed changes). The risk assessment process is undertaken with a risk assessment
matrix, provided in below.
Risk Assessment Matrix

Construction Issues to consider Likelihood Consequence Score Mitigation


Vegetation  Clearing of Vegetation. 2 2 4  The project is only Reconstruction/rehabilitation

Loss of topsoil. project at the existing road, so no or very limited
vegetation removal will be required
Damage to vegetation
 Retain as much natural vegetation as possible.
beyond clearing limits
 Project overall vegetation plan will also mitigate this
Impact on Terrestrial impact, completely.
 Train and raise awareness among Project staff, extra
cutting, clearing of vegetation will not be allowed,
other than project requirements.

 Provide awareness training to staff on: prevention of

injury of animals; identification of likely species found
on site; identifications of animal hazards (such as
snakes); and what to do if dangerous animals are

Excavation  Dust Generation. 4 3 12 t d

 Training awareness must be given to Project staff

Falling from height.  Solid waste should only be disposed of at designated

 Good housekeeping to ensure clear paths and work
Vehicles and traffic  Excavations must be effectively barricaded.
collisions.  Excavation work is a minimum two man operation.

Damage to  Safety and warning signs should be posted.

underground services  Dust should be controlled.
during excavation work  Traffic will be controlled
causing electrocution,
explosion, gas escape,
flooding etc.

Material  Environment Pollution. 3 2 6  Appropriate PPE’s should be given to workers.

Dumping for 
Embankments  Work related injuries  Awareness Training should be given to workers.

 Proper drainage.

 Ensure that all the vehicles are capable of safely perform the

 Warning signboards should be placed.

Sub‐Base  Work injuries. 3 2 6  Appropriate PPE’s should be given to workers.

Dust Generation.  Training should be given to workers.

 Appropriate equipment must be used for prescribed operation.
Vehicles and traffic
collisions  Sub base work must be barricaded and posted.
 Excavated material which is unsuitable for reuse should be
removed from the site
 Traffic Management Plan formulation

Water Bound  Air pollution. 2 3 6  Appropriate PPE’s should be given to workers.

Work Injuries.  Awareness Trainings should be given to workers.

 Reduction of noise at source.

High noise
 Ensure that all the vehicles are capable of safely perform the
Moving traffic can lead
to accident
 Traffic Management Plan

Prime & Tack  Asphalt fumes can 3 2 6  PPE’s should be given to workers.

Coat  cause irritation of eyes,
 Training should be given to workers.
skin & respiratory
 Area should be barricaded.
 A spill or accidental release should be contained immediately by
Spillage. diking or impounding.

Traffic causes minor  Ensure good housekeeping.

surface raveling.  Dust should be controlled.

Air pollution
Asphalt Base Air pollution. 2 3 6  PPE’s should be given to workers.
Skin contact can give  Training should be given to workers.
burns.  Warning signs should be installed.

Dust and smoke from  Ensure leaks of any fuel are stopped quickly.

hot material can cause  Ensure proper housekeeping,

discomfort, nausea etc.  Ensure that all the vehicles are capable of safely perform the
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PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

Annexure – III: Environmental Monitoring & Protection Plan

Check Lists for Environmental Monitoring Plan

Parameters Details of Location Standard No of Frequency Responsibility Duration

Guidelines Samples
Construction Phase
Water quality analysis of  1 sample for WHO Total 4 Bi-annual Contractor N/
ground, surface and waste surface water near Drinking water samples A
water for : edge of Row and Quality
Total Coliforms, Fecal E- Community Water Guidelines
Coli, Total Hardness, TSS,
COD, Turbidity, pH value  1 sample for
ground water

 2 samples for Pak NEQs

waste water from
camp/ plant offices
Noise levels  7 meters from Pak NEQs 2 samples Monthly Contractor 24 hours @
Noise source and each 15 Seconds
 15 meters from interval
edge of pavement over
near of the 15 minutes
motorway every hour
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PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

Air Quality (PM10- 40 meters from hot Pak NEQs 2 Samples Bi-annual Contractor 24 Hours or
Hydrocarbons) mix plants over one full
working day
Measuring oxides of
Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulper,
and smoke of stack

PM10 In active Construction Pak NEQs 2 Samples Monthly Contractor 24 Hours or

Suspended solid particles Sites over one full
working day
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

(Environmental Protection Plan)

S. Remarks
No. Responsibility
Aspect Project Impact Mitigation Measures
1 Topography Cutting and dismantling of existing Proper landscaping The SC &
infrastructure Contractor the
2 Borrow/ open pits Land disputes, soil erosion, loss of ▪ Necessary permits will be The SC &
potential cropland, loss of vegetation, obtained for every borrow Contractor the
landscape degradation, and damage to pits from the competent Enginee
road embankments; and authorities; r
▪ No excavations allowed
within a distance of 100
metres of the ROW;
▪ In borrow pits; the depth of
the pits will be regulated so
that the sides of the
excavation will have a slope
not steeper than 1: 4.
3 Air Quality Dust emissions from construction ▪ Dust control by equipping The SC &
machinery, asphalt plants and vehicular asphalt hot mix and batching Contractor the
traffic. plants wet scrubbers or water Enginee
sprinkling to reduce the level r
of dust emissions;
▪ Sprinkling of water across
diversion tracks. Ensuring
that haul trucks carrying
asphalt concrete mix and/ or
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

S. Remarks
No. Responsibility
Aspect Project Impact Mitigation Measures
aggregate fill materials are
kept covered with tarpaulin
to help contain construction
material being transported
between sites; and
▪ Enforcing the NEQS
applicable to gaseous
emissions generated by
4 Construction Health risk to the workers, and the ▪ Wastewater effluent from The SC & the
waste disposal; surrounding settlements and water contractors workshop and Contractor Engineer
Wastewater, oil resources, equipment washing yards
and solid waste Unhygienic conditions, health risk to will be settle in the septic
etc. work force tanks, then released to the
soakage pits with a 1 foot
gravel/ sand beds to remove
oil/ grease contaminants
before discharging it into
natural streams
5. Construction Loss of plantation and vegetation,  The construction camps and The SC & the
Camps and Other permanent physical and visual impact workshops will be located at Contractor Engineer
Facilities on the area, social disturbance for safe distance from the
nearby community sensitive areas.
 Efforts will be made to
minimize vegetation loss
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

S. Remarks
No. Responsibility
Aspect Project Impact Mitigation Measures
while making site
arrangements for
construction camps and other
 Cutting of trees shall be
prohibited by contractor(s) Please refer
and workers near camp sites the trees
failing which two new trees plantation
will be planted by the diagram as
Contractor against each tree illustrate in
cut, the Annexure-
 The crushing plants shall not IX on page-
be located in 39.
environmentally sensitive
areas or existing settlements,
 The sites for camps and
associated facilities shall be
reinstated by the
Contractor(s) after
decommissioning of the
proposed Project.
6. Soil Erosion and Road stability, increased flood risk (by  The excavation of earth fill The SC &
Contamination more rapid and higher levels of runoff), shall be limited to an Contractor the
silting up of water bodies, landscape approximate depth of 50 to Enginee
value and in worst cases may reduce the 100 cm; r
economic productivity of land and  Soil contamination by
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

S. Remarks
No. Responsibility
Aspect Project Impact Mitigation Measures
biodiversity in the Project Area. bitumen, fuel and chemical
storages shall be minimized
by proper spillage control
practices at workshops,
plants and active
construction sites,
 The disposal of waste asphalt
shall be made in approved
locations such as borrow pits
or natural depressions and
shall not be within the ROW.
7. Noise Physiological and psychological  Selection of latest equipment The SC & the
impacts and plant with reduced noise Contractor Engineer
level ensured by suitable in-
built damping techniques
and appropriate muffling
 Confining excessively noisy
work to normal working
hours in the day;
 Installation of noise barriers
around noise producing
machines and equipment if
 Regular maintenance and
lubrication of machines and
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

S. Remarks
No. Responsibility
Aspect Project Impact Mitigation Measures
Implemen -
 Providing the construction
workers with suitable
hearing protection like ear
cap, ear muffs etc.;
 Noise quality monitoring
will be carried out as per
schedule given in
Environmental Monitoring
8. Surface and  Surface water might get  Regular water quality The SC &
Groundwater contaminated due to the disposal of monitoring according to Contractor the
construction waste generated due to EMP. Engine
the Project activity; this er
contamination will not only
endanger the aquatic life but will
also result in jeopardizing the health
of natives that use this water for
meeting domestic requirement; and
 Construction waste, if left
unattended will result in forming
leachate which will percolate
through the soil strata and will reach
underground water table and hence,
will end up contaminating it.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

S. Remarks
No. Responsibility
Aspect Project Impact Mitigation Measures
9. Flora and Fauna  Loss agricultural land  Flowering and fruiting NHA SC, Forest
 Cutting of trees due to Project shrubs will be planted along Department
related construction activities. the road to beautify the and
 Hunting and fishing landscape. Wildlife
 All old and mature trees Department
falling in the 25-meter-wide
proposed planting strips will
be saved. Effort will be made
to save as many trees as
possible even if they are
young or poll stage. Proper
irrigation and maintenance
of plants will be ensured;
10. Traffic Traffic jams causing inconvenience to  Proper alternative traffic The SC &
Management the people at the diversions, and management plan – control Contractor the
crossings of traffic in cooperation with Enginee
the local traffic police r
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

Annexure – IV: Traffic Management & Diversion Plan

The purpose of the Plan is to ensure that traffic management (and management of vehicles and equipment
in respect of the Project) is undertaken in a safe and efficient manner. As such, the management of traffic
in terms of this plan will be intended to avoid and minimize traffic risks to (and impacts on) the health
and safety of the local community and any personnel on site during the Project, under both routine and
non-routine circumstances. The requirements of this Plan shall apply to all construction personnel
including any Subcontractor appointed to provide vehicles, machinery or drivers for the Project.
For the proper implementation of traffic management plan (TMP), Contractor will communicate the
details of this plan to all personnel on site during the construction phase. The training will be provided to
operators and staff personnel. All activities and project works excluding the arrival and departure of loaded
vehicles from or site shall be carried between the hours of 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. except in emergency basis or
other situation depending on site conditions.
This TMP addresses the following Key Issues:
 Safety and amenity of road users and the public.
 Site security, site access and signage.
 Project identification, including advertising and site signage.
 Traffic and road user delay and inconvenience management.
 Speed limit signage.
 Procedures and Arrangement to divert traffic (if required).
 Maintenance during Construction.
 Traffic and Safety Management Responsibilities.
 Construction staging including detailing the intersection layout and capacities for each and
every construction stage.
 Impact of construction traffic on local roads.

The objectives and targets include but not limited to the following:
 Keep traffic delays to a minimum.
 Minimize disruption to businesses.
 Maintain satisfactory property access;
 Minimize disturbance to the environment.
 Traffic impacts are within the permitted scope.
 Ensure the safety of employees, contractors, the general public, pedestrians, cyclists and traffic; and
 Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

 Design temporary roadways, crossings and detours where necessary.

Progress against the nominated objectives will be continually assessed during the course of the project.

Key Traffic Management and Safety Issues

Safety and Amenity for General Road Users and Public

Throughout the project, safety will be considered based on the specific nature of the works.
The measures to providing public safety include:
 Providing separation between the public and the construction workers. This is a key element to
providing safety to road users and the construction team. This will be done through the use of
barriers, barricading Tape, making of service roads for contractor’s machinery, and availability
of flagmen to provide sufficient separation and safety measures to minimize the impact of the
 Implementing specific traffic management measures only where absolutely necessary to reduce
traffic speed, volumes and alignment to provide safety to both construction crews and the public
and instruct the vehicle drivers to use service road.
 Limiting the working hours of works that could pose substantial impact on road users and the
 Minimizing disruption during peak traffic periods, public holiday weekends and school
holidays by limiting the extent of traffic management undertaken during these times.
 Implementation of visual barriers to reduce potential distraction of road users.
 Community consultation and notification to keep road users and the public up to date regarding
traffic management measures or restrictions.

Safety and Amenity for Pedestrians

While planning construction activities, safety control measures for pedestrians will be developed. For
this purpose, number of pedestrians, type of their work activity like office, residential, recreational etc,
origin and destination points of the pedestrians, number of vulnerable pedestrians like young persons,
elderly, vision impaired, disabled persons and Proximity of pedestrian generation developments, such
as schools, shopping centers, railway stations, bus terminals.
To provide a safe environment for pedestrians:
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
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Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

 The contractor will clearly define the boundaries of all work areas, and provide defined walking
paths, where required.
 Hazardous areas will be barricaded to restrict physical access.
 Appropriate safety awareness sign boards will be installed.
 Pedestrian’s pathways will be free of the trip hazards.
Safety and Amenity for Public Transport

Local roads or property accesses used by public transport will be reviewed to ensure safe alternative or
temporary stop locations during the execution of the project. The locations of any alternative or temporary
stop locations, including school bus stops, will be confirmed in conjunction with affected transport services
and regular users. Accordingly, safety control measures will be developed for the safe movement of the
vehicles especially during peak hours.

Managing Construction Vehicular Movement

The effective management of construction vehicle movements on site and throughout the road network is
critical to the success of all projects. Construction vehicle movements will be planned with the aim to
minimize the risk to other road users and keep the traffic generated by the project to minimum.

Drivers` Responsibilities

It will be required to ensure that drivers employed on the Project, whether direct employees or
subcontractors, understand a responsibility to drive safely. Moreover, the credibility of drivers will be
assessed on the basis of past experience, reviews from previous employees, license, knowledge and
trainings etc.

Hazardous Movements

When planning construction vehicle movements, the following movements are considered hazardous:
 Entering and exiting work sites to and from adjacent travel lanes.
 U-turns movements across travel lanes.
 Reversing maneuvers within the work area and in the adjacent travel lane.
 Travelling through the work area.
 Transit of trucks through school zones when the school zone periods are in effect.
 Right-turn and Left-turn movements at high speed.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
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Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
 All entry and egress to and from construction sites.
 Over-dimensioned vehicle movements.
 Hazardous goods vehicles using unapproved routes.

The safety control measures to mitigate the risk of these hazardous movements include, but not limited to:
 Installation of deceleration facilities like studs, humps etc.
 Installation of safety awareness and warning sign boards.
 Installation of warning devices on vehicles.
 Training of drivers.
 Restricting the movement of Contractor’s vehicles on service roads where possible.
 Regular inspection of vehicles.
 Provision of flagmen to control traffic.

Traffic Control Devices

The devices used to control traffic include but not limited to:

Road Safety barriers

Safety barrier will be used especially in areas where traffic is diverted from one route to another. To
enhance the visibility of safety barriers, reflecting tapes are used.


Sign boards also play a very important role in traffic management as they provide road safety information to
the road users. Different types of sign boards will be used during the execution of the project like Existing
information signage, speed limit signage, safety information signage, directional signage for local roads
and advance warning signage etc.

Safety Cones

Safety cones will also be placed on roads to temporarily redirect traffic in a safe manner.
They shall be used for traffic redirection or advance warning of hazards or dangers, or the prevention of
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan


A large number of studs will be used throughout the project site to control vehicle speed.
High profile and low profile studs will be used at places according to their requirement. They shall be
used to reduce vehicle speed, segregate lanes, at diversions, at access and egress routes, near schools
and public places and near construction sites.

Traffic Triangles

Traffic triangles will be used to alert other drivers to issues ahead of them on the road.
Commonly it is used when a vehicle is parked or is disabled near moving traffic, it alerts other
drivers at a safe distance for them to slow down.

Revolving Lights

For night time use or low-light situations revolving lights will be used to convey the other road users
about start of construction area and signaling the other drivers and road users to drive slowly and carefully.

Review and Improvement

Continuous improvement of this plan will be achieved by the ongoing evaluation of environmental
management performance against environmental policies, objectives and targets for the purpose of
identifying opportunities for improvement:
The continuous improvement process will be designed to:
 Identify areas of opportunity for improvement of traffic management.
 Determine the cause or causes of non-conformances and deficiencies.
 Develop and implement a plan of corrective and preventative action to address any non-
conformances and deficiencies.
 Verify the effectiveness of the corrective and preventative actions.
 Make comparisons with objectives and targets.


All vehicles and machinery used during the Project shall be regularly maintained and repaired where
necessary. In this regard, all construction vehicles used during the Project shall be inspected by an
appropriately qualified mechanic at regular intervals following the commencement of the Project. The
Project Managers shall ensure that regular inspections are undertaken of construction vehicles to ensure
that they are in good working order and are not overloaded.
Gravel roads shall be sprayed with water to limit the generation of dust (where economically viable and
environmentally acceptable).
Any potential road hazard or vehicle defect which may render a vehicle or road unsafe for use shall be
immediately reported to the Project Managers who shall ensure that the vehicle/road is not used until
the necessary repairs have been undertaken.
It will responsibility of contractor to maintain the road and any part of damaged road will be rehabilitated
by the contractor.

Transport of Equipment and Materials

It will the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all equipment and/or materials transported to
or from Site shall be appropriately secured to, or contained in, vehicles. No construction vehicles shall be
loaded in excess of its manufacturer-specified weight bearing
capacity. All vehicles used during the Project shall have the appropriate load-bearing capacity for the
materials and/or equipment intended to be transported. Drivers shall be appropriately trained in driving
techniques applicable to specific loads where necessary.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
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Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
Traffic Management & Diversion Plan layout
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PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

Annexure – V: Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

1. Background
This emergency preparedness and response plan is designed and written to assist the
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP-
PKG- No.7, Lot-2: management, employees and outside responding agencies
through emergency response actions during the Construction of road. Contractor is
committed and obliged to protecting the community, workers, public and concerned
company’s property and the surrounding environment; in the emergency situations.
These situations shall be handled through the implementation of an Emergency
Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP). The construction contractors shall meet
with the local emergency service institutions and law enforcement agencies i.e. Fire
brigade 16 & TDMP, nearest police stations 15, to review and discuss the
construction process, including unique construction equipment(s), the overall
construction process, and schedule/phasing. This plan will be communicated to all the
concerned and personnel who will be responsible for managing the emergency
situations, and those who will be effected by the emergencies.

1.1 Objectives

The objectives of this plan are;

 To develop, maintain, implement, check and improve procedures and practices
which will ensure efficient utilization of available resources; in order to protect
workers and staff from impacts of hazard’s risks,
 To minimize impacts of emergencies and unplanned happenings,
 The plan includes preparedness and response mechanisms.
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Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of the emergency response plan is to identify the actual and potential
hazards their risks, organize responsibilities, identify the resources and plan to utilize
them in order to control and minimize impacts of risks in an efficient way. This plan
is applicable to all construction processes and sites, machinery/ equipment and
materials. It includes preparation to respond in the event of fires, incidents/ accidents
involving personnel injuries, property damages etc., hazardous materials emissions,
explosions, and natural disasters i.e. flood, earthquake etc. This plan also includes
preparation to respond in the event of riots, arsons, terrorist attacks etc.

2. Type of Emergencies
Following is a list of the hazards and emergency situations, which need planning and
proper handling to minimize their risks.
 Fire,
 Road Traffic Accidents,
 Materials/ effluents spills i.e. asphalt, POL, etc.,
 Natural disasters i.e. torrential rains, floods, earthquakes,
 Occupational accidents i.e. fall from heights, electrocutions, cave-ins,
 Arsons
 Terrorist attacks, etc.,

3. Organizing
The Contractor Project Manager (PM) or whosoever is in-charge of the project
shall be the prime responsible for managing emergency situations. Concerned
contractor/ section occupational Health & Safety and Environment (HSE) Officer/
engineer or whosoever responsible for managing the occupational HSE, security
etc., shall be the Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC). All the site, camp
managers/ person in-charge shall be responsible for their concerned areas for the
early warning, alerting and on site first aid, call for ambulance, transportation, etc.
in emergencies.

3.1. Contractors Obligations

Put in place effective arrangements for the planning, organization, control,
monitoring and review of health and safety measures in the workplace
(including health surveillance). Such arrangements should be recorded if there
are more than four employees,
Employ (to be preferred) or contract competent persons to help them comply
with health and safety duties,
Develop suitable emergency procedures. Ensure that employees and others are
aware of these procedures and can apply them,
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
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Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
Provide health and safety information to employees and others, such as other
employers, the self-employed and their employees who are sharing the same
workplace and parents of child employees or those on work experience,
Co-operate in health and safety matters with other employers who share the
same workplace,
Provide employees with adequate and relevant health and safety training,
Provide temporary workers and their contract agency with appropriate health
and safety information,
 Provide safe plant and equipment.
 Provide safe means of access/egress.
 Provide safe Work environment.
 Provide adequate welfare facilities.
 Provide written statement of Health and Safety Policy.
 Ensure safety of workers dealing with hazardous substances (during storage,
transportation, use, disposal etc.)
 Provide competent staff.
 Provide safe system of work.

3.2. Employees Obligations

Use any equipment or substance in accordance with any training or instruction

given by the employer
Report to the employer any serious or imminent danger,
 Report any shortcomings in the employer’s protective health and safety
Employees should take care of their own Health and Safety.
To take care of Health and Safety of Others.
To cooperate with their employer.
Not to interfere with or misuse of anything provide for Health and Safety.
Not to misuse personal protective equipment provided for his safety

3.2.3. On-Site Person In-charge

The Contractor on-site site in-charge shall be responsible for handling

emergency situations for concerned site. He/ She will act as Emergency
Response Coordinator (ERC) and shall be responsible for ensuring that all
subcontractors, staff, on-site visitors and others adhere to the appropriate
emergency response procedures as stated in this Plan.
4. Preparedness
4.1. Emergency Response Team (ERT)
Emergency Response Team shall be formatted at all camps, each team comprised
of 3 or 5 members including and lead by the ER Coordinator or the concerned
person in-charge. All the members of the ER Team shall be trained in basic First
Aid, search & rescue and firefighting; that will further provide search & rescue,
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
first aid and arrange transportation, in case of accidents and emergencies, and
extinguish fires, guide workers and staff to assembly points and other safe places.
The ERT shall assist the ER Coordinator in accidents investigation. The contact
details of the ERTs shall be posted at prominent places, and all workers made
aware of them.

4.1. Safety Training

On-site induction, Tool Box Talks (TBT), trainings shall be organized by the
Emergency Response Coordinator/ HSE Officer/ Engineer regarding the health &
Safety measures from potential and existing hazards, environmental protection,
etc. New workers and staff shall be orientated regarding their work and the
potential hazards, and safety from them. All trainings shall be recorded and
communicated to the Supervision Consultant.

4.2. Site Inspections

The contractor HSE Officer/ Engineer shall visit and inspect all the worksites,
plants, machines, workshops, laboratories, working platforms, safety equipment
etc., on regular basis, record and notify findings to the concerned Project
Manager/ person in-charge. In case of any observations i.e. unsafe equipment,
unsafe acts, violations, absence of safety equipment, etc., required control and
mitigation measures must be communicated to the concerned person in-charge
and workers/ staff immediately ad duly implemented.

4.3. First Aid Post/ Box

First aid post shall be established at all camps & plants or first aid box provided as
per the requirement. The concerned ERTs shall be trained in basic first aid. The
first aid post/ or the facilities where first aid box are kept shall be indicated

5. Emergency Response Procedures


The following procedures will be prescribed for internal reporting of emergencies:

 The Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) will awaken on-site personnel,
including visitors, of the nature of the emergency,
 The ERC will activate and deploy the concerned ERTs, and notify and inform
the project person in-charge, emergency medical assistance/ Edhi rescue 115
& PDMA, fire department, nearest police, whoever and whenever needed.
 The Contractor Project Manager (PM) or whosoever is in-charge of the
project shall only be authorized to speak on contractor’s behalf to outside
agencies (police, fire department, medical services, Media etc.) during an
emergency situation.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
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Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
 The ERC will identify any need for security measures at the Project Area
during any emergency and will notify the concerned project or security person
 When any person, identifies an emergency situation, or the potential for an
emergency situation, and reports it to the ERC, the ERC will then activate the
Emergency Response Team.
 The supervision consultant shall be notified in writing within 24 hours of any
emergency situation.

5.1. Fire
Fire is a major cause of deaths, disabilities and deaths at household and
workplaces. Most often fires are caused by inappropriate and unsafe use of
materials and equipment. All personnel at camps and plants shall be trained in
fire safety and use of Fire Extinguishers. Fire extinguishers, no Smoking sings
etc., shall be installed at all camps, officers, plants, stores, fueling stations,
workshops etc. In case of fire, areas with potential to be affected shall be
evacuated immediately and gathered at the assembly point, or any other safe
zone. The ERTs shall be activated. The fire if at initial stages shall be
extinguished with keeping in view personnel safety of employees/ workers at
priority. The emergency services i.e. Edhi rescue 115 & PDMA shall be called
immediately. All the fire safety equipment and signs shall be regularly
inspected and maintained. The reasons for accidents shall be recorded;
mitigation or control measures designed and communicated all employees.
The situation must be recorded and reported to the Supervision Consultant
within 24 hours of the incident.

5.2. Road Traffic Accidents (RTA)

All the drivers at site shall be made aware regarding safe driving practices at
the active construction site borrow areas, camps to avoid accidents. All the
drivers shall be trained, motivated and enforced in use of seat belt, obeying
speed limit etc. traffic signs i.e. diversion, speed limits, U-turns, etc. shall be
installed at all required locations. In case of any RTA the concerned ERTs
shall be activated; first aid shall be provided to injured person (God Forbid) if
any on the spot, transported to the nearest emergency medical facility or the
first aid post at the nearest concerned camp. The concerned ER Coordinator or
the person in-charge shall be informed immediately. The reasons for accidents
shall be investigated, recorded; mitigation or control measures designed and
communicated to all employees through a series of trainings, orientations. The
situation must be recorded and reported to the Supervision Consultant (SC)
within 24 hours of the incident in writing.

5.3. Materials/ Effluents Spills

Spillage of liquids hazardous to worker’s health, wild life and property shall
be avoided. Concerned workers shall be trained in proper and safe handling of
such materials. PPEs shall be provided and their use enforced on the
concerned workers. In case of liquids and effluents spills i.e. asphalt, POL,
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
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Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
etc., the spills must be controlled through spill control kit, collected and
properly disposed which does not affect human or wild life. Spillage of
significant amount shall be recorded and reported. Concerned workers shall be
orientated on the findings of the reasons for spillage and control measures.

5.4. Natural Disasters

Since the project area in view of the past weather record is not subject and
vulnerable to torrential rains, floods, earthquake; however, the camps shall be
established at safe places, and in case of torrential rains, floods workers shall
be alerted and mobilized to safe places prior to the impact. In case of
earthquake all personnel shall evacuate settlements and gather at the assembly
point or any other safe place. The ERTs shall be activated. In case of
personnel injuries, first aid shall be provided on the spot and causality(s)
transported to the nearest emergency medical facility/ hospital. In case
property damages caused shall be recorded and reported to the SC.

5.5. Occupational Accidents

All the workers and staff at active construction sites, camps, plants, and
workshops shall be trained and orientated on occupational health and safety
measures. Tool Box Talks (TBT) shall be organized by the concerned HSE
Head/ Manager, or site in-charge prior to any new activity or activity
potentially hazardous. All such activities shall be recorded and reported
accordingly. PPEs shall be provided to all workers and they shall be trained in
their proper use and maintenance. All measures needed for the health and
safety of workers and staff shall be put in place to a safe and healthy working
environment. In case of falls from heights, electrocutions, cave-ins, etc.,
casualty(s); the ERTs shall be activated; they shall provide first aid and
transport causality(s) to the nearest emergency medical facility or the
concerned nearest camp/ first aid post. Transportation arrangements must be
made immediately, the concerned ER Coordinator or person in-charge
informed immediately. The happening must be recorded and reported to the
Supervision Consultant (SC) within 24 hours of the incident in writing. The
incident must be investigated, findings recorded control measures devised;
and communicated to all concerned, in order to avoid such happenings in

5.6. Arsons, Vandals

All the social disputes among the contractor and workers and community shall
be settled peacefully, with mutual consensus; however, in case of unpleasant
situations safety of the workers and staff shall be the priority, and the nearest
police station shall be informed to protect employees. Social framework
agreements maybe signed to sort out the community matters if any.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

6. Emergency Contact Numbers

Emergency Response personnel will be available to the Project and will be utilized to
assist during emergency situations or provide first aid as needed.

Designation Name Contact number

Project Manager Inayetullah Soomro 0300-2884433

Site Manager Hussain Bux 0300-3282553

Head of HSE Department Amanullah 0300-2555497

In case of any emergency, Safety Manager or designated person will be authorized to

contact the external public safety agencies/emergency services. Following are the
contacts of emergency services.

 Fire departments 16
 Police 15
 Edhi rescue 115
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

Annexure – VI: Construction Safety & Security Plan (CSSP)

The construction safety plan for the project covers the safety and health policy, safety rules, job
safety training, vehicle safety, hazard communication program, etc.

Conduct of Work

Contractor and sub-contractors shall familiarize their staff and work crews with known
hazards on job sites, provide training, and ensure work proceeds in a safe and secure
manner. Jobsite rules must be followed and no work shall be conducted in an unsafe manner or
unsafe environment. Project and contractor staff shall not tamper with or otherwise render any
safety or security measure in effective, to include alarms, signage, notices, guardrails, lighting, or
any other measure.
Contractor shall ensure that hazard analysis and vulnerability assessment scare undertaken and
completed, and that mitigations of hazards and vulnerabilities are implemented. Any hazards or
vulnerabilities that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable risk level must be communicated to
all work crews and visitors.

Types of Safety & Security Events

The variety of safety and security events, impacts, locations, levels of severity, and combinations
with other elements or other emergencies makes it impossible to define and plan for every
scenario. However, general types of events can be identified that may be faced by contractors,
whether natural (e.g. flooding), accidental (e.g., fall), intentional (e.g., theft), or technological
(e.g., communications failure). Contractor CSSPs must adequately address reasonable possibilities.
Listed below are safety and security events and emergencies for which CONTRACTORS shall
be prepared to respond to.

 Natural events such as extreme temperatures

 Structural collapse or imminent collapse of structures or buildings

 Fire or smoke at or near works areas

 Accidental or intentional release of hazardous and non-hazardous material

 Loss of power, lighting or communications at job sites

 Collision involving private vehicles and/or construction vehicles/equipment

 Person struck by vehicle or construction equipment

Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

 Unauthorized access onto the worksite

 Theft of material or equipment from job sites

 Vandalism or criminal acts

 Response to injuries, fatalities, medical emergencies or equipment/facility damage

 Pandemic of communicable or infectious disease

 Site evacuation, including persons with disabilities and

 Other scenarios deemed reason able and appropriate.

Signage& Access Control

Proper signage shall be placed on the exterior of each work site so that persons approaching the site
from any area, sidewalk or known or anticipated access point are sufficiently informed that the
approaching a controlled area.
Signage must identify the site as a worksite, with restricted public entry, and warn of the
potential dangers. A phone number must be provided for notification of hazardous or
emergency conditions or to report suspicious or in appropriate activity.
Sign age shall be placed within the site prohibiting un-authorized crew members from
operating machinery or equipment for which they are not qualified or trained, informing site
crews and visitors of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements and any other safety
or security requirements.
Appropriate access controls shall be implemented a tall worksite. Access control shall include
barriers, fencing and gates or other methods to prevent unauthorized individuals and vehicles from
entering the worksite.
All work sites on and along public road ways shall provide physical separation through traffic
control and pedestrian control, using barrels, barriers, tape, signage, or other means as
appropriate. Work performed in close proximity to traffic must comply with all SOPs set by the
Contractor. Work zones must be adequately protected from live traffic.
Contractor shall keep entry/exit records of all construction work zone visitors. Each visitor shall
be briefed and trained as appropriate about concerned hazards and dangers present at the work
site before they are allowed to enter. All authorized work site visitors shall be required to wear
proper personal protective equipment (PPE).
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

Drugs and Alcohol Usage

No person shall be working on or otherwise present at any CONTRACTORS construction site

while under the influence of alcohol or any prescription drug that was not specifically
prescribed to that person and taken in the directed amounts. No person shall operate any
vehicle or machinery, or work in hazardous areas while under any narcotic or drug that
impairs judgment or cause dizziness or drowsiness unless there is written approval by the
attending physician. Particular concern shall be applied if this individual performs a safety
sensitive role and/or operates equipment or machinery at the job site. Any person found in such
condition must be immediately removed by the site foreman. Contractor shall enforce all
alcohol and drug-free work place policies and requirements.
The use of illegal drugs and alcohol is strictly prohibited on all CONTRACTORS construction
project sites. As part of their Construction Safety and Security Plan, construction contractors and
all subcontractors are required to have a Program that addresses the prohibited use of alcohol
and drugs, including pre-placement, periodic, for cause, and post-accident/incident testing.

Fall Protection

Contractors are committed to100%continuous fall protection, whenever workers are exposed to
fall hazards of six feet (6') or greater. This policy applies to all personnel working for or on
behalf of Contractors.

 Contractors will take all practical measures to eliminate, prevent, and control fall hazards.
All work will be planned with the eliminate identified fall hazards. When a fall hazard has been
identified, and cannot be eliminated, then effective means of fall protection will be

 Employees who are exposed to falls of six feet (6’) or greater while working on scaffolds,
elevated decks, elevated platforms, low-slope roofing, stairways, stair wells, reinforced
steel, and any other elevated area or equipment, and excavations with a slope greater than
40 degrees will be protected from falls. There is no set safe distance from a leading edge
or perimeter that would exempt a worker from fall protection.

 Any employee who must remove a guardrail, wall or floor opening cover, or other
fall protection system in the course of their work will be responsible for providing
inter protection for themselves as well as others and immediately replacing the
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

 Protective system when their work is complete, during breaks or at the end of the
work shift.

 When no other practical means off all protection can be used, employees will be tied off
a tall times utilizing a personal fall arrest system.
Employees may work from ladders without personal fall protection when the following
criteria are met:

 Working at height does not exceed 6 feet.

 Work can be performed without reaching beyond the side rail limits
of the ladder.

 (Worker remains inside the area between the vertical side rails)

 Ladder is properly tied off/secured or in the case of a step ladder; legs

are fully

 extended and spreaders are locked.

 Work does not involve working within15 feet of a fall exposure such
as an elevated

 slab perimeter.

Amber Light son Vehicles

Amber warning lights shall be used on all vehicles in work zones to identify the min protected areas
from adjacent traffic and other work or construction vehicles and to improve their visibility
within traffic areas.

Hazardous Materials–Usage and Storage

The use of any toxic materials must be properly labeled, handled only with proper PPE, and used as
directed by the manufacturer and in compliance with the material safety data sheets (MSDS).Use of
all such materials must be in accordance with OSHA specifications.
All hazardous materials, if stored on site, must be properly stored in safe, designated
locations in appropriate containers, and shall be adequately protected from in appropriate access.
MSDS for all materials used on site must be kept at the work site and be available for audit, or in
case of accidental or intentional release or exposure. Contractor safety and security personnel
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

shall be advised as to what material is on site and where within the site it is located to allow for
any personal protective equipment (PPE) or ventilation requirements that must be followed when
patrolling or handling such material. All hazardous materials shall be disposed of through proper
means and locations based on the material type.

Tools and Equipment

All tools and equipment shall be either securely locked up each day before leaving a
worksite or shall be removed from the site. No machinery or equipment shall be left
unsecured and unattended such that a non-authorized per son may move, start, and/or operate
such machinery or equipment.


All work sites shall have adequate lighting to provide a safe and secure working environment.
If natural light is in sufficient for the task or to provide a safe environment and to support
police, security, or patrols of work sites, supplemental lighting will be provided. If CCTV will be
used, the lighting shall be sufficient to provide adequate illumination for the CCTV system.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All personnel, including visitors to the work site locations associated with the project, shall wear
the following minimum PPE:

 Head Protection: Hard hats will be properly worn at all times.

 Eye and Face Protection: Safety glasses.

 Foot Protection: All employees shall wear work boots that cover a minimum and shall
keep their foot wear in good condition at all times.

 High Visibility Clothing: Employee will wear glowing jackets

 Hearing Protection: Hearing protection will be worn like ear plugs etc.

 Hand, Arm and Leg Protection: Employees will wear task specific gloves.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

Fire Protection & Fire Prevention

Temporary fire protection measures, such as fire extinguishers will be installed at required places.
If a fire extinguisher is discharged for any purpose it will be reported to a supervisor and removed
from the work area.

 Combustible refuse from construction operations will not be burned or dumped anywhere
on the construction site. Such refuse will be removed at frequent intervals, as needed.

 Oily rags and waste are to be stored separately in metal containers fitted with

Self-closing lids. Trash and refuse must be placed in trash containers provided for this purpose.

 No open fires are permitted.

 A minimum clearance of 15 feet from fire hydrants must be maintained at all times for
stored materials.

 All fire safety rules and signs will be observed and obeyed.

 No Smoking will be allowed near-by such points.

Fire Fighting:

Immediate and appropriate action is the key to preventing major losses due to fires. If a fire occurs,
call HSE Staff immediately and assist with evacuation of the area if necessary. If possible,
remove or shut off the fuel source such as removing debris or material or shutting off the fuel
supply. Evacuation routes shall be kept clear. After the fire has been extinguished, a thorough
investigation shall be conducted and documented.

Severe Weather

The project activities shall include procedures to address severe weather that affects
construction sites, including the protection of machines/equipment and the crew working on
location. Protection and hydration will be provided for workers in extreme heat. Rain must not be
permitted to enter electrical equipment, which may cause electrocution to the user.

Housekeeping & Material Storage

Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

All equipment, tool sand materials will be stored, stacked, located, placed, temporarily
spotted, or set up for manipulation in such a manner as to render it highly improbable that an
accident/incident or injury could occur in the work area.

The following measures regarding housekeeping will be taken;

 All material, spoils, debris, etc. is to be cleaned-up as it accumulates and at the end of
each work shift.

 Accumulation of trash and debris will not be tolerated.

 Access walkways, road ways, and fire lanes will not be blocked with material, tools,
ladders, scaffolds, welding leads, air hoses or electrical cords.

 Trash containers will be placed at appropriate locations.

 Stacks of lumber, structural steel, and similar materials shall be maintained so the stack is
stable, to prevent falling or collapsing. No lumber, structural steel, or similar materials
will be stacked/stored above fourteen feet (14’).

Security Risk

In view of the present security situation, the Contractor will have to make necessary security
measures to avoid the risk of security. Due to the uncertainty of the attacker the measures for
security will be with the orientation of precaution. The following precaution measures will be
taken strictly.

 All camps will be fenced with temporary arrangement and at the entry of fenced the camp,
security guards will be deployed for the security checking. All persons who enter or exit
from the camp will be asked and searched. All vehicles coming inside will be thoroughly
searched to avoid taking any hazardous materials. The person who is not cooperative with
the security staff for checking will be rejected to enter or exit from the gate.

 All staff working for the project from the contractor will be issued a company working
card to identity and such identity card will be required to be put on the obvious position.
Anyone who is not taking such cards may be asked and searched by the security person. If
the person cannot answer these questions satisfactorily they may be treated as the
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

suspect and taken by the police deployed at the camps or from the nearby police station.

 Coordination with local police & authorities will be done to acquire more support and
facilities from these authorities.

Site Inspections

Daily inspections of construction sites, by compete and trained persons, shall be performed to ensure
the physical and behavioral conformance with this Plan, the Contractor CSSP, and applicable
local, state, and Federal regulations. Each inspection shall be logged. Any findings of non-
conformance shall be escalated as a safety /security finding and brought to resolution in a timely
manner. For findings of imminent danger, corrective action must be taken immediately; if
immediate corrective action is not possible, the job location shall be shut down until the condition
can be remedied.

Construction Safety and Security Reporting

Any one witnessing or otherwise having knowledge of unsafe behavior or an unsafe

condition on or around the construction site shall immediately report it to the foreman,
supervisor or designated Safety and Security Manager at the site. The responsible party must take
immediate action to remedy the situation. If the unsafe conditioner practice cannot be
immediately corrected (e.g., a risk resulting from defective equipment), then work shall be halted at
the impacted part of the job site. Police shall be called immediately if a life-threatening situation
is present.
A written report following the incident shall be submitted to the PM or CM with in one day of the
event, to include details of the event, persons involved, time/date and work conditions of the
event, action taken, and suspected/known causes of the event. A full report to be submitted
within three days of the incident shall include the above information as well as detailed findings
as to the cause of the event and the corrective action taken to prevent, if possible, future

Hazard sand Vulnerability Identification & Management

A central element of a construction safety and security program is the management of

construction site hazard sand vulnerabilities. A key tool to support this is a safety and security
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
risk assessment, which identifies hazard sand vulnerabilities for the physical construction
aspects of the project and the develops methods to mitigate or control such risks to acceptable
levels or to eliminate them. Contractor CSSPs must include a methodology for assessing hazards
and vulnerabilities with in their work site areas. Contractor will perform the hazard and
vulnerability assessment priority to performing work

on the project. The outcome from the risk assessment and the plan for appropriate
mitigations must be provided to the CM for approval prior to the start of field work on the


The Contractor shall develop a health, safety and security training program and provide
instructional health, safety, and security training for all staff working at construction sites.
Training shall advise all employees at construction sites of the potential hazards on the site; the
knowledge and procedures to identify, mitigate, and /or avoid such hazards; and actions to be taken
in the even to health, safety, or security incident.
All trainings shall be conducted by a qualified competent person familiar with the work and
hazards at the job sites, and deemed competent in terms of education, relevant experience, and
instructional capability.

Internal Audit &Review

Contractor shall do internal audit & review to ensure compliance with this Plan and the
Contractor’s CSSP, to ensure a safe, healthy, and secure environment, both physically and
behaviorally, for workers, equipment, property, visitors and the general public at and near
work sites. Internal audit maybe (I) At least once every year; (ii) After a major safety or
security incident.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
HSE Tool Box Talk Format


Project Title: Post Flood National Highways Rehabilitation Project (PNHRP)

Project Section:Package-7,Lot#2; ROJHAN–CHAK KARYA Km 540+000 to Km 547+600(7.1Km)


NO. (s)
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

Incident /Near Miss Report Format

Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan

Annexure – VII: Wastewater Management Material and Solid Waste Management

Waste Water Management

1. Waste Water Treatment

The waste water and liquid effluents released from plants, workshops, service stations
kitchens, washrooms and toilets need to be managed properly.
Waste water produced from the toilets should be separately collected from other waste
waters; and released in septic tank for settling, and then to soakage pit. The waste water
and other liquid effluents produced from the kitchens, car wash stations, washrooms etc
must be collected and released in the soakage pit directly.
The typical layout, design and flow chart for all the waste water and liquid effluents
management is given in the attached sketch.

2. Design Criteria of Septic Tanks and Soakage Pits

Septic Tanks

 The septic tank must be constructed with brick/ block walls, strong enough to
withstand force of the waste water discharged inside the tank. The floor of septic tank
must be cemented.
 The size of a septic tank is based on the number of users and the amount of dilution
water in the sewage. Average retention period of sewage in a septic tank is 12-24
hours or even more where the sewage is fresh as in residential installations.
 It is considered that as the dilution per head is more than five gallons and less than 40
gallons, a septic tank having a content of about 2.5 cubic feet per users will do the
work required.
 The function of septic tank is to produce certain biological and chemical changes by
partial liquefaction and gasification(decomposition) of human excreta discharged into
it, through the action of anaerobic bacteria which flourish in the absence of free
oxygen, humidity, darkness and warmth which are the conditions created in a septic
tank, thus reducing the bulk of the sewage.
 The size of tank includes for one-year sludge storage.
 Frequency of sludge removal is optional and may be removed at intervals of one to
four years.
Post Flood National Highway (N-55) Rehabilitation Project ADB/ICB/PNHRP
PKG-No.7, Lot-2)
Site Specific Environmental Management Plan
Soakage Pits

The walls of soakage pit must be constructed with brick/ block, strong enough to
withstand force of the waste water discharged inside the pit. The floor of soakage pit
doesn’t need cementing only a sand and gravel filter bed of about 1 feet thickness,
moreover overflow of the soakage pit shall be diverted to the nearby waste water
channels if any.

Materials Management on Construction Sites

Materials management involves procedures and practices designed to reduce or eliminate

pollution of surface or ground water from stored materials. Environmental stewardship
entails use of
Management procedures for stockpiling:

 Contaminated and uncontaminated soil.

 Vegetative waste and paving materials.
 Materials removed from drains, ditches and culverts.
 Waste piles and any other material that could impact storm water quality.

The following environmental stewardship practices are recommended in managing

materials at construction sites:

 Minor slides often occur during major storms. Stockpiles should be removed as
soon as practicable and materials should be placed so that waterways are not
 During rain events, stockpiles of “cold mix” asphalt (i.e., pre-mixed aggregate and
asphalt binder) should be covered. During rain events, soil stockpiles should be
covered or protected with soil stabilization measures and a temporary perimeter
sediment barrier.
 During rain events, stockpiles of Portland cement concrete rubble, asphalt
concrete, asphalt concrete rubble, aggregate base or aggregate sub base should be
covered or protected with a temporary perimeter sediment barrier.

Materials Storage

 Sites where chemicals, cements, solvents, paints, or other potential water

pollutants are to be stored shall be isolated in areas where they will not cause
runoff pollution.
 Toxic chemicals and materials, such as pesticides, paints, and acids, shall be
stored according to manufacturers’ guidelines.
 Overuse of chemicals should be avoided and great care should be taken to prevent
accidental spillage.
 Containers shall never be washed in or near flowing streams or storm water
conveyance systems.
 Groundwater resources shall be protected from leaching by placing a plastic mat,
tar paper, or other impervious materials on any areas where toxic liquids are to be
opened and stored.

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