This document presents a triage tool to identify pediatric patients presenting with sepsis or septic shock. It provides tables to assess vital signs, high-risk conditions, and exam abnormalities. The tool guides clinicians through an assessment of temperature, hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, capillary refill, mental status, pulses, skin, and whether the patient meets criteria to initiate septic shock protocols and mobilize resources. If criteria are not met, routine triage continues, but high-risk patients meeting two criteria should alert physicians.
This document presents a triage tool to identify pediatric patients presenting with sepsis or septic shock. It provides tables to assess vital signs, high-risk conditions, and exam abnormalities. The tool guides clinicians through an assessment of temperature, hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, capillary refill, mental status, pulses, skin, and whether the patient meets criteria to initiate septic shock protocols and mobilize resources. If criteria are not met, routine triage continues, but high-risk patients meeting two criteria should alert physicians.
This document presents a triage tool to identify pediatric patients presenting with sepsis or septic shock. It provides tables to assess vital signs, high-risk conditions, and exam abnormalities. The tool guides clinicians through an assessment of temperature, hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, capillary refill, mental status, pulses, skin, and whether the patient meets criteria to initiate septic shock protocols and mobilize resources. If criteria are not met, routine triage continues, but high-risk patients meeting two criteria should alert physicians.
This document presents a triage tool to identify pediatric patients presenting with sepsis or septic shock. It provides tables to assess vital signs, high-risk conditions, and exam abnormalities. The tool guides clinicians through an assessment of temperature, hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, capillary refill, mental status, pulses, skin, and whether the patient meets criteria to initiate septic shock protocols and mobilize resources. If criteria are not met, routine triage continues, but high-risk patients meeting two criteria should alert physicians.
Patient presents to the ED with concern Exclude from shock NO for infection and/or temperature triage tool. abnormality (in the ED or within 4 hrs of Continue routine triage Table 1. High Risk Conditions presentation)? process • Malignancy • Asplenia (including SCD) YES • Bone marrow transplant Continue assessment at triage • Central or indwelling line/catheter • Solid organ transplant Transfer patient to a • Severe MR/CP YES General assessment: resuscitation room and • Immunodeficiency, immunocompromise or immunosuppression Is patient critically ill? immediately alert physician / NO resuscitation team Table 2. Vital Signs (PALS) Continue shock triage tool Heart Resp Temp • Obtain a full set of vital signs including blood pressure and temperature Age Rate Rate Systolic BP (°C) • Perform a brief history and physical exam assessing mental status, 0d– 1m > 205 > 60 < 60 <36 or >38 skin, pulses and capillary refill/perfusion • Is the patient a high-risk patient? (see Table 1) 1m-3m > 205 > 60 < 70 <36 or >38 Septic Shock Checklist 3m-1r > 190 > 60 < 70 <36 or >38.5 Temperature abnormality (Table 2) ____________°C Hypotension (Table 2) ___________________mmHg 1y-2y > 190 > 40 < 70 + (age in yr × 2) <36 or >38.5 Tachycardia (Table 2) _____________________bpm Tachypnea (Table 2) _____________________bpm 2y-4y > 140 > 40 < 70 + (age in yr × 2) <36 or >38.5 Capillary refill abnormality (Table 3) ______________ 4y-6y > 140 > 34 < 70 + (age in yr × 2) <36 or >38.5 Mental status abnormality (Table 3) ______________ Pulse abnormality (Table 3) _____________________ 6 y- 10 y > 140 > 30 < 70 + (age in yr × 2) <36 or >38.5 Skin abnormality (Table 3) ______________________ 10 y - 13 y > 100 > 30 < 90 <36 or >38.5
> 13 y > 100 >16 < 90 <36 or >38.5
YES Initiate/continue the Septic Shock
Is patient Table 3. Exam Abnormalities hypotensive? protocol /pathway using the Septic Shock Order Set, and mobilize Cold Shock Warm Shock Non-specific NO resources Pulses Decreased (central vs. Bounding Does patient meet 3 or more of the 8 or weak Continue peripheral) clinical criteria, NO routine OR triage Does high-risk patient meet 2 or more of Capillary refill process the 8 clinical criteria? (central vs. 3 sec Flash (< 1 sec) YES peripheral)
Identify the patient as meeting septic Flushed, ruddy,
shock triage criteria, transfer to a room Mottled, Petechiae below the nipple, any Skin erythroderma immediately and alert physician cool purpura (other than face)
YES Decreased, irritability, confusion,
Does physician assessment concur with triage assessment? inappropriate crying or drowsiness, Mental status poor interaction with parents, NO lethargy, diminished arousability, obtunded Continue routine care