Bandwidth Improvement in Large Reflectarrays by Using True-Time Delay
Bandwidth Improvement in Large Reflectarrays by Using True-Time Delay
Bandwidth Improvement in Large Reflectarrays by Using True-Time Delay
8, AUGUST 2008
Abstract—A significant improvement in the bandwidth of large antennas and small F/D ratios [1], [2]. Usually, the required
reflectarrays is demonstrated using elements which allow true-time phase value to compensate for the different paths of the wave
delay. Two identical, large reflectarrays have been designed using from the feed horn to each array element is only achieved at
different phase distributions to generate a collimated beam. In the
former, the phase distribution is truncated to 360 as is usual in the central frequency within a range of 360 . When frequency
reflectarray antennas, while in the second, the true phase delay varies, a phase error proportional to the differences in path
is maintained (three cycles of 360 ). The chosen phase-shifter el- length is produced. This effect produces a small reduction
ements are based on previously measured and validated patches in gain for pencil beam reflectarrays as shown in [2], and
aperture-coupled to delay lines. The radiation patterns for both re- produces a significant distortion of the beam shaping in con-
flectarrays have been computed at several frequencies and the gain
is represented as a function of frequency for both cases. Bandwidth toured beam reflectarrays [4] when frequency varies out of
curves are presented as a function of the reflectarray size. the central frequency. This band limitation is the same as that
Index Terms—Broadband antennas, reflectarrays, time-delay
which occurs in zoned reflectors [12], in which the depth of
arrays. a parabolic reflector is reduced in steps of an integer number
of half wavelengths, in a similar manner as in zoned dielectric
lenses [13]. Although the surface design of an unzoned lens
I. INTRODUCTION is independent of frequency, zoning the lens reduces its mass
and losses in the dielectric material, but limits the bandwidth
T HE most severe drawback in reflectarray antennas is
their inherent narrow-band performance, and much effort
has been made in recent years to overcoming this limitation
through the introduction of frequency dependence [14].
Parabolic reflector antennas use the physical geometry to
[1]–[11]. Reflectarray bandwidth is limited mainly by two equalize spherical waves arriving from the feed horn to form
different factors as described in [1]. The first is the narrow band a planar wave front. This phase equalization is independent of
of the radiating elements; the second is the differential spatial the frequency, and it is equivalent to the true-time delay (TTD)
phase delay resulting from the different paths from the feed to technique, as it is called in phased arrays. In contrast, printed
each point on the wave front of the radiated beam. elements on reflectarrays are normally used for phase-shift
The bandwidth limitation produced by the radiating element compensation in a limited 360 phase range.
is the more stringent for moderate size reflectarrays, as demon- A phase-delay range with more than one cycle of 360 can be
strated in [2]. Different types of reflectarray elements have been used to improve the bandwidth of reflectarrays. Stubs of vari-
proposed to improve the element bandwidth in printed reflectar- able length attached to rectangular patches [15] can introduce a
rays, including stacked rectangular [3], [4] and ring [5] patches, TTD, but with a very restricted room for long lines and impor-
double crossed loops [6], and patches with other shapes [7]. tant spurious radiation levels. The use of varying-length lines
In a recent work, a reflectarray based on artificial impedance aperture-coupled to patches [10], [11] can reduce the effect of
surfaces has been proposed to increase the bandwidth of reflec- the differential spatial phase delay through the introduction of a
tarrays using a single layer of printed elements [8] arranged in physical path that produces TTD in a wide phase range. How-
a regular lattice with period of less than half a wavelength. This ever, in this type of element, the phase of the total reflected field,
configuration, based on the reduction of the period, allowed in- including the field reradiated by the patch and the one reflected
by the grounded dielectric, exhibits a nonlinear response pro-
creasing the bandwidth up to a 20% for a reflectarray of around
ten wavelengths in diameter. For this antenna diameter, the er- duced by the resonances of the structure, as shown in [16]. In
rors introduced by the differential spatial phase delay do not pro- order to achieve TTD, the elements must be designed to provide
duce a significant reduction in the bandwidth. a linear phase response, proportional to the length of the line in
a large range of phase delay. For example, the resonance effects
On the other hand, the bandwidth limitation produced by the
differential spatial phase delay is critical for electrically large were compensated in [17] by properly adjusting the length of
the aperture, and a reflectarray element was designed to provide
a phase directly proportional to the line length.
Manuscript received October 29, 2007; revised March 10, 2008. Published
August 6, 2008 (projected). This work was supported in part Spanish Ministry
The improvement of bandwidth using true-time delay phase
of Science and Technology under the project MEC TEC 2004-02155 and by the compensation in reflectarrays is demonstrated in this paper.
Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). For this purpose, two pencil-beam reflectarrays have been
The authors are with the Electromagnetism and Circuit Theory Department, designed at 9.65 GHz using two different phase distributions
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain (e-mail:carrasco@etc. implemented by patches aperture-coupled to delay lines. The
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2008.927559 first distribution is limited to one cycle of 360 and the second
0018-926X/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE
Fig. 5. Phase distribution required at the reflectarray surface. (a) Using a 360
phase-shift range. (b) Using phase delay (3 360 ). Fig. 6. One quarter of the masks layout for the layer containing the delay lines.
(a) Truncated phase distribution. (b) True-time delay distribution.
Fig. 7. Radiation patterns for the TTD reflectarray at 9.65 GHz. (a) Copolar
(b) Cross-polar.
can be seen in Figs. 10 and 11 at 8.65 GHz, and in Figs. 12 Fig. 11. Radiation pattern comparison in the plane u = sin(18 ) at 8.65 GHz.
and 13 at 10.65 GHz. In the 8.65-GHz case, a sidelobe around
19 dB is overlapping with the main beam for the truncated phase
pattern, while the TTD pattern basically conserves its form and motivated because in the TTD case, the differential spatial phase
only a small sidelobe appears for the u plane 20 dB below the delay has been compensated and the only source of phase errors
maximum. In the 10.65-GHz case, a beam squint appears in the is the nonlinear behavior of the radiating element at extreme
u plane for the reflectarray with phase limitation. This is mainly frequencies.
Fig. 12. Radiation pattern comparison in the XZ plane (v = 0) at 10.65 GHz. Fig. 15. Efficiency factor for the two designed reflectarrays compared with
ideal phases case.
Fig. 16. Gain comparison for different reflectarrays size. Fig. 17. Bandwidth comparison, at 0.3 dB, between a phase-shift limited to
360 and TTD for different reflectarray sizes.
more important in large reflectarrays as has been demonstrated. Eduardo Carrasco (S’96) was born in Mexico
This type of antenna can be used in beam scanning applications, City, Mexico. He received the Telecommunication
Engineer degree from the Universidad Nacional Au-
if some switches are included in the delay lines. tonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, in 2000.
He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at
the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.
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