The Investigation of Main Cause of Off-Task Behavior in The Classroom

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The Investigation of Main Cause of Off-Task Behavior in the Classroom

Muh. Mahrup Zainuddin Sabri, Icuk Salabiyati, Bambang Widi Pratolo

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
+6283-129-802-83 - +6285-725-259-474 - +6285-771-540-940
University Ahmad Dahlan


The purpose of this study was to describe students in aisiyah superior elementary schools in
Yogyakarta. The method used to collect data is interviews, observation, and documentation. The
subjects in this study were, 1 (one) class teacher and the objects found in this study were 4 (four)
students who had task-off behaviour. The results show, students walking in class, talking with friends,
play stationery, and fighting with friends, not paying attention to the teacher's explanation, putting his
head on the table, making a sound, going on a chair, going out from class, joking with friends,
drawing on paper, writing on a table, opening another textbook, and not doing homework. off-task
behaviour consists only of external factors. external factors that underlie the emergence of behaviour
and influence of students from friends and lack of attention from the teacher. The teacher often
reprimands or reminds by giving advice, to reduce the task-off behaviour in the teacher class as well,
the class teacher and subject teacher apply the theory of operative conditioning using reinforcement
techniques and punishment techniques. The obstacle faced by teachers is the limitation of direct
guidance services and it is still difficult to control student attitudes because they do not have order and
still need help from teachers and parents.

Key Words: Off Task Behaviour

A. Introduction
One of the main tasks of the teacher is to develop and increase knowledge about the
potential achievement of student learning and develop good behaviour in the classroom, by
following references from the government as described in the 2013 curriculum, namely the
formation of moral behaviour and ethics of students. Judging from its responsibilities the
teacher is obliged to make students become what has been described in the Law of the
Republic of Indonesia, namely Page 268 auladuna, vol. 1 no. December 2, 2014: 265-276
good citizens, namely spirit of patriotism, the national spirit, and discipline or obedience to
all legislative regulations that apply on the basis of Pancasila and the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia 1945. (Zakiyah Daradjat, 2002). While the task of the teacher as a translation of the
mission and functions it carries is a minimum of three; educate, teach, and train. The task of
education emphasizes the formation of the soul, character, and personality based on values.
According to (Prasetya Irawan, 2001). Creativity and competence are among the most
important teacher qualifications. In addition, Peraktisi (Wina Sanjaya, 2009) suggests that
teachers as educators have a very broad meaning, not limited to providing teaching materials,
but reach ethics and behavioural aesthetics in facing the challenges of life in society.
In this study referring to the emergence of off-task behavior in students which is a
problem in the scope of educational settings, is well recognized by researchers (Baker, 2007;
Karweit & Slavin, 1981; Lee, 1999) and practitioners (Lemov, 2010) for more than 100 years
(Choudhury & Gorman, 2000; Dixon & Salley, 2007; DeMarie-Dreblow & Miller, 1988). It
has also been documented that behaviour outside the task has a negative impact on
performance and learning outcomes in the school environment. In this case, mentioning that
the teacher's assignment is not only a teaching material in the class but also includes teaching
and changing student behaviour for the better.
In everyday life, teachers who teach in class often get unpleasant treatment from
students. Part of this problem is the tendency of students to do things that are not feasible in
the classroom, for example: when the teacher explains students mock each other, and goes to
class without permission and makes other sounds in the classroom to make concentration
between other students unfocused. Not only mocking each other and going in and out of the
class which is the main cause of task behaviour.
Other researchers who explore the role of class design can provide children's off-task
behaviour. (Godwin and Fisher, 2011) found that the classroom environment which contains
a large number of visual displays (for example, diagrams, posters, manipulatives) lead to non-
serving behaviour in elementary school children compared to a more streamlined visual
environment. This design choice was found to hamper the child's ability to attend content and
reduce learning outcomes. Related findings obtained by Godwin cite Barrett (2012).
Expressing to know the off-task behavior students must use a more holistic approach to find
and see other factors that can influence the behavior of student tasks (eg physical space,
navigation, furniture scale, etc.), environmental elements (eg light, sound , temperature, air
quality, etc.), as well as classroom decorations (such as colors, organizations, etc.).
this shows that this design choice can have a positive or negative influence on
students in the class. (Gunarti, 2010) suggests that students show maturity levels emotionally,
morally, religiously, socially, independently and self-concept. At this time, early childhood
behaviour is information, in addition to congenital factors, and other factors environment is
also very influential in the formation of his personality. besides that early childhood
sometimes often imitates what he sees, hears, they feel from his environment because he does
not know the norms that apply, such as right and wrong, good and bad, at this age, in other
words, children are still learning to try and behave in a way that is acceptable to their
Early Characteristics of Off-Behavior
in the early characteristics of off-behavior (Kartini Kartono, 1986) suggests that the
first is an egocentric person who is naive, sees everything from his thoughts and desires, he
does not yet know that other people have different views and desires, he knows that his wish
must be fulfilled, for example, if you want something to be obeyed, he doesn't think
something is easy or hard to come by. Second, primitive social relations, basically children
do not have the understanding that other people are different from themselves, he considers
that other people are the same, for this reason, children now need to be taught and guided
how to understand the conditions of others. and share with others. Third, physical and
spiritual unity which is almost inseparable. Fourth, physiognomic behaviour, which means
that children directly give outward or concrete characteristics, real to what they live, such as
children talking to themselves, chatting with pets or their dolls. At that time the child is
imagining that he is talking to someone else or that the child thinks that the animal or doll is
the same as him, who can hear and speak.
In other researchers (Sparzo & Poteet, 1989). in other cases there are a number of
child behaviour problems that show indicators of non-duty behaviour in classroom learning,
including impulsivity, lack of attention, not completing assignments, leaving class, speaking
without permission, lack of motivation to learn (not motivated to learn), not ready to take part
in class activities (not ready for class) and behave intrusively or intrusively.
From the statement above, researchers found the behaviour of Off-Task Behavior is a
is very poorly done by students from the context of learning activities that are relatively
constant and disrupt the learning process of students. Behaviour, children are very difficult to
continue to perform behavioural tasks, while students cognitively do things without thinking.
However, activities like this can cause discomfort in the process.
B. Method

The research I discussed here is part of a larger study that aims to understand how to
understand the basics of off-task behaviour in the classroom including the characteristics of
students. To answer this question, this study uses a qualitative research design approach to
explore and understand the meaning of individuals or groups associated with social or human
problems (Creswell, 2013). The research process involves questions and procedures that
arise, data that is usually collected in participant settings, data analysis that is built
inductively from specific things to general themes, and researchers make interpretations of
the meaning of data.

In this study, involved a group of individuals chosen intentionally for the proposed
study. (Creswell, 2013) The idea behind this qualitative research is deliberately choosing
participants or sites (or visual documents or materials) that will greatly help researchers
understand the problems and research questions in this study. (Sugiyono, 2014) suggests
qualitative research analyzes data before researchers enter this field. The analysis is carried
out on data from preliminary studies, or secondary data. Discussions about the analysis of
qualitative data can begin with some general points about the whole process. Researchers and
teachers will collaborate in conducting this research. In this case, the researcher will enter the
class and see the events that occur in the class and the researcher will ask the teacher
questions about the behaviour of students who are not in class.

The process of data analysis begins with, first, reviewing all available data from
various sources, namely from the results of interviews, field notes based on observations,
photos, and so on. The second step is to reduce data, which is done by making abstractions.
The third step set it in units and categorizes it. The fourth step is to check the validity of the
data, and the final step, the interpretation of the data.

The type of data used is primary and secondary data. Primary data comes from the
results of observations and direct interviews with research subjects. While secondary data
comes from informants who provide information about other events or events, which
researchers want to know. Data will be collected using observations and interviews and
thoughts by researchers as long as the collection activities reflect the data into qualitative
studies. The researcher recorded the events as detailed as possible immediately after leaving
the study site. Event pictures or images can be taken as data.

Researchers enter the research arena in the hope of building relationships with
subjects who are honestly examined, free, and openly exchanging information. In this study,
researchers were neutral without impartiality and there was no intervention from anyone and
anywhere. Observations were also made by making field notes about the behaviour and
activities of individuals at the research site. In this field note, the researcher noted, in a
structured or semi-structured way (using the previous question the questioner wanted to
know). in addition, this observation is open in the sense that the researchers ask general
questions from participants that allow participants to freely give their views.

C. Findings And Discussion

The data presented in this chapter contains a description of the data using the
method of observation, interviews, and documentation and according to the procedure
described above. This data presentation is presented with the topic according to the
research questions and the results of data analysis. Research location in aisiyah superior
elementary schools. In this regard, the exposure of the data in this study can be presented as

1. Result when researcher doing an observation for looking emerges off-

task behaviour in the classroom.

2. The Main Cause of off Task Behavior in the Classroom during the
learning process based on the interview.

In classroom learning, children's learning success is determined by many factors

including children's behaviour. There is a behaviour that is desired to appear, namely a
behaviour called On-Task Behavior and there is a behaviour that is not desired to appear,
namely behaviour called Off-Task Behavior (O-TB), such as not paying attention to the
teacher when learning takes place, often disturbing his friends, and others.

Based on the results of observations on the behaviour of the research subjects

during learning during meetings and there are 4 students who were dominant doing off-
task behaviour in the class.
Based on the results of observations of children who are the subject of research, it
can be explained as follows:

1). Result when researcher doing an observation for looking emerges off-task
behaviour in the classroom.

During teaching and learning activities, Dinda and some of her friends were called
to come forward, but Dinda Marsa herself did not want to go forward, instead cried, as
well as doing reading activities, he still talks with her friend. when working on tasks that
are suitable and cling to. dinda marsa just silent, asked to do it reluctantly, was asked to
keep doing it also did not want to, even though her friend also helped.

During the activity of exchanging ideas about the material being taught, the teacher
asks dzaki maulana arbie to be enthusiastic about going forward, but after advancing just
says what to do, sir? Then he sat down again, when reading without spelling dzaki,
Maulana asked his friends who were the first to go forward, "he said ... what was read was
not difficult. "everything is easy, but there is something wrong when working there.

When the teacher explains, Faiz Akbar aryasatya speaks and while playing with his
friend behind. But after being reprimanded, he remained silent and listened again, while
working on the grand master's assignment, his arithmetic was very spiritual, he said "this is
very easy" and it turned out that he could also do everything, and in his next assignment,
he worked while joking with his friends and ignoring the teacher in the class.

When the teacher explains the material and plays a chair, after being reprimanded
he is silent. When working on the first assignment, Ardan said "can't, ma'am!", But after
he explained he could do it, and in the second assignment he worked carelessly and did not
finish and then delivered to the teacher "this, ma'am" by putting his work on the teacher's
desk, then he returned to his friends and did a lot of joking. After being reprimanded, he
even invited his friend to go home.

When the learning process activities, the Raja Pandhita instead talked to his friend.
When asked by the teacher, he answered "lazily" while walking back and forth to disturb
friends. When doing a task, he did it carelessly and his book was crossed out. When given
a book, the task of taking it with his left hand and not wanting to work instead went
outside the classroom when reprimanded.
dinda marsa off-duty behaviour arises when studying with the theme of language
development: reading, she is told to go forward to read but does not want, is suitable and
unwilling, she tends to be unprepared for class activities (not ready for class), when there
is a reading assignment, she talking a lot with his friends, until when he finished he could
not finish the task (not completing the task), while in the task of making the shape of the
bag by folding it, he lacked confidence, had not done it already said: "can't, sir".
Innumeracy lessons, he liked it, because he was happy, so he first collected his work, even
though the results were not perfect.

Disruptive off-tasking behaviour in dzaki maulana arbie, appears during physical

development (sports), and she is not ready to take part in class activities (not ready for
class) in developing problem-solving (sticking grains in one form/collage), but in language
development, he asks a lot and in developing behaviour, he likes to get along, and if wrong
he immediately apologizes.

Off-task behaviour from Faiz Akbar aryasat appeared at the time of the study,
sometimes he talked with his friend (lack of attention), but after being reprimanded, he
immediately shut up and listened again. When working on the first assignment, his
grandmother's enthusiasm was very enthusiastic, but in the second assignment, Faiz Akbar
aryasat worked on it while joking with his friends, and sometimes Faiz Akbar aryasat was
chatting with friends behind him (speaking without permission).

During the lesson, Ardan calmly listened. Likewise, when given an assignment,
and work diligently, but a little in a hurry so that a task is passed. Many joked when given
assignments, but he worked even though he complained.

When working on the task, Raja Pandhita, carelessly, when given a book by the
teacher he took it with his left hand and did not want to work, instead went outside the
classroom. When storytelling activities, Raja Pandhita even speaks for himself (speaking
without permission), when asked by the teacher the answer is always out of context.

Based on the description above, the off-task behaviour in children during core
learning in class does not always appear at any time, but only occasionally appears at
certain times in the class. How to anticipate the emergence of off-task behaviour in early
childhood: (1) giving assignments and training, so that it will give him the widest
opportunity to explore and practice; (2) provide facilities for early childhood to develop
their abilities according to the level of children's knowledge; (3) creating a conducive
environment. the behaviour of children will produce less good information, apart from
congenital factors, the environment is also very important in the formation of his
personality. Experts state that in childhood they mimic or imitate what he sees, he listens,
he feels from his environment because he does not know the norms that apply, such as
right and wrong, good and bad, and appropriate and inappropriate. At this time, children
are still learning to try to behave that is acceptable to their environment.

2). The Main Cause of off Task Behavior in the Classroom during the learning
process based on the interview.

The background of the emergence of off-task behaviour in children when learning

in the classroom is influenced by many factors, including the child's internal factors, and
the child's environmental factors family environment, how parents behave towards their
children, how parents care for their children, as follows:

Teacher response off-task behaviour to dinda marsa

Child development still needs guidance to habituate children, in achieving it there

is an increase. but his child is rather whiny when asked to carry out tasks in physical
activity and memorization often asks to be accompanied and this child is somewhat less
confident. dinda marsa likes to hang out with her friends. Often coming to school, she was
escorted by his mother. In doing assignments, sometimes it is done, sometimes not. Rest
always alone and play alone. Selected lesson: writing and colouring. she often speaks to
himself, so many tasks are not completed.

Teacher response off-task behaviour to dzaki maulana arbie

Child development still needs guidance for child habituation, in achieving children
there is an increase. dzaki maulana arbie likes to look for attention, lots of questions,
sociable, and if wrong he immediately apologizes. During learning, dzaki maulana arbie
often said "I can, sir! Easy". dzaki maulana arbie kids are smart, obedient, on time, but if
the assignment given is always finished on time, dzaki maulana arbie is very happy to
hang out with his friends at rest but sometimes likes to be nosy and kick his friend's legs.
Teacher response off-task behaviour to faiz akbar aryasatya

The child's achievements have been increasing, he can always do his tasks well.
faiz akbar aryasatya, his son was kind, obedient and polite towards the teacher, and kind to
all his friends, only a little quiet. During the lesson, faiz akbar aryasatya always pays
attention, only sometimes gets carried away by friends jokes, but can quickly be
controlled. faiz akbar aryasatya, his son is obedient and respectful to the teacher. faiz akbar
aryasatya is just an ordinary child, not much behaviour towards his friend. faiz akbar
aryasatya achievement is good, always gets the top rank, because he always does his tasks
well. faiz akbar aryasatya is obedient to the teacher, always obedient to the teacher, and is
kind to all of his friends. Always paying attention during the lesson, only a little joke when
in class. Always working on the teacher's orders, he enjoys hanging out with his friends.

Teacher response off-task behaviour to Ardan

The children's achievements have been normal, not showing a decline but also not
increasing. In doing assignments sometimes it's finished, but sometimes it's not finished.
Actually, Ardan is a good person, but sometimes he likes to reject the teacher's orders. He
is kind to his friends, but sometimes he also fights with his friends. During lessons,
sometimes seriously, and sometimes joking with friends. Sometimes it is very obedient to
the teacher, sometimes also misguided and selfish. The attitude towards his friend is agile
and sociable. Come to school before the lesson starts and is delivered by his mother. In
doing assignments sometimes doing it right, sometimes also at will and not finished.
During breaks, the school is cheerful and always plays with friends. Achievement in
moderate school.

Teacher response off-task behaviour to Raja Pandhita

Children's achievements have declined. Daily value is not satisfactory. Raja

Pandihita is actually a good and agile child because parents are busy with their work, so he
lacks attention, so he also ignores learning. During the lesson, Raja Pandhita did not pay
attention, he always walked back and forth between his friends and sometimes disturbed
his friends. He doesn't have enthusiasm and doesn't concentrate. Often joking with friends.
For the king's teacher, we were rude, often shouting at the teacher and shouting loudly.
Attitudes towards friends are sometimes good sometimes nosy. He likes to hang out and is
also agile playing with his friends. When entering school sometimes the raja will be late,
sometimes also comes before the lesson begins. And always accompanied by riding a
motorcycle, which alternates, sometimes his mother, father, and sometimes his sister. Raja
Pandhita rarely does the assignments given by the teacher, only sometimes he sometimes
does it and continues to be helped, but often it is not finished. When he breaks he always
snack, bring money or not, he always asks for snacks. Children's achievements have
increased, but only very little. His child is good at hanging out with friends, but sometimes
his emotions are excessive. we keep going back and forth. But every time he was
reprimanded he immediately returned to his seat. To his friends, he is kind, wants to lend a
toy or share it with his friends. Raja Pandhita is rarely late before the lesson begins. In
working on tasks, it is often not completed. During breaks always ask for a snack, and
often play with toys brought from home. If the teacher forbids bringing toys to school, he
just said

Based on the results of observations, and interviews with teachers, it can be

concluded that the causal factor for the emergence of off-task behaviour in children is
caused by internal factors: lack of confidence, dislike of friends, memorization, and family
factors: parents are busy, so they there is enough time to chat with their children, also the
absence of models and habituations from their parents.

The results of this study indicate that based on the results of interviews with
teachers, the emergence of dinda marsa behaviour during the assignment was caused by a
lack of self-confidence and unhappiness with the lesson. The activity that is always done is
always to turn away from things that are not related to the process of learning in the
classroom when the teacher tells him to focus and participate in the lesson often ignores
and does something that makes him happy. this is evidenced by (Baker, 2007) stating that
the type of behaviour that influences student learning is undesirable student behaviour,
where students break away completely from the learning environment and involve
themselves in things not related to learning.
Another important finding from this study is that the behaviour that was performed
by dzaki maulana arbie at the time of learning was caused by a lack of attention from the
surrounding people, and many asked, lacked stubborn control, often showed resistance to
making noise in the classroom and behaving like what he wanted So that because he is not
used to it from an early age through a good model of parents, children feel depressed, who
ultimately always oppose. That is evidenced by some undesirable student behaviour,
including (a) daydreaming (daydreaming); (B) sleep in class; (c) walking in class; (d)
teasing friends; (e) playing alone (making paper, pencils, or other tools that have nothing to
do with the lesson); (f) talking to friends about something that has nothing to do with the
lesson; (g) do not want to do assignments in class; (h) speaking alone or singing; (i) do not
want to go to class (ditching) on certain lessons; (j) fighting with classmates.
Besides that, the appearance of his grandmother's behavior during learning was caused by
never wanting to admit wrong even though his grandmother's strategy had errors when the
teacher gave the material to explain it repeatedly in the classroom, but what he did was
disturb the surrounding friends.
on the other hand, also the emergence of and off-task behavior when learning is
caused by and children do not want to be quiet, both speech and behaviour and often make
conversations with friends when the teacher explains the material in the class, and when
scolded and stops for a while but after he continued. (Harmiyanto, 2012) Expressing Off
Task behaviour of students who come out of the context of learning activities that are
relatively constant and disrupt the learning process of students. So, Off-Task is behaviour
that is not related to learning activities or things related to learning.
And the last is the emergence of behaviour is not the task of the Raja pandhita,
when learning is caused by the raja is actually a good and agile child, but, but the lesson is
often overlooked, Raja Pandhita often gets rebuked, although sometimes he makes
mistakes, on the contrary, raja Pandhita, if he made a mistake he was always stubborn, he
did not hesitate to fight hard, and sometimes Raja Pandhita did not hesitate - by hitting or
pinching in addition to the raja Pandhita less enthusiastic and not concentrated. In the form
of momentary behaviour, undesired student behaviour can be a student who makes noise,
leaves the chair without permission, threatens his friend verbally, and physical fights with
his friend.
D. Conclusion
The results of the study can be summarized as follows:
Behaviour off the task of early childhood does not always appear at any time, but only
occasionally appears at certain times in the class. The background of the emergence of off-
task behaviour of children during the learning process is caused by internal factors: lack of
confidence, displeasure in the theme of memorization and family factors: parents are busy, so
there is not enough time to mingle with their children, also the absence of models and
habituation of parents. Parents are aware of the off-duty behaviour of their children in school,
they acknowledge their shortcomings, to ask for help from the teacher, to guide their children
to better behaviour. Cultural elements possessed by parents, such as views / expressions of an
(a) object; (b) norms; (c) value; (d) idea; (e) behavior; and (f) symbols, which are around
children which can affect off-task behavior of children in the classroom, which can form a
child's mindset.
E. Suggestion
Parents should always strive at all times to set an example, training in the form of
good habits for their children, considering the appearance of children at an early age is a
reflection of the culture of their parents. If parents face child behaviour problems, avoid
labelling children, such as naughty, stubborn, because it will inspire children to do as

To the Teacher: In order to avoid problems related to the behaviour of children in

school, teachers should cooperate with parents to monitor the development of children, if this
happens, inform the parents, to find a way to solve it. The off-task behaviour that arises in
children during learning, whenever identified, is analyzed, as an ingredient in providing
counselling for early childhood in schooland.

For the next researcher is the researcher hopes that other researchers can find out
whether the material taught by the teacher can cause off task behavior in the classroom and
the second is whether the curriculum used by the school is truly synchronized with the
material taught to the students

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