SABS 0225:1991
Annex B
Calculation of natural frequency of vibration, and
sensitivity of gust loading factor to natural frequency
B.1 Generai
The natural trequency of vibration of a lighting mast may be calculated using any standard technique.
An approximate procedure for calculating the natural frequency ot vibration is outlined below.
8.2 Calculation
B.2.1 Consider the idealized uniform lighting mast shown in figure 8.1. The mast can be regarded as
being composed of two separate masts, namely
a) a mast of known mass per unit height and bending stiffness: and
b) a mast of zero mass supporting a luminaire of known mass.
B.2.2 The natural frequency of vibration of a undorm cantilever mast, tp, = 2nMo,, can be obtained
92 * : (21)
EI is the bending stiffness of mast, in newton square millimetres;
is the natural circular frequency, in hertz;
‘mis the mass per unit height, in kilograms per metre:
His the height of mast, in metres.
NOTE ~ For a tapered mast, the natural vibration frequency can be estimated by using the parameters at the mid-height of he
B.2.3 The natural frequency of vibration of the zero-mass mast ‘o, Supporting the luminaire of known
mass can be obtained from
where M is the mass of the luminaire, in kilograms.
Again, for a tapered mast, the stiffness at the mid-height of the mast can be used
44SABS 0225:1991
B.2.4 The natural frequency of the lighting mast as 2 whole cw, can then be obtained using the
Rayleigh quotient
B.3 Examples
B.3.1. For a 5m high industrial lighting mast, the following values are obtained:
og = 2.71 He:
Mo, = 1.40 H2; and
lp = 1.24 Hz
40 Hz is obtained,
By means of a more exact analysis, a natural vibration frequency of
B.3.2 For a 30 m high stadium frame mast, the following values are abtained
No, = 0.99 Hz:
Mo, = 0,71 Hz: and
Ny = 0,58 Hz.
This can be compared with w, = 0,71 Hz obtained by the use of more exact analysis.
NOTE ~ The major ceason forthe dterences between the approximate soluton and the exact soluton is the approximaton used
in representing 6 tapered column as @ uniform column, i8, the cffrences are not due to large erors obtained when he
Rayleigh quotent is used
B.3.3 The gust response factor is not very sensitive to the evaluation of the natural frequency, as
illustrated below for structures situated in terrain category 2
Smmast w, = 1.24Hz, Cy = 5.2
1,40 Hz, Cy
30 m mast @, = 0,58 Hz, C, = 29
= 0.712, Cy =29
't can be seen that the error is negligible and it is satistactory to use an approximate procedure for
calculating the natural frequency of vibration
45SABS 0225:1991
n, n
‘0 0 Oy
Figure B.1 - Schematic drawing of lighting inast