Roever Engineering Colleges Deparment of CSE Unit I Software Process and Agile Development Part - A

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Deparment of CSE


Part –A
1. What is software engineering?
2. Define software process.
3. Write the process of framework and Umbrella activities.
4. Examine the pros and cons of iterative software development models.
5. Summarize the characteristics of software contrasting it with characteristics of hardware.
6. If you have to develop word processing software product, what process model will you choose?
Justify your answer.
7. Depict the relationship between work product, task, activity and system.
8. List two deficiencies in waterfall model. Which process model do you suggest to overcome each
9. List out the characteristics of Software.
10. What is Agility?
11. Define Extreme Programming
Part -B
1. Compare the following life cycle models based on their distinguishing factors strengths and
weakness- Waterfall Model, RAD Model, Spiral Model and Evolutionary model
2. Discuss in detail about specialized process models.
3. Create the pros and cons of using mathematical approach for software development.
4. List the principles of agile software development.
5. Explain how work break down structure is used in software engineering. Discuss how software
project scheduling helps in timely release of a product.
6. Evaluate the effect of designing a prototype on the overall cost of the software project.
7. Design the process model that you would choose to manufacture a car.
8. Construct a DFD using Library management System.
9. Build the various activities performed in requirement elicitation phase with an example of a watch
system that facilitates to set time and alarm.
Part –A
1. Difference between functional and non functional requirement?
2. What is requirement elicitation?
3. Define Petri Net and give its advantages.
4. Illustrate the characteristics of SRS.
5. Define Data Dictionary.
6. Examine feasibility study and what is the outcome of feasibility study?
7. Differentiate Data Flow Diagram and State Transition Diagram.
8. What is meant by structural analysis?
9. List the stages of requirement change management process.
10. What are the steps in requirement engineering process?
11. How requirements are validated?
1. Case study of your choice show the architectural and component design.
2. Construct the structured design process from DFD to structured chart with a case study.
3. Explain about functional and non functional requirements.
4. Explain the typical Software requirement documents. (SRS)
5. Discuss in detail about user requirements, requirements elicitation and analysis.
6. Elaborate requirement engineering and its various processes.
7. Explain about feasibility study. What are the outcomes? Does it have either explicit or implicit
effects on software requirement collection?
1. List the guidelines for data and modular design.
2. Name the commonly used architectural styles
3. What is Transform mapping? How it is used in software design?
4. Distinguish between horizontal partitioning and vertical partitioning
5. Define software architecture.
6. Define Data abstraction
7. What is software architecture?
8. Build the steps to be followed in user interface design.
9. List the characteristics of a good SRS.
10. Distinguish the linkage between DFD and ER diagram.
11. Differentiate Normal and exciting requirements.
12. Classify the following as functional/non functional requirements for a banking system.
a)Verifying bank balance b)Withdrawing money from bank
c)Completion of transaction in less than one second
d) Extending the system by providing more tellers for customers.
1. Describe architectural design and styles of a software.
2. Explain about various coupling and cohesion methods used in software design.
3. Design architectural mapping using data flow.
4. Discuss the design heuristics for effective modularity design.
5. Describe the Component level design and Golden rules for user interface design.
6. Generate some pseudocode to perform basis path testing and generate test cases.
7. A program specs state the following for an input field: The program shall accept an input value of
4-digit integer equal or greater than 2000 and less than or equal 8000 – test cases using
(i)Equivalence class partitioning,(ii)Boundary value analysis.
Part –A
1. Difference between verification and validation.
2. Mention two characteristics of software testing.
3. Choose the best practices for “CODING”.
4. What is the need for regression testing?
5. Define smoke and acceptance testing.
6. Distinguish between alpha and beta testing.
7. How to compute the cyclomatic complexity?
8. Classify the various testing activities.
9. Describe equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis.
10. List the various testing strategies for conventional software.
11. Name the method used for breaking very long expression and statements.
12. How can refactoring be made more effective?
1. Explain in detail about various testing strategies. (like black box, white box, unit, integration
2. Explain about boundary value analysis and solve example problem.
3. Discuss validation and system testing in detail.
4. Create the need for refactoring. How can a development model benefit by the use of refactoring.
5. Suppose you have a budgeted cost of a project as Rs.9,00,000. The project is to be completed in 9
months. After a month, you have completed 10 percent of the project at a total expense of
Rs.1,00,000. The planned completion should have been 15 percent. You need to determine whether
the project is on-time and on budget? Use Earned value analysis approach and interpret.
6. Design COCOMO model for software cost estimation ,use it to estimate the effort required to build
software for a simple ATM that produces 12 screens,10 reports and has 80 software components.
Assume average complexity and average developer maturity. Use application composition model
with object points.
1. What are the different types of productivity estimation measures?
2. List out customer related and technology related risks.
3.What is risk management?
4. How is productivity and cost related to function points?
5. List a few process and project metrics.
6. Will exhaustive testing guarantee that the program is 100% correct?
7. State the importance of scheduling activity in project management.
8. Show the activities in project planning.
9. State the advantages and disadvantages in LOC based cost estimation
10. Differentiate size oriented and function oriented metrics.
11. What is EVA?
12. Identify the issues in measuring the software size using as LOC as metric.
1.Describe in detail COCOMO estimation for software cost estimation.
2. Explain about function point metrics with detail.
3. Discuss the steps involved in risk management
4. Explain the task scheduling with example and how the earned value is computed.

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