Impacts of Environmental Regulations PDF
Impacts of Environmental Regulations PDF
Impacts of Environmental Regulations PDF
regulations on competitiveness
Antoine Dechezleprêtre and Misato Sato
Policy brief
November 2014
The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and
the Environment was established in 2008 at the London
School of Economics and Political Science. The Institute
brings together international expertise on economics, as
well as finance, geography, the environment, international
development and political economy to establish a world-
leading centre for policy-relevant research, teaching and
training in climate change and the environment. It is
funded by the Grantham Foundation for the Protection
of the Environment, which also funds the Grantham
Institute for Climate Change at Imperial College London.
It is also supported by the Global Green Growth Institute
through a grant for US$2.16 million (£1.35 million) to fund
several research project areas from 2012 to 2014. More
information about the Grantham Research Institute can
be found at:
Executive summary 3
1. Introduction 5
2. What is competitiveness? 6
3. The empirical evidence 10
4. Conclusion: advancing the debate
on competitiveness effects 18
References 20
The authors
Antoine Dechezleprêtre is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Energy, Technology and
Trade research programme at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the
Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science, as well as the Centre for
Climate Change Economics and Policy. His work deals principally with the impact of
environmental and climate change policies on businesses, in particular on the development and
the international diffusion of clean technologies. His research has been published in international
scientific journals in the field of applied microeconomics, environmental economics and energy
economics. He has worked as an external consultant for the OECD Environment Directorate, the
UK Committee on Climate Change, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency
(ADEME), International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and the French
patent office. He holds a PhD in Economics from Ecole des Mines de Paris (France).
Misato Sato is a Research Officer at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and
the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science, as well as the Centre for
Climate Change Economics and Policy, where she conducts ex-post analysis of climate change
and energy policies. Her research evaluates the impact of existing polices on regulated
companies’ economic performance, and also explores the design of policies to aid the low
carbon transition of energy intensive industries. Misato holds a PhD in Environmental Economics
from the London School of Economics and Political Science, an MSc in Environmental and
Resource Economics from University College London, and an MA Joint Honours in Economics
and Chinese from the University of Edinburgh. Misato also worked as a Research Assistant at
the Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University.
We would like to thank Milan Brahmbhatt, Baran Doda, Carolyn Fischer, Matthieu Glachant,
Colin McCormick and Dimitri Zenghelis for extremely helpful comments on an earlier version of
the paper. Financial support has come from the Global Green Growth Institute, the Grantham
Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, as well as the UK Economic and Social
Research Council through the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy. The views
expressed in this paper represent those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those
of the host institutions or funders.
Executive summary
Environmental regulations make a small difference to productivity
and employment
Environmental regulations can reduce employment and productivity by small amounts, in
particular in pollution- and energy-intensive sectors, at least during the transitory period when
the economy moves away from polluting activities and towards cleaner production processes.
Job effects are more likely to occur within countries, where relocation barriers are low, than
across borders. This suggests that government policies encouraging labour mobility, such as
flexible labour markets, affordable housing and lifelong training, can help reduce or offset the
costs of environmental regulations. Over the longer run, when macroeconomic adjustments,
geographical and sectoral reallocation are factored in, job effects are even smaller than in the
short run.
1. Introduction
Ever since the first major environmental regulations1 were enacted in the 1970s, there have
been concerns about their potential impacts on businesses. Managing the balance between
environmental constraints and economic impacts has been an ongoing dilemma. The recent
economic downturn, combined with increased competition from emerging economies, has
made the debate even more acute, particularly in relation to climate change policies.
Economists traditionally think environmental regulations add costs to companies and slow
down productivity. Environmental regulations may thus affect the competitiveness of the
domestic industry if the stringency of policies differs across countries, putting some firms
at a disadvantage to their foreign competitors. An alternative view is that environmental
regulations may foster innovation in environmentally-friendly technologies, help regulated firms
achieve technological leadership and boost broader economic growth. These views have
received a great deal of attention from policy makers, particularly in the context of the recent
economic downturn.
The growing importance of this debate in policy circles has led to a large number of studies
that attempt to quantify the impact of environmental regulations on businesses. These studies
have analysed many aspects of the economic performance of regulated businesses, including
productivity, innovation, employment, profitability, output and trade. This policy brief aims to
provide an up-to-date assessment of the results from this vast and growing literature.
The policy brief asks questions that are of particular interest to policy makers. We start by
discussing what competitiveness means, at the level of firms, sectors and countries. We explain
how competitiveness effects occur, why it is important to assess them and how they are
measured. We then turn to the heart of this policy brief: a review of the existing evidence.
We focus on ex post evaluation studies. Ex ante modelling studies are not included. We discuss
the impact of environmental regulations on productivity, employment, trade, industry location
and innovation. We conclude by discussing what the literature teaches us about improving
environmental regulations and identifying priorities for future research.
1 The discussion in this paper focuses on environmental regulations which impose costs on sectors, such as
taxes or standards, and this term will be used to refer to such policies. In general, environmental policy can be
categorised into six broad types. First, economic instruments include fiscal and financial incentives to reduce
pollution (e.g. taxes, grants and feed-in tariffs), direct investment (infrastructure investments and procurement
rules) and market-based instruments such as emissions trading or green certificates. Second, information and
education policies include information provision, performance labelling and advice or aid in implementation.
Third, policy support may include institutional creation or strategic planning. Fourth, regulatory instruments
include codes and standards (e.g. building codes of vehicle fuel economy standards), monitoring or obligation
schemes. Fifth, research, development and deployment includes demonstration projects and research
programmes. Finally, voluntary approaches include negotiated agreements and public voluntary schemes.
2. What is competitiveness?
Competitiveness of firms, sectors or countries?
‘Competitiveness’ is a term that is often used but ill-defined. In general it refers to the effects of
a policy on regulated entities’ ability to compete in international markets. These effects can be
felt at multiple levels.
At the level of the firm, a business is competitive if it can produce better or cheaper products
or services than its domestic and international competitors. Competitiveness is synonymous
with a firm’s long-run profit performance and refers to its ability to compensate its employees
and provide adequate returns to its owners. It can then be interpreted as firms’ ‘ability to sell’,
which reflects the capacity to increase market share and may be measured by trade volumes
or domestic market share. Or it can be seen as the ‘ability to earn’, the capacity to increase
profit measured by turnover, value added or market value.
Competitiveness at the sector level refers to how attractive different countries are for a particular
industry and is often measured in terms of performance in international trade (net exports,
investment flows). The main drivers of sector competitiveness include availability of production
factors (including raw materials, labour and skills), industrial policy, supply chain linkages and
economies of agglomeration.
Countries’ competitiveness is a popular concept, measured for example by the World Economic
Forum’s Global Competitiveness Reports or the World Competitiveness Yearbook. These
indices typically measure country-level drivers of attractiveness over the long term, such as
standard of living, health, local pollution levels and employment, as well as economic growth
and economic security. However, economists criticise the notion of national competitiveness.
In his article ‘Competitiveness: a dangerous obsession’, Paul Krugman (1994) cautions against
equating a country’s competitiveness and a firm’s. Whereas a firm or national sector becomes
more competitive at the expense of rivals if competing for global market share, such a zero-sum
view makes much less sense at the national level when the term is used as a synonym for
national welfare or productivity. Mostly, higher productivity in one country does not come at the
expense of other countries, but rather will benefit them by providing a bigger market for exports,
greater opportunities for specialisation, and cheaper and more innovative inputs. For this
reason, this policy brief is primarily concerned with competitiveness at the firm or sector level;
not the national level.
The conventional perspective suggests that environmental regulations damage the economic
performance of regulated (usually pollution intensive) industries2because they increase
production costs leading to lower productivity or profitability. Moreover, where there are
differences in environmental regulations applied to firms competing for the same market;
higher costs and lower productivity can impact market share. Proponents of this view suggest
that polluting industries in open economies will tend to gravitate towards regions with lenient
environmental policy.3 In the short term, uneven environmental regulations could lead to
reduced exports from regions with relatively ambitious policies. If businesses believe that
some countries will always have more stringent environmental regulations, they may move
manufacturing capacity to countries with relatively lax policies in the long run. These concerns
are as old as environmental regulations themselves.
However, an alternative view was articulated by Michael Porter (1991). The ‘Porter hypothesis’
argues that environmental regulations might lead private firms and the economy as a whole
to become more competitive internationally by providing incentives for environmentally-friendly
innovation that would not have happened in the absence of policy. The Porter hypothesis
originated primarily from analysing cross-border differences in the stringency of environmental
regulation and economic performance. However, during the last 20 years, a vast literature has
proposed many theoretical justifications for the Porter hypothesis. These include behavioural
arguments (the interests of firms and managers might not align, and regulation forces managers
to adopt innovations that are profitable for the firm but do not increase the manager’s utility)
or the existence of additional market failures such as market power or knowledge spillovers
(see Ambec et al. 2013 for a recent review). Along with these theoretical developments, there
has been a large amount of empirical research investigating the validity of the Porter hypothesis
in practice.
Concerns about competitiveness, in particular carbon leakage,4 have been paramount politically
and are pivotal to the design of climate change policies. For example, the Kyoto Protocol states
that “the Parties included in Annex I shall strive to implement policies and measures under this
Article in such a way as to minimize adverse effects, including the adverse effects of climate
change, effects on international trade, and social, environmental and economic impacts on
other Parties, especially developing country Parties…” (UNFCCC, 1998).
2 Copeland (2012) argues that how environmental regulation impacts competitiveness can depend on factors such
as whether pollution is generated during production or consumption, and on the extent to which environmental
degradation destroys natural capital. For example, if environmental policy is targeting pollution which is generated
by consumers, such as car emissions, the policy equally affects domestic and foreign car producers. If domestic
producers are better able to cope with the regulation, they may increase their share of the domestic market.
3 Frequently, Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage is cited as the justification behind competitiveness
impacts, but the pollution haven argument is more in line with the earlier principle of advantage argument put
forward by Adam Smith.
4 ‘Carbon leakage’ risk refers to the possibility that trade acts as a channel by which emissions ’escape’ from
regulated to non-regulated entities. It is most commonly perceived as the marginal emissions changes in firm
B that are directly induced by policy implemented on firm A. Alternatively, Peters (2008) proposes a distinction
between this conventional type of carbon leakage which is purely policy-induced (‘strong carbon leakage’), and
a broader definition of the term ‘soft carbon leakage’ which includes all trade embodied carbon, regardless of
whether they are induced by climate policy or other underlying economic factors that influence trade patterns.
In the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), free allowances were generously
allocated in Phases I and II to compensate firms for the potential competitiveness impacts,
although the justification for free allowances in Phase III has shifted towards addressing carbon
leakage for energy-intensive trade-exposed sectors (see Directive (2009/29/EC) (European
Commission, 2010)). Similarly in the Californian cap-and-trade system that launched its first
trading phase on 1 January 2012, potential leakage and competitiveness impacts are addressed
by issuing free allowances for the first compliance period (2012 to 2015).
Therefore, it is only the relative stringency differences of environmental policies that can be
analysed, which is very difficult. Many methods have been tested but none are very robust.
A popular choice has been regulatory compliance cost as a share of value added as a proxy
for regulatory stringency, typically using data on pollution abatement cost expenditures (PACE).
PACE data has been collected since the 1970s for the US and since the 1990s in Europe and
Asia Pacific countries.5 Others have used environmental or energy tax revenue, energy prices,
renewable energy capacity, recycling rates, legislation counts, membership of international
environmental agreements, other crude measures such as difference in GDP per capita,
composite measures such as Yale University’s Environmental Performance Index, and survey
measures, for example from the World Economic Forum Executive Opinion Survey. However,
recent analysis has demonstrated that they all have shortcomings and there is limited
agreement about which countries have strict or lax environmental regulation (Brunel and
Levinson, 2013).
5 Being a survey-based dataset, PACE suffers from reliability issues as well as endogeneity, as abatement cost is
often normalized as a share of output.
Other variables suggested include the ratio between the actual emissions intensity of a sector
and its predicted emissions intensity given its industrial composition (Brunel and Levinson, 2013)
and sector energy prices (Sato et al., 2014). Some have also argued that different forms of
regulation (see footnote 1) may be important in determining the nature of the competitiveness
effects, and not only the stringency (Irlado et al., 2011).
Comparing the relative stringency level of price-based policies such as carbon taxes is
seemingly simpler, as the price level is observable, but is complicated by factors such as
differences in sector coverage, exchange rates and exemption rules, including the differences
in free allowance allocation for market-based policies (Aldy and Pizer, 2013; Sato et al.,
forthcoming).6 Indeed, many environmental regulations include some form of industry
compensation such as rebates, exemptions or reduction in other payments (for example,
employers’ national insurance contributions). Such provisions not only affect the level of policy
stringency but also alter incentives and influence the behaviour of firms.7 Few measures of
policy stringency take account of such compensation provisions, a clear shortcoming in the
literature assessing the effects of environmental regulations on firm or sector performance.
As for how environmental regulations affect competiveness, while Jaffe et al. (1995) argue
the ideal measure to study would be the effect of the policy on net exports (holding real wages
and exchange rates constant),8 many other indicators of competitiveness have been proposed
and applied. In the context of climate change policies, studies have evaluated competitiveness
impacts in terms of productivity, gross value added, profitability, employment, product prices,
output, market share, investments, net imports and innovation activity, often measured by
patent counts or research and development expenditures. Importantly, most studies have so far
assessed these various dimensions separately. Yet the same policy can have opposing effects
on different indicators. For example, it is possible that an energy intensive firm may react to a
carbon price policy by pursuing technological advancement, increasing productivity, increasing
product prices, reducing output, reducing employment and keeping trade constant, as Jaffe
et al. (1995) point out: “Because the economic adjustment to regulation is highly complex, and
because there are a multiplicity of issues wrapped up in the term ‘competitiveness’, it is not
possible to combine estimates of these different aspects of the process into a single overall
quantification of the effects of regulation on competitiveness. The best that can be done is to
assess somewhat qualitatively the magnitude of estimated effects based on multiple indicators.”
Recently, some studies have jointly analysed several dimensions of competitiveness together,
looking for example at innovation and trade (Constantini and Mazzanti, 2012) or technology
and trade (Lovely and Popp 2011). These multi-dimensional studies are an important avenue
for future research.
6 Although in theory the value or cost of emissions reductions is the same whether in the form of a real or
opportunity cost, it has been repeatedly shown that firms in fact discount the value of potential emission
saving if allowances are given for free (Neuhoff et al., 2014). While there is considerable variation in carbon
prices internationally (Aldy and Pizer, 2013), most regulated sectors exposed to international trade currently
receive free allowances such that the implicit carbon price differences are likely to be lower.
7 For example, the influence of different free allocation rules on operational, investment and trade decisions
have been analysed by Branger et al. (2014).
8 As explained by Jaffe et al. (1995), this is a theoretical measure because it is impossible to measure the
reduction in net exports ‘before’ adjustments in the exchange rates. Only the change after the adjustment is
observed. However, it may be less of a problem for impacts on small sectors where the effects on trade are
small and hence will not lead to adjustments to the exchange rate.
The introduction of carbon pricing in Europe generated wide concerns about the potential
cost burden on industry. Model-based studies predicted that with carbon prices around
€20-€30/tCO2 the marginal cost impacts would be small for the large majority of industrial
activities, but large impacts could occur in upstream segments within several energy intensive
sectors, including fertilizers, iron and steel, aluminium, paper, basic organic chemicals or coke
oven production (Sato et al., 2014). However, evidence suggests that most sectors did not see
high cost increases due to a combination of generous free allocation and low carbon prices.
In the electricity sector, where marginal costs were affected, high levels of carbon cost pass-
through were observed, as theory would predict. Chan et al. (2013) compare 5,873 regulated
and non-regulated firms between 2001 and 2009 across 10 European Union countries in the
power, cement and iron and steel sectors. In the power sector, regulated firms on average
experienced an increase in ‘material costs’ (including fuel) by 5 percent and 8 percent during
Phase I and II of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). This may be due also
to the European Union renewable energy target. However, no such effects are found for the
cement and steel sectors, because emissions trading permits were largely allocated to these
sectors for free during this period.
As well as affecting marginal costs of production, environmental regulations can also affect
entry and investment costs for companies. Ryan (2012) finds that the 1990 Amendments to the
US Clean Air Act had no impact on the marginal (variable) costs of the Portland cement
industry, but they made incumbent firms more competitive by increasing the average sunk costs
of entry. Specifically, the costs of building a greenfield facility rose by $5 million to $10 million
because they had to undergo rigorous environmental certification and testing.
Many studies have found evidence for a significant but small effect of environmental regulation
on productivity. Christiansen and Haveman (1981) estimate that around 10 percent of the
slowdown in productivity growth observed in the United States between 1965 and 1980 can
be attributed to environmental regulations, while Dufour et al. (1998) find that environmental
regulation cut productivity growth in the Quebec manufacturing sector between 1985 and 1988.
9 See OECD database on instruments used for environmental policy, for example:
Gollop and Roberts (1983) estimate that sulphur dioxide (SO2) regulations slowed down
productivity growth in the United States in the 1970s by 43 percent. More recently, Gray
and Shadbegian (1993, 2002, 2003) linked higher pollution-abatement operating costs with
lower productivity in pulp and paper mills, steel mills, and oil refineries10 (see also Boyd and
McClelland, 1999). Greenstone et al. (2012) have conducted the most recent and largest plant-
level study so far. Using detailed production data from nearly 1.2 million plant observations
from the 1972-1993 Annual Survey of Manufactures they investigate the economic costs of air
quality regulations (the 1970 Clean Air Act). They find that total factor productivity declines by
4.8 percent for polluting plants in strictly regulated counties compared to weakly or unregulated
counties. This corresponds to an annual economic cost from the regulation of manufacturing
plants of roughly $21 billion (in 2010 dollars), 8.8 percent of average manufacturing sector profits
over the period of analysis.
Most studies focus on the impact of the US’s Clean Air Act Amendments. Henderson (1996)
and Kahn (1997) found relatively lower growth rates in manufacturing employment in counties
with stringent air pollution regulations compared to less regulated counties. Using the same
approach and a long panel of United States plant level data (1972-1987), Greenstone (2002)
finds that the Clean Air Act Amendments of the 1970s led to a loss of around 590,000 jobs in
(strictly regulated) nonattainment counties relative to attainment ones (subject to more lenient
regulation). This represents 3.4 percent of manufacturing employment in the United States (and
less than 0.5 percent of total employment). Part of this lost activity in nonattainment counties
may have moved to attainment counties, so that the net national effect on employment is likely
10 However, when other commonly used measures of regulatory stringency are employed, like compliance status
or the number of inspections by the regulatory agency, the estimated impacts are generally not statistically
11 According to Kahn (2013), between 1998 and 2009, aggregate manufacturing jobs in the United States
declined by 35 percent while the total production of this industry grew by 21 percent.
to be smaller. Moreover, many of these job losses are unlikely to be permanent as laid-off
workers ultimately find other jobs. Walker (2013) estimates the costs to the workforce from the
Clean Air Act Amendments. He finds that the average worker in a regulated sector experienced
a total earnings loss equivalent to 20 percent of their pre-regulatory earnings. Almost all of the
estimated earnings losses are driven by unemployment.12 Overall, the total forgone wage bill
associated with this regulation-induced sectoral shift in production is estimated to be more than
$5.4 billion (in 1990 dollars). These estimates of forgone earnings are two orders of magnitude
below most estimates of the health benefits of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. The extent
of transitional unemployment and related adjustment costs will depend on the degree of labour
market imperfections and the quality of safety net policies to help workers make the transition.
Kahn and Mansur (2013) also exploit variation among adjacent counties and use a relatively long
panel (1998-2009). They find evidence that energy intensive sectors locate in low electricity-
price areas and that polluting sectors seek out low regulation areas, reducing employment in
high regulation areas. However, for the typical manufacturing industry, the
effects are modest. An 8 percent increase in electricity price would result in a fall in employment
of 3.8 percent in Ohio and 0.3 percent in California. Other recent studies have looked at the
impact of energy prices on employment. Deschênes (2010) finds that employment rates are
weakly related to electricity prices, a 1 percent increase in electricity prices leading to a change
in full-time equivalent employment ranging from -0.16 percent to -0.10 percent. Aldy and Pizer
(2011) also exploit the United States state-level variation in industry energy prices between 1990
and 2009 to estimate the price-employment relationship. They simulate the impact of a $15 per
ton carbon tax corresponding to an 8 percent increase in electricity prices in the United States
relative to the rest of the world and find that this would cut employment by 0.2 percent.
A range of studies, however, do not find evidence for such negative impacts of environmental
regulation on employment. Morgenstern et al. (2002) use pollution abatement operating
costs as a proxy for the stringency of environmental regulation and find that higher
environmental spending generally does not cause a statistically significant change in employment.
There are even statistically significant and positive effects in two industries, but total number
of affected jobs remains quite small. These estimates suggest that, at most, environmental
regulation accounted for 2 percent of the observed decline in employment from 1984 to 1994.
Belova et al. (2013) also find no evidence of large negative effects from environmental regulations.
Berman and Bui (2001b) compare petroleum refineries in the Los Angeles area, subject to some
of the strictest air pollution regulations in the United States, to all other refineries in the country.
They find no evidence that environmental regulation decreased labour demand, even allowing
for induced plant exit and dissuaded plant entry. They actually find weak evidence that
regulations may have resulted in a small net increase in employment, possibly because more
labour is required for pollution control activities. The lower bound of their estimates implies fewer
than 3,500 jobs lost due to regulation over 12 years, a number equivalent to the estimated
deaths every year from pollution in counties not complying with national standards in the mid-
1980s. Cole and Elliott (2007) use data for 1999-2003 for the United Kingdom and found no
evidence that pollution abatement costs reduce employment. A number of recent studies have
examined the impact of the EU ETS on employment, and no robust evidence has yet been
found to support the link. Anger and Oberndorfer (2008) and Commins et al. (2011) find no
statistically significant effect. Chan et al. (2013) find no effect on steel and cement sector jobs,
but an ambiguous effect in the power sector. Abrell et al. (2011) also found ambiguous impacts
on employment in the cement sector.13
12 However, earnings losses depend on the strength of the local labour market, suggesting that policy-induced
labour market reallocation may be more costly in periods of high unemployment.
13 Martin et al. (2014) explain that the practice used in Abrell et al. (2011) to take control firms only from non-
regulated sectors is problematic, because of the possible non-random selection of which sectors were
regulated under the EU ETS, hence the study is likely to suffer from selection bias at the sector level. This
problem is common with EU ETS studies that use matching estimators.
To sum-up, a few studies that use installation or state level data from the United States and
long panels have found negative effects on employment in pollution intensive sectors from
environmental regulations. This suggests that – in the United States at least – differences
in environmental regulations between states or counties have led to small negative effects on
employment in polluting sectors. However, because of wage adjustments and other factors
(price of leisure, increased firm profits) the social costs of jobs lost due to environmental
regulations are only a fraction of the associated lost earnings. Furthermore, the social costs of
job losses are typically less than 10 percent of other social costs of regulations, so that including
job losses in cost-benefit analyses of environmental regulations is unlikely to change their
conclusions (Bartik, 2013). It also appears that employment effects are more likely to occur
within national boundaries where relocation barriers are lower.
A key challenge in testing the pollution haven effect is that the most theoretically desirable test for
competitiveness – identifying the effect of policies on net exports holding real wages and
exchange rates constant – cannot be implemented because, in practice, cutting manufacturing
net exports (if environmental policy is applied across the board) changes the exchange rate and
net exports of other industries. Some studies nonetheless look at how net imports are affected
by environmental regulations ignoring these adjustments (for example, Ederington, 2005), some
look at a subset of industries (hence exchange rate adjustment can be ignored), while other
papers test alternative outcomes. Studies have compared relative changes to net imports across
sectors facing different regulatory costs (for example, Levinson and Taylor, 2008); where polluting
industries are located (for example Mulatu et al., 2010) as well as the location of new investments
(for example, Ben-Kheder and Zugravu, 2012). A new study by Cole et al. (2014) examines
whether environmental regulatory costs make it more likely that companies will outsource parts
of their production overseas. However, the equations for such alternative tests often lack
theoretical foundations (Ben-Kheder and Zugravu, 2012).
Another key challenge is the lack of good measures for relative regulatory stringency,
which means effects on trade or investment can only be explained as a function of industry
characteristics (Ederington et al., 2005). In other words, what is often being tested is whether
sectors subject to more stringent regulation, for example steel, undertake more or less trade
or investment or outsourcing, relative to sectors subject to less environmental regulation, for
example IT. Levinson and Taylor (2008) show that ignoring the level of foreign regulation and
instead using indirect measures of environmental stringency such as pollution abatement and
14 The pollution haven effect can be distinguished from the bolder pollution haven hypothesis, which postulates
that differences in environmental regulation is the most important determinant of industry location. Theoretical
models of this hypothesis were formulated by Baumol and Oates (1988) and others. A related strand of
literature investigates whether (liberalisation of) trade is good or bad for the environment (e.g. Taylor and
Copeland, 2004; Antweiler et al., 2001).
15 The earlier studies are reviewed by Jaffe et al. (1995), a meta-analysis of studies on plant location is conducted
by Jeppesen et al. (2002), and additional reviews are given in Mulatu et al. (2003), Brunnermeier and Levinson
(2004), and Taylor and Copeland (2004).
control expenditures is theoretically problematic for a number of reasons,16 and failing to account
for these issues leads to biases and incorrect inference. As emerging economies such as China,
India and Brazil become increasingly important in global trade, finding good measures of relative
regulatory stringency will become key to the literature on pollution haven effect, which has thus far
lacked a compelling multi-country test (Taylor, 2005).17
Given the major caveats, it is not surprising that strong consensus has yet to emerge from the
body of empirical studies. A number of studies found limited evidence of pollution haven effect
using cross-sectional data (for example, Grossman and Krueger, 1995) and various proxies of
environmental policy gaps. For example, van Beers and van den Bergh (1997) construct their
own regulatory gap indicator based mainly on energy intensity and recycling rates, Grether and
de Melo (2004) use the difference in GDP per capita as a proxy and Grether et al. (2012) use two
composite indexes from the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report and the
environmental regulatory regime index from Esty and Porter (2005). These studies do not detect
a systematic or robust regulatory gap effect.
The studies using panel data tended to support the pollution haven effect, but they also tended
not to model the regulatory gap across countries for the same sectors, only the regulatory gap
across sectors within one country (for example, Ederington et al., 2005 and Kellenberg, 2009).
Based on a panel of 130 sectors for the years 1977 to 1986, Levinson and Taylor (2008) find
some evidence that sectors with larger increases in clean-up costs tended to coincide with
sectors that experience larger increases in net imports. They estimate that a 1 percent increase
in pollution abatement cost expenditures in the United States is associated with a 0.4 percent
increase in net imports from Mexico and a 0.6 per cent increase from Canada. Levinson (2010)
instead examines the changes in composition of United States’ imports and exports and finds
that the composition of imports has become increasingly less polluting. He argues that this
does not necessarily contradict the pollution haven effect, as the green shifts in imports may
have been smaller without environmental regulations, but that if there has been a pollution
haven effect it is likely to have been overwhelmed by other forces.
Aichele and Felbermayr (2012) investigate the effects of legally binding mitigation targets under the
Kyoto Protocol on bilateral exports using a matching technique and find that Kyoto countries’
exports are reduced by 13 percent to 14 percent. However, the validity of these results has
been questioned. In particular, the signing of the Kyoto Protocol is a crude measure of
environmental policy stringency and the results might be driven by factors other than the Kyoto
Protocol commitments, most likely the effect of China joining the World Trade Organisation in
2002, which coincided with most Annex I countries’ ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Cole et al.
(2014) use cross-sectional data for 12,335 Japanese firms and find that firms with more reported
environmental protection efforts are 28 percent more likely to outsource parts of their production
overseas than firms that report no effort, and they argue this gives support to the pollution
haven effect. However, the robustness of the results is severely compromised by the poor
definition of the regulatory variable, which is measured by a dummy variable that is equal to one
if a firm answers positively to one of seven survey questions about environmental activities. The
recent papers on the effects of the EU ETS on trade find limited empirical support (for example,
Branger and Quirion, 2013). The combination of limited import penetration and the evidence
of carbon cost pass-through suggests that measures designed to address competitiveness
concerns (free allocation) may have prevented trade losses, but at the same time, European
16 For example, policy variables can capture differences across sectors other than the relative policy stringency
and can lead to biases due to sector aggregation and the unobserved foreign regulation.
17 To this end, there may be scope to apply the approach of Aldy and Pizer (2011) – which involves using historic
sector-level energy price as a proxy for relative policy stringency across American states – to international
studies if sector level energy price information is available for key trading partners.
Union industries are protected by trade barriers to some degree, so that companies may
have been over-compensated.
While the pollution haven picture continues to be unclear, the possibility that trade and
investment flows will be affected if countries pursue environmental regulations to significantly
different degrees of ambition cannot be ruled out. Several avenues of emerging research will
strengthen the empirical evidence base and give a better understanding of how potential
adverse impacts on trade and investment from environmental regulations can be mitigated.
These include emerging research on comparability of environmental effort (for example,
Aldy and Pizer, 2013) and assessments of how effective alternative measures to address
competitiveness impacts are. For example, a body of work evaluates the allowance allocation
methods under emissions trading schemes (Fischer and Fox, 2007; Demailly and Quirion,
2008; Meunier and Ponssard, 2012); border carbon adjustments (Branger and Quirion,
2014; Boehringer et al., 2014); and consumption-based accounting (for example, Jakob et al.,
2014). These studies are, of course, not empirical due to the lack of actual policy experiments.
Until recently, innovation has been mainly measured at the level of economic sectors or countries,
but a few recent studies provide firm-level evidence. Aghion et al. (2014) examine innovation
activity by around 3,000 firms in the car industry and show that they tend to innovate relatively
more in clean technologies when they face higher fuel prices. Therefore, fuel taxes can help break
the path dependence in the direction of low-carbon innovation. Calel and Dechezleprêtre (2014)
explore the impact of the EU ETS on innovation by analysing low-carbon patenting activity of
regulated firms. They show that the EU ETS has increased innovation activity in low-carbon
technologies among regulated companies by 10 percent compared to a counterfactual scenario.
There is ample evidence that environmental regulations induce innovation in clean technologies
and discourage research and development in conventional (polluting) technologies. Thus,
environmental regulations can help economies break away from a polluting economic trajectory
and move to a ‘clean’ one.
A small number of studies have looked at the whole causality chain implied by the Porter
hypothesis, from regulation to competitiveness, through to innovation – and thus the impact
on firms’ profitability. Lanoie et al. (2011) find that regulation-induced environmental innovation
improves business performance but not enough to offset the costs of compliance. They
conclude that the net effect is negative – that is, the positive effect of innovation on business
performance does not outweigh the negative effect of the regulation itself. These results
suggest that environmental regulation is costly, but less so than if one was to consider only
the direct costs of the regulation itself, without the ability of innovation to mitigate those costs.
Van Leeuwen and Mohnen (2013) provide evidence that regulation-induced green innovation
does not increase labour productivity. Hence, the Porter hypothesis, whereby environmental
regulation induces innovation which itself increases competitiveness, is not supported.
Rexhauser and Rammer (2014) find that regulation-induced innovations which improve a firm’s
resource efficiency in terms of material or energy consumption have a positive impact on
profitability, as measured by pre-tax profits over sales. In other words, the Porter hypothesis
may not hold in general but does hold for some types of innovation.
In sum, green innovations developed to cut the cost of environmental regulations do not seem
to increase firms’ profits enough to fully offset the private costs of regulation. However, there
is evidence that low-carbon innovations induce larger economic benefits than the ‘dirty’
technologies they replace because they generate more knowledge in the economy, which
can be used by other innovators to further develop new technologies across various sectors
of the economy. This makes it plausible that the switch from ‘dirty’ to ‘clean’ technologies
could generate economic growth. This also justifies strong public support to clean
technology development.
The recent evidence shows that environmental regulations can hit employment and productivity,
in particular in pollution- and energy-intensive sectors. However, these effects appear to be
small and transitory. Over the longer run, the effects tend to be smaller than in the short run,
suggesting that government policies such as labour markets regulations can help reduce or
offset the transitory impacts of environmental regulations on competitiveness. These effects
seem more likely to occur within national boundaries where relocation barriers are low, than
across borders. Internationally, the estimated effects of environmental regulations on trade and
investment location so far are negligible in comparison to other determinants, such as market
conditions and quality of local workers. Moreover, the social benefits of environmental
regulations, in particular in terms of improved health, often seem to vastly outweigh their costs.
The available evidence suggests that there is no case to cut back environmental regulations for
competitiveness reasons, and seeking only ‘win-win’ solutions with no losers would risk leaving
many socially beneficial policies off the table. The link between environmental regulations and
innovation is perhaps where results from the recent literature differ most from the conclusions
of Jaffe et al. (1995).18 There is now ample evidence that environmental regulations induce
innovation activity in clean technologies while discouraging research and development in
conventional (polluting) technologies, as well as more recent evidence that low-carbon
innovations induce larger economic benefits than the ‘dirty’ technologies that they replace in
terms of knowledge spillovers, offering some support for the idea that directed technological
change can help offset the costs of environmental regulations or even encourage economic
The most obvious question arising from this synthesis is: why are the effects of environmental
regulations found to be so small when competitiveness concerns are so high in public policy
circles? A first possibility is that environmental policies are well designed so as to prevent
competitiveness effects. A large number of key environmental regulations have compensation
mechanisms in place, perhaps the most prominent example being the European Union
Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) that has, until now, widely allocated emission permits for
free. Another possibility is that the small effects identified thus far simply reflect the lack of
stringency of most environmental policies. Yet it is likely that the threats posed by climate
change and other environmental concerns will require environmental regulations that lie far
outside the bounds of past experience.
18 Jaffe et al. (1995) concluded that “there is little or no evidence supporting the revisionist hypothesis that
environmental regulation stimulates innovation and improved international competitiveness.”
What, then, can we learn from the existing literature for future policies? By definition, ex post
empirical evaluations conducted so far cover past or existing policies, but the possibility of
larger effects on trade and investment in the future cannot be ruled out if efforts in pollution
control diverge significantly across countries. There are stark divergences in the political will to
tackle climate change among developed countries’ governments, as exemplified by Australia’s
decision to abolish carbon taxes in 2014 and Germany’s ambitious energy transition programme
(Energiewende) which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95 percent by 2050.
The regulatory gap might also increase between some emerging economies such as China,
Brazil, South Korea, Malaysia and India, which all play a key role
in trade and global supply chains.
Key issues for future research include: establishing credible methods to compare relative
policy stringency between regulatory regimes using different policy instruments; improving
the identification of specific economic activities where pollution leakage and competitiveness
issues represent a genuine risk; for these specific activities, assessing the various policy options
available to prevent adverse impacts on trade and investment whilst avoiding the creation of
new distortions; and determining how environmental policies should be adjusted as other
countries’ regulations evolve. Assessments should be conducted on a sector-by-sector basis,
as the same policy can have different impacts depending on sector characteristics, such as
the level of competition and the nature of technology innovation necessary to carry the sector
towards achieving ambitious environmental goals. For each sector, fine-tuning of policy will be
required to balance policy goals with the multiple impacts of environmental regulations on
pollution, employment, trade, productivity and innovation. A key challenge for researchers
analysing environmental regulations, therefore, will be to analyse the impact of policies along
several indicators simultaneously. Almost all studies reviewed for this policy brief analyse the
impact of environmental regulation on a single dimension, be it employment, trade or innovation.
Analysing multiple indicators jointly will allow a more holistic vision of the consequences of
environmental regulations and of their interactions.
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