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Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore

Mechanical Engineering Department

Lab Manuals Basic.Mechanical.Engineering. (BT-203)

Experiment No. 2
AIM: To Study of Different types of boiler.

Introduction: Boiler is a closed vessel or a device for heating water and generating steam
above atmospheric pressure. The boiler consists of a compartment where the fuel is burned
and a compartment where water can be evaporated into steam. Boilers have many
applications. They can be used in stationary applications to provide heat, hot water, or steam
for domestic use or in generators and they can be used in locomotive applications too, such as
trains, ships, and boats.

Classification of boiler:

1. According to flow of hot gases and water (Water tube and fire tube boiler): The
boiler in which furnace gases pass over the external surface of tubes through which water
is circulated and hot gases surround them, are called water tube boiler. Some examples
are Babcock and Wilcox boiler. Fire tube boiler in which furnace gases pass through
surrounded by the water which is to be evaporated. Some examples are Cochran boiler
and locomotive boiler.
2. According to method of circulation of flue gases (Natural circulation and forced
circulation type boiler): In natural circulation type of boiler the water circulation of
water is by natural convention current, which are set up during the heating of water .In
forced circulation steam boilers; there is forced circulation of water by a centrifugal pump
driven by some external power.
3. According to the position of furnace (Internally fired boiler and externally fired
boilers): In internally fired boilers the furnace is located inside the boiler sell .most of the
fire tube boiler are internally fired.
In externally boiler the furnace is arranged underneath in a brick - work setting. Water
tube steam boilers are always externally fired.
4. According to the axis of shell (Vertical, Horizontal or Inclined boiler): If the axis of
boiler shell is horizontal, the boiler is known as horizontal boiler. Example: Cornish
boiler, Lancashire boiler, Babcock-Wilcox boiler, etc.
If the axis of boiler shell is vertical, the boiler is known as vertical boiler. Example:
Simple vertical boilers, Cochran boiler, Scotch boiler, etc
If the axis of boiler shell is inclined, the boiler is known as inclined boiler.
5. According to number of tube (Single tube boiler & Multi tubular boiler): The fire
tube boilers are classified as single tube and multi-tube boilers, depending upon whether
the fire tube is one or more than ons. Example: Single tube boiler- Cornish and Simple
vertical boiler. Multi-tube boilers- Cochran, Lancashire, Babcock-Wilcox boiler, etc.
6. According to use(Stationary or (land) boiler and Mobile (marine and locomotive)
boiler): Stationary boiler are used in power plant steam generation, for central station
utility power plants, plant process steam etc.
Mobile boilers or portable boilers include locomotive type, and other small units for
temporary use at sites (just as in small coal-field pits).
7. According to circulation of water (Natural circulation and Forced circulation): I
forced circulation boilers the circulation of water is done by forced pump. Example:
Velox, La-mount, Benson boilers etc.
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Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Mechanical Engineering Department
Lab Manuals Basic.Mechanical.Engineering. (BT-203)

Boiler Terms:

1. Shell: The boiler shell consists of one or more steel plates bent into cylindrical shape and
riveted or welded together. The ends of the shell are closed by means of end plates or
head which are made flat, convex or concave. The shell together with the closing head is
called the drum.
2. Setting: The primary functions of setting are to confined heat to the boiler and form a
passage of gases. It is made of brickwork and may form the wall of furnace and the
combustion chamber. It also provide the support in some types of boiler (e.g., Lancashire
3. Grate: In a coal or wood fire boiler, the grate is the platform in the furnace upon which
the fuel is burnt. The grate consists of cast iron bars which are so that air for combustion
can pass through them.
4. Furnace: It is also called the fire box. Furnace is the space above the grate and below the
boiler shell in which the fuel is burnt.
5. Heating surface: Heating surface is the part of boiler surface that is exposed to the fire to
the hot gases from the fire which passes from furnace to chimney.
6. Water space and steam space: The volume of the shell occupied by the water is termed
water space while the entire shell volume less the water and tubes (if any) space is called
steam space.
7. Mountings: The items such as stop valve, safety valve, water level gauge, fusible plug,
blow-off cock, pressure gauge water level indicator etc., are termed as mountings and a
boiler can-not work safely without them.
8. Accessories: The items such as super-heater, economizers, feed-pump, etc. are used to
increase the efficiency of the boiler.
9. Water level: the level at which water stand in the boiler is called water level. The space
above the water level is called steam space.
10. Foaming: Formation of steam bubbles on the surface of boiler due to high surface tension
of the water.
11. Scale: A deposit of medium to extreme hardness occurring on water heating surfaces of a
boiler because of an undesirable condition in the boiler water.
12. Blowing-off: To discharge the mud and sediments carried with the feed water and
accumulated at the bottom of the boiler is termed as blowing-off.
13. Lagging: Blocks of asbestos or magnesia insulation wrapped on the outside of a boiler
shell and steam piping.

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Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Mechanical Engineering Department
Lab Manuals Basic.Mechanical.Engineering. (BT-203)


Cochran boiler is a vertical multi-tube boiler commonly used for small capacity steam
generation. It is made in different sizes of evaporative capacities ranging from 150 to 3000 kg
per hour and working pressure up to 20 bars.


The boiler consists of a cylindrical shell with its crown having a hemispherical shape. The
furnace is also hemispherical in shape. The coal is fed into the grate through the fire door and
ash formed is collected in the ash-pit location just below the grate and then it is removed
manually. The furnace and the combustion chamber are connected through a pipe. The hot
gases from the combustion chamber flow through the nest of horizontal fire tubes (generally
6.25 cm in external diameter and 165 to 170 in number). The gases passing through the fire
tubes transfer a large portion of the heat to the water by convection. The flue gases coming
out of fire tubes are finally discharged to the atmosphere through chimney.

The spherical top and spherical shape of fire-box are the special features of this boiler. These
shapes require least material for the volume. The hemi spherical crown of the boiler shell
gives maximum strength to withstand the pressure of the steam inside the boiler.

Coal or oil can be used as fuel in this boiler. A man hole near the top of the crown of shell is
provided for cleaning. In addition to this a number of hand holes are provided around the
outer shell for cleaning purposes. The smoke box is provided with doors for cleaning of the
interior of the fir tubes.


▪ It is very compact and requires minimum floor area.

▪ Any type of fuel can be used with this boiler.
▪ It is well suited for small capacity requirements. It gives about
70% thermal efficiency with coal firing and about 75% with oil
▪ The ratio of grate area to the heating surface area varies from
10:1 to 25:1.

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Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Mechanical Engineering Department
Lab Manuals Basic.Mechanical.Engineering. (BT-203)

Figure 2.1: Cochran boiler

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Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Mechanical Engineering Department
Lab Manuals Basic.Mechanical.Engineering. (BT-203)

It is provided with all required mountings. The function of each is briefly described

1. Pressure Gauge. This indicates the pressure of the steam in the boiler.
2. Water Level Indicator. This indicates the water level in the boiler. The water level in the
boiler should not fall below a particular level otherwise the boiler will be overheated and
the tubes will be burned out. Should not fall below a particular level otherwise the boiler
will be overheated and the tubes may burn out.
3. Safety Valve When the pressure increases above design pressure, the valve opens and
discharges the steam to the atmosphere. When this pressure falls just below design
pressure, the valve closes automatically.
4. Fusible Plug. When the temperature of the shell increases above a particular level than
the fusible plug, which is mounted over the grate as shown in the Figure 3.1, melts and
forms an opening. The high pressure steam pushes the remaining water through this hole
on the grate and the fire is extinguished.
5. Blow-off Cock. The water supplied to the boiler always contains impurities like mud,
sand and salt. Due to heating these are deposited at the bottom of the boiler and if they are
not removed they are accumulated at the bottom of the boiler and reduce its capacity and
heat transfer rates. Also the salt content will go on increasing due to evaporation of water.
These deposited salts are removed with the help of blow off cock.
6. Feed check valve. It is a valve connected to the feed pump mounted at the bottom of the
boiler drum and used to feed the fresh water.
7. Man hole. This is an elliptical passage on the boiler shell and used for the inside
maintenance of boiler shell.
8. Stop valve. A valve provide at the top of boiler shell used for the withdrawn steam for
desired used.

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Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Mechanical Engineering Department
Lab Manuals Basic.Mechanical.Engineering. (BT-203)

Introduction: It is stationary fire tube, internally fired, horizontal, natural circulation boiler.
This is a widely used boiler because of its good steaming quality and its ability to burn
coal of inferior quality. These boilers have a cylindrical shell 2 m in diameters and its length
varies from 8 m to 10 m. It has two large internal flue tubes having diameter between 80 cm
to 100 cm in which the grate is situated. This boiler is set in a brick work forming external
flue so that the external part of the shell forms part of the heating surface.

Analysis:The boiler consists of a cylindrical shell and two big furnace tubes pass right
through this. The grates are provided at the front end of the main flue tubes of the boiler and
the coal is fed to the grates through the fire doors. A low fire brick bridge is provided at the
end of the grate, as shown in the figure to prevent the flow of coal and ash particles into the
interior of the furnace tubes.

The hot gases leaving the grate pass up to the back end of the tubes and then in the
downward direction. They move through the bottom flue to the front of the boiler where they
are divided into two and pass to the side flues as shown in the figure. Then they move along
the two-side flues and come to the chimney as shown in the figure.

With the help of this arrangement of the flow passages of the gases, bottom of the shell is
first heated and then its sides. The heat is transferred to the water through surfaces of the two
flue tubes (which heated and then its sides. The heat is transferred to the water through
surfaces of the two flue tubes and bottom part and sides of the main shell. This arrangement
increases the heating surface to a large extent. Dampers in the form of sliding doors are
placed at the end of side flues to control the flow of gases. This regulates the combustion rate
as well as steam generation rate. These dampers are operated by chains passing over a pulley
at the front of the boiler. This boiler is fitted with usual mountings. The pressure gauge and
water level indicator are provided at the front whereas steam stop valve, safety valve, low-
water and high steam safety valve and manhole are provided on the top of the shell.


Its heating surface area per unit volume of the boiler is considerably large.

Its maintenance is easy.

It is suitable where a large reserve of hot water is needed. Load fluctuations can be
easily met by this boiler due to the large reserve capacity.
Super heater and economizer can be easily incorporated into the system therefore;
overall efficiency of the boiler can be considerably increased (80-85%).

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Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore
Mechanical Engineering Department
Lab Manuals Basic.Mechanical.Engineering. (BT-203)

Figure 2.2: Lancashire boiler

Q1.Define boiler and its function.
Q2.Difference between fire tube and water tube and fire tube boiler.
Q3.What are the specification of Cochran and Lancashire boiler.

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