Alcatel-Lucent Omnipcx Enterprise Free Desktop
Alcatel-Lucent Omnipcx Enterprise Free Desktop
Alcatel-Lucent Omnipcx Enterprise Free Desktop
Free Desktop
Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are trademarks of Alcatel-
Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................6
1.1 Intended Readership............................................................................................................................. 6
1.9 Licensing.................................................................................................................................................. 8
2 OVERVIEW....................................................................................9
2.1 The Application...................................................................................................................................... 9
3 ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................... 12
5 COPYRIGHTS .............................................................................. 14
13 CONFIGURATION ........................................................................ 51
13.1 Presentation Server Configuration.............................................................................................. 51
14 UNINSTALLING ........................................................................... 57
14.1 Free Desktop Environment Uninstalling..................................................................................... 57
15 APPENDIX................................................................................... 60
15.1 Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................... 60
This manual targets System Administrator who also does networking. This is not
relevant to the user of this application
1.3 Purpose
This manual targets at the System Administrator, and provides him with all
necessary information to complete the above tasks.
1.4 Scope
• Hardware requirements
• Software requirements
You will have to install the application: Free Desktop Environment in a separate
server. Free Desktop Environment is supported by one or more OXE Server/s and
XML Server/s. These supporting servers are installed with software that supports
the Free Desktop Server. After installation, they should be configured as needed.
The OXE servers are connected to different telephone terminals. The Free Desktop
Server enables movement of users among different terminals within the network.
When one user moves to another terminal, he can use that terminal as his own – his
incoming calls would land up in this new terminal.
To enable this mobility, the telephone terminals will have to be in accordance with
the specifications.
• Overview
• Environment
• Contents of CD Rom
• Preparing For Installation
• Recommended Free Desktop Environment Installation
• Network Architecture Overview
• Alcatel XML API or UC Installation
• OmniPCX Enterprise Configuration
• Free Desktop Environment Installation
• Installation Checks
• Configuration
• Uninstalling
The above categorization could help you to use this manual for quick reference –
you can get what you want, more easily. You can access the required part of this
manual by using the Table of Contents given at the beginning of this manual. The
entries in this list are hyper-linked. User Ctrl+Click on the line to move to that part
of the manual.
1.7 Copyrights
1.9 Licensing
Each Free Desktop Server 3.x required a FlexLM license: FREEDESKTOP version 1.0.
Each Free Desktop User 3.x required a FlexLM license: FREEDESKTOPUSER version
IP Touch Mobile Solution required FlexLM licenses for all the IP Touch users: MY IP
2.3 Architecture
Below is a sample architecture for the Free Desktop:
Commentaire [kbl1] : Chan
g “API Release 4.0” in “API
Release 5.0”
In the above layout, a user of one OXE server can move to a terminal under another
OXE server. He can use it just like his earlier terminal. His incoming calls reach the
new terminal, and not the old one.
Installing Free Desktop involves installation and configuration of the application in:
1. OXE Server/s
2. XML Server/s
3. Free Desktop Server
IV. Guides
V. README.txt file.
Expat: Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd and
Clark Cooper
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of
their respective owners.
Free Desktop is available for users provided with following types of telephone sets:
• 8 & 9 series: 4008, 4018, 4019, 4028, 4029, 4038, 4039 and 4068,
• Reflexes/e-Reflexes: 4010, 4010 IP, 4020, 4022, 4035, 4037
4010 IP
FIGURE 4 - Application availability
• When users change node, their taxation tickets are generated and allocated
to this new reporting node.
• Sets using additional key modules (except for key modules detailed: §
Alcatel–Lucent 8&9 Series Sets and Additional Key Modules)
• Sets which belong to a group of sets (available when user moves within the
same Call Server)
• Sets using the twin-set feature (available when user moves within the same
Call Server)
Free Desktop users cannot monitor other sets, or use or be used by applications
based on CSTA, CTI and SIP protocols.
o Nomadic mode: This feature is not available when a Free Desktop user is
logged off.
My Phone services are suspended when a user moves on a PBX that is not
managed by his original XML API / UC. The user retrieves all My Phone services
when he moves back on a PBX managed by his original XML API / UC.
On 8&9 series sets, namely: 4028, 4029, 4038, 4039, 4068 and IP Desktop Softphone,
four types of additional key module(s) can be connected.
The Smart Display additional module with 14 keys is not compatible with
Free Desktop. With the 3 other additional modules, a Free Desktop user
can log on another phone set but:
• If the target phone set is equipped with an identical additional module, the
user can use the target phone set as his/her own set
• If the target phone set is not equipped with an additional module or if this
additional module is different, additional keys are not available
• When users log on their own phone set, they retrieve the use of their
module additional keys
Installation Process:
The following figure explains the installation process. You will have to install and
configure the software in the sequence given :
OXE Server
1. Configure OXE
2. Configure XML
Scenario: You are connected to your OmniPCX Enterprise network. You know
Outcome: The OmniPCX Enterprise will be ready for Free Desktop operations.
The OmniPCX Enterprise(s) configuration must be complete and all subscribers must
be created and assigned to their set. Broadcast must be enabled (even when there
is only one node).
4. If on the first line you read BROADCAST is off, enter mao +br to enable
broadcast. The prompt must read BROADCAST is on
Goal: To install and configure the API Framework for Free Desktop Web Service
for operation
Scenario: Install or configure the API for Free Desktop use. This section of this
document describes the recommended configuration
Outcome: The Alcatel XML API Framework will be installed and configured for Free
Desktop. The mandatory information to install Free Desktop will be listed.
Please refer to the installation guide of the product you install. Free Desktop Web
Service uses the following components:
• Presentation Server (if you install the Free Desktop IP Touch Interface)
• FlexLM Server
• XML Web Services
To be able to move among several Call Servers, you have to configure the Open
Telephony Server (OTS) for each Call Server created in the XML API. At Free
Desktop purchase, the FREEDESKTOP license has been automatically generated in
the Alcatel XML API or UC licenses. The Free Desktop Web Service application
checks this license via the FLEXlm Server installed with the Alcatel XML API or UC.
Scenario: Before installing Free Desktop, you need to know whether your hardware
installation is compatible with Free Desktop, and whether the requested
components are correctly installed
• FlexLM Server
• Presentation Server
XML API or UC server and Free Desktop server must be able to communicate through
their hostname.
2. Click Run, this will open a dialog box that allows you to type in a command
If an error displays indicating that hostNameB (or was not found,
then there is a network problem. Check your network configuration.
• A minimum space of 1Go is required and 2Go RAM for Free Desktop
Goals: This section describes how to install all Free Desktop Environment
Scenario: You are on the machine where Free Desktop Environment is to be installed
Goal: To check that Java 2 SDK 1.5.0_10 is installed on the machine where Free
Desktop will be installed. If not, install this component.
Scenario: You are on the machine where the Free Desktop Environment will be
Time: 15 minutes.
2. Verify that J2SE Development Kit 5.0 update 6 is in the list. (The number of
update can be higher than 6)
5. This is the license agreement for you to read and accept. By default,
second option is selected. You will have to select the first option (I accept
. . .). Only then the installation could proceed.
6. The enclosed box lists different folders that contain J2SE Development Kit
5.0. You can click on any of them to see the files in them. In their
expanded form, you can select/deselect any of the components. It is
recommended that you leave them to default.
7. Below the box, you can find: Install to. Below it, you can find the folder
where these components will be installed. If you prefer to install them in
another directory, you can click on the Change button given at right.
8. This screen shows the progress bar indicating installation progress. Once
the installation completes, it will move to next screen.
9. The enclosed box lists different folders that contain J2SE Runtime
Environment with European languages. You can click on any of them to see
the files in them. In their expanded form, you can select/deselect any of
the components. It is recommended that you leave them to default.
10. Below the box, you can find: Install to. Below it, you can find the folder
where these components will be installed. If you prefer to install them in
another directory, you can click on the Change button given at right.
11. This page gives you the option to register with the browser of your choice.
By default, all given browsers are selected. It is suggested that you leave
it to default. Then click Next.
13. Now the installation process is complete. Click on Finish to close this
If you are requested to reboot the computer, reboot the computer. After the
reboot phase (if necessary), proceed as explained below.
Scenario: You are on the machine where Free Desktop will be installed.
Outcome: Tomcat 5.0.28 will be installed and ready to host Free Desktop.
You will know on which HTTP port Free Desktop Web Service will
be available.
Time: 15 minutes.
3. This screen displays license agreement. You can scroll down the screen to
view the full text. If you agree to it, click on the I Agree button.
Otherwise, you cannot continue with the installation.
5. In the box below, you can find a list of optional components. Select all the
components given (default).
7. This screen displays the default destination folder. You can use the
Browse button at right to change this folder, if desired. Once done, click
11. This is Java Virtual Machine installation folder selection window. You can
use the button at right to change this folder setting.
12. Select the Java virtual machine directory. Select the JDK not the JRE!!!
13. Typically, the installer automatically detects this directory. If not, select it
15. Installation progress bar. Wait till the installation process completes. This
would take several minutes.
16. Now the installation process is complete. In this screen, ensure that Run
Apache Tomcat is ticked. To install Free Desktop, you will have to keep
Tomcat running.
18. If the system tray, you can find the following icon. This indicates that
Tomcat is running.
4. This screen shows the license agreement. Scroll page to view the complete
text. Click on the “I accept . . .” radio button. Otherwise, the installation
will abort.
5. This page displays the folder where installation files will be copied, by
default. If you need to change this folder, you can use the Browse button
at right.
6. Click Next.
7. This page displays the default path for Free Desktop Database Directory. If
you need to change this, use the Browse button at right.
8. Click Next.
9. The installer searches for Tomcat home path where the application will be
hosted. This path is displayed above, which you cannot change.
10. In the Tomcat port field, enter the Tomcat port number. By default it is:
12. Now the installation process has began. The screen above displays the
progress of installation process. This could take several minutes.
13. Now the installation is complete. Click Finish to close the screen.
14. If you are prompted to reboot the computer, and if there is no other Free
Desktop component to be installed at this stage, do so. Otherwise, you
need not reboot.
Outcome: You will know if Tomcat 5.0.28 is correctly installed and is running.
Then you will be able to check Free Desktop components installation
Time: 1 minute
To start or stop the Tomcat Server, start or stop the Tomcat Service Manager
1. Check the description field to ensure you are monitoring the right Tomcat.
3. If the Startup Type is not Automatic the Tomcat Server will not restart
automatically when the server restarts (double click the line to modify it).
Outcome: You will know if the Web Service is correctly installed and ready to
Time: 1 minute.
To use Web Service, the URL where Free Desktop Web Service is available must be
configured in client applications. The Free Desktop Web Service's URL is as follows:
Where [hostname] is the name of the machine on which Free Desktop Web Service
runs, and [HTTP_port] is the HTTP port number configured in Tomcat (typically:
8080). Test this URL to know if the Web Service is available, using following steps:
1. Start your favorite web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox)
2. Enter the above URL with the correct hostname and HTTP port number.
You should get the login page of FreeDesktop Web Service Configuration. If
you get an error page, go to the Trouble shooting section of your
Administration guide
Scenario: Once the application has been installed, check setup is correct.
Outcome: The FDE Web Interface will run properly on your machine.
Time: 5 minutes.
C:\Program Files\Alcatel\FreeDesktop\WebInterface
The _uninst folder contains the uninstaller. The log folder contains traces (logs) of
the application. C:\Program Files\Alcatel\FreeDesktop\Data\log
C:\Program Files\Alcatel\FreeDesktop\Documentation
Scenario: Once the application has been installed, check setup results.
Time: 5 minutes
In the FDE Web Interface setup directory, several directories have been installed in
the main directory, by default :
C:\Program Files\Alcatel\FreeDesktop\IPTouchInterface
The _uninst folder contains the uninstaller. The logs folder contains traces (logs) of
the application.
C:\Program Files\Alcatel\FreeDesktop\Documentation
Outcome: You will have a Presentation Server where the Free Desktop IP-
Touch Interface is declared.
Time: 5 minutes
1. Log on as admin on the Xml Api server (or UC), via its web interface; click on
Services in the menu to the left of the page. A configuration page is displayed.
5. Find a free Index in this list (this value must be higher than 0)
- “Index”: put here the free index value (higher than 0) you found before.
- “URL registration”: this is the address where the IPTouch application can
be reached on the Free Desktop Server. This address is like :
Be careful with the upper cases. Keep the other ones with their default value.
8. Click Create. You are brought back to the list of application page. Your new
application is added to the list
Outcome: The Desktop IP-Touch Interface will run on the IP-Touch sets and will
be ready for use.
Time: 5 minutes
3. Select Create
The « Application Id » must be the same identifier than this one you have enter
during the Presentation Server configuration (Here « FDEI »).
6. Once the application has been defined, associate it to the class of service (COS)
for Free Desktop subscribers. Only users in this class of service will have access
to the FDE IP-Touch Interface via their set
a. Select:
Alcatel 8&9 Series Alcatel Series 8&9 Classes of Service COS applications
8. The last step consists in associating the Free Desktop class of service to Free
Desktop subscribers if this has not been done already. For each IP-Touch
subscriber with Free Desktop:
The Free Desktop application will appear on the menu tab of the IP-Touch (in
8th position since we set priority to 8):
Time: 1 minute.
1. Stop Tomcat 5.0.28. If you do not want to, some files will not be
uninstalled and the uninstaller will ask you to reboot the computer.
4. Click Uninstall
5. Uninstaller will ask you if you want to keep or delete the FreeDektop data
base, and you if you want to delete the logs of each component or not.
Click YES to remove all files or click No to keep the logs or the data base.
If some files have not been deleted, the Uninstaller program requests a
6. Click OK or click Cancel to remove all files but keep the Database
7. Click Finish
If you want to uninstall the Free Desktop IPTouch application, you have to continue
the uninstallation in the next chapter.
Scenario: You do not want to use Free Desktop Web Interface anymore.
Outcome: Free Desktop Web Interface will be removed from your computer.
4. Click OK or click Cancel to remove all files but keep logs. If some files
have not been deleted, the Uninstaller program requests a reboot
5. Click Finish
Goal: To finish uninstallation of the Free Desktop IP-Touch Interface from your
Scenario: You do not want to use Free Desktop IP-Touch Interface anymore.
Outcome: Free Desktop IP-Touch Interface will be unconfigured in the XML API /
UC and OXE.
Time: 2 minutes.
a. Log on as admin on the Xml Api server (or UC), via its web
j. Click Next
k. Click Finish