Corrosion Fatiga PDF
Corrosion Fatiga PDF
Corrosion Fatiga PDF
Environmentol Crocking-
Corrosion Fotigue
Richard P. Gangloff'
CoRRosIoN FATrcuE (cF) is an important but complex mode t,d gage length and specimen diameter, rcspcctively
of failure for high-performance structu¡al metals operating a't,b Basquin relationship material proper'ty pammeters
in deleterious en\,ironments. This view is based on the like- E'l,c Coffin-Manson relalionship material property para-
lihood of cyclically varying loads and chemical enüron- meteIs
ments in service, the need for predictable longJife number ofload cycles for specimen failutc by fatigue
component performance and lifc exte¡sion, the universal number of load cycles for fatigue crack initiation
susceptibiliry of pure metals and alloys to CF damage, and tmnsition fatigue life, or number of load c¡'cles
the time-dependent multivariable characte¡ of corosion where the magnitudes of the elastic and plastic axial
fatigue. For example, stress corrosion cracking (SCC) im- slrain ranges are equal
mune alloys are susceptible to CF. Corrosion fatigue has d¿ldN macroscopically averaged fatigue crack growth mte
aFtected nuclear po\\,er systems, steam and gas turbines, fatiguc crack length
aircraft, marinc stn¡ctu¡es, pipelines, and bridges; CF issues fatigue load c."-cle count
are ce¡tral to the behaüor of many aging systems [1-3]. Ar appljed slres\ intensitt fa.¡or range, ¡(.- - K ,
The objective of this chapter is to highlight moderD labo- A, t1t Paris Law material propert.v constants
ratory methods for characterizing the cor¡osion fatigue be- aKnr thrcshold stress intensitv range
haüor of metals in aqueous electrol¡es. The principles and R strcss ratio, r(-in/K,**
mechanisms of CF are summarized in the first section of p notch tip radius
this chapter, follorved by discussions of expeúmental meth- f Ioading frequency in cycles per s or Hz
ods in the second section. Specimen dcsign and loading, 1td|' time-po¡tion of the load c-vcle rvhere CF damage occurs
enüronment control, stmin and crack size measurement, Kraaa threshold stress intensity for monotonic load SCC
and computer automation are discussed. The emphasis üLldl velocit], o[ monotonic load SCC
throughout is on exemplary experimental methods and re- Ec free corosion potential
sults, as rvell as on CF data anahsis and interpretation. The E modulus of elasticity
third section of this chapter cices applications o[ CF data to Ar("¡ effectivc stress intensity ¡angc, K.,.. - (.1
ser-vice, the advantages and limitations of the experimental (.r strcss intensit!,value in a fatigue load c.vcle rvhcre
methods, and directions for research on CF experimenta- cmck-surface closure contacf is expe¡imentally i!-
tion. St rnbols and terms are defined in the Nomenclature. solved and operationallSr defined
This chapter, with extensive references, extends previous stress intensitv ¡?nge at a fixed crack lcngth, ao
rrcüervs of corosion fatigue test techniques [4,5]. This chap- ^(o
c constant in the equation \üth units of mm-l
ter rvas published originally in 1995, the following literature ü/dtr timc-based crack ^I(-contiol
gror.vth rate in fatigue, often appr-
in the BibliogEphy reflects new devclopmenrs in Corrosion oximated by (d¿ldN)(0
Fatigue. CF co¡'r¡sion fatigue
SCC stress conosion cmcking
No¡rrenclature HCF high-cycle fatigue
LCF low-cycle fatigue
applied engineering üue stress range in a fatigue FCP fátigue crack propagation
^(' load cycle, óm- - onir where o is load/initial cross- HEE h¡dr-ogen enüronment cmbrittlement
sectional a¡.ea H atomic hydrogcn
A€, fi-ue plastic axial strain mngc in a fatigue load cycle, HCP hcxagonal-closed-packcd
rpmax - €pmin LEFM linear e!astic fiacturc mechanics
Aer true total axial strain range in a fatigue load cycle, SN strcss range versus life
€¡-.. - E¡-;n CP cathodic polarization
€ lr'ue axial strain,ln (1/lo) cpm cycles per minute
€¿ true diamctral st¡ain, ln (d/do) Mode I applied load perpendicular to the cmck plane and
grorvth direction [ó-8]
lP.of.ssor and Chair, Depar(menr Mode II applied load parallel to the crack plane and the
ol Maleria¡s Scicncc and Engi-
neering, UniveNity ol Vireinia, Charlorlesli¡¡e, VA 22903. clack gro*th direction
Mode I1I applied load palallel to the crack plane and hldrogen chcmically adsorüs on straincd-clean initiation sites
pcryendicdar to the gro\r4h direction or cmck surfaces as the result of electrochemical ¡'eduction of
v" Poisson's ratio for isotr-opic elastic deformation, hldrogen ions or rvater- (Adsorbed hydrogen is also produced
often taken as 0.33 by the reactions of H2, HrO, C2H2, or I-l2S molecules rvith
LVDT Lineal Variable Differential Transformer metal surfaces.) Hydrogen production follo\\'s mass tmnsport
EPD electricalpotentialdifference within the occluded crack (pit or creüce) solution, crack tip
dissolution, and h¡dr.olysis of cations for local acidiñcation;
and precedes hldrogen diffusion by latiice, interface, or dislo-
BASIC PRINCIPLES catio¡l processes in the initiation-vohlme or clack tip plastic
zone. Fatrgue damage is promoted by hydrogen-affected lat-
Fundamentals of Corrosion Fatigue tice bond decohesion, grain or dislocation ccll boundary
decohesion, enhanced localized plasticilv, or metal hydride
Delinition fomation (in materials such as HCP titaDium-based alloys).
Conosion fatigue is deñned as the sequential stages of Hydrogen-enhaaced CF cracking is either i[tergmnular or
metal damage that evolve rvith acct¡mulated load cycling, in transgmnular, with the latter iñ'olüng dislocation subso.l-rc'
an aggrcssive environment compared to inert or benign sur- turc, low index crystallographic planes, or interfaces.
ror.rndings, and resulting f¡on] the interaction of ireversible A second mechanism for CF is bascd o¡ damage b], pas-
cyclic plastic defolfnation \l,ith localized chemical or elcctro- sive film rupture and ransient anodic dissolution at a sur_
chemical reactions. Environment-enhanced fatigue is a mod- face initiation site or crack tip. This modcl was developed
ern tem; however, corosion fatigue is traditionally used with several necessary empirical elements to prcdict CF pro-
when emphasizing electr r¡chemical environments. Mech- pagation in carbon and stainless steels in high-tempemture
aoical fatigue cxperiments and anal¡'ses, detailed in recent pure tr¡ater [22,23], ard is sometimes applied to titanium
textbooks [6-8], providc the basis for understanding CF. and aluminum alloys in aqueous chloride solutions. Local-
ized platic straining, described by continuufir mechanics or
Stages of Corosion Fatigue dislocation plasticily, ruptures the protectivc ñlm. C¡ack
CF damagc accr¡mulates with increasiog load cycle count advance occurs by transient anodic dissolution of metal at
(N) and in four stages: (l) cyclic plastic deformation, (2) the breached film, and at a decrcasing rate rvhile the surface
microcmck initiation, (3) small crack grorvth ro linkup and repassivates pending rcpetition of this sequence. The in-
coalescence, and (4) macrocrack propagation. A cardinal crement of CF gro$.th depends Faradaically on the a¡odic
principle is to design a CF experiment to isolate and quanti- charge ([ansient current-time integial) passed per load
tativelv characterize one of these four stages. The methods cycle. Charge is governed by clean-repassivating surfacc
i¡ this chapter are organized as follorvs: (f ) smooth speci- reaction kinetics for the CF-sensitive alloy microstnrcture in
men life for high rycle fatiguc (HCF) described bt, A6 versus occluded cr:ack solution, and by the time between n¡ptures
NÍ d^ta, (2) smooth unia\ial or notched specimen life for given by local strain rate and film ductiliry- As with the hy-
low cvcle fat¡gue íLCF) describcd b\ Acp ver.sus \ or All drogcn mechanism, film rupture modeling is complex and
Vp vcEus N,, respcctivclv, and (3) [arjgue crack propagalion controversial; confirming data exisr 122,23), bu1 other rc-
(FCP) kinetics described by da/dN vercus rhe 6.acture search shows the model ro be untcnable for specific alloy/
mechanics AK. en\'ironment systems [24].
Several CF mechanisms were proposed based on inte¡?c-
tions betrveen dislocations aDd environment-based processes
It is important to underctand damage mechanisms in at initiation sites or cmck tip surfaces. For example, in-situ
order to co¡'rectly inte¡p¡et and extEpolate laboratorv CF tmnsmission electron microscopy and dislocation rñodeling
data. Similar to SCC, rhe mechanism for CF mav involve show that adsorüed hydrogen localizes plastic defomation
h\drogen embri lcmenr; hlm rupture, djssolu;ion and in several pure metals and allo¡,s [25]. Second, reaction-
¡epassivation; enhanced localized p!asticitv; interactions of product films are not capable of extensive plastic deforma-
dislocations rvith surface dissolutior¡, 6lms or adsorbcd at- tion rclative to the under\¡ing mctal, and may cause CF
oms; and complex combinations of rhese processes [9-ló]. damage by one or more proccsses, \,iz: (l) i¡lterference u.ith
The contribution of each mechanism is co¡¡oversial and the rcversibility of slip, (2) localization of persistent slip
rlepends on metallurgical and cnüronmenr (thermal and bands, (3) reductio¡ of nea¡-surface plasticitv Ieading to re-
chcmical) variables. While providing significant insighr, duced or enhanced CF depending on rhe oácking mecha-
existing mechanism-based models are generally not capable nism, (4) localization of Dear-sur-face dislocation structure
of accl¡¡ately predictiDg CF behavior beyond the range of and voids, or (5) film-induccd cleav^ge U4,15,2ó-28). Ad-
labomrora data. so¡'bed caiions could similar!¡, affect farigue [29]. Finallv,
Hydrogen enüronmcnt embrittlement (HEE) is an impor- anodic dissoltr¡ion may eliminale neat.surface uork harde;-
tant mechanism for CF crack propagation in felritic and ing ald hcnce stimulare faligue damagc [30]. These mecha-
martensitic steels, as well as aluminum, titanium, and nisms have not been developed and tested quantitatively.
nicltel-bascd alloys exposed to gases and elecrrol).les within
ordcr r¡f 100"C of ambient tempemture U5-2l1. This hv_
polhesis is supporrcd bv exrensivc bul cir'cum"r¡ntial eü, Factors Controlling Corrosion Fatigue
dence, and is mosr readilv acceprcd lbr high-strcngrh alloys
Two consideEtions are central Lo understaDding the ef-
in strong hldrogcn-producing enüronments. In HEE atomic fects of mechanical, metallurgical, and chemical variables
on CF- Thc infll¡ences of electrolyte composition, conductiv- to tlre mcthods developed for measuring purely mechanical
ity, pH, electrode potential, temperature, viscosiry, and bio- c)'clic stress-stmin data [8,37]. Whilc macroscopic constitu-
logical acúvily are govemed by the mass t¡anspoñ and tive properties may not be environment sensitir,e, slip local-
electrochemical reaction conditions within occluded pits, ization ca¡ be affected by electrochemical reactions [14,3J].
cr-evices, or cmcks, including the role of st¡ain io creating
reactive ctean surfaces [3,/,32]. Second, CF can be time- Meclnn ic al Drir ing Force s
dependcnt. Crack growth is ohen rate-limited by one or Considering smooth specimens, thc ranges of applied
more of the slow steps in the mass tmnsport and crack sur- stress or plastic strain control the fatigue or CF responses of
face reaction sequence; slow loading rates enhance CF metals for HCF and LCF conditions, respectively. For HCF,
dalr. ge L171. Increased cmck tip strain rate is deleterious smooth specimcn CF life increases with decreasing elastic
when the extent of per-cycle electrochemical r€action is sfess mnge, at cycles in excess of thc hansition fatigue life,
prorñoted f22-21).2 Nr, according to the Basquin equation
Variables that affect CF wer€ rel,ielved elsewhere [.15--17].
lmportant factors are cited herc to illustrate important CF Ld =o'r(Nt)1' (l)
test methods and to guide data interpretation.
and due to decreasing globally plastic stmin at cycles less
Mechanical Varíables than N¡, according to the Coffin-Manson equation for LCF
An important issue is the influence of an electrochemical (2)
environment on the cyclic deformation behavior of metals
ae, =ei(N¡)-'
U 1,33-351. As illustr¿ted by the data in Fig. I for a carbon- Alternatively, Eq l, divided by E to relate N,. to elastic
manganese steel in high-temperature water, enüronment strain range (^6/E), is added 1l] Eq 2 in order to relate NIto
does not tlpically affect the relationship between stresscs total applied strain range, the surn of the elastic and plastic
and st¡ains derived from the rñaximum tensile (or compres- stmin ranges.
sive) points of steady-state (saturation) hysteresis loops The material propeny parameteñ for HCF and LCF (ó, c,
[36]. Such loops should rclate to elastic and plastic defor- dt, and t'¡) depend on metallurgical, environmental, and
mation prior to substantial CF microcracking. CF data of lime variables. Data in Fig. 2 shorv that the HCF life of A1SI
the so¡'t shown in Fig. I arc produced by either stress or 4140 steel is dcgraded by aerated neut¡al NaCl solution,
total stmin controllcd uniaxial fatigue experimenrs, ide¡tical compa¡ed to similar fatigue lives for dry and moist air as
well as deaerated chloride [-]&J91. The data in Fig.3 shorv
1200 that distilled water and aqueous 3¿l¿ NaCl similarly degrade
4533-E Siool the LCF resistance of an unrecrystallized precipitation-
289"C hardened aluminum alloy [35]. The Basquin and Coffin-
^c 1mo
Marison relationships are generally obeyed for faligue in
= eoo clectrochemical enüronments; howevcr', multiple porver larv
segments may occur. Critically, the HCF endumnce limit or
-, ,o
= o.82
.e r0
'' I
FtG. 3-The deleterlous effect of aqueous chlo¡ide solutlon t e
the linear elastic fi"acture mechanics stress intensity factor A(rcc . ll rPH ' 10, I t¡l|
, ó4. l0
range that combines the effects of applied load, cmck size, AKrcc ' 10.5 IDB Hzl
l0 - 100
A333-6 sle€l (Higuchi)
LT.1/2. l Hz 0 2po.n
K-",- l? MPaJm ^o 0.ol wn
10 - E
E Carbon Steel
10- 250-290.C
z 10 -
ro6 to'' 1o_'l 10- 1o' 10' 100
Strsln Rate (%/8)
lo-? FlG. 7-The effect ol strain rate on lor,!, cycle CF ¡n the GMn
UR Plate
steel/higtFtemperatue water system. The dissolved orygen
UR Sheet conlent of the pure water eñv¡ronment was vaÍeq as indi'
cated by the we¡ght-parts.per-milllon values in the legend [361.
10 '
1 5 l0
Frequency effecls on CF crack propagation have been
^K chaEctcrized broadly and rnodcled bascd on the HEE and
Flá FTtre efiea of aqueous NaCl on lt|e CF crack film rupture mechanisms Uó-18,22-24). FCP mtes are
propagation response of un¡ecrystalllzed sheel l independent for alloys in r¡oist air, inef gases such as N2
and plate ot an advanced Al-Li-Cr.FZr alloy [44¡. or A,, or vacuum at lo\v to moderate temperatures. For CF,
there are th¡ee possible ftequency responses: (l) purely
timc-dependent, rvhere d¿ldN increases with decrcasing
damage, but are challenging becausc of prolongcd test time- frequency proportional to ( 1/ür, (2) cycle-time-dependent,
The generally deletcrious effect of decreasing / on smooth rvhere d¿ldN i4cr€ases with decreasing flequency propor-
specimen CF life is illustrated in Fig. 7 for an LCF case in- tional to (l/<¡rp with P on the order o1 O.S,-and 1¡) cicle-
!'oh'ing a C-Mn p¡essu¡c vessel steel, corroding freely in dependent, where daldN is cnvironmentally e¡lhanced but
high-temperatLlre watcr \üth varyi¡g dissolved oxygen levels frequency-independent. The parameter n gives the propor-
bet$,een 0.01 and 8 ppm. (The ftee corrosion potential for tion of the load-cycle time that produces CF damage, and is
these steel CF spccimens incrcases as the dissolved oxygen olte¡ taken as 2 for a svmmetrical cvcle, since enüron-
concentlation increases.) For fixed Aep, the ratio of N} for mental cmcking may not occur during uoloading [./ó]. An
faligue in ',vater to rhat lbr air, cach al 270'C, declines w¡¡h altemative model of the Íiequency effect considerli rhat
decreasing average total strain rate (proponional to fre,
quency) [36]. LCF lives are mte-independent for fatigue in
laboratorv air at low to modemte tempcratures wherc creep
is minimal. 7000-f6 Series Alumlnuñ Alloys (S-L)
¿.5.3.5% (pH 7), E"q,
: Q to"
z 10-
o 7075-T73,80.C
e 7475, PH 3, N¡2C,O.
o 7079,23% NaCl
FIG. 1(FThe frequency independenc€ of CF llfe for blunt Nx¡ rc¡ ol C!.ls ¡o frillrr
notch specimens ol A5l7 steel, lreely corroding in aqueous
3.5% NaCl as a funct¡on ol notch root strain range [46]. (lnitia- FlG. fl-The effect of env¡ronrnent on tensile and tors¡o-
tion here ¡s in fact crack fo¡mation plus early growth to a nal high-cycle corrosion fatigue in the To7s/NaCl sotution
f -mm depth.) systern [54,
stages of cF (cyclic pl¿stic defor'¡nation, pitting, crack nu- smooth-uniaxial fatigue specimens, r€spectively L47,591. CF
clcation, and small cr:rck grorvth) are frequency-insensitive, of polished specimens of 1020 and 4140 steels, exposed to
consistent wiih the /:independence of long crack CF at lorv NaCI during high-frcquenc!¡ r'otating bending, occurred only
AK for many allo¡* including steels in NaCl [,]ó,5/], Results if a critical anodic cu¡rent was exceeded [3&39]. In this
of the sol1 shorvn in Fig, 10 are limited and this behaüor study, CF was cssentially eliminated by solution deaeration
has not been modeled. rvhich reduced the srcel corrosion rate cuEent and free cor-
rosion potential (Fig. 2). Applied cathodic polarization simi-
Other Meclnnical Factors larly reduced CF of polished spccimens.
Applied load or stmin waveform, stress ratio, load spcc- Understanding the effect of applied polarization on CF
trum, and ovcrloads can CF [1ó,22,23,54-5ó]. This propagation requires a description of crack tip electrochem-
chapicr emphasizes uniaxial^fÍect
tensile loading of CF speci- istry, particularly local pH and potential, as aftecting rhe
mens because en\,ironmental effects on Iatigue under tor.- kinetics of passive film fomation, dissolution, hydrogen
sional or multiaxial loadiag have not been studied- An production, and hydrogen entr,y. Occluded cmck processes
exception is illuslated in Fig- I l, showing fatigue lifc data a¡e complex, as are the obserwcd dependencies of CF d¿ldl1
for smooth spccimens of AA?075 in moist air and aqueous on electrode potential. For example, CF crack glowth rates
NaCl [57]. Note the strong e¡vironmental degradation of Nt for steels in chloride incrcase with incrcasi¡g cathodic po-
fcrr uniaxial loading rcprcsented by ¡ormal stress range (^o), larization, rvith a modest minimum in daldN at about 200
but a rcduced effect for torsion aL a given applied shear mV active to the free corrosion potential [1ó,20]. Figure 13
stress ránge. Such results can be explained based o¡ thc illustratcs that thc ennironmental cnhancement of d¿ldN
deleterious role of triaxial tensile stresses, and the associ- increases with the total mte of H production at thc cmck
ated high hydrostatic (mean) tension, in CF propagation by tip, raised to the -/4 power, for C-Mn steel in NaCl (Ec =
HEE; this stress state is present for uniaxially loaded Mode -ó75 mvscE), polarized betu,een -750 and -1325 mVSCE
I crack, but not for torsional loading and Mode II or III [1óJ. Hvdrogen production was calculated f¡om a crack
cracks. Fatigue initiation may be similarl!, environment chemistry model [60]. For this system, solution deaemtion
enhanced for unia\ial tensile and torsional loading, explain- does not affect CF d¿ldN whe[ electrode potential is fixed
ing the modest reduction in Nt for torsion (Fig. I 1). potcntiostatically [ó1]. The oppositc effects of polarization
o¡ smoolh specimen CF life and crack propagation in steel
Electrochemical Variables can be reconciled. Dissolutiorl and pitting probably govern
enüronme¡t-cnhanced fatigue crack initiation LI 1,38,39):
Ebctrode Potential hydrogen plays a secondary role for the fast loading f.e-
Both anodic and cathodic polarization can affect CF, with quencies, near-thrcshold stress intensities, and uniaxial
different trends observcd for crack iniliation compared to stress states t)?ical ofsmooth specimen studies. Slow loading
propagation, and for steels comparcd to either aluminum o¡ frequencies and cmck tip hyd¡ostatic tension plomote crack
titaniúm alloys. For ferritic and martensitic steels in aque- growth by HEE. Here, impofant contúbutions to crack tip
ous chloride solution, high-cl,cle CF occurs at electrode po- hydrogen producrion are from cmck acidification near [Tee
te¡tials near free corTosion for aerated solt¡tion (Ec = -650 cor'rosion and water rcduction at cathodic potentials [,]ó,ó0].
mvscE), but is often reduced in severity or eliminated b¡' Cathodic polarization of aluminum and titanium alloys in
cathodic polarization to ncar -1000 mVSCE [58]. This be- chloride provides an interesting contrast to steels. Duquette
ha\.ior is illust¡¿ted in Figs. ó and 12 for notched and
r00 5.0
and others reporLed that the fatigue lives of smooth speci- aK¡ tsi-3/2
mcns of AA70?5 and Al-Mg-Li in NaCl sol!1tion wer-e ma\i- t 2 4 68¡0 20 40 60
mum at potentials mildly active of free colTosion: both
a5338, A508
anodic and highly cathodic polarization degraded corosion STÁGNAT¡T PIVR.288'C
fatigue life [15,57,58]. CF propagation occurs at the f¡ce o0t6? Hr
corrosion potential, is exacerbated by either anodic polari- o . O0l8 %S
zation or extreme catbodic polarization, and is arrestcd by ¡ 0.0t3 %s
modest cathodic polarization. This trend was demonstrated +, O00S rS
tor AA7o79, M7075 and AA2090 in NaCl and explained
based on HEE [19,ó2,ó31. At ncgati\.e potentials from ca-
thodic polarization, crack tip hydrogen production may be
rcdr,rced by the effect of alkaline occluded-cmck solution on
the overpotential and exchange current density for hydro- Rf 0.25
gen production on strain-bared surfaces, and hydrogen up-
takc may be blocked by crack su¡-face films.
impurities segregated to giain boundaries in stecls [ó8], CF HCF to notched cases. CF experiments follorv direcdy from
crack initiation often occurs at surface intersecting inclu- procedures for mechanical tests with bcnign enüronments;
sions that concentrate strain and may dissolve to produce a the latter are well-developed and standardized, while CF
locally aggressive e¡üronment [ó9]. CF crack propagation expeúments a¡e not. For example, ASTM Committee G-l
in the ferritic steel/aqueoLis chloride system is apparcntly has published 14 standards or practices for SCC experi-
not aifected by substantial changes in steel composition, ments (see Volume 03.02, Section 3 of the Annual Book of
microstnlcture, and yield strength [5/]. In another case, ASTM Sta¡dards), but none for corrosion fatigue.
aluminum allo¡, processing route, and the resulting degr-ee CF experiments arc hindered by several commor¡ factor.s.
oI recrystallization and gmin size, did nor substa.tialiy af- Aggressive environments are difficult to contain at a con-
fect aqueous enüronmental LCF life and FCP kinetics stanl condilion, and hinder precise measurements of
[35,44,701. Increasing copper content in precipitation- specimcn displacement, load, and crack size. CF is influ-
hardened Al-Zn-Mg alloys reduced the eDvironmental enced by many interactive mechanical, chemical, and
enhancement of da/dN, rvith the importance of the effect microstrl¡ctuÉl variables that must be factored into ex-
dcpending on aging condition [ó7]. perimental design. It is often nccessarl, to investigate slow,
rate deformation and cracking phenomena in a realistic
Relationship between CF and SCC time; experiments must be conducfed for one day to one
year or r¡ore. CF damage is localized at surface slip struc,
Corosion fatiguc is related to, but uniquely distinct from, ture and near the crack tip; high resolution observations are
SCC [7,/]. Purely time-dependent CF crack propagation in not generally available and behaüor must be interpreted
SCC-prone alloys is govemed by the integrated amount of from indirect measurements.
time-based caack extension per fatigue load cycle. In such
cases CF and SCC occur by the same mechanism and are
Smooth Specimen Ao-Life Meüod
affectcd by the same variables, as modeled by simple linear
for High Cycle CF
superposition L49,52,53). SCC is discussed elsewhere in this
manual. Gooerning Stand.arcls
Time-cycle- and cycle-dependenl CF are more complex, Experiments to characterize high cycle CF life according
involve unique mcchan¡sms, anJ occur al slress intensitics to the Basquin Law (Eq l) follow from ASTM standards for
rvhere SCC is insignificant. In these cases, the CF damagc metals in mojst air (see ASTM E 466, Practice for Conduct-
mechanism is unique for reasons traceable to cyclic load- ing Constanl Amplilude Fatigue Tests of Metallic Marerials;
ing, and including: (a) increased crack tip stÉin rate [22- and E 468, Practice for Presentation of Constant Amplitude
241, (b) resharpening of the blunted crack geometry during Fatigue Test Results for Metallic Materials). Such methods
unloading, panicularly at high (c) altered crack chemis- werÉ detailed for steels and aluminum alloys in aqueous
^K,evolution of persistent slip
try by convective mixing [72], (d) chloride solutions 138,39,57-59,ó9,79, 801. Tlpical data arc
band, slip step, and dislocation ccll structures into embry- presented in Figs. 2, I l, and 12.
onic damage, often at low Aep or lou, LK Í73,74), ar,d, (e)
mobile dislocation transport of hydr.ogen in the cráck tip Specimens and knding
process zone [18,50]. These additional factors must be con- High-cyclc CF specimens focus failure in a careftilly pre-
sidered when inter?¡€ting and modeling CF data [,/ó]. pared reduced-unifo¡m or mild-blend-radius gage section,
often of circular cross-section and with cnds for gripping in
Literature Sources for CF Data and Mechanisms the fatigue machine. T)?ical specimen designs are shown
elscwhere, including methods for lorr-damage gage machin-
In additior¡ to the examples prescnted in Figs. I through ing and polishing (sce ASTM E 466 and Ref 8/). HCF
15, extensive CF data have been published in seveml vol- specimens are loaded in uniaxial tension or bending (three-
nñes f l, 2, 9- I 2, 5 8,7 5-7 81. point, four-point, or cantilevered) rvith electromechanical,
scruoh¡draulic, or. Iotating wheel/mass machines, and grips
TESTING TECHNIQUES o[ various designs (see ASTM E 466 and Ref 81). Elastic
strainjng is load or displacement controlled; involves eithcr
Common Elements of a Corrosion negative, zero, or positive mean stress; and varies with time
Fatigr¡e Experiment sl-mmetrically in a sinusoidal or linear-mmp rvaveforrn.
Since CF is dominated by electrochemical su¡'face damage,
An experimert to characteúze the CF properties of a N¡ could decrease and variability may increase \üth increas-
metal involves cyclic straining of a pl.ecisely machined ing s!¡rfacc area that is stressed.
specimer¡ in an electroll,te. (Precorrosio¡ effects on fátigue High-cycle corrosion fatigue experimcnts are conductcd
are not considered.) Environment containmcnt about the for 105 to 109 cycles to failure, at a relatively high fre-
specimen must guarantee constaDt solution pürity and quency of 25 to 100 Hz to conserve time. (Nt of 106 cycles
composition. Specimen potential should be monitored, of- requires 5.5 h, u,hile 109 c-vcles rcquire 230 days of continu-
ten controlled potentiostatically, and not affected by gal- ous loading at 50 Hz.) Multiple, reliable, and inexpensjvc
vanic coupling to the grips or test machine. The mechanical rotating-bend machines are often dedicated to these
parameters that must be measured depend on the experi- experiments. Caution is r.equired rvhen extrapolating the
me¡t, be it HCF, LCF, LEFM-crack propagaLion or notched, results of relatively rapid frequency experiments, to lower /
and are paogfessivcly more difficult to monitor ñ!m the and/or the very tong life regime in excess of l0e cycles,
data, are guided by an ASTM standard for metals in air Displaceñenl transducer
(ASTM E 647, Test Mcthod for Measuremcnt of Fatigue
C¡?ck Growlh Rates), a compilation o{ laboratory experi-
ence \vi1h this standard [84], and a review of inert enüron-
ment FCP testing [85]. The ASTM standard contains an
appendir specific to CF crack growth in marine environ-
ments (ASTM E 647 and Ref86). Procedu¡es for CF in other
enüro¡ments are not standardized; horvever, methods have
evolved for specific technologies [2,4]. CF d¿ldN data are
presented in Figs.4,5, 8,9, and l3 to 15,
is useful for establishing transient and steady state CF standardization [96]. CF daldN versus AK"¡ data, as well as
grouth mtcs for mechanistic rescarch. Negative C-values rrcsults obtained al high constant R (above about 0.7) or
proüde for a experiment for measuring near- high constant K.,. (see Fig. 5 and subsection, Programmed
CF. Positive C gives a experi¡¡ent that Strcss IntensitJ, Experimentation), are reasonably closure-free
^Krs data in a reasonable time
yields ^K-increasing
and confirms stress inten- and are an inirinsic property for a given material-
sity govemed cracking when used in conjunction with á environment system [ó2]. Closure-hee CF data are neces'
nega¡ive C experiment. Guidancc on those values of C that sary for basic studies of crack tip process zone damage
minimize the effect of prior load history is standardized mechanisms, while crack closure phenomena may be im-
(sec ASTM E ó47)-' portant to applications. As an example, corTosion fatigue
cracks in steels exposed to seawatcr at lorv R are arrested by
Data Analysis and. Evaluation cathodic polarization, because calcareous cor-rosion prod
Applied strcss intensity range and CF crack growth rate ucts precipitate within the growing crack and cause crack
arc calculated at regular crack Iength intervals, based on suface closure contact at K levels well above zero f20,97)-
standardized analytical procedures (ASTM E ó47). For con- A-K.ü is substantially less than both the applicd and the
tinuously increasing or decreasing experiments, da/dll is ^K
intrinsic AKrH. Rough intergranular CF crack surfaces, cou-
^.K difference (sccant) or
calculated by either a point-io-point pled with local Mode II displacements, may also promote
incr:emental polt'nomial method. For constant AK, daldN is crack clost¡re. Closure benefits may, however, be limited to
dete¡mined by linear regression of cyclic crack length data. simply loaded laboratory specimens. For example, compres-
The simple secant calculation amplifies daldv variability, sion elements of a complex load history can crush corosion
rvhile polynomial methods average the growth kinetics ovcr debris and crack surface roughness asperitics, and can thus
seven (typically) ¿ versus N points. Growth mte variations rcduce crack closure.
depend on the size of the crack groMh inter-val. It is par- As a second complication, crack tip str.ess, strain, and
ticularly challenging to establish physically meaningful stmin mte lvithin the proccss zone are more fundamental
variations from an average gro\lth rate law. than Ar( or and gove¡¡t CF crack groyth kinetics. It is
FCP variability was considered in conjunction with an in ^K.ff,
not presently possible to unambiguously calculate the st¡css
terlaboratory test program that measured daldN versus intensity dcpendence of these more fundamental parameters
for a well-behaved high-strength steel in moist air [95]. For t16,22-24). Shoji and corvorkers argue that the time-
this best case and 14 laboratories, &¿/d¡r' variability frtm bascd mte of mechanical FCP (d¿ldry' in an inert environ-
replicate standardized experiments rvithin a single labora- meot is proportional to the rate of dislocation emission
tory equaled between lt3,/¿ ard x50o/o (i two rcsidual from thc cmck tip, or equivalently, to the crack tip strain
stándard deviations about the mean regression curve) at rate [98]. The value of daldr¡ for FCP in vacuum, or more
fixed Variability in CF experiments has not been ad- typicall]- moisi air, is therefore an indircct crack tip drjving
dressed^K.quantitatively; however, thc rcsults from the moist force parametcr for correlating CF daldN dau which arc
air FCP prog¡¿m provide a lorver bound. The increased also often stated lvith ¡€spect to a time-ratc. In this ap-
complexity and prolonged test times t,?ical of CF experi- proach, daldl¡ is the product of daldN and f. An example of
ments, as u,ell as the FCP behaüor of more complex alloys, this con'elation is shou.n in Fig. 20 which represents the
should lead to inc¡eased variability and uncertaintv. CF enhancement in d¿ldlv rclative to the air case for three
Two complications are notable for CF experimentation.
CF dald1v versus applicd data may be affectcd by a crack
closure mechanism that ^K depends on aqueous enüronment í 1E-04
ASTM A302-B Sieels At 243 C
exposure (see subsection, Mechanical Variables) [ó,45];
such CF g¡owth kinetics are defined as an extrinsic propcrlv
that may be test method-spccific. As a diagnostic, if CF E 1E.05
daldN dcpcnds strongly on /1, if the environmental ot
value is high and increases \^,ith decreasing loading^KrH fre-
quency, or if crack arrest occus during CF propagation at 9,¿.0"
constant applied then environment-sensitive crack clo- .1
sure should be suspected. A bilinear specimen compliance
tracc (o[ applied load vcrsLrs crack mouth or load line dis- .,91E-o7
placement) confirms the presence of crack closure. L]J
Closure is characterized and eliminatcd approximately for !
a given ü/dN bv reducing the applied AK to the dif- E re-o¿
o datA,0.2 < F < o.7
ference between K-o, and K.¡ rathcr than K.", ^¡<.fi,
and Kñi., Kc! .D
A HealB,B=0,333
is detemined by a global compliance method that is nearing E É Heatc,B-07
i: ,E-og a
0A IE 07 1E-O6 1E¿5
I 1E,O9
1E-09 1E 1E-04
aDuring tatigue and CF crack propagalion, a südden larye decrease
Time-Based Ak Rale, mm/second
or incrcase in the maxiñum stress inrcnsily level of the load cvcle
produces a slfong reducrion in subsequenl gro\t,(h mtes, or so- FlG. 2G-TirE-based CF propagatlon rate tor several
called delay rctardation. These g¡o\¡lh rates are important, bul arc heats of A«12€ steel ln high-tempeJature water ver-
not stead)-s(a{e and not simply govemed according to Eq 3 [ó-8].
Mosl CF experiments are desigüed and conducred to avoid such
sus ¡r¡echanlcal da/dt for the sarne alloy ln molsi air
and at several R values [991.
high-sulfur-content heats of a C-Mn stcel in elevated- and the magnilude of current transients depended on the
tcmpcrature water [99]. The speculation is that this rela- sign of the plastic stmin, and the repassivation characteús-
tionship between thc benign and CF time-based latcs of tics for this system varied with cycle count, demonstrating
cracking is followed independent of R, l, and loading the complexitl¡ of CF. This method was employcd to rank
^K, material-e¡vi¡on-
\\,avefofin, as demonstrated for severa! rhe susceptibilis of alloys to CF, based on the stability of
ment systems [98]. In FiC- 20 tlrcsc parameiers are varied surface passive films U0l1.
u,idcly: for example, /between l0-4 Hz and l0-1 IIz, and R
between 0.2 and 0.7, but a siogle CF crack g¡oüth law is S¡tall Crack CF Methods
observed. Based on the film mpture (and perhaps HEE) An impo¡1ant goal of CF experimentation and modeling is
mechanism, environmental d¿ld¡ should increase with in- to quantitatively couple smooth spccimcn and fracture me-
creasing crack tip strain rate L22-24), ancl henceTvith the chanics approaches to unde¡stand tbe total life of compo-
mechanical daldti: as suggested in Fig. 20, nents u,ith microscopic defects. Studies of the so-called
"small crack problem" have contributed in this regard [ó].
Specialized Corrosion Fatigue Experiments Small crack size can be a particularly important variable
that affects CF propagation rates 1102,1031. For example,
Several new CF experimental methods have evolved over CF cracks sized betwcen 100 and 1000 Lrm grew up to 1000
the past decade. fold faster than predicted compared to long crack compact
tension specimen daldN data at fixed for the case of a
Programoted Stress I ntensity ErpeiDrcntatiotl high-strength mafensitic stcel in NaCl ^,K,[,/04]. Such crack
Real-time computer-control of stress intensity during a geometry effccts are traced to differences in crack solution
CF experime¡t provides impoftant beneñts. For cxample, mass transport and crack surfacc electrochcmical reactions
CF experiments can be designed rvith a large negative C- that govern HEE and film rupture processes fló,102,1031.
value (Eq 5) to produce continuously decreasing at con- Both electrical potential and high magnification optical
stant applied K-n" and increasing R [ó2, /O0]. This^K
approach methods have bec¡ dcvcloped to monitor the formation and
minimizes the complicating effect of crack closure aod pro- gro*.th of CF cracks smaller than 500 }rm 1105,10ó1. Each
üdes near-AKrH data, albeit at high R. The CF results pre- method is capable of micron-level resolution. The electrical
sented in Fig- 5 were obtained based on this method [44]. potential approach monitors average short crack growth
Since both and R change during this tlpe of experiment, into the specimen bulk, while microscopic methods focus
the effects ^(
of these trvo mechanical paramcte)'s must be on su¡face crack interactions with spccific microstructuml
charactcrized and understood lvhen using the constant K-.. features including inclusions and corosion pits. The data
method in CF [ró]. Second, variables such as elect¡ode po- presented in Fig.2l ',vere obtained f¡om in situ monitoring
tential, solution composition, or fiequency are easily of AM024 in aqueous chloride solution with a long focal
changed as the crack grows at constant to probc subtle length (15 to 40 cm) and high magnification (500x with
growth mtc changes for basic research [ó/,ó4]. A constant I pm resolutio¡r) optjcal microscope interfaced rvith a ser-
segment can be conducted over a¡ interval of CF crack vohydraulic test machine and video system [,10ó]. Micro'
^1< then can be step-increased or decreased at sfructLlrally small CF cracks initiated at co¡stitücnt
constant r<;ax [51,ó2,64). The data presented in Figs. 9, 13, particles aDd grew at mtes that were equal to values ob-
and 14 werc obtained with this method. tai¡red rvith the standard LEFM method discussed in the
subsection on Fracture Mechanics Methods. While the
Cyclic Strain- Induced D issolut ion
The cyclic-mechanical depassivation meihod involves
mcasuremenf of t¡ansient electrochemical current during Alloy 2024T3
cyclic plastic st¡aining of a smooth specimen in an electro- Oeaéraled NaCl C700 mVScE)
lyte at 6xed potential [J4, /0,/]. A three-electrode cell, cou- to_¡
pled with a fast-response potentiostat and tbe mechanical
LCF procedures described in the subsection on the Smooih
Specimen Mcthod, are cmployed in this regard. Data i¡- to'5
clude time-dependent applied plastic strain, stress, and an'
odic current density. The phase difference between the
mechanical and electrochemical parameters, the strain de-
pendence of the cl¡r'rent density during repeated repassiva
tion rcpair of ruptured suface films, the anodic charge
passed per fatigue cycle, and the char€e accumldation with
increasing cycles and time are interpeted to probe CF dam- 10'7
age mechanisms. For example, peak anodic current density 110
and the cycle-cr,rmulative charge increased with increasing §ress ¡ñlen§¡ly taclor range (Mp. m
strain rate for LCF of a ferritic stainless steel in NaCl, con-
sistent with the fil¡n rupture model [3,1]. (This current re- FlG. 2l--CF propagallon rate versus lor micrGstruc-
flects metal oxidation to produce cations in solution and in ^K lo deaerated
turally small cfticks in AA2O24 exposed
formation of the passive film, or, collectively, metal re- aqueous chloride at f¡xed potential. CYack growth was
moval.) Additionally, the time dependence of repassi\ation monitored by in situ optlcal microscopy [106'1.
crack length versus load cycles at constant applied for electrochemical rcactions, crack tip process zone damage
specific material, time, and enüronment chemistry ^d,varj- processes, and microcrack advance.
ablcs- Coffin-Manson and Paris Law data depcnd on thc 6. Fractographic anallses of CF must be improved, inclnd-
rariables citcd in the section, Factors Controlling Corosion ing quantitati\,e measurement oI crack su¡'face crystallog-
Fatigue. Since a legion of variables is important, a¡d sincc raphy [,/19], and computerized imagc analysis methods to
prolonged CF test times are often required, mechanistic characterize and reconstruct thc CF process [120].
modeling of the nucleation and cmck propagation processes 7.For mcchanistic modeling, CF results must be coupled
is a critical tool to develop algorithms for extrapolating the with tmnsient electrocher¡ical reaction kiEetics, hydro-
results oflimited laboratory expcrimcnts [111]. gen permeation, and hydrogen trapping analyses de-
scnbed elsewhere in this manual.
Examples of Component Service Life Pr€diction
with Laboratory CF Data Acknowledgments
Corrosion fatigue problems hale bcen attacked aggres- This chapte. rvas sritten based on the support of the Of-
sively in several technologies over the past decadc. The cou- fice of Naral Research (Grant N00014-91-J-41ó4, with Dr. A.
pled local stmin-forrnation and LEFM-propagation John Sedriks as the Scienlific Officer), the NASA Langley
approach has not, horvcver, been broadly employed. Early Research Center (Grant NAG-l-745, with Mr. D. L. Dicus as
codified design predictions, using elaslic smooth-specimcn Grant Monitor), and the Virginia Center for Innovative
fatigue data (HCF-SN) adjusted empirically for deleterious Technologv (Technologv Development Center for Electro-
time-depcndent enüronmental effects, are being replaced chemical Science and Engineering, with Professor G. E.
by LEFM predictions of crack propagation from an inspection- Stoner as Director).
based or estimated initial c¡ack size [.117]. Examples of this
procedure rvcre reported for CF in weldcd offshore struc-
tures in the marine em,ironment L1,3,58,111-113f, in-core BIBLIOGRAPIIY
and out-of-corc components in commercial light water nu-
clear reactors l2,22,lll,ll3l, oil and gas pipelines U141, Fatigue 'o2, Anders Blom, Ed., Eneine€ring Materials Advisorl
and aircraft [,115,1/6]. Emphases focused on the conflicting SeNices, West Midlands, UK (2002).
effect of cathodic polarization on CF cmck formation and Gangloff, R. P., "Environment Sensitive Fa(igue Crack Tip Proc-
grouth (marjnc structures), the uni§.ing role of crack tip esses and Propagation in Aerospace Aluminum A¡¡oys," in
strain rate (nuclear reactors), the dcleterious effect of sulfur Fati1ue 02, Anders Blom, Ed., Engineering Materials Adf,iso¡l
co[taminants (nuclear reaclor systems and pipelines), and Serviccs, West Midlands, UK, 2002, pp. 3401-3433.
the CF kinetics of small multiple fatigue cracks (aircraft). casem, Z. and Ganglott, R. P., "Rate-Limiting Processes in Envi
Tens of man-years are tlpically required to address a com- ronmental Fatigue Crack Propagarion in 7ooo-Series Aluminum
plex CF problem, and large databases for SCC and CF re- Alloys," in Ch€ru¡l¡-'v and Electtochemístry of Corrosiotl and
S/¡¿ss Corrosiorl Crackirg: A $nlposiunl Horlorinc the Contrib.t
sulted kom these efforts [58,117]. lions ol R.W. Slaehle, R. H. Jones, Ed., TMS, Warrendale, PA,
2001, pp.501-521.
Future Research Needs in CF Experimentation In addition, the eme¡ging body ot literature on the ettect ot precor-
rosioÍ on látigue lite, particulañy ol áerospace allovs, is impor-
Enüronmental ef[ects have not been rigorcusly incorpo- tanr. These include the tollou'ing:
rated i¡1 fatigue life prcdiction proccdures [1/O]. The timc Barler, S. A., Sharp, P. K., Holden, G., and Cla&, C., "Iniliátion and
dependence of CF, the many important interacting vari- Early Grc$,th ot Fatigue C¡acks in an Aerospace Aluminum Al-
ables, and seve¡al uncenainties confound the problem, loy," Fati9lte and Fractu-e of EkgúE¿ring Materiols and Srnc-
From the experimental perspective, LCF and LEFM-based ares, V ol. 25, 2002, pp.ltl 125.
DuQuesnay, D, L., Underhill, P. R., and Brirt, H. J., "Fátigue C¡ack
laboratory CF methods must be improved to add¡ess the
Gro\rth trom Corosion Damage in 7075-T6551I Aluminum Al-
f ollowing unceft ainties: loy Under Aitcra& Loading,' lntematíonal Joumal of Fatique,
Vol. 25, 2003, pp.37l-377.
1. Methods must bc furthcr developed to pr-obe the growth
Fawaz, F. A., "Equivalent Initial Flaw Size Testing and Analysis of
of single small CF cracks sized below 500 pm, and the in-
TÉnsport Aircraft Skin Splices," Fatigüe and Fmcl re ol Etlgi-
teraction and coalcscence of multiple small cracks must neeing Materíals and Sttuc tltre s , V ol. 26, 2OO3 , pp - 279-290.
be characterized. Both LCF and LEFM approaches must Sp€nce, S. H., Wilhams, N. M., Sronham, A. J., Bachc, M. R.,
be modified in this rcgard. Ward, A. R., Evans, W. J., Hay, D., Urbani, C., Cra$,ford, B. R.,
2. Near-threshold CF crack formation and propagation, and Loader, C-, and Clark, G., "Fatigue io the Presence of Corrosion
environmenrdependent cmck closure, must be chamcter- Pitling in an Alumunum Alloy,' in Fatigue'02, Anclers
ized including the impoÍant effect of low loading fre ^erospace Materials Advisory Services, West Mid-
Blom, Ed., Engineering
quency [./,/B]. lands, UK, 2002, pp. 701-708.
3, Load- and cn\.ironment-spect¡um history cffects on CF Sha¡p, P. K., Mills, T., Russo, S., Clark, G.. and Liu, O., "Effect of
Extoliation Con¡sion on the Faligue Lile of Two High-Strcngth
crack formation and propagation must be characterized.
Aluninüm Alloys," Ag¡,?B 2r0r, DOD/FATNASA, 2000.
4. The statistical distributio¡ of CF initiation/eady growth Cmenbers, K. M., Crais, B. A., Hillbenf, B. M., Bucci, R. J., and
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