Generation of Electricity by Using Footsteps As A Source of Energy
Generation of Electricity by Using Footsteps As A Source of Energy
Generation of Electricity by Using Footsteps As A Source of Energy
I. Introduction
Is anyone happy with the current situation of electricity in India? So, this is our small step to try to
improve this situation by our project. First of all what does electricity mean to us??? Electricity- secondary
source of energy i.e. converted from other sources. We need it for every small thing, still notice its importance
only during load shedding. Man has needed the use energy at an increasing rate for his sustenance and well-
being ever since he came on the earth a few million years ago. Primitive man required energy primarily in the
form of wood. He derived this by eating plants or animals, which he hunted. Subsequently he discovered force
and his energy needs increased as he started to make use of wood and other bio-mass to supply the energy needs
for cooking as well as for a keeping himself warm. With the passage of time, man started to cultivate land for
agriculture. He added a new dimension to the use of energy by domesticating and training animals to work for
him. For this project the conversion of force energy is converted into electrical energy. In this project we have
tried to generate electricity through the human powered mechanical energy.
other creative techniques of power generation have been emerged. The newly developed techniques are aimed at
cost effectiveness. Thus, they become more affordable to the countries like India, where installation cost and
space occupancy are serious issues. One such creative technique is power generation through human powered
mechanical energy. The idea is to tap the energy that a human would release while he is jumping. It is achieved
by using rack and pinion mechanism. Rack and pinion mechanism, on the contrary, is clean and environmentally
friendly, although, the components of the device require regular oiling and maintenance. The initial investment
can be recovered within a relatively short time. Jumping is the one of the most common activity in day to day
life. One can maintain good health only if he does daily and regular exercise. It is one of the best exercises to
maintain body fitness. When a person jumps, he loses energy to the ground surface in the form of impact,
vibration, sound etc., due to the transfer of his weight on to the ground surface, through feet falls on the ground
during every leap. This energy can be tapped and converted into usable electrical form.In this project, we have
used a similar concept to derive electricity using the “jump” energy. The working principle is simple. When a
person jumps on the spring cladded platform of the device, the platform will dip down due to the weight of the
person. The downward movement of the platform is connected to a specific rack and pinion mechanism, which
results in the rotation of the shaft of an electrical generator, to produce electrical energy. The platform reverts
back to its original position due to negating springs provided in the device. If such a device is embedded on
gymnasium floors or places of human attraction e.g. city malls, amusement parks, etc. the electricity generated
by these devices can be used for various day to day applications.
II. Concept
While jumping, the person possess some energy and it is being wasted. This energy can be utilized to
produce power by using a special arrangement. It is an Electro-Mechanical unit. It utilizes both mechanical
technologies and electrical techniques for the power generation and its storage. Whenever the person is allowed
to jump on the base (plywood) it gets pressed downwards then the springs are attached at each corner of the
plywood is compressed and the rack which is attached to the plywood moves linearly downward. Since the rack
has teeth connected to gears, there exists conversion of linear motion of rack into rotary motion of gears but the
two gears rotate in opposite direction. A flywheel is mounted on the shaft whose function is to regulate the
fluctuation in the energy and to make the energy uniform. So that the shafts will rotate with certain R.P.M. these
shafts are connected through intermediate gears and sprockets to the dynamo, which converts the mechanical
energy into electrical energy. The conversion will be proportional to the load being applied. The springs being
attached will regain its original length and also cause the plywood to return back to its initial position. This
results in the upward motion of the rack which is attached to the plywood thereby rotating the gears. Thus both
the downward and upward linear motion of the rack is utilized to generate electricity.Whenever an armature
rotates between the magnetic fields of south and north poles, an E.M.F is induced in it. So, for inducing the
E.M.F.armature coil has to rotate, for rotating this armature it is connected to a long shaft. By rotating same
e.m.f is induced, for this rotation energy of person jumping on the plywood is utilized. This generated power can
be amplified and stored by using different electrical devices.
The rack moves linearly between two pinions. The two pinions are connected to two separate sprockets which
are constrained to rotate in one direction only (say anti-clockwise) .The sprocket is thereby connected to two
intermediate gears. When the rack moves linearly downward during the impact of load on the platform, it causes
both the pinion to rotate. But the direction of motion is opposite, that is one of the pinions rotates clockwise
while the other anti-clockwise. These pinions provide motion to the sprocket but as sprockets are constrained to
move in anticlockwise direction, only one of the sprocket rotates during the downward motion of the rack. This
rotating rack causes intermediate gear coupled to it to rotate and thereby transfer the motion to another sprocket.
This sprocket rotates the gear attached to the flywheel and this gear in turn rotates the output gear. The motion
available at the output gear is utilized to run the dynamo to generate electricity.Now, the compressed spring
during the downward motion of the base expands to obtain its original length causing the base (plywood) to rise
back. During this motion the rack moves upwards and rotates both the pinions in opposite direction. These
pinions causes the sprocket to rotate. But only one sprocket will rotate and this time the other one. Thus, both
the motion of the rack is utilized that is upward and downward.
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M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010045056
Generation of Electricity by Using Footsteps as a Source of Energy
A flywheel is also provided to compensate for the reduction in motion. The primary function of flywheel is to
act as an energy accumulator. It reduces the fluctuations in speed. It absorbs the energy when demand is less and
releases the same when it is required.
Table2 Results
Sr. Mass Voltage (V) Resistance Current Power(watt
No. (kg) (Ω) (A) )
1 50 2.5 50 0.05 0.125
2 55 2.94 50 0.0588 0.173
3 60 3.5 50 0.07 0.245
4 65 4 50 0.08 0.32
5 70 4.3 50 0.086 0.3698
6 80 5.2 50 0.104 0.5408
V. Efficiency
Since, the power is obtained by jumping on the base it can be considered as an input and the power obtained
from the dynamo is output. These two quantities are sufficient to calculate the efficiency of the model (setup).
Average theoretical power = (0.82 + 0.9 + 0.98 + 1.06 + 1.14 + 1.31)/6= 1.035 W
Average actual power = (0.125 + 0.173 + 0.245 + 0.32 + 0.3698 + 0.5408)/6 = 0.2956 W
Efficiency = Output/ Input = 0.2856 or 28.56%
5.2 Graphs
Graphs of power vs. load, current vs. load and voltage vs. load are plotted below
It can be seen from the above plotted graph 5 that as load increases power increases.
The curve is linear.
It is observed from the above plotted graph 6 that as load increases power increases.
It is observed from the above plotted graph 7 that as load increases current increases.
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M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010045056
Generation of Electricity by Using Footsteps as a Source of Energy
It is observed from the above plotted graph 7 that as load increases voltage increases.
It can be observed from the above graph 8 that
both theoretical and actual power increases with increase in load
actual power is lower than the theoretical power.
6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 54 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010045056
Generation of Electricity by Using Footsteps as a Source of Energy
VI. Conclusion
1. It is concluded that
as load increases on the base (plywood) voltage increases
as load increases on the base (plywood) current increases
as load increases on the base (plywood) power increases
the efficiency of the setup is found to be 28.56 %.
2. The average actual power obtained is 0.2956 W.
Therefore, power developed per minute = 0.2956 x 60= 17.74 W
3. If a person jumps for 10 minutes on the base of the setup,
Power developed in 10 minutes = 177.4 W
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M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010045056
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6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 56 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010045056