Blood Type and Personality
Blood Type and Personality
Blood Type and Personality
An old Japanese belief states that each blood type is associated with specific personality traits, and that mere
knowledge of the blood type can be used to predict the general temperament and basic behavior of an
individual. Although it lacks scientific evidence, it is widely popular in quizzes, magazines and television shows
in Japan.
The connection between blood type and personality of an individual has been a topic of interest in several
Asian countries. However, the origins of this concept lie in the Japanese culture and termed as the 'Blood Type
Theory of Personality', which emphasizes that a person's blood type can be useful in predicting his personality,
general disposition and his rapport with others.
The relation between ABO blood types and personality was studied and brought to life by Mashiko Nomi, a
Japanese journalist, in the 1970s. Nomi's interest was sparked by a paper titled The Study of Temperament
through Blood Type, published by Takeji Furukawa in 1927, in the journal Psychological Research. Although
lacking a strong scientific explanation, and being dismissed by members of the scientific community, popular
belief subscribes most wholeheartedly to this concept.
Various personality traits associated with the four different blood types under the ABO system, have been
provided below.
Good Traits
• Shy• Calm• Loyal• Gentle• Organized• Perfectionist
Bad Traits
• Earnest• Stubborn• Fastidious• Obsessive• Pessimistic• Too sensitive
Famous People with Blood Type A: George H. W. Bush, Britney Spears, Adolf Hitler, Richard Nixon, Ringo
Starr, and Jet Li.
Good Traits
• Strong• Creative• Cheerful• Expressive• Hardworking• Individualistic
Bad Traits
• Moody• Erratic• Forgetful• Impatient• Insensitive• Irresponsible
Famous People with Blood Type B: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Nicholson, Luciano Pavarotti, Tom Selleck, Paul
McCartney, and Vince Young.
Good Traits
• Cool• Caring• Rational• Charming• Controlled• Dependable
Bad Traits
• Critical• Dualistic• Forgetful• Indecisive• Unforgiving• Irresponsible
Famous People with Blood Type AB: John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Thomas Edison, Jackie Chan, Mick
Jagger, and Barack Obama.
Good Traits
• Honest• Energetic• Ambitious• Confident• Optimistic• Passionate
Bad Traits
• Vain• Envious• Doubtful• Arrogant• Workaholic• Unpredictable
Famous People with Blood Type O: Elvis Presley, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, Al Capone, John
Lennon, and Paul Newman.
Although the correlation between blood types and personality has no scientific evidence, the idea had become
the basis for scientific racism. Those in the West labeled individuals with the blood type B, the most common
blood type amongst Asians, as inferior. Moreover, during the early 1900s there was widespread propaganda
suggesting that there existed a 'superior' blood line characterized by A type of blood.
Today, the relation between blood type and personality is followed closely in Japan, much like the use of sun
signs to determine personality and compatibility for matchmaking.