Autism - Literature Review
Autism - Literature Review
Autism - Literature Review
B. (2016). Autism spectrum disorder today: Life, literacy, and the pursuit
18, 2018.
Barbara Boroson studied many autistic children in the school setting. The
journal article she wrote gave educators a better understanding of the “life” pieces
to autism that must come before education can even begin. Autistic children
struggle with many areas, especially in the areas of anxiety, regulation, sensation,
socialization, and engagement. Then the author went into detail about various
strategies to help students cope with these problematic areas. She went into specific
detail about the sensory function and how to help students with too much sensory
input and students with too little sensory input. The main purpose of this article was
This article was different from others in the sense that it was not a research
because it did not list many sources. Barbara has great experience in working with
autistic children. She has written two books about students falling somewhere on
the autism spectrum and she has also worked in autism education for over 25 years.
Further research and more sources would make Barbara’s article more credible.
This article was informational and helped solidify my problem of practice. All
students diagnosed with autism struggle in the area of sensory. Students are either
result in problems in the educational setting. This article was great in breaking
down both types of learners and in giving other strategies/ideas in the educational
Case-Smith, J., Weaver, L. L., & Fristad, M. A. (2015). A systematic review of
total studies. Of those 19, 5 examined the effects of sensory integration and 14 were
clinically based interventions done with actual therapists outside of schools. SIB
(Sensory based intervention) tend to be done more in the school setting and fit
along with the child’s daily routine. Both types contain the same sensory tools:
therapy balls, swings, inner tubes, trampolines, deep touch, and wearing a weighted
vest. The most effective of these two styles proved to be the SIT, because of the clinic
based. These therapists tend to work one-on-one with the child, outside of the
school setting, and they focus on the child’s individualized goals. The SIT showed the
These researchers reviewed a decent amount of studies, but the studies did
not have a lot of participants. The most participants in one study reviewed, was six,
so these studies contained a very small population size. This could have a great
effect on the findings and patterns these studies showed. There was also room for
error when the review did not list if all studied collected data in the same style, and
did not list the specific tools used to collect data. The review did give great
definitions for the two styles and went into great detail on the purposes of the two
study styles.
differences in the two types of interventions for children with autism. The article
also gave statistics that prove a need for excellent sensory interventions, because of
the high percentage of children with autism struggling with sensory processing. The
intervention. Parents actually often request the need for a sensory intervention for
confidence in my topic choice for this research. Overall this article was helpful for
my research and also gave great references along with keywords to continue the
Ennis-Cole, D. (2011). Teaching students with autism spectrum disorders:
explaining the role that technology, curriculum, and common sense plays when
educating a child on the spectrum. The author also explained the need for
disorder, because their needs are not always best met in the traditional educational
introduced the idea of having a “support tool kit,” which contains the tools to best
educate students with learning difficulties. The tools include: technology, frequent
breaks, choice, awareness or sensory issues, positive reinforcement, etc. The author
multi-modal, kinesthetic, and auditory activities. The classic saying, “one size fits all”
enhanced education, not an expert in autism nor is she an autism researcher. She is
a professor at a University in Texas. The article was not a research study. It was an
This article was helpful to my research. The article provided me with rich
background information regarding the autism spectrum disorder. The article also
described all parts of autism: the sensory component, the kinesthetic piece, and
gave various activity ideas. This supports the need for more research and helps me
describe my problem of practice. The article did not change my attitude towards
sensory, it described the need for more sensory and kinesthetic movement/breaks
Robinson, J.E. (2008). Look me in the eye: my life with Aspergers. Sydney: Bantam.
Asperger’s Syndrome at a very young age. John had a unique upbringing. His parents
were both professors and they moved around often. John’s dad turned into an
alcoholic and became very abusive to John and his younger brother. The entire book
was about John’s struggles he faced daily having to live with his diagnosis. Life was
not easy, nor was school. He was obsessed with cars, a particular type of car, a
Porsche. In elementary school John was constantly being made fun of. He lined up
his cars, and did not play with toys like most children, he rocked when he sat, he
flapped his arms some, he also made humming noises constantly, and he did not like
to take off his shoes. He did not understand why the other children did not ever
want to play with him and why they played so differently than he did. John also
showed some aggressive behaviors at school when he was frustrated. Later in life
John graduated from high school and went to college earning a degree and living a
Eder Robinson himself. This gave the book more meaning and even more credibility
to my research topic. John had been diagnosed with Asperger’s at a young age and
he struggled with this throughout his entire life. John talked about his experiences,
challenges, and successes throughout his life. The book was informational and well
This bibliography helped inform my research because of John’s sensory
issues that he talked about openly throughout the story. John had been diagnosed
diagnosed with autism. The biggest similarity in the two diseases would be the
sensory issues. John discussed in the book how he handled these challenges he faced
and how he felt growing up differently. After reading this book I have learned that it
is important to accommodate children so that they can feel more “normal” and not
stand out as much. This is what a sensory intervention would hope to accomplish in
my classroom.
Su, H., Lai, L., & Rivera, H. J. (2012). Effective mathematics strategies for pre-school
Three women studied interventions for autistic students in the focus area of
interventions. They discussed the key to interventions, which is: early interventions
create more positive outcomes. This study involved two pre-school classrooms with
a total of about 10 students who had been diagnosed with autism. The teachers,
staff, and administrators all received a (MIND) Math is Not Difficult program
training. After receiving this training they implemented various strategies for
teaching math. These strategies included learning math through: games, stories,
showed positive outcomes, because the activities required use of multiple senses.
The research took place in South Florida. The pre-school aged students took
a pre and post-test, there is room for questioning in how exactly these pre-school
students took a pre/post test. The article did not elaborate on the exact test that
they took, which leaves room for error. Was the test observation, simple survey, or
what did the format look like? The article also only involved pre-school aged
students, which is a small sample size. At the end of the article researchers
mentioned a need for more research involving older students to clarify if the results
details the article contained regarding interventions in general was also helpful. The
format of the research study regarding students with special needs was also a great
example. The findings in the study provided me with more information regarding
learning around senses and increased engagement for students with autism. Overall