Design Development of Go Kart
Design Development of Go Kart
Design Development of Go Kart
Ankita Kamble, Harshal Mandliya, Rohit Kamble, Suhail Kazi, Prof. G.S.Darvankar
Abstract— Go-kart (a simple racing car) is not a factory made product. It can be made my Mechanical and Automobile engineers for
racing competitions. Go-kart emerged in India from MRF, which has 250cc, two stroke engine producing 15 bhp. This costs around 3 lacs.
Lately the craze of go-kart has been on a rise in India along with many racing competitions been held all over India. Design and
development project of simple go-kart has been undertaken by developing chassis formed by hollow circular pipe powered by Briggs and
Stratton 190cc engine, fitted with single disc brake mounted on rear axle. There is no suspension, therefore chassis have to be more
flexible to work as suspension and stiff enough not to break or give way to turn. The speed of the vehicle is 40 kmph. The developed go-
kart was participated in an event Elite Go-Karting held by Elite Techno Groups at RPM International Go-Kart Racing Circuit, Bhopal.
Developed go-kart is found economic, compact, light-weight and easy to drive kart.
THERE are many motor sports vehicle in the world such as bikes,
cars, Formula One cars. The drivers in these are very 2 METHODOLOGY
professionals and skilled. They can drive the vehicle very fast.
2.1 Assumptions used in design
But there are also motor sports which do not require
professional drivers and also no great speed. This need is
fulfilled by a very cheap vehicle named as go-kart. They • Length and width of chassis must be around 70” and
resemble to the Formula One cars but it is not as faster as F1. 50” respectively.
Even children can also drive it. Go-karts have four wheels and • Weight of vehicle around 100 kg.
a small engine. They are widely used in racing in US and are • Engine of 100-200cc and 4.5 bhp.
also getting popular in In-dia. • No differential is required.
American Art Angels is generally accepted to be • Ground clearance minimum 4”.
father of karting. A veteran hot rodder and a race car builder at • Gear ratio approx. 1:2.5 to get initial torque.
Kurtis Kraft, he build the first kart in southern California in 1956. It • Steering ratio 1:1.
becomes instantly popular and spread rapidly to other coun-tries. • To accommodate a driver of height 110cm.
The first kart manufacturer was an American company – Go Kart
Manufacturing Co. (1958). In 1959, McCulloch was the first
company to manufacture engines for kart. 2.2 Design Elements Of GO-KART
Go-kart emerged in India in 2003 through MRF. It a) Chassis
was a new invention in motor sports and expensive too. It was
Chassis is an extremely important element of
not much known to common people in that period. Nowadays the kart. Generally it is made of square steel tubes of
it becomes a public attraction as new transformations came different grades. But strong hollow circular SAE rated
into the vehicle. Till date go-kart is the most known popular pipes has been used from economic and light weight
and cheapest motor sports car as compared to Formula One perspective.size of the chassis developed is
car and ATV (All Terrain Vehicle). 67”*48”(length*breadth).
Go-kart comes in all shapes and forms, from Following components are mounted on chassis –
motor-less model to high powered racing machines, like
super-karts, being able to beat racing car on long circuits. Go • Engine having 190cc developing 4.5bhp.
karts used in amusement parks can be powered by four stroke
engine or elec-tric motors, while racing karts use small two • Transmission system consisting of chain,
stroke or four stroke engines. sprocket and rear axle with axle hangers.
• Tyres.
Most of them are single seater but recreational • Brakes.
mod-els can sometimes accommodate a passenger. Go-kart,
• Steering assembly.
by defini-tion, has no suspension and no differential. They are
usually raced on scale down tracks, but are sometimes driven
b) Engine
as enter-tainment or as a hobby by non-professionals. Karting
is common-ly perceived as the stepping stone to the higher An engine of go-kart is usually a small
around 100-200cc. Since there is only requirement of
and more expen-sive ranks of motor sports. As a free time power and not the mileage, Briggs and Stratton
activity it can be per-formed by almost everybody. 190cc, two stroke engine developing 4.5bhp is used.
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 7, Issue 6, June-2016
ISSN 2229-5518
e) Tires
For go-karts, wheels and tyres are much
smaller than those used on a normal car. The tyres
will have increased grip and can withstand high Fig 1: Structural Analysis of Front Side
tempera-ture. In this kart,two tires having 5.5”
diameter for front and 7.5” diameter for rear are used.
The tyres must have pressure of at least 16 psi.
f) Brake
Typically, go karts have single rear drum
brakes, which is situated on the rear axle. The brake
will be capable of stopping the kart running in 40
kmph. For this purpose, single disc brake directly at-
tached to rear axle has been used. 4.2Side Impact Analysis:
The material SAE 1018 is used in the frame design
because of its good weldability as well as good
manufacturability. A good strength is required because the roll
cage needs to absorb as much energy as possible to prevent
it from fracturing at the time of high impact.
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 7, Issue 6, June-2016
ISSN 2229-5518
4.3Rear Impact Analysis:
• Engine oil should be replaced after every 500 km of
V = 50 kmph running.
F = 3484.5 N • The nuts and bolts should be properly tightened.
Fig.3 shows ANSYS result after applying the calculated • The air filter should be checked from time to time and
force on rear part of the frame by keeping the front part fixed. replaced accordingly.
• For protecting the kart from atmospheric corrosion
paints are applied.
Fig 3: Structural analysis of Rear Side
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering
and Technolo-gy (2015)
“Automation Creations.” (2013, February 20). MatWeb.
Automotive mechanics- Crouse Angelin
IJSER © 2016