Accelerate The Journey To AI: Flexibly Manage Your Data As A Strategic Asset
Accelerate The Journey To AI: Flexibly Manage Your Data As A Strategic Asset
Accelerate The Journey To AI: Flexibly Manage Your Data As A Strategic Asset
Accelerate the
journey to AI
Flexibly manage your data
as a strategic asset
Ladder to AI
Key insights Organizations at the beginning of the curve have learned to apply
• The data maturity curve data to operations, usually with an emphasis on cost reduction.
• A critical juncture for AI As their data maturity progresses, their use of information
• Introducing IBM Cloud Private for Data expands, shifting the focus to business intelligence. Organizations
• IBM Cloud Private for Data summary at this level have modern data operations, but may not have
incorporated artificial intelligence (AI) into their business
decisions yet.
IBM Hybrid Cloud
Accelerate the journey to AI
At the top of the curve are enterprises that have achieved Introducing IBM Cloud Private for Data
full data maturity, established self-service analytics and
are able to use AI to transform their business. IBM Cloud Private for Data offers an integrated, end-to-
end platform for high performance analytics that enables
CIOs and business leaders on this journey toward AI and companies to reach their data maturity goals. This
data maturity seek solutions that help them leverage solution allows critical data to remain securely behind
existing on-premise data while conducting advanced the private firewall, while being accessed by cloud-based
analytics in the cloud. applications to generate new insights.
IBM Hybrid Cloud
Accelerate the journey to AI
IBM Cloud Private for Data summary • Scale insights to innovate – IBM Cloud Private for Data
provides an integrated, end-to-end data and analytics
IBM Cloud Private for Data’s catalog of microservices information architecture that catalogs and governs your
brings together key capabilities from IBM’s portfolio of data. The platform collects data to make it simple and
analytics solutions. These capabilities include tools for accessible, organizes data to build a trusted analytics
leveraging on-premise data with cloud-based analytics foundation, and makes data available for analysis to
tools, building the right foundation for data maturity and scale insights on demand.
generating meaningful insights to drive business value.
• Prepare for AI – IBM Cloud Private for Data minimiz-
• Protect your data – IBM Cloud Private for Data helps es the time and expense needed to create meaningful
enterprises retain complete control of their data by port- insights while expanding analytics capabilities. In order to
ing only the insights—not the underlying data—to public successfully adopt machine learning and AI, organizations
cloud applications. This allows organizations to tap into need to be able to rely on meaningful and trustworthy
the benefits of public cloud while maintaining all the information. Disparate data must be in a consistent for-
data behind the firewall of their private cloud. mat and organized into a single access point to provide
the most value. With IBM Cloud Private for Data, you can
• Organize your data – IBM Cloud Private for Data helps move from raw data to trusted data. At that point your
users find existing data, request access to data and eas- organization is ready to analyze that data to gain insights
ily collaborate with colleagues across the organization. that can enable you to drive better business outcomes.
With these capabilities combined, you can spend less
time finding and managing data, and more time using
it effectively to create insights to drive business deci-
sions. An enterprise data catalog helps create cohesive Read about empowering the new
information architecture by ensuring that your data is data developer.
mapped to a standard set of business terms and follows
information governance policies and rules. Learn more about IBM Cloud
Private for Data.
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