Topic: Sentiment Analysis On Whatsapp: Group Member: Shabnam Rafique Baligha Shahid

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Sentiment Analysis On WhatsApp

Group Member:
Shabnam Rafique
Baligha Shahid

In today’s world people meet each other less and communicate through social media more. If they have
to express their feelings about anything happening in the world, they will use their cell phones to do
this. They react to these things through their mobile phones by adding a comment or updating a status.
As these social media portals are giving them access to express their feelings openly. They can react on
the things they want and for this they have no need to meet each other. They can discuss with other
people too through the social media. Previously the much work is done to find what people actually feel
while posting a comment on any social media portal, while adding a tweet or updating a status. They all
judge their sentiments through these activities. As it is only done on Facebook and Twitter, we have
decided to work on the analysis of sentiments on WhatsApp.

Sentimental analysis is basically a study about the opinions to judge that what people feel while doing a
texting. Their emotions are expressed through their text. WhatsApp a social media app used on the daily
basis and for the purpose of communication. It is founded in 2009 by Brian Acton, who is an American
computer programmer. WhatsApp is introduced to replace the general messages. People can
communicate with each other through this portal freely with some additional features like video calling,
voice calling, sharing their live location, making groups of more than 3 people and sharing things
mutually. People can upload the different videos and images and can set the privacy to whom they want
to share the status with r with not. They are enhancing their features such as they recently introduced
the sticker features for their user so they can express their feeling by using stickers. They can now only
show their feelings by sending a sticker.
We will do the sentimental analysis on WhatsApp that how people feel while doing a texting on
WhatsApp. While they upload their status what they feel. While talking in a group what they actually
feel. We will focus on the content generally shared, the language they used while texting and the status
they upload. Through their text we will judge what they are feeling at the current situation. This
research will be done on different age of people through a survey, where we will judge that what they
actually feel while using the WhatsApp messenger.

Literature Review:

A.Kumar, Teeja Mary Sebastian 2012: They have done the sentimental analysis on twitter on the bases
of opinion word. They calculate the overall tweets by using a linear equation method. In their paper they
have proposed a novel hybrid approach. They use the features like emotion which have become the
largest part of cyber language. They extract the opinion words from the tweets and guess their
orientation. From this they find the reflection of the sentiments that they are positive, negative or
neutral. They consider these opinion words as verbs, adverbs and objectives

Siddharth Batra and Deepak Rao: In this paper they classify the opinions as positive, negative or
neutral. They have used two models for this like the Sentiment language model, unigram model,
Unigram with prior, Bigram with backoff. They calculate the probability of negative and positive opinions
as how much of tweets were against the people and much more. During their research they have faced
many implementation challenges such as they have to collect the tweets for any entity and then find the
related tweets. They treat the tweets in individual document and the classify it. In the last they display
all the records through a graph and a table and show the percentage for entities of different browsers
that how many people have positive and negative sentiments. The concluded table display the results
that which are the top positive words and top negative words and the percentage for the positive and
negative sentiments.

Ryan L. Boyd , Steven R. Wilson , James W. Pennebaker , Michal Kosinski , David J. Stillwell , and Rada
Mihalcea: In this paper they basically find the values in words through the language the people use.
They evaluate the personal values and then understand them. This paper consist of two main projects,
the project one is named as value and behavior in an online sample survey, they distribute the survey
using Amazon Mechanical Turk. There were some survey takers which are presented with the series of
tasks like value essay, behavior essay. And project two named as values in social media. The main goal of
the project 2 was to replicate the results of project 1. They have collected the two data sets in order to
understand the people behavior and values.
R. A. S. C. Jayasanka, M. D. T. Madhushani, E. R. Marcus, I. A. A. U. Aberathne and S. C. Premaratne

This paper is based on the sentiments analysis on social media. In their approach firstly they develop a
crawler to crawl the data from social media app Twitter. They develop crawler to access the large
amount of data and to access the data which is in correct format. They have use the English language
and to understand this language they have used the tool named as NLKT natural language toolkit. They
have the four main modules they are using during the implementation Crawler, sentiment analysis tool,
data mining module and dashboard. They have judged the people sentiments about different things by
using all these tools in this paper.

A.Kumar, T. M. (2012). Sentiment Analysis on Twitter .

R. A. S. C. Jayasanka, M. D. (2013). Sentiment Analysis on social media .

Rao, S. B. (n.d.). Entity Based Sentiment Analysis on Twitter.

Ryan L. Boyd, S. R. (2015). Values in words: Using language to evaluate and understand personal values.

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