16 Samss 502 - PDF
16 Samss 502 - PDF
16 Samss 502 - PDF
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Compliance Statement (16‐SAMSS‐502)
B. Completed Data Sheet. Noted
V Definitions ‐
25 Synchronizing or synchrocheck device. Noted
27 Undervoltage relay. Noted
86 Lock‐out relay. Shall not require control power to maintain the locked‐out condition. Noted
Bus Tie Breaker A breaker used to connect the two busses of secondary‐selective system. Noted
In a secondary‐selective system, during a breaker transfer operation, the bus tie breaker is closed while both the incoming
Closed Transition breakers are closed. In general terms, if there are two possible sources of power, both may be connected temporarily. Noted
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Compliance Statement (16‐SAMSS‐502)
Used in the context of protective relay circuits. The supervised devices shall be continuously checked for circuit continuity
Supervised by having a small amount of current pass through the device. Loss of this current flow shall change the status of either a Noted
visual indicator or relay.
Switchgear or Assembly The complete assemblage of switching assemblies as it will appear after installation by the Buyer. Noted
The assembly of switching devices and associated control and auxiliary equipment which controls or distributes power to a
single load or via a single circuit. For this specification, all switching assemblies are withdrawable circuit breakers;
Switching Assembly Noted
therefore, the terms “switching assembly” and “withdrawable circuit breaker” are synonymous.
VI General ‐
A. Terms in bold font are defined within Section 5. Noted
The switchgear and air circuit breakers shall also fully comply with either IEC or NA standards. Switchgear built utilizing a
mixture of standards is unacceptable (e.g., It is not acceptable for devices only tested and rated by IEC standards to be
B. Noted
installed within a switchgear assembly tested and rated per NA standards, or vice versa).
All requirements of this specification must be implemented using standard designs which have been approved, have been
C. Noted
fully tested, and are fully supported by the PEM.
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Compliance Statement (16‐SAMSS‐502)
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Compliance Statement (16‐SAMSS‐502)
(Addition‐1) The bus tie breaker shall be in a separate vertical section (one‐high arrangement). Noted
(Addition‐2) Spare and Space requirements shall be as follows: ‐
a) Within the assembly, a minimum of one space shall be provided for each breaker rating Noted
b) There shall be a minimum of one space on each bus section. Noted
c) The switchgear shall be designed to permit the utilization of the locations identified spare or space: Noted
i) Without de‐energizing the switchgear main circuit and Noted
ii) By the use of simple fasteners and standard tools and Noted
d) Refer to associated engineering documents for spare requirements and space requirements beyond the minimum
indicated above.
2) Stationary Structure (Addition‐3) There shall be a minimum of one space on each bus section for each secondary‐selective switchgear lineup.
Refer to associated engineering documents for spare requirements and space requirements beyond these minimums. Noted
Note that per Section 8.2 and Section 4, all the feeder and spare breakers shall be of the same rating.
(Addition‐4) Rear sections of all vertical sections shall be developed as separate spaces for main and incoming buses or
cables and for outgoing power cables and power cable terminations.
(Exception‐6) Feeder breakers shall be limited to a three high arrangement. The top compartment in a four high vertical
section shall be reserved for controls, meters, and relays.
(Exception‐7) Automatic safety shutters shall be provided as a protective barrier in the stationary structure to prevent
incidental contact with live parts of the primary circuit when a circuit breaker is moved to its disconnected or withdrawn Noted as applicable For ACB only
(Addition‐5) Breaker Handling Mechanism as follow: ‐
a) One manual racking lever or ratchet handle shall be provided with each switchgear assembly. Noted
b) The racking mechanism shall move the circuit breaker between the connected, test, and disconnect positions.
c) One circuit breaker lifting device shall be provided for each switchgear assembly. Can be offered separately as per
Noted as applicable
(Exception‐8) Space heaters shall not be installed within the switchgear assembly. Noted
NA Supplement
Enclosures for switchgear built to ANSI standards shall, as a minimum, meet the requirements of ANSI/IEEE C37.20.1. Not applicable Panel designed as per IEC 61439
(Addition‐1) Metal‐enclosed low‐voltage switchgear assemblies shall be furnished complete with three‐phase main and
feeder buses and ground bus. Compartmentalization as specified above requires that the main bus be isolated from contact Comply
from the front and rear of the switchgear.
(Exception‐1) Switchgear buses (power and ground) shall be constructed of electrical grade copper and mounted (except
the ground bus) on insulators manufactured from ceramic or other low‐hygroscopic, high‐temperature, flame‐retardant, Noted
non‐tracking, insulating material.
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Compliance Statement (16‐SAMSS‐502)
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Compliance Statement (16‐SAMSS‐502)
C. Power Circuit Breakers (IEC 60947‐2)
(Exception‐1) Power circuit breaker maximum continuous current rating shall not exceed 4,000 amperes. The interrupting
rating shall not exceed a maximum of 85 kA RMS symmetrical amperes. Noted
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Compliance Statement (16‐SAMSS‐502)
Commentary Note 9.5:
Padlocking supplied on the breaker cubicle drawout rails to prevent installation of circuit breakers if maintenance is being Noted
performed on downstream loads is acceptable.
Instrument and Control Transformers
D. Noted
(IEC 60044 and IEC 60186)
(Exceptoin‐1) Current transformers or sensors shall be installed in a manner that does not alter or modify their nameplate
D.1 Current Transformers (CT) (IEC 60044)
(Exception‐2) The looping of feeder cables or secondary conductors through window type current transformers or sensors
is prohibited.
Voltage Transformers (VT) and Control Power Transformers (CPT's) (IEC 60186) Noted
(Exception‐1) Voltage transformer secondary voltage shall be 120 volts and the VA rating compatible with the control and
metering loads and of the connected devices.
(Addition‐1) Over current protection of voltage transformers shall be provided by dual‐element or fast‐acting fuses placed
D.2 on the primary and secondary side.
(Addition‐2) Fuse holders shall be conveniently located for replacement of fuses. Comply
NA Supplement
Instrument transformers utilized in switchgear manufactured in compliance with ANSI standards shall conform to the Noted as applicable
requirements of ANSI/IEEE C57.13. Voltage transformers shall comply with NEMA ST 20.
E. Protective Relaying (IEC 60947‐1)
(Exception‐1) Circuit breakers shall be equipped, with integral, direct acting, adjustable, solid‐state tripping systems. These
shall be completely self‐contained requiring no external power source or control circuits for automatic tripping. Noted
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Compliance Statement (16‐SAMSS‐502)
(Addition‐4) Power circuit breakers shall be equipped with Energy Reducing Maintenance Switch with local status
(Exception‐1) The protection schemes for Fire Pump Unit (FPU) packages shall comply with NFPA 20 and NFPA 70. In
general, these standards require that the motor be allowed to operate under locked rotor condition continuously and is Noted
only automatically disconnected under short‐circuit conditions.
E.2 Fire Pump System Protection
The exception to these requirements is that where a FPU package is fed from a bus that has ground overcurrent protection
on the incomers or supply transformers, the feeder to the FPU package shall have ground overcurrent protection, and all Noted
other feeders connected to the same buses or transformers shall have ground overcurrent protection.
F. Control (IEC‐60947‐5)
(Addition‐1) Over‐current protection of instrument transformers, closing and tripping circuits, and other control circuits
F.1 General Noted
shall be provided.
(Addition‐1) The control voltage level for all tripping circuits which are not integral to the breaker shall be 125 VDC supplied
by the Buyer.
(Addition‐2) If control power for closing circuits or auxiliary systems is derived from control transformers within the
switchgear, there shall be one control transformers for every incoming breaker. These control transformers shall be
connected to the line side of the breaker. For secondary selective systems, an instantaneous open‐transition transfer Noted
scheme shall ensure that there is control power available so long as there is voltage on one of the CPT primaries.
(Addition‐3) A molded case circuit breaker or fuses shall be provided for protection and isolation of tripping and closing
circuits which are external to the circuit breaker. A dedicated breaker or fuse set shall be used for both the trip and close
F.2 Control Power circuits for each electrically operated circuit breaker. These shall be mounted within the low voltage compartment of each Noted
operational circuit breaker, spare or space. Separate breakers or fuses shall be provided for the auxiliary circuits (e.g.,
metering or synchronizing devices).
(Addition‐4) Voltages and current signals to protective relays shall pass through a set of isolation test switches either
integral to the relay or mounted within the low voltage compartment. These shall be configured to allow isolation of the Noted
relays for testing purposes.
Switchgear with IPCS.
(Exception‐1) The rated control voltage of all devices (e.g., protective relays) shall be the same as the control supply voltage
(i.e., intermediate voltage converters shall not be used).
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Compliance Statement (16‐SAMSS‐502)
(Exception‐1) Circuit protection for switchgear built to IEC standards shall be provided by fuses of the cylindrical cap design
and meet the requirements of IEC 60269 or molded case circuit breakers that comply with IEC 60947‐2. Noted
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Compliance Statement (16‐SAMSS‐502)
a). A closed‐transition re‐transfer shall be automatically initiated within an adjustable time period of 0 to 30 minutes after
Noted as applicable As per requirement
the voltage on the disconnected source has been restored, and
b). An open‐transition re‐transfer shall be automatically initiated within an adjustable time period of 1 to 10 seconds after
Noted as applicable As per requirement
the supply to the switchgear fails while the voltage at the disconnected source is normal.
(Addition‐2) There shall be a manually initiated closed‐transition transfer. If all three breakers are closed, a timer
Noted as applicable As per requirement
(adjustable from 5 to 50 seconds) shall automatically open the bus tie breaker.
H. Automatic Transfer Schemes (IEC 60947‐6‐1) (Exception‐1) Closed‐transition transfers shall be with permission of a 25 relay. Noted as applicable As per requirement
(Addition‐3) Automatic open‐transition transfers shall be delayed to: Noted as applicable As per requirement
a) Allow time for motor residual voltage to decay to a negligible value or the motors to be automatically disconnected.
Noted as applicable As per requirement
b) Ensure that transfer is not initiated because of a fault. Noted as applicable As per requirement
(Addition‐4) All transfers shall be blocked and locked out by the switchgear bus or incoming transformer 86 relays.
Noted as applicable As per requirement
(Addition‐5) Loss/reduction of voltage shall be detected by a 27 relay on the line side of each incoming breaker. The setting
shall be 85% of nominal bus voltage and the time delay shall be adjustable from 1 to 10 seconds Noted as applicable As per requirement
I. Accessories (IEC‐60497)
(Exception‐1) Internal low voltage wiring shall be stranded copper conductors only and shall meet the following minimum
I.1 Wiring ‐
Conductors in switchgear manufactured to IEC standards shall be a minimum of 2.5 mm², 90°C, 600 volt, flame retardant,
I.1.1 moisture, and heat resistant thermoplastic insulation conforming to the requirements of IEC 60227. Noted
Each wire shall be identified with heat‐shrinkable or plastic, slip‐on wire markers with permanently printed characters.
I.1.2 Noted
Snap‐on or adhesive type markers are prohibited. All wiring shall be numbered at both ends.
The numbering of the wire markers shall correspond to the numbering of the connection points in the switchgear control
I.1.3 Noted
and protection system's schematic drawings.
I.1.4 Each control circuit shall be easily traceable for inspection checks and modifications. Noted
Wiring shall be attached to inner panels by mechanical attachment hardware. Use of adhesives for supplemental support is
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Compliance Statement (16‐SAMSS‐502)
(Exception‐1) Completely assembled, wired, and adjusted metal‐enclosed low‐voltage switchgear assemblies shall be
tested in order to verify compliance with the requirements of this specification.
(Exception‐2) At the time of delivery, the VENDOR shall furnish the BUYER with a list of standards and specifications to
which the metal‐enclosed low‐voltage switchgear assemblies were tested.
J Tests (IEC 61439‐1 and IEC 60947‐1) (Exceptoin‐3) Routine production tests will be performed on the complete assembly of switchgear and circuit breakers.
(Exception‐4) Design or Type tests shall be provided for the switchgear and circuit breakers. Tests on representative
equipment may be submitted for technical evaluation.
(Exception‐5) Accessory devices, other than functional components, of power circuit breakers and low‐voltage switchgear
assemblies shall be tested in accordance with the VENDOR determined standards.
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