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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Document title: Specification for Painting and Coating of

Oil and Gas Production Facilities

Document ID SP-1246

Document Type Specification

Security Unrestricted

Materials & Corrosion

Owner UEC

Issue Date June 2017

Version 3

Keywords: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of
this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by
any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: June-17

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SP-1246 2 June 2017

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: June-17

i Document Authorisation

SP-1246 2 Jun 2017

Revision: 3.0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: June-17

ii Revision History

The following is a brief summary of the previous revisions to this document.

Version No. Date Author Scope / Remarks

ERD-48-01 Jan 89 ETH/5 Original ERD Document
SP-1246 Ver.0 May 2002 OTT/11 Updated and in new PDO format
SP-1246 Ver.1 July 2003 TTO/11 For issue
SP-1246 Ver.2 April 2010 UEC/121 For issue
SP-1246 Ver.3 June 2017 UEC/1 For issue (this version)

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1.0 Background ........................................................................................................................ 5

2.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Scope.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
3. Glossary of Definitions, Terms and Abbreviations.............................................................. 6
3.1 Standard Definitions ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Special Definitions.......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................. 7
4.0 Technical.............................................................................................................................. 8
4.1 Paint and Coating Materials ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Paint Vendor Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 8
4.1.2VOC Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.3Toxic Hazards ........................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.4Top Coat Colours ...................................................................................................................................... 9
5.0 Paint and Coating Selection Schedules .............................................................................. 10
6.0 Coating Qualification ......................................................................................................... 13
6.1Test requirements and acceptance criteria ....................................................................................................... 13
7.0 Quality Assurance and Control ......................................................................................... 21
7.1Quality System .............................................................................................................................................. 21
7.2Quality Plan ................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.3Control and Inspection ................................................................................................................................... 21
8.0 Coating application Requirements .................................................................................... 22
8.1Surface preparation ........................................................................................................................................ 22
8.1.1Post Blast Cleaning ................................................................................................................................. 22
8.1.2Surface preparation of coated surface....................................................................................................... 23
8.1.3Surface preparation of corroded steel ....................................................................................................... 23
8.1.4Surface preparation of Stainless, Galvanised and non ferrous steel surfaces .............................................. 23
8.2Coating Materials .......................................................................................................................................... 23
8.3 Coating Application ...................................................................................................................................... 24
8.4 Coating Inspection ........................................................................................................................................ 25
9.0 Maintenance of Coating Systems ....................................................................................... 25
9.1Visual inspection of old coating ..................................................................................................................... 26
9.2Mechanical Properties Testing of Old Coating ................................................................................................ 28
9.3Removal of Surface Salt................................................................................................................................. 28
9.4Coating Compatibility .................................................................................................................................... 28
9.5 Selection Guide for Maintenance Painting Schedules ..................................................................................... 33
Appendix A- Cathodic Disbonding Resistance Test ............................................................... 37
10.0 Related Business Control Documents .............................................................................. 38
PDO and DEP Documents .................................................................................................................................. 38
ISO specifications............................................................................................................................................... 38
British specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 39
Other International Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 40

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1.0 Background
This Specification has been prepared for the use of PDO staff and by their Contractors, Inspectors, Painting
Contractors, Equipment Vendors and Paint Vendors as a reference or as a contractual document (as appropriate)
for all painting and coating contracts. This applies to both New Construction and Maintenance as appropriate.
This specification is an update to previous specification of SP -1246 and main changes are listed below:

 This new specification eliminates the five parts in previous specification and all made in one part

 The list of approved vendors in part five in previous issued specification transferred to live link with
some modifications

 Paint and Coating Schedule PCS is slightly changed from previous standard.

 Coating requirements for well casing are included in this specification

2.0 Introduction
2.1 General

This Specification SP-1246 covers the minimum requirements for protective painting and coating systems,
application methods, and inspection for the internal and external surfaces of on shore facilities. The
Specification specifies requirements painting and coating during new construction, modifications and
maintenance of metallic structures and equipment within the oil and gas production facilities.

For carbon steel and stainless steel items with a design life of 10 years or more, which cannot undergo
maintenance painting without shutdown within 10 years maximum interval, thermal spray aluminium (TSA)
coating shall be applied for long term protection against external corrosion and corrosion under insulation
(CUI). Shell DEP shall be used for qualification of TSA coatings.

Nickel based alloys like 825, 625 etc., copper and aluminium alloys, uninsulated austenitic stainless steel below
maximum operating temperature of 60 C and uninsulated Duplex & super duplex stainless steel that operating
below 100 c and 120 C respectively do not require coating.

2.2 Scope
This Specification establishes the minimum requirements of PDO as regards materials performance
requirements to be employed for new construction and maintenance painting and coating of onshore process
facilities. It details the PDO technical and related requirements and it is an update to SP-1246. All the testing
requirements for coating qualification are listed in this specification. The selection of coating should be based
on maximum operating temperature.

This specification is not applicable to buried pipelines except for short distance wadi and road crossings,
internal coatings of tubing/pipes or drill pipes, fusion bonded powder coatings, coatings for buildings,
temporary construction items that are to be removed during the installation phase and to which only a primer
shall be applied, concrete structure and reinforcing steel for concrete structures, where it will be fully embedded
in concrete. For vendor package items with prototype equipment, internal surfaces of pumps & valves, electrical
items, automation and control and equipment requiring special protective treatments, it is responsibility of
vendor to provide equivalent coating system based on relevant international standards and obtain approval from
company material and corrosion engineer TA2 prior to job commencement.

Carbon steel gratings, ladders, handrails, fences, stairways, walkways, cable trays, and other items as specified
by the Project Technical Information shall be hot dip galvanised in accordance with BS EN ISO 1461: covering
hot dip galvanised coatings on iron and steel articles. The minimum coating weight shall comply with the

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values laid down in Table 1 of BS EN ISO 1461: and shall not be less than 610 g/m2. All sealed tubes must have
a small weep-hole to allow hydrogen gas to escape.

Bolts and nuts shall be coated as per SP-2161, DEP, table 11 and DEP
Passive fire coating is covered in DEP and flow coating shall follow DEP External
field joint and rehabilitation coating systems for line pipe is covered in DEP

This document does not specify whether or not items are to be painted. The direction for painting of items will
be given in the materials selection report or other documentation being applied to the work. The selection of
coating system should be based on maximum operating temperature. However, the coating should stand the
surge temperature where it could reach design temperature for short time.

3. Glossary of Definitions, Terms and Abbreviations

3.1 Standard Definitions

Within the context of this specification the following words shall have the meanings stated:

must/shall Indicates a mandatory requirement.

should Indicates a preferred course of action.

may Indicates one acceptable course of action.

API American Petroleum Institute

PDO Petroleum Development Oman.

Company Petroleum Development Oman.

SHOC Safe Handling of Chemicals

Contractor The PDO appointed Contractor for a defined piece of work.

Vendor The supplier of materials or equipment - not necessarily the Manufacturer.

Manufacturer The company responsible for the manufacture - not necessarily the Vendor.

Paint Vendor The supplier of paint and coating materials.

Paint Vendor’s Data sheet, published and maintained by the Paint Vendor, detailing the
Technical Data Sheet properties of the paint/coating materials and the requirements for their
application. These data sheets also state the conditions for surface preparation
prior to application of paint/coating materials and associated acceptance

Paint Vendor’s Health Data sheet, published and maintained by the Paint Vendor, detailing the
and Safety Data Sheet hazardous properties of the paint/coating materials and the health and safety
requirements for their storage, preparation and application.

Painting Contractor An Organization responsible for a defined piece of painting, coating or lining

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3.2 Special Definitions

Term Definition
Abrasive blast The impingement of a high kinetic-energy stream of blast cleaning
cleaning Abrasive onto the surface being prepared

Amplitude Peak to valley height in a steel surface profile, usually after surface preparation.

Atmospheric Zone That part of the structure above the splash zone.

Dew point Temperature of an air-water mixture, at which condensation starts. ie where the
mixture has reached water saturation point.

DFT Dry Film Thickness (thickness of paint film in its dry cured state)

Holidays Pinholes or small defects in a coating film that penetrate through the film to the
underlying substrate.

Micron One thousandth part of a mm ().

Pot Life The length of time a two-pack paint will remain usable, at a given temperature,
after mixing.

Shop Permanent enclosed facility used for painting/coating with temperature and
humidity control.

Site Place of new construction/repair painting and coating works for onshore or
offshore projects. (Approved by PDO).

Surface Profile (Anchor The cross-section of a prepared steel surface. Measured distance from depth of
Pattern) troughs to tops of peaks on the blast cleaned surface. (Amplitude)

WFT Wet Film Thickness (thickness of a wet paint film prior to evaporation of any

ICCP Impressed Current Cathodic Protection

TSA Thermal Spray Aluminium

3.3 Abbreviations

ACGIH American Conference for Government Industrial Hygienists

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

BS British Standard

CFDH Corporate Function Discipline Head

DIN Deutsches Institut Für Normung

ISO International Organisation for Standardisation

ICCP Impressed Current Cathodic Protection

NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers

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TA Technical Authority

TPI Third Party Inspection

UEC CFDH Materials and Corrosion

VOC Volatile Organic Compound

WRC Water Research Council

ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation


4.1 Paint and Coating Materials

4.1.1 Paint Vendor Responsibilities

The Paint Vendor shall submit original test data and test results as performed by an independent testing
laboratory that has either been approved by company or is having accreditation to ISO 17025 (General
requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories ) for the specific testing methods used.
In house testing can be acceptable provided the testing is witnessed by a PDO approved third party inspection
company. Test results, from previous testing programmes provided they are less than 3 years old will be
considered acceptable subject to the coating systems being identical with no changes to any formulations. In the
event of any changes to Paint Vendor’s Technical Data Sheets, product number etc, the related product shall be
subject to the formal approval procedure, by testing of the complete paint/coating system to the requirements of
this specification. Similar products with same generic product but different name due to difference in
geographic locations are acceptable based on manufacturer written confirmation.

The Paint Vendor shall comply with PDO environmental requirements and submit Materials Safety Data Sheets
for each product to PDO. Paint Vendors shall assist PDO Production Chemistry Department in development of
Safe Handling of Chemicals (SHOC) cards for each generic type of paint.

4.1.2VOC Requirements

There are no statutory requirements in Oman for control of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) and PDO uses
the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) publication which covers the
current USA statutory regulations for controlling the exposure levels to paint solvents (VOCs). This publication
lists the maximum exposure limits and occupational exposure standards.

The levels of VOCs that can be admitted to the atmosphere through both the manufacture and application of
paints and associated products shall be in accordance with the above.

Paints and other coatings, specified in this Specification, shall not contain any components that are carcinogenic
or possess high toxicity which can be released during application, in service or during removal.

4.1.3Toxic Hazards

The organic solvents given off from paint products are, to varying degrees, toxic to humans. The vendor shall
submit SHOC for the guidance of personnel in toxicity and treatment of injurious effects of contact with

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The Threshold Limit Values (TLV) refer to levels of substances in the air and represent conditions under which
it is assumed that operators may be repeatedly exposed without suffering adverse affects. The guidelines on
TLV laid out in the ACGIH document adopted by PDO shall be followed.

Since the TLVs for paint solvents are much lower than the safe explosion limit concentrations, it is almost
impractical to ventilate tanks and vessels sufficiently to below the TLV limit for volatile mixtures. Therefore,
paint applicators working in tanks and vessels must wear breathing apparatus when coatings are being applied.

Particular care must be taken when handling and using paints containing heavy metals, eg, lead and precautions
taken to protect against skin contact and fume inhalation.

4.1.4Top Coat Colours

Table 1 shows recommended final colour for equipment and process facilities. If it contradicts with other PDO
specifications, then other specifications should be followed. On plot piping Colour coding is not covered in this
specification and it should follow SP-1166, the technical specification for Identification of On-plot Pipe work.

Table1 Recommended Colours for Oil and Gas Installations

Facility Description Colour BS RAL
Oil and gas installations in the Interior and Government White 00 E 55 9010̽
Gas installations on the Coast, including above-ground
tanks, vessels, piping and structural steel. See also SP-
Bottom strake of oil and water storage tanks Black 00 E 53 9005
Oil installations in Mina al Fahal including above- Camouflage 1019
ground tanks, vessels, piping and structural steel.
Stacks and heat transfer equipment Aluminium 00 A 05 9006
Electrical equipment Light Grey 7035
Instrument panels/cabinets/console Light Grey 7035
Safety markings including handrails Yellow 08 E 51 1021
Pipeline isolating joints Red 3000
Offshore mooring buoys topside steelwork Yellow 08 E 51 1021
Nitrogen Yellow-
Actuator colour:
1. UZVs and blowdown valves Red 1- 3002
2. Control valves Green 2- 6010
3. Pipeline valves Red 3- 3000
Equipment in Fire water system Red 3000

̽ This RAL normally when PCS1 applied. In high temperature where Aluminium is used it is 9006

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5.0 Paint and Coating Selection Schedules

Table 2 summarises the selection of recommended coating systems, identified as PCS-1 to PCS-18, for the
various structures, locations and service conditions. For painting and coating of package items and equipment
coated at Vendors facilities alternatives to those shown below can be used provided they have similar or better
performance capabilities to the approved coating and are endorsed by TA2 material and corrosion engineer. No
alterations or changes may be made to the Paint and coating schedules (PCS) provided in this specification
without prior approval of the Custodian of this Specification. The temperature selection should be based on
maximum operating temperature of the system.

Table 2 Coating Schedules References

Area of Application Coating Reference Note
External coating systems for carbon
steel and low alloy steels
Atmospheric exposure, Epoxy system comprising : primer, mid-coat, Previously
External coating for uninsulated polyurethane topcoat. PCS-1 approved
carbon/low alloy steel structures at ≤ Min DFT 200 microns Coatings before
120oC updating this
standard will be
up to 100C.
Atmospheric exposure, Ambient temperature curing system PCS-2 Previous
approved coating
External coating for uninsulated Inorganic zinc silicate primer, 2 coats of heat will be located in
carbon/low alloy steel structures resistant silicone acrylic top coat. either PCS2 or
> 120 °C to 200 °C PCS3 depends on
Min DFT 150 microns previous
qualification and
data sheet
Atmospheric exposure, Ambient temperature curing system -Previous
Coating types like: PCS-3 approved coating
External coating for uninsulated Inorganic zinc silicate will be located in
carbon/low alloy steel structures Heat resistant aluminium silicone either PCS2 or
Two component metallic pigmented cold spray PCS3 depends on
>200 °C to 450 °C aluminium coating previous
qualification and
Min. DFT 110 microns data sheet.
Or -Manufacturer
TSA responsibility to
250-500 micron ensure curing at
Buried and immersed CS/SS plant piping, Wrap coating PCS-4 -Every coating
road crossing and Wadis Viscoelastic wrapping coating system/product
has its own temp
More than 2mm thickness limitation. This is
shown in AVME
-In case wraping
system is not
possible, liquid
coating of 1000
micron minimum
along with CP
system might be
proposed subject
to approval from
company TA2
material and
Buried and immersed CS/SS plant piping, Solvent free novolac epoxy coating / epoxy PCS-5 Sacrificial anode
road crossing and Wadis phenolic coating CP system is
>95 °C Min. DFT 1000 microns recommended for
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between 90 to
100 C.
Buried and immersed vessels High build / solvent free epoxy/glass flake PCS-6 -This shall be
Up to 100 °C. filled epoxy coating/elastomeric poly-urethane done in
/ cold applied tapes conjunction with
Solvent free novolac epoxy coating / epoxy ICCP.
phenolic coating -TSA coating
recommended if
Min.DFT 500 microns the first
painting cannot
be done without
shutdown before
10 years and for
long term

Internal coating systems for carbon


Tanks, Crude oil storage tanks GRE lining for steel in continuous water phase PCS-7A
≤ 60 °C with min DFT 3000 microns.
Appurtenances & piping to be coated with PCS-

≤ 60 °C Rest of tank; High build solvent free epoxy PCS-7B

Tanks in water/hydrocarbon service where GRE lining is not done

min. DFT 500 microns

≤ 93 °C Glassflake system PCS-8 CP sacrificial

Vessels/tanks in water/hydrocarbon Bisphenol A polyester or vinyl ester glassflake system shall be
service reinforced epoxy applied in
conjunction with
min. DFT 900 microns coating where
there is water
>93 °C Manufacturer’s recommendation and qualified PCS-9
Vessels in hydrocarbon service systems in third party laboratory that have ISO
17025 Accreditation.
Potable Water Tanks/Equipment High build solvent free polyamide cured epoxy PCS-10 With
Min. DFT 325 microns appropriate
health authority
Corrosion protection of under
insulation carbon steel and alloy
steel surfaces

Coating under insulation for Carbon steel Epoxy phenolic coating PCS-11 TSA coating
and alloy steel surface in atmospheric shall be used,
exposure Min. DFT 200 microns if the first
≤ 175 °C or maintenance
Aluminium mastic painting cannot
be done without
Min. DFT 125 microns shutdown before
10 years and for
long term
Coating under insulation for Carbon steel Options available: PCS-12
and alloy steel surface in atmospheric Single component Inert multi polymeric matrix
exposure coating / two component metallic pigmented
>175 °C to 450 °C cold spray Aluminium coating

Min. DFT 150 microns

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Coating under insulation for Carbon steel TSA coating PCS-13

and ally steel for Cyclic temperature
between -20 °C DFT: 250-500 microns
and +200 deg. °C
Coating under insulation for Carbon steel Two component metallic pigmented cold spray PCS-14
and ally steel for Cyclic temperature aluminium coating
>200 °C to 450 °C Min.DFT:150 micron
External coating systems for all Refer to NOTE1
stainless steels un insulated and
Galvanised surfaces [Note1]
Atmospheric exposure Epoxy primer, polyurethane top coat, PCS-15
≤ 120 C Self priming epoxy primer/polyurethane top coat
Min DFT: 200 micron

Atmospheric exposure 2 coats of epoxy phenolic PCS-16

>120 C to 200 C
Min.DFT:200 micron
Atmospheric exposure Single component Inert multi polymeric matrix PCS-17
>200 °C to 450 °C coating
Two component metallic pigmented cold spray
aluminium coating
Min.DFT:150 micron
Buried CS well casing [Note2] High build epoxy coating, PCS 18 -Liquid epoxy
Wrap coating system coating shall be
applied in
conjunction with
-Wrap coating
might not need
ICCP subject to

External coating systems for stainless steels and galvanised items above ground

Threshold maximum operating temperature for TSA coating is shown in below table with the below comments taken into
-Maximum operating temerpature should be used to define the external coating requirements
-for any stainless steel equipment/piping that is not classified as SCE in accordance with PR-1992 with maximum operating
temperature exceeding the above threshold limits, and the failure risk is tolerable and ALARP, then a coating system from below
table PCS15/PCS16 or PCS17 should be selected.
-for any stainless steel equipment/piping classified as SCE with PR-1992 having a maximum operating temperature that exceeds
the above threshold limits shall have TSA applied. In cases it is not possible to apply TSA, Waiving the requirements shall be by
producing a document risk assessment and demonstration of ALARP authorised by technical safety engineer TA2.
- All insulated austenitic SS surfaces shall be coated with TSA
-Galvanised steel to be coated if it is required by Material selection report
Stainless Steel Type Threshold Maximum Operating
316 SS 60 C in desert and 50 C in coastal area
22Cr Duplex 100 C in desert and 80 C in coastal area
25Cr Super Duplex 120 C in desert and 100 C in coastal area
6 Mo 120 C


Well Casing Coating

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- High build liquid epoxy coating shall be applied in conjunction with impressed current cathodic
protectionICCP system

-Wrap coating could be applied as stand alone subject to prior approval from TA2 material and corrosion
engineer. This depends on evaluated life cycle cost LCC

-In many cases ICCP applied as stand alone with out any coating system. This requires much higher current
output for protection compared to coated casing

6.0Coating Qualification
Satisfactory testing performance shall be the basis for the selection of coating systems to meet the requirements as
specified in this specification. To achieve uniformity and reproducibility in testing, all relevant data during the
preparation and testing of the test panels shall be recorded. Any deviation shall be highlighted in the test report.
Coating systems shall only be used if they can be demonstrated to satisfy the technical criteria defined in this section.
A recognized third party laboratory which has ISO 17025 Accreditation for the specific test methods deployed shall
carry out the technical assessment. The Manufacturer shall provide a track record for the coating systems with a
minimum duration of three years in a relevant environment. The Company may specify additional testing to ensure
coating products are suitable for the intended service. Additional testing may not be required for coating systems for
stainless steel if the proposed system has been derived from systems tested on carbon steel panels.
For each product submitted for technical assessment the information required in ISO 20340:2009 Clause 5.4 shall be
provided as a minimum. This is in addition to that given in the MSDS. Also, for coating system submitted for
qualification assessment shall be described as required in ISO 20340:2009 Clause 6.1.
In addition, paint Manufacturers shall confirm in writing that their paint products do not contain amounts of
ingredients such as free chloride that could harm stainless steels or nickel-chromium alloys.

Each paint or coating of proposed system for qualification shall be subjected to an identification test. A fingerprint
test shall be carried out as required in ISO 20340:2009 Clause 5.5and Annex B.

6.1Test requirements and acceptance criteria

Unless otherwise specified in these specifications, at least two (2) out of three (3) panels shall meet the acceptance
criteria. The performance tests shall be carried out on samples coated from paint manufactured in a regular production
batch and not from specially prepared laboratory samples. Test data shall be provided that verifies the composition of
the coatings as detailed on the technical data sheets. Tble3 illustrates test requirements for each system.

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Table 3: Testing requirements for atmospheric exposure PCS1,PCS2,PCS3 [Note3]

Performance Tests Acceptance Criteria Notes
Ageing resistance ISO 20340 (4200 h) < 3 mm (0.1 in) for zinc primed and < 7
mm (0.27 in) for non-zinc primed
coating systems.
Holiday Testing NACE RP0188-99 No defects  General rule: 5 V/1µm DFT
 Holiday testing is not required for
metallic coating system
Resistance to hot service <120 °C. Three No disbonding, flaking, cracking or
Panels are placed in oven at 120 C for conspicuous discolouration
Heat resistance > 120 °C to 600 °C. No flaking, cracking or disbanding. It -Test temperature should be for
Paint manufacturer test report. It can be shall be tested for adhesion and hardness maximum temperature required for
tested as per ISO 3248. (change in Buchholz value) approval.
-200 hrs minimum duration for the
Adhesion (Both virgin and after ageing Before testing- (virgin sample):
exposure) ISO 4624 (pull-off test)  Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) for zinc
Applicable to DFT > 150 µm primed coating systems;
 Minimum 7 MPa (1015 psi) for non zinc
primed coatings for external services;
 Minimum 10 MPa (1450 psi) for internal
tank coatings.

Requirement after ageing testing

 Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) or 70 % of
the initial value.
 Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) for non
zinc primed coatings for external
 Minimum 7 MPa (1015 psi) for
internal tank coatings.

Adhesion (Both virgin and after Before testing- (virgin sample)

testing)ISO 2409 (crosscut)  Class 0
Applicable to DFT < 150 µm and high After testing
temperatures  Minimum. Class 2 or 70 % of the
initial value.
Salt Spray as per ISO 7253. Rusting = 0 Test required is Corrosion testing for
-Test method for disbondment is in ISO Disbonding Maximum 5 mm minimum time of 3000 hrs.
12944-6 and for rusting is ISO 4628 and Overcoatibility minimum 5MPa
for overcoatability ASTM D4541

Finger Print to be done as per ISO Each coating system to be qualified shall
20340:2009, Clause 5.5 and Annex B be subjected to an identification test
main and optional parameters)
Cyclic Exposure as per ISO 11997-2. The following tests are required: This test required for temperature below
Disbonding from X- cut3 as per 120 C only
ISO-12944-6 maximum allowed is 5mm Chalking test is not required for stainless
Rusting, cracking, blistering as per ISO steel
4628 shall be zero
Chalking as per ISO 4628 shall be Test types required:
maximum of 2 Accelerated weathering:
Hardness - Buchholz as per ISO 2815 - 20 cycles over 3000 hrs
shall be 90% of as new - salt spray:70 hrs. system to be tested at
Adhesion as per ISO 4624 shall be of low DFT(75% of the Paint Vendors
minimum 5 MPa recommended nominal DFT).
Overcoatability adhesion as per ISO Alternative acceptance criteria may be
4624 shall be of minimum 5 MPa proposed for systems tested at the Paint
Vendor's recommended nominal DFT.
-Dry in ambient air:16 hrs test
-UV light exposure:80 hrs

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In general PDO requires coating systems to be of medium durability that is 10-15 years life. Coating that are qualified
as per ISO 12944-2 with selected environment classification of C5-I which is designed for industrial areas of high
humidity and aggressive atmosphere can be accepted provided the qualification is conducted in third party laboratory
that has ISO 17025 accreditation. For the facilities which are located within 50 km from the coast, the selected
environment shall be C5-M which is designed for corrosive coastal exposure with aggressive industrial environment.

Testing requirements for Buried structures, pipings, vessels PCS4,PCS5,PCS6,

The required tests for wrap coating system are based on ISO 21809-3 and DEP Some of the tests require
aged samples of the coating system. Aging of the samples must be accomplished in two ways: according to ISO
21809-3 Annex N (dry 100 days at +90C) and according to Shell shrink sleeve document MF95/0290-Rev 1
(immersion in water for 100 days at +90C). All tests on steel pipes will be conducted on carbon steel pipes with
100mm pipe diameter, in three fold.

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Table4:Testing requirements for Buried structures, pipings, vessels PCS4,PCS5,PCS6,

Performance Tests Acceptance Criteria Notes
Ageing resistance ISO 20340 (4200 h) < 3 mm (0.1 in) for zinc primed and < 7
mm (0.27 in) for non-zinc primed
coating systems.
Finger Print to be done as per ISO Each coating system to be qualified shall
20340:2009, Clause 5.5 and Annex B be subjected to an identification test
main and optional parameters)
Holiday Testing NACE RP0188-99. No defects Holiday is conducted at ambient
For wrapping coating apply ISO21809-3 temperature.
Annex B
Adhesion (Both virgin and after testing) Before testing- (virgin sample): For visco elastic system refer to peel
ISO 4624 (pull-off test) Applicable to  Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) for zinc strength test.
DFT > 200 µm primed coating systems;
 Minimum 7 MPa (1015 psi) for non zinc
primed coatings for external services;
 Minimum 10 MPa (1450 psi) for internal
tank coatings.

Requirement after testing

 Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) or 70 % of
the initial value.
 Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) for non
zinc primed coatings for external
 Minimum 7 MPa (1015 psi) for
internal tank coatings.

Salt Spray as per ISO 7253. Rusting = 0 -Test not applicable to wrapping coating
-Test method for disbondment is in ISO Disbonding Maximum 5 mm -Test required is Corrosion testing for
12944-6 and for rusting is ISO 4628 and Overcoatibility minimum 5MPa minimum time of 3000 hrs.
for overcoatability ASTM D4541

Water Vapour Permeability as per At 23C <300 g/m2 -Not applicable to wrapping coating
ASTM D1653. At 50C <1500 g/m2 -test type is wet cup distilled or de
ionised water for 90 days.
Water Absorption At 23C <40 g/m2 -Not applicable to wrapping coating
ASTM D870 At 50C <70 g/m2 -Immersion test for 90 days.
Drip Resistance testing at 23 C and at No dripping of compound This test for visco elastic coating
maximum approved temperature.
Test as per ISO 21809-3
Impact resistance at 23 C and at No holidays at voltage of 15 KV for
maximum approved temperature. wrap coating. For other coating system,
Test as per ISO 21809-3 voltage applied is 5V per 1 µm coating
Indentation resistance by applying -No holiday at 23 and maximum Applicable for wrap coating
pressure of 10 N/mm2 at temperature of approved temperature
23 C and maximum coating approved -Residual thickness ≥0.6 after 5 min.
temperature. measure at 23 and maximum approved
Test as per ISO 21809-3 temperature
Specific electrical insulation resistance. ≥108 Ωm2 Applicable for visco elastic coating
RS100 at 23C.
Test as per ISO 21809-3
Cathodic disbondment resistance at 23C ≤15 mm Maximum CP test is 95 C.
and Maximum approved temperature for
28 days
Testing as per appendix A of this
Self healing effect of 6mm punched hole Self healing after 5 min and 24 hours. Applicable for visco elastic coating
conducted before and after ageing. Residual thickness >0.6mm.
Before ageing at 23C and maximum No holidays at 15 kV after 5 minutes.
approved temperature.
After ageing at -45C,23C and maximum
approved temperature.

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Test as per ISO 21809-3

Peel strength outerwrap tape. -Outer layer to outer layer: Applicable for visco elastic coating
-Outer layer to outer layer tested as 23 C @ 23 C ≥0.2 N/mm
and at maximum approved temperature @Maximum approved temperature
-outer layer to inner layer tested as 23 C ≥0.05 N/mm
and at maximum approved temperature -Outer layer to inner layer:
Test as per ISO 21809-3 @ 23 C ≥0.2 N/mm
@Maximum approved temperature
≥0.05 N/mm

Table5: Internal coating systems for carbon steels tanks and vessels PCS7A/B,PCS8,PCS9,PCS10
Performance Tests Acceptance Criteria Notes
Ageing resistance ISO 20340 (4200 h) < 3 mm (0.1 in) for zinc primed and < 7
mm (0.27 in) for non-zinc primed
coating systems.
Finger Print to be done as per ISO Each coating system to be qualified shall
20340:2009, Clause 5.5 and Annex B be subjected to an identification test
main and optional parameters)
Holiday Testing NACE RP0188-99. No defects General rule: 5 V/1µmDFT

Adhesion (Both virgin and after testing) Before testing- (virgin sample): Holiday is conducted at ambient
ISO 4624 (pull-off test) Applicable to Minimum 10 MPa (1450 psi) temperature.
DFT > 150 µm Requirement after testing
Minimum 7 MPa (1015 psi)
Salt Spray as per ISO 7253. Rusting = 0 Test required is Corrosion testing for
-Test method for disbondment is in ISO Disbonding Maximum 5 mm minimum time of 3000 hrs.
12944-6 and for rusting is ISO 4628 and Overcoatibility minimum 5MPa
for overcoatability ASTM D4541

Water Vapour Permeability as per At 23C <300 g/m2 -test type is wet cup distilled or de
ASTM D1653. At 60C <1500 g/m2 ionised water for 90 days.
Water Absorption At 23C <40 g/m2 -Immersion test for 90 days.
At 60C <70 g/m2
Cathodic disbondment resistance at 23C ≤5 mm Maximum CP test is 95 C.
and Maximum approved temperature for
28 days
Testing as per appendix A of this
Chemical Resistance as per ASTM - X cut <4mm Test should be at maximum approved
C868. - Rusting, cracking, blistering = 0 coating temperature
- X cut test as per ISO-12944-6 - Adhesion wet minimum 10 MPa
- Rusting, cracking, blistering as per Test type:
ISO4628 -Exposure to potable water for 6 month
- Adhesion wet as per ISO4624 -Exposure to saline water of 15% NaCl
at pH4 for 6 months
Depressurisation test -No holiday, blistering, cracking -Applicable to PCS 7B, PCS 8, and PCS
Holiday test as per NACE RP0188-99 -Min. 10 MPa 9
Visual examination as per ISO 4628 -Pressurise at 5 bar/hour and
Blistering as per ISO 4628-2 depressurise at 5 bar/min from 85 bar at
Cracking as per ISO 4628-4 maximum approved coating temp. This
Adhesion ISO as per 4624 done for 60 days, with 4 depressurisation
cycles at 15 day
Heat Resistance -Adhesion >90% of new -Applicable to PCS8, PCS9
-Adhesion MPa as per ISO 4624 - Within ±10% of original -Test temperature should be for
-Hardness Buchholz Indentor as per ISO maximum temperature required for
2815 approval.
-200 hrs minimum duration for the

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Table6: Corrosion protection of under insulation PCS11,PCS12,PCS13,PCS14

Performance Tests Acceptance Criteria Notes
Ageing resistance ISO 20340 (4200 h) < 3 mm (0.1 in) for zinc primed and < 7
mm (0.27 in) for non-zinc primed
coating systems.
Holiday Testing NACE RP0188-99 No defects General rule: 5 V/1µmDFT
Resistance to hot service <175 °C. Three No disbonding, flaking, cracking or Applicable to PCS-11
Panels are placed in oven at 175 C for conspicuous discolouration
Heat resistance > 120 °C to 600 °C. No flaking, cracking or disbonding. -Test temperature should be for
Paint manufacturer test report maximum temperature required for
-200 hrs minimum duration for the
Adhesion (Both virgin and after testing) Before testing- (virgin sample):
ISO 4624 (pull-off test) Applicable to Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) for zinc
DFT > 150 µm primed coating systems;
Minimum 7 MPa (1015 psi) for non zinc
primed coatings for external services;
Minimum 10 MPa (1450 psi) for internal
tank coatings.

Requirement after testing

Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) or 70 % of
the initial value.
Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) for non zinc
primed coatings for external services;
Minimum 7 MPa (1015 psi) for internal
tank coatings.

Adhesion (Both virgin and after Before testing- (virgin sample)

testing)ISO 2409 (crosscut) Class 0
Applicable to DFT < 150 µm and high After testing
temperatures Minimum. Class 2 or 70 % of the initial
Salt Spray as per ISO 7253. Rusting = 0 Test required is Corrosion testing for
-Test method for disbondment is in ISO Disbonding Maximum 5 mm minimum time of 3000 hrs.
12944-6 and for rusting is ISO 4628 and Overcoatibility minimum 5MPa
for overcoatability ASTM D4541

Finger Print to be done as per ISO Each coating system to be qualified shall
20340:2009, Clause 5.5 and Annex B be subjected to an identification test
main and optional parameters)
Hot/wet cycling in accordance with Rust creepage: < 3.5 mm (0.14 in)

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Table7: Test requirements for External coating systems for all stainless steels un insulated and Galvanised
surfaces, PCS15,PCS16,PCS17. The qualification of TSA coating shall be as per DEP
Performance Tests Acceptance Criteria Notes
Ageing resistance ISO 20340 (4200 h) < 3 mm (0.1 in) for zinc primed and < 7
mm (0.27 in) for non-zinc primed
coating systems.
Holiday Testing NACE RP0188-99 No defects General rule: 5 V/1µmDFT
Resistance to hot service <120 °C. Three No disbonding, flaking, cracking or Applicable to PCS-14
Panels are placed in oven at 120 C for conspicuous discolouration
Heat resistance > 120 °C to 600 °C. No flaking, cracking or disbonding. -Test temperature should be for
Paint manufacturer test report maximum temperature required for
-200 hrs minimum duration for the
Adhesion (Both virgin and after testing) Before testing- (virgin sample):
ISO 4624 (pull-off test) Applicable to  Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) for zinc
DFT > 150 µm primed coating systems;
 Minimum 7 MPa (1015 psi) for non zinc
primed coatings for external services;

Requirement after testing

 Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) or 70 % of
the initial value.
 Minimum 5 MPa (725 psi) for non
zinc primed coatings for external

Adhesion (Both virgin and after Before testing- (virgin sample)

testing)ISO 2409 (crosscut)  Class 0
Applicable to DFT < 150 µm and high After testing
temperatures  Minimum. Class 2 or 70 % of the
initial value.
Salt Spray as per ISO 7253. Rusting = 0 Test required is Corrosion testing for
-Test method for disbondment is in ISO Disbonding Maximum 5 mm minimum time of 3000 hrs.
12944-6 and for rusting is ISO 4628 and Overcoatibility minimum 5MPa
for overcoatability ASTM D4541

Finger Print to be done as per ISO Each coating system to be qualified shall
20340:2009, Clause 5.5 and Annex B be subjected to an identification test
main and optional parameters)
Cyclic Exposure as per ISO 11997-2. The following tests are required: Applicable to PCS 14
Disbonding from X- cut3 as per This test required for temperature below
ISO-12944-6 maximum allowed is 5mm 120 C only
Rusting, cracking, blistering as per ISO Chalking test is not required for stainless
4628 shall be zero steel
Hardness - Buchholz as per ISO 2815
shall be 90% of as new Test types required:
Adhesion as per ISO 4624 shall be of Accelerated weathering:
minimum 5 MPa - 20 cycles over 3000 hrs
Overcoatability adhesion as per ISO - salt spray:70 hrs. system to be tested at
4624 shall be of minimum 5 MPa low DFT(75% of the Paint Vendors
recommended nominal DFT).
Alternative acceptance criteria may be
proposed for systems tested at the Paint
Vendor's recommended nominal DFT.
-Dry in ambient air:16 hrs test
-UV light exposure:80 hrs

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Table 8: Testing requirement for well casing coating PCS18

Performance Tests Acceptance Criteria Notes

Ageing resistance ISO 20340 (4200 h) < 3 mm (0.1 in) for zinc primed and < 7
mm (0.27 in) for non-zinc primed
coating systems.
Finger Print to be done as per ISO Each coating system to be qualified shall
20340:2009, Clause 5.5 and Annex B be subjected to an identification test
main and optional parameters)
Holiday Testing NACE RP0188-99. No defects Holiday is conducted at ambient
For wrapping coating apply ISO21809-3 temperature.
Annex B
Adhesion (Both virgin and after testing) Before testing- (virgin sample): For wrap coating system refer to peel
ISO 4624 (pull-off test) Minimum 10MPa (725 psi) strength test.
Requirement after testing
Minimum 7 MPa or 70 % of the initial
Peel strength outerwrap tape. -Outer layer to outer layer:
-Outer layer to outer layer tested as 23 C @ 23 C ≥0.2 N/mm
and at maximum approved temperature @Maximum approved temperature
-outer layer to inner layer tested as 23 C ≥0.05 N/mm
and at maximum approved temperature -Outer layer to inner layer:
Test as per ISO 21809-3 @ 23 C ≥0.2 N/mm
@Maximum approved temperature
≥0.05 N/mm

Water Vapour Permeability as per At 23C <300 g/m2 -Not applicable to wrapping coating
ASTM D1653. At 50C <1500 g/m2 -test type is wet cup distilled or de
ionised water for 90 days.
Water Absorption At 23C <40 g/m2 -Not applicable to wrapping coating
ASTM D870 At 50C <70 g/m2 -Immersion test for 90 days.
Abrasion Resistance Weight Loss
ASTM D4060-14 < 114 mg
Wheel: CS-17
Weight: 1 kg
Number of Cycles: 1000
Impact resistance at 23 C and at No holidays at voltage of 15 KV for
maximum approved temperature. wrap coating. For other coating system,
Test as per ISO 21809-3 voltage applied is 5V per 1 µm coating
Indentation resistance by applying -No holiday at 23 and maximum Applicable for wrap coating
pressure of 10 N/mm2 at temperature of approved temperature
23 C and maximum coating approved -Residual thickness ≥0.6 after 5 min.
temperature. measure at 23 and maximum approved
Test as per ISO 21809-3 temperature
Hot Water Resistance Pull-off Adhesion Strength
ASTM D870, Modified > 5 MPa
Temperature: 85°C/185°F
Test Media: Demineralized Water
Duration: 48 hours
Cathodic disbondment resistance at 23C ≤15 mm Maximum CP test is 95 C.
and Maximum approved temperature for
28 days
Testing as per appendix A of this

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7.0Quality Assurance and Control

7.1Quality System

The Paint Vendor shall operate a Quality System in line with recognised PDO standards and in general
accordance with ISO-9002. The Contractor is fully responsible for all Quality Assurance and Control activities.
PDO reserves the right to audit the Paint Vendors manufacturing facilities.

7.2Quality Plan

Before commencing any work, a project-specific quality plan shall be submitted for approval. This plan shall
include at least:

a. Work plan and method statement(s) covering the various activities;

b. Detailed scope of the work shall include each item or area, the required surface preparation and proposed
coating system;

c. Full details for the blast and paint equipment, including dehumidification, temperature, any other
environmental control measures, methods of access, etc.;

d. Details of the personnel involved in the work together with a clear definition of their responsibilities and lines
of communication;

e. Detailed procedures, plans for testing and inspection including the methods, equipment, frequency of their
application and acceptance criteria.

f. Dew point determination table;

g. Description of Inspection and Measuring Test Equipments (IMTE) and calibration methods for the required
inspection equipment;

h. Competency and Qualification of personnel.

i. Availability of related standards and system of ensuring update on those standards, e.g. membership with
those institutions

7.3Control and Inspection

Coating Applicator shall submit an Inspection Test Plan (ITP) and Method Statement for approval by PDO prior
to commencing the job. The method statement should cover at least the following items:

 Details and sequence of working activities

 Application details as given by Coating Vendor and inline with data sheets and coating
performance qualification
 Contractor’s responsibilities
 Roles and responsibilities of key personnel such as supervisors and inspectors
 Quality control measures
 Compliance with HSE requirements

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PDO nominated inspector will carry out coating inspection as per approved ITP and PDO shall have the right to
witness and inspect all aspects of the coating operation from acceptance of the raw materials to final close-out
inspection at the conclusion of the works.

8.0Coating application Requirements

This section covers the minimum requirements for coating material, surface preparation, application and
inspection of new construction and maintenance coating systems on steel structures for PDO oil and gas
production/processing facilities and related utilities.

8.1Surface preparation
Surface preparation shall be carried out in accordance with the following standards ISO-8501,ISO 8502, ISO-
8503 and ISO-8504.

Prior to blast cleaning, Grease, oil, etc, shall be removed by means of solvent cleaning or by high-pressure water
jetting or steam cleaning with, where necessary, a biodegradable alkaline cleaning agent. The cleaned surface
shall be rinsed with clean fresh water and allowed to dry. Rags shall not be used for drying. Excessive rust scale
may need to be removed using power cleaning tools. To prevent damage during blast cleaning, sensitive
components such as valve stems, gauges, nameplates, areas to be welded, etc, shall be protected by masking
with adhesive tape. Such items and areas shall remain protected until the painting is completed.

All blasting equipment shall comply with company safety requirements and Blasting cleaning and spray
painting equipment shall be continuously bonded from nozzle to compressor which shall be earthed and
conductive hoses used to prevent build-up of static electricity. The blasting operator’s hood or headgear shall be
ventilated by clean cool air served through a regulator/ filter to prevent blasting residues from being inhaled by
the operator.

Compressed air supply used for blasting shall be free from water and oil. Adequate dryers, separators and traps
shall be provided and these shall be kept emptied of water and oil. Accumulations of water and oil shall be
removed from the air receiver by regular purging.

Abrasives that may be used in blast cleaning are specified in ISO 11126 parts 1-10 and ISO 8504-2.

Surface preparation shall not be undertaken when:

- Surface temperatures below 5oC

- Surface temperature is less than 3oC above dew point of the surrounding air
- The relative humidity of the air is greater than 85%
- Outside day light hours on external surfaces.
PDO may authorise surface preparation outside daylight hours, but the Contractor must receive approval from
the company prior commencing the job.

Mill scale, rust, corrosion products, paint or any other foreign matter shall be removed by blast cleaning to the
grades specified is ISO 8501-1 with minimum allowed of SA 2.5. The degree of surface roughness or peak-to-
valley height after blast cleaning shall be as per qualified paint coating manufacturer recommendation. In
general, a surface roughness in the range of 30 to 75 microns is usually required for coating systems with a
maximum DFT of 400 microns. For DFTs greater than 400 microns, the surface roughness should be 75-100

8.1.1Post Blast Cleaning

A dry abrasive blast cleaned surface shall be brushed with clean brushes made of hair, bristle or fibre, blown off
with compressed air (free from oil and water) or vacuum cleaned to remove all traces of blast-cleaned products

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from the surface or from pockets and corners. Surface cleanliness shall be in accordance with ISO 8502-3 and
other relevant sections of ISO 8502 as required by coating application procedure. Soluble salts shall be
measured as per ISO 8502-6/9 and maximum allowed chloride 40 mg/l. Maximum interval time between blast
cleaning and coating application is 4 hours. Coating manufacturer recommendation shall be followed for this. In
case of the time allowed exceeded, surface shall be checked for flash rusting prior to paint application and
sweep blasting shall be applied prior to coating application.

8.1.2Surface preparation of coated surface

Coating manufacturer shall be consulted if it is required to overcoat the already coated surface. In general,
Coated surfaces that are to be overcoated shall be cleaned of contaminants and rinsed in fresh water and allowed
to dry before overcoating. All defective coatings shall be removed by scraping, sand discing or sweep blasting
back to sound coating in general accordance with the requirements of ISO-8501-2. Any surface gloss shall be
made matt using abrasive paper, light discing or sweep blasting. At areas for spot repair, a 25mm margin of the
existing coating shall be prepared and the interface feathered to a fine edge taking care not to damage the
undercoat. For pipeline repair the interface shall be feathered and the area shall extend to 150mm.

8.1.3Surface preparation of corroded steel

Methods for cleaning old corroded steel will depend on the nature of the surface. If the surface is hot rolled, it is
likely to be covered with a tenacious layer of millscale which, if left, will lead to pitting corrosion. The only
effective way to remove it is by grit blasting.

Loose rust, millscale, and other corrosion deposits can be removed from corroded cold rolled steel by the aid of
hand brushing, scraping, chipping and other hand impact methods. Layered and stratified rust scale can be
removed by chipping and hammering. Final grit blasting will be needed to achieve a surface suitable for
subsequent paint application on completion of the removal of corrosion products.

For tanks and vessels that are to be lined for the first time after some time in service, care must be taken to
remove all rust scales contaminated with soluble salts. The equipment must be initially thoroughly washed with
fresh water or with water abrasive blasting. Heavily pitted surfaces shall require steam cleaning to remove
deeply embedded more adherent contaminants. Tests shall be carried out to confirm the degree of cleanliness
and full details included in the Method Statement.

8.1.4Surface preparation of Stainless, Galvanised and non ferrous steel surfaces

Require thorough degreasing by solvent cleaning to ISO-8501 or by high-pressure water jetting after applying a
biodegradable detergent, rinse with fresh water. The surface may be prepared for coating application by keying
the surface by hand or power methods or by light blast cleaning using suitable abrasives.

Stainless steel surfaces shall not be treated or comes in contact with carbon steel cleaning tools.

Zinc salts shall be removed from galvanised surfaces by jetting with fresh water and suitable solvent followed
by scrubbing with stiff bristle brushes or by sand papering.

Areas of damaged galvanising shall be lightly power tool cleaned to ISO 8504-3 St 3 in preparation for treating
with an approved zinc-rich epoxy primer. Larger areas shall be blast cleaned to ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½.

8.2Coating Materials
The purchaser shall use approved paint, coating and lining materials for each project. Uniformity of supply is
recommended for coating material specified in a particular painting schedule or those intended for application to
a group of similar surfaces in the same project.

Paints shall be supplied in the original undamaged manufacturer’s containers, complete with product references,
batch numbers and expiry of shelf life clearly shown. Except for specific sampling that may be taken for
testing/inspection, the containers shall remain unopened until required for use.

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The paint consignment shall be examined upon receipt to verify that containers are correctly labelled and that
paperwork, confirming product composition and traceability, application method and health and safety
information, is correct. Each container must have its own clear, securely fixed label that must contain the
following information, legibly printed in English:

 coating name
 coating description
 contents name and identification code
 colour reference
 batch number
 batch manufacture date
 shelf life expiry date
 manufacturer’s name and recognised trade mark
 basic information and instruction for:
- flammability and fire protection
- ventilation and personnel protection requirements
- spillage and skin contact

Each delivery of paint shall be supplied with a minimum of 4 copies of:

- coating data sheet
- application instructions
- material safety data sheets
- PDO SHOC cards

Paint that has exceeded its marked shelf life shall not be used. Additionally, paint shall not be used if it has
thickened to such extent that more than 5% by part (10% by part for primers) of the correct thinners is required
to bring it to application consistency. Any damaged containers and containers with loose fitting lids shall not be

The oldest paint in stock shall be drawn first to ensure correct stock rotation.

Coating preparation and mixing shall be done as per approved procedure by company and it should be in line
with manufacturer recommendation.

8.3 Coating Application

Approved coating procedure and ITP shall be ready with approved status prior to coating application activities.
Only company approved coating shall be used. Exceptional is made in section 1.1. The approved procedure
shall be in line with coating manufacturer recommended procedure. Coating application shall not be done under
the following environmental conditions:

- High wind speeds (greater than 15 knots)

- In the presence of airborne dust or sand
- Rain, fog, mist or when there is free moisture on the prepared surface
- Steel temperature less than 5oC
- Steel substrate temperature greater than the maximum allowable application temperature as
specified in vendors data sheets.
- Steel temperature less than 3oC above dewpoint of the surrounding air or relative humidity greater
than 85%
- Air temperature less than 5oC
- In conditions of insufficient lighting where available light is <500 lux
- Where there is a likelihood that weather conditions will change within 2 hours such that the above
conditions apply.

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PDO shall reserve the right to stop the work when such conditions prevail or when rain is imminent.

Extra coats of paint shall be applied to certain areas and features to achieve adequate thickness where the
structure shape or restricted access may result in thinly applied coating. Such areas include:

- edges of plate or flanges

- section ends
- fasteners, bolts and studs
- weld areas
- irregular or heavily pitted areas.

Where painting is carried out in enclosed spaces, adequate ventilation shall be provided. The capacity of the
ventilation shall be sufficient to keep the concentration of solvent vapour in the air below 10% of the lower
explosion limit at all areas within the workspace. Requirements for the threshold limit values for chemical
substances and Physical Agents are referenced in ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists). The Contractor shall prepare a Method Statement explaining clearly how they will provide
adequate ventilation and how he will monitor it during the blasting and coating operations.

8.4 Coating Inspection

Table 10 lists coating inspection requirement with testing method and testing equipment for applied coating
system. This include dry film thickness measurements, appearance, degree of cure, adhesion, holiday testing etc.

9.0 Maintenance of Coating Systems

This section is intended to facilitate the maintenance of coated steel structures such as tanks, vessels, pipelines
etc. and specify the minimum requirement for maintenance in PDO oil and gas facilities. Regular inspection and
timely maintenance of existing coatings generally proves attractive by saving unnecessary costs for total
removal of existing coating and enabling relatively sound old coatings to continue to usefully contribute to the
further protection of the structure. It is therefore advisable to have maintenance carried out as soon as the first
signs of serious degradation become apparent, such as chalking, cracking, flaking, rust spotting etc.

The proposed maintenance system shall be approved by PDO responsible engineer.

The repair and rehabilitation of existing protective coatings comprises two types of activity large scale or local
coating repair. Large-scale maintenance required for extensive breakdown of the existing protective system and
where localised repairs are not economically justified. In this case the structure will need to be treated in line
with the requirements for new construction. Local coating repair to correct premature deterioration through
ageing and corrosion processes.

Equipment and structure, identified for coating inspection, shall be cleaned to a standard sufficient for the
effective inspection of the coated surface. Cleaning may be performed using fresh water, detergents, light
scraping or sweep blasting. For buried pipelines the results from the DCVG survey can be used to identify the
areas that require coating repair. This may also need to be carried out at dig sites used to verify the internal
condition of the pipeline.

To determine the correct course of action, it is necessary to establish:

- the nature and extent of coating deterioration by assessing the condition of the existing coating
- the appropriate maintenance coating system

This can be done by visual assessment in accordance with ISO-4628 and then by applying the appropriate
maintenance coating system depending on the level of deterioration determined from the visual assessment. If
required, the old coating system can be further inspected and the mechanical properties of the coating determined.
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This particularly applies to old coatings that have been in immersion service inside tanks and vessels where a full
inspection is required.

9.1Visual inspection of old coating

Visual inspection gives a first indication of the condition of the old coating and will provide information as to
whether application of a maintenance coating is technically feasible and economically viable.

Below summarises the visual observations that may indicate the initial stages of coating breakdown. Such
warning signs include:

 general rust formation,

 local rust attack resulting from mechanical damage, typically of edges, in crevices and
corners, at weld seams and in corrosion traps,
 local rust spots on films that are too thin or porous,
 rust creep from damaged areas,
 rust staining on adjacent equipment/structures,
 flaking of the substrate or between coats,
 blistering,
 cracking of the paint film

Table 9, gives guidance for the assessment and classification of the surface condition of existing coating
systems categorised from the initial visual appearance of coating defects.

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Table9:Summary of External Coating Defects - Visual Inspection, Likely Causes and Maintenance
Type of Defect Visual Likely Causes Maintenance Action Maintenance Surface Preparation Repair Extent
Standard Consequences

Contaminated old Exposure to contaminants, Remove deposits, dust, grease, Application of appropriate Thorough bristle brush scrubbing
coating infrequent cleaning. oil, salts algae etc. coatings after surface cleaning with detergents, fresh water wash
Chalking and film ISO 4628-6 Corrosion, atmospheric attack Remove deposits, contaminants Application of appropriate Thorough bristle brush scrubbing
thickness reduction coatings after surface cleaning with detergents, fresh water wash
Reinstate DFT
Rust spots ISO 4628-3 Salt contamination Check presence, wash with Local coating repair for Depending on future exposure, Ri 3 and below – spot
fresh water damaged areas up to 10% total power tool clean to St 3 or grit repair
Pinholes, porous film or damages Feather edges of damages blast to Sa 2 or 2½
Deterioration (by stresses) Thoroughly abrade Ri 4 and below – spot
Mill scale or remnants or rust Abrade/blast clean mill scaled repair and full top coat
or rusty areas over repair area
Grit inclusions Remove by chipping/abrading
Pitting Grind out and fill pits Above Ri 4 – total recoat
Insufficient dry film thickness Reinstate DFT
Blistering ISO 4628-2 Soluble salts present under or Check presence, wash with Repair possible after removal Remove blistered coating and Repair areas:
between coats fresh water of blisters and surrounding damaged coating using strippers, External
Cathodic over protection Adjust CP, select resistant damaged coating scrapers, grinders. Prepare < Ri3 – spot repair
system surface by wire brushing or <Ri 4 – total area repair
Contaminants, grease present Check, clean, degrease sweep blasting and full top coat over
High temperature or thermal Confirm coating heat repair area
gradient resistance, insulate
Contact with chemicals, solvents, Protect coating, select resistant
water condensation coating
Solvent retention in coating Use correct DFT and/or
overcoating times
Cracking, checking ISO 4628-4 Hard coating on top of a soft Check underlying material Indicate stress and brittleness Remove cracked coating using Repair only where cracks
and flaking ISO 4628-5 coating (checking) Abrade checked paint and strippers, scrapers, grinders. are fine and localised.
change paint system Prepare surface by wire brushing If widespread or paint is
Change paint system or sweep blasting flaking – total area repair
Dried or brittle oil-based top coat and full top coat over
(cracking / flaking). repair area
Detached/disbonded Coating lifting at corners, edges, Improve surface design, Usually restricted to small local Remove wrinkled or detached Ri 3 and below – spot
coating angles, weld seams etc. smooth out sharp edges/corners areas. Total re-coat only coating using strippers, scrapers. repair
Intercoat contamination or Check specification, change required where disbondment is Abrade or blast clean to required
incompatibility paint system extensive cleanliness Ri 4 and below – spot
Cathodic over protection Adjust CP, change paint system repair and full top coat
Internal stresses due to excessive Check total DFT over repair area
thickness or temperature changes
Above Ri 4 – total recoat

SP-1246 27 Jun 2017

9.2Mechanical Properties Testing of Old Coating
Following the visual testing, the mechanical properties of the old coating and the condition of the steel surface
underneath should be tested for presence of contaminants that might compromise the integrity of the coating.
Many tests are required to verify the coating integrity such as coating thickness, adhesion, embrittlement, under
coating rusting, etc. More details are discussed in this section.

The exiting coating thickness needs to be verified by one of the following methods:

 Magnetic DFT gauges

 Electromagnetic gauges
 Eddy current gauges

If the DFT of coating system is less than 150 micron from original requirements, then this coating is no longer
sufficiently protective. If the coating is very thick, possibly from application of previous maintenance coatings,
(>300microns), stresses within the coating will be expected. If extensive cracking and flaking occur, the old
coating should be completely removed and a new coating system applied. If the coating system has been in
place for >20 years it should be completely replaced.

Adhesion including intercoat of the old coating can be tested by applying 450 cross-cut test method in
accordance with ASTM D3359 method A, using adhesive tape to remove cut coating. If result is less than 3A
then maintenance work can proceed. If the value is greater than 3A the adhesion is no longer sufficient and
complete removal of the old coating is required.The intercoat adhesion is insufficient if parts of the layers can
be easily separated from each other or if the edges break off during scraping. The maintenance coating shall
only be applied after the loose layers have been removed.

Old coating embrittlement is evaluated by applying Chip test. A strip, as long as practicable, is cut from the
coating by using an angled-knife or blade. The shorter strips is an indication of higher embrittlement. In the
case of brittle and very hard top coats over soft priming coats (tension differential), a complete removal of the
old coating is required.

Under rusting or insufficient surface preparation can be checked by removing an area of 25 cm2 of old coating
with paint scraper. The remains of millscale or the absence of a blast pattern indicate insufficient surface
preparation prior to applying the primer. In both cases, the old coating should be completely removed and the
surface carefully prepared before a complete new coating is applied.

Visual inspection is conducted to evaluate if there is any coating defects in tanks or vessel. Any blistering,
staining, presence of voids and disbondment will require coating repair or full coating removal.

9.3Removal of Surface Salt

Presence of soluble salts in defected coating can be detected by moistening the steel surface and pressing a filter
paper impregnated with a 5% potassium ferrocyanide solution onto the almost dry area. If ferrous salts are
present, these will show up as blue spots on the filter paper. If this is found then a more accurate determination
using the Bressle test method must be used. Salt removal from damaged or rusted areas can be done by
thoroughly wash down the surface before and after surface preparation. In the case of heavily pitted steel, steam
cleaning is required to ensure removal of deeper, more adherent contaminants. Test residues for soluble salts
using the Bressle test method.

9.4Coating Compatibility
For local spot repair and rehabilitation, the selected maintenance coatings systems shall be either same as the
original or shall be fully compatible with the existing system.

To decide whether a certain system is suitable for maintenance of an old system, the Contractor and Coating
Vendor shall ensure that all maintenance coatings are compatible with the existing coating system. The old
coating shall not adversely react to solvents and resins of the new applied coating.

The Contractor shall conduct sufficient testing on small areas and removed samples of the existing coating to
prove the compatibility of the Vendor’s proposed maintenance coating. If the structure in question is large and
subject to different degrees of exposure, several such tests should be carried out to ensure total representation.
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The interval between the application and the evaluation of such tests should be long enough for the actual
exposure to take effect and also allow the coat of paint to dry thoroughly.

Existing coatings may be overcoated to achieve the following:

- increase film thickness

- provide an impervious coat
- improve corrosion resistance
- provide fouling resistance
- renew the gloss
- change topcoat colour

In all applications, approval from coating manufacturer and approved application procedure by PDO material
and corrosion engineer shall be obtained before commence the job.

SP-1246 29 Jun 2017

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Table10:Inspection and Testing Summary During Production / Repair

Work Stage Assessment Assessment Method Test Equipment Remarks
Safety Procedures
PDO HSE rules Observation Visual, documentation, Method
Visual, documentation, Method
Working Statement
Equipment safety checks Replace faulty or unsafe to work
Equipment with equipment
Check VOC and air flow rate Adhere to data sheet and company
Ventilation regulations
Observation Visual Ensure all protection in place
Adhere to PDO HSE requirements.
Adjacent Isolate work area. Remove vehicles
structures/ to safe area
Raw Materials
Paint Conformance to Visual, documentation, Flow cup type B No. 4
specification viscosity check to ISO 2431.
Packaging, labelling, shelf life,
Conformance to Documentation, Standard Wire Sieves Reject if wetted by salt water, rain or
Abrasives specification, physical/chemical analysis, condensation or moisture content too
cleanliness, particle size distribution to ISO high.
particle size. 11125-2 Reject any work blasted with wet
ISO-8504-2 abrasive
Climatic Conditions
Weather Monitor climatic Observe and measure variables Monitor RH, Temp, wind speed,
conditions dust, rain, etc.
Air temperature Measurement Monitor air temperature Digital Thermometer Should not be done if Temp below 5
Surface Monitor surface temperature Contact Thermometer 3 C above dew point
temperature Steel temp more than 5C
Monitor humidity to ISO 8502- Whirling/Sling or RH shall be less than 85%
Humidity 4 Psycro-Dyne
Dew point Measure directly or calculate Direct reading digital Steel temperature more than 3 C
Dewmeter, above dewpoint of the surrounding
Lighting Measure >500 lux
Surface Preparation
Conformance to Observe and confirm
Personnel HSE regulations conformance
Observe and confirm
Equipment conformance
Monitor all As above As above
Climatic variables as above
Size of enclosure. Monitor dust levels. Measure
Ventilation for Capacity of air air part flow. Stop work if dust

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moving levels become excessive .

enclosed spaces equipment.

Work Stage Assessment Assessment Method Test Equipment Remarks

Surface Observation Visually examine and compare Inspection Mirrors. Reject surface having large
cleanliness with relevant parts of ISO Illuminated Magnifier. embedded particles that cannot be
8502 Pictorial Standards removed. Tightly adherent fine
‘Sellotape’ test –ISO- particles are acceptable.
8502-3 Minimum acceptance is Sa 2½
Soluble salts Chemical analysis Bresle Method to ISO 8502-6 Bessle Sampler, Maximum allowed for new internal
Test papers ‘Quantab’ Indicator tanks/vessels is 40 mg/m2.and for
Papers maintenance is 60 mg/m2.

Surface profile Observation, Visually examine, compare Surface Comparator, As per data sheet and approved
comparison with standards to ISO 8503 Keane-Tator, Rugotest procedure
Anchor pattern Observation, Measure record values to Digital /Mechanical As per data sheet and approved
measurement ASTM Profile Gauges procedure
D 4417
Surface Replication Surface replica to ASTM Textex Tape and As per data sheet and approved
roughness D4417 Micrometer procedure
Coating Application
Climatic Monitor all As above As above The dust level on the blast-cleaned
conditions variables as above surface at the time of coating shall
not exceed quantity rating 2 and
class 1 in accordance with ISO 8502-

Size of enclosure. Check LEL, TLV or MAC Product

Ventilation for Capacity of air values. Monitor vapour documentation.
moving concentrations. Measure air Explosimeter
enclosed spaces equipment. part flow. Personal Air
Control vapour to 10% of Sampling.
For some paints having mixed
solvents, it is difficult to
ventilate to below the TLV.
Applicators working in tanks
and vessel must wear breathing
Application of Visual Inspector to check The paint system applied should
Coatings conformance with datasheets have the correct shade, degree of
gloss and evenness and be free from
tackiness after drying/curing and free
from cracks, holidays, runs, sags,
wrinkles, brush or roller marks or
other defects that may deleterious to
the quality of the coating. Finishing
coats shall be even in colour and

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Work Stage Assessment Assessment Method Test Equipment Remarks

Wet Film Measurement Use gauges in accordance with Wet Film Comb. Wet
Thickness ISO 2808 Method 7 A/B. Spot Film Wheel
check during application to
ensure specified film thickness
is being maintained
Dry Film Measurement Use gauges in accordance with Magnetic and Apply80-20 Rule for external: This
Thickness ISO 2808 Method 6 Electromagnetic and rule suggests that:
Eddy Current Gauges -the measured thickness must not be
less than 80% of the specified DFT
-a maximum of 20% of the total area
painted may be below the specified
For internal apply 90-10 rule.
Destructive test using special ‘PIG’ Paint Inspection
inspection instruments Gauge
General Observation Visual inspection Optical magnifier
Degree of cure Observation Solvent swabbing. Appropriate solvent
Rubbing for 1 min. should not
soften coating to fingernail
Pull Off Pull-off tests to ISO 4624 Mechanical and Acceptance as per data sheet and
Adhesion Measurement for Hydraulic Adhesion approved procedure. It shall not be
New Coating Testers less than 5 MPA. It should be carried
Systems out as per following frequency:
-for external repair is 1 per 100 m2
-for internal repair is 1 per 10 m2
45 oCross cut test Cross-cut and peel tests to 45 o Cross cut test
Film integrity/ Conductivity Holiday Testing to High Voltage Spark -No holidays allowed
porosity NACE RP0188-99 Tester.
5V per 1μ coating

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9.5 Selection Guide for Maintenance Painting Schedules

This Section gives maintenance painting schedules (MPS) for the spot repair and renovation of existing
protective coating systems on carbon and low alloy steels where verifying degrees of rusting have occurred.
Where the need for refurbishment has been identified, i.e. rust spotting to Ri 4 and above for external and Ri 3
for internal, then it will be necessary to remove what remains of the existing system and re-coat as required in
this Specification for new construction.

The following factors will need to be considered when selecting a maintenance coating:

- compatibility with existing coating system

- anticipated operating temperature
- adhesion to substrate
- anticipated period before next maintenance
- remaining useful life of equipment/structure

The options for maintenance repair of coatings used to protect tank and vessel internals and buried structures
will largely be governed more by economic and logistic factors than by the need to restore corrosion protection.
Spot repair and renovation of these surfaces, in preference to total refurbishment, is rarely justified when
considered in relation to the costs associated with:

- selective decommissioning and isolating equipment,

- expected production losses during shutdown,
- preparing equipment for inspection and maintenance,
- excavation of pipelines, piping and equipment,
- recommissioning and reinstatement.

The repair/renovation options may be justified when:

- damage is restricted to clearly specific areas, ie weld seams, nozzle fittings, areas of
mechanical damage,
- the bulk of the existing coating is sound,
- anticipated high costs of coating removal, surface preparation and coating application,
- limited tolerable equipment outage and shutdown periods,
- complimentary mitigation measures of cathodic protection and inhibitor treatment are still
- Imminent future major shutdown of equipment.

Experience has shown that for buried structures, such as piping, flowlines and vessels, where best
performance is required, coating maintenance will generally require the existing coating be to completely
removed, the substrate properly derusted and prepared and a new coating applied. Even for local areas, such
as welds, where coatings may prematurely break down, spot repair and renovation are not recommended.
For these reasons, total coating refurbishment provides the only viable maintenance options. Coating
rehabilitation will be as for new construction. Tables 11 and 12 recommend the appropriate maintenance
coating for the repair/renovation of an existing paint system.

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Table 11: Selection for Maintenance Coating Schedules

Designated Use Existing Surface Maintenance
Coating/ Condition Schedule
Maintenance coating for epoxy and polyurethane systems for PCS1 Ri 3 MPS-1
above ground equipment and structural steelwork for Ri 4 MPS-2
temperatures up to 120C
Maintenance coating for zinc silicate/Aluminium silicone PCS2 Ri 3/4 MPS-3
systems for above ground structures at 120-450C PCS3
Maintenance coating for aluminium mastic systems for steel PCS11 Ri 3/4 MPS-11
structures under insulation at below ambient up to 175C
Maintenance of internal glass fibre reinforced epoxy linings PCS 7A/7B Ri 2/3 MPS-7
for tanks/vessels in corrosive service up to 60C
Maintenance of internal epoxy coatings for tanks/vessels in PCS 7A/7B Ri 2/3 MPS-8
corrosive service up to 60C
Maintenance of internal glassflake linings for vessels in PCS-8 Ri 2/3 MPS-9
corrosive service for temperatures 60 to 93C
Maintenance of internal coatings for potable water storage PCS-10 Ri 2/3 MPS-10

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Table12: Recommended Procedures for Coating Repair and Renovation

Schedule Surface Preparation Paint System

Existing Intact Paint Surface Steel Substrate First Coat (Spot repair) Overcoat System
MPS-1 Remove all dirt, oil and grease by detergent or solvent washing. Power wire brush to St 2 Surface tolerant Al-pigmented Spot repair with high build polyamide cured epoxy or
Rinse with fresh water. Dry thoroughly, lightly abrade or sweep blast epoxy mastic to 50μ DFT polyurethane to 150μ total DFT
to remove gloss and feather edges. For Ri<3
MPS-2 Remove all dirt, oil and grease by detergent or solvent washing. Grit or vacu-blast to Sa 2 Surface tolerant Al-pigmented Total area repair with one coat HB polyamide cured epoxy 75μ
Rinse with fresh water. Dry thoroughly, lightly abrade or sweep blast epoxy mastic to 50μ DFT DFT and one coat HB polyamide cured epoxy or polyurethane
to remove gloss and feather edges For Ri.>3 200μ total DFT
MPS-3 Wire brush sound coating, water wash, fresh water rinse and dry Grit or vacu-blast to Sa Alkyl zinc silicate to 50μ DFT Total area repair with two coats aluminium pigmented silicate to
2½ 100μ total DFT
MPS-4 Remove all dirt and debris by detergent or solvent washing. Rinse Grit or vacu-blast to Sa 2 Surface tolerant Al-pigmented Not required
with fresh water. Dry thoroughly, lightly abrade or sweep blast, epoxy mastic to 125μ DFT
feather edges
MPS-5 Stiff bristle-brush sound coating, fresh water rinse and dry Sweep blast or steam Silicone acrylic to 25μ DFT Total area repair with one coat silicone acrylic to 50μ total DFT

MPS-6 Remove all dirt, oil, grease, zinc salts and corrosion deposits. Power wire brush or grit Surface tolerant Al-pigmented
Degrease and rinse with fresh water. Dry thoroughly, lightly abrade or vacu-blast to St 3 epoxy mastic to 50μ DFT
or sweep blast, feather edges
MPS-7 Remove all dirt, oil and grease by detergent or solvent washing. Grit or vacu-blast to Epoxy polyamide holding Apply approved epoxy resin system to repair areas. Brush or
Rinse with fresh water. Dry thoroughly, lightly abrade or sweep blast Sa2.5 primer to 30μ DFT. Fill roll in two layers of chopped strand reinforcing glass mat and
and feather edges. Vacuum to remove dust and debris heavily pitted areas with sand- one layer finishing tissue to required total thickness as PCS-7a.
filled epoxy putty General repair can be undertaken by sweep blasting and
applying top coat of epoxy resin.
(Repair as UER advice/Contractor Method Statement)
MPS-8 Remove all dirt, oil and grease by detergent or solvent washing. Grit or vacu-blast to Polyamide cured epoxy primer For Ri 3 damage: Repair with two coats high build, high solids,
Rinse with fresh water. Dry thoroughly, lightly abrade or sweep blast Sa 2.5 to 75μ DFT solvent-free epoxy to original film thickness to 25mm around
around defects, feather edges. Vacuum to remove dust and debris defect

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Table12 continue

Schedule Surface Preparation Paint System

Existing Intact Paint Surface Steel Substrate First Coat (Spot repair) Overcoat System
MPS-9 Remove all dirt, oil and grease by detergent or solvent washing. Grit or vacu-blast to Total area repair with two coats of glass filled polyester/vinyl
Rinse with fresh water. Dry thoroughly, lightly abrade or sweep blast Sa 2.5 ester to original film thickness
around defects, feather edges. Vacuum to remove dust and debris
MPS-10 Remove all dirt, sludge and corrosion deposits by detergent or Power wire brush to St 3 Surface tolerant Al-pigmented Total area repair with two coats of potable water quality
solvent washing. Rinse with fresh water. Dry thoroughly, lightly epoxy mastic to 75μ DFT polyamide cured epoxy to 325μ total DFT
abrade or sweep blast around defects, feather edges. Vacuum to
remove dust and debris
MPS-11 Remove all dirt and marine growth by power water jetting, brushing Grit blast to Sa 2.5 at High solids modified epoxy At defects, one coat high solids modified epoxy to 150μ DFT
or scraping. Remove old antifouling and non-adherent underlying defects in underlying to150μ DFT. For fixed and fouling control coating to 100μ DFT.
coating. Rinse with fresh water. coating structures, apply quick curing, For fixed structures, no topcoat other than optional fouling
wet surface tolerant HS epoxy control system
to 500μ DFT
MPS-12 Remove all dirt, sand and corrosion products by hand power tools. Grit blast to SA 2.5 Apply heat shrink sleeve For larger areas apply PR-1180 approved system .Use heat
Rinse with fresh water to remove salt contaminants, dry thoroughly. shrink sleeves to overlap the repair to the existing coating.
Blast to Sa21/2 and sweep blast to feather edges of existing coating. See table.3 for details

SP-1246 36 Jun 2017

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities –Part - 1 Version 2

Appendix A- Cathodic Disbonding Resistance Test

The cathodic disbonding resistance of the coating shall be tested as follows:
The test sample shall be free of holidays when tested in accordance with NACE RP0188.
A 6 mm hole shall be drilled in the coating, by means of a flat-faced mill. The hole shall not penetrate
more than 0.5 mm into the pipe steel. The hole shall be at least 50 mm from any weld.
The sample shall be placed inside an electrolytic cell or an electrolytic cell shall be constructed on the pipe
surface. All metallic parts other than the test defect shall be sealed from the electrolyte by means of a resin
or other suitable compound. The volume of the cell shall be at least 250 ml.
The cell is filled with a 3 % sodium chloride solution.
An inert auxiliary electrode (e.g. platinum wire or mesh) shall be placed in the electrolyte, remote from the
test defect.
A saturated calomel reference electrode (SCE) shall be placed in the electrolyte with the tip 10 mm from
the test defect.
By means of a potentiostat, the electrochemical potential of the steel shall be polarised to -1500 ± 10 mV
with respect to the SCE. This potential shall be maintained throughout the test.
The current required to maintain the potential shall be continuously recorded.
The duration of the test shall be 28 days, after which the sample shall be removed from the cell and
For tests at elevated temperatures, the temperature shall be controlled as follows:
When the sample is immersed in the cell, the solution, including the sample, shall be kept at the test
temperature by the cell being placed in a thermostatically controlled water bath.
When the cell has been constructed on the pipe sample, the steel sample shall be placed in a
thermostatically controlled furnace or sand bath that also covers the top surface of the sample with at least
1 cm of sand. The furnace or bath shall be adjusted to maintain the required test temperature on the pipe
surface in the test defect.
During tests at elevated temperatures, suitable reflux coolers shall be used to prevent evaporation of the
test electrolyte.
At the end of the test period, the sample shall be rinsed with fresh water and wiped dry.
Two cuts shall be made through the coating in the longitudinal direction of the pipe and two similar cuts
shall be made in the circumferential direction, each pair of cuts being 5 mm apart and approximately
following the tangent of the test defect. The length of the cuts shall extend to approximately 20 mm each
side of the defect; see Figure 1.
By means of a knife, the strips of coating between the cuts shall be peeled from the pipe surface as far as
possible, starting at the test defect. The distance over which the coating is detached and the metal is
exposed, measured from the edge of the original test defect, shall be recorded for all four directions. The
radius of disbonding shall be the arithmetic mean of the four measurements. A photograph of the test
sample after testing, showing the disbonded area, should be included in the test report.
Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

10.0 Related Business Control Documents

The following standards, codes and specifications shall form part of this Specification. Except where a specific
edition or revision is identified by date or revision/edition number, the latest edition in effect at the date of
contract shall govern.

PDO and DEP Documents

GU-368 Guidelines For The Protection Of Buried Sections Of Surface Laid

PDO-SP-1166 Identification of On-Plot Pipework

PDO-PR-1180 Procedure for Qualification of Pipeline Rehabilitation Coating


PDO-SP-1128 Specification for Cathodic Protection Design – June 2016

PDO-SP-2217 Specification of Internal FBE and Liquid Coating Systems For

Carbon Steel Piping and Line pipes

DEP External Polyethylene and Polypropylene Coating for Line Pipe

(amendments/supplements to ISO/DIS 21809-1:2009)

DEP External Fusion-bonded Epoxy Powder Coating for Line Pipe



ISO specifications

ISO 1513 Paints or varnishes – Examination and preparation of samples for testing

ISO 2063 Metallic Coatings and other inorganic coatings – Thermal spraying –
Zinc, aluminium and their alloys

ISO 2808 Paints or varnishes – Coating thickness measurements

ISO 2815 Paints or varnishes – Hardness testing

ISO-3233 Paints and varnishes - Determination of percentage volume of non-volatile

matter by measuring the density of a dried coating

ISO 4624 Paints and varnishes – Pull-off test for adhesion

ISO 4628-1 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –
Part 1: General principles and rating schemes

ISO 4628-2 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –
Part 2: Designation of degree of blistering

ISO 4628-3 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –

SP-1246 38 Jun 2017

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Part 3: Designation of degree of rusting

ISO 4628-4 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –
Part 4: Designation of degree of cracking

ISO 4628-5 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –
Part 5: Designation of degree of flaking

ISO 4628-6 Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings –

Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect –
Part 6: Rating of degree of chalking by tape method

ISO 6270-1 Paints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to humidity- Part 1:

Corrosion by condensation

ISO 7253 Paints and varnishes – Determination of the resistance to neutral salt

ISO 8501-1/BS Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
7079-A1 products – Representative photographic examples of the change of
Supplement appearance of steel when blast-cleaned with different abrasives

ISO 8502-3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products – Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 3:
Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for painting (pressure-
sensitive tape method).

ISO 8503 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel

ISO 8504 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products - Surface preparation methods

ISO 11997-2 Paints and varnishes – Determination of the resistance to cyclic corrosion
conditions – Part 2: Wet (salt fog)/dry/humidity/UV light

ISO 17025 General Requirements For The Competence Of Testing And Calibration

British specifications

BS EN ISO 1461 Specification and test methods for hot dip galvanised coatings on iron
and steel articles

BS 3900 F10 Methods of tests for paints. Determination of resistance to cathodic

disbonding of coatings for use in marine environments

BS 4800 Schedule of paint colours for building purposes

BS 6920 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water

intended for human consumption

BS 7079-0 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related

substances. Introduction

SP-1246 39 Jun 2017

Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities–Part - 1 Version 2

Other International Specifications

API RP-5L2 Recommended Practice for Internal Coating of Line Pipe for Non-
corrosive Gas Transmission Service

ASTM C868 Standard Test Method for Chemical Resistance of Protective Linings

ASTM D257 Standard Test Method for DC Resistance or Conductance of

Insulating Materials

ASTM D822 Standard Practice for Filtered Open-Flame Carbon-Arc Exposure of

Paint and Related Coatings and Materials

ASTM D870 Standard Practice for Water Resistance of Coatings using Water

ASTM D1002 Standard Test Method for Apparent Shear Strength of Adhesively
Single-Lap-Joint Bonded Metal Specimens by Tension Loading

ASTM D1653 Standard Test Method for Water Vapour Transmission of Organic
Coating Films

ASTM D1894 Standard Test Method for Static and Kinetic Coefficients of Friction
of Plastic Film and Sheet

ASTM G6 Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Pipeline Coatings

ASTM G14 Standard Test Method for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coatings
(Falling weight Test)

ASTM G17 Standard Test Method for Penetration Resistance of Pipeline Coatings
(Blunt Rod)

ASTM G154 Standard Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for
Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials

ASTM E96 Standard Test Method for Water Vapour Transmission of Materials

NACE TM0184 Accelerated Test Procedure for Screening Atmospheric Surface

Coating Systems for Offshore Platforms and Equipment

NACE TM0185 Evaluation of Plastic Coating by Autoclave Testing

NACE RP0188 Recommended Practice. Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New

Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates

SSPC-SP-3 Surface Preparation Specification. Power Tool Cleaning to Bare


SSPC-SP-12 Joint Surface Preparation Specification NACE No. 5/SSPC SP 12.

Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Steel and Other Hard Materials
by High-and Ultrahigh-Pressure Water Jetting Prior to Recoating

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