Sound Transformation: Architectural Acoustic
Sound Transformation: Architectural Acoustic
Sound Transformation: Architectural Acoustic
Architectural Acoustic
vibrating medium
longitudinal wave
from which:
340 340
λ= and 𝑓=
𝑓 𝜆
pressure p in Pa
Intensity I in W/m2
The relationship of p and I depends on the conveying medium, but in air under
‘standard conditions’ (air density of p = 1.18 kg/m³ and v = 340 m/s) it is
usually taken as
When a uniform point source emits a sound, this energy flow spreads in all
radial directions, distributed over the surface of a sphere of increasing radius.
As the surface of a sphere is 4 π r², the sound intensity (power density) at any
distance r from the source will be
Propagation of sound
If two sources contribute to the sound field, the intensities are additive, but for
pressure the squares of the contributing pressures must be added and the
result will be the square root of this sum:
Propagation of sound
The logarithm of the ratio I / I 0 has been named Bel (after Alexander Graham
Bel), but as this is a rather large unit, its sub-multiple the deci-Bel (dB) is used.
For every doubling of the distance from the noise source the sound pressure level will be
reduced with 6 decibels:
In a social situation people often talk with normal voice levels at distances 1 to 4 meters.
In such cases background noise levels should not exceed 55 to 60 dB(A).
In outdoor play and
recreational areas
people often
communicate with
raised or very loud
voices at distances 5
to 10 meters and
background noise
should not exceed 45
to 55 dB(A).
Acoustic quantities
• Two sound levels are given: L ’ = 90 dB, L ” = 80 dB. The sum of the two is
NOT 170 dB (!)
• Find the difference between the two levels on the upper scale and add this to the larger
of the two levels given. To continue the above example:
• the difference is 90 - 80 = 10 dB. On the nomogram opposite the 10 dB read 0.4, so the
sum will be 90 +0.4 = 90.4.
So How is the sound level dependent from the distance to the sound source?
Damping of sound level (decibel dB) vs. distance
How is the sound level dependent from the distance to the sound source?
The sound pressure level shows in the free field situation a reduction of 6 dB
per doubling of distance; that means the sound pressure value is a half and not
a quarter.
Sound Level L and the Distance
d1 d1
d2 d2 d2
d2 = d1
The Inverse Square Law Problem
In an open area, sound drops off according to the inverse square law. In an auditorium
where the front seats are 6 meters (20 ft) from the sound source and the back seats are
60 m (200 ft) from the sound source, the sound intensity would drop by a factor of 100 ( =
20 decibels ) between the front seats and the back seats if it followed this pattern.
The Inverse Square Law Problem
If a sound level of 90 decibels is produced at the front row of an auditorium and the back
row is 10 times as far away, then the sound intensity will fall by a factor of 100 if the
inverse square law applies. A factor of 100 is a drop of 20 decibels to a level of 70 decibels
on the back row. 90 dB is a loud sound which would be assigned a dynamic level ff , but
70 dB is a medium soft sound, dynamic level mp.
Inverse Square Law by Ratio
Expressed as a ratio, the inverse square law takes the form
I = sound intensity level , L = sound level in dB
If d2 = 10 x d1 2=
then 2 = 1 / (100) = 0.01 1
If 1 =80 dB, then 2 = 60 dB
10 m
12 m
Sound Transmission through Building Elements
like Massive Walls or Floors
Sound transmission through a
massive wall or floor depends
primarily on the mass of the
The attenuation for a specific frequency can be calculated by subtracting the value in the table below
from the mean value indicated in the chart above.
Using the chart above the mean sound attenuation for the
floor can be estimated to
52 db
STC gives you a rough idea how much sound a wall, for example, might stop. STC, Sound
Transmission Class, is the most common sound reduction measurement in use. As common as this
measurement is, it is quite limited and should not be totally relied upon for real world soundproofing
• Transmission Loss is a measurement of the dB (volume) difference on either side of a wall. Let’s say
we have a 100dB tone on one side of a wall. Pretty loud. We measure this same tone on the other side
of the wall and find we have 75 dB. So we would say that at this tone or pitch, we have 25 dB
Transmission Loss. 25 dB less sound energy made it through the wall to the other side. Interestingly, a
test tone with a different pitch sent through that same wall might only see a 4 dB Transmission loss. The
performance of a wall will vary a great deal depending on the tone (frequency) of the sound.
Understanding STC “Sound Transmission Class”
• Frequency: Written as Hertz or Hz., this is the measurement of the tone or musical note of the sound.
Is it a really high pitch like a Flute might make (2000 Hz) or a low pitch from a Tuba (as low as 29 Hz)?
Most humans are born with the ability to hear frequencies from about 20 Hz (low) up to 20,000 Hz
(high) but that range shrinks as we get older.
What is STC?
• Now that we have an understanding of a few basic terms we can describe what STC is. Way back in
1961, STC was introduced as the method for comparing various wall, ceiling, floor, door, and window
assemblies. STC is calculated by taking the Transmission Loss (TL) values tested at 16 standard
frequencies over the range of 125 Hz to 4000 Hz and plotted on a graph. Your curve (what you actually
measured) is compared to standard STC reference curves (see appendix). If your wall graph is closest
to a standard STC 35 curve, your wall is said to have an STC of 35.
Understanding STC “Sound Transmission Class”
• Sound Transmission Class (or STC) is an integer rating of how well a building partition
attenuates airborne sound. In the USA, it is widely used. Outside the USA, the Sound
Reduction Index (SRI) ISO standard is used.
• The STC number is derived from sound attenuation values tested at sixteen standard
frequencies from 125 Hz to 4000 Hz. These transmission-loss values are then plotted on a
sound pressure level graph and the resulting curve is compared to a standard reference
• Acoustical engineers fit these values to the appropriate TL Curve (or Transmission Loss)
to determine an STC rating. The measurement is accurate for speech sounds but less so
for amplified music, mechanical equipment noise, transportation noise or any sound with
substantial low-frequency energy below 125 Hz.
• STC is roughly the decibel reduction in noise a partition can provide, abbreviated 'dB'. The
dB scale is a logarithmic one and the human ear perceives a 10dB reduction in sound as
roughly halving the volume - a 40 dB noise subjectively seems half as loud as a 50 dB
• If an 80dB sound on one side of a wall/floor/ceiling is reduced to 50dB on the other side,
that partition is said to have an STC of 30.
Type of Space (and acoustical requirements) PNC curve