Mba FC 240715
Mba FC 240715
Mba FC 240715
July 2015]
Core Papers (All Papers are Credit and Compulsory)
[IMS (LU) MBA FC_Revised_Syllabus_w.e.f. July 2015]
PROMOTION: promotion mix, Advertising- 5 M’s, Role and functions of advertising, Sales Promotion: Types of sales promotion
(Trade promotion, consumer promotion), advertising vs. sales promotion, S.P. tools, Personal selling: challenges and
responsibilities, Personal selling skills, Managing Public Relations
Recommended book(s)
Marketing – Concepts, strategies, by William M Pride, O C Fewell, Biztantra
Marketing Management, by Ramaswamy & Namakumari, Macmillan
Marketing Management, by Arun Kumar & Meenakshi, Vikas
Principles of Marketing, by Philip Kotler, Armstrong, Pearson Education
[IMS (LU) MBA FC_Revised_Syllabus_w.e.f. July 2015]
Core Papers (All Papers are Credit and Compulsory)
[IMS (LU) MBA FC_Revised_Syllabus_w.e.f. July 2015]
Productivity – definition and concept, productivity measurement, productivity improvements, Product development and design,
stages of product development, techniques of product development (standardization, simplification and specialization,
Unit IV
Development of efficient work methods, work measurement – concept & techniques; material flow process chart, manflow
process chart, principles of motion economy, comparison of alternate work methods, maintenance of production facilities, quality
control and inspection, sampling inspection, control charts for attributes and variables charts.
Recommended book(s)
Production and Operations Management, by K. Ashwathappa, K Sridhar Bhat, Himalaya Pub
Production & Operations Management, by Upendra Kachru, Excel Books.
Operations Now, by Byron J Finch, Tata Mc Grawhill
Operations Management, by Gaither & Fraizer, Thomson South Western.
Theory and Problems in Production and Operations Management by S.N. Chary
Course Objectives: To familiarize students with research process,teach them basic tools and techniques and inculcate fundamental
expertise to handle research project.
Introduction to Research Methodology
Research-Concept, Characteristics, Objectives and motivation of research,Significance of Research in decision making and
problem solving, Factors required for a scientific/good research,Types of research,Research process overview
Language of Research:Concept,Construct,Definition,variables,Hypothesis,Theory and models,Research Problem: Identifying a
research problem,Sources of identifying research problem,Process of defining a research problem
Research Design and Sampling Design
Research design: Meaning of research design,Types of Research Design,Concept and techniques of Exploratory Research
design,Descriptive Research Design and Experimental Research Design
Sampling design: Census and Sampling Investigation, Characteristics of a good sample, Sampling Design process, Probability and
Non Probability Sampling Techniques,Sample size determination
Data Collection and Preparation
Methods of data collection,developing instrumentsused in data collection,
Measurement and Scaling:Primary scales of measurement ,Scaling Techniques,Editing raw data,Coding of data,Tabulation of
data,Cross Tabulation
Data Analysis and Presentation of the Results: Univariate,Bi-variate and Multivariate analysis of data,Testing of Hypothesis:
Process of testing hypothesis,one tail test and two tail tests,z-test,t-test,F-test and chi square test, Report
Writing:Objective,types,Format of a report,essentials of a good report.
Prescribed Texts:
Business Research Methods, William G.Zikmund, Thomson Publication
Business Research Methods, Cooper and Schindlier, TMH Publication
Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation Naresh K. Malhotra, PHI
Marketing Research-Text and cases, Nargundkar
Research Methods, William and M.k.Trochim
Research Methodology, R.Panneerselvam
Business Research Methodology, Srivastava and Rego
Complete Business Statistics, Amir D Aczel
Statistics for Management, Levin & Rubin
[IMS (LU) MBA FC_Revised_Syllabus_w.e.f. July 2015]
Unit IV
Short-term financing; Programming working Capital Management; Integrating working Capital and Capital Investment Processes;
Monetary system,; Money Market in India Banking system in India; the Restructuring Process; Working capital Control and
Banking Policy in India, Instruments of the International Money market; Managing Short-term International transactions.
Recommended book(s)
Management of Working Capital In India, by Mishra, R.K.,
Financial Management, by Khan & Jain,
Financial Management, by Pandey, I.M.,
Financial Management and Policy, by James C. Vanhorne,
[IMS (LU) MBA FC_Revised_Syllabus_w.e.f. July 2015]
Core Papers (Two Papers, Both are Credit and Compulsory)
[IMS (LU) MBA FC_Revised_Syllabus_w.e.f. July 2015]
Elements of Mercantile Law, by N D Kapoor, Sultan Chand
Legal Aspects of Business, by Akhileshwar Pathak, Tata Mc GRAW HILL
Business Law, by M C Kuchhal -Vikas
[IMS (LU) MBA FC_Revised_Syllabus_w.e.f. July 2015]
Unit III : Process of Project Appraisal
Technical, economic, financial, legal and social appraisal of the industrial projects, problems arising due to rate of discount, wage-
rates, exchange rates, treatment of taxes, social cost-benefits, treatment of risk and uncertainty, sensitivity analysis and probability
approach single as well as multiple projects.
Unit IV : Implementation, Monitoring and Control of Projects
Project scheduling, network techniques for resource and cost budgeting and scheduling, project management teams and
coordination. Monitoring and post implementation, evaluation of the projects.
Recommended Book(S)
Prasanna Chandra, Project : Preparation, Appraisal, Budgeting and Implementation
P.K. Matto, Project Formulation in Developing Countries
Chitale, Project Viability in Inflationary Condition
Dass Gupta & Sen, Guidelines for Project Evaluation
Cleland and Kind, System Analysis and Project Management
Nagendra P. Singh, Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship Development
D.K. Jain, Project Planning and Appraisal in Planned Economy
M. Mohsin, Project Planning and Control
[IMS (LU) MBA FC_Revised_Syllabus_w.e.f. July 2015]
Core Papers (Two Papers, Both are Credit and Compulsory)
Foundation Paper
IMS 041 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT – II Objective: Tocomprehend strategic management process, understand
interrelationship between formulation and implementation and apply administrative and leadership skills for successful
implementation of strategies.
Course Outline
Unit I:
Nature and Scope of Strategic Management. Concept of Core Competence, Capability and Organisational learning;
Managementof Strategic Change; Process of Strategic planning and Implementation, Activating Strategies, Strategy and Structure.
Unit II:
Behavioral Implementation: An overview of: Leadership, Corporate Culture, Corporate Politics and Use of Power, Personal
Values and Business Ethics.
Functional /Operational Implementation: An overview of: Functional Strategies.
Unit III:
Strategy Evaluation and Control (Mc Kinsey’s 7s Framework).
Tailoring Strategy to Fit Specific Industry and Company Situations:
Strategies for Competing in Emerging Industries; Strategies for competing in Turbulent, High-Velocity Markets; Strategies for
Competing in Maturing Industries; Strategies for Competing in Fragmented Industries; Strategies for Firms in Stagnant or
Declining Industries; Strategies for Sustaining Rapid Company Growth; Strategies for Industry Leaders; Strategies for Runner-up
Firms; Strategies for Weak and Crisis Ridden Businesses.
Unit IV:
Mergers and Acquisitions: Takeover and Defense Tactics, Laws For Mergers And Acquisitions, Regulatory Framework of
Takeovers in India, Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions.; Strategic Management in an International Firm; Strategy and
Corporate Evolution in Indian Context.
Recommended book(s)
1. Strategic Management by Thompson, Strickland, Gamble and Jain. McGraw Hill 2010, 16th edition.
2. Thomas L. Wheelen& J. David Hunger; Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy; Pearson Education
3. Strategic Management by AzharKazmi, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Mergers and Acquisitions by Jay M Desai, Nisarg A Joshi; Biztantra
[IMS (LU) MBA FC_Revised_Syllabus_w.e.f. July 2015]
Unit IV Organizational Culture and Climate. Organizational Ethos; Dimensions and process of organizational climate;
Dimensions and process of organizational culture; Power and Politics. Corporate Governance; Conflict Dynamics; Conflict and
Negotiations; Stress Management.
Recommended book(s):
Organizational Behaviour, by Stephen P. Robbins
Organizational Effectiveness and Change, by Cummins (South Western Thompson)
Management of Organizational Change, by Hari Gopal
Change Management, by Neelkant Ramanarayan
[IMS (LU) MBA FC_Revised_Syllabus_w.e.f. July 2015]
The expense centre – its concept, controllability of expense, responsibility reporting. The profit centre – its role in an organisation,
evaluation of its performance, Profit centre as a motivation tool. The investment centre-measuring the performance, the
investment base and its measurement. Key variables as indicators of control.
Unit III : Management Control in Decentralised Organisation
Evaluating division/segment performance, the problems of transfer pricing, methods of transfer pricing, transfer pricing practices,
decentralisation and performance evaluation. Inter-divisional pricing, compensation for divisional performance. Perspective
Unit IV : The Process of Control
Programming and budgeting, budget classification & preparation of budgets. Performance budgeting, Flexible Budgeting and zero
base budgeting. Analysis and reporting of budgetary information. Performance evaluation, designing Performance and Evaluation
Recommended book(s)
P. Anthony & Govind Rajan, Financial Planning and Control Systems.
Lynch and Willamson, Accounting for Management Planning and Control
Horrigrane, Charles T., Management Accounting
Welsch, et. Al., Budgeting Profit Planning Control
Anythony & Govind Rajan, Management Control Systems Text & Cases
Subhash Sharma, Management Control Systems
Ronald W Hilton, Managerial Accounting
[IMS (LU) MBA FC_Revised_Syllabus_w.e.f. July 2015]
Objective: To acquaint the students with the accounting needs of companies having international business exposure for
meaningful measurement, reporting and interpretation of financial statements.
Course outline
UNIT I International dimensions of accounting – conceptual development and comparative development patterns;
UNIT II Currency transactions; Managing international information systems; International perspective on inflation accounting;
UNIT III Financial reporting and Disclosure; Analysing foreign financial statements; Financial management of multinational
UNIT IV Transfer pricing and international accounting – International standards and multinational corporations.
Recommended Book(S)
Arpon, Jeffrey S & Radebaugh, Lee H., International Accounting and Multinational Enterprises, New York, John Wiley, 1985
Choi, Frederick D S and Mueller Gerhard G,. International Accounting. Englewod Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1984
Evans, Thomas G., International Accounting & Reporting. London, MacMillan, 1985Prodhan, Bimal, Multinational Accounting.
London, Croom-Helm, 1986 Rathore, Shirin, International Accounting. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1996