Manufactured Sands Plant Sri Lanka
Manufactured Sands Plant Sri Lanka
Manufactured Sands Plant Sri Lanka
of excellence in Sri Lanka
At present the sand requirement in Sri Lanka is Most of these problems are associated with
around 20 MTPA out of which almost 8 MTPA river sand, which was being transported across
is required by Western province itself. This is the different parts of the country leading to
likely to increase significantly with the new heavy price volatility because of the high
Western Megapolis plans. demand.
The newly commissioned Ministry of Megapolis Moreover due to the restrictions imposed on
& Western Development in Sri Lanka has river sand mining and the increasing distance of
launched an ambitious plan for the the consuming centers from source there has
development of Western Province into a state developed a crisis situation in the country as
of art Megapolis themed ‘From Island to regards the availability and price of the sand
Continent’. and has thus become a hindrance to spur
With the problems associated with river sand,
namely illegal mining, inferior quality and non Sri Lanka also has availability of offshore sea
grade material, sand is nothing less than a sand in large quantity but the high chloride
critical mineral of very high value and content makes it unusable for use in concrete
indispensable for success of the grand vision. making.
The most trusted alternative to river sand is However the crushed particles still contained
manufactured sand (also known as Msand). excessive microfines, which made it
This technology helps to alleviate the risks unsuitable for use in concrete.
associated with natural sand procurement.
Sensing the opportunity of the growing sand
By derisking the construction sector from demand for construction sector, CA
heavy price volatility, dependence on illegal commissioned CDE to investigate if the
sand supply, interrupted supply, and crushed fines from rock types available in Sri
inconsistent quality – manufactured sand can Lanka could be graded and washed to produce
achieve what no institution related to the high quality Manufactured sand, a concept still
natural and river sand regulations has been not popular with builders and contractors in the
able to deliver. country.
Stepping on to a revolutionizing path in 1986, CDE is the No.1 material washing equipment
CA & Co. grew as a competitor in haulage, company in the world who provide novel
sale and rental of construction equipment, means to ensure the environmentally
operation of metal quarries and mineral considerate exploitation of our natural
crushing business. resources.
Appearing as a major contributor in civil Over the years they have developed
engineering services to some of the leading sustainable technologies to convert waste into
hydroelectric projects in Sri Lanka, CA & Co. high value materials such as manufactured
was a giant in the making. sand.
As per Tissa Jayasinghe, Managing Director of The company has extensive experience in
CA Crushing Private Limited, one of the largest producing high quality manufactured sand in
supplier of aggregates for the construction number of countries around the planet and
industry in Sri Lanka, the situation has become have successful installed more than 200
so alarming that that the highest levels of washing plants in India making manufactured
country’s administration has taken note of the sand a preferred option in 18 cities across
situation and solutions are being sought from India.
various agencies.
In order to instill confidence in the builders and
One of the solutions that have been adopted is contractors over the use of manufactured
the utilization of dumps of crushed fines sand, representative samples of crushed fines
generated from crushing operations which so was obtained from CA and manufactured sand
far had only limited use because of the was prepared in CDE laboratory in India for
uncertainty over the quality. demonstration to the industry as to the
consistency in quality. Additionally all technical
In CA crushing operations, the critical shape of studies generated from CDE installations in
crushed fine particles were adequately India on the efficacy of washed Msand over
controlled by use of Vertical Shaft Impactor river sand were shared with CA.
(VSI) from a reputed Japanese manufacturer.
With all these inputs the initial resistance was A remote sensing facility enables the operator
overcome and CA decided to put up a washing to obtain data on performance from his office
plant in its crusher site to process the dumped or his car even via mobile phone. This is the
crushed fines available at site as well as those first application of Internet of Things (IOT)
being produced by their daily crushing technology by CDE for any of their plants.
operations. This was the first such attempt in
the country. CDE has installed their revolutionary
EasySettle technology for faster settlement of
CDE Asia completed commissioning of their the sludge so that more water could be
revolutionary Combo X70 sand washing plant recovered at the earliest.
in Sri Lanka for CA group within four months of
their contract finalization. The plant is The technology involves addition of special
producing 100 tons per hour manufactured flocculants to the sludge stream which modifies
sand by processing crushed fines from a three the solids in such a way that entrapped water
stage crushing plant. is immediately released and there by the slurry
density increases significantly.
Additionally the solids now would not absorb
water and hence can be left in the open. Thus
it enables quick removal of settled solids as
they are quite dry and thus make the settling
pond availability much higher.
The water recovery now is almost 95%. The
overall plant availability has increased
significantly, higher than 90%, and this well
compensates the cost of additional chemicals.
Combo X70 is an integrated materialwashing
platform consisting of sand grading, washing &
water recycling units built on a singular chassis
and is fed by a conveyor from a feed hopper &
belt feeder arrangement.
The design is such that the feed hopper can be
fed by front end loaders for the old dumps or
directly by conveyor belt from the crushing The basic objective of this plant is the
circuit. The plant is PLC controlled and can be production of concrete grade of sand meeting
operated from the control panel. There is BS specifications. The performance of the
provision for remote operation also. plant has been found to be highly satisfactory
and the product quality is as has been as
The washing system has the flexibility of desired. A typical data for concrete sand
producing both concrete sand as well as obtained from CA plant is given below:
plaster sand depending on the feed
There were some initial setbacks in meeting
the product gradations required by the
challenging construction industry requirements
that were reluctant to use alternative sands,
but this was quickly sorted out by adjusting the
crusher settings and hydrocyclone parameters,
a flexibility that comes with CDE washing
The system has two product conveyors fed
from the same chute from the washing plant.
The unique feature of the equipment allows the
product sizing to be adjusted by proportioning
the output from coarse & fine segments of the
In a more recent development, CA received
the stamp of excellence by being awarded the
prestigious ‘SIS’ certification from Sri Lanka
Standards Institution, who permitted the use of
SIS certification mark on CA Væli brand of
Manufactured sands. ‘Væli’ in Sinhalese Being manufactured and supplied for the first
means sand. time in the construction market of Sri Lanka
extensive tests have been carried out on the
This landmark development, a first ever in Msand produced by CA crushing by the
Manufactured sands industry, confirmed the Central Engineering Construction Bureau of
superiority of CA sand and its strict adherence the country. Based on a variety of tests such
to SLS: 1397: 2101 Specifications for Fine as particle size distribution, fines content ,
Aggregates. fines quality, chloride & sulphur content as
well as alkalisilica reactivity a detailed report
has been compiled. A summary of the tests is
given in the Table below:
It may be observed that the Msand produced It has been proven by various tests and
by CA crushing successfully meets all the practical applications that a sand product free
standard specifications needed to qualify for from minus 75 micron particles allows for
concrete manufacture. better and quicker bonding of cement, thereby
forming stronger concrete with lesser cement
Manufactured sand from CA Group is now and in lesser time.
readily accepted by the construction industry
operating near the city of Colombo. One of main reason for choosing CDE Combo
technology was because it is ecofriendly in
Leading construction business houses such as every sense of the term. It uses minimum
Maga, CMLMTD, China Harbour, Sathuta, water & power.
ShapoorjiSierra Altair project and some
leading Readymix producers like Informex, The sound level of the plants is below 60
Sierra, Amano Lanka, Sanken etc. were quick decibels and is controlled through PLC based
to adapt their mix designs in order to taken arrangement requiring minimum human
advantage of the superior features of intervention.
manufactured sand that allowed them to
reduce their overall cost of concrete. Being a wet washing system pollution of
atmosphere from dust is minimum.
The real saving on the cost of concrete comes
from saving in the consumption of its most
expensive input material that is cement.
Furthermore says Mr.Jayasinghe, Managing Quarry Dust is the byproduct formed during
Director, CA crushing, ‘It’s unique EasySettle the production of crushed aggregates and it is
technology allows for faster settlement of the often angular, subangular or flaky in shape,
sludge so that more water could be recovered unstable in particle size distribution, rough in
at the earliest’. surface texture.
Mr.Jayasinghe adds that ‘the water recovery Owing to complaints, officials of the Mines and
from our plant is more than 95%. Water is a Geology Department in India will soon begin
scarce natural resource; we must not allow it to checking the quality of the sand commodity at
be wasted. Our overall washing plant not only the manufacturing unit, but also during
availability is significant due to this water transportation and at construction sites.
recovery feature, and this well compensates
the cost of importing high quality equipment Such action is necessary to instill confidence
from CDE’. among the people over the use of Msand,
which has become a viable alternative to river
Eng. N. Rupasinghe, Secretary Ministry of sand ever since the Supreme Court banned in
Megapolis and Western Development, stream mining in India.
congratulated CA for their bold step in
introducing SLS certified CA Væli. CA Manufactured sand plant has been a
runaway success from the first few days of
He further adds ‘ It has been a long felt need commissioning and the operators tested the
for Sri Lanka to find a suitable alternative to plant with various types of fines available with
river sand which is the most widely used fine them to determine the yield. Being satisfied CA
aggregate for concrete and mortar. is procuring another plant for their new site.
The microfines collected as treated sludge is
River sand mining has caused irreversible being stored and CDE is working on finding
environmental damages such as saltwater suitable application for this material.
intrusion, coastal erosion, riverbank collapses
and deepening of water table effecting Initial trials for making bricks, paver blocks
agriculture in many parts of the country. have been reported to be promising.
Manish Bhartia, Managing Director, CDE Asia
It is now time for all developers and contractors congratulated Mr. Tissa Jayasinghe for his
in Sri Lanka to follow the global trend of excellent entrepreneurship that has led to
moving away from river sand to alternatives creation of alternative sand source for the
such as manufactured sand’. benefit of people of Sri Lanka.
The need of the hour for the government and ‘We are satisfied that the journey that was
NGO’s is to educate the construction industry undertaken 18 months ago has culminated into
and the retail users about the threats of using this huge success and profits for CA group.
substandard quality of manufactured sand. CDE will continue to partner CA group for
further development and value addition to this
In India there have been many instances of remarkable venture’, concludes Bhartia.
unprocessed quarry dust being sold as
manufactured sand.