Note Taking PDF
Note Taking PDF
Note Taking PDF
That level of disorganization has a huge When left as is, our note taking
impact on our consumer relationships. habits morph into a soul crushing
A prospective customer wants to confirm stress monster. Damage a client
whether you’d agreed to an 8.2 or a 2.8 relationship, the monster grows.
bulk discount? Feeling lucky? Oh, now Spend twenty minutes looking for
they want to know how your previous a file that might not exist, the monster
engagements profited? Go ahead, take grows. Bust open your knuckle reaching
your time finding that white paper, they under your passenger seat for that
won’t mind. It’s in your car? That’s okay, burger wrapper with a phone number
you can just email it to them later, just written in the corner—the stress monster
make a quick note so you don’t forget. grows into a greater, uglier force.
That stress monster is at least partly
Next thing you know your brand has
responsible for six of the greatest health
a reputation for being unorganized
threats worldwide (heart disease, cancer,
and disengaged.
lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the
We’re not just throwing time and liver, and suicide). Better note taking
money at the disarray of note taking; habits might not remove all stress and
we’re sacrificing our health. disorganization from our lives, but it’s
certainly a step in the right direction.
Modern note taking techniques help with new information when those
simplify and de-clutter our lives by notes are taken by hand.2 This can
digitally storing every scribble, scrawl, have a huge impact on meeting
and scratch in the cloud. This library notes, interviews, and client calls
simplifies our organizational process where information is taken on the
and allows for immediate access fly and shared or revisited later.
regardless of where we are or what Digital note taking with a smart
smart device we’re using. Research even pen or stylus marries the best
suggests that while typed notes serve of both worlds, igniting creativity
well for direct dictation, people are far and visualization while leveraging
more likely to retain and engage the benefits of modern technology.
6 Andrade, 2009
7 Singh & Kashyap, 2015
Digital note taking techniques are for more than just that one
guy who actually bought Google Glass and middle-aged executives
fighting to stay ahead of the latest trends—these techniques
lend themselves to stronger communication, collaboration and
efficiency across every industry.
Law Enforcement across the facility, prescriptions can
Smart pens create a unique opportunity be authorized quickly and easily, while
for law enforcement officials. The easing hospitals from the burden of
latest technology not only transcribes maintaining unnecessary networks
written notes, making for easily filed and servers.
and maintained case documents and
case notes, but records audio while
Instantly access unique client needs,
in action, creating additional levels
product notes, and target details with
of accountability, transparency, and
your digital notes. Digital note taking
protection for officers in the field.
empowers sales personnel to quickly
Healthcare recall or access pertinent information
With modern note taking, patient in the field while inspiring faith and
information can be instantly shared confidence in their customers.
from family doctor to nurse practitioner
to emergency room technician. If a
patient makes a specific request or has
a special need, that information can
quickly be documented and shared
This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property
in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal,
reference purposes.