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The key takeaways are that modern note taking combines the familiarity of handwritten notes with the sharing and storage capabilities of digital tools. This allows for better organization, collaboration, and accessibility of notes.

Modern note taking allows for better organization of notes, improved retention and creativity when taking notes, and the ability to visualize ideas in new ways. The digital aspects also make notes easy to share, save, and access from any device.

Modern note taking and cloud connectivity allows for easy collaboration where notes can be shared with colleagues at the touch of a button. This improves collaboration when people are sick or on leave as their notes are still accessible.

The Innovator’s Guide

to Modern Note Taking

How businesses can harness the digital revolution
03 Introduction
The Natural Progression of the Digital Experience
06 Chapter 1
Disrupt the Note Taking Demons
10 Chapter 2
Type Less, Retain More
13 Chapter 3
Doodle Your Way to Greater Understanding
16 Chapter 4
Power Up Your Note Taking Techniques
20 Chapter 5
The Modern Note Taker
23 Chapter 6
The Cloud Connection
26 Where Will Your Notes Take You?

Your Chance to Doodle

02 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking
The Natural Progression of the Digital Experience

Our notes are the gatekeepers to discovery. From alternating

current to the lithium battery, the flick of a pen is often the first
stage of every great idea, but how many other great discoveries
and connections have we missed, simply because we didn’t write
something down?
The scribbles and scrawls we use The human brain is a finicky,
to remind ourselves to grab milk temperamental secretary that cannot
on the way home are the same be trusted. No matter how sharp we
curious sketches that once held the think we are, we’ve all forgotten great
secrets to gravity. Whether written ideas thanks to a last minute deadline,
in quick scratches in the margins or a screaming toddler, or a puppy dressed
meticulous, intentional outlines, we in suspenders and a party hat. After the
each have a very specific method umpteenth betrayal from our cerebral
(or lack thereof) to how we create cortex, we eventually learn to write
and maintain our memos. things down.

04 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

The Natural Progression of the Digital Experience
Today, we clunk away at a keyboard In addition, modern note taking gives
and end up with half a gigabyte of you opportunities to visualize ideas
meeting minutes on our hard drive in ways you never have before,
that we’ll never read again to go with expanding the innovative space
the two dozen scribbled receipts we and transforming the way you create.
keep shoved in the glove box. That Together, this allows a method of note
chaos can be tamed. With the right taking that’s easy to organize, share,
tools and attitude, we can capitalize save, and access while improving
on this familiar tool to boost productivity retention, creativity, and collaboration.
and innovation. Modern note taking
Take the first step to excellence with
takes the familiar scrawl of handwritten
modern note taking.
notes and pairs it with the sharing and
storage capabilities of the Digital Age.

05 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Disrupt the Note Taking Demons

Keeping notes is a mess. There’s the three semi-filled notebooks

on your bookshelf, stickies plastered to your desk, and in all the
reminders you’ve completely forgotten which record is where.
How many times have you accidently on top of all the other things we’re
left the next big idea in your pocket already struggling to remember. Our
only to find nothing but pulp a week best intentions twist into a tangled
later? That’s assuming you don’t lose web that’s too overwhelming to sort
that napkin between inspiration and out. Research suggests that the average
laundry day. Our note taking habits employee spends roughly 76 hours
are unorganized at their best, and a year looking for misplaced notes,
straight up sabotaging at their worst. items, or files. In other words we
spend an annual $177 billion across
This time suck of scribbles and half-
the U.S.1—more than Finland’s entire
baked thoughts has a huge impact on
Central Government Budget—trying
businesses. Meeting notes get recorded,
to find that sticky note that was
transcribed, and distributed; then new
literally right here a second ago.
ideas are written out, misplaced, found,
typed up, and emailed. Each task and
conversation generates another thing
we don’t want to forget that gets piled

1 Brother International Organization, 2010

07 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 1
Disrupt the Note Taking Demons

That level of disorganization has a huge When left as is, our note taking
impact on our consumer relationships. habits morph into a soul crushing
A prospective customer wants to confirm stress monster. Damage a client
whether you’d agreed to an 8.2 or a 2.8 relationship, the monster grows.
bulk discount? Feeling lucky? Oh, now Spend twenty minutes looking for
they want to know how your previous a file that might not exist, the monster
engagements profited? Go ahead, take grows. Bust open your knuckle reaching
your time finding that white paper, they under your passenger seat for that
won’t mind. It’s in your car? That’s okay, burger wrapper with a phone number
you can just email it to them later, just written in the corner—the stress monster
make a quick note so you don’t forget. grows into a greater, uglier force.
That stress monster is at least partly
Next thing you know your brand has
responsible for six of the greatest health
a reputation for being unorganized
threats worldwide (heart disease, cancer,
and disengaged.
lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the
We’re not just throwing time and liver, and suicide). Better note taking
money at the disarray of note taking; habits might not remove all stress and
we’re sacrificing our health. disorganization from our lives, but it’s
certainly a step in the right direction.

08 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 1
Disrupt the Note Taking Demons

Modern note taking techniques help with new information when those
simplify and de-clutter our lives by notes are taken by hand.2 This can
digitally storing every scribble, scrawl, have a huge impact on meeting
and scratch in the cloud. This library notes, interviews, and client calls
simplifies our organizational process where information is taken on the
and allows for immediate access fly and shared or revisited later.
regardless of where we are or what Digital note taking with a smart
smart device we’re using. Research even pen or stylus marries the best
suggests that while typed notes serve of both worlds, igniting creativity
well for direct dictation, people are far and visualization while leveraging
more likely to retain and engage the benefits of modern technology.

2 Mueller & Oppenheimer, 2014

09 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Type Less, Retain More

A quick visit to Neurology 101: The right brain is a flashing mosaic

of sensation and passion, like a magical world bursting with color
and really catchy elevator music. It engages the creative process
and encourages dreams and ambitions.
The right brain wonders, “What if?” The left brain houses our inner
The left is a clinical order of reason, perfectionist—the critic that urges
symbols, and logic dictated by science us to copyedit every sentence and
and control, math and analytics. The criticizes every action. By using a
left brain asks “What is?” If Disney World pen to tangibly “draw” every letter
is the right brain, the left brain is the we engage the free-flowing right
Library of Congress. side of our brain, spark creativity and
temporarily override that analytical
Many “modern” note taking practices are
jerk. When we silence our internal
highly left brain functions. Dictation—
judgments, we allow creation to happen
left brain, typing—left brain. With a
in real time, which actually increases
keyboard in front of us the writing
productivity and improves our ability
process shifts from creation to symbol
to learn and retain new information.
recognition and muscle memory, but
the act of writing by hand triggers that
right brain creativity in a way that
typing cannot emulate.

11 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 2
Type Less, Retain More
Research suggests that while Every day the average employee spends
typewriting note takers do produce over two hours being interrupted,
more notes, those notes are often distracted, or trying to refocus on their
word for word transcripts and lack work at hand, costing businesses an
the processing and conceptualization estimated $588 billion per year.4 This
of their handwritten counterparts.3 loss of productivity often leads us
Note taking becomes a quality versus to compensate by working faster,
quantity exchange; note takers can generating more stress, frustration,
either cover as much content as and burnout.5 By minimizing steps
possible and hope they get the right between notation and documentation
points, or can hone in on key concepts natural note taking techniques help
and ideas and develop their own eliminate those disheartening and
conclusions. Stenography certainly has time consuming internal and digital
its strengths, but processing complex distractions while supercharging our
ideas isn’t one of them. By transitioning brain for higher retention, faster recall,
our note taking techniques from laptop better understanding, and greater
to smart pen we introduce a level overall efficiency.
of efficiency and engagement that
cannot be reproduced with a keyboard.

3 Mueller & Oppenheimer, 2014

4 Spira & Feintuch, 2005
5 Mark, Gudith, & Klocke, 2008

12 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Doodle Your Way to Greater Understanding

In the conversation around note taking it’s easy to focus

on putting words on paper, but note taking is more than
just words—note taking is memos and minutes, scribbles
and sketches, drafts and doodles.
Although doodling has a reputation memory, each unique sketch allows
for being mindless, lazy, and distracting, doodlers to rely on recognition over
research suggests otherwise. Doodlers recall for memory retrieval.7 Suddenly,
recall, on average, 29% more information that spaceship isn’t just a spaceship, it’s
than non-doodlers.6 Today, even Google a link back to the speaker’s third point
employs a Chief Doodler. on brand recognition.

According to doodling advocate and

thought leader Sunni Brown, doodling
sparks our understanding by blending
all four learning modalities (auditory,
visual, kinetic, and reading/writing) into
one mega-comprehension superpower.
Doodling then creates concept anchors
that drive retention and development.
Similar to how smell can trigger a buried

6 Andrade, 2009
7 Singh & Kashyap, 2015

14 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 3
Doodle Your Way to Greater Understanding
Doodlers make the most of the Picture Modern note taking brings doodlers
Superiority Effect for their note taking into a new era by empowering them
process. Essentially, people are more to engage in their preferred learning
likely to remember up to 90% of methods without sacrificing the perks
what they are shown versus just 10% of technology. By empowering doodlers
of what they hear. This way, doodles to sketch and save their creations we’re
not only engage memory, but their engaging them on every mental level,
unintimidating and personal nature rather than asking them to sacrifice
make it easier to engage an audience their preferred learning style for the
in complex materials. expediency of a laptop.

You can also turn your desk into a studio

specifically designed for your creative
process. Imagine having a huge canvas,
a brilliant screen for your thoughts that
allows you to fully visualize ideas as you
paint, edit, and design.

You’re not the only one sketching sailboats

in your margins, every president of
the United States was a doodler as well.
View their work here.

15 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Power Up Your Note Taking Techniques

The blend of longhand and digital technology equips note

takers with the best of yesterday and today. 4G, Wi-Fi, and cloud
connectivity all ensure that whether you’re sitting in a c-suite office
or scribbling a note in a coffee shop, your digital notes become
immediately accessible with the same personality and nuance as
their hand copied counterparts, but that’s a small perk compared
to the greater impact of natural note taking.
Smart pens eliminate the annoying your cloud service, allowing you
process of line-by-line transcription access from any connected laptop,
at the push of a button. The most tablet, or smart phone. The digital
tedious part of note taking is access and storage process eliminates
immediately overcome by technology the mess of notebooks, folders, and
that recognizes your handwriting and scattered memos, streamlining your
translates it instantly to digital text. entire collection into one database
These files can then be stored through that you can maintain as you see fit.

17 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 4
Power Up Your Note Taking Techniques
Keep it Simple Put it Together
Stick to basic ideas and overall Don’t quit taking notes as soon as the
concepts. Attempting to copy down meeting ends. Take a minute and link
every phrase isn’t just next to impossible, relevant points back together. Speculate
it’s distracting and frustrating. Actually on a few possible outcomes and analyze
listen to the speaker and use your any potential pain points—how is this
notes to highlight what seems to be information going to be relevant to
most important. you tomorrow?

Make it Your Own Make it Work

Verbatim dictation does nothing for There’s no universal method for top-
your ability to comprehend and recall notch notes. Do you recall information
new information. Copy those key ideas better when you doodle the speaker
in your own words. This way you hear transmogrifying into a dinosaur? Sure,
the information first, then translate it into go for it. Maybe you need to use a
something digestible and express your traditional outline—there’s no shame
understanding on paper, rather than just in that either. Find a system that works
repeating what you’ve been told. best for you and stick to it.

18 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 4
Power Up Your Note Taking Techniques

Digital Pen vs. Smart Pen

• Instantly access hundreds • Don’t worry about penmanship;

of colors, fonts, and tip styles instantly transcribe your chicken
scratch to familiar, readable fonts
• Take notes the way you think
best-manipulate data directly • Create with pen and paper
on your tablet in the most natural way

• Streamlined design is • Fully functional ball-point pen

less cumbersome than
• Relies on specific paper, apps,
its smart counterpart
and devices for full functionality
• Linked directly to your
• Never miss a note, record
touch screen devices
live audio as you write
• Creation surface is only limited
• Limited to the capacity
by the size of your display
of the ink cartridge
• Native integration into your
device’s operating system

19 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 5
Chapter 5
The Modern Note Taker

Digital note taking techniques are for more than just that one
guy who actually bought Google Glass and middle-aged executives
fighting to stay ahead of the latest trends—these techniques
lend themselves to stronger communication, collaboration and
efficiency across every industry.
Law Enforcement across the facility, prescriptions can
Smart pens create a unique opportunity be authorized quickly and easily, while
for law enforcement officials. The easing hospitals from the burden of
latest technology not only transcribes maintaining unnecessary networks
written notes, making for easily filed and servers.
and maintained case documents and
case notes, but records audio while
Instantly access unique client needs,
in action, creating additional levels
product notes, and target details with
of accountability, transparency, and
your digital notes. Digital note taking
protection for officers in the field.
empowers sales personnel to quickly
Healthcare recall or access pertinent information
With modern note taking, patient in the field while inspiring faith and
information can be instantly shared confidence in their customers.
from family doctor to nurse practitioner
to emergency room technician. If a
patient makes a specific request or has
a special need, that information can
quickly be documented and shared

21 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 5
The Modern Note Taker
Note taking isn’t just for students. For those juggling the weight of the
A smart pen in the hands of an world, the ones who run from team
educator creates an opportunity meeting to client presentation to
to quickly organize and transcribe brainstorming session to board room
lesson plans or worksheets, expedite to soccer practice to dinner, and back
the grading process, and store and to work for an hour before bed, natural
share student notes—all while keeping note taking provides the flexibility to
an organized and accountable record take notes in the way best suited for
of the semester. each particular environment. Natural
note taking isn’t a better mousetrap,
but it can help you figure out how to
Document schematics and
build one yourself. By connecting your
measurements in the field while
notes across every device, with instant
equipping other crewmembers
feedback, collaboration, and flexibility
instantly with the information they
to think on the go (without misplacing
need to get the job done right the
a memo) you’re freed up to accomplish
first time. Digital note taking simplifies
more, faster, and spend that extra time
any job site by transcribing unique
on the important things in life.
details, logging required maintenance
as it’s performed, and keeping track
of billable hours and supplies.

22 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 6
Chapter 6
The Cloud Connection

The Internet, mobile devices, and an always-on mentality have

made our parents’ 9-to-5 a thing of the past. Technology has
changed the pace at which we work, but what hasn’t changed
is our need for note taking.
The advent of these new devices, Cloud storage capabilities not
from voice recording apps to notes only allow instant access whenever
pages in smart phones, combined inspiration strikes, but many cloud
with our more natural inclinations service providers have special storage
to jot down notes on a sticky pad, capabilities to meet your unique
in a notebook, or on the back requirements. Run a small online shop
of a napkin, have taken our note with a fairly limited amount of data?
taking habits from bad to worse. Get yourself a free terabyte and you’re
good to go. CIO of a Fortune 500 tech
Until now.
firm with an extensive backlog of R&D,
For the first time, note taking client data, and analytic information?
technology has caught up with our There’s a platform out there for your
tools and gadgets. Using the cloud organization. “Freemium” cloud models
to store, access, and share your allow users to meet their needs and
notes wherever you are is the natural adapt accordingly without committing
evolution of modern note taking. unnecessary finances to digital storage
you might not even need.

24 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Chapter 6
The Cloud Connection
You can’t drop the cloud in a puddle, Modern workers don’t fit a specific mold.
accidentally leave it in a taxi, or delete it We’re executives and sales reps, service
when you’re cleaning up your hard drive. staff and remote analysts, engineers
Cloud storage backs up your back ups, and educators; we are architects of ideas
and keeps them guarded by some of that won’t always have the luxury of
the top security experts in the industry. a computer at our fingertips. Keeping
Cloud providers protect your data by all our notes and data organized and
surpassing industry encryption standards accessible, regardless of the platform,
and aligning with the expectations of is key to maintained success.
the Cloud Security Alliance.

Want to share your notes with your

colleagues and coworkers? Cloud
storage allows you to share every
minute, memo, and sketch at the touch
of a button. Collaboration is easier than
ever with digital note taking and cloud
connectivity. Access your coworkers
notes, share your own, and never panic
when Julie from Account Services calls
in sick or Drew from Sales goes on
paternity leave.

25 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

Where Will Your Notes Take You?
While research disproves using our notes like an inverted
Rorschach test to analyze our personalities,8 that certainly
doesn’t make them any less personal. Notes are more than
just dictations and doodles; they are the natural first step
in execution, the initial spark of innovation.
Our fondness for pen on paper isn’t By replacing the bulk of a keyboard
just nostalgia in action, it’s our brains with the mobility of a ball point pen,
demanding to be engaged. Modern note we are free to live, work, and create
taking harnesses that cognitive process where ever we see fit. Break away
to drive creativity and retention during from the desk and chase inspiration
meetings and conversations, rather than in the world around you. Products like
letting the creative process disconnect. Microsoft’s Surface and the Livescribe 3
smart pen let you harness the natural
By changing how we take, organize, share,
inclinations for scratching down notes
and visualize our notes we change the
and sketches to the limitless capabilities
way our organizations and schedules
of cloud technology.
operate. From the aspiring entrepreneur
to the chief financial officer, the
Discover how to transform ideas
reclaiming value of modern note taking
into realities with Surface.
unleashes the potential to revolutionize
careers, companies, and even entire
Learn how to solve the productivity
industries. At the core of modern note
taking is a marriage of art and science
that simplifies our ever-growing daily
Maximize the value of ideas.
grind through ease and accessibility.

8 Duffy & Wilson, 2005

27 Innovator’s Guide to Modern Note Taking

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SUMMARY. This document is provided “as-is.” Information and views expressed in
this document, including URL and other Internet website references, may change
without notice.

This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property
in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal,
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