2019 Faquestions

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2019 Men's Rally


1. What is the cost? It's a bargain! - check the pricing on the

registration Form

2. When is the Men's Rally? Friday evening through Sunday morning –

August 9, 10 and 11th, 2019

3. What time does the Men's Rally begin? The "WELCOME RECEPTION"
begins at 5:00pm on Friday. The actual program begins at 6:45pm

4. Where is the conference? Keuka College Keuka, NY

5. Who is this Men's Rally for? All men and all boys ages 12 and older.

6. Who is speaking?

Speakers include:
Pastor Terry Moore: Pastor Terry Moore answered God’s call to ministry following a
conviction that was placed upon his heart during a men’s ministry
conference in February of 2009. At that time Terry was serving as a
deacon, and worship leader, at Tuscarora Baptist Church in
Addison, NY, as well as working full-time in heavy industry. He
began his studies at Baptist Bible College and Seminary later that
same year and graduated with his BS in Bible in 2012.
In October 2012, Pastor Moore accepted the call to serve at Boyd’s
Corners Bible Church in Jasper, NY. At the time of his calling, BCBC consisted of
twelve members. By God’s divine providence, and their faithful adherence to His Word,
the church began to grow spiritually and numerically. Boyd’s Corners Bible Church
actively sought ways to share, and live, the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the community,
and God blessed these efforts. The BCBC church family has grown to a body of over
sixty members.
Following Terry’s ordination in 2015, the Moore’s began to feel God pulling them
in a new ministry direction – international missions. After a season of prayer and
preparation, in 2017 they partnered with International Gospel Missions of Rochester,
New York. Terry stepped down from the pulpit at Boyd’s Corners Bible Church in
February 2018 to enable him to focus on the new ministry which is focused on
identifying and equipping international ministry partners to successfully proclaim the
gospel in their native country and region. Boyd’s Corners Bible Church now serves as
their sending church.
The Moore’s reside in Prattsburgh, New York with their four daughters, Catie
(19), Emi (17), Susie (15) and Camryn (12).
For more info on ABCNYS visit https://www.igmgo.org/

Rev. Dr. James Kelsey Jim Kelsey, Executive Minister of the American Baptist
Churches of New York State, began his ministry as pastor of the
Second Baptist Church of Germantown in Philadelphia. He went on
from there to the Park Avenue Baptist Church in Mansfield,
Ohio. After that Jim and his wife Debbie, an American Baptist pastor,
served with International Ministries as missionaries in Europe. They
worked with Dutch-language churches in Flanders and then moved to
Italy where they served primarily with churches of African
immigrants. Jim provided theological training for immigrant pastors. Jim also taught
courses in Vietnam for Baptist pastors. Jim and Debbie came to New York in August of
Jim studied accounting in college and received an M.Div. form the Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in New Testament from that same institution in 1990
under the seminary presidency of Dr. Roy Honeycutt. For more info on ABCNYS visit

Rev. Tom Bell: Rev. Bell serves as Pastor of Elbridge Community Church and has
previously served at Coopers Plains Community Church in the
southern tier. He is the Pastor Consultant for the AB Men NYS
Executive Board and was also a featured speaker for our
conference in 2009. He has served on the ABC NYS Board of
Missions. He is involved in many organizations as a board
member serving the local churches and community in the
Elbridge-Jordan community as well as the greater Syracuse area.

Rev. Brett Charsky Rev. Charsky is the pastor of the Pulaski Baptist Church in
Pulaski, NY. He is a 1987 graduate of Wellsboro Area High
School, Wellsboro, PA. He received his Masters of divinity from
Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1996. He was
commissioned 27 April 2000 as an U.S. Army military chaplain.
During his career in the U.S. Army he has received several
medals include the Bronze Star Medal, two Defense Meritorious Service Medals, two
Meritorious Service Medals
three Army Commendation Medals, two
Army Achievement Medals, Reserve Components Achievement Medal, National
Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on
Terrorism Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal with “M” Device and the Army
Service Ribbon. His tours included being mobilized to Iraq. He will share experiences
with us from his U.S. Army Chaplaincy.

7. What should I wear? Dress is casual.

8. Is lodging available? Lodging is available for the men & boys that
are attending the Men's Rally – If you would like to bring the entire
family, there are some fine hotels nearby (additional charge). Your
family can go sightseeing or shopping while you attend the rally.

9. If I want to stay at a local hotel what is the procedure? You are on your
own – ABMen NYS will be responsible for College lodging only.

10. What time can I check in at the Men's Rally? After 4:00 pm on Friday
August 10th. Checkout before 9 am on Sunday then attend the
morning worship in Norton Chapel Keuka College.

11. How will I know where I am staying? You will be assigned a room at
the registration table upon check in.

12. What should I bring if staying on Keuka? See question # 15.

13. Will recreational facilities be available? There will be swimming in the

lake available on Saturday and some of the college’s athletic facilities
will be available. (Yes you can fish NYS license to fish required if you are
16 or older.)

14. Will meals be served Friday? Yes, there will be a "Welcome

Reception" held at 5:00pm on Friday (Sandwiches).

15. What should I pack? We want everyone's conference experience to

be enjoyable and worshipful. Nothing can ruin a trip faster than
arriving and not having a particular item you need. Below is a list of
suggested items you may find helpful to bring with you. Hope to see
you there!

 A Bible
 Notepad and Pen/Pencil
 Toiletries (Towel and Wash Cloth provided, Bring Toothbrush,
toothpaste, soap,shampoo, drinking cup, etc.)
 A bathing suit and towel to use for the Lake
 Extra pillow, if desired
 Travel Alarm clock
 Spending money (Free-will offerings are taken at the banquet
Saturday evening, the Saturday Concert and Sunday
worship meeting)
 Comfortable clothes and clothes for Sunday worship (no dress-
code is imposed, but some men like to dress for church)
 Camera (still or video)
 Night-light for your room (if desired)
 a padlock to secure your valuables
 A Friend
16. Are sleeping quarter’s air conditioned? Yes

17. Is there a special young men's program? Sorry we welcome young

men and are glad to include them in all our activities.

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