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Entrepreneurship - III Bba - Question Bank

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Subject : Entrepreneurship

Subject code: UBBSC14

Faculty incharge: Dr. Annie Sam


Entrepreneurship: Definitions and Structure, The Entrepreneurial Culture, The Concept of

Entrepreneurship, Classification and Types of Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurial Traits and
Motivation, , Entrepreneur Vs. Salaried people.

PART A – 2 marks

1. Define Entrepreneurship
2. Define meaning and concept of Enterprise
3. Types of entrepreneurs.
4. Different classifications of entrepreneurs.
5. What is a entrepreneurship culture.
6. List any four traits of an entrepreneur.
7. What do you understand by Entrepreneurship?
8. State the two key behavioural characteristics of an entrepreneur.
9. What do you understand by ‘Idea Generation’?
10. What is Risk Taking’ with respect to entrepreneurship
11. Who is an entrepreneur?
12. List any three importance of entrepreneurship.
13. What are the competencies required for an Entrepreneur?
14. List any 5 qualities of an Entrepreneur.
15. List any 4 Entrepreneurial skills
16. Who is a Business Entrepreneur?
17. Who is a agricultural entrepreneur?
18. What is Intrapreneurship ?
19. Who is an Intrapreneur ?
20. Who is a First Generation Entrepreneur?

PART B – 5 marks

1. What is entrepreneurship Development? Explain

2. Distinguish between Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs.
3. List the needs for entrepreneurship
4. Describe the roles of an Entrepreneur.
5. Describe the different types of entrepreneurs.
6. Explain why entrepreneurship is important.
7. Explain the behavioural characteristics of an entrepreneur.
8. Explain the importance of Entrepreneurship
9. Who is an Entrepreneur? What are his types?
10. Explain briefly the characteristics of entrepreneurship.
11. What are the qualities of a successful entrepreneur.
12. Describe briefly the characteristics of entrepreneurship.
13. State any ten qualities , which an entrepreneur should possess.
14. Explain the features of Entrepreneurship
15. Explain the significance of Entrepreneurship

PART C – 10 marks

1. What is Entrepreneurship. Discuss its functions. Also explain the problems faced by
2. Define the term entrepreneur. What are the distinguishing characteristics of a successful
3. Compare professionals versus family entrepreneurs in India.
4. Explain the term Entrepreneurship Development and career scope as entrepreneurship.
5. “Innovation is the key to successful enterprises “. Justify
6. Creativity and Innovation are base for any successful business. Justify
7. Differentiate an entrepreneur and a manager, with respect to their roles and
responsibilities. (Give suitable examples in each case).
8. Difference between an intrapreneur and a corporate entrepreneur with respect to their
roles and responsibilities. (Give suitable examples in each case).
9. Discuss the role of Entrepreneurship in the development of our country.
10. Give an account of advantage that an entrepreneur enjoys and obstacles he face.


Setting up a Small Industry & Problems of Entrepreneurship: Steps for Starting a Small
Industry, Selection of Types of Organization, Incentives and Subsidies, Problems of
Entrepreneurship, Sickness in Small-scale Industries - Reasons and Remedies, Importance of
SME to our Economy.

PART – A – 2marks

1. What is meant by industrial sickness?

2. State the meaning for diversification.
3. Give the meaning for merger.
4. What is an incentive?
5. What is a subsidies?
6. What is a SSI
7. What is MSME?
8. What is the importance of SME?
9. What are the types of organizations?
10. What is NSIC ?
11. What are the external problems of entrepreneurship?
12. List any 5 internal problems faced by Entrepreneurship?
13. What are the infrastructural problems of entrepreneurship?
14. What is a merger?
15. List any two institutions involved in reviving the sick unit.
16. What is BIFR?
17. Give examples of small and medium sized enterprise.
18. What is a proprietary enterprise?
19. What are the different types of organization?
20. What is a partnership organization?

PART B- 5 marks

1. Explain the term SISI, DIC, EDII.

2. What do you understand by financial support system? Explain the forms of financial
support system
3. Explain location selection and its preliminary activities of selection.
4. What are the points to be considered for land and shed selection.?.
5. Explain the causes sickness in organizations
6. Explain the measures to prevent sickness/ revive large and medium scale sick units.
7. How can you diagnose the sickness in industry
8. Explain the internal causes of sickness.

PART C – 10 marks

1. Discuss the steps of project formulation.

2. Discuss the role of DIC in the development of Entrepreneurship.
3. Discuss the causes of sickness in organization and the measures to prevent sickness.
4. Discuss the Internal and external causes of sickness.
5. Explain the process of starting a small enterprise.
6. Explain the steps for starting a small industry.


Project Management: Concept of Projects and Classification, Project Report, Project

Appraisal, Factory location and Layout , Institutions in Aid of Entrepreneurs. Development
of Women Entrepreneurs.
PART A – 2 marks

1. What is pre feasibility study?

2. What is a project profile?
3. What is project identification?
4. What is Technical feasibility?
5. What are the assessments of project feasibility?
6. What is a project?
7. What is feasibility report?
8. What are the criteria for selection of product?
9. Define Budget.
10. Define capital.
11. Define Ownership.
12. What is project evaluation?
13. Expand the following:
i. MSMEs
ii. SSI
14. What are the different classification of projects
15. What are quantifiable projects
16. What are non quantifiable projects
17. What are the sectoral classification of projects
18. What are services projects.

PART B- 5 marks

1. What is the significance of promoting women Entrepreneurship in India?

2. What are the major problems faced by the women Entrepreneurs.
3. What do you mean by project selection? Explain
4. How do you prepare feasibility report ?
5. What are the components of feasibility study?
6. Explain project feasibility study.

PART C – 10 marks

1. Explain the plant location and the points to be considered for the selection of the plant
2. Explain the different classification of projects.
3. Discuss the types of projects.
4. Discuss the steps of project formulation.
5. Discuss the steps of project evaluation.
6. Explain Women Entrepreneurship. Also explain the major role played by them in
improving the economy of India

Financial Analysis & Sources of Finance: Financial Appraisal, Break-Even Analysis,

Profitability Analysis, Sources of Development Finance, Project Financing, Institutional Finance
to Entrepreneurs, (9 Hours)

PART A – 2 marks

1. Define working capital.

2. What is meant by loan?
3. State the meaning for term loan.
4. Mention the meaning for tax.
5. What is meant by financial feasibility?
6. Write the meaning for budget.
7. What is meant by plan?
8. What is IRR
9. What is a factor overheads
10. What is material cost
11. What is a shared capital
12. What is a debenture?
13. What is a term loan?
14. How do you classify term finance?
15. What is seed-capital assistance?

PART B – 5 marks

1. Explain the sources of funds in financial appraisal.

2. Explain short-term financing methods.
3. Explain medium-term financing methods.
4. Name any five financial institutions supporting entrepreneurship.
5. Explain about term loans
6. List the merits and demerits of money lenders.
7. State the importance of finance to the business.
8. Explain about the break even analysis.

PART C – 10 marks

1. Differentiate short term and long term loans.

2. Explain the domestic sources of finance to entrepreneurship.
3. Elucidate the merits and demerits of long term loans.
4. Describe the merits and demerits of short term business.

Marketing Channel: Methods of Marketing, Marketing Channels, Marketing Institutions and

Assistance, Setting Quality Standards. (7 Hours)

PART A – 2marks

1. What is marketing?
2. What is marketing channel ?
3. Who is a retailer?
4. Who is a Wholesaler?
5. Who is a agent?
6. What is a direct channel?
7. What is a indirect channel?
8. What is door-door marketing?
9. What is a marketing institution?
10. What are primary marketing institution?
11. What are secondary marketing institution?
12. What is Directorate of marketing and inspection?
13. Define Quality standards
14. What is ISO 9000?
15. What is ISO 9003?

PART B – 5 marks

1. Why marketing channels are needed?

2. What are the functions of marketing channel?
3. What are the factors influencing the choice of Channel of distribution?
4. Explain the characteristics of a retailer
5. Explain the characteristics of a wholesaler.
6. What is DMI – and explain its functions

PART C – 10 marks

1. Explain the functions of state level co-operative marketing societies

2. Explain the different quality standards.
3. Explain any two marketing institutions and its assistance.
4. Explain the different methods of marketing.
5. Explain the different marketing channels.

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