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Chapter One


1.1 Introduction of the study
Internship is a partial requirement of graduation. It offers a great opportunity for any student
to get some tremendous and brilliant ideas about the practical field. It is also a challenging
experience to prepare Internship Report which increases intellectual abilities as an efficient
graduate. This internship report has been based on the Customer’s Satisfaction taken by the
consumers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch. During the three months long internship period
spanning form November 20, 2015 to 29 February, 2016 in AIBL, Panthapath Branch the
writer of this report gained practical knowledge about the evaluation process of Customer
Satisfaction a consumer product of AIBL, Panthapath Branch and worked on a report titled
“Analyzing Customers’ Satisfaction Level at Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd., Panthapath
Branch”. Here the analysis has been made to identify the relationship of the profitability
of the bank and the contribution of the customer satisfaction.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The study has the following objectives:

Main Objective: The objective of the study is to measure the customers’ satisfaction towards
services of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. (AIBL), Panthapath Branch.

Supportive Objectives:

 To analyze problems faced by customers.

 To identify the dimension wise satisfaction level and determine the gap from the
 Find out the weakness of the bank in case of customers satisfaction.
 To gather comprehensive knowledge on overall banking operations.
 To produce some recommendation to enhance the satisfaction level.

1.3 Scope and Limitations of the Study

I did the report to analyze the customers’ satisfaction level of AlBL, Phanthapath Branch and
also detect the weaknesses of this branch. To do this report I collected data only those people
who are the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch. I did not have any scope to collect data
from other branches because I had to spend my internship period only at AIBL, Phanthapath
Branch. Though this report has been prepared only considering the AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, I
believe this report reflects about the overall satisfaction level of AIBL customers.

Banking is, in fact, a huge operation and it is quite impossible to cope up all the activities
during internship period. And for that reason, limitations prevail while conducting the study.
The basic limitations faced in preparing the report were:
 Customers are not interested to give information

 As the bank is continuously changing its product offering regarding account, loan
with new interest, flexible loan terms etc, it will be difficult to ascertain the true
performance of the product.
 It is difficult to make information based a rich report in a short time period.

1.4 Rational of the Study

As a marketing student my supervisor and AIBL, Phanthapath Branch Manager suggested me

to select the internship topic entitled “Analyzing Customers’ Satisfaction Level at Al-Arafah
Islami Bank Ltd., Phanthapath Branch”. So I select this topic and I believe that this analysis
report will help the bank to understand their limitations. Basically, this study is conducted to
expose the way to find out the customer’s satisfaction level and know how to provide
them better service.

1.5 Methodology of Study
For achieving the main objective and supportive objectives of this study, data were gathered
from both primary and secondary sources.

Primary sources:
 Customer’s opinion collected through Questionnaire
 Face to face conversation with the customers
 Informal conversation with the clients
 Conversation with the bank officers and staffs
Secondary sources:
 Annual report of Bank
 Several types of Academic text books, journals
 Different publications regarding banking functions
 Website of AIBL
 Various Web sites related with this topic

Study Design: Descriptive study

Population: Customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch.
Sampling Method and Sample Size: Random Sampling Method used to collect the data and
the sample size of customers was 100.
Scaling technique: Likert’s 5 point scale

Strongly Dissatisfied=
Dissatisfied= 2 Neutral=3 Satisfied=4

Chapter Two
Data Collection, Analysis &

2.0 Customer
Customer is the most important part of any organization. A customer (also known as
a client, buyer, or purchaser) is the recipient of a good, service, product, or idea, obtained
from a seller, vendor, or supplier for a monetary or other valuable consideration. A bank
customer is a person who is using any or all of the services offered by the bank.

2.1 Customer Satisfaction

Satisfaction is a state in which customers’ expectations are met. Customer satisfaction, a term
frequently used in marketing, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a
company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as "the
number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a
firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals. Bank is a
service organization, here it is mandatory to satisfy its customers. Customer satisfaction is the
only thing to get more customers, to make more profit. AIBL is a commercial bank with a
very good reputation. It’s always tried to provide better service to its customer. But it is not
possible to any one or any organization to satisfy the entire customers. If AIBL provide best
service to its customer, there will be some people who will be not satisfied at all. Not only
that, customer satisfaction level might be changed day by day. In my intern period I observe
that one customer’s choice, his/her opinion, feelings about AIBL products, behaviors are
different from other customers; satisfaction level is also varying from others. In AIBL,
Phanthapath Branch I have to meet many customers in a day. Some of them are happy with
AIBL but some of them are totally disappointed with AIBL.

2.2 Analysis of Customer Satisfaction

There are different approached to measure the quality of service of organization. To measure
this satisfaction level, I asked some fixed questions (Questionnaire is attaching in appendix)
to 100 different customers who visited AIBL, Phanthapath Branch frequently. I divided
my questionnaire in some criteria, like AIBL customers’ demographic features, AIBL
products, employees’ behavior, charges, loan facilities etc. I choose randomly my samples
for my survey. After completing my survey, I analyzed those data by using SPSS and

Microsoft Excel 2007.
2.3 Demographic Features of General Customers

2.3.1 Gender of Customers

The total respondents of this report are 100. The following pie chart reveals the gender
frequency of the respondents.
Graph 1: Gender of Customers

Object 3

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are male which 82% is.

2.3.2 Age of Customers

The most of the respondents of this survey are 20 – 40 years old and their rate is 78%. The
second level of respondents is 41 – 65 years old and their rate is 15%. Only a very few
customers, only 7%, are 19 years old or younger. The following graphical representation
summarized that information.
Graph 2: Age of Customers

Object 5

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

2.4 Opinion of General Customers

2.4.1 Timing of Visiting the Bank

For knowing the customers visiting times in the bank I asked 100 customers of AIBL in
Phanthapath Branch “How often do you visit our bank in a month?” {See Appendix} and their
opinion are given in the following formation.

Graph 3: Timing of Visiting the Bank

Object 7

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Above pie chart demonstrates that in case of AIBL customers, they visit the branch more than
one time in a month. In my report in this part total numbers of respondents are 100. 39% of the
total respondents told me that they visit the branch 4-6 times in a month and most of them are
businessmen. Others i.e. 22% visit the branch 1-3 times, 15% visit the branch 7-10 times in a
month and 24% of this type customers said, they visit the branch more than 10 times in a

2.4.2 Percentage of Respondents to get the Services

In this part I asked to the customers for the visiting purpose of the bank. And my
question was “For which purpose do you visit our bank mostly?” {See Appendix}. Their
answers in graphical format are given below.

Graph 4: Percentage of Respondents to get the Services

Object 9

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart reveals that most of the customers visit the branch for cash deposit and
cash withdrawal. 87% of the total respondents told that they visit the bank for the purpose
of cash deposit and cash withdrawal. And the rest of the customers visit the bank for Pay
Order, Account Related, Credit Card, Cheque deposit and their percentage of respondents are
4%, 1%, 2% and 6% respectively.

2.4.3 Preference for banking with the Bank

It is of interest to know the customers’ preferences for banking with branch. The
customers were asked about their preference for banking especially with the
Phanthapath Branch. The question was “Why do you prefer AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
for banking?” {See Appendix}. Their answers in graphical format are given below.

Graph 5: Preference for banking with the Bank

Object 11

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above pie chart shows that 38% of the customers prefer to the branch for banking because
it is very near to their resident and 22% of the customers prefer to the branch because of its
good location. Others i.e. 27%, 8%, and 5% told me the reason to choose the branch for good

will, familiar staff and near to the business office.

2.5 Customers’ opinion about the Bank Service

2.5.1 IQUMS (Intelligence Queue Management System)
In this part I asked to the customers about “IQUMS” {See Appendix}. Their answers are
given in the following formation:

Table 1: IQUMS (Intelligence Queue Management System)

Percentage of Mean value
Factors Responses
Dissatisfied 4 4%
Neutral 6 6%
Satisfied 18 18% 4.58
Strongly Satisfied 72 72%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
Table 1 shows the mean value of IQUMS is 4.58.

Graph 6: IQUMS (Intelligence Queue Management System)

Object 13

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart reveals that 72 respondents are strongly satisfied and the rest of the
respondents are dissatisfied; neutral, satisfied and their frequencies are 4, 6, and 18
respectively. Here the total respondents were 100.

2.5.2 Feature of the product

In this part I asked to the customers about “Feature of the product” {See Appendix}. Their
answers are given below in the following formation:

Table 2: Feature of the product
Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean value
Strongly Dissatisfied 10 10%
Dissatisfied 58 58%
Neutral 20 20%
Satisfied 10 10%
Strongly Satisfied 2 2%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 2 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 2.36 and it not satisfactory.

Graph 7: Feature of the product

Object 15

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart shows that 72 respondents are dissatisfied And the rest of the respondents
are strongly dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied, strongly satisfied and their frequencies are 4, 6,
and 18 respectively. Here the total respondents were 100.

2.5.3 Process of issuing cheque and ATM card

In this part the customer were asked about the process of issuing check and ATM card {See
Appendix}. Their answers are given below in the following formation:

Table 3: Process of issuing cheque and ATM card

Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Dissatisfied 2 2%

Neutral 14 14%
Satisfied 30 30% 4.36
Strongly Satisfied 54 54%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 3 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.36.

Graph 8: Process of issuing check and ATM card

Object 17

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart shows that 54 Respondents (out of 100) are Strongly Satisfied and the rest
of the Respondents are dissatisfied; neutral, satisfied and their respondents are 4, 6, and 18

2.5.4 Interest rate in deposit schemes

In this part the customers were asked about the Interest rate in deposit schemes {See
Appendix}. Their answers are given below in the following formation:

Table 4: Interest rate in deposit schemes

Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Dissatisfied 4 4%
Neutral 12 12%
Satisfied 52 52%
Strongly Satisfied 32 32% 4.12
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 4 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.12.

Graph 9: Interest rate in deposit schemes

Object 20

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart shows that 52 Respondents are Satisfied and the rest of the Respondents
are dissatisfied; neutral, strongly satisfied and their respondents are 4, 12, and 32 respectively.
Here the total respondents were 100.

2.5.5 Overall banking system

In this part the customers were asked about the Overall banking system {See Appendix}.
Their answers are given below in the following formation:

Table 5: Overall banking system

Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Dissatisfied 2 2%
Neutral 2 2%
Satisfied 32 32% 4.58
Strongly Satisfied 64 64%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 5 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.58.

Graph 10: Overall banking system

Object 23

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart shows that 64 Respondents are Strongly Satisfied and the rest of the
respondents are dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied and the no. of respondents is 2, 2, and 32
respectively. Here the total respondents were 100.

2.5.6 Parking System & area

In this part the customers were asked about the Overall banking system {See Appendix}.
Their answers are given below in the following formation:

Table 6: Parking System & area

Percentage of Mean
Factors Responses
Responses Value
Strongly Dissatisfied 52 52%
Dissatisfied 36 36%
Neutral 6 6% 1.68
Satisfied 4 4%
Strongly Satisfied 2 2%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
Table 6 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 1.68.
Graph 11: Parking System & area

Object 25

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart shows that 52 Respondents are Strongly Dissatisfied And the rest of the
Respondents are dissatisfied , neutral, satisfied , strongly satisfied and the no. of
respondents are 36, 6, 4 and 2 respectively.

2.5.7 Overall banking environment

In this part the customers were asked about the Overall banking environment. {See
Appendix}. Their answers are given below in the following formation:
Table 7: Overall banking environments
Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Neutral 4 4%
Satisfied 24 24%
Strongly Satisfied 72 72% 4.68
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
Table 7 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.68.

Graph 12: Overall banking environments

Object 27

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart shows that 72 respondents are strongly satisfied and the rest of the
respondents are neutral, satisfied and the no. of respondents are 4, 24 respectively.
2.5.8 Bank Security System
In this part the customers were asked about the Bank Security System {See Appendix}.
Their answers are given below in the following formation:

Table 8: Bank Security System
Percentage of Mean
Factors Responses
Responses Value
Dissatisfied 2 2%
Neutral 2 2%
Satisfied 40 40%
Strongly Satisfied 56 56%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 8 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.50.

Graph 13: Bank Security System

Object 30

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart shows that 56 Respondents are strongly satisfied And the rest of the
Respondents are neutral, satisfied, dissatisfied and the no. of respondents are 2, 40, and 2
respectively. Here the total respondents were 100.

2.5.9 Availability of ATM booth

In this part the customers were asked about the Availability of ATM booth {See Appendix}.
Their answers are given below in the following formation:
Table 9: Availability of ATM booth

Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Strongly Dissatisfied 26 26%
Dissatisfied 50 50%
Neutral 16 16% 2.10
Satisfied 4 4%
Strongly Satisfied 4 4%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
Table 9 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.58

Graph 14: Availability of ATM booth

Object 32

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart shows that 50 Respondents are dissatisfied And the rest of the
Respondents are neutral, satisfied , strongly satisfied ,strongly issatisfied and the no. of
respondents are 16, 4, 4 and 26 respectively. Here the total respondents were 100.

2.5.10 Bill payment services

In this part the customers were asked about the Bill payment services {See Appendix}. Their
answers are given below in the following formation:
Table 10: Bill payment services

Percentage of Mean
Factors Responses
Responses Value
Dissatisfied 6 6%
Neutral 12 12%
Satisfied 36 36%
Strongly Satisfied 46 46% 4.22
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
Table 10 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.22.

Graph 15: Bill payment services

Object 34

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart shows that 46 Respondents are strongly satisfied And the rest of the
Respondents are satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied and the no. of respondents are 36, 12 and 6

2.5.11 Service charge of the bank

In this part the customers were asked about the Service charge of the bank {See Appendix}.
Their answers are given below in the following formation:
Table 11: Service charge of the bank
Response Percentage of
Factors Mean Value
s Responses
Strongly Dissatisfied 20 20% 3.08
Dissatisfied 16 16%

Neutral 20 20%
Satisfied 24 24%
Strongly Satisfied 20 20%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 11 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 3.08.

Graph 16: Service charge of the bank

Object 36

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

The above chart shows that 24 Respondents are satisfied and the rest of the Respondents are
neutral, dissatisfied, strongly dissatisfied, strongly satisfied and the no. of respondents are 20,
16, 20 and 20 respectively. Here the total respondents were 100.

2.6 Customers’ Opinion about Employee’s Service

2.6.1 The quality of greetings

The total respondents of this report are 100. The following table & chart reveals the quality of
greetings of the Customer:
Table12: The quality of greetings
Percentage of Mean
Factors Responses
Responses Value
Dissatisfied 2 2%
Satisfied 2 2%
Strongly Satisfied 96 96% 4.92

Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 12 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.92

Graph 17: The quality of greetings

Object 38

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 96 respondents And the rest of the Respondents are
dissatisfied, satisfied and the no. of respondents are 2, 2 respectively.

2.6.2 Quality of giving advice about products

The total respondents of this report are 100. The following table &chart reveals the Quality of
giving advice about products:
Table 13: Quality of giving advice about products
Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Strongly Dissatisfied 2 2%
Dissatisfied 7 7%
Neutral 4 4% 4.34
Satisfied 29 29%
Strongly Satisfied 58 58%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 13 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.34.

Graph 18: Quality of giving advice about products

Object 40

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 58 respondents And the rest of the Respondents are
strongly dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied and the no. of respondents are 2, 7, 4 and
29 respectively.

2.6.3 Willingness to listen and respond to your need

The total respondents of this report are 100. The following table & chart reveals the
Willingness to listen and respond to your need:
Table 14: Willingness to listen and respond to your need
Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Dissatisfied 4 4%
Neutral 13 13%
Satisfied 18 18% 4.44
Strongly Satisfied 65 65%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 14 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.44.

Graph 19: Willingness to listen and respond to your need

Object 42

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 65 respondents and the rest of the Respondents are
dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied and the no. of respondents are 4, 13 and 18 respectively. Here the
total respondents were 100.

2.6.4 The account opening & closing process

For knowing the customers Satisfaction of the account opening & closing process in the
bank I asked 100 customers of AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix} and their
opinion are given in the following formation:
Table 15: The account opening & closing process
Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Dissatisfied 6 6%
Neutral 2 2%
Satisfied 28 28% 4.50
Strongly Satisfied 64 64%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
Table 15 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.50.

Graph 20: The account opening & closing process

Object 44

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 64 respondents and the rest of the Respondents are
dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied and the no. of respondents are 6, 2 and 28 respectively.

2.6.5 Behavior of the bank employees

For knowing the customers Satisfaction of the Behavior of the bank employees in the bank I
asked 100 customers of AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix} and their opinion are
given in the following formation:
Table 16: Behavior of the bank employees
Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Neutral 2 2%
Satisfied 12 12%
Strongly Satisfied 86 86%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 16 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.84.

Graph 21: Behavior of the bank employees

Object 46

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 86 respondents and the rest of the Respondents are
neutral, satisfied and the no. of respondents are 2, 12 respectively.

2.6.6 Based on your experience, the efficiency level of staff

For knowing the customers Satisfaction of the Based on your experience, the efficiency
level of staff in the bank I asked 100 customers of AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See
Appendix} and their opinion are given in the following formation:
Table 17: Based on your experience, the efficiency level of staff
Percentage of Mean
Factors Responses
Responses Value
Dissatisfied 4 4%
Neutral 20 20%
Satisfied 49 49% 3.99
Strongly Satisfied 27 27%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
Table 17 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 3.99.

Graph 22: Based on your experience, the efficiency level of staff

Object 48

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are satisfied which consists of 49 respondents And the rest of the Respondents are
dissatisfied, neutral, strongly satisfied and the no. of respondents are 4, 20 and 27 respectively.

2.6.7 Maintain an error free process

For knowing the customers Satisfaction of the Maintain an error free process in the bank I
asked 100 customers of AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix} and their opinion are
given in the following formation:
Table18: Maintain an error free process
Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Dissatisfied 2 2%
Neutral 19 19%
Satisfied 22 22% 4.34
Strongly Satisfied 57 57%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
Table 18 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.34.

Graph 23: Maintain an error free process

Object 50

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 57 respondents and the rest of the Respondents are
dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied and the no. of respondents are 2, 19 and 22respectively.

2.6.8 Promptness of the services whenever you visit the branch

For knowing the customers Satisfaction of the Promptness of the services whenever you visit
the branch in the bank I asked 100 customers of AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix}
and their opinion are given in the following formation:
Table 19: Promptness of the services whenever you visit the branch
Percentage of Mean
Factors Responses
Responses Value
Strongly Dissatisfied 2 2%
Dissatisfied 10 10%
Neutral 21 21% 3.99
Satisfied 21 21%
Strongly Satisfied 46 46%
Total 100 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
Table 19 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 3.99.

Graph 24: Promptness of the services whenever you visit the branch

Object 52

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 46 respondents And the rest of the Respondents are
strongly dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied and the no. of respondents are 2, 10, 21 and
21 respectively.

2.7 Customers’ opinion on loan procedures

2.7.1 Behavior of the bank employees
For knowing the customers Satisfaction of the Behavior of the bank employees in the bank I
asked 40 customers of AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix} and their opinion are
given in the following formation:
Table 20: Behavior of the bank employees
Percentage of Mean
Factors Responses
Responses Value
Strongly Satisfied 20 50%
Satisfied 15 37.5% 4.375
Neutral 5 12.5%
Total 40 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
Table 20 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.375.
Graph 25: Behavior of the bank employees

Object 54

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are satisfied with the behavior of the bank employees.

2.7.2 Interest rate

For knowing the customer Satisfaction about interest rate in the bank I asked 40 customers of
AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix} and their opinion are given in the following

Table 21: Interest rate

Percentage of Mean
Factors Responses
Responses Value
Strongly Dissatisfied 6 15%
Dissatisfied 8 20%
Neutral 2 5% 3.55
Satisfied 6 15%
Strongly Satisfied 18 45%
Total 40 100%

Table 21 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 3.55.

Graph 26: Interest rate

Object 56

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 18 respondents And the rest of the respondents are
strongly dissatisfied , dissatisfied ,neutral , satisfied and the no. of respondents are 6,8 ,2 and
6 respectively.

2.7.3 Formalities followed while borrowing

For knowing the customer Satisfaction about Formalities in the bank I asked 40 customers of
AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix} and their opinion are given in the following
Table 22: Formalities followed while borrowing
Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Neutral 4 10%
Satisfied 14 35%
Strongly Satisfied 22 55% 4.45
Total 40 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 22 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.45.

Graph 27: Formalities followed while borrowing

Object 58

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 22 respondents And the rest of the Respondents are
neutral, satisfied and the no. of respondents are 4 and 6 respectively.

2.7.4 Promptness in disbursement of loan

For knowing the customer Satisfaction about Promptness in disbursement of loan in the bank
I asked 40 customers of AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix} and their opinion are
given in the following formation:
Table 23: Promptness in disbursement of loan
Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
2 5%
Neutral 2 5% 4.55
Satisfied 6 15%
Strongly Satisfied 30 75%
Total 40 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 23 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.55.

Graph 28: Promptness in disbursement of loan

Object 60

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 30 respondents And the rest of the Respondents are
neutral, satisfied, strongly dissatisfied and the no. of respondents are 2, 6 and 2 respectively.

2.7.5 Terms and conditions of loan

For knowing the customer Satisfaction about Terms and conditions of loan in the bank I asked
40 customers of AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix} and their opinion are given in
the following formation:

Table 24: Terms and conditions of loan

Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Neutral 2 5%
Satisfied 8 20%
Strongly Satisfied 30 75%
Total 40 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 24 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 0.70.

Graph 29: Terms and conditions of loan

Object 62

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 30 respondents And the rest of the Respondents are
neutral, satisfied, and the no. of respondents are 2 and 8 respectively.

2.7.6 Documentation required

For knowing the customer Satisfaction about Documentation required of loan in the bank I
asked 40 customers of AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix} and their opinion are
given in the following formation:

Table 25: Documentation required

Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Satisfied 8 20%
32 80% 4.80
Total 40 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 25 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.80.

Graph 30: Documentation required

Object 64

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 32 respondents And the rest of the Respondents are
satisfied and the no. of respondents are 8 respectively.

2.7.7 Quality of advice given

For knowing the customer Satisfaction about Quality of advice given of loan in the bank I
asked 40 customers of AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix} and their opinion are
given in the following formation:

Table 26: Quality of advice given

Percentage of
Factors Responses Mean Value
Dissatisfied 2 5%
Neutral 2 5%
Satisfied 8 20% 4.55
Strongly Satisfied 28 70%
Total 40 100%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

Table 26 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 4.55.

Graph 31: Quality of advice given

Object 66

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are strongly satisfied which consists of 28 respondents And the rest of the Respondents are
dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied and the no. of respondents are 2, 2 and 8 respectively.

2.7.8 Strictness of repayment mechanism

For knowing the customer Satisfaction about strictness of repayment mechanism of loan in
the bank I asked 40 customers of AIBL in Phanthapath Branch {See Appendix} and their
opinion are given in the following formation:

Table 27: Strictness of repayment mechanism

Response Percentage of
Factors Mean Value
s Responses
Strongly Dissatisfied 2 5
Dissatisfied 8 20
Neutral 8 20
Satisfied 14 35
Strongly Satisfied 8 20
Total 40 100
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
Table 27 shows the mean value about the feature of the product is 3.45.

Graph 32: Strictness of repayment mechanism

Object 68

Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

From the above chart it can be said that most of the customers of AIBL, Phanthapath Branch
are satisfied which consists of 14 respondents And the rest of the respondents are strongly
dissatisfied , dissatisfied, neutral , strongly satisfied and the no. of respondents are 2,8,8
and 8 respectively.

2.8 Summary information of Customers’ Opinion about Bank’s Service

To know the bank services to provide the customers by AIBL, Phanthapath Branch I asked

several questions {See Appendix} to hundred customers. Their summary answers are given
below in percentage.

Table 28: Summary information of Customers’ Opinion about Bank’s Service

Level of Satisfaction
Bank Service (Particulars) Strongly Dissatisfie Strongly
Satisfied Neutral
Satisfied d Dissatisfied

IQMS (Intelligence Queue

72% 18% 6% 4% -
Management System)
The features of the products &
services through brochures, e-mail 2% 10% 20% 58% 10%
& SMS.
Process of issuing cheque book
54% 30% 14% 2% -
and ATM card
Interest rate in different deposit
32% 52% 12% 4% -
Overall banking system 64% 32% 2% 2% -
Parking System & area 2% 4% 6% 36% 52%
Overall banking environment 72% 24% 4% - -
Bank Security System 56% 40% 2% 2% -
Availability of ATM booth 4% 4% 16% 50% 26%
Bill payment services 46% 36% 12% 6% -
Service charge of the bank 20% 24% 20% 16% 20%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

To identify the quality of provided services it is essential to find out the customers’ opinion
about the services provide. For this reason I asked several customers and tried to find out level
of service quality. Their opinions about service quality are given in Table 30.

The graphical representation of the above information are given in the next page-

Graph 33: Summary Graph Customers’ Opinion about Bank’s Service

Object 70

2.9 Summary Information of Customers’ Opinion about Employees’ Services

Employees are the main factors to serve the customers. And employees’ behavior,
good interpersonal skills attracts the more customers. To identify the customer

satisfaction level, customers’ opinion about the employees’ attitude in time of
providing any help or any service I asked several questions {See Appendix} to hundred
customers and their satisfaction level are given below in a percentage.

Table 29: Summary information of Customers’ Opinion about Employees Services

Level of Satisfaction

Employee’s Service Strongl

(Particulars) y Dissatisfie
Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfie
Satisfie d
The quality of greetings
(Salam and a smile) when you 96% 2% - 2% -
entered the branch
Quality of giving advice
58% 29% 4% 7% 2%
about products
Willingness to listen and
65% 18% 13% 4% -
respond to your need
The account opening &
64% 28% 2% 6% -
closing process
Behavior of the bank
86% 12% 2% - -
Based on your experience, the
27% 49% 20% 4% -
efficiency level of staff
Maintain an error free process 57% 22% 19% 2% -
Promptness of the services
46% 21% 21% 10% 2%
whenever you visit the branch
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016

I have seen that most of the respondents have shown positive respond about the employees’
service. For identify the employees’ service I asked different factors of the bank employees’ to
the customers. Their opinions are shown in the above table. The graphical representation of the
above information are given below (next page)

Graph 34: Summary Graph of Customers’ Opinion about Employees Services

Object 73

2.10 Summary Information of Customers’ Opinion on Loan Procedures

Most of the borrowers are individual. I wanted to know whether the borrowers that they were
satisfied about the bank’s services or not. I collected information through questionnaire and also
conversation from the 40 borrowers. And my question was “please identify the level of
satisfaction various bank services” {See Appendix}. Their opinions are given below in a

Table 30: Summary Information of Customers’ Opinion on Loan Procedures

Level of Satisfaction
Bank Service (Particulars) y Satisfie Neutra Dissatisfie Strongly
Satisfie d l d Dissatisfied
Behavior of the bank employees 40% - - - -
Interest rate 18% 6% 2% 8% 5%
Formalities followed while
22% 14% 4% - -
Promptness in disbursement of loan 30% 6% 2% 2% -
Terms and conditions of loan 30% 8% 2% - -
Documentation required 32% 8% - - -
Quality of advice given 28% 8% 2% 2% -
Strictness of repayment mechanism 8% 14% 8% 8% 2%
Source: Field Survey, AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, January 2016
To make the lending procedure more effective customer opinion is essential. I have

seen that most of the respondents have shown positive respond about the
employees’ service, promptness in disbursement of loan, strictness of repayment
mechanism, quality of given advice and other factors which are given in the above
table. The graphical representation of the above information are given below-

Graph 35: Summary Graph Customers’ Opinion on Loan Procedures

Object 75

Chapter Three
Conclusions & Recommendations

3.1 Conclusions

From my starting day to up to date my practical implementation of customer dealing

procedure during the whole period practical orientation in AIBL at Phanthapath Branch, I
have to try my best to reach a firm and concrete a conclusion very confident way. It goes
without saying that AIBL, Phanthapath Branch has turned over a new leaf of general people
through the invention of new products, which are easily introduced and accepted, by the
general people on account of its reliability and flexibility. It is urgently indispensable to
keep an eye on proper customer care to have strong product knowledge in to the
customer’s mind. My experiences says that quickly and on time products and services are the
core point of banking business and it is also so risky that all customers are not of it and equal
minded. Therefore, it varies customer to customer’s expectation; however, there must
have fair field and no favor to all customers. Overall of my investigation I can say
that products and services are satisfactory and continuously meet the challenges of
developing new products and services to match the specific requirements of customers.

For the future planning and the successful operation in its prime goal in this current
competitive environment and I hope this report can provide a good guideline. I wish
continuous success and healthy business portfolio of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd.,
Phanthapath Branch.

3.2. Recommendations

In the fast evolving world, it is very necessary for each and every organization to
build a strong presence in the market by maximizing profit margin by satisfying their
customers as much possible.

After completing my internship program with AIBL, Phanthapath Branch, I think the
following recommendations will help them to improve the customer care,

 Should give attention about the features of the products and services through brochures, e-mail
and SMS because most of the customers are dissatisfied about it.
 Need to hire more knowledgeable sales executives, who can provide accurate information to
the customers.

 Should have proper and on time customer care.

 Service Charges should be reduced.
 The bank should increase the availability of ATM booth because most of the customers are not
satisfied about this service.
 The bank should increase the facility of parking system.
 The process of issuing cheque and ATM card should be improved.
 Need more attention in interest rate in deposit schemes.
 Should give attention about quality of giving advice about products of the bank
 Should increase the promptness of the services.
 Interest rate should be reduced on loan.



 Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd., 2015, “Annual Report 2015”, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd, Dhaka,

 Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd., “AIBL Profile”, viewed on 15 December, 2015,

 Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd., “Special Features of the Bank”, viewed on 25

December, 2015,

 Khan, M. S. N., Hassan, M. K., & Shahid, A. I., 2007, “Banking Behavior of Islamic
Bank Customers in Bangladesh”, Journal of Islamic Economics Banking and
Finance, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 159-181.

 Malhotra, Naresh K., 2003, “Marketing Research”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, New
Jersey, USA.

 Wikipedia, “Customer Satisfaction”, viewed on 8 January 2013,


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