Short Introduction To Rock Mass Composition, Groundwater and Stresses by Arild Palmstrom
Short Introduction To Rock Mass Composition, Groundwater and Stresses by Arild Palmstrom
Short Introduction To Rock Mass Composition, Groundwater and Stresses by Arild Palmstrom
The classification systems we are dealing with here are developed to help the engineers in their work for
constructions in rock. Such constructions may be underground openings (tunnels, caverns, shafts) or surface
excavations (cuttings, quarries etc.)
Figure 1 shows a typical section in the upper part of the earth's crust where the rock constructions are
located. The various rocks are intersected by different discontinuities, such as faults, shears, joints and
fissures. Besides some weak or chemically unstable rocks the discontinuities (see Figure 2) are generally the
features of main importance in rock mechanics and rock engineering.
we a
Figure 1 The two main groups of rock masses: weakness zones and rock masses between zones
bedding planes
seams / shears
A rock mass between zones consists of rock blocks formed by joint, fissures and seams (filled joints). The
distances between these types of discontinuities determine the size of the blocks. In addition to the block size
their characteristics (roughness alteration, etc.) influence of the strength properties of and rock mass, as
indicated on Figure 3.
Figure 3 The main features influencing the strength properties of a rock mass between zones (from Palmström, 1995)
The blocks in a rock mass may vary within certain limits, and also the characteristics of the discontinuities
may vary. For this reason the rock mass should be described by a range rather than by a certain number or
For composition and structure of the rock masses in a weakness zone is generally much more complicated.
Therefore, the characterization or classification of these types of rock mass is often much more difficult and
Table 1 Main types of coating and filling materials and their properties
Chlorite, talc, graphite Very low friction materials, in particular when wet.
Inactive clay materials Weak, cohesion materials with low friction.
Swelling clay Combination of very low friction and swelling with loss of strength
Calcite May dissolve
Gypsum May dissolve
Sandy or silty materials Cohesionless, friction materials.
Epidote, quartz Durable, high strength material
In addition the rock in the joint wall may be weathered
Figure 4 The roughness of joints composed of the small scale smoothness (lower figure) and large scale waviness
Rock mass is the term for the material in the crust. Ground is the term for a rock mass being exposed to
certain external features, mainly water and stresses. This is shown in Figure 5
water pressure
rock stress
The water pressure acting can often within reasonable accuracy be found, but the stresses acting may vary
largely from location to location, especially the horizontal stresses. The reasons being the contribution from
tectonic, residual or remanent stresses. In addition, the larger discontinuities may locally change the
directions and magnitudes of the stresses.