Jurnal Kaunseling Islamik
Jurnal Kaunseling Islamik
Jurnal Kaunseling Islamik
Rashidah Md Hasan
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to report on the need analysis study on the way to solve students’ problems in
school from teachers’ and students’ perspective. The finding is important for researcher in order to develop an Islamic
counseling module as an alternative approach in counseling practice. Data is collected by using a simple questionnaire
that has been distributed to 198 school teachersand 462 students from nine schools in Northern Peninsular Malaysia.
Descriptive analysis shows majority teachers agree that Islamic knowledge delivery is suitable to solve students’
problem, whereas students prefer art therapy.
punitive, particularly when dealing with cases that cause experienced teachers are not particularly effective, and
slip beliefs (Azmi, 1993). Rasool (2016)refers counseling some novice teachers are dynamic and effective.
from Islamic perspective as a process between a However, by and large, a more experienced teaching
professional with the client until the outbreak of the workforce offers numerous benefits to students and
exploration of the relationship of humanity and the schools, including greater individual and collective
occurrence of potential clients to expand internal human effectiveness in improving student outcomes as well as
resources to accept the truth (haq) and owe it to yourself greater stability and coherence in instruction and
to achieve the pleasure of Allah. A relation between relationship-building—the core work of schools(Corey,
individuals with human humanity and compassion 1997; Susanna, 2014). With regard to the respondent in
relationship between man and God is a major milestone this research, it seems that most of them have adequate
in the process of counseling. experience in teaching as more than 50 percent involve in
Construction of Islamic counseling model is based on teaching for 15 – 20 years.
the principles in the teaching of Islam that includes faith,
worship, human understanding, knowledge and faith (al- Table 1. Data from school teachers
Ghazali, 1998; Utz, 2011). Al-Attas (1995) believes there
are seven ideas in the view of Islam that is universal; the Data from teachers (n=198) Percentage (%)
divine Revelation or the Qur'an, creation, nature spirits, Gender
the concept of deen (religion), and moral values and the male 74.4
meaning of happiness. Human existence from the female 25.3
perspective of Islam is to worship Allah by performing Teaching experience
all lofty. Each individual was organized to keep the 1 – 10 years 32.3
human relations and maintain good relationship with 15 – 20 years 53.0
God. Thus, some of the basic principles of Islam should More than 21 years 14.6
be understood that the concept of worship, the concept of Attending counseling courses
monotheism, morality and basic human nature. Islamic Attending 39.4
counseling approach will focus on the client's ability to Not attending 60.6
understand themselves as inheritors of God, realizing her Method to solve problem
potential, grateful to God and self-improvement through Self-reflection 43.4
self-reflection (Rasool, 2016). Islamic knowledge delivery 72.2
Based on the abovepremise,the researcher intends to Story-telling 66.7
develop an Islamic counseling module which consists of Checkliston Islamic practice 53.5
several method or technique in intervention process. For
this purpose, the need analysis study is carried out to With regard to counseling courses that have been
obtain information and response from teachers and attended by teachers, Table 1 shows 60.6 percent
students on the preferable method in solving students’ respondent not attending any counseling courses or
problem. training neither in school nor outside the school setting,
compare to 39.4 percent teachers who attendssuch
Methods courses and trainings.It is critical for counselors and also
school teachers to gainawareness of the counseling
A simple set of questionnaire is used to collect the process as well as learn effectiveskills needed to make an
data. Sample of this study consist of 198 school teachers effective way in handling students’ problems. Without
and 462 school students.Descriptive analysis is used toto appropriatetraining, teachers report feeling helpless and
analyze the data. powerless in theprocess of handling students’ problem
(Rofa’ah, 2016; Susanna, 2014; Rasool, 2016) which
Result and Discussion may lead toprofessional burnout and job stress.The
training needs to include not only knowledge and skills
The respondents were male 74.4 and 25.3 percent related to guidance and counseling, but also life skills.
were female. This meant most respondents in this According to Day (2002), respondent in his study
research were male teachers. More than 50 percent demanded training in communication skills, interpersonal
teachers have experience in teaching for 15 – 20 years, skills and ways to deal with their own issues. This
32.3 percent have experience for 1 – 10 years and 14.6 information is important because if training programs are
percent have more than 21 years experience in teaching. to be a satisfying experience, the training contents should
Teaching experience is positively associated with teacher match trainees’ needs. Day (2002) argued that teacher
effectiveness and significantly associated with student development programs which do not match teachers’
achievement gains throughout a teacher’s career. Gains needs were unlikely to arouse their motivation. In Law’s
in teacher effectiveness associated with experience are (2000) in-depth interviews with teachers about their
most steep in teachers’ initial years, but continue to be views towards guidance training, five out of eight
significant as teachers reach the second, and often third, interviewees gave negative comments about the training
decades of their careers (Corey, 1997;Rofa’ah, 2016).Of courses offered by the government. They criticizedthe
course, not all experience is educative: some highly training as being too general, imparting only fundamental
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 304
guidance knowledge and could not arouse their Table 2. Data from students
interest.Thus, a proper training for teachers that
encompasses all aspect of competencies including Data from students (n=462) Percentage (%)
counseling and other interpersonal skills will be highly Gender
important in our Islamic counseling module. male 64.5
Table 1 shows method to solve students’ problems. female 35.5
Most teachers held Islamic knowledge delivery (72 Form
percent) is the better way to solve students’ problem, Four 61.0
followed by story-telling (66.7 percent), checklist on Two 21.6
Islamic practice (53.5 percent) and self-reflection (43.4 One 17.3
percent). Many studies (Dossey, 1997; Rasool, 2016;
Method to solve problem
Utz, 2011; 2008; Kamal, 1995) show that students with
Art therapy 69.3
high consciousness to their religious principles and
Self-reflection 58.0
spirituality appear to be more effective in coping with
Islamic knowledge delivery 51.5
psychological well-being and stress. For example,
Story-telling 50.9
Dossey (1997) found that prayer is potential in the
healing process. The finding also showed a simple Table 2 shows the composition of students
attitude of prayerfulness and a feeling of empathy, participates in this research i.e form four (61 percent),
caring, and compassion for the entity in need, seemed to form two (21.6 percent) and form one (17.3 percent).
set the stage for healing. In fact, daily prayers are a This means, most of the respondents in this study are
source of comfort and tranquility (Utz, 2011). According from form 4 with 64.4 percent are male and 35.5 percent
to Rasool (2016), several Islamic ways to deal with are female.In order to understand the preferred method to
problems and difficulties, i.e through prayers, solve their problem, 69.3 percent students believed that
supplications (du’a), meditation, reading the holy Qur’an art therapy is a suitable technique, followed by self-
and remembering God. Islamic Studies has been found to reflection (58 percent), Islamic knowledge delivery (51.5
be strongly influential for moral and character percent) and story-telling (50.9 percent). As art therapy is
development when instruction relating to ethics and the preferable way to solve students’ problems compare to
valuable dimensions of topics was used (Adebayo, 2010). other methods, it implies students’ preferred non-verbal
Abulatifeh (2011) believed that teaching Islamic Studies ways than other verbal expressions method. Art therapy
in secondary schools helps students to practice the may be defined as a form of therapy in which creating
religion properly. However, it is possible only if the images and objects plays a central role in the
content of the curriculum is effectively and practically psychotherapeutic relationship established between the
implemented and various topics of Islamic Studies is art therapist and client. Art therapy canbe relevant to
properly taught to have greater impact on students in many people, whether they are grappling with serious
terms of iman and other religious duties. From the problems orjust wish to explore themselves and their
finding, it seems that Islamic approach is an appropriate feelings, using art as the medium(Jones, 2005).As far as
way to solve students’ problems.Since an Islamic this study is concerned, school need to create more
knowledge delivery is the preferred way chosen by many hands-on activities for students to explore their own
teachers, thus, it is quite possible that teaching methods potentialities. However, based on the finding it seems
need to be improvised. Teachers also agree that story- the process of teaching and learning in terms strategies
telling can be suitable method in solving students’ and techniques can be improvised. Table 2 reveal more
problems. This is probably because story-telling helps than 50 percent students perceive self-reflection, Islamic
students comprehend and reflect on past events to knowledge delivery and story-telling are among the way
eventually, and hopefully, move forward and it can be to solve their problem. Research in education over the
many different forms—visual, oral, written, the last few decades has focused on the debate on teaching
performed, and so on (Nik Rosila, 2010; Cattanatch, approach. As in most curriculum change efforts, changes
1997). in content or materials are relatively easy to accomplish
but changes in teaching styles and role behavior often
present difficulties (Abulatifeh, 2011; Tengku Sarina and
Faridah, 2008). According to Tengku Sarina and Faridah
(2008) individual teaching approach is suitable to solve
students’ problems. An individual teaching approach is
aim to provide students with the personal assistance and
to allow them to function effectively without teacher’s
help as well as to self-reflect themselves.
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