An Analysis On Switching Loss Optimized PWM Strategies For Three Phase PWM Voltage Source Converters
An Analysis On Switching Loss Optimized PWM Strategies For Three Phase PWM Voltage Source Converters
An Analysis On Switching Loss Optimized PWM Strategies For Three Phase PWM Voltage Source Converters
Abstract—The pulse width modulation of power converters This contribution is considered to give a more profound
is an operation parameter that exhibits a great influence on derivation of the adjustment rules for the discontinuous
occurring semiconductor losses. Especially the switching PWM types resulting in a slightly different expression as
losses can be reduced significantly by applying the [6] as it covers the entire range of operation for the
appropriate PWM method maintaining the value of pulse converter phase angle.
frequency. To achieve such effect usually a so called The article is arranged as follows. In section II the
discontinuous PWM is applied. But there is still a certain coherence of space vector and carrier based PWM is
degree of freedom in using such PWM strategy. Thus the explained as a prerequisite for the following elaboration.
question for the optimal adjustment to the corresponding
In section III the discontinuous PWM with its adjustable
operation point arises. This work derives the basic rules for
parameters and its influence on the switching losses is
adjusting the discontinuous PWM appropriately with
introduced. This is followed by section IV where the
special focus on the semiconductor switching losses. The
optimal parameters regarding switching losses are derived.
theoretical results are validated by experimental evidence
that was gained at a calorimetric test set up.
Furthermore the realization of a calorimetric test setup as
well as the measurement results based on the proposed
PWM settings are presented in section V. A final
I. INTRODUCTION discussion and conclusion can be found in section VI.
Nowadays PWM voltage source converters constitute II.THE COHERENCE OF SPACE VECTOR AND CARRIER
the most important means to control adjustable speed
drives or generally to serve as an active rectifier with low BASED PWM
effects to the mains. Their efficiency optimized operation By calculating the actual switch duty cycles the space
is the prevailing challenge for power electronics vector PWM is reduced to what it actually is: a regular
engineers. Thus power losses caused by the sampled carrier based PWM as the resulting function of
semiconductors are sought to be reduced to a minimum to time for the switching duty cycles contains the
enhance the economical effectiveness of such converter corresponding modulation function M(ωt), see (1). The
applications. Moreover an appropriate design of the symmetry of the switch duty cycles within one pulse
converters’ power section has to be done especially period determines the corresponding carrier wave shape.
including the heat sink. The choice of the heat sink Suppose t1 and t2 are the switching duty cycles normalized
determines the spacial extensions of the complete setup with the PWM pulse period of the upper and lower valve
and the maximum ambient temperature for operation at respectively of a voltage source converter phase leg 1.
nominal power. The less the power losses of the
semiconductors the better such heat sink properties
1 + M (ωt ) 1 − M (ωt )
become. t1 (ωt ) = ; t 2 (ωt ) = (1)
There are basically two kinds of semiconductor losses to 2 2
be treated, the conduction and the switching losses. The
conduction losses are barely influenced by the PWM As already stated in [7] it is possible to add a harmonic
method but switching losses are deeply affected by the of third order to the modulation function initially
kind of PWM [1]-[3]. This work focuses on PWM considered a pure sine without noticing such low
methods with a fixed pulse or carrier frequency resulting frequency harmonic in the AC load current. Moreover it is
in a fixed average switching frequency of each possible to add harmonics with multiples of the third order
semiconductor. Discontinuous PWM methods are the or even DC components to the modulation function
commonly known means to achieve reduced switching without any effect on the low frequency harmonics within
losses compared to usual PWM types while maintaining the AC load current.
the same pulse frequency. Of course this in turn renders The variation of such zero components within the
the disadvantage of a worse weighted voltage THD at the modulation function corresponds to the variation of the
converters’ AC terminals. But this effect is not as switch duty cycles of the two different zero space vectors
significant as it would be by merely reducing the when space vector modulation is applied [8]. This
switching frequency. Thus many publications already coherence is significantly important as usually space
introduced this kind of PWM with analysis up to a certain vector PWM is applied and in practice the modulation
extend. The weighted AC voltage THD is well known [4] function is adjusted by changing such switch duty cycles
as are the voltage spectra at the converter terminals caused of space vectors. On the other hand the exposition of
by such PWM techniques [5]. Even rules for adjusting the different PWM methods by their modulation function is
appropriate discontinuous PWM type depending on the an important means to derive their impact on the
respective operation point can be found in literature [6]. switching losses of the semiconductors as well as the
Fig. 1: Discontinuous PWM schemes and their representation in the complex space with corresponding
modulation wave form
π π
For − <ψ <
6 6
ϕ=0 ⎧ π
M(ωt) ⎪1 − M cos(ωt ) for 0 < ωt < ψ +
Ψ=0 ⎪
⎪ ⎛ π⎞ π π (2)
⎪M sin ⎜ ωt + 6 ⎟ − 1 for ψ +
< ωt <
⎪ ⎝ ⎠
M disk (ψ ) = M cos(ωt ) + ⎨
⎪M cos(ωt ') − 1 π
for 0 < ωt ' < ψ +
is(ωt) ⎪ 6
⎪1 − M sin ⎛⎜ ωt '+ π ⎞⎟ π π
ωt ⎪⎩ ⎝ 6⎠
for ψ +
< ωt ' <
with ωt ' = ωt −
ϕ = π/3 6
M(ωt) Ψ = π/6
π π
For <ψ < :
6 3
⎧ ⎛ π⎞ π
is(ωt) ⎪M sin ⎜ ωt + ⎟ − 1 for 0 < ωt < ψ −
⎪ ⎝ 6⎠ 6
ωt ⎪ π π (3)
⎪1 − M cos(ωt ) for ψ − < ωt <
⎪ 6 3
M disk (ψ ) = M cos(ωt ) + ⎨
⎪1 − M sin⎛⎜ ωt '+ π ⎞⎟ for 0 < ωt ' < ψ −
ϕ = 5π/12 ⎪ ⎝ 6⎠ 6
M(ωt) Ψ = π/4 ⎪M cos(ωt ') − 1 π π
⎪⎩ for ψ − < ωt ' <
6 3
with ωt ' = ωt −
ωt π π
For - <ψ < − :
3 6
⎧ ⎛ π⎞ π
ϕ = π/2 ⎪M sin ⎜ ωt + ⎟ − 1 for
⎝ 6⎠
0 < ωt < ψ +
M(ωt) Ψ = π/3 ⎪ π π (4)
⎪1 − M cos(ωt ) for ψ+ < ωt <
⎪ 2 3
M disk (ψ ) = M cos(ωt ) + ⎨
⎪1 − M sin ⎛⎜ ωt + π ⎞⎟ for 0 < ωt ' < ψ +
⎪ ⎝ 6⎠ 2
is(ωt) ⎪
⎪M cos(ωt ) − 1 π π
⎪⎩ for ψ+ < ωt ' <
2 3
with ωt ' = ωt −
Fig. 2: Modulation waveforms with
corresponding instantaneous value of the switched IV. AN OPTIMAL ADJUSTMENT OF ψ
The challenging task is to find the appropriate
All the different modulation waveforms as illustrated adjustment for Ψ as a function of the phase angle of
here can be considered as special cases of expressions voltage and current fundamentals at the converter AC
(2) - (4). As a result of distinction of cases it follows this
terminals Ψmin(ϕ) to reduce switching losses caused in the
formula expressing the modulation waveform as function
semiconductors to a minimum. As long as the phase angle
of Ψ. Hence Ψ constitutes the link between complex space
ϕ only varies within the scope of -π/6 < ϕ < π/6 the
vector plain representation and corresponding modulation
waveforms. The additions of expressions (2) - (4) are solution is trivial with Ψmin(ϕ) = ϕ. This method would
valid only for a range of 1/3 of the fundamental period arrange the non switching periods symmetrically around
the peak values of the phase current outline.
(ωt = 0...2π/3) but are repeated periodically with the same
interval. For the range of π/6 < |ϕ| < π/2 all the three expressions
(2) – (4) have to be compared carefully regarding their
From figure 2 it can be seen that for |Ψ| > π/6 there are
minima. A distinction of cases has to be made for the
two non switching periods for each half wave with the one
gradually decreasing and the other increasing by the same range π/6 < |ϕ| < π/3 and π/3 < |ϕ| < π/2 where in this case
amount as the absolute value |Ψ| increases up to |Ψ| = π/3. only positive values of ϕ are considered presuming a
With |Ψ| = π/3 a quarter wave symmetry is achieved again symmetrical behavior of the function Ψmin(ϕ).
with all the four non switching periods possessing the
same duration.
-π/6 < Ψ < π/6
ϕ = π/6, Ψ = π/6 ϕ = π/4, Ψ= π/6 π/3-ϕ 2π/3-ϕ
Ψ-ϕ-π/6 Ψ-ϕ+π/6 Ψ-ϕ+π/6
ψ -ϕ-π/6 ψ -ϕ+π/2
ψ-ϕ-π/2 iˆ L ⎛ ⎛ π⎞ ⎞
iS = ⎜⎜ 2 − 3 cos⎜ψ − ϕ + ⎟ + sin (ϕ )⎟⎟
iS(ωt) iS(ωt)
ψ-ϕ-π/2 2π/3-ϕ
2π ⎝ ⎝ 6⎠ ⎠ (5)
π π
ωt-ϕ ωt-ϕ for − ψ − <ϕ < −ψ
3 3
-π/6 > Ψ > -π/3
ϕ = π/6, Ψ= -π/3 ϕ = π/4, Ψ= -π/3
di S iˆ ⎛ π⎞ π
-ψ-ϕ-π/6 π/3-ϕ -ψ-ϕ-π/6 π/3-ϕ = L 3 sin ⎜ ϕ − ψ − ⎟ ≡ 0 ⇒ ψ min = ϕ − (6)
dψ 2π ⎝ 6⎠ 6
iS(ωt) iS(ωt)
-ψ-ϕ-π/2 2π/3-ϕ With these rules of setting the optimal trajectory ψmin(ϕ)
can be composed as follows in (7). The voltage occurring
ωt-ϕ ωt-ϕ at the semiconductor switches during switching always is
caused by the constant DC bus voltage. Thus the
Fig. 3: Exemplary half wave outlines of switched assumption of a linear dependency between the average of
current for π/6 < ϕ < π/3 and different values of Ψ absolute values of switched current and the switching
losses is an approach proposed here to predict the losses
caused by the application of the elaborated PWM method.
Thereby the predicted minimal switching losses can be
shown versus the phase angle ϕ as revealed by fig. 6, see
Figure 3 gives a brief overview of a few exemplary (8). Here the switching losses as they would be caused by
outlines for the switched currents of all possible modu- the proposed method are normalized with the constant
lation functions (2) - (3) for the range of π/6 < ϕ < π/3. switching losses caused by continuous PWM.
Only half wave trajectories of the switched currents are
regarded in fig. 3 as half wave symmetry is presumed and
the quantity to minimize is the absolute value of the ⎧ π π
switched current. Case (2) only is valid up to a value of ⎪ϕ for
>ϕ > −
ψ = π/6, for higher values of ψ (3) has to be regarded. ⎪
⎪π for
>ϕ >
From these sketches it becomes evident that for the scope ⎪6 3 6
of π/6 < ϕ < π/3 and the cases π/6 < |ψ| < π/3 the mean ⎪
⎪ π π π (7)
value of the switched current can only be minimized by Ψ min = ⎨− for - >ϕ > −
adjusting the parameter ψ in such a way that the left ⎪ 6 6 3
portion of the cosine half wave is shifted to the leftmost ⎪ π π π
side. Obviously the least average of absolute value of ⎪ϕ − 6 for
>ϕ >
switched current in the range of π/6 < ϕ < π/3 can be ⎪ π π π
achieved by constantly setting ψ = π/6 for ψ > π/6 ⎪⎩ϕ + 6 for -
>ϕ > −
(corresponds to case (3)). Thus basically it can be stated
that due to symmetry for the ranges of π/6 < |ϕ| < π/3 the
parameter ψ has to be set to ψ = ±π/6 constantly which are
the toggling points between expressions (2) and (3)/(4).
Up to here this procedure is comparable to what is
described in [6]. Now in addition for cases π/3 < ϕ < π/2 it
can be stated that with the trajectory of the switched
current assuming an outline as illustrated in fig. 4, ψ has
to be increased changing the modulation waveform
according to (3). The extreme value of the average ≅ min
switched current as depicted in fig. 4 is a minimum where
the corresponding parameter ψ can be calculated with (6) ϕ
with the average switch current value for such half wave
expressed by (5). Where iL denotes the line current. Fig. 5: Loss optimal trajectory ψmin(ϕ)
Fig. 6: Switching losses caused by loss optimized Fig. 7: Block diagram of calorimetric
switching compared to that of continuous measurement
Of course with the calorimetric measurement
6 v iˆ semiconductor losses can only be determined in total.
PS , min = ⋅ f C ⋅ (EON + EOFF + EREC ) ⋅ dc ⋅ L ⋅ Thus to compare the measurement results with the
π vref iref
analytical outcomes the conduction losses have to be
⎧1 π π calculated additionally. This has been done with the
⎪2 for >ϕ > −
6 6 (8) corresponding expressions as documented in [3], [9], see
⎪ equations (9) - (13). Where conduction losses of the
⎪ 1 ⎛π ⎞ π π
⎨1- ⋅ cos⎜ − ϕ ⎟ for >ϕ > IGBTs are denoted by the index ‘I’ and that of the diodes
⎪ 2 ⎝ 6 ⎠ 3 6
by the index ‘D’ correspondingly. With (9) and (10) the
⎪ 1
⎩ 2
⎪1 - ⋅ 3 − sin ( ϕ ) ) for
>ϕ >
conduction losses are determined generally where the
modulation waveform M(ωt+ϕ) has to be included. Using
(11) and (12) renders the conduction losses for assuming a
Here fC denotes the carrier frequency and EON, EOFF, purely sinusoidal modulation waveform which is a good
EREC are the loss energies of the semiconductors occurring approach for most cases even if the actual waveform is
with the corresponding reference values vref and iref. different. In this case the only varying parameters
Apparently the switching losses can be reduced by a half remaining would be the modulation index M and the
at its best as compared to conventional continuous PWM phase shift ϕ of fundamentals of pulsed converter values.
switching. In order to apply the equations as presented here the
appropriate semiconductor parameters for the
V. REALIZATION OF THE TEST SETUP AND corresponding operating point have to be identified from
EXPERIMATAL RESULTS the semiconductor manual. Of course the total amount of
conduction losses is the sum of all types of conduction
For the experimental revision of the analytical results a losses, that of the IGBTs and the diodes as given by (13).
calorimetric test set up with two identical converter For the actual operating point according to table I these
systems was built. One was operated as line side converter parameters are given by table II. The measurement results
with a passive load at the dc link incorporating the along with the calculated values for the entire
different PWM methods. The other one was thermally semiconductor losses are given by fig. 8.
isolated from the first one but exposed to the same
ambient conditions with all semiconductors being
permanently turned on. It was imposed by a high value vCE , 0 ⋅ iˆL π 1 + M(ωt + ϕ )
DC current that was controlled in such a manner that its PC , I = ⋅ ∫ sin(ωt) dωt +
heat sink reached the same temperature as the line side 2π 0 2
rCE ⋅ iˆL π 2 1 + M(ωt + ϕ )
converter that was operated with parameters given by
table I. By measuring a dc power that is equivalent to the ⋅ ∫ sin (ωt) dωt
2π 0 2
semiconductor loss power a high precision can be
achieved. Figure 7 shows a block diagram of the applied
calorimetric measurement method.
v F , 0 ⋅ iˆL π
1 − M(ωt + ϕ )
PC , D = ⋅ ∫ sin(ωt ) dω t +
TABLE I 2π 2
rF ⋅ iˆL π 1 − M(ωt + ϕ )
⋅ ∫ sin 2 (ωt ) dω t
2π 0 2
Line to line voltage (rms), vL 400 V
Line current, (rms), iL 10 A
DC bus voltage, ud 650 V
PWM pulse frequency, fPWM 3 kHz vCE, 0 ⋅ iˆL ⎛ M ⋅ π ⎞
Gate voltages +15 V / -5 V PC , I = ⋅ ⎜1 + ⋅ cos(ϕ )⎟ +
2π ⎝ 4 ⎠
Gate resistance, RG 50 Ω (11)
Line side filter inductor Lf 6 mH ˆ
rCE ⋅ iL ⎛ π
⎛2 ⎞⎞
IGBT module BSM75GD120DN2 ⋅ ⎜⎜ + M ⎜ ⋅ cos(ϕ )⎟ ⎟⎟
2π ⎝ 4 ⎝3 ⎠⎠
The disadvantage is the worse harmonic behavior as can
v F , 0 ⋅ iˆL ⎛ M ⋅ π ⎞
PC , D = ⋅ ⎜1 − ⋅ cos(ϕ )⎟ + be seen in [5]. Since power quality in this case is always a
2π ⎝ 4 ⎠ trade off between harmonic losses and semiconductor
(12) losses it has to be checked if the worse spectra is still
rF ⋅ i L ⎛ π
⎛2 ⎞⎞
⋅ ⎜ − M ⎜ ⋅ cos(ϕ )⎟ ⎟⎟ bearable for the actual application.
2π ⎜⎝ 4 ⎝ 3 ⎠⎠
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switching loss behavior can be recognized directly from
the total semiconductor loss outline versus ϕ. Hence the
experimental results do suggest that the proposed PWM
method renders the favorable switching loss behavior as
already predicted by analysis.
The well known method of discontinuous PWM as
commonly utilized for switching loss reduction has
intensively been analyzed. An adjustment rule to achieve
minimal semiconductor switching losses has been derived
analytically which is applicable for the entire range of
operation. The analytical results have been validated by
corresponding experimental outcomes. The fact that
switching losses can be reduced by a half as compared to
conventional continuous PWM seems to be promising.