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Design For Safety (DFS) Library Examples of Hazards - Mechanical & Electrical Design

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Design for Safety (DfS) Library

Examples of Hazards
– Mechanical & Electrical Design

Authors: Steve Yeung, Ng Lee Chian, Jason Oh

Reviewer: Goh Yang Miang
Contributed by: Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore (ACES)
Building & Construction Authority
CBM Pte Ltd
City Developments Limited
International Facilities Management Association (S’pore Chapter)
RSP Architects Planners & Engineers (Pte) Ltd
Workplace Safety and Health Council

i. The information presented below is for consideration only, and not an official guide for
Design for Safety, as the actual needs may vary between projects.
ii. Ultimately, the Designers need to assimilate this information with their experience and
skill to develop their own approach.
iii. The authors and Institution of Engineers, Singapore bear no responsibility whatsoever for
the design that the Designers undertake.
iv. Any unauthorised duplication and distribution is an infringement of the intellectual
property rights of the authors and Institution of Engineers, Singapore.

Rev 2; 24-Aug-18 IES Health & Safety Engineering Technical Committee S.Yeung
S/No Potential hazard Risk Proposed DfS Control Measure(s),
where applicable
1 Difficult to access multiple Worker falls from height during 1. Build a safe platform for access.
equipment that are suspended maintenance.
at ceiling level.

2. Place equipment at ground level,

where possible, with clear

3. Cable trunking should not block

access to the equipment.

2 Multiple pipes and services Worker falls from heigth when Build a safe platform for access.
(i.e. fire sprinkler, water, air- maintaining the services
con) suspending from ceiling

3 Congestion around equipment Worker trips and falls when 1. Design min 600mm clearance for
inhibits movement and maintaining the equipment access.
maintenance 2. Locate motor controls near
entrance of equipment room.

Rev 2; 24-Aug-18 IES Health & Safety Engineering Technical Committee S.Yeung
S/No Potential hazard Risk Proposed DfS Control Measure(s),
where applicable
4 Equipment noise from pumps Noise created can affect general Provide an insulated cover/casing for
and motors at carpark area. users hearing, causing a safety better acoustic design without
and health concern compromising the heat dissipation
requirement for the equipment;

5 Fan Coil Unit (FCU) installed at Worker falls from height; Install FCU with proper access
unreachable location. Need to Worker works in confined openings for maintenance
crawl within false ceiling for space.

6 Fan Coil Unit (FCU) installed at Worker falls from height; Build proper access for maintenance
confine location above ceiling Worker works in confined

7 Condenser Unit (CU) installed Worker falls from height. 1. Relocate the CU away from the
near the edge of building and edge of building.
without guard rail 2. Install guard rail if near to edge.

8 DB panel located at high and Worker falls from height; Relocate DB panel to an accessible
confine space which are Worker works in confined area.
difficult to access for space.

Rev 2; 24-Aug-18 IES Health & Safety Engineering Technical Committee S.Yeung
S/No Potential hazard Risk Proposed DfS Control Measure(s),
where applicable
9 No proper machine guarding Worker injured or trapped by 1. Design proper machine guarding to
of the moving/rotating parts moving parts prevent contact with
of the lift machine moving/rotating parts

2. Ensure lift machine is properly

shutdown & isolated before contact
with the moving/rotating parts.

10 Pump shaft is not fully Install protective shield.


11 Lift door with single beam User smash by the lift door Install multi-beam sensor on lift door

12 Big gap between lift door and User’s hand get trapped in Reduce the gap.
door jamb. between and injured

Lift intercom for both Impede the management of lift 1. Install intercom speakers and
speakers and microphone emergency operations. microphone within the height
13 installed at high level reachable by users.
2. Use quality speaker and
microphone so that the intercom
communication between users and
FCC will be clear.

14 Insufficient height clearance Unable to activate the Sprinkler 1. Ensure all equipment and furniture
from the top of the fridge to system during fire. do not block and interfere the
the sprinkler. proper functioning of the fire
protection system (E.g. Sprinkler)

2. Specify minimum clearance

requirement in DfS Register for
reference by owner

Rev 2; 24-Aug-18 IES Health & Safety Engineering Technical Committee S.Yeung
S/No Potential hazard Risk Proposed DfS Control Measure(s),
where applicable
15 Access the cooling tower for Worker falls from height Install handholds, catwalk and safety
maintenance barriers/ guard rails for worker

16 Maintenance of water tank Worker steps directly on the 1. Provide a cat ladder with extension
cracked/damaged water tank to the opening of the water tank:
surface and falls into the tank − Extend the cat ladder to the
opening access;
− Create a platform beside the
water tank access area;
2. Periodic check on the tank surface
for possible wear & tear crack lines.

17 No hand hold for water tanks Worker falls when accessing the Install proper handhold.
access manhole manhole

18 Lighting located on high ceiling Workers falling from ladder or 1. Locate ceiling light at reachable
and along driveway. ladder getting hit by car. level or out of vehicular path.
2. Provide wall mounting lights at
reachable height.
3. Provide platform cantilevered out
from wall for worker to stand on for
light maintenance.

19 Loose wiring resting on the Electrical hazard to Tidy up the loose wiring.
light diffuser maintenance crew.

Rev 2; 24-Aug-18 IES Health & Safety Engineering Technical Committee S.Yeung
S/No Potential hazard Risk Proposed DfS Control Measure(s),
where applicable
20 Electrical wires too close to Wiring come in contact with 1. Ensure sufficient power points and
water source. water in the midst of work and at suitable locations.
cause electrocution. 2. Remove the electrical wiring near to
the washing areas if possible.
3. Provide electrical plugs that come
with cover.

21 Air-conditioning units installed Maintenance workers falling Provide safety barriers.

on the exterior of buildings. over the edge.

22 High ceiling with lighting. Maintenance workers falling 1. Locate ceiling light at reachable
from height when maintaining level.
and replacing false ceiling or 2. Provide wall mounting lights at
lighting. reachable height.
3. Design false ceiling and use light
bulbs that require minimal

23 Low headroom/restricted Difficult for workers to access 1. Ergonomic design for human access.
access in equipment rooms. for maintenance; not 2. Provide sufficient lighting.
ergonomic. 3. Provide warning signages.

Rev 2; 24-Aug-18 IES Health & Safety Engineering Technical Committee S.Yeung
S/No Potential hazard Risk Proposed DfS Control Measure(s),
where applicable
24 No proper access to flat roof Technicians need to climb over Provide proper access for maintenance.
where AHUs and ACPUs are the parapet wall for routine
located. servicing, risk of falling over the

25 High ceiling height of aircon Workers falling from height 1. Provide alternative cooling method.
vents and no proper access for during maintenance. 2. Place aircon vents elsewhere that is
servicing and maintenance. easier for maintenance.
3. Provide proper access for aircon

Rev 2; 24-Aug-18 IES Health & Safety Engineering Technical Committee S.Yeung

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