Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: American Society of Anesthesiologists

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AAL acute lymphoblastic, leukemia AS aortic stenosis CCU coronary care unit

ab antibody ASA acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin CD cardiac disease

ABN abnormal A.S.A. American Society of Anesthesiologists CF cardiac failure, cystic fibrosis
ABP arterial blood pressure ASAP as soon as possible CHD congenital heart disease
abs absent ASD atrial septal defect CHF congestive heart failure
a.c. before meals (ante sebum) A-V arteriovenous Chr chronic
Ac acute AVF arteriovenous fistula CIS carcinoma in situ
Acc accident CK creatinine kinase
ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone B ______________________________ Cl chlorine, chloride
ADH antidiruetic hormone BCG bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine CL chronic lymphocytic leukemia
AF atrial fibrillation, afebrile BEA below elbow amputation Cl.T clotting time
AFB acid fast bacilli b.i.d. twice daily cm. centimeter
AFP alpha fetoprotein bilat. Bilateral, bilaterally CML chronic myeloid leukemia
A/G albumin globulin ratio (blood) bili bilirubin CMV cytomegalovirus
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome b.i.n. twice a night CN cranial nerve
aka alcoholic ketoacidosis BiW twice weekly CNS central nervous system
alb. albumin Bl.T bleeding time c/o complains of, complaints
alc. alcohol BMR basal metabolic rate COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
alk. phos. alkaline phosphate BP blood pressure CPK creatinine phosphokinase
ALL acute lymphocytic leukemia BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
ALT alanine aminotransferase (formerly SGPT) BPM beats per minute CRD chronic respiratory disease
AMA against medical advice BS blood sugar, bowel sounds creat. creatinine
amb. ambulating, ambulatory B.S. breath sounds CRF chronic renal failure
AMI acute myocardial infarction BSA body surface area C/S, CS Cesarean section
AML acute myeloid leukemia BT bleeding time C&S culture and sensitivity
Amnio amniocentesis BUN blood urea nitrogen CSF cerebrospinal fluid
amp. amputation, ampule BW birth weight CT computed axial tomography
ANA antinuclear antibody Bx. Biopsy C-V cardiovascular
anes. anesthesia CVA cerebrovascular accident
ANS autonomic nervous system C ______________________________ CVS cardiovascular system
ant. anterior c. with CxR chest x-ray
ante before C. centigrade, Celsius complement
ANUG acute necrotizing ulcerative CI-XII 1st to 12th cranial nerve D ______________________________
gingivitis C-1 to C-7 cervical vertebrae D&C dilation and curettage
Anxty anxiety Ca calcium DDx differential diagnosis
A/O alert and oriented CA carcinoma, cancer D&E dilation and evacuation
AOB alcohol on breath CABG coronary artery bypass graft decr. decreased
AODM adult onset diabetes mellitus CAD coronary artery disease D5RL 5% dextrose and lactated ringers
AP ante partum CAHD coronary atherosclerotic heart disease D5W 5% dextrose and sterile water
A-P anteroposterior CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis DI diabetes insipidus
A-P & lat anteroposterior and lateral Caps capsules DIAG. diagnosis
AR aortic regurgitation CAT computerized axial tomography diam. diameter
ARD acute respiratory distress CBC complete blood count DIC disseminated intravascular
ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome cc. cubic centimeter coagulation,
ARF acute rheumaticfever CC chief complaint diff. differential
DJD degenerative joint disease G.H. growth hormone IGE immunoglobulin E
DKA diabetic ketoacidosis G.I. gastrointestinal IGG immunoglobulin gamma
DLE disseminated lupus erythematosis gluc glucose G (Globulin)
D/L DI decilter gm gram IGM immunoglobulin M
DM diabetes mellitus, diastolic murmur Gm+ gram positive IHD ischemic heart disease
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid Gm- gram negative IM intramuscular
DNKA did not keep appointment gm.% grams per 100 c.c. imp. impression
DOA dead on arrival GMA grand mal attack In. inches
DOB date of birth GTT glucose tolerance test incr. increased (ing)
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus GU genitourinary Inf infusion, inferior
vaccine G/W glucose and water inj injection
D/W dextrose in water GYN Gynecology inspire inspiration, inspiratory
Dx diagnosis int. internal
E ______________________________ H ______________________________ INTHC intrathecally
e without H/A headache IO inferior oblique
EBV Epstein-Barr virus Hb hemoglobin I&O intake and output
ECF extracellular fluid HCG human chorionic gonadotropin IQ intelligence quota
ECG electrocardiogram HCO3 bicarbonate IRDS idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome
E.coli Escherichia coli Hct. hematocrit irreg. Irregular
EDOD estimated date of delivery h.d. at bedtime ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
EEG electroencephalogram HD Hodgkin’s disease IU International Unit
EEX electrodiagnosis HDL high density lipids IUC intrauterine catheter
EGA estimated gestational age HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, throat IUCP intrauterine contraceptive device
EMG electromyogram hist. history, histology IUD intrauterine device
ENT ears, nose, throat HIV human immunodificiency virus IUGR intrauterine growth retardation
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate HLA human leukocyte group A, IUP intrauterine pregnancy
ex. exercise, example h/o history of IV intravenous(ly)
hpf high power field IVC inferior vena cava,
F ______________________________ HPI history of present illness
F finger, female, Fahrenheit HR heart rate J ________________________________
F.B. foreign body HS bedtime J joint
FBS fasting blood sugar H2O water JRA juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
FDA Food and Drug Administration H2O2 hydrogen peroxide jt. joint
FFP fresh frozen plasma Ht height, heart JVP jugular venous pulse
FH family history, fetal heart Hx history
FHR fetal heart rate Hz hertz (cycles/second K ______________________________
FSH follicle stimulating hormone I ________________________________ K potassium, kidney
F/U,F-U,F.U. follow-up ICCU intensive coronary care unit KCL potassium chloride
FUO fever of unknown origin ICF intracellular fluid Kcal. Kilocalorie, calorie
Fx fracture ICS intercostal space Kg., kg. kilogram
G ______________________________ ICU intensive care unit KUB kidney, ureter, bladder
G gravid I&D incision and drainage (x-rays)
GA General anesthesia IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
GCS Glasgow Coma Scale Ig immunoglobulin L ______________________________
GFR glomerulo filtration rate IGA immunoglobulin A
L left, liver, liter, lower, MR Mental retardation, mitral oz. ounce
lumbar vertebrae regurgitation
LA Local anesthesia MRI magnetic resonance imaging P ______________________________
lab. laboratory ms mitral stenosis P-A posteroanterior
lat. lateral Ms murmurs Pap Papanicolaou test (pap smear)
lb. pound MS mitral stenosis, multiple sclerosis Path. Pathology
LBA lower back ache MVP mitral valve prolapse PA view posterioranterior view on x-ray
LBW low birth weight MVR mitral valve replacement Pb lead
LDH lactic dehydrogenase PCV packed cell volume (of blood)
LDL low density lipids N ______________________________ PDA patent ductus arteriosus
LE lupus erythematosus n. nerve PE physical examination
leuc. leukocytes N2 nitrogen Pulmonary embolism
LFT liver function test N2O nitrous oxide (anesthetic) PERRLA pupils equal, round, reactive to
liq. liquid Na sodium light andaccommodation (normal)
LKS liver, kidneys, spleen NaCl sodium chloride PET positron emission tomography
l/min liter per minute NED no evidence of disease PH past history
L.N. lymph node neg. negative PI present illness
LNMP last normal menstrual period NER no evidence of recurrence PKU phenylkentonuria
L.O.C. loss of consciousness NIDDM noninsulin dependent diabetes Plac. placenta
LSCS lower segment Cesarean section mellitus plts. platelets
LSK liver, spleen, kidneys NKA no known allergies P.M. afternoon, post-mortem
Lt. left, light NMR nuclear magnetic resonance PMH past medical history
LVF left ventricular failure NOS not otherwise specified PMN polymorphonuclear (leukocytes)
LVH left ventricular hypertrophy NPH NPH insulin (Neutral Protamine PM&R Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Zinc) p.o. by mouth
M ______________________________ NPO nothing by mouth PO2 oxygen pressure (or tension)
macro. macrocytic, macroscopic NSA no significant abnormality p.o.d. postoperative day
max. maximum, maxillary NSAID nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory post. posterior
mcg. microgram drug POSTOP. postoperative
MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin NTG nitroglycerine pot. or potass. potassium
MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin NTP normal temperature and pressure PPBS post prandial blood sugar
concentration NVD nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Ppm parts per million
MCV mean corpuscular volume PPPG post prandial plasma glucose
MEq./L milliequivalents per liter O ______________________________ pro.time prothrombin time
mg. milligram O oral Psych. Psychiatry
Mg. magnesium O2 oxygen pt., Pt. patient
mg/dl milligrams per deciliter OA osteoarthritis PTCA percutaneous transvenous
mg.% milligrams per 100 cc OB, OBG Obstetrics coronary
Ml myocardial infarction OB/GYN Obstetrics and Gynecology angioplasty (balloon angioplasty)
min minute Obs observation PV plasma volume
ml. milliliter O/E on examination PVD peripheral vascular disease
mm millimeter oint. ointment PVR pulmonary vascular resistance
MM mucous membrane O.M. otitis media
Mn. manganese OPD outpatient department Q ______________________________
OTC over-the-counter (pharmaceuticals) q every
q.d. every day SIDS sudden infant death syndrome V ______________________________
q.h. every hour SLE systemic lupus erythematosus V vein
q2H every two hours SNS sympathetic nervous system VA visual acuity
q4H every four hours S.O.A.P. subjective, objective assessment plan VC, (vit.cap) vital capacity
q.i.d. four times a day S.O.S. si opus sit if- VDRL blood test for syphilis
q.i.w. four times a week Staph. staphylococcus vent. ventilator
q.l. as much as desired stat.,STAT immediately VF visual fields, ventricular
qn, q.n. every night STD sexually transmitted disease fibrillation
q.o.d. every other day strep. streptococcus VHD valvular heart disease
q.o.n. every other night sup. superior vit. vitamin
q.p. as much as you please SVT supra ventricular tachycardia VLDL very low density lipoproteins
q.q., Q.Q. each, every Sx symptoms vol volume
q.q.h. every four hours VSD ventricular septal defect
q.s. quantity, sufficient T ______________________________ VSS vital signs stable
qts. drops T3 triodothyronine VT, V Tach ventricular tachycardia
quad. quadriplegic T4 total serum thyroxine
quant. quantitative or quantity tab. tablet W ______________________________
q.w. every week T.A.T. tetanus antitoxin wbc, WBC white blood cells, white
TB tuberculosis blood count
R ______________________________ temp temperature wk week
r., R right, rectal, roentgen, x-ray TENS transient electric nerve stimulation WNL within normal limits
RA rheumatoid arthritis, right atrium THR total hip replacement wt. weight
r.a.m. rapid alternating movements t.i.d. three times a day
RAtx radiation therapy t.i.w. three times per week
RBC red blood cell, red blood count TKR total knee replacement
reg. regular TMJ temporomandibular joint
RF rheumatic fever TNM tumor, nodes, and metastases
RHD rheumatic heart disease TS tricuspid stenosis
RHF right heart failure TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
RNA ribonucleic acid tsp. teaspoon
RO, R/O rule out TSS toxic shock syndrome
ROM range of motion TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenia
ROS review of systems purpura
Rt. right TVR tricuspid valve replacement
RT radiation therapy, respiratory Tx treatment
Rx therapy, prescription U ______________________________
U. unit
S ______________________________ U/A urinalysis
SABE subacute bacterial endocarditis u/o under observation for, urine output
s.c. subcutaneous(ly) URI upper respiratory infection
SCA sickle cell anemia US ultrasound
SCC sickle cell crisis UTI urinary tract infection
SCD sudden cardiac death UVL ultraviolet light
SGOT serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase

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