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Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

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This chapter covers the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered from the two hundred eighty respondents. The data were tabulated and

characterized according to respondent’s profile, perceived benefits on establishing

Leisure Camping Paradise and the feasibility factors of the establishment of Leisure

Camping Paradise. The data were treated using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).

Distribution of Respondents

Table I shows the distribution of respondents subjected in this study. A

total of two hundred eighty (280) respondents cooperated the survey composed

of one hundred (100) faculty members within the nine nearby barangays of the

proposed business namely: La Paz, Monteharmoso, Villafor, Poblacion Sur,

Calatrave, La Libertad, Villahermoso, El Salvador, and Matin-ao with a percentage

of (35.71%), eighty (80) community residents represented by barangay officials

of nine nearby barangays with a percentage of (28.58%) and one hundred tourists

(100) which composed of fifty local tourists and fifty foreign tourists with a

percentage of (35.71%).

Table I

Distribution of Respondents


Category Frequency Percentage Rank

Faculty Members 100 35.71 1

Community Residents 80 28.28 2


a. Local 50 17.86 3.5

b. Foreign 50 17.86 3.5

Total 280 100.00

Profile of the Respondents

Table II presents the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

their age, civil status, nationality, occupation, and monthly income.


Community Residents. Of the eighty respondents, none were 18 years

old below and 19-26 years old. Three (3.75%) were 27-33 years old and thirty

seven (46.25%) were 34-40 years old. Forty (50%) were 41 years old and above.

Table II
Profile of the Respondents

Items Faculty Members Community Tourists

(n=100) Residents
Local Foreign
(n=50) (n=50)
A. Age F % R F % R F % R F % R
18 years old below 0 0.00 5 0 0.00 4.5 9 18.00 2 15 30.00 2
19-26 years old 3 3.00 4 0 0.00 4.5 23 46.00 1 20 40.00 1
27-33 years old 12 12.00 3 3 3.75 3 8 16.00 3.5 5 10.00 4
34-30 years old 31 31.00 2 37 46.25 2 8 16.00 3.5 5 10.00 4
41 years old above 54 54.00 1 40 50.00 1 2 4.00 5 5 10.00 4
Total 100 100 80 100 50 100 50 100
B. Civil Status
Single 4 4.00 2 0 0.00 3.5 38 76.00 1 25 50.00 1.5
Married 94 94.00 1 72 90.00 1 12 24.00 2 25 50.00 1.5
Legally Separated 1 1.00 3.5 0 0.00 3.5 0 0.00 3.5 0 0.00 3.5
Widow/Widower 1 1.00 3.5 8 10.00 2 0 0.00 3.5 0 0.00 3.5
Total 100 100 80 100 50 100 50 100
C. Nationality
Foreign 0 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 2 0 0.00 2 50.00 100 1
Local 100 100 1 80 100 1 50 100 1 0 0.00 2
Total 100 100 80 100 50 100 50 100
D. Occupation

Government Employee 100 100 1 80 100 1 5 10.00 3 8 16.00 4

Businessman/Agent 0 0.00 2.5 0 0.00 3 2 4.00 4 10 20.00 3
Private employee 0 0.00 2.5 0 0.00 3 15 30.00 2 21 42.00 1
Student 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 28 56.00 1 11 22.00 2
Total 100 100 80 50 100 50 100
E. Monthly Income
10,000-below 0 0.00 5 31 38.75 2 35 70.00 1 3 6.00 4.5
10,001-15,000 0 0.00 5 34 42.5 1 5 10.00 2.5 5 10.00 3
15,001-20,000 0 0.00 5 15 18.75 3 5 10.00 2.5 1 2.00 6
20,001-25,000 51 51.00 1 0 0.00 5 4 8.00 4 3 6.00 4.5
25,001-30,000 44 44.00 2 0 0.00 5 1 2.00 5 8 16.00 2
30.001 and above 5 5.00 3 0 0.00 5 0 0.00 6 32 64.00 1
Total 100 100 80 100 50 100 50 100

Faculty Members. From the one hundred faculty members none were 18

years old and below. Three (3%) were 19-26 years old and twelve (12%) were

27-33 years old. Thirty one (31%) were 34-40 years old and forty (40%) were 41

years old and above.

Tourist. For the local tourist, out of fifty respondents, nine (18%) were 18

years old and below. Twenty three (46%) were 19-26 years old. Eight (16%) were

27-33 years old. Eight (16%) were 34-40 years old and two (4%) were 41 years

old and above.

For the foreign tourist, out of 50 respondents, fifteen (30%) were 18 years

old and below. Twenty (40%) were 19-26 years old. Five (10%) were 27-33 years

old. Five (10%) were 34-40 years old and five (10%) were 41 years old and below.

Civil Status

Community Residents. From the eighty community residents, none were

single, seventy two (90%) were married, none were legally separated, eight (10%)

were widow/widower.

Faculty Members. Out of one hundred faculty members, four (4%) were

single, ninety four (94%) were married, one (1%) were legally separated and one

(1%) were widow/widower.


Foreign. For the local tourist, out of fifty respondents, thirty eight (76%)

were single, twelve (24%) were married, none were legally separated and none

were widow/widower.

For the foreign tourist, out of fifty respondents twenty five (50%) were

single, twenty one (42%) were married, two (2%) were legally separated and two

(2%) were widow/widower.


Community Residents. From the eighty community residents all (100%)

were local residents and none were foreign residents.

Faculty Members. From the one hundred faculty members all (100%)

were local residents and none were foreign residents.

Tourists. Out of one hundred tourists, fifty were (50%) were local and

fifty (50%) were foreign.


Community Residents. Of the eighty community residents, eight (100%)

were government employee, none were business agent, none were private

employee and none were student.


Faculty Members. From the one hundred faculty members all (100%)

were government employee, none were businessman/agent, none were private

employee and none were student.

Tourist. For the local tourists, five (10%) were government employee, two

(4%) were businessman/agent, fifteen (30%) were private employee and twenty

eight (56%) were students.

For the foreign tourists, eight (16%) were government employee, ten

(20%) were businessman/agent, twenty one (42%) were private employee and

eleven (22%) were students.

Monthly Income

Community Residents. Of the eighty community residents, thirty one

(38.75%) had an income of ten thousand and below, thirty four (42.5%) had an

income of ten thousand to fifteen thousand, fifteen (18.75%) had an income of

fifteen thousand to twenty thousand, none were twenty thousand and above.

Faculty Members. Out of one hundred faculty members, none were

twenty thousand and below, fifty one (51%) had an income of twenty thousand

to twenty five thousand, forty four (44%) had an income of twenty five thousand

to thirty thousand and five (5%) had an income of thirty thousand and above.

Tourist. For the local tourists, thirty five (70%) had an income of ten

thousand and below, five (10%) had an income of ten thousand to fifteen

thousand, five (10%) had an income of fifteen thousand to twenty thousand, four

(8%) had an income of twenty thousand to twenty five thousand, one (2%) had

an income of twenty five thousand to thirty thousand and none were thirty

thousand and above.

For the foreign tourists, three (6%) had an income of ten thousand and

below, five (10%) had an income of ten thousand to fifteen thousand, one (2%)

had an income of fifteen thousand to twenty thousand, three (6%) had an income

of twenty thousand to twenty five thousand, eight (16%) had an income of twenty

five thousand to thirty thousand and thirty two (64%) had an income of thirty

thousand and above.

Part II. Perceived Benefits on Establishing Leisure Camping Paradise

Table III shows the responses of the four groups of respondents regarding

to the perceived benefits on the establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise. There

were ten items included and discussed. These are the following: (1) A conclusive

area where one can achieve healthy lifestyle experience. (2) A place like home

while away from home. (3) Has a presence of accommodating personnel and

satisfying services. (4) A place where one can relax and feel how

Table III
Perceived benefits on Establishing Leisure Camping Paradise
A. Faculty Members (N=100)

Strongly Agree Less Disagree

Items Agree Agree
(4) (3) (2) (1) WM Des R
F % F % F % F %

1. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can promote family bonding 84 84.00 14 14.00 2 2 0 0.00 3.82 SA 5
allowing them to relax, unwind and de-stress.
2. Camping increases self-confidence and develop life-long skills. 75 75.00 24 24.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.72 SA 9
3. The business encourages an appreciation for nature to reconnect and get on 86 86.00 12 12.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 3.83 SA 3.5
touch to nature.
4. Leisure Camping Paradise build social skills and develop teamwork. 88 88.00 9 9.00 3 3.00 0 0.00 3.85 SA 1
5. Camping helps individual to grow more independent and enhances problem 87 87.00 10 10.00 3 3.00 0 0.00 3.84 SA 2
solving skills.
6. Camping exposes people to new challenges and adventures. 69 69.00 26 26.00 2 2.00 3 3.00 3.61 SA 10
7. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise fosters a healthy lifestyle. 85 86.00 13 13.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 3.83 SA 3.5
8. Camping is a great for children’s education to be more creative and productive. 76 76.00 22 22.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 3.73 SA 8
9. Leisure Camping Paradise has great facilities but less money needed for 83 83.00 13 13.00 3 3.00 1 1.00 3.78 SA 6
10. Camping can gain resiliency that helps conquer fears and try new things to 79 79.00 19 19.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 3.76 SA 7
build good character.
Average Weighted Mean 3.78 SA

Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DS Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table III
Perceived benefits on Establishing Leisure Camping Paradise
B. Community Residents (N=80)

Strongly Less
Items Agree Agree Agree Disagree
(4) (3) (2) (1) WM Des R
F % F % F % F %
1. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can promote family 71 88.75 9 11.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.89 SA 7.5
bonding allowing them to relax, unwind and de-stress.
2. Camping increases self-confidence and develop life-long skills. 77 96.25 3 3.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.96 SA 1
3. The business encourages an appreciation for nature to reconnect and get 73 91.25 7 8.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.91 SA 5
on touch to nature.
4. Leisure Camping Paradise build social skills and develop teamwork. 72 90 8 10 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.90 SA 6
5. Camping helps individual to grow more independent and enhances problem 74 92.5 6 7.5 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.93 SA 3.5
solving skills.
6. Camping exposes people to new challenges and adventures. 71 88.75 9 11.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.89 SA 7.5
7. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise fosters a healthy lifestyle. 76 95 4 5 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.95 SA 2
8. Camping is a great for children’s education to be more creative and 70 87.5 10 12.5 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.88 SA 9
9. Leisure Camping Paradise has great facilities but less money needed for 69 86.25 11 13.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 10
10. Camping can gain resiliency that helps conquer fears and try new things to 74 92.5 6 7.5 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.93 SA 3.5
build good character.
Average Weighted Mean 3.91 SA

Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.0
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DS Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table III
Perceived benefits on Establishing Leisure Camping Paradise
C. Local Tourists (N=50)

Strongly Agree Less Disagree

Items Agree Agree
(4) (3) (2) (1) WM Des R
F % F % F % F %
1. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can promote family bonding 22 44 25 50 3 6 0 0.00 3.38 SA 3.5
allowing them to relax, unwind and de-stress.
2. Camping increases self-confidence and develop life-long skills. 26 52 21 42 3 6 0 0.00 3.46 SA 2
3. The business encourages an appreciation for nature to reconnect and get on 21 42 27 54 2 4 0 0.00 3.38 SA 3.5
touch to nature.
4. Leisure Camping Paradise build social skills and develop teamwork. 22 44 21 42 7 14 0 0.00 3.30 SA 6
5. Camping helps individual to grow more independent and enhances problem 24 48 17 34 9 18 0 0.00 3.30 SA 6
solving skills.
6. Camping exposes people to new challenges and adventures. 30 60 17 34 3 6 0 0.00 3.54 SA 1
7. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise fosters a healthy lifestyle. 17 34 22 44 10 20 1 2 3.10 A 9.5
8. Camping is a great for children’s education to be more creative and 16 32 23 46 11 22 0 0.00 3.10 A 9.5
9. Leisure Camping Paradise has great facilities but less money needed for 20 40 25 50 5 10 0 0.00 3.30 SA 6
10. Camping can gain resiliency that helps conquer fears and try new things to 18 36 25 50 7 14 0 0.00 3.22 A 8
build good character.
Average Weighted Mean 3.31 SA

Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 2.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DS Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table III
Perceived benefits on Establishing Leisure Camping Paradise
D. Foreign Tourists (N=50)

Strongly Agree Less Disagree

Items Agree Agree
(4) (3) (2) (1) WM Des R
F % F % F % F %
1. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can promote family 39 78.00 11 22.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.78 SA 1
bonding allowing them to relax, unwind and de-stress.
2. Camping increases self-confidence and develop life-long skills. 30 60.00 20 40.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.60 SA 4.5
3. The business encourages an appreciation for nature to reconnect 27 54.00 23 46.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.54 SA 6
and get on touch to nature.
4. Leisure Camping Paradise build social skills and develop teamwork. 30 60.00 20 40.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.60 SA 4.5
5. Camping helps individual to grow more independent and enhances 21 42.00 29 58.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.42 SA 10
problem solving skills.
6. Camping exposes people to new challenges and adventures. 26 52.00 24 48.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.52 SA 7
7. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise fosters a healthy 22 44.00 28 56.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.44 SA 9
8. Camping is a great for children’s education to be more creative and 24 48.00 26 52.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.48 SA 8
9. Leisure Camping Paradise has great facilities but less money 31 62.00 19 38.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.62 SA 3
needed for accommodation.
10. Camping can gain resiliency that helps conquer fears and try new 33 66.00 17 34.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.66 SA 2
things to build good character.
Average Weighted Mean 3.57 SA

Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DS Disagree 1.00-1.75


good life is. (5) A place where one is treated as a family. (6) Clean and peaceful

surroundings that is comfortable to sleep. (7) A place where safety is of great

importance and attention. (8) A place where allows you to cope with stress and

improve moods. (10) A place where recreational activities are present.

Faculty Members. Based on the table, out of ten items, all are described

as strongly agree, these were presented with their corresponding weighted

means and ranks to wit: [1] Leisure Camping Paradise build social skills and

develop teamwork (3.85); [2] Camping helps individual to grow more

independent and enhances problem solving skills (3.84); [3.5] The business

encourages an appreciation for nature to reconnect and get on touch to nature

(3.83); [3.5] The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise fosters a healthy

lifestyle (3.83); [5] The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can promote

family bonding allowing them to relax, unwind and de-stress (3.82); [6] Leisure

Camping Paradise has great facilities but less money needed for accommodation

(3.78); and [7] Camping can gain resiliency that helps conquer fears and try new

things to build good character (3.76); [8] Camping is a great for children’s

education to be more creative and productive (3.73); [9] Camping increases

self-confidence and develop life-long skills (3.72); and [10] Camping exposes

people to new challenges and adventures (3.61). The over-all responses garnered

an average weighted mean of 3.78 or Strongly Agree, which means that they

appreciate the idea of having a camping site to build social skills, develop

teamwork, increases self-confidence and develop life-long skills.

Community Residents. Out of the ten items stated in the table, all of

items were described as Strongly Agree, these were being presented with their

corresponding ranks, to wit: [1] Camping increases self-confidence and develop

life-long skills (3.96); [2] The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise fosters

a healthy lifestyle (3.95); [3.5] Camping helps individual to grow more

independent and enhances problem solving skills (3.93); [3.5] Camping can gain

resiliency that helps conquer fears and try new things to build good character

(3.93); [5] The business encourages an appreciation for nature to reconnect and

get on touch to nature (3.91); [6] Leisure Camping Paradise build social skills and

develop teamwork (3.90); [7.5] The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise

can promote family bonding allowing them to relax, unwind and de-stress (3.89);

[7.5] Camping exposes people to new challenges and adventures (3.89); [9]

Camping is a great for children’s education to be more creative and productive

(3.88); and [10] Leisure Camping Paradise has great facilities but less money

needed for accommodation (3.86).

As a whole, the responses yielded an average weighted mean of 3.91 or

Strongly Agree, which implies that the barangay officials viewed camping site as

a place where camping increases self-confidence, develop life-long skills and

fosters a healthy lifestyle.

Local Tourists. Seven of the ten stated items were described as Strongly

Agree. This were presented with their corresponding weighted means and ranks

to wit: [1] Camping exposes people to new challenges and adventures (3.54); [2]

Camping increases self-confidence and develop life-long skills (3.46); [3.5] The

establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can promote family bonding allowing

them to relax, unwind and de-stress (3.38); [3.5] The business encourages an

appreciation for nature to reconnect and get on touch to nature (3.38); [6]

Leisure Camping Paradise build social skills and develop teamwork (3.30); [6]

Camping helps individual to grow more independent and enhances problem solving

skills (3.30); and [6] Leisure Camping Paradise has great facilities but less money

needed for accommodation (3.30). Three were described as Agree , to wit: [8]

Camping can gain resiliency that helps conquer fears and try new things to build

good character (3.22); [9.5] The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise

fosters a healthy lifestyle (3.10); and [9.5] Camping is a great for children’s

education to be more creative and productive (3.10).

The responses of the respondents were accumulated and garnered an

average weighted mean of 3.31 or described as Strongly Agree, the response


of the local tourists were highly focused on exposing people to new challenges and


Foreign Tourists, All of items in the table were described as Strongly

Agree, these were being presented with their corresponding ranks, to wit: [1] The

establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can promote family bonding allowing

them to relax, unwind and de-stress (3.78); [2] Camping can gain resiliency that

helps conquer fears and try new things to build good character (3.66); [3] Leisure

Camping Paradise has great facilities but less money needed for accommodation

(3.62); [4.5] Camping increases self-confidence and develop life-long skill

(3.60); [4.5] Leisure Camping Paradise build social skills and develop teamwork

(3.60); [6] The business encourages an appreciation for nature to reconnect and

get on touch to nature (3.54); [7] Camping exposes people to new challenges

and adventures (3.52); [8] Camping is a great for children’s education to be more

creative and productive (3.48); [9] The establishment of Leisure Camping

Paradise fosters a healthy lifestyle (3.44); and [10] Camping helps individual to

grow more independent and enhances problem solving skills (3.42).

As a whole, the responses yielded an average weighted mean of 3.57 or

Strongly Agree, which implies that the foreign tourists viewed camping site as a

place that can promote family bonding allowing them to relax, unwind and de-

stress and can gain resiliency that helps conquer fears and try new things to build

good character.

Summary on the Results of the Perceived Benefits in Establishing Leisure

Camping Paradise

Table IV shows that the four groups perceived highly on the idea of

promoting family bonding allowing them to relax, unwind and de-stress which has

the highest average weighted mean rating of 3.72, followed by increasing self-

confidence and developing life-long skills (3.69), and The business encourages

an appreciation for nature to reconnect and get on touch to nature (3.67). These

are the top three items which gathered the highest mean rating from the responses

of the four groups of respondents namely: faculty members, community residents,

local tourists and foreign tourists.

Difference of the Responses on the Perceived Benefits on Establishing

Leisure Camping Paradise

Table V signifies the difference on the responses of the four groups of

respondents regarding the perceived benefits of Leisure Camping Paradise. The

table resulted a computed value of 69.00 which was found higher than the

tabulated value of 2.87 at 3 df by 36 at 0.05 level of significance. This means

that there is a significant degree of difference in the responses of the respondents.


Table IV
Summary of Results of the Perceived Benefits on the Establishment of
Leisure Camping Paradise in Katipunan, Carmen, Bohol
Items Faculty Community Foreign Local AWM DES R
Members Residents Tourists Tourists
1. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can promote 3.82 3.89 3.78 3.38 3.72 SA 1
family bonding allowing them to relax, unwind and de-stress.
2. Camping increases self-confidence and develop life-long skills. 3.72 3.96 3.60 3.46 3.69 SA 2
3. The business encourages an appreciation for nature to 3.83 3.91 3.54 3.38 3.67 SA 3
reconnect and get on touch to nature.
4. Leisure Camping Paradise build social skills and develop 3.85 3.90 3.6 3.30 3.66 SA 4
5. Camping helps individual to grow more independent and 3.84 3.93 3.42 3.30 3.62 SA 8
enhances problem solving skills.
6. Camping exposes people to new challenges and adventures. 3.61 3.89 3.52 3.54 3.64 SA 6
7. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise fosters a 3.83 3.95 3.44 3.10 3.58 SA 9
healthy lifestyle.
8. Camping is a great for children’s education to be more creative 3.73 3.88 3.48 3.10 3.55 SA 10
and productive.
9. Leisure Camping Paradise has great facilities but less money 3.78 3.86 3.62 3.30 3.64 SA 6
needed for accommodation.
10. Camping can gain resiliency that helps conquer fears and try 3.76 3.93 3.66 3.22 3.64 SA 6
new things to build good character.
Average Weighted Mean 3.78 3.91 3.57 3.31 3.64 SA
Numerical Code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table V
Differences on the Responses of the Four Groups of Respondents with
Regards to the Perceived Benefits on Establishing Leisure Camping Paradise
X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42
3.82 14.59 3.89 15.13 3.78 14.29 3.38 11.42
3.72 13.84 3.96 15.68 3.60 12.96 3.46 11.97
3.83 14.67 3.91 15.29 3.54 12.53 3.38 11.42
3.85 14.82 3.90 15.21 3.60 12.96 3.30 10.89
3.84 14.75 3.93 15.44 3.42 11.70 3.30 10.89
3.61 13.03 3.89 15.13 3.52 12.39 3.54 12.53
3.83 14.67 3.95 15.60 3.44 11.83 3.10 9.61
3.73 13.91 3.88 15.05 3.48 12.11 3.10 9.61
3.78 14.29 3.86 14.90 3.62 13.10 3.30 10.89
3.76 14.14 3.93 15.44 3.66 13.40 3.22 10.37
∑X1= 37.77 ∑X1 =142.71 ∑X2=39.10 ∑X2 =152.87 ∑X3=35.66 ∑X3 =127.27 ∑X4=33.08
2 2 2 ∑X4 =109.60

Computation: ANOVA

SSb =(∑X1)2 + (∑X2)2 + (∑X3)2+ (∑X4)2 – (∑XT) dfb = 3 MSb = SSb/dfb MSw = SSw/dfw
N1 N2 N3 N4 NT dfw = 36 = 2.07/3 = 0.32/36
= (37.77)2 + (39.10)2 + (35.66)2+ (33.08)2 – (37.77+39.10+35.66+33.08) 2 MSb= 0.69 MSw =0.01
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 40
= 1426.57 + 1528.81 + 1271.64+ 1094.29 – 21202.27 F=MSb/MSw
10 10 10 10 40 =0.69/0.01
=142.66 + 152.88 + 127.16 + 109.43 – 530.06 F= 64
= 532.13 – 530.06
SSb = 2.07
SSw =[142.71–142.66]+[152.87–152.88]+[127.27–127.16]+[127.25 – 127.16] The critical value of F at 3 by 36 df at 0.05 level of
=0.05 + (-0.01) + 0.11 + 0.17 significance is 2.87. The correlation is significant because the
SSw = 0.32 computed value of 64.00 is higher than the tabular value.
Therefore, the null hypothesis is Rejected.


Part III. Feasibility Factors as to Marketing Aspect

A.) Market Aspect

Table VI records the responses of the three groups in the feasibility

factor with respect to market aspect. There were ten items included and discussed

these are the following: [1] The business can achieve long-term viability since

there is no existing camping site provider in the province, [2] There will be proper

marketing strategies that will provide information to the potential customers, [3]

Marketing programs should be suited to the needs of the customers, [4] Leaflets

and flyers should be distributed for the customers to be properly read the

advantages of camping site, [5] The proposed camping site should be nearer to

the target market to attract potential customers, [6] The business could also

encourage the customers to stay and feel at home to cater their needs and

eventually save money, [7] The proposed business could build good relationship

with other business operating near the proposed business, [8] The establishment

of camping site should make the customers feel comfortable and welcome, [9]

The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise should be open to all religious

beliefs and differences of the individual customers, and lastly [10] Actual

promotion should be conducted to the selected barangays for further information

regarding camping site services.


Table VI
Feasibility Factors as to Market Aspects
A. Faculty Members (N=100)

Strongly Less
Items Agree Agree Agree Disagree WM De R
(4) (3) (2) (1) s
F % F % F % F %
1. The business can achieve long-term viability since there is no existing 83 83.00 17 17.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.83 SA 7.5
camping site provider in the province.
2. There will be proper marketing strategies that will provide information to 86 86.00 13 13.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.85 SA 6
the potential customers.
3. Marketing programs should be suited to the needs of the customers. 81 81.00 12 12.00 0 0.00 1 1.00 3.61 SA 10
4. Leaflets and flyers should be distributed for the customers to be properly 88 88.00 11 11.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.87 SA 2
read the advantages of camping site.
5. The proposed camping site should be nearer to the target market to 82 82.00 22 22.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.94 SA 1
attract potential customers.
6. The business could also encourage the customers to stay and feel at 80 80.00 16 16.00 3 3.00 1 1.00 3.75 SA 9
home to cater their needs and eventually save money.
7. The proposed business could build good relationship with other business 86 86.00 14 14.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 4
operating near the proposed business.
8. The establishment of camping site should make the customers feel 87 87.00 12 12.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 4
comfortable and welcome.
9. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise should be open to all 85 85.00 13 13.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 3.83 SA 7.5
religious beliefs and differences of the individual customers.
10. Actual promotion should be conducted to the selected barangays for 89 89.00 9 9.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 3.86 SA 4
further information regarding camping site services.
Average Weighted Mean 3.83 SA
Numerical Code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table VI
Feasibility Factors as to Market Aspects
B. Community Residents (N=80)
Strongly Less
Items Agree Agree Agree Disagree WM Des R
(4) (3) (2) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. The business can achieve long-term viability since there is no existing 73 91.25 7 8.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.91 SA 3
camping site provider in the province.
2. There will be proper marketing strategies that will provide information to 77 96.25 3 3.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.96 SA 1
the potential customers.
3. Marketing programs should be suited to the needs of the customers. 74 92.50 6 7.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.93 SA 2
4. Leaflets and flyers should be distributed for the customers to be properly 69 86.25 11 13.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 8.5
read the advantages of camping site.
5. The proposed camping site should be nearer to the target market to 70 87.50 10 12.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.88 SA 7
attract potential customers.
6. The business could also encourage the customers to stay and feel at home 71 88.75 9 11.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.89 SA 5.5
to cater their needs and eventually save money.
7. The proposed business could build good relationship with other business 72 90.00 8 10.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.90 SA 4
operating near the proposed business.
8. The establishment of camping site should make the customers feel 68 85.00 12 15.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.85 SA 10
comfortable and welcome.
9. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise should be open to all 69 86.25 11 13.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 8.5
religious beliefs and differences of the individual customers.
10. Actual promotion should be conducted to the selected barangays for 71 88.75 9 11.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.89 SA 5.5
further information regarding camping site services.
Average Weighted Mean 3.89 SA
Numerical Code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table VI
Feasibility Factors as to Market Aspects
C. Local Tourists (N=50)
Strongly Agree Less Disagree
Items Agree (3) Agree (1) WM Des R
(4) (2)
F % F % F % F %
1. The business can achieve long-term viability since there is no 18 36.00 32 64.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.36 SA 1
existing camping site provider in the province.
2. There will be proper marketing strategies that will provide 9 18.00 37 74.00 4 8.00 0 0.00 3.10 A 8.5
information to the potential customers.
3. Marketing programs should be suited to the needs of the 16 32.00 30 60.00 4 8.00 0 0.00 3.24 A 3
4. Leaflets and flyers should be distributed for the customers to be 15 30.00 31 62.00 4 8.00 0 0.00 3.22 A 5
properly read the advantages of camping site.
5. The proposed camping site should be nearer to the target market to 14 28.00 32 64.00 3 6.00 1 2.00 3.18 A 7
attract potential customers.
6. The business could also encourage the customers to stay and feel 18 36.00 22 44.00 6 12.00 1 2.00 3.02 A 10
at home to cater their needs and eventually save money.
7. The proposed business could build good relationship with other 20 40.00 26 52.00 4 8.00 0 0.00 3.32 SA 2
business operating near the proposed business.
8. The establishment of camping site should make the customers feel 15 30.00 31 62.00 4 8.00 0 0.00 3.22 A 5
comfortable and welcome.
9. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise should be open to 16 32.00 29 58.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 3.22 A 5
all religious beliefs and differences of the individual customers.
10. Actual promotion should be conducted to the selected barangays 10 20.00 35 70.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 3.10 A 8.5
for further information regarding camping site services.
Average Weighted Mean 3.20 A
Numerical Code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table VI
Feasibility Factors as to Market Aspects
D. Foreign Tourists (N=50)
Strongly Agree Less
Items Agree (3) Agree Disagree WM Des R
(4) (2) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. The business can achieve long-term viability since there is no 38 76.00 12 24.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.76 SA 2.5
existing camping site provider in the province.
2. There will be proper marketing strategies that will provide 31 62.00 19 38.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.62 SA 9
information to the potential customers.
3. Marketing programs should be suited to the needs of the 36 72.00 14 28.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.72 SA 4
4. Leaflets and flyers should be distributed for the customers to be 33 66.00 17 34.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.66 SA 6.5
properly read the advantages of camping site.
5. The proposed camping site should be nearer to the target market to 35 70.00 15 30.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.70 SA 5
attract potential customers.
6. The business could also encourage the customers to stay and feel 32 64.00 18 36.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.64 SA 8
at home to cater their needs and eventually save money.
7. The proposed business could build good relationship with other 25 50.00 25 50.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.50 SA 10
business operating near the proposed business.
8. The establishment of camping site should make the customers feel 38 76.00 12 24.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.76 SA 2.5
comfortable and welcome.
9. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise should be open to 42 84.00 8 16.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.84 SA 1
all religious beliefs and differences of the individual customers.
10. Actual promotion should be conducted to the selected barangays 33 66.00 17 34.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.66 SA 6.5
for further information regarding camping site services.
Average Weighted Mean 3.69 SA
Numerical Code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Faculty Members. All of the ten items were rated as Strongly Agree.

These were being presented with their corresponding weighted means and ranks

as to wit: [1] The proposed camping site should be nearer to the target market to

attract potential customers (3.94); [2] Leaflets and flyers should be distributed

for the customers to be properly read the advantages of camping site (3.87); [4]

The proposed business could build good relationship with other business operating

near the proposed business (3.86); [4] The establishment of camping site should

make the customers feel comfortable and welcome (3.86); [4] Actual promotion

should be conducted to the selected barangays for further information regarding

camping site services. (3.86); [6] There will be proper marketing strategies that

will provide information to the potential customers (3.85); [7.5] The business can

achieve long-term viability since there is no existing camping site provider in the

province (3.83); [7.5] The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise should be

open to all religious beliefs and differences of the individual customers (3.83);

[9]The business could also encourage the customers to stay and feel at home to

cater their needs and eventually save money (3.75); and [10] Marketing

programs should be suited to the needs of the customers (3.61).

In general, the over-all responses gathered and average weighted mean

of 3.83 or described as Strongly Agree, which stresses that the camping site

should be nearer to the target market to attract potential customers.


Community Residents. All of the ten items were rated as Strongly

Agree. These were being presented with their corresponding weighted means

and ranks as to wit: [1] There will be proper marketing strategies that will provide

information to the potential customers (3.96); [2] Marketing programs should be

suited to the needs of the customers (3.93); [3] The business can achieve long-

term viability since there is no existing camping site provider in the province

(3.91); [4] The proposed business could build good relationship with other

business operating near the proposed business (3.90); [5.5] The business could

also encourage the customers to stay and feel at home to cater their needs and

eventually save money (3.89); [5.5] Actual promotion should be conducted to the

selected barangays for further information regarding camping site services

(3.89); [7] The proposed camping site should be nearer to the target market to

attract potential customers (3.88); [8.5] Leaflets and flyers should be distributed

for the customers to be properly read the advantages of camping site (3.86);

[8.5] The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise should be open to all

religious beliefs and differences of the individual customers (3.86); and [10] The

establishment of camping site should make the customers feel comfortable and

welcome (3.85).

Moreover, the over-all responses gathered an average weighted mean of

3.89 or Strongly Agree as described, which means that there should be proper

marketing strategies that will provide information to the potential customers.


Local Tourists. Two of the ten items in the table were described as

Strongly Agree. These were presented with their corresponding weighted mean

and ranks, to wit: [1] The business can achieve long-term viability since there is

no existing camping site provider in the province (3.36); and [2] The proposed

business could build good relationship with other business operating near the

proposed business (3.32). Eight were rated as Agree, to wit: [3] Marketing

programs should be suited to the needs of the customers (3.24); [5] Leaflets and

flyers should be distributed for the customers to be properly read the advantages

of camping site (3.22); [5] The establishment of camping site should make the

customers feel comfortable and welcome (3.22); [5] The establishment of Leisure

Camping Paradise should be open to all religious beliefs and differences of the

individual customers (3.22); [7] The proposed camping site should be nearer to

the target market to attract potential customers (3.18); [8.5] There will be proper

marketing strategies that will provide information to the potential customers

(3.10); [8.5] Actual promotion should be conducted to the selected barangays for

further information regarding camping site services (3.10); [10] Actual promotion

should be conducted to the selected barangays for further information regarding

camping site services (3.02).

Meanwhile, the over-all responses garnered an average of 3.20 or

Agree which means that the proposed business can achieve long-term viability

since there is no existing camping site provider in the province.


Foreign Tourists. All of the items stated in the table were described as

Strongly Agree. [1] The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise should be open

to all religious beliefs and differences of the individual customers (3.84); [2.5]

The business can achieve long-term viability since there is no existing camping

site provider in the province (3.76); [2.5] The establishment of camping site

should make the customers feel comfortable and welcome (3.76); [4] Marketing

programs should be suited to the needs of the customers (3.72); [5] The

proposed camping site should be nearer to the target market to attract potential

customers (3.70); [6.5] Leaflets and flyers should be distributed for the

customers to be properly read the advantages of camping site (3.66); [6.5]

Actual promotion should be conducted to the selected barangays for further

information regarding camping site services (3.66); [8] The business could also

encourage the customers to stay and feel at home to cater their needs and

eventually save money (3.64); [9] There will be proper marketing strategies that

will provide information to the potential customers (3.62); [10] The proposed

business could build good relationship with other business operating near the

proposed business (3.50).

Moreover, the over-all responses garnered an average of 3.69 or Strongly

Agree which means that the establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise should

be open to all religious beliefs and differences of the individual customers.


Summary on the Responses of the respondents on the Feasibility Factors

as to Market Aspect

Table VII emphasized the business can achieve long-term viability since

there is no existing camping site provider in the province obtained the highest

mean rating of 3.72 which was followed by the establishment of Leisure Camping

Paradise should be open to all religious beliefs and differences of the individual

customers (3.69). These showed that the implementation of an effective

marketing strategy can achieve long-term viability since there is no existing

camping site provider in the province while the business could also encourage the

customers to stay and feel at home to cater their needs and eventually save gained

the lowest average weighted mean of 3.58, this showed that there is a possibility

that the proposed establishment will surely prosper and the customers will

eventually adopt the services.

Difference on the Responses of the Four Groups of Respondents

Regarding the Feasibility Factors as to Marketing Aspect

The presentation of Table VIII indicates the difference on the responses

of the four groups of respondents regarding the feasibility factors as to market

aspect. It resulted to a computed value of 32.00 which was found higher than

the tabulated value of 2.87 at 3 df by 36 at 0.05 level of significance. The

difference was Significant; therefore the null hypothesis is Rejected. This

should be the basis in dealing with market aspect of the business.


Table VII
Summary on the Responses of the Respondents on the Feasibility Factors as to Market Aspect
Items Faculty Community Foreign Local AWM DES R
Members Residents Tourists Tourists
1. The business can achieve long-term viability since there is no existing 3.83 3.91 3.76 3.36 3.72 SA 1
camping site provider in the province.
2. There will be proper marketing strategies that will provide information to 3.85 3.96 3.62 3.10 3.63 SA 8
the potential customers.
3. Marketing programs should be suited to the needs of the customers. 3.61 3.93 3.72 3.24 3.63 SA 8

4. Leaflets and flyers should be distributed for the customers to be properly 3.87 3.86 3.66 3.22 3.65 SA 5.5
read the advantages of camping site.
5. The proposed camping site should be nearer to the target market to 3.94 3.88 3.70 3.18 3.68 SA 3
attract potential customers.
6. The business could also encourage the customers to stay and feel at 3.75 3.89 3.64 3.02 3.58 SA 10
home to cater their needs and eventually save money.
7. The proposed business could build good relationship with other business 3.86 3.90 3.50 3.32 3.65 SA 5.5
operating near the proposed business.
8. The establishment of camping site should make the customers feel 3.86 3.85 3.76 3.22 3.67 SA 4
comfortable and welcome.
9. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise should be open to all 3.83 3.86 3.84 3.22 3.69 SA 2
religious beliefs and differences of the individual customers.
10. Actual promotion should be conducted to the selected barangays for 3.86 3.89 3.66 3.10 3.63 SA 8
further information regarding camping site services.
Average Weighted Mean 3.83 3.89 3.69 3.20 3.65 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DS Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table VIII

Difference of the Responses of the Respondents Regarding the Feasibility Factors as to Market Aspect
X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42
3.83 14.67 3.91 15.29 3.76 14.14 3.36 11.29
3.85 14.82 3.96 15.68 3.62 13.10 3.10 9.61
3.61 13.03 3.93 15.44 3.72 13.84 3.24 10.50
3.87 14.98 3.86 14.90 3.66 13.40 3.22 10.37
3.94 15.52 3.88 15.05 3.70 13.69 3.18 10.11
3.75 14.06 3.89 15.13 3.64 13.25 3.02 9.12
3.86 14.90 3.90 15.21 3.50 12.25 3.32 11.02
3.86 14.90 3.85 14.82 3.76 14.14 3.22 10.37
3.83 14.67 3.86 14.90 3.84 14.75 3.22 10.37
3.86 14.90 3.89 15.13 3.66 13.40 3.10 9.61
∑X1= 38.26 ∑X1 =146.45 ∑X2=38.93 ∑X2 =151.55 ∑X3=36.86 ∑X3 =135.96 ∑X4=31.98
2 2 2 ∑X4 =102.37

Computation: ANOVA

SSb = (∑X1)2 + (∑X2)2 + (∑X3)2+ (∑X4)2 – (∑XT) dfb = 3 MSb = SSb/dfb MSw = SSw/dfw
N1 N2 N3 N4 NT dfw = 36 = 2.95/3 = 0.35/36
= (38.26)2 + (38.93)2 + (36.86)2+ (31.98)2 – (38.26+38.93+36.86+31.98)2 MSb = 0.98 MSw=0.01
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 40
= 1463.83 + 1515.54 + 1358.66+ 1022.72 – 21324.76 F=MSb/MSw
10 10 10 10 40 =0.98/0.01
=146.38 + 151.55 + 135.87 + 102.27 – 533.12 F= 98
= 536.07 – 533.12
SSb = 2.95
SSw =[146.45–146.38]+[151.55–151.55]+[135.96–135.87]+[102.37 – 102.27] The critical value of F at 3 by 36 df at 0.05 level of
=0.07 + 0.00 + 0.09 + 0.1 significance is 2.87. The correlation is significant because
SSw = 0.35 the computed value of 92.00 is higher than the tabular.
Therefore, the null hypothesis is Rejected.


B.) Technical Aspect

Table IX shows the responses of the three groups of respondents with

regards to technical aspect. Ten items were discussed to wit: [1] There should be

proper ventilation on the facilities of the establishment, [2] The facilities must be

attracting to the customers, [3] The establishment should provide transportation

services to the customers for emergency cases, [4] The location is accessible to

private and public transportation, [5] Assures that the equipment within the facility

are clean and safe before it is used, [6] It must provide durable materials in the

construction of the building for the customers, [7] There must be spacious parking

lot for the customers, [8] The practice of cleanliness must be properly maintained

within the vicinity, [9] There must be proper waste disposal of the proposed

camping site, and [10] The firm provides safety and security to the customers.

Faculty Members. All the ten items in the table were described as

Strongly Agree. These were presented with their corresponding weighted means

and ranks as to wit: [1] The establishment should provide transportation services

to the customers for emergency cases (3.98); [3.5] There must be proper waste

disposal of the proposed camping site (3.86); [3.5] The firm provides safety and

security to the customers (3.86); [5] The facilities must be attracting to the

customers (3.84); [6.5] There should be proper ventilation


Table IX

Feasibility Factors as to Technical Aspect

A. Faculty Members (N=100)

Strongly Agree Less Disagree WM Des R
Items Agree (3) Agree (1)
(4) (2)
F % F % F % F %
1. There should be proper ventilation on the facilities of the 85 85.00 13 13.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 3.83 SA 6.5
2. The facilities must be attracting to the customers. 88 88.00 8 8.00 4 4.00 0 0.00 3.84 SA 5
3. The establishment should provide transportation services to the 94 94.00 5 5.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.93 SA 1
customers for emergency cases.
4. The location is accessible to private and public transportation. 78 78.00 20 20.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 3.76 SA 9
5. Assures that the equipment within the facility are clean and 75 75.00 24 24.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.74 SA 10
safe before it is used.
6. It must provide durable materials in the construction of the 88 88.00 12 12.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.88 SA 2
building for the customers.
7. There must be spacious parking lot for the customers 85 85.00 13 13.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 3.83 SA 6.5
8. The practice of cleanliness must be properly maintained within 83 87.00 15 15.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 3.81 SA 8
the vicinity.
9. There must be proper waste disposal of the proposed camping 87 87.00 12 12.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 3.5
10. The firm provides safety and security to the customers. 88 88.00 10 10.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 3.5
Average Weighted Mean 3.83 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table IX
Feasibility Factors as to Technical Aspect
B. Community Residents (N=80)
Strongly Less Agree
Items Agree Agree (2) Disagree WM Des R
(4) (3) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. There should be proper ventilation on the facilities of the 73 91.50 7 8.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.91 SA 3
2. The facilities must be attracting to the customers. 70 87.5 10 12.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.88 SA 6
3. The establishment should provide transportation services to the 65 81.25 15 18.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.81 SA 10
customers for emergency cases.
4. The location is accessible to private and public transportation. 69 86.25 11 13.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 7

5. Assures that the equipment within the facility are clean and safe 72 90.00 8 10.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.90 SA 4.5
before it is used.
6. It must provide durable materials in the construction of the 68 85.00 12 15.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.85 SA 8
building for the customers.
7. There must be spacious parking lot for the customers 74 92.50 6 7.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.93 SA 2
8. The practice of cleanliness must be properly maintained within the 75 93.75 5 6.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.94 SA 1
9. There must be proper waste disposal of the proposed camping 67 83.75 13 16.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.84 SA 9
10. The firm provides safety and security to the customers. 72 90.00 8 10.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.90 SA 4.5
Average Weighted Mean 3.88 SA

Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table IX
Feasibility Factors as to Technical Aspect
C. Local Tourists (N=50)
Items Agree Agree Less Agree Disagree WM Des R
(4) (3) (2) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. There should be proper ventilation on the facilities of 16 32.00 23 46.00 11 22.00 0 0.00 3.10 A 10
the establishment.
2. The facilities must be attracting to the customers. 23 46.00 23 46.00 4 8.00 0 0.00 3.38 SA 4
3. The establishment should provide transportation 18 36.00 28 56.00 4 8.00 0 0.00 3.28 SA 7
services to the customers for emergency cases.
4. The location is accessible to private and public 18 36.00 25 50.00 7 14.00 0 0.00 3.22 A 9
5. Assures that the equipment within the facility are 22 44.00 24 48.00 4 8.00 0 0.00 3.36 SA 5
clean and safe before it is used.
6. It must provide durable materials in the construction 24 48.00 24 48.00 2 4.00 0 0.00 3.44 SA 2
of the building for the customers.
7. There must be spacious parking lot for the customers 23 46.00 17 34.00 10 20.00 0 0.00 3.26 SA 8
8. The practice of cleanliness must be properly 29 58.00 17 34.00 4 8.00 0 0.00 3.50 SA 1
maintained within the vicinity.
9. There must be proper waste disposal of the proposed 28 56.00 15 30.00 7 14.00 0 0.00 3.42 SA 3
camping site.
10. The firm provides safety and security to the 22 44.00 21 42.00 7 14.00 0 0.00 3.30 SA 6
Average Weighted Mean 3.33 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table IX
Feasibility Factors as to Technical Aspect
D. Foreign Tourists (N=50)
Strongly Agree Less Disagree WM Des R
Items Agree (3) Agree (1)
(4) (2)
F % F % F % F %
1. There should be proper ventilation on the facilities of the 35 70.00 15 30.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.70 SA 4
2. The facilities must be attracting to the customers. 26 52.00 24 48.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.52 SA 10
3. The establishment should provide transportation services to the 40 80.00 10 20.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.80 SA 3
customers for emergency cases.
4. The location is accessible to private and public transportation. 34 68.00 16 32.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.68 SA 5.5

5. Assures that the equipment within the facility are clean and safe 31 62.00 19 38.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.62 SA 9
before it is used.
6. It must provide durable materials in the construction of the 34 68.00 16 32.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.68 SA 5.5
building for the customers.
7. There must be spacious parking lot for the customers 32 64.00 18 36.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.64 SA 7.5
8. The practice of cleanliness must be properly maintained within the 42 64.00 8 16.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.84 SA 2
9. There must be proper waste disposal of the proposed camping 32 64.00 18 36.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.64 SA 7.5
10. The firm provides safety and security to the customers. 44 88.00 6 12.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.88 SA 1
Average Weighted Mean 3.70 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


on the facilities of the establishment (3.83); [6.5] There must be spacious parking

lot for the customers (3.83); [8] The practice of cleanliness must be properly

maintained within the vicinity (3.81); [9] The location is accessible to private and

public transportation (3.76); [10] Assures that the equipment within the facility

are clean and safe before it is used (3.74).

Furthermore, the over-all responses gained an average weighted mean of

3.83 or Strongly Agree. The responses showed that the establishment should

provide transportation services to the customers for emergency cases and there must

be proper waste disposal of the proposed camping site.

Community Residents. All the ten items in the table were described as

Strongly Agree. These were presented with their corresponding weighted means

and ranks as to wit: [1] The practice of cleanliness must be properly maintained

within the vicinity (3.94); [2] There must be spacious parking lot for the

customers (3.93); [3] There should be proper ventilation on the facilities of the

establishment (3.91); [4.5] Assures that the equipment within the facility are

security to the customers (3.90); [6] The facilities must be attracting to the

customers (3.88); [7] The location is accessible to private and public

transportation (3.86); [8] It must provide durable materials in the construction of

the building for the customers (3.85); [9] There must be proper waste disposal

of the proposed camping site (3.84); [10] The establishment should provide

transportation services to the customers for emergency cases (3.84).

All in all, the total responses garnered an average weighted mean of 3.88

or Strongly Agree, the proposed Leisure Camping Paradise should practice

cleanliness and must be properly maintained within the vicinity and there must be

spacious parking lot for the customers.

Local Tourists. There were eight out of the ten items in the table were

described as Strongly Agree. These were presented with their corresponding

weighted means and ranks as to wit: [1] The practice of cleanliness must be

properly maintained within the vicinity (3.50); [2] It must provide durable

materials in the construction of the building for the customers (3.44); [3] There

must be proper waste disposal of the proposed camping site (3.42); [4] The

facilities must be attracting to the customers (3.38); [5] Assures that the

equipment within the facility are clean and safe before it is used (3.36); [6] The

firm provides safety and security to the customers (3.30); [7] The establishment

should provide transportation services to the customers for emergency cases

(3.28); and [8] There must be spacious parking lot for the customers (3.26).

Two items were rated as Agree, to wit: [9] The location is accessible to private

and public transportation (3.22); and [10] There should be proper ventilation on

the facilities of the establishment (3.10).


Likewise, the over-all responses of the respondents obtained an average

weighted mean of 3.33 described as Strongly Agree. The responses showed

that the establishment should maintain cleanliness within the vicinity and must

provide durable materials in the construction of the building for the customers.

Foreign Tourists. All the ten items in the table were described as

Strongly Agree. These were presented with their corresponding weighted means

and ranks as to wit: [1] The firm provides safety and security to the customers

(3.88); [2] The practice of cleanliness must be properly maintained within the

vicinity (3.84); [3] The establishment should provide transportation services to

the customers for emergency cases (3.80); [4] There should be proper ventilation

on the facilities of the establishment (3.70); [5.5] The location is accessible to

private and public transportation (3.68); [5.5] It must provide durable materials

in the construction of the building for the customers (3.68); [7.5] There must be

spacious parking lot for the customers (3.64) [7.5] There must be proper waste

disposal of the proposed camping site (3.64); [9] Assures that the equipment

within the facility are clean and safe before it is used (3.62); [10] The facilities

must be attracting to the customers (3.52).

Furthermore, the over-all responses gained an average weighted mean of

3.70 or Strongly Agree. The responses showed that the firm should provides

safety and security to the customers.


Summary on the Responses of the Respondents on the Feasibility

Factors as to Technical Aspect

Table X shows that the respondents emphasized that the proposed

establishment should practice cleanliness must be properly maintained within the

vicinity gained the highest weighted mean of 3.77, which were followed by the

firm must provides safety and security to the customers (3.74), and the

establishment should provide transportation services to the customers for

emergency cases and provide durable materials in the construction of the building

for the customers (3.71) These responses showed that inviting facilities and the

practice of cleanliness would encourage the potential customers to take the service

of the business.

Difference on the Responses of Three Groups of Respondents Regarding

the Feasibility factors as to Technical Aspect

The presentation of Table XI indicates the difference on the responses of

the four groups of respondents regarding the feasibility factors as to technical


The computed value of 63.00 found to be higher than the tabulated value

of 2.87 at 3 df by 0.05 level of significance. The difference was significant

therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.


Table X
Summary on the Responses of the Respondents on the Feasibility Factors as to Technical Aspect
Faculty Community Foreign Local AWM DES R
Items Members Residents Tourists Tourists
1. There should be proper ventilation on the facilities of 3.83 3.91 3.70 3.10 3.64 SA 9
the establishment.
2. The facilities must be attracting to the customers. 3.84 3.88 3.52 3.38 3.66 SA 7.5
3. The establishment should provide transportation 3.93 3.81 3.80 3.28 3.71 SA 3.5
services to the customers for emergency cases.
4. The location is accessible to private and public 3.76 3.86 3.68 3.22 3.63 SA 10
5. Assures that the equipment within the facility are 3.74 3.90 3.62 3.36 3.66 SA 7.5
clean and safe before it is used.
6. It must provide durable materials in the construction 3.88 3.85 3.68 3.44 3.71 SA 3.5
of the building for the customers.
7. There must be spacious parking lot for the customers 3.83 3.93 3.64 3.26 3.67 SA 6
8. The practice of cleanliness must be properly 3.81 3.94 3.84 3.50 3.77 SA 1
maintained within the vicinity.
9. There must be proper waste disposal of the proposed 3.86 3.84 3.64 3.42 3.69 SA 5
camping site.
10. The firm provides safety and security to the 3.86 3.90 3.88 3.30 3.74 SA 2
Average Weighted Mean 3.83 3.88 3.70 3.32 3.68 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table XI
Difference of the Responses of the Respondents Regarding the Feasibility Factors as to Technical Aspect
X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42
3.83 14.67 3.91 15.29 3.70 13.69 3.10 9.61
3.84 14.75 3.88 15.05 3.52 12.39 3.38 11.42
3.93 15.44 3.81 14.52 3.80 14.44 3.28 10.76
3.76 14.14 3.86 14.90 3.68 13.54 3.22 10.37
3.74 13.99 3.90 15.21 3.62 13.10 3.36 11.29
3.88 15.05 3.85 14.82 3.68 13.54 3.44 11.83
3.83 14.67 3.93 15.44 3.64 13.25 3.26 10.63
3.81 14.52 3.94 15.52 3.84 14.75 3.50 12.25
3.86 14.90 3.84 14.75 3.64 13.25 3.42 11.70
3.86 14.90 3.90 15.21 3.88 15.05 3.30 10.89
2 2 2
∑X1= 38.34 ∑X1 =147.03 ∑X2=38.82 ∑X2 =150.71 ∑X3=37.00 ∑X3 =137.00 ∑X4=33.26 2
∑X4 =110.75

Computation: ANOVA

SSb = (∑X1)2 + (∑X2)2 + (∑X3)2+ (∑X4)2 – (∑XT) dfb = 3 MSb = SSb/dfb MSw = SSw/dfw
N1 N2 N3 NT 40 dfw = 36 = 1.90/3 = 0.27/36
= (38.34)2 + (38.82)2 + (37.00)2+ (33.26)2 – (38.34+38.82+37.00+33.26)2 MSb = 0.63 MSw =0.01
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 40
= 1469.96 + 1506.99 + 1369.00+ 1106.23 – 21732.66 F=MSb/MSw
10 10 10 10 40 =0.63/0.01
=147.00 + 150.70 + 136.90 + 110.62 – 543.32 F=63
= 545.22 – 543.32
SSb = 1.9
SSw =[147.03–147.00]+[150.71–150.70]+[137.00–136.90]+[110.75 – 110.62] The critical value of F at 3 by 36 df at 0.05 level of
=0.03 + 0.01 + 0.1 + 0.13 significance is 2.87. The correlation is significant because
SSw = 0.27 the computed value of 63.00 is higher than the tabular value.
Therefore, the null hypothesis is Rejected.


C.) Management Aspect

Table XII shows the responses of the three groups of respondents with

regards to management aspect. Ten items were discussed to wit: [1] There should

be clear policies and rules to be followed and implemented on its operation; [2]

Approachable and customer oriented staff should be evident among workers; [3]

A good management should be apparent; [4] The management of Leisure

Camping site should be open to suggestions; [5] The management should take

into consideration proper motivation of employees to work sincerely; [6] The

business must operate legally; [7] A harmonious relationship among workers

should be maintained; [8] Remuneration of salaries of employees should be fair

and given on time; [9] The employees maintain good client relations; and lastly

[10] There must be proper financial management which could lead to increasing

income to the proponent.

Faculty Members. All of the items in the table were described as

Strongly Agree, these were presented with their corresponding weighted means

and ranks as to wit: [1] There should be clear policies and rules to be followed

and implemented on its operation (3.91); [2] Remuneration of salaries of

employees should be fair and given on time (3.88); [3] The business must operate

legally (3.87); [4] The management should take into consideration proper

motivation of employees to work sincerely (3.84); [5] A good management should

be apparent (3.83); [6] A good management should be


Table XII
Feasibility Factors as to Management Aspect
A. Faculty Members (N=100)
Items Agree Agree Less Agree Disagree WM Des R
(4) (3) (2) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. There should be clear policies and rules to be followed and 92 92.00 7 7.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.91 SA 1
implemented on its operation.
2. Approachable and customer oriented staff should be evident 78 78.00 21 21.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.77 SA 8.5
among workers.
3. A good management should be apparent. 85 85.00 13 13.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 3.83 SA 5
4. The management of Leisure Camping site should be open to 79 79.00 20 20.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.78 SA 7
5. The management should take into consideration proper 86 86.00 12 12.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 3.84 SA 4
motivation of employees to work sincerely.
6. The business must operate legally. 87 87.00 13 13.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.87 SA 3
7. A harmonious relationship among workers should be maintained. 69 69.00 30 30.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.68 SA 10
8. Remuneration of salaries of employees should be fair and given 88 88.00 12 12.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.88 SA 2
on time.
9. The employees maintain good client relations. 82 82.00 17 17.00 0 0.00 1 1.00 3.80 SA 6

10. There must be proper financial management which could lead 77 77.00 23 23.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.77 SA 8.5
to increasing income to the proponent.
Average Weighted Mean 3.81 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.7


Table XII
Feasibility Factors as to Management Aspect
B. Community Residents (N=80)
Strongly Less
Items Agree Agree Agree Disagree WM Des R
(4) (3) (2) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. There should be clear policies and rules to be followed 65 81.25 15 18.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.81 SA 10
and implemented on its operation.
2. Approachable and customer oriented staff should be 76 95.00 4 5.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.95 SA 1
evident among workers.
3. A good management should be apparent. 72 90.00 8 10.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.90 SA 5
4. The management of Leisure Camping site should be 71 88.75 9 11.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.89 SA 6.5
open to suggestions.
5. The management should take into consideration 74 92.50 6 7.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.93 SA 2
proper motivation of employees to work sincerely.
6. The business must operate legally. 73 91.25 7 8.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.91 SA 3.5
7. A harmonious relationship among workers should be 69 86.25 11 13.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 8.5
8. Remuneration of salaries of employees should be fair 69 86.25 11 13.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 8.5
and given on time.
9. The employees maintain good client relations. 73 91.25 7 8.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.91 SA 3.5

10. There must be proper financial management which 71 88.75 9 11.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.89 SA 6.5
could lead to increasing income to the proponent.
Average Weighted Mean 3.89 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table XII
Feasibility Factors as to Management Aspect
C. Local Tourists (N=50)
Strongly Less Agree
Items Agree Agree (2) Disagree WM Des R
(4) (3) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. There should be clear policies and rules to be 15 30.00 32 64.00 3 6.00 0 0.00 3.24 A 8
followed and implemented on its operation.
2. Approachable and customer oriented staff should be 22 44.00 28 56.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.44 SA 2
evident among workers.
3. A good management should be apparent. 10 20.00 36 72.00 4 4.00 0 0.00 3.12 A 10

4. The management of Leisure Camping site should be 21 42.00 27 54.00 2 4.00 0 0.00 3.38 SA 3
open to suggestions.
5. The management should take into consideration 22 24.00 33 66.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 3.94 SA 1
proper motivation of employees to work sincerely.
6. The business must operate legally. 26 52.00 16 38.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 3.24 A 8

7. A harmonious relationship among workers should be 20 40.00 25 50.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 3.30 SA 5
8. Remuneration of salaries of employees should be 20 40.00 24 48.00 5 10.00 1 2.00 3.26 SA 6
fair and given on time.
9. The employees maintain good client relations. 21 42.00 25 50.00 4 8.00 0 0.00 3.34 SA 4
10. There must be proper financial management which 17 34.00 28 56.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 3.24 SA 8
could lead to increasing income to the proponent.
Average Weighted Mean 3.35 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table XII
Feasibility Factors as to Management Aspect
D. Foreign Tourists (N=50)
Strongly Less
Items Agree Agree Agree Disagree WM Des R
(4) (3) (2) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. There should be clear policies and rules to be 45 90.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.90 SA 1
followed and implemented on its operation.
2. Approachable and customer oriented staff should be 43 86.00 7 14.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 2
evident among workers.
3. A good management should be apparent. 26 48.00 26 52.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.64 SA 8.5

4. The management of Leisure Camping site should be 31 62.00 19 38.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.62 SA 10
open to suggestions.
5. The management should take into consideration 32 64.00 18 36.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.64 SA 8.5
proper motivation of employees to work sincerely.
6. The business must operate legally. 36 72.00 14 28.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.72 SA 3.5

7. A harmonious relationship among workers should be 35 70.00 15 30.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.70 SA 5.5
8. Remuneration of salaries of employees should be fair 36 72.00 14 28.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.72 SA 3.5
and given on time.
9. The employees maintain good client relations. 34 68.00 16 32.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.68 SA 7
10. There must be proper financial management which 35 70.00 15 30.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.70 SA 5.5
could lead to increasing income to the proponent.
Average Weighted Mean 3.72 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


apparent (3.80); [7] The management of Leisure Camping site should be open to

suggestions (3.78); [8.5] Approachable and customer oriented staff should be

evident among workers (3.77); [8.5] There must be proper financial management

which could lead to increasing income to the proponent (3.77); [10] A harmonious

relationship among workers should be maintained (3.68).

To wrap up, the responses gathered an average weighted mean of 3.81

described as Strongly Agree. The implication suggests that there should be clear

policies to be followed and implemented on its operation, approachable and

customer oriented staff and there should be proper financial management which

could lead to increasing income to the proponent.

Community Residents. All of the items in the table were described as

Strongly Agree, these were presented with their corresponding weighted means

and ranks as to wit: [1] Approachable and customer oriented staff should be

evident among workers (3.95); [2] The management should take into

consideration proper motivation of employees to work sincerely (3.93); [3.5] The

business must operate legally (3.91); [3.5] The employees maintain good client

relations (3.91); [5] A good management should be apparent (3.90); [6.5] The

management of Leisure Camping site should be open to suggestions (3.89); [6.5]

There must be proper financial management which could lead to increasing income

to the proponent (3.89); [8.5] A harmonious relationship among workers should


be maintained (3.86); [8.5] Remuneration of salaries of employees should be fair

and given on time (3.86); [10] . There should be clear policies and rules to be

followed and implemented on its operation (3.81).

To sum up, the over-all responses garnered an average weighted mean of

3.89 or Strongly Agree. The implication suggests that the business should have

approachable and customer oriented staff should be evident among workers and

the management should take into consideration with regards to proper motivation

of employees to work sincerely.

Local tourists. Seven out of ten items in the table were described as

Strongly Agree, these were presented with their corresponding weighted means

and ranks as to wit: [1] The management should take into consideration proper

motivation of employees to work sincerely (3.94); [2] Approachable and customer

oriented staff should be evident among workers (3.44); [3] The management of

Leisure Camping site should be open to suggestions (3.38); [4] The employees

maintain good client relations (3.34); [5] A harmonious relationship among

workers should be maintained (3.30); and [6] Remuneration of salaries of

employees should be fair and given on time (3.26). Three items were described

as Agree, to wit: [8] There should be clear policies and rules to be followed and

implemented on its operation (3.24); [8] The business must operate legally

(3.24); [8] There must be proper financial management which could lead to

increasing income to the proponent (3.24); [10] A good management should be

apparent (3.12).

More likely, the over-all responses garnered an average weighted mean of

3.35 or Strongly Agree. Therefore, the management should take into

consideration proper motivation of employees to work sincerely and have an

approachable and customer oriented staff that should be evident among workers.

Foreign Tourists. All of the items in the table were described as Strongly

Agree, these were presented with their corresponding weighted means and ranks

as to wit: [1] There should be clear policies and rules to be followed and

implemented on its operation (3.90); [2] Approachable and customer oriented

staff should be evident among workers (3.86); [3.5] The business must operate

legally (3.72); [3.5] Remuneration of salaries of employees should be fair and

given on time (3.72); [5.5] A harmonious relationship among workers should be

maintained (3.70); [5.5] There must be proper financial management which could

lead to increasing income to the proponent (3.70); [7] The employees maintain

good client relations (3.68); [8.5] A good management should be apparent

(3.64); [8.5] The management should take into consideration proper motivation

of employees to work sincerely (3.64); [10] The management of Leisure Camping

site should be open to suggestions (3.62).


To sum up, the over-all responses garnered an average weighted mean of

3.72 or Strongly Agree. The implication suggests that the business should have

clear policies and rules to be followed and implemented on its operation.

Summary on the Responses of the Respondents on the Feasibility

Factors as to Management Aspect

Table XIII shows that there should the management should take into

consideration proper motivation of employees to work sincerely which obtain the

highest mean rating of 3.84, which were followed by Approachable and customer

oriented staff should be evident among workers (3.76). This indicated that good

relations to client and approachable customer oriented staff should be evident

among workers.

Difference on the Responses of the Four Group of Respondents

Regarding the Feasibility factors as to Management Aspect.

Table XIV presents the difference on the responses of the four groups of

respondents regarding the feasibility factor as to management aspect. The table

result a computed value of 30.00 which was found to be higher than the tabulated

value of 2.87 at 3 df by 36 at 0.05 level of significance. The difference was

Significant, therefore the null hypothesis is Accepted


Summary on the Responses of the Respondents on the
Feasibility Factors as to Management Aspect
Faculty Community Foriegn Local AWM DES R
Items Members Residents Tourists Tourists
1. There should be clear policies and rules to be followed and 3.91 3.81 3.90 3.24 3.72 SA 3
implemented on its operation.
2. Approachable and customer oriented staff should be evident 3.77 3.95 3.86 3.44 3.76 SA 2
among workers.
3. A good management should be apparent. 3.83 3.90 3.64 3.04 3.60 SA 10
4. The management of Leisure Camping site should be open to 3.78 3.89 3.62 3.38 3.67 SA 7
5. The management should take into consideration proper 3.84 3.93 3.64 3.94 3.84 SA 1
motivation of employees to work sincerely.
6. The business must operate legally. 3.87 3.91 3.72 3.24 3.69 SA 4
7. A harmonious relationship among workers should be 3.68 3.86 3.70 3.30 3.64 SA 9
8. Remuneration of salaries of employees should be fair and 3.88 3.86 3.72 3.26 3.68 SA 5.5
given on time.
9. The employees maintain good client relations. 3.80 3.91 3.68 3.34 3.68 SA 5.5
10. There must be proper financial management which could lead 3.77 3.89 3.70 3.24 3.65 SA 8
to increasing income to the proponent.
Average Weighted Mean 3.81 3.90 3.72 3.34 3.96 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table XIV
Difference of the Responses of the Respondents Regarding the Feasibility Factors as to Management Aspect

X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42

3.91 15.29 3.81 14.52 3.90 15.21 3.24 10.50
3.77 14.21 3.95 15.60 3.86 14.90 3.44 11.83
3.83 14.67 3.90 15.21 3.64 13.25 3.04 9.24
3.78 14.29 3.89 15.13 3.62 13.10 3.38 11.42
3.84 14.75 3.93 15.44 3.64 13.25 3.94 15.52
3.87 14.98 3.91 15.29 3.72 13.84 3.24 10.50
3.68 13.54 3.86 14.90 3.70 13.69 3.30 10.89
3.88 15.05 3.86 14.90 3.72 13.84 3.26 10.63
3.80 14.44 3.91 15.29 3.68 13.54 3.34 11.16
3.77 14.21 3.89 15.13 3.70 13.69 3.24 10.50
∑X1= 38.13 ∑X1 =145.43 ∑X2=38.91 ∑X2 =151.41 ∑X3=37.18 ∑X3 =138.30 ∑X4=33.42
2 2 3 ∑X4 =112.19

Computation: ANOVA
SSb = (∑X1)2 + (∑X2)2 + (∑X3)2+ (∑X4)2 – (∑XT) dfb = 3 MSb = SSb/dfb MSw = SSw/dfw
N1 N2 N3 N4 NT dfw = 36 = 1.79/3 = 0.6/36
2 2 2 2
= (38.13) + (38.91) + (37.18) + (33.42) – (38.13+38.91+37.18+33.42) 2
MSb = 0.6 MSw =0.02
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 40
= 1453.90 + 1513.99 + 1382.35+ 1116.90 – 21797.57 F=MSb/MSw
10 10 10 10 40 =0.6/0.02
=145.39 + 151.40 + 138.24 + 111.70 – 544.94 F= 30
= 546.73 – 544.94
SSb = 1.79
SSw =[145.43–145.39]+[151.41–151.40]+[138.30–138.24]+[112.19 – 111.70] The critical value of F at 3 by 36 df at 0.05 level of
=0.04 + 0.01 + 0.06 + 0.49 significance is 2.87. The correlation is significant because
SSw = 0.6 the computed value of 30.00 is higher than the tabular value.
Therefore, the null hypothesis is Rejected.


D.) Financial Aspect

Table XV shows the responses of the four groups of respondents with

regards to management aspect. Ten items were discussed to wit: [1] Consistent

cash flows: [2] The business should have enough operating capital to support

operating expenses; [3] The maintenance cost of the facilities is carefully planned

and implemented; [4] An honest financial statements should be prepared and

reported; [5] There must be an on time purchases of the operating supplies; [6]

There should be an allocation for employee benefits; [7] Reasonable price in

exchange for service offered; [8] There should be on time payment for employee

benefits; [9] There should be an updated payment of monthly operating bills; [10]

There must be an affordable cost of services.

Faculty Members. All of the items in the table were described as

Strongly Agree, these were presented with their corresponding weighted means

and ranks as to wit: [1] There should be on time payment for employee benefits

(3.87); [2] There should be an allocation for employee benefits (3.86); [3] An

honest financial statements should be prepared and reported (3.85); [4.5] There

should be an updated payment of monthly operating bills (3.84); [4.5] There

must be an affordable cost of services (3.84); [6] Reasonable price in exchange

for service offered (3.82); [7] The maintenance cost of the facilities is carefully


Table XV
Feasibility Factors as to Financial Aspect
A. Faculty Members (N=100)
Strongly Less
Items Agree Agree Agree Disagree WM Des R
(4) (3) (2) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. Consistent cash flows. 75 75.00 24 24.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.74 SA 8.5
2. The business should have enough operating capital to support 67 67.00 33 33.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.67 SA 10
operating expenses.
3. The maintenance cost of the facilities is carefully planned and 82 82.00 17 17.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.81 SA 7
4. An honest financial statements should be prepared and reported. 85 85.00 15 15.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.85 SA 3

5. There must be an on time purchases of the operating supplies. 76 76.00 22 22.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 3.74 SA 8.5

6. There should be an allocation for employee benefits. 88 88.00 11 11.00 0 0.00 1 1.00 3.86 SA 2
7. Reasonable price in exchange for service offered. 86 86.00 12 12.00 0 0.00 2 2.00 3.82 SA 6
8. There should be on time payment for employee benefits. 88 88.00 11 11.00 0 0.00 2 2.00 3.87 SA 1
9. There should be an updated payment of monthly operating bills. 86 86.00 13 13.00 0 0.00 1 1.00 3.84 SA 4.5

10. There must be an affordable cost of services. 86 86.00 13 13.00 0 0.00 1 1.00 3.84 SA 4.5
Average Weighted Mean 3.80 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table XV
Feasibility Factors as to Financial Aspect
B. Community Residents (N=80)

Strongly Agree Less Disagre

Items Agree (3) Agree e WM Des R
(4) (2) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. Consistent cash flows. 72 90.00 8 10.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.90 SA 3.5
2. The business should have enough operating capital to support 74 92.50 6 7.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.93 SA 1
operating expenses.
3. The maintenance cost of the facilities is carefully planned and 73 91.25 7 8.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.91 SA 2
4. An honest financial statements should be prepared and reported. 69 86.25 11 13.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 7

5. There must be an on time purchases of the operating supplies. 64 80.00 16 20.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.80 SA 10

6. There should be an allocation for employee benefits. 68 85.00 12 15.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.85 SA 8
7. Reasonable price in exchange for service offered. 72 90.00 8 10.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.90 SA 3.5
8. There should be on time payment for employee benefits. 67 83.75 13 16.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.84 SA 9
9. There should be an updated payment of monthly operating bills. 70 87.50 10 12.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.88 SA 6

10. There must be an affordable cost of services. 71 88.75 9 11.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.89 SA 5
Average Weighted Mean 3.88 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table XV
Feasibility Factors as to Financial Aspect
C. Local Tourists (N=50)
Strongly Agree Less Agree Disagre WM De R
Items Agree(4) (3) (2) (1) s
F % F % F % F %
1. Consistent cash flows. 19 38.00 28 56.00 3 6.00 0 0.00 3.32 SA 3
2. The business should have enough operating capital to support 7 14.00 40 80.00 3 6.00 0 0.00 3.08 A 9
operating expenses.
3. The maintenance cost of the facilities is carefully planned and 15 30.00 30 60.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 3.20 A 7
4. An honest financial statements should be prepared and 23 46.00 21 42.00 6 12.00 0 0.00 3.34 SA 2
5. There must be an on time purchases of the operating supplies. 19 38.00 26 52.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 3.28 SA 5

6. There should be an allocation for employee benefits. 14 28.00 33 66.00 3 6.00 0 0.00 3.22 A 6
7. Reasonable price in exchange for service offered. 20 40.00 25 50.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 3.30 SA 4
8. There should be on time payment for employee benefits. 24 48.00 21 42.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 3.38 SA 1
9. There should be an updated payment of monthly operating 16 32.00 26 52.00 8 16.00 0 0.00 3.16 A 8
10. There must be an affordable cost of services. 16 32.00 21 42.00 3 6.00 0 0.00 3.00 A 10
Average Weighted Mean 3.29 SA

Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table XV
Feasibility Factors as to Financial Aspect
D. Foreign Tourists (N=50)
Strongly Agree Less Disagree WM Des R
Items Agree (4) (3) Agree (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. Consistent cash flows. 35 70.00 15.00 30 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.70 SA 2

2. The business should have enough operating capital to support 32 64.00 18.00 36 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.64 SA 4.5
operating expenses.
3. The maintenance cost of the facilities is carefully planned and 32 64.00 18.00 36 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.64 SA 4.5
4. An honest financial statements should be prepared and reported. 29 58.00 21.00 42 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.58 SA 8

5. There must be an on time purchases of the operating supplies. 27 54.00 23.00 46 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.54 SA 10
6. There should be an allocation for employee benefits. 29 58.00 21.00 42 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.58 SA 8
7. Reasonable price in exchange for service offered. 29 58.00 21.00 42 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.58 SA 8
8. There should be on time payment for employee benefits. 33 66.00 17.00 34 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.66 SA 3
9. There should be an updated payment of monthly operating bills. 31 62.00 19.00 38 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.62 SA 6
10. There must be an affordable cost of services. 36 72.00 14.00 28 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.72 SA 1
Average Weighted Mean 3.63 SA

Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


and implemented (3.81); [8.5] Consistent cash flows (3.74); [8.5] There must

be an on time purchases of the operating supplies (3.74); [10] The business

should have enough operating capital to support operating expenses (3.67). They

agreed that there should be on time payment for the employee.

The responses garnered an average weighted mean of 3.80 or Strongly

Agree. This implies that the business should have a good operating capital to

support operating expenses.

Community Residents. All of the items in the table were described as

Strongly Agree, these were presented with their corresponding weighted means

and ranks as to wit: [1] The business should have enough operating capital to

support operating expenses (3.93); [2] The maintenance cost of the facilities is

carefully planned and implemented (3.91); [3.5] Consistent cash flows (3.90);

[3.5] Reasonable price in exchange for service offered (3.90); [5] There must be

an affordable cost of services (3.89); [6] There should be an updated payment

of monthly operating bills (3.88); [7] An honest financial statements should be

prepared and reported (3.86); [8] There should be an allocation for employee

benefits (3.85); [9] There should be on time payment for employee benefits

(3.84); [10] There must be an on time purchases of the operating supplies

(3.80). They agreed that the business should have enough operating capital to

support operating expenses.


The responses yielded an average weighted mean of 3.88 or Strongly

Agree. This implication suggests that the business should have a good operating

capital to support operating expenses, the maintenance cost of the facilities is

carefully planned, updated payment of monthly operating bills and an allocation

of cash bonuses and employee benefits.

Local Tourists. The local tourists gave an average weighted mean of 3.29

which was rated as Strongly Agree. Out of ten items five were rated as Strongly

Agree to wit: [1] There should be on time payment for employee benefits (3.38);

[2] An honest financial statements should be prepared and reported (3.34); [3]

Consistent cash flows (3.32); [4] Reasonable price in exchange for service offered

(3.30); [5] There must be an on time purchases of the operating supplies (3.28);

[6] There should be an allocation for employee benefits (3.22); [7] The

maintenance cost of the facilities is carefully planned and implemented (3.20);

[8] There should be an updated payment of monthly operating bills (3.16); [9]

The business should have enough operating capital to support operating expenses

(3.08); [10] There must be an affordable cost of services (3.00). They agreed

that there should be on time payment for the employee benefits.

Expectedly, the over-all responses gathered an average weighted mean of

3.29 or Strongly Agree. It is therefore concluded that the maintenance cost of

the facilities is carefully planned and implemented, and there should be on time

payment for employee benefit. An honest financial statements should be prepared

and reported.

Foreign Tourists. All of the items in the table were described as Strongly

Agree, these were presented with their corresponding weighted means and ranks

as to wit: [1] There must be an affordable cost of services (3.72); [2] Consistent

cash flows (3.70); [3] There should be on time payment for employee benefits

(3.66); [4.5] The business should have enough operating capital to support

operating expenses (3.64); [4.5] The maintenance cost of the facilities is carefully

planned and implemented (3.64); [6] There should be an updated payment of

monthly operating bills (3.62); [8] Reasonable price in exchange for service

offered (3.58); [8] There should be an allocation for employee benefits (3.28);

[8] An honest financial statements should be prepared and reported (3.58); [10]

There must be an on time purchases of the operating supplies (3.54).

The over-all responses gathered an average weighted mean of 3.63 or

Strongly Agree. As a whole, the respondents believe that the financial aspect is

also significant in the establishment of camping site. There must be an affordable

cost of services with onsistent cash flows

Summary on the Responses of the Respondents on the Feasibility

Factors as to Financial Aspect.


Table XVI shows that the four groups of respondents are Strongly

Agree with regards to financial aspect with the average weighted mean of

(36.35). There should be on time payment for employee benefits (3.69),

Consistent cash flows (3.67), and An honest financial statements should be

prepared and reported (3.66). This are the top three items that gained the highest

ranks respectively. This response showed that careful planning and

implementation of maintenance cost as well updated payment of monthly

operating bills can is the basis for financial management and the proponent must

have the capacity to support operating expenses.

Difference on the Responses of the Four Group of Respondents

Regarding the Feasibility factors as to Financial Aspect.

Table XVII presents the difference on the responses of the four groups of

respondents regarding the feasibility factor as to financial aspect.

The composite mean of ten items were derived from average weighted

mean of each of the item. It was subjected to Analysis of Variance to determine

the degree of difference relative financial aspect as one of the feasibility factors.

The computed value of 87.00 was found higher than the tabulated value of 2.87

at 3 df by 36 based on the 0.05 level of significance. The difference was

Significant; therefore, the null hypothesis is Rejected.


Table XVI

Summary on the responses of the respondents on the feasibility Factor as to Financial Aspect

Faculty Community Foreign Local AWM DES R

Items Members Residents Tourists Tourists
1. Consistent cash flows. 3.74 3.90 3.70 3.32 3.67 SA 2
2. The business should have enough operating 3.67 3.93 3.64 3.08 3.58 SA 10
capital to support operating expenses.
3. The maintenance cost of the facilities is carefully 3.81 3.91 3.64 3.20 3.64 SA 5
planned and implemented.
4. An honest financial statements should be 3.85 3.86 3.58 3.34 3.66 SA 3
prepared and reported.
5. There must be an on time purchases of the 3.74 3.80 3.54 3.28 3.59 SA 9
operating supplies.
6. There should be an allocation for employee 3.86 3.85 3.58 3.22 3.63 SA 6.5
7. Reasonable price in exchange for service offered. 3.82 3.90 3.58 3.30 3.65 SA 4
8. There should be on time payment for employee 3.87 3.84 3.66 3.38 3.69 SA 1
9. There should be an updated payment of monthly 3.84 3.88 3.62 3.16 3.63 SA 6.5
operating bills.
10. There must be an affordable cost of services. 3.84 3.89 3.72 3.00 3.61 SA 8
Average Weighted Mean 3.80 3.88 3.63 3.21 3.64 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table XVII
Difference of the Responses of the Respondents Regarding the Feasibility Factors as to Financial Aspect

X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42

3.74 13.99 3.90 15.21 3.70 13.69 3.32 11.02
3.67 13.47 3.93 15.44 3.64 13.25 3.08 9.49
3.81 14.52 3.91 15.29 3.64 13.25 3.20 10.24
3.85 14.82 3.86 14.89 3.58 12.82 3.34 11.16
3.74 13.99 3.80 14.44 3.54 12.53 3.28 10.76
3.86 14.89 3.85 14.82 3.58 12.82 3.22 10.37
3.82 14.59 3.90 15.21 3.58 13.82 3.30 10.89
3.87 14.98 3.84 14.75 3.66 13.39 3.38 10.76
3.84 14.75 3.88 15.05 3.62 13.10 3.16 9.99
3.84 14.75 3.89 15.13 3.72 13.84 3.00 9.00
∑X1=38.04 ∑X12=144.75 ∑X2=38.76 ∑X22=150.23 ∑X3=36.26 ∑X32=131.51 ∑X4=32.18 ∑X42=103.68
Computation: ANOVA
SSb = (∑X1)2 + (∑X2)2 + (∑X3)2+ (∑X4)2 – (∑XT) dfb = 3 MSb = SSb/dfb MSw = SSw/dfw
N1 N2 N3 N4 NT dfw = 36 = 2.6/3 = 0.2/36
= (38.04)2 + (38.76)2 + (36.26)2+ (32.18)2 – (38.04+38.76+36.26+32.18) 2 MSb = 0.87 MSw =0.01
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 40
= 1447.04 + 1502.34 + 1314.79+ 1035.55 – 21094.66 F=MSb/MSw
10 10 10 10 40 =0.87/0.01
=144.70 + 150.23 + 131.48 + 103.56 – 527.37 F= 87
= 529.97 – 527.37
SSb = 2.6
SSw =[144.75–144.70]+[150.53–150.23]+[131.51–131.48]+[103.68 – 102.56] The critical value of F at 3 by 36 df at 0.05 level of
=0.05 + 0.00 + 0.03 + 0.12 significance is 2.87. The correlation is significant because
SSw = 0.2 the computed value of 87.00 is higher than the tabular value.
Therefore, the null hypothesis is Rejected.


E. Socio-Economic

Table XVIII shows the responses of the four groups of respondents with

regards to management aspect. Ten items were discussed to wit: [1] The

establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can give employment opportunity to

the community; [2] There would be an expected increase of tax revenue for the

local government; [3] The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can offer

livelihood to the residents from the nearby barangays; [4] The establishment of

Leisure Camping Paradise can add popularity to the municipality of Carmen; [5]

The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can surely promote goodwill to the

municipality of Carmen; [6] The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can

help improve the economic atmosphere within the barangay; [7] The

establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can donate financial assistance to any

community activities; [8] The establishment can contribute community

development; [9] There establishment can provide future community assistance

rendered by the establishment; and [10] The establishment of Leisure Camping

Paradise improves people lifestyle especially the elderly populace through their


Faculty Members. All items are rated as Strongly Agree (1) There

establishment can provide future community assistance rendered by the

establishment (3.93); (2.5) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can


Feasibility Factors as to Socio- Economic Aspect
A. Faculty Members (N=100)
Strongly Agree Less Disagree WM Des R
Items Agree (3) Agree (1)
(4) (2)
F % F % F % F %
1. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can give 73 73.00 27 27.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.73 SA 9
employment opportunity to the community.
2. There would be an expected increase of tax revenue for the local 79 79.00 21 21.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.79 SA 5
3. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can offer 81 81.00 17 17.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 3.78 SA 6.5
livelihood to the residents from the nearby barangays.
4. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can add popularity 91 91.00 8 8.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.90 SA 2.5
to the municipality of Carmen.
5. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can surely 91 91.00 8 8.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.90 SA 2.5
promote goodwill to the municipality of Carmen.
6. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can help improve 80 80.00 18 18.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 3.78 SA 6.5
the economic atmosphere within the barangay.
7. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can donate 84 84.00 15 15.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.83 SA 4
financial assistance to any community activities.
8. The establishment can contribute community development. 78 78.00 21 21.00 0 0.00 1 1.00 3.76 SA 8
9. There establishment can provide future community assistance 79 79.00 25 25.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.93 SA 1
rendered by the establishment.
10. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise improves people 68 68.00 31 31.00 1 1.00 0 0.00 3.67 SA 10
lifestyle especially the elderly populace through their services.
Average Weighted Mean 3.81 SA

Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Feasibility Factors as to Socio-Economic Aspect
B. Community Residents (N=80)
Strongly Less
Items Agree Agree Agree Disagree WM Des R
(4) (3) (2) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can give employment 63 78.75 7 21.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.41 SA 10
opportunity to the community.
2. There would be an expected increase of tax revenue for the local 67 83.75 13 16.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.84 SA 9
3. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can offer livelihood to 68 85.00 12 15.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.85 SA 8
the residents from the nearby barangays.
4. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can add popularity to 71 88.75 9 11.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.89 SA 4.5
the municipality of Carmen.
5. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can surely promote 70 87.50 10 12.5 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.88 SA 6
goodwill to the municipality of Carmen.
6. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can help improve the 69 86.25 11 13.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.86 SA 7
economic atmosphere within the barangay.
7. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can donate financial 72 90.00 8 10.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.90 SA 3
assistance to any community activities.
8. The establishment can contribute community development. 76 95.00 4 5.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.95 SA 1
9. There establishment can provide future community assistance rendered 74 92.50 6 7.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.93 SA 2
by the establishment.
10. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise improves people 71 88.75 9 11.25 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.89 SA 4.5
lifestyle especially the elderly populace through their services.
Average Weighted Mean 3.84 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Feasibility Factors as to Socio-Economic Aspect
C. Local Tourists (N=50)
Items Agree Agree Less Agree Disagree WM Des R
(4) (3) (2) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can give 20 40.00 26 52.00 4 8.00 0 0.00 3.32 SA 6
employment opportunity to the community.
2. There would be an expected increase of tax revenue for the local 16 38.00 28 56.00 3 6.00 0 0.00 3.28 SA 7
3. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can offer 24 48.00 19 38.00 7 14.00 0 0.00 3.34 SA 5
livelihood to the residents from the nearby barangays.
4. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can add popularity 26 52.00 22 44.00 2 4.00 0 0.00 3.48 SA 1.5
to the municipality of Carmen.
5. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can surely 26 52.00 22 44.00 2 4.00 0 0.00 3.48 SA 1.5
promote goodwill to the municipality of Carmen.
6. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can help improve 24 48.00 24 48.00 2 4.00 0 0.00 3.44 SA 3
the economic atmosphere within the barangay.
7. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can donate 11 22.00 34 68.00 5 10.00 0 0.00 3.12 A 10
financial assistance to any community activities.
8. The establishment can contribute community development. 15 30.00 28 56.00 7 14.00 0 0.00 3.16 A 9
9. There establishment can provide future community assistance 14 28.00 35 70.00 1 2.00 0 0.00 3.26 SA 8
rendered by the establishment.
10. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise improves people 21 42.00 26 52.00 3 6.00 0 0.00 3.36 SA 4
lifestyle especially the elderly populace through their services.
Average Weighted Mean 3.32 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Feasibility Factors as to Socio- Economic Aspect
D. Foreign Tourists (N=50)
Strongly Less WM Des R
Items Agree Agree Agree Disagree
(4) (3) (2) (1)
F % F % F % F %
1. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can give 37 74.00 13 26.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.74 SA 2
employment opportunity to the community.
2. There would be an expected increase of tax revenue for the local 24 48.00 26 52.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.48 SA 8
3. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can offer livelihood 21 42.00 29 58.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.42 SA 9.5
to the residents from the nearby barangays.
4. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can add popularity 25 50.00 25 50.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.50 SA 6.5
to the municipality of Carmen.
5. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can surely promote 21 42.00 29 58.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.42 SA 9.5
goodwill to the municipality of Carmen. 0
6. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can help improve 26 52.00 24 48.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.82 SA 1
the economic atmosphere within the barangay.
7. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can donate financial 31 62.00 19 38.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.62 SA 3
assistance to any community activities.
8. The establishment can contribute community development. 27 54.00 23 46.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.54 SA 5
9. There establishment can provide future community assistance 25 50.00 25 50.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.50 SA 6.5
rendered by the establishment.
10. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise improves people 28 56.00 22 44.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.56 SA 4
lifestyle especially the elderly populace through their services.
Average Weighted Mean 3.56 SA
Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


add popularity to the municipality of Carmen (3.90); (2.5) The establishment of

Leisure Camping Paradise can surely promote goodwill to the municipality of

Carmen (3.90); (4) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can donate

financial assistance to any community activities (3.83); (5) There would be an

expected increase of tax revenue for the local government (3.79); (6.5) The

establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can help improve the economic

atmosphere within the barangay (3.78); (6.5) The establishment of Leisure

Camping Paradise can offer livelihood to the residents from the nearby barangays

(3.78); (8) The establishment can contribute community development (3.76);

(9) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can give employment

opportunity to the community (3.73); and (10) The establishment of Leisure

Camping Paradise improves people lifestyle especially the elderly populace through

their services. (3.67).

The over-all responses gathered an average weighted mean of 3.81 rated

as Strongly Agree. This implies that the establishment can provide future

community assistance rendered by the establishment.

Community Residents. All were rated as Strongly Agree with the total

average weighted mean of (3.84); (1) The establishment can contribute

community development (3.95); (2) There establishment can provide future

community assistance rendered by the establishment (3.93); (3) The


establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can donate financial assistance to any

community activities (3.90); (4.5) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise

can add popularity to the municipality of Carmen. (3.89); (4.5) The establishment

of Leisure Camping Paradise improves people lifestyle especially the elderly

populace through their services. (3.89); (6) The establishment of Leisure Camping

Paradise can surely promote goodwill to the municipality of Carmen. (3.88); (7)

The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can help improve the economic

atmosphere within the barangay (3.86); (8) The establishment of Leisure

Camping Paradise can offer livelihood to the residents from the nearby barangays

(3.85); (9) There would be an expected increase of tax revenue for the local

government (3.84); (10) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can give

employment opportunity to the community (3.41). They agreed that the

establishment can contribute community development.

The over-all responses gathered an average weighted mean of 3.81 or

Strongly Agree. This implies that there will be surely an employment opportunity

to the community. The establishment can contribute community development and

can provide future community assistance rendered by the establishment.

Local Tourists. The local tourists gave an average weighted mean of 3.32

which was rated as Strongly Agree. Out of ten items, eight were rated as

Strongly Agree to wit: (1.5) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can

add popularity to the municipality of Carmen (3.48); (1.5) The establishment of

Leisure Camping Paradise can surely promote goodwill to the municipality of

Carmen (3.48); (3) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can help

improve the economic atmosphere within the barangay (3.44); (4) .The

establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise improves people lifestyle especially the

elderly populace through their services (3.36); (5) The establishment of Leisure

Camping Paradise can offer livelihood to the residents from the nearby barangays

( 3.34); (6) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can give employment

opportunity to the community (3.32); (7) There would be an expected increase

of tax revenue for the local government (3.28); (8) There establishment can

provide future community assistance rendered by the establishment (3.26). Two

were rated as Agree (9) The establishment can contribute community

development (3.16); (10) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can

donate financial assistance to any community activities (3.12). They agreed that

the establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can add popularity to the

municipality of Carmen and can surely promote goodwill to the municipality.

Foreign Tourists. All of the items in the table were described as Strongly

Agree, these were presented with their corresponding weighted means and ranks

as to wit: (1) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can help improve the

economic atmosphere within the barangay (3.82) (2) The establishment of

Leisure Camping Paradise can help improve the economic employment opportunity

to the community (3.74); (3) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can

donate financial assistance to any community activities (3.62); (4) The

establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise improves people lifestyle especially the

elderly populace through their services (3.56); (5) The establishment can

contribute community development (3.54); (6.5) The establishment of Leisure

Camping Paradise can add popularity to the municipality of Carmen (3.50); (6.5)

There establishment can provide future community assistance rendered by the

establishment (3.50); (8) There would be an expected increase of tax revenue

for the local government (3.48); (9.5) The establishment of Leisure Camping

Paradise can offer livelihood to the residents from the nearby barangays (3.42);

(9.5) The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can surely promote goodwill

to the municipality of Carmen (3.52).

As a whole, the respondents believe that the socio economic aspect is also

significant in the establishment of camping site. The over-all responses gathered

an average weighted mean of 3.56 or Strongly Agree. This implies that the

establishment can help improve the economic atmosphere within the barangay

and provide economic employment opportunity to the community. It can also

donate financial assistance to any community activities.

Summary on the Responses of the Respondents on the Feasibility

Factors as Socio-Economic Aspect.


Table XIX shows that the establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can

help improve the economic atmosphere within the barangay with the highest

mean rating of (3.73), which were followed by the establishment of Leisure

Camping Paradise can add popularity to the municipality of Carmen (3.69), and

the establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can surely promote goodwill to the

municipality of Carmen (3.67). This indicates that the establishment of Leisure

Camping Paradise in Katipunan, Carmen, Bohol can promote goodwill and can

contribute to the development of the municipality.

Difference on the Responses of the Four Group of Respondents

Regarding the Feasibility factors as to Socio-Economic Aspect.

Table XX presents the difference on the responses of the four groups of

respondents regarding the feasibility factor as to socio-economic aspect. The table

result a computed value of 58.00 which was found to be higher than the tabulated

value of 2.87 at 3 df by 36 at 0.05 level of significance. The difference was

Significant, therefore the null hypothesis is Accepted.


Table XIX
Summary on the responses of the respondents on the feasibility Factor as to Socio-Economic Aspect

Faculty Community Foreign Local AWM DES R

Items Members Residents Tourists Tourists
1. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can give 3.73 3.41 3.74 3.32 3.55 SA 10
employment opportunity to the community.
2. There would be an expected increase of tax revenue for the local 3.79 3.84 3.48 3.28 3.59 SA 8.5
3. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can offer 3.78 3.85 3.42 3.34 3.59 SA 8.5
livelihood to the residents from the nearby barangays.
4. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can add 3.90 3.89 3.50 3.48 3.69 SA 2
popularity to the municipality of Carmen.
5. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can surely 3.90 3.88 3.42 3.48 3.67 SA 3
promote goodwill to the municipality of Carmen.
6. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can help improve 3.78 3.86 3.82 3.44 3.73 SA 1
the economic atmosphere within the barangay.
7. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise can donate 3.83 3.90 3.62 3.12 3.62 SA 5.5
financial assistance to any community activities.
8. The establishment can contribute community development. 3.76 3.95 3.54 3.16 3.60 SA 7
9. There establishment can provide future community assistance 3.93 3.93 3.50 3.26 3.66 SA 4
rendered by the establishment.
10. The establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise improves 3.67 3.89 3.56 3.36 3.62 SA 5.5
people lifestyle especially the elderly populace through their
Average Weighted Mean 3.80 3.84 3.56 3.32 3.63 SA

Numerical code Abbreviation Description Range
4 SA Strongly Agree 3.26-4.00
3 A Agree 2.51-3.25
2 LA Less Agree 1.76-2.50
1 DA Disagree 1.00-1.75


Table XX
Difference of the Responses of the Respondents Regarding the Feasibility Factors as to Socio- Economic Aspect

X1 X12 X2 X22 X3 X32 X4 X42

3.73 13.91 3.41 11.63 3.74 13.99 3.32 11.02
3.79 14.36 3.84 14.75 3.48 12.11 3.28 10.76
3.78 14.29 3.85 14.82 3.42 11.69 3.34 11.16
3.90 15.21 3.89 15.13 3.50 12.25 3.48 12.11
3.90 15.21 3.88 15.05 3.42 11.69 3.48 12.11
3.78 14.29 3.86 14.89 3.82 14.59 3.44 11.83
3.83 14.67 3.90 15.21 3.62 13.10 3.12 9.73
3.76 14.14 3.95 15.60 3.54 12.53 3.16 9.99
3.93 15.44 3.93 15.44 3.50 12.25 3.26 10.63
3.67 13.47 3.89 15.13 3.56 11.67 3.36 11.29
∑X1= 38.07 ∑X12=144.99 ∑X2=38.40 ∑X22=147.65 ∑X3=35.60 ∑X33=126.87 ∑X4=33.24 ∑X44=110.63

Computation: ANOVA
SSb = (∑X1)2 + (∑X2)2 + (∑X3)2+ (∑X4)2 – (∑XT) dfb = 3 MSb = SSb/dfb MSw = SSw/dfw
N1 N2 N3 N4 NT dfw = 36 = 1.74/3 = 0.52/36
= (38.07)2 + (38.40)2 + (35.60)2+ (33.24)2 – (38.07+38.40+35.60+33.24) 2 MSb = 0.58 MSw =0.01
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 40
= 1449.32 + 1474.56 + 1267.36+ 1104.90 – 21115.00 F=MSb/MSw
10 10 10 10 40 =0.58/0.01
=144.93 + 147.46 + 126.74 + 110.49 – 527.88 F= 58
= 529.62 – 527.88
SSb = 1.74
SSw =[144.99–144.93]+[147.65–147.46]+[126.87–126.74]+[110.63 – 110.49] The critical value of F at 3 by 36 df at 0.05 level of
=0.06 + 0.19 + 0.13 + 0.14 significance is 2.87. The correlation is significant because
SSw = 0.52 the computed value of 58.00 is higher than the tabular value.
Therefore, the null hypothesis is Rejected.



A. Present Demand Analysis

This area enables to procure the market demand of the proposed

establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise in Katipunan, Carmen, Bohol through

its logical presentation and analysis. This was conducted by thorough

investigation, gathering of the correct data and intelligent forecast from the

responses of the three respondents namely, the community residents

represented by the barangay officials, faculty members and tourists.

Bohol is one of the top tourist destinations in the Philippines. It is famous

for its beautiful dive spots, white beaches as well as several scenic views. Being

top tourist destination in the country, there are also many tourists/foreigner that

their heart was captured by the beauty of Bohol and choose to settle down in

specifically in Carmen.

The range of attracting clients is to have a business that can give leisure

for persons of all ages with great facilities but less money for accommodation

that can foster them a healthy lifestyle and improve self-awareness. These facts

give the researchers the eagerness to put up a business in Katipunan, Carmen,


B. Projected Demand Analysis

To present a proper business proposal the feasibility study should start

with the demand of the service in the target location. The gathered data on the

market demand from the present study inquires on the target market and the

particularly designated and to ascertain if there is really sufficient demand to

make the proposed study feasible in terms of its market.

The proposed establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise is the first

recreational camping site in Katipunan, Carmen, Bohol. Survey concluded in the

area give information to the researchers an optimistic that the actual operation

would generate a more positive result to the business.

Table XXI
Projected Demand Analysis
Respondents Population of Percentage of Positive Estimated
Respondents Respondents Demand
Faculty Members 360 10% 57
Community Residents 233 10% 34
Tourists 5,814 10% 872
Total Demand 640
Rate of Conservatism X 35%
Annual Projected 224

Cost of Service Per Package P1,000.00

Estimated Occupancy of Residents 224
Projected Monthly Income 224,000.00
Number of Months X 12
Annual Projected Income P2,688,000.00

C. Marketing Program

Promotional activities shall be conducted in order to introduce the proposed

business establishment of Leisure Camping Paradise. Marketing activities will

be designed to capture its target and potential market. Among the major

activities are the following:


 Formal Opening will be held at the business location particularly in

Katipunan, Carmen, Bohol. The first 50 customers will be entitled

free in admission fee.

 Posting of streamers and flyers will be given and radio

advertisement will be made to introduce the service to potential


 Leverage of Social Media like posting and sharing about the

business through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others.

D. Market Share

Table XXII
Market Share
Total Market Share Percentage
Total Demand P2,688,000.00 100%
Total Supply 0% 0%
Market Share P2,688,000.00 100%

The market share is derived by deducting total supply from the projected

demand. Being the first Leisure Camping Paradise in Bohol there is 100% of market

share in this type of business in Katipunan, Carmen, Bohol. Base on the survey,

the respondents were excited and interested about the said business. Therefore,

the researchers believe that an assisted living will serve the projected demand and

generate a profitable venture.

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