PERT HO 19 - RlNav30RMX
PERT HO 19 - RlNav30RMX
PERT HO 19 - RlNav30RMX
Activity Predecessor To Tm Tp
A -- 2 3 4
B -- 8 8 8
C A 7 9 11
D B 6 6 6
E C 9 10 11
F C 10 14 18
G C, D 11 11 11
H F, G 6 10 14
I E 4 5 6
J I 3 4 5
K H 1 1 1
4.The Biltimore Company wants to build a deluxe hotel ready for holiday season. The project
manager, together with project team has identified the principal activities for construction
together with time estimates in weeks, based on pessimistic, optimistic & most likely times.
This is given in table below:-
i. Draw a network and estimate the earliest and latest event times for all nodes and
hence derive critical path.
ii. Estimate the expected duration of the project and corresponding variance.
iii. What is the probability that the project duration will be completed in 60 days?
iv. What is the chance of completing the project between 45 and 54 days?
v. What is the probability of completing the project within 40 days?