Mass and Energy Analysis of Control Volumes: MAE 320-Chapter 5

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• Develop the conservation of mass principle.

MAE 320-Chapter 5 • Apply the conservation of mass principle to various systems including
steady- and unsteady-flow control volumes.
• Apply the first law of thermodynamics as the statement of the
conservation of energy principle to control volumes.
• Identify the energy carried by a fluid stream crossing a control surface as
Mass and Energy Analysis the sum of internal energy, flow work, kinetic energy, and potential
energy of the fluid and to relate the combination of the internal energy
of Control Volumes and the flow work to the property enthalpy.
• Solve energy balance problems for steady-flow devices such as nozzles,
compressors, turbines, throttling valves, mixers, heaters, and heat
• Apply the energy balance to general unsteady-flow processes with
particular emphasis on the uniform-flow process as the model for
commonly encountered charging and discharging processes.
The content and the pictures are from the text book: Çengel, Y. A. and Boles, M. A., “Thermodynamics:
An Engineering Approach,” McGraw-Hill, New York, 6th Ed., 2008

Conservation of Mass Mass and Volume Flow Rates

Conservation of mass: Mass, like energy, is a conserved property, and it The differential mass flow rate of a fluid across a a small area element dAc:
cannot be created or destroyed during a process.

Closed systems: The mass of the system remain constant during a

process. Mass flow rate

Control volumes: Mass can cross the boundaries, and so we must keep average velocity:
track of the amount of mass entering and leaving the control volume.

Mass flow rate:

Volume flow rate:

Mass is conserved even during chemical reactions. The average velocity Vavg is
defined as the average speed
through a cross section.

Conservation of Mass Principle Conservation of Mass Principle

The conservation of mass principle for a control volume (CV): The net General conservation of mass:
mass transfer to or from a control volume during a time interval Δt is equal to
the net change in the total mass within the control volume during Δt.

General conservation of mass in rate form:

The mass balance of a control volume:

Total mass in a control volume: or

mCV = ∫ ρdV

Conservation of mass principle

for an ordinary bathtub.

Mass Balance for Steady-Flow Processes Special Case: Incompressible Flow
During a steady-flow process, the total amount of mass contained within a The conservation of mass relations can be simplified even further when the
control volume does not change with time (mCV = constant). fluid is incompressible, which is usually the case for liquids.
Then the conservation of mass principle requires that the total amount of
mass entering a control volume equal to the total amount of mass leaving it. Steady, incompressible

For steady-flow processes, the mass Steady, incompressible flow (single stream)
flow rate for multiple inlets and exits:

There is no such thing as a “conservation

of volume” principle.
For single stream: However, for steady flow of liquids, the
volume flow rates, as well as the mass
flow rates, remain constant since liquids
are essentially incompressible substances.
Many engineering devices such as
nozzles, diffusers, turbines, compressors,
and pumps involve a single stream (only During a steady-flow process, volume
one inlet and one outlet). Conservation of mass principle for a two- flow rates are not necessarily conserved
inlet–one-outlet steady-flow system. although mass flow rates are.

Conservation of Mass Principle Conservation of Mass Principle

Example 5-2

4 ft =

0.5 in

V = 2 gh
3 ft

Conservation of Mass Principle Conservation of Mass Principle

Example 5-2 Example 5-2

Dtan dh
dt = − k

D 2jet 2 gh

Flow Work and Energy of Flowing Fluid Total Energy of a Flowing Fluid
The energy per unit mass for a stationary liquid (nonflowing fluid):
Flow work or flow energy: The work
(or energy) required to push the mass
into or out of the control volume. This The flow energy is
work is necessary for maintaining a The energy per unit mass for a flowing fluid:
automatically taken
continuous flow through a control care of by enthalpy. In
volume. h = u + Pv fact, this is the main
reason for defining the
property enthalpy.
Schematic for flow work

The total energy consists of three parts for a nonflowing fluid and four parts for a
flowing fluid.

Energy Transport by Mass Energy Analysis of Steady-flow Systems

The energy for a flowing fluid:

When the kinetic and potential energies of a fluid stream are negligible:
Under steady-flow conditions, the
volume, the mass and energy contents
of a control volume remain constant.
Many engineering systems
such as power plants operate
When the properties of the mass at each under steady conditions.
inlet or exit change with time as well as
over the cross section

Under steady-flow conditions,

The product m & iθi is the energy the fluid properties at an inlet
transported into control volume by or exit remain constant (do not
mass per unit time. change with time).

Mass and Energy balances for a steady-flow process Mass and Energy balances for a steady-flow process
Mass balance for a steady-flow system: Energy balance for a steady-flow system:

Mass balance for single-stream

steady-flow system:

Where the energy rate associated with mass transfer:

A water heater in steady operation.

Energy balance for a steady-flow system:

It is not “u” for a flow system

Mass and Energy balances for a steady-flow process Energy Transport by Mass
Energy balance relations with sign conventions (i.e., heat input and work output
are positive)

when kinetic and potential energy changes steam

are negligible:

Under steady operation, shaft work water

and electrical work are the only forms
of work a simple compressible system
may involve.

Energy Transport by Mass Energy Transport by Mass

Example 5-3 Example 5-3

Some Steady-flow Engineering Devices Nozzles and Diffusers

Many engineering devices operate essentially under the same conditions Nozzles and diffusers are commonly utilized
for long periods of time. The components of a steam power plant (turbines, in jet engines, rockets, spacecraft, and even
compressors, heat exchangers, and pumps), for example, operate nonstop for garden hoses.
months before the system is shut down for maintenance. Therefore, these
devices can be conveniently analyzed as steady-flow devices.
A nozzle is a device that increases the
velocity of a fluid at the expense of pressure.

A diffuser is a device that increases the

pressure of a fluid by slowing it down.

balance for
At very high velocities,
a nozzle or
even small changes in Nozzles and diffusers are
velocities can cause
shaped so that they cause
significant changes in the
A modern land-based gas turbine used for electric power
kinetic energy of the fluid. large changes in fluid
production. This is a General Electric LM5000 turbine. It velocities and thus kinetic
has a length of 6.2 m, it weighs 12.5 tons, and produces energies.
55.2 MW at 3600 rpm with steam injection.

Nozzles and Diffusers Nozzles and Diffusers
Example 5-4

Nozzles and Diffusers Nozzles and Diffusers

Example 5-4 Example 5-4

Turbines and Compressors Turbines and Compressors

Energy balance for the Turbine drives the electric generator In
compressor and turbine steam, gas, or hydroelectric power plants.
As the fluid passes through the turbine, the
shaft rotates, and the turbine produces
Compressors, as well as pumps and fans,
are devices used to increase the pressure
of a fluid. Work is supplied to these devices
from an external source through a rotating


Turbines and Compressors Turbines and Compressors
Example 5-7 Example 5-7

Turbines and Compressors Turbines and Compressors

Example 5-7 Example 5-7

Throttling valves Throttling valves

Throttling valves are any kind of flow-restricting
devices that cause a significant pressure drop in
the fluid.
The pressure drop in the fluid is often
accompanied by a large drop in temperature, and
for that reason throttling devices are commonly
used in refrigeration and air-conditioning.

Energy balance
Since w=0, ,

The temperature of an ideal gas does

not change during a throttling
(h = constant) process since h = h(T).

Throttling valves Throttling valves
Example 5-8 Example 5-8

Mixing chambers Mixing chambers

In engineering applications, the section 60°C
where the mixing process takes place
is commonly referred to as a mixing

140 kPa

10°C 43°C

Energy balance for the adiabatic mixing

chamber in the figure is:

The T-elbow of an ordinary shower

serves as the mixing chamber for the
hot- and the cold-water streams.

Mixing chambers Mixing chambers

Example 5-9 Example 5-9

Mixing chambers Heat exchangers
Example 5-9 A heat exchanger can be as
Heat exchangers are devices where simple as two concentric pipes.
two moving fluid streams exchange
heat without mixing. Heat
exchangers are widely used in
various industries, and they come in
various designs.

The heat transfer

associated with a
heat exchanger
may be zero or
nonzero depending
on how the control
volume is selected.

Heat exchangers Heat exchangers

Example 5-10

Heat exchangers Heat exchangers

Example 5-10 Example 5-10

Heat exchangers Pipe and duct flow
Example 5-10
The transport of liquids or gases in pipes
and ducts is of great importance in many
engineering applications. Flow through a
pipe or a duct usually satisfies the steady-
flow conditions.

Pipe or duct flow may involve more than

one form of work at the same time.

Energy balance for the pipe flow shown

in the figure is

Energy Analysis of Unsteady-flow Processes Energy Analysis of Unsteady-flow Processes

Many processes of interest, however, involve changes within the control Most unsteady-flow processes can be represented reasonably well by the
volume with time. Such processes are called unsteady-flow, or transient-flow, uniform-flow process.
processes. Uniform-flow process: The fluid flow at any inlet or exit is uniform and
steady, and thus the fluid properties do not change with time or position
over the cross section of an inlet or exit. If they do, they are averaged and
treated as constants for the entire process.

Charging of a rigid tank from a The shape and size of a control

supply line is an unsteady-flow volume may change during an
process since it involves changes A uniform-flow system may involve electrical,
unsteady-flow process. shaft, and boundary work all at once.
within the control volume.

Energy Analysis of Unsteady-flow Processes Summary

Mass balance for any system: • Conservation of mass
9 Mass and volume flow rates
9 Mass balance for a steady-flow process
9 Mass balance for incompressible flow
Energy balance for any system: • Flow work and the energy of a flowing fluid
9 Energy transport by mass
• Energy analysis of steady-flow systems
• Some steady-flow engineering devices
Energy balance for a uniform- flow system: 9 Nozzles and Diffusers
9 Turbines and Compressors
9 Throttling valves
9 Mixing chambers and Heat exchangers
9 Pipe and Duct flow
• Energy analysis of unsteady-flow processes

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