Power Electronics For Renewable Energy Systems PDF
Power Electronics For Renewable Energy Systems PDF
Power Electronics For Renewable Energy Systems PDF
A Course Material
Power Electronics For Renewable Energy Systems
Associate Professor
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 1 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
Quality Certificate
Year/Sem: IV / VIII
Name: S.Vijaya
This is to certify that the course material being prepared by Mrs.S.Vijaya is of the
adequate quality. She has referred more than five books and one among them is from
abroad author.
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Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 2 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
Environmental aspects of electric energy conversion: impacts of renewable energy
generation on environment (cost-GHG Emission) - Qualitative study of different
renewable energy resources: Solar, wind, ocean, Biomass, Fuel cell, Hydrogen energy
systems and hybrid renewable energy.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 3 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 4 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
1 Unit – I 6
2 Unit – II 34
3 Unit – III 70
4 Unit – IV 110
5 Unit – V 139
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 5 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
Unit – I
Part – A
1.Give any two environmental aspects of electric energy conservation. [CO1 – L1]
2. Discuss about GHG Emission? List the factors influencing the amount of GHG
emissions. [CO1 – L1]
Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases
(GHG) .The greenhouse is a n enclosure having transparent glass pane trapping
the heat in the atmosphere. Similarly the CO2 is an enclosure present around the
globe which prevents the heat from the earth to escape. This cause the global
warming. This effect of GHG such as methane, CO2,nitrous oxide,sulphur
hexafluoride,water vapour,hydroflurocarbon is lead to global warming.The CO 2
leads to 82% of total GHG emission.The main factors which influence the
GHG emission is –
(i) Large scale fossil fuel combustion of power plant all over the world.
(ii) Felling of trees- deforestation –industrialization
(iii) Pollution due to vehicles and byproducts of industries.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 6 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
(i) Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels (coal,
natural gas, and oil), solid waste, trees and wood products, and also as a
result of certain chemical reactions (e.g., manufacture of cement).
(ii) Particulate matter lead to reduced sunlight and low visibility- respiratory
(iii) SO2,SO3 due to combustion of fuel from motor vehicles, power plant,
waste disposal
(iv) Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural
gas, and oil.
(v) Nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities, as well
as during combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste.
(vi) Fluorinated gases: Hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur
hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride are synthetic, powerful greenhouse
gases that are emitted from a variety of industrial processes.
Solar energy
Wind energy
Geothermal energy
Ocean Tidal Power
Ocean Wave Power
Ocean Thermal energy conversion
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 7 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
The difference between spring and neap tides is that spring tides are much
higher than normal and neap tides are lower than normal. Spring tides occur
because of the combined effects of the sun and moon, whereas neap tides
happen when the sun and the moon are at right angles.
Tide or wave is periodic rise and fall of water level of the sea. Tides occur due to
the attraction of sea water by the moon. Tides contain large amount of potential
energy which is used for power generation. When the water is above the mean
sea level, it is called flood tide. When water level is below the mean level it is
called ebb tide.
Variations in tidal range cause the output to not uniformed throughout the day.
Because of the variation of headwater throughout the day, the plants
effectiveness is slightly compromised.
Maintenance of machinery is difficult when preformed underwater or at sea.
Construction of a solid tidal dam is difficult with tide changes.
The corrosives nature of seawater is proven to corrode untreated modern
Tidal fences in order to mitigate fish migration would be difficult to construct and
Generation posts are usually far away from collection stations, leading to high
cost of transmission lines.
Tidal is a time-specific base load, meaning it cannot conform to peak demands.
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10. Discuss how to use hydrogen energy to generate electric power? [CO1-L2]
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Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 10 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
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Standard Test Conditions are the laboratory conditions under which all PV
modules are tested. It can be said that STC is a benchmark for comparing
different types of PV modules, even if they are not from the same provider. STC
An irradiance of 1000 watts per square meter, which simulates peak sunshine on
a surface directly facing the sun in a day without clouds.
A surface temperature of 25°C
A light spectrum that closely simulates sunlight: AM 1.5 G
However, these are idealized conditions which don't reflect the real site
conditions under which a PV module will operate. The conditions at Nominal
Operating Cell Temperature aim to simulate reality more closely:
The irradiance is 800 watts per square meter, which takes into account the fact
that PV modules don't always face the sun. It also considers atmospheric or
geographic conditions what might diminish sunshine.
Solar panels heat up considerably during operation, so the temperature
considered is 45 (+/- 3) °C.
The light spectrum is the same as for STC.
A windspeed of 1 m/s is considered, with air at 20°C
This means that solar panels will always have higher ratings at STC compared
with NOTC.
15. Discuss about fuel cell and mention its specification. [CO1-H1]
Basically, a fuel cell is a device that converts directly the chemical energy
stored in gaseous molecules of fuel and oxidant into electrical energy. When the
fuel is hydrogen the only by-products are pure water and heat. The overall
process is the reverse of water electrolysis. In electrolysis, an electric current
applied to water produces hydrogen and oxygen; by reversing the process,
hydrogen and oxygen are combined to produce electricity and water (and heat).
Fuel cells rely on an electrochemical reaction involving the fuel, and not on
its combustion. A Carnot cycle involving the transformation of heat into
mechanical and electrical energy is involved in conventional methods for
generating electricity.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 11 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
18. Explain how to assess the wind energy pattern for a particular location.
[CO1- H1]
Level of wind power penetration; Grid size; and Generation mix of electricity in
the system.
19. Point out the impact of wind power penetration in power grid. [CO1-L2]
Voltage variations in Steady state voltage under continuous production of
Voltage fluctuations
Flicker during operation
Flicker due to switching
20. Name the domestic application of wind energy. [CO1-L2]
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S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
21. List the types of wind turbine and differentiate it. [CO1-L2]
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Part – B
[CO1-L1] (or)
Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases
(GHG) .The greenhouse is a n enclosure having transparent glass pane trapping
the heat in the atmosphere. Similarly the CO2 is an enclosure present around the
globe which prevents the heat from the earth to escape. This cause the global
warming. This effect of GHG such as methane, CO2,nitrous oxide,sulphur
hexafluoride,water vapour,hydroflurocarbon is lead to global warming.The CO 2
leads to 82% of total GHG emission.The main factors which influence the
GHG emission is –
(iv) Large scale fossil fuel combustion of power plant all over the world.
(v) Felling of trees- deforestation –industrialization
(vi) Pollution due to vehicles and byproducts of industries.
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(vii) Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels (coal,
natural gas, and oil), solid waste, trees and wood products, and also as a
result of certain chemical reactions (e.g., manufacture of cement).
(viii) Particulate matter lead to reduced sunlight and low visibility- respiratory
(ix) SO2,SO3 due to combustion of fuel from motor vehicles, power plant,
waste disposal
(x) Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural
gas, and oil.
(xi) Nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities, as well
as during combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste.
(xii) Fluorinated gases: Hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur
hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride are synthetic, powerful greenhouse
gases that are emitted from a variety of industrial processes.
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Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 16 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
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Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 17 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
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The tidal power plants exploit the rise and fall of tides to convert this potential
energy to produce the mechanical power .Its operation is similar to that of Hydro electric
The tidal plant are generally classified on the basis of the number of basins used
for the power generation. They are further subdivided as one-way or two-way system
as per the cycle of operation for power generation.
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This is the simplest form of tidal power plant. In this system, a basin is allowed to
get filled during flood tide and during the ebb tide. The water flows from the basin to the
sea passing through the turbine and generates power. The power is available for a
short duration during ebb tide.
Fig1 .shows a single tide basin before the construction of dam and Fig.2 shows the
diagrammatic representation of a dam at the mouth of the basin and power generation
during the falling tide.
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In this arrangement power is generated both during flood tide as well as ebb tide
also. The power generation is also intermittent but generation period is increased
compared with one-way cycle. However the peak power obtained is less than the one-
way cycle. The arrangement of the basin and the power cycle is shown in Fig .3.
Fig 3
The main difficulty with this arrangement, the same turbine must be used as Prime
mover as ebb and tide flows pass through the turbine in opposite directions. Variable
pitch turbine and dual rotation generator are used for such schemes.
The Rance tidal power plant in France uses this type of arrangement. In this
system, power is generated both during flood and ebb tides. Complex machines
capable of generation Power and Pumping the water in either directions are used. A
part of the energy produced is used for introducing the difference in the water levels
between the basin and the sea at any time of the
tide and this is done by pumping water into the basin up or down. The period of power
production with this system is much longer than the other two described earlier. The
cycle of operation is shown in Fig 4.
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Fig 4
Double basin type :
In this arrangement, the turbine is set up between the two basins as shown in Fig
5.one basin is intermittently filled by the flood tide and other is intermittently drained by
the ebb tide. Therefore a small capacity but continuos power is made available with this
system as shown in Fig5. The main disadvantage of this system is that 50% of the
Potential energy is sacrificed in introducing the variation in the water levels of the two
Fig 5
In this case, off peak power from the base load plant in a interconnected
transmission system is used either to pump the water up the high basin. Net energy
gain is possible with such a system if the pumping head is lower than the basin-to-basin
turbine generating head.
1. Exploitation of tidal energy will in no case make demand for large area of
valuable land because they are on bays.
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Disadvantages :
1. These Power plants can be developed only if natural sites are available.
2. As the sites are available on the bay which will be always far away from the load
centers. The power generated must be transported to long
distances. This increases the transportation cost.
3. The supply of power is not continuous as it depends upon the timing of tides.
Therefore some arrangements (double basin or double basin with pump storage)
must be made to supply the continuous power. This also
further increases the capital cost of the plant.
4. The capital cost of the plant (Rs.5000/kw) is considerably large compared
with conventional-power plants (hydro, thermal)
5. Sedimentation and siltration of the basins are some of the added problems
with tidal power plants.
6. The navigation is obstructed.
7. It is interesting to note that the output of power from tidal power plant
varies with lunar cycle, because the moon largely influences the tidal
rhythm, where as our daily power requirement is directly related to solar
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The turbines, electric generators and other auxiliary equipment’s are the main
equipments of a power house. The function of dam to form a barrier between the sea
and the basin or between one basin and the other in case of multiple basins.
The sluice ways are used either to fill the basin during the high tide or empty the
basin during the low tide, as per operational requirement. These are gate controlled
The design cycle may also provide for pumping between the basin and the sea in
either direction. If reversible pump turbines are provided, the pumping operation can be
taken over at any time by the same machine. The modern tubular turbines are so
versatile that they can be used either as turbines or as pumps in either direction of flow.
In addition, the tubular passages can also be used as sluice-ways by locking the
machine in to a stand still. As compared to conventional plants, this, however, imposes
a great number of operations in tidal power plants. For instance, the periodic opening
and closing of the sluice-way of a tidal plant are about 730 times in a year.
Dam (Barrage):
Dam and barrage are synonymous terms. Barrage has been suggested as a more
accurate term for tidal power scheme, because it has only to with stand heads a fraction
of the structure’s height, and stability problems are far more modest. However, the
literature does not always make the distinction, even though heads are small with tidal
power cutoffs.
Tidal power barrages have to resist waves whose shock can be severe and where
pressure changes sides continuously. The barrage needs to provide channels for the
turbines in reinforced concrete. To build these channels a temporary coffer dam in
necessary, but it is now possible to built them on land, float them to the site, and sink
them into place.
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Tidal barrages require sites where there is a sufficiently high tidal range to give a
good head of water – the minimum useful range is around three meters. The best sites
are bays and estuaries, but water, can also be impounded behind bounded reservoir
built between two points on the same shore line.
The location of the barrage is important, because the energy available is related to
the size of trapped basin and to the square of the tidal range. The nearer it is built to
the mouth of bay, the larger the basin, but the smaller the tidal range. A balance must
also be struck between increased out put and increased material requirements and
construction costs.
Tidal power basins have to be filled and emptied. Gates are opened regularly and
frequently but heads very in height and on the side where they occur, which is not the
case with conventional river projects. The gates must be opened and closed rapidly and
this operation should use a minimum of power. Leakage, is tolerable for gates and
barrages. Since we are dealing with seawater, corrosion problems are actuate, they
have been very successfully solved by the catholic protection and where not possible by
paint. Gate structures can be floated as modular units into place.
Though, in existing plants, vertical lift gates have been used. The technology is
about ready to substitute a series of flap gates that operates by water pressure. Flap
gates are gates that are positioned so as to allow water in to the holding basin and
require no mechanical means of operation. The flap gates allow only in the direction of
the sea to basin. Hence, the basin
level rises well above to sea level as ebb flow area is far less than flood flow area.
Power house:
Because small heads only are available, large size turbines are needed; hence, the
power house is also a large structure. Both the French and Soviet operating plants use
the bulb type of turbine of the propeller type, with revisable blades, bulbs have
horizontal shafts coupled to a single generator. The cost per installed kilowatt drops
with turbine size, and perhaps larger turbines might be installed in a future major tidal
power plant.
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The fuel cell represents one of the successful ways by passing the heacycle and
converting the chemical energy of fuels directly into electricity. It is distinguished from a
battery in that it operates with continuous replenishment of the fuel and oxidant at active
electrode areas and does not require recharging.
The working of the fuel cell is explained here with reference to the Hydrogen-Oxygen
fuel cell using aqueous electrolyte. The fuelcell consists of an anode, a cathode and an
electrolyte Hydrogen fuel is fed into the anodeside of the cell. Positive H ions move
from the anode-side and enter the electrolyte through porous cell walls. The anode is
left with a negativecharge. Air is fed into the cathode side. O2 ions enter the
electrolyte leaving the cathode side with a positive charge. Excess anode electrons
flow to the cathode creating a current flow H2 and O ions combine in the electrolyte to
from water which leaves the cell as steam.
4H + 4OH 4H2O + 4e
(2) Oxygen electrode (cathode)
O2 20
2 O + 2H2O+ 4e 4 OH
2H2+ O2 2H2 O
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The above reactions indicate H2 molecules break up into H Atoms at the anode
and they combine with OH ion to form water and free electron at anode. The formed
free electrons travel to the cathode through the external circuit as shown in fig. At the
cathode, O2 molecules break up into two O2 atoms and these atoms combine with the
four electrons arriving by the external circuit and two molecules of water (out of 4
molecules produced at the anode to from 4OH oins. The OH ions migrate towards the
anode and are consumed there. The electrolyte remains invariant. It is prime
requirement that the composition of electrolyte should not change as the cell operates.
The major difficulty experienced in the design of fuel cell is to obtain sufficient fuel-
electrode-electrolyte reaction sites in a given volume. There are many other types of
cells as ion exchange membrane cell, direct and indirect oxidation fuel cells, molten
carbonate fuel cells and many others.
1) The fuel cell converts its fuel directly to electric power. Pollutant levels range from
1/10 to1/50,000 of those produced by a fossil fuel power plant as there it no combustion
2) No cooling water is needed so it can be located at any desired place.
3) As it does not make noise. It can be readily accepted in residential areas.
4) The fuel cell takes little time to go into operation.
5) It would be an ideal reserve power source with in large conventional power plants to
handle peak or emergency loads.
6) There is no efficiency penalty for part load operation. Efficiency remains constant
from 100% to 25 % of rated load.
7) There is no maximum or minimum size for a fuel cell power plant. Individual fuel cells
are joined to from stacks. The stacks are joined to form power modules. The number
of modules can be tailored to power plant requirements.
8) The land requirement is considerably less compared with conventional power plants.
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9) Possibly the greatest advantage of the fuel cell is its high operating efficiency.
Present-day fuel cell efficiency is 38% and it is expected to reach to 60% before the end
of this century.
10) Fuel cell power plants may further cut generation costs by eliminating or reducing
line losses. Fuel cell power plant in rural areas or highly congested residential areas
would eliminate the need for long lines to bring in power from remote generating
11) A wide variety of fuels can be used with the fuel cell. Although presently limited to
using substances that produce pure H rich gas, the cell may one day be able to operate
on fuels derived from low grade shale oils or highly sulfur coals.
12) The maintenance charges are low as there are no moving parts and outages are
also less.
13) Fuel cells have an overload capacity of 50 to 100% for a short duration.
14) The weight and volume of the fuel cell is considerably low compared to other
energy sources.
15) In H2-O cell, the reaction product is water which is portable.
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Used mainly by military and space programs
Can reach 70% power generating efficiency, but considered to costly for
transportation applications
Used on the Apollo spacecraft to provide electricity and drinking water
Uses a solution of potassium hydroxide in water as the electrolyte and
operates at 75 -160 degrees
Can use a variety of non-precious metals as catalyst at the anode and
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Stationary Power Stations
Micro Power
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Unit – II
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4. Show the merits of DFIG over SCIG for wind energy conversion? [CO2-L2]
The DFIG consists of a stator connected directly to grid and a rotor via slip rings
is connected to grid through four- quadrant ac-to-dc converter based on insulated gate
bipolar transistors (IGBTs) . The merits of this system are :
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(i) Reduced inverter cost, because inverter rating is typically 30% of total system
(ii) Improved system efficiency.
(iii) Power-factor control can be implemented at lower cost.
(iv) It has a complete control of active and reactive power
The inverse transformation from the dq0 frame to the natural abc frame:
is .
The dq0 transform (often called the Park transform) is a space vector
transformation of three-phase time-domain signals from a stationary phase
coordinate system (ABC) to a rotating coordinate system (dq0).
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The transform applied to time-domain voltages in the natural frame (i.e. ua, ub
and uc) is as follows:
For a sudden blow of wind the torque to the generator is increased ,this
wind leads to large stresses on the wind turbine’s drive train.
However IG allows a small change of speed with the change of torque
going to the generator and lower stresses/tear and wear of the drive train.
As the IG and the PMSG machine have similar Stator, the cost difference
is mainly due to the rotor.
PMSG generators have higher efficiency so the higher material cost may
be somewhat compensated for the extra electricity generated. But the inductive
power factor of the induction generators require capacitors for power factor
correction and may increases the overall cost of the IG.
Hence the advantage of IG and PMSG depends on the application and
differ from case to case.
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power of the wind turbine, DC bus voltage and reactive power or voltage at grid
When the rotor speed is greater than the rotating magnetic field from
stator, the stator induces a strong current in the rotor. The faster the rotor rotates,
the more power will be transferred as an electromagnetic force to the stator, and
in turn converted to electricity which is fed to the electric grid. The speed of
asynchronous generator will vary with the rotational force applied to it.Its
difference from synchronous speed in percent is called generator‘s slip. With
rotor winding short circuited, the generator at full load is only a few percent.
With the DFIG, slip control is provided by the rotor and grid side
converters. At high rotor speeds, the slip power is recovered and delivered to the
grid, resulting in high overall system efficiency. If the rotor speed range is limited,
the ratings of the frequency converters will be small compared with the generator
rating, which helps in reducing converter losses and the system cost.
(SCIGs) ( DFIGs)
1. Stator converter controlled induction The doubly fed induction
generator (SCIG ) are those which generators (DFIGs) or
have a Full power bidirectional (four- double output induction
quadrant AC–AC) PWM static generators (DOIGs) are
converters as a soft interface between also called wound rotor
squirrel cage rotor induction induction generators
generatorand the power grid. (WRIGs) . They are
provided with three
phase windings on the
rotor and on the stator.
They may be supplied
with energy at both
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Part – B
1. Explain the principle and operation of Induction Generator used for Wind
Energy Conversion System. [CO2-H1]
The equivalent circuit for one phase of this ac generator is shown in Fig. b. It is
shown in
electrical machinery texts that the magnitude of the generated rms electromotive force
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where p is the number of poles and n is the rotational speed in r/min. The speed
required to produce 60 Hz is 3600 r/min for a two pole machine, 1800 r/min for a four
pole machine, 1200 r/min for a six pole machine, and so on. It is possible to build
generators with large numbers of poles where slow speed operation is desired. A
hydroelectric plant might use a 72 pole generator, for example, which would rotate at
100 r/min to produce 60 Hz power.A slow speed generator could be connected directly
to a wind turbine, eliminating the need for an intermediate gearbox. The propellers of
the larger wind turbines turn at 40 r/min or less, so a rather large number of poles would
be required in the generator for a gearbox to be completely eliminated. Both cost and
size of the generator increase with the number of poles, so the system cost with a very
low speed generator and no gearbox may be greater than the cost for a higher speed
generator and a gearbox.When the generator is connected to a utility grid, both the grid
or terminal voltage V and the frequency f are fixed. The machine emf E may differ from
V in both magnitude and phase, so there exists a difference voltage.
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Phasors in the first quadrant have positive angles while phasors in the fourth quadrant have
negative angles. Therefore, both θ and δare positive in the overexcited case, while δ is positive and θis
negative in the underexcited case. The expressions for real and reactive power supplied by each phase is
given below as P and Q.
A plot of P versus δ is shown in Fig. d. This illustrates two important points about
the use of an ac enerator. One is that as the input mechanical power increases, the
output electrical power will increase, reaching a maximum at δ= 90 o. This maximum
electrical power, occurring at sin δ = 1, is called the pullout power. If the input
mechanical power is increased still more, the output power will begin to decrease,
causing a rapid increase inδand a loss of synchronism. If a turbine is operating near
rated power, and a sharp gust of wind causes the input power to exceed the pullout
power from the generator, the rotor will accelerate above rated speed. Large generator
currents will flow and the generator will have to be switched off the power line. Then the
rotor will have to be slowed down and the generator resynchronized with the grid. Rapid
pitch control of the rotor can prevent this, but the control system will have to be well
If the power becomes negative for negative δ. This means the generator is now
acting as a motor. Power is being taken from the electric utility to operate a giant fan
and speed up the air passing through the turbine. This is not the purpose of the system,
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so when the wind speed drops below some critical value the generator must be disconnected
DFIG : The wound rotor induction generators (WRIGs) are provided with three phase
windings on the rotor and on the stator. They may be supplied with energy at both rotor
and stator terminals. This is why they are called doubly fed induction generators
(DFIGs) or double output induction generators (DOIGs). Both motoring and generating
operation modes are feasible, provided the power electronics converter that supplies
the rotor circuits via slip-rings and brushes is capable of handling power in both
As a generator, the WRIG provides constant (or controlled) voltage Vs and
frequency f1 power through the stator, while the rotor is supplied through a static power
converter at variable voltage Vr and frequency f2.The rotor circuit may absorb or deliver
electric power. As the number of poles of both stator and rotor windings is the same, at
steady state, according to the frequency theorem, the speed ωm is product of number
of pole pairs and the mechanical rotor speed.
The sign of ωm is positive (+) when the phase sequence in the rotor is the same
as in the stator and ωm < ω1, that is, subsynchronous operation. The negative (−) sign
in corresponds to an inverse phase sequence in the rotor when ωm > ω1, that is,
supersynchronous operation. For constant frequency output, the rotor frequency ω2 has
to be modified in step with the speed variation. This way, variable speed at constant
frequency (and voltage) may be maintained by controlling the voltage, frequency, and
phase sequence in the rotor circuit. It may be argued that the WRIG works as a
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synchronous generator (SG) with three-phase alternating current (AC) excitation at slip
(rotor) frequency ω2 = ω1 − ωm. However, as ω1 ≠ ωm, the stator induces voltages in
the rotor circuits even at steady state, which is not the case in conventional SGs.
Additional power components thus occur. The main operational modes of WRIG
are depicted in Figure a through Figure d (basic configuration
shown in Figure a). The first two modes (Figure b and Figure c) refer to the already
defined subsynchronous and supersynchronous generations. For motoring, the reverse
is true for the rotor circuit; also, the stator absorbs active power for motoring. The slip S
is defined as follows:
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FIGURE 1 : Wound rotor induction generator (WRIG) main operation modes: (a) basic
configuration, (b) subsynchronous generating (ωr < ω1), (c) supersynchronous
generating (ωr > ω1), and (d) rotor output WRIG (brushless exciter).
•The resistance R1m that represents the core losses depends slightly on slip frequency
ω2 = Sω1, as non-negligible core losses also occur in the rotor core for Sf1 > 5 Hz.
The input electrical powers Ps and Pr and the losses represents the mechanical power
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Where Te is the electromagnetic torque. The sign of mechanical power for given motion
direction is used to discriminate between motoring and generating. The positive sign (+)
of Pm is considered here for motoring (see the association of directions for in Figure
1.8). The motor/generator operation mode is determined (Equation 1.36) by two factors:
the sign of slip S and the sign and relative value of the active power input (or extracted)
electrically from the rotor Pr (Table 1.1). So, the WRIG may operate as a generator or a
motor both subsynchronously (ωr < ω1) and r 1 . If all the losses are neglected, from
Equation 1.36 and Equation 1.37:
The higher the slip, the larger the electric power absorption or delivery through
the rotor. Also, itshould be noted that in supersynchronous operation, both stator and
rotor electric powers add up to convert the mechanical power. This way, up to a point,
oversizing, in terms of torque capability, is not required when operation at S = −Smax
occurs with the machine delivering Ps(1 + |Smax|) total electric power.Reactive power
flow is similar.
From the equivalent circuit,
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So, the reactive power required to magnetize the machine may be delivered by
the rotor or by the stator or by both. The presence of S in Equation 1.40 is justified by
the fact that machine magnetization is perceived in the stator at stator frequency ω1.
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As the static power converter rating depends on its rated apparent power rather than
active power, it seems to be practical to magnetize the machine from the stator. In this
case, however, the WRIG absorbs reactive power through the stator from the power
grids or from a capacitive-resistive load.
In stand-alone operation mode, however, the WRIG has to provide for the
reactive power required by the load up to the rated lagging power factor conditions. If
the stator operates at unity power factor, the rotor-side static power converter has to
deliver reactive power extracted either from inside itself (from the capacitor in
the DC link) or from the power grid that supplies it. As magnetization is achieved with
lowest kVAR in DC, when active power is not needed, the machine may
be operated at synchronism (ω r = ω1) to fully contribute to the voltage stability and
control in the power system. To further understand the active and reactive power flows
in the WRIG, phasor diagrams are used.
The stator and rotor equations for steady-state/phase may be written in complex
numbers at frequency ω1 in the stator and ω2 in the rotor:
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4. With the neat diagram, show the principle and working of PMSG and analyse in
detail. [ CO2- H1]
5.(i)Draw the circuit model of PMSG and explain the methods used for the steady
state analysis. [CO2-H1]
(ii)Also discuss the characteristics and issues briefly. [CO2-H2]
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The commutation angle μ increases with the rectified current Idc and with increasing
machine commutation inductance. In the absence of a damper cage on the rotor,
So, from the point of view of lowering the voltage drop along the diode rectifier due to
machine inductances, it is beneficial to place a strong damper cage on the PM rotor.
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As the load was replaced by the diode rectifier, the shunt capacitor equations in d–q
coordinates become
Under steady state, s = 0; thus, all time derivatives are zero. With the voltage
drop in the diode rectifier neglected, the load resistance RLdc may be seen as a star-
connected phase AC resistance in parallel with the shunt capacitors at PMSG terminals
as follows:
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With a more complete representation of a diode rectifier, the generator actual output
voltage and current waveforms may be obtained [19] (Figure 10.30a ,Figure 10.30b).
The presence of shunt capacitors may generate a kind of resonance phenomena with
quasi-periodic oscillations with bounded dynamics in the generator line voltage and
current, especially for light load.
FIGURE(a) Simulated and (b) measured generator phase current and line voltage with
shunt capacitor, diode rectifier, and direct current (DC) load: RL = 22 Ω, n = 1350 rpm.
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These oscillations are visible as amplitude variations in generator line voltage and
phase current and in the DC load voltage .
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current (AC)–AC pulse-width modulator (PWM) converter, and (b) with direct (matrix) converter.
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For generating, the reference power P* is set, but then its value is translated into
the torque/speed The direct torque and flux control (DTFC) seems to be inherent to the
application once torque control is required. Stator flux ( ) control is added, and thus, the
control system becomes robust and presents fast response. The stator flux functional
may also be expressed in terms of flux vs. torque, to minimize the losses in the IG over
the whole speed and power range. The space-vector modulation (SVM) is added to
further reduce the IG current harmonics, converter losses, and noise.
FIGURE : Typical desired torque/speed curves: (a) for motor starting and operation, (b)
for wind turbines stall regulated, and (c) for uncontrolled micro hydro turbine.
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FIGURE :The direct torque and flux control (DTFC) of machine-side converter
The two main components of DTFC for SCIGs are the state observers and the
DTFC–SVM strategy.Vector control strategies perform similarly but apparently with
slightly larger online computation efforts and higher sensitivity to machine parameter
Grid-side converter control is, in general, standard vector control, where DC link
voltage control provides for active power from (to) DC link voltage to (from the power
grid, while reactive power control provides for reactive power exchange with the power
grid). The reactive power exchange with the power grid is, in fact, provided by the
oversized DC link capacitor, which also “covers” the IG magnetization.The active power
exchange is controlled through the machine-side converter from (to) the IG. Adequate
voltage and capacitance oversizing of the DC link may provide for up to }100% reactive
power exchange , which is so useful in the local power grid voltage control and
stabilization. may be commanded by the grid voltage error with respect to a desired
value. The DC link reference voltage is generally kept constant under normal operation
circumstances, but it may be reduced in relation to reactive power requirements. When
an inductance-capacitance inductance (LCL) filter is introduced between the grid-side
converter and the grid, speed decoupling of filter inductance L along the q axis current
control is added. The measured frequency of power grid voltage is required for
decoupling, to speed up the response in the presence of the power filter.
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FIGURE : Testing stator converter controlled induction generator (SCIG) to the power
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best exploit the pump induction motor system up to 20 to 50% above base (rated)
speed . For better pumping, the turbine pump needs more speed than that needed for
good turbining. Experiments were performed on a laboratory system using two 10 kW
cage rotor IMs, one playing the role of the turbine and the other the role of the SCIG
(Figure 5.12). The 25 kVA four-quadrant cascaded PWM AC–AC converter was an off-
the-shelf device intended for variable speed drives with fast regenerative braking of
large inertia loads. The turbine was emulated by a variable speed drive in speed control
mode. Starting can be performed either by the “turbine” up to a preset speed or
simultaneously by the turbine and the SCIG in the motoring mode.
Steady-state operations at the power grid in generating for 0 and 50% reactive power
delivery are The power grid current evolution when, for −100% reference torque
(generator) at the IG side converter, control input is maintained, and the speed is
ramped down by “turbine” control from 1500 Rather smooth generating to motoring
transients were obtained. Grid current vs. voltage waveforms during motoring
acceleration (for pumping ) at zero reactive power exchange with the power grid are
It goes without saying that “synchronization” has become an irrelevant concept, as it
can be done at variable speed. Also the disconnection from the power grid can be done
smoothly via the grid-side and machine-side converters.
The two converters provide flexibility and opportunities for various actions, should power
grid faults occur.
The full rating of a four-quadrant AC–AC cascaded PWM converter turns out to be a
performance asset, as it controls the whole power exchanged with the grid: active and
reactive. All of this comes at higher costs than in WRIGs, where the rating of the four-
quadrant cascaded AC–AC PWM converter is 25 to 30% of the rated power. The latter,
however, has tight control only on •}25% of the power. It should be noted that the
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commercial four-quadrant PWM IGBT converter used in our experiments and built for
drives requires additional LCL filtering between the grid-side converter section and the
power grid to improve the current waveforms in order to fully comply with the
contemporary strict power quality standards. Load rejection of SCIG at the power grid
with controlled turbine tends to lead to overspeeding, unless a ballast (alternative) load
is provided in the DC voltage link.
7. Draw the circuit model of self-excited induction generator and explain the
methods used for steady state analysis. What is the characteristics of SEIG used
for renewable energy conversion. Explain it. [CO2-H1]
The speed n1 (in revolutions per second r/sec) is the so-called ideal no-load or
synchronous speed and is proportional to stator frequency and inversely proportional to
the number of pole pairsp1.The traveling field in the airgap induces electromagnetic
fields (emfs) in the rotor that rotate at speed n, at frequency f2:
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As expected, the emfs induced in the short-circuited rotor bars produce in them AC
currents at slip frequencyf2=Sf1.Let us now assume that the symmetric rotor cage,
which has the property to adapt to almost anynumber of pole pairs in the stator, may be
replaced by an equivalent (fictitious) three-phase symmetric three-phase winding (as in
WRIGs) that is short-circuited. The traveling airgap field produces symmetric emfs in the
fictitious three-phase rotor with frequency that is Sf1 and with amplitude that is also
proportional to slipS:
The rotor currents interact with the airgap field to produce tangential forces — torque. In
Equation 4.6 and Equation 4.7, the rotor winding is reduced to the stator winding based
on energy (and loss) equivalence.
Noticing that the stator phases are also characterized by a resistance R1 and a leakage
inductance L1 , the stator and rotor equations may be written, for steady state, in
complex numbers, as for a transformer but with different frequencies in the primary and
secondary. Let us consider the generator association of signs for the stator:
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This way, in fact, the frequency of rotor variables becomes w1, and it refers to a
machine at standstill, but with an additional (fictitious) rotor resistance R2(1-S)/S . The
power dissipated in this resistance equals the mechanical power in the real machine
(minus the mechanical losses):
P elm is the so-called electromagnetic power: the total active power that crosses the
airgap. Equation 4.8 and Equation 4.9 lead to the standard equivalent circuit of the
induction machine (IM) with cage rotor as shown in Figure. The electromagnetic power
P elm is positive (motoring) for S>0 and negative (generating) forS<0.From Figure : the
equivalent (total) reactance of the IM is always inductive, irrespective of slip sign (motor
or generator), while the equivalent resistance changes sign for generating. So, the IM
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takes the reactive power to get magnetized either from the power grid to which it is
connected or from a fixed (or controlled) capacitor at terminals. Note that when a full
power static converter is placed between the IG and the load (or power grid), the IG is
again self-excited by the capacitors in the converter’s DC link or from the power grid (if
a direct AC–AC converter is used). As the operation of an IM at the power grid is
straightforward ( S< 0, w r> w1 ) the capacitor-excited induction generator will be
treated here.
The IG with capacitor excitation is driven by a prime mover with the main power
switch open. As the speed increases, due to prime-mover torque, eventually, the no-
load terminal voltage increases and settles to a certain value, depending on machine
speed, capacitance, and machine parameters.
The equivalent circuit further simplified by neglecting the stator resistance and leakage
inductance and by considering zero slip (S=0: open rotor circuit) for no-load conditions .
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Unit – III
Part – A
1.Draw and label the block diagram of solar photovoltaic system. [ CO3- L1]
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4. Summarize the role of capacitor and the minimum value required for the
boost converter. [CO3-L1]
The boost converter shown in Fig (a) output voltage Vo is always greater than
the input voltage Vs as given in the voltage gain function
Vo= Vs / [1- D] where D is the duty cycle.
The current supplied to the output of the boost converter circuit is discontinuous.
Hence a larger filter capacitor C is required in comparison to that in the buck-derived
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converters to limit the output voltage ripple. The function of the capacitor C is to
provide the output dc current to the load when the diode D is off. The minimum
value of this filter capacitance that results in the voltage ripple Vr is given by
At D = 0.5, Vr/Vo .= 1%, R .= 10 ohms, and f = 100 kHz, the minimum capacitance
for the boost converter is Cmin = 50 microFarad.
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When the batteries are connected in series the voltage gets added but the total usable
capacity in Ah remains the same.
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The second step is to determine how much electricity can be produced by one module.
The third step in sizing is to reduce the daily requirement by deciding carefully which
appliance need to be run on solar electricity and for how long the y need to be used per
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10. Identify the factors to be considered for the selection of inverter and batteries
for solar energy conversion. [ CO3- L3]
The factors to be considered for the selection of batteries for solar energy
conversion are :
i. Nominal Capacity in Ah
ii. Cost
iii. % Usable Cycle depth
iv. Life cycle of Battey (Cycles)
v. Relative value of money (or) cost of battery
vi. Usable Capacity in Ah
vii. Type of Rechargeable Battery : Low or high Antimony (or) Antimony free
% of self discharge
There are two approaches to balance the cost of installation and maintainance :
(i) To minimize the installation cost , aim for high value of usable capacity in
Ah.However the battery may have short life.
(ii) To minimize the maintainance cost , aim for high value of total usable
capacity over cycle life in Ah.
The factors to be considered for the selection of inverter for solar energy
conversion are
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Part – B
1. Draw the block diagram of the solar PV system and describe the principle
of operation in detail. [CO3-H1]
Stand-alone PV systems, shown in Fig.a, are used in remote areas with no access to a
utility grid. It consist of PV module , PV charge controller, Battery connected to dc
Load / AC load connected through Inverter.
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In the shunt charge controller as illustrated in Fig. e, when the battery is fully
charged the PV generator is short-circuited using an electronic switch (S1). Unlike
series controllers, this method works more efficiently even when the battery is
completely discharged, as the shortcircuit switch need not be activated until the battery
is fully discharged . The blocking diode prevents short-circuiting of the battery. Shunt
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charge regulators are used for small PV applications (less than 20 A). Deep-discharge
protection is used to protect the battery against deep discharge. When the battery
voltage reaches below the minimum set point for the deep-discharge limit, switch S2
disconnects the load. Simple series and shunt regulators allow only relatively coarse
adjustment of the current flow and seldom meet the exact requirements of PV systems.
By varying the duty cycle ‘D’, the voltage and frequency is varied is varied to match
the load.
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system, the load line must match the PV array’s maximum-power-point locus.
Referring to Fig f. , the load characteristics can be either curve OA or curve OB,
depending on the nature of the load and its current and voltage requirements. If load OA
is considered and the load is directly coupled to the solar array, the array will operate at
point A1, delivering onlypower P1. The maximum array power available at the given
insolation is P2. In order to use PV array power P2, a power conditioner coupled
between the array and the load is needed.
To operate the PV array at the maximum power point, perturb and adjust
methods can be used in which the current drawn is sampled every few seconds and the
resulting power output of the solar cells is monitored at regular intervals. When an
increased current results in a higher power, it is further increased until the power output
starts to decrease. But if the increased PV current results in a lesser amount of power
than in the previous sample, then the current is reduced until the maximum power point
is reached.
There are two types of load : ac and dc loads.The dc loads are directly
connected to the MPPT or charge controller , while the AC loads are connected through
battery and inverter .
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2. Draw and compose the converter topologies used for solar power generation.
[CO3- H1]
Dc – Dc Converters connect the battery source to the dc load by PWM voltage control.
Refer Buck-Boost Converter in Qn.no.4.
DC-AC converters (inverter) connect the battery source to the ac load by PWM
voltage and frequency control. Refer Line commutated Inverter In Qn.No. 3.
3.Describe the operation of line commutated converter under inversion mode with
the help of a neat circuit diagram and necessary waveforms. [CO3- H1]
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The buck –boost converter operates on the principle of PWM technique uses a
transformerless topology to obtain the output voltage greater i.e Boost (when D>
0.5 ) (or) lesser than the input voltage i.e Buck (or) (when D< 0.5 ) or equal to
the input ( at D =0.5).
The output voltage is negative with respect to the ground.
The current supplied to the output is discontinuous. Hence a larger filter
capacitor C is used to limit the output voltage ripple.The minimum value of C is
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The output voltage is adjustable based on the duty cycle of the switching
One possible drawback of this converter is that the switch does not have a
terminal at ground; this complicates the driving circuitry.
Also, the polarity of the output voltage is opposite the input voltage. Neither
drawback is of any consequence if the power supply is isolated from the load
circuit (if, for example, the supply is a battery) as the supply and diode polarity
can simply be reversed. The switch can be on either the ground side or the
supply side.
The basic schematic diagram of the buck–boost converter as in Fig.A with its
modes of operation is simple as in Fig.B , Fig.C .
Mode 1 : While S in the On-state, the input voltage source is directly connected to the
inductor (L). This results in accumulating energy in L. In this stage, the capacitor
supplies energy to the output load.
Mode 2 : While S in the Off-state, the inductor is connected to the output load and
capacitor, so energy is transferred from L to C and R.
Compared to the buck and boost converters, the characteristics of the buck–boost
converter are mainly:
polarity of the output voltage is opposite to that of the input;the output
voltage can vary continuously from 0 to (for an ideal converter).
The output voltage ranges for a buck and a boost converter are
respectively 0 to and to .
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D is the duty cycle. It represents the fraction of the commutation period T during
which the switch is On. Therefore D ranges between 0 (S is never on) and 1 (S is
always on).
During the Off-state, the switch S is open, so the inductor current flows through
the load. If we assume zero voltage drop in the diode, and a capacitor large enough for
its voltage to remain constant, the evolution of IL is:
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it is obvious that the value of IL at the end of the Off state must be the same as
the value of IL at the beginning of the On-state, i.e. the sum of the variations of IL during
the on and the off states must be zero:
From the above expression it can be seen that the polarity of the output voltage
is always negative (as the duty cycle goes from 0 to 1), and that its absolute value
increases with D, theoretically up to minus infinity as D approaches 1. Apart from the
polarity, this converter is either step-up (as a boost converter) or step-down (as a buck
converter). This is why it is referred to as a buck–boost converter.
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current through the inductor falls to zero during part of the period. The only
difference in the principle described above is that the inductor is completely discharged
at the end of the commutation cycle (see waveforms in figure E). Although slight, the
difference has a strong effect on the output voltage equation. It can be calculated as
The load current Io is equal to the average diode current (ID). As can be seen on
figure 4, the diode current is equal to the inductor current during the off-state. Therefore,
the output current can be written as:
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Compared to the expression of the output voltage gain for the continuous mode,
this expression is much more complicated. Furthermore, in discontinuous operation, the
output voltage not only depends on the duty cycle, but also on the inductor value, the
input voltage and the output current.
Limit between continuous and discontinuous modes.
As told at the beginning of this section, the converter operates in discontinuous
mode when low current is drawn by the load, and in continuous mode at higher load
current levels. The limit between discontinuous and continuous modes is reached when
the inductor current falls to zero exactly at the end of the commutation cycle. with the
notations of figure F, this corresponds to -
Fig F: Evolution of the normalized output voltage with the normalized output
current in a buck–boost converter.
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In this case, the output current (output current at the limit between
continuous and discontinuous modes) is given by:
Operating Principle :
(a) With phase control technique , the switches conduct the load current for a
chosen period of each input cycle of voltage and
(b) With on/off control the switches connect the load either for a few cycles of
input voltage and disconnect it for the next few cycles . This technique is also
called integral cycle control.
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S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
the switches are turned on and off several times within alternate half-cycles of input
voltage to conduct the load current for a chosen period of each input cycle of voltage
Then the controller is called as ac chopper or PWM ac voltage controller.
The principle of operation in each half-cycle is similar to that of the controlled half-
wave rectifier. Figure 5.1a shows the typical voltage and current waveforms for the
single-phase bidirectional phase-controlled ac voltage controller of above figure (a) with
resistive load. The output voltage and current waveforms have half-wave symmetry
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Fig.5.1a : Voltage and Current Waveform for single-phase ac full-wave bidirectional ac voltage controller
with R-load
Operation with RL Load. Figure 5.1b shows the voltage and current waveforms for the
controller in Fig. (a) with RL load. Due to the inductance, the current carried by the SCR
T1 may not fall to zero at ωt=π when the input voltage goes negative and may continue
until ωt=β, the extinction angle, as shown. The conduction angle θ = β - α of the SCR
depends on the firing delay angle α and the load impedance angle γ .The expression for
Io(ωt) using KVL is :
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Fig.5.1b : Voltage and Current Waveform for single-phase ac full-wave bidirectional ac voltage controller
with RLload
As an alternative to the phase control, the method of integral cycle control or burst-
firing is used for heating loads. Here, the switch is turned on for time tn with n integral
cycles and turned off for a time tm with m integral cycles (Fig. 5.1 d). As the SCRs or
Triacs used here are turned on at the zero-crossing of the input voltage and turn-off
occurs at zero current, supply harmonics and radio frequency interference are very low.
However, subharmonic frequency components may be generated that are undesirable
as they may set up subharmonic resonance in the power supply system, cause lamp
flicker, and may interfere with the natural frequencies of motor loads causing shaft
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The circuits in Fig.1c and d are 3-phase 3-wire circuits and are difficult to
In both these circuits, at least two SCRs—one in each phase—must be gated
simultaneously to get the controller started by establishing a current path
between the supply lines. This necessitates 2 firing pulses spaced at 60° apart
per cycle for firing each SCR.
The operation modes are defined by the number of SCRs conducting in these
modes. The firing control range is 0° to 150°. The triplen harmonics are
absent in both these configurations.
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S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
Unit – IV
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 109 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
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In electric power systems, low-voltage ride through (LVRT), (or) fault ride
through (FRT), sometimes under-voltage ride through (UVRT), is the capability of
electric generators to stay connected in short periods of voltage dip. It is needed
at distribution level (wind parks, PV systems, distributed cogeneration, etc.) to avoid that
a short circuit on HV or EHV level which will lead to a widespread loss of generation.
In a wind energy system the Fault ride through capability is the ability of the
system to maintain the grid stability and keep the wind farm connected in the power
system for a defined time period during grid fault.The voltage does not always dip to
zero, it can be just a voltage sag , hence the FRT is sometimes called low voltage ride
-through problem. The main differences in FRTs requirement of different countries are the
depth of voltage drop, the time period and the boundary where Wind Turbines can be tripped
Similar requirements for critical loads such as computer systems[2] and industrial
processes are often handled through the use of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) .
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 110 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
Wind turbines often are subjected to wind speeds that are very low (below cut-in
speed) or high (above rated value) , (typical wind speed limit 4.5 to 26m/s). No pitch
regulation is applied when the wind turbine is operating below rated speed, but pitch
control is required when the machine is operating above rated wind speed to
minimize the stress.
The wind turbine must be capable of being started and run up to speed in a safe
and controlled manner. The aerodynamic characteristics of some turbines are such
that they are not self-starting. The required starting torque may be provided by
motoring or by changing the pitch angle of the blade. In the case of grid-connected
wind turbine system, the rotational speed of the generator is locked to the frequency
of the grid. When the generator is directly run by the rotor, the grid acts as an infinite
load. When the grid fails, the load rapidly decreases to zero, causing the turbine rotor
to accelerate quickly. Overspeed protection must be provided by rapid braking of the
turbine. A simple mechanism of blade pitch-control techniques is shown below.
The power output, Pmech, of any turbine depends mainly on the wind speed,
which dictates the rotational speed of the wind turbine rotor. From the wind speed and
the rotational speed of the turbine, the tip speed ratio λ is determined. Based on the λ,
the power coefficient Cp is inferred.
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The controller will keep adjusting the blade pitch angle until the desired power
and torque output are achieved. This modified pitch angle and new computed λ
decide the new Cp, resulting in a modified wind generator power and torque
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Blade pitch control is a very effective way of controlling wind turbine speed at
high wind speeds, hence limiting the power and torque output of the wind machine.
Some wind-turbine generator include a gearbox for interfacing the turbine rotor
and the generator. The general drive train model for such a system is shown in
Fig.(B). This system also contains the blade-pitch angle control provision. The drive
train converts the input aerodynamic torque on the rotor into torque on the low-speed
shaft. This torque is converted to high-speed shaft torque using the gearbox and fluid
coupling. The speed of the wind turbine here is low and the gearbox is required to
increase the speed so as to drive the generator at the rated rpm, e.g., 1500 rpm. The
fluid coupling works as a velocity-in–torque-out device and transfer the torque . The
actuator regulates the tip angle based on the control system applied. The control
system here is based on a pitch regulation scheme where the blade-pitch angle is
adjusted to obtain the desired output power.
Merit : This type of system will be very helpful in the region where grid supply is
not available. We can establish small wind energy based plant and store the
generated voltage in controlled battery system for longer and further usage.
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S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
The limitations of fixed speed induction generator based wind power conversion are the
(A) lack of control possibilities of both active and reactive power,
(B) gearbox breakdown due to large mechanical loads (because of power fluctuations
are converted to torque pulsations) and
(C ) the large fluctuations in output power.
Due to these reasons, wind turbine manufacturers are increasingly interested in variable
speed devices.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 114 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
9. List out grid interconnected issues. [C04-L2]
Point out the major problems related with grid interconnections of WECS? [C04-
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S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
energy output of WEGs compared to the predicted output in known windy areas
with adequate wind data.
B. Low-frequency operation
Low frequency operation affects the output of WEGs in two ways. Many
WEGs do not get cut-in, when tfrequency is less than 48 Hz (for standard
frequency of Hz) through wind conditions are favorable, with consequent loss in
output [22].This deficiency apart, the outputWEGs at low frequency operation is
considerably reduced, due to reduced speed of the rotor. The loss in output
coulbe about 5 to 10% on the account of low frequency operation.
E. Short circuit
F. Power Quality
Fluctuations in the wind power may have direct impact on the quality of power
supply. As a result, large voltage fluctuations may result in voltage variations
outside the regulation limits, as well as violations on flicker and other power
quality standards.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department 116 Power Electr. for Ren. Energy Sys.
S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
12. Label the schematic diagram grid integrated PMSG based WECS.Also
mention its demerits.
13. Point out the issues created in grid integrated PMSG based WECS?
14. Show the schematic diagram of grid integrated SCIG based WECS.
15. Define grid integrated solar system.
16. Point out the problems in grid integrated solar system.
17. What will happen if no load is connected to a solar PV system.
Part – B
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Slip Power Recovery (Static Kramer System) : The slip power recovery configuration
behaves similarly to a conventional induction generator with very large slip, but in
addition energy is recovered from the rotor. The rotor power is first carried out through
slip rings, and fed to the grid through a power electronic interface. Which consist of
rectifier,a dc link and a line- commutated inverter . The rest of the power comes
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directly from the stator as it normally does. A disadvantage with this system is that it can
only allow supersynchronous variable-speed operation.In this scheme (as shown in Fig.
c), the stator is directly connected to the grid. The power converter has been
connected to the rotor of the wound-rotor induction generator to obtain the optimum
power from the variable-speed wind turbine. The diode rectifier is the most commonly
used topology in the power electronics application. For a 3 phase system it consists of 6
diodes as shown in Fig.e It is simple and not possible to control it. The full power
converter for a wind turbine is shown in Fig.e. The machine side converter work as
driver controlling the torque generated using a vector control strategy.The grid side
converter permis the wind transfer into the grid and controls the amount of active and
reactive power delivered to the grid. It also keeps the THD co-efficient as low as
possible, improving the quality of the energy fed to the grid. The objective of the dc link
is to act as storage so that the energy captured from the wind is stored in the capacitor
and may be instantaneously injected to the grid.The main advantage of this scheme
is that the power conditioning unit has to handle only a fraction of the total power
so as to obtain full control of the generator. This is very important when wind turbine
sizes are increasing for grid-connected applications for higher penetration of wind
energy, and a smaller converter can be used in this scheme.
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The generator / rectifier system can be modelled as an ideal current source and
analysed as shown in Fig.f . The principle of operation of line side converter is to adjust
the phase angle δ between the source voltage U1 and reflected input voltage Vs1 so
that the power flow is controlled. When U1leads Vs1 real power flow from the source to
the converter.If U1lags Vs1 power flow from the converter’s dc side to ac source.The
real power transfer is given by eq.4.1.The ac power factor is adjusted by controlling the
amplitude of the converter voltage Vs1.The per phase equivalent circuit and phase
diagram for lead , lag and unity power factor operation is shown below:
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S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
that reason, the generator is said to be doubly fed . This system has a limited ability to
control reactive power at the terminals of the generator, although as a whole it is a
net consumer of reactive power. On the other hand, if coupled with capacitor
excitation, this capability could be useful from the utility point of view. Because of
its ability to rapidly adjust phase angle and magnitude of the terminal voltage, the
generator can be resynchronized after a major electrical disturbance without going
through a complete stop/start sequence. With some wind turbines, this could be a useful
Rotor Resistance Chopper Control : A fairly simple scheme for extracting rotor power
in the form of heat is also used for variable speed WECS.
In addition power conditioning device like ac voltage controller is used for soft
starting of an induction ghenerator in a WECS.When an induction generator is
connected to a load, a large inrush current flows. This is something similar to the direct
on-line starting problem of induction machines . It has been observed that the initial time
constants of an induction machine are higher when it tries to stabilize initially at the
normal operating conditions. There is a need to use some type of soft-starting
equipment to start the large induction generators. A simple scheme to achieve this is
shown in Fig.d. Two thyristors are connected in each phase, back to back.Initially, when
the induction generator is connected, the thyristors are used to control the voltage
applied to the stator and to limit the large inrush current. As soon as the generator is
fully connected, the bypass switch is used to bypass the soft-starter unit.
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S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
Fixed speed systems are the simplest and most widely used arrangement. They
operate at constant (or nearly constant) speed [also called constant speed constant
frequency (CSCF) mode of operation. This implies that regardless of the prime mover
speed, the angular speed of the rotor is fixed and determined by the frequency of supply
grid and gear ratio This arrangement, in general, has simple and reliable
construction of the electrical part while the mechanical parts are subject to higher
stresses and additional safety factors need to be incorporated in the mechanical
design. This arrangement can use induction generator (IG) and the wound rotor
synchronous generator (SG) as the electric machine. But the squirrel cage induction
generator has been the prevalent choice. The reasons for this popularity are mainly due
to its simplicity, high efficiency, and low maintenance requirements. To compensate for
the reactive power consumption of the induction generator, a capacitor bank
(normally stepwise controlled) is inserted in,parallel with the generator in order to
obtain about unitypower factor.
Further, to reduce the mechanical stress and to reduce the interaction
between supply grid and turbine during connection and start-up of the turbine, a
soft starter is used. The main advantage of this system is that it is a simple and
reliable arrangement. However, capacitors need to be cutin or cutoff regularly to
maintain power factor. This random switching gives rise to undesirable transients in
the line currents and voltages. The fluctuations in prime mover speed are converted
to torque pulsations, which cause mechanical stress. This causes breakdown of
drive train and gear box. The power generated from this arrangement is sensitive to
fluctuations in prime mover speed. To avoid this pitch control of rotor blades is required.
The Fixed Speed Induction Generators (FSIG) wind turbine is a simple squirrel
cage induction generator, which can be directly coupled to the electricity supply
network. The frequency of the network determines the rotationalspeed of the stator’s
magnetic field, while the generator’s rotor speed changes as its electrical output
changes. However, because of the well known steep torque- Slip characteristic of the
induction machine, the operating range of the generator is very limited.
The wind turbine is therefore effectively fixed speed. FSIGs do not have the
capability of independent control of active and reactive power, which is their main
disadvantage. Their great advantage is their simple and robust construction, which
leads to lower capital cost. In contrast to other generatotopologies, FSIGs offer no
inherent means of torque oscillation damping which places greater burden and cost on
their gearbox.
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The Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) Wind Turbines is a wound rotor
induction generator whose rotors fed via slip rings by a frequency converter. The stator
is directly coupled to the electrical power supply network. As a result of the use of the
frequency converter, the network frequency is decoupled from the mechanical speed of
the machine and variable speed operation is possible, permittingmaximum absorption of
wind power. Since power ratings are a function of slip, DFIGs operate over a range of
speeds between about 0.75 and 1.25 pu of synchronous frequencywhich requires
converter power ratings of approximately25%. A great advantage of the DFIG wind
turbine is that ihas the capability to independently control active andreactive power.
Moreover, the mechanical stresses on a DFIG wind turbine are reduced in comparison
to a FSIG.
Due to the decoupling between mechanical speed and electrical frequency that
results from DFIG operation, the rotor can act as an energy storage system, absorbing
torque pulsations caused by wind gusts. Other advantages of the DFIG include
reduced flicker and acoustic noise incomparison to FSIGs. The main
disadvantages of DFIG wind turbines in comparison to FSIGs are their increased capital
cost and the need for periodic slip ring maintenance.
This wind power system operates at a constant rotor speed regardless of the
wind speed variations.
The rotor speed is controlled according to the grid frequency.
The electrical machine equipped with such wind turbines is SCIG.
Sometimes a PMSG can be used.
Fixed-speed WECSs have advantage of being simple, robust, and reliable with a
low-cost generator and easy control.
However, such wind power systems also have drawbacks due to limited control
when wind speed changes continuously.
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With the increase in the size of turbine, the inherent problems of the constant
speed systems become more and more pronounced, especially in areas with relatively
weak grids. To overcome these problems, the trend in modern generator technology is
toward variable-speed concepts. A variable-speed system keeps the generator torque
constant and it is the generator speed which changes. Variations in the incoming power
are absorbed by rotor speed changes.
The variable-speed system therefore incorporates a generator control system
that can operate with variable speed. In this arrangement the variable-voltage variable
frequency (VVVF) power generated by the machine is converter to fixed-frequency fixed
voltage power by the use of back to back power converters. The arrangement can have
either induction generator or synchronous generator as the electric machine. The
machine side converter supplies the lagging excitation to the machine while the line side
converter maintains unity power factor at grid interface and also regulates the dc link
voltage constant. The synchronous machine offers the least possible configuration for a
variable-speed sys- tem. It can operate without gear box, with a good multi-pole design.
This is an important objective since gear box is a component that has a tendency to fail.
The advantages of this scheme are that mechanical oscillations in the drive train are
absent as it is in fixed speed systems.
The torque is under control if Direct Torque Control or Field Oriented Control
techniques are used. Thisdoes not allow the generator to be overloaded. Gear box is
not required with a multi-pole synchronous machine. However, converters have to
manage entire generated power. Therefore they have to be rated equal to machine
rating. Inverter output filters and EMI output filters are rated for 1 p.u ( with respect to
output power) making filter design difficult and expensive. Converter efficiency plays an
important factor in total system efficiency over the entire operating range. It cannot be
operated above synchronous speed with full torque.
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Compared to the squirrel-cage induction generator, the main difference that the
doubly- fed induction generator configuration provides is the access to the rotor
windings, thereby giving the possibility of impressing the rotor voltage. With this
arrangement, power can be extracted from or fed to the rotor circuit and the generator
can be magnetized from either the stator circuit or the rotor circuit. Basically two
methods of speed control can be applied to the induction generator, namely rotor
resistance control and back to back converter control. The effective scheme for limited
variable speed system is back to back converter used doubly-fed configuration. Fig. 4
shows this topology, the stator is directly connected to the grid, while the rotor is
connected via slip rings to the converter. The gear ratio is set so that the nominal speed
of the induction generator corresponds to the middle value of the rotor-speed range of
the turbine. This is done to minimize the size of the inverter, which will vary with rotor-
speed range. A step up transformer is required between the line side converter and
utility, to match the voltage ratio between the stator and rotor in the machine. This [38]
configuration with two converters offers many advantages. The main features of this
configuration are listed below:
1) Reduced converter cost, as they have to be rated for slip power only (typically
about 0.25 pu).
2) Converter on the rotor side enables both positive and negative slip power
control through control of rotor current in phase magnitude and frequency. This
allows both sub synchronous and super-synchronous operation.
3) DC link capacitor acts as a source of reactive power, which in a way can control
power factor on the stator side.
4) Line side converter has ability to work as active filter, apart from maintaining
unity power factor operation and regulating dc bus voltage.
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5) Reduced cost and weight of inverter filter and EMI filters (to about 0.25pu of
total system power). Inverter harmonics represent a fraction of total system
6) System efficiency is better, due to reduced losses in the converters.
2.(iii) Compare fixed and variable speed WECS : (Refer Sol to Qn.No.7 of Part A.)
3.(i) Explain stand alone operation of solar energy conversion system. [CO4-L2]
(ii) Compose short notes on grid integrated solar system and draw the grid
characteristics. [CO4-L2]
Stand alone or autonomous systems are not connected to the grid. Some
stand alone systems known as PV-hybrid systems or island system, may also have
another source of power, wind turbine, bio-fuel or diesel generator, etc. Stand-alone PV
systems, shown in Fig. a, are used in remote areas with no access to a utility grid.
Conventional power systems used in remote areas often based on manually controlled
diesel generators operating continuously or for a few hours. Extended operation of
diesel generators at low load levels significantly increases maintenance costs and
reduces their useful life. Renewable energy sources such as PV can be added to
remote area power systems using diesel and other fossil fuel powered generators to
provide 24-hour power economically and efficiently. Such systems are called ‘‘hybrid
energy systems.’’ Figure b shows a schematic of a PV– diesel hybrid system.
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Charge controllers : They regulate the charge transfer and prevent the battery from
being excessively charged and discharged. Three types of charge controllers are
commonly used . They are Series charge regulators , Shunt charge regulators , Dc–dc
Series Charge Regulators : The basic circuit for the series regulators is given in Fig.c In
the series charge controller, the switch S1 disconnects the PV generator when a
predefined battery voltage is achieved. When the voltage falls below the discharge limit,
the load is disconnected from the battery to avoid deep discharge beyond the limit. The
main problem associated with this type of controller is the losses associated with the
switches. This extra power loss has to come from the PV power, and this can be quite
significant. Bipolar transistors, MOSFETs, or relays are used as the switches.
Shunt Charge Regulators: In this type, when the battery is fully charged the PV
generator is short-circuited using an electronic switch (S1). Unlike series controllers, this
method works more efficiently discharged through the PV cells at night when there is no
sun available to generate energy. These blocking diodes also protect the battery from
short circuits.
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DC-DC converters such as Boost, Buck and Buck – Boost converter are used to
match the output of the PV Generator to the variable load as shown in Fig.g .It consist
of inductor to store energy, flywheel diode , which carry current when the switch is off.
The converter allow the charge current to be reduced continuously in such a way that
battery voltage is maintained constant.
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MPPT : The inverter has to extract maximum power from the solar cells with the help of
MPPT and the inverter input stage varies the input voltage until the MPP on the I–V
curve is found. To operate the PV array at the maximum power point, perturb and
adjust methods can be used in which the current drawn is sampled every few seconds
and the resulting power output of the solar cells is monitored at regular intervals. When
an increased current results in a higher power, it isfurther increased until the power
output starts to decrease. But if the increased PV current results in a lesser amount of
power than in the previous sample, then the current is reduced until the maximum
power point is reached.
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The inverter, used to convert photovoltaic dc energy to ac energy, is the key to the
successful operation of the system, but it is also the most complex hardware. The active
power from the PV panels is accomplished by controlling the phase angle δ between
the converter voltage and the grid voltage. The converter voltage follows the grid
voltage. The same voltage source inverter operated as a current-controlled inverter
(CSI). The objective of this scheme is to control active and reactive components of the
current fed into the grid using pulse-width modulation techniques.
The most important inverter characteristics requirement are: operate over a wide
range of voltages and currents, regulate output voltage and frequency, in addition to
providing ac power with good power quality. The inverters shall produce good quality
sine-wave output. The inverter must follow the frequency and voltage of the grid and the
inverter has to extract maximum power from the solar cells with the help of MPPT and
the inverter input stage varies the input voltage until the MPP on the I–V curve is found.
The inverter shall monitor all the phases of the grid. The inverter output shall be
controlled in terms of voltage and frequency variation. A typical grid-connected
inverter may use a PWM scheme and operates in the range of 2–20 kHz. The grid
interactive inverters must be synchronized with the grid in terms of voltage and
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For small household PV applications, a roof mounted PV array can be the best
option. For roof-integrated applications, the solar arrays can be either mounted on the
roof or directly integrated into the roof. If the roof integration does not allow for an air
channel behindthe PV modules for ventilation purpose, then it can increase the cell
temperature during the operation consequently leading to some energy losses. With a
PV array on the rooftop, the solar generated power can supply residential load. The
rooftop PV systems can help in reducing the peak summer load to the benefit of utility
companies by feeding the household lighting, cooling and other domestic loads. The
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S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
battery storage can further improve the reliability of the system at the time of low
insolation level, nighttime, or cloudy days. But the battery storage has some inherent
problems like maintenance and higher cost. . The disadvantage with the rooftop
application is that the PV array orientation is dictated by the roof. In case, when
the roof orientation differs from the optimal orientation required for the cells, then
efficiency of the entire system would be suboptimal.
Grid-connected PV systems must observe the islanding situation, when the
utility supply fails , or fault occurs due to overvoltage , undervoltage , under
frequency , overfrequency. In case of islanding, the PV generators should be
disconnected from mains. PV generators can continue to meet only the local load, if the
PV output matches the load. If the grid is re-connected during islanding, transient
overcurrents can flow through the PV system inverters and the protective equipments
like circuit breakers may be damaged. The islanding control can be achieved through
inverters or via the distribution network. Inverter controls can be designed on the basis
of detection of grid voltage, measurement of impedance, frequency variation, or
increase in harmonics. Protection shall be designed for the islanding, short circuits,
over/under- voltages/currents, grounding, and lightening, etc.
Merits of PV system :
The importance of the power generated by the PV system depends upon the
time of the day specially when the utility is experiencing the peak load. The PV plants
are well suited to summer peaking but it depends upon the climatic condition of
the site. The PV users can defer their load by adopting load management to get the
maximum benefit out of the grid-connected PV plants and feeding more power into the
grid at the time of peak load.With the installation of PV plants, the need of extra
transmission lines, transformers can be delayed or avoided. The distributed PV
plants can also contribute in providing reactive power support to the grid and
reduce burden on VAR compensators.
4.Give a short notes on: (i) Grid integrated PMSG (ii) SCIG based WECS. [CO4-L1]
5. (i)Explain with the aid of a diagram the operation of a grid integrated solar
photo voltaic system. [CO4-L1]
(iii) Explain how the isolation and temperature affects the I-V characteristics of a
solar cell. [CO4-L1]
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the voltage across the diode are both zero. The entire photocurrent (Iph) generated by
the solar radiation then flows to the output. The solar cell current has its maximum
(Isc). If the load resistance is increased, which results in an increasing voltage across
the p-n junction of the diode, a portion of the current flows through the diode and the
output current decreases by the same amount. When the load resistor is open-circuited,
the output current is zero and the entire photocurrent flows through the diode. The
relationship between current and voltage may be determined from the diode
characteristic equation.
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A plot of power (P) against voltage (V) for this device (Fig.b) shows that there is a
unique point on the I V curve at which the solar cell will generate maximum power. This
is known as the maximum power point (Vmp, Imp). To maximize the power output,
steps are usually taken during fabrication to maximize the three basic cell
parameters: open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, and fill factor (FF) a term
describing how ‘‘square’’ the I V curve is, given by
FF= (Vmp Imp ) / (Voc Isc)
For a silicon solar cell, FF is typically 0.6–0.8.
Because silicon solar cells typically produce only about 0.5 V, a number of cells are
connected in series in a PV module.
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Unit – V
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Hybrid Systems are powered by sun and wind or anyother renewanle energy
source to meet the increasing power demand.
Power electronics controllers manage multiple sources and monitor the status of
the system voltage, power and frequency based on the load requirement.
During grid failure the alternative resources supply the power demand.
In remote areas renewable energy sources such as PV can be added to power
systems using diesel and other fossil fuel powered generators to provide 24-hour
power economically and efficiently. Such systems are called ‘‘hybrid energy
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The switched configuration remains one of the most common installations today.
despite its operational limitations. The advantages of this system are:
The inverter can generate a sine-wave, modified square wave, or square wave,
depending on the particular application.
The diesel generator can supply the load directly, therefore improve the system
efficiency and reduce the fuel consumption.
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6. What is the charge controller used for wind energy conversion system.
Charge controllers is a power conditioning device which regulate the charge transfer
and prevent the battery from being excessively charged and discharged. The charge
controller control the power flow to the utility grid. The real power is controlled by an
outer maximum-power-point tracking (MPPT) algorithm with an inner dc link voltage-
control loop .Three types of charge controllers are commonly used: Series charge
regulators , Shunt charge regulators, Dc–dc onverters.
MPPT Algorithms
Perturb and Observe (PAO) ,
Incremental Conductance Technique (ICT), and
Constant Reference Voltage/Current.
Flux magnitude angle control (FMAC).
Hill climbing search (HCS).
Tip speed ratio (TSR) control.
Mapping power technique in which maps/curves are used to find out the optimum point.
Anemometer method which uses the predetermined look up table.
MPPT by maximum efficiency control and a maximum torque control.
Advance hill climb search (AHCS) technique.
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A maximum power point tracking control can prevent the collapse of the solar
array voltage under excessive load demand, particularly when supplying a constant type
of load.For a system without MPPT the voltage will quickly collapse to zero. This
phenomenon is understood from the I-V char of solar array.The flatness of I-V curve on
the left of MPP imply small incremental increase in the current demand lead to large
voltage change. On the I-V curve the operating point correspond to the max. power
point in the knee region.
MPPT's are most effective in Winter, and/or cloudy or hazy days - when the extra
power is needed the most.
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Cold weather - solar panels work better at cold temperatures, but without a MPPT you
are losing most of that. Cold weather is most likely in winter - the time when sun hours
are low and you need the power to recharge batteries the most.
Low battery charge - the lower the state of charge in your battery, the more current a
MPPT puts into them - another time when the extra power is needed the most. You
can have both of these conditions at the same time.
Long wire runs - If you are charging a 12 volt battery, and your panels are 100 feet
away, the voltage drop and power loss can be considerable unless you use very large
wire. That can be very expensive. But if you have four 12 volt panels wired in series
for 48 volts, the power loss is much less, and the controller will convert that high
voltage to 12 volts at the battery. That also means that if you have a high voltage
panel setup feeding the controller, you can use much smaller wire.
Water Pumping
Battery Charging
Grid-Interactive PV Power Generation
Medical Refrigeration
Village Power
Telecommunication and Signaling
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12. Classify the types of pumps used for solar water pumping applications?
Two types of pumps are commonly used for water-pumping applications:
Positive displacement
Both centrifugal and positive displacement pumps can be further classified
based on the type of motor used for the pumping application
Surface mounted, and
Submersible ( those that are submerged into the water ).
Displacement pumps have water output directly proportional to the speed of the
pump, but almost independent of head. These pumps are used for solar water
pumping from deep wells or bores. They may be piston-type pumps or use a
diaphragm driven by a cam or rotary screw, or use a progressive cavity system. The
pumping rate of these pumps is directly related to the speed, and hence constant torque
is desired.
Centrifugal pumps are used for low-head applications, especially if they are
directly interfaced with the solar panels. Centrifugal pumps are designed for fixed-head
applications, and the pressure difference generated increases in relation to the speed of
the pump. These pumps are of the rotating impeller type, which throws the water
radially against a casing shaped so that the momentum of the water is converted into
useful pressure for lifting. The centrifugal pumps have relatively high efficiency, but it
decreases at lower speeds, which can be a problem for a solar water-pumping system.
Part – B
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1. (i) What is MPPT? Discuss the types of MPPT with its merits and demerits?
(ii)Explain the incremental conduction Algorithm with a neat example. [CO5-H1]
Types of MPPT :
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be set to zero momentarily to measure the open circuit voltage and then
afterwards set to 76% of the measured voltage. Energy is wasted during the
time time the current is set to zero. The approximation setting the voltage to
76% of the measured voltage is not accurate. The CV is more effective than
P&O or IC method.
(ii) Short Current Pulse Method :The SC method achives MPP by giving
operating the current Iop to the current controlled power converter.The
optimum Iop for maximum power is proportional to the short circuit current Isc
under various irradiance levels. Iop=K.Isc where k is the proportionality
constant. To obtain Isc a static switch is connected in parallel with the PV
array to create a short circuit. Now to generate Iop refer Fig.c.
(iii) Open Voltage Method : The OV method achieves the maximum power point
MPP by assuming that the voltage at this point is always close to the open
ciruit voltage Vov.The temperature and solar insulation level change the MPP
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(iv) Perturb and Observe Method: The P& O technique operate by incrementing
and decrementing the array terminal voltage or current and comparing the PV
output power with the previous perturbation cycle. If the array operating
voltage changes then the MPP changes position as shown in Fig.e. Each time
the array terminal voltage perturbate the output power oscillate around the
maximum, thus resulting in power loss in the PV system. Also the condition
( dP / dV = 0 ) , output power is constant is valid only at constant atmospheric
condition.In Fig.f a perturbation of d V will bring the operating point to B .if the
irradiance increases then the operating point shift to C from the curve P1 to
P2.There is an increase in power output now.
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The tip speed ratio control : The TSR method regulates the rotational speed of the
generator in order to maintain the TSR to an optimum value at which power extracted is
maximum. This method requires both the wind speed and the turbine speed to be
measured or estimated in addition to requiring the knowledge of optimum TSR of the
turbine in order for the system to be able extract maximum possible power. The block
diagram of a WECS with TSR control is given below:
The Power signal feedback control : In PSF control, the maximum power curves need
to be obtained via simulations or off-line experiment on individual wind turbines. In this
method, reference power is generated either using a recorded maximum power curve or
using the mechanical power equation of the wind turbine where wind speed or the rotor
speed is used as the input. The block diagram of a WECS with PSF controller for
maximum power extraction is given below:
The Hill-climb search control : The HCS algorithm continuously searches for the peak
power of the wind turbine. It can overcome some of the common problems normally
associated with the other two methods. The tracking algorithm, depending upon the
location of the operating point and relation between the changes in power and speed,
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computes the desired optimum signal in order to drive the system to the point of
maximum power.The principle of HCS control and a WECS with HCS controller for
tracking maximum power points is given below:
4.Discuss with case study how to get maximum power generation in wind
energy conversion system. [CO5-H2]
5.Explain MPPT techniques for a WECS. [CO5-L1]
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A case study how to get maximum power generation in wind energy conversion
system. : An MPPT controller for variable speed WECS proposed.
The method proposed in does not require the knowledge of wind speed, air
density or turbine parameters. The MPPT controller generates at its output the optimum
speed command for speed control loop of rotor flux oriented vector controlled machine
side converter control system using only the instantaneous active power as its input.
The optimum speed commands, which enable the WECS to track peak power points,
are generated in accordance with the variation of the active power output due to the
change in the command speed generated by the controller.The proposed concept was
analyzed in a direct drive variable speed PMSG WECS with back-to-back IGBT
frequency converter. Vector control of the grid side converter was realized in the grid
voltage vector reference frame. The complete WECS control system is shown in Fig. A.
The MPPT controller computes the optimum speed for maximum power point using
information on magnitude and direction of change in power output due to the change in
command speed. The flow chart in Fig.B shows how the proposed MPPT controller is
The operation of the controller is explained below:
The active power Po(k) is measured, and if the difference between its values at present
and previous sampling instants ΔPo(k) is within a specified lower and upper power limits
PLand PM respectively then, no action is taken;
however, if the difference is outside this range, then certain necessary control action is
The control action taken depends upon the magnitude and direction of change in the ac
tive power due to the change in command speed.
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6. Show with case study how to get maximum power generation in solar energy
conversion system. [CO5-H2] (Refer any case study paper )
7. (i) With a neat sketch, describe the operation of PV-Diesel hybrid system.
(ii) Draw and describe the operation of Wind-PV hybrid system. [CO5-L1]
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prevents overcharging of the battery bank from the PV generator when the PV power
exceeds the load demand and the batteries are fully charged. It may include maximum
power point tracking to improve the utilization of the available photovoltaic energy,
although the energy gain is marginal for a well-sized system. The system can be
operated in manual or automatic mode, with the addition of appropriate battery
voltage sensing and start/stop control of the engine-driven generator.
• The engine-driven generator can be sized to be optimally loaded while supplying the
load and charging the battery bank, until a battery SOC of 70–80% is reached.
• No switching of AC power between the different energy sources is required, which
simplifies the electrical output interface.
• The power supplied to the load is not interrupted when the diesel generator is started.
• The inverter can generate a sine-wave, modified square wave, or square-wave
depending on the application.
• The inverter cannot operate in parallel with the engine driven generator, therefore the
inverter must be sized to supply the peak load of the system.
• The battery bank is cycled frequently, which shortens its lifetime.
• The cycling profile requires a large battery bank to limit the depth-of-discharge (DOD).
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• The overall system efficiency is low, since the diesel cannot supply power directly to
the load.
• Inverter failure results in complete loss of power to the load, unless the load can be
supplied directly from the diesel generator for emergency purposes.
The switched configuration shown in Fig.(b) remains one of the most common
installations today. despite its operational limitations.The system can be operated in
manual or automatic mode, with the addition of appropriate battery voltage
sensing and start/stop control of the engine-driven generator.
The advantages of this system are:
The inverter can generate a sine-wave, modified square wave, or square wave,
depending on the particular application.
The diesel generator can supply the load directly, therefore improve the
system efficiency and reduce the fuel consumption. – main advantage
The disadvantages are:
Power to the load is interrupted momentarily when the ac power sources are
The engine-driven alternator and inverter are typically designed to supply the
peak load, which reduces their efficiency at part-load operation.
The parallel configuration shown in Fig. ( c) allows all energy sources to supply the
load separately at low or medium load demand, as well as supplying peak loads from
combined sources by synchronizing the inverter with the alternator output
waveform. The bidirectional inverter can charge the battery bank (rectifier operation)
when excess energy is available from the engine-driven generator, as well as act as a
dc–ac converter (inverter operation). The bidirectional inverter may provide ‘‘peak
shaving’’ as part of the control strategy when the engine-driven generator is overloaded.
By using the same power electronic devices for both inverter and rectifier
operation, the number of system components is minimized.
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Mode (I): The base load, which is typically experienced at night and during the early
morning hours, is supplied by energy stored in the batteries. Photovoltaic power is
not available and the diesel generator is not started.
Mode (II): PV power is supplemented by stored energy to meet the medium load
Mode (III): Excess energy is available from the PV generator, which is stored in the
battery. The medium load demand is supplied from the PV generator.
Mode (IV): The diesel generator is started and operated at its nominal power to
meet the high evening load. Excess energy available from the diesel generator is used
to recharge the batteries.
Mode (V): The diesel generator power is insufficient to meet the peak load demand.
Additional power is supplied from the batteries by synchronizing the inverter ac
output voltage with the alternator waveform.
Mode (VI): The diesel generator power exceeds the load demand, but it is kept
operational until the batteries are recharged to a high state-of-charge level.
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In the conventional series hybrid systems shown in Fig.1, all power generators
feed DC power into a battery. Each component has therefore to be equipped with an
individual charge controller and in the case of a diesel generator with a rectifier. To
ensure reliable operation of series hybrid energy systems both the diesel generator and
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the inverter have to be sized to meet peak loads. This results in a typical system
operation where a large fraction of the generated energy is passed through battery
bank, therefore resulting in increased cycling of the battery bank and reduced system
efficiency. AC power delivered to the load is converted from DC to regulated AC by an
inverter or a motor generator unit.
The power generated by the diesel generator is first rectified and subsequently
converted back to AC before being supplied to the load, which incurs significant
conversion losses. The actual load demand determines the amount of electrical power
delivered by the PV array, wind generator, the battery bank, or the diesel generator. The
solar and wind charger prevents overcharging of the battery bank from the PV generator
when the PV power exceeds the load demand and the batteries are fully charged. It
may include MPPT to improve the utilization of the available PV energy, although the
energy gain is marginal for a well-sized system. The system can be operated in manual
or automatic mode, with the addition of appropriate battery voltage sensing and
start/stop control of the engine-driven generator.
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S.K.P. Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai VIII SEM
individual supply cases requiring high costs for engineering, hardware, repair, and
Furthermore, power system expandability for covering needs of growing energy
and power demand is also difficult. A better approach would be to integrate the RES on
the AC side rather than on the DC side as shown in Fig.(b). Parallel hybrid energy
systems are characterized by two significant improvements over the series and
switched system configuration.
The inverter plus the diesel generator capacity rather than their individual
component ratings limit the maximum load that can be supplied. Typically, this will lead
to a doubling of the system capacity. The capability to synchronize the inverter with the
diesel generator allows greater flexibility to optimize the operation of the system. Future
systems should be sized with a reduced peak capacity of the diesel generator, which
results in a higher fraction of directly used energy and hence higher system efficiencies.
Also mention the merits and demerits of each configuration.
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