Information On Genetics
Information On Genetics
Information On Genetics
Background: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a worldwide epidemic with considerable health and economic
consequences. Sulfonylureas are widely used drugs for the treatment of patients with T2D. KCNJ11 and ABCC8
encode the Kir6.2 (pore-forming subunit) and SUR1 (regulatory subunit that binds to sulfonylurea) of pancreatic β
cell KATP channel respectively with a critical role in insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis. TCF7L2 encodes a
transcription factor expressed in pancreatic β cells that regulates insulin production and processing. Because
mutations of these genes could affect insulin secretion stimulated by sulfonylureas, the aim of this study is to assess
associations between molecular variants of KCNJ11, ABCC8 and TCF7L2 genes and response to sulfonylurea
treatment and to predict their potential functional effects.
Methods: Based on a comprehensive literature search, we found 13 pharmacogenetic studies showing that single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in KCNJ11: rs5219 (E23K), ABCC8: rs757110 (A1369S), rs1799854 (intron 15,
exon 16 -3C/T), rs1799859 (R1273R), and TCF7L2: rs7903146 (intron 4) were significantly associated with responses to
sulfonylureas. For in silico bioinformatics analysis, SIFT, PolyPhen-2, PANTHER, MutPred, and SNPs3D were applied for
functional predictions of 36 coding (KCNJ11: 10, ABCC8: 24, and TCF7L2: 2; all are missense), and HaploReg v4.1,
RegulomeDB, and Ensembl’s VEP were used to predict functions of 7 non-coding (KCNJ11: 1, ABCC8: 1, and TCF7L2: 5)
SNPs, respectively.
Results: Based on various in silico tools, 8 KCNJ11 missense SNPs, 23 ABCC8 missense SNPs, and 2 TCF7L2 missense
SNPs could affect protein functions. Of them, previous studies showed that mutant alleles of 4 KCNJ11 missense SNPs
and 5 ABCC8 missense SNPs can be successfully rescued by sulfonylurea treatments. Further, 3 TCF7L2
non-coding SNPs (rs7903146, rs11196205 and rs12255372), can change motif(s) based on HaploReg v4.1 and are
predicted as risk factors by Ensembl’s VEP.
Conclusions: Our study indicates that a personalized medicine approach by tailoring sulfonylurea therapy of T2D
patients according to their genotypes of KCNJ11, ABCC8, and TCF7L2 could attain an optimal treatment efficacy.
Keywords: Sulfonylurea, Type 2 diabetes, Pharmacogenetics, ABCC8, KCNJ11, TCF7L2, Single nucleotide polymorphism,
Bioinformatics, In silico
* Correspondence:
Department of Global Biostatistics and Data Science, Tulane University
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Song et al. BMC Medical Genetics (2017) 18:64 Page 2 of 17
Fig. 1 A schematic representation of the pancreatic β cell illustrating the molecular model for insulin secretion mediated by KATP channel
comprising KCNJ11 and ABCC8 subunits in sulfonylurea treatment
Song et al. BMC Medical Genetics (2017) 18:64 Page 3 of 17
Sulfonylureas show considerable inter-individual varia- SUR1 subunit has three transmembrane domains, i.e.,
tions in the hypoglycemic response, with approximately TMD0, TMD1, and TMD3, and two nucleotide binding
10–20% of patients having a less than 20 mg/dl reduction in domains, i.e., NBD1 and NBD2. Between TMD0 and
fasting plasma glucose (FPG) following the initiation of sul- TMD1, there is a cytosolic loop called CL3 [27]. The loca-
fonylurea therapy (called primary sulfonylurea failure) [21]. tions of 24 missense SNPs (including the well-studied
Further, about 50–60% of patients will initially have a A1369S) in the ABCC8 protein that comprises 1581 amino
greater than 30 mg/dl reduction in FPG, but will fail to acids [28] are shown in Fig. 3. The human TCF7L2 gene
reach the desired glycemic treatment goals [21]. In contrast, consists of 17 exons, five of which are alternatively spliced
some T2D patients could have higher risks of mild or severe (i.e., exons 4, 13, 14, 15, and 16) and exhibits tissue-specific
hypoglycemia in response to sulfonylurea treatment [22–24]. expression [29]. The differential splicing of TCF7L2
Molecular variants of sulfonylurea drug target genes potentially gives rise to three groups of protein isoforms (i.e.,
KCNJ11, ABCC8, and TCF7L2 could lead to different re- short-, medium-, and large-length isoforms) with highly dif-
sponses to sulfonylurea therapy in T2D patients. Therefore, ferential functional properties. These three groups depend
their impacts need to be carefully evaluated. The primary ob- on the predicted stop codon usages, which are located in
jective of this study is to predict functional effects of 36 cod- exons 15, 16, 17 [30]. To date, TCF7L2 intronic SNP,
ing (KCNJ11: 10, ABCC8: 24, and TCF7L2: 2, and all rs7903146, represents the most significant risk variant for
missense) and 7 non-coding (KCNJ11: 1, ABCC8: 1, and T2D [31]. However, four other non-coding SNPs, i.e.,
TCF7L2: 5) SNPs that were identified from published litera- rs7901695, rs7895340, rs11196205 and rs12255372, have also
tures and MutDB database ( by been significantly associated with an increased risk of T2D
applying a spectrum of in silico bioinformatics tools. Each [32] and have been widely studied. The locations of these 5
Kir6.2 subunit has two transmembrane domains called M1 non-coding SNPs in the gene structure of TCF7L2 (including
and M2, and the pore-forming domain is located between the well-studied intronic SNP rs7903146) are illustrated in
them [25]. The locations of 10 missense SNPs (including the Fig. 4.
well-studied E23K) in the KCNJ11 protein that comprises
390 amino acids [26] are shown in Fig. 2, respectively. Each Methods
Literature search strategy
Comprehensive electronic literature searches of databases
M1 M2
including PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library,
extracellular Excerpta Medica Database (EMBASE) were performed up to
June 1, 2016 using the following keywords: sulfonylurea, type
2 diabetes, KCNJ11, ABCC8, and TCF7L2. A manual search
membrane of the references cited in initially identified articles was also
performed. Furthermore, we searched all relevant references
of three comprehensive review articles [5, 33, 34]. The search
cytoplasmic was restricted to English language articles.
Data extraction
E23K From each included study, the following data were extracted:
first author, publication year, SNP name, gene name, Na-
tional Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) dbSNP
I182V ( ID, study design, study
R192H E227K L270V
subjects, control source, length of follow-up, and results.
R74W CL3
N72S F132L
R495Q K1336N
E128K E382K
G716V NBD1
R1420C D1471H
Fig. 3 A schematic representation of 24 ABCC8 missense SNPs in the protein product. Each SUR1 subunit (i.e., ABCC8 protein product) contains 17
transmembrane helices, which are arranged in three transmembrane domains, i.e., TMD0, TMD1, and TMD2, respectively. The large cytosolic loop
between TMD0 and TMD1 is called cytosolic loops 3 (CL3). The large cytosolic domains following TMD1 and TMD2 contain nucleotide-binding domain
1 (NBD1) and NBD2, respectively
pph2/), (iii) PANTHER [37] ( and (iii) Ensembl’s VEP [43] (
tools/, (iv) MutPred [38]) ( Homo_sapiens/Tools/VEP?db=core)., and (v) SNPs3D [39] (
A total of 17 articles corresponding to 17 independent
Computational predictions of functional impacts of studies were qualified and subsequently included for
non-coding SNPs evaluating the relationships between KCNJ11, ABCC8 and
Three in silico tools were applied: (i) HaploReg v4.1 [40, 41] TCF7L2 SNPs and response to sulfonylurea in patients
( with T2D. The detailed characteristics of these 17 studies
eg.php), (ii) RegulomeDB [42] (, [44–60] were presented in Table 1. Of them, 13 studies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17
5’ 3’
∼75 kb ∼101 kb
Common Exon
Fig. 4 A schematic representation of 5 TCF7L2 non-coding SNPs in the gene structure. The start and stop codons are indicated by “ATG” (in exon 1)
and “STOP” (in exons 15, 16, and 17), respectively. Because of alternative splicing, 3 groups of protein isoforms (i.e., short-, medium-, and
large-length isoforms) can be generated by using different stop codons, which are indicated by “Short”, “Medium”, and “Long”, respectively
Table 1 Characteristics of included studies (N = 17)*
Study ID Author Year Gene SNP dbSNP ID Study Study Control Length of Results Association
Symbol Name Design Subjects Source Follow-up
Study 1 Gloyn 2001 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 RCT 363 Caucasian T2D and 307 UKPDS 1 year Variant allele did not significantly No
et al. [44] normoglycemic control subjects affect the response to SU therapy
Study 2 Sesti 2006 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 RCT 525 Caucasian T2D patients Hospital-based NA Secondary SU failure, K allele vs E Yes
et al. [45] with secondary SU failure allele (OR = 1.45; 95% CI 1.01–2.09;
P = 0.04). Adjustment for age, gender,
fasting glycemia, glycosylated
hemoglobin, age at diagnosis, and
duration of diabetes in a logistic
regression analysis did not change
this association (OR = 1.69; 95% CI:
1.02–2.78; P = 0.04)
Song et al. BMC Medical Genetics (2017) 18:64
Study 3 Feng 2008 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 RCT 1268 Chinese T2D patients Hospital-based 8 weeks E23K variant of the KCNJ11 gene Yes
et al. [46] treated with 8-week gliclazide was significantly associated with
decreases in FPG (P = 0.002).
Study 4 Holstein 2009 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 Case– 43 T2D patients treated with Hospital-based NA E23K variant was significantly Yes
et al. [47] control glimepiride or glibenclamide associated with increased HbA1c
levels (adjusted P = 0.04)
independent of age, sex, body
mass index, diabetes duration
and SU dose.
Study 5 Nikolac 2009 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 Cross- 228 Caucasian T2D patients Hospital-based NA For KCNI11 E23K polymorphism, No
et al. [48] sectional with SU therapy for different genotype groups,
there were no significant differences
of FPG, PPG, and HbA1c concentrations
(P = 0.143, 0.675, and 0.824, respectively)
Study 6 El-sisi 2011 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 Case– 50 Egyptian T2D patients with Hospital-based NA Secondary SU failure, EK + KK vs. EE Yes
et al. [49] control secondary SU failure (RR = 1.65; 95% CI: 1.04–2.6; P = 0.04).
Study 7 Javorsky 2012 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 RCT 55 T2D patients with 6-month Hospital-based 6 months For ΔHbA1c EK + KK vs. EE Yes
et al. [50] treatment of gliclazide (1.15 ± 0.09 vs. 0.80 ± 0.13, P = 0.036)
Study 7 Javorsky 2012 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 RCT 28 T2D patients with 6-month Hospital-based 6 months For ΔHbA1c EK + KK vs. EE No
et al. [50] treatment of glimepiride (1.10 ± 0.12 vs. 1.00 ± 0.19 P = 0.676)
Study 7 Javorsky 2012 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 RCT 14 T2D patients with 6-month Hospital-based 6 months For ΔHbA1c EK + KK vs. EE No
et al. [50] treatment of glibenclamide (1.05 ± 0.11 vs. 0.98 ± 0.09 P = 0.633)
Study 8 Ragia 2012 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 Case– 92 T2D patients (80 glimepiride/12 Hospital-based NA KCNJ11 E23K genotype and allele No
et al. [51] control gliclazide) who had experienced frequencies were not different
at least one drug-associated between hypoglycemic and
hypoglycemic event, while 84 non-hypoglycemic T2D patients
T2D patients (74 glimepiride/10 (P = 0.35 and 0.47, respectively).
gliclazide) who had never In logistic regression models before
experienced a hypoglycemic event and after adjustment for other risk
factors (age, body mass index,
sulfonylurea mean daily dose,
duration of T2D, renal function
Page 5 of 17
Table 1 Characteristics of included studies (N = 17)* (Continued)
and CYP2C9 genotype), KCNJ11 E23K
polymorphism did not affect
hypoglycemia risk
Study 9 Li et al. 2014 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 RCT 108 Chinese T2D patients Hospital-based 16 weeks Patients with the KK genotype had Yes
[52] treated with gliclazide larger augmentations in changes
for 16 weeks (Δ) in acute insulin response
(P = 0.049) and D body mass index
(P = 0.003); Patients with the EK
genotype had a lower variance in
changes in fasting insulin levels
(P = 0.049) and homeostasis model
assessment of β cell function
(P = 0.021) than those with the
KK genotype
Song et al. BMC Medical Genetics (2017) 18:64
Study 1 Gloyn 2001 KCNJ11 L270V rs1800467 RCT 363 Caucasian T2D patients UKPDS 1 year Variant allele did not significantly No
et al. [44] affect the response to SU therapy
Study 10 Meirhaeghe 2001 ABCC8 Intron 15, rs1799854 Cross- 70 T2D patients with 3 large representative NA For T2D patients treated with SU Yes
et al. [53] exon sectional SU therapy French samples (in agents, those subjects bearing at
16 -3C/T Lille, Strasbourg, and least one -3C allele and had fasting
Toulouse) plasma TG concentrations 35% lower
participating in the than TT homozygotes [2.20 mmol/L
risk factor surveys of (1.14–4.14) for TT vs. 1.43 mmol/L
the WHO-MONICA (0.81–2.52) for TC + CC; P = 0.026]
Study 11 Zychma 2002 ABCC8 Intron 15, rs1799854 Case– 68 Caucasian T2D patients Hospital-based NA There was no significant impact No
et al. [54] exon control who required insulin treatment of ABCC8 exon 16 -3C/T
16 -3C/T and had known diabetes polymorphism on the early
duration ≤ 5 years, compared ineffectiveness of SU treatment
to 99 Caucasian T2D patients (P = 0.4126 based on a Chi-square test)
receiving SU alone or in
combination with metformin
or acarbose with known
diabetes duration ≥ 15 years
Study 5 Nikolac 2009 ABCC8 Intron 15, rs1799854 Cross- 228 Caucasian T2D patients Hospital-based NA CC genotype of the ABCC8 exon Yes
et al. [48] exon sectional with SU therapy 16 polymorphism had significantly
16 -3C/T lower HbA1c concentration
compared to the patients with
T genotype [6.9 (6.2–7.7) mmol/L
vs. 8.1 (6.7–8.8) mmol/L; P = 0.009]
Study 12 Nikolac 2012 ABCC8 Intron 15, rs1799854 Cross- 251 Caucasian T2D patients Hospital-based NA Polymorphic allele carriers of the Yes
et al. [55] exon sectional with SU therapy ABCC8 intron 15 -3C/T (which is
16 -3C/T 3 bp ahead of exon 16) polymorphism
were more frequent in the subgroup
of patients with the TG concentration
increase after 6 months (P for
genotype and allelic differences:
0.024 and 0.015, respectively)
Page 6 of 17
Table 1 Characteristics of included studies (N = 17)* (Continued)
Study 13 Zhang 2007 ABCC8 A1369S rs757110 RCT 115 T2D patients with gliclazide Hospital-based 8 weeks For ΔHbA1c TG + GG vs. TT Yes
et al. [56] treatment for 8 weeks (1.60 ± 1.39 vs. 0.76 ± 1.70, P = 0.044)
Study 3 Feng 2008 ABCC8 A1369S rs757110 RCT 1268 Chinese T2D patients Hospital-based 8 weeks Compared with TT genotype, Yes
et al. [46] treated with 8-week gliclazide subjects with the GG genotype had
a 7.7% greater decrease in FPG
(P < 0.001), an 11.9% greater decrease
in 2-h plasma glucose (P = 0.003),
and a 3.5% greater decrease in
HbA1c (P = 0.06)
Study 14 Sato 2010 ABCC8 A1369S rs757110 Case– 32 patients with T2D admitted Hospital-based NA There were no significant differences No
et al. [57] control to hospital with severe in ABCC8 A1369S genotype
hypoglycemia and 125 distribution between patients with
consecutive T2D outpatients or without severe hypoglycemia
without severe hypoglycemia, (P = 0.26). Moreover, the A1369
Song et al. BMC Medical Genetics (2017) 18:64
gave positive results, which showed that 1 SNP located in increased risk of T2D [44, 62, 63]. Furthermore, some
KCNJ11 rs5219 (E23K) [45–47, 49, 50, 52], 3 SNPs located studies also found that the K allele carriers had better thera-
in ABCC8: rs757110 (A1369S) [46, 56], rs1799854 (intron peutic response to gliclazide in comparison with the EE
15, exon 16 -3C/T) [48, 53, 55], rs1799859 (R1273R) [48, homozygous wild-type group [50], as well as an increased
55], and 1 SNP located in TCF7L2: rs7903146 (intron 4) risk of sulfonylurea treatment failure [45, 49]. In addition,
[58–60], were significantly associated with responses to E23K variant was significantly associated with an increase
sulfonylureas. It is noteworthy that no uniform definition of glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level [47] and fasting
of response to sulfonylurea therapy was used across these glucose level that patients with the KK homozygous variant
17 independent studies. Javorsky et al. (2012) [50] defined genotype had lower fasting glucose levels than those with
response to sulfonylurea as change in HbA1c level to sul- the EE/EK heterozygous genotype [52]. Importantly, recent
fonylurea at 6-month therapy. Feng et al. (2008) [46] de- evidence demonstrated that patients with KCNJ11 variants
fined response to sulfonylurea as percent decrease in FPG responded more efficiently to sulfonylurea than insulin
and also FPG at day 57 as < 7.8 mmol/l as well as percent [64–66]. Another KCNJ11 polymorphism that was associ-
decrease in HbA1c after 8-week sulfonylurea therapy, and ated with sulfonylurea treatment responses is rs5210 which
Holstein et al. (2009) [47] defined this drug response is located in 3’- untranslated region (UTR). A study
phenotype as sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia, which conducted in two independent cohorts of Chinese T2D
refers to a symptomatic event requiring treatment with patients (cohort 1: n = 661, cohort 2: n = 607) treated with
intravenous glucose that was confirmed by a blood glu- gliclazide demonstrated that KCNJ11 rs5210 was positively
cose measurement of <50 mg/dl. Meirhaeghe et al. (2001) associated with gliclazide response in cohort 1 study [46].
[53] defined response to sulfonylurea as post-treatment
fasting insulin, FPG, fasting plasma total cholesterol, and ABCC8
fasting plasma triglyceride concentrations, and Schroner The most widely studied genetic polymorphism of ABCC8
et al. (2011) [59] defined this drug response phenotype as for sulfonylurea response is S1369A (i.e., rs757110) located
change of HbA1c (%) and changes of FPG for 3-month in exon 33 [67]. This genetic variant was demonstrated to
treatment and 6-month treatment, respectively. Pearson influence antidiabetic efficacy of sulfonylurea treatment in
et al. (2007) [58] defined response to sulfonylurea as fail- Chinese [46, 56], as well as an increased sensitivity to glicla-
ure to reach a target HbA1c < 7% within 1-year treatment zide [56]. More importantly, KCNJ11 E23K and ABCC8
and minimum HbA1c achieved within 1-year treatment, S1369A, two common KATP channel mutations that were
and they also considered time taken on sulfonylurea treat- in strong linkage disequilibrium, form a haplotype that
ment to achieve target HbA1c < 7% as a drug response appears to be associated with an increased T2D risk [68].
phenotype. In addition, Sesti et al. (2006) [45] defined sec- Additional ABCC8 gene polymorphisms including
ondary sulfonylurea failure as FPG greater than 300 mg/dl rs1799854 (intron 15, exon 16 -3C/T) and rs1799859 (exon
despite sulfonylurea-metformin combined therapy and ap- 31) had been shown to be associated with sulfonylurea
propriate diet, in the absence of other conditions causing treatment efficacy in Caucasians [48, 55].
hyperglycemia, but Holstein et al. (2011) [60] defined sec-
ondary sulfonylurea failure as the addition of insulin after TCF7L2
at least 6-month sulfonylurea therapy and corresponding Previous studies have shown that several non-coding gen-
HbA1c ≥ 7%. In the following, we first summarize major etic variants of TCF7L2 are associated with T2D risk in
results of SNPs’ effects on sulfonylurea responses in a populations of diverse ancestries from countries encom-
gene-by-gene manner, and then, we present functional passing United Kingdom [69], the Netherlands [70],
prediction results for nsSNPs and non-coding SNPs by re- Finland [32], Sweden [71], France [72], United States [73],
spective online bioinformatics tools. India [74], and Japan [75] populations. Among these T2D-
associated TCF7L2 variants, rs7903146 (intron 4) showed
KCNJ11 the strongest association with T2D [76]. Significant reduc-
The most widely studied genetic polymorphism of KCNJ11 tions in HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose levels following
for sulfonylurea response is E23K (i.e., rs5219) located in a combined sulfonylurea and metformin treatment be-
exon 1 [33]. However, functional effects of KCNJ11 E23K tween T2D patients with CC genotype and those with
polymorphism on the secretion and sensitivity of insulin in CT/TT genotype were associated with TCF7L2 rs7903146
humans remain contentious [5]. Recent larger studies dem- variant allele [59]. Moreover, the rs12255372 variant,
onstrated that a significant reduction of insulin secretion, together with the rs7903146 variant, was shown to be
lower levels of insulin, and an improvement of insulin sen- associated with a significantly more frequent treatment
sitivity were related to E23K variant in KCNJ11 gene [61]. failure [58–60]. It shall be noted that although in previous
Moreover, E23K variant was associated with T2D develop- literatures, e.g., as in [32, 77], TCF7L2 rs7901695 and
ment, which means that the K allele carriers had an rs7903146 are indicated to be in intron 3, and rs7895340,
Song et al. BMC Medical Genetics (2017) 18:64 Page 10 of 17
rs11196205 and rs12255372 are indicated to be in intron missense SNPs (P179H, K323N), and the remaining 11
4, this is because exon 4, which is a variable exon, is often SNPs were classified as benign (PolyPhen-2 score range:
named as “3a” [78]. Because of a high incorporation in 0.000–0.402) (Table 2).
pancreatic β cells [79], exon 4 shall be included in the gene
structure, such that rs7901695 and rs7903146 shall be indi- Analysis of functional effects of nsSNPs by PANTHER
cated as located in intron 4, and rs7895340, rs11196205, PANTHER characterizes likely functional effect of amino
and rs12255372 in intron 5, respectively, e.g., as in [80]. For acid variation by means of a hidden Markov model-based
the linear ordering of these 5 non-coding SNPs, according statistical modeling and evolutionary relationship. The SNP
to the most updated (i.e., as of April 18, 2017) NCBI with subSPEC score ≤ −3 is considered as intolerant or
dbSNP, the chromosomal coordinates for rs7901695, deleterious, whereas SNP with subSPEC score > −3 is classi-
rs7903146, rs7895340, rs11196205 and rs12255372 are fied to be less deleterious [83]. A total of 14 amino acid
112994329, 112998590, 113041766, 113047288, and 113 substitutions were classified as intolerant (subSPEC score
049143, respectively, on human chromosome 10 based on range: from−8.97797 to−3.12006) including 3 KCNJ11 mis-
GRCh38.p7 assembly. Therefore, the linear ordering shall sense SNPs (R27H, R192H, E227K), 9 ABCC8 missense
be rs7901695-rs7903146-rs7895340-rs11196205-rs1225537 SNPs (L213R, R495Q, L503P, F686S, G716V, L1349Q,
2, as shown in Fig. 4 (all drawings in Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are S1386F, L1389P, D1471H) and 2 TCF7L2 missense SNPs
not to their exact scales and are for illustration purposes), (P179H, K323N), another 10 amino acid substitutions were
which is agreement with that of [77]. classified as tolerated (subSPEC score range: from−2.72126
to−0.69172), and the remaining 12 amino acid substitutions
In silico bioinformatics analysis results did not have subSPEC scores (Table 2).
For KCNJ11, ABCC8 and TCF7L2 genes, functional pre-
diction results for 36 nsSNPs by SIFT, PolyPhen-2, PAN- Analysis of functional effects of nsSNPs by MutPred
THER, MutPred, and SNPs3D were presented in Table 2, MutPred predicts molecular causes of disease or dele-
and those prediction results for 7 non-coding SNPs by terious amino acid substitution. A total of 30 nsSNPs
HaploReg v4.1, RegulomeDB and Ensembl’s VEP were had p-values > 0.5, which were considered to be func-
presented in Table 3. tional [84] (MutPred Pdeleterious range: 0.566-0.981),
which included 6 KCNJ11 missense SNPs (V59M, I182V,
Analysis of functional effects of SNPs by SIFT SIFT R192H, R201H, E227K, L270V), 23 ABCC8 missense
was used to predict the functional impact of an nsSNP on SNPs (G7R, N24K, F27S, N72S, R74W, A116P, E128K,
a protein molecule. An nsSNP with a SIFT score ≤ 0.05 is F132L, V187D, L213R, E382K, R495Q, E501K, L503P,
considered as having a deleterious effect on protein func- F686S, G716V, K1336N, L1349Q, S1386F, L1389P,
tion [81]. A total of 22 nsSNPs were predicted to affect R1420C, I1424V, D1471H) and 2 TCF7L2 missense
protein function (SIFT score range: 0.00-0.03) including 4 SNPs (P179H, K323N) (Table 2).
KCNJ11 missense SNPs (R192H, R201H, E227K, S385C),
16 ABCC8 missense SNPs (G7R, N24K, F27S, R74W, Analysis of functional consequences of SNPs by
E128K, V187D, R495Q, E501K, L503P, F686S, L1349Q, SNPs3D SNPs3D assigns molecular functional effects of
S1386F, L1389P, R1420C, I1424V, D1471H), and 2 nsSNPs based on structure and sequence analysis. Of
TCF7L2 missense SNPs (P179H, K323N), whereas the the 36 nsSNPs, SNPs3D SVM score was available for
remaining 14 missense SNPs were predicted to be toler- only 7 nsSNPs (KCNJ11: 2, ABCC8: 3, and TCF7L2: 2).
ated (SIFT score range: 0.12–1.00) (Table 2). Of them, two nsSNPs, i.e., R1420C amino acid substitu-
tion of ABCC8 gene and K323N amino acid substitution
Analysis of functional effects of nsSNPs by of TCF7L2 gene, had SVM scores < 0, which were classi-
PolyPhen-2 PolyPhen-2 calculates a naïve Bayes poster- fied as deleterious substitutions [85] (Table 2).
ior probability for a given mutation that it will be benign
(PolyPhen-2 score < 0.15), possibly damaging (PolyPhen-2 Analysis of functional consequences of SNPs by
score is greater than or equal to 0.15 but is less than 0.85), HaploReg v4.1 HaploReg v4.1 is an online software for
or probably damaging (PolyPhen-2 score ≥ 0.85), respect- exploring annotations of the non-coding genome among
ively [82]. A total of 25 nsSNPs were predicted to be prob- those results of published genome-wide association studies
ably damaging to protein function (PolyPhen-2 score or new sets of genetic variants, which help researchers to
range: 0.877–1.000), which includes 5 KCNJ11 missense integrate DNA regulatory elements data with genetic vari-
SNPs (V59M, I182V, R192H, R201H, E227K), 18 ABCC8 ants to quickly formulate novel biological hypotheses [40,
missense SNPs (G7R, N24K, F27S, R74W, A116P, E128K, 41]. As predicted by HaploReg v4.1, rs1799854, rs7895340,
F132L, R495Q, E501K, L503P, F686S, G716V, L1349Q, rs7903146, rs11196205 and rs12255372 could change 4, 2
S1386F, L1389P, R1420C, I1424V, D1471H) and 2 TCF7L2 (i.e., Irf and PRDM1), 7, 1 (i.e., SMC3), and 5 DNA motifs
Table 2 In silico predicted functional effects of 36 non-synonymous SNPs in the pharmacogenetics of sulfonylureas treatment by SIFT, PolyPhen-2, PANTHER, MutPred, and
SNP ID Gene Symbol SNP Name dbSNP ID SNP Location Chromosome SIFT Score/ PolyPhen-2 PANTHER PANTHER MutPred SNPs3D
Location Prediction Score/Prediction subSPEC Pdeleterious Pdeleterious Score
SNP1 KCNJ11 E23K rs5219 Exon 1 11:17388025 1.00/Tolerated 0.001/Benign −0.69172 0.09044 0.35 2
SNP2 KCNJ11 R27H NA Exon 1 NA 0.18/Tolerated 0.006/Benign −3.75303 0.67984 0.248 NA
SNP3 KCNJ11 V59M NA Exon 1 NA 0.12/Tolerated 0.999/Probably damaging −2.72126 0.43076 0.855 NA
SNP4 KCNJ11 I182V NA Exon 1 NA 0.98/Tolerated 0.998/Probably damaging −1.62168 0.20128 0.684 NA
SNP5 KCNJ11 R192H NA Exon 1 NA 0.01/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging −6.9765 0.98159 0.816 NA
SNP6 KCNJ11 R201H rs80356624 Exon 1 11:17387490 0.00/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging NA NA 0.981 NA
Song et al. BMC Medical Genetics (2017) 18:64
SNP7 KCNJ11 E227K NA Exon 1 NA 0.00/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging −7.17583 0.98487 0.94 NA
SNP8 KCNJ11 L270V rs1800467 Exon 1 11:17387284 0.13/Tolerated 0.003/Benign −1.54301 0.18893 0.566 0.68
SNP9 KCNJ11 I337V rs5215 Exon 1 11:17387083 0.73/Tolerated 0.000/Benign −0.89045 0.10817 0.462 0.94
SNP10 KCNJ11 S385C rs41282930 NA 11:17386938 0.02/Affect Protein 0.380/Possibly damaging NA NA 0.229 NA
SNP11 ABCC8 G7R NA Exon 1 NA 0.00/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging NA NA 0.863 NA
SNP12 ABCC8 N24K NA Exon 1 NA 0.03/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging NA NA 0.877 NA
SNP13 ABCC8 F27S NA Exon 1 NA 0.00/Affect Protein 0.884/Probably damaging NA NA 0.858 NA
SNP14 ABCC8 N72S rs80356634 Exon 2 11:17474961 0.12/Tolerated 0.402/Possibly damaging NA NA 0.802 NA
SNP15 ABCC8 R74W NA Exon 2 NA 0.00/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging NA NA 0.904 NA
SNP16 ABCC8 A116P NA NA NA 0.12/Tolerated 1.000/Probably damaging NA NA 0.825 NA
SNP17 ABCC8 E128K NA Exon 3 NA 0.02/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging NA NA 0.829 NA
SNP18 ABCC8 F132L rs80356637 Exon 3 11:17470119 0.16/Tolerated 0.877/Possibly damaging NA NA 0.847 NA
SNP19 ABCC8 V187D NA Exon 4 NA 0.01/Affect Protein 0.042/Benign NA NA 0.857 NA
SNP20 ABCC8 L213R rs80356642 Exon 5 11:17461767 0.41/Tolerated 0.212/Possibly damaging −3.12006 0.52998 0.786 NA
SNP21 ABCC8 E382K rs80356651 NA 11:17453151 0.27/Tolerated 0.392/Possibly damaging −1.96296 0.26172 0.872 NA
SNP22 ABCC8 R495Q NA Exon 10 NA 0.00/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging −8.28432 0.99496 0.906 NA
SNP23 ABCC8 E501K NA Exon 10 NA 0.00/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging −2.39817 0.35392 0.948 NA
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Table 2 In silico predicted functional effects of 36 non-synonymous SNPs in the pharmacogenetics of sulfonylureas treatment by SIFT, PolyPhen-2, PANTHER, MutPred, and
SNPs3D* (Continued)
SNP24 ABCC8 L503P NA Exon 10 NA 0.00/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging −4.69708 0.84515 0.964 NA
SNP25 ABCC8 F686S NA Exon 15 NA 0.01/Affect Protein 0.998/Probably damaging −4.1174 0.75351 0.909 NA
SNP26 ABCC8 G716V rs72559723 Exon 16 11:17427124 0.18/Tolerated 1.000/Probably damaging −8.97797 0.99747 0.974 NA
SNP27 ABCC8 K1336N NA NA NA 0.25/Tolerated 0.016/Benign −1.84974 0.24044 0.693 NA
SNP28 ABCC8 L1349Q NA Exon 33 NA 0.01/Affect Protein 0.997/Probably damaging −4.16681 0.76257 0.912 NA
SNP29 ABCC8 A1369S rs757110 Exon 33 11:17396930 0.51/Tolerated 0.000/Benign −0.85285 0.1046 0.323 0.87
SNP30 ABCC8 S1386F NA Exon 34 NA 0.00/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging −4.60703 0.833 0.95 NA
Song et al. BMC Medical Genetics (2017) 18:64
SNP31 ABCC8 L1389P NA Exon 34 NA 0.00/Affect Protein 0.993/Probably damaging −4.93634 0.87395 0.886 NA
SNP32 ABCC8 R1420C rs28938469 Exon 35 11:17395659 0.00/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging NA NA 0.863 −1.19
SNP33 ABCC8 I1424V rs80356653 Exon 35 11:17395647 0.00/Affect Protein 0.988/Probably damaging −2.02622 0.27413 0.882 NA
SNP34 ABCC8 D1471H NA Exon 36 NA 0.00/Affect Protein 0.994/Probably damaging −4.60764 0.83308 0.913 NA
SNP35 TCF7L2 P179H rs3197486 NA 10:113141236 0.00/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging −5.62868 0.93268 0.879 0.01
SNP36 TCF7L2 K323N rs2757884 NA 10:113151761 0.00/Affect Protein 1.000/Probably damaging −4.23841 0.77529 0.309 −0.15
Abbreviations: MutPred Mutation Prediction, PANTHER, Protein ANalysis THrough Evolutionary Relationships, PolyPhen-2 Polymorphism Phenotyping v2, SIFT Sorting Intolerant from Tolerant, SNP Single Nucleotide
Polymorphism, subSPEC subStitution Position-specific Evolutionary Conservation, NA Not Available
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Table 3 In silico predicted functional effects of 7 non-coding SNPs in the pharmacogenetics of sulfonylureas treatment by Haploreg v4.1, RegulomeDB, and Ensembl’s VEP*
SNP ID Gene Symbol dbSNP ID SNP Location Chromosome Location HaploReg v4.1 RegulomeDB Ensembl’s VEP
(GRCh38.p7) Motifs changed by SNP Score/Prediction
SNP37 KCNJ11 rs5210 3’-UTR 11:17386704 None 4/Minimal binding evidence NA
SNP38 ABCC8 rs1799854 Intron 15 11:17427157 4 altered motifs 5/Minimal binding evidence NA
SNP39 TCF7L2 rs7895340 Intron 5 10:113041766 Irf, PRDM1 NA NA
SNP40 TCF7L2 rs7901695 Intron 4 10:112994329 None 5/Minimal binding evidence NA
SNP41 TCF7L2 rs7903146 Intron 4 10:112998590 7 altered motifs 5/Minimal binding evidence Risk factor
SNP42 TCF7L2 rs11196205 Intron 5 10:113047288 SMC3 5/Minimal binding evidence Risk factor
SNP43 TCF7L2 rs12255372 Intron 5 10:113049143 5 altered motifs NA Risk factor
*Abbreviations: RegulomeDB Regulome Database, SNP Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, UTR Untranslated Region, VEP Variant Effect Predictor, NA Not Available
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Song et al. BMC Medical Genetics (2017) 18:64 Page 14 of 17
for DNA-binding proteins, and could have regulatory SNPs — rs7903146, rs11196205 and rs12255372 were
effects on gene transcription. Neither rs5210 nor rs7901695 predicted as risk factor based on Ensembl’s VEP, although
appear to change known motifs (Table 3). their functional impacts in sulfonylurea results need to be
elucidated by further experimental studies.
Analysis of functional consequences of SNPs by
RegulomeDB RegulomeDB is a database that annotates
SNPs with known and predicted regulatory elements in the
The ultimate goal of pharmacogenetics is the development
intergenic regions of the human genome. Of the 7 non-
of personalized medicine through individual genetic profiles
coding SNPs, rs5210, rs1799854, rs7901695, rs7903146,
which would accurately predict which individuals with a
and rs11196205 had RegulomeDB scores of 4, 5, 5, 5, and
specific medical condition would respond to a specific med-
5, respectively, which were all classified as having minimal
ical therapy. Traditional medicine refers to the broad appli-
binding evidence. Predictions were not available for either
cation of “standard of care” or “one-size-fits-all” treatments
rs7895340 or rs12255372 (Table 3).
to all patients with a given diagnosis. In contrast, personal-
ized medicine, often described as providing “the right drug
Analysis of functional consequences of SNPs by
for the right patient at the right dose and time” [87], tailors
Ensembl’s VEP The Ensembl’s VEP determines the ef-
medical treatment according to each patient’s personal his-
fects of genetic variants on genes, transcripts, and protein
tory, genetic profile and/or specific biomarkers [88, 89],
sequences, as well as regulatory regions. Three non-
Therefore, the full application of personalized medicine in
coding SNPs of TCF7L2 gene, i.e., rs7903146, rs11196205
health care will require significant changes in regulatory and
and rs12255372, were predicted as risk factors (Table 3).
reimbursement policies as well as legislative protections for
privacy. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has up-
dated the labels of more than 120 drugs with recommenda-
Sulfonylureas are a class of drugs that stimulates insulin se-
tions for genetic testing prior to their use [90]. Currently,
cretion by closing KATP channels in pancreatic β cells. It
most genetic testing is based genotypic effects. Haplotypes
has been estimated that 10–20% of individuals treated do
of multiple linked genetic variants provide more precise
not attain adequate glycemic control, and 5–10% initially
information of their functional impacts than individual
responding to sulfonylurea subsequently lose the ability to
genetic markers [91, 92], which could also be potentially
maintain near-normal glycemic level [86]. This implies that
important for diagnosis and prognosis [93]. In future, regu-
genetic factors are linked with treatment efficacy of sulfo-
latory authorities shall formulate clear guidelines for evaluat-
nylureas. In our study, that includes 17 studies, two
ing and approving personalized diagnostics and therapeutics
KCNJ11 SNPs — rs5219 (E23K) (exon 1) and rs5210 (3’-
and identify patients who can benefit from them.
UTR), three ABCC8 SNPs — rs757110 (A1369S) (exon 33),
rs1799854 (intron 15, exon 16 -3C/T), rs1799859 (R1273R) Abbreviations
(exon 31), and two TCF7L2 SNPs rs7903146 (intron 4) and ABCC8: ATP Binding Cassette Subfamily C Member 8; ADP: Adenosine
rs12255372 (intron 5) have been associated with response diphosphate; ATP: Adenosine triphosphate; cAMP: Cyclic adenosine
monophosphate; CL: cytosolic loop; dbSNP: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
to sulfonylureas. Based on bioinformatics predictions for 36 database; EMBASE: Excerpta Medica Database; GLP-1: Glucagon-like peptide-1;
selected coding SNPs (all are missense) for KCNJ11, HbA1c: Glycated hemoglobin A1c; Go-DARTS: Genetics of Diabetes Audit and
ABCC8, and TCF7L2, by applying a set of computational Research Study in Tayside Scotland; KATP: ATP-sensitive K+ channel;
KCNJ11: Potassium channel, inwardly rectifying subfamily J, member 11;
tools — SIFT, PolyPhen-2, PANTHER, MutPred, and Kir: Inwardly rectifying K(+); LEF: Lymphocyte enhancer factor;
SNPs3D. Our bioinformatics prediction results demon- MutPred: Mutation prediction; NBD: nucleotide binding domain; NCBI: National
strated that 8 KCNJ11 missense SNPs (R27H, V59M, Center for Biotechnology Information; nsSNP: Non-synonymous single
nucleotide polymorphism; PANTHER: Protein analysis through evolutionary
I182V, R192H, R201H, E227K, L270V, and S385C), 23 relationships; PKA: Protein kinase A; PolyPhen-2: Polymorphism phenotyping v2;
ABCC8 missense SNPs (G7R, N24K, F27S, N72S, R74W, RCT: Randomized clinical trial; RegulomeDB: Regulome database; SIFT: Sorting
A116P, E128K, F132L, V187D, L213R, E382K, R495Q, intolerant from tolerant; SNP: Single nucleotide polymorphism; SU: Sulfonylurea;
subSPEC: subStitution Position-specific Evolutionary Conservation;
E501K, L503P, F686S, G716V, K1336N, L1349Q, S1386F, SUR: Sulfonylurea receptor; T2D: Type 2 diabetes; TCF: T-cell factor; TCF7L2:
L1389P, R1420C, I1424V, D1471H), and 2 TCF7L2 mis- T-cell factor 7-like 2; TMD: transmembrane domain; UKPDS: United Kingdom
sense SNPs (P179H, K323N) could affect protein functions Prospective Diabetes Study; UTR: Untranslated region; VEP: Variant effect
predictor; WHO-MONICA: World Health Organization-Multinational MONItoring
with SIFT score ≤ 0.05, or PolyPhen-2 score ≥ 0.85, or PAN- of trends and determinants of CArdiovascular diseases; Wnt: Wingless type
THER subSPEC score ≤ −3, or MutPred > 0.5, or SNPs3D
score < 0. Of them, previous studies showed that mutant al- Acknowledgements
leles of 4 KCNJ11 missense SNPs (R27H, V59M, R192H, Dr. Yu-Ping Wang and Dr. Tianhua Niu are supported in part by NIH
and R201H) and 5 ABCC8 missense SNPs (G7R, N24K, 1R01GM109068-01A1. Dr. Tianhua Niu is also supported in part by a start-up fund
of the Center for Bioinformatics and Genomics, Tulane University. Dr. Franck
F27S, R74W, and E128K) can be successfully rescued by Mauvais-Jarvis is supported by NIH R01 DK074970, the American Diabetes
sulfonylurea treatments. In addition, 3 TCF7L2 non-coding Association (7-13-BS-101), and the Price-Goldsmith Endowed Chair in Nutrition.
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