Undertaking Letter Format
Undertaking Letter Format
Undertaking Letter Format
Employee Name:
Employee ID:
I say that the Home Loan Provisional Certificate provided is true & fair. I
certify that the Certificate issued by _____________ (name of Banker or Financial
institution) is original & fair.
I agree, confirm and undertake that your company would not be concern
and / or shall not be liable and /or responsible for any kind or irregularities in
respect of any matter arising from the Tax Authorities.
I hereby enclosed a copy of the Home Loan Provisional Certificate, for your
convenience and record.
I agree, confirm and undertake that whatever that is stated herein is true
and correct and has been executed by me in a fit and sound state of mind,
without any force pressure, duress or coercion from any person/s
Solemnly declared at Mumbai )
On this the ____ day of ______, 20 . )
Yours truly,
Employee Name:
Employee ID: