Diploma in Mechanical Engineering: Pedal Powered Water Pump
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering: Pedal Powered Water Pump
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering: Pedal Powered Water Pump
Major project
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his valuable time for completing the project “PEDAL POWERED WATER PUMP”
Our special thanks to Mr. Chaman Lal , H.O.D. Mechanical for his encouragement
Finally we thank all unmentioned names & visible names who helped us in bringing this
Last but not the least I wish to avail myself this opportunity, express a sense of gratitude
& love to my friends and my beloved parents for their mutual support , strength, and help
for everything.
Place : Chandigarh
Certified that the present project work entitled “PEDAL POWERED WATER
Submitted by
Jaspreet Singh-(5328/12)
Mahesh Kumar-(5329/12)
Mohit Mahajan-(5330/12)
Mukesh Sumra-(5331/12)
Neeraj Kumar-(5333/12)
Nikhil Arora-(5334/12)
Sector-26, Chandigarh
1. Introduction to Pumps
2. Types of pumps
3. Centrifugal pump
13. Conclusion
Pumps – convert mechanical energy into fluid energy.
Pumps come in a variety of sizes for a wide range of applications. They can be
classified according to their basic operating principle as dynamic or displacement
pumps. Dynamic pumps can be sub-classified as centrifugal and special effect pumps.
Displacement pumps can be sub-classified as rotary or reciprocating pumps.
In principle, any liquid can be handled by any of the pump designs. Where different
pump designs could be used, the centrifugal pump is generally the most economical
followed by rotary and reciprocating pumps. Although, positive displacement pumps
are generally more efficient than centrifugal pumps, the benefit of higher efficiency
tends to be offset by increased maintenance costs.
Since, worldwide, centrifugal pumps account for the majority of electricity used by
pumps, the focus of this chapter is on centrifugal pump.
A centrifugal pump is of a very simple design. The two main parts of the pump are the
impeller and the diffuser. Impeller, which is the only moving part, is attached to a shaft
and driven by a motor. Impellers are generally made of bronze, polycarbonate, cast iron,
stainless steel as well as other materials. The diffuser (also called as volute)
houses the impeller and captures and directs the
water off the impeller.
The pressure (head) that a pump will develop is in direct relationship to the impeller
diameter, the number of impellers, the size of impeller eye, and shaft speed. Capacity is
determined by the exit width of the impeller. The head and capacity are the main
factors, which affect the horsepower size of the motor to be used. The more the quantity
of water to be pumped, the more energy is required.
Reciprocating pumps are those which cause the fluid to move using one or more
oscillating pistons, plungers or membranes (diaphragms).
To 'Reciprocate' means 'To Move Backwards and Forwards'.A
'RECIPROCATING' pump therefore, is one with a forward and backward
operating action.The simplest reciprocating pump is the 'Bicycle Pump', which
everyone at some time or other will have used to re-inflate their bike tyres.
Reciprocating-type pumps require a system of suction and discharge valves to
ensure that thefluid moves in a positive direction. Pumps in this category range
from having "simplex" onecylinder, to in some cases "quad" four cylinders or
more. Most reciprocating-type pumps are"duplex" (two) or "triplex" (three)
Furthermore, they can be either "single acting" independent suction and discharge
strokes or"double acting" suction and discharge in both directions. The pumps
can be powered by air,steam or through a belt drive from an engine or motor
This type of pump was used extensively in the early days of steam propulsion
(19th century) as boiler feed water pumps
Reciprocating pumps are now typically used for pumping highly viscous fluids
including concrete and heavy oils, and special applications demanding low flow
rates against high resistance.
Reciprocating pump
Working Principle
Reciprocating pump is a positive displacement pump, which causes a fluid to move by
trapping a Fixed amount of it then displacing that trapped volume into the discharge
pipe. The fluid enters a pumping chamber via an inlet valve and is pushed out via a
outlet valve by the action of the piston or diaphragm. They are either single acting;
independent suction and discharge strokes or double acting; suction and discharge in
both directions. During the suction stroke the piston moves left thus creating vacuum in
the Cylinder. This vacuum causes the suction valve to open and water enters the
Cylinder. During the delivery stroke the piston moves towards right. This increasing
pressure in the cylinder causes the suction valve to close and delivery to open and water
is forced in the delivery pipe. The air vessel is used to get uniform discharge.
Reciprocating pumps are self priming and are suitable for very high heads at low flows.
They deliver reliable discharge flows and is often used for meteringduties because of
constancy of flow rate. The flow rate is changed only by adjusting the rpm of the driver.
These pumps deliver a highly pulsed flow. If a smooth flow is required then the
discharge flow system has to include additional features such as accumulators. An
automatic relief valve set at a safe pressure is used on the discharge side of all positive
displacement pumps.
The performance of a pump is characterized by its net head h, which is defined as the
change in Bernoulli head between the suction side and the delivery side of the pump. h
is expressed in equivalent column height of water.
The piston pump is one of the most common reciprocating pumps and, prior to the
development of high speed drivers which enhanced the popularity of centrifugals, it was
the pump of choice for a broad range of applications. Today , they are most often seen
in lower flow, moderate (to 2000 PSI) pressure applications. Its close cousin, the
plunger pump, is designed for higher pressures up to 30,000 PSI.
The major difference between the two is the method of sealing the cylinders. In a piston
pump the sealing system (rings, packing etc) is attached to the piston and moves with it
during its
The sealing system for the plunger pump is stationary and the
plunger moves through it during its stroke.
The most common and well-known form of displacement pump is the piston or
"bucket" pump, a common example of which is illustrated in. These work by
applying both the principles i.e., in the example of, water is sucked
into the cylinder through a check valve on the up-stroke, and the piston valve is
held closed by the weight of water above it; simultaneously, the water above
the piston is propelled out of the pump as. On the down-stroke, the lower check
valve is held closed by both its weight and water pressure, while the similar
valve in the piston is forced open as the trapped water is displaced through the
piston ready for the next up-stroke.
Type of seal, commonly used in single-acting bucket pumps, is the leather cup
washer. Suitable grades of leather, commonly impregnated with "neatsfoot oil"
boiled from the hooves of cattle, will function for surprisingly long periods
(several years) in smooth drawn brass cylinders, or in smooth PVC. With the
high cost of servicing deep boreholes, it is worth paying a premium to get a
good life out of pump seals. Various synthetic leather "compound" materials
based on plastics have been used for seals; these are often more consistent in
their performance than leather and will often have bettor wear resistant
Water will always try to find its lowest level. Using this principle, very simple pumps
with plastic or rubber bulb with flap valve at each end are used for emptying fuel or
water cans into tanks. Once the bulb is full the fluid will flow without further effort
from the higher to the lower container. Many hand pumps will allow the passage of
fluid through them in the direction of flow and diaphragm pumps are particularly good
at this. Thus where the levels are correct large volumes of liquid such as swimming
pools can be emptied with very little effort and no expensive energy use.
Direct action
Direct action hand pumps have a pumping rod that is moved up and down, directly by
the user, discharging water. Direct action hand pumps are easy to install and maintain
but are limited to the maximum column of water a person can physically lift of up to
15 m.
Deep wells
Deep well hand pumps are used for high lifts of more than 15 m. The weight of the
column of water is too great to be lifted directly and some form of mechanical
advantage system such as a lever or flywheel is used.
High lift pumps need to be stronger and sturdier to cope with the extra stresses. The
installation, maintenance and repair of deep well hand pumps is more complicated than
with other hand pumps. A deep well hand pump theoretically has no limit to which it
can extract water. In practice, the depth is limited
by the physical power a human being can exert in lifting the column of water, which is
around 80 m.
Diaphragm pumps have the advantage that they pump relatively lightly due to the lack
of pulling rods
and are corrosion resistant. Their disadvantage is that they need a specific length of
tubing and high quality
rubber diaphragms, which are costly and are relatively inefficient due to the extra work
needed to deform the
Rubber diaphragms will eventually leak and need to be replaced. Because this is usually
and costly, diaphragm pumps operating in poor rural areas are often abandoned once the
diaphragm wears out.
Progressive cavity
Progressive cavity pumps consist of a single helix rotor inserted into a double helix
stator. As the rotor
is turned, the voids in the stator are screwed upwards along the axis of rotation.
Progressive cavity pumps can
have complicated gearing mechanisms and are difficult for local pump technicians to
maintain and repair.
A rope and washer pump is a type of progressive cavity hand pump.
Range of lift
The range of lift of different types of hand pumps is given below:
Type Range
Suction pumps 0 – 7 meters
Low lift pumps 0 – 15 meters
Direct action pumps 0 – 15 meters
Intermediate lift pumps 0 – 25 meters
High lift pumps 0 – 45 meters, or more
1.Hand Pump
2. Pedal Arrangement- (Ball Bearings and Bi-Cycle pedals )
3. Rod
4. Ball valve
5. Pipe Fittings
6. Pressure Measuring gauges
7. Supporting frame
HAND PUMP :- Hand pumps are manually operated pumps; they use human
power and mechanical advantage to move fluids or air from one place to another.
They are widely used in every country in the world for a variety of industrial,
marine, irrigation and leisure activities.
Hand Pump
This type link is used to connect the piston rod and foot step mechanism. This link is
very sturdy due it will withstand cyclic load.
Pedalling a modern stationary bicycle to produce electricity might be a great work-out,
but in many cases, it is not sustainable. While humans are rather inefficient engines
converting food into work, this is not the problem we want to address here; people have
to move in order to stay healthy, so we might as well use that energy to operate
Pedal Arrangement
The trouble is that the present approach to pedal power results in highly inefficient
ROD :-
It is connect the piston and foot pedal. It is also used push the piston according to the
foot pedal action. Rod is used to connect the piston and foot pedal pump link. The
maximum pressure is achieved pumping lifting height. It will convert angularity motion
to linear motion
Valve :-
Forged ball valve is used to start or stop the flow of water from
outlet port as desired
The main requirements of valves are a good seal when closed combined with lack of
resistance to flow when they are open, and rapid opening and closing while achieving
good durability. Usually rubber or alternatively precision ground metal mating surfaces
are necessary to ensure there are no leakage gaps when the valve is closed. Effective
sealing is particularly important with foot valves.
Pipe Fittings :-
1. 90° bend
2. Round Elbow
3. Straight normal pipe
4. Standard Tees
Pressure Measuring gauges:-
It is often convenient to express pressure in terms of the height of a column of
water, in meters or feet, instead of terms of psi or kPa. This is called pressure
head. Two Pressure measuring gauges are used i.e, for Suction and Exhaust
7. Supporting frame :-
It acts as base stand for the hand pump and supports all moving and non-moving parts
attatched the pump.
"When a fluid flows through a pipe line consisting of straight pipe and fittings, there is a
definite loss of pressure due to friction, This loss of head is often considerable and has
been investigated many times.
Water pressure can be expressed as either “psi” (pounds of pressure per square inch) or
“feet of head.” A column of water 1 foot high exerts 0.433 psi at the bottom and
therefore 1 psi is equivalent to 2.31 feet of head. This means that for every foot of
elevation change from the pump to the discharge point, the corresponding change in
pressure will be 0.433 psi.
1.0 psi = 2.31 feet of head 1.0 psi = 2.25 feet of head
Performance Terms and Definitions
Pumps are commonly rated by horsepower, flow rate, outlet pressure in feet (or metres)
of head, inlet suction in suction feet (or metres) of head. The head can be simplified as
the number of feet or metres the pump can raise or lower a column of water at
atmospheric pressure. From an initial design point of view, engineers often use a
quantity termed the specific speed to identify the most suitable pump type for a
particular combination of flow rate and head.
Pump material
Pump material can be of Stainless steel ( SS 316 or SS 304) , cast iron etc. It depend
upon the application of pump. In water industry for pharma application, SS 316 is
normally used. As at high temperature stainless steel give better result.
Pumping power
The power imparted into a fluid will increase the energy of the fluid per unit volume.
Thus the power relationship is between the conversion of the mechanical energy of the
pump mechanism and the fluid elements within the pump. In general, this is governed
by a series of simultaneous differential equations, known as the Navier-Stokes
However a more simple equation relating only the different energies in the fluid, known
as Bernoulli's equation can be used. Hence the power, P, required by the pump:
where ΔP is the change in total pressure between the inlet and outlet (in Pa), and Q, the
fluid flowrate is given in m^3/s. The total pressure may have gravitational, static
pressure and kinetic energy components; i.e. energy is distributed between change in the
fluid's gravitational potential energy (going up or down hill), change in velocity,
or change in static pressure. η is the pump efficiency, and may be given by the
manufacturer's information, such as in
System resistance: The sum of frictional head in resistance & total static head.
Pump Efficiency: Fluid power and useful work done by the pump divided by the power
in the pump shaft
- gas in liquid
- pump not filling
- one or more cylinders not pumping
- excessive pump speed
- worn valves or seats
- broken valve springs
- loose piston or rod
- unloaded pump not in synchronism
- loose or worn bearings
- worn crossheads or guides
Welding Shop
Fitting Shop
Pipe Wrenches
Adjustable Wrench
Open ended Spanners
Rasp files
Plumbing thread
Pipe fastening paste (Safeda)
Delivery 150
Paint 1 litre 275
We have learnt alot from this project about types of tools, machines & how are they
used in mechanical workplaces in Industry, Some basic techniques like cutting, Surface
finishing, planning, grinding are introduced very nicely. In addition to this we have also
learnt about painting and welding. Moreover this project gave us a good experience of
purchasing material from market and increased our surveying capabilities
In the end I would like to thanks my teacher who guided us throughout the project
especially Mr. D.K. Soni .
It has been argued that current models of plunger pumps are inadequate in respect of the
complex interactions which take place between the pump and attached pipelines. These
arise because of the distributed parameter nature of the pipelines and because of
cavitation. A finite difference method for modelling pipelines, based on a Galerkin
method incorporating frequency-dependent friction, has been proposed. This approach
circumvents the computationally intensive demands associated with the use of the
method of characteristics.