Impact of Transformational Leadership On Pharmaceutical Sales

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Transformational Leadership & Pharmaceutical Sales


Impact of
Leadership on

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Rabia Anum 20161-20587 8/13/2018
Transformational Leadership & Pharmaceutical Sales

Perfection was watchword I had in my mind when i started working on this report. However,
people generally agree that human can only approach excellence but never actually achieve it.
Exquisite perfection is rather trait of God, and by His grace, I tried very hard to make this report
meritorious. It is because of Almighty whose Blessings, help and guidance has been a real source
of all my achievements in my life.

There are times in such projects when the clock beats you time and you run out of energy and
just want to finish it. My Parents supported me in such times with their unfailing love and warm

This report could not have been accomplished without the splendid efforts

Last, but definitely not the least, It has been a pleasure to be Kamal Qureshi’s students. I would
like to thank him for giving me this chance to apply theoretical concepts and skills learned in
Pharmaceutical Sales and Management class in real world. His guidance, appreciation,
encouragement and valuable time were persuasive during the course of last 4 months.

Kamal Qureshi’s lectures have been very interesting and convincing. I am extremely grateful to
him and appreciate his efforts for providing me full support, encouragement and valuable

Thanks and Sincere Regards,

Rabia Anum

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Table of Contents



Literature Review………………………………………………………………………..8





Future Research………………………………………………………………………….27


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The purpose of this study is to review the transformational leadership’s impact on

pharmaceutical sales organization. Sales managers play a vital role for their sub-ordinates in

leadership and management (Comer & Dubinsky, 1985) .


The data was collected using the data sources with papers that reported specific data on

Pharmaceutical sales and leadership from January 2000 to October 2013. Full economic

evaluations were subjected for transformational and transactional leadership.


In spite of the fact that transactional leadership can create beneficial outcomes on salespersons

while transformational leadership can induce significantly more prominent outcomes.


Transformational Leadership are more focused towards future objectives, tasks and goals of the

organization. Hence such style of leadership should followed by sales managers as for getting

more and huge results.

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In firms, employees are the principal component in getting maximum productivity as these are

the social structures hence in getting high efficiency managers and employees are the most

important entities to enable an organization to cope with its ambitions and strategies.

Management and Leadership work in an unexpected way. Management makes progress towards

command and consistency. Leadership depends over the impact to locate the association for

accomplishments in a lively domain. Instead of making progress towards perpetual quality and

dependability, it initiates spotlight on alteration and flexibility. Substantial administrative

courage could help to border the leadership and management strategies, so that they may not

involve in any capitulation of natural tensions between them, as they are prevalent in healthcare


There are many kinds of leaderships, commonly depending on the particular dialects and forms

that lead the whole personality structure. These comprise of autocratic, bureaucratic, laissez-

faire, democratic, situational, charismatic, participative and the most common, transactional and

transformational leadership (Mohammad Mosadegh Rad & Hossein Yarmohammadian, 2006).

Not any style of leadership is best for all scenarios means leader must be proficient in different

situations to respond according to it.

Sales managers play a vital role for their sub-ordinates in leadership and management (Comer &

Dubinsky, 1985). The sales-management leadership could be very critical for the satisfaction,

confidential and performance aspects of the sales-management job. The consequences could be

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advantageous, neutral or even deleterious (Churchill, Ford, & Walker, 1979). The present

appraisal is conducted to evaluate the impact of transformational leadership on pharmaceutical



In the following review, the results of transformational leadership over the performance

outcomes of the salesperson, were contrasted with transactional (or contingent reward

leadership). Kind of leadership represents a continuum. This continuum approach gives a chance

to determine the unique difference accounted for in work outcomes by transformational

leadership. These two leadership styles will now be explained as

Transactional Leadership

Transactional leaders recognize and clear up their assistants regarding their job-related tasks and

impart them about the fruitful implementation of their undertakings, as a prompt receipt to their

job rewards (Avolio & Bass, 1995; Brown & Moshavi, 2002; Dubinsky, Yammarino, Jolson, &

Spangler, 1995). Transactional managers (working together with assistants) decide &

characterize particular objectives and actions, that their assistants need to accomplish,

recommend them a clear route for goal execution, and give response. Thus, the procedure guides

representatives to accomplish their needs. Transactional supervisors additionally perceive the

prompt requirements of their minions & impart the knowledge to them how these necessities can

be completed (depending over the organizational structure), provided it ends with success.

Resulting, subordinates probably will be coordinated and propelled to achieve their objectives. A

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completely executed case of this legally binding connection of transactional leader and their

sales-persons is encapsulated by the symbolization of the sales management working area in a

brokerage-aligned sales organizational association that pursues the concept of “NO ORDERS,


Transactional leadership has a tendency to be the most as often as possible utilized leadership

approach in industry(Yammarino & Bass, 1990). This isn't astounding given outcomes from

previous research. In previous studies evaluations shows that transactional leadership can impact

attitudinal and social reactions especially in their behavior of workers (Seltzer & Bass, 1990)

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leaders embrace a deep and long-term vision. Instead of concentrating

exclusively on existing wants of theirs or underlings, the future needs are added as an additional

focus; as opposed to the matter of concentrating over petite issues and chances which the

consortium has. Contrary to the consideration of intra-organizational and extra-organizational

elements as distinct, an insight from a all-inclusive point of view is possessed by them.

Generally, such people have a tendency to be "leaders" rather then to only "managers" on

account of the manner by which they execute their job activities (Toor & Ofori, 2008)

Transformational vs. Transactional Leadership.

In spite of the fact that transactional leadership can create beneficial outcomes on salespersons

while transformational leadership can induce significantly more prominent outcomes.

Transformational leadership is not considered a supernumerary for the transactional leadership;

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rather, it is a accompaniment (Avolio, Bass, & Jung, 1999). Undoubtedly, previous studies has

discovered that transformational initiative enlarges the impacts of transactional leadership

(Avolio & Bass, 1995; Toor & Ofori, 2008; Yammarino & Bass, 1990)

Relatively many conceptual articles discuss how and where sales managers can influence sales

staff (Churchill et al., 1979) , offers sales role control models (Buzzotta & Lefton, 1982) and an

effective means for increasing sales to today. In addition, empirically, the researchers tested

models of leadership sales of the management role; examines the relationship between

monitoring behavior and motivation, card perception (Ramaswami, Agarwal, & Bhargava,

1993), job satisfaction and performances (Jaworski & Kohli, 1991), career phase and responses

concerning jobs for sellers of men and women (“Dimensions and Types of Supervisory Control:

Effects on Salesperson Performance and Satisfaction on JSTOR,” n.d.); evaluate the

effectiveness of management programs with objectives; promotional criteria identified for first-

line sales managers; and studying alternatives to sales supervision behavior. The dominant work

that exists is often implicitly assumed that sales managers employ "transactional"

leadership(Dubinsky et al., 1995; Seltzer & Bass, 1990)

In short, this style of leadership involves clearly informing the seller what represent the work

activities, the method through which the activities would be performed and the benefits that

organization may conquer with the leading success in performance and strategical activities (the

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contingent reward motivation). The interest of researchers in this sales perspective is

understandable, as vendor compensation, monitoring, incentive and switch schemes are generally

premeditated around this proposal. For example, bonuses are often associated with obtaining a

sales quota. Despite the vast body of literature regarding transactional leadership, other

approaches to leadership often still need to be examined in the area of sales management. One of

these alternatives is the "transformation leadership" developed in the exploratory material

“World-class Leader” by Burns (1978). Since then it has been applied to the workplace and has

therefore operated and received increasing attention in the field and literary organizational

behavior. Although transactional leadership can lead to behavioral and behavioral responses

appropriate to employees, it turns out that transformational leadership produces higher results. Or

what Bass (Seltzer & Bass, 1990) cited superior order improvement "Jolson et al. (1993)

contended that transformational leadership could act as an operative way to manage sales

personnel, however, unpublished studies that have examined the previously exclusive

transformational leadership in the context of sales forces.

Given the impressive results obtained in non-commercial working environments (this study will

be discussed in the next section), the analysis of its application in the sales agreements seems

justified. The following study explores how transformational leadership could reflect over

suppliers' operational performance.

Components of Transformational Leadership



In reality, transformational leadership is an aspect that polishes a person with qualities like

supervision and assistance. It widens the person’s management abilities by providing a route to

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bring revolution in their ideologies and thoughts, without any regard to their personal interests,

thus inspiring them to bring results par the anticipation. The credibility to achieve this position

isn’t much narrowed, instead any person who has the potential to merge a new ideology in the

managerial routine could achieve this leadership subsequence. To be clearer, a person can only

face two hindrances in his way towards achieving the level of being a transformational leader.

These two are the thoughts of not considering it much balanced to be applied in his/her

organization, and of the fears for the impacts coming from its application. Any individual that

believes in his/her self and the vision he/she’s working on, and continuing the potential-building

through enabling trust with others, letting the commitments successful and accepting the

challenges with bravery could resurrect him/herself into a transformational leader. And while all

these qualities, a person should also give a space to others to enable them think about their own

vision more easily. To bring this whole transformation, there are some brilliant ideas.(Sarros,

Cooper, & Santora, 2008)

The front-runner of any team should make his best in describing the significance of the results

that will come after a designated task, integrating the personal interests of the employees into the

efficiency of the team-working, and manipulate the needs of subordinate, if the person owes to

be a transformational leader (Seltzer & Bass, 1990). This strategy will make a wider increment in

the self-confidence and inspirations of employees. All of this concludes to the idea that a

transformational leader secures three strong potentials in self; intellectual encouragement,

personalized consideration and captivating/motivational leadership (Avolio & Bass, 1995;

Seltzer & Bass, 1990)

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The most fundamental point, any transformational leader should follow, is the trust-

creation aspect. One should bring confidence in the team workers, to make the vision turn

reality see Table # 1. To enact this point, team workers should have trust in themselves

first, and should be clear of their actions and personal-visions. As it is considered, people

always blow a risk with their every action, and so, setting their opportunities from the

risk it could pose and sketching their visions clearly could be critical. So, summarily,

vision seems the most basic component for transformational leadership. The path to

victory would be inevitable, soon as the visions and ambitions are cleared, ultimately

bringing goals and the necessary actions to achieve it.(Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moorman,

& Fetter, 1990)

The clarity of vision enables one to share it with other intellectuals and have positive

criticism and discussion over its growth. People carry different opinions for a person’s

vision, some doesn’t affirm for the accomplishment of accounted goals while some do.

Here, the ones who do believe are the most serious possessions for transformational

leaders, because they will ofcoursely help the person to work on his/her vision in an

assured way. Thus, any transformational leader (without regards to his/her transactional

management complement) should follow these credentials while filling a role in his team,

to make his/her vision grow. These selections are actually based on the depiction of an

amazing quality in the workers. Regardless of how perfect is the résumé, workers are

only given the seats for a team, when the said quality is found in them. This could either

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be detected by evaluating the working experience or even by a simple personality

evaluation.(Sarros et al., 2008)

Managers that possess a clear vision, a bold intellectuality and journey-based goal, are

factually the charismatic leaders, who can easily detect the significance of their every

move. They transfer the spark into their subordinates too, leading them to move with a

united vision and prospect. Thus, it creates a deliberate trust and loyalty between the two,

and thus it makes them aligned to their manager at each aspect and condition. Similarly,

charismatic sales managers win the salespeople through the qualities of trustworthiness

and vision-clarity. Generally, charisma is a quality, mostly possessed by the top-level

executives, however it is considered an inborn quality in humans. A research over this

has indicated this quality as more prevalent and can be found in any team or organization

leaders (Seltzer & Bass, 1990)


While letting vision clear and bold, trust should also be developed with the leader’s

actions and products along with qualities of diligence and stimulation, for any team that

wants itself to be transformational( see Table # 1). This will eventually make the

transformational leader, ‘transformational’ in true terms, that is the confidence in team

strategies to go on with a successful venture, regardless of any fear of upcoming glitches.

The consistent flow will then attract other workers with entrepreneurial mind, to

participate in the effort. Here, a transformational leader should accept the wishing

candidate to become the part of the team, if he possesses the devastating qualities to

enrich the vision journey, nevertheless of his past position i.e. previously-opponent

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candidates, as this concludes that the candidate had developed the basic confidence in his

leadership. Ultimately, these decisions will help any transformational leader to bring the

reality to the visions and ambitions, as more people with trust and assurance will pool up.

Here, each share would be important as greater minds have been collected under a

transformational leadership, which will be very vital for the journey to continue.

An exemplary form comes from an inspirational leader, who tends to work with the

subordinates in a focused way i.e. embarking them to expect more, and to go forth in a

simple way. The leader paints the worker’s mind with the best optimistic image of the

future and thus, merges all of his/her motivational qualities for the benefit of the vision.

In this way, workers may find it very convenient to go up with all the pressures, and

advance them to a point where they can easily carry-out tasks that they may had thought

impossible initially. Likewise, sales managers with such qualities are able to rebuilt the

emotional and strategical relationship between consumers and the company.


Imagination is also a very vital perspective for any leader that tends to have the qualities

of transformational leadership. These leaders control their workers’ mind to make them

think in a programmed way, where they are able to get more positivity than they possess.

Workers are then able to change their opinions on old issues for the solution seeking, and

get themselves turned into creative thinkers; breaking barriers that hinder the chances for

success (see Table #1). Such leaderships are able to create workers that can be trusted for

every tough initiative, as soon as the inspirational connection isn’t over.(Schippers, Den

Hartog, Koopman, & van Knippenberg, 2008). The mutual collaboration intimately

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helps them to seek change in ideologies and perspectives, which could be critically

helpful for the vision to prosper. An example comes here for a presentation task assigned

to workers. If the slide deck is used, then effects may get worse. The accumulation od

ideas slide by slide wouldn’t be coherent, because the ideas weren’t initially pooled up,

and thus had created a very improper image of the whole vision. While, if the ideas may

had gathered first to draw the actual consequence of vision to be presented without any

slide workout, the after results would have been amazing. So, these leaderships always

pressure the workers to go in a controlled flow, regardless of a slight probable that it

could be uncomfortable for them.

This intellectual simulation digs out new paths for bringing realness in the vision, through

the efforts of workers. One is able to make positive opinions with better reasonings,

instead of going extremely eclipsed with the basic ambitions. Hence, subordinates find it

very convenient to have the share of all positive back, regardless of how varied could it

be. This also enables the upcoming challenges to be handled more brilliantly with an

enhanced thinking ability. In case of sales manager, retortion to the needs of prospect

differentiation and motive-buying is a proficient task for the sales personnel.


Along with all the other fundamental perspectives, another important point to follow is to

create the ability of managing all possible risks, without getting obsessed with the

possible outcomes (see Table # 1), that actually means for an innovative mind that could

be able to manage all menaces without any flaw or fear., making him/her capable to

control global economies. Generally, this ability makes them to move with every aspect
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regardless of what background it may hold. (Sarros et al., 2008). For an example of the

pharmaceutical industry, the ongoing philosophy to influence the common strategical

methods for handling different coming problems by the management officials is done

through Standard Operating Procedures, where the hierarchal aspects are very strong and

effective. However, the standards formed could border the thinking to a point, where the

effort to deliver common and aid the middling could be made possible. Here, the need of

a transformational leader seems inevitable, as it may had helped to initiate a varied

thought i.e. enabling the workers to follow him/her trustfully while going to every front

of solution without any risk and detaching themselves from the comfort zone. The point

is proven generally, since it is considered a fact that standards and processes barely

maintain any new ideology or work that may incredibly change the marketing sect of the

company. This is also approved with the thought of how much time would have been

spent over the construction of the whole standard hierarchy, which neglects the

importance of the issue existence. With the ideology mentioned, systems emphasize to

make things calculable, while the people make their best to hide into it.

Thus, these qualities enable the leader to have individual attention towards each worker.

Hence, it ultimately brings the team under considerate leadership of the person, which

helps them neutralize their back points and grow themselves in an absolute way. Along

with all this, a transformational leader can possess great mentorship qualities which may

help create a personal affection between the workers and the leader. Such workers are

able to freely dominate under their spaces, where they are listened and given an

intellectual response and respect, while building up self-motivation to cater the needs of

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the company without any problem or defect in actions. For the case of sales manager,

such qualities can directly establish a considerate condition where success could meet the

vision, for sure.

Conclusively, all of the character of a transformational leader could be adopted only, when the

person develops self-esteem to turn possible, out of the borders. Such leaders don’t go with the

rivalry of developing status, but do their best to welcome risks and issues as another opportunity.

More importantly, these persons develop the enigma of creativity in their mindset, which makes

them reject the standard-based working to progress business in an intimate way. As such,

transformational supervisors become capable to bring revolution in strategies while having

credibility to manage conditions where everything is considered possible and everyone is

coached to bring reality in the united vision.

All the four basic branches of a transformational leadership are still inter-related to each other

very much (Bass and Avolio 1988). Whereas, another research has qualified the concept that

these four dimensions can be merged under one basic idea (Bass 1990a). The fact that the

transactional leadership is factually considered an encomium or compliment for the

transformational leadership, makes a transactional leader to possess a reflection of its

compliment that actually includes the individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation,

although the difference is kept between them. Further, such managers eventually become

transformational from transactional as the qualities are merged into transformational ethics,

effecting the whole behavior and personality of the leader (Bass 1985a, 1990b).

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Transactional Leadership Components

Transactional leadership is diversified into three basic dimensions. Among them, the first is the

quality of focusing on the actions to be assigned to followers and its satisfaction with regards to

the vision. For this, the followers are given the prerequisite of rewards as a swap to their work.

The second comes as management-by-exception, that enables them to take decisions that may

correct the circumstances under which the worker is taking actions. This could be done in both

active (correction first, decision next) and passive (decision first, correction second) ways. The

last one that actually detaches someone from the position of being a transactional leader is the

laissez-faire-behavior, an ignorant attitude in which leader shows a lot of irresponsibility and is

not able to be trusted at times, where critical decision-making remains as the farthest option.

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Trust Commitment Risk Imagination

• Watch the chance • Turn your workers as true • Let risk be your ultimate path • Nurture the team members
° Sniff out fright believers of your ambition • Groom your team by with thinking capabilities more
° Grip over risks ° Highlight your success to understanding each of them than focusing.
° Clear the strategic paths propagate inspirations individually. • Alter the professional habitat
° Declare your borders ° Demolish the barriers with • Make sky your limit. with
• Frame your hallucination every bold stance ° Unleash creativity potentials ° Partnership
° Understand your achievement • Let the subordinates be without any cause. ° Communiqué
desires pondered into your aim • Be good at advising positively ° Modification
° Goal up things that are ° Grow the vision with a • Leave the option of ‘maybe’, • Fuse fragranced inspirations
required to be executed diversity of ideas execute every task with ° Stimulate
• Propagate your vision among ° Give a personal touch to peers complete focus and ° Authorize
others for sharing thoughts responsibility. ° Promote out-of-box thinking
° With a vision, you are a true • Strengthen the commitments • Bring diligence to every long- strategies
dreamer. And if you share it with rewards and promises. term effort. • Coach the team to enable them
with your peers, then positivity • Orient the team at best. modify their solutions with the
will clear the paths. • Smoothen the success roads. change of problems and related
° Ignore the deniers, only seek ° Carry-out the formality as perspectives.
those who could, much as possible.
1. Believe • Become a plan leader.
• In yourself ° Draw the coming
• In peers consequences and work for it.
• In mission • Question about the efforts and
• In results seek a positive response from
2. Desire everyone.
3. Faith • Be prominent at everything.
4. Backing

Table # 1 shows the four steps of transformational leadership (Willink, 2009)

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The utilized information resources include Medline, AMED, Alt-HealthWatch, and the

Pharmaceutical and Sales Management Citation Index; January 2000 to October 2013.

Research papers that had deduced unique data on explicit kind of leadership for the respective

changes and development in sales, were included regardless of the hierarchy of the economic

analysis standard. The transformational & transactional leadership were objected to

comprehensive economic appraisals and its influence on auctions by a checklist.

Duration of study was bordered with two weeks.

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A key purpose for the study is to depict the induction of practical evaluations from the

transformational leadership in sales management, to the performance results beyond

transactional leadership, for the same criterion. Yet the transformational leadership has a

significant relation with the performance outcomes, there is no exceedance in the relationships.

Generally, there is a corresponding relationship within transactional leadership along with the

performance results. Moreover, the transformational leadership has the ability to embark an

extension effect (that endures its substructure on the highlights of ordered deterioration) over

only-two & both-involved same-source measures, for a sentimental and interactive effort


Albeit absolutely theoretical, a few reasons can be progressed concerning the general failure of

sales managers transformational leadership to clarify unique difference in salesperson work

results. One potential clarification relates to the idea of the offering position. Sales people are

bound to some limits of their roles (Churchill et al., 1979)where they associate with numerous

people from inside and outside their association. Top administration part requires sales

representatives to fulfill the often-variegated necessities and expectations for different

gatherings, and just a single of those gatherings is their sales manager

Given that sales personnel need should be alert full to a few groups, the impact that any one

element, including the sales manager, may have on sales representatives might be

correspondingly lessened. Transformational leadership involves a serious linkage amongst

supervisor and subordinate, and a strong feeling of employee faithfulness to and sharp affections

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for the predominant. Expecting to take care of a few key role set individuals may not encourage

advancement of this intensity amongst sales people and their managers and consequently may

mitigate the impacts of transformational leadership

A second explanation behind the outcomes of different studies may likewise be identified with

the idea of the position of their selling. Salesperson normally work alone as are physically,

socially, and emotionally isolated from their managers (Belasco, 1966). This distance may not

be helpful for the foundation of a solid connection between managers and their salesforce

personnel, a key segment of transformational leadership. In the central organization, the staff of

sales not only work alone, as well as they for the most part were geographically separated from

the management body, by letting them work in different districts and provinces. Physical

detachment, at that point, may have lessened the influence of the transformational leadership

over sales representative results. The dominance of this mentioned leadership strategy has led the

utilization of employees, which aren’t found in frontier parts and thus, aren’t distanced

materially from their supervisors (Seltzer & Bass, 1990)

The third potential motive concerns the conditions within the focus organization. Bass (Seltzer &

Bass, 1990)argues that transformational leadership is very valuable when the situation faced by

the company is volatile and therefore a major change is needed in the company. When a survey

is given, the host company is in a stable period. He experienced technical and financial success

and has been for a while. Terrible changes in the company have not been felt recently and are not

expected. The focus of the company is to maintain the success of the status quo. In such an

environment, transactional rather than transformational leadership tends to be the modus

operandi (Avolio & Bass, 1995)

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Another reason for the results obtained may be due to the nature of the sample. As noted earlier,

the average work time and time spent with current sales supervisors is between one and a half

years and between seven months and one year, respectively. This shows that, on average,

respondents are quite "junior" in their positions. Maybe there isn't enough time for a strong

relationship to develop between the seller and their manager. This may have reduced the effects

of transformational leadership. Additional justification for findings regarding the nature of

transformational leaders. As innovative people, transformational leaders tend to deviate from

popular media from supervisory behavior. As applied to the context of sales management, these

sales managers may use sales practices that are less popular and less accepted, and therefore use

approaches that are different from vendor preferences and conventional modes of operation. For

example, junior salesmen might be inspired to make cold calls or use undue pressure, or stretch

the truth or be selfish or focus on business, with losses to prospects and customers.

Another possible explanation is the function of some attributes of the sales manager. In previous

study it was argued that while the charismatic leader can awaken and inspire employees,

managers may lack or have some disadvantages (e.g. unaffectionate behavior, ignorance,

excessive determination, and autonomy), which reduces positivity in the influence of their

guidance tactic. In this review, sales managers may have some limitations that reduce the

influence of their processing qualities on sellers.

Fine justification obtained may belong to the nature of the association between transformational

leadership and the respective sales-management work (selling, as particular). A study recently

published in organizations' behavior reveals that aspect of transformational leadership carries an

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unintended upshot on worker comebacks, more willingly than a straight effect (Podsakoff et al.,

1990). Such an approach would be appropriate for the next empirical effort.

Managerial Implications
Studies show that sellers develop a greater optimistic sight of their working conditions and

habitat, larger pledge and better recital when their sales manager explains to them what their

position is, how they can do their jobs and how their needs will be met of performance.

Transactional leadership has its trap. For example, time pressure, inadequate performance

evaluation system, unjust reward system, lack of managerial training, and lack of management

control over rewards organizations can nibble a transactional leader's success(Avolio & Bass,

1995). However, transactional leadership can be a successful leadership approach.

To effectively perform transactional leadership, field sales managers must be involved in a

variety of things (Yammarino & Bass, 1990). The top management body should clarify the

substantial ambitions to them, for which they are made responsible and trusted, and should bring

in to commit those responsibilities up to them. Failure to accept these goals will likely lead to

conflicts and cross-sectoral work. In addition, sales managers must communicate the sales

organization's goals to sellers and articulate goals for each vendor. In addition, marketers must

be acknowledged about the actions they need to take to achieve these goals and how they can

achieve these goals. Because this information is transmitted to sales personnel, it is necessary to

commit to obtaining their collaboration. Additionally, sales managers must identify their sales

force needs and show sellers how to achieve their goals can help them gain valuable

organizational benefits. Furthermore, sales managers must have an influence on the distribution

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of organizational rewards to sales personnel. If sellers do not believe that transaction managers

influence the benefits they receive, they tend to be less motivated (reducing the estimated tools).

In summary, the following table figures out the parallels that could be drawn between the

different transformational & transactional leaderships and their impact on sales. It seems useful

to introduce complete leadership concepts in sales training. For example, in parallel to leadership

training, sales training can begin with questions to trainees to describe the best sellers they

encounter. The bestseller that has been described should be considered transformative and

contingent rewards. Trainees can ponder over the possible aspects through which improvement

could be brought to one or more leadership components in their relationships with clients,

strangers and people within the company.

Effective Effective Sales

Idealized Influence Constructs trustable relations with buyers and colleagues, shows
(Charisma) willpower, perseveres; could figure the needs by buyer, colleague or
superior official; and delivers ground-breaking explanations.
Inspirational Delivers meaningful actions and assess the subordinates through
Motivation simplified concepts, and focuses on the use of convincing urgings to the
target buyers, colleagues, and superiors.
Intellectual Draw the attention of buyers, colleagues and superiors through the
Stimulation utilization of information taken from communications and from the
product comprehension, to retrace their molds, to reenter into previous
issues, to reexamine past options, and to develop novel explanations.
Individualized Guides the colleagues and buyers; assist buyers for their own good, and
Consideration control thoughts through the delivery of own-worded marketing
information, that could act critically.
Contingent Reward Arranges contracts with buyers and colleagues for selling workout and
exhibitions for a joint benefit.
Management-by- Assists buyers in their wrong attempts for product usage, as well as in
Exception permitting empty shelves, opinions over handle-shopper grievances etc.
Welcomes all critics, whether positive or negative and stimulate them
within the organizational structure.
Laissez-Faire (Contraindicated). Distances from the customer issues and interactions,
and shows the lack of focus and interests.

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Table # 2 shows effective leadership and effective sales(Bass, 1997)

These concepts also seem to be applied to supplier selection. In fact, a study was steered that

used the transformational leadership and sales connection to predict the effectiveness of sellers.

The sales manager provides Garcia (García-Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo, & Gutiérrez-

Gutiérrez, 2012) with an assessment of the Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) standard of

leadership behavior of transformation suppliers. As one of the two countrywide companies made

him/her an employee, the seller sells assurance or travel letters to the transport agents. At one

stance, Garcia considers that behavior tests do not provide sales, odds or a higher sales level of

sales personnel. Garcia, on the other hand, found that the seller's proportions and performances

were predicted by the MLQ classifications from which the seller's frequency showed

charismatic, inspired, intellectually stimulated, and considered individually behaviors. The

correlations with actual quotation percentages and performance evaluations are wide enough to

be statistically and practically meaningful. Inopportunely, Garcia didn’t gather statistics on

transactional leadership. If these conclusions continue, useful training and an effective

assessment of leadership standards can be completed by the sales manager and by

contemporaries & clients as well. Furthermore, as leadership can be experiented at the valuation

center, this assessment can be accomplished in a useful way by the observer at the assessment

center to identify potentially effective sellers.

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Researchers from any organization or society, have progressively stressed the altitude of the

transformational leaders over the pharmaceutical sales. A more focused, centric design culture is

a need of pharmaceutical organizations to maximize their sales and values. Organizational

culture shaping requires a shift in the attitudes and mind-sets of employees. It is this mentioned

leadership that already has a consequence on ethical verdict, along with the results on

competence of supervisor alignment and building confidence between the salesperson and

manager unswervingly. A transformational leader, with the qualities can easily cope the vision

by coaching the followers in a way that may enable them to discover their hidden potentials,

participate in the building of the organizational structure and merging the variations in thoughts

to a united ideology and perspective, thus making the organization run in a highly competitive

way. Through these qualities of trust, validation and confidence, a transformational leader can

easily unify the workers in a single platform, in which each individual is highly motivated which

helps the things to be executed completely. Conclusively, such leaders enable the journey of the

organization to easily reach the destination of success under proper planning and hierarchal


On the basis of review research, it is highly recommended that pharmaceutical organization

should adopt such type of leadership that is transformational in their organizational culture to

maximize themselves, their values nationally and internationally.

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Findings of the study ought to be seen in light of the evaluation that are suggestive of additional

points to look into it

Initially, the present study included salespersons from just a single organization and one

industry. Thus, the outcomes may apply just to the business and firm in which the study done.

Consequent evaluations could incorporate salespeople from different firm and compare their

results. This is particularly vital given that earlier research has discovered that outcomes can

differ crosswise over industries in other settings

Given that the impacts of transformational leadership apparently for the long time, longitudinal

research investigations could be directed to decide if the impact of supervisor or sales managers

leadership style changes after some time, and, assuming this is the true, what are those changes

and pattern of changes should be evaluated.

Future work could be done in job retention level of salesperson with association of

transformational leadership of sales managers.

At last, Broad research consideration in management of sales has been committed to such factors

as work distance, motivation and inspiration (valence for prizes, hopes and expectancies, and

instrumentalities), turnover, particular confidence, and segments of satisfactions level for his job.

A fascinating issue is to ponder out the relationship between sales manager transformational

leadership and sales of the organization as outcome of his leadership should conduct in Pakistan

and compare it globally

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