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Furnace Efficiency: Fuel Oil

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furnace efficiency Fuel oil


Ambient air Temp. (Ta) °C 25

Flue Gas Temp. (Te) °C 273
Fuel oil Gas Temp. (Tf) °C 100
Atomizing Steam Temp. (Tm) °C 185.56
Design datum Temp. (Td) °C 15.55
Pressure of steam Lb/in2 g 50
Quantity of Atomizing Steam Lbs/Lbf 0
Humidity 90
O2 4.2
°API of fuel oil 21
C/H 7.35
HHV But/Lb 18000
Impurities (Wt%)
Water Vapor 0
Ash 0
S 1.14
Other 0
Total 1.14
VAPOR Pressure (Water) Lb/in2 0.07 Steam Tables @ (Ta)
Cpair But/Lb 0.24 FIG @ (Ta)
Cpfuel But/Lb 0.55 FIG @ (Tf)
Enthalpy (hm) But/Lb 1195.5 Steam Tables @ (Tm)
Enthalpy (hd) But/Lb 1087.7 Steam Tables @ (Td)

ITEMS Equations Results

Total Impurities (Wt%) SUM Of Impurities (from analysis 1.14
% H2 (100 - Wt% impurities) / (C/H + 1) 11.8395209581
%C (100 -( % H2 +% impurities) 87.0204790419
LHV Btu /Lb HHV - (9x1059.7) x (%H2/100) 16870.829367665


Moisture in air Lb/Lb air (V.PH2O x Humidity x18) /14.696 x 100x28.85) 0.0027
Lb of Wet air /Lb of fule required Air required / ( 1 - Moisture in air) 14.1628436229
Lb of moisture /Lb of fule (Lb of Wet air /Lb of fuel required) - (Air required) 0.0378807487
Lb of H2O /Lb of fule (H2O formed + (Lb of Moisture/Lb of fuel)+Atomizing Steam) 1.0963339223


Lb of excess air /Lb of fule (28.85 x %O2) x (N2 formed /28 +CO2/44 + H2O formed /18) 3.7778082084
(20.95 - %o2) [(1.6028 x (LbH2O / Lb air required)) +1 ]

% Excess air (Lb excess air / Lb fuel ) / Air required 26.7456151359

Total Lb of H2O / Lb of fuel (Corrected for Excess air) [(%excess air/100) x (Lb Moisture / Lb fuel)] + (LbH2O/Lb fuel) 1.1064653616

Air Sensible heat (Ha) Btu/Lb of fuel CP air x(Ta -Td) x(Lb air/Lb fuel) 73.2409170364

Fuel Sensible heat (Hf) Btu/Lb of fuel CP fuel x(Tf -Td) 83.6055
Atomizing Sensible heat (Hm) Btu/Lb of fuel (Hm - Hd) x Lb steam /Lb fuel 0


Qr Btu/Lb (fuel) 2.5 / 100 x LHV 421.7707341916

Net thermal efficiency (e) % [(LHV + Ha + Hf + Hm) -- (Qr +Qs)] / [(LHV + Ha+ Hf + Hm)] x 100 83.3541117121
Gross thermal efficiency (egross) % [(LHV + Ha + Hf + Hm) -- (Qr +Qs)] / [(HHV + Ha+ Hf + Hm)] x 100 78.1703362443

Stack Loss at Exit flue gas (T e)

Component Lbcomp.formed/Lb fuel Enthalpy Btu/Lb Qs Btu/Lb of fuel

CO2 3.2077495329 110 352.8524486228

Water Vapor 1.1064653616 225 248.9547063536

N2 10.8599441198 125 1357.4930149701

Air 3.7778082084 120 453.3369850131

Total 18.9519672227 580 2412.6371549595

A B D=(A X B) C (D X C) E (D X E) F (D X F) G (D X G) H (D X H)
FUEL COMPONENT weight Fraction M.wt Tatol Weight Net Heating Value Heating Value Air Reqired Air Reqired CO2 Formed CO2 Formed H2O Formed H2O Formed N2 Formed N2 Formed
Lb Btu/Lb Btu Lbair /Lb Lb Lb Co2/Lb Lb Lb H2O/Lb Lb Lb N2/Lb Lb
C 85 12 0.8702047904 14100 12269.8875449 11.51 10.01605714 3.66 3.184949533 0 0 8.85 7.701312395
H2 15 1 0.1183952096 51600 6109.19281437 34.29 4.059771737 0 0 8.94 1.058453174 26.36 3.120897725
O2 0 0 0 0 0 -4.32 0 0 0 0 0 -3.32 0
N2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
CO 0 0 0 4345 0 2.47 0 1.57 0 0 0 1.9 0
CO2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
METHANE 0 14.53 0 21500 0 17.24 0 2.74 0 2.25 0 13.25 0
ETHANE 0 2.56 0 20420 0 16.09 0 2.93 0 1.8 0 12.37 0
ETHYLENE 0 0 0 20290 0 14.79 0 3.14 0 1.28 0 11.36 0
PROPANE 0 1.53 0 19390 0 15.68 0 2.99 0 1.63 0 12.05 0
PROPYLENE 0 0 0 19690 0 14.79 0 3.14 0 1.28 0 11.36 0
BUTANE 0 0.55 0 19670 0 15.46 0 3.03 0 1.55 0 11.88 0
BUTYLENE 0 0.27 0 19420 0 14.79 0 3.14 0 1.28 0 11.36 0
PENTANE 0 0.73 0 19500 0 15.33 0 3.05 0 1.5 0 11.78 0
HEXANE 0 0.06 0 19390 0 15.24 0 3.06 0 1.46 0 11.71 0
SULFUR 0 32 0.0114 3940 44.916 4.31 0.049134 2 0.0228 0 0 3.31 0.037734
H2S 0 0 0 6550 0 6.08 0 1.88 0 0.53 0 4.68 0
INERTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL / Lb Of Fuel 100 1 259805 193.75 14.12496287 37.33 3.207749533 23.5 1.058453174 149.9 10.85994412
Efficiency of Fired Heater Fuel gas


Ambient air Temp. (Ta) °C 25.00

Flue Gas Temp. (Te) °C 241.00
Fule oil Gas Temp. (Tf) °C 36.00
Atomizing Steam Temp. (Tm) °C 0.00
Design datum Temp. (Td) °C 15.55
Pressure Lb/in2 g 0.00
Quantity of Atomizing Steam Lbs/Lbf 0.00
Humidity 90.00
O2 4.05
VAPOR Pressure (Water) Lb/in2 0.07 Steam Tables @ (Ta)
Cpair But/Lb 0.31 FIG @ (Ta)
Cpfuel gas But/Lb 0.38 FIG @ (Tf)

HHV But/Lb 23329.59

ITEMS Equations Results

LHV Btu /Lb HHV - (9x1059.7) x (%H2/100) 21032.63


Moisture in air Lb/Lb air (V.PH2O x Humidity x18) /14.696 x 100x28.85) 0.00
Lb of Wet air /Lb of fule required Air required / ( 1 - Moisture in air) 16.89
Lb of moisture /Lb of fule (Lb of Wet air /Lb of fuel required) - (Air required) 0.05
Lb of H2O /Lb of fule (H2O formed + (Lb of Moisture/Lb of fuel)+Atomizing Steam) 2.21


Lb of excess air /Lb of fule (28.85 x %O2) x (N2 formed /28 +CO2/44 + H2O formed /18) 4.46
(20.95 - %o2) [(1.6028 x (LbH2O / Lb air required)) +1 ]

% Excess air (Lb excess air / Lb fuel ) / Air required 26.46

Total Lb of H2O / Lb of fuel (Corrected for Excess air) [(%excess air/100) x (Lb Moisture / Lb fuel)] + (LbH2O/Lb fuel) 2.22

Air Sensible heat (Ha) Btu/Lb of fuel CP air

x(Ta -Td) x(Lb air/Lb fuel) 113.66

Fuel Sensible heat (Hf) Btu/Lb of fuel CP fuel

x(Tf -Td) 13.99


Qr Btu/Lb (fuel) 1.5 / 100 x LHV 315.49

Net thermal efficiency (e) % [(LHV + Ha + Hf + Hm) -- (Qr +Qs)] / [(LHV + Ha+ Hf + Hm)] x 100 86.82
Gross thermal efficiency (egross) % [(LHV + Ha + Hf + Hm) -- (Qr +Qs)] / [(HHV + Ha+ Hf + Hm)] x 100 78.32

Stack Loss at Exit flue gas (Te)

Component Lbcomp.formed/Lb fuel Enthalpy Btu/Lb Qs Btu/Lb of fuel

CO2 2.7313670012 90 245.8230301079
Water Vapor 2.2246786456 190 422.6889426628
N2 12.9468085785 105 1359.4149007439
Air 4.4568036556 100 445.6803655566
Total 22.3596578809 485 2473.6072390712

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