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SPECIAL TOPIC: Huazhong University of Science and Technology October 2010 Vol.55 No.30: 3408−3418
Mechanical Engineering doi: 10.1007/s11434-010-3247-7
Five-axis NC machining provides a valid and efficient way to manufacture the mechanical parts with complex shapes, which are
widely used in aerospace, energy and national defense industries. Its technology innovations have attracted much attention in re-
cent years. In this paper, the state-of-the-art techniques for five-axis machining process planning are summarized and the chal-
lenging problems are analyzed from the perspectives of tool path generation, integrated geometric/mechanistic simulation and
machining stability analysis. The recent progresses in accessibility-based tool orientation optimization, cutter location (CL) plan-
ning for line contact and three-order point contact machining, shape control of cutter envelope surface and milling stability pre-
diction are introduced in detail. Finally, the emerging trends and future challenges are briefly discussed.
five-axis machining, tool path generation, integrated geometric/mechanistic simulation, dynamics simulation
Citation: Ding H, Bi Q Z, Zhu L M, et al. Tool path generation and simulation of dynamic cutting process for five-axis NC machining. Chinese Sci Bull, 2010, 55:
3408−3418, doi: 10.1007/s11434-010-3247-7
In conventional three-axis NC machining only the transla- the surface is machined in a confined space, in which only
tion motions of the cutter are permitted while the cutter ori- the small-diameter cutters can be used. The cutting area of a
entation is allowed to change in a five-axis machine tool cutter, which affects the cutting force, cutter wear and ma-
because of the two additional rotational axes. The advan- chined surface quality can also be controlled by changing
tages of five-axis NC machining mainly depend on the con- the cutter orientation.
trol of tool orientations: (1) The collision between the part Besides the above advantages, there exist several chal-
and the cutter can be avoided by selecting the accessible lenging problems in five-axis machining. Since the tool
tool orientation, which provides the ability to machine the orientation is adjustable, it is hard to image the complicated
complicated shapes such as aerospace impeller, turbo blade spatial motion of the tool. Thus, it is much more difficult to
and marine propeller. (2) A large machining strip width can generate the collision-free and high efficient tool paths,
be obtained if the tool orientation is properly planed so that which limits its wide application. Furthermore, the cutting
the tool tip geometry matches the part geometry well. Also, force prediction and dynamics simulation are more complex
the highly efficient flank milling can be applied to machine because the involved cutting parameters are time-varying
aerospace impeller by using a five-axis machine tool. (3) during the machining process. Current works about five-
The cutting conditions can be improved in five-axis ma- axis machining fall into three categories [1]: tool path gen-
chining. For example, it is possible to shorten the tool eration, integrated geometric/mechanistic simulation and
overhang length if the tool orientation is optimized. Deter- dynamics simulation, as shown in Figure 1. Tool path gen-
mining the safe and shortest tool length is very helpful when eration is the process to plan the cutter trajectory relative to
the part based on the part model, machining method and
*Corresponding author (email: [email protected]) tolerance requirement. The cutter trajectory affects greatly
© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 csb.scichina.com www.springerlink.com
DING Han, et al. Chinese Sci Bull October (2010) Vol.55 No.30 3409
the cutting efficiency and quality. It is also the foundation objectives required by the practical cutting process, such as
of integrated geometric/mechanistic simulation, which de- collision avoidance, large effective cutting width, globally
pends on the cutting geometry and cutting force modeling cutter orientation smoothness and shorter tool length. Also,
techniques. The cutting geometry reflects the meshing state most of the existing works about dynamics simulation aim
between the cutter and the workpiece during the material to three-axis machining. Models and algorithms applicable
removing process. By integrating the cutting geometry and to five-axis machining need to be explored.
cutting force models, the transient cutting force can be pre-
dicted. The cutting force then can be applied to dynamics
simulation, feedrate scheduling, and prediction and com- 1 Tool path generation
pensation of deformation. The goal of dynamics simulation
is to predict the cutting stability and the machined surface Tool path generation is the most important technology in
profile based on the cutting force and the dynamics charac- NC programming. The critical problem in five-axis ma-
teristics of the machine tool-cutter-fixture system. Dynam- chining is to plan cutter orientations. Theoretically, the tool
ics simulation is helpful to optimize the cutting parameters orientation can be any point on the Gauss Sphere. In fact,
and the tool path. the feasible tool orientations are only a limited area on the
The literatures on five-axis NC machining are enormous. Gauss Sphere because of the constraints of global collision
A lot of related commercial systems have been developed, avoidance and machine joint angle limits. To improve ma-
such as the general-purpose CAM softwares UG and chining efficiency and quality, the tool orientation of each
CATIA, the special CAM software Max-AB for machining cutter location (CL) data should be optimized by consider-
impeller and Turbosoft for machining blade, and the dy- ing the important factors related to a practical cutting proc-
namics simulation software CutterPro. European Commis- ess. The factors consist of geometrical constraints, kine-
sion supported a project about flank milling optimization matic constraints, dynamic characteristics and physical fac-
that is called “Flamingo”. Because of the obvious advan- tors. How to take into account these factors is the most
tages of flank milling in cutting efficiency and surface qual- challenging issue in the research of tool path generation.
ity, a number of famous companies (SNECMA, Rolls
Royce, Dassault Systèmes) and a university (Hannover) 1.1 Collision avoidance
participated in this project. The researches on five-axis
high-efficiency and high-precision machining have also Collision avoidance must be first considered in the process
been carried out in some famous companies, such as United of tool path generation. There are mainly two kinds of ideas
Technologies, Pratt & Whitney and Concepts NREC. Do- to avoid interference: (1) First generating and then adjusting
mestic researchers have developed some CAM systems cutter orientation to avoid collision. (2) Access-based tool
such as KM, 5BDM and Dynacut, but the fundamental re- path generation. With the former idea, cutter orientations
searches and industrial applications of five-axis machining are first planned according to some strategies. A collision
are still in the primary level. detection method is then used to detect the collision be-
Current commercial CAM systems provide a lot of tween the tool and the parts. If collision occurs, the tool
strategies for tool path generation and simulation of dy- orientations must be changed as shown in Figure 2. With
namic cutting process. However, the performances in intel- the latter idea, the cutter orientations are generated directly
ligence, usability and computation efficiency still need to be in the accessibility cones as shown in Figure 3.
improved. For instance, the selection of the strategy for cut- The research about the first idea focuses on the algo-
ter orientation optimization depends on the skill of the pro- rithms to improve the collision detection efficiency and ad-
grammer; it is difficult to automatically generate the opti- just cutter orientations to avoid collision. In practical appli-
mum tool orientations that consider simultaneously all the cations, tool paths are usually composed of thousands to
hundred thousands of tool positions. The collision detection
often requires large computation time and resource. There-
fore lots of algorithms have been proposed to improve the
computation efficiency of collision detection [2,3]. When
machining a complex shape, the detection and adjustment
processes usually repeat several times. Collision avoidance is
of first concern. It is difficult to consider other factors affect-
ing the cutting process when adjusting cutter orientations.
The access-based tool path generation method consists of
two steps. Collision-free cutter orientations at every cutter
contact (CC) point are first computed. The set of colli-
sion-free cutter orientations is called accessibility cone. The
Figure 1 Three challenging problems in five-axis NC machining. cutter orientations are then generated in the accessibility
3410 DING Han, et al. Chinese Sci Bull October (2010) Vol.55 No.30
relatively easy to generate the tool path. From the manufac- pair of line contact surfaces were investigated. Then, based
turer’s point of view, however, the main disadvantage of on the observation that the cutter envelope surface contacts
ball-end milling is that it is very time consuming. It may with the cutter surface and the design surface along the
require more finish passes and each pass removes only a characteristic curve and cutter contact (CC) path, respec-
small amount of material. Compared with ball-end cutter, tively, a mathematical model describing the third-order ap-
non-ball-end cutter possesses more complex geometry, and proximation of the cutter envelope surface according to just
exhibits different “effective cutting profiles” at different one given cutter location (CL) was developed. It was shown
locations. Thus, it is possible to position the cutter so that its that at the CC point both the normal curvature of the normal
“effective cutting profile” well matches the design surface, section of the cutter envelope surface and its derivative with
which results in a great improvement of the machining strip respect to the arc length of the normal section could be de-
width. Hence, increasing attention has been drawn onto the termined by those of the cutter surface and the design sur-
problem of tool path optimization for milling complex sur- face. This model characterizes the intrinsic relationship
faces with non-ball-end cutters. among the cutter surface, the cutter envelope surface and
In five-axis machining, the machined surface is formed the design surface in the vicinity of the CC point. On this
by the swept envelope of the cutter surface. The true ma- basis, a tool positioning strategy was proposed for effi-
chining errors are the deviations between the design surface ciently machining free-form surfaces with non-ball-end
and the cutter envelope surface. It is well known that the cutters. The optimal CL was obtained by adjusting the in-
shape of the cutter envelope surface cannot be completely clination and tilt angles of the cutter until its envelope sur-
determined unless all the cutter positions are given [13,14]. face and the design surface had the third-order contact at the
Due to the difficulty and complexity in locally modeling the CC point, which resulted in a wide machining strip. The
cutter envelope surface, most works adopted the approxi- strategy can handle the constraints of joint angle limits,
mate or simplified models, which formulate the problem of global collision avoidance and tool path smoothness in a
optimal cutter positioning as that of approximating the cut- nature way, and applies to general rotary cutters and com-
ter surface to the design surface in the neighborhood of the plex surfaces. Numerical examples demonstrated that the
current CC point [15]. These optimization models do not third-order point contact approach could improve the ma-
characterize the real machining process. Also, they only chining strip width greatly as compared with the recently
apply to certain surfaces or cutters. reported second-order one. A comparison of the machining
Only a few works have addressed the cutter positioning strip widths using different CLs for the five-axis machining
problem from the perspective of local approximation of of a helical surface with a toroidal cutter is summarized in
cutter envelope surface to design surface [15−17]. For a Table 2. The values of the tool parameters chosen for simu-
flat-end or disk cutter, Wang et al. [15] and Rao et al. [16] lation are: radius of the torus R=10 mm, and radius of the
developed the third- and second-order approximate models corner r=2.5 mm.
of the cutter envelope surface, respectively. However, for Compared with the point milling, the flank milling can
such a cutter, its envelope surface is swept by the cutting increase the material removal rate, lower the cutting forces,
circle, which is not a rotary surface. Therefore, the two me- eliminate necessary hand finish and ensure improved com-
thods cannot be applied to other types of rotary cutters. Re- ponent accuracy. It offers a better choice for machining
cently, Gong et al. [17] developed a mathematical model slender surfaces. Lartigue et al. [20] proposed an approach
that describes the second-order approximation of the enve- to globally optimize the tool path for flank milling. The
lope surface of a general rotary cutter in the neighborhood basic idea is to deform the tool axis trajectory surface so
of the CC point, and then proposed a cutter positioning that the tool envelope surface fits the design surface ac-
strategy that makes the cutter envelope surface have a con- cording to the least-squares criterion. To simplify the com-
tact of second-order with the design surface at the CC point. putation, an approximate distance measure was employed.
However, theoretically speaking, a third-order contact be- For a cylindrical cutter, Gong et al. [21] presented the error
tween the cutter envelope surface and the design surface propagation principle, and transformed the problem into that
could be achieved by adjusting the cutter orientation. This of least-squares (LS) approximation of the axis trajectory
means that the cutter location planning based on the sec- surface to the offset surface of the design surface. In these
ond-order model does not take full advantage of the effi- two works, not the local geometric error, but the geometric
ciency and power that the five-axis machining offers. The
above models are not compatible with each other. Also, the
optimal CL is determined by solving two equations derived Table 2 Comparison of the machining strip widths for different CLs
from the second- and third-order contact conditions. Due to Toroidal cutter Toroidal cutter
the constraints of machine joint angle limits, global colli- Tolerance Ball-end cutter
(Second order (Third order
(mm) (R = 5.5 mm)
sion avoidance and tool path smoothness, maybe there is no contact) contact)
feasible solution to this system of equations. δ = 0.005 0.69 2.48 5.28
δ = 0.01 0.98 3.12 6.14
In our recent works [18,19], the geometric properties of a
3412 DING Han, et al. Chinese Sci Bull October (2010) Vol.55 No.30
error between the envelope surface of the cutter and the a point in space and the swept surface without constructing
design surface, was of the first concern. Thus it was called the swept surface itself. The first order differential incre-
the global optimization method. Although the LS method ment of the signed point-to-surface distance with respect to
was easy for implementation and efficient in computation, it the differential deformation of the tool axis trajectory sur-
could not incorporate readily the non-over- cut constraint face was derived. By using the distance function, the tool
required by semi-finish milling, and more importantly, it did path optimizations for semi-finished and finished millings
not conform to the minimum zone crite- rion recommended with conical cutters are formulated as two constrained opti-
by ANSI and ISO standards for toler- ance evaluation. Fur- mization problems in a unified framework. The sequential
thermore, the geometric deviation of the machined surface approximation algorithm along with a hierarchical algo-
from the nominal one was not clearly defined and the influ- rithmic structure is developed to solve them. The proposed
ence of the deformation of the tool axis trajectory surface on theories and methods apply to general rotary cutters. Here,
the change of this deviation was not quantitatively analyzed. an example of tool path optimization for flank milling of a
In our studies [22,23], the maximum orthogonal distance blade of an impeller with a conical cutter is reported. The
from the point on the design surface to the tool envelope blade was defined by two directrices, which were both
surface was introduced to characterize the geometric error B-spline curves of Order 3. The cutter parameters were: the
of the machined surface. The first-order gradient and sec- bottom radius was 6.25 mm, height 30 mm, and taper angle
ond-order Hessian matrix of the distance function about the 10°. And 50×100 points were sampled from the design sur-
control parameters governing the form of the axis trajectory face. A smooth axis trajectory surface was generated by
surface were derived. On this basis, the complete principle, using Chiou’s method [26]. The maximum undercut and
model and algorithm for global tool path optimization for overcut were 0.0896 mm and 0.0239 mm, respectively. Af-
five-axis flank milling using cylindrical cutters were devel- ter optimization of the axis trajectory surface, the maximum
oped from the perspective of surface approximation follow- undercut and overcut reduced to 0.0062 mm and 0.0061 mm,
ing the minimum zone criterion, and applied to flank mill- respectively. It was seen that the global tool path optimiza-
ing of non-developable ruled surface. The geometrical pre- tion approach improved the machining accuracy greatly.
cision was improved about 30% compared with the existing
algorithms. Another advantage is that our method can easily 1.3 Cutting process condition optimization
deal with the overcut-free constraints. The comparison re-
sults are listed in Table 3. In our model, the envelope sur- The cutting process conditions such as the smoothness of
face of the cutter was of no concern due to the fact that the the tool path and the rigidity of the whole cutting system are
envelope surface of a cylindrical cutter is the offset surface paid more attention in high speed machining. The tool path
of the tool axis trajectory surface. Therefore, the approach smoothness and tool overhang length affect the dynamics
was only applicable to cylindrical cutters, and could not be characteristics of five-axis NC machining. The cutter orien-
generalized to optimize the tool paths of other types of ro- tations would also influence the valid cutting parameters
such as cutting speed and cutting area, and hence the cutting
tary cutters.
force and surface quality. Therefore, the cutting process
Cylindrical cutters can satisfy most of the demands for
conditions should be taken into account when planning the
flank milling. However, when an application requires flank
tool path.
milling within a confined space, a conical cutter may prove
(i) Cutter orientation smoothness. The drastic change of
to be more suitable because it has a smaller tip and a
the tool orientation must be avoided in a practical five-axis
stronger shank in comparison with a cylindrical cutter
cutting process [29,30]. Generally, the measure of cutter
which has a small diameter. Recently, increasing attention
orientation smoothness can be defined in the machine tool
has been drawn onto the problem of using a conical cutter
coordinate system, the workpiece coordinate system and the
for flank milling. In our recent works [24,25], based on the
process coordinate system. The three measures reflect the
observation that conical surface can be treated as a canal
rotational motion of the machine tool, the transition of cut-
surface, i.e. envelope surface of one-parameter family of
ter orientations relative to the workpiece and the change of
spheres, the swept envelope of a conical cutter was repre-
cutting conditions, respectively.
sented as a sphere-swept surface. Then, an approach was
The measure defined in the machine tool coordinate sys-
presented to efficiently compute the signed distance between
tem is the commonly used one in current research works.
Kersting et al. [31] proposed an interesting algorithm to
Table 3 The comparison of flank milling tool path generation algorithm
smooth cutter orientations in the free C-space. Castagnetti et
RRD [27] MBM [28] Gong et al. [21] Our method [22] al. [29] defined a new measure in the machine tool coordi-
0.220 0.264 0.093(0.228) 0.068(0.228)
nate system to improve the cutting efficiency and the even-
undercut (mm) ness of the rotational motions. Their results showed that the
0.220 0.211 0.119(0.172) 0.067(0.172) cutting time could be greatly shortened by optimizing cut-
overcut (mm)
ting orientations. We [11,12] proposed a model to globally
DING Han, et al. Chinese Sci Bull October (2010) Vol.55 No.30 3413
smooth cutter orientations in the feasible space. The con- shortest safe tool length (SSTL) can only be determined
straint on the angle between two orientations at two according to a predefined tool path. However, the SSTL
neighboring CC points was considered in the model. The along a tool path is essentially determined by the tool ori-
global smoothness problem was formulated as a discrete entations in machining of a complex shape. Therefore, the
minimization problem and solved by the shortest path algo- SSTL should be considered in the process of the tool path
rithm in graph theory. generation.
The research works about smoothing cutter orientations The tool length is usually ignored in the existing tool
in the workpiece coordinate system focus on the NURBS path generation algorithms. Morimoto et al. [10] proposed a
tool path generation. The researchers in Dassult Systèmes novel algorithm to shorten the overhang length for 3+2 axis
company described a new tool path format composed of two machining with a ball-end cutter by properly selecting cutter
NURBS curves [32]. The distance between the two curves orientations. In this work, the offset surfaces of the ma-
is constant and the smoothness of the cutter orientations is chined surface and the interference checking surface must
guaranteed. The format has been supported by the 840D NC be constructed, which is not an easy task. Furthermore, the
system of Siemens company. We [33] proposed a new estimated safe tool length is too conservative. We [36] pro-
method to generate this kind of tool path for five-axis ma- posed a GPU- based algorithm to compute the SSTL along a
chining based on the “point-line” kinematics. From the cutter orientation at a CL point based on the GPU-based
viewpoint of kinematics, a point-line is the abstract of a tool. accessibility detection method and developed an efficient
By using the screw theory in kinematics, the mapping from method to generate the SSTL for 3+2 axis machining proc-
the space of point-line in Euclidean three-dimensional space ess. In succession, we [37,38] proposed a novel algorithm to
into the hyperplane in dual quaternion space was con- determine the SSTL for 5-axis NC machining with a short
structed. The problem of point-line motion design was con- ball-end cutter by optimizing the tool orientations under the
verted to that of projective Bézier or B-spline image curve constraints of global collision avoidance and tool orientation
design in the hyperplane of dual quaternion. The resulting smoothness. The optimization problem was formulated as a
point trajectory is a NURBS curve in Euclidean three- constrained combinatorial optimization problem and solved
dimensional space and orientation curve is a NURBS curve by a dynamic programming technique. It would generate
on unit sphere. Such two NURBS curves, named dou- concurrently the SSTL and collision-free tool path.
ble-NURBS curves, can describe the tool path in NC ma-
The measure defined in the process coordinate system
2 Integrated geometric/mechanistic simulation
indicates the change of cutting conditions. Optimizing cutter
orientations according to this measure is helpful to smooth As a foundation of physical simulation, the dynamic cutting
cutting force. Ozturk et al. [34] gave the relationship be- force simulation plays an important role in feed-rate sched-
tween the cutter orientation and the cutting force and uling, spindle speed optimization, chatter prediction, adap-
showed that the cutting force acting on a ball-end cutter tive control of machining process, monitoring of tool wear
depended greatly on the cutter orientation. We [30,35] pro- and broken, prediction of surface topographic, error analysis
posed an algorithm to globally smooth cutter orientations and compensation, and so on. The dynamic cutting force in
based on a mesh-based model. The measures defined in the the material removal process is usually predicted based on
three coordinate systems were comprehensively considered. the instantaneous cutting conditions which mainly consist of
The approach has two advantages: (1) The cutter orienta- the cutting geometry and the cutting force coefficients. The
tions are smoothed along both the feed direction and the cutting force coefficients are usually determined by an ex-
pick-feed direction; (2) only the accessibility cones of mesh perimental calibration [39,40]. So, modeling swept volume
points are required to compute and computation efficiency of cutter and cutter-workpiece engagement becomes a pri-
is improved. Simulations showed that the global smoothing mary work.
of cutter orientations was helpful to improve cutting effi-
ciency, evenness of feed velocity and smoothness of cutting 2.1 Integration of geometry simulation and cutting
force. force prediction
(ii) Shorter tool length. The use of shorter cutters with-
out collision is a key advantage of five-axis machining be- The computation of the envelope surface of cutter is critical
cause the magnitude of tool deflection and the stability of for the modeling of swept volume. Numerical methods are
the cutting process are greatly affected by the slenderness usually used, including the Jacobian rank-deficiency
ratio of the cutter. In the existing works, the shortest colli- method, swept-envelope differential equation algorithm,
sion-free cutter length is generally considered in the implicit modeling and Minkowski sum method [41]. The
five-axis machining simulation process. For example, the high-order differential or transcendental equations are gen-
minimal tool overhang length can be calculated by the erally needed to be solved in the numerical methods, which
simulation software such as Vericut. With this method, the require great computation costs. Chiou et al. [42,43] re-
3414 DING Han, et al. Chinese Sci Bull October (2010) Vol.55 No.30
ported two explicit (closed-form) expressions of the swept in the commercial softwares are mostly based on the vol-
profile of a generalized APT cutter undergoing a five-axis ume (or material removal rate) analysis. In this common
tool motion. The one derived in [42] is directly related to method, the feed-rate is set in inverse ratio to the instanta-
the kinematical model of the machine tool due to the im- neous removed material. The main drawbacks of this me-
proper representation of the velocity of the cutter, and the thod lie in two aspects. Firstly, to a certain degree, the ma-
machine-configu- ration independent one developed in [43] terial removal rate is in the ratio of the magnitude of the
requires to define a instantaneous auxiliary frame at the CC instantaneous cutting force, but it cannot predict the direc-
point. Du et al. [44,45] simplified the derivations and com- tion of the force. Secondly, it is difficult to keep the magni-
putations in [42] by introducing a instantaneous auxiliary tude of the instantaneous cutting force at a near-constant
frame and rigid-body velocity. In our studies [13,14], two level. To overcome these problems, Elbestawi et al. [47,48]
methods were proposed to analytically compute the swept proposed a feed-rate optimization method for five axis ma-
envelope surfaces of the rotary tools. The first one was chining via the cutting force model. Lazoglu et al. [49] com-
based on the observation that many surfaces of revolution pleted a comparative study of the force-based feed-rate
can be treated as a canal surface, i.e. the envelope surface of scheduling strategies. In our work [50], we proposed a
an one-parameter family of spheres. The analytical expres- feed-rate optimization method for five axis flank milling
sions of the envelopes of the swept volumes generated by considering the constraint on the cutting force. Based on the
the commonly used rotary cutters undergoing general spa- cubic interpolation technique, the optimization model is
tial motions were derived by using the envelope theory of established by using the time series assigned to the corre-
sphere congruence. For the toroidal cutter, two methods for sponding cutter locations as the design variable, the sum of
determining the effective patch of the envelope surface were the total time series as the objective function, the machine
proposed. With the present model, it was shown that the kinematical performance indices (i.e., velocity, acceleration
swept surfaces of a torus and a cylinder can be easily con- and jerk of each axis) as the constraint functions, and the
structed without complicated calculations, and that the mini- maximum magnitude of the instantaneous cutting force as
mum distance between the swept surface and a simple surface the constraint of the whole milling process. The feed-rate
and the signed distance between the swept surface and a can be calculated via the optimization model. This method
point in space could be easily computed without construct- is applicable to rough milling of free-form surfaces and
ing the swept surface itself. The second one was based on the semi-finish milling of ruled surfaces or ruled surface-like
tangency condition in envelope theory and the body velocity free-form surfaces.
representation in spatial kinematics. No additional moving
frames or local frames are required, and the computational
formulas are independent of the types of the machines. 3 Dynamics simulation
The modeling of cutter-workpiece engagement is the
foundation for the cutting force simulation in five-axis The dynamics simulation for five-axis machining is used to
milling. The usual method used so far can be classified into obtain the time-varying status data of the cutting process,
three types. The first is the solid geometry method, used by which are the foundation of the cutting process optimization.
Altintas et al. [46] to identify the instantaneous cutter- The essential work of dynamics simulation includes dy-
workpiece intersection and chip load distribution in the namics modeling, cutting process stability analysis and cut-
ACIS solid modeling environment. The second is the ana- ting parameter optimization.
lytical method. Elbestaw et al. [47,48] employed a NURBS
curve to represent the cutting edge profile and then deter- 3.1 Dynamics modeling
mined the instantaneous in-cut segments and chip load by
computing the intersection between the NURBS curve and There are three kinds of cutter-workpiece dynamics models:
the locally defined surface. The third is the discrete geome- (1) The coupled vibration model of the cutter and the work-
try method. Jerard et al. [40] used the extended Z-buffer piece. The model is often employed in the machining of the
model to represent the workpiece. The instantaneous contact thin-wall workpiece. Ratchev et al. [51] proposed a coupled
area and chip load were obtained by computing the intersec- vibration model of the thin-wall workpiece and the cutter
tions of the cutter envelope with Z-buffer elements. based on the FEM. Kovecses et al. [52] studied the analyti-
cal vibration model of the thin-wall workpiece. However,
2.2 Feed-rate optimization based on cutting force the workpiece vibration model and the coupled vibration
model model for the machining of the sheet workpiece are usually
ignored in the existing works. (2) The contact dynamics
On the basis of the integration of geometry simulation and model of the workpiece and the fixture. Hu et al. [53] ana-
cutting force prediction for the five axis milling process, the lyzed the dynamic stability of the fixture based on the
feed-rate can be optimized according to the predicted cut- lumped parameter model that comes from the flexible mul-
ting force. Nowadays, the feed-rate optimization algorithms tibody dynamics theory. Kapoor et al. [54] studied the con-
DING Han, et al. Chinese Sci Bull October (2010) Vol.55 No.30 3415
tact dynamics model that considers the friction between the riodic and time delay items are simultaneously approxi-
fixture and the workpiece. The contact rigidity matrix was mated by means of linear interpolation. After obtaining the
identified by the experimental method [55]. (3) Melkote et discrete map of the state transition on one time interval, a
al. [56] investigated the relationship between the dynamic closed form expression for the transition matrix of the sys-
fixture stability and the dynamic actions between the cutter tem is constructed. The milling stability is then predicted
and the workpiece (the time-varying characteristics of the based on Floquet theory. Compared with SD method, FD
workpiece inertia, rigidity and natural frequency in the method has much higher computational efficiency without
process of material removing). loss of any numerical precision. For one degree of the free-
dom milling model, the computation time of the proposed
3.2 Stability analysis for machining process method can be reduced nearly 75%; and for two degrees of
freedom milling model, the computation time can be re-
Up to now, based on the structural dynamics of the “cut- duced about 60%. A summary of the methods for stability
ter-workpiece” system, considerable attention has been de- analysis is listed in Table 4.
voted to stability analysis (or chatter analysis) in the field of
dynamic analysis of the milling process. The regenerative 3.3 Cutting parameters optimization
chatter and mode coupling chatter are the two main kinds of
self-excited chatter. And the former one occurs earlier than The existing research on the chatter-free cutting parameters
the later one in most cases. Altintas and Budak [57] pre- optimization concentrates on the three-axis machining. Bu-
sented an analytical method (ZOA method) for predicting dak et al. [63] developed a method to compute the optimum
milling stability lobes based on the mean of the Fourier se- axial and radial depth. In their studies, the optimization ob-
ries of the dynamic milling coefficients. This method is ef- ject was to maximize the material removal rate and the con-
ficient and fast, but it cannot predict the existence of the straint condition was to guarantee the chatter-free machin-
additional stability regions and period doubling bifurcations ing. Altintas et al. [64] proposed a method to optimize the
in the case of low immersion milling. Recently, Altintas and spindle speed and feed rate based on the milling process
his co-workers [58] explored the multi-frequency solution simulation and stability prediction. The existing works on
of chatter stability, which can predict stability lobe diagram the stability prediction and cutting parameter optimization
accurately in low radial immersion milling. Bayly et al. [59] are based on the deterministic parameter model. However,
proposed the temporal finite element analysis (TFEA) for the deterministic model cannot account for the parameter
milling stability prediction. This method is efficient and uncertainties in a practical milling process. Usually there
accurate for small times in the cut, but not quite suitable in are physical and geometrical uncertain parameters in the
full and near-full immersion cases. Insperger and Stépán [60] cutter-workpiece structures. The former includes the elastic
developed the semi-discretization (SD) method. The key module and Poisson ratio, and the later consists of the
point of this method is that only the time-delay term of the workpiece thickness and other geometry dimensions. As a
dynamical system is discretized while the time domain result, the chatter-free machining cannot be guaranteed. In
terms are all unchanged. The multi-frequency and SD me- the previous studies [65], uncertainties in the milling proc-
thods take into account the effect of higher harmonics ess were handled from the perspective of feedback control.
mostly due to multiple mode excitation or highly interrupted The uncertainties in the cutting process were accommodated
cutting. However, their computational efficiencies are not using a control system, and complex controllers were de-
high [61]. In our work [62], a full-discretization (FD) signed to compensate for the known process effects and
method for prediction of milling stability was introduced. accounted for the force-feed nonlinearity inherent in the
The response of the system of the dynamic milling process cutting operations. To our best knowledge, the milling
considering the regenerative effect is calculated via a direct process dynamics taking account of the uncertain parame-
integration scheme with the help of discretizing the time ters are addressed little. We presented a robust optimization
period. Then, the Duhamel term of the response is solved model for selecting cutting parameters in five-axis milling
using FD method, i.e., the involved system state, time-pe- [66−68]. The interval algebra was introduced to characterize
Scope of application
Methods Computational load
Low radial immersion High radial immersion
Frequency domain ZOA method [57] No Yes Lowest
Multi-frequency method [58] Yes Yes High
Time domain TFEA method [59] Yes No Low
Semi-discretization method [60] Yes Yes High
The proposed method [62] Yes Yes Low
3416 DING Han, et al. Chinese Sci Bull October (2010) Vol.55 No.30
the parameters uncertainties. The upper and lower bounds the dynamics characteristics and physical constraints of the
of the stability lobe diagram and cutter dynamics response cutting process.
were obtained using the sensitivity analysis technique. In (iii) The development of the multiphysic model for simu-
comparison with the deterministic model, the stability of the lating the surface forming process. Higher surface quality
milling process was guaranteed by adopting the results de- is more and more desired by high-performance parts. The
rived from the robust optimization model. surface quality is affected by the cutting force, the cutting
heat, the cutting deformation, and so on. The multiphysic
modeling of these coupling effects is the foundation of cut-
4 Future work ting process control and cutting parameter optimization. The
existing multiphysic models mainly apply to turning and the
The five-axis NC machining provides a valid and efficient three-axis milling processes. The multiphysic simulation of
way to manufacture the mechanical parts with complex the five-axis milling process becomes a challenging prob-
shapes, which are widely used in aerospace, energy and lem because of the time-varying cutting conditions. The key
national defense industries. Its technology innovations have issues in multiphysic simulation include the quantitive de-
attracted much attention in recent years. The involved fun- scription, prediction and control of the physic field, the
damental theories and key technologies have become the mapping between the cutting parameters and the physical
major topics of many national projects. Some emerging performance of the machined surface, and the new cutting
trends for future studies in this field are as follows: process optimization approaches.
(i) The development of the full dynamics model for
simulating the five-axis cutting process. Dynamics simu-
This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of
lation is the foundation of high-efficiency and high-precise China (2005CB724103) and the National Natural Science Foundation of
NC machining. The cutting system is composed of the ma- China (50835004).
chine tool, the cutter and the fixture. Most of the existing
works focus on the individual sub-systems, however, the
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