Values Orientation and Performance

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JPAIR Institutional Research

Vol. 9 · January 2017 JPAIR Institutional Research is produced

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Values Orientation and Performance

of Higher Education Institutions
in Ilocos Sur, Philippines
[email protected] 0000-0001- 5853-3983
University of Northern Philippines
Ilocos Sur, Philippines


The Values Education Program identifies human dignity as the “supreme”

and all-embracing value. As a spiritual being, man must cultivate a sense
of spirituality in consonance with nature and respond to God in faith. As an
intellectual being, man must constantly search for truth. As a moral being, man
must cultivate sense of social responsibility in pursuit of the welfare of the family
and the good of larger community to achieve economic efficiency. This study
aimed to determine the values orientation and performance of the students
of the Two-Year Technical Course specialized in Electrical Technology in the
University of Northern Philippines and the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College,
Philippines. The study made use of descriptive-normative method of research.
The values orientations of the students were determined through questionnaires,
while their performance was based on their skill performance test in building
wiring installation. As a whole, UNP and ISPSC students had “satisfactory” level
in values orientation. The respondents possess a “Very High” skill performance.
Their performance was significantly influenced by their values orientation. The
Office of Student Affairs (OSA) of UNP and ISPSC should conduct more lecture
series in Values Education and should encourage greater students participation in
religious activities to put up with higher level of values orientation.

Volume 9 • January 2017

Keywords — Values Education, Religious participation and Performance

UNP and ISPSC Philippines


Values are unique verbal concepts that relate to the worth given to specific
kinds of objects, acts, and conditions by individuals and groups. As social concepts,
values are involved in the educative process because they are basic to the society
of which the child and the school are part of. It is of utmost importance for the
schools to devote attention to the development of these values and to redirect
education to values. Values education program should be designed to translate
values from the abstract into the practical. The importance of this is underscored
by the fact that values when discussed at the family table in the classroom, tend
to be abstract. Values orientation such as leadership, cooperativeness, initiative,
dependability, sociability, emotional control, reaction to criticism, application,
honesty and spiritual enrichment are ineffective unless they are internalized and
translated into action. It is in this premise that the values of the high ranking
government officials and employees, teachers and parents are so important in a
sense that they play a crucial role in influencing the values of students.
Values orientations are complex, but definitely patterned (rank-ordered)
principles, resulting from the transactional interplay of three analytically
distinguishable elements of the evaluative process—the cognitive, the affective,
and the directive elements—which give order and direction to the ever-flowing
stream of human acts and thoughts as they relate to the solution of ‘common
human’ problems (Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck, 1961).
The success of students in their future careers will depend to a great extent
on their training and the effectivity of what they learned in school. In this
regard, students should be properly oriented on the value of work to develop
good working habits and attitudes such as accuracy, speed, cleanliness, creativity,
neatness and orderliness. The personality of an individual may be assessed in
terms of the values he hold. A person’s values may determine to a large extent
what he does and how well he performs. The presence of strong and incompatible
values or conflict between his values and those of others may affect his personal
adjustment. To be an effective instrument of national development, higher
education must not only prepare and equip the young with the needed skills and
knowledge. Instructors of academic, technical and technological courses should
infuse value in what they teach to prepare student entry into their chosen career
and occupation.
JPAIR Institutional Research

The dwindling and/or decline of values among people motivated the

researchers to conduct a study on the values orientation and performance of
first-year students in the Two-Year Technical specialized in Electrical Technology
of the University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City, and the Ilocos Sur
Polytechnic State College, Santiago, Ilocos Sur Campus. The researchers would
like to determine the values orientation of the students in relation to their
skills performance in Building Wiring Installation. The study aims to provide
the instructors and professors pertinent information regarding what values the
students have acquired or developed.


A system of values is so important in the formation of character and personality

that Betancourt et al. (2010) calls, “the heart and center of all moral motives
and the frame of reference for the interpretation of character.” In other words,
values are the foundation for judging what attitudes and behavior are correct
and desirable, and what are incorrect and undesirable. It is, therefore, of crucial
importance to have an appropriate framework as well as strategy for providing the
context and operational guidelines in implementing a values education program.
The Multiple Intelligence Theory of Gardner (1999) shows that academic
performance implies the pluralistic view of the individual’s mind, recognizing many
different facets of cognition and acknowledging that every individual has different
cognitive strengths and contrasting cognitive styles. To be an effective instrument
of national development, higher education must not only prepare and equip the
young with the needed skills and knowledge, but infuse values in what they teach.
The level of values orientation and performance of the First Year Electrical
Technology students in the Two-Year Technical Course in the University of
Northern Philippines and the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College is basically
anchored on the knowledge, skills and attitudes they developed throughout their
college education.
As shown in the model, the study looked into the relationship between
students’ personal factors, namely, age, residence, parents’ occupation, family
income, type of high school graduated from, and values orientation measured in
terms of leadership, cooperatives, initiative, dependability, sociability, emotional
control, reaction to criticisms, application, general attitude, honesty, and spiritual
enrichment. Furthermore, the model also shows possible relationship between
personal factors and values orientation with performance of students in basic
skills in building wiring installation.
Volume 9 • January 2017

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Values Orientation

• Leadership
• Cooperatives
• Initiatives
• Dependability
• Sociability
• Emotional control
Students Personal Factor • Reaction to criticisms
• Application
• Age
• Honesty
• Residence
• Spiritual
• Type of High School
graduated from
• Parents Occupation
• Family income

Skill Performance
in Building Wiring Installation

Figure 1. The model shows possible relationship between

independent and the dependent variables.


The study attempted to determine the values orientation of the first-year

students of the Two-Year Technical specialized in Electrical technology of the
University of Northern Philippines (UNP) and Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
(ISPSC). Specifically, it aimed to found out the level of values orientation of the
students in terms of the following components: a) leadership, b) cooperativeness,
c) initiative, d) dependability, e) sociability, f ) emotional control, g) reactions to
criticism, h) application, i) honesty, and j) spiritual enrichment. Anent to this, to
find out the skills performance in building wiring installation and the significant
difference in skills performance between the respondents of the University of
Northern Philippines, and Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College.
JPAIR Institutional Research


To identify the values orientation of the first-year students, the descriptive-

normative method was used. Three sets of questionnaires served as the data-
gathering instruments; the students’ personal factors, their values orientation and
the skills test. The personal data questionnaire for students is a fill in the blank
eliciting information about the following non-intellective factors: age, residence
type of high school graduated from, parent’s occupation and family income
(includes family members). Values orientation questionnaires were adopted from
Timbreza (1997). The content validity of the questionnaire was established upon
the consultation of experts.
The test instrument underwent re-pilot testing before the performance skills
test and the assessment guide was adopted from the building wiring electrician
used by the Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) with
some modifications and presented to the instructors of Electrical Technology
of the Higher Institutions of Ilocos Sur, Philippines. The performance of the
respondents was evaluated by the six instructors came from Higher Institutions
of Ilocos Sur, Philippine.

The norms followed in the interpretation are the following:

A. Students’ Values Orientation

Range of Scores Descriptive Rating
1.00 - 1.75 Poor
1.76- 2.50 Fair
2.51- 3.25 Satisfactory
3.26- 4.00 Excellent

B. Skill Performance in Electrical technology

Range of Scores Descriptive Rating
90 - 100 Excellent
80 - 89 Very High
70 - 79 High
60 - 69 Low
Below 60 Very Low

Volume 9 • January 2017

The population comprises all 50 freshmen enrolled in the Two-Year Technical

Course specialized in Electrical Technology; 27 students coming from the
University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City, and 23 coming from the Ilocos
Sur Polytechnic State College Santiago, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
Values orientation is correlated with the students’ skills performance and
personal factors. Simple correlation analysis through the Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS) was used. The t-test of significant difference between means
for independent samples was utilized to determine whether the performance in
building wiring significantly differ between the respondents from UNP and
ISPSC. The level of significance was set at 0.05 probability level (one tail).


Profile of Respondents in Terms of Personal Factors On Age

Majority of the student-respondents belong to range of age 16-20 distributed
into 24 (88.8%) from the University of Northern Philippines (UNP) and 21
(91.3%) from the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College (ISPSC). Only five (10%)
of the respondents belong to age 21-25.

On Residence
Majority of the 50 respondents are residing in rural areas

On type of High School Graduated From

Out of the 50 respondents, 40 students (19 from UNP and 21 from ISPSC)
graduated from public high schools and 10 students from private or religious
schools. This covers 80% of the total respondents.

On Parents’ Occupation
Majority of the respondents are skilled-workers. They work as farmers,
fishermen, carpenters, drivers, and maintenance workers.

On family Income
Family income of the majority of respondents falls between Php. 10,001- Php
15,000 ($200-300).

JPAIR Institutional Research

Level of values Orientation of the First Year Students

of the Two-Year Technical

On Leadership

The First Year in Two-Year Technical Course specialized in Electrical

Technology, in ISPSC, have a “Satisfactory” level of values orientation in terms
of Leadership. These findings can be explained by their ability to lead others.
They possess great self-confidence and could readily accomplish tasks entrusted
to them by their superiors. In UNP, the respondents’ values orientation is found
to be “Fair”.

Table 1. Level of Values Orientation of The First Year Students in Two-year

Technical Course
U.N.P. I.S.P.S.C. AS A
Leadership 2.35 F 3.22 S 2.75 S
Cooperativeness 2.51 S 2.82 S 2.65 S
Initiative 2.64 S 2.86 S 2.74 S
Dependability 2.65 S 3.04 S 2.83 S
Sociability 2.26 F 2.61 S 2.42 F
Emotional Control 2.54 S 2.80 S 2.66 S
Reaction to Criticism 2.49 S 3.20 S 2.82 S
Application 2.84 S 3.23 S 3.02 S
Honesty 2.83 S 3.23 S 3.01 S
Spiritual Enrichment 2.83 S 2.86 S 2.52 F
OVERALL 2.53 S 2.99 S 2.74 S

Legend: S- Satisfactory F- Fair

On Cooperativeness
Along cooperativeness, respondents were found to have “Satisfactory” level
of values orientation. This satisfactory level implies suitable working relationship
with one another. They tend to show a sense of fulfilment in each other’s presence
in performing tasks.

Volume 9 • January 2017

On Initiative
All the respondents had a “satisfactory” level of values orientation. The result
suggests that the students have the attitude of showing their ability and skill
in handling tasks without being told to do so. Respondents show alertness and
resourcefulness in accomplishing a task.

On Dependability
Respondents manifested “Satisfactory” level of values orientation in terms
of dependability. The students displayed working habits that can be relied upon
even without someone supervising them. Respondents exhibited their reliability
in accomplishing their assigned tasks with slight or no assistance at all.

On Sociability  
The level of values orientation of some respondents in terms of sociability is
“fair”. This suggests that the students tend to show an ordinary way of dealing
with their friends. They do not involve themselves too much on social gatherings.
On one hand, respondents from ISPSC, demonstrated a “Satisfactory” level in
dealing and relating with other people. ISPSC respondents are more sociable
and showed a satisfactory way in dealing with other people. This further denotes
that the respondents from ISPSC are more sociable than the respondents from
UNP. Research indicates that the consequences of conflict in teacher-student
relationships can be long term. Children who experienced teacher-student
relationships with conflict in the First- Grade demonstrated lower achievement
in mathematics over the following two years (Cadima, Doumen, Verschueren &
Buyse, 2015). Teacher relationship quality is especially important for children
with behavior difficulties or learning problems. When these children have close
relationships with their teachers, they show significant advantages compared to
similar classmates without such relationships. Students who had positive teacher
relationships demonstrated positive adaptation to school, regardless of their
gender or grade level, across the elementary age range (Birch & Ladd, 1998).

On Emotional Control
The respondents also showed “satisfactory” level of values orientation along
Emotional Control. Results of the findings reveal a great degree of self-control
and temperament among the students. The students have the tendency to
display a healthy outlook in life and tend to be usually well-balanced. Given
these findings, it is important for all students to have equal access to establishing

JPAIR Institutional Research

positive relationships with their teachers. It would seem that it is not the case for
all students.

On Reaction to Criticisms
In the aspect of reproaches or criticisms, the students indicated “satisfactory”
level of values orientation. It is a clear indication that the students possess a
wholesome attitude in accepting criticism or remarks for their improvement and
personality enhancement. It is also an implication that they respond to criticisms
cheerfully and they are eager to learn from any suggestions and pleasant ideas
from their fellow students.

On Application
The students also possess the ability to put into practice the theories they have
learned by performing extra work aside from usual classroom duties as manifested
by their “Satisfactory” level of values orientation. Students love to discover and
manifest their learned skills and techniques and performing such activities in
workmanship is a mastery of such skills for excellent performance.

On Honesty
Honesty is a virtue everybody must possess and this was manifested by the
“Satisfactory” level of values orientation of the respondents. This implies that they
are truly honest in doing their work or classroom activities. They are trustworthy
in performing any tasks assigned to them by their instructors. This also denotes
the virtue of aspiring for veracity in any field of endeavor towards the realization
of accepting and trusting others to maintain a smooth relationship with others.
Herzberg (2009) elucidated the value of commitment when he said
that human being needs to love his work, never have to say he is sorry about
something he produces because he has done his best. Work, therefore, requires
the opportunity to express the human need to love. Motivation to achieve more
than the ordinary requires long-term commitment for human beings cannot be
expected to make long-term commitments to uninteresting jobs. This implies
that the faculty of the college of technology demonstrates their commitment to
their students in the teaching and learning process delivery.

On Spiritual Enrichment
Respondents manifested “fair” level of values orientation in terms of spiritual
enrichment. This suggests that the students tend to have more faith in God as

Volume 9 • January 2017

creator of all men, as provider of everything in this world and attending mass/
service every Sunday. By doing so, it is the desire for personal refinement, arts and
appreciation of some related quality living.

Level of Performance in Building Wiring Installation of the First Year

Students of the Two- Year Technical Course
The performance in Building Wiring Installation of the students was based
on the results of the Skills Test administered by the researchers and evaluated by
6 experts. Representatives are three instructors from UNP and three from ISPSC.

Table 2. Level of Performance in Building Wiring Installation of the first Year

Students Two -Year Technical Course
Lighting Circuit Operation 98.70 E 98.89 E 98.80 E
Power Circuit Operation 94.02 E 94.44 E 94.25 E
Grounding Connection 92.17 E 82.96 VH 87.20 E
Installation of Circuit Breaker 88.55 VH 90.25 VH 88.17 H
Dimension/ Tolerance 86.98 VH 70.37 H 78.00 H
Horizontality/Verticality of 89.86 VH 69.14 L 78.67 H
Fastening of Fixtures/ 92.69 E 83.90 VH 82.13 VH
Bends/ corners 84.78 VH 65.38 L 74.49 H
Entries 99.98 E 80.25 VH 89.12 VH
Splices and joints 82.61 VH 72.00 H 77.08 H
Overall 92.71 E 83.91 VH 82.12 VH

Legend E- Excellent VH-Very High H- High L- Low

Respondents exhibited a “Very High” performance on simple electrical house
wiring, particularly, in 3-wire single phase, one bulb controlled by two three
way switch and one C.O. (3 pin) two branch. The group of respondents from
UNP exhibited an “Excellent” performance. It also revealed that the students
performed in the sub-component are “Excellent” in Lighting Circuit Operation;

JPAIR Institutional Research

Power Circuit Operation; Grounding Connection; Installation of Circuit

Breaker; Fastening of Fixtures/ Accessories’ and on Entries. They had a ‘Very
High” performance on dimensions/tolerance; bends and corners and on splices
and joints.
The students in ISPSC, also had a “Very High” performance. The students
showed “Excellent” performance in Lighting Circuit Operation and Power Circuit
Operation. They had a ‘Very High” performance on Grounding Connection,
Installation of Circuit Breaker, Fastening of Fixtures/ Accessories, and Entries.
Mean scores of 70.37 and 72.00 which fall under “High” performance were
obtained by the students on Dimensions/Tolerance, and Splices and Joints. Their
performance on Horizontality/Verticality of Fixtures, and on Installation of
Bends and Corners, however, is relatively “Low”.
The findings of the study are in consonance with the study of Tabbuac and
Paz (2015) that a person is satisfied with work when that work brings about
compensation, both the material and non-material fulfilment of his basic needs.
Performance could be one of the indices of the efficiency and effectiveness of
an organization (Herzberg, 1975). Their work outputs or accomplished tasks
validate the overall performance of their work. On the other hand, Umuroglu
and Jahre (2014) enumerated the following behavioral observations of poor
performance: quality of work; dependability; communication; internal/external
relationship; judgment; organizational abilities; volume of work; job knowledge;
motivation; reaction to stress; problem-solving; creativity; decisiveness; hygiene;
and sexuality inappropriate behavior.

Significant Difference in the Performance in Building Wiring Installation

between Respondents from UNP and ISPSC
The computed t-value for the respondents’ overall skills performance (1.703)
is higher than the critical value (1.678) at 0.05 probability level. Hence, the null
hypothesis which states that there is no significant difference in the performance
in Simple Electrical House Wiring Installation between the students in UNP
and the students in ISPSC is rejected. This suggested that the Two-Year Technical
students in UNP are significantly more skillful in Electrical House Wiring
Installation than the students in ISPSC.

Volume 9 • January 2017

Table 3. Results of T-test of Significant Difference in the Performance in Simple

Electrical House Wiring Installation between Respondents from UNP and ISPSC
House Wiring Installation t- VALUE DECISION
Lighting Circuit Operation 8.80 1.703* Reject Ho
Power Circuit Operation 0.19 -0.224 Do not reject Ho
Grounding Connection 0.42 -0.381 Do not reject Ho
Installation of Circuit Breaker 9.21 1.712* Reject Ho
Dimensions/ Tolerance 16.59 1.9158* Reject Ho
Horizontality/Verticality of Fixtures 20.72 2.834* Reject Ho
Fastening of Fixtures/ Accessories 8.79 1.703* Reject Ho
Bends/ Corners 19.40 2.075* Reject Ho
Entries 19.73 2.298* Reject Ho
Splices and Joints 10.61 1.784* Reject Ho
OVERALL SKILL 8.80 1.703* Reject Ho
T(.05)=1.678,DF=48,one tail Legend:* - significant at 0.05 probability level

On two subcomponent skill in Electrical House Wiring Installation which is
lighting circuit operations and power circuit operations, the t-values (0.224 and
0.381) did not exceed the tabular value (1.6788). This shows that along the two
sub-skills, UNP and ISPSC respondents do not differ significantly.
However, on grounding connections, installation of Circuit Breaker,
dimensions/ tolerance, horizontality/verticality of fixtures, fastening of fixtures,
bends/corners, entries and splices, their computed t-values exceed the tabular
(1.678). This means that the students of UNP and ISPSC showed significant
difference in their skill performance along the eight afore-cited skills. Desirable
work attitudes are not innate, it can be learned and acquired (Umuroglu & Jahre,

Relationship between Personal Factors and Values Orientation

Students’ values orientation along Reaction to Criticism is significantly
correlated to parents’ occupation (r=.342). This suggests that the level of
orientation of the students along Reaction to Criticism is significantly influenced
by their parents’ occupation. Students whose parents are skilled workers, tends
to have significantly higher level of wholesome attitude of accepting remarks or
suggestions for improvement than those whose parents are non-skilled workers.

JPAIR Institutional Research

This could be an effect of the carryover of the parents’ openness to criticism/

suggestion which belong to the upper echelon of society.

Table 4. Correlation between Students’ Personal Factors and Values Orientation

Type of Parent’s Family
Age Residence
VALUES H.S. Occupation Income
Leadership 0.006 0.192 0.019 0.179 0.133
Cooperativeness 0.109 0.211 -0.018 0.028 -0.107
Initiative 0.068 0.055 -0.156 0.099 -0.285*
Dependability -0.086 0.058 -0.136 0.086 -0.343*
Sociability 0.060 0.111 -0.196 0.172 -0.046
Emotional Control -0.079 0.027 -0.151 0.086 -0.032
Reaction to criticism -0.116 0.245 -0.135 0.342* -0.153
Application -0.034 0.038 -0.122 -0.009 -0.035
Honesty -0.148 0.129 -0.058 0.358* -0.069
Spiritual Enrichment 0.033 0.078 0.108 0.109 -0.199
OVERALL -0.027 0.188 -0.113 0.196 -0.218
R required at 0.05=0.276 Legend: *-significant at 0.05 probability level

Students’ values orientation along Honesty is also significantly related
to parents’ occupation. The correlation coefficient of 0.358 is higher than
the required correlation coefficient at 0.05 levels of significance. This finding
suggests that students whose parents are skilled workers tend to have significant
higher level of aspiration for truth in any field of endeavor towards realization of
accepting and giving trusts to others than students whose parents are in the office
or non-skilled workers. For parents’ occupation and values orientation along
Reaction to Criticism and Honesty, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Family income is significantly and inversely related to values orientation in
terms of Initiative (r= -0.2854). Students’ attitude of showing the ability and
skill to handle tasks without being pressed is significantly influenced by students’
family income. This suggests that students with low family income tend to have
more initiative to work than students with higher family income. In addition,
family income is also significant and inversely related to values orientation in
terms of Dependability (r= - 0.343). This means that the attitude of showing
trustworthiness, reliance and conscientiousness in any work or endeavor is

Volume 9 • January 2017

significantly related to family income. This finding further implies that students
with lower family income tend to be more conscientious and display greater
reliability when needed more than those with higher family income.


The student-respondents in Higher Education Institutions in Ilocos Sur,

Philippines have an overall “Satisfactory” level of values orientation. This
satisfactory level implies suitable working relationship with one another. They
tend to show a sense of fulfilment in each other’s presence in performing tasks. The
results tend to show that students have the attitude of showing their ability and
skill in handling tasks without being told to do so. Respondents show alertness
and resourcefulness in accomplishing a task. Students displayed working habits
that can be relied upon even without someone supervising them. Respondents
exhibited their reliability in accomplishing their assigned tasks with slight or no
assistance at all. Given these findings, it is important for all students to have equal
access to establishing positive relationships with their teachers.
It is a clear indication that the students possess a wholesome attitude
in accepting criticism or remarks for their improvement and personality
development. It is also an implication that they respond to criticisms cheerfully
and they are eager to learn from any suggestions and pleasant ideas from their
fellow students. Students love to discover and manifest their learned skills and
techniques and performing such activities in workmanship is a mastery of such
skills for excellent performance. They are trustworthy in performing any tasks
assigned to them by their instructors. This also denotes the virtue of aspiring
for veracity in any field of endeavor towards the realization of accepting and
trusting others to maintain a smooth relationship with others. However, the
values orientation along Sociability and Spiritual engagement have an overall “
fair” level. This could be due that the students tend to show an ordinary way of
dealing with their friends. They do not involve themselves too much on social
gatherings and spiritual engagement.
Values re-orientation through institutional lecture series should always be
emphasized to the students to sustain upper level of values orientation. The
institutions should conduct socialization program to foster closer relationship
with students. More “hands on” or practicum must be prioritized in the shop so
that the students will be exposed to more practical applications.

JPAIR Institutional Research


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Volume 9 • January 2017

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