JuIy 5, 19?G
This report irns rcferencc to thc following exhibits rvhich rvero lcccivcd:rl- this llt'bolatoly
May 18, 19?6 via Registeled Mail 11511596.
llt ()rt(r (l) Iit'('(l.:16 citlil)cl tlrtttt:tgctl t:olttctl lt::rrl llrllcl. listcrl lrs rr:r:ovclr:rl l.rrrrrr
Itr:rrrl trl vit:lirrr. ,l. Willirrrrrs.
One (1) Iired ,38 calibcr damaged lead bullet listed as r.ecover.ed from lett
shouldcr of victirn ,I. WilIinms.
l'.\ Onc (l) clclotnlcd nlclullic fr:.rgucnt listcd ls Lccovr-.r.cd from.]. Williln.rs.
T o
Flonorable Dale Carson 76 05 11185
July 5, 1976 Page Ivo
#4 One (1) fired .32 caliber dan.raged lead bullet Iisted as recovered from
J. Williams.
#5 One (1) fired .38 caiiber damaged Iead builet Iisted as recovered from
N. Marshall.
#6 One (1) fired .38 caliber lead bullet withflaltened base listed as recorered
from scene.
ti7 One (1) fired .38 caliber damaged semi-wadcutter Iead bullet.
#8b One (1) fired .38 caliber damaged lead bullet listed as recovered from
'I'hese bullets lvcle conrpared rn icl'oscopicallJ. wlth each other'. AII lvcre fired from
the same rveapon,
These bullets beal rifling impressions of 8-grooves, right trvist, of dimensions typi-
cal of Arminius revolrrer in.38 Special caliber. Since this is not necessarily the
only brand possibly involved, any rveapon of the given specifications should be con-
sidered for submission to the laboratory.
These bullet portiols are .38 caliber and bear rifling impressious of only iimited
identificatiorl value r,vith rcspecl to thc particular weapon fronr rvhich fired, due to
inl 1;act/pene tl.nl"iou effccts. \trhile solne evidence of a relatio[shi1; rvas noted rvith
Lxlribits llL, #2, ll5, #7 rncl iiSb, it \yas too limited in amount and chalacler for con-
chlsivc ox:r nl in x I iol) r'estllts.
'I'his bullet bears riflitrg irnpressious of 6-grooves, right trvist o{ dirnensious typical
of licgctrt, H&ll rutl {l&A )'cvolvcrs in.,ii2 calibcr. Sincc Lhcsc rlc not thc only braucls
l)ossil)l.y iuvolvotl, iuly rvc:lPon oI thc givon sl)cc il'icirLions slror,rld bc <:onsitlcr.ocl [or sLrb-
r)r i ss io[ to tl)c laborato].y.
t o
Holorable Dale Carson 76 05 11185
Jrlly 5, 1976 Page'I'hlee
Visual and microscopical exarnination of this frame reyealed an apparent bullet hole
in the lorver right portion. Examination of the holed area revealed the presence of
carbonaceous material (smudge), No other indications of close range gunshot were
Exhibits #1 thror:gh #? and #8b were compared microscopically with subrnitted evi-
dcrrce bullets irl your casc nurnbers #57523, #433362, #262904 and with l.he uuidenl.i-
fied evidence arnmunition components in the open case files; all with negative resulis.
Ilxlribits ltl, ll2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 a-nd #8b rvill be retained in the open case files
pending submission of suspect weapons.
Exhibit #8a was returned to your agency by UPS on June 17, 1976,