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This is
a common place where people exchange their opinions on various issues it could be
any product and express their thoughts in terms of positive or negative sentiment.
further. Most of the time, Organizers analyze the user responses and answer them
back on social media. So here is a challenge to analyze or detect and accomplish the
global sentiment.
Eg: "The picture was a great one" differs completely from "the picture was not
so great".
Fig.1.2 Levels of Sentiment Analysis
• Document Level:Analysis is doneon the whole document and then express whether
the document positive or negative sentiment .
Fig.1.3 Document Level
• Sentence level:It is related to find sentiment polarity from short sentences.
Sentence level is merely close to subjectivity classification.
camera and the quality of display has positive sentiment but phone‟s storage memory
sentiment is negative.
This focuses on the short sentences and entity level sentiment analysis and
classify the streamed tweets into positive, neutral and negative tweets using standard
2.1 Natural Language Processing – NLTK
NLTK is a suite of text processing libraries for tokenization, stemming ,classification,
tagging, parsing, and semantic reasoning. It also has lexical resources such as
WordNet. It does the following:
Fig.2.2 WordNet
• Stop words removal
• Unstructured to structured
2.2 Naïve Baye’s Classification
In machine learning, Naive Baye‟s classifier uses Baye‟s theorem with strong
(naive) independence assumptions between the features which were word frequencies.
Naive Baye‟s classifiers are highly accessible, requires number of parameters which
are linear in the number of variables (features/predictors) in the learning problem.
Training of Maximum-likelihood can be used for evaluation of a closed form
expression which considers linear time, rather than expensive approximate iteration
that is used for different types of classifiers.
considered as an orange if its colour is orange, round, and it is about 4" in radius.
Naive Bayes classifier independently considers each of these features to find the
probability whether these fruit is an orange, regardless of any possible relationships
between the features like roundness, colour and diameter.
The Streaming API searches for hashtags, keywords and geographic bounding
boxes simultaneously. The filter API helps for searching and delivers the continuous
stream of Tweets which matches the filter tag. POST method is preferred while
creating the request, because long URLs are truncated and GET method is used to
retrieve the results.
Fig.2.6 Twitter Application Programming Interface
Turney et.al.
Used bag-of-words method in which the relationships between words was not
considered at all for sentiment analysis and a sentence is simply considered as a
collection of words. To determine the sentiment for the whole sentence, sentiment of
every individual word was determined separately and those values are aggregated
using some aggregation functions.
Fig.3.1 POS-Tagging
Fig.3.2 N-gram Model
Used Twitter API to collect data from twitter. Tweets which contain opinions
were filtered out. Unigram Naive Baye‟s model was developed for polarity
identification. They also worked for elimination of unwanted features by using the
Mutual Information and Chi square feature extraction method. Finally, the approach
for predicting the tweets as positive or negative did not give better accuracy by this
Proposes a linguistic approach system for aspect based opinion mining, which
is a clause/Sentence level sentiment analysis for opinionated texts.
which has prior sentiment scores for the words and also from domain specific
This explains the previous works, the goal is to identify the most
significant.Challenges in sentiment and explore how to improve the accuracy results
that are relevant to the used techniques.
All the above mentioned work uses the corpus data in this paper the real streaming
data based on the filters used and it does not require any memory to store the tweets.
The proposed system extracts the data from SNS services which is done using
Streaming API of twitter. The extracted tweets are loaded into hadoop and it is been
preprocessed using map reduce.This task is followed by classification which uses
NLP and machine learning techniques. The classification usedhere is uni-word Naïve
Bayes‟ classification.
Training Phase Classificati on Phase
Considerthe numberof allpositive tweets, positivewords and negative words from our
training phase.Thencalculate the probability of a tweet being positive.
No of Positive Tweets
For each word in each tweet that is being streamed is checked for the probability of it
being used given that it is positive.
Then we checked the word itself being used irrespective of whether or not it is
In-order to check the probability of word being positive given that is used in a tweet
which is given as follows:
P(C) +P(D)(C)
P(c) = P(D)
The implementation of the work is done in three folds. First the preprocessing,
and training of the data set.
In the first phase Training the classifier is the atmostimportant task. AS an input to
this module 20,00,000 tweets were collected from several sources which are already
classified and the job of this module is to build a classifier bytraining on the large data
set. NLTK is used to remove the words with POS tags which are not usefulto build
the classifier. Hadoop is used to extract information from it and MapReduce is used to
easily extract several words with their positive and negative probabilities.
The output of reducer is several numbers of words with their positive and negative
scores. These scores are stored in database using MongoDB, which inturn is used by
the classification module. The classification module is used to classify the tweets
from twitter.
Fig.5.1 Training phase
The dataset that is already classified is given a sentiment score of 2 or 5 for each
tweet, indicating that is negative for a score 2 and positive for a score 5. The dataset
considered for training is offered by Stanford University and the classification is first done by
5.2 Classification Phase
The tweets extracted by Streaming API are then classified into positive,
negative or neutral tweet. If the words turn out to be positive, then the sentence is
classified as positive. Mapper code when runs on this dataset will split the file into
two parts namely the score, an integer and the tweet, which is string. The Reducer will
check for each word in the string and increment its positive score if the overall tweet
is scored as 5. Similarly, the negative score for the word is incremented if the word
happens to occur in another tweet which is scored as 2. On the other hand, if the
words turn out to be negative, then the sentence is classified as negative. If the words
are mixture of both positive and negative, then we check the sum of positive and
negative scores of words, appropriately the sentence is classified.The final output of
the Reducer is stored in the format {[word], [negative_score], [positive_score]} as
shown in fig.4. and The final scores uploaded onto MongoDB
5.3 Application Phase & User Interface
The web Application allows all users to register by providing basic information
themselves to the application. The details are stored in MongoDB under the users
collection. Whenever the user tries to login to their account, their details will be
checked against the details stored in MongoDB for a match.
Initially when the user logs in, there will be no filters so the dashboard will be
empty. The user has been provided options to add /delete filters. When the user starts
adding filters then all the data can be analyzed in the UI Module. Hence, results for
each filter can be viewed by the user. In the UI module provides the interface to
analyse the classified data. Here the user can set their own filter for which they can
visualize the data through a Donut Chart for the depiction of time-based Analytics
imported from the Morris API. The users can choose to display the data over hourly,
daily or weekly durations.
6.1 Results for the filter “Obama”
All the tweets that are tweeted from the time of execution that contain the
word Obama are scored for sentiment analysis. Based on the scores obtained, the
tweet is classified as positive, negative or neutral. These results are displayed as the
summary opinion for each filter through a donut chart.
6.2 Results for the Filter ISIS
The analytics for ISIS, it is evident that Twitter verse feelsmostly negative
about ISIS. Most of the tweets containedlinks to articles involving ISIS tweeted by
news agencies,so they were scored to be neutral. Very few tweets wereclassified as
positive which were mostly tweeted by peoplewho support the Islamic Front
considered, when we take tweets specific to acountry, say India, where we know
people also tweet inlanguages like Hindi, the results are not entirely accurate.Most of
them will be classified as Neutral or Negative.Majority of negative words carry more
weight which givesrise to this classification.
This work is of tremendous use to the people and industries which are based
on sentiment analysis. Forexample, Sales Marketing, Product Marketing etc. The key
features of this system are the training module which is done with the help Hadoop
and MapReduce, Classification based on 918 Naïve Bayes, Time Variant Analytics
and the Continuous learning System. The fact that the analysis is done real time is the
major highlight of this paper. Several existing systems store old tweets and perform
sentiment analysis on them which gives results on old data and uses up a lot of space.
Butin this system, the tweets are not stored which is cost effectiveas no storage space
is needed. Also all the analysis is done ontweets real-time. So the user is assured that,
getting new andrelevant results.
However, the proposed system has some limitations. First limitation is being
Uni-gram Naïve i.e. training of the data was done based on word probabilities and
used the same for classification. Future enhancement to this work might be to use n-
gram classification rather than limiting to uni-gram which will require pattern filtering
on Hadoop. When classifying the sentence, words are taken individually rather the
sentence in total. The semantic meaning is neglected that might be present between
the words. Second Limitation this is only used for English Language. It might be
possible to build a system which can perform sentiment analysis in all languages. The
third limitation that the system may not provide actual intended meaning of the user.
There might be some sort of sarcasm present in the sentences which the system
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