Topographic Maps

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Map Reading Activity: Topography

Topography is the study of elevations on land in relation to each other.

It includes all valleys, mountains, and any sort of rise or dip in the ground.
Topography is shown on a map with lines radiating out from sea level.
The more lines in between sea level and any point, the higher in elevation it is.
These lines are generally called contour lines.

This is a topographic map with contour lines that show points that are on the same level.

10 20 10
Williams 20 30 Jenkins
Hill 30 40 Hill
40 50

50 m
40 m
20m Williams
10m Hill
Sea Level = 0
Here, the two hills are seen from the side, with elevations marked
and dotted lines pointing to the corresponding contour lines.

1. Color the elevations on the topographic map as follows:

50m=Blue, 40m=Red, 30m=Purple, 20m=Yellow, 10m=Green

2. About how tall in meters is Williams Hill?

3. About how tall in meters is Jenkins Hill?

4. Which peak is taller and by how much?

5. Starting at sea level, how many meters are in between each contour line on the topographic map?

6. Which hill has a steeper slope?

7. Which hill has contour lines closer together?

2010-2011 by
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