Monitoring Training PDF
Monitoring Training PDF
Monitoring Training PDF
in Athletes
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in Athletes
vi Contents
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First, I would like to thank the many ath- athletes who have been participants in
letes and coaches I have had the opportu- these studies. Also, thanks to all the
nity to work with over the years. I don’t wonderful colleagues and postgraduate
think it would be possible to write a book students I have worked with—in par-
on athlete monitoring without significant ticular, Mike Newton, Stuart Cormack,
interactions with athletes, coaches, and David Tod, Matthew Sharman, Sophia
practitioners from a range of sports. In Nimphius, and Nic Gill.
particular, I had the opportunity to work I have also been fortunate to have had
with three world-class coaches. Waimar- several excellent mentors. I was lucky
ama Taumaunu, Ruth Aitken, and Jean- enough to work with and learn from three
Pierre Egger, thank you for the insights of the best researchers in the world in the
and conversations. areas of athlete training and monitoring.
I would also like to thank Roger Earle, Carl Foster, Robert Newton, and William
Melissa Zavala, Karla Walsh, and all Kraemer have been extremely generous
the team at Human Kinetics behind the with their time over the years, and I will
scenes for their help throughout the pro- always be thankful for their support.
cess of developing and writing this book. Finally, and most important, thanks to
I have been involved with many my family. My wife, Kathryn, and daugh-
research projects on athlete monitoring ters Rachel, Emma, and Nicola inspire me
over the years. Thank you to the many every day.
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Why Monitor
documents strength and fatigue responses from British statistician George Box:
(although not in high-level athletes) (36). “All models are wrong, but some are
Systematically monitoring the physiolog- useful” (5). The models in this book
ical and psychological variables related to provide a starting point for discussions
performance helps practitioners measure of key concepts. As shown in figure
the effectiveness of their training pro- 1.1, the ultimate outcome in sport is
grams and decide how to revise or update performance. To have any effect on an
those programs. Recent times have seen athlete, a monitoring program needs
frequent discussions in the media and a to have performance as its underlying
steady stream of research on the topic. consideration. Traditionally, physical and
As noted, practitioners need to under- psychological factors were monitored.
stand the reasons for monitoring ath- However, technical and tactical compo-
letes and how to use the information to nents are extremely important to overall
improve their performances. Buy-in on athletic performance. The monitoring
the part of both athlete and practitioner program attempts to quantify factors
will also increase the effectiveness of any such as training dosage (also known as
monitoring program. load), variables of training, and lifestyle
Figure 1.1 depicts monitoring issues factors (e.g., sleep, nutrition, life stress).
and how monitoring helps athletes. Subsequent chapters address these fac-
When examining the figures in this tors and methods for monitoring them.
book, keep in mind an important quote A solid understanding of these factors
What is
worthwhile How to use
Statistical monitoring? monitoring
tools information
Dosage Response
• Physical
• Training and • Psychological • Performance
competition load
• Technical
• Life load
• Tactical
Why Monitor Athletes? 3
and how they are related is the basis of is, the longer the recovery period must
a good athlete monitoring program. be (51).
Two important factors to assess when
determining the stress response to train-
Stress Response to a ing sessions are training readiness and
nontraining parameters.
Training Session
How an athlete ultimately performs is the
Assessing Training
result of the accumulation of individual Readiness
training sessions. Thus, a key purpose Monitoring helps determine the impact
of monitoring is to evaluate the stress of individual training sessions on ath-
response to individual training sessions, letes’ physical performance states and
which are the building blocks of the training readiness. Many practitioners
overall training program. Practitioners assess the training readiness of their ath-
need to know how hard their athletes letes at the beginning of training sessions
are working in both training sessions and to determine whether they need to make
competition. adjustments to the session. For example,
One of the challenges facing practi- an athlete experiencing excessive fatigue
tioners is the plethora of methods and might benefit from a reduction in inten-
technologies available for monitoring sity. However, evidence supporting the
athletes. A method can be as simple and use of a specific test to assess training
cheap as measuring the duration of the readiness is lacking. Rather than relying
on a sophisticated test, practitioners may
session and keeping a record of the ele-
do something as simple as asking the
ments of the session in a training diary
athlete “How do you feel?” This type of
(32). More complicated and expensive
subjective information has been shown
methods include analyzing biochemical
to be very effective for monitoring the
markers such as cortisol (a stress hor-
well-being and fatigue levels of athletes
mone) and measuring athlete move-
(50). Subjective monitoring methods and
ments using GPS and inertial sensors. wellness scales are discussed in more
However, expensive does not necessarily detail in chapter 4. A combination of
mean better; simple tools often provide subjective and objective measures often
as much, if not more, information than provides an overall picture of the ath-
more sophisticated methods (50). lete’s readiness for the training session.
Practitioners also need to know the Training readiness can be assessed
effect of physiological loading on athletes using high-velocity movements such
during and following training sessions. as vertical countermovement jumps or
The relationship between the training drop jumps. The practitioner establishes
dose and the athlete’s response largely a baseline result from when the athlete
determines the adaptations to the train- is in peak condition and uses it as a
ing program as those sessions accumulate benchmark for subsequent assessments.
(14). An athlete’s return to a state of If, for example, an athlete falls 10%
homeostasis is affected by the training or more below the peak performance
dosage. The greater the training stress value, the practitioner may adjust the
4 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
Coach Life load
Training load
If insufficient recovery
Figure 1.2 Factors that affect training load and their relationship to overreaching, overtraining, illness,
and injury. E6859/McGuigan/F01.02/554418/mh-R2
overreaching can occur. If this contin- training and competitions, and disturbed
ues, athletes could enter an overtrained sleep. Many tools for athlete monitor-
state (14). ing are discussed in more detail in later
When an athlete is suffering from chapters.
performance fatigue, it is important to
determine whether that fatigue is the
result of overreaching or overtraining.
Criteria for diagnosing overtraining syn-
drome, as well as exclusion criteria for of Individualized
the condition, have been developed to
guide practitioners (40). It is important to Monitoring
note that no single diagnostic tool exists
to identify overtraining syndrome. This An individualized approach to athlete
diagnosis can be made only by exclud- monitoring is critical to get the best
ing all other possible influences on the results from a training system. The
changes in performance and mood state relationship between training dosage
(40). Signs to look for include unex- and performance varies between ath-
plained underperformance, persistent letes, most likely as a result of factors
fatigue, increased perceived exertion in such as genetics, training history, and
8 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
psychological factors. This book focuses cortisol were also obtained. Integrated
on individualized approaches to monitor- monitoring systems that incorporate
ing athletes. Although most practitioners measures of training load, physiological
deal with groups of athletes, it is impor- systems, subjective wellness, and phys-
tant to focus on each athlete’s responses ical performance are becoming more
rather than just on the group’s results. commonplace in high-performance
Looking only at the average results for sport programs. In another study, Brad-
a group of athletes can result in missing ley and colleagues (6) tracked training
important individual responses. The load, nutrition intake, and physical per-
approach proposed here is no different formance in professional rugby union
from the approach used when designing athletes across a preseason. Tracking this
a training program. Rather than taking a type of information throughout a period
one-size-fits-all approach and creating a of training permits researchers to observe
generic program for a squad of athletes, trends across a group of athletes. This can
a strength and conditioning practitioner also be useful for answering questions
should take into account individual ath- practitioners might have. For example,
letes’ strengths and weaknesses (38, 45). Bradley and colleagues (6) were able
When implementing a monitoring to observe and make suggestions about
system, it is equally important to allow nutrition intake and training demands
for individual athlete variation. For for professional rugby union athletes.
example, some athletes tolerate increases
in training load better than others do
(23, 30). Monitoring individual athletes Monitoring for Injury Risk
allows practitioners to identify those who Monitoring training also has an impor-
are not responding to the training pro- tant role to play in the area of injury
gram. Solid evidence now demonstrates prevention (34). In particular, monitor-
that people have individual responses to ing has huge potential for uncovering
training (10, 33). This is true not only information about injury risk and its rela-
for physical capacities such as muscular tionship to training load. For example,
strength (33) and aerobic endurance several studies from contact sports such
(10) but also across a range of physical as rugby league (23-25, 35), rugby union
capacities and markers. Practitioners (15), and Australian rules football (12,
need to be aware of these differences 49) show a relationship between changes
to ensure a full understanding of total in cumulative training load and risk of
athlete preparation. injury. A study by Cross and colleagues
An increasing body of research now (15) showed that rugby players were at
includes regular monitoring data from a higher risk of injury if they had high
elite athletes (6, 9, 29, 41). For example, 1-week cumulative training loads or a
Buchheit and colleagues (9) monitored large week-to-week change in training
the fitness, fatigue markers, and running load. These are similar to observations
performance of Australian rules football made in other contact sports (35, 49,
players during a preseason camp. Over 14 56). Not only do excessive loads need
days the athletes were monitored using to be monitored, but also inadequate
ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and exposure to training load can be an
GPS during all training sessions. Daily issue (56). Being undertrained is often
measures of fatigue, sleep quality, muscle a bigger concern for many athletes than
soreness, stress and mood, and salivary being overtrained. In elite sport, the
Why Monitor Athletes? 9
issue is not necessarily the high volumes and colleagues (57) investigated the
of work themselves but rather how the neuromuscular, hormonal, and mood
athletes get to that point. The implica- responses in 14 professional rugby play-
tion is that by monitoring training loads ers following match play. At 60 hr post-
weekly, practitioners will be much better match, seven players had not fully recov-
informed about the changes in training. ered to baseline levels for peak power on
As a result, they can manipulate the pro- a vertical countermovement jump. How-
gram design to ensure that players are ever, the average results for the squad
not exceeding thresholds that put them of players revealed full recovery of the
at increased risk of injury (22). squad to baseline levels. Examining the
individual ratios of salivary testosterone
to cortisol demonstrated that at 60 hr
Monitoring for Illness postmatch, five players showed recovery
In addition to injury, athletes are at or a slight increase over recovery levels,
increased risk of developing illnesses whereas nine players showed a decrease,
such as upper respiratory tract infections ranging from −6% to −65%. Only by
during heavy periods of training (16, 44, monitoring each athlete’s response to
53). Not a great deal of research exists training and recovery will a full picture
on the relationship between training emerge. Postexercise recovery strategies
load and illness in team sport athletes could be individualized; for example,
(56). However, a number of researchers athletes who recover more slowly might
who investigated this relationship in use more aggressive and intensive recov-
mainly aerobic endurance–based sport ery strategies. Practitioners need to be
discovered increased susceptibility to mindful about balancing recovery and
upper respiratory illnesses after pro- adaptation and any negative effects asso-
longed strenuous exercise (28). Moni- ciated with excessive recovery in their
toring immune markers such as salivary athletes (43, 48).
immunoglobulin A (IgA) and cytokines
may hold some promise for identify-
ing athletes at risk of developing these Monitoring Training Load
illnesses (26-28). Prolonged and strenu- Individualized monitoring determines
ous bouts of exercise during training and the degree of agreement between the
competition have been shown to impair training load prescribed by the practi-
immune function (27). This can put ath- tioner and the load experienced by the
letes at greater risk of developing upper athlete. Research suggests that a lack of
respiratory tract infections as a result agreement often exists between practi-
of decreased levels of salivary IgA and tioners and athletes in terms of percep-
cytokines (27). Thus, monitoring these tion of the workload intensity (7, 20,
types of markers is logical. 42). Problems can occur when intended
easy sessions become hard sessions, and
vice versa, which can lead to adverse
Monitoring Recovery effects such as overreaching or a lack
Recovery strategies are an increasingly of adaptation. Using a systematic mon-
important part of high-performance pro- itoring system with objective measures
grams. Many studies have shown an indi- such as heart rate and GPS makes these
vidualized rate of recovery in response adverse effects less likely to occur. How-
to contact sport (57). For example, West ever, the true value of this information
10 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
emerges only from observing individual training errors when a mismatch occurs
responses. between the prescribed training load and
the athlete’s ability to tolerate it safely.
Avoiding such mismatches is possible
Monitoring Effects only when monitoring occurs on an indi-
of Training and vidual basis. These concepts are explored
Competition Schedules more in chapters 8 and 9.
It is exciting to see more data being
Monitoring athletes may also provide published about elite athletes (41, 54,
information about the impact of competi-
55). Sport science researchers have
tion schedules on individual player avail-
traditionally published research on rec-
ability (11, 39). This can be a particular
reationally trained athletes, which may
issue in sports with heavy competitive
have more limited application to athletes
schedules such as football (11, 17) and
in high-performance sport. One of the
baseball (52). Carling and colleagues (11)
challenges in this era is the increased
investigated the effects of match con-
use of data analytics or analyzing large
gestion on a professional football team
amounts of data to make conclusions
competing in domestic and European
and find patterns (13). Looking at this
competitions over a 4-year period. They
at the level of the individual athlete
documented the impact of players being
rested at key periods, which highlighted makes interpretation of data even more
how the coaching staff rotated and challenging. Practitioners now need skills
rested key players. The authors noted to process, interpret, and implement the
that the systematic monitoring of the tsunami of available information into
players during match recovery periods their programs (13). One important skill
using measures such as RPE, wellness, is being able to filter out information that
and recovery of muscle strength enabled is not important. Individual monitoring
practitioners to make evidence-based can add value to a high-performance
decisions on whether to rest players program by giving practitioners a more
from subsequent matches (11). McLean complete understanding of how the ath-
and colleagues (39) investigated the letes are tracking. Monitoring data can
neuromuscular, endocrine, and percep- then be used to aid decision making in
tual responses to varying durations of areas such as load management, training
recovery in elite rugby league players. program design and manipulations, and
The results showed that as a playing competition peaking. If done well, this
group the athletes tended to recover should increase athlete availability by
fully within 4 days of match play, but reducing incidences of injury and illness.
the results were highly individual. This Monitoring appears to be extremely
highlighted the need for practitioners important for athlete and practitioner
to use individual monitoring to make education by providing data to sup-
decisions about appropriate approaches port decisions and identify best prac-
to training and potential adjustments to tice approaches to athlete preparation.
training load, particularly in elite ath- Athlete and practitioner buy-in to the
letes. Monitoring can assist with reducing monitoring program is a fundamental
Why Monitor Athletes? 11
contemporary methods can be used in though they may not always need all of
practice. Although a basic understanding them. These tools are discussed in more
of these statistical methods is sufficient detail throughout this chapter.
for most practitioners, a more in-depth Two branches of statistics are descrip-
understanding can be useful. Practition- tive and inferential (39). Descriptive
ers who invest time in learning about statistics provide a summary of data
these techniques in greater detail can be and are a good starting point for ana-
richly rewarded. More technical expla- lyzing monitoring data. They are simply
nations are available (21). a way to describe the data. Inferential
statistics allow one to use a random
sample taken from a population to
Basic Statistical Tools make inferences about that population.
Recently, scientists and practitioners
for Practitioners in sport science have made increasing
use of magnitude-based approaches,
What are the basic statistical tools practi- which can be more practical because they
tioners can use to enhance their athlete address the meaningfulness of change to
monitoring (8)? Figure 2.1 depicts the athletes (2). Practitioners may be more
basic tools that all practitioners should interested in understanding whether a
have in their monitoring toolboxes, even change in a monitoring variable is prac-
Effect size
Z-scores Meaningful
Graphing Descriptive
data statistics
small sample sizes. For example, coaches More advanced techniques for ana-
often deliberately modify training so that lyzing data can provide some inter-
programs include heavy and light weeks esting information about the patterns
or days. These periods of loading and of athlete monitoring data. Using data
unloading are examples of extreme but mining can give a more in-depth math-
important outliers that need to be taken ematical description of patterns. Data
into account. mining refers to the process of deeper
Standard deviations (and the degree exploration using analysis techniques
of skewness) are often calculated using of large data sets that practitioners typ-
a spreadsheet. However, a basic under- ically encounter in athlete monitoring.
standing of how they are calculated is Looking at the clustering of group data
useful for understanding these measures. according to similarities in the data is
Following are steps for calculating the one approach. At the simplest level,
standard deviation of a group of data: the clustering can consist of classifying
athletes by position, playing standard,
1. Calculate the deviation of each score or level of experience.
from the mean by subtracting the
mean from each raw score (actual
score obtained by the athlete). Z-Scores
2. Square each deviation score. The extent of unusualness of a data
3. Sum all of the squared deviations. point is determined by calculating the
z-score—the number of standard devia-
4. Divide the sum by N − 1 to get the
tions away from the mean. The z-score is
an example of a standardized score and
5. Take the square root of the variance is useful in athlete monitoring because
to find the standard deviation. it provides much more information than
For example: just the raw score (42). Practitioners can
use the z-score to express the distance
Resting heart rates for an athlete over of any athlete’s result in standard devi-
8 days = 55, 62, 57, 51, 62, 65, 71, ation units from the mean. When scores
58 beats/min are transformed into z-scores, normally
distributed z-scores have a mean of 0
Mean = 60.1 beats per min, so the and a standard deviation of 1 (see figure
deviation score for each day = −5.1, 2.2). The z-scores will range between −3
1.9, −3.1, −9.1, 1.9, 4.9, 10.9, −2.1 and +3. The z-score indicates how many
standard deviations below or above the
Squared deviation scores = mean the athlete’s score is. For exam-
26.01, 3.61, 9.61, 82.81, 3.61, ple, a z-score of +1.5 would indicate
24.01, 118.81, 4.41 that the athlete’s score is 1.5 standard
deviations above the mean for the group
Sum of all the squared deviations = of athletes.
272.88 The z-score can be calculated as fol-
272.88 ÷ (8 − 1) = 38.98 Z-score = athlete’s score −
group’s mean score ÷
Square root of 38.98 = 6.24 beats/min group’s standard deviation
Research Tools for Athlete Monitoring 19
and scores on a criterion measure (3). A enable them to predict how athletes will
criterion measure is a test that is widely respond to a given training stimulus.
accepted as a gold standard and valid test. Even more important is optimizing con-
For example, the gold standard test for ditions to achieve peak performance in
body composition is dual X-ray absorpti- competition.
ometry. Criterion validity can be divided A crucial aspect for criterion validity
into two parts: concurrent validity and is choosing a suitable criterion measure.
predictive validity. Concurrent validity Obviously for sport, performance in the
refers to the validity of a test for meas- event would be a well-accepted criterion
uring a construct at a particular time. measure. In sport science, well-estab-
In most cases, the test is correlated with lished criteria such as laboratory-based
another, more accurate measure of the measures of body composition and 1RM
construct that is not feasible in most sport can be used. However, in athlete moni-
situations. An example is comparing a toring less consensus is available on what
performance test and competition perfor- constitutes gold standard measures for
mance. It would be difficult to conduct things such as training load and fatigue.
a performance test such as a 3-km time For example, researchers have studied
trial on the day of competition. Predic- the validity of methods such as session
tive validity refers to the ability of a test RPE relative to other measures of train-
to predict some construct or outcome ing load such as heart rate–based meth-
in the future (6). This type of validity is ods (12, 43).
important for athlete monitoring because Figure 2.3 shows a validity correlation
it deals with future performance, which between peak force produced during an
is fundamental in sport. Obvious areas isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) test and
in which this would have application 1RM squat. The high correlation (r = .90)
are injury prediction and fatigue mon- and the linear correlation in the scatter
itoring. Practitioners and coaches are plot suggest that these two tests measure
always interested in valid tools that will a similar construct. This indicates that
R2 = 0.8079
1RM squat (kg)
500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000
IMTP peak force (N)
both proved similar information and thus the nature of the athlete population and
either could be used. It should be noted the test selected (27, 38). Practitioners
that for a test to have high validity, it need to determine the typical error of
needs to have high reliability. However, measurement and CVs for the monitor-
a test can be highly reliable but not valid. ing tests they use.
Different factors can affect the validity A meaningful change is an important
of athlete monitoring. A key considera- consideration when monitoring an ath-
tion is to reduce the effect of potential lete’s level of preparation. By determin-
confounding variables (13). Areas that ing the smallest meaningful change, the
practitioners often overlook include practitioner can calculate the amount of
instructions on how to perform the change that will indicate that the athlete
monitoring test, the consistency of verbal is not responding positively to the train-
encouragement, the number and gender ing stimulus or is becoming excessively
of observers, and even music played fatigued.
during the monitoring (13). A good strat-
egy is to keep the conditions as consistent
as possible whenever monitoring is per- Determining the Smallest
formed. A spreadsheet available online Meaningful Change
can be used to calculate validity (21). The smallest meaningful change can
provide helpful insight, especially when
used to compare athletes at similar per-
Meaningful Change formance levels. In this context, smallest
meaningful change refers to the degree
The sensitivity of a monitoring tool refers of change required to determine differ-
to its ability to detect small but impor- ences between competitors in a specific
tant changes in performance or an aspect event. For example, in the 100-m final
such as fatigue. This relates to both reli- at the Olympics, what is the difference
ability and validity. Practitioners need to between fourth place and getting a
determine the worthiness, or the mean- medal? This comparison approach has
ing, of a change in the monitoring tool been investigated using several athlete
results. Meaningful change is defined populations (25) and involves calculat-
as the smallest practical change that is ing the value of the CV for elite athletes
important (18). In other words, is the in the particular event. Similar concepts
change in the measure provided by the can be applied to athlete monitoring.
monitoring tool meaningful? A reliable Research has shown that practitioners
monitoring tool may provide consistent want to be confident about measuring
results, but if it is not sensitive to changes approximately half the value of the
in the athlete’s performance, its value is smallest meaningful change when test-
questionable. ing elite athletes (19). Practitioners can
Practitioners must know how much calculate the smallest meaningful change
change constitutes practical data about for the monitoring tools that are specific
both the athlete and the group of ath- to the type of athletes they are working
letes. This requires evaluating the size of with. Table 2.1 shows examples of CVs
the change in the context of unrelated from studies of a variety of sports (25).
factors that may have affected the out- Practitioners can use these results as a
come of the test. This process depends on guide, but they will get a great deal more
28 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
value from their monitoring programs if or CV of the monitoring test. That way
they take the time to establish their own the practitioner can be confident that any
criteria. change is not simply due to the error or
It is also important to put the smallest noise associated with the test. Another
meaningful change in the context of the approach is to simply apply the CV of the
reliability of the monitoring tool. Prior test as the benchmark for a meaningful
to doing this, the smallest meaningful change. Multiplying the CV by a factor
change can be calculated using the fol- of 1.5 or 2 can be a way to be certain of
lowing formula (19): a real change in the monitoring measure
(42). It is important to work out these
Smallest meaningful change =
scores of smallest meaningful changes
0.2 × between-athletes standard
using the same (or a similar) population
of athletes, in addition to using as many
The 0.2 refers to the smallest mean- athletes as possible. This ensures that
ingful, or important, effect statistic outlying, or extreme, scores do not have
(see the section Using Effect Size) (19). too great of an effect on the overall score.
Between-athletes standard deviation Practitioners can also apply a set of
refers to the standard deviation that has criteria when looking at these values.
been calculated for a group of athletes. It For many years the Australian Institute
is also possible to use the standard devi- of Sport rated tests as “good” if the tech-
ation for a single athlete using a series nical error was less than the smallest
of monitoring test results. meaningful change. If the typical error
Ideally, the smallest meaningful change was approximately the same as the
should be greater than the typical error smallest meaningful change, the test
Research Tools for Athlete Monitoring 29
was rated as “OK.” Finally, if the typical For example, mean vertical squat
error was much higher than the smallest jump velocity for week 1 is 2.94 m/s
meaningful change, the test was rated as and the standard deviation is 0.19 m/s.
“marginal.” These ratings can give the For week 2 the mean is 3.04 m/s and
practitioner some indication of the use- the standard deviation is 0.23 m/s. The
fulness of the test. Practitioners should equation would be as follows:
be aware that just because a test has poor
reliability does not mean that it has no Effect size = 3.04 − 2.94 ÷ 0.19 =
value. The sensitivity of the test may 0.53
be of more concern when the measures It is also possible to use the pooled
of interest undergo large changes. For standard deviation in the calculation
example, recent work has suggested that (9). In the preceding example the
some variables during jump monitoring pooled standard deviation is 0.21 m/s,
(e.g., eccentric rate of force develop- so the calculation would look like this:
ment) may be sensitive to fatigue despite
having large typical errors that exceed Effect size = 3.04 − 2.94 ÷ 0.21 =
the smallest meaningful change (28). 0.48
Practitioners can use either approach
Using Effect Size as long as they are consistent in the
As alluded to earlier, using standard- application and do not switch between
ized change or difference can reveal the methods, which will give slightly dif-
degree of change observed with mon- ferent results.
itoring tools. Effect size can be useful No clear guidelines exist about what
for calculating performance changes constitutes a smallest meaningful differ-
following a training program or for ence or change with this measure, but
comparing groups of athletes (11). It can 0.2 has been suggested (19). Several
also be used in day-to-day or week-to- scales have been provided to compare
week athlete monitoring. For example, the magnitude of the effect (9, 19). The
a practitioner could use effect size to original classification system proposed
compare jump velocities in a group of by Cohen suggested <0.2 as a trivial
athletes from week 1 to week 2. This effect, 0.2 to 0.5 as a small effect, 0.5
measure, also known as Cohen’s effect to 0.7 as a moderate effect, and >0.7 as
size, is useful in meta-analyses to assess a large effect (9). However, these are
the magnitude of differences or changes somewhat arbitrary and don’t need to
in the mean in different studies (9). be rigidly followed. The scale suggested
Effect size is similar to a z-score. With by Hopkins and colleagues (19) has
this method, the practitioner expresses become more widely accepted, and the
the difference, or change in the mean, reference values for small (0.2), mod-
divided by the between-subjects standard erate (0.6), large (1.2), and very large
deviation using the following formula: (2.0) can be a useful starting point for
Effect size = mean 2 − mean 1 ÷
Consider a group of athletes that
standard deviation 1
has a week 1 mean broad jump result
where 1 and 2 = day, week, or time point of 205 cm (standard deviation of 9.7
1 or 2. cm); a week later the mean broad jump
30 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
(Current score − baseline score) ÷ What this score does is convert the
standard deviation of individual athlete’s score to a standard deviation
baseline scores from the baseline. Practitioners can set
their own thresholds to determine how
where the standard deviation of baseline many standard deviations are practically
scores could be made using scores col- important. It has been suggested that
lected during the preseason phase. For a threshold z-score of >1.5 is effective
example, a practitioner working in the for identifying scores considered to be
National Football League in the United at risk (10). This is based on the fact
States could use the results collected that it represents 1.5 standard devia-
during the 4 weeks in which preseason tions away from the baseline score. A
games are played. survey of monitoring practices in high-
32 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
performance sport found that some prac- The analysis can be quite sophisticated,
titioners used 1 standard deviation as a but it essentially involves calculating a
threshold for monitoring (37). However, moving average of the data and looking
more research is needed to confirm the for patterns. Because a great deal of noise
validity of this approach. Practitioners and variability is often associated with
also have the option of maintaining a monitoring data, methods such as time
fixed baseline throughout the monitor- series analysis can help to control for
ing year or of having a rolling baseline this and allow for a systematic analysis
against which to compare results. of patterns.
In one study Chiu and Salem (7)
tracked power produced in repetitions
Assessing Chronic Change of clean pulls to determine systematic
Practitioners are often faced with the patterns and reduce variability. Let’s say
challenge of determining the importance a practitioner is interested in monitoring
of between- and within-athlete change. peak power (in watts) during a bench
Although the response of the athlete is throw on a weekly basis and obtains the
of primary concern, looking at a lack of following values over the course of 12
change or change of a different mag- weeks: 850, 903, 901, 876, 834, 904,
nitude in comparison to the group can 977, 1,011, 800, 911, 876, and 923. To
also provide insights (10). For example, calculate a moving average, the practi-
as part of the periodized program, the tioner would calculate the mean values
group mean of a monitoring variable may as appropriate. To do a 3-point moving
suggest an overreached state in response average, the practitioner would do the
to a heavy loading phase. However, one following:
athlete’s results from one point to the
next may have remained stable. If the Week 1 = 850
group members are showing fatigue, the
lack of response in an individual may Week 2 = 877 (mean of weeks 1 and 2)
suggest that the athletes are responding
differently to the loading phase. Thus, Week 3 = 885 (mean of weeks 1-3)
appropriate adjustments may need to
be made. Week 4 = 893 (mean of weeks 2-4)
A more advanced technique for inves-
tigating change in a monitoring variable Raw values could be plotted on a graph
is time series analysis (5). It is used along with the moving average values.
extensively across many disciplines but Another technique for identifying
has received relatively little attention in trends in monitoring data is split middle
athlete monitoring. It involves calculat- analysis (36). This can be useful for
ing a moving average to analyze time looking at trends in athletes. It involves
series data, thus allowing practitioners to splitting the data into halves based on
determine when performance is increas- days or weeks and then determining the
ing or decreasing (7). Athlete monitoring median for each half. The practitioner
is suitable for time series analysis because takes the first 50% and then the second
it consists of time series data with a sys- 50% and determines the median for each
tematic pattern and random noise (5). period. These two medians can then be
Research Tools for Athlete Monitoring 33
can range from −1.0 (a perfect negative a statistical technique or model that is
relationship) to 1.0 (a perfect positive used to explain variability in one variable
relationship); 0 indicates no relationship. based on one or more other variables (3).
It is also possible to square the r-value By using this technique, it is possible to
to calculate R-squared, also known as predict or estimate an athlete’s score on
the coefficient of determination. This one measure based on his score on one or
is a measure of the amount of varia- more other measures. Taking the exam-
bility in one variable that is explained ple in figure 2.3, it is possible to predict
by another. It is usually expressed as a the athlete’s 1RM based on the results of
percentage by multiplying by 100. If we the IMTP test. However, the accuracy of
take the example from figure 2.3, the this estimate depends on how good the
correlation between 1RM squat and peak relationship and model are because of
force on the IMTP was r = .90. Therefore, the variability. Regression calculations
R-squared = 81% (.90 × .90 × 100). This can be made using Excel or statistical
means that 81% of the variability in the software. Modeling, in relation to mon-
1RM squat is explained by the variability itoring training load using methods such
in the IMTP. Because most of the variabil- as training impulse (TRIMP), is discussed
ity in each test is explained by the other, in chapters 3 and 4.
only one is needed because they essen-
tially measure the same thing. However,
the calculation also shows that 19% of
the variability is accounted for by other
variables. There may be aspects such as of Results
differences in the type of contraction
(i.e., dynamic versus static) that could An important first step when dealing
account for this. with monitoring data is to take the time
Sample size is also a potential issue to organize and summarize it. The pro-
when calculating correlations; sometimes cess of attempting to discover the mean-
misleadingly high relationships can be ing within the data is critical. Once this
seen with small sample sizes. However, front-end work is done, a monitoring
this can also be an issue with very large system can be implemented that will
data sets, or “big data,” in which false provide the most valuable information
relationships can be found. Practition- about the athletes.
ers should be careful when interpreting Exploratory data analysis using the
these relationships and be aware that methods described previously can be
correlation does not necessarily indicate useful for identifying patterns, trends,
causation. Exploring relationships in and relationships in the data. This ini-
these large data sets with more advanced tial step should also involve visualizing
techniques may be more appropriate. the monitoring data in some form. Dis-
Exploring relationships between only playing the data in a graph provides a
two variables is rather simplistic given visual summary of the information that
that sport performance is affected by may be easier to interpret than num-
multiple factors. When exploring rela- bers. The practitioner can see whether
tionships between data, practitioners can any patterns exist. For example, are the
use more advanced techniques such as results in the group of athletes tending
regression and modeling. Regression is to increase, decrease, or stay the same?
Research Tools for Athlete Monitoring 35
It is also valuable to look for any outliers coaches. It is not enough to have devel-
or clear exceptions to the pattern of the oped a reliable and valid monitoring
data. This can indicate the presence of battery, collected data, and determined
interesting cases in the results or simply whether the changes are meaningful.
an error in the data. A good knowledge To assist with the interpretation of the
of what typical numbers look like and a results, the practitioner also needs to
usual range for the variable are critical assess the magnitude of the change,
here. Some practitioners just accept the taking into account the reliability and
numbers produced by a piece of tech- sensitivity of the test. Then it is impor-
nology, which can be problematic. Once tant to present the results in a way that
graphical representations of the data are coaches and athletes can understand.
created, numerical summaries and con- Otherwise, the information is unlikely
cise descriptions can be produced. to make a difference in the performance
of the athlete.
Reporting can be done in several ways
Graphing Monitoring Data and using a combination of methods.
A good first step when analyzing mon- Typically, numbers alone are not very
itoring data is to graph the results in helpful or well understood by coaches
some way. For example, z-scores lend and athletes. Graphing data may reveal
themselves well to being presented in trends in the results or large changes in
graphs. This can help practitioners com- the monitoring variables that make sense
pare physical capacities and decide which to these key stakeholders.
areas to modify in a training session, an The main types of graphs practitioners
overall training program, or both. The use are line graphs, bar graphs, scatter
approaches discussed in this chapter need plots, stem and leaf plots, radar plots,
to be combined with a strategic approach and pie graphs (33). Many research
to the presentation of the results to papers report results using traditional
line graphs or bar graphs. However, these Following are guidelines to follow
are not always ideal for looking at mon- when putting together a graph:
itoring data. Scatter plots, line graphs,
histograms, and stem and leaf plots are • Put all of the data into some type of
very useful for looking at the overall table format or spreadsheet.
distribution of data (44). Histograms • Choose the most appropriate format
are generally used for large amounts of for presenting the data (using the
data (see figure 2.4 later in this chap- previous guidelines).
ter). Line graphs can show trends or • Create a concise title that describes
abrupt changes in monitoring data (see what the graph is showing.
figures 4.4 and 4.8 in chapter 4). With • Decide which variables are plotted
small numbers of athletes (<50), the best on the respective axes, and select
option is to show the full data set. Scat- an appropriate scale for each axis.
ter plots are a great way to visualize the
• Write appropriate descriptions for
relationship between two variables (see
the axes.
figure 2.3).
• Include the units of measurement
used for each axis.
Creating Figures • Plot the data points using graphing
and Tables software (or even go old school and
The following general guidelines can help draw by hand).
practitioners design effective figures and Several methods for analyzing athlete
tables: monitoring information have been pre-
• Ensure that visuals are suitable for sented. The following sections address
users; think about the target audi- additional key considerations.
ence (in most cases, coaches and
athletes). Percentage Change
• Make the message clear. A simple percentage change calculation
is a popular way to present monitoring
• Include important information. results. Following is the formula:
• Make data values visually clear.
Percentage change = [(postmeasure −
• Make visuals easy to read and
premeasure) ÷ premeasure] × 100
• Avoid “chartjunk,” or clutter in the For example, the power output for a
graph. Chartjunk refers to anything track cyclist is 1,911 watts in week 1 and
in a figure that does not add any- 1,866 watts in week 2. The percentage
thing to the key information being change calculation is as follows:
conveyed (41). Percentage change =
• Value importance over beauty. The [(1,866 − 1,911) ÷ 1,911] ×
key message and readability should 100 = −2.4%
be primary considerations.
This could also be reported along with
Many resources are available to help the noise of the test (expressed as typical
practitioners improve data presentation error or CV) and the smallest meaning-
(41, 44, 45). ful change. When extreme precision is
Research Tools for Athlete Monitoring 37
Isometric Reactive Sleep Soreness Fatigue Overhead GPS Saliva
midthigh strength quality squat load cortisol
pull rating
Neuromuscular Neuromuscular
Athlete Week 1
fatigue fatigue
2 Team average 2 Week 2
1.5 Benchmark 1.5 Week 3
1 1
0.5 0.5
Immune 0 Immune 0
status –0.5 Wellness status –0.5 Wellness
–1 –1
–1.5 –1.5
–2 –2
Figure 2.5 Comparison of an athlete’s monitor- Figure 2.6 Monitoring an athlete over time using
ing profile to the team average and benchmarks E6859/McGuigan/F02.06/554427/mh-R1
a radar plot for physical capacities.
using a radar plot.
into their current states of well-being. Although some believe that quali-
Qualitative analysis methods such as tative analysis is a less rigorous, less
finding common themes in the athletes’ scientific approach than quantitative
answers, also known as thematic content analysis, this is not the case. A range of
analysis, may also be used (30, 40). data analysis techniques can be used to
analyze the information obtained using
qualitative methods (39). Qualitative
Focus Groups approaches can provide rich insights
Focus groups are really just extended into athlete monitoring systems.
interviews with a larger number of ath-
letes. Generally, they are conducted with
5 to 10 people and an interviewer acting
as a discussion facilitator. Focus groups
can be a useful approach for getting
detailed information about the opinions Practitioners have a range of monitor-
and thoughts of athletes in a group. ing tools available to them. Statistical
These sessions should also be recorded in measures of central tendency, variabil-
some way, and the interviewer should be ity, smallest meaningful change, effect
skilled in the art of facilitating, listening, size, and standard scores are useful for
and asking relevant questions. Qualita- monitoring the responses of a group
tive analysis methods can also be used of athletes as well as the individuals
and important themes identified in the within the group. Practitioners should
athletes’ answers (40). always use monitoring tools with the
highest reliability and, to improve reli-
ability, always adhere to strict and con-
Observations sistent protocols. Monitoring tools also
Observation is a routine part of what need to be valid and sensitive to change
most practitioners do with their athletes. in the athletes. Although the choice of
Two main types of observations are used the monitoring tool is important, the
in qualitative analysis: participant and presentation of the results to coaches
nonparticipant observation. With par- and athletes is perhaps even more
ticipant observation, the practitioner is critical. Practitioners should use pres-
an active participant in the scene being entation methods that are meaningful
observed, whereas with nonparticipant and always consider how the data can
observation, the practitioner is removed be used to affect athlete performance.
from the group to make objective obser- Graphs can be an effective way to rep-
vations. Whichever approach is used, resent the monitoring data and can help
recording the observations in some way identify trends and patterns. Underpin-
is important (e.g., checklists, field notes). ning any analysis method should be the
Detailed field notes help practitioners potential for the information to affect
remember important things they have decision making. Using a mixed-meth-
observed. By noting personal aspects ods approach to athlete monitoring
such as thoughts, feelings, evaluations, in conjunction with appropriate data
and learnings during training sessions, analyses should allow practitioners
practitioners also facilitate their own and coaches to make informed, evi-
self-reflection (14). dence-based training decisions.
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Effects of Training
potentiation represents the fitness effect, specific aspects of this part of the pro-
and there is also the associated fatigue gram would help to optimize the PAP
effect. This relationship between fitness responses and potential adaptations.
and fatigue and the subsequent increase A recent study has cast some doubt
in performance has been observed in on the notion that underlying mecha-
several studies with athletes (112). The nisms of the central nervous system are
positive balance between PAP and fatigue responsible for the potentiating effects
is thought to be a result of potentiated of acute exercise on subsequent perfor-
muscular contractile activity (93). mance (109). Psychological effects could
An example of using PAP in strength
play an important role in performance
and conditioning practice is to have
enhancement, which could be partially
athletes perform some type of explosive
explained by the athlete’s perceived state
exercise following a heavy set of back
squats (99). The practitioner could pre- of readiness. A detailed understanding
scribe three sets at 90% of 1RM for 3 of these underlying mechanisms is not
repetitions. At the completion of each important, although it does help in
set, the athlete rests for several minutes making decisions about critical features
and then performs a set of three verti- of a monitoring system. What is clear is
cal countermovement jumps. The PAP that these fitness and fatigue effects can
response results in greater jump heights give some insight into useful monitoring
and theoretically a greater training tools for measuring aspects thought to be
response. responsible for fatigue.
A great deal is still not understood Short-term training studies provide
about the mechanisms that explain these further support for the fitness-fatigue
performance effects and the interaction model. Differential responses of strength,
between the fitness and fatigue com- power, and speed have been shown
ponents of PAP. Evidence shows that in studies of overtraining in resistance
stronger athletes have a greater poten- training, which confirms that there are
tiation response (which is an indicator differences in the responses to stress (13,
of the fitness effect) and less fatigue 31, 32). These studies have not involved
than weaker athletes do (14, 99). This is
athletes completing high volumes of
because stronger athletes have a greater
resistance exercise but rather athletes
capacity to overcome fatigue because
training at near-maximal intensities. One
of their ability to tolerate higher load-
ing, and they experience performance study showed that 3 weeks of high-inten-
enhancement earlier than weaker ath- sity resistance training of three sessions
letes do (99). Because fatigue has a neg- per week of near-maximal back squats
ative influence on the PAP response, the resulted in decreases in speed but no
timing of the recovery period between change in strength levels (32). This work
activities is vital. Practitioners need to also highlights the fact that total work is
consider the protocol used to elicit PAP not the only important factor in acute
and the characteristics of the individual responses; training load and relative
athlete (93). Monitoring training and intensity are also critical factors.
50 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
Training Fatigue
Accumulation Recovery
of loading
Return to Super-
homeostasis compensation
Peaking Involution
and performance
lete. One strategy to address this is to mones such as testosterone, cortisol, and
alternate heavy and light training days growth hormone to variations in acute
to offset extended periods of high fatigue training variables and training volume
and the associated delay in recovery and and intensity (19, 59, 60).
adaptation. Alternatively, the practi- The fatigue and fitness effects are inde-
tioner can reduce the training stress to pendent of each other, but their overall
cause less fatigue and hasten recovery effect is cumulative (see figure 3.2). Of
and adaptation. However, in some peri- most concern with regard to monitoring
ods, such as preseasons, athletes need to are fatigue effects; they result from the
be able to tolerate high levels of loading training stimulus, but they can also affect
to prepare for competition. a number of systems (13). A good exam-
ple is the immune system, which can
suffer negative consequences as a result
Applications of a large cumulative fatigue effect (35).
The manipulation of acute training
of the Models variables goes a long way in determining
athlete adaptation. Practitioners need
The GAS, fitness-fatigue model, and effective monitoring systems to be con-
stimulus-fatigue-recovery-adaptation fident that they are applying the appro-
model have some clear applications for priate training dosages to manage fatigue
practitioners. Fundamental to all of them while optimizing adaptation and recov-
is the need to achieve a balance between ery. Again, the goal here is not to remove
the training stimulus level, the effects fatigue but to monitor and manage it so
of fitness and fatigue, and the degree of that immediate adjustments can be made
adaptation and recovery. The GAS model to the training program.
proposes that the total work alone is
responsible for the responses, regardless
of the magnitude of the stimulus (13). Fatigue Continuum
In the fitness-fatigue model, both the
total amount and the magnitude of the Many factors contribute to the acute
stimulus contribute to the postexercise response to a training stimulus (see figure
response. As stated previously, multiple 1.2 in chapter 1). The athlete’s response
factors and fitness-fatigue effects contrib- to the training dosage can be thought of
ute to adaptation (13). The GAS model, as existing on a continuum with several
which was mainly based on a theory variables having the potential to make an
of a general response of the endocrine impact. Practitioners sometimes struggle
system to stress, makes a clear distinction to distinguish between optimal adapta-
between the fitness and fatigue effects tion due to correct program design and
(101). However, experts now agree that maladaptation due to too much training
hormonal responses vary based on the load and excessive fatigue. If recovery
mode of training (19). Resistance train- following the acute training stimulus
ing is a good example: Several studies is inadequate, the athlete will move
have shown differential effects of hor- along this continuum to a point where
52 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
Functional Nonfunctional
Acute fatigue Overtraining
overreaching overreaching
Overreaching Prevalence
and Overtraining of Overreaching
and Overtraining
The majority of the research literature Current evidence suggests that the prev-
supports the concept that overreaching alence of overreaching and overtrain-
and overtraining exist on a continuum ing can be moderate to high in athletic
(71). Although the fatigue caused by a populations. Matos and colleagues (68)
stimulus can lead to adaptation, inad- classified athletes as overreached or
equate recovery after the stimulus can overtrained based on being fatigued on a
result in maladaptation. This maladap- daily basis with significant decrements in
tation involves the hypothalamic-pitui- performance lasting from several weeks
tary-adrenal axis and all other hypotha- to several months. Their study found that
lamic axes (71, 72). The hypothalamus 29% of youth athletes experience symp-
plays the critical role in the brain of reg- toms of nonfunctional overreaching and
ulating the central responses to stress and overtraining and that athletes competing
training. It also integrates the metabolic, in individual sports are at greater risk
nervous, and hormonal signals. The bal- because of the higher volumes of training
ance between stimulus and recovery is (37% of individual sport athletes versus
critical to ensure appropriate adaptations 17% of team sport athletes) (68). Higher
to training. risk is also seen in those competing at
During periods of overreaching, mon- the elite level: 37% of national-level
itoring can help practitioners avoid athletes and 45% of international-level
decreased performance in their athletes. athletes experience symptoms. Morgan
The terminology used in this area can and colleagues (78) found that 64% of
be inconsistent and confusing, however. male and 60% of female elite middle-dis-
Terms such as staleness, burnout, and tance runners reported experiencing
intensified training are sometimes used symptoms during their careers. A study
interchangeably with overreaching and of British athletes (national and Olympic
overtraining. When a period of reduced level) reported a prevalence of symptoms
performance as a result of overload of 15% to 35% in men and 4% to 15%
training occurs, the athlete has entered in women (58). A small-scale study of
a state of functional overreaching (3). elite swimmers monitored for 6 months
Nonfunctional overreaching is defined reported an incidence of 21% (48). The
as unplanned fatigue and decreased per- results from all of these investigations
formance following an extended period show that high-level athletes across
of overload training with inadequate a range of sports and ages experience
recovery (83). The overtraining syn- overreaching and overtraining regularly.
drome is the final stage of the fatigue Studies of overreaching and over-
continuum and is defined as large dec- training can be difficult to perform in
rements in performance and associated athlete populations. Because of the
psychological disturbances that can last negative consequences of overtrain-
from weeks to months despite extended ing in particular, attempting to induce
periods of rest and reductions in training this condition in athletes is unethical.
load (see figure 3.4) (71). Very few longitudinal overreaching and
54 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
overtraining studies have been conducted so much about tapering and peaking
in elite athletes; most of the evidence has for competition is still not understood.
been garnered from acute investigations. One of the issues with tapering is ath-
Another problem with these types of letes’ highly individualized responses
studies is the small number of athletes to it. Current research on tapering has,
available (76, 83). Further, the majority for the most part, used individual aer-
of the studies focused only on individ- obic endurance athletes; only a small
ual aerobic endurance athletes (48, 61, number of studies have been done on
62). Some research (18, 97) has been team sport athletes (18, 81, 91). A recent
completed with team sport athletes, but study of elite triathletes demonstrated
very few investigations have been done the importance of monitoring training
with purely resistance-trained athletes. to avoid negative outcomes as a result
Many descriptive athlete monitoring of overreaching (3). The athletes in the
studies have been conducted across a functionally overreached state performed
number of sports (15, 18, 20, 51). These worse after a 2-week taper than did those
types of investigations can provide prac- defined as “acutely fatigued” as a result of
titioners with fascinating insights into training. This highlights the importance
how monitoring is occurring in different of monitoring the tapering period. For
sporting environments (69, 84). Gener- example, an athlete who is fatigued may
ally, though, these tend to be observa- require a longer tapering duration and
tional studies, which can have limited greater reductions in training load (81).
scope and application for scenarios such Related to tapering are the areas of
as overtraining (9, 111). detraining and reduced training. Buch-
heit and colleagues (8) studied the
effects of a 2-week detraining period in
Functional Overreaching elite Australian rules football players.
Functional overreaching can be a planned During this period the players under-
strategy to increase athletic performance. went a nonsupervised reduced training
Practitioners commonly use it to improve program. Various measures of muscular
the physical capacities of athletes, par- strength and cardiorespiratory endur-
ticularly those with a high training ance revealed either increases or no
age. Tapering is a good example of how changes at all. Even longer periods of
effective monitoring of overreaching detraining can result in further improve-
can optimize peaking in athletes. The ments in certain physical capacities.
taper, a critical part of the periodization Loturco and colleagues (64) investigated
plan, involves reducing overall training the effects of a 28-day taper in four elite
volume while maintaining the intensity pole vaulters. Although this was a small
to bring about a peak in performance due sample size, the study showed signifi-
to the supercompensation effect (113). A cant improvements in the rate of force
well-designed taper typically results in development and acceleration after the
performance gains of about 3% (range training cessation period. A classic study
= 0.5-6%) (81), which can mean the by Andersen and Aagaard (1) showed
difference between winning and losing. that an extended period of detraining
Of the many aspects of designing a resulted in an overshoot of myosin heavy
training program, the taper causes prac- chain IIX isoforms, which could explain
titioners the most problems because the large increases in power and rate of
Physiological Effects of Training Stress 55
In a study of elite junior football play- also measured but did not demonstrate
ers, athletes who were underperforming any usefulness as a marker of training
showed psychological and hormonal stress. Mood disturbance, determined
changes consistent with nonfunctional using questionnaires such as the POMS,
overreaching (98). Levels of resting appears to be one of the best markers of
growth hormone were reduced, and nonfunctional overreaching. Halson and
there was a decrease in postexercise colleagues (42) found a 28% increase in
ACTH. The suggestion is that the lower mood disturbance in elite cyclists after 2
levels of growth hormone reflect the weeks of intensified training. Mood dis-
reduced anabolic status of the athlete, turbances, neuroendocrine dysfunction,
and under stress, the lower levels of emotional changes, and disturbed sleep
ACTH are a result of disruption to the are all associated with nonfunctional
pituitary-adrenal axis (98). It is common overreaching. They are also indicators of
to measure these hormones, both at disturbance of the regulation and coor-
rest and in response to a bout or bouts dination function of the hypothalamus.
of exercise. However, the problem with Disturbed sleep patterns and increased
using these measures is the expense, the incidences of illness have been shown
logistics of collection, and the challenge in overreached aerobic endurance ath-
of providing real-time feedback to prac- letes (45). What is not clear from this
titioners. Also, a great deal of variability work is whether the disturbed sleep is a
exists with these measures, which limits result of increased training load causing
their usefulness for monitoring athletes the development of overreaching or a
for overreaching and overtraining. symptom of overreaching. Athletes in a
Given the importance of mood state state of nonfunctional overreaching also
in diagnosing overtraining, there has show deterioration in mood in addition
been interest in brain markers such to decreased performance (98). A classic
as brain-derived neurotrophic factor study by Morgan and colleagues (77)
(BDNF), which stimulates brain cell showed mood disturbances in female
growth and repair as well as the devel- swimmers following 4 weeks of overload
opment and maintenance of the nervous training, particularly increased anger and
system. A recent study investigated the depression. Simple tools for monitoring
relationship between plasma BDNF and athletes are invaluable for practitioners,
mood disturbance as a result of a period particularly if they can accurately assess
of intensified training (89). In a group of athletes’ position on the fitness-fatigue
eight well-trained cyclists, a 32% increase continuum and help them avoid moving
in mood disturbance occurred after just toward the severe state of overtraining.
1 week of intensified training, and this
was accompanied by a decrease in per-
formance. These were both restored after Markers of Overtraining
1 week of recovery, which indicated a The major difference between nonfunc-
state of functional overreaching. Plasma tional overreaching and overtraining
levels of BDNF increased following acute is the time it takes to restore normal
exercise during the intensified period, performance (71). Overtraining can be
but there were no clear relationships defined as being excessively fatigued
with the degree of overreaching post- and underperforming for longer than 6
exercise or at rest. Resting cortisol was months (68). One of the problems facing
58 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
questionnaire (21). Given the role of the tests could make a valid distinction
sympathetic nervous system, research- between athletes who were nonfunction-
ers are interested in the potential role ally overreached and controls (97). The
of catecholamines in overreaching and field-based performance tests included an
overtraining; evidence suggests that they interval shuttle run test for football play-
may be a useful marker (48). However, it ers and the Zoladz test for runners (118).
should be noted that these are not large- The results showed that with repeated
scale studies. field-based performance tests, perfor-
Chronic energy deficiency and the mance reduction was associated with
resulting glycogen depletion can amplify different mood profiles, blunted cortisol
the stress hormone response, which can responses, and decoupling of ACTH and
be a trigger for overtraining (71). Given cortisol levels. More research is required
the importance of the hypothalamus with larger cohorts of elite athletes to
in regulating energy homeostasis, dis- confirm the efficacy of these types of sub-
ruptions in energy balance can affect maximal performance tests for detecting
several key processes. This could indi- overreaching and overtraining.
cate inadequate recovery and potential One way to distinguish overreaching
overreaching. Hormones involved with from overtraining is to examine phys-
energy balance such as adiponectin and iological and biochemical responses
ghrelin have also been put forward as to exercise. One of the features of
potential markers of overtraining (53). overtraining is the reduced hormonal
Cytokines could be a marker of exces- response to exercise. As discussed ear-
sive fatigue and illness during nonfunc- lier, two maximal exercise tests have
tional overreaching (53). Proinflamma- been used with some success to distin-
tory cytokines have a wide range of roles guish these conditions (72, 73). Given
in the human body and are particularly that elite athletes often are required to
important in the immune response and train twice a day, this model can provide
signaling the hypothalamus (102, 103). insights into responses to training load.
Therefore, it is thought that they could Anecdotally, athletes suffering from non-
help in distinguishing between func- functional overreaching or overtraining
tional and nonfunctional overreaching have performance decrements during
(102, 103). Proinflammatory cytokines the second session of the day. Meeusen
have receptors in the hypothalamus and and colleagues showed that the ACTH
may be responsible for some of the symp- and prolactin responses to a second bout
toms of overreaching and overtraining of exercise and the subsequent time to
seen in athletes (53, 105). recover could distinguish between these
two points of the continuum (72). In the
Performance Tests case of an overtrained athlete, an over-
Overtraining ultimately results in shoot of ACTH in the first exercise bout
decreased performance. Performance was followed by a complete suppression
tests are vital for determining the exist- in the second exercise bout (73). The
ence of overreaching and overtraining in authors proposed hypersensitivity of the
athletes and can identify recovery from pituitary as an explanation. The use of
periods of intense training. In a study of two maximal exercise bouts appears to
elite youth athletes, researchers investi- have potential for detecting overreaching
gated whether field-based performance to prevent overtraining.
Physiological Effects of Training Stress 61
The issue with using these biochem- is not uniformly affected by overload
ical and physiological markers is the training (6). Resting heart rate, HRV,
time required to analyze and report and maximal heart rate may have some
the results. They can also be somewhat utility as markers of short-term fatigue.
impractical with large groups of athletes. The moderate degree of alterations in
Finding ways to reduce the time and these measures in response to chronic
physical demands of the tests would fatigue limits their usefulness. At pres-
make them more practical. A modifica- ent, though, the data suggest that these
tion has been to have athletes perform physiological measures have low sensi-
a 30-min bout of exercise, alternating 1 tivity for detecting differences between
min at 55% of maximal work and 4 min points on the fatigue continuum. Like
at 80% of maximal work. Two hours other measures, heart rate measures are
later the athlete performs a cycle to fully useful only when put in context
fatigue at 70% of maximal work (or for with other markers of overreaching or
a maximum of 30 min) (49, 50). Hough overtraining.
and colleagues (49) investigated salivary
testosterone and cortisol responses, along Cognitive Tests
with RESTQ-Sport scores, following The relationship between mental fatigue
an 11-day intensified training period. and physical performance has received
They found that the test was sensitive attention from researchers (67, 104). In
enough to highlight changes in salivary one study, 16 cyclists performed mentally
testosterone and cortisol following the demanding tasks prior to a cycling perfor-
intensified training period. Specifically, mance test (67). The group experienced a
they noted blunted responses in these 15% decrease in the time to exhaustion,
hormones following the exercise tests. and the mentally fatigued cyclists rated
Performance tests are discussed in more their perception of effort during the exer-
detail in chapter 5. cise as higher compared to those in the
control condition (67). Another study
Heart Rate Measures showed that mental fatigue impaired
Heart rate indices such as HRV are sport-specific skills such as running,
potential tools for monitoring athletes passing, and shooting in football players
for overreaching and overtraining (6). (104). Practitioners need to be aware
These measures have the advantage of of the relationship between physical
being very accessible in sport settings. performance and cognitive effort in ath-
Several studies have suggested some letes because it can have implications
value with this approach (62, 90). In for monitoring. Increased perception of
one study a group of highly trained tri- effort with training can also be a sign of
athletes showed evidence of parasympa- overtraining (41). Using RPE measures
thetic modulation of heart rate following during exercise testing and training can
functional overreaching (62). The use be a simple way to monitor for any signs
of HRV and other heart rate measures of overtraining.
is discussed in more detail in chapter 5. Psychomotor speed tests have shown
Heart rate recovery measures have also some promise for detecting nonfunc-
been investigated as potential markers tional overreaching and overtraining
of overtraining and overreaching. A (82). Advantages of these tests are that
meta-analysis suggests that heart rate they are easy to use and inexpensive.
62 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
They are based on the fact that during (110). The players were tracked across
periods of fatigue, cognitive function the preseason and competition period
and reaction time decrease. Psychomotor using RPE and wellness questionnaires.
slowness has been shown to be consist- Thresholds were identified for training
ently present during related conditions load, monotony (training variation), and
such as major depression and chronic strain that were predictors of illness. A
fatigue syndrome (82). Psychomotor reduction in overall well-being also pre-
speed has been impaired following 2 dicted illness. Modeling approaches such
weeks of overload training in trained as this, along with simple measures of
cyclists and functionally overreached wellness, can provide practitioners with
cyclists (82). A variety of apps for assess- valuable insights into the process of pre-
ing attention and reaction time hold dicting overreaching and overtraining in
some promise for the early detection of athletes.
overtraining. However, more evidence
is needed before any of them can be Immune Function
conclusively recommended in practice. As previously noted, studies of athletes
undergoing long-term training with high
Monotony training loads reveal suppressed immune
Evidence suggests that athletes under- function, which puts them at greater
going periods of highly monotonous risk of developing upper respiratory
training with little variation in training illnesses (117). Research on the immune
load are at increased risk of developing function of athletes classified as over-
overtraining syndrome (23). Interesting trained is lacking. However, anecdotal
research using racehorses showed that reports from practitioners suggest that
alternating hard and easy training days overtraining results in increased rates of
avoided overtraining (7). The horses infection (102). Other studies suggest the
responded as expected to progressive existence of this relationship (92). For
increases in training load. However, example, Reid and colleagues (92) com-
when the recovery days were made less pleted a clinical investigation of athletes
restful and the monotony of the training with persistent fatigue and recurrent
increased, the horses’ running perfor- infections. Their findings suggest that
mance decreased and they showed signs immune suppression and unresolved
of overtraining (e.g., decreased appetite). viral infections contribute to fatigue,
Results from studies with athletes sup- recurring infections, and decreased per-
port this idea (23, 24). The studies by formance. What is also interesting about
Foster and colleagues showed a strong their investigation is that the conditions
relationship between certain training and symptoms were not consistent across
indices and overtraining in athletes (23, the group, again supporting the concept
24). In a group of 25 athletes comprising of a multifactorial approach to athlete
primarily speedskaters, a high rate of monitoring. It does seem likely, based on
illnesses resulted when they exceeded the evidence, that athletes in a state of
thresholds for training strain (training nonfunctional overreaching or overtrain-
load × monotony). A recent study of ing would be at greater risk of developing
32 rugby league players confirmed this upper respiratory tract illnesses.
Physiological Effects of Training Stress 63
and total leukocyte counts. Physiological or matches taking place. For example,
measures of heart rate, blood pressure, an athlete may be under more pressure
and lactate were also collected. in the final year of the Olympic cycle.
A recent study showed that a nega- Therefore, it may be prudent to be even
tive life event could have a significant more judicious about monitoring for
impact on athletes’ perceptions of stress additional stress and fatigue and make
and recovery (86). Negative life events the necessary adjustments. During a
include such things as being a victim of competitive team sport season, some
crime, serious illness or injury, and the matches may be more difficult and place
death of a close family member or part- greater demands on the athletes than
ner. Sixteen runners were investigated others. Practitioners may want to predict
using the RESTQ-Sport; changes were the difficulty of matches to help them
seen during the week of the negative guide the prescription of training loads
life event and also the week following. during the season (54). For example,
Interestingly, changes in performance during weeks in which matches or events
as measured by running economy sup- are particularly difficult, practitioners
ported the link between stress events and may reduce the training loads consid-
subsequent athletic performance. erably and incorporate more recovery
Environmental factors can also con- strategies. In the weeks leading up to key
tribute to overtraining (40), including matches, training loads could be reduced
high altitude, heat, and travel (causing in a way similar to the wavelike approach
jet lag) (25, 26, 40). Overseas training used with tapering. Research studies of
camps are a good example of where these the efficacy of these approaches would
issues could arise. Although such camps be enlightening.
are designed with the best of intentions,
they can create a perfect storm of factors
that could result in an increased inci- Interdisciplinary
dence of injury, overtraining syndrome,
or both. These factors include changes and Multifactorial
in nutrition, disrupted sleep patterns,
and environmental conditions different
Approaches to Avoid
from what the athlete is used to. Com- Overtraining
bined with the stress of increased training
volume, these factors create challenges What is clear from all this research is that
in terms of where athletes fall on the a battery of monitoring tools could help
fatigue continuum. A solid cost-benefit reduce overtraining syndrome in athletes
analysis needs to be conducted before (63). Interdisciplinary teams of support
undertaking these types of camps (see staff are best equipped to help athletes
the sidebar Individual Responses in a avoid overtraining and guide them back
Squad of Athletes in chapter 1). Prac- to peak performance following maladap-
titioners can then decide whether they tive conditions. The wide range of symp-
provide enough benefit to justify them. toms indicates that practitioners need to
Another important factor to take into consider many factors when diagnosing
account is the importance of the events overtraining. Position statements also
Physiological Effects of Training Stress 65
Figure 3.5 shows an example of mon- can track the changes in training load
itoring for overreaching in a group of and see how performance and wellness
athletes; performance measures were (mood, fatigue, muscle soreness, sleep,
taken over 6 weeks during an overload and stress) are affected.
and taper phase. Measures of weekly Using a multifactorial approach with
load, wellness, and performance are a battery of monitoring tools is a sound
shown for both training periods. The way to establish whether an athlete is
graph shows that functional overreach- susceptible to overtraining. Because no
ing occurred and that a rebound in per- single measure can accurately predict the
formance occurred following the taper- existence of overreaching or overtrain-
ing week. By monitoring athletes with a ing, practitioners should investigate and
range of monitoring tools, practitioners use a range of monitoring tools.
Weekly load
2,000 3
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
• Have regular conversations with athletes and ask them how they feel.
• Keep a training diary to record the details of all training sessions and competi-
• Make adjustments to training loads when performance declines.
• Progressively increase the training load using carefully planned periodization to
avoid large changes from week to week.
• Avoid excessive monotony in training by alternating heavy and light days.
• Consider the intelligent use of rest days and training variety to avoid boredom
and monotony.
• Individualize training loads for each athlete based on tolerance level.
• Understand stressors that can be adding to the stress of training for the athlete
(e.g., life load events such as exams and relationships).
• Consider the role of environmental conditions such as heat, high altitude, and jet
lag with travel.
• Optimize recovery.
• Optimize sleep and rest strategies.
• Ensure adequate and balanced nutrition.
• Use wellness questionnaires to record athletes’ psychological and emotional
• Make adjustments to training loads and frequency when an athlete exhibits ex-
cessive fatigue.
• Make a note of any illnesses, and be prepared to stop or reduce training to aid
• Gradually transition the athlete back to full training loads after any periods of no
• Use objective criteria for return to sport that takes into account the athlete’s toler-
ance for loading.
• Perform regular health checks with an interdisciplinary team that includes a phy-
sician, a physiotherapist, a nutritionist, and a sport psychologist.
68 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
load. At its simplest, training load is the during two sessions but report different
product of session intensity and duration, perceptions of effort or have different
as follows: heart rate responses (internal load) in
the two tests. Research also suggests
Training load = intensity × duration
that athletes can experience different
Measures of external load look at internal responses to the same external
factors such as distance covered, athlete workload (66). Issues can arise when a
speed, and session duration. The increas- practitioner prescribes external loads for
ing use of microtechnology in sport a group of athletes without considering
(e.g., power meters, global positioning the individual differences in internal
system [GPS] devices, accelerometers) load, which can indicate fatigue and
has allowed practitioners to monitor ultimately adaptation. Practitioners need
external load in athletes during training to understand the difference between
and competition with accuracy and in external and internal load and how they
real time. interact in athlete monitoring.
Internal load refers to the physiologi-
cal stress on the athlete during training,
which is what largely determines the
adaptation to the training program. Heart
External Load
rate, rating of perceived exertion (RPE),
and lactate are examples of measures of External load measures are commonly
internal load. When monitoring athletes, used for quantifying training in aerobic
practitioners need to consider both exter- endurance sports and team sports. The
nal and internal load. Traditionally, train- increasing use of wearable technologies
ing has been prescribed using external has allowed for more systematic and
measures despite individual differences detailed information on the external
in response to external load (66, 76). load measures such as distance covered
For example, an athlete may generate and athlete speed (129). An example of
the same number of watts during two a measure of external load is a football
cycling tests (external load) performed player covering 9,725 m during a match.
These allow practitioners to calculate var- can also be defined using thresholds (e.g.,
iables such as collisions and impact (41), >2.78 m/s−2).
metabolic power (39, 97), and accel- Repeated bouts of high-intensity run-
erometer load (61). The accumulated ning in quick succession also interest
mechanical stress on the athlete, which is practitioners involved with team sports
calculated from the vector magnitude of (94). This could be defined as three or
accelerations, decelerations, changes of more high accelerations (e.g., >2.79
direction, and impacts, can be provided m/s−2), high speed (5 m/s), or contacts
by scores of metrics. These accumulated with less than 21 s of recovery between
load metrics are a feature of most com- efforts (9, 64).
mercial systems. For example, metrics Metabolic power is typically meas-
such as Player Load (Catapult, www ured as total energy expenditure (in and New Body Load joules) and average relative metabolic
(GPSports, are gen- power (in watts per kilogram) (39, 68).
erated (37). Impacts can be determined These measures can be indicators of
from the summed accelerations from high-intensity distance covered and give
three planes (i.e., forward−backward, an estimation of energy cost (68). The
left−right, and up−down). These take measures obtained from GPS devices
into account impacts generated during can be expressed as absolute numbers
running, tackling, jumping, and collid- or relative to the time of the training or
ing. These measures have been shown competition.
to have moderate to strong relationships Reliability and Validity of GPS De-
with internal load such as session RPE in vices Many studies have investigated
sports such as football (69), Australian the reliability and validity of GPS devic-
rules football (66, 93), and rugby league es in sport for a range of measures such
(111). Measures of g-forces can then as distance, velocity, accelerations, and
be categorized according to zones (e.g., decelerations (92, 162). Research has
impacts ranging from light to heavy). been conducted to establish player pro-
High-speed running is also a measure files in a range of sports such as Amer-
that often interests practitioners. For ican football (183), rugby union (117),
example, a practitioner may define the rugby sevens (157, 178), rugby league
threshold for high-speed running as (41), Australian rules football (93),
>14.5 km/hr (9 mph or >4 m/s) and the field hockey (90), netball (37), cricket
threshold for very high-speed running (120), and football (177). By monitor-
as >19.1 km/hr (12 mph or 5.3 m/s). ing an athlete’s performance, a practi-
The speed zones used by researchers and tioner gains clearer insight about the
practitioners can vary greatly and appear sport’s demands and valuable informa-
to be sport specific (46, 78). Zones can tion to use when designing the athlete’s
also be determined for movement activ- training program. For example, because
ities such as walking (e.g., <2.0 m/s or running demands vary by position
0.45 mph [0.72 km/hr]), jogging (e.g., in a team sport, practitioners can use
2.1-3.5 m/s or 4.70-7.83 mph [7.61-12.6 the GPS data of each athlete to design
km/hr]), running (e.g., 3.6-5.5 m/s or position-specific training programs.
8.05-12.30 mph [13-19.8 km/hr]), and The reliability of a GPS device appears
sprinting (e.g., >5.5 m/s or 12.30 mph to decrease as the speed of the activity
[19.8 km/hr]). Maximal accelerations increases (88). Reliability is affected by
74 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
factors such as the sampling rate, veloc- speed running were still high, however.
ity, duration, and type of activity (7, 27). In general, the accuracy of GPS devices
The sampling rate refers to how many increases as the sampling rate increases.
pieces of data the GPS device collects per However, as the speed of the movement
second. For high-speed movements such increases, the reliability decreases.
as sprinting and impacts, high sampling Issues with validity and reliability also
rates are necessary. For example, a GPS exist concerning impacts and collisions
device with a rate of 10 samples per using the accelerometry data from GPS
second (or 10 Hz) may be sufficient for devices (41). Being able to accurately
measuring slower speeds, but a sampling quantify the impacts associated with
rate of 100 Hz might be needed to meas- the sport and monitor these during both
ure faster speeds. Practitioners working competition and training would greatly
in team sports in particular need to take benefit practitioners, but more research
many variables into account when their is required in this area.
athletes are using GPS devices in com- The validity of metabolic power meas-
petition. Factors such as team tactics, ures derived from accelerometry has yet
the quality of the opposition, environ- to be fully confirmed (39, 143). Changes
mental conditions, and team cohesion of direction and acceleration increase the
can greatly affect the data (76). The energy cost of sport activities and so need
intensity of match play might be higher to be taken into account when assessing
against a challenging competitor, which sport demands (143).
may be reflected in the amount of high-
speed running. Also, a playing style Application of GPS
that emphasizes defensive or attacking
aspects could result in differences in
and Accelerometry Data
total load on the players. One of the most important considera-
Given that a number of companies tions with GPS and accelerometry tech-
produce devices with GPS technology, nology is the sheer number of variables
studies have used different types of that can be obtained. Akenhead and
systems, which can make comparisons Nassis (1) identified 44 variables (not
difficult. Issues can also arise when including RPE and heart rate measures)
athletes in a single squad use different collected by practitioners. The fact that
GPS devices. To avoid between-device many of these variables can be reported
errors, athletes should consistently as absolute measures (total amount of
wear the same type of GPS device, as change or quantity) or relative measures
well as the same device from session (amount of change or quantity based
to session (89, 95). Also, practitioners on another factor such as time or body
need to be wary of comparing different weight) increases the complexity of data
types of GPS technology (147). Research interpretation. This raises the important
comparing different types of devices question of which variables to measure.
has found significant differences (95, Practitioners sometimes become enam-
147). One study compared 5 Hz and ored with variables such as distance
10 Hz units and found the 10 Hz units covered or running speed, but the real-
to be more accurate with less error for ity is that the value of some measures is
total distance, high-speed running, and questionable. For example, in many team
very high-speed running (147). The sports, more-skilled teams run less than
coefficients of variation for very high- less-skilled teams (85, 148).
Quantifying Training Stress 75
Comments: All targets achieved for the training session. No extra work required.
GPS devices have a potential role study of American football players at the
in injury prevention. Using GPS data, Division I college level, Wilkerson and
Murray and colleagues (134) found colleagues (185) found that inertial sen-
that injury rates in rugby league players sors provided information on injury risk
were affected by the amount of recov- by tracking load degree and variability.
ery between matches. Gabbett and col- Using time–motion analysis data in con-
leagues (60, 62, 63, 65) investigated the junction with speed thresholds based on
relationship between training load and maximal testing is becoming increasingly
injury in rugby league players using GPS common (110). One of the limitations of
data. Excessive preseason and in-season GPS is the use of arbitrary or generalized
training loads were shown to increase the speed zones when assigning a target run-
risk of soft tissue injury (60). By estab- ning speed to an athlete, which is gen-
lishing thresholds for individual athletes, erally not recommended. Prescribing an
practitioners can more effectively moni- individualized speed threshold is better
tor them for increased risk of injury. In a because it provides valuable information
76 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
about the athlete’s response to the tar- ple, pacing is critical (44). The real-time
geted speed (34, 110). One study found information provided by power meters
that using a speed threshold of 5 m/s is valuable for informing coaches and
underestimated the amount of high-in- athletes about the effectiveness of pacing
tensity running in elite female rugby strategies during training and competi-
sevens players (34). tion. Also, long-term monitoring of var-
GPS and accelerometry can also help iables such as power output can provide
practitioners explore the relationships valuable information about adaptation
between match performance, physical and performance (136, 142). Figure
capacity, and fitness (7). Studies have 4.1 shows a track sprint cyclist’s power
examined these relationships in team output and cadence on a weekly basis for
sports (127, 128). Monitoring these 1 year. Technology such as the Wattbike
aspects of performance has important ( can also measure
implications for the physical prepara- right- versus left-foot pedaling power (45,
tion of athletes by identifying the crit- 137).
ical aspects of match performance and
how they relate to the athlete’s physical
capacity. By identifying key aspects of
Resistance Exercise
performance, practitioners will know Technological devices such as linear posi-
which tests to perform and, as a result, tion transducers and accelerometers, which
which physical capacities to target in the measure force and displacement to calcu-
training program. late total work, can be used to determine
external load during resistance exercise.
However, this may be too time consuming
Power Meters and logistically difficult for most practi-
Cycling has been at the forefront of tioners. A starting point is to record the
athlete monitoring; instrumentation number of exercises, repetitions, and sets
has been widely used for many years. in a training diary and then calculate the
These systems allow for continuous number of repetitions performed during
measurement of power output and other the training session (74). For example, if
variables such as speed, acceleration, a powerlifter completes 5 sets of 5 repeti-
cadence, average power, peak power, tions in 5 exercises in a training session,
and normalized power (91). A training the number of repetitions is 125. However,
stress score calculated from a power this method, although very simple, does
meter reading provides a single measure not reveal the work performed because
of overall training load based on nor- the loads lifted for the five exercises were
malized power output and an intensity not included in the calculation.
factor from lactate threshold (181),
which is the blood lactate concentration Volume Load
or exercise intensity at which an athlete To take into account the workload in the
can sustain high intensity of effort for session, practitioners can calculate the
only a set time (101). volume load (total number of repetitions
Power meters can be useful for ath- multiplied by the load) (74, 167). Several
lete monitoring in a variety of ways. approaches can be used to calculate the
In aerobic endurance sports, for exam- volume load:
Quantifying Training Stress 77
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51
a Weeks
140 E6859/McGuigan/F04.01a/554457/mh-R2
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51
b Weeks
Figure 4.1 (a) Power outputs and (b) cadence of an elite track cyclist over a 12-month period.
For example, an athlete performs 2 sets comes are related to the internal load,
of 10 repetitions with 50 kg in exercise which includes both the psychological
A and 3 sets of 5 repetitions with 80 kg and physiological load imposed on the
in exercise B. athlete. Monitoring internal load pro-
vides important information on how the
Volume load (kg) for exercise A =
athlete is adapting to training. Meas-
(2 × 10 × 50 kg) = 1,000 kg ures such as heart rate and RPE are the
most common methods of monitoring
Volume load (kg) for exercise B = internal load (76); practitioners also
(3 × 5 × 80 kg) = 1,200 kg use subjective ratings of wellness (160).
Blood markers such as lactate and phys-
Total repetitions = (2 × 10) + (3 × 5) = iological measures such as VO2 are also
35 repetitions considered internal load measures.
Training intensity =
(1,000 kg + 1,200 kg) ÷
Rating of Perceived
35 repetitions = 62.9 kg/repetition Exertion
When monitoring resistance training, Perception of effort is commonly used
to monitor training in athletes and can
practitioners must keep records of the
be used to determine exercise intensity
sets, repetitions, and loads lifted. They
(22, 51). Many factors contribute to
must also use one method consistently.
the perception of effort during exercise,
including hormone concentrations,
neurotransmitter release, muscle mass
Internal Load recruited, substrate concentrations,
psychological characteristics, environ-
Measurements of external load may not mental conditions, and personality traits
provide an accurate description of the (22). The RPE scale was designed by
physiological stress on the athlete during Gunnar Borg to measure interindividual
training and competition. Fitness out- differences in perceived exertion (22).
It provides an overall subjective measure verbal anchors and numbers but with a
of perception of effort by integrating the greater range (0-100) (16). Some sug-
information from the muscles and joints gest that it is a more sensitive measure
(the periphery) with the information because of the wider range of numbers,
from the cardiovascular and respiratory which results in less clustering around
systems and the central nervous system the verbal anchors (53). The CR-100
(22). A variety of scales can be used to scale also equates to a percentage, which
measure RPE; one of the most common may make it more intuitively appealing
is the Borg 6-20 scale (21, 51). This scale to coaches and athletes (18, 53).
is linked to exercise heart rate; by adding When using RPE for the first time,
a zero to each number, it represents the practitioners should familiarize athletes
relative intensity of the heart rate in with the scale. This can involve explain-
beats per minute. ing what is meant by perceived exertion
The category ratio (CR)-RPE scale is and then anchoring the perceptual range
also widely used in athlete monitoring for the athlete. Verbal anchors gives the
(19, 51). The CR-10 uses values ranging athlete a reference point for what the
from 0 to 10 to measure RPE on a nonlin- values on the scale represent in terms of
ear scale (20). The verbal statements are intensity. Given that athletes are used to
placed on the ratio scale in such a way a range of exercise intensities, explaining
that each represents twice the intensity the perceptual range should be relatively
of the preceding statement (e.g., strong straightforward. For example, when
and very strong). On the CR-10 scale, 0 using the CR-10 scale, the athlete could
represents nothing at all and 10 repre- be asked to recall exercising at maximal
sents maximal exertion. exertion (RPE = 10) compared to being
Research has consistently shown a at complete rest (RPE = 0).
strong correlation between the CR-RPE Modifications of classic RPE scales
scale and physiological measures such as have also been developed with potential
heart rate and lactate (20, 138). However, application for athlete monitoring. For
evidence shows that this relationship is example, scales have been used to assess
not as strong as previously thought: A perceived exertion in various regions of
meta-analysis indicates the validity of the body (e.g., legs, lungs) (17). Also,
RPE as r = .62, .57, and .64 for heart rate, the increased interest in velocity-based
blood lactate, and VO2max, respectively training in strength and conditioning has
(33). The CR-RPE scales may be better for resulted in attempts to develop scales of
high-intensity exercise in which fatigue perceived velocity (13, 14). This would
involves nonlinear responses (e.g., team benefit practitioners who do not have
sports). RPE is often combined with other access to technology such as linear posi-
physiological measures such as heart tion transducers. Another approach has
rate, lactate, and session duration to pro- been to investigate RPE as an overall
vide a complete picture of internal load. measure of exertion and of the active
Another CR-RPE scale, with values muscles during a particular bout of exer-
ranging from 0 to 100 (CR-100), has cise (184). Perceived level of exertion
become increasingly used by practition- for respiratory effort has also been used
ers (16, 53). The Borg CR-100 scale is (5, 17, 70, 184). Weston and colleagues
also known as the centiMax scale and, (184) investigated the application of
like the CR-10 scale, also uses a set of differential RPE during Australian rules
80 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
166). Research by Singh and colleagues r = .89 and r = .86, respectively. Ideally,
(166) showed that 10 min was sufficient practitioners would also record heart rate
time after completing the training to in these types of high-intensity sessions.
obtain the session RPE measure; meas- Several studies now support the use of
ures at this time showed no significant individualized approaches when moni-
difference from measures taken 30 min toring internal load (2, 141).
postsession. These findings have been The results of studies using session RPE
confirmed by other researchers (79, with resistance training are varied (79,
102, 175). Practitioners can be confident 102). Resistance training is a complex
that waiting 10 to 15 min following the combination of exercises in which many
training will provide valid measures of variables are manipulated depending on
session RPE. the goal. Training for developing muscu-
Session RPE has been validated across lar power is quite different from training
a wide range of exercise modes, activ- for developing maximal strength. Gener-
ities, and sports (43, 56, 57, 109, 116, ally, researchers have found that session
145, 168). It has been shown to be more RPE has acceptable validity and reliabil-
valid and reliable for measuring exercise ity for monitoring resistance training in
intensity in aerobic exercise when com- athletes; that is, session RPE increases
pared to heart rate–based methods (56). with increases in the intensity of train-
Researchers have also found that ses- ing given the same volume load and rest
sion RPE effectively reveals intensity periods between sets (43, 80). However,
during resistance training (i.e., lifting its validity for designing resistance train-
heavier loads with fewer repetitions was ing programs is less clear.
perceived as more difficult than lifting Singh and colleagues (166) compared
lighter loads with more repetitions) (43, power, strength, and hypertrophy pro-
168). Other methods have been proposed tocols and collected session and aver-
for using session RPE with resistance age RPE values for the sessions. When
training where training variables such as volume load
and rest periods between sets are manip-
Session load =
ulated, the session RPE is affected. A
number of repetitions × session RPE
study by Pritchett and colleagues (144)
If a weightlifter performs a session of 120 showed that training to failure with
repetitions and rates the session as hard 60% 1RM resulted in higher session RPE
(session RPE = 5), the session load would values compared to 90% 1RM. Kraft and
be 120 × 5 = 600 arbitrary units. colleagues (102) found that session RPE
Using session RPE across modes of was significantly greater when the rest
training has some limitations. Impel- between sets was decreased from 3 min
lizzeri and colleagues (87) found mod- to 90 s with a matched volume load.
erate to strong correlations (r = .50-.85) Work rate (weight lifted per unit of
between training load calculated using time) during resistance training has been
session RPE and heart rate–based meth- shown to be related to session RPE (79).
ods in football players. Other studies This has led researchers to develop RPE
have shown stronger relationships; Gab- scales that can be used to prescribe resist-
bett and Domrow (62) found correlations ance exercise. Also, an RPE scale that
between session RPE and heart rate and measures repetitions in reserve (RIR)
blood lactate in rugby league players of has been investigated (186). An RPE of
82 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
10 is equal to 0 RIR, indicating that no the session loads for the individual train-
more repetitions can be performed (i.e., ing sessions for the entire week. Train-
maximal effort); an RPE of 9 is equal to ing monotony is the variation of session
1 RIR, indicating that one more repeti- load over the week. It is calculated by
tion could be performed; an RPE of 8 is taking daily mean load and dividing it
equal to 2 RIR, indicating that two more by the standard deviation of daily load.
repetitions could be performed; down to This standard deviation can be calculated
an RPE of 1, which indicates that the set over the course of a microcycle from 7 to
required little to no effort (186). More 10 days. It could also be thought of as a
research is required to confirm the effi- measure of the sameness of the training.
cacy of these approaches. For example, if very little variation occurs
Session RPE could be used to prescribe in the training load from day to day, the
training by revealing to practitioners monotony would be high. This could be a
how athletes are perceiving the training case of low loads or high loads because it
stimulus. For example, consistently high refers simply to the variation or sameness
session RPEs during a period of training of the training.
could indicate the need to change the Training strain is the product of
training program. Lockie and colleagues monotony and the weekly load. Research
(109) investigated the use of session RPE has shown that during periods of high
for monitoring sprint and plyometric strain and monotony, athletes are at
training. The progressive overload used greater risk of illness and injury (15, 54,
in the training program was reflected 145). High strain is the product of high
in the session RPE values, supporting training load and high training monot-
the usefulness of the measure. Zones of ony. By monitoring the variables of load,
training intensity could also be used as a monotony, and strain over a period of
rough guide to training. Zones for session time, practitioners can determine indi-
RPE such as low (≤3), moderate (4-6), vidual thresholds of risk for overreaching
and high (≥7) have been used in research and overtraining. As explained in chapter
and practice (111, 130). Although the 3, athletes generally tolerate and adapt to
limitations of session RPE do need to be high training loads when recovery is suf-
acknowledged, its practical value and ficient. One study found that RPE alone
ease of use strongly support its use as part effectively monitored training load in elite
of athlete monitoring programs. How- Australian rules football players (179).
ever, its application for guiding training Interestingly, the authors found that the
prescription requires further study. session RPE method did not increase the
ability to predict illness or injury. The
Monotony and Strain study also showed the importance of
The session RPE measure of session load taking into account all aspects of training:
(duration × session RPE) is the most Monitoring just the field-based running
common way to use this metric. How- activities was not as effective at predicting
ever, other measures such as training illness or injury (179). The majority of
monotony and strain can provide val- research suggests that using session load is
uable information about athletes (54). a robust method for determining training
Weekly load is calculated by summing load in athletes (69, 111).
Quantifying Training Stress 83
balance by comparing the weekly load external load within the context of the
and strain to the average monthly load. environment the athlete is training in and
Something like a 4-week rolling average of using a mixture of internal and external
can be useful (84). Training stress would load measures to monitor training.
be negative when the current training
week exceeds the preceding 4 weeks’ OMNI RPE Scale
training load or strain and positive if it Pictorial representations of RPE have also
is lower than the average of the preced- been developed for a variety of modes of
ing 4 weeks (84). Research has shown exercise (151-153, 176). Specific scales
that a positive training stress balance for have been developed for running and
strain is a strong discriminator of match cycling exercise as well as for resistance
results in Australian rules football (8). training (151). These OMNI RPE scales
This further supports the importance can be a useful alternative for monitoring
of measuring strain as part of any load RPE in athletes (see figure 4.2). The OMNI
monitoring system (54). RPE scales have both verbal and exercise
Context is crucial when looking at mode–specific pictures along the 0-10
internal and external load measures. A scale. Linking pictures with verbal and
combination of measures should be used numeric scales has been shown to improve
to accurately quantify training stress the reliability of the tool (151).
across the range of activities performed
by athletes. The within-athlete differ-
ences and relationships between internal Heart Rate
and external loads should be determined Taking measures of heart rate is one of
for each athlete prior to implementing the most common ways to monitor exer-
the monitoring program. Practitioners cise intensity. Akenhead and Nassis (1)
should also establish baselines for ses- reported that 40 out of 41 professional
sion RPE for each training activity and football clubs collected heart rate data
intensity to add value to the monitoring. (in addition to GPS) from every player at
Weaving and colleagues (182) completed every training session. Heart rate moni-
a principal component analysis (a sta- toring enables practitioners and athletes to
tistical technique that reduces data to a accurately measure the relative intensity
set of primary variables) on measures of each bout of exercise and any associated
of training load in rugby league players recovery periods. Also, practitioners com-
performing different training activi- monly use heart rate to prescribe training
ties. During skill training, external load intensities based on the linear relationship
measures (e.g., total impacts and body between heart rate and VO2 across a range
load) explained the largest proportion of submaximal steady-state exercise work-
of training load variation. During speed loads (115). Limitations exist, however,
training, internal load measures (training when using heart rate to determine inten-
impulse and session RPE) explained the sities for intermittent exercise involving
greatest amount of variance. This high- short bursts of high-intensity maximal
lights the importance of considering the activity (38).
9 Extremely
8 hard
7 Hard
5 Somewhat
4 hard
3 Somewhat
2 easy
1 Easy
Extremely easy
9 Extremely
8 hard
7 Hard
5 Somewhat
4 hard
3 Somewhat
2 easy
1 Easy
Extremely easy
9 Extremely
8 hard
7 Hard
5 Somewhat
4 hard
3 Somewhat
2 easy
1 Easy
Extremely easy
Figure 4.2 Pictorial representations for the OMNI RPE scales for cycling, running, and resistance training.
Reprinted, by permission, from R.J. Robertson, 2004, Perceived exertion for practitioners (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 11.
Practitioners need to be mindful of how calculation methods affect the results of
their load calculations. Traditionally, they have relied on session load or RPE alone
for monitoring; adding in measures of strain and monotony can develop a full pic-
ture of what is happening with the athlete across the training cycle.
Figure 4.3 shows how the training load, monotony, and strain are calculated us-
ing the session RPE method. It is important to note that the way these calculations
are performed can have a significant impact on the results. Practitioners need to
decide how to approach rest days and be aware that most high-performance ath-
letes are training more than once a day (a factor that needs to be included in the cal-
culations). The practitioner can also include calculations of rolling averages across
the days and weeks to look at patterns emerging from the monitoring data (chapter
2). Also, practitioners need to be aware of the methods of calculation used when
comparing the results of the monitoring data to published research. Good practice
involves collecting information over a period of time, becoming familiar with the
scales, and using the same tool or tools consistently. Figure 4.4 shows a plot of
training load, monotony, and strain for an elite athlete over the course of a year.
The total weekly load is calculated as the sum of all the session loads. Daily mean load is then calculated by
taking the average of all the daily averages. Daily standard deviation is the standard deviation of those daily
averages. Monotony is calculated as daily mean load divided by daily standard deviation. Strain is calculated
as total weekly load multiplied by monotony.
Quantifying Training Stress 87
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51
a Weeks
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51
b Weeks
Figure 4.4 (a) Training load and strain and (b) monotony and RPE over the course of 1 year for an
elite athlete. E6859/McGuigan/F04.04b/554464/mh-R2
A range of heart rate monitors are Resting heart rate has been a popular
available for use in athlete monitoring. method for assessing training status
Standard heart rate monitors consist of for many years (103). Given that lon-
a transducer worn around the chest that gitudinal studies have reported a large
transmits wirelessly to a display. Others amount of variability in resting heart
use sensors on a wristband, fingertip rate (26), it appears to have a some-
meter, or smartphone. Monitors that use what limited use for athlete monitor-
a chest band, however, are more accurate ing. Heart rate recovery and heart rate
and valid (170). Heart rate monitors are variability are two common heart rate–
available from companies such as Polar based methods for athlete monitoring.
Electro ( and Suunto These are discussed in more detail in
( chapter 5.
88 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
TRIMP and session RPE are now popular assessments can be very useful for deter-
methods of quantifying training load in mining athletes’ levels of stress (82) and
athletes. However, practitioners who identifying when they are at greater risk
are prescribing training sessions based of becoming ill or injured (160). Similar
on these measures need to ensure that to session RPE, the biggest advantage
they accurately quantify internal load. of wellness assessments is that they are
This provides further support for the rec- easy to implement and inexpensive. They
ommendation to use multiple methods should, however, be used in conjunction
when monitoring athletes. with other monitoring metrics such as
performance tests, physiological meas-
ures, and training load.
Wellness Assessments Many wellness questionnaires have
Practitioners and athletes commonly been studied in a range of athlete pop-
use questionnaires and training diaries ulations (76, 160). Questionnaires that
to quantify training (82). Because of assess mood state, training distress,
the subjective nature of these tools, it muscle soreness, life demands, recovery,
is important to evaluate their effective- and other aspects of athlete wellness
ness. Borresen and Lambert (24) found can be found in the literature (76, 160).
that 24% of athletes overestimated and Practitioners often use their own ques-
17% underestimated training duration in tionnaires because published question-
training diaries. Only 59% of the athletes naires have too many items and thus take
accurately reported the average training too much time to complete and analyze
duration for the week. Foster and col- and because they lack sport specificity
leagues noted a moderate relationship (169). Unfortunately, research into the
between the coach-prescribed training effectiveness of these custom-designed
load (r = .72), training duration (r = .65), questionnaires is limited.
and training intensity (r = .75) and what
the athletes actually did (58). As men- Mood State Questionnaires
tioned in chapter 1, coaches and athletes Mood state tools such as the Profile of
differ in their perceptions of what occurs Mood States (POMS) and the Brunel
in training and how hard the sessions are Mood Scale (BRUMS) (www.mood
(28, 58, 146, 180). Thus, practitioners are questionnaires that
should be somewhat cautious about rely- provide information about an athlete’s
ing on athletes’ self-reported information overall disposition and look at factors
to guide training prescription. such as tension, vigor, anger, depression,
Because each athlete’s response to and fatigue. The POMS questionnaire
training stress is unique, a variety of has 65 items that measure six moods, or
wellness measures have been developed. feelings: tension−anxiety, depression−
Typically, they ask athletes about their dejection, anger−hostility, vigor−activity,
levels of stress, muscle soreness, mood, fatigue−inertia, and confusion−bewil-
fatigue, motivation, coping, and sleep. derment (119). The athlete rates each
Questions about recovery and nutrition item on a 5-point Likert scale from 0
are often included as well. As discussed = not at all to 4 = extremely in terms of
in chapter 3, athletes who experience what best describes how they feel right
overreaching or overtraining have higher now. Research has shown relationships
mood disturbances. Therefore, wellness between training load and mood state
Quantifying Training Stress 91
measured using the POMS questionnaire ures, including a POMS measure, using
(77, 150). line graphs (see chapter 2).
Practitioners should not rely on a The BRUMS questionnaire, derived from
single questionnaire to determine mood the POMS questionnaire, was developed
state because many factors can affect to provide a quick assessment of mood
the results. The advantages of the POMS state in adolescents and adults (171, 172).
questionnaire, particularly the short ver- This 24-item questionnaire uses the same
sion, are that it is easy to administer to a 5-point Likert scale as the POMS question-
group of athletes and a solid foundation naire, which has 65 items. Because the
of research supports its use (119, 160). average completion time for the BRUMS
Also, the POMS questionnaire is robust is only 1 to 2 min, it has good practical
enough that it is possible to examine application (105). It could be used, for
how an athlete answers a subset of the example, prior to training sessions or as
questions. For example, a practitioner a quick assessment of athlete mood state.
might be interested only in the responses
related to fatigue−inertia when monitor- Training Distress
ing an athlete’s fatigue level. Figure 4.5 The Training Distress Scale (TDS) assesses
shows a variety of internal load meas- training-related distress and readiness
80 10
Rating of perceived exertion
Resting heart rate (bpm)
65 6
60 5
55 4
45 1
40 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a Weeks b Weeks
E6859/McGuigan/F04.05a/554465/mh-R2 E6859/McGuigan/F04.05b/554466/mh-R2
POMS fatigue (arbitrary units)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
c Weeks
to perform (72). An advantage of this Figure 4.6 shows a VAS scale for pain.
short (22 questions) scale is that it On this 100-mm scale, the 0 represents
includes mood disturbance, stress, and no pain and 100 represents extreme, or
behavioral subscales. Plus, it assesses dis- unbearable, pain. A pain rating index
tress symptoms such as general fatigue, can then be calculated and the intensity
difficulties with concentration, sleep dis- of pain determined by the distance (in
turbance, changes in appetite, and phys- mm) of the athlete’s mark on the scale
ical discomfort (59). Athletes rate the from the left-hand side. A CR-10 scale
extent to which they have experienced for pain has also been used, which rates
the symptoms in the previous 24 hours the pain from 0 for no pain to 10 for
on a 5-point Likert scale with 0 = not at maximal pain.
all and 4 = extreme. The laboratory and Practitioners are often interested in
field-based validation studies on a range muscle soreness in a particular region
of athletes by Grove and colleagues (72) or regions of the body (e.g., the quadri-
showed that the TDS is a valid measure ceps or the whole lower body) and ask
of training and performance readiness athletes to rate soreness or pain in those
in athletes. areas. More complex questionnaires
investigate the multidimensional aspects
Muscle Soreness of pain such as sensory and emotional
Delayed-onset muscle soreness aspects. The McGill Pain Questionnaire
(DOMS), which occurs 24 to 48 hours consists of 78 words from which athletes
following a hard training session, is a select those that best describe their pain
natural and expected response in ath- (122). Cleather and Guthrie (36) com-
letes. The large body of research about pared the McGill Pain Questionnaire and
the causes of DOMS points to inflamma- the VAS for the pain rating of DOMS.
tion as the cause (83). Issues can arise They found no significant differences in
when DOMS limits the athlete’s training; the ratings of DOMS following resistance
there is evidence that training with sore training, suggesting no great advantage
muscles while trying to sustain a high for using the McGill Pain Questionnaire.
training load can lead to overreach- Practitioners using the VAS for rating
ing (121). Therefore, it is important to the intensity of training sessions can
monitor the degree of muscle soreness replace the terms in figure 4.6 with
in athletes. Visual analog scales (VAS) not intense at all and extremely intense.
are a common method used to measure Research suggests that the VAS and
DOMS (107, 139) and can also be used to CR-10 scale can be used interchangeably
assess training intensity (124, 135, 149). for measuring the intensity of training
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Quantifying Training Stress 93
(135). Neely and colleagues (135) found analysis showed that the VAS was pref-
that the CR-10 and VAS scale could be erable over the CR-10 scale for rating
used to measure the degree of leg exer- pain (107). The VAS appears to be more
tion during cycling exercise in young sensitive and provides better resolution
men. The CR-10 appeared to be more for measuring pain, but the CR-10 scale
sensitive, although particularly at higher more effectively rates perceived exertion
levels of intensity possibly because of its (135).
ability to discriminate between the levels
with the use of the verbal anchors. The Wellness Inventory
session RPE scale has been compared to Wellness inventories can be used to
the CR-10 and VAS and shown to provide monitor athletes. Most gather ratings
the same information (124, 125). Rebelo of perceived muscle soreness, general
and colleagues (149) studied a modifica- well-being, fatigue, stress, and sleep;
tion of the VAS scale to assess training some also incorporate questions about
load in football players. Two scales were nutrition and recovery. An example is
used that ranged from no effort at all to the Hooper index, which uses ratings
maximal effort and not demanding at all to of fatigue, stress, muscle soreness, and
maximally demanding. They used this to sleep on a scale from 1 (very, very low, or
calculate session load by multiplying the good) to 7 (very, very high, or bad) (81).
VAS score by the duration of the session. Questionnaires may also include aspects
This method obtained the same informa- of illness by asking athletes whether
tion as the TRIMP calculation using the they are currently sick and listing some
Banister (see chapter 3) and Edwards common symptoms (e.g., runny nose,
methods. sore throat, cough) (173). Further, spe-
Palpation is also used to assess the cific regions of the body (e.g., low back,
degree of DOMS because athletes may quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, groin,
not notice muscle soreness without some upper body) can be rated for the degree
type of mechanical stimulus. It is possible of muscle soreness. The inventories often
to measure the pain objectively by using use Likert scales (e.g., 0 = a complete
a specially designed pressure probe to absence of soreness to 6 = severe pain) (86).
standardize palpation; this is commonly Most practitioners use self-designed
used in research studies (107). Studies questionnaires; a survey of high-per-
have shown that using a subjective pain formance sport practitioners suggests
assessment scale that ranges from 0 to that 80% use their own questionnaires
10 (0 = no pain, 10 = maximal pain) is as (169). Research has shown that these
accurate as using a probe (104, 164), questionnaires are sensitive to detecting
however. It is possible to use ratings of changes in measures of stress and fatigue
different regions of the body to obtain in elite athletes (118, 126, 160). Table 4.1
an accurate picture of where the DOMS shows an example of a wellness ques-
is occurring (107). tionnaire (118) for rating sleep quality,
Lau and colleagues (107) compared muscle soreness, stress, and fatigue; the
different methods of measuring muscle scores are summed to obtain an overall
soreness, including a VAS, a CR-10 scale wellness score. Lower scores indicate a
for pain, palpation at various sites, and better perception of overall well-being,
pressure-pain thresholds (pain map- and higher scores indicate a worse sense
ping), following eccentric exercise of of well-being. Z-scores or standard dif-
the elbow flexors. This comprehensive ference scores can then be calculated
94 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
(chapter 2). Custom-designed forms typi- recovery (100). One questionnaire asks
cally have 4 to 12 items that are measured athletes to record aspects of sleep in
using either 1-5 or 0-6 Likert scales (169). the morning upon waking (100). They
Questionnaires are easy to administer, are record how long it took them to go to
inexpensive, and provide quick feedback sleep (sleep latency) and whether and
to practitioners and athletes. for how long they woke up (referred to
Several modifications of wellness ques- as sleep fragmentation and wake after
tionnaires are available. A questionnaire sleep onset). The quality of sleep can also
by Chatard and colleagues (32) includes be rated using a Likert scale in which 1
eight items, and each question is assessed indicates very poor sleep and 5 indicates
on a 7-point scale from 1 = not at all to very good sleep. Activity monitors such
7 = very much. The items are training as actigraphs and wearable devices can be
exertion, sleep quality, muscle soreness, used to provide more objective measures
illness, concentration, training efficiency, of sleep, although their validity has been
anxiety or irritability, and general stress questioned (156).
(32). This questionnaire was developed
as a sensitive measure of training load Daily Analysis of Life Demands
and performance in swimmers (6). The
English translation of the French Society for Athletes
for Sports Medicine questionnaire (50) The Daily Analysis of Life Demands
consists of 54 items that require a yes or for Athletes (DALDA) questionnaire
no response. A total of more than 20 yes assesses athletes’ daily levels of stress
answers suggests excessive training load (figure 4.7), thereby providing a record
or overtraining (114). It also contains six of their psychological well-being and
items in which athletes rate their physical response to training. Part A includes
states on a VAS. questions about general stresses, and
Given the importance of sleep for part B covers stress-reaction symptoms.
athletes, questionnaires are available Each item is scored by marking worse than
that can determine this aspect of athlete normal, normal, or better than normal.
Quantifying Training Stress 95
1. Diet 1 2 3 6. Climate 1 2 3
2. Home life 1 2 3 7. Sleep 1 2 3
3. School/college/ 1 2 3 8. Recreation 1 2 3
4. Friends 1 2 3 9. Health 1 2 3
5. Sport training 1 2 3
1. Muscle pains 1 2 3 14. Enough sleep 1 2 3
2. Techniques 1 2 3 15. Recovery between sessions 1 2 3
3. Tiredness 1 2 3 16. General weakness 1 2 3
4. Need for a rest 1 2 3 17. Interest 1 2 3
5. Supplementary work 1 2 3 18. Arguments 1 2 3
6. Boredom 1 2 3 19. Skin rashes 1 2 3
7. Recovery time 1 2 3 20. Congestion 1 2 3
8. Irritability 1 2 3 21. Training effort 1 2 3
9. Weight 1 2 3 22. Temper 1 2 3
10. Throat 1 2 3 23. Swellings 1 2 3
11. Internal 1 2 3 24. Likeability 1 2 3
12. Unexplained aches 1 2 3 25. Runny nose 1 2 3
13. Technique strength 1 2 3
“A tool for measuring stress tolerance in elite athletes,” B.S. Bushall, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 2(1): 51-66, 1990
Taylor and Francis, reprinted by permission of the publisher (Taylor & Francis Ltd,
Stress Recovery
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
98 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
staff. Practitioners should never rely on a and valid. Also, athletes responding to
single questionnaire as the basis of their questionnaires are influenced by the
monitoring programs. The results from wording of the question and its context
any questionnaire need to be considered and format (159, 161).
in context with the results of other meas- Technology can help with the imple-
ures. Questionnaires that cover a wide mentation of questionnaires (159). Many
range of self-report measures but ask a practitioners have their athletes complete
smaller number of questions are ideal questionnaires on smartphones or tablets
(67, 160). Ultimately, practitioners need (1). Research conducted in the area of
to consider the design of the question- injury prevention and monitoring shows
naire and the factors that could influence the value of using technology in this way
the data (159). It is also important that (48, 49). Using apps and incorporating
the wellness measures be taken at the social media may also increase athlete
same time of day (103). buy-in and compliance.
The most useful measures appear to
be perceived muscle soreness, fatigue, Analysis of Wellness
wellness, and sleep duration and quality. Questionnaires
Measures can be collected on a regular A variety of methods can be used to
basis; one study reported that 55% of analyze the results of wellness question-
practitioners collect this information naires (see chapter 2). Likert scales are
daily (169). However, athletes required commonly used, and higher scores gen-
to answer the same questions every day erally indicate greater well-being. The
can develop questionnaire fatigue. Well- usual practice is to code the responses
ness measures collected during a period as numbers and then perform calcula-
of a regular training load to determine tions. Because of the categorical nature
the athlete’s normal variation can help of these types of questionnaires, the
practitioners determine appropriate types of calculations that can be used are
thresholds. It may not be appropriate limited. Analysis methods more mean-
to determine these thresholds during ingful than simply calculating the mean
periods of low loading or high loading are suggested. A survey by Taylor and
because these periods have been associ- colleagues (169) revealed that the most
ated with mood disturbances and poten- commonly used method was to observe
tial maladaptations (123). trends in an athlete’s data over successive
The time needed to analyze the ques- days and sessions.
tionnaires and provide feedback to ath- Some practitioners identify red flags
letes and coaches is another important that indicate meaningful changes in per-
consideration. Well-designed question- formance (e.g., ±1.5 standard deviation
naires should result in quality informa- away from the mean) (118). Others use
tion without placing great demands on a traffic light system with red, yellow,
athletes and practitioners. Before design- and green lights signifying set thresholds
ing their own questionnaires, practition- that indicate required actions. A red light
ers should consider the many validated might indicate the need for a certain
questionnaires available. They should be intervention, a yellow light might indi-
aware, however, that just because a ques- cate the need for a closer inspection of all
tionnaire has been designed and imple- monitoring data, and a green light might
mented does not mean that it is reliable signify that everything is fine and the
100 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
athlete can train as normal. For muscle (174). Figure 4.9 shows z-scores over
soreness, practitioners can use intrain- the course of a training camp for a team
dividual standard deviation values to sport athlete. A steady decline occurred
identify changes outside of the athlete’s in the wellness scores as a result of high
normal variation. training loads. Using the criteria of 1.5
The lack of research on practically standard deviations, this threshold was
meaningful changes in wellness ques- exceeded on days 8 and 9.
tionnaires limits practitioners’ ability to A fundamental consideration for
make informed decisions about impor- practitioners is what intervention to
tant thresholds and appropriate actions. implement once they have identified
They generally use wellness question- irregularities in athlete monitoring
naires to highlight potential problems data. This is discussed in more detail
with fatigue and recovery (169). Practi- in chapters 7 through 9. Using the
tioners would likely benefit from apply- example in figure 4.9, the practitioner
ing some of the statistical approaches could decide to reduce the training
covered in chapter 2. Guidance on load after day 8 of the training camp
appropriate analysis methods is particu- for this athlete. What is clear is that a
larly limited in high-performance sport practical application of these monitor-
settings (159). A threshold value of ±1 ing strategies should be undertaken on
can be used for wellness scales as a rough a daily and weekly basis using a range
guide for the smallest meaningful change of methods.
Overall well-being Fatigue Soreness
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
–2 Weeks
Figure 4.9 Tracking wellness in a training camp using composite wellness scores and identifying red flags.
Quantifying Training Stress 101
Practitioners require objective tests to of their low portability into the field,
help them evaluate their training pro- expense, unsuitability for testing large
grams, assess their athletes’ training and groups of athletes, lack of sensitivity, and
competition workloads, and monitor poor reliability. An isokinetic dynamom-
their fatigue. However, no single marker eter, for example, would be beyond the
or test can do all of these things. Prac- budget of most sport programs and may
titioners must therefore include a range be logistically difficult to use to regularly
of measures of fitness and fatigue (e.g., monitor a squad of athletes. Monitoring
neuromuscular and wellness) in their tests must objectively measure fitness
athlete monitoring programs. and fatigue while being practically viable.
Many monitoring tests are used to This chapter outlines measures of fitness
assess athletes’ physical performance. and fatigue that can be used for athlete
Several types are also widely used in monitoring—specifically, neuromuscular
research studies with athletes (91, 97, fatigue; heart rate; biochemical, hormo-
194). However, many of these are not nal, and immunological markers; and
suitable for regular monitoring because performance tests.
104 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
a b
Figure 5.1 Vertical countermovement jump of an athlete measured on a force plate: (a) starting position
and (b) jump phase.
106 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
tests (41). Following match play, force are more time efficient than repeated
plate testing revealed that the measures jumps and therefore are typically recom-
of 6 of 18 variables declined and the main mended (137). Repeat jump testing also
performance measure (jump height) tends to be less reliable in athletes (41).
remained stable. The time courses of the Loaded jumps can also provide a measure
changes in these variables following the of the athlete’s ability to tolerate exter-
match were also very different. nal load (137). Practitioners have the
The lack of sensitivity of jump height option of using an absolute (total) load
is interesting given that it is commonly or a relative (percentage of body weight
used in jump tests (46, 137). Studies or percentage of maximal strength) load
have found no changes in measures with this type of monitoring (137). Lab-
such as jump height during periods of oratory-based studies of the relationship
heavy training (31, 46). In many other between low-frequency fatigue and
studies, researchers have examined the changes in jump performance are not
use of jumps for detecting neuromuscu- conclusive, so practitioners should not
lar fatigue across a range of sports (40, rely on these measures alone for athlete
72, 75, 78, 100). Findings have been monitoring (67).
mixed, and little consensus currently Monitoring jump height during verti-
exists about which variables are the most cal countermovement jumps may indi-
sensitive to fatigue. In a study of elite cate the athlete’s 1RM in the squat (103).
female rugby sevens players, Gathercole Jimenez-Reyes and colleagues (103)
and colleagues (72) showed that varia- tested track and field athletes and estab-
bles such as flight time and jump height lished regression equations to use with
decreased with increasing fatigue. They jump height to determine their 1-rep-
also noted alterations in the jumping etition maximum (1RM) squat. Other
mechanics as indicated by changes in studies have determined that estimating
the time-dependent variables. The dis- 1RM from submaximal loads in various
parity of the findings is most likely due exercises is possible (102). Attempts have
to the wide range of equipment, testing also been made to use rating of perceived
protocols, sports, and athlete levels used exertion (RPE) to estimate variables such
in these studies. as power output during exercises (6).
Practitioners have tended to focus on However, more research is needed to
concentric aspects of jump performance. clearly establish the relationship between
However, the eccentric phase of the ver- perceived exertion and training loads.
tical jump can also provide critical infor- As a guide for training, however, it can
mation (42, 43). Given the importance be useful.
of the eccentric phase in stretch–short- Comparisons between bilateral and
ening cycle activities, this should not be unilateral jumps can provide additional
ignored by practitioners (42, 43). Look- information on asymmetries (137).
ing at the force–time curve in its entirety Awareness of an athlete’s asymmetries
provides a more complete picture of how may be important from both an injury
the athlete is performing (42). prevention standpoint and a perfor-
mance standpoint. In terms of perfor-
Jump Testing Protocols mance, Bailey and colleagues (3) found a
A variety of jump testing protocols can be significant negative relationship between
used in athlete monitoring. Single jumps the degree of asymmetry and jumping
Measures of Fitness and Fatigue 107
gains. More research is needed with and contact time can be used. It is also
higher-level athletes and with different possible to calculate the index as the ratio
types of training sessions. of flight time to contact time (139).
Reactive strength index =
Drop Jumps jump height (m) ÷ contact time (s)
Drop jumps, which are also used to Consider an athlete who performs a drop
monitor neuromuscular fatigue, have jump from a 40-cm (15.7 in.) box and
been found to have adequate reliabil- achieves a jump height of 0.45 m (17.7
ity (140). Because of the more reactive in.); the contact time was 0.298 s.
nature of drop jumps, they may be more
sensitive to fatigue (94). For testing, the Reactive strength index = 0.45 m ÷
athlete stands in an upright position on 0.298 s = 1.51
a box with hands on hips (figure 5.2),
In a modified version of the reactive
steps (not jumps) off the box with the
strength index, the ratio is calculated
dominant leg, drops onto the force plate between the jump height and the contact
or contact mat on both feet, and immedi- time during a vertical countermovement
ately does a vertical jump with maximal jump rather than a drop jump (112, 191).
effort. Suchomel and colleagues used a loaded
The instructions given to the athlete (20 kg, or 44 lb) and an unloaded verti-
should be standardized as much as pos- cal countermovement jump to calculate
sible (125). Asking the athlete to keep a modified reactive strength index (191,
ground contact time as brief as possible 192). The modified reactive strength
and to jump as high as possible is a good index was found to be reliable for dis-
strategy. The athlete can be told to think criminating between athletes from dif-
of the ground surface as a hot plate to ferent sports (192). Performing the test
ensure a short contact time. The height without boxes is an advantage because it
of the box used for this test can vary, removes the need for extra equipment.
but an intermediate height of 30 cm (12 Whichever calculation is used for the
in.) seems to be sufficient for monitoring reactive strength index, the practitioner
purposes with team sport athletes (94). must use the same protocol. It is also
A range of jump heights can be used to critical to be mindful of the testing pro-
develop a profile of the athlete and to tocol used in research studies in cases in
determine the athlete’s stretch tolerance which practitioners are comparing their
profile. The stretch tolerance profile is a results to published findings.
series of measures from drop jumps from
increasing heights resulting in greater
stretch. It provides another way of quan- Muscle Stiffness
tifying the athlete’s reactive ability. Muscle stiffness can also be used for
The reactive strength index can be athlete monitoring. At its simplest, stiff-
determined from drop jump testing ness refers to the relationship between
and has been proposed as a measure of force and the degree of deformation
explosiveness (155). It can be calculated and is related to stretch–shortening
in several ways, but typically it involves cycle activities (143, 215). High levels
measuring the ratio of jump height to of muscle stiffness have been shown to
contact time (155). A force plate, contact be related to increased soft tissue injury
mat, or device that measures jump height and repetitive stress (172, 209). Methods
Figure 5.2 Drop jump on a contact mat.
110 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
for assessing muscle stiffness include peak force. Peak force measures from iso-
the vertical hop, broad jump, and drop metric tests have been shown to be very
jump tests (144, 170). Vertical pogos and reliable; Coefficient of variation greater
jumping bilaterally with straight legs are than 2% have consistently been reported
other possible methods. The vertical hop (110, 197). Another advantage is that
test (unilateral) can provide an overall they also enable practitioners to test large
measure of lower-body stiffness. The groups of athletes in a more time-efficient
bilateral and unilateral tests can be per- manner than that provided by traditional
formed on a contact mat or force plate. 1RM testing. Maximal isometric testing
Often, they are performed using repeated correlates very well with 1RM for exer-
jumps (e.g., five in succession) (143). cises such as the back squat, deadlift, and
Unilateral testing can reveal differences power clean (7). Finally, isometric testing
between the limbs and stiffness imbal- is also relatively less fatiguing than 1RM
ances. In a repeat jump test, athletes testing, so it can theoretically be done
are instructed to perform the jumps in more regularly.
time with a metronome or to maintain a The isometric mid-thigh pull test is
steady frequency. The test generally has typically performed on a force plate with
adequate reliability but is not as reliable a fixed bar at mid-thigh height; two or
as other types of jump tests (127, 171). three trials are performed. Weightlifting
A common approach for calculating straps and tape can be used to help with
muscle stiffness is the Dalleau method grip, and the athlete should be instructed
(57). Alternatively, muscle stiffness can to push as hard and as fast into the ground
be calculated more simply as ground
as possible for 3 to 5 s. Instructions are
reaction force divided by displacement
important for this type of testing; research
of the center of mass (126).
shows differences in force production
depending on the type of instruction (90).
Force Production Providing 3 to 5 min of rest between trials
Monitoring measures of muscular is also recommended. However, evidence
strength and power can help with exer- suggests that shorter rest periods do not
cise prescription, provide sensitive and affect maximal force-producing capabil-
immediate feedback to practitioners, and ity (131). Peak force can be expressed in
determine whether an athlete’s train- absolute terms or relative to body weight,
ing adaptations have plateaued (140). which is known as ratio scaling.
Strength assessments include isometric Allometric scaling (53) takes into
tests, repetition maximum tests, and account the body size of the athlete and
dynamometry (139). can be used to compare across a range of
Isometric tests such as the isometric body sizes. Allometric scaling equations,
mid-thigh pull (86), isometric squat (7), which describe the relationship between
and isometric bench press (216, 217) body mass and other aspects such as mus-
can help with the regular assessment of cular strength (53), use an exponential
athletes’ strength. Isometric tests have factor in the calculation. The most com-
several advantages. First, they are highly monly used scaling equation uses a simple
reliable, particularly for variables such as power law function:
Measures of Fitness and Fatigue 111
Bilateral asymmetry assessments can supine position with the leg raised onto
also allow practitioners to calculate the the force plate. The sensitivity of the
degree of the bilateral deficit (137). test was determined by measuring the
The bilateral deficit can be calculated as isometric strength following match play
follows: and by measuring muscle soreness (132).
Bilateral deficit = [(strength of the right
side + strength of the left side) ÷
Dynamic Strength Index
bilateral strength] × 100 Combining measures from a variety of
monitoring tests can provide interesting
For example, an athlete has the following information on athletes’ neuromuscu-
results on the unilateral leg press: right lar status. For example, the dynamic
leg =1,973 N; left leg = 1,730 N; bilateral strength index has received attention
= 3,598 N. from researchers (197, 216, 217). Prac-
titioners have compared the isometric
Bilateral deficit = [(1,973 + 1,730) ÷
3,598 N] × 100 = 102.9% and dynamic force-producing capacities
of athletes to determine which aspect
needs priority in training programs. The
Force Measures for dynamic strength index is calculated as
Rehabilitation Monitoring the ratio of ballistic peak force from a
static jump to isometric peak force (186),
Various force assessments have been used
as follows:
as potential predictors of injury. Tests
such as the groin (adductor) squeeze Dynamic strength index =
test are used to monitor athletes (44, ballistic peak force (N) ÷
150, 179). The groin squeeze test is isometric peak force (N)
conducted in a supine position using a
sphygmomanometer between the legs, Consider an athlete who has the fol-
which are positioned at 45° (58). The lowing results during a static jump and
athlete squeezes the device as hard isometric mid-thigh pull, respectively
as possible for several trials, and the (2,042 and 2,811 N):
maximal pressure achieved is recorded Dynamic strength index = 2,042 N ÷
(58). A relationship between groin pain 2,811 N = 0.73
and lower-body strength levels on the
adductor squeeze test has been found in The dynamic strength index has been
athletes (150). Roe and colleagues (179) shown to be a highly reliable measure of
found decreases in adductor strength in strength qualities in athletes, and it can
youth rugby union players following be used as a guide for training emphasis
match play. As a monitoring tool this (197). A ratio of <0.6 could be an indica-
test appears to be reliable and sensitive tion that the practitioner should increase
to fatigue. the amount of ballistic training. A ratio
Recently, assessments that look at the of >0.8 could mean that the amount of
strength of the hamstrings have been maximal strength training needs to be
used (22, 132, 163). McCall and col- increased. Ratios can be useful, but prac-
leagues (132) investigated the reliability titioners also need to take into account
and sensitivity of an isometric lower-limb the magnitude of the result (186). By
hamstrings test in elite football players. tracking the strength values from week
The athletes performed the task in a to week across a season, they can observe
Measures of Fitness and Fatigue 113
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 5.3 Maximal force measures over the course of a competitive season.
114 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
due to the improvements in the analysis measures (21, 169). For example, the
software and heart rate monitor hard- monthly changes in HRV measurements
ware as well as smartphone apps (see were not sensitive to performance
chapter 6). changes in handball athletes (21). Using
As discussed in chapter 3, the auto- a 7-day rolling average with elite triath-
nomic nervous system controls physio- letes was shown to be more sensitive
logical functions such as heart rate via than single measurements (167). In a
the interaction between the sympathetic study of Australian rules football play-
and parasympathetic nervous systems. ers, in which training loads changed
During training, heart rate responds to substantially, measures of HRV did not
periods of stress and rest in a nonlinear change (23).
manner. That is, heart rate increases For these measures to be useful for ath-
during high-intensity work (sympathetic lete monitoring, many assessment points
response) and then decreases during are needed to get a complete picture
periods of lower-intensity work or recov- of the athlete’s ability to cope with the
ery (parasympathetic response). Low training load. For monitoring purposes
HRV is an indicator of the sympathetic experts have recommended measuring
system driving the heart rate response, HRV for a minimum of 3 days per week,
which suggests that the athlete is not taking a weekly average, or using a roll-
tolerating the training load (20). Because ing 7-day average (169). This should be
the research on athletes is somewhat done over a longer period to obtain a
inconsistent, practitioners should not full picture of the athlete’s response to
rely on this single marker for athlete training. An increase in chronic HRV is
monitoring (169). associated with a positive response to
As discussed in chapter 3, findings training, and a decreased HRV indicates a
from investigations of HRV as a marker negative response to training (169). The
of overreaching and overtraining are HRV findings should be put in context
not clear (20). Indices such as Ln rMSSD with the training history of the athlete
have been shown to have better reliabil- and the current phase of training (20).
ity and can be used for assessments over a Figure 5.4 shows average HRV results
short period of time (2, 64). This requires for an athlete over a 12-week period
10 to 60 s of measurement with the ath- leading up to an important event.
lete lying in a supine position and can
be calculated using a spreadsheet (20).
It is important to establish a baseline of Heart Rate Recovery
typical values for athletes in addition to The recovery period after a bout of
collecting the information under con- exercise can be used as a monitoring
sistent conditions (e.g., when the athlete tool (118). Immediately after exercise,
wakes up). Practitioners should be aware the parasympathetic nervous system
that assessing HRV when an athlete is causes a rapid decrease in heart rate
standing will yield different results than (20); decrements in heart rate recovery
when the athlete is supine (185). have been suggested as an indicator of
Single measures of HRV have not been fatigue, detraining, or an inability to
shown to be useful for tracking fatigue in cope with the assigned training load (14).
handball players and triathletes because Conversely, improvements in heart rate
of the high day-to-day variation in the recovery can be an indicator of fitness
Measures of Fitness and Fatigue 115
Ln rMSSD (ms)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Because measures of blood and saliva repeated freezing and thawing of sam-
are often strongly related, practitioners ples.
often prefer saliva measures because
they are easier to obtain. For example,
the correlation between saliva and serum Hormone Monitoring
measures of testosterone and cortisol Although limitations exist with blood and
has consistently been shown to be high saliva measures of hormones, they can
(122, 153, 159, 204). These findings have provide information on athletes’ health
been confirmed in research reporting status (178). Hormones such as cortisol,
a strong relationship between salivary testosterone, and catecholamines can
and serum cortisol at rest (r = .93) and provide insight into the functioning of
during exercise (r = .90) (159). Lane and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis,
Hackney (122) investigated the associa- which has implications for the early
tion between serum and saliva analysis detection of overreaching and overtrain-
of testosterone in aerobic endurance ing (see chapter 3). Examining hormo-
athletes performing varying intensities nal responses to exercise can provide
of exercise. Their data showed strong a clearer picture of athletes’ adaptive
correlations, particularly at moderate states than looking only at resting (basal)
and high exercise intensities (r > .89). hormonal levels (208). However, resting
The main advantage of collecting saliva salivary hormone levels may give some
for athlete monitoring is its noninvasive- insight into workout performance by
ness compared to blood collection. Many individual athletes, with some research
athletes find blood collection stressful, suggesting that these levels potentially
which results in elevated levels of stress moderate training adaptations (48). The
hormones. Saliva samples also allow for
acute responses of the endocrine system
analyzing biologically active free hor-
during training and following training
mone levels (50).
sessions are related to the intensity and
Urine analysis is another relatively
duration of the exercise stimulus and to
noninvasive method for measuring cer-
the athlete’s physical condition (187).
tain hormonal and biochemical markers.
Hormones also appear to play a critical
Specific adaptations in the hypothalam-
role in mediating adaptations in elite ath-
ic-pituitary-adrenal axis can be investi-
gated by analyzing urinary cortisol and letes (88, 89). However, more research is
cortisone levels (82). It is important to required to determine these relationships
remember, however, that urine analy- and establish the role of hormone mon-
ses provide only a general indication of itoring for both predicting and tracking
hormone levels, and they can be time the effects of training programs.
consuming. Practitioners need to be mindful of
Whichever analysis method they use, issues that can arise with variability in
practitioners need to consider how they the assays. Variation can occur between
will store the samples. Hormones are the samples in the same assay (intra-as-
affected by temperature and should say variability) and between the assays
be stored in cool conditions as soon as (interassay variability). For example,
possible. Certain types of blood analysis hormones such as cortisol and testoster-
require the separation of plasma and one exhibit a circadian rhythm: Levels
serum. It is also important to avoid the typically peak around 1 hr after waking
118 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
250 120
Salivary testosterone (pg/ml)
Salivary cortisol (μg/dl)
0 0
6 a.m. 10 a.m. 2 p.m. 6 p.m. 10 p.m. 6 a.m. 10 a.m. 2 p.m. 6 p.m. 10 p.m.
a Time of day b Time of day
Figure 5.5 Multiple measures of (a) testosterone and (b) cortisol over one day to show diurnal variation.
Measures of Fitness and Fatigue 119
Taken together, the findings suggest cycle may provide windows in which
that monitoring testosterone levels in to maximize the response to training.
athletes could help guide training pre- A study by Nakamura and colleagues
scription. For example, how the athlete (152) showed different acute responses
responds to a particular type of workout to resistance training depending on the
may identify optimal sessions (9). Beaven phase of the menstrual cycle. Sung and
and colleagues (9) identified the hormo- colleagues (193) investigated the effects
nal responses of rugby union players to of strength training during different
four different workouts. They discovered phases of the menstrual cycle. The results
maximal gains when the athletes trained showed differential responses depend-
using the protocol that maximized their ing on how the loading was distributed
testosterone response. across the menstrual cycle. Specifically,
Relationships between testosterone follicular phase–based training resulted
levels and match outcomes in sport have in greater increases in muscular strength
also been found (54, 76, 77). Testoster- and hypertrophy (193). It should be
one seems to play important roles in noted that the majority of these studies
psychological aspects such as motivation, have used untrained or recreationally
which highlights its role in athletic per- trained participants rather than elite
formance (52). The use of priming work- athletes. Monitoring athletes’ menstrual
outs on the day of competition is spec- cycles as well as the medications they
ulated to aid performance by increasing are taking would provide practitioners a
levels of circulating hormones. Although picture of how this aspect of physiology
performance increases have been shown responds to training.
with these types of approaches, the clear
impact on match outcomes has yet to be Cortisol
demonstrated conclusively. Identifying Cortisol, a glucocorticoid that is released
workouts and approaches to training that from the adrenal cortex in response to
optimize adaptations to training could stress, has important roles in metabolism
be aided by monitoring these hormone and immune function (117). It is also
levels in athletes. considered a marker of catabolic status.
Testosterone levels in athletes can be Levels of cortisol are higher following
affected by a number of factors. In elite an acute bout of exercise and competi-
female athletes, oral contraceptive use tion (60, 117). The release of cortisol is
has been shown to affect levels of resting stimulated by adrenocorticotropic hor-
testosterone (51). This study also pro- mone (ACTH), which is secreted by the
vided some evidence of a reduced testos- hypothalamic-pituitary axis in response
terone and cortisol response to exercise to stress. The increase in cortisol occurs
and competition in elite hockey players approximately 15 to 30 min after adren-
taking oral contraceptives (51). These ocorticotropic hormone release (12).
findings could have implications for ath- Cortisol has many important functions,
letes’ responses to explosive exercise (28) including stimulating gluconeogenesis
and training loads (36). Menstrual cycle (a metabolic process that makes glu-
effects on athlete hormonal responses are cose from noncarbohydrate sources),
less clear, but taking them into account which results in sparing blood glucose
in athlete monitoring does appear to be and protein stores in the body. During
important (123). Certain stages of the metabolism, cortisol increases protein
120 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
ering hormonal status. However, they tomed heavy exercise, various enzymes
need to be mindful of several limitations and blood markers increase, including
of hormone monitoring. Factors that can creatine kinase. Measures of creatine
affect hormone concentrations include kinase are the most commonly reported
sampling conditions and sample storage. in the literature (182). The enzyme is
Nutritional intake can modify signifi- located inside muscle cells, but after
cantly either the resting concentration heavy exercise it can be released into
of some hormones or their concentration the blood. Thus, creatine kinase levels
change in response to exercise (117). In can reflect the degree of muscle damage.
female athletes the hormonal response However, although these levels are a
depends on the phase of the menstrual good measure of muscle damage and
cycle. Hormone concentrations at rest response to unaccustomed exercise, no
and following exercise are different. consistent patterns have been noted in
Practitioners should also be aware of overtrained athletes. Coutts and col-
diurnal variations in hormone levels leagues (46) found significant increases
and obtain samples at approximately the in creatine kinase in rugby league players
same time of day. Also, the reproduci- following a 6-week period of intensified
bility of some hormone analyses can be training. A 1-week taper period resulted
poor. Finally, hormone analyses can be in a significant return to baseline values,
time consuming and expensive, which which was not the case with the other
presents challenges for regularly moni- biochemical markers. This was likely
toring these measures. due to the reduced amount of muscle
damage associated with the reduction in
training load.
Biochemical Monitoring Creatine kinase can be used to assess
Many substances involved in the meta- muscle damage in athletes, but with gen-
bolic process (called metabolites) have erally large amounts of variability (85).
been studied with the aim of establishing However, because a clear relationship
their usefulness for monitoring training does not always occur between levels of
and performance (208). The following creatine kinase and performance, prac-
sections discuss some of these biochem- titioners should use caution when inter-
ical metabolites, specifically looking at preting the results. In general, the level
measures using blood assays. As with of creatine kinase increases in response
hormone monitoring, practitioners need to acute training load (208). Others
a basic understanding of the role of have recommended using levels of cre-
metabolites and their significance when atine kinase to assess recovery of muscle
considering them as monitoring tools. damage in the short term following
training or competition (45). Measures
Creatine Kinase of this marker may be of greater value
Exercise-induced muscle damage is during the preseason and training camps,
a normal response to heavy training when training loads are particularly high.
loads. Practitioners are therefore often However, the response of creatine kinase
interested in measuring the degree of to long-term training is not consistent,
muscle damage; subjective ratings of most likely because athletes have become
muscle soreness are one way to do this accustomed to the chronic training stress
(see chapter 4). In response to unaccus- (17). With this measure it is important
124 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
Hypoxanthine Considerations
Research has shown that hypoxanthine for Biochemical Monitoring
may be a useful indicator of training Practitioners would be wise to take into
status during some training phases (219). account many of the considerations men-
Hypoxanthine is a marker of anaerobic tioned for hormone monitoring. Many
metabolism and reflects the exercise-in- metabolites can be measured in a vari-
duced degradation and resynthesis of ety of mediums such as blood and saliva
protein in the muscle. Long-term training and, as discussed in chapter 6, sweat and
Measures of Fitness and Fatigue 125
rate recovery can also be calculated using as during rehabilitation. The Wingate
60 s of recovery at the end of the test. anaerobic test is one of the most com-
Research has shown that the changes monly used cycle ergometer tests, but it
in running speed during the final two is highly fatiguing. An ergometer with
stages can reflect changes in training load adjustable resistance measures the rate
and be used to monitor adaptations to of pedal revolutions. Typical protocols
aerobic endurance training (205, 206). involve a warm-up followed by a set
Other field-based performance tests are test time such as 30 s. The amount of
an interval shuttle run test for football work performed is determined from the
players and the Zoladz test for runners resistance value and the number of pedal
(220). revolutions. Power is generally calcu-
lated as work divided by time for each 5-s
time interval. Parameters such as peak
Sprint Testing power, average power, and fatigue can
Sprint testing can also be used for mon- be calculated.
itoring athletes (74, 96). Because sprint- Other protocols are more suited for
ing is an important determinant of sport monitoring athletes, such as a protocol
performance, particularly in team sports, for elite Australian rules football players
practitioners are interested in regularly that involves two 6-s maximal sprints
monitoring aspects of it (149). Measuring separated by 1 min of recovery (210,
sprint performance via time is the most 211). The test has been shown to be
common method (218). reliable and sensitive to neuromuscular
Sprint tests can be conducted over a fatigue in elite team sport athletes (210,
set distance such as 30 m. Measuring 211). One advantage of this test is than
time alone can provide helpful moni- it takes very little time to complete and is
toring information because preliminary less fatiguing that the standard Wingate
data show that speed slows following a protocol.
fatiguing training session in team sports
(151). Sophisticated timing devices are
not always necessary; handheld devices Velocity Testing
have been reliable for experienced testers Velocity-based testing (106), which has
(128). Moreover, sprint testing is highly been studied for many years (15, 201),
reliable in athletes (74). Researchers provides objective information about
have compared 20-m sprints to jump the quality of velocity-based resistance
testing and found that jump testing was training (175). Studies have shown that
more sensitive for monitoring fatigue exercise velocity can be used to estimate
in team sport athletes (74). Other tech- an athlete’s 1RM (35, 81). As a result,
nology for measuring running speed is barbell or jump velocity can be a useful
discussed in chapter 6. monitoring measure. Sanchez-Medina
Cycle-based ergometer sprint tests and Gonzalez-Badillo (181) studied the
appear to have potential for athlete loss of velocity and determined that it
monitoring (142, 210, 211). These indicates neuromuscular fatigue during
tests have advantages for practitioners resistance training. Their results indi-
working with non-body-weight-support cated that by monitoring the velocity of
sports such as cycling and rowing and repetitions during a training session, it
for athletes restricted from running such was possible to estimate the degree of
Measures of Fitness and Fatigue 131
metabolic stress (lactate and ammonia bilateral mobility of the hips, knees,
levels) and neuromuscular fatigue. Baker ankles, shoulders, and thoracic spine
and Newton also showed that power and (26). Scoring systems can then be used
velocity decreased after a certain number to rate the movements qualitatively. For
of repetitions in elite rugby league example, numerical rating scales can be
players (4). Practitioners can use this used to rate the movements of the squat,
information to set velocity thresholds to single-leg squat, lunge, or push-up,
ensure an optimal training stimulus. This but validation studies regarding these
would avoid the need for athletes to per- approaches are minimal (70, 97). Most
form unnecessary repetitions in training, of these scales have set criteria for what
thus increasing session efficiency. constitutes good or poor movement pat-
terns, and practitioners use various adap-
Movement Screening tations (134, 141, 165). Similar to well-
ness questionnaires, practitioners seem
and Flexibility Testing to prefer modifications of existing tools
Movement screenings and flexibility for their particular sport settings. Good
tests can be used to assess athletes’ practitioners perform performance and
flexibility, mobility, body posture, and postural screening routinely by viewing
general movement competency as well athletes’ performances during warm-up
as to monitor the risk of injury (70, 97). and training and use this information to
No consensus on which screening is best guide their choice of modifications to the
has emerged, and there are no clear links session’s load assignments.
between the results of a screening and Flexibility measures include goniom-
an athlete’s risk of injury (111, 134, 136, eters, which measure joint angle, and
165), which raises questions about their sit-and-reach boxes, which measure a
usefulness. combination of low back and hip flexi-
Simple movements such as the over- bility. During a flexibility test, the ath-
head squat can be performed to assess lete should move slowly into the fully
stretched position and hold the position system test are summed into a single
while the result is measured in centim- score.
eters or inches. The knee-to-wall test In the star excursion balance test, the
involves comparing right and left sides athlete stands in the center of a grid with
and calculating the difference in dorsi- eight 120-cm (47 in.) lines extending out
flexion range of motion while performing at 45° increments. The athlete maintains
a weight-bearing lunge (113). a single-leg stance facing in one direction
while reaching with the contralateral
leg as far as possible for each taped line,
Balance and touches the farthest point possible, and
Stability Testing then returns to the bilateral position.
Balance is the ability to maintain static Within a single trial, the athlete remains
and dynamic equilibrium, or the ability facing in the initial direction and the
to maintain the body’s center of gravity stance leg remains the same; the other
over its base of support (147). Stability leg does all of the reaching. The distance
is a measure of the ability to return to a from the center of the star to the touch
position is measured. Some have sug-
desired position following a disturbance
gested that testing the front, side, and
to the system (147). Commonly used
rear positions is sufficient (98).
tests of balance and stability are timed
static standing tests (eyes closed and
standing on one or both legs) (18), bal- Performance Ratings
ance tests using unstable surfaces (135), Although practitioner and athlete rat-
and tests using specialized balance testing ings of performance are subjective, they
equipment (176). Tests are also available can be useful for monitoring an athlete
for evaluating aspects of balance and sta- during competition and training (38).
bility such as postural sway. Clarke and A common approach is to use a well-
colleagues (30) found that postural sway ness questionnaire and have athletes
can be an indicator of neuromuscular rate their performance on a Likert scale
fatigue in athletes. from 1 (extremely poor) to 10 (excellent)
Two tests with good reliability that (65). Practitioners can rate the athlete’s
have been widely researched are the bal- performance using a similar scale. In a
ance error scoring system and the star study by Cormack and colleagues (38),
excursion balance test (18, 84, 199). practitioners were asked to rate athlete
The balance error scoring system test is performance using the following scale:
conducted using a variety of positions 1 = poor performance, 2 = moderate perfor-
on a firm surface and on a soft surface mance, 3 = good performance, 4 = very good
(figure 5.7). The positions are held for performance, 5 = excellent performance. Ide-
20 s with eyes closed and hands on hips. ally, measures would be obtained from
Athletes are told to remain as steady as a range of practitioners. Interestingly, in
possible, and if they lose their balance, Cormack and colleagues’ study, the ath-
they attempt to regain their initial posi- letes with higher levels of neuromuscular
tion as quickly as possible. The error fatigue during play were rated as per-
scores from the balance error scoring forming more poorly by the practitioners.
a b c
d e f
Figure 5.7 Balance error scoring system: (a-c) firm surface condition and (d-f ) soft surface condition.
134 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
In summary, a performance test can monitoring tool. Jump tests such as the
be used for athlete monitoring if it meets vertical countermovement, static jump,
these criteria: and drop jump tests are sensitive to neu-
romuscular fatigue and easy to adminis-
• Is reliable and valid and sensitive ter with athletes. Force production tests
to change can also be used to monitor fatigue in
• Can be performed on a regular basis athletes. Measures such as heart rate
(weekly testing appears to be stand- variability and heart rate recovery can
ard, but some may require more provide insights into the athlete’s pre-
frequent assessments) paredness to train. Athletes’ variability
• Is easy to administer in hormonal and biochemical responses
suggests the importance of analyzing
• Can be performed in a variety of
the results individually. Various markers
can indicate immune function in ath-
• Does not take too long to perform letes. Several are sensitive to training
and, ideally, can be included in the load, but responses have been highly
warm-up variable. Although the evidence sup-
• Does not require specialized equip- ports the use of certain hormonal and
ment (a tape measure and a stop- biochemical markers, they have limited
watch can be sufficient) practical application because of high
cost and logistical issues. Performance
tests can be useful for tracking fitness
and fatigue, but no single measure can
Conclusion provide a complete picture. However,
enough evidence is available to suggest
Many methods can be used to assess that a combination of several measures
fitness and fatigue. However, decisions can provide useful information about
about the training readiness of athletes athletes’ training status, adaptation to
should not be made on the basis of one workload, and fatigue levels.
Current Monitoring
and Technologies
Previous chapters make it clear that are described in this chapter to provide
many practitioners are using athlete a solid rationale and guidelines for using
monitoring. Because technology forms technology.
the basis of many monitoring practices,
awareness of its benefits and limita-
tions is important. Technology is con-
stantly developing, and new products
Monitoring Practices
have potential applications for athlete in Sport
monitoring. Practitioners need to make
sound decisions about whether, how, Several reports have described monitor-
and when to implement technology ing practices used by practitioners (3, 94,
into their athlete monitoring programs. 127, 128, 141). In a survey, Taylor and
Current and emerging technologies that colleagues (141) divided training moni-
can be applied to monitoring athletes toring into quantifying training load and
136 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
16% of the clubs were using some type More data continue to be published
of modified screening tool. Clearly, on the training programs of elite athletes
movement screening is widely used for (104, 146, 147). These studies provide
monitoring athletes. What is less clear rich insights into the training practices
is how effective these screens are for of athletes but also the methods that can
informing decisions about program- be used for monitoring. Questionnaires
ming and injury prevention. Practition- and training diaries are commonly used
ers appear to be using adaptations of by practitioners and athletes for keeping
screening tools, which has not helped training records (62, 127, 145). Digital
to establish evidence for the efficacy of data capture, which is also increasingly
these methods. used (127), affords several advantages.
Blood sampling does not appear to Practitioners can perform more in-depth
be widely implemented for monitoring analyses of electronic training data to
purposes (3, 141). It seems to be used observe patterns and trends and organize
more as a clinical tool to investigate training data in multiple ways to make
suspicious complaints in athletes (100). reporting more efficient.
As discussed in chapter 5, repeated Although practitioners are using mon-
monitoring of blood markers requires itoring technology and tools in greater
that practitioners take into account numbers, clarity about how to analyze
within-athlete variability. Practitioners the data is lacking (141). Practition-
in high-performance sport also report ers report several approaches to data
the use of salivary analysis (3). Despite analysis, but a universal approach does
many research studies of hormone not seem to exist. Some practitioners
monitoring in athletes (32, 138, 151, have reported using percentage change
154), this practice is not widespread in in measures, meaningful change, and
high-performance sport. z-scores, but these practices do not
Many simple practices for measuring appear to be widespread (3, 141). Most
both external and internal load are of these methods seem to rely on visually
available for practitioners (see chapter identifying trends in the monitoring data
4). In baseball it is common practice to from day to day or week to week (141).
measure pitch counts across the course For example, a common approach is to
of a season (26, 131). In cricket, meas- use a series of flags or traffic lights, but
ures of the number of deliveries bowled without any clear consensus of what
can be useful for practitioners who determines a red, yellow, or green light
want to manage injury risk (113, 114). (141). Although there has been increas-
External load measures, which include ing support for the use of practical statis-
throw counts, can be routinely moni- tical approaches to analyzing monitoring
tored in athletes involved in throwing data, how widely these approaches are
sports and do not involve sophisticated used is unclear (3). Table 6.1 shows
measurement tools. Practitioners also common monitoring practices reported
routinely monitor other external load by practitioners and their levels of use,
measures such as the number of jumps, levels of supporting evidence from the
sprints, loads, sets, and repetitions (62). research literature, and practical value.
138 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
in athletes (130). Other measures such as colleagues (2) modeled the training
maximal heart rate increase during exer- responses of judo athletes over a 2-year
cise are proposed as potential markers of period using competition performance,
overreaching (18). Further research is session RPE, fitness tests, and a judo
required to confirm the value of many fitness test. They identified factors that
metrics for athlete monitoring. were useful for monitoring, including
session RPE. However, practitioners do
not necessarily need to use advanced
Modeling statistical methods to gain insights
Modeling, which is increasingly used in into training adaptation. Simplified
athlete monitoring (12, 31), refers to any approaches, including obtaining overall
technique that explores the relationships score for a range of monitoring scores,
and patterns within a data set. Methods can involve calculating z-scores for each
range from fairly complicated ones, such test (chapter 2) and taking the sum of
as training impulse (12), to simple ones, those scores (149).
such as session RPE. Although modeling Researchers have investigated a vari-
can require advanced statistical analysis, ety of modeling techniques that can be
it can be an extremely useful technique applied to monitoring data to predict
for obtaining richer insights from data. injury in athletes (54, 150). Practitioners
A variety of modeling approaches are often in search of a holy grail that
lend themselves well to use with athlete predicts when an athlete will become
monitoring. They are beneficial because injured or get sick and have to miss train-
they allow for some degree of prediction. ing or competition. Modeling takes into
For example, modeling has been used account all the variables measured and
to predict oxygen uptake and energy provides an estimate of the effect. It is
expenditure from heart rate data (103) important to remember that it is an esti-
and to investigate pacing and fatigue in mate; error is associated with any model.
elite aerobic endurance athletes (136). In a sport environment it is impossible to
Modeling can assist practitioners who are account for all the variables, but a good
using different measuring equipment or model takes the important ones onto
testing under different conditions (66). account. Monitoring and modeling daily
Corrections can be made when monitor- performance is one approach to tracking
ing is done with different types of equip- athletes. This requires monitoring tools
ment (66), although this not optimal. that can be used on a regular basis.
Practitioners should always try to use The fluctuations in the monitoring
the same testing conditions; however, variables of athletes follow a nonlinear
in the real world, alterations are often pattern (107). Le Meur and colleagues
necessary. In such situations, practition- showed that increases in training load
ers must decide whether monitoring is and performance in triathletes are not
useful. Allometric scaling is a form of linear (82). Not surprisingly, in team
modeling used to control for differences sports, individual athletes differ in their
in body size (39). training responses. An advantage of
Researchers often use modeling to an athlete monitoring system is that it
investigate adaptations to training using allows the practitioner to track these
quantifications of training and per- individual responses. Practitioners
formance (2, 12, 30). Agostinho and need to remember, though, that error is
140 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
associated with any modeling approach titioners can benefit from learning how
(see chapter 2). technology has developed historically
and understanding the foundations of
current technologies. The evolution
Monitoring of sprint monitoring is an interesting
case study (65). Timing systems have
Technologies progressed from handheld to fully auto-
matic, and practitioners now use a vari-
The use of technology is not new in ety of technologies to measure sprinting
sport. In the early part of the 20th cen- performance (65). Learning the history
tury, A.V. Hill (1886-1977) used a timing of monitoring technology and sport sci-
setup to measure the speed of athletes ence can benefit practitioners by giving
in the field (70). Sprinters wore coils of them a better understanding of the phys-
wire and magnets in a design that would iological and mechanical background of
be recognized now as timing gates. The these monitoring approaches. Several
magnetic bands they wore around their excellent resources document the history
chests could be considered one of the of sport science (15, 91, 144).
early examples of wearable technology.
August Krogh (1874-1949) designed
a cycle ergometer to measure exercise
Instrumented Sport
intensity and conducted studies with it Equipment
(80, 81). Franklin Henry (1904-1993) The integration of technology with sport
undertook research in many areas related equipment has provided practitioners
to athlete monitoring, including the with very interesting information (4, 59,
use of a timing light set up over 50 yd, 105). Morel and Hautier (105) used an
similar to that used by Hill (69). Henry instrumented scrum machine to measure
also conducted research in the middle neuromuscular fatigue in rugby union
of the 20th century on the force–time athletes. Attempts have been made to
characteristics of sprint starts by using combine technology with sport equip-
pressure recording devices attached to ment such as boats, oars, and paddles
the starting blocks (68). The last 50 years in rowing and kayaking (4, 59). Combat
have seen many other examples of mon- sport researchers have developed devices
itoring technology. VO2 testing has been with load cells, which convert mechan-
used to monitor athletes by measuring ical force into electrical signals, to assess
the volume of oxygen consumed (121). striking and kicking forces (61, 137,
Douglas bags have been popular portable 155) (see figure 6.1). In a case study,
approaches for measuring athletes’ VO2 in a professional boxer was monitored
the field (99). The bulk of the equipment in the lead-up to a fight using a box-
limited its usefulness, however, resulting ing-specific test that involved punching
in the development of portable gas anal- a custom-built apparatus mounted on
ysis systems (99). a wall integrated with a load cell (61).
Monitoring technologies for sport The device’s coefficient of variation for
now have greater portability and utility, impact force and velocity was less than
and many commercial companies now 1%, suggesting that it was very reliable.
market equipment specifically for use The monitoring tool, along with other
in athlete monitoring. However, prac- performance tests, provided insight into
Current Monitoring Practices and Technologies 141
the athlete’s peaking strategy. Such sys- ers of the rowers’ boat. Peak force and
tems provide feedback on force profiles average and peak loading rate were
during training and competition. Practi- measured to quantify asymmetries (dif-
tioners can then use force–time profiles ferences between limbs) and intralimb
to calculate variables such as peak force, variability. The presence of asymmetries
mean force, and time to peak force (35). and the degree of performance varia-
Real-time feedback reveals athletes’ bility during training sessions can show
movement techniques so that coaches how the athlete produces force. This is
can give them feedback during the train- an example of when practitioners need
ing session to improve performance. to be aware of overall changes in mon-
In the sport of skeleton, researchers itoring variables within a training ses-
have used instrumented sleds (55). In sion rather than a single measure such
this event the practitioner can get feed- as peak power. Although such metrics
back on the velocity of the sled during are useful, a measure of variability (e.g.,
the push at the start of the race, which a standard deviation) in performance
is particularly critical for performance during the session or across the preced-
(29). ing week gives the practitioner a better
An and colleagues (4) used strain indication of overarching factors such as
gauge transducers in the foot stretch- pacing and fatigue (97) (see chapter 2).
142 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
In Paralympic sports, technology has technologies can give different results for
played an important role in athlete mon- the same variable, practitioners should
itoring. Researchers have investigated exercise caution when comparing them.
equipment instrumentation to quantify Load cell technology has been used
the demands of events (88). Activity to design novel equipment for athlete
sensors can be used to determine activ- monitoring (112). Instrumentation of
ity profiles in wheelchair court sports strength assessment equipment can pro-
(e.g., rugby) (88). In one study, this vide important information about force
technology was compared to an indoor production and imbalances (27, 112).
tracking system (88). The devices accu- Researchers have assessed the unilateral
rately tracked variables such as distance (single-leg) strength of the hamstrings in
covered and mean speed; however, they athlete populations using instrumented
were less accurate in measuring the peak testing equipment (27, 112). Data on
speeds produced by elite wheelchair ath- strength and potential imbalances may
letes, which greatly limits the usefulness provide useful information for monitor-
of the technology. Because different ing for fatigue and injury prevention.
Wearable Sensors
Wearable sensor technology is becoming
increasingly prevalent in sport (143).
A sensor is any device that transforms
information into an analytically useful
signal (10). This area has been researched
extensively in a range of team and indi-
vidual sports (33, 41). One of the advan-
tages of wearable sensors is the ability to
collect physiological and mechanical data
such as heart rate, blood pressure, tem-
AP Photo/Gerry Broome
perature, steps, distance covered, speed,
and aspects of wellness such as sleep.
These data, when processed by custom
software, can then be summarized for
the practitioner and athlete.
Wearable sensors have received a great
Figure 6.2 Wearable sensor.
deal of attention from researchers (10,
33, 42, 132). For example, sensors have
been developed to use electromyogra-
phy to measure the degree of muscular
activity (108, 109, 140). This has led to contains many metabolites. To function
developments in the area of smart cloth- well, sweat sensors require a good con-
ing. Sensors have also been developed to tact surface between the skin and the
measure impact forces (155) (see figure sensor surface. Measurement of sweat
6.2). Sensors that can be placed on the content could provide information on
skin, such as patches, have significant thermoregulation and hydration status,
applications for sport monitoring (9, 10, which is important for performance (19).
56). One example is wearable devices Wearable sensors can also be used to
that measure substrates, including lac- quantify movements in winter sports
tate and hormones (23, 56). Feedback such as skiing (85, 86). In one study,
via these devices would be extremely skiers wore accelerometers; the differ-
useful for real-time monitoring of hor- ences in their characteristics were inves-
mones, metabolites, and other markers to tigated with different techniques and
obtain a picture of athletes’ physiological validated against video analysis methods
responses during training sessions (141). (86). The kinematic measures obtained
Research has shown that this technol- via accelerometry were similar to those
ogy can take valid measures of lactate, obtained with high-speed filming. The
glucose, and electrolytes in addition to sensors provided information on tech-
skin temperature and hydration status nique selection and the rates and lengths
(10, 56). of several kinematic variables (86).
A variety of wearable devices have
been developed to analyze physiological Types of Sensors
factors such as temperature and sweat Sensors for analyzing sweat consist of two
content (89). Sweat is an excellent can- major types: fabric and plastic devices
didate for analysis via sensors because it and epidermal-based sensors (10).
144 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
measurements to have moderate to good track the metrics of an athlete over time
reliability for the tasks. The reliability and provide real-time feedback. A variety
was higher with the accelerometers on have been developed and validated for
the lower back (133). Accelerometry athlete monitoring (7, 8, 52). Even more
technology can be useful for sports that advanced markers such as heart rate vari-
involve a lot of landings such as gym- ability now have apps (51, 52). However,
nastics, figure skating, and dance. Mon- the validity and reliability of many apps
itoring the loads associated with these have not been established. Practitioners
activities could have implications for should assess the accuracy of any app
injury prevention in these sports (133). before using it. As research continues,
Researchers have investigated the use the body of evidence on the validity and
of inertial sensors for providing kine- reliability of apps will be more complete
matic feedback during landings (46). A so that practitioners can make more
small-scale study suggested that after informed decisions about them.
one session the feedback resulted in Smart watches could be a good way to
performers making alterations to their integrate monitoring data. Practitioners
landing mechanics. Interestingly, only often want to monitor athletes during
three parameters were used for feedback training sessions and competition, but
because the researchers found that this monitoring at other times can also be
was the maximal number of param- helpful. Clearly, having an athlete wear
eters that could be modified during a a GPS device on the back or torso 24 hr
single training session. This suggests a day is not feasible, but a smart watch
that practitioners need to be careful not could be a way to obtain regular mon-
to overwhelm athletes with too much itoring data. Setting aside the ethics of
information from monitoring data (see constant surveillance of athletes, moni-
chapter 7). toring outside of training and competi-
Athletes seem to prefer devices on tion appears to be increasing (127).
the wrist, given their popularity (143).
Some equipment is placed on equipment
and clothing (e.g., on the cycle, in or
Force Plates
on footwear, or embedded in clothing). As discussed in chapter 5, force plates,
Integrating technology with equipment position transducers, accelerometers,
the athlete uses regularly is logical. Ear- optical motion sensors, jump and reach
phones could be a good site given the devices, and jump mats can be used to
common practice of listening to music assess neuromuscular fatigue during
during individual training sessions. performance tests such as jump tests (17,
Wearable technology that athletes don’t 98). Measuring ground reaction forces
notice is ideal. using force plates has become more
common in monitoring as technology has
developed and become less expensive.
Apps and Watches Force plates measure triaxial forces, and
Given that smartphones include GPS force transducers convert mechanical
capability and often accelerometers, information into an electrical signal. For
most practitioners and coaches have a example, a jump on a force plate results
readily available monitoring device in in a distortion to the load cells within
their pockets. Athlete monitoring apps the plate and causes a change in voltage
146 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
that can be measured as a signal. Uni- only jump height. Jump height can be
axial plates measure the force output in revealing, but greater insight can be
one direction; triaxial plates measure all obtained by tracking the underlying
three planes of motion. Uniaxial plates aspects of performance (111).
are less expensive than triaxial plates, Calibration, which is important for
but they measure only vertical force, determining the ground reaction forces
which can be a limitation (17). None- measured from the voltage output,
theless, they can still provide valuable should be done over a range of loads and
information. conditions (17)—for example, from the
Dual force plates can be used for both unloaded condition to the highest load
bilateral and unilateral assessment (75) athletes will use. This ensures that prac-
(see figure 6.3). They allow practitioners titioners fully capture the highest forces
to monitor asymmetries, which can help athletes could produce. The calibration
them with program design (6, 95). Dual range will be somewhat different for a
force plates are expensive, however, group of university-level gymnasts than
which has led to the development of it would be for an American football
more cost effective and portable options. team because of the disparity in body
Practitioners can use jump and reach mass. Ensuring appropriate calibration
devices for both bilateral and unilateral will help to reduce the errors associated
assessments, although they measure with the measure.
Photo courtesy of Andrius Ramonas.
technologies in sport science (71, 74, 98). frequency if the time from one sample
Differences in sampling frequency can to the next is too long. It is therefore
affect the results of the monitoring (71). recommended that the sampling fre-
The data obtained with monitoring quency be at least five times higher than
technologies can be processed in several the frequency of the signal for athlete
ways. Data collected are often filtered, movements to ensure that peak values for
smoothed, differentiated, and inte- aspects such as takeoff and landing forces
grated to calculate and predict variables. are not missed (43). When measuring
Custom software can be used to perform rate-dependent variables such as rate of
signal processing and remove noise force development, these ranges should
associated with the data signal. A wide be even higher (98).
range of sampling frequencies are used
to collect and record monitoring data Data Processing Methods
(120). The Nyquist-Shannon sampling Built-in software systems can convert
theorem states that the critical sampling signals from analog to digital and then
frequency should be at least two times smooth and filter the digital data, which
the highest frequency of the signal being are adjusted to reduce the noise and
collected to obtain accurate information distortion of the signal. Smoothing tech-
from the original signal (63). Funda- niques include polynomial (e.g., Butter-
mentally, what that means is that the worth filters), splines (e.g., cubic splines),
required sampling frequency increases Fourier transform, moving averages,
with increasing movement velocity. and digital filters. Filtered and smoothed
This accounts for why GPS devices are data are then differentiated or integrated
less accurate and less reliable with high- depending on the measurement system
speed movements and accelerations and used to calculate the variables. Practi-
decelerations (153). tioners should keep in mind that as the
Recommendations can be made for number of calculations increases, so does
sampling frequency ranges for several the error. Although most practitioners do
measures used in athlete monitoring not need in-depth knowledge of these
(98). For example, the recommended methods, a basic understanding of the key
sampling frequency range for vertical principles may be useful. More detailed
jumps is 350 to 700 Hz (98). To cap- information on these methods of data
ture position changes of 5 mm (about analysis can be found in other sources
3/16 in.) for movements with velocities (43, 63, 120, 159).
between 1.0 and 3.0 m/s, the monitoring
device must sample at rates between 20
and 60 Hz (98). Using force plate testing, Storing Data
ground reaction force is recorded only Practitioners need to consider how they
at the time points determined by the are going to store athlete monitoring data
sampling frequency. At a frequency of and records, especially given that many
500 Hz, this would be occurring every forms of technology generate a significant
0.002 s. Problems occur when the tech- amount of data. Whether systems that
nology samples at rates below the critical track and store athlete monitoring infor-
frequency because it could distort the mation are being implemented effectively
original signal and result in the loss of in sport is unclear. Injury surveillance sys-
vital pieces of data. A rapid change in tems have been found lacking as a result
force could be missed at a given sampling of inadequately stored data (50).
Current Monitoring Practices and Technologies 149
Figure 6.4 An athlete performing a bench press while a wearable device collects velocity data.
Photo courtesy of Andrius Ramonas.
152 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
that allow athletes to drive the tread- Another way to assess running is with
mill belt under them while remaining laser technology (134), which works by
tethered in place. Technology can also emitting a beam of infrared light that
be used to measure variables such as reflects off the athlete. Research has
force as they are instrumented with employed methods of quantifying force–
load cells. Forces can be measured using velocity relationships and mechanical
either a tether-mounted strain gauge or variables to delineate between injured
force plates below the treadmill frame. and noninjured players (101, 102) and
Given the importance of both hori- between positions in similar sports (e.g.,
zontal and vertical force during sprint- rugby union and rugby league) (40).
ing, sprint treadmill ergometers can What makes methods such as this par-
provide important information for ticularly useful is the ability to conduct
athlete monitoring (106). Mangine testing in the field without the need for
and colleagues (84) used a 30-s sprint large amounts of equipment.
protocol on a nonmotorized treadmill Researchers have looked at the use of
and found good relationships with GPS devices and accelerometry to assess
30-m sprint time. Disadvantages of stride variables and vertical stiffness
these systems include their high cost, during running in team sport athletes
an increased risk of injury (due to using (28). As discussed in chapter 4, commer-
maximal sprinting as a monitoring cial GPS devices include accelerometers,
tool), and the difficulty of monitor- gyroscopes, and magnetometers. Accel-
ing a large number of athletes unless erometers and gyroscopes detect acceler-
several treadmills are available. Also, ations and angular velocities; magnetom-
some have expressed concern about the eters sense the strongest magnetic field.
change in running gait kinematics that Buchheit and colleagues (28) compared
can occur when running on different data obtained from a GPS-embedded
types of treadmills (96). All of these fac- triaxial accelerometer with the vertical
tors should be considered when making ground reaction force obtained from
decisions regarding the implementation an instrumented force plate. Triaxial
of this technology. refers to three axes of rotation: vertical
Recently validated field methods (x-axis), anteroposterior (y-axis), and
provide accurate and repeatable data mediolateral (z-axis). Algorithms were
on sprinting variables (106, 122). determined to calculate specific aspects of
These methods estimate horizontal an athlete’s stride (e.g., foot strike) from
force and the associated force–velocity the accelerometry data. The results indi-
relationships via simple velocity–time cated that variables such as contact time,
data obtained from the movement flight time, and vertical stiffness could
of an athlete’s center of mass (122). be measured accurately (28). Obtaining
This means that common field testing these measures with lightweight GPS
equipment such as a radar devices devices permits practitioners to test ath-
can be used to calculate force–velocity letes in the field rather than relying on
profiles during sprinting as long as the specialized and expensive equipment.
sampling frequency is sufficient. Radar Running can be analyzed with acceler-
devices work by emitting radio waves ometry, and several studies have inves-
and detecting changes in frequency as tigated the validity of some devices (83,
the waves bounce off the athlete. 156). One study looked at the validity of
Current Monitoring Practices and Technologies 153
exercise caution when comparing results Having this type of real-time feedback
between equipment (1). Abbiss and col- has important applications to rehabil-
leagues (1) compared a cycle ergometer itation (132).
and power meter and found different Clinical applications of wearable
power measures. The magnitude of the technology have scope in athlete moni-
difference was affected by the test type. toring for simplifying more complicated
Researchers and practitioners use cycle assessments. An example is smartphone
ergometers to monitor athletes (45, 47, apps that generate electrocardiograms
157). Technology permits them to inves- that can be viewed remotely by cardiol-
tigate asymmetries using instrumented ogists (115). Such technology can facil-
pedals and cranks (21). Researchers have itate communication between athletic
also developed multisensor cycle ergom- trainers and medical staff, helping them
eters for monitoring. These systems allow to monitor athletes during training and
for the integration of multiple sensors identify those who are at risk.
(e.g., instrumented cranks) and real- Activity monitors have been investi-
time monitoring. Technology for athlete gated for monitoring sleep in athletes
monitoring should be adaptable and easy (124). Sargent and colleagues (124)
to set up and use. compared wrist activity monitors to
polysomnography, which is con-
Clinical Applications sidered the gold standard for sleep
monitoring and is also used in sleep
of Technology studies. It records a range of measures
Technology used in other fields is often such as brain wave activity, oxygen
developed or modified for athlete mon- level, heart rate, and respiration rate
itoring (11, 60). An example is trans- to determine the sleep quality. Activ-
cranial electrical stimulation, which ity monitors were shown to be a valid
has been used with stroke patients and alternative for measuring the sleep of
involves applying a weak electrical cur- athletes, although selecting the correct
rent (16). It may provide insights into sleep–wake threshold was important
the central nervous system adaptations given the variations in sleep and wake
that occur in response to training (60). durations (124). This highlights the
Wearable technology has been devel- importance of being cautious when
oped to provide direct feedback during comparing monitoring technologies.
activities (132). Haptic (touch), audio, Practitioners needs to determine
and visual feedback have been investi- whether the technology provides more
gated for providing feedback during gait information than simply asking the
(132). This information could be used to athlete the simple question “How well
facilitate changes in gait and therefore be did you sleep?” If the evidence sug-
a useful tool for both athlete monitor- gests that a subjective tool can provide
ing and training. In one study wearable essentially the same information, prac-
sensors provided feedback to alter knee titioners need to question the value of
loading patterns during walking (158). additional technology (127).
Current Monitoring Practices and Technologies 155
increases the utility of these systems for the practitioner’s role. Although athlete
monitoring purposes. One of the major monitoring is widely used in sport, large
challenges for practitioners is the time amounts of staff resources do not appear
required to learn how to use each new to be directed to this area (3). In most
technology as well as to follow up with cases the additional work is incorporated
upgrades, maintenance, and the latest into the practitioner’s role. Therefore,
developments in the field of technology. practitioners are advised to keep things
All this is time away from other aspects of simple (37).
With Coaching
(arbitrary units)
also on variables such as learning, tac-
Session RPE
tics, relationships, leadership, and team 5
cohesion. Practitioners need to consider 4
these elements individually as well as 2
how they interact. Although aspects such 0
as cohesion in team sports can be difficult Resistance Skills Running Speed
training training (high intensity) training
to quantify, approaches have been used
to investigate them in elite sport (25,
68). For example, performance analysts Figure 7.1 A mismatch between an athlete’s and
practitioner’s assessments of session RPE.
can use tracking systems to investi-
gate patterns of play and match tactics
(25). Researchers have used integrative
approaches to account for these aspects
the context of conversations with the
of performance and their relationships
athlete and other monitoring data.
(22, 77), and appropriate analyses can
help to monitor these factors in a quan-
tifiable way. Practitioners should keep Surveillance of Athletes
in mind the need to monitor more than Monitoring systems can result in an over-
just the physical aspects of performance; whelming amount of data, and the trend
sport psychology, motor learning, and of more monitoring and technology use
skill development have a tremendous seems to be continuing (76). Some have
amount to offer to the field of athlete raised the concern that the increasing
monitoring. surveillance of athletes can have nega-
tive effects (82). Some practitioners use
Perceived Versus leaderboards that show monitoring and
fitness testing results for all athletes to
Actual Training see. Although this adds the element of
Research has revealed a mismatch competition, it can create an atmosphere
between how practitioners and athletes of policing that some athletes can view
rate training sessions (21, 65). Disparities negatively (82). This approach may seem
also occur between self-reported train- to fit with the competitive nature of
ing duration and actual duration (8). sport, but athlete differences are worth
Monitoring can help correct such mis- bearing in mind. A ranking system may
matches. Figure 7.1 shows athlete RPE motivate the best athletes but discourage
and a coach’s rating of session intensity athletes of lesser ability. Some have ques-
for several types of workouts. From these tioned whether this approach decreases
results, the practitioner could conclude some athletes’ enthusiasm and removes
that the intensity of the skills session the human element from sport (82). Few
was too high and that the high-intensity studies have been conducted on practi-
running session was too easy. Of course, tioners’ surveillance practices, but work
this would need to be considered within in this area is ongoing (11).
160 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
Privacy is another issue with the standing of how it can improve athletes’
increasing move to ongoing athlete sur- performances.
veillance. An interesting ethical question
is how appropriate it is to monitor ath-
letes outside of the training environment.
For example, most private citizens would Communication is a fundamental aspect
not expect their employers to monitor of athlete monitoring. Monitoring is a
their sleep habits. In professional sport, tool that allows practitioners to have
many collective bargaining agreements conversations with athletes (71) and
are raising issues around the appropri- fellow practitioners and to ask good
ateness of constant surveillance. Sport questions. Ineffective communication
programs that invest sizable amounts of can have a negative effect on athletes
money in their players obviously want as (42). Further, research in the areas of
much information as possible to protect skill development and motor learning
their investments. However, this needs shows the value of good practitioner
to be balanced with the athletes’ right communication and which methods are
to privacy. most effective (6).
Saw and colleagues (71) investigated
the role of wellness questionnaires in
Sources of Information athlete preparation. The model proposed
Practitioners obtain knowledge about was that practitioners record, review,
sport science and coaching from a vari- and contextualize the data, and then
ety of sources. Stoszkowski and Collins act. Other models have been reported in
(73) examined 320 practitioners’ per- the literature (13), but they commonly
ceptions of their preferred and actual propose an integrated approach in which
methods of obtaining and applying new practitioners, athletes, and support staff
coaching knowledge. Most reported that interact and communicate regularly
they obtained coaching knowledge from and well. Models such as these are used
informal and self-directed sources, par- widely in high-performance sport (4, 13,
ticularly interactions with other coaches 72), but they are not always underpinned
and colleagues (38.7%). One of the more by a solid evidence base.
concerning discoveries was that 73.1%
of the practitioners reported that they
immediately used the latest acquired
knowledge with little critical analy-
Monitoring Data
sis. This supports the perception that Within a Training
practitioners often use new monitoring
tools and technology before establishing Session
the base of evidence. Another finding
was that many practitioners believed Large amounts of data can be collected
that new knowledge would make their during a training session. Collecting it
sessions more effective (73), but they in real time can help practitioners make
were not clear about how this would be adjustments in the training session. How-
achieved. For athlete monitoring to be ever, collecting too much information
useful, practitioners need a clear under- during a session can create interpreta-
Integrating Monitoring With Coaching 161
tion issues and result in overanalysis. 5% to 10%; and greater than 13 repeti-
Selecting several key measures to mon- tions, increase the load by 10% to 15%.
itor (e.g., training readiness, fatigue, Then, in the fourth set, the athlete lifts
and injury prevention) is vital. Objec- the adjusted load until failure, and the
tive data can also aid with athlete goal number of repetitions performed and the
setting and motivation. Having specific amount of load lifted are used to deter-
targets for the athlete can also increase mine the load for the next session.
performance. A number of methods are Using this approach with Division I
available for monitoring athletes during university-level American football play-
sessions. Auto-regulation and flexible ers, Mann and colleagues (47) found
approaches are discussed in this section. auto-regulated resistance training to be
more effective for improving strength
over 6 weeks than traditional linear
Auto-Regulation periodization. In earlier research, Knight
The process of auto-regulation has (39) used progressive resistance training
received increasing attention from prac- auto-regulated on a daily basis in patients
titioners and researchers (10, 27, 47, 83, recovering from knee surgery.
84). This involves adjusting the training Zourdos and colleagues (83) inves-
based on feedback gained during the tigated auto-regulation during hyper-
training session, and it can occur on a trophy sessions in trained powerlifters,
day-to-day basis. Augmented feedback but rather than adjusting the load lifted
(also called objective feedback) regard- based on the number of repetitions,
ing the performance is commonly used in they applied the concept of repetitions
athlete monitoring. Augmented feedback in reserve. Repetitions in reserve is the
adds to the practitioner’s and athlete’s additional number of repetitions athletes
perceptions of how the athlete is per- believe they can complete after terminat-
forming during training or competition. ing the set. Theoretically, this could be
Auto-regulation of training has appli- used to regulate the daily training load.
cations across a range of training modes The load for training was auto-regulated
and rehabilitation (e.g., strength or based on the athlete’s performance as
velocity measures on a particular exer- part of a daily undulating periodized
cise). Consider an athlete who performs program.
four sets. The first two are warm-up sets The degree to which training can be
with loads of 50% and 75% of the antici- regulated based on session monitoring is
pated RM for the session (e.g., a 6RM). In affected by a variety of factors. An impor-
the third set, the athlete lifts 100% of the tant component of training prescription
anticipated repetitions maximum (RM) is the athlete’s particular training history
until failure. The load for the fourth set and needs. Some researchers have inves-
is then adjusted based on the number tigated modifying training based on mon-
of repetitions achieved in the third set. itoring data in aerobic endurance sports
Mann and colleagues (47) suggested the (9, 37, 38, 79). Kiviniemi and colleagues
following: For 0 to 2 repetitions, decrease used daily measures of heart rate variabil-
the load by 5% to 10%; 3 to 4 repetitions, ity (HRV) to adjust training prescription
keep the load the same or decrease it by (37, 38). Vesterinen and colleagues (79)
5%; 5 to 7 repetitions, no load change; compared HRV-guided training and pre-
8 to 12 repetitions, increase the load by defined training in recreational aerobic
162 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
endurance athletes. The participants improvement was seen in the group that
who completed the HRV-guided training completed predefined training. Interest-
measured their RR interval data (using ingly, these improvements were achieved
the Ln rMSSD metric; see chapter 5) each despite the fact that the HRV-guided
morning. Using the concept of smallest group performed fewer moderate- and
meaningful change of the rolling 7-day high-intensity training sessions than the
average of rMSSD, adjustments were predefined training group did.
made to the training program. When Botek and colleagues (9) made training
the rolling 7-day average of rMSSD was adjustments based on HRV in nation-
within the smallest worthwhile change, al-level athletes. Using an algorithm, rec-
the athletes completed moderate- and ommendations were made to continue
high-intensity sessions. When it fell with the current training or decrease
outside the smallest worthwhile change, the training load. Seven of the athletes
they trained at a low intensity or rested. improved their performances, and three
The HRV-guided athletes had significant had no change or a decrement in per-
improvements in their 3 km (1.9 mile) formance. Although the study was con-
time trial performance, whereas no ducted with a small number of athletes
over a 17-week time span, the method readiness. Anecdotally, practitioners who
does appear to hold promise. Individu- make daily adjustments based on circum-
alizing an athlete’s training prescription stances rather than stick to a rigid plan,
seems to be an appropriate method for as many do, are using this approach. For
optimizing adaptations to aerobic endur- example, a practitioner who discovers a
ance training. high level of neural fatigue in a group of
athletes following an intense condition-
Flexible Approaches ing session the previous day may adjust
the current day’s planned speed training
to Session Monitoring session. An effective monitoring program
Kraemer and Fleck (41) proposed a provides objective data to help practi-
method called flexible nonlinear perio- tioners make these types of decisions. It
dization, in which the practitioner makes should be noted that research using this
adjustments based on the demands of the type of flexible nonlinear periodization
previous 24 hr and the athlete’s perceived in athletes is limited.
An example of within-session monitoring is velocity-based training. This involves
monitoring barbell velocity to guide decision making for assigning loads during
the session. Linear position transducers and accelerometry technology can pro-
vide real-time feedback on barbell velocity or the athlete during training (31). It is
important to determine baseline levels of velocities for specific exercises. Practi-
tioners can develop generalized tables of velocity ranges for different exercises,
but measuring on an individual basis is optimal. Establishing a clear baseline for
each exercise can also optimize the training adaptation. However, because this
can be time consuming for the practitioner, a simpler approach may be war-
ranted. One way to accomplish this is to monitor barbell or athlete velocity as it
decreases across a training set with increasing numbers of repetitions. The prac-
titioner could identify a benchmark velocity; once the athlete drops below that
point, the set is ended and the athlete is allowed to recover. For example, during
a vertical countermovement jump, the practitioner could establish a velocity
threshold minimum of 2.8 m/s. If the athlete’s velocity falls below the threshold,
the set is terminated.
Another approach is to measure the velocity of exercises during warm-up
sets (e.g., bench press, back squat) to gauge athlete readiness. Using previously
established relationships between velocity and load, force–velocity profiles could
indicate an athlete’s estimated maximal strength for that day (30).
Establishing thresholds for individual athletes can take time, particularly when
they are performing many exercises. One solution is to have a station or exercise
with a velocity focus for each day. For example, during a session with six exer-
cises, a practitioner sets up a monitoring station at the high clean pull exercise.
As the athletes rotate through the exercises, they receive feedback on velocity for
just that exercise. This removes the need for multiple pieces of technology and
could reduce any technology fatigue that athletes may be experiencing.
164 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
Resistance training literature has Figoni and Morris (20) showed that
revealed that using appropriate veloc- visual feedback during isokinetic training
ity thresholds can minimize the loss increases strength results. These findings
of velocity during sets, thus increasing have been supported by research that
muscular strength gains (29, 53, 55, 69). has shown that velocity feedback during
Padulo and colleagues (53) compared power exercises can improve perfor-
fixed velocity and self-selected velocity mance (64). Keller and colleagues (33)
during 3 weeks of bench press training showed that augmented feedback during
in 20 resistance-trained participants. 4 weeks of plyometric training improved
The athletes who used a fixed velocity performance to a greater extent than
had greater improvements in maximal having no feedback at all.
strength. Izquierdo and colleagues (29) As noted previously, the sheer volume
showed that it is possible to determine of monitoring data now available can
minimal velocity thresholds during make the process overwhelming. Often,
resistance training to ensure that ath- the value of the information is dictated
letes are training with appropriate loads by how it is presented. Practitioners need
to maximize training responses. Pare- to be mindful of presenting the informa-
ja-Blanco and colleagues (54) found that tion in a simple and informative way that
movement velocity appeared to be more athletes can understand (6). Some visual
important than time under tension for methods of presenting monitoring results
increasing strength, providing further are discussed in chapter 2.
evidence of the importance of monitoring Feedback must also be provided in
velocity. Training studies have suggested a timely manner. Ideally, this should
that velocity-based resistance training occur in real time so that athletes can
can be an effective mode of training (23, make adjustments during the session.
55). Providing performance thresholds However, it must also be interpreted
and targets may optimize adaptations to accurately. If the data are not accurate,
strength and conditioning programs and it does not matter how or when the
allow practitioners to objectively deter- feedback occurs. Alternatively, practi-
mine how the athlete is performing with tioners can have the most sophisticated
exercises targeted for velocity rather than monitoring in the world that generates
relying solely on visual observation. highly accurate information, but if it is
not communicated to the athlete and
used for a specific purpose, its value is
Providing Monitoring questionable.
Feedback needs to be meaningful for
Feedback to Athletes athletes. Technology that produces met-
rics via algorithms (e.g., a number or a
Feedback is a powerful tool. For exam- generic unit of training readiness) can
ple, studies have shown that quantita- be difficult to understand. Not knowing
tive feedback during resistance training the calculations used to derive the metric
sessions can improve performance (20, or how the measure was generated may
24, 34). Kellis and Baltzopoulos (34) create uncertainty about its accuracy or
demonstrated 6% to 9% improvements validity. And without proper context,
in performance when visual feedback practitioners can have difficulty explain-
was given during isokinetic testing. ing the information to athletes.
Integrating Monitoring With Coaching 165
been conducted with relatively untrained Giving both visual and verbal feed-
subjects, further research studying elite back improves performance as well as
athletes would be beneficial. Interest- the reliability of monitoring compared
ingly, this is another area in which a to nonfeedback conditions (3, 64). In
mismatch appears to occur between one study, using an unanticipated audi-
coaching practice and research. Despite tory signal along with a visual stimuli
evidence pointing toward the advantages increased the rate of force development
of using external cues, many practition- during fast bench presses compared to
ers in track and field use coaching cues the anticipated condition (19).
and instructions with an internal focus
(62). Additional resources provide an
excellent summary of using coaching
Individual Difference
instructions and cues for enhancing Considerations
sprint performance (6, 46). Based on for Monitoring
the current evidence, using cues and Individualizing athlete monitoring can
instructions that emphasize an external help practitioners make training adjust-
focus of attention is recommended for ments (32). The nature of the feedback
maximizing performance during testing. depends on the monitoring tools availa-
ble as well as the setting. Also, feedback
Other Feedback Methods strategies for youth athletes may differ
from those for experienced athletes (43).
Researchers have explored other inno-
With youth athletes the practitioner
vative methods of providing feedback
may need to simplify the information or
during performance (15, 49, 81). The use focus on one key aspect (43). Monitoring
of tactile feedback has been investigated also provides educational opportunities.
with clinical populations and could have A broad jump test for monitoring leg
applications for athlete monitoring. Tac- power, for example, could initiate a con-
tile, or haptic, feedback provides informa- versation about the importance of this
tion based on touch, often in the form of capacity in the sport.
vibration. Researchers have used insole Athletes also differ in what motivates
devices during agility tasks performed by them, a component that is overlooked
recreational athletes (49). Dowling and in some monitoring systems. Practition-
colleagues (14) used a wearable meas- ers should not assume that athletes will
urement system to provide information respond to feedback the way they expect
on jump height, contact time, and joint them to. Research has revealed cross-
angles during a variety of drop jumping cultural differences in how people
tasks. Wheeler and colleagues (81) used respond to feedback (48, 50). Thus,
tactile feedback via vibration in addition practitioners should have some under-
to visual feedback about gait patterns. standing of the group of athletes they
Tactile feedback did not appear to be as are working with. The best approach is
effective as visual feedback, but it did to treat each athlete as an individual and,
result in changes in gait patterns. within the constraints of the environ-
Integrating Monitoring With Coaching 167
Nice to know =
additional information
Need to know =
essential information
Must know =
foundational information
This chapter presents unique information nent and relatable only to the n = 1 concept.
about athlete monitoring in individual That is, a case study would apply only to
sports. Because individualized approaches that particular athlete. However, the case
to monitoring are critical, the principles study approach does provide practitioners
discussed throughout this book can be read- with critical insights for athlete monitor-
ily applied in these types of sports. Using a ing. Therefore, several case studies are
single case study of monitoring individual presented along with a list of overarching
sport athletes is of limited value given that guidelines for practitioners who work with
applications and conclusions often are perti- athletes in individual sports.
174 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
and resistance training. Aerobic training training and cycling, were also docu-
volume (e.g., the total distance covered mented. Internal load was measured
during a week) at a certain intensity using an adaptation of the training
(e.g., a percentage of VO2max) can be impulse method (see pages 88-90 in
contrasted with the volume and loading chapter 4) (41, 42). Published research
of resistance training. Such analyses can can give practitioners insights into the
help practitioners formulate training training practices of elite-level athletes
models for athletes. (3, 39, 40, 43). Importantly, published
Another way athletes keep track of studies providing data on both external
their training is to record the intensity load (training dosage) and internal load
of their workouts based on zones (see (training responses) can be particularly
chapter 4). Ideally, these zones are based informative (43).
on physiological measures such as heart
rate. Tjelta (38) outlined five zones
when documenting the training prac- Applying Monitoring
tices of elite distance runners. The zones
were 1 = easy and continuous running
in Individual Sports
(62% to 82% maximal heart rate), 2 =
threshold training (82% to 92% maxi- Although the general principles of ath-
mal heart rate), 3 = intensive anaerobic lete monitoring can be applied across
intervals (92% to 97% maximal heart a range of sports, specific nuances can
rate), 4 = anaerobic training (≥97% be important to consider depending on
maximal heart rate), and 5 = sprinting. the sport. The following sections outline
how athlete monitoring is applied to
Using this approach, the practitioner can
some individual sports.
obtain a clear picture of the type and
intensity of sessions simply by looking at
the athlete’s zone number in the train- Weightlifting
ing diary. As long as the practitioner or Because no single measure is completely
the athlete documents the intensity in effective for monitoring athletes, prac-
some manner (e.g., RPE), a measure of titioners should use a mixed-methods
internal load is available. The other fac- approach. They also need to strike a
tors that require consideration are the balance between the number of aspects
athlete’s level of experience and his or measured and the practical value of
her individual characteristics. their monitoring tools. An Olympic
Tran and colleagues (43) analyzed weightlifter might use a training diary
the training practices of elite Australian to record essential information on exer-
rowers leading up to the 2012 Olympic cises, sets, repetitions, and load. Session
Games. They documented external load RPE measures can be obtained 10 to 30
by measuring training frequency, dura- min after each session and used to calcu-
tion, and total distance rowed on the late training load, monotony, and strain.
water and by using ergometers. Other Neuromuscular fatigue can be tracked
forms of training, including resistance daily with a vertical countermovement
Athlete Monitoring Guidelines for Individual Sports 177
a b
Figure 8.1 Weightlifter training with a linear position transducer.
TABLE 8.1 Monitoring System for a Weightlifter
Assessment Practical
Variable Purpose Analysis method
frequency interpretation
1RM snatch and clean Weekly or estimated Measure of Absolute change Smallest meaningful
and jerk from training performance relative to reliability change (e.g., 1.5 kg
value and smallest [3.3 lb] for the snatch
meaningful change and 2 kg [4.4 lb] for the
(determined from clean and jerk)
coefficient of variation
of performance)
Volume load Every session Measure of external • Week-to-week • Avoid >10%
load change increase in volume
• Rolling 3-week load each week
average • Acute-to-chronic
• Acute-to-chronic ratio <1.5 (see
ratio (see chapter 9) chapter 9)
Session RPE Every session Measure of perceived Z-score relative to Z-score ≤−1.5
exertion of session baseline measure
Training load Weekly Measure of internal Z-score relative to Z-score ≤−1.5
load baseline measure
Monotony Weekly Measure of sameness Z-score relative to Z-score ≤−1.5
and variation of baseline measure
Strain Weekly Overall product of Z-score relative to Z-score ≤−1.5
training load and baseline measure
Wellness Three times per week Measure of overall Z-score relative to Z-score ≤−1.5
(questionnaire) wellness and quality baseline measure
of sleep, muscle
soreness, fatigue, and
Vertical Daily Measure of • Z-score relative to Z-score ≤−1.5
countermovement neuromuscular fatigue baseline measure
jump (jump height) • Smallest meaningful
change relative to
Training distress Weekly Measure of training- • Z-score relative to Z-score ≤−1.5
(scale) related distress and baseline measure
performance readiness • Week-to-week and
chronic variability
Barbell velocity Every session (one Measure of velocity- • Smallest meaningful • Smallest meaningful
exercise) based training to change relative to change (e.g., 0.2
ensure quality of reliability m/s)
repetitions across the • Week-to-week • Terminate set if
set variation greater than 20%
• Percentage of loss in velocity
decrement across
Athlete Monitoring Guidelines for Individual Sports 179
but the additional layer of complexity boxer preparing for a title fight in Aus-
provided by these weight sports can pose tralia. The boxer was monitored over 9
challenges for practitioners. Therefore, weeks leading up to the fight and then 8
aspects of body composition must be days after the fight. Boxing-specific tests
monitored closely. Body weight should were completed using load cell technol-
be measured on a regular basis (daily) ogy to measure punching forces along
leading up to weigh-in. Other metrics with a variety of other performance tests.
such as skinfold measurements can be Body composition measures were also
obtained, but the tester must be trained made on a regular basis (body weight,
in the technique and the protocols must sum of skinfolds, and dual X-ray absorp-
be reliable and valid. Monitoring nutri- tiometry). Performance tests can be
tion and hydration is also important, useful for tracking sport-specific changes
but the focus should be on performance in conjunction with body composition
and balanced with the athlete’s health changes. In this example, the athlete was
and well-being (36). Recommendations fighting at the 76.2-kg (168 lb) class and
for working with athletes in sports with began the monitoring period at 80.8 kg
weight classes and strategies for making (178 lb). The researchers were able to
weight safely are available for practition- monitor the changes in body composition
ers (20, 36). and relate them to the changes in perfor-
Regular monitoring of physical char- mance. Decreases were seen in punching
acteristics can identify specific responses impact forces, maximal strength, and
to combat sport training programs. vertical countermovement jump height.
Ratamess and colleagues (30) tracked Also interesting was that 8 days following
performance and physiological changes the bout, the boxer had improved aero-
in university wrestlers over a training bic power and punching forces, possibly
year. Maximal grip strength, Wingate as a result of supercompensation and
peak power, and vertical countermove- overcoming the accumulated fatigue
ment jump force and power decreased of the lead-up to the fight. This type of
over the course of the competitive season monitoring information would enable
(30). Total testosterone, body fat, and practitioners to fine-tune tapering strat-
body mass also declined as the season egies for pinnacle events by taking into
progressed. Interestingly, the perio- account individual differences.
dized training program was designed
to increase strength and power in the
preseason period with a change to a cir- Racket Sports
cuit training program aimed to improve Tournament play can provide interesting
muscular endurance during the season. scenarios for practitioners working with
A monitoring program would have ena- individual sport athletes. For example,
bled the practitioner to assess the efficacy in sports such as tennis, planning can
of the training program more regularly. be difficult because of many unknown
In this instance, changing the in-sea- factors such as when an athlete will exit
son program to focus on maintaining the tournament and match duration
strength and power would likely have and timing. Monitoring can allow the
been more appropriate. practitioner to gauge the athlete’s fatigue
Halperin and colleagues (15) docu- and recovery, but it must present a min-
mented a case study of a professional imal burden for the athlete, especially
Athlete Monitoring Guidelines for Individual Sports 181
during a tournament. Short-form ques- and one performance test would likely
tionnaires such as the eight-item Short not be too onerous.
Recovery and Stress Scale can measure
the degree of stress and recovery (44).
Another option is a visual analog scale
to measure the degree of delayed-onset Monitoring motorsport athletes can pres-
muscle soreness (DOMS). Alternatively, ent unique challenges for practitioners
practitioners can use their own custom (28, 29). Determining the thermoregu-
wellness questionnaires (see table 4.1 for lation and the physiological stresses driv-
an example). ers are under during races has been of
The choice of monitoring tools to use particular interest to researchers (6, 33).
during a tournament should be driven In motorsports, a great deal of attention
by how the information can be used. has been given to the technology drivers
Consider a practitioner who has a tennis use, but less to the drivers themselves.
player perform the vertical counter- Monitoring methods that measure inter-
movement jump test each morning of a nal load, including heart rate and body
multiday tournament. A baseline score temperature, would be useful for practi-
is determined at the beginning of a tour- tioners working in this sport (6, 33). In
nament (39 cm, or 15.4 in.), and the addition, simple wellness questionnaires
smallest meaningful change was previ- to gain insights into athletes’ fatigue
ously calculated as 1.5 cm (0.6 in.). The as well as thermal discomfort could be
athlete has the following scores over 6 informative (13).
days of tournament play:
Based on the recommendation to consider ≤1.5 a red flag (see chapter 4), the
practitioner may consider an intervention (e.g., a decrease in training load for the
day or some other recovery strategy).
Measures obtained are 14 on Thursday (z-score = 0.0) and 16 on Saturday
(z-score = 0.69), which indicates that the athlete can train at full capacity.
Figure 8.2 shows the daily training load and z-score for wellness measures
over a 3-week period. This provides a visual representation of the load fluctuation
and its relationship to the athlete’s perceived wellness.
1,000 2.5
Training Wellness
900 load score 2
800 1.5
Training load (arbitrary units)
700 1
Wellness Z-score
600 0.5
500 0
400 –0.5
300 –1
200 –1.5
100 –2
0 –2.5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Figure 8.2 Training load and wellness scores over a training cycle.
Athlete Monitoring Guidelines for Individual Sports 183
training sessions designed for practicing ments in many individual sports include
technical aspects of sport performance back-to-back performances over several
should be undertaken in a nonfatigued days). Practitioners need to introduce
state because the risk of injury may be training periods that simulate the demands
greater when the athlete is fatigued (21). of these periods. For athletes unaccus-
However, in extreme sports, athletes are tomed to this type of loading, back-to-back
required to perform technically under performances can pose an increased risk
conditions of fatigue during compe- of injury; careful monitoring during these
tition. Because the goal of training is times may alleviate this risk.
to prepare athletes to perform at their
best during competition, training while
fatigued would sometimes be necessary.
Monitoring can help the practitioner first
Reporting One
identify what fatigued conditions during Week of Monitoring
competition look like.
It is unrealistic to expect a monitoring
for an Athlete
tool to assess fatigue in all circumstances,
but a simple question of how fatigued the Figure 8.3 shows a report provided to an
athlete feels is a good starting point. For athlete and other practitioners. Although
example, a vertical countermovement electronic and paper formats are popular,
jump with measures such as jump height practitioners should not be afraid to try
and peak power may not be sensitive to alternative approaches to get their mes-
fatigue in athletes (14), especially if the sages across. A short video or audio clip
test is not performed using a force plate. delivered to the athlete’s mobile device
Simple wellness measures have been may be a good way to relay information
shown to provide a good indicator of and highlight key aspects of the data.
athlete fatigue (32). Being mindful of the athlete’s preferences
Monitoring can be particularly for how to receive the information is
useful when athletes undertake high- important. A good starting point would
er-than-normal training loads (tourna- be a discussion with the athlete!
• Sleep needs attention this week.
• Focus for the week is triples for the main exercises and performing all exercises
with technical perfection.
A weekly summary should contain all are filed away and never looked at again
critical information, use an appropriate are pointless. The report should include
analysis method, be simple to interpret, several important measures that are easily
and visually capture the key aspects of understood along with a brief explanation
the monitoring data. Ultimately, the if needed.
practitioner’s goal should be to provide Monitoring reports should provide usable
information that will make an impact and information for the coming week. However,
guide the programming and planning for reporting is only one piece of the monitor-
the subsequent week. ing puzzle. The process should continue
Practitioners need to be careful not to throughout the week to give the practi-
go overboard with forms for reporting; tioner and athlete ongoing feedback so they
they should use a format that will actu- can make training adjustments and note
ally be used. Reports that are not used but areas that need attention outside of training.
Athlete Monitoring Guidelines for Individual Sports 185
The results of the week could be pre- athlete’s capacities may help optimize
sented using a medal system that denotes adaptations based on force–velocity
whether the result exceeded expectations (strength-speed or power) profiling (24).
(gold medal), met the required standard Consider a practitioner who decides
(silver medal), or requires attention to use a vertical countermovement and
(bronze medal). Figure 8.3 shows this static jump performed on a dual force
system for a female powerlifter. Her plate at the start of each week for mon-
performance is indicated by estimated itoring two heptathletes. If the practi-
1RMs for the competition exercises tioner does not have access to a force
(squat, bench press, and deadlift) based plate, more cost-effective technologies
on training data; her overall training could be used (e.g., measuring jump
performance score is the estimated com- height or distance). Monitoring shows
petition total. that the eccentric utilization ratio (ver-
Based on the wellness questionnaire, tical countermovement jump to squat
scores are given for the key areas, and a jump ratio) is 1.07 for athlete 1 and
composite score is provided. In addition, 0.93 for athlete 2. This suggests that
training load, monotony, and strain are the training of athlete 2 should include
calculated as a weekly average but also more exercises involving the stretch–
measured relative to a 4-week rolling shortening cycle (e.g., plyometrics) to
average. The practitioner could also improve the athlete’s ability to utilize the
include a figure that shows the major stretch–shortening cycle. The training
aspects of the report and the training could incorporate exercises that focus
for the year or training cycle so far. The on increasing the rate of force develop-
benchmarking of the ratings (medals ment using ballistic movements (e.g.,
or flags or traffic signs) would be up to jump squats). Depending on the training
the practitioner to decide. Performance phase and periodization, the major focus
measures in sports such as powerlifting for training should be those qualities
and weightlifting can simply be bench- requiring improvement. This is where
marked against performance standards regular monitoring data are particularly
required for competition. Practitioners valuable. For example, if athlete 2 had
also need to consider the method of pres- low maximal strength in addition to the
entation (see chapter 2). Because many lower eccentric utilization ratio, the main
athletes may prefer electronic reports, training focus would be on maximal
practitioners would need to consider strength. Based on the monitoring data,
formatting to ensure that their reports athlete 1 might be considered to have
appear correctly on mobile devices. an optimal eccentric utilization ratio.
However, if these absolute numbers are
below the benchmark required for that
Modifying Training sport, then the training emphasis should
be on improving these even though the
Based on Monitoring ratio seems optimal.
Practitioners need to be wary of simply
One of the fundamental uses of ath- chasing numbers with training. Instead,
lete monitoring in individual sports is they should always consider athlete
to inform adjustments to training pre- monitoring data in the overall context
scription (23). Regular monitoring of an of optimizing athlete performance.
186 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
requirements, limb dominance, and can tolerate the drop jump heights rela-
injury history. tive to vertical countermovement jump
However, a comparison should also be performance. If the athlete produces less
made between unilateral and bilateral jump height with increasing drop height,
performance (23). This can indicate a this suggests a lower tolerance to stretch
need for more emphasis on single-leg load. This monitoring data would again
training. Comparing the sum of the right need to be put into the context of other
and left legs (e.g., adding the individual monitoring results to help understand
impulse scores for each leg in a long the cause of this. It could be a lack of
jumper) to the scores for bilateral verti- eccentric strength, which may be helped
cal countermovement jump can identify by including more maximal strength
differences in the bilateral deficit (see training. The lack of reactive strength
chapter 5). If one athlete produced 20% could also be addressed by incorporating
more impulse (noted in the sum of the more reactive strength exercises in the
unilateral jumps) and another athlete next block of training.
produced only 5% more, what could
this mean to the practitioner? Depend-
ing on the sport, this could indicate that Considerations
the first athlete should focus more on
bilateral work in the next week, whereas for Monitoring
the second athlete could be doing more
unilateral exercises.
Athletes in Individual
Practitioners working with individual Sports
sport athletes can often use more sophis-
ticated strength and power monitoring Some practitioners deal with athletes
tests than can practitioners dealing with from a variety of sports. For example,
larger numbers of athletes in team sports. universities can have a range of sports,
For example, load profiling or measur- from swimming to wrestling to gym-
ing reactive strength capacity via drop nastics to golf. Obviously, the physical
jumps (25) over a range of heights is demands of these sports are very differ-
more challenging with a large squad of ent. Practitioners should take the time to
team sport athletes than with an indi- understand the demands and culture of
vidual athlete. Using these monitoring the sport they are working with by talk-
tests across a range of drop jump heights ing with other practitioners and athletes
and comparing the results to vertical and observing the athletes in training and
countermovement jump results can competition.
provide useful insights into the athlete’s The best advice for monitoring athletes
tolerance of stretch load. For example, a in individual sports is to keep things
practitioner may decide to have an ath- simple, at least in the beginning. At a
lete complete a drop jump test using 30 minimum, having an athlete keep a
cm (11.8 in.), 45 cm (17.7 in.), and 60 training diary will provide indications of
cm (23.6 in.) in addition to the vertical training load. With simple measures of
countermovement jump test. Performing session duration and RPE, other metrics
these tests will reveal whether the athlete can then be calculated.
188 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
• Phase 4: The athletes continue fill- outline how athlete monitoring can be
ing out their training diaries, but applied to some common team sports.
now the wellness questionnaires
are completed three times each
week. For one training session, a
Jumping Sports
smartphone app is used to monitor Practitioners are often interested in
velocity in one upper-body exercise measuring jumping and landing volumes
(e.g., speed bench press) and one in sports such as basketball, volleyball,
lower-body exercise (e.g., vertical and netball to monitor training load.
countermovement jump). Inertial sensor technology can be used
to count jumps during practices and
• Phase 5: Phase 4 continues with the
matches (22). An alternative is to keep
addition of a 4-min submaximal
track of jumps performed during prac-
running test (51), in which postex-
tice sessions by hand, but that may be
ercise heart rate and RPE are meas-
too labor intensive with a large group of
ured. The test is performed as part athletes. A more practical approach is to
of the athletes’ warm-up for one record jumps outside of team practice ses-
training session every other week. sions, such as during conditioning work-
A vertical countermovement jump outs or specific jump training sessions.
test is also used to monitor fatigue However, this assumes that the athletes
and serve as a monitoring tool for are performing a standard number of
one power training session. jumps during practice sessions, which
• Future phases: Athletes can com- is unlikely. Doing some pilot work in
plete a more extensive wellness which practice sessions are recorded (via
questionnaire (e.g., Recovery-Stress video or direct observation) followed by
Questionnaire for Athletes) every 2 a time–motion analysis of the number of
or 3 weeks. jumps may prove informative. Another
strategy is to classify session intensity
Practitioners with more extensive in a general way (i.e., hard, moderate,
budgets can start with a wider range of or easy). However, the most accurate
monitoring tools from which they can method is to obtain the number of jumps
determine the ones that are particularly performed and calculate metrics such as
effective. In the majority of settings, load, monotony, and strain.
however, a phased approach is more Table 9.1 shows an example of a week
sensible. of jump monitoring for a volleyball
player. The practitioner could conclude
from this analysis that the volume and
Applying Monitoring monotony of the week were too high.
Targets could be set for the following
in Team Sports week based on the data and published
research (if available) on comparable
The general principles of athlete mon- athletes. For example, the practitioner
itoring can be applied across a range may choose the following targets: total
of team sports. The following sections volume ≤3,600 jumps; monotony ≤1.50.
192 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
Injury Prevention
Athlete monitoring has tremendous
Unfortunately, for most measures, spe- potential for injury prevention. In team
cific guidelines are not available. Prac- sports, the best athletes need to be avail-
titioners can develop their own general able for the majority of the season (25,
guidelines from research on athletes in 53). A monitoring program that allows
similar sports and adjust them as they a practitioner to make sound decisions
collect more information over time. about return to performance, manage
player workload, and avoid training
errors can go a long way in achieving
Travel overall team health and athlete avail-
One of the realities of sport is traveling ability. Williams and colleagues (53)
to competitions, which places extra demonstrated a relationship between
demands on athletes. Research has injury rates and team success in profes-
demonstrated that travel can have nega- sional rugby union over a 7-year period.
tive effects on athlete performance if not Having a reduced burden of injury (lost
managed correctly (17-20); long-haul playing time due to injury) of 42 days
flights, in particular, can be very taxing. per 1,000 playing hours resulted in a
Athlete monitoring—especially of sleep smallest meaningful change in the team’s
quantity and quality (43)—can shed light position in the competition. The rela-
on the effects of travel on team sport tionship was also demonstrated over an
athletes (46). One of the advantages of 11-year period in professional European
monitoring while traveling is that it can football (25). The teams with the lowest
make the athlete more mindful of good injury burdens performed better in
practice. For example, asking athletes to both domestic leagues and international
Athlete Monitoring Guidelines for Team Sports 193
European competitions (25). Windt and that team sport athletes (rugby league)
colleagues (54) showed that elite rugby could tolerate high chronic loads as
league players who completed a greater long as the acute-to-chronic training
number of sessions during the presea- load ratio was maintained between
son had a reduced injury rate during 0.85 and 1.35. However, there is still
the competitive season. This research no widely accepted range for all sports.
shows that completing the preseason The period of time used to calculate the
without interruption increases team chronic measure depends on the sport,
sport athletes’ availability for critical but 3 weeks seems to provide an accu-
parts of the season. rate picture for most (21). Measures of
The ratio of acute training load to both internal and external load can be
chronic training load is emerging as an analyzed using this method.
important measure and may help with Figure 9.1 shows 6 weeks of moni-
injury prevention (6, 31). Avoiding toring strain for a team sport athlete.
large increases in workload is impor- Strain (training load × monotony) has
tant for avoiding injury (30, 45). Drew been calculated for each week. A roll-
and Finch suggested that increases in ing 3-week average (also called a time
training load should not exceed 10% series analysis; see page 32 in chapter
over the training load of the previous 2) is calculated as a measure of the
week (15). One of the issues with look- chronic strain on the athlete. In week 5
ing at training load in isolation (e.g., the acute-to-chronic training load ratio
daily or weekly) is that practitioners is greater than 1.5, which is a red flag
are not able to determine how athletes for the practitioner (31). The picture
are tolerating the overall workload. may look quite different depending on
One way to remedy this is to examine the monitoring metric used in the cal-
the longitudinal patterns of the moni- culation. This highlights the importance
toring data such as comparing weekly of not relying on a single measure for
training loads to a rolling average of athlete monitoring. The use of ratios
training load over several weeks (31). and metrics can be appealing, but they
Hulin and colleagues (31) demonstrated should not be used in isolation. Absolute
1 2 3 4 5 6
Weekly strain 4,132 6,669 3,512 6,737 11,066 9,273
Chronic strain (rolling 4,132 5,401 4,771 5,639 7,105 9,025
3-week average)
Acute-to-chronic training 1.00 1.23 0.74 1.19 1.56 1.03
load ratio
194 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
values and athlete capacity are also of the match (although small-sided games
important to consider when monitoring and drills are good options), but using the
these aspects. minutes played as a starting point, the
practitioner designs a session that takes
into account differences in athletes’ play-
Managing the Workload ing time. In this example, three athletes
of Starters played the following number of minutes
and Nonstarters (note that the total match duration is 80
The issue of starters and nonstarters is
interesting to practitioners working in Athlete 1 = 80 min
team sports. Research performed on
football players revealed differences in Athlete 2 = 47 min
training and match (game) load between
starters and nonstarters (1). Over the Athlete 3 = 15 min
course of the National Basketball Associ-
ation (United States) season, differential Looking at the number of minutes of
responses in physical capacities (low- playing time is helpful but not without
er-body power, repeat jump ability, and limitations. Incorporating a measure of
reaction time) occur between starters and internal load such as RPE would more
nonstarters (24). Athletes who sit on the accurately calculate match load. Other fac-
bench during games may need additional tors that can be factored into the calcula-
training (sometimes called top-up ses- tion (but are not included in this example)
sions) outside of games to make up for are the quality of the opposition and the
this loss in training stress. intensity of the match (34).
Some practitioners have nonstarters Athletes 1, 2, and 3 had RPEs of 9, 10,
perform a conditioning session at the and 7, respectively. Match load is calcu-
end of the game or as an additional ses- lated as follows:
sion the following day. This requires an Athlete 1 = 80 min × 9 =
accurate gauge of the load experienced 720 arbitrary units
by the starters during the game. A simple
monitoring tool is to track the number
Athlete 2 = 47 min × 10 =
of minutes starting athletes play and
470 arbitrary units
obtain a measure of their internal load
(e.g., RPE). The prescription for the extra
conditioning session for nonstarters can Athlete 3 = 15 min × 7 =
be based on the load (number of minutes 105 arbitrary units
and RPE) handled by the starters during The calculations reveal that the top-up
game time. Athletes who did not play at sessions for athletes 2 and 3 should be
all would have different additional train- quite different; athlete 3 will need approxi-
ing prescriptions than those who did not mately 4.5 times more work than athlete 2.
start but played a significant amount of
time later in the game.
Consider a practitioner who deter- Training Camps
mines the number of minutes played by a Athletes are often required to handle high
squad of rugby league players. It may not training volumes. Completing several
be possible to fully replicate the demands shorter sessions is one way to disperse the
Athlete Monitoring Guidelines for Team Sports 195
volume. Monitoring can provide insight differences into account, and monitoring
into the effect of performing multiple can help.
sessions in one day (32), particularly In sports such as football, basketball,
in situations such as training camps. In ice hockey, softball, and cricket, teams
fact, athletes typically take on greater may play more than two matches in
training loads in these situations than a week (10). Research suggests that
they do in the competitive season (12). rates of injury increase with more
Several research studies have investi- congested match scheduling (5, 13).
gated approaches for monitoring team Although research shows that physical
sport athletes during training camps (8, performance and technical ability are
26, 44). These researchers state that no not affected, evidence points toward a
single measure can give a complete pic- greater risk of injury (9, 13). It may be
ture of the athlete’s response to training; possible to manage this increased risk,
a one-size-fits-all training prescription however, with appropriate attention to
in these environments is not considered player rotation and postmatch recovery
best practice. Instead, monitoring across strategies (9). It is also important to
the squad of athletes can reveal how the consider the cumulative effect of these
athletes are coping with training and give congested periods over the course of the
the practitioner information to inform season to manage fatigue and prevent
training and recovery decisions. injuries.
At the end of the regular season,
Competition teams may enter a tournament period
in which they are playing matches with
and In-Season Periods only 24 hr between them. In some sports,
Practitioners sometimes face unique international championships have a
scenarios during competition and in-sea- very different schedule from that of the
son periods. For example, the impact regular season; teams are expected to
of different turnaround times between play several high-intensity games in a
matches or games must be considered compressed time period. These scenarios
within the context of a team’s training present significant challenges for team
program (39). Although practitioners are sport practitioners. Sudden spikes in
often used to a standard 1-week turna- match load can increase the risk of injury
round between competitive events, the and result in fatigue that contributes
reality is quite different in many team to decreased chances of team success.
sports. Athlete monitoring systems give prac-
Murray and colleagues (39) investi- titioners a clearer understanding of the
gated the effects of different turnaround demands of match scheduling variations
times between professional rugby league so they can make the necessary changes
matches on match activity profiles using to the athletes’ training programs.
global positioning systems and injury Another common issue with team
rates. They discovered that athletes in sport athletes during the competition
some positions had higher injury rates season is the potential for decreases in
with longer turnaround times, whereas physical fitness (37). Research has shown
those in other positions had higher rates that physical qualities such as upper-
with shorter turnaround times. Prac- body power and total-body mass can
titioners need to take these positional decrease across the competitive season
196 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
in team sport athletes, indicating that When financial benefits are shown,
match load stimulus is not sufficient to employers have the incentive to increase
maintain physical fitness (28, 35). Ath- efforts in these areas (14).
lete monitoring can provide more regular
data on how athletes are tracking during
the season to allow for more effective
training management. Only by having
Monitoring System
up-to-date knowledge of their athletes’ for Team Sports
physical capacities can practitioners make
the necessary week-to-week changes to Table 9.2 outlines the frequency, pur-
ensure that they maintain fitness. A pose, analysis methods, and practical
common misconception is that qualities interpretations of the monitoring vari-
such as aerobic endurance and maximal ables for a squad of 25 football players.
strength are difficult to maintain during Training load was measured using ses-
the competition season. Researchers sion RPE and duration to allow for the
have demonstrated that with the nec- calculation of monotony and strain. The
essary adjustments to programming, practitioner decided to obtain wellness
team sport athletes can maintain and measures only twice a week because of
even improve these qualities during the the high number of players. A drop jump
regular season (2, 4, 16, 24, 28, 29, 40). test was performed three times each
week prior to the start of the training
Tactical Athletes session to measure reactive strength.
A submaximal running test, performed
and Workers every second week, measured heart rate
Although the focus of this book is on and RPE (51). This is based on the Yo-Yo
sport, the principles of monitoring can intermittent recovery test, which the
also be applied to other populations. practitioner has been using as the aerobic
Increasing focus on the physical prepa- endurance test. The test is performed for
ration of tactical athletes (i.e., those 4 min but using 18.5-m shuttles instead
in the military, law enforcement, and of 20-m shuttles.
emergency services) reveals that more
systematic approaches to monitoring
(48) decrease injury rates and optimize
performance (42). Several investigators
Reporting One Week
have studied monitoring tools for tactical of Monitoring
populations (41, 52). A mixed-methods
approach appears to be optimal, but there for a Team Sport
are no clear guidelines for implementing
or applying the methods in the field. Figure 9.2 (page 198) shows a weekly
Monitoring approaches can also be monitoring report for a team athlete; the
applied in the workplace as employers coach and practitioner summary report
increasingly appreciate the value of is shown in figure 9.3 (page 199). To
healthy workers. Therefore, methods avoid overwhelming the athlete with too
for encouraging physical activity and much information, the summary is brief
improving lifestyle factors (e.g., getting enough to appear on the athlete’s device
more sleep) are gaining more attention. as a single screen capture. The coach and
Athlete Monitoring Guidelines for Team Sports 197
practitioner’s report commonly includes the coach and practitioner. The result
more details about athletes in addition is an easily digestible report that can be
to the overall means and standard devi- quickly scanned. A more detailed plot of
ations. A traffic light system that incor- the athlete’s weekly monitoring z-scores
porates the analysis measures discussed and some key recommendations can also
earlier can be used to point out flags for be provided (see figure 9.4, page 199).
198 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
Although the athlete’s wellness score speed or power) profiling using a range
improved (see figure 9.2), the detailed of loads; this is more challenging in the
report indicates that training loads, team sport environment (38). Simple
monotony, and strain were high (see approaches can be performed on a sem-
figure 9.3). This highlights the problem iregular basis—for example, a high-force,
of taking a snapshot of a single week low-velocity test (e.g., isometric mid-thigh
(or day). It is not until the practitioner pull); a moderate-force, moderate-velocity
has detailed data or several weeks of test (e.g., loaded vertical squat jump); or
monitoring information (or both) that a high-force, high-velocity test (e.g., ver-
patterns begin to emerge. tical squat jump). The data would provide
a good overview of the athlete’s force and
velocity capabilities (3). Rather than rely-
Modifying Training ing on a single monitoring test to determine
force–velocity capabilities, the practitioner
Based on Monitoring could use two or three tests (36). A squad
of players could be rotated through these
With individual athletes it may be feasi- exercises, or the exercises could be incor-
ble to complete force–velocity (strength- porated into a training session.
Submaximal Training
Submaximal Monotony Strain Overall
running test load
Athlete running test (arbitrary (arbitrary wellness Fatigue * Stress * Soreness * Sleep *
(% maximal (arbitrary
(RPE) units) units) score*
heart rate) units)
NS 83 6 6,390 2.10 13,421 7.5 8 6 8 8
TP 81 3 5,565 1.94 10,814 6 6 6 6 6
MN 89 7 5,470 2.22 12,135 5 4 6 6 4
SC 77 5 3,880 1.89 7,316 8.5 8 10 8 8
JP 80 4 5,415 1.87 10,131 7.5 8 8 6 8
MR 81 4 5,910 1.62 9,576 8 8 8 8 8
AB 86 4 5,355 2.22 11,877 6 6 6 6 6
FT 84 3 4,675 2.14 9,993 4.5 4 6 4 4
JH 87 7 6,080 2.09 12,724 6 6 6 6 6
CJ 82 4 6,640 1.88 12,499 7 8 6 8 6
SM DNC DNC 1,500 1.81 2,716 4.5 6 4 4 4
Mean 83 4.7 4,740 1.98 9,434 6.41 6.55 6.55 6.36 6.18
Standard 3.59 1.49 2,238 0.19 4,164 1.39 1.57 1.57 1.50 1.66
Submaximal running
Athlete NS
heart rate
2 Team average
Overall wellness 0 Submaximal running RPE
Key recommendations
• High monotony and
strain but responding well –1.5
• Continue to monitor –2
along with acute to
chronic workload
200 Monitoring Training and Performance in Athletes
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Note: The italicized f and t following page baseline value 30, 31, 84, 124, 125, 179 CR-10 scale 79, 80, 92, 93, 129
numbers refer to figures and tables, basketball 189, 191-192, 195 CR-100 scale 79, 80
respectively. BDNF (brain-derived neurotropic factor) 57 curves
A bench press 110, 151f, 166, 184 force-time 106, 111
accelerometry 1, 69, 70, 71, 74, 76, 101, bilateral asymmetry 111-112 normal distribution, 17f, 37
bilateral deficit 112, 187 skewed, 17-18
136, 138, 143, 145, 150, 152-153, 171
biochemical markers 3, 56, 59-60, 113, 116- CV. See coefficient of variation (CV)
ACTH. See adrenocorticotropic hormone
117, 123-126, 134, 138 cyclists 36, 57, 61, 63, 76, 153-154, 174, 176
blood analysis 116-117, 125t, 128t, 137 cytokines 60, 127-128
actigraphy 63
adaptation 3, 4-5, 6, 9, 12, 44-45, 50-52, blood pressure 64 D
70, 116, 119, 120, 124, 134, 163, 186 BMX athletes 171 Daily Analysis of Life Demands for Athletes
adiponectin 122 body mass 111, 139, 180 (DALDA) 15, 63, 94-95, 101
adductor squeeze test 112 body weight 11, 59, 179-180, 199 Dalleau method 110
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 55, Borg CR-100 scale 79 dance 145
56, 57, 60, 119 Borg 6-20 scale 79 data
aerobic endurance 5, 8, 9, 54, 65, 70, 76, boxing 180 analytics 1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 18, 34, 169-
120, 162-163, 175, 195 brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) 57 170
allergies 58 Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) 90-91, 101 classification 15-16
allometric scaling 110, 111, 139 budgeted monitoring 174-175, 190-191 dredging 158
alpha-amylase 124 burnout. See overreaching; overtraining graphing 35-36
American football 4, 75, 165 C from interviews 40
anaerobic metabolism 124 cardiorespiratory endurance 54 mining 18
analysis category ratio-RPE scale (CR-RPE) 79 ordinal 19
cost–benefit 11, 64, 155 causation 33, 48 presentation of 34-40, 167f, 170
data. See data, analytics centiMax scale 79 processing methods 148
principal component 84 central fatigue 45 report guidelines 35
qualitative 40-41 central governor model 46 storing 148-149
split middle 32 central nervous system 45-46, 49 time series 32
anxiety 59, 90, 94, 97 central tendency 16 from technologies 147-149
apps 62, 99, 104, 105, 114, 136, 145, 191 change in mean 22 deadlift 110, 184
assessments. See also tests chartjunk 36 delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
bilateral vs. unilateral 111-112 cherry picking 158 92-93, 181
chronic change 32-33 clean and press 110 depression 57, 62, 90
nontraining parameters 4 coaches 1, 18, 35, 37, 39, 41, 58, 69, 75, 98, descriptive statistics 14, 15-20
training readiness 3-4 157-172, 183 diabetes 58, 144
wellness 90-101 coefficient of determination 34 diaries/logs 1, 58, 65, 76, 90, 120, 137, 175-
asthma 58 coefficient of variation (CV) 176, 177, 187, 190-191
asymmetry 106, 111-112, 146, 154 calculation 23 displacement 76, 104, 110
athlete monitoring definition 21 DOMS (delayed-onset muscle) 92-93, 181
barriers 168-169 typical 28t dose–response relationship 43
coaching and 157-172 Cohen’s effect size 29 Douglas bags 140
considerations 187-188, 200-201 combat sports 174, 179-180 drop jumps 108, 109f, 134, 187
current practices 135-156 boxing 180 dynamic strength index 112-113
feedback 164-167 judo 175 E
flexibility 163-164 wrestling 180 eating disorders 59
guidelines 173-188 communication 160 eccentric utilization ratio 107, 185-186
individualized 7-11, 166-168, 173-188 concurrent validity 26 ecological validity 24
innovation 138-139 confidence limits 20 Edwards method 88, 89, 93
in-house 169-171 confirmation bias 158 effect size 20, 29-30, 31
issues 2f construct validity 25 endurance
reports 38f, 39f, 183-185, 196-198, 199f content validity 25 aerobic 5, 8, 9, 54, 65, 70, 76, 120, 162-
research process 170f, 171 continuum of fatigue 51-52, 55, 57 163, 175, 195
team sports 189-201 contraception 59, 119 cardiorespiratory 54
attentional focus 165-166 correlation 21, 26, 33-34, 48, 158 muscular 20, 180
augmented feedback 161 cortisol 3, 8, 9, 37, 51, 52, 57, 60, 63, 117, energy homeostasis 59, 60, 122
Australian Institute of Sport 28 119-120, 177 environmental conditions 23, 27, 64, 84,
Australian rules football 8, 54, 73, 79-80, 82, cortisone 117 88, 116
84, 105-106, 114, 130, 189 cost–benefit analysis 11, 64, 155 epinephrine 48, 121
auto-regulation 161-163 creatine kinase 59, 63, 123-124 Epstein-Barr virus 58
B cricket 73, 189, 195 ergometer test 130
balance 111, 132, 133f criterion measure 26 estrogen 59, 120
balance error scoring system 132 criterion validity 25 ethical issues 145, 160
baseball 137 CR-RPE (category ratio-RPE scale) 79 external focus 165-166
250 Index
external load 70-78, 83, 84, 101, 137, 176 methods 89-90 mid-thigh pull. See isometric mid-thigh
extreme sports 181-183 monitors 84, 87, 89, 114, 116 pull (IMTP)
F recovery 114-116, 129, 134, 191 squat 110
face validity 25 resting 18, 58, 61, 87, 88, 91f J
fatigue 3, 6-7, 8, 11, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 37, zone scores 83, 176 Jawbone UP 71
39, 50, 51-52, 59, 60, 65, 67, 70, 90, heart rate variability (HRV) 4, 58, 61, 65, judo 175
93, 97, 99, 103, 114, 130, 134, 135, 113-114, 115f, 116, 161-162, 179 jumping sports 191-192
139, 171, 181, 182, 188, 191 heuristics 158, 179 jump tests
feedback 5, 35, 57, 71, 94, 99, 107, 110, 141, histograms 17, 35, 37 broad jumps 110, 166, 174, 186
143, 145, 150, 154, 158, 170 homeostasis 3, 44, 45, 68, 121, 127-128 drop jumps 108, 109f, 134, 187
augmented 161 Hooper index 93 horizontal 186
coaching 38 hormonal markers 51, 53, 55-59, 113, 116- protocols 106-108
monitoring 164-167 123, 134, 138 repeat 110
response 166 HRV. See heart rate variability (HRV) static 107, 134, 185-186
tactile 166 hydration 4, 88, 143, 180, 192 unilateral 110
velocity 165 hyperthermia 46 vertical countermovement 3, 9, 19, 22,
verbal 166 hypertrophy 81, 118, 119, 121, 161 23, 25, 28, 30, 49, 56, 104, 105f, 106-
visual 164, 166 hypothalamus 53, 57, 59, 117, 122 108, 134, 147, 174, 178, 180, 181,
Feeling Scale 63 hypoxanthine 124 183, 185-186, 191
female athlete triad 59 hypoxia 46
field hockey 189 K
I knee-to-wall test 132
figure skating 145
ICC (intraclass correlation coefficients) 21,
Fitbit 71 L
fitness-fatigue model 45-50, 51, 68 24
lactate 48, 78, 79, 81, 88, 129, 131, 143, 144
flexibility ice hockey 189, 195
lactate threshold 76
monitoring 163-164 IgA. See immunoglobulin A (IgA) learning effects 22
tests 131-132 IGFBP-3 (insulin-like growth factor-binding Likert scale 65, 91, 93, 94, 132
flight time to contraction time 104 protein 3) 59, 121-122 linear position transducers 107, 177f
focus groups 41 IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) 121-122 line graphs 36
football 10, 56, 61, 65, 70, 72, 73, 80, 83, illness. See sickness lipolysis 120
93, 127, 130, 136, 192-193, 195. See immunoglobulin A (IgA) 9, 59, 126-127, load 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9-10, 24, 27, 34, 45,
also American football; Australian 128f 50-53, 54, 64, 67, 69-70, 86f-87f, 88,
rules football immunological markers 9, 38, 59, 62, 63, 93, 106, 111, 118, 122, 128, 134, 162,
force 3, 15, 33, 45, 46, 48, 54, 71, 76, 104, 103, 119, 126-129, 134 175, 177, 178f, 182f, 184, 187, 191,
150, 153 IMTP. See isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) 193, 197, 198, 199
impact 143 indexes load cells 140, 142
measures 112, 113f dynamic strength 112-113 logs. See diaries/logs
peak production 26, 33, 34, 46, 104, 107, Hooper 93 low-frequency fatigue 46
110, 111 reactive strength 108 lunge 131, 132
rate of development 111, 165 individual athlete variation 8 Lyme disease 58
force plates 108, 110, 145-146, 152, 185-186 individual sport athletes 173-188
French Society for Sports Medicine ques- inertial sensors 71 M
tionnaire 94 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 149-150
inexpensive monitoring 174-175, 190-191
frequency 69 magnetometers 71, 72, 152
inferential statistics 14
functional overreaching 54-55, 56, 61, 68 magnitude-based statistics 14
in-house research projects 169
futsal 47 maximal strength 5, 81, 195
injury 4, 6, 10, 52, 58, 64, 75, 78, 82, 97,
maximal voluntary contractions 46
G 98, 131, 150, 183, 201
maximum (statistics) 15
Garmin Vivosmart 71 prevention 142, 153, 192-194
McGill Pain Questionnaire 92-93
general adaptation syndrome (GAS) 44-45, rates of 5, 195
mean 16
44f, 51, 68 soft tissue 108 meaningful change 27-33, 36-37, 41, 100,
ghrelin 122 instrumental sport equipment 140, 141f, 142 113, 137, 181
global positioning systems (GPS) 71-76, 152 insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 measurements
gluconeogenesis 119 (IGFBP-3) 59, 121-122 biochemical. See biochemical markers
glucose 119, 124, 127, 143-144 insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) 121-122 central tendency 16, 41
glutamate 122 intensity 69 criterion 26
glutamine 122 interindividual variability 120 error of 21, 22-23
golf 174, 187 interleukin-6 127-128 fitness-fatigue 103-134
GPS (global positioning systems) 71-76, 152 internal load 70, 78-101, 137, 176, 190, 194 flight to contraction time 104-105, 108
graphs 35-36, 41 International Olympic Committee 59 force 112, 113f
line 36 interpolated twitch technique 104 hormonal. See hormonal markers
scatter plot 36 interrater reliability 22 immunological. See immunological mark-
z-score 37-39 interval scales 15 ers
groin squeeze test 112 intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) 21, kinematic 143
growth hormone 51, 121 24 methods 116-117
gymnastics 145, 146, 174 intraindividual variability 120 muscle damage 124
gyroscopes 71, 152 intrarater reliability 22 tools 69-70
H inventories. See questionnaires units 36
handball 114, 189 isokinetic testing 103, 136, 164 wellness 63-64, 98-99, 182
heart rate 9, 11, 18, 58, 63, 65, 70, 74, 78, isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) 4, 26, 34, median 16
79, 81, 84, 101, 103, 113-116, 129, 37, 110, 111, 198 menstruation 59, 119, 120, 126
138-139, 154 isometric tests 110 metabolism 119, 122, 124
maximal 61, 88 bench press 110 metabolites 123
measures 61, 138 lower-limb hamstrings 112 Microsoft Band 71
Index 251
minimal individual difference 107 analysts 159 questionnaire. See Recovery–Stress Ques-
minimum (statistics) 15 competition 5, 24, 26, 58, 76, 128, 139, tionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-Sport)
mode (exercises) 69 183 short scale 181
mode (statistics) 16 detriments 6, 43, 46, 52, 57, 115 strategy 58, 67
models 34, 62, 139-140 gain 118, 164 Total Quality Recovery Scale 63, 98, 101
application 51 optimization 58, 201 Recovery–Stress Questionnaire for Athletes
central governor 46 ratings 132-134 (RESTQ-Sport) 15, 55, 61, 63, 64,
fitness-fatigue 45-50, 51, 68 tests 60-61, 103, 115, 125, 129-134, 138, 95-97, 101, 191
general adaptation syndrome 44-45, 44f, 169, 181 regression 34
51, 68 variable 111 rehabilitation 107, 112, 130, 154, 161, 183
stimulus-fatigue-recovery-adaptation periodization 50, 54, 55 relationships 33-34, 36, 158
50-51, 50f, 68 peripheral fatigue 45 dose–response 43, 46, 127
stress-recovery-adaptation 58 physicians 67 fitness and fatigue 47
monitoring. See athlete monitoring physiologists 45 force–velocity 152
monotony 62, 67, 82, 86f, 87f, 176, 178, physiotherapists 67 pain–strength 112
179, 184, 191, 196, 198, 199 Player Load 73 session RPE 83
mood 8, 9, 57, 59, 90. See also Profile of plots testosterone–cortisol 120-121
Mood States (POMS) radar 37, 39f “Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport” (IOC)
motorsports 174, 181 z-score 37-39 59
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) 149-150 Polar Electro 87 reliability 20-24, 27, 35, 41, 74, 104, 105-
muscle biopsy 149-150 106, 150, 155, 166, 168
polysomnography 154
muscle damage 123, 124 repetitions in reserve (RIR) 81-82
POMS. See Profile of Mood States (POMS)
muscle stiffness 108 RESTQ-Sport. See Recovery–Stress Ques-
postactivation potentiation (PAP) 48-49
muscular endurance 20, 180 tionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-Sport)
positively skewed curves 17
muscular strength 8, 10, 20, 48, 54, 81, 110, retest reliability 21
posture 131, 132
111-112, 119, 164 retrospective analysis 169
powerlifters. See weightlifters
RIR (repetitions in reserve) 81-82
N predictive validity 26 rowers 176
National Basketball Association 194 principal component analysis 84 RPE. See ratings of perceived exertion (RPE)
National Football League 31 privacy 160 R-squared 34
negatively skewed curves 17 Profile of Mood States (POMS) 15, 25, 55, rugby 8, 9, 10, 55, 59, 62, 73, 75, 76, 84, 119,
nervous system 63, 90-91, 101 123, 128, 152, 189, 192-193, 194, 199
central 45-46, 49 psychological factors 2, 6, 8, 45, 49, 55, 58, r-value 33
parasympathetic 47-48, 114 65, 67, 78, 94-95, 116, 119, 125, 159
sympathetic 47, 48, 59 psychologist 67 S
netball 11, 73, 189, 191-192 psychomotor speed tests 61-62 saliva analysis 116-117, 118, 125t, 128t,
neuromuscular fatigue 104-113, 176 PubMed 169 137, 144
New Body Load 73 push-ups 131 sampling frequency 147-148
nominal scales 15 putative factors 46 scales
nonfunctional overreaching 53, 55-57, Borg 6-20 79
68, 122 Q Borg CR-100 79
nonparticipant observation 41 questionnaires 11, 19, 20, 25, 30-32, 38, 52, Brunel Mood (BRUMS) 90-91, 101
nontraining parameters 3 62, 63, 67, 90-100, 126, 131, 136, 137, category ratio-RPE (CR-RPE) 79
norepinephrine 48, 121 138, 169, 174, 177, 181, 182, 190, 200 centiMax 79
nutrition 2, 4, 11, 52, 58, 59, 67, 90, 116, Daily Analysis of Life Demands for Ath- CR-100 79, 80
122, 123, 126, 180 letes 15, 63, 94-95, 101 effect size classification 30t
nutritionist 67 French Society for Sports Medicine 94 Feeling 63
Nyquist-Shannon theorem 148 McGill Pain 92-93 interval 15
Recovery–Stress. See Recovery–Stress Likert 65, 91, 93, 94, 132
Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ- nominal 15
objective feedback 161
Sport) ordinal 16
observation 41
Perceived Recovery Status 98, 101
OMNI RPE scales 84, 85f R
Perceived Stress 63, 200
1-repetition maximum (1RM), 5, 34, 49, 110, racket sports 180-181
ratio 15
130, 177, 199 radar devices 152 RESTQ-Sport 97t
ordinal scales 16 radar plots 37, 39f Short Recovery and Stress 181
overreaching 6-7, 9, 11, 12, 46, 52, 53-64, range 16 Total Quality Recovery 63, 98, 101
66, 90, 114, 121, 124, 129 rank order scales 16 Training Distress 63, 91-92, 101
overtraining 6-7, 12, 43, 46, 49, 52, 68, 90, rate of force development 111, 165 visual analog 92-93
114, 121, 122, 124, 128 ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) 8, 10, wellness 3, 39
avoidance 64-67 11, 15, 24, 26, 46, 48, 61, 62, 70, 74, scatter plots 36
markers 57-59, 61 78-84, 86, 87f, 89, 90, 91f, 93, 101, scores
P 106, 115, 116, 125, 129, 136, 138, baseline 30, 31, 181
paired t-test 22 139, 159, 171, 174, 177, 178, 187, heart rate zone 83, 176
PAP (postactivation potentiation) 48-49 190, 191, 194, 196, 197 raw 18
parasympathetic nervous system 47-48, 114 ratio scales 15 RESTQ-Sport 96f
participant observation 41 raw scores 18 standard difference 19, 30
Pearson correlation coefficients 21 reactive strength 37, 108 standard ten 39
pedometers 70 reactive strength index 108 stress 76
Perceived Recovery Status Scale 98, 101 recovery 6, 50, 52, 58, 64, 90, 94, 96, 97 T-scores 19
Perceived Stress Scale 63, 200 heart rate 114-116, 129, 134, 191 wellness 65, 93, 100f, 182f, 184, 198, 199
percentile rank 19 monitoring 9 z-scores 18-19, 29, 30, 31, 37-39, 93,
performance 1, 2, 3, 27, 65, 66, 71, 76, 98, perceived status 98, 101 100, 137, 139, 182, 197, 199f
106-107, 120, 153, 160, 175, 200 period of 3 semistructured interviews 40
252 Index
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