Temu 6 - MWD PDF
Temu 6 - MWD PDF
Temu 6 - MWD PDF
Microwave diathermy units and domestic microwave
ovens usually operate at the internationally agreed
frequency of 2450 MHz (2.45 GHz). Some clinical
devices, particularly in the United States, emit
radiation with a frequency of 915MHz. Although
these are less common in Europe, energy at this
lower frequency is absorbed more efficiently and
uniformly within the tissues4 and lies close to
750 MHz, the optimum frequency for therapeutic
The power output of therapeutic microwave units
can approach 250W although the maximum in
practice is limited by the design of the antenna. Small
to microwaves may isomerise amino acids, an event Studies investigating the effects of microwave
with serious implications for protein metabolism32. diathermy have generally concentrated upon rate of
Evidence for a direct effect of the electromagnetic blood flow in muscle. Significant increases in flow,
field upon the shape of biologically active molecules, measured indirectly using mechanical sensors, were
often referred to as the 'electroconformational cou- observed after treatment at 60-80W mean output for
pling model', is drawn in part from work with periods of one to 30 minutes. The rate of increase was
Na+/K+ ATP-ases. These molecules occur within the greatest early in the treatment period18. Rate of blood
cell membrane and appear to receive energy directly flow in human muscle has also been estimated by
from an applied oscillating electric field. The energy monitoring the rate of washout of radioactive tracers
appears subsequently as an enhanced rate of Na' such as Xe' . Microwave irradiation of an unnamed
and K+ pumping across the cell membrane. This muscle at 2.45 GHz, to the maximum tolerable
mechanism is fundamental to many cellular activities, temperature, was calculated to cause blood flow to
is both frequency and field intensity dependent, and rise, after a 12 minute delay, to 11.4ml.100g.miw'
requires that the energy of the weak electric field is compared to 2.9ml.100g.min-' before treatment4.
amplified at the cell membrane to exert an effect3. Similar experiments using the anterior musculature
Clearly, if this enzyme system can be affected directly of the thigh in healthy subjects showed that
by an electromagnetic field, then so might others pre-treatment flow was 2.6ml.100g.mi'-1, rising to
having many and various biological effects. approximately 32ml.100g.mir-1 after irradiation at
915 MHz with coincidental skin cooling for 20
Physiological effects and therapeutic minutes at 40W absorbed power21. Subsequent
applications studies concluded that flow in heated muscle
approaches 48ml.100g.mi'n-1 once the threshold
Diathermy, whether achieved using shortwave radio temperature of 420C is achieved'.
frequency or microwave energy, exerts physical More complex vascular reflexes appear responsible
Microwave diathermy.
G C Goats
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